#i wrote this while i was watching the episode yesterday
meringuejellyfish · 11 months
editing in videos is such a huge thing for me like super hyper editing can work for some people and is really funny at times but a lot of the time i prefer more calm editing that will not give me a headache. its quite simple. really. super minimal editing can make me lose interest sometimes and super hyper fast editing can make me lose interest sometimes. quite simple. anyway my actual point is i do appreciate good editing styles and choices a lot and it is a little funny that some people have to make up the fact that they arent very interesting and their videos dont have much substance by talking super fast and popping up 1 million sound effects and images on screen. relax a little. unless youre actually good at it then i'll laugh and be entertained by your tricks.
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azullumi · 5 months
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premise — you know those beach arc in a 12-episode shoujo anime? make it with the ip3o !!
characters — aventurine, topaz, and ratio
tags — established relationship, fluff, not proofread, 0.6k words ; headcanons
note — just something quick which i wrote in the beach yesterday before my phone wanted to become a fish and dived into the ocean !! probably not that accurate to their character but hey i just wanted to have fun
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AVENTURINE who will write your name in the sand, only to have it being washed away by the ocean’s wave the moment he shows it to you. The dejected look on his face as he watches his effort being flattened and smoothened into sand will just make you want to kiss him (he’s just so kissable no matter what he does).
AVENTURINE who will stay up all night listening to the waves and watching stars with you. He’ll set up a small tent for the both of you to stay in as you wait for the sun to set and the sky to cast its dark blanket to reveal the stars that are waiting to be seen. It’s such a pretty sight, something that you will forever engrave in your mind, but he’s there spending most of his time looking at you before the stars; he ended up missing the shooting star that passed by.
AVENTURINE who will collect pretty seashells with you. He’ll look out for them while he’s on his own and will choose the ones he thinks you’ll love—seemingly seeking your approval, he’ll show the shell to you with expectation drawn in each breath. He adores the look on your face when you get so excited over something small and simple.
TOPAZ who will build play in the sand and build sandcastles with you, along with Numby who’ll watch by the sidelines like a curious cat to their busy owner. You two, in collaboration, would either end up with the tallest and most majestic sandcastle ever made or the most horrendous piece ever seen by mankind—there’s no in between. Bonus points if it also gets washed away by the wave.
TOPAZ who will drag you anywhere and everything. She will take you to several and various locations whether it be a hidden spot with a nice view which she found while she was out walking (she’ll steal a kiss from you once knowing that there’s nobody around) or to areas that are bustling with activities that the both of you can participate in.
TOPAZ who’s probably the most active person you’ll see at the beach. One minute she’s playing volleyball, the next she’s out making kites fly, then the next you’ll see her, she’s setting up the bonfire for later night or either talking with the locals. Best believe that she’ll spend her evening just by your side, leaning against your form in silence as she tries to recover her energy—which would probably just lead to her falling asleep beside you.
DR. RATIO who will most likely spend his time sunbathing or staying away from the water—he wouldn’t want his book to get wet, would he? Although he brings his book during his baths, the ocean is quite unpredictable compared to the still waters of his bathtub. Sometimes, the tide would come in slow and gentle like a mother’s lullaby but it would be followed by a body-slapping wave that would drag you away from the shore.
DR. RATIO who will wake you up early just for the sunrise because he learned that the view would be a lovely sight—also, because he thinks you might like it. He’ll gently guide you through the sand as you force your eyes open, drowsiness still in your gaze and the way you slowly walk to not stumble in your steps; he’ll hold your hand the whole time and you’ll watch the sunrise with him in silence of the cold morning.
DR. RATIO who will look after you and watch you always. He wouldn’t let the opportunity to say something (scold you or tell you off) pass by, however. Most likely would pull something like, “You’re cold, aren’t you? If so, that’s your own problem.” then would proceed to place a jacket or towel over your shoulder.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
okay I watched good omens s2 yesterday with my partner, and I was genuinely very surprised -- I think if you've grown up through superwholock/merlin/the 100/teen wolf type shows where (with the exception periodically of doctor who) you kind of had to make up the good show that something could have been in your head, that colours a lot of your viewing, and to be honest I thought season 1 of good omens was a fine little piece, honoured the book while modernising it somewhat, it was a nice, fun, low stakes time, with a couple of things I might have wanted a tad different but nothing overall awful.
so I was seeing all this meta and gifsets and discussion, while I was waiting to give s2 a watch with my partner and thought "ah, people have made up the good show in their heads again" not that I assumed s2 was going to be a bad show, but that people were taking extra deep plunges into possibilities, the way fandom does, and that was fine. I knew there was a big ol kiss, I had a sense of some kind of argument at the end, and that it was setting up a s3
I also knew that mainstream reviews were calling it (politely) self-indulgent and dependent on whether or not you enjoy david tennant and michael sheen having a good time for just under 6 hours
all in all, expectations of a somewhat mainstream show without too much to think about, a nice, fun low stakes time, moving on...
as it turns out it seems these things that were being written on tumblr were discussing the actual text of the show and not things you could extrapolate if you squinted and tilted your head a little to the left as I'm so used to doing, so in fact there is much to think about!
and my first thought was "this is like when you read early discworld books that ask a question like a joke, only to find that over time the answer to that question becomes very serious (and also can be funny at times of course)." how terry pratchett would pick and pick at tropes and notions and social ideas and go "oh now hold on, this seems strange..." starting way back when he thought it was odd that women warriors always seemed to be dressed in metal bikinis and then realising he hadn't done a good enough job of subverting the trope, simply by depicting it and calling it a bit silly
why do goblins always get treated as the villains? what's with this divine succession of kings business? where are the female dwarfs? who do we treat as disposable?
good omens season one went: "haha what if heaven and hell were intensely incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring of the work they did, and we took an angel and a demon and had them actually care? wouldn't that be... a bit silly?" (and it was)
good omens season two went: "what are the consequences for caring when the people who have power over you are incapable, bureaucratic, corrupt, and uncaring? what are the forces that supersede systems built on fear, ignorance, and violent conformity? can people change and break out of/challenge/break down these structures by caring?"
and this was set up with a neat little sleight of hand (to reference aziraphale's switch-and-bait in the episode with the nazi zombies), because the majority of season 2 does feel a bit indulgent: hey, remember those two wacky angel-and-demon characters? watch some more wacky things they did through the ages, watch them take a sojourn through 1827 Edinburgh and do a magic show during the Blitz, and... stop the death of Job's and Sitis' children (actually maybe that whole segment ought to have been what they call "A Clue")
see them try to figure out a kooky mystery, all the while setting up a cute little same-gender romance on their street. watch as everything points towards a happy ending that's all about the two of them realising what they've been to one another all these thousands and thousands (and thousands and thousands) of years- but hold on. lest we forget - and the show has made this point over and over - there are powerful people who control them, who hurt them, and who plan on hurting others, throughout the whole season, and as it turns out they know what they've been to one another for far far longer, and know how to pull their strings...
season 2 then, has to show us these things, not because they're indulgent (well, maybe occasionally, but the apology dance is still important), but because in order to make the ending a tragedy, we first need to understand, properly, the impact that they have had on each other. we need to understand that Aziraphale relied heavily on Crowley to be his moral compass and leaned on black-and-white thinking in order to deal with things, because if it's all grey then where does he fit and what has it all meant and heaven has to be the good guys, even as Job's and Sitis' children are ordered to be killed, it's all he ever had...
and Crowley was always an anchor, needed to trust that Aziraphale was different, needed to bend to every whim that Aziraphale has, because otherwise what's his worth in all this? After having been already deemed worthless by the heaven that Aziraphale needs to believe in?
and that, simplistically described, is the narrative that we're seeing in s2, and alongside that the ways that the changes they have upon each other are noticed, and monitored, and placed under suspicion, and finally... broken up, not by the clumsy, brute force that's been attempted over and over again, but by a promise to return into a violent, controlling system and to "make it better from within"
and all of this is wrapped up in two queer relationships + a third queered-within-the-text relationship that creates the inverse of how it ends for Aziraphale and Crowley (so far). queer love -- whatever shape that has -- is explicitly the shape of non-conformity within this narrative, including within the symbolism of angel-and-demon love of Gabriel and Beelzebub, which in the context of the systems created is considered queer (and one can argue till the cats come home about casting cis actors, about angel-and-demon notions of gender/romance/sexuality, but the "queerness" comes from building something non-conforming to the systems they exist in), and enforced by the explicitly our-world-definition-of queer romance that Nina and Maggie have going on (which, while less high stakes, still contains the background controlling relationship that Nina initially is in)
all of this to say, that I disagree that s2 meanders, or that plotlines happen for the sake of showcasing Aziraphale and Crowley without purpose, or that characters get sidelined (I'd say it sets up a whole host of interesting characters to further get into actually), or that it's strictly mainstream easy-access narrative that's just an excuse for the main creators and actors to get back together.
the love is the point, and this show takes its time to show the love (and the unequal boundary-setting, and the fact that one of them has an undiscussed tragic backstory, and the desperation to belong again, and the fear instilled by oppressive systems, and and and), so that we understand why those last 15 minutes happen the way that they do
it's sleight of hand, and like all good magic, you don't notice until it's happened
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jasmines-library · 9 months
Hey. Could you please do a Winchester!sister reader fic like the mystery spot episode where Dean dies over and over but can you have the reader be the one who dies over and over again while the boys watch
Groundhog Day
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Note: Once again apologising for my lateness but here we are! I actually also wrote this yesterday but I thought it was only fitting to release this on a Tuesday.
warnings: death *and lots of it, It's mystery spot*, grief kinda, time loops, swearing.
Word count: 3.5k
‘Heat of the moment-’
Sam sat up abruptly, awoken by the sudden racket that filled the room. After sitting up groggily and allowing his eyes to adjust to the light he glanced at the clock, hardly noting the time before he turned to his brother who was surprisingly already up and raring to go, having made his bed which he was now perching on as he laced together his boots. He felt the blankets shift around him as you tried to bury yourself into the mattress, bringing the covers over your head to try and block out some of the noise and fall back to sleep.
“Rise and shine, Sammy.”
“Dude.” Sam blinked, swiping his hair from his eyes. “Asia?”
“Come on. You love this song and you know it.”
Sam rolled his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, and if i hear it again, I’m going to kill myself.”
“Be quiet.” You murmured from behind the sheets, squeezing your eyes shut and rolling over. You knew it wasn’t going to happen but you were trying to cling onto the idea of getting more than 4 hours of sleep for once. 
Dean took a break from trying his shoes to reach over and turn the dial on the radio. The song blasted louder from the speakers. He raised his voice with a grin “What? I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.”
Sam let out a light chuckle, still bleary with sleep as you sighed and sat up. Dean was still grinning at you before he began to mouth along to the words of the song. You shook your head at him before hauling yourself up and making your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Dean had decided that he was going to be annoying today. You weren’t sure if it was because he didn’t want to go on the hunt and he was trying to delay it or something or if it was simply because he was being Dean. You decided on the latter because his keenness to be up and ready this morning was unusual. It started with the gurgling when he was brushing his teeth. Then, just as the three of you were about to leave, despite being up before either of you he had forgotten his pistol leaving you and your other brother standing impatiently by the door while he rooted around the motel room for it. He was irritating in the car too and you were itching to jump out of the Impala, praying for the day to end. 
The diner was hardly busy when Dean pulled into the driveway. There were only a few cars belonging to passers by occupying the spaces. After securing your pistol in the pocket of your jacket the three of you headed inside. You decided to stick close to Sam; you had an odd feeling about this hunt and weren’t entirely sure what it was but something just wasn’t sitting right with you. Your brothers entered one of the booths and you slid down beside Dean who let out a content sigh as he scanned the menu. 
“Hey, tuesday. Pig in a poke.” he read, gesturing to the sign.
“Do you even know what that is?” Sam raised an eyebrow. 
The eldest brother opened his mouth to answer only to fall short of his words. Sam gave him a smug look and then pair fell into some sort of childish bickering that you weren’t really paying attention to. You were too busy scanning every inch of the room still unable to shake that uneasy feeling from your mind. Something just wasn’t right. Everything seems so…perfect. It made your skin crawl and you bit your lip.
“Hey.” Sam nudged you under the table with his knee, he had noted the way that you had gone silent and that you were fiddling with your hands restlessly. He knew almost straight away that something was up. You twisted to face him. “You okay?”
“Yeah. yeah.” You muttered. “Sorry.”
You nearly let out a sigh of relief when the waitress came over and distracted your brother's attention away from you. You hated the way that they stared when they were concerned about you. The three of you rattled off your orders before Dean leaned back in the chair, stretching his arm back behind you to lounge about as you all discussed the plan, only interrupted once by the waitress bringing your food and accidentally spilling a bottle of hot sauce which tumbled to the floor and smashed into tiny pieces.
The rest of the day passed by quickly after that.
You did not like the look of the so-called ‘mystery spot’. It was all overly commercialised, filled to the brim with strange and amusing objects that stuck out at odd angles or were glued to the ceiling. The darkness of the room mixed with the obscurity of the place made it come across as quite disorientating. You supposed that was the point. Your strange feeling from this morning was still lingering. You and Dean moved around with flashlights as Sam waved around the EMF. But it was silent. 
“Find anything?” You asked.
Sam shook his head.
“Do you have any idea what you’re looking for?” Dean said rather loudly. He was still set on the idea that this hunt was a complete waste of time and had decided to make it everyone else's problem. 
“Uh… yeah.” Sam shrugged until you gave him a look and he dropped his shoulders. “No.”
It wasn’t long after you set off to explore again that Dean’s gun was being cocked. Somehow someone had managed to catch you off guard, causing the three of you to whip around alarmed when his shaky voice boomed through the room. 
“What the hell are you doing here?!” He demanded. The man was small and scrawny and would normally be no match against Winchesters, but he was wielding a gun that he didn’t seem to know how to use and his unstable finger was hovering dangerously close to the trigger. 
“Woah. We can explain.” Dean started, raising his gun in surrender and gesturing for the two of you to follow suit. 
The man moved his weapon uncertainly. “You robbing me?”
“No.” You told him. “Nobody’s robbing you, calm down.”
Dean began to lower his gun, but this only wound the man up more.
“Don’t move!” He demanded. “Don’t!”
“I’m just putting the gun down.” Dean tried to reassure him, but the man was having none of it. 
He raised his gun, but before he fired he spotted you moving out of the corner of his eye. 
Sam, as worrying of a brother as ever, gestured with a tilt of his head for you to move toward him. He knew that you were perfectly capable of protecting yourself, but it made him feel ten times better to know that you were hidden behind his lumbering frame, especially given the recent circumstances that had resulted in so much loss between the three of you. Your movement however, combined with Dean’s haste to put down his gun startled the man and with a fast flick of his arm he had pulled the trigger. 
No one had any time to think before your pained scream filled the room. It was quick and short as the bullet lodged itself within your chest and you collapsed to the ground, writhing with an agony so intense that it made white spots dance in your vision like little stars. 
“Y/N!” Sam cried out, moving quickly to bridge the short distance to your side where you lay in pain on the cold ground. Sam slid an arm around your back as your other brother dropped to his knees next to you, hovering his hand over your chest where blood had already begun to pool through and seep into your shirt. He was frozen with terror unsure what to do at the sight of your pained expression or the way that your hands clutched feebly at the hem of Sammy’s jacket. 
“Call 911.” Sam demanded, turning to face the man who stood there white as a sheet. 
“I-I didn’t mean-” 
“Now!” Dean yelled.
You whimpered at the yelling. It cuts through your already pounding head adding to the concoction of your agony. You couldn’t see straight, couldn’t hear properly, couldn’t feel anything besides the burning fire in your chest that spread through your lungs like a disease. Your head lolled back against Sam’s arm as you began to taste metallic copper in your mouth, slowly drowning on your own blood that had filled your lungs. 
“No. No” Sam said as you writhed in his arms, glancing up bleary eyed at him. Dean pressed down firmly on the wound, and it hurt more than anything but you couldn’t bring yourself to even whine at the contact.
“Come on sweetheart.” Dean pleaded. “Not like this.”
You could see his lips moving but it sounded like he was underwater as your body began to grow numb and your vision slowly faded. You tried to blink away the spots that consumed your vision, but it was no use and your eyes ended up fluttering shut just as your ragged breaths slowed before stopping altogether until you lay morbid limp in your big brother's arms.
‘Heat of the moment-’
Sam sat up abruptly, awoken by the sudden racket that filled the room. After sitting up groggily and allowing his eyes to adjust to the light he glanced at the clock, hardly noting the time before he turned to his brother. He had been here before. He realised suddenly, but this time his older brother was not lacing his boots. Instead he was stood at the foot of the bed, staring at the space beside Sam. He felt the blankets shift around him as you tried to bury yourself into the mattress, bringing the covers over your head to try and block out some of the noise and fall back to sleep. Sam stared at you, startled. He could have sworn that just a moment ago you were-
“Rise and shine, Sammy.” Dean said, with much less enthusiasm as he had before. His little brother furrowed his brows.
“I know. Is it just me or are you getting a serious sense of deja-vu?”
He nodded in agreement. 
“Be quiet.” You murmured from behind the sheets, squeezing your eyes shut and rolling over. You knew it wasn’t going to happen but you were trying to cling onto the idea of getting more than 4 hours of sleep for once. 
The Winchesters shared a look. Man, something strange was happening and whatever it was, you clearly weren’t feeling the same thing they were. 
The diner was exactly the same as it had been the last time the two brothers were here. You were still looking around with the same uncertainty as you were before and you even ordered the same thing as you did before and so did Dean. Tuesday’s special. Pig in a poke.
“It’s tuesday?” He said uncertainly to himself.
You stared at him blankly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world “Yeah.”
Sam eyed you strangely and you raised a brow.
“You okay?” 
“Peachy.” He replied, leaning across the table. “Are you?”
Narrowing your eyes at the pair of boys you asked. “Okay. What’s going on with you two?”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“You don’t…you don’t remember any of this?” Sam asked you 
“Remember what?”
“This. Today. Like it’s happened before.” Dean.
“You mean like Deja Vu?” You frowned.
“No like it’s really happened before.” Sam stressed. “If it feels like we’re living yesterday all over again.”
“Deja Vu.”
“No. Forget about that. Its-
The conversation was once again cut off by the waitress who was delivering the food. And once again she sent the hot sauce toppling. But this time, Sam caught it before it could hit the ground. 
You gave him a charismatic grin. “Nice reflexes.”
The rest of the day did not pass by quickly after that.
Your brothers were trying to explain the situation to you, while theorising themselves. It was safe to say that at first you were completely lost, but were halfway to believing them when it happened.  
The car came from nowhere, speeding around the corner. It collided harshly with your unsuspecting body sending you skidding across the asphalt. By the time your brothers had reached you, a trail of blood trickled down your face from the wounds that were opened as your skin ran across the floor. Dean nearly choked on the sight of your pained and bloodied face as he reached you but you were dead before he had even lifted you into his arms. 
And then, there it was again. That wretched song, screaming from the radio. 
‘Heat of the moment-’
Sam sat up abruptly, awoken by the sudden racket that filled the room and muttered one single phrase.
“Son of a bitch.”
The rest of the day did not pass by quickly after that. In fact, it never seemed to end. 
Sam was getting angry now. No. That's not really the right word to describe it. He was frustrated. Tired. Scared. Dean was angry. And growing impatient. But both of them could not bear to live another tuesday. They couldn’t bear to see you fine one second and then dying the next. They had lived through at least a hundred tuesdays, had scanned every inch of the diner, the town, the mystery spot, they had followed the people from the diner and had even tried to keep you in the motel room but no matter how hard they tried they were forced to watch you die again.
The worst part was that you were clueless.  Sam and Dean had to re-explain the ordeal to you everytime they woke up to that stupid song again, leaving you back at square one. They had lived through the day so many times that it had gotten to the point where they could both predict your sentences word for word and while it freaked you out, their patience was wearing thin. 
Until finally, something changed. Dean had asked the woman he kept bumping into to see her flyer. They finally had a lead. So, the next time Tuesday morning rolled around, they felt hopeful as they filed off the information to you. 
“When’d you get time to do all that research?” you asked through a mouthful of food.
Dean did not have the energy to answer, so he just stood, rolling his eyes. “Let’s go. We’re wasting time here.”
That was when Sam spotted it. The sticky, pink syrup sat in the dispenser next to the half eaten pancake. He frowned, stopping suddenly. When you noticed his absence you turned and asked him what was wrong.
Sam watched the man leave through the slats in the blinds. “That guy has maple syrup for the last 100 tuesdays, now all of a sudden he’s having strawberry?
“It’s a free country, Sammy. A man can’t choose his own syrup now? What have we become?”
“Not in this diner.” Sam shook his head. “Not today.”
“Nothing in this place ever changes. Ever. “ Dean told you. “Except us.”
The two brothers nearly lost their shit when they woke up again, but by the time they had suffered through the morning routine and had reached the diner they had come up with a plan. 
There were no conversations during breakfast. The pair left you to ponder over your own thoughts after mentioning the idea of a time loop. Any of your questions went unanswered as they stared down the man, jumping into action when he rose, pushing the stool out with an ear splitting squeal and making his way to the parking lot. 
Dean gripped the man firmly, forcing him against the fence by the scruff of his neck and silencing his protests. “We know who you are. Or should I say what?”
You watched very confused from the side.
“Oh my god-” the man begged, wide eyed. “Please don’t kill me!”
“Uh, Boys-”
“It took us a hell of a long time, but we got it.” Sam seethed. 
“It’s your M.O that gave you away.” He continued. “Going after pompous jerks, giving them their just deserts. Your kind loves that, don’t they?”
“Yeah. Sure. Okay! Just put the stake down!” He pleaded, side eyeing the weapon that Sam pressed to his neck. Sam refused to move.
“Sammy, maybe you should-”
“No!” He yelled at you. The tone of his voice was so unexpected for Sam that you recoiled. “There’s only one creature powerful enough to do what you’re doing. Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops- In fact, you’d pretty much have to be a god.”
“You’d have to be a trickster.” Dean spat.
“Misters…” The man pleaded shakily with tears in his eyes “My name is Ed Coleman. My wife’s name is Amelia- I’ve got two kids! For crying out loud I sell ad space!”
“Don’t lie to me! I know what you are!” Sam shouted into his face. 
“We’ve killed one of your kind before.”
There was a heavy paused before the grey hair and wrinkles on the man before you morphed into the all familiar face of the trickster you and your brothers had run into not too long ago. 
He smirked and your brothers’ faces dropped. “Actually, you didn’t.”
“Why are you doing this? Why her!?” Sam pressed, digging the stake into his neck. 
“You’re kidding?” The trickster replied “You all tried to kill me last time. Why wouldn’t I do this? Why not make you three suffer.”
“So this is funny to you? Killing her over and over again?” Dean gritted his teeth.
“One- yes, it is fun. And two -this is so not about killing Y/N. This joke is on you two. I mean… come on. How great has it been to watch you to see her being torn apart again and again. Watching your sister die everyday. Forever.”
“You son of a bitch.”
The trickster smiled. “How long will it take you to realise you can’t save your sister, no matter what.”
“Oh yeah? We kill you, this ends now.” Sam growled.
“Woah. Okay, look. I was just playing around. You can’t take a joke, fine. You’re out of it. Tomorrow you’ll wake up and it’ll be wednesday. I swear.”
“You're lying. “
He shrugged. “If I am, you know where to find me.”
“But you better promise me, I’ll be back in time-”
Sam sat up abruptly, awoken by the sudden racket that filled the room. After sitting up groggily and allowing his eyes to adjust to the light he glanced at the clock, hardly noting the time before he… made a double take. The small three letter panel now read ‘WED’
Sam couldn’t contain the gasp that fell from his lips. “It’s wednesday!”
“Yeah…?” You said from across the room where you were rummaging though your bag. “Which usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that crap off, would you?” you asked him.
“No. Leave it on.” Dean interjected. He agreed with Sam. If he heard Asia one more time he was going to kill himself. “Isn’t that the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard?”
“...No. Jesus, how many Tuesdays did you guys have?”
“You don’t wanna know.” Dean sighed. “Wait..what do you remember.”
“I remember you two being pretty whacked out yesterday. And then i remember running into the trickster. S’bout it really.”
“Right. Whatever. Lets get out of here.” Sam said as he pulled on a shirt.
“What? No breakfast?” You asked, slightly upset that you were going to miss out on the diner food you had quite enjoyed yesterday. 
“No breakfast.”
Sam and Dean were still inside when they heard it. The unmistakable pop of a gun being fired. You were outside loading the last of your things into Baby and-
Sam's heart sank.
“Y/N!” He cried, dropping what he was doing and racing down the stairs towards you.
The offender fled the moment the gunshot had sounded and your two brothers could see him rounding the corner, but their concern was on you, sprawled out across the floor in a pool of your own blood.
They shook you, crying out your name but you didn’t move. Your heart had stopped beating. 
“No. This isn’t supposed to happen today.” Sam squeezed his eyes shut tight, only to nearly cry when he opened them again and you were still lying lifelessly in his brothers clutch. “We’re supposed to wake up.”
And then, he began to cry.
Part 2 may be coming…I’ll add it to my to do list
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mimizficsz · 8 months
Hey! Could request a JD x female reader headcanons on how JD acts when he's jealous! Thanks!
JD x Reader : Jealous Headcanons !
-He’s pretty chill at first. I don’t see him getting jealous at people who clearly don’t like you like he does.. The only reasons he’d be jealous is when they’re openly flirty with you
-When he sees that they’re touching you, he is NOT having it 😭
-Stays close to you when you’re with them. Not so close to the point that he’s glued to you but behind you standing there like you’re a celebrity and he’s your bodyguard
-Quietly mumbles about the person and he’s mocking everything they say in the background (Kinda like the scene in Trolls 2 where Hickory and Poppy were talkin and Branch just mocks Hickory "'Trolls is Trolls' Wow., deep.")
- He's gonna make it obvious that the two of you are dating by being touchy, flirty, romantic, yeahh.. Get ready for a lot of kisses. Oh, and he's gonna be holding onto your waist like it's the pole he holds on to when there's a flood.
You were going out with a few friends and had JD come along. As always, he was clinging onto you while the both of you were looking for your friends. "There's a new bakery and it would be so fun if we can check out the other new stuff blah blah" is what they said. Of course, not wanting to be rude or left out, you agreed to join in on the meet up. You sat down with JD beside you, and the person you're closest to in the group on the other side. They instantly greet you with a tight and touchy hug. Their right on your waist and the other ruffling your hair as they kiss your cheek, you know, platonically! But of course, John... Ehh.. he doesn't quite see it that way. He notices that this person is sort of like flirty and very touchy. After spending a few minutes in the bakery, you all agreed to go to the amusement park. On the way there, you and this friend were chatting about a recently released series the both of you spend time on watching together. "They looked so cute! I think they'd be a great couple to be honest." You commented about the recent episode featuring a new character. "You know who'd be a great couple? Us! Jk." You thought nothing of it because you know, they regularly make jokes like these. JD on the other hand.. he was sort of maybe just little bit upset.. Yeah no he was pissed as fuck. If you turned around to see him stomping on the ground like it was that person's face and I swear you'd probably see steam coming out of his ears. "'YoU knOW whO'D be A gREaT coUpLe? ? uS!!' Bullshit.." He whispered, mocking the friend while silently cursing them out under his breath. When you get to the amusement park however, JD rushes up to you before they could even drag you away and he grabs and holds on to your waist, pulling you away and going on most of the rides together alone. You'd probably notice that he's jealous after a bit more time of that friend because he jokingly (seriously) insults them, and the friend would play along (Not knowing that You and JD were together). Eventually they'd find out you were both dating after noticing how romantic the both of you were and they wouldn't be as flirty.
A/N: I got like a quick high fever yesterday..... I'm feeling a bit better now, although I still have like 3 assignments to do... And my head hurts so much I'd sob in bed for at least 3 hours before I actually fall asleep..... I wrote this at 12-2 am because holy shit I finally got motivation to write.... Writing more reqs! Don't be shy, send in more ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃ Can be extra specific too btw ^_^ I actually prefer it to be extra specific.... Maybe
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mermaidchansons · 2 years
Princess Charming: Shuri One Shot
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Shuri x black!Fem Reader
Summary: You try to keep your crush on Princess Shuri in check while working as one of her lab assistants. Fluff!
A/N: Hi, it’s me again lol. The undercut got me and I had to write this story. She’s just too fine. Please reblog, like, and ESPECIALLY comment!
Song recs for reading:
Let My Baby Stay - Amandla Stenberg
my slime - Fousheé
To say that you had a crush on Shuri was an understatement.
It had been two years since you were recruited as a lab assistant for the princess’ lab in Mount Bashenga. Ever since day one, the two of you had become close. She was your first friend in Wakanda. And yet, you kept it to yourself; the fear of rejection outweighed your curiosity about what she might say. But Shuri was so easy to talk to, you were surprised you hadn’t already let it slip. All those late-night lab sessions with just the two of you, working shoulder to shoulder. She always smelled of freshly whipped Wakandan shea butter and tea tree oil. Her fresh undercut and toned physique in her crop top constantly made you sweat.
It was in those times when she caught you staring that she’d ask about your love life and laugh when she saw the nervous look on your face.
“Y/n, why is it that whenever I ask you this, you freeze up? You can relax, I won’t bite. Unless you want me to,” Shuri chuckled, her eyes scanning your form and immediately making you hot.
You tried your best to keep your pining to yourself but you just couldn’t keep it together; laughing too hard at her jokes, daydreaming about being in her arms each night, stealing glances at the princess as she worked intently, wanting so desperately to smooth out the lines of her furrowed brows with your fingers.
The whole thing was too much to the point that you took a sick day to talk some sense into yourself. You couldn’t handle heartbreak in a country that was not your own. Who would you lean on? You had a crush on your boss who you see every day. And this wasn’t a job that you could just leave. You definitely could not tell her. After all, she was the princess of the most powerful nation. How would it look if she dated one of her assistants?
~The Lab~
Shuri walked in, examining the newly made tech samples on the table.
“Griot, can you pin y/n so she can review these?” She scanned the sample with her kimoyo beads, prepping the specs.
“Yes, princess. But I must inform you that Y/n is out sick,” the AI sounded.
Shuri had noticed you had been less talkative around her the past couple of days but you didn’t seem under the weather.
“She wrote in her day off request that she was feeling sick yesterday afternoon. Would you still like me to send the specs?”
“No, I will take them to her myself. Bring up her location and inform Okoye that I am going out.”
~The Ikhaya Eliluhlaza Apartments~
You sat curled up in your Yitty onesie and matching blanket, laughing at an episode of Living Single. The doorbell rang and you sighed, not wanting to leave your cozy corner. But you knew that the doorbell meant that your jollof rice and piri piri fish had finally been delivered. You groaned as you stood, stretching your arms as you walked to open the door.
To your surprise, your food was not behind the door.
“Princess, what are you doing here?!” You spit out, looking up at her.
“Griot informed me of your sick day and after doing some research, I brought you some medicine. I actually found a really funny tweet, apparently, you need to watch a show called judge Judy for it to work.” Shuri chuckled, holding up saltine crackers and Canada Dry ginger ale.
You stood there wide-eyed and moved aside to let her in.
“Oh, thank you, nkosazana. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my day off.”
“Don’t worry about it. Wow, look at your place; it’s so you!” She waved you off and slipped into your apartment, setting the ‘meds’ on your coffee table. You followed apprehensively as she looked at the paintings on the wall.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You scrunched up your face at her comment and she chuckled.
Normally you’d give a quick comeback, but your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t help but notice how beautiful her brown skin looked against the cream of her windbreaker. Her fit was on point as always.
Realization of your own attire flooded your mind and you remembered that you weren’t wearing anything under your onesie. You wrapped your arms over your chest, pushing down your now erect nipples.
“I should change, excuse me—“
“It’s too late for that. I’ve already seen you. You look good as always,” She smirked, looking at you from over her shoulder.
You playfully rolled your eyes as heat rushed to your cheeks, leaning against the island counter.
“Where are your glasses? I’ll pour you some of the ginger ale.”
“They’re in the top left cabinet.” You watched as she maneuvered through your small kitchen.
“You’re clearly not sick, judging by how loudly you were cackling. Are you avoiding me again?” Shuri said, handing you the chilled glass.
She stood across from you, watching you look everywhere else but at her.
“Lo mfazi, let me ask the right question. How long have you had feelings for me?”
You stopped drinking and gulped down what you had in your mouth. She lifted her brow, waiting for you to answer.
“I um, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whispered.
“You think I haven’t seen the way you look at me?” Shuri took the glass from your hands and sat it down behind her. Closing the space between you, she pinned you against the island with her hands painfully close to your waist.
“How long, y/n?” She whispered in your ear and a shiver ran down your spine.
“Like 8 months... maybe a year.” You held your breath as you watched her face contort with frustration.
“A year?! Why didn’t you say anything,” she yelled, throwing her hands up. You finally exhaled and backed away in surprise.
“I was scared—“
“Of what,” she questioned, cutting you off,” that I wouldn’t feel the same way? Bast, woman. I couldn’t have made it more obvious.”
Shuri’s words caused you to nervously chuckle. Was this a joke? Had all those times when she had humorously flirted with you, been real?
“Shuri, please don’t play around like that. I’m real fragile right now.” Her eyes softened as she looked at you, softly kicking the air in your bunny slippers.
“I’m not playing around, y/n. Come here,” she sighed, pulling you in by your onesie. With an arm wrapped around your waist, she lifted your chin; your eyes meeting hers.
“Ubuhle, I wouldn’t joke about this. I wish you would have told me sooner. I adore you, y/n.”
Your eyes welled and you looked away, a tear escaping.
“Damnit, Shuri,” you mumbled, cursing her for being so sweet. She smiled, placing a small kiss on your temple. You hid your face in the crook of her neck, hugging her shoulders.
“Does this mean I have to quit working in the lab?”
Shuri belly laughed and grabbed your face. She quickly took your bottom lip between hers and kissed you so sweetly that you could feel your knees go weak. This was so much more than you had dreamed. The softness of her lips and the gentle way she caressed your cheek; it was everything. She was everything.
“You do not have to quit the lab, intombi eswiti. It will be far easier to fall in love with you while we work together,” Shuri whispered against your lips. Warmth washed over you and you leaned more into her touch. You never wanted this moment to end.
“Now let’s talk about what’s under this onesie,” she lifted your zipper and looked down the hem, darkly laughing. You smacked her hand away and tried to fight the smile that crept onto your face.
“Shuri, cut it out!”
Tagging my new bestie: @tchallasbabymama
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Love Letters to Who
Hyunjin x Female reader
Word count: 4.9k
Synopsis: Your 21st birthday you were gifted a mysterious journal. If you thought you were shocked when you saw a reply to your first entry from someone, you just about shit when you saw words appearing on the page out of nowhere, right in front of your eyes! Who was owner of those words? Who was H.H?
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! Here's our Hyunjinnie's! Only one more left! But don't fret! I've gotten a lot of really great requests while I've been working on this series and still plan to do a part 2 to Everything in it's Place so there is plenty more to come! Thank you everyone who has followed along! If you enjoy this part please give it a reblog, like, comment, jump in my an ask box, I love hearing from you guys! Thank you again! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, mentions of controlling and toxic behavior/relationship, oral (m&f receiving), cum eating, unprotected piv sex (please use protection), coming inside. I'm pretty sure that's it. The soulmate series has been fairly tame smut wise I feel like but if I missed something, please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
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It had been a long day but a great one. It was your twenty-first birthday and your family and friends had been over all day celebrating with you. Finger food, cake, presents, the whole nine yards. All of your friends were gone now, your dad had left and your mom stayed over a bit to help you clean up. Just before she left she walked past the table that all your presents had been on and stopped. 
“Oh hey! You missed one!” She grabbed the small gift and handed it to you. You looked for a tag with a name but there was none. You shrugged and ripped it open to find a beautiful leather-bound journal. In the corner there were small gold letters, your initials and H.H. You weren’t sure what that meant but it was a wonderful gift, you loved to journal. Your mom left and you got washed up, in pajamas and in bed. You scrolled around on your phone and made a post thanking everyone for coming and for your gifts. 
‘Oh and to whomever got me the journal, it had no name but thank you so much!’ Maybe whoever got it for you will comment. You put your phone on the charger and pulled out the new journal and a fresh pen. You opened it to the first page and wrote the date. 
‘Today was my twenty-first birthday. It was wonderful. My friends and family were here and I’m very thankful for all of my gifts. It was almost perfect. It would be nice to have someone to share my evening with. To curl up in bed, laugh and talk, make love, fall asleep holding each other. I guess for now, for me, it’s not meant to be. It just makes me a little sad.’ You signed your initials at the bottom of your entry, closed the journal and set it on your nightstand before laying down and going to sleep.  
The next day was back to being like any other. You woke up to your alarm, went for a jog, took a shower, had breakfast and went to work. You worked all day, over your time as usual, and then went home. You made something for dinner which either meant you put something small together or accidentally made a feast. It was hard cooking for one.
You watched a few episodes of a show you’d gotten invested in, then it was time to shower and go to bed to do it all again tomorrow. You crawled into bed and grabbed your new journal to write about any small triumphs or losses during your day. You opened it and you were about to flip to the second page when you noticed writing at the bottom of yesterday's entry that wasn’t yours. 
‘Not sure who wrote the first entry. It’s strange that it was their twenty-first birthday today too. That evening does sound like a nice way to end your birthday though. I wouldn’t mind ending my birthday like that too. I’m sorry they had to be sad at all on their special day. I hope they find someone kind to fall in love with so they can have a birthday like that next year. In fact, I’m going to use my birthday wish for them and wish that very thing. Whoever you are, wherever you are. Happy Birthday.’ H.H. You were so fucking confused. Had someone broken into your apartment? Why would they take nothing and write in your journal?  You turned to the next page and started writing. 
‘I think someone broke into my apartment! Maybe one of my friends? Nothing is missing but someone wrote an entry in my new journal. It was nice but extremely weird. Like I just don’t know why anyone would do that. Everything else about today was totally normal other than that. Maybe I should get some security cameras just to be safe. I should mention it to mom and dad but I don’t want to worry them. I’ll look into cameras tomorrow. Now I feel like the bed will seem bigger and lonelier tonight while I worry about who was in here. Hopefully I’m not gutted in my sleep.’ Your initials signed the entry and you closed the book.
Tuesday was a copy paste day which meant it was exactly like your Monday. You had checked into some cameras, at least for the door and the living room. You were so busy the rest of the day you had forgotten about your journal until you were climbing into bed again. You grabbed it and immediately turned to the second page. Just to see. Just to laugh at yourself for thinking someone broke in just to write a cryptic entry in your new journal. Just to laugh... but you weren’t laughing. There at the bottom of the second page, under your entry from yesterday was the same handwriting and while beautiful you were officially freaked out. 
‘Gutted in your sleep?! Jesus Christ! That’s fucking terrifying! I think I have a theory that I plan on checking tonight. If I’m right, I might scream and burn this thing! We’ll see I suppose.’ H.H. You turned to the next page. You wrote the date. 
‘I don’t know who the hell keeps-’ You stopped writing when words that were not yours started scribbling across the page out of nowhere. You dropped your pen, slammed the book closed and threw it. 
“What the fuck!?” You rubbed your eyes and looked at the journal on the floor across your room. You didn’t just see that. It was a trick of the light or a long day. Yea, it was a long day and you were just seeing things. You were certain when you went and grabbed that book and opened it that it was going to be a page with a date at the top and half a sentence.
You slowly walked over, knelt down, and picked up the journal, then went and sat back down on your bed. You closed your eyes and opened it. You slowly opened them and you were in disbelief. There on the page, in the same writing from the two days before... 
‘Do you see this?’ You did, but what were you seeing? More words started appearing. 
‘If you are seeing this, please, write back.’ You picked up your pen. 
‘I see it.’ You waited and then words started appearing again. 
‘Holy shit! Okay so do you need like help crossing?’ You scrunched up your face confused by what they were asking. 
‘What do you mean? Crossing what? Like a bridge?’ 
‘How can I help settle your spirit? Is there a message from beyond that you would like me to pass along to a loved one?’ Oh for fucks sake. They thought you were a ghost. 
‘I am not a ghost!’ 
‘Oh no you didn’t remember that you died! Were you gutted in your sleep?! Oh god I’m so sorry!’ You shook your head and scribbled. 
‘No no no. I’m just not dead. Not a ghost.’ There was a long pause before the next words appeared on the page. 
‘Are you sure? On a scale of 1-10 how certain are you?’ You pressed your fingers into your eyes taking a deep breath. Be understanding. It was a super crazy situation. 
‘I’m sure. 1,000. I’m very much so alive. You said your birthday was the other day too. Did you get a journal?” 
‘Yeah. Did you send it? What the hell is going on?!’ Whoever was writing seemed like they were starting to freak out a bit. You tried to calm them down. 
‘No I didn’t send it. I’m not sure what’s going on. Let’s try and keep calm. My name is y/n, what’s yours?’ 
‘I’m Hyunjin. How are you so chill about this? This is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me!’ You weren’t really sure why you weren’t freaking out yourself. 
‘I don’t know how to explain it but it doesn’t feel like it’s supposed to be a scary or ominous thing. I don’t understand what’s happening or why but it kind of feels like we were meant to get these books. I don’t know I’m sure that sounds crazy.’ It definitely sounded crazy. You didn’t know this man at all why would you both get some magic book that allows you to write to each other? 
‘So what do we do?’ Why in the world was he asking you? You had no idea. 
‘I don’t know. I guess only one of us should use it. Since you used your birthday wish for me you take it.’ 
‘Well wait now. Wishing you well and me keeping some magic journal isn’t exactly a fair trade’ 
‘Really Hyunjin it’s okay. Besides it’s only a magic book if we both write in it. Enjoy and happy birthday.’ You signed your name, a small heart, then closed the book and put it away on your bookshelf. You grabbed another journal and made an entry in it about the magic journal and Hyunjin and then you went to bed.  
For the first few days after, you found yourself looking over at the bookshelf wondering if Hyunjin was using it, tempted to look inside, but you had told him he could use it and that would be invading his privacy, his innermost thoughts and you couldn’t do that. So you left it. About a month after your birthday a guy accidentally bumped into you coming out of the café, making you spill your coffee. 
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” You looked at the, luckily, iced coffee down the front of you and sighed. 
“It’s okay it happens.” You went to walk off and get clothes that were not saturated in bean water when he hurried to stop you. 
“Wait uh... I feel terrible really. Let me make it up to you!” You started shaking your head. 
“No really it’s not nec-” He put his hands together. 
“Please, let me do something... uh... let me take you to dinner?” You stopped surprised. You figured he’d ask to replace the coffee and you were prepared to say no again but he asked about dinner. 
“Dinner?” He nodded, smiling. 
“Yes! Please! Let me take you to dinner to make up for being such an absolute klutz.” Wow. He was really cute and he seemed nice. Hyunjin had used his birthday wish for you, maybe the universe was putting it into play. 
“Okay, dinner.” He smiled ear to ear and gave you his phone number so that you could make the arrangements, after you got out of your wet coffee-stained clothes that is. The cute klutz's name was Ian and the dinner to make up for exploding your coffee on you ended up being the first of many. Weeks, months went by and lots of other firsts came and went. First kiss, first time sleeping together, first Christmas as a couple.  
Things started out perfect and you were so happy. Then over a period of time, you started to see another side of Ian. It started with him getting irritable and he’d do little controlling things. They were always so subtle and the way he would suggest something questionable he always made it seem like it should be so reasonable.
You put up with a lot for quite a while but after five months of it, when Ian asked you to move in and you said no, that was the last straw. You’d been at dinner and he’d quietly accepted the no while in the restaurant but once dinner was over and you were in the car, he lost it. He was yelling as he drove recklessly through the streets, narrowly missing a few cars and running multiple red lights.
You were scared he would crash you into someone on purpose out of sheer anger. Somehow you made it to your apartment without wrecking. When he came to a screeching halt out front you immediately got out of the car and bent down looking in mad. 
“It’s over Ian. We’re done!” You slammed the car door shut and he started to get out of his car. 
“Wait... baby!” The babies were starting and you weren’t waiting. After that car ride and the things he said, you were done. You went inside your apartment and you heard him speed off, his tires chirping. His texts and calls started right after and you just turned your phone off. He’d give up eventually. You laid out on your bed and cried, angry with yourself for letting him fool you, angry for fooling yourself.  
Deep down you felt it. It wasn’t right, he wasn’t ever going to be the one no matter what you had tolerated. You knew you did what was best but you still felt the void it left too. For the first time in six months, you went over to your bookshelf that you kept the journal on and grabbed it.
You walked back over to your bed and sat down with your legs crossed and the book in your hands. You sat there looking at it for a good while. You just needed to pour your heart out and you could do that in any one of your journals but you wanted to do it in this one. You flipped to the first blank page you found and started writing. 
‘I didn’t read any of your entries I promise. I just had to...I don’t know what I thought. I guess I thought your wish had come true. I met a guy and I thought the wish really came true, but it ended up being a horrible mistake. I think about you all the time. I don’t know why when we only wrote each other the one time and I know this might be strange to say but I miss you.’ You signed your name and a heart and closed the journal putting it on your nightstand, then went to sleep.
The next morning you woke up and your eyes were immediately on the journal when they opened. You sat up and grabbed it but hesitated to open it. What if he didn’t write back? What if he was mad that you wrote in it again when you said you wouldn’t? What if he thought it was weird that you said you missed him? How can you miss a guy you don’t even know?
You took a deep breath and opened the book to the last page you had written on. There underneath your entry was Hyunjin’s beautiful handwriting and you could feel a weight lifting off your chest.  
‘He didn’t hurt you did he?! I’m so sorry it didn’t come true. If I’m being honest, I miss you too and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I don’t know why I can’t get you out of my head when I don’t even know you. Go to the page after our last conversation and start reading the entries.’ H.H. He wanted you to read his journal entries? You were confused. You went to the page he told you and started reading. 
‘It’s been a few days. I’ve opened the book here and there to see if maybe you had written something. I don’t know, I feel like if I'm not using it for its intended purpose then I shouldn’t use it and its purpose was for me to write you. I don’t know why. I hope you’re doing well wherever you are and I hope one day you open your book and see this. Until then I’ll write to you.’ You turned the page and there was the next entry.
Hyunjin telling you about his day, and then questions about things he wished he knew about you with space left beneath for your answers. He would tell you his answers as well, his likes and dislikes. You went through, day after day, it was all always written to you.
Poems he’d read, work he’d finished, random silly things about his days that usually made you laugh and then questions. You read every page, answered every question and by the time you got to where you had written again you felt like you had known Hyunjin your whole life. You looked at the last words Hyunjin had written on the page.  
‘I think we should meet.’ Your heart skipped a beat and you started to panic. Meet?! It seemed so sudden, so fast. You had only just ended things with Ian but something was drawing you and Hyunjin to each other and not just the journals. You decided there was no use fighting it. 
‘When? Where?’ Hyunjin told you to meet him Sunday at eleven at the café by the park. You would get coffee, go for a walk, and talk. 
‘How will I know it’s you?’ Hyunjin thought for a minute. 
‘I’ll wear my hair pulled back.’ Sunday was only a day away. You panicked most of Saturday and rifled through your whole closet deciding what to wear. You decided on nice but casual, you picked a wide necked oversized sweater and a tank top with some jeans and tennis shoes.
Sunday you were walking up to the café when you saw a guy sitting at an outdoor table reading a book. He was hands down the most beautiful person you’d ever laid eyes on. Two beauty marks adorned his face, one on his cheek, the other under an eye, he had lips that looked pillowy soft, and long blonde hair pulled back. There was no way that was Hyunjin, but what were the chances of two guys with long hair pulled back showing up at the café at the same time. You slowly walked up ready to make an ass out of yourself when you realized it wasn’t him. 
“Uh... Hyunjin?” The man looked up from his book and his eyes locked on you. His mouth was slightly opened and he didn’t say anything at first. You just stood there, you didn’t know if it was him or not. Finally the man shook his head and smiled at you. 
“Yes! Sorry! Yes, I'm Hyunjin. You must be y/n.” He stood and leaned in to hug you as you put out your hand, then you leaned in to hug him and he stuck his hand out. You both laughed and leaned in for a little hug then you joined him at the table he’d been sitting at. 
“What would you like? I’ll go order it for you.” You gave Hyunjin your order and he went inside to get your coffee. You pinched yourself as you sat there waiting to make sure you weren’t dreaming. The man that penned at least a hundred and fifty-three pages, written to you, was not only intelligent and kindhearted he was also insanely gorgeous.
It only took Hyunjin a couple minutes to get your coffee. When he came back he sat across from you and set your drink down. You had a little small talk as you sat there and you were nervous. You didn’t know why you were nervous, but you were.  
“Do you want to go on a walk in the park?” You weren’t sure if he was picking up on your energy but a walk sounded perfect. 
“I’d like that.” Hyunjin put his book in his messenger bag and hung it around himself. You both grabbed your coffees and took the path that led to the flower garden in the park. As you walked around you were able to calm down a little and it was easier to talk as you both admired the flowers.
You got quiet when, part of the way through, Hyunjin’s fingers wove through yours and he held your hand as you continued to walk along the path. After a minute he stopped and faced you. God he was beautiful and with the flowers and the perfect weather he looked ethereal. 
“y/n I want to say something but I don’t want to freak you out.” You nodded. 
“Okay, just so you know if you’re trying to not freak me out, saying that is not a great start.” Hyunjin laughed nervously. 
“I suppose not.” You grabbed his other hand and squeezed them both gently. 
“Go ahead Hyunjin, I’m just teasing. It’s okay.” He took a deep breath. 
“I... I think we might be soulmates.” You wanted to act shocked. You wanted it to be a startling hypothesis, but it wasn’t. In fact, as soon as he said it you felt like an idiot for not realizing it sooner but not everyone has a soulmate. 
“Oh my god! Of course!” He breathed a sigh of relief hearing you agree. He was worried you might not believe him, that you might reject him. He also didn’t want you to think that just because you were soulmates you had to rush anything. There was still so much to learn about each other.
You both were so caught up in the moment you didn’t notice the grey clouds making their way in. Then suddenly the sky opened up and it started to pour down rain. Hyunjin gripped your hand tighter and ran for the closest building with an awning. You were both soaked laughing, you looked up at him and saw stray wet hairs stuck to his face. You pushed them back, your fingers tracing his skin and your eyes watched as his tongue darted across his pouty lips.  
You couldn’t take it anymore. You stood on your toes, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him under that awning in the rain. Then Hyunjin wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back. It was like fireworks were going off. It was so different than your first kiss with Ian. That first kiss with Ian was when you knew it wasn’t right that he wasn’t the one, but your first kiss with Hyunjin? Felt like coming home. 
On your and Hyunjin’s twenty second birthday you spent your shared day with both your families and friends. When the day was over and everyone had left, you laid in bed together, laughing as Hyunjin dramatically recalled how he reacted to the entry you had written about hoping to not be gutted. You laid your head on his chest and as your laughter died down you could hear his heart thumping. Without a word you sat up and climbed on top of Hyunjin straddling his waist, then leaned over and kissed him. Your lips parted from his only enough to speak. 
“Happy birthday Hyunjinnie.” You kissed him again and he held your face as he deepened it. He pulled away breathless. 
“Happy birthday baby.” He kissed you again and started running his hands down your body. They traveled under your night shirt and he gripped your soft breasts as his tongue explored your mouth. You sat up quickly pulling the shirt off over your head and then leaned back down and claimed Hyunjin’s lips again.
You started pulling his shirt up and your lips left his long enough to pull it off. You were grinding your hips into Hyunjin’s, hands gripping each other, teeth biting, tongues tasting. Hyunjin sat up wrapping his arms around you and then suddenly you were on your back under him. He pulled down his sweatpants and kicked them off as he reached into your panties and started teasing your clit with two fingers. 
“So wet for me already?” You pushed at him. 
“Hyunjinahh! Don’t tease!” He smiled before kissing down your neck and shoulder, the two fingers still gently rubbing your arousal over the sensitive nerves. 
“No teasing tonight baby. I’m gonna make you feel so good.” He kissed down your chest and started sucking on your breasts. You wove your fingers through his hair as he kissed and sucked at your nipples. You moaned when the two fingers he had been rubbing you with slid inside you.
Hyunjin made his way down your body as he fingered you and when his face hovered over your clothed core you thought you might lose your mind at the sight of him. He pulled your panties to the side and when he started to eat you out you gripped his hair again, tighter. 
“Jinnie! God yes! Right there!” Hyunjin pumped his fingers into you and licked your clit before kissing it. 
“Right there jagiya?” He started sucking on your clit and you aggressively shook your head. 
“YES! FUCK YES!” Hyunjin took his time. He’d mapped your body out countless times now and he knew how to drive you to the brink of madness from pleasure alone and he was going to do just that. His fingers worked inside you brushing against your g spot as he continued to lick and suck on your clit you could feel the building climax inside you. 
“Please... please... please...” You plead with Hyunjin needing the release you were desperately close to. His pillowy soft lips latched around your clit again and when he hummed against you, you went plummeting into your orgasm. 
“Hyu-Hyun-Hyunjinnie! Oh my god! Yesyesyes!” Your hips tried to grind up against his face but his strong hands held you down as he continued to guide you through your climax. He gently took long slow licks up your glistening cunt as you started twitching from the overstimulation.
He gave your pussy one last soft kiss and then climbed back up towards your face, your lips. His pressed against yours, so plush, as the fog in your head started to lift. You started sitting up prompting Hyunjin to as well, although he wouldn’t stop kissing you. He loved the way you tasted. Your skin, your lips, your cunt, he could never get enough.
You guided him to sit back against the headboard, his legs spread. Your lips only left his to leave a wet trail of kisses down Hyunjin’s neck and chest. His fingers threaded through your hair as you made your way down his body. When your lips hovered over his throbbing cock you looked up at him, licking your lips. He couldn’t help the shuddering breath he took at the sight of you between his legs. He gently traced his fingers down your face, biting his lip. 
“Please baby... suck on it.” You nodded smiling and put the tip in your mouth, running your tongue around it and sucking like Hyunjin had asked of you. He moaned and pulled your hair up into a ponytail with his hands so he could see as you started to work your way further down his shaft. When you gagged on him, you pulled off stroking him, looking into his eyes, watching them glint from the pleasure you were giving him. 
“I want you to cum in my mouth Jinnie.” His jaw dropped surprised to hear you say that. He’d never done that before. 
“I... are you sure?” You licked your lips looking at him and nodded. Hyunjin nodded back and you started sucking his dick again. You bobbed up and down, using your spit to stroke what you couldn’t fit. His tip kept pressing against the back of your throat and Hyunjin thought he would lose his mind it felt so good. His breath came faster as his stomach sucked in and out. 
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” You hummed giving your permission again to cum in your mouth and the vibrations from your lips pushed him over the edge. He whimpered and his body stiffened, as well as his grip on your hair as he started to spill into your mouth. 
“Oh god! Oh fuck! Jagiya mmmm!” His head thumped back against the headboard as you drank down every drop of his cum. You licked the tip one last time and looked up at his fucked-out face, head tilted back. He took another deep breath and looked down at you again.
When he saw that sweet face of yours, his heart melted. He was yours. Always. He loved you so much. He pulled you to sit in his lap and he held your face as he kissed you. You sat there like that for who knew how long. Arms wrapped around each other, slowly, softly kissing.
After making out a while, you slid your panties off, leaned forward and gripped Hyunjin’s cock, pushing it inside you. You both held on to the other, moaning as he filled you. You slowly started working your hips against his as you looked into each other’s eyes. It was so intimate, so sensual. 
“I love you Hyunjin.” He kissed you and every time he kissed you it felt just like the first, fireworks. He pressed his forehead to yours as you continued riding him. 
“I love you too y/n, I love you so much...” He held you as your bodies pressed and rubbed together, sweaty, hot. You made love like that for what felt like forever, for what felt like would never be long enough. You both were holding the others face, foreheads pressed together, eyes locked on their love, their forever, as you came together.
Tears streaked your face as your trembled through your climax, Hyunjin’s warm cum filling you. He wiped your tears and hugged you closely. You rested your head on his shoulder as Hyunjin softened inside you, both of you basking in the warmth of the other. When heartbeats and breathing returned to normal you curled up together in bed. Hyunjin’s birthday wish for you had come true after all, in ways he never had imagined. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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Buck & Eddie: Chris' Parents!
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In a post I completed a few days ago (linked here), I explained how Buck wears specific colors when he's looking for answers and in it, I mentioned how he was wearing the color shirt he usually wears whenever he's looking for them. When TM (showrunner) first released the still of Buck and Chris from 7x1, Buck's pants weren't shown because it didn't include the lower half of his body. However, the stills for 7x1 that were released yesterday do include the bottom half of his body and he's wearing navy-blue pants.
After completing a post about The Buckley-Diaz Family yesterday, I vaguely remembered Shannon was wearing the same colors in 2x7 that Buck will be wearing in 7x1 and I got curious. Reminder, Eddie had to call her and when he did, he asked her to come over so they could talk about Chris' admission into Durand. I didn't watch the episode again but I did fast forward through it to get to that specific scene and I was right. She's wearing a rust/dark orange colored blouse and it's a similar color to the shirt Buck's wearing in all the stills from 7x1 while he's in Chris' room. Also, both of them were wearing navy-blue pants.
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When she arrived at Eddie's house, she was looking for answers after having been gone for almost 2 years and it appears Buck's going to be looking for answers too about something while he's there in 7x1. Reminder, he's going to be helping Chris with his homework, possibly math but remember his "special skills" disappeared after 6x13 so...
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Additionally, Eddie didn't enter Chris' room with her, he kept standing in the doorway similarly to the way he will be doing in 7x1. Since it's just a still, no one but the showrunner, producers, writers, actors and actresses know if Eddie actually enters while Buck's there. Since the lighting is different, it appears Buck will already be gone when Eddie's standing in the doorway looking at Chris (the still on the right has Eddie standing in the doorway).
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Please note, Eddie HAS entered Chris' room with Buck and he did it in 5x17 but IIRC, he never entered Chris' bedroom with Shannon and she's Chris' mother.
And just for kicks and giggles, reminder, guess who Buck and Eddie were talking about in 5x17? EDDIE'S PARENTS! 🤪😜🙃
Please NOTICE HOW BUCK'S SITTING ON THE BED WITH CHRIS in 7x1 (not the first time) BUT SHANNON WAS NOT in 2x7!
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Reminder, she asked Eddie if Chris ever asked about her while she sat on his bed but Eddie said, "Not in a while. He has a lot to keep him busy...". She also asked him if she could see Chris when they went into the living room while she was sitting on Eddie's GRAY couch (not the blue one that he has now, related post linked here) but Eddie said, he didn't want to confuse him because Chris hadn't seen her in almost two years.
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Reminder, Buck hasn't left Chris and he told him he wasn't going anywhere in 4x8. Also, another point to make about the conversation they had in 4x8 is Chris was talking about people who went away including... guess who? Shannon!
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Reminder, Buck sat on Chris' bed with him in 4x14 after Eddie got shot. Chris consoled him after Buck broke down and he told him it was going to be ok.
The point of this post is to illustrate how Buck and Shannon have been further paralleled with their clothing and they illustrate how both of them were/are looking for answers from Eddie regarding their place in Chris' life. I said in the post I completed about the color gray (linked above) that Eddie's the one who will have to tell Buck what his role is in Chris' life. He's the only one who can.
I said in another post I did about Dad!Buck that Chris was looking for Buck in 6x11 during Buck's coma dream not Eddie (linked here) but Buck didn't understand it. He asked him, "Can you help me find my dad?"
Additionally, the fact that Eddie's standing in Chris' doorway both times is significant. It's been speculated that Eddie's holding the letter that Shannon wrote to Chris since it's on blue paper and if he is then 👀.
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Don't forget about Eddie's WILL! Eddie named Buck to be Chris' legal guardian in it but IYKYK. Eddie's action was a LOVE CONFESSION BECAUSE HE WAS GIVING BUCK HIS HEART.
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Please understand, 9-1-1 is NOT being subtle in season 7 with the parallels between Buck and Shannon. Eddie and Buck have been coparenting Chris for years and I've completed several posts about it (one is linked here).
Finally, another reminder... Shannon left El Paso when Chris was 5 years old and when she returned, she was only there for a few months, therefore she was probably actively in Chris' life for about 5 years and some months before she died but Season 7 marks the fact that Buck has now been a huge part of Chris' life for more than 6 years 👀.
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irisbleufic · 4 months
Of all the bullshit I never expected to be back on with the same intensity of October through December of 2000, Beetlejuice was not it. But I finally got to see the musical yesterday, and the part of me that has adored all 94 episodes of the animated series from the moment I started watching them on ABC Saturday mornings in 1989 just fucking flared—this fond, awful tightness in my chest. It’s the first TV show I ever imprinted on; it’s been with me since childhood. Surreal.
About 4 years into watching the cartoon, I finally saw the live-action movie that the cartoon was based on. I hated it, because it was so malevolent and empty compared to the incredible world-building characters in the animated series. Serious shout-outs to Stephen Ouimette and Alyson Court for all that stunning, hilarious, and often moving voicework.
Now, okay, I need to go back to 2000 again to make this all make sense. I’d watched the show from 1989 until whenever the 4th season ended. It wasn’t until I was in my first semester of college, newly transplanted to New England, that I found a couple folks within my program who had loved the show growing up, too. I ordered all of the episodes on VHS. It was difficult to track them all down in 2000, and it was expensive. But I pulled it off, and we had Friday night watch parties for weeks over the month of October. But that is not where this ends.
I was in the process of winding down the writing I’d been doing on Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow for the entirety of my senior year of high school. Suddenly, I’m in college and watching this fucking cartoon and thinking, there is so much heart in this. How the fuck is there so much heart. I haven’t seen two characters this wholesome codependent in, well, ever. I went looking for forums and mailing lists devoted to the cartoon. I found a mailing list. There were a handful of artists drawing amazing fancomics on there, and they were like, what do you do? Oh. I write. And they were like: do you understand how desperately some of us have wanted fic, but just can’t find it?
That is the wrong thing to say to me when I’m on a downward spiral of realizing I’m not going to escape a fandom without getting myself into a project so long that it’s all I’ll be doing for fucking months on end. If you’re one of the people who knew me back then, you know what I did for those four months in the fall/winter of 2000. I wrote a novel. Sure, I came close to failing a couple of classes, but it was the first time I understood exactly what I was capable of building as a fanwriter. Maybe even as a real writer.
“Time Will Tell” was hosted on a friend’s Angelfire site for a handful of years. People found it via LiveJournal, too, because I linked it there. I put it on AO3 somewhere circa 2012 and took it down again in 2017 because I didn’t feel there was enough interest in it, and also, my 19-year-old editorial foibles and typos were aspects I wanted to amend in it.
The musical took more inspiration from the cartoon than the film. I’m stunned and grateful for that. I found the “Time Will Tell” file buried pretty deep in my Gmail folders. I’ve been reading it since the drive home last night. I just can’t believe there’s now enough of a fandom for me to consider finally polishing it and getting it back online. It’s one of my two oldest surviving pieces of writing.
Anyway, sorry for the Gotham fic delays that I’d been trying to get a handle on. Now that the semester’s over, I feel that getting this thing I wrote twenty-three years ago back to the light of day is the best use of my time for a couple weeks.
If you’re one of the people who read “Time Will Tell” back in the day, thank you. I don’t know how many people out there still remember it beyond maybe ten or so friends I’m still in contact with all these years later. I’m sorry it disappeared for a while.
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icechippies · 3 months
Unnamed Twomp fic
Ok so first TWOMP fic, I'm posting it here first because it needs a name for Ao3 and I dont have a good name yet. Each chapter will be a reblog of this one by me so keep an eye out, I am going to post the first two tonight.
Tags that it would probably have on Ao3: Angst and hurt/comfort, Argos/Mr Plant, Medical stuff, chainsaw Argos, bad medical decisions -Or something like that at least, idk Ao3 tags at the top of my head.
I wrote a LOT of notes to share with this. I'll uh, I'll just let them do the talking, chapters will be reblogged from this post as I decide I want to. When I post to Ao3 Kudos are appreciated but comments are what really help.
I am sick and haven’t been able to sleep for the past two nights except for a nyquill induced nap yesterday. I want to write but I don’t want to deal with 8+ characters in a scene, solution? Angsty hurt/comfort of everyone’s favorite murder boyfriends. This is my first TWOMP fic so it’s going to be a little iffy on the characterization I think, I’m testing the waters. If I over explain stuff in the notes it’s because I’m practically delirious. I will continue writing this until such time as I am no longer sick, which may be a while
I think Mr. Plant normally has some vines, but they are vestigial (Like how whales still have leg bones or humans have tailbones) and don’t really serve much of a purpose and mostly come from his neck where he turns from plant to humanoid.
A witches’ broom is a growth on a plant that can be caused by fungal, bacterial, or viral infections but can also be the result of random genetic mutation (Fasciation). It causes patches of extremely dense, unregulated growth. Viral witches' brooms often have no cure, the only thing that can really be done is remove the plant to prevent it from spreading, rose rosette virus being one of them. If left untreated, the dense growth of the plant will catch water and bacteria and start to rot, slowly killing the plant. 
Anyway, pretty horrific for a plant. This story basically expands upon that real life disease but reimagining it in a way that could affect a plant-person thing.
No, Argos was absolutely not invited. He made a copy of Mr. Plant’s key because picking the lock got too tiresome after the twenty-somethingth time.
You see, I never watched Happy Tree Friends, and I only saw one episode of DHMIS. I was watching a secret third horrific thing in middle school, Cyriak videos. And oooweee, it shows sometimes.
I think Argos went to the library a lot before getting obsessed with Mr.Plant not in the nerdy computer geek way but with the same vibes as a kid who goes to the library during lunch to distract them from the fact that they don’t have any friends and as such has basically read every book there.
The Argos chainsaw photoshoot lives in my head and the bastard doesn’t even pay rent.
This was started before the void 1 stuff came out and I was so right, wasn’t I? I predicted void 1 mutated things, I predicted Ghost adding Respite to the setlist, just call me the fanfiction prophet.
(other note: I started this like 6 months ago, I have had time to edit since I was sick lol)
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brainrotbabe24 · 1 month
Idk about this idea but I’ve been thinking about like- reader who’s similar quicksilver from the X-men. Like super fast, fast metabolism, ADHD to the max. Basically just the dwarves dealing with reader constant yapping and need for sweets.
Hi! Thank you for the request!
Okay, so you get a two-in-one, lol! I went a little crazy with this one and interpreted it into two scenarios.
The company reacting to the reader's ADHD craziness
How the company would react to the reader having superpowers
I also wrote a scenario yesterday about the company finding out the reader has ADHD. That felt like a prequel to this ask...it will be linked below
Thank you for such a fun idea. I hope it's okay I wrote it like this and not one scenario!💖🎉
The company reacting to reader's ADHD craziness
Balin: Just watches from afar and laughs at your shenanigans. Loves the energy you give the group, always keeping them on their toes!
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Dwalin: Loves you, but every so often he needs quiet lol
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Óin: Oin would send you on wild errands! He found out the hard way that boring adventures get you distracted…so the crazier, the better. 
“Y/N, I asked for rosemary, and you literally came back with a bag of potatoes and a bloody nose. What did you do????”
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Glóin: He just lets you do your thing. "Y/N will run out of steam at some point." Tired dad vibes…
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Bifur: Bifur would gift you fidget toys! I bet he would take the time to make them for you too! How sweet 🥺
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Bofur: Jam sessions/singing constantly! Due to your ADHD, you guys would switch up the genre quite a bit. It would be a total production, too!
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Bombur:  Would be down to go on crazy little side quests with you! You usually take him on the quests Oin gives you. Y'all would be like Merry and Pippin in LOTR
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Ori: He would try to get you interested in hobbies to help keep you focused…like knitting. It doesn’t work, but you’ll still sit with him while he knits because he can keep up with your conversations and constant changing of topics.
Side note: I could not find a GIF of this exact topic...so imagine the reader is Homer and Ori is Marge trying to keep up with the conversation. Bart and Lisa are the rest of the company, lol 😂😂
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Dori: Dori would be a helicopter mom! He would be scared you would get hurt, and worried other people in the company would influence your recklessness. You would basically be absorbed into their little family, lol!
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Nori: Nori would team up with you to do some wild shit. He is the bad influence Dori is scared about
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Thorin: Tired. Realized at this point that half the company has ADHD. Y'all ain't getting to Erebor any time soon.
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Fíli: I think he would enjoy the late-night chat session! He would make sure to sleep next to you during the adventure because at least twice a night, you would wake him up and ask him random questions.
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Kíli: He has ADHD, too. So, the fact that both of you have it makes me feel like Kili would see that as a deep connection—like soulmate material! I wouldn't put it past him to propose…
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Bilbo: Would make you a cute little journal to write down your to-do's!
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Gandalf: Gandalf would be a provoker like Nori. Imagine everyone is calming down for the night, you are all tired out, and then out of nowhere, you hear him whisper, “Psst Y/N ask Kili why he can’t grow a beard.” or “psst Y/N I heard Thorin wanted to hear about your super specific hyper fixation that takes hours to explain…(like one piece lol with all its episodes 😭).”
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How the company reacts to reader having superpowers
Balin: He can’t keep up. You are too fast, and it hurts his brain. He does appreciate the hard work you put in when there is an orc ambush. 
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Dwalin: He loves it! He thinks you are a strong, courageous badass. He is happy you are on their side. Will cheer you on in battle!
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Óin: Tries to figure out how you do it … isn't convinced fully. Is it magic? Are you eating something?
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Glóin: He blames the food or candy you were eating. He does not believe you have powers… that's all nonsense. 
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Bifur: Couldn't care! Like Dwalin, he is just thankful you are on their side. 
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Bofur: Comes up with nicknames/superhero names for you - a true fanboy, lol!
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Bombur and Ori: Would think it’s magic!
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Dori: Would make sure you got enough rest.
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Nori: Tries to convince you to use your skills for evil, like stealing or cheating at games...maybe not evil but definitely his gain lol
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Thorin: He's super excited! He wants to use your skills to help reclaim Erebor and constantly asks you to do recon.
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Fíli: He's excited like his uncle, but he would want to train with you so he can keep up, lol. 
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Kíli: Kili would want to compete! “Come on, y/n, let's see who's faster! I know I’ll beat you.” Maybe he is a little jealous that his uncle likes you and trusts you to do recon and other cool stuff.
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Bilbo: He would think you also had a “special” ring and get paranoid. He would also ask you a lot of questions to see if you know about his ring. 
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Gandalf: Suspicious! He doesn't believe you are from this universe. It leaves more questions than answers.
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Link to the ADHD one I was talking about above:
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Hoshina comfort fic
So I had this idea and it did derail my schedule slightly because I did want to make that fic where he watched Mel Brooks movies but this one was just more important to me at that particular time. So I changed my mind and wrote a hurt/comfort fic about how I would comfort Hoshina after the events of the last episode.
“Saito-Saito we need your help in the operations division it’s a Kaiju attack they’re here at the base.” Okonogi’s voice rang through the comms in Dot Saito’s room and she swung her legs up getting her lab coat on and her clothes back on since she had been just starting to fall asleep.
“Is it a new kaiju or is number 8 or 9 attacking the base?” Dot slid into her desk and logged on to the outside comms seeing the onslaught of kaiju and yonju that were outside the base and she couldn’t help but start to panic slightly. 
“It’s a new number vice-captain Hoshina decided that he was going to fight it on his own because Captain Ashiro isn’t here still.” Dot groaned hitting her head on the table a few times and she instantly got out her direct communication with the captain. Mina Ashiro heard her direct communication with her side of the operations division ring and she put it into her ear. 
“Saito, what’s going on? You almost never use this line, what’s going on?” Dot let out a breath of relief at the fact that the captain had answered her comm swiftly.
“Captain Ashiro! We have a kaiju attack on the base, they just showed up. I thought that the vice-captain was still training because..” Captain Ashiro nodded her head understandingly with a small understanding look in her eyes since she knew that her co-worker had been massively overworking himself to make sure that he would be able to take down Kaiju Number 8 the next time that they fought. 
“Say no more Saito, I’ll get on my bike and get there as soon as I can just try to keep him from doing something stupid or at least keep a halfway decent eye on him. You’re about the only person that he listens to.” Dot flushed a light pink at the fact that her friend was usually about the most stubborn person that she had ever met. 
“I can’t make any promises since he doesn’t really listen to me per se but he at least tries to follow my advice. I’ll let you get here safely though, thank you for coming captain.” Dot sighed heavily turning off the communications with the captain so that she could focus on getting here as soon as she could. 
“Hoshina you better not do anything stupid I beg of you just try to at least have some self preservation I beg of you.” Dot pressed the button on her communications that would get her back in touch with Okonogi as she looked at her computer and saw that she would need the extra help that she could get on this job. 
“Okonogi, I’ve contacted captain Ashiro, she’s on her way she just said to try and keep the vice captain out of danger I’m going to call Brandon too and get him out here, I’m going to need his help on this job.” Okonogi nodded her head but she knew that she would be the one that woke up her friend’s subordinate.
“I’ll wake up Brandon, you just handle things as best you can until then.” Dot let out a breath of relief as she changed the dial on her communicator and called her friend. Hoshina heard his communicator beep a little bit and he heard the voice of Dot going through his ear.
“Vice-captain! I’ve contacted Captain Ashiro, she’s on her way just stall until she gets here and do the best that you can. Don’t push yourself you’ve already been fighting too much lately and that fight with Kaiju no 8 was just yesterday and you’ve been training nonstop since then.” Hoshina couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit at the fact that his friend was worried about him. 
“Why Saito, are you worried about me~? I can handle a little fight besides this is my job as the vice captain to take care of the base while Ashiro is away and I have to do my job.” Dot sighed heavily knowing that she couldn’t get her friend to back down from this fight and deciding that if she couldn’t do that then the best that she could do was to make sure that this fight was easy enough for him to handle.
“.. Thank you for calling captain Ashiro for me Saito. I was going to but then I got dragged into this fight with this kaiju. He seems to be built different, it’s like he’s enjoying fighting me.” Dot cocked her head to the side in confusion as she logged into her friend’s suit seeing that the kaiju he was fighting was quickly learning his different styles that he used. 
“The kaiju is picking up on your styles and seems to be intelligent and actually gets off on the thrill of the fight. I’d tread lightly and just try to get out of this fight as quickly as humanly possible.” Dot sighed heavily knowing that her friend wasn’t going to listen to her and that arguing with Hoshina when he got like this all in his head was futile. Brandon slowly shuffled into the operations room that Ashiro’s crew ran and he groaned heavily running his hand through his hair.
“Couldn’t this attack have happened at a normal hour? I was just about to get some sleep.” Dot rolled her eyes at her friend knowing that was a bald faced lie if she had ever heard one since she knew that he was very much still awake.
“Yeah right okay sure mr I was reading A03 before bed even though I’ve told him constantly that reading that site before bed is a god awful idea. Was it at least a good story?” Brandon nodded his head with a small laugh as is friend had just known him so well that she could read right through him. Dot looked at the fight that was happening and her eyes widened as this fight seemed to be going on feeling the small sliver of panic going through her.
“Vice captain just I know that you feel like you have to push yourself but you’ve already fully powered up your suit and I don’t want you to overdue it when you fully powered up yesterday too for your fight with number 8 yesterday. There’s a limit to how much you can use 100% of your power before you get the proper rest." Dot lightly lectured and Brandon looked at her computer since she already had the fight up and running as well as the stats for the fight. 
“I have to fight Saito, I’m sorry but I have to be strong enough for this job. I know that I’m not as strong as some of the other members that are allowed to use guns and I’m at a heavy disadvantage.” Dot sighed running a hand through her hair knowing that she couldn’t argue with her friend and win this. 
“Fine. But I’m going to stay on your comms and keep up with your fight to make sure that you’re not overdoing it. I already don’t want you in this fight but I can’t tell you what to do. You’re my friend and I care about you and want you to be okay. After this, you better take some time off and get some rest.” Hoshina grunted as the fight continued on and Brandon watched the comms feeling the anxiety start creeping up.
“Your boy might be in a lot of trouble I have a bad feeling that this kaiju is different. It’s using the smaller yonju to fight it’s battles for him as a cover see?” Dot nodded her head tentatively feeling tears come to her eyes as she tried to keep herself composed while this fight went on.
“Hoshina, it’s using the smaller yonju to try to cover it’s tracks that means it’s probably seeing you as a threat. I want you to keep this up for as long as you can and then when captain Ashiro gets here then you get the hell out of there.” Dot lectured with a small grimace seeing her friend get thrown into a wall and she flinched heavily clutching the sleeves of her lab coat. 
“Saito I know that you’re worried but I’ll be alright. I’m always at a slight disadvantage and I have to keep up with everyone. Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine. I’m a strong guy~ I thought that you told me that you were going to bed early tonight anyways, what happened?” Dot laughed a little bit at her friend rolling her eyes at his flirty antics even when he was in a life or death situation.
“I was asleep but Okonogi called me in my room saying that I needed to get here immediately and help out with everyone and try to keep you alive. You’re my friend and I will do whatever it takes to keep you alive.” Brandon rolled his eyes with a small half-smile on his face shaking his head at his friend’s overly sappy relationship. 
“Jesus Christ just kiss him already you idiot.” Dot shoved her friend’s side pushing him into his chair where he flopped over dramatically. 
“Saito I’m going to take the kaiju into the training grounds and make sure that nobody gets hurt here. Open the training ground doors now!” Dot nodded her head understandingly as she watched her friend’s dot move around the base until he finally got into the training grounds. She opened the door to the training grounds so that her friend could take the fight where nobody would get hurt.
“I know that you’re not going to listen to me but just.. be careful out there alright? I’ll let you fight but just try to keep yourself out of harms way.” Brandon leaned his cheek onto his hand and rolled his eyes at her goofy antics looking at her. 
“You want to kiss him so bad it makes you look really, really fucking stupid.” Dot glared at her friend kicking in his general direction grateful that he wasn’t on the comms at least where she could just be on her own. 
“Brandon just leave it alone alright? I’m worried enough about him as it is he’s my friend first and foremost so just leave me the hell alone. When you eventually like someone this much then you know I’ll make fun of you just as bad as you mock me right now.” Brandon shrugged his shoulders indifferently since he was honestly good in term of romance he didn’t need anything like that. 
“Nah, I’m good, I’d rather just make fun of you because it’s pathetic how down bad you are for this guy. I mean you’d think that by now with all the flirting that you two do that you’d have just gotten tired of it by this point and do something about it.” Dot sighed heavily rolling her eyes at her friend as she watched the fight play out on screen and watched the kaiju fight her friend.
“Vice captain Hoshina!” Dot's heart stopped in her chest and Hoshina couldn’t help but smile softly at her antics and how she cared so much about the people in her life. 
“I’m fine Saito, thanks worrying about me though sweetness~” Dot couldn’t help but blush a bright pink as she buried her head into her hands in embarrassment and Brandon just groaned heavily. 
“Maybe this will be the catalyst to finally get you two to have a conversation-" Dot glared with a small half-smile on her face as she played with her hair. 
“I’m glad that you’re alright vice-captain.” Hoshina smiled softly at the fact that he had so many people and friends on his side that cared about him and wanted him to succeed. He never would’ve thought that he’d be able to get here but he couldn’t help but feel grateful that he was given the opportunity to fight amongst his friends both on and off the battlefield. 
“This kaiju’s strength is terrifying Dot, thankfully your boy is a fucking force of nature and doesn’t let anything get to him.” Dot nodded her head animatedly but right at that moment she saw something on the comms that terrified her.
“Vice captain, something about this kaiju doesn’t feel right to me- something just feels wrong to me. It feels weird. I think that it’s going to turn giant! It might turn giant and then you’ll be in big trouble because you can’t fight giant kaiju! You have to get out of there. You’ve got to get out of there and wait for captain Ashiro to show up!” Dot told her friend as she saw the leakage of gas go out and thankfully she heard her friend put his mask on. 
“I can’t run from this fight Saito, I have to keep everyone safe. I’m the vice captain for a reason. If I just run away then I’m not much of anything but a coward.” Dot groaned since she knew that there would be no talking her friend out of this and she would have to drag him out of this fight kicking and screaming by the end of it. 
“Fine but I’m dragging you into the infirmary the next time that I see you even if I have to go out onto the battlefield and drag you there myself once captain Ashiro gets here.” Hoshina chuckled a little bit at Dot’s assertive nature since it wasn’t something he usually heard. 
“Bossy bossy~ Remind me to never do something to intentionally piss you off Saito” Dot blushed a bright pink rolling her eyes as she continued to watch her friend’s fight and tried to not get in his way. Hoshina felt the anxiety of the fight starting to get to him. This was probably the most life or death situation that he had ever been in when it came to his work on the defense force. It was taking everything in him to just keep up with this kaiju but when it turned giant he knew that he wouldn’t be able to beat it on his own due to the fact that his swords weren’t thick enough to pierce through the kaiju’s thick skin. Dot started to feel the tears come to her eyes. 
“Vice captain! Just run away, it doesn’t matter that you can’t fight it on your own you can’t cut all the way through just run away. Please just run away. You’re going to overheat.” She felt the buzz on her computer that told her that Hoshina was overheating and she grabbed her communication earbud and put it into her other ear. 
“Okonogi, I need you to do me a big favor. I need you to guide me through the fight and get me to vice-captain Hoshina.” Okonogi’s eyes widened when she heard that Saito needed to get through the battlefield and she wanted to protest but she knew that arguing with her when she was like this was futile. 
“Can we wait until the bulk of the fighting is done at least Saito? I know that you’re worried about the vice captain I’m worried about him too but he has to do this fight on his own. He’s stronger than that.” Hoshina came over the coms and Dot let out a breath of relief hearing her friend’s gentle teasing voice. 
“Sorry Saito~ You’re not rid of me yet. I’m okay the thing hits like a damn truck and my shield was all the way up. I’ve only got about a minute left before I have to get the hell out of here.” Dot let out a breath of relief and she crossed her ankles over her feet pressing her index fingers together as she watched the fight on the coms using her ability to hack into the suit to be able to see it fully and see how bad things were getting for her friend. 
“He’s amazing..” Dot watched the fight and her breath caught when she saw the kaiju grab the vice captain. She clenched her fists into her hands wishing that she could have been strong enough to fight on the frontlines rather than behind the scenes. She never felt more useless than she did right now. Brandon put his arm around her shoulders and she let out a breath of relief when she heard the voice of Captain Ashiro’s calm and controlled tone over the comms. 
“Good job holding down the fort everyone, thank you for all your hard work. And thank you for calling me Saito, you did a great job trying to keep Hoshina from doing something stupid.” Dot let out a breath of relief and she started to calm down since she knew that the captain could take things over from here.
“Thank god she showed up when she did that was almost a disaster.. I think I just lost about ten years of my life you jerk.” Dot lightly griped and she let go of her clenched fists but Brandon kept his arm around her shoulders while they watched the fight in front of them.
“I don’t think that this fight is going to end this easily..” Dot pressed her index fingers together feeling tears come to her eyes when she saw her friend’s fighting for their lives and wishing that she could do something. She wanted to help. She wanted to do more than she was able to do at this particular moment in time. But this was all she could do was run the comms from Captain Ashiro’s side of things.
“You only have one more bullet left Captain. Make it count.” Dot reminded her captain and she heard the hum of affirmation. Dot felt tears come to her eyes watching her friend bounce around and slash his swords and she couldn’t do anything to help him out. When the kaiju opened it’s mouth and she saw that Hoshina was in it’s sights and she wanted to curl into a ball and start crying right then and there. But the tears of relief that she felt when Captain Ashiro nailed the kaiju right in it’s core she couldn’t help but feel better about it. 
“I wouldn’t let out your breath just yet Dot, I don’t think that this fight is done yet and you might still have to go and rescue your boy.” Dot grabbed her headphone and instantly wanted to start running outside to take care of her friend.
“Wait, wait I think that things are about to get intense.” Brandon recommended and Dot felt tears come to her eyes when she saw Kafka turn into Kaiju Number 8. She knew that Hoshina liked him and that now things were about to get a lot more complicated as time went on. She wanted to protest, to do something, to remind them that Kafka was a good officer that was just doing what he felt was right.
“Brandon- how is he Kaiju Number 8? That’s not- that can’t be..” Dot felt tears come to her eyes and Brandon hugged her tightly trying to comfort her and calm her down. Dot braced herself for the impact of the kaiju bomb and she instantly stood up once everything was over and got up off her chair.
“I’m going outside. You’re not stopping me. I have to make sure that Hoshina is alright, I’ll be back.” Dot put her headphones around her neck just in case it was too loud out there and she felt the bubbling sensory overload burning at the back of her brain and she blinked away the tears in her eyes.
“Okonogi, I need your help. Please. I’ll get you a huge stuffed bear for your room the next time that I go shopping at the mall. I have to get Hoshina off of the battlefield. If I don’t drag him off now then he’s going to be there for the entire duration of the fight and he needs to get out of there. He’s not going to be help to anyone in his state.” Okonogi sighed heavily knowing that she wasn’t going to get her friend to get out of this situation without her helping out.
“Okay, I’ll help you out Saito. Just be careful out there because it is still a dangerous battle field out there. I know that you want to get the vice captain to safety and I can’t fault you for that.” Dot let out a breath of relief as she went outside and narrowly avoided all the things that were around her and all of the chaos until she heard the familiar voice of vice captain Hoshina. Hoshina looked up and saw Dot in front of him. 
“I’m here to take you to the infirmary. You’re going to get some rest, you overheated and didn’t listen to me when I requested very politely might I add that you should backdown but nooooo you had to try and be a superman.” Dot crossed her arms over her chest and Hoshina in his right mind probably wouldn’t have said what he was about too ay if he hadn’t just fought for far too long. 
“You should be assertive more frequently, it’s sexy.” Dot squeaked offering her friend a hand up and she blushed a bright pink.
“Just come on you knucklehead, let’s go. I want to make sure that you’re doing alright. I know that you were thrown against the wall by that kaiju so you might have a concussion and some broken ribs.” Dot lightly placated her friend as she held his arm carefully guiding him away from the battlefield in front of him.
“Definitely got a concussion it is hard to breathe and I can’t really feel some of my fingers..” Dot sighed heavily pushing hair behind Hoshina’s ears with a small smile on her face. 
“I can’t believe you, you are the most ridiculous man that I have ever met in my entire life. I just- come on vice captain. We should get you to the doctor.” It was taking everything in Dot right now to not instantly confess her feelings for her friend as she ran her hand through her hair. Dot led her friend through the halls towards the back of the hallway and she opened the door.
“Doctor Suzono!” Dot called into the room Hoshina walked into the room leaning heavily against Dot’s side. Dr Suzono went into the room and instantly groaned heavily seeing that Hoshina was in front of her.
“Saito what the hell happened outside?” Dot sighed heavily looking at her friend and waving her hand animatedly letting Hoshina tell her what happened.
“I got into a big fight with a monster kaiju and Saito had to go and drag me out of there. I’m just glad that she did because things are.. not going great.” Hoshina sighed heavily flopping onto the chair and Dot sat down across from him. 
“I’m sorry about the whole situation with Kafka Hoshina. I know that you believed him him but maybe there’s something else that’s going behind the scenes. There’s probably something else that’s going on with him.” Dot smiled softly at her friend and Hoshina just sighed heavily looking at her knowing that she was right and that she was able to read him and his emotions so well. She knew exactly what he was worried about and how to navigate talking to him about it. 
“It doesn’t matter what intentions he had, he’s still a kaiju and he shouldn’t have joined in the first place.” Dot crossed her ankles together cocking her head to the side with a small understanding look in her eyes. 
“How many times were you told that you didn’t have the skill to join the defense force? Wasn’t it your entire life and the vice captain was the first person that ever told you that you could do it despite all the obstacles that stood in your way. I think that the reason why you’re so hurt by this is because you believed in him the most. You saw your younger self in him and when he finally became an official member of the defense force you were proud of him. That despite all the odds that were stacked against him he managed to fight all of them and prove every single person wrong that told him that he couldn’t do it.” Dot called her friend out actually defining all his hurt feelings about the situation with Kafka and Hoshina couldn’t help but sigh with a small half-smile on his face at the fact that she had once again read him like an open book.
“How do you do that? Automatically know what I’m thinking and how to reason with me?” Dot shrugged her shoulders since to her it wasn’t that hard to understand Hoshina. Most people just automatically assumed that she sucked at understanding how to deal with people but that wasn’t true. She wanted to understand people it was just a bit harder for her to understand how to communicate with them. But with Hoshina, it was never that difficult and she could just be herself and assume that she would be understood and accepted where she was. 
“I just know what you’re thinking, you’re not that difficult to read vice-captain. You might think that you’ve got this whole mysterious cool guy hiding behind a practiced smile but I can see you beyond that. You’re someone who’s fought his entire life to get to where he is and I.. I’m sorry that I can’t help you more than I do.” Dot sighed heavily since her feelings of not being useful enough were going strong today. She had wanted to be more useful than she actually was but she also knew that she couldn’t join the fight head on and that she was stuck dealing with the behind the scenes work. 
“Whatcha mean Saito? You’re plenty strong and you help me out a lot with your tech skills. Being on the operations team does not mean that you’re weak. I would worry about you if you were on the frontlines anyway so it’s for the best that you’re on the operations side of things. I’m sorry that I scared ya today I didn’t mean to.” Dot shook her head since she really didn’t blame her friend for scaring her he was just trying to do his job to the best of his ability. 
“You’re going to need to take a little bit of time off to let these wounds heal vice-captain. I’m sorry about that but you overdid it. You have several broken ribs and a pretty bad concussion as well as a slight fracture in your right arm from when the kaiju threw you into the wall.” Hoshina blinked a little bit in disbelief since his right arm felt fine to him but his threshold for pain was always higher than most and even though he had probably been too hoped up on adrenaline to notice that his arm was broken.
“I’ll make sure that he doesn’t overdue it doc thank you for everything.” Hoshina sighed heavily as the doctor patched him up to the best of her abilities right now.
“You’ll have to come back next week for physical therapy and make sure that everything is healing up properly.” Hoshina sighed heavily since physical therapy was never his favorite part of the job but he knew that he’d have to take care of himself.
“Come on mister, you’re getting some rest.” Dot took Hoshina’s uninjured arm and carefully led him to her dorm room sitting him down on her couch. 
“What do you want to watch? Or would your rather that I just be quiet and let you get some sleep? Because I can tell you that I’m probably not going to be able to sleep I’m too anxious to sleep right now. I think you caused me to lose at least five years of my life pulling that stunt you dumbass.” Dot whined flopping onto her couch after grabbing her caterpillar stuffed animal and clinging it for dear life. Hoshina couldn’t help but find his friend to be the cutest thing in the entire world. 
“Sorry about scaring ya like that Saito I know that it was a lot for you to have to deal with behind the scenes. Thanks for helping me get out of there. Sorry if I was bossy.” Dot shook her head animatedly since she didn’t think that her friend had been bossy or pushy at all. He was just trying to protect his subordinates and do his job.
“No apologizes needed Hoshina, I know that you care about your subordinates and you just wanted to make sure that everyone was safe during that fight. That fight was stressful for everyone but you took on a lot of that yourself and you fought way too hard. I’m just glad that you’re alright. You have to stop putting yourself in dangerous situations and just.. have a little bit of self preservation.” Dot sighed with a small smile on her face running her hands through her hair and Hoshina couldn’t help but smile at her.
“Alright I promise that I’m stop putting myself in danger if you promise that you’ll try to speak your mind about what’s bothering you more frequently.” Dot sighed knowing that her friend was going to fight her on it no matter what and that he was going to argue with her if she didn’t agree with him.
“Fine, fine you win Hoshina I’ll let you win this time around. I’ll try my best to tell you my opinions when it’s not just about film. It’s hard for me to speak my mind I have no clue why.” Hoshina sighed with a half-smile on his face at the fact that he was able to get Dot to admit that she would try to speak her mind more frequently and that was the best that he was going to get right then. He couldn’t help but hiss lightly in pain as he was finally starting to feel the pain in his right arm and Dot felt tears come to her eyes. 
“I’ll.. I’ll get you some Tylenol just don’t.. try to not move around so much okay?” Dot got up and went through her medicine cabinet finding the Tylenol there for when she got migraines and gave some to her friend and quickly turned around so that he wouldn’t have to see the tears that were in her eyes. Hoshina heard the soft sobs though and he instantly knew that he had done this. He had caused his friend to cry over the fact that he had scared her so bad that she was having a belated sensory overload after everything had happened.
“Saito, Saito am I allowed to hug you?” Dot nodded her head tentatively and Hoshina pulled her towards him trying to not move any of his injuries around too much but still wanting to remind his friend that he was alright and that he had made it through that fight alive.  
“I’m okay Dot, I’m right here everything’s going to be alright you don’t have to worry about me. I made a stupid misjudgment when it came to fighting that kaiju. I should have taken off the second that he turned into a giant because I know that I can’t fight the giant ones head on. But as vice-captain I felt like it was my duty to put my life on the line to protect my subordinates.” Dot felt tears come to her eyes and she leaned heavily against her friend’s side shaking her head animatedly. 
“I was just.. I couldn’t do anything to help you or to save you from that situation. I wanted to be stronger, strong enough to fight on the frontlines by your side instead of behind a computer screen. I hate that I’m so weak that I can’t fight with you..” Dot started to cry more heavily into her hands and Hoshina just softly rubbed at her shoulder hating himself for making the woman that he loved cry like this. He felt his heart start to crack in two hearing Dot’s cries and knowing that his recklessness had been the cause of it reminded him that he had people to live for. He had to live for not only his subordinates but also his friends that loved and cared about him.
“If you were on the frontlines then I’d worry about ya Saito. You’re so helpful you and Okonogi run a perfect operations behind the scenes always updating the technology. It’s because of you that you’re able to actually see the fights when they’re going on and make sure that everyone remains safe. Did you do that with my suit earlier?” Dot nodded her head tentatively blowing her nose into her box of tissues and grabbing a couple of others. She put them next to her just in case she would need them again.
“I did, I’m sorry that I didn’t ask before I did but I was so worried about you that I felt like I had to go into your suit camera to see what was happening. I know that usually I would ask but I just.. I panicked. I’m sorry.” Hoshina shook his head animatedly since he didn’t blame Dot at all for what happened with her and her stress. He knew that she was worried about him when she came to drag him off of the battlefield.
“Ya don’t have to be sorry Saito, not about this I’m sorry that I scared you so badly that you had to come out onto the battlefield to get me out. But so much happened that I don’t think I would’ve gone to Doc Suzono if you hadn’t came and gotten me.” Dot shrugged her shoulders since she hadn’t really done all that much in her opinion. She still thought that she could have done much more than she actually did.
“I know but I’m still sorry anyways because I know that you trust your subordinates implicitly and that you liked Kafka and that you saw a bit of yourself in him. Mostly in the fact that you both have this dream to prove all the critics wrong that ever talked bad about you and told you that you couldn’t do something just because you did it differently. All I’m saying is maybe hear him out? I’ll tell Captain Ashiro the same thing. I don’t think that Kafka is a bad person, I think that he’s different from other kaiju honestly. There’s a lot of weirdness going on with all these kaiju recently from number 9 being able to transform from being human and being kaiju but in a more grotesque way, to Kafka, to number 10 being able to summon other kaiju and being able to enjoy the fight.. the kaiju are advancing and changing as time goes on which means the way that we’re fighting them has to change and advance as well.” Dot offered her thoughts and Hoshina blinked a little bit not expecting that amount of forwardness when it came to the way that he fought the kaiju and the way that he should deal with Kafka. But he had told Dot that she should speak her mind more often instead of just about movies.
“See this is why your plenty strong on your own. It might not be on the battlefield but you’re always looking for the safest way to handle these situations which we need. We need to change the way that we fight the kaiju because they’re changing too. I think I was just.. blindsided by the fact that Kafka was number 8 because I did think that there was something off about him but not that." Dot huffed a small chuckle pulling back from the hug but staying in the general proximity of her friend just needing him close right now since that had been one of the most anxiety inducing fights that she had seen during her time on the defense force.
“I was surprised too, Brandon will tell you that I was super shocked to see that Kafka was the kaiju that you fought. I can only imagine what you were thinking because you believed so strongly in Kafka that he was strong. You knew that he could do it and I think that Kafka saw this as a do or die situation and he just.. reacted to what was happening. If he hadn’t defeated that yonju bomb what would have happened? I would have probably lost you and every other member of the defense force. We would have lost a ton of good people. Without Kafka everyone would have probably died.” Dot reasoned throwing in her own opinion about the fight and Hoshina sighed heavily wanting to object, that he would’ve thought of something, but he knew that he was in a bad way and that he wouldn’t have been able to do anything.
“You’re right as usual Saito, I wouldn’t have been able to think of something like on the fly. I know that I wouldn’t have but Kafka did because he’s braver than the rest of us put together. He’s a good guy and I’ll rely your information to Ashiro and tell her what you think that we should do. She trusts you implicitly so I’m sure that she’ll take what you have to say to heart. She likes having ya around and I think you take a load off her shoulders.” Dot blushed a light pink with a small smile on her face pressing her index fingers together.
“You really think that?” Hoshina nodded his head with a small laugh as he grabbed the remote from the couch and went through his friend’s tv.
“What are you in the mood for? Something animated? Something comforting?” Dot hummed in thought as she grabbed her caterpillar stuffed animal and hugged it tightly. 
“You pick something and I’ll try and stay awake enough to watch it kay? I’m tired but I’m too anxious to get a good sleep right now. Just nothing comedy related please in case I fall asleep.” Hoshina nodded his head as he went through Dot’s Disney movies that she had bought when she had moved to the dorms and he riffled through them before he found one that he knew was one of Dot’s childhood favorites and that she had watched all the time when she was a kid. 
“Hunchback?” Dot nodded her head animatedly since that one she could at least fight to stay awake for since that was one of her favorites when was growing up.
“Please, that one sounds perfect right about now. It’s calming enough but not too calming that I’ll fall asleep. I don’t think that we’re going to be able to get some work done here until we rebuilt the defense force so you’re going to be resting with me for the time being. Mostly because I don’t trust you to not rest if you’re not with me.” Hoshina gasped over-dramatically turning around to face his friend but he knew that Dot had a decent point about everything. 
“Yeah, you’re probably right about that Saito..” Dot watched as her friend sat back down on the couch as the opening credits started to play in the background. 
“Can you just do me a favor?” Dot nodded her head with a small smile since she would do just about anything for her friend.
“Of course, what do you need from me?” Hoshina looked at her with for once a nervous expression on his face. That surprised Dot since her friend rarely looked that nervous about anything ever so this must have been a big deal for him.
“Can you.. just hold me please?” Dot blushed a light pink but hugged her friend comfortingly running a hand over his side being careful to not jostle any of his bruised ribs from where he was thrown against the wall. She managed to stay awake for the entire movie quoting lines under her breath that made Hoshina smile softly since there was a lot about her that wouldn’t ever change and he hoped that would be one of those things. He started to nod off around the same time that Dot fell asleep against his shoulder and he put a blanket around them both before he felt his own drowsiness slowly take over. 
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Oh my gosh, I am shaking my head and just laughing. I have no idea where to start writing this, but it's gonna be damn fun to pick this episode apart.
Because of the clues that Jojo Tichakorn (below) and Ninew Pinya dropped before and during the episode's airing yesterday, my mind was totally on Freddie and Queen. I captured the tweet below and couldn't help but think of lyrics.
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And the episode was titled "Save Me"!
Before I go on, I have a little personal note. During my watch of MAME's TharnType, I talked a bit about the bigotry against the queer community that I grew up with in my Indian family. During my childhood, Freddie Mercury was -- everything. He was everything to me. A part-Indian man who blasted past any obstacles that could have held him back to become a superstar, while leveraging unbelievable talent. My dad often wanted to snap my Queen CDs in half to keep Freddie out of our house. Up until I went to college, when a new world of music awaited me, Queen was MY BAND. I'll never forget watching his memorial concert on television in 1992, watching Axl Rose destroy "We Will Rock You," and subsequently watching Axl host a Queen documentary on MTV that got repeated for years and years. This shit was formative to my childhood, and I'm gonna guess, to Jojo's and Ninew's childhoods as well. We be old bags in here.
I'll get back to Freddie in a few minutes. but besides all of the Queen themes (quick note: the dude that Sand was about to make out with was wearing the same costume that Ninew caught in his IG stories, as Freddie sang "Love of My Life"), oh my fucking god, did this episode ever touch upon ephemerality, highs and lows, change, and a resistance to change that people have unto others.
Top and Cheum -- especially Top -- were clutching their pearrrrrllllsss at Mew's changes.
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Top and Cheum notice that Mew's trying on a new suit. And Mew admits it! He says to Ray in the bookstore -- after the most BRILLIANT call-out to a BL trope if I ever saw one, the CRACKING of the romantic memories montage, which, omg, are we EVER seeing in Dangerous Romance, like three times a bleeping episode, LMAO -- "I'm bored with myself."
I love -- I hate it, but I love that this episode calls it out -- I love that Top and Cheum are calling this behavior out as if it were a bad thing.
Is it?
.... is it not okay for university students to take a bump of coke if they're curious about it? Barack Obama did it -- and Obama admitted it, AND wrote about it, AND became president, twice. Judge him, I dare ya.
On another side, Nick susses out Boston, and wants to check in with him. Boston wants Nick to go bye-bye. Nick tries a guilt pull. And Boston ain't having it.
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Fuck. (Side note, Boston was my man this episode.)
I'm shaking my head in wonder for Mew and Boston to be addressing Top, Cheum, and Nick in this way. We've established (here and here, cc @ranchthoughts and others) that the kind of toxicity that this OF group of friends exhibits is just -- common, and pedestrian, and awful to think about existing, but in part, it's so awful for us to be thinking about it, because actually, it's ever-present in our lives, and so many of us survive dealing with other people on a daily basis by using means by which to ignore or avoid that toxicity, like our addictions to our phones, or addictions to other vices, like sex and drugs -- which takes us right back to Only Friends.
The dynamic I saw happening in this episode was like vultures (the friends) circling their prey (their friends), but instead of the friends eating their friends -- what some of the friends are doing is trying to correct the behavior of their other friends. Top and Cheum want Mew to... go back to being the old Mew, maybe. Nick wants Boston to know -- morally, I think you're a bad person. And Boston says, I paraphrase, "see. if. I. fucking. care." and literally creates the NeoTitle ship before our eyes, lmao, all while walking silently and ignoringly away from Nick.
Top, to Mew, says, "Are you sure?" Are you sure you want to be like this now, Mew? Cheum shares with Top her concern about Mew's changes, and literally teams up with Top to bring Top back to Mew to, what, straighten Mew out?
Last time I checked, Mew's a big boy. Mew's made his decisions to be with Ray, to drink with Ray, to snort coke with Ray. Are those behaviors questionable? Sure. Are they normal behaviors for a university student who is bored with himself, and wants to try something new? 100%.
I have written before, in my review of Theory of Love, that while behavioral change can oftentimes be massively difficult, there's another side to change that needs to be considered. When one person changes -- there are many others within that person's sphere that do not want that specific person TO change. If one individual changes, within a worldview of a group -- that changes a group dynamic. People like Top and Cheum are unsettled that Mew and Ray are dating, and that Mew's getting wasted and high. Are they rightfully concerned for Mew's health? For sure. But what about Mew's agency and happiness? Are the friends understanding that this is actually Mew's choice to do these things, regardless of how the friends judge his specific actions?
The fact that Top and Cheum are questioning Mew's agency, to me, is a ROOT, a FOUNDATION of the awful toxicity of this friend group, BESIDES the general drunkenness of the group, and Ray's particularly contradictory and dangerous behavior. THERE IS NO TRUST IN THIS GROUP.
Top and Cheum do not TRUST Mew -- an adult young man!!!! -- to make his own decisions. Cheum doesn't trust Boston with her little bro (oh, woops on that, big sis). Almost no one trusts Ray, although I'm not sure about Mew on that. Boston doesn't trust Nick. The list goes on.
Without trust, without a foundation of love and respect, without an acknowledgement that individuals within a group have agency to live their lives independently -- what you get in a group dynamic is UTTER mush, just a bucket of vomit like what we're seeing here in Only Friends. I am OBSESSED that Jojo and team are picking this apart SURGICALLY, and asking US to question OUR, the viewers', judgement of all of this. These friends are contradictory as fuck. Boston was SO right to ask Nick: "who are you to judge?" Nick acted as filthily as Boston in violating Boston's privacy and rights -- TWICE, bros, TWICE.
And Top.... @lurkingshan said it the best yesterday when she made sure the girlies knew that what Top was doing TO (NOT FOR, TO) Mew at the end of the episode was not consensual. Welp. Tie up Mew's agency with a bow and throw it out into the fucking dumpster, Top.
I haven't touched as much on the Sand/Ray dynamic in this post, but of characters that are acting at least consistently to their... what, their moral judgements or ethical structures, at least Sand, Ray, and Boston remain consistent in my eyes. Anyone who was surprised at Ray's behavior in this episode -- it was bad and icky, and the episode laid it on thick, but I found his behavior to be expectedly toxic.
This was a two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back episode for Sand, as I see it, as he stepped in to try to keep Ray from going to jail (and how interesting was it that it was Top who ended up sealing that deal). One other note about Sand: the show HAS to be making fun of First's inability to sing, right? That guitar practice in 2/4, oof. And to have Sand dress up as Freddie, one of the most magnificent singers in rock -- ironic. We know that Sand doesn't aspire to be a singer; he just wants to go to festivals, and... that's the right decision, my dude.
Anyway. To bring this back to Freddie and Queen. Talk about shapeshifting. In his 20s in the 1970s, Freddie Mercury started out with long hair and flowing, robe-y costumes. As the 1980s progressed, he took on an identity of a mustachioed, slightly muscular man -- very, very closeted, but clearly gay to anyone who caught the signal.
The dude that Sand was about to make out with at the party? He made a reference to Mary Austin, Freddie's longtime companion and best friend. They were lovers for a short period, before Freddie came out to her. And they remained friends all of the rest of his life. While Freddie died with a longtime lover by his side in Jim Hutton, Mary was always present and devoted to Freddie. Mary's presence often caused consternation with Freddie's lovers, especially after his death, what with inheritance controversies. But no one ever questioned Mary's loyalty, and her commitment to keeping Freddie's identity secret and safe.
Freddie and Mary's friendship was in part a protective arrangement for his life in the closet. He only revealed he had AIDS the day before he died. But Freddie claimed the friendship, claimed agency to it, and wanted it in his life. The friendship was steady, and never wavering.
Quite the opposite of the devotions, or lack thereof, in this group. These young folks are demonstrating NORMAL resistance to watching each other change. But while that resistance is normal... it doesn't make it all the less toxic. I'm afraid that as of right now, I read that all of these friends want to sell each other out for the sake of their own selfish desires, and for the benefit of their own worldviews alone.
HAPPY SUNDAY, Ephemerality Squad, if we can be happy after this demonstration of toxicity, ha! @slayerkitty @ranchthoughts @chickenstrangers @lurkingshan @twig-tea @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad @neuroticbookworm @elizabethsebestianhedgehog @thatgirl4815
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thealogie · 10 months
I'm sorry but I'm about to treat your ask box like a confessional.
You kind of deserve it, though, because due to your Sherlock rewatch posts I've been forced to remember that 1. Sherlock is a show that exists and 2. that I wrote Sherlock fanfic when I was 13... about SHERLOCK and MOLLY.
In my defence, I was a deeply deeply deeply repressed bisexual who hadn't realized it yet - so all of the obvious and insane gay stuff between Sherlock and John just completely sailed over my head. Also propaganda worked really well on me as a child - so basically I was the ideal viewer for Moftiss lol. There'd be scenes where people mistook Sherlock and John for a couple and I'd go 'huh that's kind of strange that keeps happening' but then it would be played off as a joke and I'd go 'oh yes of course, silly me! Gay people only exist as the punchline! Sherlock and John would NEVER be interested in each other that way. I can't believe anyone would ever think that haha.'
Flash forward to 2017. I'm 17 years old. I've kissed other women by now and have had my brain chemistry rewritten by copious amounts of slash fanfiction. Still young, but wiser to the ways of the world than I once was. The last time I watched Sherlock, I had been 14 years old. Sherlock season 4 airs. I watch it with my mom. It's so bad my brain immediately initiates a trauma response and wipes all memory of Sherlock away. This continues for years. The only times I remember Sherlock exists is whenever I joyfully watch hbomerguy's Sherlock Is Garbage video while I'm knitting or painting or something. Also whenever I have to type in a password for an account I made when I was 13 - because my go-to password was 'SHERLOCKED' back then, unfortunately.
Flash forward to now. I'm 24 years old. And I start seeing your posts about Sherlock. Like a sleeper agent, it awakens something in me. Yesterday, I spent a perfectly good Saturday - one I could have spent doing literally anything else - reading Johnlock fanfiction. I am suddenly re experiencing the show through new eyes, seeing all the queerbait I never did before. Getting hate-crimed on the daily. I'm thinking about Sherlock at work, at my adult fucking job. I'm watching scenes from the show on youtube in my office, quickly and guiltily clicking away whenever a coworker comes to chat. I am considering doing my own rewatch. I am realizing for the first time that John and Sherlock were literally in love. It's the only lens through which you can view the show and still have it be somewhat enjoyable. They literally put Mary in a wedding dress shooting Sherlock in his mind palace on TV. I feel like I'm having a religious experience, I feel like I'm insane, I feel like I'm 13 again. This is all vaguely November 5th-ish for me lol.
Anyway. I just thought you should know the impact your rewatch is having on the population. Sorry for the novel in your inbox. I've been desperately trying to find my old Sherlock x Molly fanfic to read for the lols but I think I deleted it off ffnet. I am both having the time of my life while also desperately hoping I forget Sherlock ever existed again soon. So, basically - thank you/curse you for this.
This is perhaps the best ask I’ve ever received?? I converted a sherlolly shipper in the year 2023? Listen I’d never wish a season 4 rewatch on anyone but I would highly recommend watching s1-2 and the wedding episode for a truly out of body experience. I felt more strongly about this show/ship than any other in my life and it was STILL worse than I remembered
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s2 episode 6 thoughts
sighs as if i just ran a marathon.
so, you know i take a LOT of notes. but this episode was SUCH a ride that i'm gonna try a new method of copying all this down. stick with me and let's see how it goes.
okay here we are. back after our brief and sorrow-filled separation yesterday, in which i had no time to watch an episode. it’s Scully hours. hopefully.
first thing we see is mulder walking into his place in the rain. first thing i do is pause and see if i can analyze the art on his walls. they’re some sort of prints of houses? not noticing anything in particular in terms of style or artist. and it’s definitely a new place where he lives, rip the sleep couch from s1
he takes off his jacket and listens to the message she left him and oh fuck. oh fuck. her voice. the sound of duane yelling. shattering glass.
he goes to her house and sees blood and the open window!!!! the TERROR that man must have been feeling. and he uses that FBI id to sneak right in there.
now he’s prowling about her house in search of clues and looking at her blood and hair left behind which is fucked up, even by my standards 
it was at this point i wrote "he’s like a bloodhound" which is a statement i stand by and can elaborate on if prompted
OH! we see a familiar face. he meets scully's mom. while his hands are soaked in her daughter’s blood. that's okay that's fine (said in a shaking and squeaky voice).
(at this point i made a note expressing concern that we were gonna watch scully get tortured for 45 minutes straight and thank god that isn't what actually went down. because i would have been deeply upset if that had happened and would have launched upon an unstoppable rant for the next few generations)
scully's mom dreamed about her being taken away and Mulder WRAPS HIS ARMS AROUND HER. again. while still covered in her blood. what a way to meet her family. not how anyone had pictured this going down.
so it's the next morning and alex is in this meeting while mulder is having a come apart. don’t wish him to be here. and no, alex does not get the respect of being referred to by his last name like a good agent on MY account where i make the rules and the rules are that he sucks.
when rationalizing what duane is going through, skinner said “so he’s following orders from the alien voices in his head? That’s an interesting spin on the Nuremberg defense” and yeah! i chuckled. was he wrong there?
skinner made me laugh with that little remark but then went back to pissing me off by telling mulder he was too close to the case and needed to go home. like yes, he’s right, but mulder's gonna put his bloodhound skills to destructive purposes. he's gonna rip up the couch if left home alone. in a dog metaphorical sense.
so alex takes him home which was bad enough (alex must know where mulder lives to do that) and we see CIGARETTE MAN IN THE BACKGROUND????? my original notes had a lot stronger language at this reveal that i felt i needed to tone down but i will keep the "i'll have ur head im sooo serious" part in
okay, back to duane cam. he’s cruising. he cranks his window down when he’s pulled over which is still funny to me. crank windows. how novel. but don't think i've forgotten the situation at hand just because 90's technology is funny to me.
a cop pulls him over and i felt a flicker of hope inside my chest but i knew deep down it was still too early in the episode for anything to be resolved. still, duane pulling out his gun and SHOOTING the cop made my jaw drop
(my jaw kept dropping this episode to an extent that was painful. i just got my wisdom teeth out and while i love enjoying this show, the constant twists and turns are NOT leading to a pleasant mouth experience)
SCULLY IN THE TRUNK REVEAL? <- that was all i wrote when i saw here in there. i feel it sums up the situation.
mulder, somehow, taps into where she's located and gets a visual on her. he is intensely effected and this is why i support his bloodhound-like tendencies being channeled. the man gets results.
alex, don’t ask how he slept. you are a rat and should be banished from his presence during his state of mourning and forever after. 
mulder: doesn't route 229 lead to the blue ridge parkway?
alex: I don’t know <- okay lmao I get that. i get that alex. like directions are hard. you haven't won me over but you did make me laugh here.
mulder figured out where they’re going and says GET THE CAR ALEX and that “he’ll deal with skinner”. ohhh i wanna see this furious mulder deal with skinner. OHHHH i'm so on the edge of my seat this sleep deprived man is gonna <- didn't even finish that sentence due to the next reveal
WHO THE HELL IS ALEX TALKING TO ABOUT “HOLDING HIM OFF” WHY IS CIGGY MAN HERE (can you hear the desperation in all of the notes i was taking. also i don't know his name and i don't care. that's cigarette man or ciggy man if i need to use shorthand and his government name is probably "rat bastard" but i don't care enough to use it)
mulder was, at this point, falling asleep and almost hitting a truck but insisting he can still drive. wild. on the one hand, i get it, because alex is probably gonna drive them off the road and something, but then on the other hand buddy. u almost got plowed in the negative context. someone fetch him a red bull
(and yeah i googled "red bull origins" to see if that would have been possible at the time for mulder to have a sip and can confirm it would have been IF he had gotten it imported from another country. because it wasn't in the us yet. i am a scholar)
alex is listing how many awful things are caused by sleep deprivation. which i understand and again, a good argument to be made, but this grease weasel just wants to get behind the wheel so he can total the thing and i'm not having it 
(he said some like after this and it was just “there’s our turn off” but my hatred for him reached a crescendo at this point like I could have started pummeling)
so they get to the place on the mountain that takes you up- the ski lift thingy. and the guy who works it is like "you can't use it, we don't test it in the summer" and wow. when i tell you what happens next, i hope you are seated. because i had to pause and breathe for a bit.
so he gets access to the lift thingy and he locked alex out… yes exactly right!
the lift operator is like "don't go over 15 miles per hour" and we all know what mulder is gonna do next. he cranks it up way too fast and he’s gonna fall into the mountain and i’m looking around my room like what is going on here. the cuts to Alex’s snaky eyes are freaking me tf out. Why is alex reaching for his gun. WHAT THE FUCK WHY FID HE KNOCK THAT GIY OUT HE CIT THE GENERATOR AND LEFT MULDER UP THERE WHO IS HE CALLONH 
(<- leaving that one verbatim from my notes, too, because i feel it really captures the experience, if you can work out those typos. basically alex took his gun out and knocked the lift operator out, leaving mulder stranded on the ski lift in the sky, then called someone like "i've got him trapped" and i. was experiencing all of this very quickly.)
scully cam. she’s still in the trunk.
so the power's cut on the ski lift and mulder is not gonna just sit around and wait for somebody to help him! he's climbing up the tower and once he’s up there ALEX TURNS THE MACHINE BACK ON SERIOUSLY WHAT IS GOING ON
mulder survives the journey to the mountain's peak, despite almost falling off because he was hanging from outside!! and alex looks soooooooooooo mad.
sad man in the rain finds a car with blood in the wheel and...
HER NECKLACE IN THE BACK!!! AN EPISODE 3 CALL BACK!!! to when he knew eugene tooms was going after her because he found her necklace. oh i'm gonna be SICK
back to our worstie duane, who is in the woods screaming that they took her and that he’s free and I had to pause to breathe a lil. because if mulder lost scully and his sister to aliens...... 
after what was intended to be a commercial break and some wrestling on behalf of mulder, we see duane in custody, but receive no answers on what exactly is going on. he is, however, in a small room with mulder, who looks entirely diabolical.
mulder is stalking this guy- "stalking" in the sense that he is like a predator waiting for a chance to pounce on a rabbit- and he gets up and SEES SCULLY'S BLOOD AND HAIR ON DUANE'S HOSPITAL WRISTBAND???
next occurs what i described in my notes as the "DID YOU HURT HER SCREAMING AND TORTURE SESSION. JAW IS ON THE FLOOR" (my poor jaw. who will think of her in these trying times)
again, mulder is in his animal era, because he starts choking duane. REALLY choking him. i'm shocked. between this and the showing his gun to get to the top of the mountain, we are really seeing how he will throw all of the rules to the side and spit on them to keep the people he loves safe.
(i was also thinking to myself at this point, his ass is gonna get fired)
duane was taunting him, saying "i hope they’re not hurting her too much with the tests” which is. obviously evil. but HOW evil? it's still unclear if he is lying about the whole alien thing, because remember, scully said the bullet in his brain makes him a liar who is unpredictable. and i guess a bullet could maybe do that. i have no experience in such matters.
mulder says everyone STAY OUT OF THERE and yet. alex goes in to see duane. and is like "well i went in there because he was gagging". sure yeah. suspicious. why were you close enough to hear him gag? how do you know the sound of another man gagging, alex? heard it before?
okay this next part was. pretty messed up. i'll let my reactions from being in the moment speak for themselves because i have little desire to relive the matter:
SCULLY IN A WEIRD ASS ROOM???? THE ALIENS? What the hell I’m deeply uncomfortable are they blowing her up like a balloon. Oh I got chills. Negative 
(i never want to see a character blown up like a balloon it's just not for me. i am always gonna be good on that front)
((who is blowing her up and why. i was convinced it was aliens at first but now i think it was actually the Evil Government which has me thinking, what kind of situation led them to developing that technology in the first place?))
mulder pulls alex out of the room “NO ONE is to interrogate the suspect” “except you?” “except me” <- mulder with a god complex because scully is missing and he will do ANYTHING to find her. oh yeah that's juicy. i'm gonna dive into that at a later date.
skinner yells at mulder. yeah he had it coming. even if i enjoy his character arc i do think choking your only suspect comes across as a bit. well. unprofessional, shall we say.
mulder is shocked that duane is gagging like he didn’t just choke the guy and he might have KILLED his own best lead and has to live with whatever knowledge duane had on her whereabouts dying with him 
mulder staring at the corpse. cause of death: asphyxiation. oh he killed that dude. he is gonna be in trouble. 
(that was my first thought, anyway. i wasn't picking up what mulder was putting down, requesting a toxicology report. to me, if you show a scene of a guy getting choked, and then he dies a few minutes later, it's another situation of "i don't know enough about medical stuff to dispute that". mulder, however, WILL dispute that)
next part is copied and pasted from the rough notes again because it's funny:
"alex go fuck yourself i don’t even wanna look at you. getting in the car with ciggy man. “what about scully?” “we’ve taken care of that” ARE YOU THE MFER BLOWING HER UP LIKE A BALLOON CIGGY MAN???? alex is questioning things but idgaf if he’s morally conflicted"
(i saw the seeds of an alex redemption arc being sown here and i didn't care for it. condemn him. to the dungeons.)
mulder’s super insistent that he did NOT kill duane and again i was like. well are you sure. because it kinda looks like you did.
they want him to take a lie detector test which always makes me cringe. if polygraphs have no haters its because i'm dead.
mulder believes that duane was actually poisoned by the government to hide Something and he presents this theory to skinner and his panel which was Bold but you know our boy mulder. bold is what he does.
“why are you so paranoid Mulder” asks some random guy from the council in an annoyed fashion << terribly insensitive thing to say to guy who just had his best friend kidnapped
“I find it hard to trust anybody” (cutscene to asking Alex for his keys) NAURRR YOU CANNOT TRUST THE WEASEL 
alex gives him the keys and leaves with a long lingering stare. okay. freak.
mulder's going to the senator!!!! i was hoping we would get more info on that whole deal- why does this guy sponsor mulder? why does he do it if he knows it's a bad idea? how do they even know each other? is he a republican? - but we really don't gain any insight. he runs into Deep Throat 2.0, who I believe to be a handsome fellow, and he says that They will deny everything
who is they, i mumble quietly to the screen. why do they know all the things??
mulder is in visible and irreparable agony when getting in the car but he still has a funky tie on. despite the horrors his swag must persist.
GASP!! Mulder opens the car drawer and sees the cigarettes of famed ciggy man. alex is too pretty to smoke...
Mulder puts two and two together FAST and accuses alex of being a rat to skinner (which he’s right about!) he says he stands behind his accusation on the record and skinner tries to call alex up
(which was so funny to me because if he was a secret double agent- which he is- and mulder is accusing him of something adjacent to treason- what is a talk in skinner's office gonna do to solve the problem? again skinner is giving me high school principal energy. ur not gonna talk that one out babe but it's sweet you gave it a go xx)
mulder says that scully got too close to whatever the truth is when she had that little tracker thing and so they got her. i find myself agreeing with the guy who believes elvis faked his death. funny how he's often the level headed one
skinner, to my surprise, is taking this accusation of his agents being of the double variety quite well. he actually seems pretty reasonable about the whole thing, and like he truly believes there is some ulterior motives at play here.
but sympathy isn't enough for mulder: “What CAN you do” he asks Skinner, thrusting a finger in his face. “There’s only one thing I can do,” skinner sighs, and he... REOPENS THE X FILES?
(now this did shock me, but i was excited! don't get me wrong, i was just a bit surprised. i was thinking maybe he'd call up ciggy man and try to have a nice dignified chat since he seems so hell-bent on solving things through the power of discussion, but i suppose that reauthorizing the investigation into aliens while a top agent is missing for doing just that is. certainly an approach to the problem at hand?)
mulder walks sadly beneath a water fountain. it was sad enough as it was but then scully's mom walks up and things get even More sad
to somewhat break the air of tragedy: for some reason his face is crystal clear but hers is superrrrr blurry. like i've mentioned before, some shots are normal tv quality, and others look like they were ripped from a VHS. it throws me off each time.
but back to the matter at hand: he gives her scully’s cross necklace and he’s like "why did she wear that if she was such a skeptic" (which is a question i keep pointing out!!!!!!) and we learn the answer:
it was a gift from her mother on her 15th birthday. which i can and Will analyze in depth at a later date. the gift of a religious object to further solidify the need from her family to be Perfect and never fail and do exactly as they say. but scully choosing to wear it anyway, decades later, to hold her family close, no matter the pain of disappointing them. when she mindlessly reaches for the pendant to roll in her fingers, does she feel the warmth of family or the chill of their expectations she can never meet?
but. mulder tries to give her the necklace. and she says that he can give it to her when he finds her. not if. when.
he goes to a hill and looks up at the sky.
this episode was intense, and i will be gnawing on it like a bone for a while. seeing mulder and scully's mom together made me incredibly emo. seeing him break all the rules to find her also made me emo. trying to figure out if skinner is a real one and the ratio to which alex is genuinely evil vs just stupid were some serious cases of mental chess. and duane. we all wanna know what his deal is. and where is alex! he doesn't have to come back, don't get me wrong, but... did he fall off the face of the earth? go back to massachusetts for a dunkin run? i know that smug new englander look he has about him. don't sit here and tell me he grew up in kansas i won't buy it.
anyway, i saw the description of the next episode- so we're going back to an x file. i find it hard to imagine that mulder will have emerged from bloodhound mode by then, so maybe he thinks it's connected somehow and will go on a quest for answers in that direction- a vampire direction? hmm. guess i'll just have to tune back in!
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
I have a minor heart issue where I get episodes of a high heart rate and chest tightness. Can you possibly write one where their little has an episode like at home or maybe out with them running errands? 🥺💖
Hi there love! 💜
I really hope that you're fine! And I hope it's not too serious. You're so so strong let me tell you ❤️
I hope you like how i turned it, babe.
Enjoy <3
Warnings : episode of chest tighening, high heart rate, angst, comfort, pet names, working daddies, tiredness, daddies take care of you, cuddles, reassurance
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you're about to prepare you a good lunch when something from earlier is suddenly coming back. Fortunately for you, your Daddies heard you and are here to make sure you're fine, as always.
A/N : I'm so sorry for the late post. I got a bit overwelmed about some things and I didn't had the strengh to keep working on my writing.
I had started writing some request but didn't finished them. But today, I had free times after school and the most important things, I didn't had any homeworks and I have a big week end of four days, starting tomorrow. So i'll have plenty times to rest and get my shit together.
Thank you for your understanding my love, you're all the best! Love you so much
I hope you had a good start to the week and will have wonderful days!
Big kisses,
Second A/N : i don’t know if how I wrote it in exact same way you have it- probably not but I hope that’s okay!
You're comfortably laying on the couch watching your favorite show. You're laying in here since the moment you woke up, you went to say good morning to your Daddies in their office right after you opened an eye.
They have a lot of work and they told you yesterday that they'll be working almost all day so, before jumping on the couch to do nothing you went to them a little good morning.
You could say they were very busy with work so you didn't stay for too long in their office. They kissed you good mornings and asked you if you had a good sleep but nothing more. You didn’t want to be a burden so you quickly excused yourself and left.
Now you're laying on the couch laughing your ass off as your show plays on the screen. But unfortunately for you, its the end of the show so now you don't know what to watch.
You grab the remote and put something else. You don't know what it is, you never heard the name of this movie nor heard about it but that's the first thing you found so you decide to let it there.
As you lie back on the couch, a loud siren suddenly yell from outside making you flinch hard. You feel your heartbeat going faster for a moment as you look at the window where the sound came from. The jump caused you to be on a sitting position now.
You feel your breathing going back to normal and the pain you felt in your chest due to the fear is going away by it's own. You slowly lie back down on the couch, taking some breath to be sure you're fully calm now.
You put your attention back on the screen and the incident is now completly forget as you're mind focus on the tv.
The movie isn’t that bad but you’re still happy when the screen goes black, announcing the end. You get up from the couch and make your way toward the kitchen to grab something to eat since it’s now lunch time. You hesitate at going in your daddies’s office to give them their lunch, maybe they’re hungry too, but you decide to not disturbed them. The last thing you want is to make them grumpy. They’re grown men after all, they can go eat by themselves when they’re feeling hungry.
You grab the bread and start making a little meal while thinking about what you’re gonna do after. Maybe watching another movie ? Or probably not, you already watch a lot of tv and you usually get a headache if you overdo screen time. But drawing sounds good.
You grab the knife and start cutting your piece of bread in two pieces when you feel something weird in your chest. It feels like what happened earlier in the day. The same weird thing you felt earlier in the day
You let go of the knife you were holding causing it to fall on the ground. Your daddies’s attention turn toward the baby monitor in their office who is relied to the one in the living room and kitchen. Since this area of the house is relied to each other
You start panicking and take a hold of the island counter, your chest start to tighten and you feel your chest getting heavier and heavier as if all the weight of the world were sitting and punching your chest.
What is happening ? You were fine two seconds before that. You turn to look at the stairs and decide to go upstairs. Maybe laying in your bed is the best idea, right now.
It’s probably because of the screen, you thought, but when you start to walk, you immediately feel the need to sit down. You can’t bear all the pain and all the uncomfortable feelings you feel inside of you. You let yourself go and drop on your knees in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Bucky’s attention is still glued to the baby monitor while Steve is getting back to work. He keeps telling Bucky to calm down and that you probably just dropped a spoon or a knife you were using but something tells him to stay focus on it a little bit longer and Bucky’s instinct never failed him so this time, just like any others, he listen to it
When he hears you whining and your breath starting to get heavier and shorter, he stands up and walks toward the little things beside their desks. Steve almost rolls his eyes because he didn’t heard what his husband had. He just thinks he’s overreacting because you’re alone downstairs and it doesn’t happen every times.
He suddenly hears you falling and he almost drops the thing in his hand as he lets go of everything and decides to make a quick run to you. He opens the door in one quick movement and it’s like in almost two steps, he’s beside you.
You didn’t know you made that much noise until you see your Daddy running down the stairs and to you. He grabs your face with his hands and tilts it toward his, you sees his lips moving but the only thing you can understand is the panic and the concern in your Daddy’s face.
‘’Little one ?’´ he asks looking into your wide eyes ‘’can you hear me ? Where does it hurt ?’’ He asks but the look on your face tells him that you didn’t heard anything.
He stands up and easily lifts you up, he pulls you closer to him and you wrap your legs around his waist. With one hand, he assures your safety in his arms while with the other, he looks through the kitchen for your medication.
He exhales loudly when he finally find it and analyse it. He sighs a second time but a lot less happy than the first time as he puts the medication on the counter. He rubs your back slowly, he can almost feel your heart beating faster and faster more the seconds pass. ‘’It’s okay, babygirl. You’ll be fine, everything is okay’’ before reassures you, not knowing if your attention is on him again or still away.
‘’I’ll rest you on the counter island a little bit and then you’ll come back in my arms. Are you okay with that ?’’ He gently asks, hid lips against your ear as a small whisper comes out. You whine and shake your head, holding him tighter than before with the little strength left in you.
‘okay, beautiful. We’ll wait a little bit more’’ just as he said that, a blond figure appears from the stairs. Steve looks up and frowns when he sees the scenes before him ‘’what happened ?’’ He asks but gets a silence answer from Bucky.
Your Daddy turns his attention back to you ‘’how do you feel about sitting down for a bit ? I’ll be right in front of you, you can hold my hand the whole time so you can be sure I wonky go anywhere’’ he quietly asks and waits for you to answer.
You think about it and slowly nod your head. He smiles and kisses your temple. He walks toward the counter and wait until it touch your ass, letting you know that it’s the time to let go ‘’I’ll help you sit down. Firstly I’ll unwrap your legs and when I’m sure that you’re ready, I’ll unwrap your arms’’ he tells you so you’re ready and knows what will happen.
You whine but nod your head. He lifts your butt and rests it on the counter, he slides his hands along your legs who are around him and gently unlocks your feet. He brings your legs against the counter before letting go of your toes. He then slides his hands on your arms until it reach your hands behind his neck. He squeezes your hands before unlocking them too. He kisses each one of them and rests them against your laps. Just like he promised, he keeps a hand in yours and turns around to find Steve already walking to him with a glass of water.
Even if Steve weren’t here since the beginning of what happened, he still knows what to do for you and what to do for helping Bucky.
‘’Thank you, Stevie’’ Bucky says, grabbing the glass before turning around to look at you ‘’did you took these this morning ?’’ He asks showing you the medications. You look at it and shake your head. Every effort is hard to make, even one simple movement such as moving your head or your body away from your Daddy
Your Papa stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, he gently rests his chin on your shoulder, his hands gently stroking your belly just like you love it. It’s something who calm you and make you sleepy and your Daddies know that. They help you getting on a deep sleep at night by doing that when you can’t sleep. But this time, it’s to calm your little heart and to show you that he’s here with you and for you.
Your Daddies look at each other after you shook your head and sigh once again ‘’you know what is it for ?’’ Your Papa asks, turning his gaze to you and to the pills on front of you. You shake your head again. Why does they keep asking you question ? You just want to rest.
‘’Baby, look at me’’ your Daddy’s voice get your attention back to him ‘’those ugly things’’ he says showing you the pills with a grimace ‘’are for your own good, baby’’ he says tilting his head. ‘’it’s for your little heart, and we need you to take it because you are our heart and we need you to be okay because we love you. You need your heart to be in a good shape just as much as we need you to be inn a good shape. Do you understand us ?"
You nod your head telling him you understood even though you didn't really understood. Your Daddy looks at your Papa behind you and they both arch an eyebrow "are you sure you really understood, sweetie ?" your Papa asks, his breath lightly tickling your neck. You nod your head again. You're too tired to tell them you didn't understood and having to wait for them to expalin all over again. You don't have the strengh, right now.
Your Daddy chuckles, he knows what you're doing and decides to let it aside today because it's not the time. You're not focus enough to remember what they're saying even if it's important.
"Just take one now. You have to take it every morning after you woke up" he says giving you the pill and the glass of water. You cring and shake your head. It's bad enough that you have to take it every morning but he want to give one to you now ? In the early afternoon ? It's not morning.
"baby it's really important. Take it." he orders putting the pill in your mouth. You grimace and whine looking one last time at your Daddy for mercy, but the look on his face clearly say that every wars you're ready to take against him is a losing battle. Sighing you allow him to bring the cup of water to your mouth and to take a big sip.
You don't swallow it right away because it's not a small pill so you're scared but with the praises and the words of your Daddies are helping you a lot. It help so much that you finally swallow the pill causing your Daddies to yell their proudness at you. "You did it! we're so proud of you, beautiful" your Daddy says with stars in his eyes
"You're so strong! How did you do ? You'll have to teach me because i'm not as strong as you for taking pills" Your Papa says with a shocked face before winking at you.
You blush and look down at your laps, fidgeting with your fingers. They chuckle and you feel your Papa removing his arms from around you making you whine. It felt so good, his arms around you, the warm of his body against yours, the comfort and reassurance he can give you without actually speaking.
Those feelings are quickly replaced by your Papa's arms again as he lifts you up from the counter after he walked around it to stand in front of you. He leaves the kitchen with your Daddy on his heels and starts to walks up the stairs.
You look at your Daddy who shifts his gaze to you when he feels your eyes on him. He smiles brightly at you and brings his hand to your foot. He hold your toes all the way to their bedroom for a good nap time. You giggle at him because h can't stop making funny face to you to high up the mood.
Your Daddy lets go of you when you reach the bed and your Papa gently rests you down in it. Since you were still in your pyjama, you can immediately slide under the cover and wait for the warmth of your Daddies.
While one of your Daddies went to use the bathroom, the other went to turn off the light of the bedroom and light up the night light before crowling in bed beside you. You immediately snuggle closer to him and sigh in contentement when your favorites feelings come back with his arms around you. You close your eyes and wait for your Daddy to come back from the bathroom to snuggle with you too
You need it but you know that they need it too. They had a lot of work the last few days and really deserve to rest.
You smile when two others arms come around you and you don't need anything more to feel ready to fall asleep and rest.
Now that your heart isn't hurting anymore feel good, a whole lot better. It was scary, really scary but it helped you a lot that your Daddies were there for you, they didn't let you alone, they didn't let you down. They accompanied you to the end and always will.
That's something you're positive about. It took a long time to find someone who'll carry you up to the sky and above the cliuds in everything you want to do, even if it seems like a dumb thing, you needed someone like that. And you found it, you not only found someone, you found two people, two gorgious men who'll do anything to see you fly on your own.
"good nap, baby girl" your Daddy kisses the bak of your neck "you handled things so good, just like a big girl. Don't ever forget how proud we are"
"we love you, always and forever"
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