#i’m excited about his new bday art and message <3< /div>
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today i’m taking the day off from writing… i’ve been doing it every day for the past week and my brain is a little oversaturated haha, so i hope today i can read many of my moots’ works i have been meaning to check out lately ! + level up childe and freminet a little more 🩵
#aya.diary#also bedo birthday’s in two days !#i’m excited about his new bday art and message <3#wbu guys?
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Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017.
1. List of works published this year:
In the order that they were posted
Fall At My Door
Mercedes Boy
The Oldest Magic Word
With a Word (part 2 of FAMD)
Possessing All of Me (part 2 of MB)
It Had To Be You
One of Many
Stranded in a Dream
How Fast You Fall
Soft Wings
Has The Ocean Lost Its Way
Splish Splash
Don’t Want Shelter
Wasted Like A Memory (part 2 of DWS)
Just Around the Corner
Find You Home
Sweating ’Til My Clothes Come Off
Number 84
Let Me In (part 3 of DWS)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Don’t Want Shelter, definitely. The idea for it came to me over a year ago, and that was basically exes to lovers stuck in a hurricane together. I tried to write it earlier in the year and scrapped it. It was a completely different story and they were actually exes, but it just wasn’t working. RIP those 10k words. But I set out to write something with more emotion and I wanted to write something different and I feel like I succeeded. I’m very emotionally attached to their characters in DWS too. It’s been hard to get my head out of that universe.
I’m putting the rest under a cut because this got really long.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Soft Wings. It was soooo hard to write at that time. I was just struggling to write anything at all and every single word of that fic was a giant pain in my ass. It was a bday gift and I actually decided not to do gift fics anymore because of how hard it was to write. The last gift fic I wrote was DWS and it was like 2 months late-- sorry about that @justafatbirdonaboat <3
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
So, this was actually difficult and I would rather include the sex scene I mention below in question 7, but it’s long and... it’s smut and I feel like dropping it in here with nothing leading up to it or after it takes a lot away from it. This is from DWS:
If he keeps himself busy enough, which he’s fairly successful with, he doesn’t have time to think about Harry and how once again he practically laid himself bare for absolutely no reason. It’ll fade, he knows that, but at the same time he doesn’t want it to. It’s how he finds himself going out of his way to some specialty store to find Harry’s organic cinnamon toothpaste. It’s why he bought some fancy vanilla candle for his bedroom. He’s fighting with himself over trying to forget and wanting to remember, because he knows that eventually it’ll be gone no matter what he wants. The toothpaste will be empty and the candle will burn down, and it’ll all become a distant memory.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
i got a super long and detailed comment on FAMD from one of my favorite drarry authors and bloggers that came at the perfect time when i was feeling really shitty about writing and also life in general. it was such a surreal thing for me because i was reading the comment and it was just super lovely and the whole time i was reading it i was like OMFG and fangirling lol
all of the comments on DWS from people who read it as a WIP. they were like some sort of super fuel for me. and it was... idk a special thing for me. i’ve never done a WIP before and idk if I ever will again. it just worked out with that fic because of the chapters and betaing etc. but every time i posted a chapter and people would comment on it, it was just... idk it meant a lot that anyone would follow along, i guess.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Writing Soft Wings, so late May, and then again after I posted DWS, I struggled with Sweating ’Til My Clothes come off. That was Reason #14 and literally NO ONE wanted to write that prompt, so I took it. Mainly though, my struggles have been with fics that either I’ve abandoned (the old version of DWS) or my unfinished sci fic au.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
i feel like everything i write surprises me. i’m constantly shocked that i write anything at all. i think that most of dws was surprising to me. i had a vague idea of what i wanted their personalities to be like, but the way they ended up was so much better than i thought they’d be. I MEAN, i legit thought that the entire fic would take place over 3 days and would end when the storm ended! and then the storm ended and i was like... wtf i’m not anywhere near finished with this. and then a scene specifically, umm... there’s a sex scene in ch 7 of dws that ended up being wayyyyyyyyyyy more emotional for me to write and it still makes me sad to read it. and i’m like 99.999999% sure if you’ve read that fic, you know what i’m talking about. i wrote that and immediately was messaging nic like “i’ve made myself sad with smut! what is wrong with me?”
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i’m much less messy, though i’m still messy. i think i was easier on my beta this year. less cliche (unless i’m cliche on purpose) and better at getting the emotions across? I DON’T KNOW @louandhazaf is better at this stuff. she answered a different question about this earlier in the year actually.
wait. also. i think i’m better at conceptualizing a story BEFORE i start writing. i still suck at it, but not as badly as last year.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
i’d like to write another long fic. i’d like to get better at developing secondary characters. i’d like to write more emotion into my fics. i’d love to be better at outlining and planning fics, but idk if that’s who i am lol
tbh i’d like to be better at the part of writing that, up until this point, and to a certain point, come naturally to me. i don’t think about my character’s motivations or what they’re separate stories are or backgrounds and shit like that until i’m writing and sometimes i do it and don’t realize i’m doing it? i guess? I DON’T KNOW. coming from a math background and never having written or even taken a creative writing class or anything like that, like... some of the most important aspects of writing, i have no clue about them. at least that’s how i feel. a lot of what i do is just................. like me flying by the seat of my pants.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
this is my answer from last year and i’m just going to leave it because it’s still true.
NIC @louandhazaf my friend and forever beta. one day we’re going to take over the world. just depends which one of us is in charge of the brain that day as to whether it’s for good or evil.
however, i’ll add to this a bit. nic is the best cheerleader and beta and all of that. bouncing ideas around with her is always fun and always productive. we laughed so hard when we were talking about ideas for DWS. like... i think we both laughed so hard we cried.
having writer friends -- so all of you -- has been such a positive thing for me. knowing that we all sort of go through the same shit makes it easier when it’s my own lol.
specifically, i’ll say that @phd-mama influenced me with her fic ‘feels like coming home’ because i read that fic and when i finished i decided that i needed to write something with more emotion behind it, something with a really great (though not necessarily good) back story. the history between her characters in that fic..... idk a lot of it hit home for me. and because of that fic, i wrote DWS. so, thanks <3
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
ummmm... yes. let’s just say.......... yes.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
yes! write what makes you happy, even if that means writing something sad and depressing. but also try to challenge yourself to write things you’re not used to or things you haven’t done before. also, just write. you can edit later. put words down.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
my near misses fic, which is what i’ll call it until i title it, that i am super excited about (this one just came to me yesterday)
moodboard fic - it’s anon, so i can’t say anything other than that. i started it, but i think i’m going to start over.
2 time stamps for ‘don’t want shelter’. one that takes place the summer they’re 13, and one that takes place between chapters 8 & 9, but before ‘let me in’
my sci fi au - it’s been kicking my ass for most of this year
i have a fic idea where they go from friends to lovers, but it’s a long long road to get there. idk if i’ll get to it. it would be loooong.
i want to do a valentines fic but idk if i’ll have time. i’d like my near misses fic to be for valentines, but that’s a lot of pressure on me and then on my beta.
28 proposals with jess @someonethatsfunny and if we want to do it for an advent fic for next year, i need to at least write a proposal per month.
i want to do the new relationship travel the world fic with nic @louandhazaf that we’ve talked about co-writing, but we both have so much going on.........
oh and the tiny penis fic series. which is 5 short fics that are not connected, but one of them has a tiny penis in each fic (it switches around and also maybe they both do in one fic)
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
I would like to tag all of my writer friends, sooo you’re all tagged. Also, this is more than 3, but idc
@dinosaursmate @allwaswell16 @letsjustsee @gaycousinlarry @goodmorningtoyouuniverse @assisreal (writing or art, saori! or both!) @prettytruthsandlies @someonethatsfunny @phd-mama ok i’ll stop tagging so that y’all will have people you can tag lol
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july 22, 2017
It’s been an interesting week.
1. I started the week in a huge funk. One of those bad brain funks, and I’ll be honest I was in one last week as well. I try and describe it as a mix of restlessness and kind of numbness, I wouldn’t necessarily call it anxiety or depression, but I just feel unhappy and desperate and kind of stuck. And homesick.
2. I try and be self-aware of my problems, and I also try and address my problems. I also kind of recognize it when I start spiralling (in which it felt as if, minus a few lapses here or there, I’d been spiralling for a couple weeks), so I try and correct it. I think I overcorrected, because when I’m in this type of funk, I kind of grasp for control. And the way I did this was to set up a goal to wakeup at 7 and start work at 8 (basically an hour earlier than my normal routine), and pack my schedule with lots of things/people (and I really try never to flake, so later-in-the-week me sometimes resent early-in-the-week me’s plans). Sometimes it’s only upon reflection that these goals I make aren’t exactly arbitrary, but maybe a bit about being in control of my body and dragging it through the week in an exhausted state because lols what is self care.
3. So like, I’m doing this morning routine where I’m exhausted, and since I’ve been so busy I haven’t done groceries and so I’ve got very little food and too much coffee, and this isn’t exactly the greatest combination. So my body kind of feels numb and tired (and I hate the numbness feeling. Hate it.) Anyways, I’m kind of curious about the fact that the way I deal with brain funks is to fuck with my body, but huh, the more you know about yourself…
4. So Monday goes by, I text dude I’d been seeing that I didn't really want to see him anymore (I know, worst) but I agree to meet up with him later that evening to talk things out because it’s definitely the right thing to do. He’s super nice and good about it, thankfully. I then Skype my best friend back home just to get a bit of semblance of home since I’m so weirdly homesick.
5. Tuesday I find out my company got this contract that I’ve been working on for over a year. It’s kind of a big deal and I was totally thrilled. I grab dinner with a university friend and we’re talking about dating (lol) and he’s like “oh I saw your online dating profile” (omg let me just kill myself now) but he was also like “I would totally date you except you’re a vegetarian” and that’s got me backtracking real quick because I do NOT want to date this guy and did not want him to get the wrong idea (sigh, my life has too many instances of guys having the wrong idea). So anyways, that’s fun, and now it makes me kind of uncomfortable since I don’t want to mislead him or anything. But, then I find out my friend had adopted a cat so I go over and visit, and the cat is absolutely adorable, guys. I’m so happy.
6. Wednesday, I get a message on the worst business social networking site (won’t name names here) but it’s from a cofounder of a company and he was reaching out to set up an intro phone call about maybe doing some consulting work, and I later chatted with him in the afternoon and it sound really promising. I’m actually really excited about it, but I know there are few more hoops to jump through before this is something that will actually happen (basically, we’ll start around 5-10 hours a week, just to trial run and see if we’re a good fit), but I really want to work with this company and I think I can do a good job. Cue all the insecurities about my actual skills though. We’re having another phone call next Wednesday to discuss rates and work and ahhh I hope it goes well. Also, I went to (or more like, invited myself to) my friend’s apartment buildling BBQ where I got a free veg burger and got to hang out with one of my fave friends. Then went and met up with a different guy I’m kind of dating (don’t you judge me) and had drinks and watched a movie and yadda.
7. I’m still waking up at 7, guys, and I am fucking exhausted when Thursday comes along. So on Thursday the weather is fucking annoying, because I’d walked to a cafe about 30 mins away from my house (considerably far) in the morning and it was beautiful but around 11 it started pouring rain (totally did NOT see it coming), and the most annoying bit is that I’m wearing Toms canvas shoes so obviously they’d get soaked. But then my boss calls me and asks to meet (I try and postpone the meeting, as well as ask him to do a phone meeting, but he insists on meeting in person) so I trek out, about 20 mins walk, and of course, shoes are soaked. BUT, hey, good news… I got a raise and we talked a lot about my role in the company. The raise is nice (and expected, as I had hoped for, since I had joked about it during the year-long contract process that if we won it, I’d want a raise). But to be honest, I’ve been looking into other jobs recently (see point number 6) and I’m kind of ready for a change, so I’m a little apprehensive of the roles my boss sees me in. I don’t know if he senses this in me as well, but he’s really nice about things and he’s always like “we’ll get you on projects that you find interesting, and make sure you’re happy” so maybe he knows I’m slightly over it lol. In the evening, I meet up with my old roommate for dinner (she asks me exactly 2 questions about myself. I’ve realized over the years how… either not good at conversation, or maybe just self-centred she is?). I go home and do laundry, and I also buy a beautiful painting I found second hand online for $30, and I am over the moon. The painting is kind of abstract-isa, but it is so “me”, totally the type of shit I love. I also have been avoiding decorating my room for nearly 2 years since I moved in (minus the postcards) since I’d assumed I’d be moving soon, but I’d put “wall art” on my Wishlist (there’s literally only 6 things on my 2017 Wishlist). I’m so, so glad I bought it though, it makes me very happy. Also, chatted with my mom and then had a nice convo with her boyfriend, who’s a senior project manager and I wanted his advice about #6. It was kind of shocking because he told me to set my hourly rate at an outrageous number (lol, thanks for having so much faith in me), but it really got me thinking and I think I will be asking for a (slightly less) outrageous number so really, we’ll see where this goes. Still excited about this opportunity, but I know I gotta do some prep work. Oh, and yes, this is a long-ass day and I’d been up since 7 (maybe running on 5 hrs sleep and too many coffees? My body is dead at this point).
8. Welcome to Friday, and another 7am start. I saw on a video somewhere about how someone had framed consulting work as a leisurely pace with a few sprints throughout the year, and it is how you handle the sprints that really shows how well you work, and fuck it man, it feels like I’ve been sprinting all week. But anyways, starting work early, and we’ve got several new projects coming in and it’s gonna get kinda cray in the future. I’d originally planned on taking my friend out for lunch for her birthday, but she was feeling sick so we ordered mcdonalds (lol, her choice, go for it). Then I had a client meeting and I had initially planned on ending my day after (around 2ish) since I was so tired, but I then had a long meeting with my boss as we’re finalizing more things (although I did get to sit in on several interesting business-y/politic-y meetings which is always fun, since my boss is quite well connected). Anyways, I’m reviewing contracts at 4pm and tired and hungry and finally go home at 5, hang my painting, and nap. Then groceries (finally??), then just crashing so early because my body is so tired and my brain is trying to handle all the different thins happening and juggle different shit in my life. And I sleep for 8.5 hours and it is glorious.
9. So, in summary, it’s been a good week I guess? In the sense that I’d gotten good and interesting news and my friend got a cat and I got a painting and the dude I’m seeing is quote-unquote “not terrible” (my gradation of guys is essentially: no, eh, okay, not terrible, fine). But I got very little sleep, drank too much coffee, am fighting a brain funk, am still homesick (but maybe a little less), I’ve got my friend’s bday party/gathering/whatever today and plans with a friend Sunday… I knew I had completely packed my calendar this week (is it because if I think I’m busy all the time I won’t have time to deal with my brain? Or do I think hanging out with friends will make me feel way better, although I know I’m an introvert at heart? Because let’s face it, vegging out on Friday night was the best fucking decision I made) so I might take it a bit more easy next week (doubtful) and a LOT of upcoming work (as always) but yeah. I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I don’t often write long-ass entries but it’s 9am on Saturday and I’m feeling much more rested than I’ve felt in a long time.
Time for breakfast.
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Happy Birthday Gabby!!! @jeonwuu
AAAAAAH HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBY!! i hope your day went well and that you recieve lots of love from all your friends n fam, you deserve it! ☀️ -Channie
omg bab you’re growing up too fast :”) have fun with life while you’re still young lmao as if i’m not only two years older but anyway thank you for being so nice and hilarious and being such a cutie. i’m glad we got to be friends but also come back and talk to us more ): we miss you ❤️ happy birthday bub, i hope you have an amazing day -Trin
Happy cakedy Gabby!! We may not have talked too much, but I’m thankful for all you admins for creating this network!! I hope I get to know everyone better in the future. 😊 Have an amazing and fantastic birthday!! 🎂🎉 -Vi
happy sweet 16 gabby!!! you’re one year closer to being the dancing queen lmao. hope you have an amazing day~ love you! -Callie
gabby happy birthday!!!!! i still have that screenshot of you w the book cover in front of your face and it was the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen, but seriously you’re a piece of art and an amzing person and i’m really glad i’ve met you!!!!! i hope you have a great birthday and a wonderful year!! <3 -Lulu
gabs, gabby, bev’s mating buddy, gabbo. mate ur so sweet and kind and ilu and like i dont know what to say bc im not usually an affectionate person, but ur really cute and deserve so much. i hope that u have the greatest day !! and year!! -Mishi
gabs! happy bday youre getting older now (dont grow up it mostly sucks lmao) anyways im lad to have met u and the rest of scnet (even tho ya’ll are kinda nuts istg). eat lots of cake and stay healthy -Sica
Gabby!! Thank you for being awesome and almost always somehow keeping a smile on my face. I’m very happy that I was able to meet you. And I hope you will continue to be Dabgab, and yet still be awesome and friendly to us all! I know I have only known you for a couple months even though I am sometimes not that active. I love just reading your emssages. ALSO I hope that for your birthday you get all the best gifts and wishes, also be sure to eat lots of cake (as long as you’re not allergic!!) -C
Happy birthday gabby!! Hope you’re having an amazing one and celebrating it well with friends and family!! Eat lots of cake today, you deserve it !! ❤️❤️ -Vinc
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBY!!! I know we don’t talk much, but I really appreciate having you around :D I hope you have a wonderful day with lots of good food!! Sending you lots of love~ Happy sweet 16th!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ -Leah
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBY!!! I hope your day is absolutely amazing bc ur amazing and you deserve it lol. You’re one year closer to being only seventeen and only having a few dollas so enjoy it~ -Ally
heyo gab!! hope you have an amazing sweet 16 and you get to celebrate it with the people you love and hold near to your heart! ❤️ -Klara
To gab the smol bean. I hope you grow as a person and that only good things may come you're way. Happy birthday dude - Ana🐷
Happy birthday gabby! I love you and I hope this new year of your life brings you the sweet meaty embrace of seungcheol’s thighs -Abi
hi gabby i hope you’re doing well!! happy birthday, i bet it’s going to be wonderful and amazing!! nd may you have many more bdays yay! -Kaylah
gabby !! hi lov i hope ur doing okay. wanted to wish you a happy birthday !! i can’t believe that you’re growing up and getting old (jkjk ilu okay. we’re getting old together). be happy and hope you have a great day on your day !! love u lots ❤️❤️✨❣💝 -Jose
Happy birthday dear Gabby! I hope today is filled with sunshine and rainbos :,D Eat lots of cake and have fun! <3 -Dana
yoyo gabs, happy birthday bro!!! thanks for always being such a wonderful and caring admin!! im glad that i joined this network because i got to meet people like you!! i hope you enjoyed your day, and i love you <3 happy birthday!! -CF
Happy birthday Gabby!! ♡ I hope you have an amazing day and that all your dreams wishes come true. Here’s to another wonderful year filled with happiness, peace, sweet surprises, and once in a lifetime experiences. May this day bring to you all things that make you smile!! ♡♡ -Ali
My dearest chickie, I hope you have the best most exciting fantastic day. You’re so sweet and kind and beautiful and deserve the very best. I’m very glad to have met you even tho you give me constant grief. From summer to now you’ve grown so much (i sound so formal and nostalgic ik but thats because i aM) and you’re going to keep growing older and its going to sucK but thats ok because i’ll always be here to pat pat you when it gets sucky. i hope you enjoy your day and have a kickass year, love <3333 -Aparna
my message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBO you’re 1 year closer to legally having a sugar daddy now!!!!! thanks 4 being my partner in gav and partner in complaining about other people ily and i hope u had a fun birthday and got to eat cake -Bev
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10 Reasons Celebrities Are Better at Instagram Than Brands
The 25 most-followed accounts on Instagram are, more or less, what you’d expect. There are quite a few familiar faces: Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Beyonce Knowles, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry—the list goes on.
And, of course, the ubiquitous Kardashian-Jenners make a good showing. The alliterative sisters Kim, Kylie, Kendall, Khloe, and Kourtney all rank within the top 20.
It’s hard to deny that celebs are good at social. And why is that?
There are a few things that they get about Instagram that brands just don’t.
Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps an adventure photographer used to grow from 0 to 110,000 followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear. Plus we’ll show you how you can use Hootsuite to grow your own following on Instagram and other platforms.
1. They get internet humor
The internet is a vast place, full of disparate people voicing a cacophony of opinions. There’s very little that can typically be attributed to the culture of the internet as a whole.
Except maybe humor.
The internet at large, and social media in particular, is home to a particular sense of humor—a unique constellation of memes, clever hashtags, and puns, mixed with a healthy dose of nostalgia. Add in a dollop of self-deprecating jokes and you have internet culture.
And celebs get it. They get it in a way that brands just don’t.
Kylie Jenner pokes fun at herself in this Instagram post where she wears a t-shirt featuring an unflattering photo of herself that’s been circling the internet for years.
A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Apr 18, 2016 at 12:44pm PDT
This shot of Kylie Jenner is a great example. She’s showing that she can laugh at herself—it’s goofy and self-deprecating in a way that the internet loves.
2. They’re so relatable Not only do celebs get internet humor, they also get what works online: nostalgia (the #tbt is alive and well). Specifically, they get that their primarily millennial audience responds to 90s references.
🦋🦋#Butterfly is my favorite album, it's the most personal work I've ever done and will always be a defining moment in my career and in my life. I'm so happy to celebrate this anniversary with a special picture disc vinyl release – link in bio. Stay tuned for more surprises!🦋🦋
A post shared by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on Sep 16, 2017 at 2:36pm PDT
So when celebrities post throwbacks—like this one from Mariah Carey—to 90s moments from their own lives, it’s very relatable for their audience.
But the relatability of celebs—that authenticity that people love to describe as ‘so real’—goes beyond embracing nostalgia. It’s about sharing moments from their lives that are a tad less glamorous than the usual red carpet shot.
In a way, the content that celebs now share on their own Insta timelines is reflective of the kind of material that paparazzos once doggedly pursued. But they’ve realized something fundamental about it: if they post it themselves, they control the message.
And, on a less cynical note, these down-to-earth, ‘authentic’ moments give them the opportunity to connect with fans. It’s precisely this relatability that explains why followers love celebs’ bathroom selfies.
A post shared by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on Feb 15, 2017 at 5:32pm PST
And the oh-so-relatable moments they share with the mini-humans in their lives.
Love u so much x kisses @Cruzbeckham X ✨
A post shared by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on Feb 12, 2018 at 8:43am PST
Or their relationships with their parents.
Bonnie and Clyde
A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Aug 5, 2017 at 5:18am PDT
Or those moments of uncontained, bona fide joy.
THE TRAILER IS JUST EEEEPPPPPPPIIIIICCCCCCC! Star Wars is back! gaaaaaad laaaaard! You know what! Let me just relax because this kind God oooo! Lmao! Seriously congrats to everyone ! December 18th!
A post shared by John Boyega (@johnboyega) on Oct 20, 2015 at 12:02am PDT
John Boyega’s reaction to The Force Awakens trailer is so utterly relatable, because his excitement reflects that of the franchise’s fans. It’s the sort of over-the-top, genuine, unabashed enthusiasm that spawns reaction GIFs—the kind people share with the comment, “Same.”
3. They get that the caption can make or break a photo
I think we can all agree that celebs have great photos. They’re often glossy, professional images that beat the average snap. But it isn’t just their photos that make their Instagram feeds stand out from the crowd. Celebs get that Instagram captions can be just as important as the image they’re attached to.
When you could go anywhere for your bday dinner but you're so OG that you go to OG with all your OG's. 📷 by @ronyalwin #thosebreadstickstho
A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on Oct 27, 2015 at 12:37pm PDT
This Instagram from Katy Perry is the perfect example. The photo itself is nothing special, just another group photo at a restaurant. What makes it special is the caption, which cleverly plays on ‘OG’ as short for ‘Olive Garden.’
I'm up at 4am everyday to work extremely hard BEFORE I go into work, not because I'm bat shit crazy (well maybe a little;), but because I know my competitors are not paying that price and sacrificing to that degree – and that will alway give me the edge and anchor for an opportunity for success. You don't have to get up at 4am, but I encourage you to find the thing that gives you the edge over everyone else around you. Once you find it, let it be your anchor. Then you've just created an opportunity for yourself to succeed. And that's all we ever want to work hard and create for ourselves.. opportunity. #GainTheEdge #FindYourAnchor #ButForTheLoveOfGod #YouDoNotWantToWakeUpAt4amEveryday 🖕🏾😂
A post shared by therock (@therock) on Apr 12, 2016 at 2:14pm PDT
In this shot, The Rock goes beyond simply posting a photo from the gym. Instead he gives his followers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into his routine and his motivation. It’s the details around it that make the shot special.
When brands post to Instagram, their captions are often short and unexpressive—they lack personality. But personality is something that celebs have in spades. And when it comes to Insta, it not only shows—it pays off.
What many brands fail to recognize is that they need to go beyond the image. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a great Instagram caption can be worth so much more.
4. They get that people connect with faces
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, celebs have selfies down to an art. And while selfies may be considered narcissistic, they’re based on a fundamental truth—people respond to faces.
A study by Georgia Institute of Technology and Yahoo Labs found that Instagram photos that feature human faces are 38 percent more likely to receive likes than photos without faces. They’re also 32 percent more likely to get comments.
The study’s lead, Saeideh Bakhshi, theorized about why this might be: “Faces are powerful channels of nonverbal communication. We constantly monitor them for a variety of contexts, including attractiveness, emotions, and identity.”
The researchers also found that the number of faces in a photo, their age, or gender didn’t make a difference.
We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes. – The Carters
A post shared by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on Feb 1, 2017 at 10:39am PST
This shot of Beyonce announcing her second pregnancy proves that faces work—it was the most-liked photo on Instagram in 2017.
5. They understand that cute animals win on social
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that the internet loves a good cat photo. Or a snap of a cute puppy. Or basically any warm fuzzy thing. (Chewbacca aside, though the internet certainly loves him as well.)
Taylor Swift gets this.
Some real tough questions I had for Olivia.
A post shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Sep 7, 2017 at 8:05am PDT
She incorporates her adorable felines, Dr. Meredith Grey and Detective Olivia Benson, into her feed, with excellent results.
Mary Jane ❤️
A post shared by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Dec 2, 2017 at 11:18pm PST
Miley Cyrus is no stranger to this tactic either. Her feed boasts snaps of her own pets, puppy Boomerangs, and a personal tattoo commemorating her dog Mary Jane—effectively taking her ‘cute animal’ game to the next level.
Thankful for @beaglefreedom and their mission to free captive pups from inhumane animal testing labs! Without BFPs work I wouldn't be falling asleep next to Little Dog, being lulled by the sound of her heartbeat …. #whosavedwho #myrescuerescuedme #fucktestingonanimals ❤️💙💚💜💛 @happyhippiefdn
A post shared by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Jul 22, 2017 at 9:41pm PDT
How can brands make this work for them? Think beyond your product and get right into your customers’ lifestyle. Might that lifestyle involve pets? Insta ‘em. Hootsuite does it with our #HootDogs hashtag.
Building friendships 👫 Some new #hootdogs getting aquainted with Owly over lunch 🐾 Welcome to the team! #lifeofowly 📷: @evarobin
A post shared by Hootsuite (@hootsuite) on Mar 31, 2017 at 1:46pm PDT
6. They go Insta-first for big news
Something that celebs do often that brands rarely emulate: they announce big news on Instagram.
Taylor Swift did it with a music video. Beyonce did it with an album.
A post shared by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on Dec 12, 2013 at 9:12pm PST
Others have gone Insta-first for more personal news, like engagement and pregnancy announcements.
Like Kylie Jenner did with the first shot released after the much-anticipated birth of her first child.
stormi webster 👼🏽
A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on Feb 6, 2018 at 1:14pm PST
Or Danneel Ackles did with the announcement of hers and Jensen Ackles’ twins.
Yep! Doublemint here we come! http://celebritybabies.people.com/2016/08/10/jensen-ackles-danneel-harris-pregnant-expecting-twins-son-daughter/
A post shared by @ danneelackles512 on Aug 10, 2016 at 11:31am PDT
Or this heart-melting post from Michael Phelps on his engagement to Nicole Johnson.
She said yes😁😁😁 @nicole.m.johnson. (Photo credit to @arschmitty )
A post shared by Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00) on Feb 21, 2015 at 10:49pm PST
When Disney employed this strategy it was massively successful. They released the much-anticipated Star Wars teaser trailer on Instagram first and fans went wild.
There has been an awakening… #StarWars #TheForceAwakens
A post shared by Star Wars (@starwars) on Aug 27, 2015 at 10:00am PDT
7. They don’t shy away from taking a stance
Leonardo DiCaprio’s Instagram feed is a mix of beautiful landscapes and endangered animals, accompanied by fact-filled captions urging action on climate change, environmental, and humanitarian issues. Nearly all of them are Regrams.
DiCaprio uses his Insta to amplify the images, causes, and work of activist organizations. The few original posts he shares are still clearly focused on his overall message of environmentalism.
Last night’s win at the #Oscars was an incredible honor – but it was also an important opportunity to bring even more attention to #climatechange. Last year was the hottest in recorded history. Climate change is real, it is the most dire crisis our species has ever known, and it is happening right now. We must empower leaders who don’t speak for corporate interests but who speak for us, our children’s children and those whose voices cannot be heard. Take action now: LCV.org/act
A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on Feb 29, 2016 at 7:53am PST
This dedication to his core message gives his feed a consistent focus that fans can connect with. It also tells the world what he’s about, giving him a chance to do good.
#Regram #RG @nrdc_org: Anti-environment members of Congress are trying to weaken the Endangered Species Act, effectively declaring it open season on imperiled species like the gray wolf. Visit the link in our profile to help us defend the Endangered Species Act before it’s too late.
A post shared by Leonardo DiCaprio (@leonardodicaprio) on Feb 12, 2018 at 5:43pm PST
DiCaprio isn’t the only one doing this. His single-minded focus is similar to Emma Watson’s commitment to gender equality, as she often shares posts on her talks and appearances. Like DiCaprio, Watson uses captions as a call to arms for followers to learn more and take action.
Marai- what can I say. You were the best date on the most meaningful red carpet I have ever walked. Thank you for being so darn articulate and fun. Thank you for the trust, care, compassion and solidarity. I am so proud to say I work with #Imkaan and the End Violence Against Women Coalition and to be learning from you. Emma 💪 @jusmarai
A post shared by Emma Watson (@emmawatson) on Jan 14, 2018 at 11:41pm PST
While companies don’t necessarily need to transform their feeds into a list of social justice issues, it can be beneficial to declare public support for causes about which the brand feels strongly. For example, Hootsuite is a B Corporation. B Corps use business as a force for good to solve social and environmental issues.
8. They shoot for a consistent look and feel
Celebrities are excellent at creating aesthetically-pleasing feeds. Whether they’re filled with vibrant colors, muted tones, or black and white, celeb feeds are typically identifiable by a distinctive look and feel.
Kourtney Kardashian has mastered the art of the #triplegram—a series of three related photos posted to Instagram consecutively (something that any pre-Instagram photographer would identify as a triptych).
Image via People
On the other hand, Joe Keery is all about creating consistency through the look and feel of his overall feed. Joe’s photos typically have a matte-finish look with muted tones reminiscent of film photography. Wherever you land in his feed, it’s clear whose photos you’re looking at.
9. They talk up their friends
Who do you see most often in celebrity photos (other than the celeb you’re following)? Their friends and family of course, just like anyone else.
Except for them, those people just happen to be other celebs.
Gettin advice. From da GOAT.
A post shared by Samira Wiley (@whododatlikedat) on Dec 14, 2017 at 3:08pm PST
They’re all about the casual name-drop mention.
Happy Birthday to my work sister #JenniferAniston !! 💕🎂 Wishing you a day filled with lots of love and laughter ! 🎊 #HBD
A post shared by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon) on Feb 11, 2018 at 1:38pm PST
And the birthday wishes.
You might be thinking: my brand doesn’t hang out with celebrities, how is this useful to me?
The key, you see, is in the mentions. Brands should mention their friends, influencers, people they admire, and customers in posts. Tag people to show a little love and increase the potential reach of your content. After all, if you mention them, maybe they’ll mention (or even Regram) you!
10. They get that it’s all about the fans
Celebrities are only famous because of their fans. But some of them are better than others at recognizing this crucial fact.
Selena Gomez is the queen of this.
Just look at how she shows off her appreciation for her fans on her own feed.
I have a lot to be thankful for this year.. My year has been the hardest yet most rewarding one yet. I've finally fought the fight of not 'being enough'. I have only wanted to reflect the love you guys have given me for years and show how important it is to take care of YOU. By grace through faith. Kindness always wins. I love you guys. God bless
A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Nov 24, 2016 at 6:21pm PST
One of the best ways for brands to show appreciation for their fans on Instagram is, of course, engagement. Like and comment on photos that have to do with your brand or your business. Emulate Selena Gomez and make your interactions personable.
Due to safety I couldn't go outside tonight in Winnipeg. That did NOT stop me from gettin my pic tho 💘
A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on May 20, 2016 at 8:40pm PDT
Whether you follow celebrities on Instagram or not, there’s a lot that brands can learn from them.
Follow your favorite celebrities on Instagram. Schedule posts, manage, and publish directly to Instagram with Hootsuite. Try it today.
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The post 10 Reasons Celebrities Are Better at Instagram Than Brands appeared first on Hootsuite Social Media Management.
10 Reasons Celebrities Are Better at Instagram Than Brands published first on https://themarketingheaven.tumblr.com/
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2017: A Reflection
Welcome to Rachel Pistachio’s new creation. Please leave a message and make sure to follow!
Okay, honestly? I’m really awkward when it comes to introductions and first impressions. So I guess, here it goes?
Fun Facts About Moi:
I like lists.
I am Greek-Mexican American.
I get called Rachel more than my actual name (Rebecca).
My last name is Cypriot Greek slang for Watermelon.
I’d like to think I am a combination of Audrey Hepburn and Selena Quintanilla (obviously the biggest delusion I have).
I can’t think of any other cool things about myself.
Phew, now that that's over…
Man, I don’t even know how to begin this post. Currently, I am sitting on a worn-out faux white leather sofa in the dark. Well, not completely.

Proof that indeed I am not in complete darkness
I can’t really tell if wanting to write this post is a result of wonderful family cheer or the fact that 2017 has been worth reminiscing. Nevertheless, here we are.
Memories of 2017
1. had a great seventeenth bday

I celebrated seventeen years on this earth surrounded by people that make my life significantly better. There were also s’mores, frozen noses, good music, and delicious cake. (Peep Sage, a human being that makes my life pretty interesting)
**Also, please ignore my incredibly obvious farmer’s tan**
2. received my first B in high school (it was liberating btw)
Going through high school, especially the one I currently attend, involves competition amongst people you should really be calling your friends. Amidst my small class size and incredibly intelligent people, I always felt the pressure to make straight-A’s regardless of what I was or wasn’t learning. Attending that school has taught me all the wrong, toxic things.
Needless to say, junior year was probably the shittiest time of my life, but that is not why this made the list.
The second semester of my junior year involved sleep deprivation and a stupid amount of stress, and eventually I found myself passing out in my dual-credit Calculus II class during an exam. Pretty embarrassing to be honest. And yet, an extremely incredible experience that I dearly needed.
You see, although I did have an asshole math teacher, passing out in that class and getting a B gave me the reality check I needed. I needed to realize that good grades does not correlate to actual learning.
Also, news flash, I am an incredible human being whose value is actually not measured by straight-A’s when I have so many other things going for me. :)
3. flashmobbed w/ awesome gals

My summer began with the inception of the Flamenco Youth Fundraising Council. To put it in a nutshell, we are all a group of gals that wanted to watch incredible dancers, so we blessed the city of Albuquerque by flashmobbing the streets and ultimately making $4k in two weeks. The day this picture was taken, we were downtown and a man offered us coffee on the house. We were also mural hopping and being extremely fierce (definitely not cute, fierce).
4. attended the stanford hssc for the second time
I don’t even know how to begin this one. The eight weeks that this program offered me a home were the most amazing weeks of my entire summer (aside from the fact that it kind of was my entire summer).
Not only did I spend an invigoratingly independent time on campus, I stayed up late either finising my cs assignments, enjoying thought-provoking and hilarious conversation, or a combination of the two, and every bit was amazing.

Peep the incredible people I was blessed to meet and spend my summer with. Not only were they witty, smart, and everything you could ask for in a person, they were also really hawt.
5. had my first kiss
I guess you can say that the summer program might have offered a bit more than academics?
In all honesty though, this was definitely one to cross off the bucket list. Although I’d been previously presented with the offer, my little naive self continued to refuse, expecting an epic story.
Well, epic is a pretty good description. Let’s just say I was beginning to grow impatient listening on the sidelines as my friends recounted their first kisses in exciting whispers. I knew my time would come, but when?
I never thought my time would involve an amazing summer with a relatable person who actually made me secure and comfortable. All I can say is thank god I waited for my epic moment and not some cheap shot who I could have settled for.
Also, thank god for roommates who can’t make curfew and large campuses where you won’t become embarrassed by a stranger’s familiar face.
6. rediscovered my actual obsession w/ poetry
Coming back from a great summer brought immediate depression and senioritis as I had to step into the real world of Rebecca-in-Albuquerque-with-grandiose-expectations. And then, it happened.
I discovered Button Poetry on YouTube.
For those who haven’t heard of this channel, Button Poetry publishes videos of slam poetry from various authors. Well, I happen to come across Sarah Kay and her marvelous poetry on love and the reality of life. All I can say is, click the link below to be blessed with words that will sing the best melody to your ears.
7. performed at tedx

The Youth Fundraising Council had been given the incredible opportunity to step on the TEDxABQ stage and fill it with passion and art. Plus, we were given VIP passes, so you already know that we spent all day getting our hair and makeup done, along with pocketing all the expensive snacks and pretending we were indeed professional like all the other middle-aged accomplished humans we shared the stage with.
**Shoutout to our founder Caro (pictured in sunglasses) for literally being my type of human**
8. became an apprentice for the professional company
Since I began dancing flamenco at the age of five, my friends and I had this amazing hope and dream that we would one day be sharing the stage with our teachers and mentors. Well, this semester, I was given the opportunity to partake in the company’s rehearsals with guest artists and surrounded by motivated and incredibly hardworking people every day. With the 20 hours a week I danced this semester, I have to say it was all worth it.
Let’s just say I learned a lot more than dance technique. I learned how to be extremely confident in myself and my abilities. I learned to be my harshest critic, and my best teacher.
Although I may not end up in the actual company, this lifelong dream of mine is the best news to receive during my final year in Albuquerque.
9. danced with actual legends

Okay, just seeing this picture gives me chills. When I tell you that the people I shared the stage with that night are legends, I truly mean it. I mean I’ve been watching Tacha (third from left) and Loreto (fourth from left) on YouTube for a really long time, and suddenly I am studying and performing with them. It was amazing, and without this picture, I wouldn’t believe the words I am currently typing.
10. danced at my last greek fest

Newsflash: For me, being multicultural means having the craziest clubs and hobbies. Aside from dancing flamenco for thirteen years, I have also been Greek dancing with some of the peeps depicted above.
Although I am the only senior girl in the group, these guys have toughed it out with me all twelve years, occasionally cussing each other and others out in Greek (eimaste malakes).
11. spent thanksgiving w/ the greatest peeps

Now back to the Mexican side of the family.
The arrival of Thanksgiving week also brought the arrival of my mom’s family in a white van coming from South Texas. For the entire week, our house went from hardwood floors to air mattresses. Meals varied from tamales to meat to (surprise!!) turkey.
We also may or may not have blasted music from Grupo Celedón’s track, which was the family band my grandfather had started that consisted of my mom and her siblings traveling the country to make ends meet by playing awesome original music. Enjoy the shameless plug below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnHJb2qmtZM (my mother is not in this recording; she’d dipped to UT Austin by then)
12. got accepted into actual college
To be honest, this is probably the one that brings me the most relief. I, Rebecca Watermelon, have been accepted to two universities. I believe that does mean that I will be, ahem, going to college.
I am so excited. The opportunity to leave New Mexico (the land of enchantment) for the independence and fresh start I felt at the summer program is so cool. However, I now have no motivation to complete any other college applications, or, for that matter, complete my senior year of high school.
13. performed in my last recital

Dancing has always been a part of my life, and every December brings the Recital Navideño, in which all the students and dancers from the National Institute of Flamenco share a weekend of what we’ve been working on.
Well, this December is officially the last recital that I will ever partake in, and it was extremely sad but also a bit liberating. It is a quite literal marker that marks the end of an (epic) era, but also the start of a great beginning. Plus, who’s to say I will stop dancing? ;)
14. held my grandfather’s hand for the first time in two years
This is huge for me. About four years ago, my grandfather had a stroke. As a wee little eighth grader, I felt incredibly hopeless and frustrated that I couldn’t do anything. And then when I came to visit him for the first time, I realized the true extent of it. My grandfather, a man who was considered an accordion legend in The Valley, could no longer move the right side of his body.
And yet, I still had one thing. I could hold his hand.
Although he could not speak to me, he could look me in the eyes and hold my hand. This small act to many has instilled a sense of hope and love that I did not completely appreciate before the horrible moment.
Being that I was gone every break either studying or traveling somewhere else, coming here this Christmas made me realize that I hadn’t held his hand in two years. And when I did, I felt grounded. I feel grateful. After all, holding hands is such a loving form of communication.
15. realized my life motto(s)
Last but not least. Since starting this post, it has been about half a day of procrastination, watching Friends, and being quite a couch potato. It is currently two in the a.m. on Christmas Day, and I am reminiscing on the beautiful year that was (and still is) 2017. I see now that this year has allowed me to grow into myself, and learn the best lessons before embarking on the next chapter that is college. This semester involved two phrases that I constantly repeated to myself as I tried not to actually panic about the future:
Whatever happens, happens
Find happiness in oblivion
I’ve found that these simple words have truly calmed me, and therefore I am dedicating this blog to being ok with not knowing the future, and being happy with the fact that all I know is that I know nothing.
Thank you for reading this incredibly long story that is my life. Here’s to many more reflections and memories. :)
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