#i’m a huge eruie fan
the-traveling-poet · 8 months
Thoughts on the discourse behind jurix/juripearl?
Honestly, I didn’t have a clue till a couple days ago.
I remember getting an Anon Ask about this creator before (similar to this question), but I left it unanswered because 1). I didn’t know anything about the situation, so I wasn’t about to start spreading false information on something I knew nothing about. 2). I’m on this app to write fanfiction, read fanfiction, and look at beautiful fanart. Not discourse.
I decided to look into it, because of this ask. So without starting any fights over who supports that blog/who doesn’t, this is my view on it; they’re homophobic.
If they wanted to ship Levi Ackerman with female characters (i.e. Petra, Fem!Hange, female OCs, or self ship) that’s totally cool. Great! Good for you! I love me some good Fem!Hange x Levi fanart. But if that’s what they want to see/read/write/draw, then they should just do that.
Instead of bashing the LGBTQ+ community for shipping Erwin x Levi or literally any other male or non-binary characters with him.
I read through their page a little, and no I don’t know everything cause some posts have been taken down so I never saw them. But what I have seen is, in fact, homophobic. And I do not support that behavior.
If that creator doesn’t ship Levi with anyone other than females, that’s cool. Just look at the straight ships then. You don’t need to bash others because you prefer straight relationships.
While searching their page, (One of them apparently, I didn’t know they had more than one acc. I haven’t seen the other one yet) I saw a lot of things they contradicted themselves on just to justify their self proclaimed cannons for Levi and just to justify their homophobia. I’m sorry but their “facts” are wrong. And sometimes weird?? Help me??
But the facts are; We don’t know his sexual orientation. Supposedly he’d never been with someone.
Thus, this leaves the fandom to see it how we want to. It’s literally a fandom, we’re allowed to ship him with whomever we want or no one at all! Or even self ship! It’s all valid and okay and absolutely beautiful!!!
Bottom line here is; I don’t do discourse. I don’t do drama. But I’ll take a stand when homophobia like this is being spread around, cause I can’t stand that shit. It shouldn’t have a platform in which to stand. Ever. I’ll happily dismantle any stage that gets built to preach this bullshit.
Lynn out ✌️
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