#i would rather have tonsillitis than be love sick yes that's what im saying
chrisbangs · 1 year
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webcricket · 6 years
Castiel Imagine
Imagine: A grace-less Castiel doing his darnedest to take care of you when you're sick.
[A/N: Based on an ask from @81mysteriouslyme - “Just thinking: how would human!cas take care of a sick reader? Like sick sick. I reckon he’ll be insanely sweet and adorable but also a complete dork. Out of desperation he would also call Sam and Dean for help as he realizes he really has no idea what he is doing.”]
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The plague - he read in an alarming article hyped in the headlines just last week in the Lebanon Daily Star that the black death pandemic that wiped out half of Europe in the 14th century is experiencing a renaissance resurgence in house pets populating the southwest. Mad-cow disease. You do enjoy a cheeseburger almost as much as Dean with the added benefit of table manners. Ebola. The trip to the zoo several weeks ago where Castiel insisted on spending hours in the primate exhibit observing the monkeys fills his heart with foreboding.
The list of fatal ailments he discovered in a Websummon search after plugging in your symptoms stretches endless in seriousness and judging by the patients populating the Doctor Sexy reruns Dean plays between cases in his man cave, it seems like humans stricken suddenly by dire disease is a daily occurrence to be expected.
Cas is convinced you need a team of specialists caring for you in a fully-equipped quarantine ward rather than a grace-less angel who burned the toast he tried to make you to calm your upset stomach … twice. You settled for crackers straight from the cupboard after he carried the smoking toaster into the bedroom, fingers singed black, eyes apologetically glassed, and hair frizzed on end after attempting to extricate an annihilated slice of bread from its fiery confines with a fork while the appliance was still plugged in. At least the flickering lights had nothing to do with a supernatural foe.
Disregarding the fragility of his own immune system at present, the one-time soldier of the Lord perches on the mattress beside you; irises glaze in concern as he gazes at your shivering sweat-drenched figure thrashing fitfully beneath the thin white bed sheet. The aforementioned list nagging his thoughts, he brushes the saturated tendrils of hair aside from your temples to check for small pox lesions. Relieved to see none, he lays a tender touch upon your forehead.
Wakened from tenuous sleep when his palm presses to your dampened brow to test the temperature, your whine of protest rapidly devolves into a congested cough. Given his lack of angelic aptitude, he can only guess at the sweltering height of the number.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, the soft smile he usually reserves for you inverts into an anxious frown when the fatigued hollows of your watery eyes resolve on him. “You were having another bad dream.”
A fever dream to be exact. “S’okay.” You manage a strained sigh, throwing off the well-meant layers of extra warmth he piled on your extremities while you slept. Despite his inept nursing skills, there’s something reassuring about having him here as you drift in and out of consciousness. Muscles stiff and aching, you regret the loss of insulation, seized by a renewed wave of chills.
He frets over the hem of the wool blanket, fumbling his fingers along the scratchy fabric and tucking it again beneath your thighs. He doesn’t like seeing you wracked by shivers, at least not sickly ones. “Are you hungry?” he asks, feeling a burden of utter uselessness to ease your suffering in his human state. While you slept he looked up a video demonstrating how to make toast in a frying pan; going so far as to bookmark it for reference, he’s optimistic of his ability to mimic the task. If that doesn’t work, he has one requiring an iron to use as backup. And there’s always the can of chicken soup he discovered in the pantry if he wants to do battle with the microwave.
The thought of swallowing anything of substance sets your stomach churning precipitously upward. Rocking to your side, you assume the fetal position to suppress the rising pressure and prepare for the worst.
If Cas had any sense about what was coming or fondness for his sneakers, he’d do the same. “Sorry,” he repeats the sentiment because he truly is, “I-” He’s not certain what he wants to say. The fact is, without his divine gifts, he’s out of his element. Deciding on a silent show of support in lieu of syllables, he lays a hand soothingly to your side, smoothing across the shuddering landscape until the nausea naturally subsides.
The distraction helps. Cas sticking it out when you must look and smell God-awful means the world to you because it’s evidence of his love. It’s one thing to say those three little words, another to dance them in a tangle of passion, but being there when you’re at your worst, that’s the real definition of devotion.
For Cas, it’s not enough. He wants to do better; to be better - for you, so you get better. Losing you, it would be his biggest failure and one he isn’t sure he could survive.
Digging into his hoodie pocket, he retrieves his cell, closes the open web page of the sickness symptom checker, flicks through his short contacts list, and calls Sam on speakerphone.
“Hey, Cas. What’s up?” Sam answers.
“Y/N’s fever,” Cas murmurs, pausing his caress at the peak of your shoulder to squeeze, encouraging you to lie on your back. “I suspect malaria.”
“It’s not malaria,” Sam snorts, intuiting the former angel consulted the internet for a diagnosis.
Sam’s probably correct. You haven’t traveled to a tropical or subtropical region ever so the odds of exposure hover in the region of extremely unlikely; unlikely, although not impossible. “Websummon suggested-”
“It’s not malaria,” Sam insists, unleashing an airy snicker.
“Gimme the ph-” The phone emits a static buzz as Dean steals it from his brother to slam it to his ear. “Look buddy, the last time we were in tropical paradise sippin’ cocktails was never.” The elder Winchester’s voice bellows confirming Cas’ own inner argument against the diagnosis. “Sam’s right. It’s just the flu or something simple. Y/N’ll be fine in a few days.”
It occurs to Cas if you do survive it’s high time for a vacation. First he needs to get you through it. Perhaps a call to Rowena would have been more helpful, but then there might be the nastiness of personal favors owed and he’s not certain, lacking celestial clout, what he’d have to trade for your life or if influenza is reason enough to involve a witch. All the anxiety emerges as a rasped, “But-”
“But nothing. There’s Tylenol in the first aid kit, two every 4-6 hours until the fever breaks,” the hunter advises. “And, Cas?”
“Angel mojo or no, you got this.” The call disconnects.
“He’s right, you know,” you mumble weakly, garnering his attention; gravel inflammation grates your tonsils as you speak. Clammy cool fingers wrap his wrist until the phone falls forgotten from their flexing tips with a bounce on the bed.
“About the flu?” Cas’ brow crinkles in confusion. When you attempt to sit up, he props a pillow behind your back and ensures you stay covered and warm.
You shake your head, coughing into the crook of your arm. “No, about you,” you croak. “You being here, I already feel better.”
A smile curves at the corner of his mouth, flattening the fretful lines of his features; his eyes gleam so brightly blue you can’t tell if it’s the fever muddling your senses, or a tiny speck of grace still simmering somewhere within the seraph.
Castiel tag list:  (Closed, if you’d like to be removed please let me know!)    @jeepangel  @sammiesamness  @willowing-love  @roxy-davenport  @blueicevalkyrie   @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11  @thesugargalaxy    @bluetina-blog  @dont-trust-humanity  @afanofmanystuffs  @honeybeetrash  @bucky-thorin-winchester  @superwholockz   @tistai  @wordstothewisereaders  @gill-ons  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @marisayouass  @stone-met   @castiel-savvy18  @samualmortgrim  @trexrambling  @magnificent-mantle  @kdfrqqg  @xdifsx  @moon-and-stars-cas   @rockfairy  @peaceloveancolor  @unicorntrooper  @anisolatedship  @itsilvermorny  @aditimukul  @kudosia  @goofynerd-67babylove  @uninspirationalsonglyrics  @mishascupcake   @mishapanicmeow   @praisecastielamen  @roseyhxnt  @jessikared97  @let-the-imaginationflow  @warriorqueen1991  @jenabean75  @alisonkenway  @anotherwaywardsister  @luciathewinchestergirl  @morganas-pendragons  @heyitscam99  @fangirl-and-stuff  @selahbela  @realgreglestrade  @splendidcas  @pointlesscasey  @lovelyangelofasgard  @i-larb-spooderman  @thewhiterabbit42  @thelostverse  @castieliswatchingoverme  @beccollie18  @dragonett8  @dixie-chick  @jtownraindancer   @carowinsthings  @pixiedusts @laqueus-ludovicus  @passionghost  @sherlockedtash88  @futureparent  @gabbie7-11  @myfandomlife-blog  @dreamerkim  @missjenniferb  @lexininja  @samael-has-arrived  @shamelesslydean  @earthtokace   @spookysculderfiles  @neaeri  @justanormalangel  @lone-loba  @supernaturalymarvel  @lilrubixx  @wings-and-halo  @thehoneybeecastielfollows  @musiclovinchic93  @81mysteriouslyme  @jessiekay2010  @the-bottom-of-the-abyss
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wanna1things · 7 years
Soulmate!Park Woojin
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haha i lov him my first born son, my illness friend, my bab
Genre;; fluff + uhh college!au,, soulmate!au, musical...theatre!au??, graduation!au at the end?????? is that a thing really i don’t knoww
Warnings;; mentioning of like an alternative version of park woojin’s dark past,, that damn dark past…. I had to warn you
Pairing;; Park Woojin x reader
Requested;; no ho ho ho i’m writing this so this account doesn’t die ++ this is also kind of for the anon who asked me to make the soulmate thing into a series sorry i never replied lol but im in a park woojin mood so woojin comes next
Soulmate AU Type;; soulmates experience the same illnesses at the same time until they get in a relationship together (?? is that the right way to put it idk) + soulmates are confirmed by a flash of light when you touch for the first time after you start dating
Summary;; Your best friend Woojin is alway sick when you are sick. You brush it off as being because you spend pretty much every second of every day with him, but maybe it’s something more...
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 1796
Also in this series;; Daniel | Jihoon  | Jinyoung | Minhyun
don’t tell anyone the idea from this came from this amazingly fun fact;; woojin is 2 months and 27 days younger than me AND he got shingles EXACTLY the same time in his lifetime as me; so 2 months and 27 days after me; so he is my illness amigo
you and woojin basically grew up together
from the moment his family moved in next door to you you’ve been best friends
i mean the friendship started in a very… different way
you used to hear him singing and dancing in his backyard
and you sang back at the top of your lungs in a desperate attempt to start a conversation lol
when you were in middle school you two used to write your own little musicals and perform them for your families
they weren’t particularly uhh technical?? but they were adorable and your families loved it
there’s so many embarrassing videos of those musicals dfjshdf
when you and woojin both caught chickenpox at the exact same time and were confined to your homes
both of your parents winked at each other
they had the idea that y’all were soulmates because duh that’s how soulmates work
as middle school and high school went on you both always had colds at the same time, you got appendicitis within days of each other and you both had your tonsils out on consecutive days
you brushed it off as it just being a coincidence because ;; well;; you were together 24/7 of course you’d get sick at the exact same times you basically had the same germs
you both got closer and closer until you were pretty much inseparable, people either assumed you were dating or that you were brother and sister tbh you two always used to say you were twins to fool people lol
nobody ever really fell for it though
in your last year of high school, both you and woojin started to date people
most of your other friends had all found their soulmates and honestly
as much as you loved being with woojin you were pretty sure you both needed to start having a look for your soulmates
every time you saw woojin with his girlfriend, something ached in your heart that you couldn’t put your finger on
you just chalked it up to you being a bit jealous that you couldn’t be around your best friend as much, nothing more
little did you know woojin felt the same whenever he saw you with your boyfriends
he knew exactly what it was though, he’d had a crush on you since like;; lol middle school
maybe even since he heard that terrible singing response
but he thought you obviously didn’t reciprocate this since you wanted to look for your soulmate so he just;; did the same as you
and there was like a one in 7 billion chance that y’all would be soulmates anyway, so he looked for his own
but he’d never keep a girlfriend for too long, either because they noticed how he only had eyes for you or woojin just felt bad leading them on
you two still spent time together though
every week you made time for a movie night and sleepover
you’d just turn up in each other’s houses, basically addressing each other’s parents as mum and dad too
your parents could both see there were some unspoken feelings between you two but they just let you sort it out between yourselves
when you started to apply for colleges you made sure to apply to the same ones, or ones close to each other
both you and woojin wanted to major in music/dance and drama
which everyone thought was adorable because of y’know those musicals
but both of you still tried your hardest to forget that
you both got accepted on the same course at the same prestigious performing arts college
you stayed best friends the whole way through college, taking the same classes the whole way through
also since you went to college there was some sort of unwritten agreement not to date people?? like you couldn’t explain it but you didn’t really want to search for your soulmate anymore (you don’t NEED to search he right here!!!)
halfway through your course your college did a rendition of romeo and juliet
OF COURSE you and woojin went for romeo and juliet i mean (cliche) OF COURSE you both get it too
aaaaaaaaaaah you both conveniently forgot about the kissing scenes
but being actors who must rise above™ you both just agree to deal with the kiss
UMMMM sike you totally did not deal with the kiss
that night you literally fell over just thinking about kissing woojin
did i forget to mention that since the middle of the last year of high school you realised god
you have a bIG crush on mr park
big is an understatement actually gosh
just the thought of kissing your crush made your heart rush 9999 miles per hour but NO you have to be a mature actor
after your little heart attack session you get to learning the lines
you and woojin are doing not the traditional romeo and juliet but a kind of revamped version, a bit like west side story orrr the romeo and juliet film with leonardo di caprio
basically its modern day and with like gangs and stuff rather than families??
and in this woojin is a mafia boss’ son lol
the first time you walk into the rehearsal you see woojin standing at the front of the stage in this fancy ass suit with a silk red shirt under and you almost like;; have a nosebleed
“y/n, are you okay??? you’ve been staring for like the past 3 minutes lol”
you realised you’ve been staring a BIT (a lot) too long and go and join him onstage to rehearse
SKIP to 2 weeks before the performance
it comes the time when you have to;; practice the kissing scene;;
you managed to negotiate with the director that there only be one kissing scene because otherwise your poor heart wouldn’t be able to handle it
as you run through the lines the;; kiss;; is getting;;; closer and closer;;; aaaa
woojin suddenly held your face in his hand like he was cradling something precious
OOOOOF here it comes
“Jules, I am more sure than anything that we were put on this earth to find each other.”
he smiled one of those like really cute smiles he does you know where it shows off his ADORABLE snaggletooth
and then he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours
and you swear to god it was like your heart stopped
as it was going on your brain was basically scrEECHING ok yOU LOVE PARK WOOJIN OHHHH MY GOD
when the scene was over you both wandered back to your rooms with a permanent blush comPLETELY lovestruck
until you both woke up the next morning with throat infections
you stayed in bed until the afternoon when you went to pick up your phone to ring woojin and complain like god this guy got you ill AGAIN
when you see you have an incoming call from woojin
“y/n!!! why did you not tell me you had a throat infection omg you better hope this is gone in 2 weeks because i canNOT perform with my throat like this”
“woojin... i did not have a throat infection before this you dummy it’s your fault i bet its because you decided to stay up playing cooking mama or something until like 5 am yesterday”
woojin hangs up almost immediately because it’s just hit him
you and him both got sick at the exact same time okay
your parents were right you really were soulmates
SO, he rises out of his bed and brainstorms a confession plan
and he decides that at the end of the performance of romeo and jules he’ll reveal his love lol
luckily you both recover in time to do the show but you don’t have time to rehearse the kissing scene
which you’re really thankful for because you don’t know how much more your heart can take
on the night of the play you both share a hug backstage before going on
and you convince each other not to be anxious
it’s just like one of your musicals from when you were younger
both of your parents are in the audience too
the performance starts and it goes like super well
the dance sections are amazing and woojin’s dancing is so like… beautiful you almost forget your lines lol
the kiss scene actually goes surprisingly well
but halfway through you hear your parents and woojin’s little sister go ‘oo’ and wolf whistle lmaoooo
which makes you both blush and fumble a little bit
in the ending scene where you and woojin die because of a hit put out by the mafia boss
there is a whole ass STANDING OVATION
you and woojin are really shocked but you hold hands and smile widely at each other because like this was your dream since you were kids??
and woojin is just staring at you because god you looked so happy in that moment it was like you were glowing shfdsj boys so lovestruck n WHIPPED
as you go backstage you and woojin are just talking and in total shock about the whole thing
“listen woojin i can’t believe it went down so well like did you hear those cheers?? oh my god!!!”
“haha yeah did you hear both of our parents and my sister when the kiss scene happened i was so embarrassed”
“oh my god woojin why did we even invite them honestly i wanted to go and hide in a whole-”
“y/n will you go out with me?”
“honestly when i heard them i felt like i was going to die - wait what? are you serious?”
you look at woojin and you realise he is like… deadly serious
“well duh i am”
“oh darn okay then yeah uhhhh yeah i’ll go out with you??”
he holds your hand tightly and there’s a sudden like flash of light
and woojin just whispers
“i knew it, i’ve known it for years”
and you smile and lean forward to kiss him because god
are you pleased that your best friend and the person you have loved for years is your soulmate
and of course your parents are pleased because damn that 6th sense was CORRECT
when y’all graduate obviously top of the class
you make a wonderful plan
to dig up your dark past together
and at graduation you recreate one of the first musicals you did as kids
it goes down so well and the whole class just cheers and screams and cringes along with the hilariously terrible and childish storyline
and basically it’s the damn cutest thing yes
i take that back YOU TWO are the damn cutest thing
ok im going to sleep now uh enjoy this and i’ll do the other members uhh SOON
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coolandspicy · 8 years
tagged by: @ravishingvixx
it was very fun, liking having my own personal press conference--thank u dear!
RULES: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
answers under the cut bc it’s looong
1: ARE YOU NAMED AFTER SOMEONE? well I am named after the Cypress tree but not like a specific tree just...in general
and I guess trees aren’t people anyway so, no...
2: WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? god I don’t know...I tear up a lot when I get really excited about Hakyeon...but the last time I remember really crying? I think it was selectively blocked from memory
3: DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? it’s like, ok? it seems pretty typical so it’s not that fun
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? i would rather die but I like “adopting” people around my age in that parental friend kind of way. and i love kids but just...no
6: IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? maybe? If we assume I’m a different person with all the same traits we would both assume that the other person doesn’t like us and it would be difficult for a while to overcome that but probably one of me would say something really blunt about how I felt and because the other person is also me...they would understand?
7: DO YOU USE SARCASM? yes but i guess a bit less than I used to?
8: DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? i actually don’t know what that means
9: WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? if vixx did it so can i
10: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF CEREAL? strawberry yogurt cheerios? i think. it changes i don’t like the same food for too long
11: DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? ish? i usually start untying and then try to pull them off before properly loosening them
12: DO YOU THINK YOU’RE A STRONG PERSON? like on the one hand i think i’m really emotionally stable to the point that sometimes i think it’s impossible for anyone to really hurt me...but on the other hand it seems like i live a relatively charmed life and to me that reflects an internal weakness that i’m not facing the challenges other people are...idk
13: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? in general strawberry but i really love ice cream with candy in it so the more stuff the better and i like to have something different
14: WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? what they’re wearing especially the colors/patterns. if it’s a color i really like it really stands out to me
15: RED OR PINK? valentines day <3 um i like both?
16: WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE PHYSICAL THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF? kinda weird wording...least fav physical trait? probably leg to torso ratio...i wish i had longer legs so bad 17: WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING NOW? pants are for people who hold themselves back I’m wearing a black skirt and black wedges. (feelin’ my goth self)
18: WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? hot dogs + pickles, salad and chocolate ice cream melted into coffee
19: WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Love Me Do *duck quacking hand motion*
20: IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? red bc it’s my assigned color. if anyone is ever wondering which color i am in any situation im the red one. 21: FAVORITE SMELL? coconut is rlly good, so is almond extract. i like sweet smells
23: FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? gross but basketball
24: HAIR COLOR? red as in orange as in brown that is the special kind of ginger color that looks like orange that we call red
25: EYE COLOR? like blue/green-ish? usually more blue
27: FAVORITE FOOD TO EAT? in general fruits which i will eat until i get sick (apples/oranges/grapes/frozen blueberries) 28: SCARY MOVIES OR COMEDY? mmmm scary movies are really fun with other people...i like comedy stand up but I don’t usually like comedy movies? it all depends
29: LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? 13th (documentary) actually...that probably was the last time i cried
31: SUMMER OR WINTER? niether i love and hate all season equally
32: HUGS OR KISSES? hug and kiss me at the same time please
33: WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? I’m trying and failing miserable to read Sacred Economics. it’s an easy read i’m just easily distracted and it feels like work to read books for pleasure
34: WHO DO YOU MISS RIGHT NOW? everyone from back home. mostly everyone
35: WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? what century is this question from
Anthony Bourdain - Parts Unknown
god i wish it was me eating all that stuff
37: WHAT IS THE BEST SOUND? i’m going to be me here and say cha hakyeon’s voice
38: ROLLING STONES OR THE BEATLES? i don’t care? i have no experience with the rolling stones though
39: WHAT IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE EVER TRAVELED? I’ve been to China before. I’m not sure which city was technically the furthest from home...probably Kunming?
40: DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? yes. i can choke on air and trip over nothing
41: WHERE WERE YOU BORN? maple syrup haven, Vermont
i never know who has done this before but...i cordially invite: @bunny-hyuk @hyulk @sanghot @xiuchens @fxck-vixx @joonqi and anyone else who feels like having their own mini press con!
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