#i wrote this before unhooking yourself when being facecamped became a thing dont look at me
goatmasks · 6 months
”is there any story behind that mask or is it just a weird, messed-up fashion statement?” The question’s been plaguing his mind for weeks now. “And for other pressing matters, how do you not trip in your dress? Seems kind of… impractical.”
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     Ghostface doesn’t usually talk during trials. He saves the socializing when he’s not on the job. It’d be distracting. Humanizing. That sort of thing. There’s something pleasantly eerie about something so obviously human-shaped being so deathly quiet. Helps get in the mood.
     Still, this trial is as good as over, and he's not too stuck-up to indulge in a little small talk every now and then. He slowly turns to Leon, opting to silently watch him dangle on the hook for a bit. Let him sweat. "Well," he says at length, "I think that says a lot more about your sense of fashion than it does about mine." (He trips a lot, actually, but the robes are iconic! Not that this nitwit would understand, with his police uniform. Pah. Nice outfit loser, did your RPD pick that out for you?)
     The sound of a gate being powered rings through distant hallways and Ghostface tuts. "Sounds like they're leaving without you, officer Kennedy. Can't have that, can we?" He turns on his heel and stalks off, giving Leon an excellent view of his robes dramatically fluttering behind him.
     Take that, loser.
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