#i wonder if im pmsing
vampyrluver · 11 months
Idk if it's bc ive been off my POTS medication for like 2 weeks now, or if im just stressed bc school and money, or workd events, or all of the above, but ive been having way more bouts of depression than ive had in a long time, they last a few days nd i usually feel better but its still not fun
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theboltcutters · 2 years
my boyfriend told me that he’s still hunting for garfield merch for me in japan and that it was one of the only things making him feel close to me while he’s gone and im like ugly crying lol
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opheliac · 2 years
ok so im insane what of it
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fallenangels95 · 7 months
i feel SO WEIRD wtf is going ON! 😭
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milo-is-rambling · 2 years
My dog is a pretty good tell for my moms mental health. He has a bone in his bed and he has decided to fully ignore it (weird for him) and instead to lay under two blankets and I lifted the blanket to let him lick a bowl of Mac and cheese I had finished (which he loves and usually the sound of a spoon scraping the bottom of a plate gets his attention and he comes running over) and he sniffed it and then started retreating further into the blankets until I put them back down and mom had a rough morning and is now depression showering and singing sad songs while crying so like :/ I wish I could help both of them. I want my mom and my dog back to normal but that's not gonna happen unless my dad magically comes back from the dead
#it feels weird to be around someone who wants to share their grief with me bc I grieve completely in private#and like it's especially weird bc I was almost raised to do that or like I was raised to independently deal with all feelings and now my mom#wants to be sad with me but also feels guilty about being sad around me#it just makes me realize just how much emotion internalizing came from my father and not my mother#i mean I knew he didn't outwardly feel his emotions but I thought mom was the same way#and now I'm wondering how often she hid her emotions from him becusde he didn't deal with his shit either.#idk. weird to think of your parents as people always but especially when there is only one parent in the picture anymore#i almost feel guilty for still picking apart their relationship or the ways they interacted cause it feels like somehow I'm going to hurt my#moms feelings somehow by merely *thinking* about their relationship#that feeling of guilt for thinking critically of a relationship that doesn't even exist anymore#idk. maybe I just feel guilty over everything always but like :// I wish I could fix that#but grief for me is very much a private affair and im not quite sure how im gonna deal with it when my brother comes home from college#cause he and mom are both very emotional and he tends to share it and they're probably going to talk about him and im going to isolate more#cause I don't want to talk about him at all I simply want to hide in my room#and I am crying now thinking about it cause emotions are hard and im pmsing so my eyes are leaking but like fuck man this sucks massiveballs
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blkkizzat · 29 days
Hey lovely. Long time no anon! I've had a shitty day. Not from anything in particular. I'm just PMSing real fuckin hard and my body fuckin hates me so! The excellent news is that my book is almost finished (about 4 chapters left til major editing). The better news is that I am about to get myself wine drunk, watch a few episodes of the boys season 4. The most absolutely horrendous amount of smut in one night. That being said...
I'm thinking.
Which JJK man is the most sensitive to you having a shitty day? Like no real reason. Nothing happened. The day just sucked.
We all know it's Nanami. Buuuuutt I feel like Geto would surprise us. Like he seems like he doesn't really care about shit. And maybe he doesn't but he's phenomenal at faking it. Like Geto wants to relax with us. Make the day feel less shitty. So he runs a bath for two. With episom salts cause he knows how to make you feel good. When we get out. He puts lotion on us first. Helps us through a nighttime routine. Tells is it'll all look better in the morning. Wakes us up with cunnilingus and a smirk that said 'I told you it would look better in the morning'
- a very drained 🧠
awe 🧠, babie doll im sorry you are feeling worn down. we moon cycle twins though cause im pmsing too. had a bad headache yesterday, feeling better today tho so i hope you are too!!
omg i just finished the boys s4 like a week ago! be sure to tell me what you think once you're done, shit is poppin AWF lmfao.
but yas you know nanami has a sixth sense to our needs, that goes without saying. he already knows our favorite everything and has a plan on deck to make the remaining hours of the day wonderful for us.
Also i love your hc on geto because to me he also gives twin energy in the sense of he wants to relax and experience things with you, so y'all also have matching robes and pjs for after the bath.
choso will have puppy energy. so he will def notice almost as quickly as nanami but his way of making you feel better is to cling to you, reassure you, very vocally expressive and will totally lift you up in that way. he's also an empath so if you are crying he will cry with you and hold you so you just feel very much seen, understood and validated.
gojo i think he would be rather clueless. like it would take a few lackluster responses for him to notice but once he realizes hes definitely trying to cheer you up. no one can make you laugh like him so he's doing or saying something stupid and you're now crying from gut busting giggles fits rather than whatever went wrong that day.
toji is actually likely more perceptive than nanami tbh. the reason for that is because of body language shifts which he notices because of the uber enhanced perception from heavenly restriction. however the problem is he doesn't know what to do from there. he doesn't wanna come off crass and piss you off more. and if he makes a crude joke at an attempt at humor and you cry more that would be even worse. i think though sense he would be able to sense the tension in you and as his love language is definitely physical touch—he would likely wordlessly just pull you into his arms and give you a huge bear hug. you know how weighted blankets soothe people? like that. he's like a huge weighted blanket and he's not gonna let you go until he feels you completely relax in his arms. trueform!sukuna is just as perceptive tbh, he just doesn't care. i feel like he expects everyone to be as self-sufficient and self-regulate emotions by not expressing them (lol toxic) like he does. however he also knows everyone falls short of him so he will give you your space to mop, cry, etc. thinking you are weak so you just need to let it out. However, i do imagine if you'd been moping longer than usual or to the point that it annoys him, he will try to comfort you in his own way. i feel that would be the way of giving you something to do for him. sukuna probably figures you must be bored if you have the time to waste being sad. i imagine he'd make you read to him or maybe even have you draw him a bath which he'd consequently would just drag you into. or perhaps he'd just blend ur guts up on his two cocks... you wanna cry? he'd give you something to cry about.
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tail floofs to make you feel better babes <333
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beneathashadytree · 3 months
READ YOUR PREVIOUS THOUGHTS FROM MY ASKS AND OHHHH IM ABSOLUTELY FROTHING IN THE MOUTHHHH not to mention that this man might be the perfect candidate for the enemies to lovers trope with mc!!! (aka my favorite trope of ALL TIME) because when i first played lnds (which is like just a month ago lol 😭), i was wondering which dateable is going to fit the e2l trope. though it could work for any of them depending on how you'll set it up, zayne is just too straightforward and i doubt he would dwell too much with someone who he sees as an enemy, xavier is just too nonchalant about everything and i doubt that he has any energy to butt heads with anyone, and raf is literally a tsundere who's willing to throw themselves at someone they find interesting 😭 SYLUS HOWEVER OHHHH GOODNESS the vibes, the aura, the tension IT WOULD MATCH HIM SOOOOO WELLL. the devs are making a BIGGGG mistake announcing sylus during at the time of my ovulation rn LMAOOOOOO /hj 😭😭😭
EXACTLY EXACTLYYY!! Fantasy is the best genre to enjoy enemies-to-lovers (in normal romance fiction it gives me the ick bc why are you mentally beefing with Bob from accounting?), and what better example for that than a man whose wicked plans literally revolve around the death of the person he’ll fall for? The others have way too much history with the MC for them to be currently enemies-to-lovers, whereas Sylus is—presumably—a clean slate rn. There’s tension, there are secret plans, hidden secrets, and ALL the yummy goodness that comes with this trope executed perfectly. And I’m currently PMSing so I’m being absolutely normal about him as you can see😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫/j I can’t wait for us to enjoy this together Rica omg😭😭💗💗💗💗
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
4&5 for the ask game (sorry i am nosy and bored)
Dont apologize, im procrastinating packing, im hot and pmsing and pissed off so these are wonderful 🥰 i also havent been controversial in weeks so i gotta catch up!
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
oh i block at a hairs trigger actually? usually i dont even blink, but sometimes i leave someone who has such laughably bad takes so i can go to their profile and laugh. i usually reach my saturation point when they inevitably somehow start talking shit about charles 😌
worst discord server and why
hmm, i dont stay in awful discord servers, i like myself and my peace of mind too much for that. what i will say is that the worst people are the people who come into a ship server and start talking about their favourites who are a) shit b) completely unconnected to the ship and c) openly antagonistic to the ship 🙃
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honeymoonsimmer · 1 year
People I'd like to get to know better ♡
Tagged by: @yuyulie (this is so late im sorry AAA)
Last Song: soft currents by alexandra savior (Cue me bawling rn)
Favorite Color: sage green!!! and i love me some soft pink and pastels. love wearing black tho lmfao
Currently Watching: Hannibal. YUP. i am rewatching this serie again because i got my mom hooked on it. I am also watching jjk season 2 but im always putting it off bc ik the manga ok... i am not ready for pure pain and suffering
Last Movie: the wonderful story of henry sugar. wes anderson just has the most visually pleasing movies istg
Currently Reading: i pick up 6 books at once and then take a pause to go back and reread a book that i know front to back.. ANYWAY. im rereading a kingdom of flesh and fire BUT im also in the middle of reading A Soul To Keep and The final girl support group. (listen i have so many that i started and haven't picked up im in the middle of a slump rn :( )
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: uhm Salty babes. especially when im pmsing OH MY GOD but I LOVE ME some savory food. i have my moments with spicy. not really a sweets girl unless it's cake or ice cream 😌
Last thing I googled: some blender tutorial bc im dumb and silly and that app pisses me off
Current Obsession: love making cc tattoos for my sims lmfao. im very into crocheting rn (v new at it tho). and ofc making ocs hihi
Currently working on: Making cc hair from scratch (oh my god im EXHAUSTED) i tag all of U! anyone who wants to do it muah ♡
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girldigital · 14 hours
Surprise surprise
Once again, I come here after a failed professional opportunity.
London hates quirky bitches damn!
Somehow though, I feel the most at peace now than I have in a long time. Maybe it's the fact that the process was carried out by someone that seems to genuinely have my best interest at heart.
I can't tell if he was flirting, maybe he was. Maybe I was. I don't know. Sometimes you just click with people better than others and I can tell he definitely was rooting for me. Yet again though, I let my childlike wonder and excitement get the best of me, how dreadful.
It is true that I am a ditzy mess though, so it's not like I can blame these employers. The calibre of work is higher out here and I haven't had a real job in like 5 years so I guess that can show through quite blatantly to the experienced eye...
Anyway, I applied for another Film Archiving job. Were I to be reached out, I'm glad I got a bit of a trial run. Even though I was a mess on the phone call announcing my rejection, I did receive some pretty sound advice and I think that could help me snag my next gig. Especially if this notable company valued my skills and experience enough to see me as a top contender. Maybe this is all playing out the way it was supposed to, you know? Then again, I only applied. So far, no response, so I'm trying not to get too wrapped up once again.
I'm honestly grateful this all went down the way it did. I obviously wish I got the job, but I feel a lot happier now for some reason. I've never been rejected with so much care, and I guess you could say I'm desperate for that above all at the moment...
Anyway, as I was saying. I think I was juggling too much at once and now everything seems to have settled. My anxiety was through the roof and my binge eating followed suit. It felt like I was in Majora's Mask, with everyday getting closer to doomsday. Yet, now that I've embraced that no matter what happens, I'll be okay, I can finally breathe. I'm employed, surrounded by love, and have loads to do and discover still.
When it comes to love, that ball of stress evolved into a ball of warmth, only to get turned to ice once more.
I think Aiden and I knew from the moment we spent that day together that this felt more like friendship than anything else. I was certain of it anyway. Then, I lost track of reality, and I thought maybe seeing him in the flesh would snap me back. Unfortunately, it did, but not the way I had hoped. Of course, it was nice to see him, but I did not leave feeling very good.
For some demonic reason, seeing him again awoke something in me which wasn't there the first time. Someone I was so ready to call a friend, suddenly had me completely smitten - giggling and longing for his touch. I was lingering in the gazes we exchanged, stretching them for as long as I can. Feeling fire every time our flesh touched.
I say I want friendship, but these are not things I should be feeling towards a friend. Of course, we also got the friend side on track - catching up, joking around, enjoying music together. That should be enough for me to maintain this, but I just can't sacrifice how I feel for the sake of a friendship again. I've been there so many times and all I do is hurt myself in the process.
I cried a lot yesterday. I was PMSing yes, but I think for the first time I have the clarity of mind to see things as they are happening.
Here's what I told Mira yesterday, which I hadn't even thought about prior, but made so much sense the moment I externalized it:
"only thing i enjoyed was catching up w him and the few times the music was good but i didnt feel like the vibe was there w friends and i think this might not be good for me in the longrun
its giving me ali flashbacks where its like nice to be friends but deep down ill want something and i just keep riding bc i like the validation and it is a genuine good time bc were so similar but then its like im a friend faller and the closer i get the more attached i get and if its clear this is just to be friendship and i say so ik theres always gna be some hope in there which also stops me from actually giving time and attention to someone who would actually reciprocate it"
I can't believe the sudden moments of clarity I get sometimes lol
I cried monologuing in bed, imagining myself opening up and saying these things to someone I've only met twice... I guess you can call that mental illness!
But it's just a symptom of a greater issue...I am desperate. I do crave love and affection, and unfortunately, I tend to cling on to those who withhold it from me. I don't know if it's because I like the challenge, or if it's because I'm deeply unlucky to fall for those few who don't want me. Perhaps a mix of both (also again mental illness). He said he wanted a femcel well woo boy did he get his hands on one...
I will say it is disheartening to always be denied by those who have seen me at my most truthful. I know I shouldn't be playing an act to be loved, but when I don't they all walk away.
Not sure which way to go anymore.
I'll hang out with him again, probably on Friday and go from there. Deep down though, I know I might need to put that friendship on hold until I am less fragile/invested.
I've already wasted too much time operating on the basis of hoping for more.
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morninggrit · 15 days
im stillllll unemployed after my layoff and am slowly losing my mind in my parents house where both of my siblings also still live (hell ?) and at this point its either take something with shitty pay that makes me cry and wonder why my "good" degree hasnt gotten me anywhere i can use my talents or idk just be mildly content!!!! or i can go to grad school which im terrified i will drop out of if im even accepted into one considering i scratched and clawed my way into my bachelors. anyway i need to clean my room and retwist my hair and im pmsing and my dog needs a bath
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cruesuffix · 3 months
feeling absolutely shitty and lonely and bored…like i want bang my head against a wall until i lose all my braincells. i know i’m supposed to be all cool here and just stick to posting about the old man and be silly and all that but sometimes i can’t help but be a bit jealous of all the other cool accounts on here that are better at writing and are much more creative than me.. boo hoo. you might be wondering why i don’t just make friends within the fandom and it seems weird to say i don’t want to because everytime i do i mess up and there’s a falling out and it continues over and over. i don’t even know what i’m saying. i don’t want any pity, i think i’m just tired and in pain. i hate being such an outsider in every fandom i’m in, but i also know i don’t contribute much and never really have anything to say. maybe im just pmsing or something idk…dw i’ll go back to obsessing over that old man tomorrow, i just need to get my very disorganized thoughts out.
also…is it crazy to feel old in your twenties? i always feel so sore it’s crazy, i’ll probably be a hunchback by the time i’m thirty…if i even make it to that age lol.
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spookridjer · 4 months
ik that this is just me pmsing but man sometimes i wonder if im just ace and im not actually romantically attracted to anyone
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xosadbxtchxo · 7 months
i never use this app but if u we’re wondering i’m in my room in nothing but my underwear eating five guys and im sick and pmsing. i’m not okay (trust me)
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bewakulfi · 1 year
since last night ur header is working as a period reminder for me, whenever i see ur header im just wondering oh are my periods about to come? then i check the date and sigh
aww poor baby (im pmsing aur jaan se maardungi kisi ko nahee chahiye uterus nahee chahiye baby pls)
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iamapotatobag · 2 years
fucking hell
no wonder ive been unbearable horny and emotional. when i missed my meds and accidentally started my period early i just kinda skipped pmsing. now im pmsing
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