#i wrote this up earlier and im posting now bc idc it has gotta b seen
megatraven · 6 years
casual reminder that people are allowed to ship what they want and if you don’t like something they ship you don’t have to question them about it like they’re on trial or ask for their reasons without having genuine curiosity for why, that’s just a shitty thing to do and probably makes the person on the receiving end feel insecure
here are some alternatives instead:
- unfollow, even if you’re mutuals. you control your tumblr experience, my dudes. if you’re friends then you can still talk, and chances are your friend wants you to have the best experience you can - blacklist the tag. if the person doesnt tag it, ask them to, if they refuse, unfollow. (tumblr has its own blacklisting function now) - ignore it, scroll right by, it’s obviously not for you and that’s ok - understand that people Do have their reasons for shipping what they do and they don’t them to you - realize it’s not your job to make sure they know you think it’s wrong to ship it
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