#i’ll post p1 art soon probably
possessedartist · 1 year
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i love playing persona 1
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
How to write essays fast
I've been writing a lot of papers, so that's what's on my mind.
So this mostly applies to your standard 5-paragraph paper, though it's fairly straightforward to adapt it to longer (or sometimes shorter) assignments.
One of the main things to note is that essays are VERY formulaic, so knowing the formula and being able to write down your ideas in a way that fit into the formula is probably the number one way to get stuff done fast. Because of that, most of what I’m covering is breaking down the formulas so they’re more accessable.
Also this got very long. If there’s anything you want me to expand on just let me know in the comments or send me an ask/DM and I’ll make another post that goes more in-depth about it.
Structure (I hate this step, so I’ve figured out how to do it very fast becuase it’s still important)
The first thing to consider is prewriting and structure. To start, there are two major paper structures I usually consider. The first goes
Main point #1
Main point #2
Main point #3
This is good if you have a lot to say on the topic, or if it's something closer to a summary essay where there's not really an opposing side. In something where there are distinct sides, (or if you have less to say to support your own side), you may want something that looks like
Main point #1
Main point #2
Why the other side is wrong
The "why the other side is wrong" side is involves thinking through the MOST credible arguments the other side might make, and methodically breaking them down to show how they don't work. The stronger the argument you choose, the more effective this is.
Since I personally hate prewriting with a passion, I usually do this step very fast and end up with an outline that looks like
Intro [insert thesis statement]
P1: [three word summary]
P2: [three word summary]
P3: [three word summary]
(thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion tips are all below the cut)
Usually, this is enough so when I look at my outline, I can see what I'm trying to focus on for each paragraph - and do so without straying from my main point.
For the prewriting, the main things to do are identify with basic structure of the two will serve your purposes better, and write a thesis statement that solidly supports your argument.
Thesis Statement
There are so many guides about creating thesis statements that are powerful, but I'm just going to quickly go over how to be fast about it.
The first thing to know is that a thesis statement is usually a complex sentence: it's your entire essay distilled down to a single line. The general formula I follow goes something like this:
"In their [media type] [name of specific piece], [creator's full name] explored/demonstrated/other verb [theme you're going to be arguing about] demonstrated/using/as evidenced/as shown by [example 1], [example 2], and [optional example 3]."
For example, a thesis statement that follows this format might go
“In his short film Job at Place, David Davidson explored the manifestations of human stupidity through the absurdity of the main character’s home, school, and office.”
Or, if you're writing a historical piece, it might look something like this:
"In [place/time period], [thing you're arguing was happening]: they had to/the conditions were such that/other thing to set up a list [example 1], [example 2], and [example 3]."
For example, a thesis statement that follows this format might go
“During the Tusken Invasion of 32nd century Tatooine, it was the lives of the children that were most affected, from their social development and connections with others to more personal struggles they didn’t yet have the tools to overcome.”
The examples you give are going to correlate to your paragraphs - example 1 is for body paragraph 1, and so on. 
I like to think of the introduction as a funnel that gets more and more specific.
First, write a broad statement that touches on whatever theme you’re referencing. 
Job at Place is about human stupidity, so something like “while great minds have flourished throughout the ages, so have the not-so-great.”
Tatooine is about war, and about child development, so something like “children’s development has always been impacted by the state of the world around them.” or “war has many effects, many of which impact those not directly involved with the conflict.”
The idea is that it’s a broad statement that can almost be looked at like a universal truth.
Next, you’re going to go deeper - two sentences that narrow down the time and place you’re talking about specifically, and how that time and place fit into your universal statement. 
The fourth sentence gets even more specific - introducing how the thesis sentence fits into your first three sentences.
Then the last line is your thesis statements. 
Body Paragraphs
Your three main body paragraphs all follow the same formula. (I’ll get to the “why the other side is wrong” paragraph in a minute)
The first sentence you’re going to want is a topic sentence. For this, you’re going to want to look at the example you gave in your thesis statement that corresponds to this paragraph, and see how it relates to your central claim. 
If we’re going with the Job at Place example from above, for the second paragraph, you might open with a line like:
“A striking characteristic of Davidson’s short film was the abnormality of the main character’s school, used to showcase exactly what happens when poor decisions get taken too far.”
Everything within the paragraph will then back up the claim you’re making in the topic sentence (which in turn is backing up your thesis). 
For each paragraph, you’re probably going to want about three pieces of evidence, either in the form of direct quotes (plucking words directly from the source) or paraphrased quotes (summarizing what happened in your own words). The quote should be used to directly support your argument.
After each piece of evidence, you’re going to want about... twoish lines of analysis (this number can change as you need it to, but two lines is something solid to fall back to). 
While analysis can take all kinds of forms, one pattern you can use if you’re stuck is
evidence sentence 
what it means
how that meaning ties back into your main point
Following this pattern, a piece of analysis of Job at Place might look like:
“One of the first images of the private school is that it’s a tall spire with creaking stairs and loose floorboards. Despite this, the principal has eight personal cars parked outside on full display. While the first glimpse of the school might indicate that there is little money to care for the structural integrity, the notion is directly negated by the principal’s actions. By using these two images, Davidson demonstrates what can happen to the youth when those in power let greed carry them away.”
After you write your analysis, include some kind of transition phrase, and go onto the next piece of evidence.
The last line of your paragraph is going to transition into the next paragraph while also summing up the main point of what you talked about in the current one. (This line can also get moved down and tacked onto the beginning of the next paragraph, before the topic sentence, but I have found it tends to look less cohesive that way).
You might choose something like:
“While the school was a disaster in its own right, it wasn’t the only example of human folly.”
If you’re writing a “this is why the other side is wrong” you’re going to want to think about the MOST compelling arguments the other side could make. Take the top one (or two), and figure out ways to crack them apart using evidence from your source material.
In this case, your topic sentence might start off with something like
“While opponents might say [insert compelling counterargument], their reasoning breaks down when one takes into account the evidence.”
At this point, you’re going to follow the same formula as above. The main thing to keep in mind is that for the duration of this paragraph, your point is that the other side’s claim of X is wrong.
If you know what you’re doing, this is actually the easiest part.
(wait, what??????)
The thing is, you NEVER want to introduce new ideas into your conclusion. Instead, you’re summarizing your main points.
The formula I follow per sentence is:
Thesis statement but reworded (you can change the sentence structure too)
Topic sentence for paragraph 2 or 3, but reworded (I’ll explain why you shouldn’t do the sentence for P1 in just a sec)
Topic sentence for paragraph 1 or 3 but reworded
Topic sentence for paragraph 1 or 2 but reworded
Wow sentence or question (i’ll get to this too)
The idea for the middle three sentences is you don’t want them to read as repetitive, so you’re going to mix up the order so it doesn’t match the order of the rest of the essay. This will help to keep it fresh.
The wow sentence is basically the last impression you get to make. I find it’s usually a good idea to go just a tad dramatic (it sounds dumb, but it has never failed me). If I can’t think of anything, a declarative statement on whatever major theme was being discussed throughout the essay usually does the trick.
All of this shows that in the absence of friendships and platonic love, humanity will falter.
Fiction may seem far fetched now, but if the world falls into those same mistakes, it’s only a matter of time until it becomes a reality.
Art has existed for as long as humans have populated the earth; it’s not going away any time soon.
A lesson everyone must understand is the most powerful weapon isn’t anything physical or tangeable: it’s the ideas that exist in the minds of those who care.
(I told you they were going to be dramatic) A way I look at it is if you can’t imagine dropping the mic on the last line, it needs to be stronger (yes I found that plagiarized with not even a whisper of credit on Pinterest, but it works).
If you wrote a SOLID essay, consider ending with a question aimed at the reader (this will push your essay in the direction of either the positive or negative extreme: a strong essay will become stronger, a weak essay will become weaker). Questions can be a call to action or rhetorical as a means to drive home your final point. Becuase they’re more nuanced to the content of the essay, I don’t really have great examples to give you though (sorry).
Hopefully this is useful to at least some of you - good luck!
If you want to be added to or removed from any of my taglists (found pinned to the top of my blog) just let me know :)
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demon-witch-cat · 3 years
DigiWeek 2021: Beginning P1
When and How did you first discover Digimon?
It was around 2011/12 when I first discovered Digimon, between 7 or 8 years old, so I was pretty late to the party. When I was younger, I would get migraines, and have to stay home from school for days at a time when that happened. I would usually just watch shows on Netflix in my room, or on the couch in our Livingroom. It was my third day of being sick, when my mom had to head out to the grocery store. The past two days, all I had been watching was pokemon (black and White if I remember correctly) and my mom wanted me to try watching something else. So I looked through the recommended bar, when I came across Digimon. I read the summery and thought it sounded cool, so I tried it out. And let me tell you, I was immediately immersed into the world, and it's characters. My favorite at the time was TK/Takeru, probably because he was about my age, and because I thought Patamon was adorable! (Still do, obviously) And Joe/Jyo, who just seemed so cool and sweet to me, plus Gomamon is hilarious! By the time my mom got home from the store, I had already watched almost half of Adventure. The thing about Netflix is that, back when they still had it up, it had the first three seasons (Adventure, 02, & Tamers) So those three are the season I have the most attachment to. My overall favorite would have to be Tamers, because of the story and characters, and it's just *Chiefs kiss* amazing! However, my favorite character out of all them from all the seasons, for both so many reasons and no reason at all, is Cody/Iori Hida. He is my baby boy, and I love him!
I actually have been working on a AU idea that revolves around Cody and 5 other kids. Which I'll probably be posting more about during DigiWeek! I actually have an art piece for today's prompt that I'm planning on posting soon, with my characters from that AU! So stay tuned for that!
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lcscuties · 7 years
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Documenting my first experience at LCS in LA: Week 9 of Spring Split 2017
(writing about my experience, first impressions, + more pictures n videos/fancams n stuff inside :D click keep reading!! Note: this is a REALLY long post)
Henlo everyone, whew, it was such an exciting weekend! I want to write about my experience so here I go:
some notes before I start talking about it:
there are spoilers in this post so if you don’t want spoilers go watch the games first :3
FOR DESKTOP USERS: Whenever I try playing the videos in the post on my blog, for some reason every video after the first will not play. I don’t know if it’s because of my browser or theme or it’s just flickr, but if you want to play the video and it’s not playing for you, all you have to do is hover your mouse over the video and click on the title link of the video that’s right above my flickr username “Theberrylily8889six” right here:
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[EDIT]: If you’re still having trouble playing the videos, here’s a link to my Flickr profile, you can just watch the videos from there.
also btw i know im not wearing a bra in the first pics hopefully that doesn’t bother you guys lol but I don’t really have boobs to begin with and like wearing the smallest bra just feels like putting unnecessary discomfort on myself like it’s not like I need to hold something nonexistent in place so it’s just bc i need to cover my pepperonis for society?? I wore them when I was younger and i would get like rashes and even scars from the underwire and i was like WHY AM I DOING THIS ok i can keep ranting about this but dis post is not about dat so onwards
this is quite a long post
I was supposed to go Friday but I remembered that LCS starts later on Friday, and I was taking public transport from like an hour away so I didn’t want to be dealing with that late at night in LA because it’s a little dangerous since I was alone. So unfortunately I didn’t get to meet Team Dignitas :(
Anyways, Saturday was CLG vs IMT, and P1 vs C9.
IMT stomped on CLG pretty hard, because Stixxay got really sick last minute, so they had to fly in Joey to sub support (he flew in at like 4 am OMG!!), and I was also surprised with the Aphro adc. I didn’t know who to cheer for as usual for most matches, I just wanted both teams to have fun rip. Also props to Joey for subbing last minute, the crowd was really kind and always cheered and clapped for his efforts haha.
Also I would like to point out that FLAMEDOCH IS REAL, the camera doesn’t capture this all the time but off camera Flame and Dardoch talk to each other the most on the team, they’re always laughing, they’re pretty touchy, and just overall super cute. Also I recorded a video of this on my snap but I’M SO ANGRY I FORGOT TO SAVE IT IT WAS SO CUTE but after game one Flame and Dardoch went to the break room holding hands and swinging their hands back and forth like a couple, I don’t think the camera caught this. TL;DR FLAMEDOCH IS VERY REAL GUYS AND IF YOU SEE THEM BEING TOUCHY ON CAMERA THEY’RE JUST AS TOUCHY ALL THE TIME OFF CAMERA TOO AO;SIFNAOIW;ENF
Then came the CLG and IMT fan meet. You have to take a picture with both teams btw. When I went up to take a group picture with IMT, Pobelter was like “Hi” and I was like “hi” back xD
After you take group photos you can talk with players and take some selfies real quick before they head back. Since I already met CLG, I didn’t take more photos with them but I talked with Darshan. Actually, at the CLG meetup I went to earlier, it was Darshan who told me exactly “Well I really hope I see you again in LA this season to support us!” and Saturday I told him “I remember you told me this exactly so I took a 13 hour train all the way down here just to support you guys!!!” lol. We had a nice conversation. Darshan is a really nice guy, and I also want to say that Aphro is too. This is the second time I met them and I’ve noticed this, they seem to be the ones to talk with their fans and really care the most.
I was also able to get a selfie with Dardoch, Pobleter, and Flame.
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Dardoch to me seems like a kind person. I know he has a controversial past and I do believe he wasn’t the kindest in the past, but I really believe in “reformed” dardoch. He seems to care about his fans a lot these days. Also, when you take a picture with Dardoch he pulls you in so close a;oiewnefia;ejf....like he holds you so tight and snug and basically i was ded
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Pobelter seems like a funny guy. Like...his personality is exactly like how his snapchats are LOL. Kind of like a slightly awkward yet super memey funny guy lmao.
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and let me tell you about Flame man...this man is so BEAUTIFUL. Like, I’ve noticed he’s not too photogenic, but the photos really don’t do him justice. Like he’s actually EXTREMELY handsome in real life, it’s unexplainable, but he’s such a beautiful man OTL. Also Flame’s personality, he really is a “pup”! @pikaniuu always refers to Flame as a cute mans and a pup because he literally is one!! He gets distracted/immersed by little things and is a little oblivious in a cute way.
C9 vs P1
C9 also pulled the win against P1 pretty easily, well, they’re C9 so they always do pretty well. I brought the big light up C9 sign to the stage, and the camera actually caught me with it! Woooh (here’s a twitch clip of me hahaha)
Also they took a picture of me with the sign and put it on the riot flickr! wow much HD
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here’s a video of me touching hands with C9 lol
Soo I got to take photos with P1 and C9 of course. I also had the giant light up C9 with me as well. When I went to go take a group photo with C9, sneaky was like ooo what’s that and he said it was really nice. Also, SNEAKY AND CONTRACTZ WERE BEING REALLY CUTE TOGETHER because Sneaky kept poking at his cheeks and Contractz was looking back at Sneaky doing the same. Idk it was really adorable, I didn’t get to capture too much of it but here’s a short video (I’ll try to gif it soon, it’s just sooo cute)
lmao I think Sneaky saw me recording them at the end xD RIP
After the group photos I was able to take a selfie with Meteos, and all of C9 except for Jensen (Jensen leaves the fan meet pretty early so I missed him).
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not gonna lie Dark meteos is pretty hot irl. I also asked him to sign my C9 poster for C9. NO SHAME
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Smoothie’s super nice. I told him I liked his new hair hehe. He talked with me for a while, ahh I love Smoothie so much
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OKAY IMPACT’S PERSONALITY IS LITERALLY LIKE FLAME. THEY BOTH HAVE PUPPY PERSONALITIES, IT’S SO CUTE. When I asked them to sign my sign, Impact got really immersed and fiddled with my sign for a while. He was like, really excitedly, “WOW SO COOL!! , DOES IT LIGHT UP???? CAN I TURN IT ON??? *turns it on* WOWWWOWOWOOW OMG SO COOL.” And it was so fckin cute just seeing him so intrigued by my sign lol.
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Contractz is a little shy but still cute as ever. Ahh it’s weird to think that he’s younger than me xD
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Ray is such a QT! He didn’t talk much and is also a little shy, but nevertheless I loved Ray!
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Lastly, I need to talk about Sneaky Daddy. Oh my god, he’s the one that left the biggest impression on me. He is literally so kind and friendly, he talks to you immediately when you go take a group photo with him, and if you go up to him to take a picture or sign something, he always makes a conversation with every fan no matter how shy they are. The way Sneaky talks to you, he talks like you’re already best friends. He makes you super comfortable around him, and he really seems to enjoy interacting with the fans. Also out of all the members, he’s the one who stayed behind the longest to chat with all the fans, even when it was time to go. He makes sure he gets a good conversation with everyone. My respect and fangirlism for Sneaky went up 1000%. Also not to mention his hair is fucking beautiful and graceful and his eyes are literal marbles and his skin is fair and smooth as fuck??? Sneaky is actually beautiful, like, he’s so pretty, his face is like art tbh. I’ve always noticed this but especially now I really feel like out of all the pros, Sneaky is the one who enjoys his job the most and to the fullest. I mean like he doesn’t just like winning, he enjoys learning from his mistakes and losses, he enjoys streaming, he values every one of his fans, he always seems to be a very good sport, he's extremely passionate about the work he has to put in to scrim all the time and improve. TL;DR, Sneaky is an incredibly kind-hearted, friendly, and genuine person.
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They also signed my C9 Fansign! :D (lul @ Meteos’s signature on a C9 fansign)
So I only got tickets for NALCS1, but I stuck around a little longer and one of the employees said that they could let me in the other theatre to watch the last FOX vs NV that was still going on. Yay! So I got to catch the last game, which Echo Fox won. Unfortunately Team EnVY didn’t come out for pictures or the fanmeet (I really wanted to meet Apollo <3 T.T), but it’s understandable that someone wouldn’t want to go to a fanmeet when the team isn’t doing so well in the standings. Oh well. Anyways, I got to meet Echo Fox, and I took a selfie with Looper and Akaadian and I got to talk to Akaadian for a while.
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I asked Akaadian who his favorite Brodie is. He was like “My favorite brodie? Hmmm...that’s a good question” and he said Zedxlol (for you guys who don’t know, he was on Team Liquid Academy with the rest of the brodies Moon and Dardoch, and they’re all really close). Then I was like, “Not Moon?” And then he was like, “Ah this is such a hard question, I love all my brodies in different ways. I guess as well it would probably be Moon, we’re really close. He’s really such a nice guy deep down.”
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Looper is just so precious???? He’s so cute lmao and he’s also a shy boy >.<
Sunday was TSM vs P1 and FLY vs TL. Sunday I also met up with @liquidhunny and her friends and it was really fun! (das us in the last photo of my photoset)
TSM vs P1
TSM played really well against P1. Oh, and let’s not forget that drink that Hauntzer spilled LOL. This matchup was really conflicting for me because in the particular matchup between TSM and P1 I’m a bigger fan of TSM and I wanted them to win, but if P1 won that mean C9 would take first place so it was like...AHHH CONFLICTING FEELINGS.
Here’s a video of the hand touching part. SRY THE CAMERA’S SMUDGY
When I took the group photo, Bjerg said hellooo to me and I was like helloo. If you look back at the group photos Sven is blinking...they took two photos and Sven was blinking in BOTH pictures OTL. Then after the group pictures, they had to leave quickly so I didn’t have much time to take selfies. I quickly found my favorite boy from TSM, Biofrost <3 and took a selfie with him. THE CAMERA ANGLE AND LIGHTING IS SO BAD BUT I DON’T CARE IT’S BIOFROST AND I’M HAPPY
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Biofrost is very polite and kind of shy. He’s so cuuute >.<
Oh god. I just wanted both teams to have fun, as usual. I think I’m just slightly more of a Flyquest fan because I loved old C9, and also because I LOVE MOON. Fortunately after game 2 Flyquest won enough to get to playoffs, so in the 3rd game I was hoping TL would win so they would avoid relegations. Flyquest ended up winning, so I was a little happy for them, but maaan I felt so bad for Team Liquid T.T
A video of the Flyquest victory hand touching :D
lmao you can hear me saying MOOOON oh im such Moon trash
Anyways, it came time for the fan meet. And oh god, it was so painful to see TL out there. They looked incredibly depressed :(. Lourlo and Piglet seemed to be the saddest out of everyone, I really hope they cheer up ;_; Even taking the picture with them, I felt so weird because they were just so sad. You can tell they couldn’t even smile for the photos T.T
After the group photos, I didn’t want to inconvenience TL too much because of the loss, but I did just quickly ask Reignover to say hello in a video to @reignover and @yinglol, because I know how much they love Reignover xD It’s just a short little 4 second video, but hopefully it made their day.
With Flyquest, can we just take a moment to appreciate how smol Balls is? Someone gave him a flower crown to wear and he kept it on for my group photo, IM BLESSED.
After the group photos, finally, @liquidhunny and I went up to Moon. If you guys don’t know, she worked REALLY hard on a gift to give to moon which was made up of a fan art poster, a customized hat just for Moon, and I little notebook filled with notes and letters from fans. (Here’s here tumblr post about her gift)
And here is her final poster design:
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ISN’T IT SO GOOD?!?! She printed me another copy of the poster THANK YOU SO MUCH AHHH
Anyways, we went up to Moon and she told him about the presents and gave it to him. Moon said it was so awesome, and then Hunny asked “Can I take a selfie with you?” and then Moon was like, “Can I hug you?” AND SHE WAS SHOOK AND I WAS SHOOK FOR HER!!! Moon hugged her, and I was so happy for her, and then Moon hugged me and i was shOOK like A;OWFEIAEWF I DONT DESERVE THIS BUT THANK YOU. You’re actually not supposed to hug the fans during the fan meet, but we didn’t even ask to hug him, HE asked Hunny if he could hug her and also hugged me!!! Ahh this was all so touching, and he’s such a nice guy.
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Moon posing with Hunny’s hat gift :D
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AINT DIS PHOTO SO CUTE Moon was so touched and it was overall just a super happy moment.
Moon actually thanked Hunny on twitter! AAAaaaaaahhhh
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I also asked to take a selfie with moon:
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I told Moon that he was like my FAAAVORITEE and I love his jungling and everything. Ahh. And HIS EYES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL ok I say this about like every pro but seriously they’re like green-hazel and just so pretty...??? That was the last pro interaction I had and it was just so great to end the day meeting my favorite player.
At the end of the event, we all took a group picture with the backgrop.
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League/LCS brings people together and I’m so happy about that :D
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I had sooo much fun. It was super nice meeting @liquidhunny and all the pros.
One thing that I want to state is that: I expected that meeting all the pros would be very...perfect and happy? Idk how to explain it much, but, the reality is, pros are very, very human. Unfortunately, the losing team can get very sad, and it’s heartbreaking to see them in that state. But that’s the way that the pro scene works. Also, meeting these people in real life, you could really tell which people care about their fans a lot and are just really warm, kind, friendly, and genuine people on the inside (like I mentioned that I saw that Sneaky is like this, as well as many others). I don’t want to say or judge that the people that didn’t appear as warm as Sneaky or interact with fans much are bad people, because like I said, pros are very human and you’ll never know if they could just be having a bad day or are really down after a loss.
Also, I’m lowkey facing withdrawal LOL especially Biofrost withdrawal currently bc he was so adorable and honestly I should have looked at him more on stage >///<
Wowow what a long post and a fun weekend! I actually have the BTS concert next weekend MY HEART CAN’T TAKE THIS IT’S ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED OVER THE WEEKEND AND I’M NOT PREPARED!! AHHH!!
Thanks you guys for reading this and I hope you all can see them play in person one day!
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cardcaptorcoconut · 7 years
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc Chapter 11 Translation
I went to the bookstore at lunch today and was happy to find that Nakayoshi is out a day early. Here is the full version of the chapter 11 translation.  Going through it a second/third time, I noticed some errors I made in the preview versions and have corrected them (just nuances and typos; nothing plot significant). Sorry about the changes!
Also, I bought some extra goods yesterday at Sakura Fest and will be updating my CCS goods sale post soon.  If you’re interested in an item, please PM me. Right now things are quite busy for me at work, but I will try to respond as quickly as I can. :)
☆★Translation Notes Reminder★☆
Disclaimer: These are just fan translations. Please support the official release.
Chapter 11
Splash Page with Anime Preview Art: “I believed that we would meet again!”
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc Volume 3 on sale Wednesday, September 13th.  The special edition version of Volume 3 will include an OVA animation DVD with the story “Sakura & the Two Bears” - sold together with volume 3, pre-order start!!
[Note: This story will be an anime adaptation of both Syaoran’s original confession from the manga, and Sakura’s confession to him before he leaves for Hong Kong]
Deadline for applying: Friday, July 14th, 2017   On sale date Wednesday, September 13th Price: 3,480 Yen
Cover Page:
“Could you be friends with me?”
P1 Yue:  Another new card…? Sakura:  Yeah… At Tomoyo-chan’s house. Yue:  What kind of card is it? Sakura:  This is it. Kero:  "Record"… Yue:  You don’t have to get close to the screen.  I should just look at what our mistress has in her hand. Kero:  True, but there’s such a thing as having a presence, you know. Yue:  What can it do?
P2 Sakura:  I haven’t tried it out yet.  But I think it can record things somehow. Kero:  Try it out right now! Sakura:  Okay!  "Record!“ <Sakura activates the card>
P3 Kero:  It’s not moving, right? Sakura:  Y-yeah. Kero:  I guess it won’t work unless you give it a proper command? Sakura:  Take a recording around me now! Kero:  This (card)… did it record? Sakura:  How are we supposed to watch (what it recorded)?
P4 Sakura:  Project what you’ve recorded! Kero:  Ooooh! Sakura:  It’s like I’m really standing right here! Kero:  I see.  So this is how it’s used! Kero:  Record Yue next time too. Yue:  No thanks.
P5 Yue:  Well for now, it looks as though you’re unharmed. Kero:  That’s right. Sakura:  But this might be useful.  I can use this whenever there’s something I want to save. Sakura:  I’d just been thinking how it would be nice if I could do that… Sakura:  Ah! Sakura:  I need to leave about now!  I’ll talk to you later, Yue-san! Yue:  Be careful on your way. Sakura:  I will!
P6 Sakura:  I’m heading out! <Kero dives into Sakura’s bag.  A moment later, Sakura sees Akiho> Sakura:  Akiho-chan! Akiho:  Good morning. Sakura:  Good morning.  Good morning to you too, Momo-chan!
P7 Akiho:  Good morning to your friend too. <Sakura pulls Kero out of the bag. Caption reads: “Pretending to be a stuffed animal”> Sakura:  Yeah! Sakura:  Kero-chan came along with me! Akiho:  Good morning, Kero-san. Kero:  <thinking> Strangled! I’m being strangled!! <Sakura shoves him back into her bag> Sakura:  That reminds me, whereabouts do you live Akiho-chan?
[Lit: …where is your house?]
P8 Akiho:  It’s (a bit of) an isolated house that’s a close enough distance to walk to.  I heard that a boy from England who was about my age used to live there before. Sakura:  Eh!? Sakura:  Do you happen to have a picture of your house? Akiho:  Y-yes.
P9 Sakura:  It’s Eriol-kun’s house! Akiho:  Eh!? <Later at school> Kero:  I was strangled… At that rate, I thought I was gunna (die).
[Note: The Japanese was あのまま落ちるかと思たで – The word kero uses is 落ちる which has several meanings (e.g. “to fall”, “to drop”, “to fail”, “to give up”, “to die”). I thought of these he was probably being extra dramatic, but he could have just meant that he was about to drop the stuffed animal façade.]
Sakura:  I-I’m sorry. Kero:  Next time be more careful about how you treat me. Kero:  So, about this morning’s conversation… Sakura:  That’s right. It’s about Akiho-chan’s house. Syaoran:  So it was Hiiragizawa’s house...
P10 Sakura:  I was surprised.  But Akiho-chan was surprised too when I said it was where our friend used to live. <Text around Eriol says “Former Home Owner”> Sakura:  And so, she invited us over to visit this Sunday. Syaoran:  To Shinomoto’s house? Sakura:  Akiho-chan has been to many countries and she said she’d show us the books she’s collected from (her travels).
[Lit: …she said she’d show us the books she’s collected from those times.]
Sakura:  I’m sure I won’t be able to read foreign books, but she said she has books with lovely pictures and photos. Syaoran:  I’m sorry.  I have something to do on Sunday… Sakura:  I see… That’s a shame.  Well, Tomoyo-chan and I will go then. Syaoran:  Can you apologize to Shinomoto for me? Sakura:  Sure! Sakura:  U-um so…  Are you free the next Sunday?
P11 Sakura: U-um, I’m working really hard on the tamagoyaki [Lit: rolled egg]. It’s warm out and if the weather’s nice, um, we can go out together… Syaoran: If you’re okay going with me. Sakura: Th-that goes for me too. If you’re okay going with me! Kero:  Hey, I’m here too!  It’s not just your own world, you two!
P12 Kero:  Tomoyo, why do you have to have classroom duty today? (I’m the third wheel…)
[Lit: “I’m lonely…” but it’s basically what he means]
<Later, Sakura and Tomoyo go to Eriol’s/Akiho’s house> Sakura:  So it really is Eriol-kun’s house. Tomoyo:  It looks that way. <Sakura rings the bell> Akiho:  Yes?
P13 Sakura:  U-um, it’s Kinomoto. Tomoyo:  (And) Daidouji. Akiho:  I’ll open it now. Sakura:  Wow! Akiho:  Please come in. Sakura:  Y-yes! Kero:  You’re moving really suspiciously. Tomoyo:  Thank you for inviting us. Sakura:  …(f-for inviting us). Akiho:  I’m so happy that you came!
P14 Yuna:  Hello. Yuna:  Thank you for coming all this way today. Akiho:  Ever since I was little, I’ve always caused Kaito-san a lot of trouble. Yuna:  I am Yuna D. Kaito.  I watch over Akiho-san.  It’s very nice to meet you.
[Note:  Yuna speaks very politely and uses honorifics much like Tomoyo does.]
P15 Yuna: And you haven’t caused me trouble even once, Akiho-san. Yuna:  Please come inside. Sakura:  Wow!
P16 Sakura:  It’s really different from when Eriol-kun lived here. Tomoyo:  That’s true. Sakura:  What a cute room. <Yuna brings tea into the room> Akiho:  That’s a nice aroma. Yuna:  I prepared the cherry blossom flavored tea souvenir you gave us. Akiho:  <to Sakura and Tomoyo> Thank you very much. Sakura:  Tomoyo-chan and I picked it put. Yuna:  Here you are.
P17 Sakura, Tomoyo, & Akiho:  Thank you so much! Sakura & Akiho:  It’s delicious! Yuna:  Thank you very much. Please have some of this too. Sakura, Tomoyo, & Akiho:  I’ll have some! Sakura:  Hanya~n! <Sakura is suddenly embarrassed>
P18 Sakura:  I-it’s nothing! Tomoyo:  What��s the matter? Sakura:  I accidentally said “Hanya~n” Tomoyo:  But it’s so cute… Sakura:  I’m a middle school student now and it’s a little embarrassing, so I’m trying not to say it as much as I can. Sakura:  It’s very delicious! Tomoyo:  Which cake shop is this from? Yuna:  It’s from here. Tomoyo:  Oh wow, this is homemade?
P19 Akiho:  He always makes homemade sweets, meals, and bentos for me. Sakura:  That’s amazing! Yuna:  Not at all. Yuna:  It’s because this is my job. Sakura:  Akiho-chan…
P20 Akiho:  After we finish the cake, there’s a place I definitely want to show you. <Akiho takes Sakura & Tomoyo to her library> Sakura:  Wow!!
P21 Sakura:  Are these all your books? Akiho:  Rather than belonging to me, these were collected by my relatives. Tomoyo:  Your family must be avid readers. Akiho:  Yes, they all love books.  They collect them whenever they travel around various countries.  This is just a small part (of the collection). Sakura:  Hoeee, this is… Akiho:  I love books too… There’s a book I want at any cost that I came to Japan to get. Sakura:  (You came to Japan) for a book?
P22 Akiho:  For that, and also… <Sakura feels a presence> Sakura:  <thinking> Huh…? Akiho:  What’s the matter? Tomoyo: ……
P23 Sakura:  I-it’s nothing. Sakura:  Ah!  Akiho-chan, you said you have a favorite book, didn’t you? Akiho:  Yes. Sakura:  I was just thinking I’d love to see it if that’s okay with you. Akiho:  Of course! Akiho:  It’s in my room, so I’ll go and get it.
P24 Tomoyo:  Could it be that…? Sakura:  Yeah… It might be a card. Tomoyo:  Did something happen? Sakura:  No, (I only felt) a presence.  It seemed like it was over here. Sakura:  Huh? Sakura:  This is the only place that doesn’t have books? Tomoyo:  You’re right.
P25 Tomoyo:  Volumes 1 through 9 are all here.  Then there’s a gap (until) Volume 18 onwards. Sakura:  I wonder if someone is reading them. Sakura:  Eh!? Tomoyo:  What happened? Sakura:  This…! Narration:  The books that mysterious disappeared.  Just what does this mean?  The highly praised Volume 2 is now on sale ☆
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