#i write kol as turning into a vamp at 20 tho
so-long-soldier28 · 6 months
Idk if anyone's ever asked u this but what would ur life in tvd be like?! Including ur family ,career, friends, species etc lmao
oh ho ho, so this is certainly a thing i've considered
as someone who maladaptive daydreams all day long (whenever i'm not writing basically), trust me when i say i have an entire life planned out
in fact, the things i write frequently represent these daydreams, except i have an OC for them, whereas for writing, i am committed to the 'x reader' way
✨ including my readers in my world of delusion & fantasy ✨
but onwards and upwards…
first, I feel like being a heretic would be so fucking cool
like… vampire with witch powers, c'mon now… being the underdog your whole life and then rising to be the most powerful, it's gotta be redeeming
plus seems so fun
but personally, I think I'd stick to being just a witch, and I have a solid reason for this
now, being a vampire would be cool, too (and honestly I need to write more vampire reader fics), because I absolutely love the bloodthirsty, badassery of vampires
so if not a witch (bc I love the thought of being able to do magic), I would go with vamp second
I still hate the TVDU wolves. literally all of them. as someone who watches Teen Wolf now, I would LOVE to be one of those wolves, but as for TVDU, I still HATE those guys
being a hybrid doesn't sound too bad, although then both Klaus and Tyler would be all up in my business all the time, and that sounds awful
so no wolfishness for me
for species, I'd be a witch, but then I get turned into a vampire in my mid-20s
I need to eat, so I need to work
idk how anybody except Matt got by without a job
and like Matt, I work at the Mystic Grill, but I'm a little older than them, so I can bartend (even tho underage Matt does too)
I was going to Whitmore College, but dropped out (like I did lmao)
Mystic Falls gang but in varying degrees of friendliness
most with Caroline, loving her bubbly personality; drift away from Elena when she gets tied up with the Salvatores; drift from Bonnie when she starts dating Jeremy, then drift further after the Kai debacle
also, the Originals
Kol has the title of the best friend; Bex is close, too
sometimes I'm so much of a Kolvina shipper that I can't split Kol & Davina apart, even tho I'm in love with Kol, too
Klaus is a frenemy; I like him when he's not murderous. he can be loyal when he wants to be, same with Elijah.
in fact, I liked Elijah in s2-era, but was also a little afraid. my crush fizzled out the moment I saw Kol, but then she & him became good friends instead (with both)
hooked up with Kol once or twice when he still lived in MF
friendly with Jo, but she's not really having it once I get with Kai
same with Luke and Liv... friendly, but Liv hates me after the merge
circa-season 7, I want to be friends with Nora & Mary Louise, but the MF gang works hard at keeping me away from them
amidst the chaos, I manage to get my way and befriend them anyway, earning their trust by being so close to Kai
when I die, I'm given blood by Nora, like in the fic I wrote recently, or Damon, who likes me enough to keep me alive and knows Kai would slaughter him if he ever came back and found out
seasons 7-8, I'm very much teaming on both sides, friends with MF gang and heretics, which is frustrating to MF gang (minus Caroline, who has become somewhat reliant on heretics for help with her pregnancy. + she always understands me anyway.)
Tyler and Matt get their own category, bc I don't hate them, but they certainly piss me off
Tyler's just annoying in general, and I hate how he treats Caroline while he's away hybrid-ing
he gets better in s6 when he's trying to impress Liv & Caroline is over him. still not a friend, but less of an enemy
Matt, on the other hand, is complicated
he was my way into the supernatural bc we worked together
he had trouble keeping it from me bc vampires would always show up at the grill, and one time, he forgot I wasn't in the circle and ranted about vamps and wolves before he remembered
he and the gang still try to keep me out of it, despite my knowledge
but that all fails when Kol is undaggered, finds me alone, and we become friends
the fact that he actively hates vampires while hooking up with Rebekah bothers me, which causes tension between us
but he's stronger than he looks and loyal if he trusts you, so I try to keep him on my good side
my TVDU OC is the same OC I've had since I was 13 that I've slightly adapted for different fandoms
in TVDU, my parents are divorced; mom moved away, and toxic dad lives about 2 hours away while I'm in college
I hide whenever he comes to MF to visit
occasionally, my parents are dead like everyone else's
sometimes, though, I'm the older sister of other characters, but that varies per daydream
sometimes, I'm Tyler's older sister who is actually a wolf
triggered my curse young in life by accident, but didn't tell Tyler until he had triggered his own
sometimes, I'm even Matt's older sister, and he still spends every waking minute trying to keep me out of the supernatural
I've also used the Salvatore sister storyline with Kol, and Gilbert cousin one for both Kol and Kai
dating life
Kai, ofc
MF gang tried sooo hard to us apart, especially bc I'm a witch, but they lost that battle quickly
couldn't keep me from work, so whenever he'd come in for a drink and I was bartending, we'd talk
gained his trust through listening & he gained mine when I let him siphon
Matt and Damon first to realize we're friends, and know there's nothing they can do
fall into a relationship quickly
either beg Damon to spare him at the end of s6, or beg for his life in s8
had a crush on s2-era Elijah, but did a 180* and fell for Kol instead when he was undaggered
used as Kol bait when Caroline was Klaus bait, but despite a few hook-ups, never actually dated
became close friends & adore his relationship with Davina in NOLA
visit him there or wherever he is every so often
[I honestly never built a solid storyline around being with Kol or Elijah. (Elijah was my first favorite ever, and Kol's my second fave now next to Kai.) I entertain a world of delulu with Kol sometimes, but it lacks foundation.]
basically, he never died (obvs) and I move to NOLA with him (and he never dies there, too)
but I love both witch & vamp Kols, and both their actors, and I really should dedicate more time to delulu daydreams with them 😅
so, now that I've rambled...
species: witch, until Kai's death, then i become a vampire. however, if Kai doesn't die after s6, neither of us turn. (sometimes I'm feelin' heretic-y, sometimes not, what can I say?)
career: working at Mystic Grill; at Whitmore College for two years, but dropped out
friends: Caroline, Bonnie, & Elena first. Stefan & Damon post season 1 when Damon mellows out and I learn to trust Stefan. Kol & Rebekah, and I'm okay with the rest eventually (minus Finn).
family: divorced parents; mom moved and I stay away from my dad
frenemies: Matt & Tyler. s2 Klaus & Elijah. Finn, because I know he was mistreated by Klaus, much like Kol, and I want to be friends, but then he tries to kill his whole family, so I don't feel bad anymore. Then when Finn killed Kol in NOLA, he became a straight-up enemy. Also, I tolerate Alaric, but he annoys me daily in s6-8-era.
If anyone outside of this site read a single one of these sentences, I would be committed. I love fandoms / fanfiction, because all this stuff is perfectly normal to us. I love us as a community. Anyway, this was super fun to answer! 🥰 I'm sorry it took me so long!
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bentrulearchived · 3 years
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