#i’m actually not horrible at it 😸
gayestcowboy · 8 months
quit getting lip fillers and pick up that fucking trombone
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finpai · 4 years
It’s that time of the year again huh 😳 Time 2 post the outcomes of my resolutions for last year + new resolutions for 2021!
2020 Outcomes:
• Get the FUCK over this kidney infection bc I couldn’t do that last year apparently !!! ✅ Took me a hot minute to get over it but I am kidney infection free 😌
• Work on personal art a lot more. I want to try to fill up a sketchbook and at least doodle something every day ❌ Couldn’t find the time or motivation to do the sketchbook thing, though it’s still something I’d like to shoot for!
• Figure out what I really want to major in: 2D animation or printmaking ?? ✅ Printmaking major baybeyyyyyy
• Keep positively building on my relationship with my girlfriend. We’ve been doing great so far but there will always be stuff to work on and I want to grow together and go the distance with them :) ✅ We’ve grown a lot this past year! Pandemic especially showed us that we do well living together and supporting each other the best we can
• Move into an apartment! also with my girlfriend ❤️ ✅ Moved in at the end of April and loving where we are! Would definitely be more enjoyable if we didn’t have to spend 24/7 here but that won’t last forever at least
• If an apartment happens and we can afford it, I’d like to get another cat! Amelia needs a buddy! ✅ Adopted Zoey a week after our 1 year anniversary, she’s settled in well and her and Amelia are good buddies now 😸
• Find a better balance between work, school, and social life. Terrified that my job starting in February will run me ragged but fingers crossed I can handle it! ❌✅ Sorta both on this one? Social life went to hell but for obvious reasons no one could help. Lost the first job due to the pandemic but was able to get a much better low-key one on campus. Work and school balance has been pretty alright at least but still needs fixing
• Keep working on my mental health/taking medicine. I’ve been w/e about taking my meds and making it to see my therapist so I’ll be trying hard not to this time around ✅ Currently on 3 new medications and was diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type at the end of this year. Meds help a lot and so does therapy ! Still definitely have struggles but I’m better off than before at least
• And one last resolution I’d love to accomplish, getting strong enough so I can pick up and carry my beloved bridal style ;) ❌ Again, pandemic kinda nixed this one 😔 Though school could have as well since upper level classes take up so much time. One day I’ll be there though!
Resolutions for 2021:
• Actually use my planner for stuff since I’m horrible at remembering things! As well as use it for bullet point journal entries of each day
• A liddle drawing every day! Either in a sketchbook or in the planner since it has space for that
• Make more home-cooked meals when I have the time for it, I like cooking for me and my girlfriend :)
• Text family more often, grandparents especially. Visit more often too when it’s safer
• Find a better balance in work/social/school/personal life
• Continue growing and making positive memories with my girlfriend 💚
• Keep the apartment cleaned up for the most part and finish cleaning the areas that haven’t been touched yet
• Do schoolwork on time !!! I procrastinate too much, just need better time management in general 🤦
• Apply for and get accepted into the BFA program/if accepted, figure out idea for exit show
• Maybe not getting up to the bridal style carry, but it would be very sexy of me to be able to pick up my girlfriend easier 💙
This is so long I’m so sorry pls give me one pass to make a long post since I only ever reblog shit 🥺 ily all and hope you have a wonderful new year !!!
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