#i wrote this on my phone in a frenzy sorry about all the grammar and spelling mistakes
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presence-of-darkness · 4 years ago
my very long thoughts c!techno’s current doings
(everything that follows is about the characters not the people, and despite my many criticism of their choices I find them incredible interesting and well written. I am just ready to throw down in a debate with any and all of them especially techno)
so the festival was a shit show for everyone involved except for dream (and punz). now i disagree with many (most) of the characters and their actions but I'm gonna be focusing on techno because that is what my brain is rearing to discuss. now i love c!techno i think he’s a fascinating and nuanced character but I have some disagreements with him which I will go into great detail on. let's start with the Tommy betrayal thing.
now I love sbi as much as the next person (I love it large amoun) but I completely agree with Tommys choice to leave techno. techno and Tommy were fundamentally on different sides from the beginnin, this fallout was completely inevitable and the only way it wouldn't have happened is if one of them shifted in their core beliefs. For techno this being his anarchy(autocorrect please let me say anarchy) and for tommy his love of lmandburg and his bestest friend tubbo. Tommy had seemingly temporarily put these to the side for the sake if the disks but as we saw today and in the past Tommy values tubbo and lmanburg over the disks and he doesn't want to become the person who doesn't. 
now the conflict arises in the fact that while both of them have been pretty upfront about these being their main beliefs they have both repeatedly ignored or though they could change the others mind when this was brought up. Tommy thought techno would help him get the disks and defend him from dream without him needing to fully turn against lmanburg; and techno thought he could change Tommy's mind and get him to want to destroy lmanburg and let go of tubbo. (techno also definitely was trying to manipulate Tommy through framing and bot being honest about destroying lmanburg being the main goal even if it wasn't done out of malice and he thought it would be best for Tommy)
And while being with techno did really help Tommy regain his confidence after being manipulated by dream it working with techno still brought out really bad parts of him, and he was becoming a person he didn’t want to be. Bit of a tangent but Tommy clung to techno because he was the first person after exile to stay with him for extended periods of time and bot be actively and maliciously working to hurt him. He swung between latching on and lashing out and mirroring techno because he wanted to be friends and he was becoming the person he feared he would be for so long. He was on the route of becoming like Wilbur and that is why he needed to not work with techno anymore. Yes he betrayed techno but techno was literally planning on murdering the people he cared about so like... can’t say I blame the guy (tho he should have given the axe back that was kinda a dick move). 
And yes this fucking sucks from technos perspective, he feels and has been betrayed by people the trusted and legitimately wanted to work with to achieve his ideals repeatedly. But he is definitely not innocent in this, he has also done some betrayal (peer pressure or not he murdered an ally at the command of an enemy regardless of his justifications) and I feel like a lot of the techno pogtopia conflict could have been lessened if techno did the active listening he wanted out of the others when he said he planned to destroy lmanburg.  There was clearly conflict brewing in pogtopia about whether or not it should be blown up and Tommy Tubbo Nikki etc talked about how they wanted to reclaim lmanburg. I think that pretty clearly insinuates returning it to its prior  state, ergo government. Now onto what techno currently plans to do: destroy lmanburg with dream. I think this is a bit of a shit plan. While i do not doubt be a second that they won’t succeed in destroying and blowing shit up I don’t feel that’s it’s actually really conducive to achieving technos ideals. The reason being that lmanburg is a fucking sham of a government
This thing barely functions and they have no real power to back anything they do up. Lmanburg arguably was a more powerful and independent country during schlatts presidency but that was a shitshow for an array of other reasons. Lmanburg has no power. They rely on the illusion of power and dream is the one who has allowed them to live in this illusion. Tubbo and the cabinet are just as much figureheads as Eret is. The only difference is that Eret knows that he a figurehead.
See the problem is that i don’t think blowing up lmanburg will actually get techno any closer to his goal of anarchy. because the closest thing the smp has to a government that actually has power is dream. The one techno is working with. And lmanburg has been blown to smithereens before, almost none of the land is there and even if that chunk is blown to kingdom come the people who made of that country are probably just going to remake it whether for better or for worse. Now don’t get me wrong lmanburg has done some real fucked up shit throughout its history and it’s never really been successful in standing for the ideals it claims. One of the more recent examples of this being the butcher army on which I completely side with techno, while lmanburg has every right to be pissed at techno this was a completely unlawful and unjust attempt of an execution. However as previously stated dream allows them to have the power to do this. Not to their knowledge but he knew this was in the world before it happened. He could have intervened in anyway but he chose to do it in a way that would put techno is as much debt to him as possible. Leading him to the totems of undying and then only stepping in to guide Carl and techno into the final control room. In this way he allowed technos life to be in danger (tho technoblade never dies) and maximized just how much dream saved his ass. And he did this to maximize the amount of power he had over techno through the debt. Because that’s what it’s all about for dream: power. Power through gaining the disks, power through debts and even power from flexing his power by randomly appointing and demoting people. Techno is too focused on the official governments that he’s ignoring the actual person in power of it all. And I do not predict that this will be fruitful in the long run. Dream is going to betray Techno and it might involve the prison or him claiming that favor for something techno really fucking doesn’t want to do. Or dream might use that favor to indefinitely dangle the power he has through it over technos head. And while techno has taken some precautions about this (ie not showing at the wither skulls he has) I still don’t think he’s in as good as a position to achieve his goals as he thinks he is. 
Thank you for coming to my long and rambling Ted talk I am ready for a (friendly) fight in the Socratic ring.
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petertheparker · 6 years ago
Runaways [one shot]
Requested by @wolkenlichtblitz
Summary: Could you do a Peter Parker imagine with 16 and 27 You ran away from home and you bump into May and she took you to their apartment and gave you clothes and stuff and then Peter comes home and sees you (you both are in love with each other but don't know it)?
16 "is that my shirt?"
27 "Why'd you take so long?"
You couldn't stand another moment in that apartment with her. That God awful woman. You gripped harder on your bag strap, practically bolting out of the door while slamming it back into the door frame.
That's it, that was the last straw.
The crisp air attack your exposed skin as you walked along the sidewalk. You could feel angry tears start to well up in your eyes but you let them fall. Hot, salty drops dripped onto the pavement. You felt like screaming. You wanted to scream until your voice turned horse or until your lungs gave out. Either one was okay with you.
You didn't even know where you were going. The only thing you wanted to do was to get as far away from her as possible. Stephanie. Your step mom. More like step monster.
Fights between you to become a regular. Every opportunity she got she'd knit pick at you. You're wearing that? Fix yourself. Sit up straight. What would your father think if he saw you actinglike this! I'm the adult, you're the child. Don't talk back! You're an embarrassment
It was as if someone lit your blood on fire, you couldn't take her abuse any longer. You needed to leave that toxic environment before you did something you'd regret.
Stopping at a cross walk, you finally took in your surroundings. Absorbing the New York weather,taking in the cloudy morning and accessing the people around you. You catch a reflecting from a window nearby.
I look fucking awful.
The cool breeze sent your hair into a slight frenzy ruining whatever hairstyle you had it in, your crying caused your face to flush and eyes to puff up. Not to mention how your nose was running. How attractive.
But that didn't really matter right now. All that you could concentrate on was the pure rage that coursed through your body, the absolute furiousness you felt.
You gripped your hands until you felt them bleed, you clenched your jaw until your teeth screamed at you to stop. You wanted her to feel your pain and hopelessly. The lonelness God, you wanted your dad back. So so bad.
The waterworks started again, and this time you couldn't stop it. All the suppressed feelings resurfaced. The angry, sadness. Everything. It felt like the whole world had stopped and it was just you and the endless void of tears.
A quiet voice filled with concern brought you back to reality. You're face to care with Mrs. Parker. Peters aunt.
". . .May?" You hated that your voice cracked.
She was carrying grocery bags and holding an umbrella. It started to Rain and apparently you didn't feel a thing.
"Are you okay hun?" Her soft voice made you want to cry even more.
"No, not really" you wrapped your arms around yourself. Suddenly feeling cold.
"Come on honey, let's go back to my place."
And with that, there you were. Sitting at the Parkers couch. It wasn't like you haven't been here before, it just this was a different circumstance so it was a bit intimidating. On the walk to her apartment, you completely fell apart into May's arms. Telling her everything. You never felt so vulnerable. But it felt nice to finally get everything off your chest. This heavy feeling on your shoulders started to lighten.
You could finally exhale.
May was currently getting you some dry clothes. Everything you had was socked and she said she'd just toss them into the dryer.
"Okay, so everything I have might be a little outdated for your choice so I just grabbed some things from peters room. Is that okay?"
"Uh-yeah, that's fine"
"Great, here you go. The bathroom is down the hall first left." She said as she handed you some clothes.
Grabbing the clothes you set off to the bathroom. Locking the Door behind you, you finally took in your appearance. Your hair was stuck to your face and eyes were a little less puffy. It could be worse.
Stripping off the wet clothes you looked at the graphic tee May had given you. It read 'I lost an electron. Are you positive?' Peter's favorite shirt. Bringing it to your nose you smelled in Peter's familiar cologne. Hazelnut and vanilla. It was your favorite.
You pulled the T-shirt on and noticed that it was a size to big. The end seem went mid thigh and the short sleeves covered most of your upper arms. You loved it.
You grabbed the dark leggings May had given you and put those on. You took one last look at yourself and exited the bathroom. You placed your wet clothes in a basket and headed back into the living room.
The sound of jingling keys brought your attention to the front door as it swung open. Peter a second after sauntered in with headphones dangling around his neck "Hey May, I'm hom-"
"Is that my shirt?" He pointed.
You look down at the shirt and look back up. Hoping Peter doesnt see your gradually growing red face. "Oh yeah this uh" Your mind was drawing a complete blank.
"Pete your home. I assume you got my texts."
Thank Goodness. You mentally thanked May for saving you from that awkward moment.
While they conversed you took that opportunity to settle back into the living room trying to calm your nerves. You took out your phone and saw the screen display 53 missed calls and 47 messages all from Stephanie.
You turned off your phone and tossed it to your left side. You brought your legs up and hugged them. Staring at the coffee table.
"Hey Y/N" Peter stood near you with a blanket and a smile.
You could of won an medal for the flip your stomach just did. You loved his smile. The way it light up his face. Making his freckles beam even more. Gosh.
"Mind if I sit with you?" He gestured to the empty space to your right. You nodded.
The couched dipped due to his weight. He shifted for about a minute. Trying to make himself comfortable and not touching you. Once he settle in he draped the blanket over both of you. "You comfy?" He gave you a nervous smile while his face glowed a soft pink.
"Uh not quite" You moved your legs so you were resting them on his lap and snuggled deeper into the blanket. "Now I'm comfy"
Peter smiled that smile at you again. Anything that boy did made you weak in the knees. And you couldn't help but smile back. You felt him tense up as he looked away. He reached for the remote turned on the TV. You both mindlessly watched what was on but clearly, you both weren't interested.
Peter was the one to break the silence. "May left for work and won't be back until later tonight." He glanced over at you. "So it's just going to be us today"
"Oh uh-cool"
Oh my God, could you get anymore awkward!! Say something else!!
"You-you wanna watch a movie!"
"Yeah, that sound great. I know the perfect one" Peter moved from the couch carefully moving your legs and made his way to the movie section. You felt a bit disappointed from the lack of contact but insantly felt better when he flashed you Star Wars.
"Oh my god Peter Parker, you could not get anymore nerdy!!" You covered your mouth as you laughed. Something you haven't done in a while.
Peters ears reddened as he through a pillow at your direction. "Says you!! Have you seen the shirt you're wearing!!" It was your turn to blush.
But with that comment you both broke out into fits of laughter. Anymore awkward moments were no more, you both eased right into each other's company. Spending the rest of the day watching movies, snacking and teasing each other relentlessly.
By the sixth or seventh movie you both were exhausted. Peter took that chance to lay his head on your lap. Which you didn't mind. You subconsciously racked your fingers through his hair. Feeling the soft curly locks and appreciating the reaction you got from him.
Peter felt so relaxed under your touch. He could stay like that forever. It wasn't long until Peter fell asleep.
His soft snores made you giggle. Gosh, you loved this boy. With him laying on your lap, you looked at his profile. His defined jaw line, that one scar on his cheek slowly fading away. His beautiful freckles. Everything about him made your heart stop.
You couldn't take it anymore, so you bent your head down and kissed his cheek. It was short and sweet.
"Hey" Peter's tired voice startled you.
"Why'd you take so long?"
You're faced burned a deep scarlet. "I-I thought you were asleep" You stammered.
Oh my God oh my gOd
Peter locked eyes with you and watched you ramble. He lifted his hand to your cheek and pulled you down towards him. Connecting his lips with yours. Stopping you from finishing your sentence. It was pure bliss.
He pulled away for a moment to catch his break. "Stop Talking Y/N and just kiss me"
And so, you did.
A/N: well I wrote that in like 2 hours it's currently 23:59 oops. Hope you like it @wolkenlichtblitz I tried my best to follow the prompt!! If you like this one request another!! (Didn't proof read/edit sorry for Grammar mistakes!!°°°°)
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dr-m-r-ma · 6 years ago
Electric Shock
Part 5/30
Genre: drama, romance  Rating: PG-13 Group: Monsta X Summary: Hyo-jin Lee is a Korean American who was forced to move from Los Angeles to Seoul with her mother. She is usually rather quiet and cautious, but makes a bold decision when she is street casted to show in Monsta X’s new music video.
Disclaimer: This is 100% fictional and my own story. It is unrelated to the actual events and real persons of Monsta X and Starship. Hyo-jin Lee is a completely made-up character that I created for this fanfic. Parts will be written in Korean with English translations. I did not major in English/Korean, nor was I ever strong in English/Korean grammar, so there will be grammatical mistakes. This is also the first fanfic I have ever written, so please overlook small mistakes. This fanfic is written in third person and past-tense for ease of writing
"Sorry!" Hyo-jin exclaimed to her coworker. She threw down her bag and took off her coat in a frenzy. Her coworker ran to her and whisper-yelled,
"Where were you?! I covered your ass this time, but the manager totally doubted me!!" Hyo-jin quickly changed into her uniform, pinned her name tag and --
"어서오십시오!" (Translation: Welcome!) Hyo-jin quickly covered her coworker's position at the cash register and asked for the customer's order.
As Hyo-jin's coworker, Eunbi, made the drinks, Hyo-jin explained,
"Something suddenly came up and I completely forgot to contact you or the manager... thanks for covering me!" Though Eunbi looked suspicious of Hyo-jin, she thankfully didn't poke further in.
"Ughh okay, well next time you better cover for me! The manager is so full of himself, oh my god, you won't believe what he said to me before you came!" Eunbi started ranting about their manager as they completed the customer's order.
Hyo-jin and Eunbi met four months ago, when Hyo-jin applied to be a cashier at O'Sulloc Tea House. Eunbi had worked at O'Sulloc for a year as a full time and convinced the manager to hire Hyo-jin after finding out she could speak both Korean and English. Eunbi studied abroad in San Francisco for all four years of college, so her English was much more conversational than those who studied at Korean academies. Eunbi became a good friend of Hyo-jin after they started working together. However, Eunbi didn't know much about Hyo-jin's past and why she moved from the States to Korea. Hyo-jin wasn't very good at talking about herself, and something seemed slightly off every time Hyo-jin tried to talk about the reason for  moving. Eunbi never confronted the strange problem, but she noticed that Hyo-jin would always get sharp headaches when she tried to talk about that certain subject. Though they became closer through similarities in language and higher educational background, there was still something very mysterious about Hyo-jin.
While Hyo-jin supervised her students at the art academy, her phone buzzed to notify her of a message.
" Whatcha up to? "
Hyo-jin smiled, seeing that the message was from Ellen. They hadn't talked in a couple of weeks, so the message came as a pleasant surprise. She wrote back:
" Nothing much, just supervising the kids at the art academy. They're not asking questions yet, so it's chill. What about you? "
Hyo-jin saw that Ellen was typing... then erasing the message... then re-typing... so she added:
" What? Is something wrong?? "
Ellen wrote back:
" Someone told me they saw someone similar to you in a music video... and I saw it too, and the girl in the mv looks pretty similar to you... but also kind of different? I think it was Monsta X? "
Hyo-jin gasped, realizing that the music video had already come out. She opened up the music video and watched it silently, trying to hide her embarrassment from her students. She cringed as she saw herself in that chair -- even though she was just sitting still, it was as if she was seeing herself act, which was too cringe-worthy. She replied back to Ellen,
" uhhh yeah that is me. It's kind of a long story, but I got street casted to be in it. "
" BIIIITCH you gotta tell me the whole story when you're free!! but also, did you get their numbers?? or exchange contact info with their manager or company?? "
" uhhh no lol I was too busy trying to get to my shift at the tea house. Only the music video director has my contact info. But it was kind of a one time thing and one in million chance that it happened to me, so I don't count on being contacted again lol "
" did they remember you? "
Hyo-jin incredulously stared at the message, before typing back,
" what do you mean? "
Then, she saw Ellen do the same thing as before: typing, erasing the message, then typing again, and erasing again. Hyo-jin rolled her eyes before she added,
" out with it. what do you mean? "
" ... we saw them a couple of years ago in LA and we talked with them briefly through a window with napkins. "
Hyo-jin stared at the message and tried to remember this memory she clearly had no idea of. Before she could ask more details from Ellen, a student called out to her,
"쌤!! 도와주세요!" (Translation: "Teacher!! Please help!") Hyo-jin quickly locked her phone before running to the student who desperately needed her help. She briefly noticed her phone buzzing a few more times.
*** TBC ***
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