#i would’ve been devastated if i heard he got adopted because it’s like someone taking away your pet
pwurrz · 1 year
soon it’ll be a whole year since i lost teddy
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 2 - Wei Wuxian has Foot-in-Mouth syndrome & Foxglove absolutely has a crush
Alright let’s go! It’s almost midnight so I might have to go to bed and continue tomorrow but... YOLO? I guess?
Fair warning, I will gush about cinematography and scenery like a lot. I have zero professional knowledge about it, but it’s pretty.
Wei “let me be really damn sexy when drinking” Wuxian.
He’s so done with everything omg it’s hilarious.
Ok but the actress who plays A-Yan is GORGEOUS.
Why does this show do “creepy yet beautiful” so damn good?
This might be my inner Rumplestiltskin talking but the second I heard “wish-granting fairy” I had to scream bullshit; all magic comes with a price.
My god Jin Ling would’ve gotten la zapatilla for talking to the people in the net like that if my granny had been there.
And I’ll never stop wondering who the fuck is in charge of logistics here. Because there you have A CIVILIAN wandering into a forest covered in magic nets.
That fucking donkey.
Watching this for the first time, with not prior knowledge must be fucking disconcerting. Because you have this literal walking disaster, who everyone (besides the gorgeous man in white) wants dead. But he’s a fucking mess and mostly harmless. So why? And it’s hilarious.
So maybe not that harmless. (Ok but badass WWX is kinda hot)
AND WWX DONE GOOFED. Feet in mouth syndrome at its finest.
Him sassing JL is hilarious.
But FR, the first time I saw JC in this scene I screamed: oh not he’s hoooooooot.
It’s the cheekbones. And the long hair. And the hands. And the fact that my self preservation instinct was left in-utero because I think getting that man riled up and angry over stupid shit would be hilarious.
... in my defence my family’s love language is being assholes to each other; but with affection you know?
JC: I am badass and have a temper don’t fuck with me.
Me: ok that’s valid but you’re also kind of an angry grape and spent ten minutes trying to find a polite way to say “fuck off and die” via letter.
WWX: why am I so unlike today.
ooooooohhhhhh petty petty smackdown round one!
I love that JC is throwing digs at LWJ and LWJ is not even looking at him. I mean, the ducklings are carrying the conversation so this must not even be new to them.
Jin Ling is the Peacock, Sizhui is Shijie and Jingyi is a WWX/JC hybrid.
JC: what’s the bad news now?
Honestly? Same.
Why does Netflix not translate HJG as HGJ?
JC telling JL that he’ll break his legs if he fucks up has the same energy as my mum threatening me with making me go out on a Friday night if I don’t pass a test.
And yes, I make jokes about threatening physical violence here because it is my hc that, after the kind of parents the Yunmeng siblings had, JC took a look at JL and decided right then and there to stay away from his own parents’ methods.
I mean, one of my dad’s fave swears is: lord give me patience, because if you give me strength they’re all dead.
Which I find hilarious, so I can’t help but see the same thing in those two.
WWX finding out he’d disparaged his orphan nephew’s parents: It was at this moment that he knew he’d fucked up.
... well, that was creepy.
(Can I make the “compass that doesn’t point north and wooden sword” joke? Please?)
So quick question, despite WWX coming back with his own body in this adaptation he does have a golden core right? Because he does some talisman and array things and he does mention when everyone is shit out of luck in the Burial Mounds that he, LWJ and the Ducklings are the only ones with spiritual energy. But he also gives his sword to WN to fight more often than not and he mentions that his body is “fragile”. So...
WWX just went into scolding/disappointed parent mode lol.
He just deduced everything correctly from a bunch of glittery grass. He’s fucking Sherlock and I can understand why NHS wanted him to help with his brother’s murder.
(Brief interlude so I can thirst over JC’s hands for a second again)
Jingyi is, as always, A Mood.
“The Yiling Patriarch is not here!”
He’s right behind you mate.
So everyone is wearing Kevlar under their robes right? I’m going to assume so, because otherwise WN would’ve caved LSZ’s chest in with that chain throw. I mean, he punched right through stone so...
*screaming into a pillow*
Oh hey, hubby is back!
OMG I’m laughing at him scolding JL. Can’t help it.
Full disclosure, I love Zidian’s design.
Petty smackdown number two!
Lemme go on a Zidian tangent tho: IT’S A LIGHTNING WHIP. That shit should be devastating. Do you know how much voltage is in lightning? Too fucking much. Every time someone got hit with it you would have at least second to third degree burns, not to mention broken bones, muscle spasms and if you’re very very unlucky cardiac arrest. But you don’t. It doesn’t make sense? Help?
... why am I being logical over A FUCKING MAGIC WHIP.
Idk, it’s almost 1am don’t ask me that.
He really wanted his brother back didn’t he. I mean, he was so sure WWX was possessing that body and when nothing happened his face got all surprised and sad. That’s not the look of someone who wants to torture and murder the dude. That’s for sure.
LJY: didn’t you kill him yourself?
JC: conceal don’t feel don’t let them know.
Again, brilliant tiny flashback. We still don’t see what exactly happened at the cliff. You see LWJ holding onto WWX, you see a close up of JC stabbing down from above, but then it cuts to a wider frame and WWX is already falling. We are meant to assume JC did something like stab him on the face or hurt LWJ’s hand.
I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OVER JC OK? He’s an angry grape but he’s my angry grape and he misses both his siblings.
Amazing transition again to a mega long flashback.
(I’m gonna stop being all thirsty over JC at least until the SunShot Campaign bc 1. I think his mega crush on WQ is adorable and how I wish it’d worked out. & 2. He’s what? 17 at the beginning of this flashback? That feels creepy.)
It’s a little disturbing what WWX says about alcohol easing the mind tho. I mean he’s 17?
JC: A-Jie WWX is being mean to me!
So that’s episode 2 done. It’s 1am and my cat is begging me for food so I bet the neighbours love me right now. I’m not going to take any responsibility for typos or weird turns of phrases because I’m tired.
Tomorrow I have to actually start packing my flat so I might not get another episode out but who knows.
Thanks for reading!
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years
AN: reposting because tungle.hell is a little bitch that messed up the read more link on this and doesn’t deserve rights.
Relationships: Family fluff, Pepperony, mentions of Peter’s crush on Harley
Prompt: “Every month everyone has a get together at the pepperony cabin and they have dinner together. Happy grills cheeseburgers for the kids (Morgan, Clint’s boys, Peter, Lila, Cassie, Harley) and they play outside until it gets dark, the older kids giving the younger ones piggy back rides and everyone eating juice pops. Steve is inside, bantering with Bucky and Sam, like the old times. Pepper wishes Tony would be here to see it all.”
It was tradition, at this point, for everyone to meet up in Pepper’s old cabin (she had since moved to New York) on the first Sunday of each month. 
It had begun with a miscommunication. Steve had texted Bruce that he’d be visiting Pepper to check on her and Morgan, on that fateful day a little over a year ago. Somehow, Bruce had interpreted that as “Gather the whole gang, we’re gonna collectively show up at Pepper’s cabin with 35 assorted presents.”
It was a little odd the first time round, what with Bruce apologizing profusely for goofing up, and the cabin being too small to hold everyone while also allowing them some personal space. But she’d decided she liked having them all around. Might as well do it again.
14 months and 14 barbecue meet ups later, everyone looked forward to driving out there for a nice evening of grilled food and banter. And the occasional explosion. To be fair, when you throw two brilliant, reckless, science-loving teenagers and an equally brilliant, reckless, science-loving little girl together, explosions can (and will) occur.
Which is why Happy was very loudly arguing with Harley over using his “new and improved” grill rather than the usual one from Happy’s garage, which was decidedly safer and less daunting to use. To top it off, the damn thing was shaped like a nuke.
Elsewhere, the younger kids were having their own argument, except theirs had a little less to do with barbecue grills.
“Morgan,” Pepper called out, noticing the commotion, “it’s Cooper’s turn now, sweetheart.”
 “But mom-”
“Give it to him.”
“Just a minute!”
The 6 year old turned around, gave her mom the most heart-achingly adorable pout, and begrudgingly handed her brand new nerf gun to the older boy (a very well received gift from May). They’d been going at it all evening, shooting empty soda cans off rocks, tree branches, and at one point, Peter’s head.
Steve smiled, watching Barton’s kid shoot a can off Harley’s bike from 10 meters away. And then immediately panicking after realizing the can was actually full. And probably belonged to Harley.
“Kid’s good with a gun, Clint,” Steve noted.
“Scared he won’t take after his dad?”
The glare he received from the arrow enthusiast was borderline terrifying.
“We’ve just got killer aim, Rogers, it ain’t about the weapon. Hand me a gun, stand across the lake, and I’ll show you.”
Pepper laughed, throwing Clint a grape flavored juice pop (his favorite kind). 
“Nobody’s murdering anybody in my house, alright?”
Just before Clint could catch his dessert, though, a web shot out from behind the couch and snatched the sugar infused stick of ice right out of mid air. The web then proceeded to disappear as quickly as it came.
“Well, actually, Pepper,” said a youthful voice, no doubt belonging to the pop thief, 
“the murder would happen outside the house, so technically-”
“Peter Benjamin Parker, you give that back right now or you’re grounded for a month.”
Peter winced. Busted.
“He can get himself another one, May!” He tried (in vain).
“There’s a whole freezer full of em right outside-”
May raised her eyebrow at him. Ah, there it was. The look of devastating disapproval. A look nobody could stand to receive, let alone Peter “I cried watching Big Hero 6″ Parker.
“Alright, alright.” He sighed, back flipping over the armrest; a completely extravagant and unnecessary move that was only carried out in case Harley was watching. Peter had been trying his absolute best to get Harley’s attention off late. He told May that it was because he wanted to prove that “he’s the alpha” (May thought her disaster of a son simply wanted to impress his crush. She was right).
20 lazy footsteps and an annoyed huff later, the juice pop was slid across the kitchen counter, right into Clint’s open hand. 
When it was, regrettably, immediately snatched away by Lila.
Clint blinked. “Can’t catch a damn break, can I?”
Laura laughed, planting a reassuring kiss on her husband’s cheek. She’d learned over the past year that Clint had turned to vigilante justice to deal with his feelings of anger and helplessness. She couldn’t have him hunting down members of the Ukrainian mafia over popsicles.
“Calm down, drama queen, I’m sure there’s more in the ice box-”
“WHO TOOK ALL THE DAMN GRAPE JUICE POPS?” Captain America yelled from outside. A sound that was immediately followed by a very ungraceful pterodactyl-like screech, and Clint putting his head in his hands.
“…or maybe not.” She winced.
That was the exact moment Bucky took to walk down the stairs. a sticky purple mess gracing his face. He stopped abruptly when he noticed everyone’s eyes were on him, and just this once, he was sure it wasn’t because they were admiring his beauty. 
His eyes darted around the room, making note of Clint’s deep resignation, Pepper’s terrible poker face, May’s grimace, and Steve nearly falling off his chair in sheer amusement.
He wasn’t fully sure how to proceed.
He looked around the room again, hoping it would give him answers. 
It didn’t.
“…what’s up?”
Steve actually did fall over at this point, prompting Peter to scream something about senior citizen needing help, followed by Cassie dialing 911 on Morgan’s old toy telephone. Neither of which helped him make sense of what was going on. Although, he had to admit, it was a little funny.
Bucky’s question, however, was answered when Sam entered the kitchen with the force of a very disgruntled wildebeest. He looked around wildly, until his eyes fell on Bucky and his incredibly purple grin.
“You,” Sam glowered.
“Me,” Bucky replied sweetly, slowly wiping the purple dye off his mouth with his sleeve. Which, of course, only served to drive Sam further up the wall.
“True, true.” Bucky shrugged.
“I do love pissing you off, though.”
What followed after was Sam chasing Bucky out into the woods, brandishing his shield and yelling something about how “this shield ain’t only for defending, I’ll star spangle whoop your ass you dick, come back here.”
Clint followed a minute later, on a quest to avenge his stolen popsicle
(This was after they were pointedly told by Pepper to take their battle outside, they’d lost enough vases over the year to the kids’ antics as it were).
Steve eventually found the strength to get back on his chair, and throw an apple in Harley’s general direction. Which was warranted, because the kid kept yelling “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” in this ridiculous (and frankly, offensive) “old man voice” while Steve did, in fact, struggle to get up.
He briefly wondered how pleased Tony would be to see Captain Perfect struggling with real, human issues, like achy joints and a sore back. Almost as if she’d read his mind, Pepper voiced his thoughts. 
“Tony would’ve loved to see you dealing with elderly-man problems, you know.” She laughed. “The number of times he’d complain that ‘Steve goddamn Rogers’ doesn’t suffer from a single grey hair even at the age of 100, while he did even though he was only 50.” 
She made air quotes around the “only.”
“Took a lot of convincing for him to let it grow out, you know, instead of hiding it behind dye after dye,” she rolled her eyes, “he looked at me like I’d told him to give Morgan up for adoption.”
Steve laughed softly. “A herculean effort, I’m sure.”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it.”
Pepper remembered that conversation clear as day, like it had happened just days ago. Partly because she’d never had to convince someone who was once labelled “Sexiest Man Alive” by Times magazine that he would still be attractive with grey hair, until that strange, strange day, and partly because the method of convincing she’d opted for was… unusual, a little unexpected. But not unwelcome, for sure 
(He’d told her as much the next morning, wearing a stupidly lopsided grin, but no shirt)
Washing the dye off her fingers had been a pain in the ass though. She couldn’t believe he’d actually agreed to letting her color his hair grey. Morgan had shrieked seeing her daddy with “weird hair” (her words), which was not good for the case Pepper was making. But she had eventually warmed up to the new look. She even told Tony he looked nice, of her own accord. After which Pepper had walked in on Tony hugging his daughter and her struggling to get out of the death grip he had on her.
Pepper was snapped out of her reverie when Steve spoke up again.
“Who’s to say he isn’t seeing it, though?” 
Pepper blinked. She wasn’t one to space out often, but when she did, she was disturbingly thorough. 
“Tony, watching us,” Steve took a deep breath, “laughing at me struggling with weak hipbones, watching over you, Morgan, Peter…” He looked down at his mug of coffee, that had long since gone empty
“You never know.”
Pepper couldn’t quite place the look on his face just then. Somewhere between sad and hopeful, she supposed.
“You never know,” she repeated under her breath, more to herself than to him.
Steve heard it anyway, and smiled softly at her, before turning to look at the picture Pepper had framed on the living room wall. A picture of her, Tony, and Morgan, taken at the beach. Morgan was on his shoulders, maybe 3, 4 years old then. His right arm was wrapped around Pepper’s shoulder, her left arm around his waist. All three wore contented smiles, Tony’s and Morgan’s achingly similar.
No Iron Man, no arc reactor, no intense, murderous stare, like the hundreds of pictures that had graced every magazine in existence, for a month after his death.
Just plain, good old Tony Stark. The part of him he kept hidden from the world, reserved only for the people he loved.
It was the only picture that did him justice, Steve thought.
“I wish he could see you now, Pepper,” he turned back to her, half his mouth upturned in a small smile, “see how well his two favorite girls are doing.”
Pepper chuckled, gently placing her hand on Steve’s. 
“Oh, he knows,” she nodded, twirling the ring that still adorned her finger.
“I promised him we’d be fine.”
my adhd ass jumping from prompt to prompt: parkour
anyway, thanks for reading
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acklest · 5 years
Why is your husband the most Iconic and sweetest person ever?! We(I'm confidently assuming that I'm not the only one) need to know more about him.
Oh, you may regret this. 
(If you’re squeamish about blood, you might wanna proceed with caution. I promise I’m not trying to be dramatic. There’s blood in this.)
He is iconic, at least to me. And he’s probably really only “sweet” to me. Also to the cat, but he denies this. To everyone else, he’s just a quiet sort of guy with a permanently “done” look on his face.
What he planned to do from childhood was join the US Navy, because his Dad had been in the Navy. He wanted to be a technician on a submarine.
As soon as he graduated high school, he went to talk to a recruiter, and got sent to take the ASVAB. His scores on that were great and he was willing to enlist for a long hitch. The recruiter was like “it’s not even my birthday.”
But he failed the hearing part of his physical, so his status was “disqualified recommending waiver.” He didn’t know that his hearing had degenerated from type 2 (moderate) to type 3 (severe). The eval was to see if he could hear all the comms with his headset cranked up to max without hearing aids (which he hated wearing anyway). When he missed some of the cues, he was fully disqualified. 
Then he had to figure out what his second choice for the rest of his life would be. Nothing really jumped out at him. He’d never really thought about it. But his family couldn’t pay for college, so he would need a job.
His best friend got him on as a cashier working the graveyard shift at a 24-hour gas station/mini-mart. During breaks, he looked over the course catalog from the local community college. He thought maybe he could do one of those non-degree cert programs, like becoming a welder or a mechanic.
A week before, a dude who had sued that chain of gas stations for damages from a personal injury found out that he wasn’t getting a settlement. He was across the street from the one where my husband worked. I guess lawsuit dude got enraged all over again, thought “I’ll show them”, and loaded the .22 he had in his jacket before heading over. 
My husband was behind the counter, where the liquor was, thinking he was dealing with just another drunk customer at 4-fucking-AM. When he turned to ask if he needed anything else, lawsuit dude shot him in the side of the face from about six feet away. The bullet wound its way through his jawbone and he instinctively reached up to his mouth because he felt loose bits of his teeth on his tongue. (Sort of a dark in-joke, when one of us asks the other about a day that had obviously not gone well. “Bad. Not gargling-my-own-teeth bad, but not great.”)
He would’ve spun around by then to take cover behind the counter, but the sound of the gunshot stunned him because he heard it perfectly. He was born deaf/hearing-impaired, so he’d always heard things a certain way, through a certain amount of… I don’t know, static, interference, fog? But this he heard perfectly and it stunned him. 
(“If their headsets went up that high, I could’ve joined the Navy.”) 
So he didn’t turn in time to miss the second bullet, which hit him in the chest from the same range. As he turned, the third one hit him in the side of his stomach. The fourth one hit him in the thigh, nicking his femoral artery. Then his best friend showed up to tag in for his shift, heard the loud noise, ran in to help like a moron. So the last thing my husband heard before he blacked out was his best friend screaming at the guy to stop, and then a few more gunshots after that. 
If a Jeep full of hard partiers hadn’t pulled up to get gas and ran next door to call 911, he’d be dead right now. Of course, lawsuit dude was hell and gone by then.
He woke up in the hospital ten days later, heavily drugged. He tried to talk but they had done something to stabilize his jaw so he couldn’t speak. He was in and out for a couple of days after that. 
A day or so later, the thoracic surgeon sat down and told him that he’d died a couple of times, and that they tried to get the bullet out of his chest, but it had ended up less than 4cm away from his heart, so it was too high risk. They would have to leave it in. He apologized for how wide the scar was from when they opened his chest, because they had to work so quickly.  When they brought him in, he was covered in blood, all over. His hair had matted together from lying in it until the EMT people got there. One of them told him later, “We saw the booze behind the counter and assumed a bullet had hit a couple of bottles of red wine.”
Not so much. 
His best friend had died in the ambulance on the way. 
There was two years of recovery, facial reconstruction for his jaw, lots of dental work, physical therapy, follow-up procedures, and so on. There was a court trial that dragged on and on. 
It hurt when he breathed in, it hurt if he laughed. It all hurt. He’s a big dude, 5'10, shaped kinda like Wolverine (comic Wolverine, not Huge Yakman Wolverine). His health had always been good. He said he felt like he was being punished for not appreciating it enough while he had it. Up til all that, he’d been a devout Catholic, but that burned away real quick. He says that the 18 year old working at the mini-mart was a different person than the one who got wheeled out of the hospital a couple of months later. He didn’t know that guy.
He spent the next ten years on what I call a Chuck Norris tasting tour, where he was likely suicidal but not aware of it. He survived two terrible motorcycle accidents, a spectacularly failed marriage, he was thrown off a horse and hit the ground with a thud about 30 feet below, and then a drunk driver plowed into the back end of his car at top speed and he ended up ass over tea kettle in a ditch.
A few months after that, he started having terrible chest pains. He thought it was just pain from the impact with the steering wheel, which broke a couple of ribs. But when it kept going even after his ribs had healed, he went back to the hospital. The impact had shook stuff around and now the bullet was moving closer to his heart. Moving very very slowly, but yeah. So they had to open him up again to get it out.
(“Would you like to keep it?”
“Some people like to keep the bullet.”
“Uh. No. Thank you. I think a decade’s enough.”)
Fast forward to ‘98. I was a year or so off of a devastating event/blue screen of death thing of my own. I had a baby that I had never planned to have because I wussed out of the adoption process (I’m not saying I regret that, I’m just saying). I was on a little death-seeking tour of my own, when some mutual friends pushed us together. I do not know why. Maybe because we were the same amount of “over it.”? Maybe to take us both out of the dating pool at the same time, thereby making it safer for everyone? “You know someone who’s a walking disaster? Me too!”
The wheels almost fell off the wagon a couple of times. He told me he loved me and I didn’t talk to him for a couple of months. He sent me an instant message that said, “I am not playing Peter Gabriel outside your goddamn window. Get the fuck over this.” The age gap (22 years) made him pull away a bit there for awhile, but we didn’t need any Peter Gabriel for that shit either.
Nothing really surprises him or catches him off guard. This sort of weird Midwestern Zen thing that I don’t really understand because I’m kind of the opposite. Our communication is weird because neither one of us talks about anything that’s really bugging us, but we kind of talk around it.
I asked him to marry me a few years after we’d moved in, and he said “I don’t know, the last one didn’t go too well.” (A charming understatement.) I was cool with that. I was like… 83% cool with that. Almost a year later, while we were watching a movie, he turned to me and said, “Yeah.“ 
A YEAR later. 
“Yeah?” Like I would fucking know what he was talking about.
“I’ll marry you." 
"About time. Would you say that you were trying to decide the entire year or was it more of an on-and-off thing?”
“Oh, fuck off." 
Anyway – courthouse, Vegas, etc.
What I need you to know about him, more than anything, are these three things: 
1) When one of my family members (an uncle I didn’t know well) showed up to threaten the two of us, he quietly took that man by the arm and walked him out to the parking lot. I was watching from our doorway. I thought I was about to see him rip the guy’s head off and go bowling.
I didn’t see him make an angry face. I didn’t hear him raise his voice. It was a quiet conversation, and then that man backed away, got in his car, and left. That was 15 years ago, and I haven’t seen him or heard from him since, though I got a letter from my biological mother the week after, asking what kind of psychopath I was living with.
Still no fucking clue what he said, though.
2) His idea of asking me to move in with him back in ‘98 was to start replacing the furniture in my apartment with new furniture, but leaving that new furniture at his apartment. "Got you a new desk." 
"I have a desk.”
“Your desk isn’t gonna go with the chair.”
“What chair?”
“The chair I bought you last week.”
“You bought me a chair last week?”
“Yeah, come over and look at it.”
As near as I can tell, his plan was to slowly replace all of my furniture but keep it at his apartment and to slowly move me in a box of things at a time until I was like “Wow, all my stuff’s over there.”
3) When little kids ask him about the inch-wide scar from his collarbone all the way to his navel, with a narrower scar on top of that one from the second surgery, he tells them that he was shaving with a straight razor and suddenly sneezed really hard.
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (The Alternative Season 5)
Episode 1 - Bad Blood: Before and After
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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After the Hollow: Year One
Rebekah just stood there from a distance in the bayou as she looked over to see people gathered round on chairs late at night, fairy lights dangling on the trees and an altar made from white roses. Standing at the altar was her brother Kol in a fitting black suit and his bride Davina wearing a lace material wedding dress that Rebekah found simply beautiful which was quite the task considering Rebekah’s large wedding dress collection.
She looked over to the few people gathered around them noticing Marcel, Freya, Josh and Keelin knowing how much it meant for Marcel to be there for his adopted daughter Davina’s wedding day even if he didn’t like her choice of groom. Rebekah was pleasantly surprised to see Freya there with her girlfriend Keelin knowing of her troubled history with Davina and how huge it must’ve been for Davina to allow her to be there after everything.
She was desperate to vamp speed over to them all, congratulate her brother, welcome her new sister and catch up with her older sister but she knew if she got any closer to Kol the effects of The Hollow would quickly begin to appear and that was something that nobody wanted to happen so she had to make due watching from afar the first of her siblings get married.
Lost in her emotions as tears began falling from her eyes while the wedding ceremony ended, she started to notice Marcel missing from the crowd before feeling a rush of wind before Marcel appeared right in front of her.
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to miss a good wedding.” He said to her with a sly smirk on his face.
“Considering I never got to attend any of my own failed wedding plans I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch at least one of my siblings get a happy ending.” Rebekah replied while trying to hide her hurt at seeing her former flame.
“I was all ready to give you your happy ending and you rejected me.” Marcel responded with a tone of sadness over what could’ve been. “This could’ve been us Rebekah.”
“Oh, Marcel I have missed you,” Rebekah admitted as she placed her hand on his cheek before quickly removing it. “but I’ve given up on this ever being a reality for me.”
“Have you heard from Klaus?” Marcel asked while changing the topic to hide his own heartbreak.
“Nobody’s heard from Niklaus for once in his life he has decided to live quietly which worries more than if he were going from town to town slaughtering his way to happiness.” Rebekah revealed.
It had been one whole year since Rebekah had been face to face with any of her brothers following the four originals possessing The Hollow in order to protect their beloved Hope. She had wanted a life free from Klaus and his torment for so long, but her freedom now came at a time when she needed him most because without Klaus, Elijah or Kol she was completely and utterly alone.
Before the Blood
Klaus’ life was a miserable existence under the reign of his ruthless father Mikael who was filled with hate especially for him the only time Klaus ever got any happiness was when he retreated deep into the woods of Mystic Falls to meet the love of his human life.
While his brother Elijah was busy romancing Tatia Petrova Klaus found himself hiding in the woods with a fellow native of Mystic Falls.
Nathaniel was a mere mortal or, so he was led to believe back then who had been taken in at a young age by Ayana following his mother’s brutal murder at the hands of his own father. He had grown up with the Mikaelson’s and was close friends with Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and even Finn but it was Klaus who owned his heart and Nathaniel owned his.
Nathaniel grew tired of Mikael’s twisted and brutal ways towards Klaus and often begged that the two of them ran away together but Klaus would never have left his family especially his beloved sister Rebekah and it was his love for his sister that would be the undoing of Klaus and Nathaniel.
“We could have more than stolen moments in the day if we just left this place.” Nathaniel said to Klaus as he was pushed up against a tree within the woods as Klaus’ body pressed against his.
“You know I can never leave my family despite how many times I may consider it.” Klaus replied to him before going to kiss Nathaniel who moves his head out of the way rejecting Klaus’ kiss.
“I think it’s time to call an end to all this.” Nathaniel told him as he brushed Klaus off him. “I love you Niklaus, I love you with all my heart but there is no happiness here. I’m leaving on a boat tomorrow whether you choose to join me or not is up to you.”
“You cannot just leave; Ayana would be devastated to see you go.” Klaus pleaded. “I’d be devastated if you were to go. I love you too Nathaniel, stay I beg you.”
“This place is miserable Niklaus it’s making you miserable no happiness can ever be found on this land.” Nathaniel said as tears began forming in his eyes as they both realized this was their end. “I’ll miss you Niklaus, always and forever will you be in my heart, always and forever.”
“I need to get back to my family.” Klaus replied with clear devastation on his face knowing there was nothing more to be said.
Nathaniel was Niklaus’ first love and first heartbreak but this wasn’t the last time he’d see Nathaniel the last time being what would change Niklaus forever.
After the Hollow: Year Two
Elijah had learned the hard way at a bar one night not long after being compelled that he was a vampire after slaughtering everyone in that bar and over the two years he had met the odd vampire, but none quite like him. He had no idea why he was different to the other vampires he met, nor did he want to know thanks to part of Marcel’s compulsion.
In the two years since Elijah had Marcel compel his memories away with the help of Vincent Griffith’s magical assistance Elijah had found himself living a new life in a small village located in France living a simple life that was almost perfection the only thing stopping it from being perfect was Elijah’s blood lust.
He often found himself strolling the streets late at night looking for easy prey to drain off blood even though he had learned not to kill his victim and compel their memories of their encounter Elijah still didn��t like the feeding process but one night his need for blood took him to a strange encounter with someone he couldn’t remember knowing.
He had stalked this brunette beauty for several streets now before following down a dark alleyway before being surprised when she turns around with a smirk on his face making it clear she had played the role of prey to lure him to be alone with her.
“You know if you liked the look of me so much you could’ve just came up to me. I’m guessing you’re the shy type.” She said to him.
“I’m sorry about this.” Elijah apologised as his eyes turned bloodshot vamp style.
“Yeah I’m sorry too.” She replied before chanting in Croatian and lifting her hand magically snapping Elijah’s neck in the process and forcing him to fall to the ground completely lifeless. “You made this far too easy Elijah Mikaelson.”
Elijah had just been lured into a trap by Raven Devereaux a distant cousin of Sophie Devereaux who was far from close to her family having left them many years ago due to what she considered their barbaric practices in order to keep the New Orleans witch ancestors happy but she still continued Sophie family and wanted revenge.
She knew she was a mere witch who stood no chance of killing an original vampire but she also heard the rumors about Elijah having no memory of who he was and after spending the last few weeks stalking the noble Mikaelson sibling those rumors were proven right.
Raven knew Elijah was escaping the harsh and painful reality that comes with being a Mikaelson and was determined to remind him exactly who he was even if she couldn’t break Marcel’s compulsion she’d find a way to make Elijah know all about who he was and the family he left behind seeing him being forced to remember as some kind of torture not knowing it would bring the two enemies together in a way neither would have expected.
After the Hollow: Year Three
New Orleans had become a different city in the last three years since Klaus Mikaelson left and if she had any communication with him Hayley would’ve loved to tell him that she preferred the differences in place.
Her and Klaus’ daughter Hope was excelling at the Salvatore School under Alaric Saltzman and Caroline Forbes’ supervision, but Hayley remained in New Orleans fully claiming her title as werewolf queen and with the help of Marcel reformed the factions in order to restore peace within the city.
As werewolf queen Hayley was only fitting to be the head of the werewolf faction and with Marcel being powerful enough to take down even an original nobody argued as he became the head of the vampire faction.
Vincent Griffith and Freya Mikaelson were among the top picks for being the head of the witch faction but Freya declined fearing her being a Mikaelson name would cause backlash for her and her werewolf fiancé Keelin preferring to live a quieter life instead and Vincent never got the chance to reprieve his title due to him being murdered with his killer never being found.
After finding the head of the human faction Hayley was determined to find a witch powerful to hold their own amongst them with strong enough principles to make sure they were doing right by their own kind. Hayley knew a witch from her past who stuck by her principles despite the cost and the cost was usually her own life this witch sacrificed everything for the people she cared for and that’s what made her perfect for the job in question. She just had to convince the witch to move her life to New Orleans become a New Orleans witch and set up home in a city once belonging to a man she loathed.
Hayley got Bonnie Bennet’s location from Caroline Forbes having become friends with Caroline over the years having got over their little feud from back in the day. She wasted no time in catching a flight to Las Vegas which was a stop in many locations Bonnie had been visiting over the years since leaving Mystic Falls behind in her quest to tour the world.
“Firstly, I’m only speaking to you because Caroline literally begged me and secondly you must be pretty desperate to come to me for any kind of help. Klaus hates me and the feeling is mutual.” Bonnie said upon meeting Hayley at the front door of her hotel room before inviting her in.
“Okay I guess we’re just going straight in then. Caroline begged you to meet me as she knows how important this is to me. New Orleans has seen many wars upon the supernatural factions for far too long and Marcel and I are working really hard on bringing peace to the city.” Hayley replied as the two women walked over to a couch and sat down. “Besides Klaus hasn’t been seen in New Orleans for a long time and as far as I know he or his siblings aren’t coming back anytime soon.”
“I’ve never even been to New Orleans let alone want to live the rest of my life there or live there until Klaus inevitably makes his grand return and I have to either put him down again or get going.” Bonnie said to her making her disinterest for the job clear.
“From what I remember Klaus always had a bit of a soft spot for Caroline, so I doubt he’d go too far in angering her best friend. Which is another reason to why I want you to come to New Orleans. Whether Klaus returns or not the city comes first, and I believe you will be as fearless as me in telling Klaus exactly that if he ever does return.” Hayley admitted to her. “These witches need somebody fighting in their corner Bonnie and you’re the only person I trust to fight for them.”
Bonnie was far from thrilled at the prospect of living in New Orleans or one day possibly having to face her old enemy Klaus once again but one thing she was always a sucker for was people in need.
Bonnie had come a long way in terms of her witchcraft from her days of living in Mystic Falls and was definitely experienced enough to become the head of a witch faction knowing taking the position would make her grams proud plus Hayley made a very convincing case and if Caroline trusted her that made her a person worth trusting. That logic worked for everyone except Klaus Mikaelson.
After the Hollow: Year Four
A lot had changed for Elijah in the years that passed since he first met and was assaulted and kidnapped by Raven Devereaux. In the two years that had passed the two enemies had found themselves going from enemies to friends to lovers.
Raven started out teaching Elijah bloody history lessons about his own family torturing him by the savage truth about the Mikaelson’s and about himself from what she had learned and heard over the years only to find herself feeling sorry for him as she started to see his genuine remorse.
From there they became allies in vampire hunting as Elijah vowed to take out any vampires who had harmed humans with Raven’s magical assistance as the double act became quite the feared force amongst the supernatural making a name for themselves as formidable hunters.
It wasn’t before the two of them working close quarters led to passion between the Devereaux witch and the original vampire their love reaching to a dramatic inclusion that even Raven herself was not expecting.
“I never grow tired of this.” Elijah said to Raven as he ripped out the heart of a male vampire throwing it to the ground as his victim’s body also fell while out in the middle of the woods.
“I’ve got to admit this wasn’t what I’d be expecting we would be doing two years after meeting.” Raven replied while walking towards Elijah who had pulled out a handkerchief from his suit and began wiping his hand clean of blood.
“What exactly did you expect us to be doing?” Elijah asked in a seductive tone as he grabbed a hold of Raven and pulled him in towards her.
“With you or me winding up killing the other more than likely you kill me.” Raven answered before kissing Elijah on the lips.
“Well I’m very glad neither happened.” He said before kissing Raven passionately. “I think we’re ready Raven.”
“Ready for what?” Raven wondered while beginning to undo the buttons on Elijah’s shirt to expose his naked chest.
“To take down my family once and for all.” He revealed instantly bringing fear to Raven’s face.
“Elijah they can’t die, and neither can you so going up against them will only end in me being the one winding up dead.” Raven said to him hoping to change his mind clearly terrified of the idea of meeting her boyfriend’s family.
“Don’t worry I will make sure that neither will lay a hand on you.” He promised while loving stroking her face with his right hand. “Besides I have a plan that they’ll never see coming.”
Raven may have become an experienced hunter in the last two years and before that she was keen to take on one original but the idea of taking them all on with only an amnesia struck Elijah on her side had her completely terrified but there was no talking Elijah out of this plan.
A man who would once go to extreme lengths for his family was now willing to go to extreme lengths to wipe them off the face of the earth.
After the Blood
Nathaniel had planned to leave Mystic Falls behind forever that day willing to sail away to some new life about the lands that his neighbors had settled on not knowing what that day would bring as he sadly left it far too late to get away because the night before Esther had turned Mikael and their children into original vampires following the tragic death of their youngest child Henrik.
As the originals struggled to come to terms with their newfound blood lust Nathaniel and the only mother he ever knew Ayana took to the woods hoping Ayana’s children had managed to also escape the Mikaelson’s terror not knowing that neither of them would make it out of those woods alive.
“Go on without me Nathaniel.” Ayana told him as she stopped running clearly struggling to catch her breath. “I can’t run any longer.”
“You’ve got to keep going Ayana your children are going to need you once we get out of here.” Nathaniel pleaded with her through deep breaths of his own making it clear the running had also took its toll on him. “I need you.”
Kol vamp sped past Nathaniel coming from a distance as he threw Nathaniel to the ground before vamp speeding over to Ayana and beginning to tear at her neck with his mouth clearly desperate for more blood.
“No!” Nathaniel screamed in pure terror as he raised to his feet while Ayana’s lifeless body hit the ground.
“I’m so sorry.” Kol replied as his vamp face returned to normal before vamp speeding out of sight fleeing the crime scene.
Nathaniel rushed over to Ayana’s lifeless body kneeling before her and grabbing her body as he began sobbing uncontrollably as he mourned for the only woman he had ever known as a maternal figure.
His cries grew louder and longer before Rebekah vamp sped from out of nowhere until she was standing in front of him.
“What happened?” Rebekah asked clearly disturbed to see Ayana’s lifeless body being held in a sobbing Nathaniel’s arms.
“Your brother killed her just like you and your brothers have killed many of us.” Nathaniel replied as he let go of Ayana’s body and stood up to face Rebekah with hatred in his eyes.
“We can’t control this blood lust Nathaniel we didn’t want to hurt anybody.” Rebekah apologized knowing there was no way she’d get her former friend’s forgiveness as the smell of Ayana’ spilled blood grew stronger making her begin to feel the hunger.
“I trusted all of you, I loved you all and you and your family have killed the only mother I’ve ever known.” Nathaniel cried before noticing Rebekah’s face turn vamp like realizing in that moment his life was about to end. “And now you’re going to kill me.”
“I really don’t want to hurt you Nathaniel.” Rebekah replied clearly holding herself back. “Please just run.”
“There is no point you’re just going to catch me anyways.” Nathaniel responded in defeat. “Just get this over with already Rebekah.”
Rebekah tried so hard to restrain herself, but the blood lust was so strong and so new she couldn’t hold back any longer and vamp sped over to Nathaniel before launching her fangs into his neck and it wasn’t long before Nathaniel’s lifeless body fell to the ground leaving Rebekah completely devastated by what she had just done.
Rebekah never told a soul what happened that day knowing how much he meant to Klaus and seeing how furious he was with Kol for hurting Ayana knowing he’d be even more furious to learn Nathaniel was another victim to the family’s blood lust. She allowed her family to believe he left and started a new life that he lived and died a normal life a thousand years ago hiding the truth to save her brother Klaus some pain but little did she know that this was far from the end of Nathaniel’s story.
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After the Hollow: Year Five
Klaus Mikaelson had become a ghost to almost everyone in the five years since taking part of the Hollow knowing he couldn’t cope with any contact with his siblings or his daughter Hope without wanting to stay with them and the Hollow meant that neither Klaus, Kol, Rebekah or Elijah could be together or near Hope but that didn’t stop Klaus from watching over his daughter from afar.
Once every year he returned to Mystic Falls keeping a good distance from everyone he knew and watched over a day of his daughter Hope’s life seeing many of her friends circles change over those years but two remaining much to his amusement these two friends were his former flame Caroline Forbes’ daughters Josie and Lizzie Saltzman.
Each year it grew harder for Klaus to return but each year he needed to see his daughter more and more until he found himself outside the gates of the Salvatore Boarding School wishing he could walk past them and hug his daughter just one more time but he knew for her own safety he had to stay as far away as possible.
“I’m pretty sure we made a certain dealing about you popping up in Mystic Falls.” Caroline said as she appeared beside him having vamp sped her way there. “Yet every year I find you lurking in the shadows.”
“Of course, you would be the only person to notice me Caroline.” He replied with a sly smirk. “I’ve got to admit I find that deeply flattering.”
“She misses you everyday Klaus.” Caroline admitted to him. “I know this thing inside you and your siblings forbids you from seeing her, but you could at least pick up a phone and talk to her.”
“Don’t you think I want to?” Klaus snapped. “The moment I’d hear her voice I’d want to be with her and thanks to a very ancient and twisted witch that can never happen.”
“I know it’s not easy but she’s a smart wonderful girl incredibly stubborn like her dad but such an amazing girl who could really do with her dad being in her life in some shape or form.” Caroline told him. “Speaking as a daughter with no parents anymore it’s better to have a distant father then no father at all.”
“You don’t understand Caroline.” He replied to her.
“Your right I don’t understand I don’t understand why your not taking every opportunity you can to be in contact with your daughter and I don’t understand why you won’t let her get to know you because I happen to think your something worth knowing.” Caroline snapped at him causing him to smirk in response.
“You do now do you?” Klaus replied with his sinister sly smirk.
“Speak to your daughter Klaus before you leave it too late.” Caroline responded before vamp speeding out of sight leaving Klaus to his thoughts.
Meanwhile in New Orleans peace was certainly restored in the city after two years living in New Orleans Bonnie Bennet had fully been accepted by the New Orleans witches as the new regent and the new head of the witch’s faction.
All the supernatural factions and the human factions were working smoothly together under Bonnie, Marcel and Hayley’s reign the three having struck deep friendships within the two years of running things in New Orleans but little did they know that the peace they worked so hard for was about to come to a bloody end.
Bonnie sat down at a table outside a cafe in the French Quarter of New Orleans not too far from the compound which had become home to Hayley and on school holidays Hope. She was sipping a cup of coffee awaiting a meeting with a recently returned witch, making sure her unexpected return wasn’t going to upset the new peace within the city.
“You must be Bonnie Bennet you and your family are quite the legends amongst the witch community.” Raven said to her as she walked over to Bonnie’s table. “I’m Raven Devereaux and I must say it truly is an honor to meet you.”
“I’m still adjusting to everyone knowing my name in this city amongst other things.” Bonnie replied before standing up to shake Raven’s hand. “It’s amongst many things about this city I’m still adjusting to.”
“You’re the witch who fought the great Niklaus Mikaelson and survived despite still being in high school.” Raven responded as they both sat down at the table. “Rumor has it you took him down once or twice.”
“I guess you’ve done your homework, I heard about what happen to your family I am truly sorry for your loss.” Bonnie said genuinely. “But if you’re here looking for revenge this city has been Mikaelson free for a very long time.”
“Please my cousin Sophie died at the hands of her niece who was all kinds of disturbed due to being killed and resurrected by the ancestors.” Raven explained to her. “I’m simply just returning home with a hope the new regent doesn’t allow barbaric rituals like her predecessors before her.”
Raven had worded her reply perfectly so perfectly that not only did Bonnie not see her as a threat but she considered this recently returned witch a potential new ally who like her wasn’t particularly a fan of the old ways amongst the witches in New Orleans.
However, unfortunately for Bonnie that’s exactly what Raven wanted her to believe as she found her pleased to know all things were going to Elijah’s master plan hoping it would reach the conclusion he had promised her with the fall of the Mikaelson’s and not the conclusion she feared her own death.
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anotherlipstick · 7 years
Goodbye And Hello 9.2
As expected, Madison’s parents didn’t seem to care that much what happened with Madison’s body. I couldn’t understand how parents could just turn their back on their own kid just because they got with someone they disapproved of. It made me think of Becca when we met. I’m sure my parents would of thought I was nuts for getting involved with her, I thought I was nuts for getting involved with her, but she’s literally the most amazing person I’ve ever met and my parents adore her. I of course I didn’t tell them everything but still…
Madison was such a caring person, did they really think she would get with someone so bad? Madison had told me it was because he drove a truck and wasn’t some doctor or something. It was an honest living, I saw nothing to be ashamed of.
I guess I should feel satisfied that they won’t be a problem and didn’t want to get involved. I was, but also felt sad as Caleb and Mariah wouldn’t really get a chance to know them.
Could we be enough? I hoped so and it kills me thinking about what they’ve been going through. They both miss their mom so much and I’m not sure what to do to comfort them. Caleb has been more quiet and reserved but Mariah keeps saying she wants to see her mommy. She’ll get to see her for the last time today.
I picked up my phone to see if Kaitlyn had replied to my messages. Nothing. Normally she gets right back but it’s been four days since I told her about Madison.
I stared at myself in the mirror before making myself get up and see if everyone was ready. In the living room Becca sat on the floor playing with one of Caleb’s cars with him. It would've been cute had it not been from the sad look on her face.
“You ready to go?” She slowly nodded her head before getting up and grabbing him. I picked up Mariah and we headed to the service.
I was surprised to see Madison’s parents when we arrived. Becca leaned over to me “I thought you said they wasn’t coming.” “I didn’t think they were.“ Becca looked annoyed by it. “I’m glad they decided to show up anyways.” I added. “She was their daughter. It’s the right thing for them to do despite what problems they had so be nice.” “I wasn’t going to say anything. Give me some credit!”
“Rebecca! Mrs. Eckhart cried as she came over to her. “I haven’t seen you in a coons age! I’m sorry we have to meet up again at a place like this.” She gave her a hug that Becca didn’t return.
“I just don’t know where I failed that girl. The lord knows I tried and I tried to talk some sense into her. I knew it could only end badly but would she listen? Not on your life! I just don’t know what I’m going to do now.”
Becca looked at me with a confused look. I didn’t blame her. “What on earth are you talking about?” I looked at Becca knowing that tone well and hoping she would hold it together. Mrs. Eckhart gave looked as if she just heard the dumbest question. “Everything! That guy she was seeing for starters. What was his name…” she paused as if thinking before waving her hand. “Oh it doesn’t matter now, I suppose. I had hoped you would be able to talk some sense into her. Your father raised you well. How is he doing?”
I had to hand it to Becca she was controlling her rage rather well, better than me in fact. “ Mrs. Eckhart, the kids father didn’t give Madison cancer. Not to mention Madison had plenty of sense which she well demonstrated. And one more thing, this is about her, not Becca’s father so I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention him.
She started acting as if about to cry “ I was just trying… I can’t do anything it seems even at my own daughters funeral. Well if you will excuse me…”
“The smartest thing Madison ever did was distancing herself from her.” I watched as Becca took the kids with her up to the coffin while I took a seat.
The slideshow of Madison was beautiful. It had pictures of her as a kid and all through school, along with some more recently like when the three of us all went clubbing together. My favorites though was the ones with her and Becca In dance club back in college.
Me and Becca both spoke about her but when Mrs. Eckhart went up there it was all about her and not Madison. I just couldn’t believe the woman and decided I need some fresh air. I squeezed Becca’s hand “ I’m going out for a cigarette.” “Smoke one for me while you’re at it.” “My pleasure.”
I walked by a table where the funeral home had copies of the Slideshow available on DVD when a young woman who was inquiring about them caught my eye.
Her back was turned from me so I couldn’t see her face. I was just about to dismiss it when she turned around.
I stared in shock as Kaitlyn came over without a word and gave me a hug. “What are you doing here? You should be on tour.” I told her hugging her back. “I was in the neighborhood so I figured I should check up on you and see how you were holding up.”
I still couldn’t believe it. “Brazil?” She gave me a shrug “So it’s a big neighborhood. I missed your wedding, but no way did I want to not be here for you and Becca today. I canceled a couple shows and got the first plane I could here. How are you two holding up Becca must be devastated. They were always so close.”
“She’s hanging in there. I do wish she would talk more about how she’s feeling but well… you remember how she can be.” She nodded “Don’t take it personally. Judging by the size of that rock on your finger it’s obvious she loves you. Give her some time.”
I let out a small laugh while looking at the ring on my finger. It felt good to laugh even a bit. “I know. I just want to be there for her. I gave her another big hug “Thank you for coming today.”
We heard some slight coughing and I turned to see Becca watching us with the kids “Look who made it.” I said feeling a bit uneasy. Kaitlyn hugged her “I’m so sorry for your loss. Madison was an amazing woman!”
To my surprise Becca returned the hug. “Thank you, Kaitlyn. It means a lot” There was an awkward silence for a moment. Kaitlyn lowered herself looking back and forth at Caleb and Mariah “And who are you two cuties?”
“This is Mariah and this one is Caleb” Becca answered looking at each in turn. Mariah moved behind Becca but Caleb seemed more open to meet her.
“How’s Annisa? I enquired hoping I wouldn’t be in too much trouble later. “She’s doing great. She decided to stay at the hotel but we should all do dinner tonight and catch up.” “We would like that. I could use the distraction and I know MC has missed you.” “Ye-yeah, that sounds wonderful. It would be nice to also see Annisa again.” I managed to say. I was trying to read Becca and finding it rather difficult. What was she thinking? “Awesome! I’ll let her know. Marlott’s at seven?
Mrs. Eckhart was finishing her speech so Kaitlyn went to pay her last respects before leaving. “Who are you and what have you done with my wife? You’re never nice to her?” Becca rolled her eyes as she picked up both the kids and headed towards the car without answering.
“Becca!” I pressed following her. She stopped and turned to me “Seeing Madison in that box made me realize how quickly things could end. I spent years ragging on her for things that was just stupid and I don’t want that to happen again. I also don’t want to be the reason why you two can’t talk to each other.” She started heading to the car again as I stood there speechless.
We had a wonderful dinner as we shared stories about Madison and talked about everything going on in our lives. Annisa couldn’t leave Caleb or Mariah alone and they seemed to enjoy the attention.
When I mentioned they should adopt children Kaitlyn’s face got red. “I definitely want to have kids and Kaitlyn would be an excellent mommy.” Annisa said enthusiastically.” “Hold up! Where did this come from?” Kaitlyn asked her shocked. Annisa smiled and kissed her cheek “Just something I had thought about for awhile. I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it.” “Well if you’re going to do that you better put a ring on her finger. Becca chimed in “Maybe I should.” Kaitlyn returned the kiss.
… To be continued
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