#i’m always up for drawing these dudes.. especially Leon lol
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ahhrenata · 3 months ago
Re: your pinned post, if I could request anything Chreon that would be amazing, I love your style so so so much 🥺💞
Thank you!! 🥰🥹 I literally love them in all possible scenarios/au’s. I went for a little post death island smooch. (I wish they had a liiittle more one on one time together in it 🥲)
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chusset · 8 years ago
Boston Rain
omg so I’ve been sick as hell for a few days and have done literally nothing before and after work because I’ve been slowly dying.  ANYWAY, I run a sneeze fetish blog (the url is @sf-galaxy if you’d ever wanna check it out!! No pressure. I just post a lot of....well, fetish shit lol) so I was really feeling In the Mood for some fetishy writing because my recent fics have been more mundane I guess---anyway I will always love Spencer and Tim and I just remember that summer when we stayed up til the buttcrack of dawn crying about them, and I just!! love sneezy Spencer so much!! We didn’t do a hell of a lot with him fetish-wise because I think we mostly focused on Klaus and Phin with a few other folks peppered in (peppered, get it, lol), and like--- 
okay so I know he HAD a cold when he was hanging out with Cassidy and then it just got worse as they went, but I tweaked it just a bit for this fic so that he had the beginnings of a cold, but didn’t really notice until he and Tim were in Boston. And we’ve mentioned here and there that Tim and Spencer would sort of ‘catch’ the fetish, and I guess this is sort of my take on how Tim would start to really get into it? Like....Idk if this makes sense, but before I was thinking that after hanging out with Dahlia and Eloise and then, he’d be like “Hey you’re right, this is pretty hot”, but now I guess I just think it’s sweeter if he is just SO enamored with Spence that he just starts feeling that on his own? And Tim’s still struggling with his Gay Panic so he like!! Reeeeally wants to hug and kiss and love Spencer at this point and it’s beginning to outweigh his constant DON’T BE GAY thoughts
Ughh what else---so I’m sort of tweaking Alchs so they have normal mouths, but their eyes are still sort of freaky---still working on it!! And this is sort of fucking long lol so let me know if you see this but have to wait til you get out of work or something to read it later or whatever---ALSO YEAH I KNOW I have like 3 things i still need to finish but this was killing me to get out!! @chillediplier  @carolionel please tell me what you think!
ALSO WAIT so this post ( http://sf-galaxy.tumblr.com/post/156026087020/kalla-lily-i-am-weak-for-the-idea-of-a ) really sort of inspired me for this too? I’m sorry omg but the idea of Spencer just sneezing everywhere makes me weak!!!
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also fuck!! idk why it keeps formatting it weird and putting needless spaces in different spots!! UGHHH anyway please continue 
Tim didn't care if Spencer caught him staring. Well, it wasn't so much that he didn't care, but just that he....didn't acknowledge it. All he could do was feel his heart pound in his ears. "HihhHHH..." That shaky gasp of breath, that twitching pointed nose, the way his eyes rolled up just before sliding shut.... "HihhhHH--!! HEehhHHKKShuuHH!!" Spencer finally released, snapping at the waist as the sneeze barrelled out of him. He sniffled blearily and blinked, reaching to rub under his nose with a crooked index finger. "Sorry...." he breathed, though the soft exhale sounded like it was relieved more than anything. "Gesundheit...." Tim chuckled, fingers itching to place his hand on Spencer's back. Or his arm, or his shoulder, or anywhere at all. Tim wanted nothing more than to hold Spencer, no matter how much he tried to deny it to himself. "I told you, you should've brought a jacket...." Spencer sniffled again, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. "Ah, hell, I'm....fine, dude," he said, response delayed a beat when his nose twitched irritably again. He sniffled, giving the reddening appendage a wiggle. "I don't g-get sick that much...." "Well, you're gonna get sick in this weather..." Tim murmured, looking up as the light drizzle fell from the dreary clouds over Boston. It wasn’t enough to make him rust, but it would get worse. Maybe it was the feelings he was catching recently, but this felt like the perfect weather to curl up and---dare he say it?---cuddle in. His cheeks burned at the very thought.   "Man, I spent the last two years bustin’ heads in 2-Fort. I think I can handle a little rain...." Spencer told him with a confident smile and a shiver that he couldn't quite hide. An instant later, he sniffled loudly and reached to palm the underside of his nose. "Nose just itches...." How was he allowed to be this cute? How was Tim allowed to feel so damn affectionate and soft after years of being anything but? "Here...." Tim murmured, unbuttoning his letter jacket as he spoke. The jacket was one that he won in a Game Stop raffle as a teenager, with the logo of the classic game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wind sewn into the back.  The jacket was a size or two too big, but it was one of the few things he brought with him when he first became an Alch, and even though he rarely grew cold anymore, he still kept it for nostalgia's sake. He offered it to Spencer with a firm hold, so the other man couldn't push his hand away. "Nah, nah, man, I-I'm not gonna take your---" "Take it. I'm not cold," Tim insisted with an easy shrug, as if his stomach wasn't full of butterflies and his heart wasn't aching with the desire to do far more than just offer Spencer his jacket. The ex-Scout took a long moment to consider this before he shivered again at a cold breeze. "Th-Thanks, B..." he said, taking the jacket to slip on. He quickly buttoned it up, sighing at how comfortable and warm it was. The jacket was too big for him, and he practically swam in it with the sleeves going an inch past his fingers. He sniffled again and reached to toy with one of the buttons. "It....smells like you," Spencer said after a moment, a light smile teasing at his lips. Tim flushed and shoved his hands in his pockets, gaze falling to the ground shyly. "I-I'm guessing that's good?" he chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, yeah, real good...." Spencer nodded, taking another deep inhale of the sleeves. "Like....motor oil, but just a little bit. And also like...apple cider, sorta." Tim couldn't help but laugh. "Motor oil and apple cider, huh? Well, I do like chugging cider when it's cold like this....and I did have to change my oil last--..." he paused when Spencer stepped closer to him as the walked, their shoulders pressed together. "....month," he finished weakly, wondering if Spencer could hear his heart pounding. Spencer looked down so the collar of the jacket hid his shy smile. "Whatcha wanna do for dinner?" Tim thought about how easy it would be just to link his arm with Spencer's. Or maybe put his arm around Spencer's waist, or his shoulders. Even just placing his hand on the small of his back was far more than Tim was brave enough to do. "I dunno....room service?" Tim suggested, slipping his hand down to gingerly tuck his pinky finger into Spencer's jean pocket. It was a small move, but it had Spencer moving closer. Spencer sniffled again, looking to his nose with irritation. "R-Room service is....ehHHHxpensive...." he said airily, determined to try and shake off the building sneeze. "Don't worry about it....You let me take care of that." "Nghh...fine, b-but I'll p--hihHHH--pay you b-back...." Spencer hitched, his lashes falling shut as he had to completely stop walking, his body momentarily distracted with the maddening tickling in his nose. He absently raised both sleeves to his face, nose scrunching with a final shuddering hitch. God. I love him. "HeeIIKKchhUUHH!!" Spencer sneezed, buckling into the sleeves before his breath immediately hitched again, brows drawing up with the shaky inhale. "IhhHKcheeUUHHH!! Ohhh, fuck..." he breathed, lashes still shut as he rubbed his nose with the oversized sleeve. "That was buggin' the h-hell out of...me...." he exhaled, looking to be on the cusp of another sneeze. The strangers on the streets of Boston didn't matter to Tim in that moment. Nothing, nothing at all mattered except for Spencer. What was ever important to him before Spencer? "Oh--shit, man, sorry...." Spencer winced a moment later, drawing back from the sleeves he'd just sneezed into. "I didn't---I didn't notice I..." He froze, blinking in surprise when he was pulled close to Tim's side, an arm wrapped around his waist. "....B?" Tim smiled warmly, holding Spencer close as they walked. "Gesundheit...." Spencer only paused briefly before melting into Tim's embrace, his temple lulling against the other man's. "Sorry for sneezin' all over your jacket...." "Don't be," Tim chuckled. "You're not classy like Klaus and carry a handkerchief, so you really don't have many options," he teased. Spencer snorted, rubbing under his nose once more. "Hey, I probably would if I had a water faucet for a schnoz like him. And I'm plenty classy! I was voted Sharpest Dresser in high school." "You were not!" "Well, another kid named Spencer was, and the yearbook committee screwed up and put my picture in instead of his-- but it's my face attached to it!" This had Tim laughing out loud. "Hell, I'd tell people that, too, if that happened to me..." he snorted, reaching with his free hand to dry his eyes. "You’re funny!” Spencer's nose crinkled with a laugh of his own, and Tim felt his heart swell all over again. "Man, I was like Charlie Brown in school! Always trippin' over something or screwin' somethin' up....Took me a while to grow into my legs, I guess...Guess I've always been sorta....I dunno, awkward and annoyin', though...." "Shut up," Tim ordered with a frown. "You're not annoying." Spencer sighed, giving him a light, half-hearted smile. "I know you don't think I am...But I always feel like I get real....loud, ya know, a-and obnoxious....And I don't try to be, b-but I can just....feel myself getting annoying. Especially around Klaus and Eloise and Leon and them... They're my friends, yeah, but they're so chill...." "Eloise started crying yesterday because there was an old man sitting by himself at the diner.” 
“Well, yeah, but that was sorta sad...”
“And Leon cuts people open with his psycho girlfriend. And Klaus went batshit on Lionel when he was flirting with Eloise. I mean, I'd probably go batshit if someone was flirting with you," Tim said with a shrug, cheeks reddening a bit, "But I guess my point is that they're far from chill, and so are everyone else we hang out with....I still love Eloise, even if she cries at the drop of a hat. And hell, I'm starting to love Klaus and Leon, too, even if they can get a little nutty...." He met Spencer's eyes and smiled warmly. "And they love you, even if you get a little excited. Hell, I love it when you get excited!" he couldn't help but gush.
Spencer blushed himself, sniffling and holding the jacket closer around himself. "R-Really....?"
"Yeah!" Tim grinned. "When you talk about baseball or video games or something you're pumped about, your eyes get so bright and you talk a mile a minute and...and you're so damn cute," he said quietly, his expression softening. "I've thought that since the moment we came home after busting you out of 2-Fort. That you were cute. 'Course, I wouldn't let myself think about it much....Didn't wanna think I was.....ya know...." Spencer's gaze fell, looking down and away from Tim. "Y-Yeah, I getcha...." he murmured. Tim swallowed and gave Spencer a ginger hug with his arm. "....B-But I am," he clarified quietly, knowing his cheeks had to be burning. "I'm....ya know....with you...." It took a moment, but Spencer finally returned Tim's fond look. "...I-I'm...ya know....with you, too, man..." he said softly with a growing grin. The both of them just smiled to each other, their faces close and their bodies closer as they made their way down the busy Boston sidewalk. A moment later, Spencer yanked his sleeves up to his face again, buckling into them fiercely. "HeEEHHKshhhUUU!!" "Woah,bless you...." Tim exclaimed, feeling Spencer's forehead once he straightened. His Alch tech didn't detect a fever, but that didn't ease his fears any. "You might be coming down with something...." "'M fine....just cold," Spencer sniffled loudly, twitching his nose back and forth. "Ugh! Let's just hurry up to the hotel. You said it’s close, right? I gotta grab a tissue..." "Oh?" Tim hummed before slowing his pace dramatically. "Well, we should put some speed on it...." "You're a dick!" Spencer laughed, trying to keep going faster while Tim slunk behind him. "Doooon't....goooo....alooooooone....." Tim drawled out as if he were in slow motion, taking sluggish and dramatic steps, clinging to Spencer’s arm.  "You do know you're grabbin' the arm I just sneezed into, right?" "Oh. That explains why it's wet." "Shut up! It's not--" Spencer only paused in his laughter when thunder clapped overhead. A few people on the sidewalk took out umbrellas, clearly anticipating this in the weather forecast. This had Tim straightening. He took Spencer's hand and scurried along, feeling the previous drizzle become a fine sprinkle. "Come on, it's just another block...." Spencer flushed when Tim held his hand, hurrying along beside the Alch. "What? You gonna rust or something?" "I might..." Tim murmured, seeing the lights of the hotel ahead. "There! That's the place I made the reservation...." Spencer followed his gaze and gaped. "Dude...You got the Sheraton? I love this place!" "I know! You told me!" Tim couldn't help but grin, despite their predicament. He desperately loved the look of joy on Spencer's face. "I mean, I remember mentioning it a bit, but..." Spencer beamed ear to ear to Tim. "You just remember everything, don't ya?" Tim stopped at the corner as cars zoomed by, not noting any passersby. "Nah. I just pay special attention to you in particular." He gave Spencer a swift, adoring kiss, and continued across the street an instant later. Spencer blinked in surprise, but kept moving alongside Tim. He seemed dazed, and Tim worried that he didn't appreciate the surprising (and public) kiss. But his worries were eased a moment later when that dazed look lead to Spencer yanking up the collar of the jacket over his nose, buckling into it with two sudden sneezes. "IhHHZHHUU!! HiHH-!! HeeEEKCHUU!!" "Woah! Bless you, bless you--" HiiIIHHCHHuUUHH!!" "Bless you..." Tim finished fondly, kissing Spencer's cheek before he could help himself. Spencer visibly blushed, collar still over his nose. His eyes crinkled with a hidden smile as Tim guiding him into the automatic front doors of the Sheraton. The rain was coming down harder now, and they slipped into the safety of the hotel lobby just in time to avoid the brunt of it. The both of them panted after that mad dash, fingers still entwined together. They were silent, until Tim reached to smooth Spencer's wet hair from his forehead. "I'm gonna check in..." he said softly, rubbing his thumb over Spencer's. "You have a seat, huh?" "'Kay..." Spencer nodded, his voice low as well. They parted, and Tim resisted looking back to Spencer as he strode to the front desk to check in. As he waited for the concierge, he glanced back at the ex-Scout, who stood by the roaring fireplace. Spencer plucked tissue after tissue from a box on the coffee table, blowing his nose again and again. His third blow was interrupted by a muffled sneeze into the tissues, and Spencer sighed exhaustedly before blowing his nose once more. "Poor baby...." Tim couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "I'm sorry, sir?" He jumped and looked to the gentleman behind the counter, fumbling with his wallet. Once he got the room keys, Tim went back to find Spencer in the same position by the fire, though he was now shivering. Before Tim could ask, Spencer said, "I'm soaking....d-didn't wanna sit down...." he sniffled, clutching the tissues in his fist. Tim nodded in understanding, slipping an arm around Spencer's shoulders to start for the elevator. "Aww, babes, you're freezing...." Spencer shook his head, hugging Tim's jacket tighter around himself. "N-Nah, I'm alright..." he murmured, letting his head lull on Tim's shoulder as they waited for the elevator. Barely a moment passed before he took in a shaky breath. Spencer rose a sleeve to his face, but didn't make it before sneezing wetly down towards his chest. "HIiiKKCHUUU!! Ughh...." he breathed, lashes sliding shut with a sniffle. "S-Sorry, B....I think I've sneezed on every inch of your jacket by now..." "Quit being sorry...." Spencer didn't answer that, but gave Tim a small smirk. "I....liked you callin' me 'babes', though...." Tim rose his eyebrows and chuckled. "You did? Heh, well, now you're permanently 'babes' in my book..." He lead Spencer into the elevator once the doors opened, his arm still protectively around the other man. "...What changed your mind?" "Huh?" "I mean...y-you weren't real interested in....PDA, or....I dunno....bein' in a relationship before..." Spencer shrugged. The words 'in a relationship' sent a strike of fear into Tim's heart, but it also warmed it. "...I'm interested in you," he finally decided on, placing a kiss on Spencer's temple. "And that's all I care about. Our friends....Well, hell, they don't need to know...." Spencer was quiet a moment before meeting Tim's eyes. "Well....m-maybe I want them to know. N-Not right now, but....I mean....I know this is sort of our 'first date' and all, but....I mean, we're real into each other...and if we want to keep this up...then I would want to tell them after a while...." Tim nodded, shame tugging at his soul as he knew he never wanted another soul that they knew to know about this. He wasn't gay. Spencer wasn't gay. Well, hell, maybe Spencer was, but Tim wasn't and he refused to entertain the idea. This was....not a mistake, but more like a one-time thing. Maybe these feelings would pass? The thought hurt the hell out of his heart, though. He felt a stab of panic at the thought of being without Spencer, but he also panicked at the thought of telling another soul about this.  "We can talk about it more as we go....Alright?" Tim finally said, hoping Spencer didn't note how completely freaked he was. A small smile pulled at Spencer's lips. "Alright...Thanks, B..." Before the elevator reached their stop, he turned and fully embraced Tim, who took a step back in surprise. They were soon both melted in the warm, affectionate hug, holding each other silently. Until Spencer sneezed, anyway. He didn't release Tim all the way; Just pulled back so he could reach up with one hand, burying his nose in the huge jacket sleeve. "HuuUHHCHHUUU!! Ohhhh---sorry...." Tim didn't let Spencer pull back, yanking him back into the hug. His mind raced with thoughts of Spencer keeping hold of him while he sneezed, Spencer shuddering against him, Spencer letting out that weak little moan afterward, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer..... "....B?" Spencer quirked his head, looking down between the both of them. "You....You hard?" The elevator let out a pleasant little 'ding' when it stopped on their floor. Tim knew he wasn't able to blush much, but he felt like his face was six shades of red. "S-Sorry! Sorry, man,  I--- I didn't---I wasn't---" 
Before he could continue, Spencer kissed him hard, hands slipping to hold his waist. Tim didn't see any reason to reject the kiss, despite his embarrassment, and leaned closer into Spencer's embrace. The elevator doors began to close, and Spencer jabbed at the button to keep them open. "What's our room number?" he asked against Tim's lips. "1031...." "Let's go." Without another word, they hurried out of the elevator like there was a blazing fire in there. 1000, 1001, 1002.... "B....." Spencer said, eyes wide as he looked to the Alch. "Do you--- ah, I mean--- you got anything to...put on?" 1009, 1010, 1011.... "What? Like a condom?" "W-Well, yeah...." "Why the fuck would we need a condom? As if I'm gonna get pregnant!...Can you? If you can, I mean, it's totally cool, man, I don't care and I still wanna---" "No! I mean, cause--- well, haven't you been with a lotta girls?" Tim couldn't help but laugh. "Well, yeah! But my tech won't let me catch anything! You're safe! I promise!" 1016, 1017.... "A-And, I mean....look, dude, I-I ain't ever...." "Fucked a man? Shit, you think I have?" "N-Not that, but I mean--like---any...." Tim tried not to laugh, resulting in a strangled cough. "You're a virgin? That's so cute!" 1026, 1027.... "Sh-Shut up!" Spencer exclaimed, cheeks burning red. "I mean, I'm just not...I-I dunno if I...W-With a dude, anyway, c-cause I've never had anything---ya know, there...." 1031. "Don't worry about it..." Tim breathed, melting back into a kiss before he opened the door with a pleasing little 'click'. He pulled Spencer in, kicking the door shut behind them. He went for the jacket that had been serving as Spencer's well-loved warmth til them, beginning to unbutton it. He couldn't even admire the fancy hotel room. "I'll take care of you...." Spencer opened his mouth to argue, but the protest died in his throat as Tim moved their hips together, the both of them stiff by now. He went for Tim's buttons, practically having the shirt off before he buckled down towards both of their chests. "---GhHHSHHUUHHH!! S-SorrreeHHH--- HeEEKSHUUU!!" "God, bless you...." Tim panted, pressing a hungry kiss to Spencer's lips. He fumbled with the button of Spencer's jeans, but succeeded in no time. Once the jeans were off, Tim wasted no time in yanking down Spencer's boxers to expose his stiff, heated member. "Fuck....." came his breathless gasp as Tim sank to his knees. Spencer sniffled quickly, palming the underside of his nose to keep a runny nose at bay. He looked like he wanted to protest, but could only let out a shaky exhale as Tim took him into his mouth. Spencer leaned against the wall, hips giving an involuntary buck. "B-Baron..." he pleaded, head lulling against the wall. Tim himself was still stiff as a board, and he wondered if Spencer had ever pleased himself before. Surely, he had? 
“F-Fuck, B, I’m....I-I’m gonna...”
Tim closed his eyes and thought about Spencer in his bed at 2-Fort, back arching, fingers curled around his cock--- "HhihhHHHH--" As orgasm and a sneeze both built up so intensely, until he finally had to--- "HeEHHHGSHHUUU!!" Spencer snapped down towards Tim, the sneeze sneaking up on him while he was so consumed with being pleasured. At the same time, Tim couldn't help but moan around Spencer's member, his eyes rolling up as the best orgasm of his life ripped through him. "Ohhhh--- f-fuck----sorry...." Spencer panted, thighs shaking as his fingers wound in Tim's hair. He didn't even notice the other man's climax, far too distracted as he neared his own peak. Tim struggled to continue working at Spencer's member, his mind seemingly traipsing through time and space after that intense result. He had never come without having his cock in something or being touched by someone. He got ahold of himself soon enough, holding Spencer's thighs still as they trembled. Spencer let out a weak moan a few moments later, cumming with another buck of his hips. Tim took his release in full before giving Spencer’s member a few more finalizing licks. “Bless you....” he said softly before kissing Spencer’s tip. "B...." Spencer breathed, drawing Tim out of his previous thoughts. He flashed a tired grin, and despite the obvious delight in his face, Tim noted how he still shivered.  "Th-That was--! God!" "Oh, I think God's sort of shaking His head at us right now..." Tim snorted, rising to smooth Spencer's hair from his heated forehead. He took his hand to lead him to the bed, but Spencer stopped them just before reaching it. "Wait. I wanna get you off, too...." Spencer hummed, reaching down for Tim's cock, only to find it limp. "Huh--?" "I....sorta already came," Tim shrugged sheepishly, noting the splattered wall. "I'll clean that up before we go....I'm sure they charge extra for cummin' on the wall...." Spencer blinked in surprise but couldn't help snorting. "You couldn't really have been that turned on by me sneezin' on you?" "What--!? Of course not! I was just-- excited---and---" "Calm down, I was just kiddin'...." Spencer chuckled a bit hoarsely. "As if you're like Elle with that kink a’her’s....B-But, heh, sorry about that...Couldn't really help it, I was so..." "Enthralled with my cocksucking abilities? Yeah, they're pretty great. Thank you for noticing." Spencer rolled his eyes and smirked, giving him a light shove before pulling back to cough against his fist. "Sorry..." he winced, palming the underside of his nose. "Cold weather still gettin' to me...." Tim's expression softened as he sighed. He gingerly lowered Spencer's hand so he could kiss his nose. "You've just got a cold, Spence...." Spencer flushed and looked down. "....M-Maybe....Just don't tell Leon, huh? Or Jo! God, she's even freakier than Sasquatch....Or Eloise, cause then she’d just worry...” Tim chuckled and nodded, rubbing his thumb over Spencer's. "I won't breathe a word. Now, you get in bed, and I'll run downstairs and grab something to eat." "Let's just stay here for now, huh? I just want....” Tim nodded, pulling back the blankets on the bed. "I just want you, too..." he said with a fond smile, bringing Spencer to burrow under the covers with him. He blushed as the ex-Scout nestled cozily against his chest and asked, "I-I'm not too cold for you, am I?" "Nah, nah....you're actually pretty warm for once, dude...." Spencer sniffled, rubbing his nose with his wrist. He stifled a yawn against a curled knuckle, lashes sliding shut. "I'm....I'm real happy...th-that we're tryin' this out....you 'n me..." Another pang of fear struck Tim's heart. He swiftly swallowed back the panic and kissed Spencer's hair. "I....I am, too...." And they stayed curled that way, listening to the rain tap against the windows, walls, and the cloudy Boston streets.
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