#i wonder what format(s) pjol would be?
1tbls · 5 months
i love the way disco elysium deconstructs both the detective genre and RPG games. i wanna see the same done to other formats. like:
prequel of harry's child/teenhood in the format of a fighting game. brawling through friends and foes and his own psyche alike. maybe you build relationships with characters through teaming up with them, or social interludes, like fire emblem or persona. you get to learn about the people in harry's life, and also get a special combo move if you max out their social meter :p but also sometimes in the midst of building a relationship with a person, they simply just die in the course of their lives. and their little unfilled meter sits on your relationships page, forever.
prequel of kim's early years in the RCM in the format of 🤔 a puzzle platformer? or a strategy game like suzerainty civilization? where you are managing constantly diminishing "resources" like monthly budget, respect from your colleagues, kim's will to keep going, physical energy. energy+will -> actions at work -> respect+$. kim has a massive well of will, which allows and incentivizes working overtime to increase $ and respect, which costs energy. mechanically, you are incentivized to burn as much energy as possible, to always be at dregs.
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