#i’m just hoping i managed to show enough personality to seem somewhat likeable because it seems like a tiny practice
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
What baffles me is like how… are you going to choose a candidate if you ask everyone basically no questions and don’t let them speak? Is it based solely on vibes? Is it a shuffle the resumes, close your eyes and point type of situation? Is it based on experience? Are they hiring whoever they think they can pay the least? What is the situation
0 notes
huttons · 4 years
if you’re in love, you’re a lucky one || nathan mackinnon
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word count: 20.7k
summary:  Rory is just trying to find her place in Denver after landing her dream job after university. As she slowly finds friends and starts to feel comfortable with the choices she made, she meets none other than Nathan Mackinnon. They hit it off fast, but not everything turns out like a dream.
author’s note: This was written as part of @hockeynetwork​‘s winter fic exchange for @broadstbroskis​! I’m sorry this took so long, but I really do hope it’s worth the wait <3 A lot of love went into this, and I’d also love to thank @antoineroussel​ for listening to me yell about this fic for far too long.
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“Never leave a friend behind. Friends are all we have to get us through this life - and they are the only things from this world that we could hope to see in the next.” ― Dean Koontz
Rory feels extremely lucky that she managed to find a job in her field before graduation has rolled around, even if it’s cutting things a little bit close. She knows how hard it is, especially seeing her friends struggle with it all. Even knowing how lucky she is, a huge part of her is anxious about having to move to a completely different state than all of the people she’s gotten close to during university. There’s something terrifying about starting over in a place you know nothing about.
At least the things she’s heard about Denver are almost all good. Besides, it’s not like she’s moving to the other side of the country, but Rory still feels overwhelmed at all of the things she has to prepare for. In the moments that it all starts to become too much, she wonders if she made the right choice.
“I think it’s a little too late to back out,” Piper laughs. “You already have everything set up and ready to go. Besides, you got that LiDAR job you were freaking out so much about. I refuse to let you drop out of it now.”
Rory sighs. “I know, it’s just scary. Like… what if I hate my coworkers? I’m depending on the fact that we become friends because how else am I supposed to make friends?”
“You’re pretty likeable, I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Piper replies, smiling brightly. “But if they end up being shitty, I’ll fly down here with the girls and fight them for you.”
“I appreciate it,” Rory says softly, smiling a little.
“Of course, it’s the least we could do. Now, do you want to go over your list again?” Piper inquires. “Or do you feel confident about it now?”
“You’ve told me I’ve had everything the last three times, I don’t think it’s possible for me to be missing everything,” Rory sighs.
“There we go, that’s the spirit!” Piper teases.
Rory rolls her eyes. “Maybe it is a good thing I’m moving to another state.”
“Whatever you say,” Piper replies, smiling. “Now, do you wanna have movie night with the girls?”
Rory smiles, nodding, knowing that this is probably the last time everyone will be able to hang out before finals and everyone going their own ways. It’s a terrifying thought knowing that they won’t be seeing each other again come September, but she knows that everyone is going to be doing amazing things. Besides, they’d all still be friends, things would just be looking a little bit different.
The last few weeks roll by in a state of panic Rory hasn’t felt in a long time. All of her friends were panicked by finals, but also saddened by the fact that this would be the last time everyone would be doing this together. When the day comes for Rory to pack up everything in the back of her SUV, everything feels a bit surreal.
“I’m scared,” Rory whispers to Piper as she puts the last box in the trunk.
“I think we all are,” Piper replies, smiling sadly. “This feels like we’re all being thrown into proper adulthood again with no better idea of what to do.”
Rory snorts. “Yeah, it really does. I just… nothing is gonna be the same, is it?”
“No, but don’t think you’re gonna get rid of me that easily. We didn’t go through all of this for nothing,” Piper reassures. “I know I can’t just waltz over when someone breaks your heart, but I’m still just a phone call away.”
“And you better call before making any impulsive decisions,” Rory teased.
“But they won’t be impulsive if I tell you first,” Piper groans.
Rory laughs. “Yeah, that’s kind of the point.”
“You’ll do great, Rory. Don’t let them intimidate you too much down there.”
“I’ll do my best.”
They hug tightly one last time before Rory gets in the car and starts the long drive to Denver. It feels weird not making the usual drive back to her parents house, and it takes everything in her to not just turn right around. She turns up the music, and focuses on just trying to get to the first motel of the drive. There’s something lonely about not making the long drive with anyone else, especially being so used to just driving with her friends. 
Over the next week, Rory makes the drive to Denver, making stops at different state parks to take in the view. Before she knows it, she’s rolled up to her new apartment complex. Everything starts to feel a bit more real as she realizes that this is where she’ll be living for quite some time. Taking a deep breath, she prepares herself for the long process of getting signed into her new place.
By the end of the day, Rory feels exhausted, even though she’s barely managed to unpack everything she brought. None of it is even organized yet, but it’s good enough for a first day. As she gets ready for bed, she groans, remembering that she still needs to get a bed, meaning that she’ll be sleeping on an air mattress until that happens. 
“Ugh, this is what I get,” Rory mutters as she sets up her sleeping situation. “At least I don’t start work for a few days. That’s an upside, right?”
A few moments later, her phone is ringing, and it’s none other than Piper, probably checking in to make sure that she made it safely to the apartment.
“Oh good, you’re not dead,” Piper says, obviously smiling.
Rory rolls her eyes. “No, I’m not dead, but I just remembered that I’m gonna have to sleep on an air mattress until I get a proper bed.”
“See, I told you that you should just tie one to the top of your car!” Piper exclaims.
“It would have gotten wet from sitting outside overnight though. Nobody wants a wet mattress.”
“But I bet it sounds better than an air mattress.”
“Yeah, I don’t really know about that,” Rory replies, laughing. “I guess that should be my first priority tomorrow. Honestly, I can’t believe I didn’t sort this out before I left.”
“You had other things to worry about, like making sure you didn’t fail your geology final,” Piper jokes.
“I suppose you’re not wrong,” Rory sighs dramatically.”
“Of course I’m not. Now, where are my pictures? Send me pictures,” Piper demands.
Thankfully, the rest of the conversation helps ease Rory’s nerves, and she falls asleep quickly that night. When she wakes up in the morning, she groans as she stretches a bit. She decides that trying to find something more comfortable to sleep on is her mission for the day.
The next few days pass rather quickly as Rory does her best to get herself organized and situated before starting work. As her first day approaches, she feels nervous, still unsure of what to make of everything. But she’s also excited for it, knowing that she’s been waiting for this moment ever since she decided to become a geology major.
When her first day rolls around, she can feel the nerves thrumming through her, and she ends up at the office almost an hour early. It doesn’t seem like anybody else is there yet, so she waits in the parking lot until somebody taps on her window. She startles, but calms down when Rory realizes that it’s Shea, the guy who interviewed her.
“It’s good to meet you in person, Rory,” Shea greets as Rory gets out of the car. “Got here a little bit early, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, you would be correct,” she replies, smiling a little. “I just wasn’t sure what to expect with traffic and I was nervous, so…”
“Happens to all of us. We’re the first ones here, so I’ll give you a quick tour before everyone else gets here,” Shea replies.
The office is fairly small, but that’s not surprising considering a lot of the work is done on various field sites. Rory perks up a little when Shea shows that she’ll have her own little corner of the office; she’d assumed she’d have to share space with someone else.
“We just like to make sure everyone feels like they have their own space here. It just makes everyone feel a bit more comfortable, you know?” Shea explains when Rory brings it up. “Besides, it’s not like there’s that many of us to take up space.”
“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” she replies.
Over the next few weeks, Rory feels a bit in over her head, but slowly starts to settle in. Her coworkers are welcoming, some inviting her to hang out outside of work as well. It’s more than she expected before moving to Denver, but she’s grateful for the warm welcome. There’s still days where she feels overwhelmed and misses seeing her friends every day, but she manages her best.
It’s a little over a month later when Shea invites her to go to the bar with a few other people from the office. Apparently it’s somewhat of a tradition with the group, and Rory feels delighted at being included.
“Of course you’re invited,” Shea says when Rory brings it up. “We just didn’t want to scare you off with being too much.”
Rory laughs a little. “I don’t think you guys can get any louder than my friends from university.”
“Well, I think we can take that as a challenge,” Ashton retorts. “Things can get a little bit wild over here.”
“Don’t listen to them, they’re just kidding,” Blair says, trying to hide her smile. “We mostly just hang out and grab a few drinks since most of us are past our partying days.”
The casual banter continues as they walk the few blocks to the bar that they frequent. Rory isn’t quite sure what she was expecting, but it seems like a relatively laid back place, at least in comparison to what she’s used to. At first, she feels a little bit out of place, unsure of where she stands with everyone in this new setting, but after a couple of drinks, she starts to settle in.
By the time she’s heading back to her apartment, Rory realizes that it’s been a long time since she’s laughed so much. There’s a small part of her that feels like she’s betraying her university friends, but she knows that’s ridiculous. Still, the feeling tugs at her, so she gives in and decides to call Piper, knowing that her friend will pick up.
“Hey, babe, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you,” Piper greets. “Is something up?”
“No, just missed you,” Rory whispers as she flops onto her bed. “Went out with some of my coworkers tonight and it felt weird. They were nice, but it’s just so different.”
“Oh, that sounds nice,” Piper replies, obviously smiling. “I’m glad you found new drinking buddies.”
“Nah, it wasn’t like that,” Rory says. “We mostly just talked, you know? But made me miss everyone.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Piper inquires, a little bit concerned. “Or is it like a ‘just kind of missing everyone’ type of thing?”
“I guess I just realized how different everything is going to be now,” Rory says softly.
“Well, that’s not a bad thing. Besides, you know I would come kick your ass before I let you forget about me. You know that, right?”
“Of course I do, Piper, you know I wouldn’t forget you.”
“That’s good then. Now, tell me about who you went to the bar with. I want to know everything.”
Rory smiles softly before talking about her night. She’s not sure how long they spend on the phone together, but when she falls asleep, she feels calmer than she has in a long time. 
~ ~ ~
A few years down the line, and Rory has truly settled into Denver. She can’t imagine herself living anywhere else, and she’s grown to love her job and coworkers far more than she ever expected. There’s moments where it all feels a bit surreal that Rory was ever scared of moving, but now that she has great friends and a routine, it feels like this is what was meant to happen.
It’s another Friday night when she and the usual group are getting ready to head to the bar, albeit a bit later than normal. They all got swept up in a large project with a close deadline, and while going straight to bed sounds tempting, they’re more tempted by the new menu the bar rolled out earlier this week.
“I can’t believe I could be in bed, but instead I’m staying up to get bar food,” Ashton groans. “How the hell is this my life now?”
“I mean, it’s not too late to head back,” Rory teases. “We can always tell you about it on Monday.”
“That’s… that’s even worse,” Ashton complains. “This better be worth it.”
“Okay, but when has their food ever disappointed us?” Blair points out. 
“Exactly!” Shea exclaims. “Besides, we can just stay for food and then leave.”
“I guess,” Ashton sighs. 
When they get to the bar, they grab their normal table as Shea goes up to order. Considering it’s a Friday night, there aren’t too many people here, which is a big reason why they keep coming back. However, when Shea comes back with their food, a loud group comes walking in, earning them a couple of glares.
“Wait a minute,” Shea whispers, squinting at the group as he sets down the food. “I recognize them.”
Rory looks at him, confused. “Are they like… friends of yours that we don’t know about? I thought we were your only friends.”
“Oh my god,” Shea says, trying to hold back laughter. “No, they definitely play for the Avs. They are definitely professional athletes.”
“Well, what the fuck are they doing here then?” Ashton inquires as they grab some fries. “As much as I love it here, it’s kind of dingy.”
Shea shrugs. “Hell if I have a clue.”
They ignore the group for most of the night since they’re on opposite sides of the bar and never quite intersect. However, when Rory goes to get another drink, she sees her friends trying to not laugh as she makes her way back. She gives them a confused look, unsure if she did something weird.
“What did I miss?” Rory asks, concerned.
“Nothing, just seems like someone is checking you out,” Blair answers, smiling and glancing over to the Avs players. 
Rory snorts. “That’s a good one.”
“No, we’re being serious, I promise,” Ashton says, smirking. “You’re getting us drinks next just to make sure.”
“No, I don’t think I will,” Rory replies, squinting. “Besides, I think you’re wrong.”
“Well, there’s no way to prove it if you don’t go back,” Ashton teases. “Don’t you want to know if a professional hockey player is checking you out.”
“I really think I’m good,” Rory sighs.
“Weren’t you just complaining to us about your lack of dating life? This is a great chance to turn things around,” Shea says, smiling widely. 
“I really hate all of you and I have no clue why we’re friends,” Rory groans.
“Look, it’s worth a shot, isn’t it?” Blair inquires. 
“Why do you say that like I’m going to go talk to them?” Rory whispers intently. “Because I’m not going to.”
Ashton rolls their eyes. “Fine, I guess. But it’s your loss. I was thinking you could at least badger him into buying our drinks or something.”
“Please, as if we don’t already get a discount for coming here all the fucking time,” Rory laughs. “Besides, I don’t think that a professional hockey player would want to date someone who’s idea of a Friday night is to go try new bar food.”
“You say that like this is a bad thing,” Blair jokes. “But we won’t push it if you really don’t want us to.”
“Look, maybe he checked me out, but that means nothing,” Rory says. “It just makes me feel kind of weird, I guess.”
“We’ll leave it alone then,” Shea replies firmly. 
They spend the rest of the night joking around, and start to head out. As Rory is grabbing her purse, ready to catch up with her friends who are already at the door, she hears a faint hello. She turns around and sees one of the Avs players, presumably the one her friends said was checking her out. 
“Oh, uh, hi,” Rory says awkwardly. “Did… did you need something?”
The guy blushes a little, which Rory admits is a little cute. “I just wanted to say hi and uh… maybe ask for your number?”
“I, uh,” Rory replies, taken off guard. “Going straight for it, huh? Not even going to ask my name?”
“Shit, that was… that was way too forward, wasn’t it?” the guy says, awkwardly laughing. 
Rory smiles a little bit. “Yeah, just a little bit. I’m Rory, by the way. And what’s your name?”
“I’m Nate,” the guy replies, looking a little bit confused.
“It’s nice to meet you Nate. And as much as I would love to give you my number, I also don’t know anything about you,” Rory replies.
“So that’s… that’s a no?” he asks, looking a little defeated.
“My friends and I come here every Friday night. If you’re not busy next week, swing by with a couple of your friends,” Rory answers, giving him a small smile. 
“Ah, you want to see if I pass the friend check first?” Nate inquires, smiling crookedly.
Rory nods. “See you around then?”
“I - yeah, of course,” Nate says faintly as Rory walks off.
She can feel herself internally screaming, unsure if what she did was smart or not. Even if Nate is a professional athlete, she still doesn’t know him, and giving her number to strangers doesn’t feel quite right. When she meets up with her friends outside, they’re all giving her inquisitive looks.
“So, did loverboy come over and talk to you?” Ashton inquires.
Rory blushes. “Yeah, he asked for my number, and I, uh, I didn’t give it to him? I just told him to meet us here next week if he was really interested.”
“Holy shit, that’s bold,” Shea says, smiling. “But like… not in a bad way. It’s probably for the best, if I’m being honest.”
“Making him work for it, I like it,” Blair comments, smiling.
Rory sighs loudly. “I’m not making him work for it, it’s just that I don’t like giving my number to people I don’t know.”
“Whatever you say,” Blair says, rolling her eyes a little bit. “Let’s just hope he shows up next week then.”
Throughout the next week, they find any chance to tease Rory about the upcoming Friday night. Not that any of this really surprised her, though, especially knowing that they’ve been there for all of her complaining about being single. They want this to be something good just as much as she does. When the day finally rolls around, they all keep giving her smirks, knowing what’s about to happen.
“You know, he might not even show up,” Rory points out as they pack up their things.
Ashton snorts. “Something tells me that he will.”
“If Ashton says so, then it must be true,” Shea says, smiling widely. “Hopefully he doesn’t keep us waiting too long.”
“You guys are the worst,” Rory mutters. 
Everyone laughs as they start the familiar walk towards the bar. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, Rory feels nervous. There’s a big part of her that feels like the previous week wasn’t even real, especially considering what a big shot Nate is in Denver. If he doesn’t show up, she tries to reason that it was a fluke and she has nothing to be hurt over. However, there’s also a small part of her that hopes it means something.
“So, like… did you even sort any details out with him besides coming here tonight?” Blair inquires, curious. 
“Just decided to hope for the best,” Rory replies, shrugging. “Didn’t think it would be a big deal or anything.”
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Shea snickers. “And would you look at that - looks like he brought backup too.”
“Dear god,” Rory murmurs as she looks over at the entrance.
Nate looks around confused for a few moments before he spots Rory. He smiles brightly when he spots her, making Rory blush and sink down in her seat. Even though she knows that she’s the one who set this up, she still feels weird about it, unsure of what to really expect of tonight. Thankfully, her friends don’t say anything as he makes his way over.
“Good to see you didn’t bail out,” Nate says once he gets up to the table. “Mind if we grab a seat?”
“Might be more convenient than standing,” Rory jokes.
“I - okay, you have a point,” Nate says as his friends try to hold back their laughter.
“So, who are your friends?” Rory asks as they grab a seat.
“Oh, this is Gabe and Tyson,” Nate answers. “And… you all are?”
“These are my coworkers and, unfortunately, also my best friends,” Rory explains. “This is Shea, Ashton, and Blair.”
“Nice to meet all of you,” Nate says awkwardly. 
There’s a few moments of silence where nobody quite knows what to say. To be honest, Rory didn’t actually plan for this because she wasn’t sure if Nate would actually show up tonight. She’s not quite sure how to break the silence, unsure of what to talk about.
“So, what do all of you do for work?” Gabe inquires, obviously looking for anything to talk about.
Things get a little bit easier after that, as they explain the work they do with LiDAR. They end up using the same explanation they use when schools tour their office - just a simple way to explore what’s underground using light. Rory gets the sense that a chunk of it is going over Nate and his friends’ heads, but they genuinely look interested in what’s happening. Something about that makes her feel a little bit more at ease, even if they aren’t totally getting it, they’re at least trying.
“And I mean, we’re a pretty ragtag group since this is kind of a weird field to end up in. So I guess it makes sense that we all just kind of clicked,” Shea explains. 
“That must be nice,” Nate says, smiling softly. 
“So, what do you do?” Ashton inquires, trying their hardest to not smile.
Rory rolls her eyes, knowing that Ashton is just trying to get them to talk a bit more.
“Oh, uh, we all play hockey for the Avalanche,” Nate answers, obviously taken a little bit off guard. 
“Care to tell the class about what that means?” Blair asks. “Like… what’s that even like?”
Nate seems to loosen up a little as he gets to talk about something he’s obviously comfortable with. The rest of the night seems to pass quickly, and before Rory knows it, everyone starts heading out for the evening. Before she gets up from the table, though, she notices Nate giving her a questioning look.
“We’ll wait for you outside,” Shea says as he looks between the two of them. “If you’re not out in five minutes, I’ll come back inside, though.”
Rory nods and turns back to Nate. “Seems like you passed the friend check.”
“Oh, well, that’s good,” he replies, laughing nervously. “Does that mean I can get your number?”
“I suppose so,” Rory replies, trying to not laugh.
After exchanging numbers, they head out, and Rory’s friends are obviously interested in what happened. She rolls her eyes, knowing that they’re too nosy for their own good.
“We just exchanged numbers, that’s it,” Rory says. “Literally nothing else happened.”
“Like… no future dates planned?” Blair inquires, teasing.
“No,” Rory says. “I still barely know him.”
“But like… is that not the point of a date?” Shea replies, smiling. 
“You’re all the worst, I can’t believe we’re friends,” Rory groans. 
Ashton smiles widely. “Please, we’re the best. Who else would sit through an unofficial first date?”
“That’s not what this was!” Rory exclaims, blushing. “I don’t need you to chaperone me.”
“Sure, but we did it anyways,” Ashton snickers. 
Rory rolls her eyes, but lets it drop. “Well, at least you’ll be the first to know if anything actually does happen.”
“We better be,” Blair laughs. “Anyways, I’ll see you all on Monday. Make sure to get some sleep because we all know how busy things are going to be next week.”
“Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it,” Ashton groans. 
The group laughs as they all head their separate ways. When Rory gets back to her apartment, she knows she has to tell Piper, knowing that her friend is going to want to know everything. Piper has been there for everything, and if anyone would know what to do next, it would be her.
“Rory, what’s got you calling me so late?” Piper asks, teasing a little.
“So, uh, do you remember me telling you about the guy last week? I finally got his number,” Rory says. “And, uh, I’m only freaking out a little bit.”
Piper snorts. “Well, that’s a good start at least. Have you texted him at all yet?”
“Uh, no?” Rory replies. “What would I even say?”
“Maybe ask if he had a good night or whatever,” Piper says, obviously trying to not laugh.
“I- fuck, you’re probably right,” Rory mutters.
“But honestly, you don’t need to make it a thing right away. And that’s probably the right way to go, you know?”
“So… just be friends? I feel like he wanted my number for a date.”
“Sure, but also as your best friend, I know you don’t like dating people you don’t really know either. If it’s a big deal, then it’s whatever.”
“That’s easy for you to say, Piper.”
“Maybe, but there’s no harm in taking things slow. Besides, you said he was a professional athlete, right? The dude could pick anyone to hang out with on a Friday night and he picked you. I really think you’re fine.”
“I really hate when you’re the voice of reason,” Rory groans.
Rory laughs. “It has to happen sometimes. But seriously, I would stress about it, and just play it casual. There’s no reason to force yourself to do something you’re not ready to do.”
“I want to be ready, though,” Rory whispers. “I’ve been complaining about this ever since I moved to Denver.”
“Whatever happens, it’ll all be okay. Just keep me in the loop, okay?” Piper says. “Now go drink some water and go to bed.”
“Thank you Piper,” Rory says softly. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. I’ll talk to you soon,” Piper replies before hanging up.
Rory sighs, but does what Piper said. After chugging down a glass of water, she sends a quick text to Nate asking what he thought of the night before promptly deciding to pass out. She’s not even sure if he’s still awake, but it’s better to just get it over with.
When she wakes up, Rory immediately checks her phone, but doesn’t see a reply. She shrugs it off, assuming he’s still asleep. As the day goes on, she gets more nervous at the lack of reply, but tries to not think anything of it. Professional athletes have weird schedules, so she blames it on that. Turns out, she’s right when he replies later that afternoon.
Hey, sorry for not replying earlier, I barely made it to practice on time :(
No!!! Don’t worry about it, I can’t imagine having to go to work right now lmao
I had a great time though!! I really liked your friends and I’m glad I got to meet them
I’ll be sure to tell them, hopefully their ego doesn’t get to big 
Fingers crossed lmao
Would you maybe want to hang out again sometime? Or I can invite you to a game or something
…is now the time to be honest that I don’t know that much about hockey
Is that why you didn’t know who I was that first night?
Yeah it would be 😅
Rip looks like I lost that bet. But it wouldn’t be a deal breaker! Just have to have you come to a game so you can learn :)
I’m sold then 👀 Can’t wait to be confused the whole time skfjsdf
Would any of your coworkers want to come? We actually have a game Friday night, and I’m guessing that you’re all usually free then
I’ll have to check to see if they won’t be too mad at messing up our bar ritual. I’m sure they’ll agree though!
Let me know asap so I can get you tickets
omg no don’t worry about that, we can get our own tickets
I can get you all good tickets though :) 
Rory rolls her eyes, but she smiles a little bit. She’s excited that Nate is including her friends in plans like this because they’re important to her. And she also wants to make sure that they like anyone she’s interested in as well. Before she forgets, Rory sends a text to the group chat asking if they’d be up for the game the following week.
By the end of the day, they all agreed, and she lets Nate know immediately. He sends a smiley face back, and says that their tickets will be at the front office. Despite knowing that she won’t see him at all that day, she still feels nervous. There’s something about it that feels like he’s letting her into a part of his life, even though it’s such a public position of his.
Before she forgets, she lets Piper know, who promptly screams about how excited she is. Knowing that one of her best friends seems to approve of him - even in a vague way - helps reassure Rory just a little bit more. 
Despite the large workload, the week passes by quickly, and before Rory knows it, it’s Friday night, and she’s headed to Pepsi Center. She feels nervous, and it doesn’t help that her friends have been teasing her all week. Even though she knows she won’t be seeing Nate after the game, she still feels the need to impress him somehow.
“Come on, the dude gave you fucking tickets to watch him play. I think he wants to impress you,” Shea points out as they grab their seats.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Rory mumbles. “I feel like he doesn’t need to do much.”
“I mean, you were the one who turned him down the first time,” Blair replies, smirking.
“Yeah, I’m sure he doesn’t get that often,” Ashton says. “Like, the dude probably hasn’t heard ‘no’ for a while.”
“Have I told you that you’re all the worst?” Rory jokes. “But seriously, this feels like a lot when we still barely know each other.”
“Okay, but also consider that he has money. Like this was probably nothing for him,” Ashton says. 
“You know, this really isn’t making anything better,” Rory groans. “It’s just making me even more anxious.”
Blair tugs her into a side hug. “Look, I’m sure he just wants to show off a little bit. And he also probably gets some allotted tickets or something. Just don’t sweat it too much.”
“But if he’s willing to give us more tickets…” Shea jokes.
“We’ve officially hung out once, you guys,” Rory groans. “I don’t even know if I can consider him a friend.”
“Whatever you say,” Shea replies, trying to not smile. 
Thankfully, they all move onto lighter subjects after, and get lost in conversation until the game starts. Rory had asked Nate some questions about the game throughout the week, but she’s still lost as she gets lost in the action. Sure, she understands the basics of it, but there’s moments where she’s not quite sure what just happened.
Towards the end of the second period, Nate scores a goal and Rory cheers loudly. It’s almost over as quick as it started, but he points over to where she’s sitting, making her blush and sink down into her seat. Her friends don’t even try to hide their laughter at the whole situation.
“Maybe he just always points over here,” Rory mumbles.
“Something tells me that he doesn’t,” Blair replies, still laughing. 
Rory rolls her eyes before turning her focus back onto the game. Thankfully, the rest of the game passes without incident, and the Avs end up winning. She sends Nate a quick congratulatory text, as well as saying that she really enjoyed the game. He doesn’t respond, which she figured would be the case, so she tucks her phone back into her pocket.
“Are you sure you’re not meeting up with him after?” Ashton inquires. “We won’t tease you too much about ditching us for him.”
“Yeah, he said he’s usually pretty tired after evening games and isn’t much for conversation,” Rory replies. “Not that I can really blame him.”
“That’s a shame,” Shea sighs. “I was really hoping we’d have something fun to bet on.”
“You wouldn’t dare bet on that,” Rory accuses, squinting a little. 
“Oh, he most definitely would. It’s a normal thing, unfortunately,” Blair replies. “But that’s understandable. Hopefully you can catch him some other time.”
Rory shrugs. “I’m sure we will.”
When Rory gets home, she checks her phone and sees that Nate sent a smiley face and a simple call me? She hesitates for a moment, before deciding to hit the call button.
“Hey,” Nate greets after a few moments. “I’m really glad you came tonight.”
“Yeah, I had an amazing time. It was a lot more fun than I was expecting,” Rory replies.
“I’m really sorry that we couldn’t hang out for longer, but I wouldn’t want to fall asleep on you,” Nate explains. “But if you’re free this weekend, maybe we can get lunch or something.”
“I - yeah, that would be really nice, actually. Do you have a preference for which day?”
“Uh, I guess Sunday would work. I can text you a time and place.”
“That would be really nice,” Rory says softly. “I’ll see you then.”
They sit on the phone for a couple seconds in silence, neither quite sure what to say. Rory doesn’t want the call to end, but she doesn’t want to keep Nate up too long.
“Can I ask why you didn’t give me your number that first night? I know you said you wanted me to pass the friend check but…” Nate inquires, hesitant.
“I mean, I didn’t really know who you were. I just felt kind of weird giving my number to some strange guy I briefly talked to at the bar,” Rory answers.
“Oh, I… yeah, that makes sense,” Nate says. “And Sunday, would it be a date? Or just friends?”
Rory pauses for a moment to think. She wants it to be a date, but she also knows that it would give Nate the wrong idea. As much as she wants to have a partner, she also knows that she just needs a little more time to be sure of herself and her emotions.
“Just friends, if that’s okay,” Rory whispers. “If that’s not what you were hoping for, I’m sorry. It’s just… I want to be friends first before anything else.”
“Of course that’s okay,” Nate replies. “Doesn’t change a thing.”
Rory frowns a little. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m very sure. I wouldn’t say it otherwise.”
“I - okay then,” Rory replies. “I should let you go to bed.”
“See you Sunday then,” Nate says, smiling, before hanging up.
Much to Rory’s surprise, Sunday went well. Things weren’t weird, something she was fully expecting to happen, but lunch passed by quickly. They ended up making tentative plans to hang out again soon, with Nate making it very clear there were no expectations attached. Knowing that, Rory started to feel more and more comfortable around him.
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“I don’t know what to say to you except that it tore the heart out of my body saying goodbye to you.” — Vita Sackville-West
To be honest, Rory never really expected to become such good friends with Nate, as well as some of his friends by extension. Over the last several months, they’ve gotten close, but never spoke of a possibility of furthering their relationship. As much as she wants to bring it up, Rory also is perfectly content with keeping things the way they are.
However, there’s moments when she wonders if she should say something. Sometimes, she’ll see Nate giving her a look or a certain smile that just makes her think. And he was very adamant in the beginning that if they were to ever date, it would be at her pace. So maybe he’s waiting for her to say something, but Rory doesn’t have the heart to ruin a perfectly good friendship.
“You know, I really feel like he feels the same way. I don’t see the harm in doing something about it,” Blair says one Friday night. “I mean, you have the dude wrapped around your finger.”
“I just want to be sure,” Rory says firmly.
“You know what would make you completely sure? Asking him out,” Ashton replies. “Like, you’re in a perfect spot right now.”
“And I really doubt he would be mean about it either,” Shea points out. “Plus, you’ve been saying how you wanted to be friends first before doing anything. And now what are you?”
“Ugh,” Rory groans. “Just give me some time, okay? I’ll do it when I’m ready.”
Blair frowns. “If you say so.”
“I do say so,” Rory replies. “Besides, if I fuck this up, we won’t get anymore free hockey tickets. Then what?”
“Then we don’t go to hockey games. Like, we’re going because they’re fun, but most importantly because Nate has become someone important to you,” Ashton answers. 
“I promise I’ll say something when I’m ready,” Rory whispers. “Just drop it, please.”
“Okay,” Shea says, obviously unsure. “We’ll have your back no matter what you decide.”
“Thank you,” Rory replies. “Now, what’s everyone’s plans for Valentine’s day this year? Because Nate invited us to a game if nobody has anything going on.”
“You want us to drop the subject but then you immediately tell us that Nate invited us to a Valentine’s day game?” Ashton exclaims.
“I - you know what, shut up,” Rory groans. “He’s friends with all of us, okay?”
“Mhm, I’m sure of that,” Shea mutters. 
“Maybe I’ll just take the tickets then,” Rory retorts. 
“I’m sure he would appreciate that,” Blair whispers, smirking.
“Good lord, do you want the tickets or not?” Rory asks, exasperated.
“I guess we can go,” Shea answers, acting put out.
“Oh, I guess we can go,” Rory mocks. “Jesus, you can just say yes.”
Ashton smiles widely. “But that’s not as fun.”
“Whatever you say,” Rory says, rolling her eyes.
Later that night, Rory texts Nate, saying that everyone is in for the game the following week. He sends back a smiley face and a thumbs up in return. She sighs as she gets ready for bed, thinking over what her friends had told her earlier that night.
She knows that she doesn’t have much to lose in confessing her feelings, but she also knows how busy Nate is. He’s especially focused now with playoffs coming up in a couple of months, and she knows that most of his time is spent at practice or doing something hockey related. Not that she can really blame him, she knows how hard he works, especially being a face of the franchise.
Even Piper has told her that he makes time for her now as a friend, and if he seems to feel the same way, he would definitely make time for her as a girlfriend. But something about it feels selfish to Rory in a way that she can’t explain. So, she decides to wait until the playoffs are over to say anything, and at the very least, it’ll give her more time to feel confident in her confession.
Before she knows it, she and her friends are off to Pepsi Center for the Valentine’s day game. Since this is an afternoon game, Nate agreed to meet up with them after at their usual bar with a couple of his friends. With none of them having plans, they all agreed they could all commiserate together. At the very least, it would feel less lonely than normal.
Something Rory didn’t tell the group is that they got seats right behind the Avs for today's game. She hesitated saying anything, knowing that her friends wouldn’t shut up about it. But maybe that was a bad decision because once they got to their seats and made themselves comfortable, everyone turned towards Rory. She groans, knowing exactly where the conversation has headed. As much as they laid off the teasing about Nate, she also knew they wanted the best for her.
“So, like, nothing has changed in the last week, right?” Blair inquires. “Nothing we should know about?”
“No, Nate just wanted to get us good seats for today,” Rory grumbles. “This is why I didn’t say anything.”
“Oh so you knew that we would be getting good seats today,” Ashton replies, inquisitive. “I’m starting to  think that you’re lying to us.”
“I swear I’m not lying!” Rory exclaims. “He just wanted to do something nice for all of us. Because we’re all his friends.”
“Sure, whatever you say,” Shea replies, smiling. 
The game goes by in a blur, and before Rory knows it, they're off to the bar. Thankfully, her friends only tease her a couple more times before laying off. As much as she knows they mean well, it still gets a little tiring not hearing the end of it. When they get to the bar, things are fairly slow, especially considering what day it is.
“So, did you have fun?” Nate inquires as he comes to sit with them at their usual table. 
“It was fun, but it would have been even better if Rory told us we got better seats today,” Shea answers, giving Rory a look.
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Rory groans. “How many times will I have to tell you this?”
Shea snorts. “You know we’ll never let you live it down. But it was seriously a good game.”
“Good, I’m glad you guys had fun,” Nate replies, smiling softly.
As the night starts to pass, Rory feels herself look at Nate more than she wants to admit. But it’s hard not to - he just naturally demands attention. Whenever she catches herself looking too long, she does her best to look away and not think about all of her feelings. As much as it pains her, she’s going to keep true to her promise of not saying anything about them quite yet.
By the time everyone is heading out of the bar, Blair holds onto Rory’s arm, holding her back. Rory gives her a questioning look, but quickly picks up that Blair wants to say something. They wave off the rest of the group, and finally get a moment alone.
“Are you really not going to say how you feel, Rory? You can’t keep quiet forever,” Blair says. 
“I - yeah, I’m not going to say anything. It’s just… things are hard for him right now with the playoffs coming up and I don’t want to get in the way of that,” Rory replies.
Blair frowns a little bit. “I have a feeling it wouldn’t be as bad as you’re making it out to be.”
“I’m sure you’re right, but I feel too guilty doing anything,” Rory sighs. “Just let me say something in my own time, okay?”
“Okay,” Blair says hesitantly. “If that’s what you want.”
“It is what I want,” Rory says, much more firmly than she feels.
~ ~ ~
And as much as it pains Rory to do so, she doesn’t say anything all through the lead up to playoffs. Blair keeps giving her looks, but never says anything, knowing that there’s no changing Rory’s mind now. Besides, if Nate turns her down, she has a whole summer away from him to recover from the rejection. She’s just doing her best to keep herself safe at this point.
It’s mid-April now and the playoffs are starting to ramp up, and Rory is hanging out with Nate on a rare afternoon where they’re both free. She’s savoring it as much as she can, knowing that his free time is especially thin now. Nate hasn’t made it to a Friday night bar trip in weeks, and Rory has mostly watched him from afar at games.
“I feel bad that we’ve hardly seen each other lately,” Nate says as he pulls up some random nature documentary.
“You’re busy, Nate,” Rory replies. “I’m not exactly expecting to be a priority right now.”
Nate frowns. “I… that sounds so bad when you put it that way.”
“It’s true, though,” Rory says, shrugging. “And I’m not really hurt by it. I know you and the other guys have a lot to prove this year.”
“I just feel bad about it,” Nate whispers.
“You warned me that this would happen. I can’t exactly be mad that what you said would happen is happening.”
“You’re right, but it doesn’t make me happy.”
“But we’re here now. And I really don’t mind that you forget to text back sometimes,” Rory laughs. “As long as you don’t completely forget about me.”
“I would never,” Nate snorts. “Besides, your friends make it hard to forget anything.”
“And that’s what makes them loveable.”
“Unfortunately,” Nate replies, smiling softly. “Ugh, as much as I love being in the playoffs, it sucks that I don’t get more days like this.”
Rory gives him a curious look. “What, watching random nature documentaries?”
“No, just hanging out with my friends,” Nate says, laughing. 
“Huh, didn’t know you had a chill bone in you during the playoffs,” Rory teases. 
“Oh my god, I hate you,” Nate groans.
“I’m sure you do,” Rory replies, smiling.
They pass the rest of the afternoon teasing each other, hardly paying attention to anything that plays on the TV. There’s a moment where she wants to say something, put everything out in the open, but it would be the end of everything if she was being honest. So, she keeps quiet, and tries to squash down her feelings.
“Well, I’ll see you soon, I hope,” Rory says as she gets ready to head out. “And don’t forget to text me back.”
Nate smiles softly. “I’ll do my best.”
“I suppose that’s the best I can ask for,” Rory sighs, smiling back. “And good luck on your game on Monday. You’ve been working hard for it.”
“I’ll win it for you,” Nate says softly.
There’s a brief moment where their eyes connect, and Rory thinks about leaning in and kissing him, but she looks away before she makes a mistake. By the time she glances back over, the moment is broken, lost to the short moment of hesitation. She wonders what would have happened if she kissed him, but tries to not think about the what-ifs.
“Alright, I’ll catch you around,” Rory says softly as she heads out.
“Uh, yeah, see you around,” Nate replies awkwardly.
As Rory drives home, she sighs deeply. She feels a twinge of regret at not doing anything, especially with an opportunity like what she had. But rushing it and saying something when she wasn’t ready feels even worse, even though she’s been ready for longer than she wants to admit. As much as she wants to talk to Piper or Blair about what happened, she knows that they would just be confused.
The one thing that keeps her calm is just waiting for the end of the playoffs to happen. And with how well the Avs are doing right now, it might be through the Stanley Cup finals. Rory does her best to make peace with it, knowing that she inflicted it upon herself. Besides, she’s been waiting this long to say something, a couple more months wouldn’t seem like much.
Except the following months seem to pass by like dripping honey. Even with all the things that are piling up at work, Rory finds herself having a hard time focusing. Nate barely replies to her texts anymore, and the responses are usually just smiley faces. It hurts more than she wants to admit to anyone, but her friends pick up on it right away.
“What’s going on with you?” Ashton inquires one Friday night. “You’ve been like… super out of it lately.”
“I - this is going to sound so dumb,” Rory mumbles. “It’s just Nate hasn’t been replying a lot lately, but he’s busy with the Avs right now.”
“Like… he’s just ignoring you?” Blair asks. 
“I mean, I guess? But he replies to things eventually, even if it takes a little while,” Rory explains. 
“There’s more to it than that, isn’t there?” Shea says. “Don’t forget we can read you like a book, Rory.”
Rory sighs deeply. “I mean, it’s just his replies have been super short, like just emoji responses. I don’t think I’ve gotten an actual word from him since the end of April.”
“That’s actually kind of shitty,” Ashton replies, frowning. “Like, you guys are friends, you think he could respond with something.”
“He’s busy though,” Rory whispers. 
“Too busy to send a short text with words to one of his friends?” Blair asks, raising an eyebrow. “I really fucking doubt it, babe.”
“Shit, you’re probably right, but he told me this would happen,” Rory groans.
Blair gives her a look. “That doesn’t make it any better, you know.”
“Yeah, I feel like that makes it even worse,” Shea replies, frowning deeply. “Who the fuck doesn’t reply to their friends?”
“He’s just got a lot going on! I’m sure things will be better soon,” Rory says weakly. “Right?”
“I don’t know, Rory,” Ashton answers weakly. “Maybe just be a bit more firm with him next time. Like he has to reply with words at some point.”
“I guess so,” Rory mumbles.
“If he doesn’t, I’ll personally kick his ass,” Shea replies brightly.
“There’s no way you could take him on,” Rory says, squinting. “I love you, but there’s no way you would beat him in a fight.”
“That’s what you all think, and it’s why I would win,” Shea jokes.
Rory rolls her eyes, snorting. “If that’s what you want to believe.”
“Of course,” Shea replies, smiling brightly. 
Things get a little bit easier after that, but there’s still a distinct silence from Nate. As much as Rory wants to wave it off and not be hurt by it, she is. She’s starting to miss the smiley faces at this point because at least then, she knew that he was seeing her messages. But now… now she’s not really sure what to think.
She ends up calling Piper, knowing that her friend will get what she’s going through. And she also doesn’t want her friends in Denver to worry more than they already are about the whole situation.
“Honestly, I don’t think there’s much else you can do unless you want to barge into his apartment,” Piper says after Rory explains everything.
“I can’t do that,” Rory replies, frowning. “I don’t want to force him to hang out when he doesn’t want to.”
“Well, he’s not responding to anything, stopping by won’t hurt anyone,” Piper suggests. “I mean, you’ve been there before.”
“That’s just different,” Rory sighs. “Maybe this is his way of saying he doesn’t want to be friends anymore.”
“Something tells me that you’re wrong about that,” Piper says. “I mean, you said everything was fine the last time you hung out together, right?”
“Yeah,” Rory answers. “Like, I knew he was busy and he said he would try to not drop off the map, but…”
Piper snorts. “That obviously didn’t work out. But are you sure you can’t just stop by or something?”
“It feels like a step too far,” Rory whispers. “Like, I don’t want to seem desperate for attention or anything. I knew he was going to be busy and that I wouldn’t be a top priority, you know?”
“I - shit, that doesn’t sound great,” Piper says. “Maybe just give it until after the playoffs. If he doesn’t say anything afterwards, it’s definitely time to move on.”
Rory sighs. “You’re right. I just feel like I fucked up somewhere and I don’t know how.”
“To be honest, I don’t think there’s anything you could have done differently.”
“I suppose so.”
“Look, I’ll be here anytime you need something, no matter how stupid it sounds. Take care of yourself, babe,” Piper says. “Now, tell me about work? What’s the new hot gossip?”
The conversation moves on to lighter topics and Rory feels lighter after hanging up. She’s still worried about Nate, but there’s nothing she can do about it all now. Whatever happens next, Rory still has her friends and that’s what matters the most, even if she wishes it could turn out a bit differently.
As the weeks drag on, Rory still hears nothing from Nate. It starts to hurt less the more she accepts that he’s never going to respond. Piper suggests going to his place again, but it feels wrong intruding on Nate when they haven’t spoken in months. He’s giving clear enough signs at this point that he wants to be left alone.
It’s early June when Rory hears about the Avs winning the Stanley Cup. She’s happy for them, for Nate, even if they haven’t had a single conversation in ages. They worked hard for this and deserve the numerous celebrations that’ll be coming in the following days. 
There’s a moment of hesitation Rory has about sending a congratulatory text to Nate. She’s not sure if it would come off as weird or anything, but she decides to send something anyways. Despite everything, Rory wants Nate to know that she’s proud of him and how hard he’s worked to get this. The silence in the following days isn’t surprising, but something about it still hurts Rory.
“It’s because you care too much,” Blair says at their usual Friday night ritual, smiling sadly. “And he had a chance to say anything, but he didn’t.”
“I don’t know what I was hoping for,” Rory whispers.
“Maybe you were hoping for him to be a decent person,” Ashton snorts. “You’ve given him more chances than he deserves.”
“Like I’ve said before, I’ll kick his ass,” Shea offers. “Dude probably deserves to be knocked down a peg or two.”
“I appreciate it, but he deserves this,” Rory says. “He’s worked hard.”
“Worked harder at breaking your heart though,” Ashton mutters.
Rory rolls her eyes. “It’s fine, I really should have expected this from the start, if I’m being honest. I was pushing my luck even being his friend.”
“No, I don’t think you were,” Blair says firmly. “He was lucky to have you in his life at all.”
“Yeah, he’s the one losing out,” Shea says, smiling. 
“You guys are the best,” Rory whispers. “I’m sure I’ll forget about him after the summer is over. Lord knows we have our work cut out for us with all these new jobs.”
“I don’t even want to think about it,” Shea groans.
“Aren’t you the one handing out all the work?” Ashton teases. “I don’t think you have the right to complain about this.”
“Please don’t remind me,” Shea sighs.
Thankfully, the conversation moves past Nate, something Rory is incredibly grateful for. Whatever this summer holds, hopefully getting over him is in the cards for her, even if it pains Rory to think that. There’s no point left in worrying about someone who doesn’t care to respond to her texts as much as she wants to.
Rory’s workload over the summer piles up, which is to be expected for this time of year. Summer is always busy, especially with all of the interns coming through the office. She tries to help them as much as she can, but it makes for some long days. Even though it leaves her exhausted, it also lets her slowly get over the initial hurt of Nate. Besides, she remembers being in their shoes and it’s the least she can do to be nice to them.
By the time October and the start of a new NHL season roll around, Rory feels less bitter and far removed from the whole thing with Nate. But there’s still a small part of her that’s filled with regret and longing for what could have been. She would be lying if she didn’t think about all the things she could have done differently, but didn’t out of fear. It’s too late to change things now, though, and she does her best to not think about it in her weakest moments.
“You know, I never realized how much they plaster Nate’s face all over the city until this year,” Shea comments one Friday night. “Like… do we really need to be seeing his face that much.”
Rory snorts. “You sound more mad about it than I do.”
“Yeah, because you won’t let yourself be upset,” Ashton points out.
“Because I’m not upset,” Rory replies, rolling her eyes. “I promise I’m over him, okay? Like, it wasn’t going to go anywhere.”
“Uh huh, sure it wasn’t,” Blair says, giving Rory a pointed look. 
“Look, it’s been months at this point, I don’t have anything to be hung up on,” Rory groans. “Do you want me to prove it or something?”
“Yeah, actually,” Shea says. “Like… are you over him enough to go to a hockey game?”
Rory squints a bit at him. “Are you challenging me?”
“Maybe so,” Shea replies, smiling. “So… how does next week sound?”
“Let me guess, you already got tickets?” Rory inquires.
“You would be right,” Shea answers, smirking. “If any of us catch you longingly staring at him, it’s game over and we’ll have a proper night to drown out our sorrows.”
Rory sighs. “Fine, I guess.”
As the game day approaches, Rory can feel herself growing more and more nervous. While she feels confident about the fact that she’s gotten over the worst of it, she’s not sure how she feels about seeing Nate. Seeing him in person feels odd - especially at a game, where she only ever went to specifically see Nate. But she does her best to assure herself that she’s strong enough to get through one game.
When they grab their seats the following week, Rory doesn’t feel much better. She knows her friends can tell, but they’re being kind enough to not say anything. If anything, Rory wants to prove to herself that she can get through this without being weird about the whole situation. Besides, their seats are rather far back and she tries to reason that it’ll make things easier.
However, she turns out to be very, very wrong when Rory sees the players skate to their bench before the game starts. Her heart drops and feels a twinge of panic seep through her bones. Even though she knows that there’s no way Nate will know they’re here at a game, she fears that he’ll just know and get angry for intruding.
“Are you going to be okay?” Blair whispers.
“I - I think so,” Rory answers softly. “I need to get through this for myself.”
“It’s not too late to leave, it’s really not that big of a deal,” Blair reasons. “I promise none of us will be mad if this is too much.”
“I just - I want to show myself that what happened isn’t that big of a deal, okay?” Rory replies firmly.
Blair frowns. “Okay, but if it gets too much…”
“I’ll let you know,” Rory says, smiling softly.
As the game goes on, Rory can feel herself feeling more comfortable with seeing Nate. Something about seeing him just helps seal the deal, and Rory decides that he’s not worth being sad over as much as her heart says otherwise. By the time it’s over and everyone is leaving the game, she feels a bit lighter.
“So… how are we feeling?” Ashton inquires innocently.
Rory smiles. “I think I’ll be fine.”
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“I mean, I hope you’re happy, But the sky is still the sky without you, And I’m not surprised by that anymore.” — Caitlyn Siehl
As the months pass and as Rory makes it through another Denver winter, she starts to forget about Nate. There’s still times where she thinks about the possibilities, but she’s moved on and passed the worst of it. She has other things to worry about, like a new promotion at work and trying to catch up with all of the new responsibilities that come with it.
“Who the hell decided that I was the best person to be put in charge of the interns?” Rory groans one early spring morning. 
“You helped them anyways, we just decided to make it official,” Shea snorts. “Now you officially get to be the mother hen.”
“Have I told you that I hate you?” Rory teases.
Shea lets out a loud laugh. “It’s been a whole week, I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks,” Rory says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “God, I never realized how many fucking applications we got. How the hell am I supposed to choose?”
“Drunk darts?” Ashton suggests as they pass by Rory’s desk. 
“The fact that I briefly considered that…” Rory says, sighing. “I might take a look at them on Monday because I feel like my brain is melting.”
“Welcome to the club!” Ashton replies cheerily. “At least today is Friday and we can all drown our sorrows together.”
“Cheers to that,” Rory sighs. 
By the time they get to the bar that night, Rory feels completely exhausted. She loves her work, but her newfound responsibilities have been a lot to try and handle. It only made the Friday night ritual all the more welcome and she had an even better understanding why her friends started it in the first place.
“You know, I never expected to be in this position when I graduated,” Rory remarks.
“What, working in the field you specialized in?” Blair inquires, confused.
“No, like...being in a place I genuinely enjoyed working at. I feel like it’s such a long shot and I never expected to stay here this long,” Rory explains.
“Well, it just means you were meant to end up here,” Ashton says smiling.
“I suppose so,” Rory replies, smiling softly. 
None of them process the door opening until Shea starts frowning a little bit. Rory turns a little to look, and feels herself freeze a little when she spots Nate. She spins back and tries to not think about how they're in the same space again for the first time in months.
“Fancy seeing him again,” Shea remarks bitterly. “Can I punch him if he comes over here?”
“We’re not getting kicked out of our favorite bar,” Rory groans.
“Fine, I guess,” Shea sighs. “Only for you, though.”
“Only because I’m here, right?” Rory asks, giving him a stern look.
“No, most definitely not,” Shea answers, trying to not smile.
“Whatever, we’re ignoring them,” Rory says. “I want to have a good time and it doesn’t involve him.”
“Even if he’s staring us down?” Ashton inquires, trying to be quiet.
“Please tell me he’s not,” Rory groans.
“Unfortunately he is,” Blair responds, with a hint of bitterness. “You know what, maybe it’s time we change up bars, try something new.”
“But we’ve been coming here for years, I don’t want to leave just because that asshole is here,” Shea complains. “I don’t want to hunt for another one!”
“Maybe it’s just for one night,” Rory says weakly. 
“Do you think the bartenders like us enough to kick out several NHL players?” Ashton inquires innocently. “I mean… I know they have money, but we’re also like… regulars.”
“Might be a long shot,” Blair answers, sighing a little bit.
“He’s still staring at us,” Ashton mumbles. “I kind of just want to leave. Maybe we can stop by the diner right down the road instead.”
“Maybe that can be our thing for a couple weeks to throw him off our trail for a bit,” Shea replies. “And also so I don’t punch him.”
Blair snickers. “That sounds like a solid plan. Let’s go.”
As they head out, Rory chances a glance over at Nate. He’s watching them leave with a frown on his face. Before he gets any ideas on coming over, she looks away, trying her best to seem closed off. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem as if he follows them, so she relaxes as they walk over to the diner.
“This feels weird,” Rory comments as they grab a booth in the back corner. “But I’m glad to be away from him.”
“Do you think he would have tried to talk to you?” Blair asks, concerned.
Rory shrugs. “I mean, maybe, but I don’t see why he would bother at this point. I haven’t seen him in almost a year now.”
“Maybe he’s just now realizing what he lost,” Ashton suggests hopefully.
“Well, it’s staying lost,” Rory snorts. “I really can’t be bothered to fix things with him. He’s had time to say something, but he hasn’t.”
“You really wouldn’t give him a second chance?” Shea asks, raising an eyebrow.
Rory pauses for a moment. “I want to say no, and I think I would in terms of a romantic relationship. But… he was a good friend and it was sad losing him in that sense, you know? And I would want him to work on himself too. Like, I can’t have him dropping off the face of the planet again.”
“I get that,” Blair says softly, smiling sadly. “Maybe one day.”
“Maybe,” Rory sighs. “But also, I think we were headed for heartbreak, there was no other option. I mean… we’re two very different people.”
“But you worked well together,” Shea said. “And that’s the saddest part about all of this.”
Rory shrugs. “It’s over now. There’s no point in caring anymore.”
They end up changing subjects, sensing that Rory is truly done thinking about Nate. Seeing him outside of a hockey game was a weird experience and everyone felt a little bit off balance from it. By the end of the night, Rory feels better, and tries to push any thought of him aside. Whatever reason he came to the bar tonight, she hoped he got the message - that Rory no longer needed him in her life.
The following morning when Rory checks her phone, she feels herself freeze. Looking right back at her is a text from Nate. She hesitates before opening, knowing that whatever it says can’t be good. There’s a moment where she thinks about deleting the message and blocking him, but her curiosity gets the best of her.
I was hoping to talk to you last night, but it looks like you were busy. Maybe we could meet up some other time to clear things up?
Rory can’t help but to laugh. After a year, Nate finally wants to talk? The audacity he has thinking that Rory will just talk to him willingly after everything is too much for her to handle. He’s had plenty of opportunities to fix things, but going about it this way just makes everything even worse.
No, I think I’m good. You made it very clear where I stand in your life.
Rory tosses her phone to the side before seeing if Nate replies at all. Whatever he has to say to her won’t change her mind, not now. Before she can think anymore, she grabs her phone again to call Piper. It’s been a long time since they’ve talked, but Rory trusts her the most right now, knowing that her friend will be the solid voice of reason right now.
“Something tells me something is up if you’re calling me this early on a Saturday,” Piper jokes. “Normally you’re hungover at this point.”
“You’re the worst,” Rory groans. “But you’re right.”
“I’m always here for you. Now, tell me all about it,” Piper replies. 
“Well, uh, Nate finally texted me after a whole fucking year asking if we could talk,” Rory says bitterly. “And this dude had the audacity to stop by the bar last night. We ended up leaving because of him.”
“I can fly down and punch him if you want me to,” Piper suggests.
Rory snorts. “I think that Shea is first in line for that.”
“We can take turns then,” Piper says, smirking. “But seriously, how are you dealing with that? Have you blocked him?”
“I - no, not yet,” Rory answers. “I told him it was too late to fix anything.”
“So… just ignore him after this. Unless you want to talk to him.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready for that. There’s so much I want to say to him, but I never thought that it would be like… an actual option.”
“Then just think about it. And he can wait for as long as you need him to. It’s what he deserves after dropping you like he did.”
“I feel like that’s letting him win, though,” Rory whispers.
“There’s no winning in situations like this, especially if you let him feel all of your anger and frustrations. What he did was shitty and wrong, and he deserves to know all of that before he does it to someone else,” Piper explains. “And I know how worthless it made you feel.”
“I didn’t -” Rory tries to say.
“Don’t you dare say that you didn’t feel that way. You called me crying multiple times that summer. He hurt you and he deserves to know that,” Piper says firmly. “That is, if you even want to talk to him.”
“I don’t know,” Rory says softly. “I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of talking again, but I also want to let him know how shitty he made me feel.”
“Maybe that’s all that needs to happen. One conversation doesn’t mean you’re letting him back into your life. It can maybe help put an end to this part of your life.”
“You’re right, you’re right.”
Piper sighs. “I’m sorry you had to see him again, though. I can’t imagine what that all felt like.”
“I’m just lucky I was with friends,” Rory replies. “But thank you, Piper, this helped a lot.”
“Keep me updated, okay? I want to know if I need to knock some teeth out,” Piper jokes.
Rory snorts. “Of course.”
Once they’ve hung up, Rory quickly checks her phone to see if Nate has replied. He still hasn’t, so she decides to continue on with her morning, trying to not think of him. As right as Piper is about having a conversation to try and put an end to anything having to do with Nate, the thought scares her. She knows that there’s a very real possibility that she lets him into her life again, knowing that she misses his friendship.
But she doesn’t want to let herself give in so easily. Nate hurt Rory in ways that she feels like she’s still recovering from. It’s terrifying that he was able to hurt her like this, and the more she thinks about it over breakfast, the more comfortable she gets with telling him all of this, as long as it’s on her terms.
She ignores her phone for the rest of the day and decides to focus on cleaning her apartment instead. It’s been a while since it’s been properly cleaned and she knows it’ll help keep her mind off of Nate. So, she puts on some of her favorite music and proceeds to get lost in her chores. Before she knows it, her stomach is loudly grumbling, and Rory notices that it’s now mid-afternoon.
As she grabs some stuff for a late lunch, she decides to chance looking at her phone. Her heart drops a little seeing several texts from Nate, but Rory opens it before she can think twice about it. She has to read it a couple times before it fully processes what he said.
I’m sorry I broke what trust you had in me as a friend and I want to fix that
In whatever way you see fit
I guess even if it means you never talk to me again. I just...I want to make everything better
Rory pauses for a moment, and tries to think of a response. She wants to talk to him, to let him feel the full impact of how much he ruined her - but she doesn’t want to give him hope. No matter how apologetic he is, Rory doesn’t want to give him too much hope.
I want to talk, but on my terms. You deserve to know what you did to me
I hated you for a long time, Nate
Still kind of do, if I’m being honest
Just… give me some time, okay? I gave up on the idea of you a long time ago
Sighing, Rory puts her phone off to the side, and decides to try and eat her lunch in peace, but she keeps thinking about Nate. Whatever happens next, Rory wants to be ready and confident in what she wants to happen next. At the very core of it all, she’s scared of letting Nate back in and history repeating itself.
If Nate wants to be in her life, she’s going to need to see that she matters to him. But as much as she wants that, Rory knows that it’s really asking for too much. It terrifies her that the thought keeps managing to weasel it’s way into her head, no matter how much she tries to ignore it. Blair might say that it’s a sign, but Rory really hopes that it isn’t.
Her phone buzzes, and she takes a deep breath before opening her phone. So far, Nate has been understanding, but that hardly means anything at the moment.
I understand completely
And I’m truly sorry I ever did that to you
Whatever it takes for me to show you that, I’ll do
You deserve that at the very least, Rory
Thank you, Nate. I’m sorry to make you wait a little longer
I’ll try to not take too long, but this is a lot
I would wait for you forever
Ah, getting poetic now
Maybe you have changed
I’ll take a while, but maybe not that long :)
Rory sighs, but she feels good about not caving to what he wants. As much as she wants to fix everything, she also knows that she’ll regret it. Before she forgets, Rory also sends a text to Piper telling her what happened, knowing that her friend will want to keep tabs on the situation. 
Groaning, Rory also remembers that she’s going to have to tell her coworkers what happened as well. Even though they’ve talked plenty of shit, she knows that they’ll be supportive of her reconciling with Nate as long as it’s on her terms. However, she also knows that they’ll gladly make sure to keep him in his place.
When Monday rolls around, Rory can immediately tell that her friends know something is up. Thankfully, they don’t say anything, knowing that she won’t be comfortable talking about it at work. But they keep a close eye on her, like she’ll fall apart at a moment's notice. And maybe they’re right, she’s not really sure what’s held her together this whole weekend.
“So, care to spill whatever’s going on with you?” Ashton inquires, walking with Rory to her car.
Rory notes that Blair and Shea aren’t too far behind, and she sighs, accepting her fate of being cornered by all of them. They all eye her as she leans up against her car and lets out a huge sigh.
“Nate reached out to me to apologize for last year. He wanted to talk in person to let everything out, but I told him no for now,” Rory explains. “I want to talk to him, but on my terms.”
Blair frowns. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“I’m not really sure, but I think I want to let everything out in the open, you know? Like, I want him to know how much it hurt,” Rory answers, shrugging. 
“Would you be meeting at his place?” Shea inquires, looking concerned. “Not that I think he would do anything, but like… that’s a lot of pressure.”
Rory pauses for a moment. “I think if we were to meet up, I’d want to do it at my place. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in his apartment. He can come to me.”
“Sounds like you already have a plan,” Ashton remarks, smirking a little. 
“It’s going to happen eventually, I think. I just want to be ready,” Rory says. “It feels weird hearing from him again, though. I was ready to let go, but seeing him last Friday was harder than I expected.”
“If this is what you want, we’ll support you in it, okay? I know we shit talk him a lot, but...he was a good guy while he was around,” Shea says seriously. 
“Thank you,” Rory says softly. “Now, enough digging around in my personal life, okay?”
“But what else is supposed to keep us entertained?” Ashton snorts. “You’re the one who was besties with an NHL superstar.”
Rory rolls her eyes. “You guys are the worst.”
“But that’s why you love us,” Blair replies, smiling widely. 
A couple more weeks go by before Rory thinks about messaging Nate back. There’s a couple nights where she almost caves and sends something to him - but she knows she’s not fully ready yet. It’s a late Friday night after a diner run with her friends that Rory feels like she’s ready to speak to Nate again.
There wasn’t a monumental shift that made Rory change her mind, but rather the fact that her heart stopped falling apart any time she thought of Nate. She thinks she’s ready to have a conversation with him because in the end, she’s not sure if she wants it to be anything more than that. 
Against Rory’s better judgement, she sends a text to Nate, fully knowing that he won’t reply until the morning. And that feels safer in a way. He won’t be able to ask questions that she isn’t ready to answer quite yet, at least not over the phone.
I want to talk soon
At my apartment, though
I’d feel better being in a space I feel comfortable if we’re going to be talking
And honestly the sooner the better, if you don’t mind
I want to get this over with
With that, Rory plugs in her phone and tries to fall asleep. Instead, she keeps herself up, thinking of all the things she wants to tell Nate. She wants to let him know how much he hurt her when he left without a word, but still leaving his trace in her every thought. By the time she falls asleep, the sun is just peeking over the mountains, signaling a fresh start.
When Rory wakes up, she pauses, unsure if she wants to check her phone. But she knows that waiting won’t help anything, and it’s best to just check. As she suspected, there were a few texts from Nate. Taking a deep breath, she opens them and skims over the messages.
Whatever makes you feel the best
And I can come over tomorrow night if that isn’t too soon
But I’ll wait for as long as you need me to
Rory pauses for a moment, unsure if it would be too soon. But she did say she was ready, and like ripping off a band-aid, Rory decides it’s best to just get it over with.
Yeah, I can do that. Before or after dinner?
Or during?
Whatever works for me
…..during dinner if you don’t mind
I miss your cooking
Was that too much?
I’m sorry
You better not just be reconciling bc of my food
But yeah, that works
I’m making curry though
Don’t make it too spicy
I’ll try my best lmao
But I guarantee nothing :’)
Rip to my taste buds then lol
But I’ll see you then
Rory takes a deep breath and tries to process the conversation. It felt weird to have Nate joke with her like nothing ever happened. In different circumstances, she would have laughed and teased right back, but it was too much too fast. Nate was picking up where things left off last year, but Rory isn’t ready for that. She’s not even sure she wants to be ready for that again. 
Only a moment later, it finally hits her that Nate is coming over to her apartment the following night. She screams into her pillow, and then sends off a text Piper and her other friends. No matter how tomorrow ends up going, Rory knows that she’ll be an absolute mess afterwards. The thought of seeing Nate in her space is terrifying, but it’s a fear she’s willing to face if it means that they’ll be able to resolve everything.
Before she knows it, Rory is pacing her apartment waiting for Nate to come over. Dinner is already made, due to the fact that she was trying to keep herself busy while waiting for him. As much as Rory wanted to prepare a speech for Nate, to make sure she said everything she wanted to, she also knew that she wouldn’t remember any of it the second she saw his face.
When she hears a loud knock on her door, Rory freezes for a moment. This is her last moment to back out, but she steels herself and goes to open the door. The second she opens the door, there’s a moment of silence, Nate and herself unsure of what to do. Seeing him here makes Rory feel overwhelmed.
“I - hi,” Rory greets weakly. “Um, come on in.”
“Uh, thanks,” Nate replies awkwardly, stepping into her apartment. “It smells good in here.”
Rory smiles a little. “Dinner is already finished. I, uh, got kind of nervous.”
“I can leave if you need more time,” Nate says, concerned.
“No, it’s fine. You just… make me feel a lot of things, I guess,” Rory explains. “Waiting even longer wouldn’t have helped anything.”
“If you say so,” he says, obviously not believing her.
“Well, I guess we can eat first and talk over food,” she replies. “Everything is in the same spot. Still haven’t moved anything yet.”
Nate snorts. “I’m not surprised. And I’m guessing nothing is on the top shelves still?”
“You’re literally the fucking worst, McKinnon,” Rory teases. “I can’t believe I invite you over for dinner and this is what you say to me.”
“Oh I - I’m sorry,” Nate replies, flustered. 
Rory rolls her eyes. “I’m kidding, it’s fine.”
Nate blushes and goes to get plates. They serve up their food in silence and go to sit on the couch. Neither really know what to say, so there’s a few beats of awkward silence. Rory can tell that he’s waiting for her to say something, not wanting to push her too far.
“For the longest time, I wasn’t sure what to make of you just… ignoring me,” Rory whispers. “I knew that playoffs were going to be a hard time. I mean, you already were terrible at replying to things during the season, so I knew the playoffs were going to be worse.
“But then you just… kept ignoring me, even during the summer. And it was hard to not think it was maybe my fault in some way that you kept ignoring me. Like I wasn’t useful or fucking interesting enough to keep around. That’s what hurt the most, you know?”
Nate looks absolutely broken at the confession. He sets down his plate, and Rory follows suit, knowing that neither of them are going to eat until after this is over.
“I never meant to make you feel that way,” Nate says, voice breaking. “I was so scared of fucking up what we had that I thought it was better to stop talking to you. I figured that I had messed up things enough that you wouldn’t care if we stopped talking to me. Gabe tried to tell me otherwise, but I wouldn’t hear it.”
Rory laughs bitterly, trying to hold back her tears. “I cared so much about you Nate, and seeing you just go about your life made me feel so shitty. And it’s been a year now, and I’ve done so much to get over it, but now here you are… somehow, it feels just like it did last summer.”
“You were the one person I had outside of hockey, and I know that if I was just me and not ‘Nate the hockey player’, you would have liked me just as much. That made me so terrified to mess things up that I thought it was better to lose you sooner rather than later,” Nate confesses.
Rory smiles sadly. “In the end, you felt like ‘Nate the hockey player’, and I think that’s what hurt the most.”
“I - fuck, I never meant for it to turn out like this,” Nate says, choking back his tears.
“Neither did I,” she replies. “Seeing you that night in the bar, it scared me. I thought that I was finally over you, but that night showed me that you could still hurt me.”
“Is there anything I can do to fix this? I wanted to talk and I wasn’t sure if you would ever speak to me again.”
Rory pauses for a moment to think. “I don’t really know, if I’m being honest. I want to forgive you, but I’m scared of this happening all over again. My heart isn’t ready to be broken again.”
“Whatever it takes,” Nate whispers.
“Give me some time, okay? Tonight feels like a lot and I don’t know what to do now that you’re here. But I want to make sure that you actually talk to me, Nate. You can’t ignore me again.”
“I promise I’ll try my best. I just… get so focused on one thing, but I won’t push you away again, I swear,” Nate says.
“Okay,” Rory replies, voice breaking, with tears starting to fall down her face.
“Can I hug you?” Nate asks.
She nods, and he pulls her in, holding her tightly. Rory isn’t sure how long they sit there with her cradled in Nate’s arms, but it feels better than she wants to admit. Having him here like this is overwhelming, and she mourns the fact that things are going to be so very different now, no matter what happens.
“Thank you,” Rory says after a few minutes, voice rough from crying.
“Of course,” Nate whispers, slowly pulling back.
When Rory looks up at him, his cheeks are tear-stained as well, and something about that settles something within her. Something about it helps her feel like he missed her just as much, even if it wasn’t in the same way. 
“Our food is probably cold now,” Rory jokes, trying to lighten the mood up a little bit.
“Is that you hinting that you want me to go heat it up again?” Nate asks, smiling.
She laughs a little. “Of course it is.”
“Glad some things never change,” Nate snorts, rolling his eyes. “I’ll get right on it.”
The rest of the evening passes with lighter conversation topics. Rory talks about her promotion at work, and Nate talks about all the new rookies she has to meet soon. It almost feels normal, and it terrifies Rory. Seeing how well he fits back into her life is a lot, and she’s not quite sure how to handle it. She doesn’t want things to move too fast, not before she’s ready, but having these quiet moments back is making it difficult. 
“Thank you for having me over,” Nate says softly as he places the dishes in the dishwasher. “I’m glad we could talk again.”
“Me too,” Rory whispers. “Just… I want things back to normal, but I don’t want to be left behind again.”
“I’ll make sure you don’t,” Nate replies, confident. “Playoffs are happening again soon, and I’ll do better this time. I can’t lose you again.”
Rory smiles sadly. “You could always find someone else, though.”
“You aren’t replaceable, you know,” Nate comments. “You keep saying things like that, and I know you think I could, but I can’t.”
“You’re really making this hard, you know.”
“I just want to show you that you’re worth everything.”
“Still loving flattering people, I see,” Rory teases. 
Nate rolls his eyes. “And you still love to not accept my compliments. I’ll show you one of these days.”
“I’m sure you will,” Rory says, smiling. “You sure you don’t want leftovers?”
“I told you it was too spicy!” Nate exclaims.
“You think everything is spicy, though,” Rory snorts. “But I guess that just means more for me.”
“I guess so,” Nate says softly, smiling. “Well, I’ll talk to you soon?”
“We better talk soon,” Rory replies pointedly. “No falling off the map again.”
“Not this time,” Nate promises. 
Once he’s gone, Rory flops down on her bed and screams into her pillow. The whole evening didn’t feel quite real if she’s being honest. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, Rory feels herself getting to a place where she can forgive Nate. Tonight reminded her how easy they work together and everything felt… normal. It’s a terrifying thought, especially because if he doesn’t fall off the map again, Rory can envision herself falling in love again.
When Rory walks into work the next morning, she can feel her friends’ eyes on her. She knows that they’re going to interrogate her after work, so she doesn’t mention anything the whole day. Thankfully, they don’t mention anything either, but they definitely keep an eye on her.
“So, emergency meeting at the diner tonight?” Ashton inquires innocently during lunch. “Seems like there’s something going on.”
Rory huffs. “Yeah, an emergency meeting sounds good. There’s a lot I need to catch you up on.”
“Sounds fun,” Ashton replies, smirking. “I’ll tell everyone else about our plans.”
“Thanks, Ash,” Rory snorts. 
When everyone finishes up for the day, they all make their way to their new spot. Thankfully, nobody mentions what the meeting was for, but Rory has a feeling that they already know what happened. Once they’re all seated in a booth towards the back of the diner, everyone turns to look at her.
“I feel like I’m being interrogated for a crime,” Rory jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
“Did you commit a crime?” Shea asks innocently.
“Not that I know of,” Rory says weakly. “But I did meet up with Nate last night. He came over last night for dinner.”
Everyone gives her a questioning look, so she launches into her recap of the night. They all listen patiently as Rory stumbles through it all. Even though they let her talk, she can tell that they’re all concerned.
“So, uh, yeah, that was it,” Rory says, finishing explaining. 
“Are you sure that you’re okay with this?” Blair asks, genuinely worried. 
“I think I'm as ready as I’ll ever be. Seeing him last night made me realize how much I missed him in my life,” Rory answers. 
Blair frowns. “But if he doesn’t do better, are you ready to let him go again?”
“I’m going to have to be, aren’t I? I don’t think I really have a choice in the matter,” Rory replies. “But I think I want to give him the second chance.”
“So… I can’t kick his ass on sight now?” Shea jokes. 
“I don’t think so,” Ashton sighs. “What a shame.”
Rory rolls her eyes. “You’re all the worst.”
“We love you too,” Blair replies, smiling. “I’m glad that you were able to talk to him, though. Even if this all doesn’t work out, you got to talk it out.”
“Yeah, it was nice,” Rory whispers. “Hopefully things turn out a bit happier this time.”
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"You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have."  —  F. Scott Fitzgerald
As playoffs and summer rolled around, Rory was pleasantly surprised at how much Nate texted and called her. Even though this is what she was hoping for all those months ago, it felt odd to hear from him so much. Seeing tangible evidence of Nate trying his best to be better felt like too much to take in sometimes, even if it was something small, like making sure that Rory was taking care of herself during the busy workdays.
The only downfall to this is that Rory can feel herself falling back in love with Nate. She tries to push back on it, and tries to ignore the fluttering feeling every time she sees his name pop up on her phone, but it’s hard. Knowing that Nate was making an effort for her caused a tidal wave of feelings, ones that she’s certain aren’t reciprocated.
“I think you’re fooling yourself, you know,” Blair states one Friday night. “Like… he’s putting in so much effort to reconnect that he has to feel something.”
Rory frowns. “I don’t want to get my hopes, I’ve only just gotten him back. And it’s reading too much into it, right?”
“I’m inclined to back up Blair on this one,” Ashton says. “The dude probably has a million friends, but the fact that he missed you so fucking much, even after a year…”
“But he also ignored me for months,” Rory points out. “We all agreed that was fucking terrible, and I doubt he would do that if he was into me.”
Shea shrugs. “That’s definitely a possibility, but… just think about it, okay? I know it’s too soon, but it could be worth a shot eventually.”
“I’m not going to be the one to fuck things up,” Rory says. “I’m just happy we managed to work things out.”
“If you say so,” Ashton replies. “But do you think things are going to be worse once he comes back to Denver?”
“I’m really trying to not think about that,” Rory mumbles. “I’m sure it’ll all be fine. I was doing fine before.”
“Well, we’re all here if you need it,” Blair says, hesitant.
Thankfully, her friends let the subject drop, but Rory knows that she hasn’t heard the last of it quite yet. As much as she wants to be completely open with Nate, she’s terrified of making things awkward between them. It’s only been in the last couple of months that they’ve gotten back to their easy camaraderie they had before.
When September rolls around, Shea insists that Rory invites Nate out to a Friday night bar run. After Nate happily accepts for the following week, Rory starts to feel nervous. She knows that her friends are probably going to give him a subtle shovel talk, and she’s honestly not quite sure how she feels about it. As appreciative she is about her friends looking out for her, Rory also doesn’t know how Nate is going to feel about it.
“You can’t be too mean to him,” Rory states as they all walk to the bar. “I can’t have you scaring him off, okay?”
“We’ll be on our best behavior,” Ashton says cheerily, smirking a little.
“Good lord,” Rory mutters. “At least wait until he’s had a drink or two.”
Shea shrugs. “I think we can manage that.”
By the time they get to the bar, Nate is already there, having grabbed their usual table. Rory warms at the thought of him remembering something like that. Once they all grab their seats, there’s a few beats of silence, nobody quite sure what to say first.
“It’s been a while, good to have you back,” Shea greets, eyeing Nate up. “Good job on winning the cup last year. Rough you couldn’t do it again.”
Nate laughs nervously. “Thanks, we tried our best. Just happy to get to the playoffs again, though.”
Ashton snorts. “We’re not the media, dude. You can be pissed off if you want to be.”
“I - I mean, it’s true,” Nate says weakly. “It was hard getting so close and not winning it again. But, uh, what do you want to drink? I figure the first round can be on me.”
The group looks at each other in pleasant surprise, but lists off their drink orders. When Nate goes up to the bar, they all watch him like a hawk. As Nate’s waiting for their drinks, a girl walks over to Nate, obviously flirting with him. He looks caught  off-guard for a moment, but then smiles brightly, appearing to flirt back. Rory’s friends look to her in concern, and she does her best to shrug it off. It’s not like her and Nate are dating - they’re truly just friends, even if her feelings say otherwise.
“Rory....” Blair whispers.
“I told you, we’re just friends,” Rory whispers harshly. “It’s not that big of a deal, he can do whatever he wants.”
Blair frowns, but doesn’t say anything as she notices Nate walking back with their drinks. Despite what Rory is feeling, she knows that she has no right to be jealous over Nate. They’ve both made it very clear that they’re just friends, and Rory isn’t inclined to mess things up now, not when they’ve just got each other back.
“Sorry it took so long, I just got distracted talking to someone,” Nate says, blushing faintly.
Shea raises an eyebrow. “Did you get a number?”
“Oh, uh, no, I’m here to hang out with you guys tonight,” Nate answers, flustered. “And, uh, I’m not super interested in hooking up right now. I have other things to worry about.”
“Riiiight,” Ashton replies. “So, what have you been up to since you left us last?”
“Not much really, just a lot of practice and games. I also moved into a proper house again since my apartment was feeling a little small,” Nate explains.
“Wait, really? You were just starting to make your apartment look good,” Rory teases. “Am I going to have to give you decorating advice again?”
“I - no, I have everything covered,” Nate defends. “Besides, it was never that bad!”
“Uh huh, whatever you want to say,” Rory says, laughing.
“I mean, I did hear plenty of horror stories from Rory. We’re here to support you,” Ashton says, smirking.
Nate pouts. “I can’t believe I paid for all your drinks and you all gang up on me like this.”
“Don’t worry, it just means we like you well enough,” Shea replies, smiling brightly. “But honestly, you’ve just been up to hockey? That sounds kind of…boring.”
“It’s what I do every summer,” Nate mumbles, obviously embarrassed. 
“He has to keep up his reputation, don’t worry,” Rory jokes.
“At least you have my back,” Nate sighs. 
The rest of the night passes in a similar lighthearted manner. By the time everyone is getting ready to head out, Rory feels pleasantly warm and slightly more drunk than she normally gets. It’s just been nice to be back with Nate in the way she always remembered too fondly. She wants to tell him that, so she looks around, trying to find him.
But her heart drops when she sees the girl from earlier heading over to Nate. Rory glances away and continues following her friends out of the bar. They all look behind her expectantly, thinking that Nate is still following her.
“He’s, uh, talking to someone. I think we’re good to head out,” Rory says, trying to smile.
“Rory…” Blair says softly. 
“No, no, it’s good. I don’t get to be jealous or mad over this. I’m just a little bit drunk,” Rory whispers. 
“Okay, I’m driving you home. Your car will be fine in the staff parking lot over the weekend,” Blair sighs.
“Thank you,” Rory whispers.
The car ride to her apartment is silent, neither wanting to broach the subject. Thankfully, Blair helps Rory to her bed, but before Blair can leave, Rory holds her close and starts sobbing. Rory really isn’t sure how long they sit there with Rory crying into her friend's shoulder, but by the time she pulls back, Blair’s shoulder is wet from the tears.
“Are you really going to be okay?” Blair asks quietly.
“No,” Rory answers, voice rough. “This wasn’t the plan.”
“You never really stopped loving him,” Blair states.
Rory laughs bitterly. “I don’t think I did. And I hate him for that.”
“I still have a couple of friends that might be interested, you know,” Blair comments, joking.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Rory snorts. “Thank you for this.”
“You’re one of my best friends, of course I’m here to help,” Blair says. “Maybe call Piper in the morning, okay? She always seems to knock the most sense into you.”
“That… is too true,” Rory sighs. “I’ll see you on Monday?”
“Yeah, see you on Monday,” Blair says before heading out.
Once Rory hears the door shut, she sighs deeply. It scares her that just seeing Nate flirt with someone had this effect on her. She knows that she shouldn’t be hurt if she isn’t willing to confess her feelings because of course Nate is going to find someone else. He’s a professional athlete, it’s not like he doesn’t have options.
And Rory has to accept that she’ll never be an option - even as much as she wants to be. Nate put so much effort into reconnecting because he wants to be friends again, not because he ever loved her in any non-platonic sense of the word. It hurts, but Rory will learn to get over herself as long as it means keeping Nate in her life. She lost him once, she refuses to have it happen again.
When she wakes up the next morning, she feels a bit gross, and as she remembers the previous night, Rory doesn’t feel much better. But she also knows that she should call Piper, knowing that her friend will want to know what’s going on.
“Hey sweetie, what’s up?” Piper asks in lieu of a proper greeting. 
“Um, so you know how Nate and I have been becoming friends again? I think I might have fucked things up and fallen in love with him,” Rory confesses. 
“Does he not love you back? I’ll come and kick his ass,” Piper says. 
“I don’t think he does,” Rory whispers. 
“Wait, why do you make it sound like you don’t know for sure?”
“He was flirting with someone last night and we agreed to be just friends.”
“Are you sure that he could have just said that to make sure you were in his life no matter what? He could be just as scared as you are about saying something.”
“Why would he be scared of me?” Rory inquires, confused. 
“How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not something replaceable? You are worth so much, and I think Nate knows that,” Piper says firmly. “You should tell him, Rory.”
“I only just got him back, though,” Rory whispers.
“Just… think about it, okay? I really think it could be something good if you gave it a chance.”
“I’m not ready yet,” Rory says softly. “Losing him again would feel… god, it would hurt even more than before. It would tear my heart out, Piper.”
Piper takes a deep breath. “I think Nate loving you has been so subtle that it’s hard to see at first. But I think it’s there, for all that it matters.”
“I hate this so much,” Rory sobs, not able to hold back the tears. “I can’t love him anymore, Piper. I can’t handle this.”
“You can, babe, I know you can handle this,” Piper says soothingly. “If he really doesn’t love you back, then there will be someone else to love you just as much as you love everyone else.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course I do. You deserve it.”
“I hate that, even now, he has me crying over him,” Rory whispers. 
“I’m sorry I can’t be there for you, but I know you’ll figure it all out soon enough. Now, is there anything else fun you can update me on?”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Rory says, grateful for the distraction.
By the time Rory hangs up, she’s feeling a bit better. Even though Piper seems to think that Nate has feelings for her, Rory refuses to mess things up again. She’s willing to keep her friendship with Nate, even at the cost of seeing him love other people in the way she wants for herself. As much as she doesn’t want to, Rory thinks it might be time to ask Blair about her friends.
Despite coming to that resolution, it still takes Rory several days to build up the confidence to ask Blair about it. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, something about it feels like she’s giving up on Nate. But she’s cried over him enough now, and she accepts that it’s time to move on forward from her feelings.
“Wait, so you’re… actually interested?” Blair inquires, obviously unsure. “Or are you doing this just to get over Nate?”
“A little bit of both, if I’m being honest,” Rory answers. “But I have to put myself out there eventually. I can’t keep putting it off.”
Blair frowns a little. “Well, if you’re totally sure, then I can set something up. Do you remember Jacob from the holiday party last year?”
“Yeah, he seemed fun,” Rory says, already knowing where this is going.
“He was definitely interested in you, but I knew you were still going through it with Nate, even if you didn’t want to admit it. But if you’re up for it now…”
“I’m definitely up for it now.”
And this is how Rory finds herself going on a coffee date with Jacob the following Saturday. It’s definitely awkward at first, but once they find their stride, Rory finds herself enjoying her time. They spend hours talking about anything and everything. By the time the date is over, Rory feels tentatively hopeful about the whole thing.
Once Rory gets back to her apartment, she notices a text from Nate asking if she wants to get dinner with him. She hesitates - she doesn’t want to ruin the happiness she felt earlier today with all of the confusing feelings Nate brings with him. But that’s also not his fault, so Rory says he can come over if he brings takeout. 
Nate sends a smiley face and that he’ll grab food from her favorite diner on the way. While Rory waits, she tries to calm herself down. Her date with Jacob was good, and he was genuinely interested in her, not something she could say for Nate. Before she knows it, she hears Nate knocking on the door.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Rory greets as she lets him in.
“You replied late today. Rough night at the bar last night?” Nate teases, setting the food down in the kitchen. 
Rory blushes. “Oh, uh, I actually went on a date today, so that’s why I didn’t reply.”
“That’s, uh, that’s great,” Nate says, smiling a little. “Was it a good one?”
“Yeah, we had a great time. I mean, it was pretty chill, but it was nice to get to know Jacob a bit more,” Rory explains. “We actually met last year at the company holiday party.”
“Oh, I’m glad it went well,” Nate says awkwardly.
“Are you okay?” Rory inquires, confused. 
“Yeah, of course, just a bit tired from practice, I guess.”
“If you say so. Now, did you get the usual?”
Nate snorts. “I’m a creature of habit, what else do you expect?”
Things lighten up a bit after that, the awkwardness slowly disappearing the longer Nate hangs out. Rory’s really not too sure what to think of it, but she takes it worth a grain of salt. If he says practice has been exhausting, then she’ll just take his word for it. 
The weeks pass and Rory goes on more dates with Jacob, even to the point of bringing him to this year’s holiday party as her date. Nate hardly asks about him anymore, but Rory takes that as him not really being into her romantic life. She can get that, especially since she hardly ever asks about his dating life as well, even if it was because she was scared to hear the answer.
All of the careful walls Rory has built recently all fall apart on a Saturday afternoon. Jacob is over for lunch, and he seems to have a serious look on his face. Rory doesn’t think much of it at first, thinking it must be something work related that he’s still hung up on.
“Are you feeling okay?” Rory inquires softly. “Looks like you’re doing a lot of thinking over there.”
Jacob smiles softly. “I - well, I really hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but are you in love with Nate?”
“Am I… what?” Rory replies, freezing. “Where did you get that idea?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at him the couple of times we’ve gone to games, and just the way you talk about him…” Jacob explains. “It’s okay if you love him, but I really don’t think we should be dating if that’s the case.”
Rory pauses for a moment, thinking over her answer. “I lost my chance with him a long time ago, and… I’m still trying to get over it, I guess.”
“You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if he loves you back,” Jacob says, smiling sadly.
“That would be a nice thought,” Rory replies, trying to laugh. “But I promise I wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t want to.”
Jacob sighs deeply. “You’re an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you. And if Nate doesn’t realize what he has, he’s a fucking idiot. But I think you need to figure out your feelings first.”
“Are you… breaking up with me?” Rory asks, voice cracking.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” Jacob says softly. “I just think you need to say something to Nate because something tells me he won’t say no.”
Rory laughs bitterly. “You wouldn’t be the first person to tell me that.”
“Then maybe they’re right,” Jacob points out. “Look, this is just as hard as it is for me, but I’ve seen how you look at him. This is the healthiest thing for both of us to do, okay?”
“Shit, you’re right, I know you are,” Rory groans. “It just fucking sucks.”
Jacob smiles sadly. “Things will get better soon, I promise. I’ll, uh, see you around.”
“Yeah, of course,” Rory says softly as Jacob heads out.
As sad as she is over what happened, Rory knows that Jacob is right. Despite how much she enjoyed being around him and doing things with him, there’s still a small part of her that’s hung up on Nate. And in the end, that isn’t fair to either of them in the long run. 
It also makes her think about how honest she wants to be with Nate. He’s going to want to know what happened between her and Jacob, but she’s not sure if she should tell him exactly why. The thought of telling him everything is terrifying, but if there’s any chance that he could feel the same way, even after everything that’s happened…she’s not quite sure what to make of it all.
When Monday rolls around, she asks her friends for an emergency meeting at the diner after work. They all look a bit worried, but agree to not ask any questions until then. If anyone could talk sense into Rory, it would be them.
“So… what’s going on?” Ashton inquires once everyone is piled into a booth.
“Jacob broke up with me because I’m still in love with Nate,” Rory confesses in a rush. “And… I don’t know what to do.”
“I - well, that’s a lot to unpack,” Shea replies. “I thought you were over Nate.”
Rory snorts. “So did I, but I think I was ignoring my feelings because I had Jacob. And, uh, that’s obviously not very healthy at all.”
“Are you going to tell Nate about them?” Blair asks innocently. “Because I think he deserves to know. And if things don’t work out, maybe you can finally move on.”
“I - honestly, I really don’t know,” Rory whispers. “I know it’s probably the right thing to do, but it scares me. The thought of him rejecting me hurts more than I want to admit.”
“I know I’m a huge advocate of saying things when you’re ready, but it might be time to do something about it,” Blair says. 
“Yeah, we all love you, Rory, and it hurts seeing all of this happen,” Ashton replies. “Just consider it, okay? And if things go to shit, we’ll be ready with junk food and shitty wine.”
Rory smiles sadly. “Thanks, guys, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Things lighten up a bit after that, but Rory feels a bit better. Asking Nate to put in effort to try and make their friendship better only makes sense if she’s doing the same. Sure, this has the potential to ruin everything, but it’s not any better to keep her feelings trapped up either, especially if her heart is out on her sleeve. 
Despite coming to this conclusion, Rory avoids Nate for as long as she can. She’s still afraid of rejection, of being officially told that he doesn’t feel the same way. Blair does her best to encourage Rory, and it’s not like Nate’s going to accept being ignored, not this time. Eventually, it comes down to Nate coming to Rory’s place unannounced for them to meet up.
“Oh, uh, hi,” Rory greets as she opens the door for Nate.
“I was getting worried about you,” he replies, frowning. “But everyone said that you were just really busy.”
“Uh, yeah, it’s been a bit hectic. I’ve been starting to open the internship applications for the summer, so there’s a lot of stuff to focus on,” Rory explains with uncertainty as she leads them to the couch.
“I’m not intruding, am I?” Nate inquires, frowning.
“No, of course not,” Rory answers, taking a seat next to him. “Um, I guess I’ve also been a bit out of it because Jacob broke up with me.”
“Oh,” Nate says, shocked. “I - shit, are you okay?”
Rory feels her heart pounding in her chest as she decides to confess and lay everything out in the open. There’s going to be no going back after this, but she has to be brave for just this one moment.
“I think I will be,” Rory says quietly. “He actually broke up with me because he thinks I’m still in love with you.”
Nate freezes for a brief moment, looking like a deer in headlights. “And… are you still in love with me?”
“Yeah, I am,” Rory whispers. “I think I’ve been in love with you for a long time, but could never fully admit it to myself.”
“What a coincidence,” Nate says, laughing a little. “Because I’m in love with you too. I’ve been trying to get over you for so long, but it always comes back to you. Losing you the first time was terrifying.”
Rory gives him a confused look. “Why did you never say anything? I would have said yes.”
“You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me and the thought of fucking it up… I couldn’t handle it, so I focused fully on playoffs. Gabe tried to get me to say something, but I thought never seeing you again was better than hearing no,” Nate explains.
“I can’t believe we’ve both been so dumb,” Rory says breathlessly.
“Can I kiss you?” Nate asks softly.
“Of course you can, you idiot,” Rory answers, just as soft.
When he leans in to kiss her, she feels a brief moment of disbelief that it is actually happening. But it’s so much softer than she was expecting as she leans into it, holding onto his shoulders to try and ground herself. As Nate pulls away, Rory feels the immense loss, even though he’s right in front of her.
“I waited so long to do that,” Nate says. 
“Same here,” Rory replies, giggling. 
“Um, would it be rushing if I asked you to be my girlfriend already?” Nate asks, nervous.
Rory shrugs. “Maybe, but it’s a yes anyways.”
“That’s good,” Nate whispers before kissing Rory again.
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“When I go towards you, it is with my whole life.” — Rainer Maria Rilke
It’s summer again in Denver and Rory has taken to staying over at Nate’s place more often than not. He decided to come back early this year to spend more time with her to make up for lost time. Rory was flustered at first, knowing that it was disrupting his usual routine, but he was insistent that she was worth it.
Rory rolls over and curls into Nate, who’s still surprisingly in bed. He kisses her head softly, causing her to smile. It’s rare that they cuddle together in the morning with Nate’s training schedule, so she enjoys every moment she can.
“Good morning,” Nate says softly. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just enjoying this,” Rory mumbles. “Thought you would be gone by now.”
“This seemed a little bit better than working out,” Nate jokes. 
Rory laughs and adjusts to look up at him, smiling widely. Nate leans down to give her a quick kiss before setting his phone back down on the nightstand. In this moment, Rory feels the most content she’s felt in a long time. Everything just… feels right and she doesn’t want to break the moment.
“What are you staring at?” Nate asks, trying to not laugh.
“You,” Rory answers, smiling a little before giving him a quick kiss.
“Mmm, morning breath,” Nate mumbles, kissing her back. “Also didn’t realize I was that nice to look at.”
“Well, you are. And I’m just really happy,” Rory states. 
Nate's eyes crinkle as he smiles widely and goes to kiss Rory again. They get lost in each other and the slowing of time that only an early summer morning can bring. This time, Rory pulls away, knowing that they have other matters to take care of today. She knows that there will be plenty of other moments like this to enjoy now that they have forever ahead of them.
“You promised that we would go furniture shopping today,” Rory says.
“Ugh,” Nate groans, pulling her up to kiss her jaw. “I don’t want to though.”
“We can’t keep putting this off forever, though,” Rory points out. “I’ll just keep bugging you until we do it.”
“Why can’t I just give you my credit card? It’s not like I’m going to be any help,” Nate points out.
“But I want you to be there,” Rory replies, smiling. “I like being around you.”
“I’m sure you won’t be saying that two hours into furniture shopping. There’s a reason why I made my mom do all the shopping.”
“And I love your mother, she made some very good choices. But it’s… kind of empty here, isn’t it?”
Nate sighs. “Fine, I guess I can go. Just this once.”
“I love you,” Rory blurts out, then immediately freezing. 
“Oh,” Nate says softly, seemingly surprised.
“I - sorry that’s probably too much,” Rory whispers. 
“But you meant it?”
“Of course I do. You’re one of the best things to happen to me, Nate. I know things have been hard before this but...I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Nate stares at Rory for a moment, trying to process everything. He reaches over and holds her face, stroking her jaw before giving her a quick kiss. 
“I love you too,” Nate confesses softly as he pulls back. “I’m so sorry I left you the first time, but I promise to keep making it up to you, no matter what.”
Rory laughs a little, before smirking. “And now you can make it up to me by going furniture shopping with me.”
“I guess it’s not going to be so bad with you if it means I get to keep you around.”
“Good answer, babe.”
“I’m going to make some coffee, but take your time.”
Rory hums a little. “Okay, I’ll be out soon.”
Once Nate is out of the room, Rory takes a deep breath. Despite being together for months now, he still manages to set her off balance in the best of ways. There’s brief moments where none of this feels real to Rory - she still has times where it’s hard to imagine Nate being happy about dating her. But hearing Nate tell her that he loves her...something about it settles some of her worries about their relationship.
The smell of fresh coffee finally tempts Rory to roll out of bed and throw on one of Nate’s old t-shirts in place of her pajamas. As she makes her way to the kitchen, she also hears the sizzling of bacon and Nate cracking some eggs. This brings a small smile to her face, knowing that this means Nate is going to try and push for a lazy morning as long as possible.
“You look nice,” Nate says, smiling. 
Rory rolls her eyes. “I don’t look any better than before.”
“Ah, I think that’s where you’re wrong,” Nate remarks, giving her a quick kiss. “You -”
“Always look better with my clothes on,” Rory finishes, smiling. “I think you’ve mentioned it a couple of times.”
“Still true, no matter how many times I’ve said it,” Nate says. “I’ve got breakfast going, so you can just grab some coffee and relax.”
“This is nice,” Rory replies softly. “It’s not going to get you out of shopping today though.”
Nate sighs, laughing a little. “It was worth a shot.”
“You should feel lucky that I’m going furniture shopping for a place I don’t even live in, though,” Rory points out. “Like, I’m not even going to fully enjoy everything I pick out.”
“You could though,” Nate blurts out, immediately blushing.
“Are you… implying something here?” Rory inquires, raising an eyebrow. 
“Um,” Nate says. “I was just thinking you could, uh, maybe move in with me to fully enjoy whatever you pick out.”
“Babe, you literally just told me that you loved me this morning,” Rory snorts. “I appreciate the offer, but this is a lot right now.”
Nate groans and hides his face in Rory’s shoulder. She laughs a little, knowing how embarrassed he’s feeling right now. Ever since they’ve started dating, he’s gotten a lot better at communicating, even if it means blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
“Look, my answer isn’t a no,” Rory says. “I still have my lease for a little less than a year, but after that, we can talk.”
“Okay,” Nate mumbles before pulling back. “I’m sorry for being too much.”
Rory smiles. “I don’t mind it, you know that. But if you ever want to back out of the offer…”
“I’m not going to back out,” Nate pouts.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, babe,” Rory says, smiling. “Now make sure the bacon isn’t burning, okay?”
Nate smiles, kissing her softly. “Okay, can do.”
This might not be how Rory was expecting her morning to go, but she’s grateful for it nonetheless. Being here with Nate likes this is more than she could have asked for this time last year, and she’s never felt so lucky.
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belphegor1982 · 5 years
Chapter 2 is up!
Summary: 1937: The O'Connells are required by the English Government to bring the Diamond taken from Ahm Shere from Cairo to London. Things get interesting when Jonathan bumps by chance into an old friend of his from Oxford, Tom Ferguson…
Chapter 2: Familiar Faces (on AO3 here)
“So that’s your office? I must say, I’m impressed, old boy.”
“Knock it off, Jon.”
The room was tiny and rather stuffy, and Jonathan had to wait a while before Tommy could find a spare chair, in this case a collapsible with a cloth back. The mess was indeed impressive – you couldn’t see even a little bit of desk under all the huge, dusty files lying on it and all the loose sheets. All around the desk, the path was more or less cleared, but you still had to be extra careful not to step on books and files of varying shapes and sizes. The whole floor was cluttered up by cardboard boxes, some still held shut by adhesive tape, most of them open; as Jonathan peeped into one, he saw various items wrapped in protective paper.
Despite the messy aspect, Tommy’s office gave an overall cheerful impression, helped by the sunlight pouring in through the window, high up the wall. Dust danced in the rays and didn’t seem to be willing to settle anywhere.
“Sorry for the shambles, mate,” said Tommy, rummaging through the papers on his desk and starting to tidy everything up. “They made me move in here only a week ago, I haven’t had time to clean it all up.”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ve seen worse.”
Tommy’s head shot up from the desk, glancing sheepishly at Jonathan. “Y’know, when I told your sister I was one of the chief agents… Well, I might have overstated the thing a lil’ bit.”
“No! You’re not serious, are you?”
Tommy growled at Jonathan’s smirk, and he fell silent, letting his eyes wander here and there. They finally came to rest upon the only thing that seemed tidy enough – a dozen old-looking books resting on a set of shelves.
Jonathan left his chair to get a proper look. Some of the books came directly from the British Museum, and looked as if they were borrowed from the archives – old and worn, with leather covers slightly frayed along the edges. Not to mention the dust. And they smelt like escapees from the City of the Dead.
“I say, that’s some collection you’ve got yourself here,” said Jonathan amazed as he read the date of print of a particularly shabby-looking one. “My God… Evy would go spare if she saw this.”
“I’m sure she would,” Tommy said, emerging from the layers of paper and straightening himself up. “I just love these kinds of old books, you know; there’s a feeling about them you just don’t get with more – ‘recent’ ones. Now, where’d I put that bloody –”
“Looking for something in particular?”
“Yes,” Tommy sighed as he dropped on his chair, only to jump up and remove something before sitting down. “I’m sure what little I’ve got on Hamunaptra is lying ‘round somewhere in a folder – can’t seem to find it.”
Jonathan put the book he was holding back on its shelf and looked at the desk, his hands in his pockets. “No wonder.”
“Oh, that’s gonna help for sure, Jon,” muttered Tommy. Jonathan was about to retort, when his eyes stopped on a small picture in a frame. It was a photograph of a woman, and the longer he stared at it, the more familiar the woman seemed. Finally, it clicked into place: the freckled face with a round nose and pointy chin, the mass of frizzy hair and the sweet, candid smile could only belong to one person.
“Hey! Isn’t that Elizabeth McAlester?”
An uneasy sort of smile crept up on Tommy’s lips. “Yes, that’s her – ‘cept her last name hasn’t been McAlester for some time now.”
Jonathan stared at him blankly for a full minute. Now this, of all things, was unexpected.
“You mean, she’s – you’re –”
Tommy nodded, still smiling.
“How long –?”
“That’ll make it seven years in October.”
There was a moment’s silence, during which this piece of news sank in. Elizabeth McAlester had been a cousin of a common friend, Arthur McAlester – a tall, gangly fellow with glasses constantly perched on the bridge of his long nose, rather bossy but altogether likeable. She was a year or two older than them, and went to Somerville. Jonathan and Tommy had spent their last year before the war wooing her in turn, although it was more of a game for the two boys than something really serious. None of them had really gone too far, though. They valued their reputation as gentlemen – sort of – and she was too much of a nice girl.
Thinking back on it, Jonathan realised that, had things worked out differently, Elizabeth would probably have been the only girl he could have spent some significant time with. She was smart, sweet, and funny when she wanted to. And he used to make her laugh – she had a nice laugh. But there was also the fact that she didn’t really love him.
Perhaps, if he had been a little smarter, he could have won her over. Of course, that would have also meant spending less time in pubs, gambling and drinking; that would have meant growing up, and he was simply not ready for that, especially after the armistice. Most fellows of twenty-five were not, after all, and he’d made it his business to be as carefree as he could to make up for 1917 and 1918. Problem was, he was now forty, and most of people that age were supposed to be settled. Evy was younger than him, and Rick and her had been married for eleven years now. And Tommy and Elizabeth, of all people, had been together for seven years, and he had a picture of her on his desk. Why, they must even have children.
Perhaps Jonathan should have been jealous – but he just couldn’t be. Tommy was a decent fellow, and Elizabeth was a nice girl; they deserved each other. He had had his chance, had messed up, and there was no way to get back what wasn’t anymore. Petty jealousy was simply irrelevant there.
“That’s great news, old boy,” he finally said, with a heartfelt smile. “Congratulations. Wish I could have seen you in a morning suit, though.”
Tommy beamed in return, obviously relieved, and Jonathan felt a pang of annoyance. Did Tommy really think that he was going to be mad at him for that? That was ridiculous.
“Thanks, Jon. You know, that… that means somethin’.”
Dammit. It was still impossible to be thoroughly annoyed with Thomas Ferguson. He may retain his rotten luck, but he still had that innocent look on his broad face that fooled even the most sceptical of all. Even one Jonathan Carnahan.
A somewhat awkward silence passed. Jonathan was glad to end it when he spotted a folder under his chair and bent to take it for a closer look. “Here – wasn’t that the one you were looking for?”
The file was very thick, with a hard cover, and it was held shut by an old belt. On a little bit of yellowish paper was scribbled, ‘Hamunaptra, City of the Dead – Reign of Seti the First, Dynasty XIX.’
Tommy crossed the room in two strides and all but snatched the file from Jonathan’s hands. “That’s it! That’s the one.” His old enthusiasm was back in his voice. “I haven’t looked at it in years, guess it’s been buried under a ton of other things.”
“You can keep it if you want. It’s not that urgent, Evy can wait a bit.”
“No, take it – just be sure to give it back before tonight, someone could ask for it… Though nobody’s asked for it in years, so I can’t see why someone would just now. Except for Hamilton, but even him –”
“Charles Hamilton, my immediate superior. Odd guy, very thorough, very clean. Might be a very likeable fellow if someone took the umbrella off his arse, but that’s just my opinion… Well. Fact is, I’m not really supposed to show that file to anyone, but as it’s you and Dr O’Connell…”
Jonathan couldn’t help but chortle. Tommy looked at him curiously.
“What’re you laughin’ at?”
“Oh, nothing, really – just the whole ‘Doctor O’Connell’ business. Funny thing to hear someone speaking in so high terms about my baby sister… especially you.”
Tommy shrugged and said with a grin, “Well, get used to it. Seriously, mate, I’ve heard of her since I was offered this job at the Research Department, and that was, what – ten years ago or so. Discovering Hamunaptra wasn’t such a big deal, I bet loads of people (poor chaps!) must’ve managed that in centuries past, but –”
Jonathan, whose first sight of the ancient City had been the skeletons and dried-up corpses of previous adventurers, gave a grim smile. Yes, indeed. Loads.
“– But she, her husband and… and you actually got out. Remind me to ask you how you did it someday, ‘cause I still have trouble believing it.”
“I bet you haven’t heard half of the story,” said Jonathan as a sly smile sneaked back on his lips.
“I hope you’ll tell me some time, then. This and that weird stuff with the Scorpion King two years ago.”
Jonathan opened his mouth, quite taken aback. “How d’you know about that, for cripes’ sake?”
“We, Mr Carnahan, know everything,” Tommy said with a mock smug grin, which he then dropped to finish, sounding almost embarrassed, “Well, not quite everything, I guess. In fact there’s still some huge blanks in the story.”
“Blanks you’d like me to fill, eh?” Jonathan chuckled. “I get it, Tommy old chap. I’d tell you the whole story anytime.”
Tommy’s right eyebrow shot up. “Anytime? That would include now?”
“Didn’t you say you had work to do?”
“‘Work to do’? Man, this is what I work on! Gathering pieces of information, I mean. Can I take notes?”
“Yes, sure,” said Jonathan, a little bit dumbfounded. “All right, you’d better take a seat, because this is going to be long…”
“And you told him the whole story of what happened at Ahm Shere?”
“And Hamunaptra, too. He already knew the main lines, anyway.”
Evelyn shook her head. Jonathan could be a wonderful brother at times, but one of his major faults was and always had been his complete inability to keep a secret the way it should remain – secret.
“I can’t believe you did that, Jonathan.”
“Oh, come on Evy, please trust me on this one, will you? Tommy’s reliable. He’s a decent bloke.”
His blue eyes were almost pleading, and Evelyn found her anger ebbing. The only times he had proved so persuasive were when he tried to cover up for one of Alex’s most foolish stunts. Though she could never admit it, such an attitude was very endearing, in a cheeky, annoyingly efficient sort of way.
Then there was this file. She couldn’t decently stay mad at him when he had been thoughtful enough to borrow it for her from this Ferguson fellow. And to tell the truth, she was positively dying to see what it contained. She couldn’t wait to get home to open it.
“Jonathan, it’s very touching to see you standing up for a friend, but you must admit that so far, the people you have entrusted with our, ah – family secrets – haven’t proved very ‘reliable’, have they?”
“Tom is, Evy. I swear. And he works for the British Consulate, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“Oh…” Evelyn sighed, about to give in, “if only this was a guarantee of safety…”
“Just because What’s-his-name of the British Museum woke our mummy again and bollixed things up last time doesn’t mean Tommy’s not ‘safe’, old mum. Please –” and there he stopped her in her tracks and looked at her in the eye, “– believe me.”
Aw, dash it… It was still impossible to remain angry with him. She never could resist this unique mix of fake innocence, thoughtless cheekiness, and sincerity somewhere in the middle.
“All right, all right – quit pestering me, and I won’t bother you about this Mr Ferguson anymore.”
“Yes, that’s a promise.”
Jonathan’s ‘persuader’ expression turned into a dangerous smile, one that his sister knew only too well. As a rule, it meant trouble was on the way. 
“That’s nice, Evy, because I asked him if he wanted to see the diamond while it’s still here in Cairo –” 
No exception to the rule today, it seemed. Evelyn was flabbergasted, but she said nothing… She had promised, after all. 
“– And we agreed that a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, and it’s still my diamond in a way, a little – I mean, I know I sold it and everything, but I haven’t looked at it in ages and –” 
Evelyn let him talk until he ran out of words and finished on a rather lame, “And, well, I – I was hoping you could intercede on my behalf, you see…” 
“You don’t have to ask me,” she said in a deliberately colder voice. “You’ll have to see the curator for that. I wish you good luck convincing him.” 
Jonathan’s face dropped. 
“Evy, please! You’re my sister! I’ve hardly ever seen this bloke, you’re –” 
“I’m far more gullible, is that what you meant to say?” 
“No, it’s not – that’s – cripes, Evy, all I’m asking for is two words to the curator from you. Consider it payback for Tommy, he might’ve got into trouble lending you this secret file for the afternoon.” 
The file. She’d almost forgotten it. Although Jonathan’s last sentence sounded a little like emotional blackmail, ugly as the word was, Ferguson had indeed seemed pleasant enough the day before. There was a cultured man, with a proper job – something of a change from the dubious company Jonathan usually kept – who respected and admired her work. She hadn’t heard praise such as he’d given her in quite a long time. And he trusted her enough to lend her this file.
“Well,” she said eventually, very slowly and reluctantly, “I suppose I could talk Dr Hakim into letting the two of you in the diamond’s room… Not alone, of course, and only for a few moments. I’ll see tomorrow if –”
She started when her brother kissed her on the cheek, beaming.
“Dear, sweet Evy, you’re the best sister any decent fellow would ever dream of.”
“Oh, come off it,” sighed Evelyn, who couldn’t help but smile all the same. 
They found the house empty: Rick had taken Alex to the bazaar downtown. Evelyn quickly sat down on the sofa and carefully put the file on the coffee table in front of her, while Jonathan disappeared into the kitchen. She didn’t wait for him and opened the folder.
It contained mainly sheet after sheet of paper covered in tiny scrawl, and as she ran her eye over them she could tell it was a report of sorts, with dates, names, and more or less precise directions. There were newspaper cuttings, some of them quite old, and also some sepia photographs. She was leafing through them when Jonathan put a cup of tea on the table and sat beside her, a tumbler in his hands.
“So? Have you dug some stuff up already?”
“I guess so, yes… I didn’t know Lord Carnavon had worked on Hamunaptra as well…”
“Good thing he kept it quiet, one curse as cause of death is well enough – didn’t need two,” quipped Jonathan. Evelyn elbowed him and picked up another set of pictures. Her brother’s eyes widened.
“Evy, that’s – that’s us!”
He was right. Though the photographs were old, blurred, and of rather bad quality, the figures on it were unmistakable. They must have been taken shortly after Hamunaptra, because Evelyn saw some shots of Jonathan with his left arm in a sling, and several of herself and Rick, arm in arm, both their faces shining with sun and laughter. She remembered how it was, back then – the slight awkwardness between them, the happiness fluttering in her stomach each time his hand brushed against her, even by accident; it had seemed to her that she was constantly walking on a little cloud, inches above the ground, silly as this comparison may sound.
Of course, she had got down from this cloud long ago – but reality had not been as harsh as her school friends had once told her. Rick was a wonderful husband, and there was never a second of boredom between them. Even after eleven years of marriage, he still took every opportunity to seduce her. Not in the romantic, literary way, with tête-à-têtes and candlelight, but something in the way he looked at her over the table, the twinkle in his eye that was for her and her alone never failed to make her melt. And after all these years, he still managed to make her blush, too. Of course, she protested, saying that it was absolutely ridiculous for a thirty-six year old woman to blush; but he’d just laugh softly, his rich chuckle sending shivers down her spine and making her feel as if she were twenty-five again.
Jonathan often said some people were born lucky. Hers was another kind of luck – she may not have a ‘proper’ social life like acquaintances of hers in London had, but the four men of her life, namely Rick, Alex, Jonathan, and Ardeth – in a very slightly lesser extent, as she saw him fairly rarely – were the four people she loved most, and they were wonderful. Lady Maria Evans and her circle of snobby friends would never know how it felt to die and being brought back to life by her eight-year-old son and her brother. She would never know the overwhelming smell of gunpowder, the ache you get in your shoulder from the recoil, the deafening noise, how it felt to be kissed awake by a three-thousand-years old mummy – but then, had Evelyn been able to, she would have gladly skipped this part. Ew.
“I say, Evy, do you think they’ll mind if we took a couple of photos to put them into frames?”
Jonathan’s voice drew her back from the memories, and she looked at the pictures in her brother’s hands. There was another one or two of Rick and her, one of the three of them – in the streets of Cairo, by the look of it – and a full-length one of Jonathan alone, his hands in his pockets, his nose in the air, and a curious look on his face. There was something funny and rather sweet about this one which matched the involuntary subject’s general attitude: offhand, ironic, foppish, forgetful, but altogether loyal and kind. Evelyn was indeed tempted to keep it, as Jonathan had suggested.
“I agree that some of those would be worth it,” she said, smiling. “But maybe you’d better ask your friend first –”
An odd thought crossed her mind at the mention of Tom Ferguson. When she had met him the day before, he had clearly shown that he didn’t know Jonathan had been a part of the Hamunaptra expedition. But it just would have taken a look at the contents of this file to know that his former schoolmate had been involved – his full name was written in black and white, and the photographs were faithful enough. Besides, Jonathan had not changed that much over the years.
“Jonathan, I’ve just thought of something – Tom knows this file, does he? I mean, you told me he’s been working in the Department for ages, so he must have read it at some point, right?”
“I suppose so, yes. And your point is?”
“Well, perhaps I’m just being silly, but how come he didn’t know you were at Hamunaptra? Your name and your face are all over these papers, look…”
Jonathan frowned slightly, and bent to look at the sheet she held out for him. There was an account of that night so long ago in the Sultan’s Casbah that had started it all, and it was just as Rick had told her when she had asked how her sticky-fingered brother had managed to steal his puzzle box.
“Whoa, Evy… there’s a fair amount of details in there.” She saw his eyes dart from the top to the bottom of the sheet; then he exclaimed, “Oh, of course! That Casbah barman, what’s his name again… Oh yes, Musa. I bet he was the one who gave them such a precise account. Can’t believe he still held that grudge after –” he looked at the top of the sheet again “– two years. Resentful git. It was only a little fight.”
Evelyn didn’t know what made her insist, but she ignored his last remark and continued. “You see? He could hardly miss you. And yet he seemed to ignore completely your part in the trip to and from Hamunaptra. By the way, my name was Carnahan at the time, not O’Connell. I don’t understand why he looked so surprised to see that his famous Dr O’Connell and your bossy little sister were in fact one single person – it’s just not logical.”
There was a short silence, during which Jonathan seemed to ponder her words. Then he turned to face her, and to her surprise, there was something like anger in his voice when he said, “You’re really something, you know, Evy. Stubborn as a mule, I’d say. I told you Tommy was a decent fellow, I mean – you met him, he’s not some sort of conman or something!”
“I’m not saying he is, Jonathan,” Evelyn said gently; she had not expected this kind of resistance at all. “I’m merely pointing out a fact. You must admit that it does look a bit odd, doesn’t it?”
“Well, don’t point. Fact is, you can’t admit that I know someone that you don’t, who’s smart, trustworthy, who works in the same stuff as you, and who also happens to be a damn good fellow to drink with.”
Evelyn raised her eyebrows. “What exactly are you talking about?”
“Just what I’ve said. Leave him alone. I don’t understand why you’re nagging about him. Besides, Tommy adores you – you should hear the way he praises you to the skies.”
“I’m not nagging. Honestly, Jonathan, from the little I’ve seen of him, I like him well enough – he seems to be good company, a funny, cultured, clever fellow. And I’m flattered to hear that he thinks so highly of me. But rationally and logically speaking, there are some tiny details that bother me.”
She had spoken and chosen her words carefully, not wanting to start a row. She hated being at odds with her brother when he wasn’t the one who had started it – it made her feel uneasy and oddly guilty. He had been her only family for a long time, after all, and neither was likely to forget it. They shared something special.
Anger faded from the bright blue eyes, and Jonathan’s expression turned into something that looked remarkably like a pout.
“Can’t you just leave these out for me?”
Evelyn almost laughed. “I won’t say I’ll forget it, but I won’t pester you about it anymore. Just – I know I’ll sound silly again, but don’t be angry with me for that. I don’t like it at all when you are.”
This time, the usual smile was back on her brother’s face, and he sank back into the sofa, his half-empty glass still in his hands. “Ah, come on, Evy – that was silly indeed… You sounded like a kid. Don’t worry, I’m not angry with you… I’m just annoyed that the one time I haven’t done anything, and I mean anything, you still find a way to be suspicious.”
Of course, when you put it that way… Evelyn could understand Jonathan’s touchiness, and respected his faith in his friend, but still. It was only a few minor things, but the logical, scientific part of her mind was puzzled. Of course, it could just be that Tom Ferguson had a bad memory – she had never seen a folder so dusty, so she supposed he really hadn’t opened it in a long time… She’d find a way to chat about it with him some time. Casually, of course, in passing.
Maybe it was her instinct. Or maybe it was just her curiosity. That particular trait had been said many times to run in the family, and Evelyn was forced to recognise that it had proved true in many occasions.
Especially when it came to herself.
(I have a lot of fun writing scenes with Evy and Jonathan. I absolutely love their interaction in TM, and it was something I missed slightly when I watched TMR. When I write them I can’t help writing with my memories of TM in mind. It’s also fun to imagine Evy, having grown from the girl she is in TM into the self-assured, brilliant woman, wife, and mother, inches from running the British Museum in TMR, being childish enough to bicker with her brother. Both Carnahan siblings are big goofs in their own way, Evy just hides it better :P)
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paulisweeabootrash · 6 years
First Impression: Soni-Ani: Super Sonico the Animation
This is generally a SFW blog, and especially will continue to be one thanks to certain Tumblr policy changes, but this time a couple of the links are not (though still certainly not explicit), so be advised.
Without further ado, it's time again for Paul Is Weeaboo Trash!
Today's episode: Soni-Ani: Super Sonico the Animation (2014)
Episodes watched: 4
What happens when you take a trip to a ridiculously geeky store, encounter an aggressively-ganguro and barely-dressed figurine (that your wife immediately despises), and you think to yourself "what the hell is this?"  You end up finding, and somewhat regretting, Super Sonico.
This is an odd show right off the bat just in terms of how it came to be.  The main character originated as the mascot of a music festival of the same name, and she just seems to have taken off in popularity in Japan, spawning a series of media including video games, manga, and the anime that is today's topic.
Super Sonico (Yes, her name is すーぱーそに子.  Family name "Suupaa", given name "Soniko".) is a bright but anxious college student who works a seemingly-impossible set of part-time jobs as a model, waitress, and guitarist for the band First Astronomical Velocity (apparently "escape velocity" is a better translation?).  The first episode serves just as an introduction to the main characters with very little actual content or development.  We see Sonico struggle to get up and go to class in the morning, prodded awake by her cats and repeatedly coming back to her apartment for things, we see her late but well-prepared for class, we see her go to work.  The show threatens to get downright sleazy with the scene showing her modeling for a magazine, but backs off at the last second as we're "introduced" to Sonico's manager, Kitamura, who shows up unprompted in an oni mask straight out of Japanese theater to object to an unapproved costume change from a bikini to something presumably even skimpier that we never actually see.  After the shoot, she goes to her second job waiting on customers at her grandmother's bar, which really doesn't seem to establish much of anything plot-wise, before we finally meet her band, which gathers at a rented studio to rehearse their new song, which bassist Suzu has evidently already recorded her own demo of.
That first episode amounts to an extended setup scene, and made me expect that maybe this would be another clumsy attempt at a cute slice-of-life show.  However, the show does quickly gain self-contained structured plots.  In episode 2 we get a better introduction to First Astronomical Velocity as they continue to rehearse for their upcoming concert.  Just like she was at school, Sonico is anxious, enthusiastic, and serious about making good music.  Suzu, the bassist, is overenthusiastic about the stage show side, seems to be in charge of costumes, and clearly either has a crush on Sonico or is a big fan of embarrassing her.  Maybe both?  Fuuri, the drummer, is shown at one point being the voice of reason trying to get Suzu to understand Sonico's feelings, but her personality is really mostly dominated by her being very quiet and eating a lot.  The rest of the episode unfolds in a very sitcom kind of way: Sonico juggles too many responsibilities and skips a last-minute rehearsal before the band is performing to take another modeling gig.  When she gets to the concert venue, however, the rest of the band is delayed and Sonico has to try to stall by performing solo in the costume she previously refused to wear before being saved by her bandmates at the last minute.
The third episode is dominated by another modeling gig, and with it more predictable excuses for fanservice, and although we're getting more screen time with characters who aren't Sonico, they still have very little in terms of personality, which is the show's biggest.  We see more of Kitamura, for example, in part of episode 2 and most of 3, but mainly to continue to show that he is protective of Sonico and uncomfortable with the outfits magazines want her in.  And that he never takes off that mask.  The most interesting and noteworthy event in the episode, assuming you're not just here to leer at Sonico, is that it draws a little bit of a line for itself, as the biggest conflict is Kitamura drunkenly booking Sonico for a TV appearance without either of them knowing the full details, which ends up putting Sonico in a deeply uncomfortable situation that Kitamura interrupts, sword in hand.
Now, I don’t want to be the kind of person who criticizes a show for not being a different show, but at this point, I was just wishing they’d made the show more about the band itself because the modeling parts just drag it down.  It didn’t look like it was going to improve, and I wanted to give up, but based on the plot synopses for the other episodes, I gave it one more try in hopes it would get more interesting and less gratuitous.  I was immediately rewarded by a much, much better episode 4, which consists mostly of an extended flashback telling the story of how Sonico met Toma, a middle school friend with whom she is no longer in touch, from whom she got her guitar and learned to play it.  In a rare moment of actual thoughtful writing, it becomes quite believable that Sonico was extremely shy and, through maturity and practice and the acceptance of friends, became the clearly anxious but overall more confident person we saw in the previous episodes.  It’s like we’re seeing the same underlying conscientiousness manifest in different ways.  The resolution of the episode is sweet, and I was thinking “maybe that was an anomaly and the rest of this show is going to be good!”  After all, it’s quite possible for a show to be fanservicey and also clever or touching.  But then the preview of episode 5 started, and it looks like it’ll be another pretext for mindless creepy fanservice (and Kitamura saving the day), so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  Maybe the show alternates bad and good (or, more charitably, model-centric and band-centric) episodes? Overall, I just don't think I care enough to continue the series.  It's not so bad I’m going to be stuck complaining about it, but it is wildly variable and not good enough overall for me to sit through the “ugh, again?” to get to the “oh, that’s pretty cool”.  I’d call the first and third episodes actively bad, the second okay, and the fourth one good.  Sonico is by far the most interesting and fleshed-out character, and that’s just not enough to make me actually get into it. Oh, and the punchline of the whole thing is: Super Pochaco, who that preposterous figurine is of, is just a background character in this show, first appearing in episode 4 (someone on TVTropes claims she shows up in the background in episode 3, but I didn't see her at all).  I wasn't watching the show for her, but I did hope to find out what the deal is with that figurine.  Meh.  This is not the kind of trash your trashy host wants to dig any further through.
I might buy the music, though.
Revised W/A/S Scores: 6 / 7 / 5±2
Weeb: Plenty of things would be clearer or enhanced by general background knowledge of Japan, but some defy explanation to the moderately-informed weeb — someone with no prior knowledge of traditional depictions of oni will look at Sonico's manager's mask and go "lol wut?", and even after consulting the Almighty Wikipedia, I still have no idea why that particular mask (which apparently represents a obsessive or jealous aristocratic woman?) was chosen.  Also, a lot of on-screen Japanese text is left untranslated, so I wonder if there are sight gags I'm constantly missing.
Ass: Very fanservicey, without ever quite making it to nudity, but also surprisingly upfront and kind of creepy about it, like the show is just a pretext for watching Sonico’s gravure photoshoots.  Like, I was even expecting this show to be basically just pandering for its presumed otaku audience, but it’s not even particularly good pandering.  Outside of the photoshoots, the show is still full of individual shots that draw attention to the female characters' bodies, especially Sonico's breasts and thigh-high socks.
Shit (writing): Continuing that general thought, the fanservice level just ends up dragging and distracting and I think it should count as a point against the writing quality.  As mentioned above in the main review, the writing is wildly variable from episode to episode.  What little characterization there has been for the supporting cast has at least made Fuuri and Suzu entertaining and likeable, and the show certainly doesn’t go as far as that egregious Blend-S problem of not knowing where its own scenes or episodes should end.  Not being terrible, however, is not the same as being good.
Shit (other): This show really is pretty, and most of the music (which there's a lot of, since each episode has its own unique ending themes, all performed by First Astronomical Velocity) is enjoyable.  Honestly, it's just making me more interested in buying the actual albums than getting more into Sonico's various visual media.
Content Warning: Although it's in the context of Sonico attempting to act, and the scene overall ends up funny, and sets up an enjoyable post-credits scene, episode 3 contains a scene of clearly non-consensual groping, and viewers might be too uncomfortable with that.
Stray Observations:
- Huh.  I was only dimly aware of "bullet screens", the practice of showing viewer comments scrolling across videos, as seen at the beginning of episode 2, and thought it was a very recent and distinctly Chinese phenomenon, but it apparently originated in Japan over a decade ago.
- It really shouldn't feel like such a distinct relief for a piece of otaku-centric media to finally sexualize someone who is unquestionably an adult, and who is choosing to be sexualized as part of a job she enjoys...
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tkmedia · 3 years
Let’s embrace The Gareth Way before Southgate-mania wanes
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Johnny Nic ponders what’s so great about Gareth while recognising that one day, the tide will turn against Southgate. It always does… Who’s this then? Gareth Southgate (always Gareth, never Gary) is a six-foot-tall former centre-half for Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and Middlesbrough. He played 638 club games and scored 35 goals, as well as gaining 57 caps for England. His playing career lasted from 1990 to 2006. At Palace he was a right-back and a midfielder before settling into the centre-half role and became club captain in 1993, leading the side to win the second tier, stupidly called the First Division at the time. When they got relegated in 1995, after 191 games and five years, he moved to Aston Villa for £2.5 million, for a further six years, winning the League Cup in his first season there. His move to Middlesbrough in 2001 cost the club £6.5 million for the 31-year-old. He replaced Paul Ince as Boro captain and led the club to its first major silverware (if we are not to count the Anglo-Scottish Cup and the Kirin Cup as such) by winning the League Cup in 2004 and, after a remarkable campaign, being runners-up in the 2005-06 UEFA Cup, a position they achieved by losing one leg of each two-leg knockout game. In the semi-final beating of Steaua Bucharest, coming back from four goals down on aggregate, he was taken off injured after less than 20 minutes however, he is widely credited for giving the half-time speech to the side that inspired a massive comeback and amazing 4-3 aggregate victory, as boss Steve McClaren stood by and looked on in that way he has. When he took over from McClaren as manager of Middlesbrough, at a time of major financial restriction, he led them to 12th and 13th-place finishes before being relegated in his third season. When the club was one point off the top of the Championship, and lying fourth in the table, he was sacked in October 2009. And that was the last we thought we’d probably hear from him. That he’d end up as a successful England manager was not on anyone’s radar at all. He ducked out of football for fully four years, before returning as boss of England Under-21s replacing Stuart Pearce. He won the Toulon Tournament in 2016 with them and his record shows in 37 games, he only lost five. When Sam Allaradyce got involved in what we must call Wine-gate, he stepped in on a temporary basis to run the England side, passed the audition and has been there ever since 2016, leading the team to a World Cup semi-final and a European Championships final. Everything eventually came up Gareth. His win ratio is currently 63 per cent only behind Fabio Capello who tops that list with 66 per cent, so make of it what you will, and Allardyce who, the records show, has 100 per cent win ratio after winning his only game in charge. A stat I’m sure he’s keen to let everyone know about. He made his England debut under Terry Venables (47 per cent win ratio), missed THAT penalty, took part in a famous pizza advert and was recognised as an all-round, self-deprecating good guy. Even so, that he bestrides the national game as a veritable, if modest, colossus is somewhat surprising and one of recent years’ most cheering developments. Johnny Nic: Gareth Southgate is evaporating England cynicism every day Why the love? First, he was a very good defender and had a decent turn of pace but above all, excellent reading of the game, fearless in the tackle and a good organiser. The fact he was the club captain for the majority of his career suggests that he has always had leadership qualities. However, being a leader in the early 90s is a different task to being one in 2021. So he must’ve grown and evolved his skills over the years to fit in with the changing culture of the game, the expansion of his learning and understanding is one of the best things about his tenure to date. He’s not trying to pretend he’s a football sage, just someone who’s done some research, thought deeply about the game and understands the importance of psychology in making good players play well. Many love this about him. That he treats the job like an intelligent person and not some shouty blowhard, feels like a win for common sense and brains. Obviously, this is also what some really dislike and those people refuse to get with the Gareth programme of being inclusive and pleasant. He’s not what a certain type thinks should be an England manager, which is basically a flatulent bulldog in a Flag of St George waistcoat. But at this moment, Gareth is riding high amongst the majority of England fans for reviving the national team’s fortunes. Acres and acres has been written about how he’s done this, so I won’t go over it all again here but instead will point out that there is a good argument to say an element of over-the-top love of Gareth, right now, that is teetering on fetishisation of him. This happens a lot in modern media and I think I’m as guilty of it as anyone of indulging in it A person becomes the repository of everyone’s faith and hope, the future: our saviour. We all sing songs about him, laud his every move, his dress sense, even. The Gareth Way becomes A Thing and The Only Way. This in turn ensures he will eventually let everyone down because he is, after all, just a normal fella, and as such, liable to get stuff wrong. It’s not hard to see those murals defaced after a 2-0 home defeat to Hungary in October. When you’re put on a pedestal, there’s only one way to go. Now there are murals of him on walls, this seems almost inevitable and we need to remind ourselves that quiet revolutionary he may be, but he’s as liable to screw up as anyone is. The man himself will already know this well enough, of course. Politicians are now falling over themselves to get on board the Gareth train, even though, a few months ago many couldn’t have picked him out of a line-up and just a few weeks ago, disparaging his lead in taking the knee, as gesture politics. This was, as David Conn put it so well ‘playing on perceived prejudices to foment division’. Which is shocking enough, but he goes on, ‘One senior football figure told me there was “deep outrage” in the game about Johnson and Patel backing the fans who booed England players taking a knee, describing it as “the deepest insult”, evoking the most shameful period of racism in football. For the first time, a government saw an advantage for itself from siding with racists rather than supporting those who have worked for decades to kick racism out.’ Of course, Gareth has seen all of this bilious sh*t since the start of his career at Crystal Palace, seeing the attitudes towards Mark Bright and Ian Wright. Like any decent man, this surely must have informed his recent positions. At Palace team-mates actually thought he was posh. Is anyone from Watford posh? And they also thought he spoke like Denis Norden hence the ‘Nord’ nickname, which is even more bizarre because he doesn’t sound like Denis Norden and I’m fairly sure didn’t walk around Palace with a clipboard making acerbic comments. It was always a case of still waters running deep with Gareth, I think, and football then and largely now, was hardly the place to be expressing any degree of sensitivity. That was weak. Now, it is rightly seen as a strength. His ascent to the current pinnacle started at Middlesbrough. His time there is often painted by critics as disastrous but it wasn’t. As stated, he led them to two mid-table finishes and then got relegated. This is seen by his critics as proof of his limitations but wiser heads have pointed to the fact that you only learn from your mistakes and from adversity and thus he returned a wiser man and at just the right time. St George’s Park was coming on stream, and lots of good young players began to emerge. But this was a different generation of players. Shouting at them was not working, giving them confidence to express their own talent very much was. He worked for ITV as a co-commentator in the 2006 World Cup and, post-Boro again in 2010. Clive Tyldesley, who he worked with, has reported him as being a tremendous chap who was great to work. The two struck up a friendship that lasts to this day. When took over England in 2016, the old-fashioned view about him still predominated. He was too soft. He didn’t have the gravitas, the heft, to be an England manager. Couldn’t open a jar of pickled onions. He was out of his depth. None of this proved to be true, even though at first he seemed to doubt his own suitability to the role. He has grown and learned on the job, and taken his players with him on the journey. He understood from the start that you needed a strong team of support staff around him. His revolution has been quiet and undemonstrative. The very opposite of grandstanding; all content with little show. And this has worked perfectly in the modern environment. I’m sure he’d be the first to say that he still has much to learn. At 50 he’s got a long managerial career ahead of him if he wants. With a semi-final and a final in the bag already, he’s got a high standard to maintain and while the team looks to have quality in depth, football is an ornery sport that can sit up and bite you at any moment. Just when you think you’ve got it all sorted is the moment it all falls apart. So his position, though secure at the moment, would, as I say, not take long to be cut down. Everybody loves… Emma Hayes | Jimmy Greaves | David Seaman | Alan Shearer What the people say Not a massive postbag this week. Maybe everyone is looking away, taking a post-tournament breather, or maybe people are all-Garethed-out. My missus, a Geordie and not prone to dress up anything in flowery language, says of our man, “He’s the sort of lad you’d fancy because he’s just so nice. Just being nice is massively underrated when it comes to making someone f*ckable”. So with that in mind… – He’s so thoroughly likeable and decent that he makes me want England to win…and I’m Irish. – Nothing about him worries me. We should have realised he was special when Harry Hill immortalised him with the Gareth Southgate Badger character on his Channel 4 show in the late 90’s. pic.twitter.com/hfp6EC3wsx — David W Poole (@DavidWPoole73) July 16, 2021 – Like the way that despite having had an impressive career as a player he has stayed well away from the ‘Proper Football Man’ nonsense that so often imbues English ex players. – He’s a lucky manager. Which is half the battle. – Where to begin… Calm, measured, articulate, instantly likeable. He’s tactically more savvy than he’s often given credit for, as well, although maybe a touch conservative. He’s built something special with his England players, and they clearly trust and respect him enormously. I really like him. More than any England manager in my life, I’d say. He’s just so dignified, and that’s dead important isn’t it? I worry the media will eventually bury him. Maybe there’s a shout for him to go before they do, but that would be a huge loss for us. – One of few football managers you could imagine being successful as an office manager, sympathetically coaxing a team member through a performance review and agreeing some targets for the next quarter. Treats the England players like emotionally intelligent adults, supports them on and off the field. It’s telling there were no grumbles from star players left out of the team during the tournament – I like Ray Parlour’s story about him when he became Boro manager. Southgate instructed the players that as he was now manager they were to call him ‘gaffer’ and not Gareth, Gaz etc as they had done when he was simply a team mate. ‘What about big nose?’ asked Parlour. Not sure if Parlour made many appearances in his final season at Boro after that. Great bloke and a thoroughly decent human being Southgate – I think he was dealt a bum deal by Boro in the end and we ended up with Strachan, possibly the worst manager in living memory as a result. – His management style is changing football culture. For a number of reasons it seems entirely inconceivable a manager like Sam Allardyce would go on a network like GB News and support players’ anti-racism campaigning in previous eras. Most of the clip is the aftermath, but gotta respect his “tackle” on Roy Keane!https://t.co/PUBkohLx3n — Mark Lewis (@SankeySinner) July 16, 2021 – At his very core he’s a thoroughly decent man; something that has been missing from leaders in Britain for quite some time. Three great moments Our man was the manager the day Boro beat Manchester City 8-1 – and City were lucky to get one. Even Afonso Alves scored. The famous pizza advert. He regretted it but it’s still funny. Mind, that’s not a proper pizza, that’s a weird, greasy, vegetable and cheese flan, isn’t it? If I was Italy, I’d sue… And he could score a toe poke with the best of them… Future days How long will he manage England for? It’s hard to predict but it seems certain he’ll take them to Qatar as it’s only 18 months away. After that it’s only 18 more months until the next Euros. After two World Cups and two Euros, maybe he’ll feel it’s time to move on from a very intense job There is no pressure on him from the media right now, something that annoys those who take against him. That derives from firstly, there being no obvious replacement candidate for the press to pally up to and push, but also because he’s played the press very well. He’s made players be more available and in less formal situations. He’s anticipated what they will be asked and what “the boys” might want well in advance of the fact and thus planned how to deal with them. I often see press guys saying what great access they get to England players and how Gareth is so good with them. Of course he’s played them and engineered the situation to be like that so as to avoid being subjected to the vagaries of fashion and commercial interests that dictate newspapers agendas, as much as possible. But we all know that knives can be sharpened very quickly. None more so than Southgate himself. It is hard to see him managing a club again, for some reason. While offers will surely arrive, I feel there remains a scepticism about him at the highest level. This would evaporate if he won a trophy for England I’m sure, but even so, you don’t want to be stepping down from England to have to go and manage West Ham or Palace. This may just be a failure of my imagination but I think post-England he’ll take an extended break and then go back into the game in a more advisory role. He doesn’t seem the sort to wear the mohair coat on a cold, sleety January night, away to Port Vale in the cup, it would, inevitably, feel like a come down from taking the national side to major tournaments. He’s already made his mark on English football history. He has nothing to prove to anyone and anyone who thinks he has, he’ll never be able to convince. We all have much to thank him for, not least lifting the mood around the England side which had been entrenched in depression and division for so damn long. Is it a permanent change or will it last only as long as the manager does? Time will tell but the typical. FA policy of appointing the opposite of the recently departed incumbent suggests this is but a blip. In which case, suck it all in, breathe in the Garethness of the current situation for it may be over sooner than we’d like and then, well, who knows? Read the full article
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stray-tori · 7 years
So I watched Boku no Hero Academia
I finished it earlier this week, but I didn’t think to actually write a small commentary about it. SO HERE I GO.
Also let’s talk about my talent to get into shows close before they get continued I’m a master.
And let’s say, I really do get the hype. I don’t know what exactly it was, but something about this show just pulled me in. I felt excited. There weren’t a lot of things that kept bothering me and I just always wanted to know how it would continue.
For starters, Izuku is a great lead. I can see him getting some shit for “crying so much” (??), but I’m also someone who didn’t find Yuki from Mirai Nikki annoying so maybe I’m not the most reliable person to say this but I REALLY LIKE IZUKU. Granted, like the rest of the cast, they’re not the most complex and deep characters, but sometimes you don’t need that. And having a big cast like Hero Aca AND having DEEP characters can be quite hard to pull off. Hero Aca is pretty straight-forward, it doesn’t linger around things very long. Which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage I guess. But back to Izuku, in his simple-ness he managed to capture me with a few things:
He’s a nerd. And like, I don’t say that as in “every protagonist is a nerd so that they’re relatable to anime fans”, but as in, I think he’s a believable nerd. Sort of like Po from Kung Fu Panda. He has godfucking notebooks, he knows so much about all the heroes he loves down to actual year dates of fights. Like, they don’t just tell us he’s a nerd, he actually seems like he really enjoys doing that stuff. And having notebooks is like relatable, it sort of like sketchbooks for artists. And Mother’s Basement’s Take on the written parts of it in his OP Analysis really hits home for that too. Not to mention his thing where he mutters stuff is really cute and I can’t remember any anime character doing that. Like, I feel it just adds some more personality to his nerd-side.
Not to mention he’s cute in general. And usually for me it’s either way be strong and muscular OR adorbs/cute. A male character can hardly be both for me, and usually only the cute type appeals to me, because I find “hot” guys not that hot most of the time. I fall more for cute than hot. And SOMEHOW Izuku manages to be SUPER CUTE AND MUSCULAR? Like what. My world picture is falling apart here.
He wears turquoise / teal. 
The amount of sacrifice he does before (and even after, let’s be honest) getting more control over One for All is like, ouch. He knows he’s gonna break EVERYTHING and he still uses it.
That whole bullying-name into hero-name thing hits home so well, which is not really about Izuku himself but just a theme of the show: turning something that made you weak and hurt into something you can be proud of. And I can’t explain it really well, but I just really like the implications of that.
That thing he does in the beginning when Uraraka talks to him where he wraps his arms around his head is just too adorable and adds a lot of personality to him as well.
Enough about my Teal Boy. In short, he’s a great lead in my eyes. 
Next up, Zuko-- I mean Hakuryuu-- I-I MEAN TODOROKI. Probably the best developed character. He’s best boy, probably, at least if we talking character development and not subjective preference. And while I just used his similiarty to Hakuryuu and Zuko as a joke, I don’t think that it’s a problem or that it bothers me. There’s nothing wrong with being inspired and besides there’s a spin on it as well. I understand his development but I thought his denial of his fire-powers were somewhat understandable and him somewhat accepting that was a bit sudden, but I can still how this hammers in the “it’s your power, not his”-part and all that.
Next up, Shit-chan! God I hate him. You know I watched Grimgar today, because I just love procrastinating so much. And there was Ranta. Who is a jerk. I could see him being a bully in a normal life (in the right circumstances), and I liked him. Jerks aren’t always unlikeable. Maybe he’s meant to be unlikeable, but sometimes I can see the sense he’s trying to make, like he’s kind of like tsundere in a way. Because when he was letting Izuku alone for a while after he tried to save him from that monster in ep2, I thought “Ohhh they going to develop the bully-character! That’s gonna be interesting”, but in the end he just ended up being more of a jerk. And I can live with that. I know there will be pride-driven characters that I will not understand because I’m nothing like that, but there was just something so extreme about his pride that EVEN THE CHARACTERS THEMSELF ACKNOWLEDGE THAT and felt like they HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And yeah, I can live with that, but GOD, he’s such a psychopath?? Like, I know he scored good but he almost killed Izuku?? And I know that’s what fights are about, but holy shit, have you seen the look on his face? He looks like the villain more than the actual villain (granted I thought the same about Todoroki on some parts of his fight with Izuku but it dropped pretty quick and Izuku himself had some pretty creepy faces in that fight). I’m more pissed about the fact that I just can’t bring myself to care about him even though I can tell that’s what the show was trying to do. But he just seems so utterly asshole to me. And I don’t think it’s entirely me, because I can like jerky characters like Lars or the above mentioned Ranta. But Shit-chan. Just annoyed me. So much. He’s consistent and a somewhat decent character, I can tell, but I just don’t understand him. The only moment I found him somewhat likeable was towards the end and after his fight with Uraraka, because he was like “that girl was anything but fragile” and it just seemed kind of ... honoring to me?
Btw I call him Shit-chan because Kacchan sounds really similiar to “Kack”chan and Kack basically means Shit and I MEAN IT FITS, BUT... .... IT FITS.
Uraraka is a sweetheart (she’s the kind to have all burden on her and still smile through it) and I ship her and Izuku (much surprise).
Iida is a great character too, and the thing he does with his hands all the time adds a lot of personality as well just like Izuku with his mutters, at least I feel that way.
Stain really gives me some Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood vibes, am I the only one? His final defeat was kinda random lol but I guess that’s fine for getting to see him rescue Deku.
Also, can we talk about that animation? Like, it may not be so special, but the moments it tries to be it’s just... mindblowing.
Only thinking about the opening songs gives me a strange tingly feeling in my stomach, which I always seem to have after seeing something great so I hope this is just my body telling me this show deserves my praise. Also so catchy songs. First I didn’t like them but now I hear them non-stop.
TLDR; I like Izuku (great lead), *insert Zuko/Hakuryuu/Todoroki joke here*, Shitchan is shit, everyone else is okay, the animation is great, the openings are catchy & I enjoyed it. It’s simple, but it does well with its simplicity.
And I’ve already rambled for too long. I thought it was really worth it. Maybe it isn’t something special, but it does the things it does well and it does a lot of things with visual and methathorical storytelling, which is always fun to notice and I just enjoyed watching it. And, well, what else can you really ask for in a series? 
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furederiko · 7 years
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This is the LAST post for December, meaning it's also the FINAL post for the year. Anything special to publish in the conclusive day of 2017? NOPE. Just this... uhmmm, random ramblings. Ahahaha...
My internet went down completely for around 2 weeks since December 13th. The unexpected 'incident' (I apparently has burned my modem *sigh*) made me switched into my creative side and did genuine FUN non-internet related things instead. And I got all caught up by it... that I practically did NOT prepare anything for Tumblr.
Had a Random-News-Digest prepared for mid-December, but ditched it completely because the content would be highly outdated now. Wanted to do my monthly recap-view for "Kamen Rider Build", but haven't finished it so it'll have to wait until next month. The only thing I could pull off was the recap-views for "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" last 2 episodes of the year. Though to be honest, that amazing show was part of my 'offline fun' as well. So yeah, unlike last year, there is no TOP 10 list this year. Didn't even publish anything for Christmas, because I completely FORGOT about it! LOL... (^^;)
Anyways, to make up for all of that, I've written a rough 'RECAP' of what went through my life this year. Entertainment-wise, of course, and not all but just some of the highlights. In list form! Why? Because I feel like it *grins*. Here goes nothing...
Movies, Oh movies...
- Watched even less movies on the theatre this year, and opted to wait several releases on home video. Only went to see the big guns, thus there isn't any disappointment. - Surprisingly, I loved the live action "Beauty and the Beast" more than the animated original. Dan Stevens' solo number "Evermore" is stuck in my head ever since. - Haven't seen "Coco", and really want to. Here's hoping the home video will be released soon. I guess I should see "Cars 3" first, huh? - "Dunkirk" was magnificent. War movie is usually not my forte, so I'm pleasantly surprised that Christopher Nolan managed to make me enjoy one. Was it the short duration, the all-out jerks of the army, or the non-stop intensity? Don't know. But if there's at least one thing I've gained from it: I disliked Harry Styles ever more now. No kidding. Poor French soldier... - I'm a visual guy so when I saw a disturbing scene, it usually stayed on my head for a good while. That bloody scene after the bomb explosion on "Stronger", for example? *sigh*. I hope Jake Gyllenhall receives an Oscar nomination for his work on this movie. - "Death Note" and "Ghost in the Shell"? Enjoyed the first one more, but both deserved better. - Tom Cruise's "The Mummy" was mediocre, but I'm among the minority who actually want to see more of Universal's Dark Universe. Even if just to see more of Russell Crowe going Jekyll. Charlie Hunnam's "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword" was the movie's kindred spirit, while "Kong: Skull Island" was the opposite. Kong will be meeting Godzilla in the coming years! - Comic book adaptations were generally top notch. Naturally the three Marvel Studios' releases; "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", "Spider-Man: Homecoming", and "Thor: Ragnarok"; would be my top picks. Don't ask me to choose which one is the best though! All three were amazing and marvelous in their own unique ways, so I'd gladly rank them in the same spot just to be fair. - I admit, "Logan" and "Wonder Woman" were great too, but I didn't like them as much as everyone else on the planet. Not sure why, I guess... none of them was my cup of tea? Let's just say, there were problems on each of them that I couldn't quite tolerate and it reduced my overall impression on them. - Don't ask about "Justice League". I'll wait until I can borrow a copy when it's out on home video. Not wasting my money on a poorly reviewed DC Films. For now, "The LEGO Batman Movie" remains to be the best DC release of the year. - "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" was just NOT as good as the prequel. It was fun, but it felt like it's repetitive yet also missing something and trying too much.
Show Must Go On...
- Just realized that I've seen MORE TV series this year! Both the currently in broadcast, or titles from previouse years like "Westworld". Oh WOW... - Both Marvel's "Iron Fist" and Marvel's "The Defenders" were genuine duds. Both TV series were underwhelming and disappointing, that I have lost any urge to see Marvel's "The Punisher". - Haven't seen Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." 5th season as well, because I haven't been feeling it. Though that will change in the near future because I'm itching to see its 5th episode. Hey, my boy Fitz and Hunter are the star of that episode, right? THAT I just have to see! I wonder if seeing that episode would be enough to convince me to watch the previous four episodes... - Currently following Marvel's "Runaways", though this 1st season might be my first and last. Don't know why, but not feeling it either. I think CW's "Riverdale" was a more watchable show, and even that one have been dropped after Season 1. LOL. I guess teenage soap-opera is just NOT my thing. - The 5th and final season of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was kind of... all over the place too. This show should've ended with Season 3, if you ask me. It had a bittersweet ending, akin to "Samurai Jack". But it also did not ended gracefully, and far less enjoyable to follow. - "Stranger Things" Season 2 was amazing. It had a somewhat different vibe compared to the 1st one, but equally enjoyable to watch. Poor characters whose name starts with 'B'... - I think the 3rd and 4th Seasons of "Voltron Legendary Defender" were initially meant to be one unit. The show's first two seasons were impressive, but these latter two were... okay? I don't know why, but it felt like it has waned a bit. - "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" was somewhat similar. I had great time with Season 1 and 2, but Season 3 was a bit... uneven. Many of the jokes didn't quite hit, and some of the story development started feeling like a recycled trick. Still, I would love to see a 4th Season, and hopefully with better improvements. - Was expecting "Big Hero 6: The Series" to be as amazing as the Oscar-winning movie... but alas that didn't seem to be the case. Didn't quite enjoy the 2-episodes premiere as much as I wanted to. A complete opposite to "DuckTales", that hit all the right notes. The sole complaint I have about this reboot/remake, is that Scrooge McDuck's adventure isn't airing new episodes on a weekly basis! Aaaaargggh, the long wait is making me angry. - If you haven't seen "Thunderbirds Are Go", then what are you waiting for? I feel the 2nd Season had more and more amazing moments, to the point that I hope Season 3 will come sooner than later. - Comedies are taking my leisure time now! Have been following Seth McFarlane's "The Orville". It was mediocre to good, and desperately in need of improvements (hopefully in Season 2). Yet I keep going back and see it. Is it the star power of its guest stars? - Adam Scott and Craig Robinson's "Ghosted" is on my top priority watch. Sure, the quality has reduced a bit since the pilot, but the supernatural agents aren't going anytime soon from my house. - The same with Kevin Finn! Great goodness, I have only started watching "Kevin Probably Saves the World" since early this month (the benefit of NOT getting preoccupied by the internet LOL), but I'm already regretting why I didn't start sooner. Now I honestly can't wait to see more! Kevin is such an adorkable, likeable, and surprisingly relatable quirky lead. The kind of guy I would totally love to be best friends with in real life. Really though, the show is infectuous with its acts of kindness, heartwarming with its pleasant vibes, and also surprisingly engaging through its personal conflicts. If you hear me giggling, laughing out loud, or sobbing lately, you can probably thank Kevin, his guardian Angel, family, and friends for that! Seriously...
A Spoonful of Anime and Toku
- Turns out, "Kekkai Sensen & Beyond" wasn't the sequel that I expected to be. It's... 'different' than the first season. But when you get to see what the other members of Libra (even the team's butler) are doing in their daily lives, should one even be complaining? In the end it was indeed as amazing and fun ride as the first season, even if lead protagonist Leonardo Watch took a back seat most of the season. I'm already crossing my fingers to see more adventure of the team. But it likely won't happen in the near future, huh? Bummer... - "Ballroom e Youkoso" was a peculiar dance. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half, but after Tatara changed partner things got... hectic and irritating to follow? It was still good, but a rather uneven show if you ask me for honest impression. At the very least, it wasn't a wasted opportunity like "Kabuki-bu!" was. - "Houseki no Kuni" was of similar situation. Its animation was gorgeous, story was peculiarly engaging, and world building was great. But there were episodes that were undeniably better than the rest, and I didn't quite like how it ended. I guess that finale was teasing for more seasons? Hmmm... - It's been years since I follow a Pretty Cure series, and "Kira Kira Precure A La Mode" wet my appetite and got me back to the game. Unfortunately, while the design was interesting, and the sweets angle was neat, the story was somewhat weak. I have lost my initial enthusiasm after the first half, but I still watch it because it's going to end pretty soon. Not quite expecting a mindblowing finale though, especially if the animation quality is any indication. A common problem of TOEI Animation. Remember "Sekaisuru KADO"? - Dang it, what an impressive year it has been with Super Sentai. "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger" was kind of dull and boring last year, but had a great ending this year. And it was quickly followed by something even better. Yes, another show that has dragged me on a pleasant roller coaster ride is none other than TOEI's "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger". Since its premiere run on February, until its Christmas episode that wrapped up its 2017 run, I haven't been disappointed once with the series. Yes, I had an issue with the spin-off series of V-Cinema "Episode of Stinger", but that didn't count as the broadcast lineup. Though it's painful for me to soon say goodbye to this amazing season, I hope its last month will be memorable and a blast. Particularly because I'm currently having second thoughts about the 2018 season... - Just like its weekly storyline, "Kamen Rider Build" is still moving me back and forth. I'm honestly on the verge of dropping it completely, but I guess I'm going to check out several episodes from the next "Kamen Rider Wars" arc. I kind of feel it takes too long to get to this point when it could've been done earlier, but who am I to argue, right?
Name of the Game
- "Nintendo Switch" was a hit! Ever since its release on March 2017, the buzz and hype for this hybrid console only continue to increase. I wonder if I will be able to purchase one next year? Perhaps, just in time for the next Pokemon gen? - Speaking of Pokemon, the addition of Generation III from Hoenn region has made me go out and explore "Pokemon GO" again. The whole Raid Battle system and Niantic's handling of the Legendary Pokemon had disappointed so bad that I was close to give up on this App. Thankfully, now I have a horde of new reason to walk around the neighborhood. Problem is, can the same premise work in the long run? Niantic really need to consider new social features that enables players to engage with one another. - "Street Fighter V" had a weird set of DLC characters this year. The 2nd Season contained mostly new characters, that was a hit or miss with fans. Thankfully, things seem to be picking up next year with the Arcade Edition. Not just because my man Cody Travers is all dandy clean and returning to the game, of course. Question is, will I be able to play the game eventhough I don't have any plans to pick up a PS4? *giggles*. - I also haven't been able to play "Persona 5" due to the exact reason. LOL. Thankfully, "Persona 5 the Animation" has been announced to air next year. Sure, I'm a bit skeptical with the fact that A-1 Pictures and not Production I.G. will be doing the animation, but at least this will be my way of enjoying the game... WITHOUT actually playing it. - LEVEL-5 should do more of that worldwide Puzzle Quest! That was meant to be a prelude or some sort to "Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires' Conspiracy", but I think the game developer should learn by now that it could work as a stand alone project. It made people come together in surprising way, and attracted fans to come back everyday to check out the new worldwide puzzle. Real FUN!
Oookaaay, that went A LOT longer than I expected. And I'm 100% sure that there are items that completely slipped my mind. As of writing this line, it's only just a few hours before the year ends! Aaaaarggggh *grumble*. Gotta publish this one soon then!
With that said, 2017 has been a difficult and challenging year. Particularly to a very discriminative and straight-out evil political atmosphere. One that allowed people to show their true despicable nature and selfishly trampled others for it. Last year I did say that "There's so many reasons to be hopeful about 2017", but reality had spoken differently as it turned out there were plenty more to discourage us throughout the year. Many people have even lost their fate in humanity this year.
But you know what? I'm going to say the same thing this day as well. There are SOOO many reasons to be hopeful about 2018. I don't know if it's because I'm currently caught up in the holiday spirit, or because I've been feeling extra thankful and blessed this month. One thing I can openly attest, is that things DO GET BETTER. So don't ever lose hope, and keep fighting the good fight in the name of just and goodness. I'm being lazy right now, so I'm just going to copy and paste my own words from last year: "Life can sometimes be hard, but all we need to do is stay strong, stay high spirited, and more importantly, keep moving forward! Happiness and blessings will surely find its way, in ways you might not imagine!".
And also this next one... because I'm going to be saying more or less the same kind of statements anyway: "Thanks to those who have been reading my blog all year long. I know I haven't spent much time (or any) to address you one by one, and heck, I might not even know you're there. But please know that I'll always be grateful for your presence, your time, kindness, and more importantly patience to walk through my long and sometimes pointless ramblings. What you've been doing means a lot for me, and I hope what I've been posting has and will somehow benefit back to you in return.". 2017 ends in just a few hours away, so let's enter and stride through 2018 with a hopeful and brave heart, the biggest and earnest smiles, the most sincere love and compassion for others regardless of their religion, race, or skin color. More importantly, let's make 2018 a year that we can be proud of. Where we take a stand for what's right and good! Where we become better human being than we are this year!
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
'Him and VVD have been tremendous' - These Liverpool fans make u-turn on previously hated figure
Liverpool fans on Twitter have been busy sharing their views on Raheem Sterling, a player who used to divide opinion around the club given the manner in which he left Anfield for Manchester City back in 2015 – now, however, he appears to have stolen plenty of hearts.
The Reds academy graduate swapped Merseyside for Manchester when the Citizens snapped him up in a deal worth £49m, and he has since gone on to become one of the deadliest forwards in the league and a player who is currently in world-class form.
Has Alisson been Liverpool’s most important signing of the season? Check out the video below to find out why Jurgen Klopp thinks so…
It isn’t all that simple, however. Sterling left Liverpool after the club decided to cancel contract negotiations with the attacker, following a number of incidents involving his agent, Aidy Ward, that didn’t sit right with the Reds fans.
Ward slammed club icon Jamie Carragher and said that Sterling wouldn’t sign a new contract at Anfield even if he was offered £900,000-a-week.
These acts from Sterling’s agent somewhat tainted his reputation amongst the Liverpool fanbase, and he was quickly labelled as a ‘money grabber‘ by many.
However, following his recent fine form and his work in actively fighting racism in football, we are seeing a far more mature figure and one who has got the Liverpool fans on Twitter reflecting on his departure in a more measured light.
Here’s what they’ve had to say…
I know we all hated him when he left to join Man City but since then he’s developed into a borderline world class player and has handled issues like racism and being singled out by the media with real maturity and class.
So where do you stand on Raheem Sterling?
— Anfield Edition (@AnfieldEdition) March 26, 2019
Sterling’s agent is the reason he came out as a villain in the transfer. Sterling is a great player and now has the finishing touch back to back seasons to prove it. Hes only 24 I wish him all the best. Honeslty hes put in POTY performances. Him and VVD have been tremendous.
— Daragh O’Dea (@DaraghODea) March 26, 2019
Don’t like how he left but admire how he has dealt with the media and racism
— cam (@PhilpottsCam) March 26, 2019
I didn’t like the statements from agent but the lads did what his heart was telling him to do and made a packet in the meantime. Fair play to him. I think he’s inspirational. A great role model.
— Andrew Hubbard (@AndrewRHubbard1) March 26, 2019
Cracking player, seems a decent enough fella too but the way he left us leaves should have been handled better. Alot better.
— Scouser_Les_LFC (@Scouser_Les_LFC) March 26, 2019
I dislike him because of the way he left Liverpool. The behaviour of him and his agent was abhorrent. However I do think under Pep’s guidance he’s become world class and the way he conducts himself regarding the racist abuse he gets is admirable.
— Marc Berry (@Markus197705) March 26, 2019
It’s annoying when one of your best players leaves for a rival, but holding onto that kind of grudge is best left to the likes of West Ham (Lampard, Ince etc) More importantly, the racist coverage of Sterling in the media puts things in perspective.
— Stephen O’Gorman (@WhigsInSpace) March 26, 2019
Sterling saw that we weren’t going to win anything under Rodgers so I don’t blame him for joining City. He was young when he left so the maturity wasnt there yet and his agent had a big role to play in that too but I get it
— Ser Arthur Quez (@Mcgrue16) March 26, 2019
Can't lie I think Raheem Sterling is ace. Has really grown up & although he has improved from his time with us it's not so marked as some r suggesting. Pep mgmt of him & the way City play highlight his gifts that we saw at #LFC. If Klopp was managing him we'd see the same.
— Nasman (@NasiruRashid7) March 26, 2019
Really burned me when Sterling left for City truly thought/hoped he’d end up being a flop, but he’s matured into a world class player & such likeable guy. His performances and progression shows he’s not just a money grabber as was made out. Only regret is it didn’t happen at LFC
— Karl (@Karlton81) March 26, 2019
Agreed! He’s matured as both a player and person and I’m actually glad to see public perception of him change. Understand why he left, but imagine him tearing it up in this side now!
— Phil Hammond (@phil_hammond_7) March 26, 2019
I agree. I cannot keep “hatin on him”. Respect to him ♥️♥️♥️
— Lara Not Lara Croft (@PacificTrash) March 26, 2019
from FootballFanCast.com https://ift.tt/2HFETBi via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2YubPlF via IFTTT
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juunishi-master · 8 years
Contemplating on RWBY Vol 4
I don’t think I put the right title, actually.
Anyway, I feel the need to say first thing first that this is not another RWDE post. At least, that’s not my intention.
1. I’m really glad they managed to create RWBY volume 4
With very tight schedule for other RT’s shows and very little time to write the script. With the lost of several key players (I watched the credits scene and noticed some names aren’t there) and new animators/programmers/etc.
They managed to finish it.
2. “But it’s not as good as--”
I know, I know.
And, tell you what, I kind of have an answer for this statement and maybe for the entire RWDE posts out there:
When something lost its “main attraction” or it’s no longer appealing, then people tend to look at everything else beside its “main attraction”.
For me, RWBY series’ strongest point is its animation and fighting choreography.
The second strongest is its characters.
The story? Uhm, to be honest, I almost drop RWBY entirely after the end of season 1. I watched season 2 after playing Grimm Eclipse and I’m surprised that the story moves toward something more serious than just “school life”.
So, when RWBY’s fighting choreography is below expectation?
People turns their attention to the animation.
(I was surprised by the fact that I commented on the sea’s texture graphic which I don’t usually even care since I know 3D but in my work, I only care about its size and whether it shown up correctly in the testing devices.)
When the animation is deemed clunky?
People turns their attention to the characters.
(I have my own share of hatred toward Jaune because of--surprise!!!--RWBY Chibi. I don’t feel the need to explain here since I think it’s my own personal preferences of characterization.)
When the characters made questionable choices or actions/have low screen time/doing something out of their characteristic based on previous volume?
People turns their attention to the story.
When the story is somewhat not good enough?
Then what’s left in it?
I believe there are 2 major actions took after people reached this bottom of “searching for meaning”: ignore the bad parts and focus on the what’s good left OR criticize the bad parts and hoping their critics are heard for further improvisation.
I also believe that there are people who simply turns to hate this series.
What’s my own thought about RWBY vol 4?
- I don’t think I’ll buy the full soundtrack in iTunes. Maybe only the one I like. No, not the opening song. I keep skipping the opening song because I can’t seem to like it.
- I like the overall story, especially that “post-credit scene”. I found a Tumblr post explaining about why Cinder cs come to Beacon as student from Haven, how Cinder knows the location of Beacon’s “basement”. It makes sense now.
- Can’t say I like the new characters except for Ghira and Kali Belladonna. I’ve been questioning why in the world Blake has so many books (I thought she’s an orphan that joined White Fang and she doesn’t have that much money to spend on books) and now I know why.
- Characters from previous volume? I found some of them act out of their characterization and it’s for the sake to move forward the plot. (As a Bumbleby shipper, I have to admit that I feel threatened by Sun, but I can’t dislike Sun; he’s likeable; I grow to hate Qrow more, btw.)
- I NEED RUBY EPIC FACEPALM REACTION WHEN SHE--FINALLY--KNOWS THAT THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO REACH MISTRAL IN LESS THAN 6 MONTHS WALKING. The transportation in RWBY need to be cleared further, I suppose. A World of Remnant episode about transportation, please?
- I’ve gotten a lot of things to learn about writing. I don’t always learn from what works well, but also what doesn’t work well.
I’ll end this here. :P Need to go back writing.
Keep Moving Forward and Make Good Art.
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