#i woulda gone crazy
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fandomcentralsstuff · 3 months ago
Fuck that idiot Killian actually I hope Edith ends up with Rhynon, someone who truly appreciates what she can do and her intelligence and work ethic
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yumeurl · 1 year ago
am i really just losing my mind over cos for the nth time instead of finally starting gof? yes and the main fault for this one is tom
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swedenis-h · 7 months ago
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Dofp outfit if they COMMITTED !!
Some quick design ideas, I prommy I’ll make some more!!
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soggyremmy · 10 months ago
i have no words other than,
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royaltea000 · 6 months ago
You know how disappointed I am that no one has made any great sage x young sage content yet like you look at that man and tell me that neither of em would participate in a good ol clone fucking session you would be goddamn wrong
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thegreatwizardelwin · 9 months ago
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wizardnuke · 9 months ago
am i Good at fps shooter game . not particularly. am i getting better. yes. hit some narsty shots over the last couple of days heehee
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kingcatnine · 2 years ago
rose is gay as hell I woulda gone crazyyyyyyyy
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ear-motif · 2 years ago
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sevicia · 2 years ago
I was gonna post something absolutely woobyfying Edward but I'll spare you the details and simply say that I genuinely believe if someone, anyone, had shown him even an ounce of love, he would've been a completely different person. One person who cares is all it takes sometimes
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stopfunkinwmyheart · 5 months ago
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mari-animates · 1 year ago
I have fundamentally changed as a person, idk in what way but I've changed
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nerpafied · 1 year ago
gonna ask the dude i used to have a crush on to see saw x with me. is this a good idea
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 5 months ago
The House Guest 10
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: an old acquaintance calls in a favour, leaving you with an unexpected house guest.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You stare through the window as hammering echoes through the glass. Despite the muffling of the barrier between you, it’s loud enough to put you on edge. Or maybe that’s because of the man calmly bringing the iron down on the nails. 
As if he can sense you, he looks up, his dark hair flopping back. You quickly spin away. You have to be going stir crazy. Bucky was just concerned. A lot of people come up this way and get freaked out by the wilderness. You used to when you visited as a child. 
You go back to the kitchen and take out the ingredients for your grandma’s classic turkey stew. It’s always a comfort as the temperature starts to drop. Still, it’s never as good as she made it. One day, you might figure out the secret. 
Cooking is a good distraction. There isn’t much to do up here. Often, you enjoy that facet of your existence. You work then disconnect and just do your own thing. Now you can’t help but feel the desolation. 
Thunk, thunk, thunk. The hammering continues. You put the turkey into roast. It’s always better to season and cook it first then shred it up for the stew. You set the broth to simmer with the chunked veggies and pace the kitchen as you wait for it all to come together. 
You use a fork to pick the meat of the turkey legs and dump it all in the boiling pot. Another hour to meld together and it’ll be ready to serve. The longer you let it, the better. It’s always best the day after. 
The silence doesn’t hit you until you hear the back door. The smell of pine follows Bucky inside. You put your attention to the pot and stir it. 
He sniffs and sighs loudly as he enters. “Ah, smells delicious. Chicken?” 
“Turkey,” you correct him as he twists on the faucet and squirts soap into his hands. He lathers up and looks at you. “It’s funny. Back in my day, not to sound like a crotchety old geezer, women cooked. They had recipe cards on the counter. These days, half the girls I talk to can only use some app to order pizza that tastes like ketchup on cardboard.” 
“Oh, yeah? I kinda miss fast food,” you say dully. 
“Huh. ‘Cause I miss the home cooking. It’s just... simpler.” He shuts off the tap and shifts closer, drying his hand on the dishcloth as he looms. “If it hadn’t all gone to shit, I probably woulda found a good woman. Settled down, lived the good life.” 
“Right,” you nod awkwardly and set the spoon down.  
He clicks his tongue and turns, putting his hand on the counter as he leans on one foot. His other hand goes to his hip. “But then I wouldn’t be here.” 
“Fair,” you say, distancing yourself as you step around him to get to the fridge. “I got some cider left over? Want some? It’s mulled. Julian down by the Rocks makes it--” 
“Think I’m good,” he says. 
You put the large glass jug on the counter and open the cupboard. Bucky catches it and shoves it closed with a snap. You face him in surprise. He’s strong. You know that but feeling it is something else. 
“Sorry, I... I’m in your way?” You wonder. 
“No, you’re right where you should be,” he says. 
You try not to lean away from him. Your heart is racing. You swallow and peer over at the dimming window. 
“I could help you cover up the lumber before--” 
“Already did that,” he interjects. “You know, I think I’m where I need to be too,” he edges closer. “Think after everything, I did find that good woman.” 
You blink, speechless. You can barely think above the tempo behind your ears. 
“I hear it.” He puts his fist to his chest and knocks on it. “I know you feel it too.” He stills his hand and holds it over his heart. “I was pissed when Sam brought me up here. Dropped me off like some stray dog. The longer I’m here, the more I realise he did me a favour. He didn’t dump me on you...” you wince as he pulls his hand away from his chest and opens it to cradle your face, “he gave me you.” 
“Bucky,” you latch onto his wrist but can’t move it. “I think we need some space. Don’t you?” 
“No,” he says flatly. 
“You spend too much time in the same proximity, and it starts to get weird--” 
“No,” he repeats. “I’m right. It’s perfect. You’re strong, you cook, you’re handy, not afraid to get a little dirty,” he slides his hand down to cup your chin. You flinch but can’t pull away. “And you got a nice ass.” 
“Bucky,” you breath and gently shove his chest. “I’m saying to you that you’re wrong. I’m flattered and all but no.” You push harder as he squeezes tighter. You whimper, “ow, let me go. I’m calling Sam-” 
“Shh,” his other hand swoops up to back of your skull. He lurches you closer, bringing you to your nose as he snarls down at you. “You’re not calling anyone.” 
“It’s the way you say my name,” he growls. 
“Please, you’re hurting me--” 
He hushes you again as his thumb rubs behind your jaw. He turns you so your penned in against the counter. You splay your fingers across his chest, dragging them down to his stomach as you push on him. He stands unmoving. 
“Let go--” 
“You. Let go,” he insists calmly. “You built this wall around you. Let it down,” he drops his hand from your head and lets it trail down your back, “let me in.” 
“No, I’m telling you.” You squirm against him. “Stop this, right now.” 
“I know you want me. I found that toy. The little flower, hm?” He tickles along your side, your jaw aching in his grip. “You wanna feel the real thing? Huh?” 
“Please,” you clasp the fabric of his shirt in your fingers. 
“Doll, I want you think about this,” he buries his thumb behind your jaw until you whine. “You’re up here all by yourself. Lonely days, lonelier nights. Anyone could catch on. They could figure out just as fast as I did.” He leans in until you’re nearly bent backwards. “You need a man because any old beast could snatch you up.” 
Your eyes glisten and you search his face. He doesn’t look human. He’s animalistic. His eyes are dark and dilated and his jaw is set with slathering hunger. Your lip trembles. 
"Wouldn't you rather have the beast on your side, doll? Instead of tearing it down?” He purrs and shifts his hand around your chin, bringing his thumb up to poke at your lower lip. “I can be good for you, all you gotta do, is the same.” 
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slasherstations · 8 months ago
finally settled in the hotel but gorsh… it was such a journey to get here
officially in ireland omg
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thecluelessdoctor · 3 months ago
if you told 8 year old me that I would hardcore ship eggman in a weird yaoi relationship with his employee- friend- thing I woulda said your crazy and gone back to playing sonic 2 and watching the adventures of sonic the hedgehog.
It's beautiful
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