#i’ll be doing ninjago and stranger things btw
pufffinn · 2 years
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i thought this was a funny idea so send in some characters and a cursed photo number and i’ll draw them 🗣 ( you should be able to see all the pictures well but if you can’t let me know and i can send them to you individually )
( free to reblog )
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2018 was.... a LOT:
I dragged a friend to a furry con (AWU)
Saw P!atD in concert
Failed a few classes, despite working as hard as I could & asking my professors for help :/
Changed my major from biology to indisciplinary studies, which is effectively the same thing but now I won’t ever have to take a calculus class ever
Made a discord account, joined a few servers 
Made a Ninjago discord server that now has over 70+ people and is fairly active (come join its really neat!)
Got into RvB and HxH as well as I’m more active in Ninjago fandom
Actually made progress towards releasing a webcomic (or two. or FIVE) wrt to getting a set storyline and character designs
Had a roommate for the first time
Realized I’m genderqueer as well as realized I can be both bi and on the aromantic spectrum, and that I’m not the cisgender aroace person I thought I was
Increased my confidence & improved my mental health drastically to the point I’m comfortable going up to strangers and talking to them (asking for help at stores, talking to the person sitting next to me in class on the first day, etc). I still struggle with anxiety & I’m an awkward mess but I’m definitely better than I was last year
Started writing again!
I had art in a zine! (@/ninjagozine)
Got hit by a car last month, not so fun but I was able to walk it off so I’m alright
Started questioning my beliefs & exploring various religions & theology, and realized just how fascinating it is to learn about different belief systems and how it affects culture & tradition & all that (probably why I love world building & character analysis tbh, it’s such an absolutely fascinating subject and I want to learn more). 
Despite my pen breaking and me overworking myself to the point of being physically sick sometimes (school work being a STEM major, writing AND personal/fandom art can be a lot for one person all at once), I think I figured out which direction I want to go in wrt my art and I’m more comfortable drawing backgrounds and adding details now!
So yeah. That’s just the stuff in my personal sphere of existance, yall know all the bullshit that went down with politics & the world in general so I won’t go into that.
But anyway! I feel 2018 was an incredibly necessary learning experience for me- there were quite a few ups & downs, but overall I think I learned a lot and grew as a person. Which I think is what’s important in the end, right?
Also special thanks to @jomeimei421 for posting so much RvB on your insta that I finally went “ah fuck I need to go watch this” and proceeded to binge all 16 seasons over the course of a week during my lunch breaks at work. So I thank you for my life :) (Love your art btw!)
I was going to tag a lot of people who made a positive impact, but tumblr ate this post 3 different times while I was attempting to tag people, and there’s so many people it took 3 hrs trying to figure out what to put on this thing and I have other things to do before midnight rolls around.
[Edit: Apparently it tagged people anyway??? Idk what happened but I literally cannot figure out what the fuck is going on and I’m just gonna assume this is another tumblr fuck-up. Anyone who got tagged I just want to let you know you were a huge inspiration to me this year, you’re all very wonderful :)]
So I want to say- thank you to anyone who’s ever talked with me, I can honestly say that while it’s certainly got more than its fair share of bad, tumblr is the place I’m most comfortable and I feel most free to be myself. So for what that’s worth. Thank you.
Here’s to making 2019 the year we all live our best lives, leave behind all the toxic people, and help each other live out all the goals & dreams we can think of. As well as the year I say “Anxiety be damned” and do the thing anyway (like leaving comments on fics bc yall deserve all the nice comments).
Thanks for 2018, I’ll see you all in 2019! 
Happy new year!
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