#i’m litterally still crying ober these fics holy shit
subskywalker · 5 years
As I’ve been writing I’ve also been reading some fics and I have honestly been crying for 500 years over these wonderful fics. Like seriously I still haven’t stopped crying as I just finished another beautiful fic and the writing of these fics are so raw and heartbreaking and it literally gutted me (in the best way possible) and I seriously have to talk about it them bc seriously these fics have seriously become some of my all time faves!
One is a Wild West au and god holy shit I died so many times reading this one. The writing is absolutely phenomenal and haunting and so, so damn beautiful in every way possible. That the storytelling of this fic literally had me on edge the entire time I was reading. And god the reveals were so heartbreaking, they’re we’re hints to it through the fic but then when it was revealed what had actually happened that night you realize that not everything is what you thought it was and it was so utterly perfect. Heartbreaking and I cried because this fic really made you suffer with the characters and made you feel what they went through. And I absolutely love how close to canon they kept the story plot even though it was vastly different and god I love the characters voices in this. I think my favorite part of this fic has to be the flashbacks, the flashbacks make this fic even more gorgeous and raw in the best way possible. Also, also!!! There’s a nickname that one of the characters uses for the other and it literally made my day and it just fits them so well??? This fic has me at the edge of my seat since I started reading it and I just want to read more of it!!! And goddness just this fic honestly has me crying from start to finish and broke my heart in the best way possible and I seriously can’t wait to read more of this wip!❤️
Another one is a canon setting fic and oh my goodness?????? Like seriously this fic was everything that I never knew I wanted until I came across it the other day. The pacing of the fic is so damn wonderful and it leaves me wanting more. It does such a good job of setting up the the story and following the events in canon and how things got to where they are. And I especially love the the way that it starts off platonic but the fic is definitely holding up to the character getting together. Honestly one of the reasons why I love this is the darker take on the characters, that they are who they are and they do what they do because it’s what they have to do. And I love the complexity of their relationship—that neither of them know exactly what they want and that it’s new for both of them. And I love the raw emotion in it and the haunting feeling of it, tbh I also really love the darker aspect the fic and the gothic horror feel of it because it is that. Because it is darker feel fic, at least dark in a way that’s canon typical. And I love that characters voices in this—like it’s seriously dead on and the interpretation of the characters and the motives and the relationship between all of them is damn beautiful. It’s a wip and when I finished it I almost cried, partly because I want to read more of this fic so badly and partly because of the ending and the heartbreak of it. Like as soon as I finished I wanted to go back and re read it all over again.❤️
I just finished this fic today and it’s a rivals au, and this fic had me crying for 500 years over the raw emotions in it and how beautiful it was. It has that unreliable narrator aspect that I love so much and reading this fic absolutely gutted me in the best way possible. That there was so much love and heartache and anger and it was so perfect and heartbreaking. And the slow burn?????? Bruh that motherfucking slow burn Jane Austen who??????? Jane Austen could never and I’m dead. This honestly has to be the best enemies to lovers au I have ever read in my life!! The pacing of the fic is so lovely and the build up between the characters is so, so gorgeous and god it hurts but the ending is so fucking worth the pain and the tears. Like seriously this fic is wonderful in every single way!!❤️
Honestly just bless fic writers and bless these gorgeous fics @ the writers I literally owe you my life these were so damn gorgeous and I have been making heart eyes @ them with tears in my eyes ❤️
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