#i wonder if i could start getting some genetic testing done re this and the gut demons
killbaned · 1 year
how the fuck has IC had an official disability code in the US since 2007 but i've never been able to get help or accommodations for it on the basis that it doesn't count as a disability. i have a life long bladder condition that is medically known to have a quality of life "on that with end stage kidney failure" and i've been diagnosed since i was fourteen fucking years old and all anyone's ever told me is "sorry that doesn't count"
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youmissedone · 10 months
🔴 Red - Do you have a dream AU you haven’t written in yet?
{out of smokes} Like I said over on Matt/Nemmy's blog, probably not, heh. I've been writing Carlos for a number of years, so I've had a lot of time and some really amazing writing partners who have gone through with me and their muses almost every possible AU I could think of for Carlos. Before the movies, during each of the movies, the real Carlos surviving, various clones being discovered, etc. I've done it all, heh. Well... almost.
I guess the two things I've never written with Carlos yet are 1) the real Carlos surviving all the way through to the release of the airborne anti-virus, and 2) what's the deal with Todd, haha? I'm not sure those are my dream AUs, but as far as things I haven't written with him yet, that's all I can think of.
1.) I've had the real Carlos survive his explosive death in Extinction before and taken him past that movie a little bit, and I've written clones during the Retribution era and beyond. I think a Carlos clone may have been with Alice when she released the antivirus, but I'm not sure. I'm currently writing a Carlos clone with Alice after she released the antivirus and she found him down in the Hive. But the real Carlos? He's never had that moment of seeing the apocalypse come to an end, and I kindof want that for him somehow. I'm just not sure... how or why the real Carlos would have survived up until that point. It just doesn't make a lot of sense, and I know I've done some crazy fudging on my RE blogs for various reasons, but this one is a noggin-scratcher for me as far as having it make enough sense to the point where I can write it.
2.) Todd is the Carlos clone in the beginning of Retribution and Becky's "father." I mean, they're all clones and Becky was just made with Alice and Carlos' DNA, but still, you know what I mean. But yeah, he's a simulation clone meant to be an average work-a-day guy with a family in the "Suburbia" testing floor of Umbrella Prime. But he has Carlos' DNA, right? And isn't the whole reason why some of their employees and Alice were placed into these simulations because some of these people have off the charts abilities, survival instincts/skills, and/or physical prowess that can be tracked back to their genetic code? Simply put, they've got great genes, heh, and Umbrella wanted to test what those genes were innately capable of, regardless of starting origin. But Todd, despite having Carlos' amazing genes, just didn't have the same skills or survival abilities, and I've always wondered why.
Was Todd made to be inferior to Carlos for some reason? Was he programmed a certain way so as not to unlock his full potential? Was/is there a way to "awaken" Todd to remember who he really is based off of? Is that even possible, would he even know Carlos or have any other sense of self beyond that testing floor? Because Alice's clone did seem to tap into those survival skills and abilities that Project Alice had, so I've always wondered why Todd wasn't able to do the same.
Unless... him doing the whole, "get Becky back!" thing as he fought off the undead was him being like Carlos. Think about it, the real Carlos sacrificed himself to save others, and isn't that what Todd did? Maybe that is Carlos' core personality and his strength, his altruism. I just blew my mind a little haha because I actually never thought of it that way before, but that actually makes a lot of sense. And if that's true, then that means Todd may have a lot of Carlos' same heart and core personality, unlike the commando clone of him we see later in the movie.
Anyhoo, I'm really not sure what I would do with Todd, exactly, but it's one of the avenues of writing Carlos that I've yet to explore, for sure.
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 3 years
If we humans were somehow able to bring bacj extinct animal species with some editing done so they would better survive our modern earth would you join the efforts to protect these animals to survivable numbers and do on?
Honestly my short answer is, no I wouldn't. This is, however, one of those "I already have a rant locked and loaded" questions for me, so here's my longer answer...
De-extinction is an extremely complicated subject, but my personal opinion is that in the vast majority of cases de-extinction would more often than not be extremely ecologically irresponsible, especially since the species that would receive the most funding would mostly be charismatic megafauna that have been extinct long enough for earth's ecosystems to have moved on without them.
Let's take woolly mammoths as a case study, since they're the Big Topic that de-extinction tends to revolve around. Even in the best case scenario the woolly mammoths that could exist in real life would be genetically modified Asian elephants, not true mammoths.
But, let's say in this hypothetical we can bring back a true, 100% genetically accurate mammoth. The amount of time and work and money that it would take to bring back a sufficiently large population to actually begin breeding and become self-sufficient would be absolutely staggering. Moderns elephants have a very slow gestation period and birthrate, and if mammoths were anything similar then breeding a viable population would take multiple decades at the least, and more likely over a century.
But let's say they do breed, we get a viable population, and we introduce them to the Siberian tundra. There are three options of what could happen next:
A: Mammoth Re-Extinction
The environment has changed too much since mammoths were last here and our new mammoth population cannot get the resources they need. In trying to feed themselves adequately, they cause serious destruction to an environment that cannot support them, before dying out and going extinct again. An insane amount of money and time has now been spent on a failed experiment that caused more harm than it solved.
B: Success!
The mammoths are able to survive in the changed environment, they establish a successful breeding population, and we start to reap the potential benefits of their reintroduction. The researchers in favour of mammoth de-extinction claim that they would promote the return of the old Siberian wilderness and help combat climate change by encouraging the growth of grasses. There really is absolutely no way of testing these benefits and they are currently purely hypothetical.
A new population of mammoths now also means resources have to be invested in protecting them from threats such as poaching. They would also be just as at risk from climate change as any other species in that region, since mammoth-driven enironment regrowth would never be enough to adequately offset the rate of global warming on its own.
C: Mammoth Plague
The mammoths are too well suited to their environment and become invasive, feral species that cause massive ecological damage, driving other native species to extinction and potentially wreaking havoc on human settlements too. We now have a pest species on our hands that is bigger than any that humanity has ever had to deal with. The mammoths would have to be eradicated, which would cost an untold extra amount of money and may not ever be truly successful.
In my opinion, the potential risks involved even in scenario B, a successful introduction of mammoths into Siberia, are far too great to ever be worth the amount of resources that would have to be invested to achieve it, and the two other options are completely disastrous. While the specific risks and benefits involved would be different for every species this could be applied to, the basic principle of "disaster on either side of a very narrow margin for success" remains the same.
I guess for me, what it comes down to is the fact that these species are gone, but there are many, many other animals at risk of going the same way that we can still do something about, right here and right now. Why sink an uncountable number of resources into de-extinction efforts that most likely will fail, when instead those resources could be used to actually preserve the species we have left.
Our hypothetical scenario is basically a pipe dream at this point, but conservation efforts for living species can and do work absolute wonders. The numbers of bluefin tuna in southern oceans are in an unprecedented rise at the moment thanks to conservation efforts, and have already overtaken the population goals set for 2030. And that's just one example of the tangible effects that conservation biology is having for real living species.
Compared to that, de-extinction is extremely high-risk, mostly very low-reward, currently untested, and extremely resource-intensive. Honestly I feel like the main motivator behind the whole concept, beyond any ecological benefit, is a feeling of guilt around the extinction of species, especially those that died at the hands of humans.
And yes, extinction is an absolute tragedy, and my heart absolutely aches for the species that we've lost. But I don't think undoing our mistakes through de-extinction is the right way to utilise that guilt. Instead, we need to be focussed on protecting the world, ecosystems, and species that we have now.
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macklives · 4 years
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alright, im actually kind of in the mood to unpack some stuff regarding karkat's character and the way alternia works actually, so i dont mind giving this a go. and while act 5 isnt completely finished yet (so this is an analysis post for act 5 up until page 2305), there is still more to explore, and im pretty sure i have a lot more to read regarding both karkat AND alternia. until then, i will give a general layout as to what i know so far and how i can expand this in a psychological way (especially considering i did my psych exam so my mind is FRESH from studying)
alright, starting with what seems to be the deal with the hemospectrum, theres a total of 12 blood colors. HOWEVER, one of those blood colors is a "mutant" blood which is unwanted in troll culture as it is, well, "mutant", meaning whoever has this blood will get brutally slaughtered. hurrayyy. im guessing it is even lower than aradia's rust blood, as she is allowed to live but is the lowest on the hierarchy triangle. meaning karkats blood is not even ON the hierarchy triangle and simply buried underground where they hope he stays. so its not exactly pleasant to be living in a society where everyone is trying to KILL you or at least keep you away from everything.
from what i remember, troll reproduction is a vital aspect in their culture, that everyone is forced to mate and drones will come by each house to collect the genetic material. this is mandatory apparently, and if someone were to object, they will be “culled" as quickly as they could say no. alternia seems to be really keen on the whole "blood and carnage" thing, which means their probable solution to anybody breaking the law, is to kill them on sight and just leave them there to rot - regardless of who they are and what families they comes from or have. trolls are free to kill whenever or whoever they please without any governmental repercussions. which means revenge upon revenge happens without any policy.
however this is very important when looking at karkat, because karkat may not be able to do the whole reproduction process (not that we necessarily want him to, im saying this in terms of how its mandatory for every troll and there will be a time when the drones WILL come for karkat). but as he is already a mutant and if they were to "collect" from him, they would find out his blood regardless of how he hides it. they will either cull him for saying no, or cull him for his blood. karkat, in this sense, is doomed regardless. which makes his character much more interesting.
and keep in mind alternia kind of sucks, because from the looks of it, trolls are constantly tested throughout their lives to prove themselves to society that they are allowed to live and survive. but ONLY if they are the strongest among them. alternia wants to become this fearful planet where the weak die off and only those proven worthy can stay to grow up and slaughter more of their kind until the world is nothing but blood thirsty strong murderers. im not too sure who is governing alternia but they can suck a dick if they think this is how good morals work. alternia only really has one way to solve things which is to kill those who question/fight back, OR to kill those who CANNOT fight back essentially. which puts all the trolls through a double edged sword where they cannot do anything but follow the guidelines given to them by troll's society and government, and try to survive as much as they can until then.
if i remember correctly, when it comes to the law side of things. if you look at it from terezi's introduction where she explains prosecutions with her plushies (lemonsnout ect ect i forgot the term for them lol), she said "you are guilty until proven innocent" which is the polar opposite of "innocent until proven guilty” used in OUR own society today (tho i guess we are by far the "good guys" in this situation, but we are far different than how trolls live their lives). anyways, what this means is that everyone dies regardless unless theres literal proof that they have not done the crime. even so i wouldnt put it past them to do nothing about their case even WITH proof. terezi even goes to say that technically there is no way to deal with the law on alternia, and most of crimes get solved through death. she even demonstrates this by how easily she hung the "suspect" and flipped a coin to determine his fate. however, even with the coin landing on the side of safety, where the suspect were to be released, she said "im blind remember i cannot see this coin" and essentially "killed" him. while terezi may have just been playing with her plushies, theres something we can take from this which dictates how their actual court cases are actually solved.
NOW, vriska (yes ik pls bare with me here, i will not make it about vriska but i do have a point here), from the last few pages i saw, can basically kill her friends in an instant, without any remorse. i can tell she sees this as the most "necessary" solution for her problems. i wouldnt say its for survival, but she does do it as a way to provide some sort of safety on alternia. she is a higher blood, and apparently the high bloods are known to kill whoever they please as long as its convenient. and since trolls have this whole fad of "killing the ones who cause you trouble so the problem is out of the way", she is wired to think its the only solution when threatened or when you dislike a person. 
god, she killed aradia because she wanted "revenge", because she wanted to get back at aradia for tormenting her with ghosts EVEN IF aradia did so because she threw tavros off a cliff in the first place. this may have worsened their friendship, KEEP IN MIND THEY WERE FRIENDS, but NEITHER, and i mean neither terezi/vriska/aradia, had any remorse if the other dies as long as there was a reason. in the story, vriska didnt care what happened to tavros because she disliked him, therefore becoming pretty bias over his fate. because of this attempt at killing, aradia didnt care what happened to vriska either, and neither did terezi. terezi sold her out to one of the most powerful beings on their planet, solely because of their revenge cycle. as long as the troll in question did something "malicious”, then that plays a factor in their morals. vriska gave no second thought to killing both of her friends (or at least attempt to with tavros), terezi also tormented john in act 4 which led to his “doomed timeline death” and sold vriska out after she realized vriska wouldnt change. so no fucking WONDER karkat tries to hide who he is, he's overly cautious to not let it slip out because even the people he calls friends could backstab him at any given time considering theres LITERAL EXAMPLES OF THESE TROLLS HAVING DONE SO.
to karkat, he sees this as dangerous, which is why he even CALLS vriska dangerous to begin with. she might not even hesitate to kill him herself or maybe sell him out to the drones, because 1. she may not want to be a witness to something society actively seeks to destroy and 2. she cares more for her survival than karkats. EVEN if they were friends (re: aradia and vriska and terezi). so it just shows. 
on that note, i find it funny how karkat indirectly distracted vriska after she baited him with the question of his blood in a past conversation, which prompted karkat to monologue about troll romance. he was, yes, VERY interested in this topic to start with, but it was a nice little bonus for karkat as to not be found out by the one person who would most likely kill him even if it wasnt on purpose. however, we do not know how this will play out IF she does find out, we just know karkat is in the right to be scared of the theory.
and, alright i do have to mention this, while karkat may have been an angry fucker to START with, who spites the world and throws out insults every chance he gets, i feel he does this as more of a survival instinct as well. he doesnt care what he says to people no matter what they rank on the hemospectrum. they dont know his blood color so he feels he has some sort of immunity, but he just needs to keep it hidden. it also may just be his personality, as he IS a character who was given specific traits and andrew went along with it without so much thinking about plot. yet if you look at this from more of the metaphorical route, think about it with uhhhh lets say the perspective of how dogs work. for example, when you put a chihuahua next to a doberman, a doberman is more of an excited, energetic dog whereas a chihuahua will rain hell down on anybody who so goes near them. sometimes this is to make up for their size, to seem as menacing as the larger doberman, as they have nothing else to fend themselves with. another way to look at it is, if you see a bear (i forget if its black/brown or grizzly) you make yourself seem like the bigger person by scaring it off with sounds and eventually it will leave you alone. these sort of tactics work in the sense of survival. this is sort of what karkat could be doing, he uses insults and a defensive shouting to not really "hide" himself, but to have some sort of way as to not be found out if people start to question. someone asks him "hey karkat whats your blood" he goes "FUCK YOU, FUCK OFF, END OF STORY" which could make a person go "yo sorry dude forget i ever asked". so this could be a factor as to why he is so crabby, however on the other hand, he is crabby because that is also his character. andrew probably thought yo cancer = crab = crabby. however i do like how he is perceived and the whole "mutant blood" really made me do a double take on how he views life himself. he has to always hide who he is or he will get physically killed. alternia would take joy in finding out he does not belong there because lets face it, alternia is a bitch of a planet.
this also brought me to ask the question, why does karkat want to be a leader if hes so scared of what would happen to him if he were to be found out? which then, at first i said lol this is just karkat, he wants to a leader because he just wants to be the leader, he likes when things go to plan and that he the most say in their sburb plans considering he thinks everyone else is a "dumbass". to which, i then thought about it more and went ouch what if hes a leader because he knows hes not valued enough in society, that he somehow wants to feel some sort of importance in the world, so he wants to become a leader. i imagine younger karkat, not knowing why his blood is so undermined, finding out he is not wanted and suddenly on the most wanted list without having even DONE anything. even TAVROS said he was on that list, but only because he was weak and had no back-bone, here karkat may have been strong but no matter what, he was to be culled BECAUSE of his blood. something he cannot change no matter what. imagine a little kid knowing he will die at any point because of who he is (rlly sounds familiar if you think about it). so of course, he hides himself from the world, but do you think for an instant, little angry karkat wants to simply be FORGOTTEN about? i doubt that, he wants to be heard, he doesnt necessarily want to be rejected as he knows he will be, so while he does hide his blood, he wants to have a voice no matter what. when being a leader, people dont reject you, they LISTEN. they all may not want to because karkat is just a fucking ticking time bomb, who can lash out at any second, but i feel theres now a reason why he has this superiority complex. he wants to sort of become the person he knows he never will become (if you put it into that perspective). so thats kind of why im giving him the benefit of the doubt here.
i would also like to point out a sort of.... comparison?? not with the dogs but with unwanted children in a family household. this doesnt necessarily apply to karkat, but sub in family household with society and it might as well. (on that note, a warning/viewer discretion, if you have any problem with this kind of discussion, i wouldnt read further into this paragraph and skip to the next one) alright, the unwanted child psychology basically deals with the process of a child which is neglected by their parents, and/or know that they were never wanted in the family. i read an article a while back when we were discussing this in a lecture, we were browsing multiple people's perspective on the matter, and one said "An affective relationship may be suffocating to [the unwanted/neglected child]: it’s a defense against intimacy of which they know nothing. Normally they fluctuate between egotism and deep feelings of inferiority. They don’t understand what a balanced and healthy self-esteem looks like." it explains how the child who grows up in an unwanted home admits great emotion deprivation, because the child's bonds of affection are extremely fragile, and this can lead to both egotism and feeling like they are inadequate. and it really strongly shows karkats personality. we havent gotten that much from him in general, but considering how he uses this egotism to cover up the fact that he may be doomed, really shows the similarity. i liked this short article so i want to give some points to take into consideration, specifically this part: "It will be very difficult for unwanted children to build healthy relationships of affection in their adult life. Love is a foreign language to them. They don’t know how to decipher the codes and much less how to build them. It’s very hard for them to need and to be needed. That’s why, more often than not, they completely shirk their conflicts with peers and superiors, or do nothing but generate them. They speak incessantly about the broken relationship that marked their arrival in the world. A person with such a background will need help to get through those abysses of love that live in their heart. The most important step is that they recognize that their discomfort doesn’t depend on who they are, but the circumstances that led to their being." it may not be 100% tru for karkat but theres a small portion of it that can link back to karkats view on life and how being this mutant can really change who he is as a person. and i hope you can see the similarity between karkats character and this form of psychology. yet i also do not fully know the depth of karkat vantas. however i do hope it continues to build up in this way, as it would be both interesting and make us feel more for him as a person.
alright, i think if i write any more i will never stop aghjsk, which is a bit too much for a sunday afternoon, basically to sum up this post, trolls are violent and karkat will be killed if hes found out, even by his friends if it comes down to it. so karkat cannot really trust anybody, hes alone and imagine the thrill he had when he saw jack cut his hand to show the bright red blood? that he finally has someone LIKE HIM. imagine when he finds out about the kids. so i believe in his growth, while he needs to get a better vocabulary, i do get why hes so defensive all the time. because hes both scared and unwanted. and he wants to make up for it.
and i guess with all that being said, you can tell i now have a slight soft spot for the kid lmao
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Pandemic Pregnancy by Jess Sirizzotti ‘10 (@JezRebelle)
Having your first kid during a global pandemic makes for a very weird experience. Though the much anticipated “quarantine baby boom” turned out not to be the reality, there were still many pregnancies that started, continued, or wrapped up in 2020-2021.
Being pregnant during a pandemic is about as isolating as you’d expect. Reduced immunity plus *gestures vaguely* everything meant that a lot of people grew a person in unprecedented ways. What I struggled with the most (beyond the overarching panic and dread of a world on fire) was that there was no benchmarking. I could have made it nine months at work before telling anyone, because they only saw me on video conference from the clavicle up. There were no hospital tours, no childbirth classes, no expectant parenting groups. 
Whenever you’re going through it, there seems to be no middle ground between dry, evidence-based medicine and projecting yourself entirely into the astral plane for communing with the ancestors. Here are a few things that helped me through my pregnancy, and some things I wish I’d known earlier.
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Illustration Credit: Mercedes deBellard
Prep work
There are plenty of guides about how much you should have saved or what kind of physical shape you should be in. Some of that is helpful.
Oddly missing from those guides is “get a handle on your traumas.” Talk to a therapist. Talk to a partner. Talk to yourself in a diary where you ask yourself questions about what you want to carry with you and what terrifies you about having a kid. There are questionnaires for people donating living organs, and it does not hurt to say, “Hey, if there is a problem with ANY OF THE MYRIAD OF THINGS THAT CAN GO WRONG, how would I work through those feelings? What are the boundaries I want for this process that will make me feel safer or in control?””
If you’re getting pregnant with someone who will raise this kid with you, get into it with them. Have very specific conversations about what you will do about parental leave, diapers, daycare, requests for tattoos from a twelve-year-old. My husband and I would read the Care & Feeding parenting column from Slate, debating how we would handle the conundrums of different letters before getting the “answer” from the columnist.
Also, get as full a picture of family pregnancy as you can. You might know your own birth story, but what about the other half of the genetics you’ll be juggling? I, personally, managed to mash up my MIL’s hyperemesis gravidarum and my mom’s gestational diabetes which has been...not a great time.
And ask *lots* of questions. I had pretty low-stakes issues making it into the world, but it turns out all my dad’s generation of siblings all needed to stay in the NICU. My dad had multiple full-body blood transfusions in his first days. That would have been helpful to know!
That said, what I was most shocked to learn is that there is no way to know what kind of pregnancy you’re going to have until you’re in it. Even if you’ve had a kid before—you can have wildly different experiences! There’s literally no way to know in advance!
Pro tip: you can’t know for certain what pregnancy will be like for you, but getting a broad picture can help it seem less like a cliff jump into the unknown.
Getting pregnant will take longer than you think
Once again, for those in the back, GETTING PREGNANT WILL TAKE LONGER THAN YOU THINK. 
For starters, you will need to stop not getting pregnant, which has been the focus of most young adult lives since your fertility started. I had to get my IUD removed and also get revaccinated for a bunch of things (rubella, flu, tetanus). If you were on the pill, it may take a few months to get everything out of your system. Then, you will do something to try to get pregnant and wait for two weeks. Whether it takes two weeks, two months, or ten years—it will feel like a very long time.
Especially because by this point, I felt ready to have a child. I looked at the calendar and thought, “Oh good, the kid will be X horoscope sign. They’ll have their birthday during the school year. Their birthday will be X year, and that will be easy to remember.” I made plans.
And then I just...didn’t get pregnant. And kept not getting pregnant. Every month of getting my period was so frustrating. I had charted my cycle! I had taken my temperature to figure out if I was ovulating! I swallowed these giant prenatal vitamins that are the size of a human toe!
Some people do get pregnant instantly, and many blessings on their ultra-efficient plumbing. Some people get pregnant when they don’t want to, and they should be able to have a choice about whether to have those kids. 
For most people, there will be a while between deciding to have a child through pregnancy and getting one started. It is happening everywhere, to countless people, and is one of the hardest, loneliest, most unintelligible experiences—made worse by the fact that people are shoving their feet into their own faces around you for the entire experience. You’re surrounded by people getting pregnant (magically! easily! with barely a whisper of effort!), people asking you when you will become pregnant, people congratulating you on not being pregnant because you can go out, drink, get really into aerial silks, etc. And you will have to not punch them in the face.
If you are under 35, most doctors will not even talk to you about fertility issues until you have tried for a year. That’s a minimum of twelve cycles of trying, twelve “I feel really good about this month” conversations, twelve pregnancy tests that say you’re not pregnant, twelve months at a job you may not like but stay at because they have good parental leave benefits or insurance coverage.
After a year (and after you get on their schedule) a fertility specialist can offer you fun adventures like getting dye injected into your fallopian tubes to see if they’re blocked, approval to shoot yourself up with expensive hormones (at home! with a real needle!), and any of the other amazing methods technology and medicine have discovered that tweak any of the multitude of handoffs that need to happen for a pregnancy to “take.”
If I can ask one thing, assume at least one person in earshot of your public conversation is trying to get pregnant and can’t—and be a little kinder.
Pro tip: get the cheaper pregnancy tests with lines rather than the electronic ones with words, because there are few bigger downers than seeing “NOT PREGNANT” month after month.
Find a practitioner you like
Because eventually, you will want to strangle them. It’s important to start with someone you like, so that the strangling phase will be late in the pregnancy and not a sustained hatred for nine full months.
Whether you’re pregnant or working with a reproductive specialist, having someone who listens to you will help. Some people cannot deal with hippie woo woo, some cannot imagine a pregnancy that’s all medical jargon. If you’re a person of color or want to have certain cultural traditions respected from the get-go, vetting at the beginning can avoid being at loggerheads later. Take some time to reflect on good and bad medical experiences you’ve had, and if you have options, choose someone who will not make you hyperventilate every time you have an appointment.
For me, I knew I needed a doctor who would not give me a hard time about weight gain. I have a history of disordered eating and (pre-pregnancy) was competing as a super heavyweight lifter, so am used to plenty of unsolicited opinions about my weight and what I should be doing with it. Pregnancy is fraught enough to take a single off-hand comment to an extreme, and I was deeply uninterested in negotiating an anorexia relapse while battling all the pregnancy changes.
If you have some time, shuffle up your pre-pregnancy appointments to get a feel for different doctors. I pulled up ZocDoc for my insurance network and came up with some finalists: had my annual exam by one, my IUD taken out by another, and my MMR re-vaccine done by a third. I knew my practice was right for me when the doctor offered to take all weight measurements patient-blind for the entire pregnancy.
Pro tip: think about what style of doctoring would make you feel better during this time, and give yourself the gift of one less thing to stress about.
Taking information in
Like the best of us, I enjoy a Wikipedia rabbit hole. I’m an especially good finder and am frequently tagged in as the friend who can unearth the secret Tumblr or yearbook photo of an elusive crush. I can find anything, and have a Jeopardy-level mental trapper keeper for bizarre edge-cases.
This is...not great for pregnancy, especially when unleashed on the “seems legit” constellation of mommy blogs. There are a million things that can go wrong with a pregnancy, and past a certain point, knowing more does not make you more likely to avoid or survive them.
Think of it like a fractal. Having the general shape of the tree: useful. Hyperfocusing so hard on one of the branches that you lose days in front of the computer screen, diving deeper into medical texts and unconfirmed narratives until you completely glaze over: less so.
Knowing this about myself helped me manage the unceasing amount of feedback offered by everyone from doctors to bystanders. I limited myself to one book (Emily Oster’s Expecting Better, which is wonderful), a doctor I trusted, and small doses of the Wellesley pregnancy group. I still couldn’t stop myself from reading every op-ed about miscarriage and stillbirth, but I was able to process them as things I was choosing to read instead of a compulsion I could not turn off.
Pro tip: really think about how much information serves you. It can feel like knowing every little thing will make you an expert who is ironclad against any malady. That’s, unfortunately, not how it works.
Sending information out
Like information gathering, you’ll want to decide how, when, and who to share information with. Having a pandemic pregnancy gave me a lot more power over when I disclosed than I would have had normally—I was sick as hell and it would have been a first-month discussion at work rather than a third-month one. It has allowed others to have entire pregnancies in private, only announcing when the baby has been delivered.
I found it helpful to think of pregnancy updates in concentric rings: my husband and I in the innermost circle, immediate family and some friends next, wider friend group and extended family, and then everyone else. I didn’t have to give minute-by-minute updates to everyone in the world if I didn’t want to, and a quick “Oh actually that’s private” was usually enough to keep any especially nosy questions to a minimum.
There were people who surprised me with wanting to know much more, and some who heard “baby” and unsubscribed. Both are fine!
Pro tip: if at all possible, curate a group of friends who are far from having first kids so that you can be assured of a rapt audience of “WHAT can happen??” Plus, at least one friend with a recent kid who’s very organized who can tell you what’s helpful to buy and what is BS.
Particular pandemic weirdness (good and bad)
While it has been lonely, it has also been wonderfully private. Some particular strange markers:
It is very odd to go from several months of zero physical contact with anyone outside my apartment directly into an intravaginal ultrasound.
My husband is going to meet our doctor at the delivery, because no one except patients is allowed past the lobby at our practice.
I will likely not need to buy any maternity clothes, because my pandemic outfits of blousy shirts and stretchy pants to work from home will suit perfectly.
No one touches my stomach unless I want them to.
Remote birthing classes allow you to snicker as much as you’d like from the comfort of your couch.
Things I did not know and wish I had
The way they count how far along you are starts from the first day of your last period. That is not when you got pregnant, but is the easiest way to have a consistent range for all patients (who may or may not be tracking ovulation spikes).
It is normal to have spotting-level breakthrough bleeding at some point during your pregnancy. The books will tell you this. Your doctor will tell you this. I am telling you this now. It will not make a damn bit of difference, because the moment you see blood, you will panic and be certain you are having a miscarriage. No one will be able to convince you otherwise until you get checked out.
Your entire digestive system slows waaaay down to accommodate a pregnancy, and is part of the reason for nausea. I had heard that you will need to pee all the time, but hadn’t heard that you will almost entirely stop pooping. And then once a week, you will crap yourself inside out.
The placenta can grow wherever it wants, including smack-dab over your cervix. This offends me more than I can say. That’s where the baby needs to go out! (C-section is required in these cases)
A cesarean birth is a horizontal cut, like an envelope opening and then they squeeze the baby through it. I always pictured it vertical, like opening a book.
Acronyms are a minefield on pregnancy forums. For months, I read posts thinking “FTM” meant “female-to-male trans person” instead of “first-time mom.” Don’t be afraid to Google to keep your bearings, but also feel free to create your own—DH can be “Dear” or “Damn” Husband depending on context.
“Morning sickness” is a misnomer. It can happen all day. It can happen for your whole pregnancy, though most women see a gradual decrease after the first trimester. I’m mid-way through my third trimester, and still throwing up six times a day. If I had known that earlier, I would not have tried to “stick it out” for as long as I did: cooking meals from scratch, insisting that pre-packaged snacks were for wimps. If you are sick, get comfortable EARLY. You don’t get extra points or a better baby for staying miserable, so you might as well lean in to Couch and Cheese Central. If it clears up, great. If not, at least you’re not already tired from trying too hard.
Around 4% of babies are born on their due dates. Do not assume your third trimester will be the length you would like it to be. My doctor has proposed a 37 week induction (because of all the sickness and gestational diabetes). While that is technically full-term, that news was given to me in such a way that low-balled the panic of being A FULL MONTH EARLY. As in, LOSING A THIRD OF THE TRIMESTER.
The baby is lower than you may expect—actual location is generally half-way between navel and nethers. If you’re patting the top of a pregnant person’s stomach (with their permission), you are far away from where the kid is.
There is no good news during a pregnancy. The best you can hope for is continuing to meet the baseline. I am so much more understanding of gender reveal parties, because it is literally the only test result that you can have an opinion about. No ultrasound or blood test will come back with, “Congratulations, your child is gifted!” or “They’re going to be so good at tennis!” It is nine straight months of finding out you’re high risk or not for sickle-cell anemia or tuberculosis. I stopped writing them down after awhile because it felt like every one was, “Oh damn, I didn’t even know we were still concerned about that.”
“Round ligament pain” is the technical term for sharp, stabbing pain in your groin caused by all the ligaments in your hips and crotch helpfully loosening to allow for gestation and birth. This can start as early as 14 weeks, which one would think is way too fricking early for it, but nope. You’d be wrong. The general recommendation for this is to keep your knees together, to which I say, “That particular ship has left the harbor.”
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randomguywithwords · 4 years
As The Dust Settles: Chapter 19 (Geten X Dabi Slowburn)
Chapter 19: Old Chains
AO3 Link
Previous Chapters: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
The girl bowed and left the room in a hurry, nearly tripping over her feet as she did so. Geten watched her go, her lips pursed. Her behaviour reminded her of that messenger at her lodgings, but while she had smirked at the boy’s cowardice just a few days ago, she felt uneasiness coil around her stomach. 
Do they all look at me like that? How long has it been since I’ve been in the city? 
She rarely ever walked down a street, not having any need to with her cryokinesis. Transporting herself with her ice was much preferable to reducing herself by commuting alongside the other soldiers in the MLA. The few times she interacted with them...they always had the same look on their faces. 
She put those thoughts aside and returned to an even more unpleasant subject: the book in her hand that she had requested the girl bring to her. It was familiar to her like a mother to her infant. The same indented red cover with its engraving of the symbol of the MLA. The same title emblazoned with gold. 
Meta Liberation War. 
She knew the book back to front. If prompted by anyone, she could recite the pledge, the paragraphs or the sign off by Destro in a heartbeat. She had spent years memorising every key sentence, every declaration made by the founder of the Army she belonged to, and so on.
So why am I holding it in my hand?
Well, for one, she needed something to keep her distracted while she was stuck in the hospital ward, thanks to a certain fire-user and a dumb pact made just an hour or so ago. 
“Ok, five day hospitalisation, doc’s orders.” Dabi turned to leave the room. 
“No, I’m leaving tomorrow,” Geten shot back, crossing her arms. 
“Uh huh, because you’d be fully recovered, right?” 
She paused, searching for a retort. “You can’t make me stay here.”
Even to her, it sounded childish, and Dabi’s choked laughter told her he was thinking the same way. “Tell you what, what’s your favourite food?”
The question caught her off-guard. She blinked twice, wondering if that question came from him. “I don’t have one.”
“Bullshit. Everyone has one.”
“Unlike you, I’m not that much of an adolescent to show preferences for food. I eat whatever’s there.” 
“It’s something cold, isn’t it? Soba?” 
“How – wha –” She spluttered. “No, no it’s not.”
“You chill here until Friday, and I’ll get you soba.”
“Even if I did like it, I could just get it myself.” She was hoping her expression wasn’t betraying how much she liked the noodles. 
“Not in Deika City, obviously. You think this shithole has any good food?” 
“We can’t just leave –” Her exasperation was overpowered by his when he cut her off with, “Do you want the soba or not?”
A spasm of pain coursed through her ribs, causing her to wince. “Fine,” She muttered, and sat down on the bed. 
“See you Friday then. My god, you’re stubborn.” He left and shut the door. 
The memory, fresh in her mind, was oddly warming to think about, while the metal-engraved title of the book felt cold to the touch, pulling her back to the present. 
The second reason was repetition – too much of it, that is. She compared it to her mastery over her meta ability made it a part of her, that she barely gave a thought whenever she levitated ice. Likewise, she could recant any part of the book with no hesitance. But even though I speak the words out loud, how much thought have I given their meaning?
She flipped open the book. Destro’s words filled Geten’s head like a lullaby a parent might sing to their child, not that the young woman knew what that was like. 
“I am not in a prison. I am in solitude, and in this solitude have I found solace…” She read out loud to herself in the ward. It was habitual to do so, but as she kept reading, her voice trailed off as she studied it, and a growing void inside her gnawed at her heart. 
I dream of a society where the use of our meta abilities is uncontrolled, as the great power that granted the human race this blessing intended. It was, and is, and will always be, a gift. Yet it is also a responsibility to bear. We must show the world the truth the governments try to conceal. They pass human laws that goes against the natural law. I, and my army, tried to show them this truth, but it is with great regret and sorrow that I announce an obstacle in our path towards destiny. My incarceration. 
Strength is survival. Strength is our meta abilities, and honing them to perfection, achieving what we called “apotheosis” in the ancient past. To become god-like. 
“And yet, you died, Destro,” Geten murmured. “And still we...we honour and revere you…” The void grew larger. 
The journey unto death is one I will undertake after I finish writing this, but know that death is not the end for us. While I concede death is a frightening concept, I encourage you to believe that it is an inspiration for others. To die in battle is honourable. I only wish I had done so, but what has happened is set in stone. My death is a protest to the laws that chain us, but it is also your empowerment, to do what I could not. 
“Death,” Geten whispered, the word tasting like poison on her tongue. She remembered both times she was one thread away from it: the barrel of Trumpet’s gun pointed at her, and the fists of Takame. In the first, she was not in combat. It would have been an assassination, would it not? And in the second…
Her chest hurt at the thought. She felt no honour, only emptiness and fear, knowing what the Liberation Army had done to her attacker’s family, and knowing her death was imminent. 
Is it possible that Destro had feared death as well? 
The reminder about Takame’s wife brought her to flip the pages to the section on the powerless, or, as Destro put it...
It is not some genetic disorder as the men in white coats would tell you. They are simply the unfortunate ones to not have received this gift. Pity them, for they, the outcasts, deserve your pity. 
“Mihara…” She looked just like her. If she was wandering around Deika City, Geten would have thought she was some ordinary soldier. An ordinary person, even. How was she an outcast? Why did the MLA start hunting down the quirkless? Out of pity? They deserved it?
She slammed the book shut as the image of her dead body appeared in her mind. She drew deep breaths to calm herself – had she been hyperventilating this entire time? Her fists were trembling, blood pounding in her head in anger of it all. 
The agony was a python writhing on her chest while old memories resurfaced from the aching in her brain. She remembered what Re-destro taught her, and how he did it. 
A growl rose in her throat. 
Kicked. Starved. Left alone to fend for herself, in the name of “liberation”. Everything that she did. Everything that was done to me, was in the name of liberation, but it shackled me more and more. 
“Gah!” She flung the book across the room and buried her head in her hands. 
She sat there upright on the hospital bed for some time, the silence screaming all the answers she did not want to hear, but had to, to her. 
“You don’t find anything wrong with that?” Dabi had said on the plane. She remembered his countenance, a mixture of irritation and pity, whenever she spoke about the MLA. She had chalked it up to the arrogance of the victorious, or just a dislike of her, which was mutual then, so it never bothered her to think further. The pieces started to click together. 
“You dropped this.” A dry voice made her look up, and a paleness spread across her face like permafrost. 
Tomura Shigaraki stood at her doorway, dressed in a crimson jacket whose sleeves ran down his arms and black undershirt, whilst wearing jeans. He looked like any other ordinary person, if not for the severed hand on his face. In his hand was the book. 
Instantly, thoughts of a legless Re-destro, or the piles of dust that once were Shigaraki’s opponents flooded her mind. She gripped the bedsheets tightly. 
“Why are you here? And...I don’t need that.” Geten averted her eyes.
Shigaraki tossed it to the side and shut the door behind her. “I’m not here to kill you or anything, don’t shit yourself. I came here to see how you were doing. I gotta say, you look like you got broken up with.”
His words didn’t reassure her in the least, especially not the way he said ‘kill you’, but his posture didn’t indicate any animosity, so Geten took his word for it. Clearing her throat and steadying herself as best as she could, she responded, “I’m fine.”
“What’s with the book throw? Test tomorrow?” 
“No,” She replied with an edge to her voice. 
“You pissed?”
She exhaled. “Yes,” She said, mustering all the civility and politeness she had left. 
“How nice,” He said, the concern in his tone matching that of his expression. “Anyway, you’re free to do what you want now. I got nothing for Violet Regiment. You’re excused from the council meetings till you’re discharged, whenever the hell that is.”
She blinked. “That’s all?”
Shigaraki cocked his head. “What, you were expecting a celebration of your win?”
“No...never mind. Th – thank you, Commander.” She bowed her head. 
She heard the door slam and looked back up. She let loose a shuddering breath of relief from the sole fact that she was alive and not missing a limb, or an entire torso. He had looked more disinterested, as if she was an ant on his finger, but she would gladly accept that over a smiling Shigaraki. 
Did Dabi actually talk to him? She recalled the promise he had made on the motorbike ride.  
Maybe the consequences were waiting for her once her hospitalization was over, which made goosebumps appear on her skin. She held the sheets closer to her. Still, Shigaraki didn’t seem like the type to grant her catharsis before unleashing whatever hell he wanted upon her. If he was going to punish her, he would have done so just now. 
Geten sighed and sunk back underneath the covers. Or maybe I’m just lying to myself...
It was only mid-afternoon, judging from the sky outside, yet fatigue, both physical and mental, weighed her limbs down as if she had been training the whole day. The bed suddenly felt like the softest, most comforting thing in the world. Unable to fight against her body, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, her thoughts too cluttered to sift through. A few names and words stood out, one of which was, Find Dabi. 
Had some time to finish this up. Hope you liked it. 
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Hair...Issues! (My MtF~HRT Journey)
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One of the decisions you can make for yourself (not influenced by hormones) is allowing your hair to grow out on your scalp.
All of my life, I have kept my hair short because my career required it. Also, prior to my transition...I was raised in a military-style family, so all men were required to keep their hair short! I recall when I was just a child, trying to adjust to my transgender nature by allowing my hair to grow and I got about two inches when I was forced to have it all cut off. It was tradition and expectations that you had to live by (living with a Korean War vet can be difficult!).
After my grandfather passed away, the rules relaxed and I found that two inches of growth was about the maximum until my family would harp and vocalize their displease. Even during the first nine months of my transgender therapy, I battled with my up-brings, past career expectations and the generalization that ‘successful’ men had short, neat, hair. It wasn’t until this year that I decided that Mira did not have short hair, and after my adoptive family’s wedding in January of 2019, I ceased all ‘cutting’ of my hair and with it being now being six months...I have made history! This is the longest and ‘longest’ I have ever gone with out a haircut.
I am hoping that by the time of my SRS, my hair will be at its desirable length. Already I have had to re-learn how to manage my hair...hence this blog post: Hair...Issues!
One of my first changes I had to make in my 10th month of HRT was learning that a comb is useless when you have long, thick hair. Luckily I was gifted with fast growing, thick and silky hair...it is a family trait. All my life I have only combed my hair (or because it was so short...ignored it). Back in June of 2019, I would continue trying to comb my hair is it became utterly painful and pointless. My hair was just to thick for a comb and the comb itself was to flimsy!
So I had to go shopping for a hair brush...but what to get? My mother and sister use these large ‘shell-like’ brushes, my adoptive sister and mother use a thinner bristle-like brush. So I did not know what to get...and the options were numerous. So I picked up this:
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You would think that using a hair brush is pretty straight forward...and it is...to a point. It is styling that takes time...and I have been testing many styles to see which one I like. For example, a style I rarely use is in the picture at the beginning of this blog. Hair back is something my mom and sister do and even my adoptive mother adapts most of the time...but my hair does not like to be conditioned in this format.
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My unconscious conditioning of my hair is as above...broken down the middle with half going right and half going left. This was the hair style I have kept all my life...and is part of the ‘mental-idea’ that Mira is suppose to have...except she also has bangs in front, but at this moment, my bang hang over my eyes and nose...and having hair in your eyes is surprisingly painful! I certainly will have to decide what I am going to do with my bangs. Do I allow them to continue growing and sweep them aside as I do now or trim them to my brow? Bang’s take a long time to grow (including the forward sides over the temples, which seem to take forever!).
A word to the wise for any MtF individuals out there. When you decide to grow out your hair, I found the hair in the back grows the quickest, then the hair on top of the head, the bangs grow the third fastest (if you grow on two inches of hair, your bangs might only grow .5-1 inch). Lastly, the hair just front of the ears and behind the ears seems to grow the slowest. I had this area shaved in January of 2019 (before my final decision to let my hair grow, unimpeded) and it has only grown 3 inches since then. My bangs being 5.5 inches long and hair in the back being 6 inches long!
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 (4-25-2018) This was taken just prior to my hormone replacement therapy; and I can only wonder long much longer my hair would have been if I did not cut it three times since starting my transition.
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 (7-15-2019) Almost one year into my transition, my hair has most certainly have grown longer and surprisingly, as the months go by, it is also changing color. It has gone from dark brown to a brown/grey mixture with the hair over my temples being almost blonde. Ironically, light brown/blonde highlights is what I always envisioned myself having. So seeing the early stages of this transformation is amazing...I just am wondering...for eight years of my life, my hair was blonde/white (could that color be coming back?) Then again, I was deathly sick in those early years and as the cystic fibrosis makes every year now a milestone, my hair-color seems to be in the process of early graying. Then again, I was graying when I was in my 20s!
Nevertheless, it is amazing to watch my body transform into what I always felt it was suppose to be and watch something as simple as hair make dramatic changes; not only in color, but also texture.
Now, many sites will say that switching from male to female does not affect the ‘condition’ of the scalp hair; but in my experience, I don’t find that statement to be exactly accurate or true. Prior to my HRT, it isn’t uncommon to have a low count of estrogen in your blood and normal ranges of testosterone in the blood. For men in their 30s, the over production of DHT causes hair loss on the scalp, while the male hormone thickens the body hair until the testosterone levels drop and body hair begins to thin. We expect in FtM patients taking testosterone to notice a slowing of hair growth, and a increase of facial hair and body hair. By their 30s, they might begin experiencing hair loss (which is common in menopausal women in their 60s).
So if body hair patterns are determined by sex hormone and genetics, a patient who is male-to-female should expect seeing rapid hair growth and decreased hair growth over their body.
For one year, I have been on finasteride, to stop my DHT from furthering my hair loss on the front part of the scalp. Now, a few patients have claimed that finasteride had thickening their hair count by 10%; but I can not contest to those statistics as I started with abnormally thick hair. A few MfF patients also claim that finasteride and hormone therapy has started regeneration of damaged hair; I however have not been that lucky. If my regrowth was represented in a percentage, I’d say 3 percent. And the hair that did regrow is pure white.
As for the texture of my hair. I find it to be silky, but not oily as I was expecting. My hair has always been thin, which made styling a nightmare when it was short, but now, it seems to prefer a wavy pattern...but most of the time it just flies away! Over the months, I’ve noticed that the longer it becomes, the lighter it becomes. I am considering coloring to blend the lighter shades...however, I have no idea where the auburn color came from! I never had a hue of red before and now I seem to be taking on my sisters color of possibly strawberry blonde (although she has darken to a dark auburn in color).
If I am to add color to my hair, it would be to add more grey and blondes to even out the front blonding hair and the two-tone hair in the back. But at this moment, I am just fine with observing the changes and curious what colors I will end up with. 
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Currently, I have found a new style to keep my hair out of my eyes. For a few months, I’ve done my best to tolerate the bangs, but when I am outside and working, they fall into my eyes and obscure my vision. I first tried using clips, however, my hair is to silky for the clips to hold into place and I end up with hair and a clip in the eyes! Tried pins, but like the clips, it would not hold in place and slipped out with a few minutes. I was almost ready to butch cut the bangs myself for relief, but saw one of my ear-warmers I use in the winter when we had 3 feet of snow on the ground...and it worked wonders!
Wanting something more fashionable, I went to Bi-Mart to look at their hair products and looked at their hair bands and saw a picture of a lady with her hair swept back, the band keeping it out of her eyes and the product said ‘great for gym workouts’ and I was sold. I would try this product and see how it went. As seen in the image above and at the start of this blog, it comes interchangeable. With three colors: mosaic, light blue and navy blue. Two week later, my mother bought me a set of hairbands (orange, blue and white) and then three days before the fourth of July, I bought a red/white/blue headband.
I found my style! Lexie, my adoptive sister and one who has given me many fashion tips, told me that she too at one time used hairbands to restrain her hair, but found that it caused her hair to take on embarrassing styles and stopped using them. I understand what she means, I too have noticed that the bands do compress part of my hair while causing some hair to go upward. The second issue I’ve noticed that when I sweat (which isn’t hard for a CFer!), the band slips off. I am still learning techniques of placing the band in my hair to function the best...but so far, I am happy!
So, a new issue I am about to have to tackle is ‘what do I do with all this hair while I swim?’ I got my first taste of what is to come about a month ago when I was swimming underwater using a glide and dolphin kick and noticed that my hair kept getting in my face. Most of the time I don’t use goggles as I can see quite well underwater, however, the hair makes it difficult.
I really don’t want to have to use a swim cap and am thinking that the best solution in the long-term is to keep my bangs short and tie down my hair with something line vine or lashing. The other solution is: Get use to it! Wear’em goggles!
So far, I have not been back to the pool in about one month as I still am trying to mentally adjust after my last ordeal at the Silverdale YMCA. I want (I need) to get back into the water...when you have dreams of swimming, you know you need to go back!
In conclusion, to all the male-to-female transitioning individuals out there, don’t be afraid to experiment and enjoy the process. The one thing I have learned about my transformation is that it is a one-way trip...every pain, every change is all leading to a lifetime of discovery. Like the horrors of puberty, it is a moment in our lives where we literally transform from one creature and into another. The same is with MtF and FtM: this is your second puberty! We all get to experience something that 90 percent of the population will never...living to our fullest potential, becoming the person we want to be and not the person we are expected to me.
   -- Mira Carleen
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deanslittlebitch · 5 years
Battling My Elements - Chapter Two
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: After finding a girl abandoned in a HYRDA facility, the Avengers bring her home with them, trying to re-integrate her into the world. Her quick wit and no bull-shit attitude catch the eye of a certain metal-armed super-soldier. Will she let them in, or will she shy away? Afterall, it is easier to be lonely.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Medical talk? Is that a warning?
A/N: Sahhhh dudes, chapter two all done and dusted. I also changed the title, the old one…well it sucked. I don’t really know what specific days I’ll be posting chapters, but I write on days that I’m not working so I don’t really have a set schedule. But I will try to write after work and when inspiration hits. So, yeah! Enjoy!
Favourites Masterlist
Chapter One - Chapter Three
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Bucky lies on the floor of the quinjet, panting slightly. Steve rushes over to his friend quickly, asking him in a rushed tone if he’s okay. He reassures the mother hen that he’s fine and slowly starts to sit up.
He looks to his right to see the young girl laying over his arm and quickly picks her back up, carefully placing her on the medical bed. Bruce rushes over along with Tony as the pair quickly get to work on the unconscious female.
Quickly flicking his eyes over his teammates, he checks to see if everyone is alive and well, that they didn’t lose anyone. This mission was a dangerous one, Tony had got word from some of his sources that the HYDRA base they just raided, had been practising in illegal human experimentation. You know, the usual HYDRA stuff, but instead of trying to replicate the super-soldier serum, Bruce Banner’s gamma radiation transformation or even Wanda’s powers. They went old school, following in Red Skull’s footsteps. They wanted to possess the powers of the Gods.
Red Skull’s extreme failure at possessing their power didn’t put this division off. They dove headfirst into this project. Word is that HYDRA bought ‘DNA samples’ of the Gods, anything they could get their hands on really. A lock of hair from Ares, the God of War, to a fingernail from Hades, King of the Underworld and God of the Dead. Everyone thought it was a farfetched story but then Tony pointed out, they new Thor, the literal God of Thunder so the team started taking the threat more seriously.  
That’s how they ended up here, Peter nursing a black eye and bloody eyebrow, Sam relocating his shoulder with the help of Thor, and Wanda struggling to get up off the floor. Seeing her struggle, Bucky quickly rounded the bed to help her to her feet and into a seat.
Crouching in front of her, hands resting on her knees, he asked: “How are you doing, Champ?”  
“I’m fine,” she said shaking her head at him and leaning her head against the wall behind her. “The escape just used most of my energy.”
Seeing the concern in his eyes, she smiled slightly and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Barnes, I’ll be fine, nothing a couple of days of rest won’t fix.”
Nodding his head slightly, he turned and moved out of Vision’s way when he said he’ll look after her. He walked back to the science bro’s wanting to see if their rescued girl was OK.
Getting a look at the girl, he realised he hadn’t got a good look at her between the vines swallowing her at their first meeting and running for the jet from the attack of said vines. The soldier looked at the girl with deep fascination as Tony and Bruce analysed a projected scan of what he guessed was of the girl, that was projected on Tony’s wristwatch. She was quite beautiful. She was dressed in old, dirty camo green pants and black long-sleeve top, feet bare. Her pale complexion and blue tint were slightly concerning but was being rectified by an emergency insulation blanket. She had cuts and bruises littered over her face and Bucky guessed, the rest of her body, the worst being a deep cut through her eyebrow. Her hair was slightly oily and matted from not washing. But she still looked ethereal laying on that bed.
“What in the flying fuck, is that?”, Bucky heard from the science bros.
His head whipped to them quickly, causing his to quickly make his way over to the pair, “What’s wrong?”
Bruce scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, hands fiddling with the pen in his glove-laced hands. Tony transferred the hologram to the table and rubbed both his eyes with his now, free hands.
“Well,” Bruce said pointing to the hologram of the girl, “Her genetic structure makes no sense, I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
Confused, Bucky asked, “What do you mean?”
Sighing, Bruce presses a button on the board, causing red and blue lines to form through the body.
“You see how these blue and red lines are running through the body?”, he looks towards Bucky questioningly, which he replies with a small nod.
“Well, these are veins we would find in a normal human being.”
“Normal?”, Bucky questions.
Bruce nods in confirmation and says, “Well this is what we found in her.”
He presses the same button again; the blue and red lines are replaced by glowing silver lines.
What? Bucky tilts his head to the side, wondering what the fuck is going on.
“Exactly,” Tony says, noticing his confusion, “What the fuck, right?”
“What does it mean?”, Bucky asks.
Both the geniuses shrug, “We have no idea,” Bruce says.
‘This girl must be an experiment’, Bucky thinks.
“What if the rumours were true? What if HYDRA god their hands on actual God DNA and tried to fuse it with her DNA?”, Bucky questions.
“Tony? Bruce? You might want to see this,” Nat calls out.
Bucky turns to see her holding the files they acquired from the base, with Steve looking over her shoulder, the stolen satchel, open in his hands. He walks over to the pair looks at the files over her other shoulder. On the pieces of paper, he sees a weird twisted ladder diagram, a bunch of jumbled words and handwritten notes littering the page.
“What the hell?”, he questions.
“You see that there?”, she says pointing to the twisted ladder with ‘C’, ‘G’, ‘A’, ‘T’, printed on the rungs. “This is the human DNA code; this is what our DNA is made of.”
“OK…”, Steve says, a confused expression gracing his features.
“Well, these chemical compounds over here.” She says pointing to the jumbled words, “They aren’t even compounds. They don’t exist.”
Tony quickly snatches the piece of paper from her and looks at it himself, whilst Bruce leans in to see what’s on it. They both scan their eyes over the page, looking at the non-existent compounds. Tony nods, confirming Nat’s observation, and passes the page over to Bruce.
He looks at it closely, reading the page and stops pointing at one, “Wait, that’s not true. There’s one here that we know of.”
“What is it?”, questions Nat.
“It’s Vibranium.”    
The group stare at the Doctor in shock. HYDRA’s got their hands on Vibranium now, but it makes sense. Vibranium is the most versatile component in the world, they would have some if they were involved in human experimentation. They have proof of the fact right behind them, tending to Wanda.
“What the fuck have they done to her?”, Tony asks, turning to the girl behind him.
Bruce shrugs anxiously, “God knows, but it couldn’t have been anything good.”
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After returning home and changing out of their tactical gear, the team minus Bruce and Tony, sit in conference room of Avengers Compound. All waiting on answers and trying to figure out what the hell they just brought home.  
“What do you think happened to her?”, questions Peter as he packs his Spider-Man suit into his school backpack.
Clint who’s sitting at the table, fiddling with one of his arrowheads, shrugs at the young spider and says, “We have no idea kid, that’s why Tony and Bruce have been with her so long. They still haven’t found out what HYDRA did to her.”
The kid furrows his brows in sorrow and feels deep sadness for what the girl may have had to endure. Knowing HYDRA, they would have most likely tortured her and done extensive experiments on her, not caring for her comfort.
Bucky shifts uncomfortably in his seat, thinking the same thing and remembering his experience whilst in HYDRA’s possession. He was under their thumb for nearly seventy years and they tortured him in so many ways. From whipping, burning, inducing hallucinations, anything they could think of really. But he soon became immune to them which forced them to brainstorm other ways of torture and control. They then tried electrocution. That, mixed with wiping his mind, seemed to hurt him the most and he didn’t form immunity to it, so it stuck. Just thinking about it now makes the soldier shiver causing him to rub his hands against his thighs. He uses it as a grounding effect, it reminds him that he’s no longer there.
He watches as Steve stands at the head of the table, shifting through files in front of him. To his left are Wanda, Vision, Nat and Sam as they talk in a small group. Across the table are Rhodey who’s writing in a report, Peter and Thor who are talking between themselves, and Clint who has finished with his arrows and is putting them back in their quiver.  
The door opens and everyone quietens down as Tony and Bruce make their way into the room.
“Well?”, Steve questions, “What’d you find?”
Tony sits down at the table as Bruce flicks through the clipboard in his hands and starting with his diagnosis, “After extensive testing and research we found that she has foreign... irregularities in her genetic makeup, but that was what we expected after the scan that we did back in the jet.”
“What irregularities?”, Steve asks.
“Her genetics have been mutated using the Vibranium, which helped her body accept foreign bodies. It seems that her genetics have been fused with someone else’s, if not multiple people. Our best guess is that HYDRA was trying to create enhanced individuals and they were using her to do so.”
Bucky’s stomach drops at the thought, if it was anything like what Wanda had told them about how she got her powers, then she must have gone through tremendous pain.
“Whose DNA is hers infused with?”, asks Nat, her hand resting on her chin.
“That’s the thing, we don’t know,” answers Tony. “That girl was given a DNA cocktail, using the files we found outside her cell, we could guess a couple individuals whose DNA is now mixed with hers”
The billionaire stood and moved to the head of the table, where Steve was and continued explaining. “You know how we raided the base because we got work that HYDRA was buying ‘Godly DNA’ off the black market?”
The room collectively nodded, a couple letting out a quite ‘yeah’.
“Well, we tested the vials we got, and we compared the results with Thor’s to check if they were divine.” He reached up to the sunglasses that were on his face and pulled them off, playing with them in his hands. “We found that her DNA has been fused with several different God’s.”
Everyone was quiet as they tried to process the information. This girl, who is unconscious in the med bay three floors above them, has the DNA of the Gods in her.
Thor recovers first and asks, “Do you know which God’s?”
“Yes, we’ve found two,” answers Bruce. “Using the files found in the base, we think she has the DNA of Gaea, who’s the Goddess of Earth and is considered as the Great Mother of all creation. Which would explain why the vines were wrapped around her when we found her, and why they followed when we escaped.”
The Doctor hesitates to say the next set of genes and begins to fiddle with his glasses, causing Tony to take over, “We also think she has the DNA of Ares. The God of War.”
Everyone is deathly silent as a storm starts to rage outside, the harsh patter of rain against the windows and the crash of thunder filling the room.
“So, she has that Gaea chick’s DNA in her and that means she can control nature, right?”, Peter questions, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees. Tony nods, agreeing with him.
The teen nods and then continues, “Then what can she do if she has Ares’ genes in her?”
Tony shrugs and says, “We won’t know until she wakes up.”
Steve sighs next to him, folding his arms over his chest “Alright, if you don’t what she is, did you at least find out who she is?”
Tony scratches his chin and says, “FRIDAY searched over all government data bases, police files, hospital records, we even looked on social media but found nothing. She’s a ghost.”
“How do we find out who she is?”, asks Bucky.
Tony points at him with his folded-up sunglasses and says, “That, my dear Frozone, will have to wait until she wakes up.” 
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beekeeperofeden · 6 years
Fic: Prophylaxis
Wordcount: 1405 Summary: Space Opera AU. Vierna wonders sometimes if the flaws of the old jumpships have fallen wholly out of human memory; Jarlaxle would know, perhaps, but she daren't turn his mind to the question if it isn't already there. Takes place between But Only So An Hour and Underbelly. [Warnings for canon-typical drow sexism.]
It is a warning known to every every cosmonaut—when you sail the stars and go through a wormhole, you are forever changed.
Forever lasts until the next wormhole.
Before long, humans had developed better travel, faster travel, that didn't require them to send their sailors through rips in the fabric of reality. But the old wormhole-jumpers had never been mothballed, and there were still a few ships out there with the capability, with old engines that can't run along the stars but can skip right through them.
But the old ships grew rarer and rarer as human captains became skittish about their fatal flaw:
When you go through a wormhole, reality reverses itself. You reverse yourself. You come through backwards, down the molecular structure. Your DNA goes widdershins in your blood, and your proteins flip symmetry. You went in right-handed, and you come out right-handed still—but you return to a universe of lefties.
When the body digests malformed proteins—prions—it fails to understand them, then tries to incorporate this failure into its entire being. Men have died with seafoam on their lips and whalesongs in their head trying to bring the universe into a body not ready for it.
After you go through a wormhole, the entire universe becomes incomprehensible, a file your body can't read. All food becomes poison, unless it's gone through the wormhole with you, been translated into protein that is compatible with your new hardware.
And then you go through another wormhole, and the sinister universe rights itself.
To compensate, most pre-faster-than-light fleets had rules about never stopping after an odd wormhole. Battle maps and trade routes went by the rules of two by two by two. Sailors followed this guide for centuries, for so long that, even today, many space captains with faster-than-light engines still take a short break during their journey, long enough to pause the ship, to study a nebula, to wait—what they're waiting for, they don't know.
Some of the older fleets, of course, still use wormhole technology. The universe does not throw away a tool that works. Evolution does not invent so much as it recycles—vestigial traits linger, are given new purpose, until they become necessary again.
The drow fleets, for example, depend on wormhole jumping. They could switch over to faster-than-light—even galactic sanctions are not so powerful as to keep them limited to obsolete spaceflight—but the matriarchs find it a useful tether on their ship-captains. Two by two by two, they say. Two by two by two is eight, and our lady abhors odd numbers. Oddity is for heretics.
Heresy is punishable by death, and death conveniently applies itself to any captains (and their crews) who may have ventured off the carefully cultivated map. The drow matriarchs, every one trained in genetics and bioenegineering, must surely know the real cause of the Death of the Heretic, but they find it more convenient to hide that fact.
They have built control into their sons' blood, carved obedience into their bones. But power held loosely is apt to slip out of grasp, and tools, however crude, should not be simply abandoned. Not when they work.
In a shielded bubble, hidden in the shadow of a crater on the scarred surface of Lloth's eighth moon, Vierna the houseless, formerly of House Do'Urden, frowned at a microscope and studied her brother's blood.
"This is the only sample?" she asked. She didn't look at Jarlaxle. If she looked at him, she would be able to tell that he was lying. If she caught him lying, she would have to do something about it.
Better not to know. If she were of House Baenre or Del'Armgo or even Mizzrym, she could send soldiers or spies to search his base and confiscate any material. But it's just her. She has no soldiers, no spies. His base is also her base, her laboratory and home.
By not asking, she may have made it easier for him to commit blasphemy, but she couldn't solve that right now.
Later, she promised herself. When she's redeemed herself and her name to the great houses, she will have the power to undo whatever damage she has allowed Jarlaxle to do.
"Of course." He perched on a counter, boot heels kicking against the cupboard doors. He could have been a coddled child sitting on a kitchen counter, not in a bioengineering laboratory with rigid expectations for safety and protocol.
Vierna reminded herself that she couldn't just kick him out or tell him to get his ass off the counters. It was, technically speaking, Jarlaxle's lab.
Why was he still here? Vierna squinted at the blood, barely seeing it.
He wouldn't ask what she had found, surely. That would be too bold, even for him. So, she told herself—he was lingering in hopes that she might let some information slip. He would be looking for the same thing she was, no doubt—the key to her brother's survival away from Menzoberranzan's atmosphere—but all of his researchers were male. Even if they had the training to know what they were looking at, they wouldn't be as good. He needed a real bioengineer to tell him what there was—he needed Vierna.
She smirked.
"Get off the counter."
He swung his boots up onto the opposing counter instead, ignoring how it made the glassware clink. Vierna felt her smirk fade.
"Dinin told me you haven't allowed anyone into the lab for months. I thought that surely you would appreciate the company."
"Dinin may appreciate your company." Far too much, by Vierna's reckoning, but she had long ago accepted her brother's limitations. "I appreciate your absence more."
"You wound me." He sounded pleased, though, and Vierna knew that he enjoyed her company as little as she did his.
"What else did you find?" She was aware that Jarlaxle had raided several human labs before acquiring this sample, and still had the stolen computers. Trying to pry answers out of simple machines was a mundane task, suitable for the male researchers. Their minds were too shallow to grasp the fractal complexities of biology, but the binary simplicity of humanity's machines seemed to suit them well.
"Nothing yet."
He was lying again. She decided to allow it. After all, the truly important knowledge, the real answers, were in right front of her, in a language only she could read.
Finally he took the hint and left, abandoning her to blessed silence. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the darkness calm her mind, before going back to examining the blood sample.
She had expected some kind of cludge. A sturdy virus that would keep his immune system too busy to destroy vital organs. Or a hatchet job, cutting out the entire immune system—which would leave him vulnerable to many other diseases, but would stop him from dying immediately. Instead she found a work of art. She studied the sequence that had been grafted onto the end of the strand.
She was humming, she realized, tracing holy geometry on the countertop with her fingers.
The new genetic sequence was a work of art, modulating the subject's immune response rather than distracting it or cutting it out entirely. Whoever had done the work had built in a response to the signals that organ failure would send to the rest of the body, telling the immune system to reduce activity if the liver or kidneys or lungs started to die. Vierna felt her breath catch in the way that sudden understanding always granted—the solution was elegant. Beautiful, in its own heretical way.
She started planning viruses to counter it—and it would have to be viruses, because the kind of intensive gene re-writing to undo it would require custody of her brother, which she did not have. Perhaps if she keyed it to attack the organs first, it could make the immune system surrender without a fight...
She started growing a copy of the blood for testing purposes, then kept studying it. It was the work of an hour to prepare a cludge-virus that would accomplish the task.
She frowned, considering how brute-force that approach seemed. It seemed wrong, to use such a blunt instrument to destroy such delicate work. She felt like a virus was the right approach, but perhaps she could make it neater. Something a little more elegant, to show respect for her anonymous counterpart.
She tossed the first version in an incinerator and began again.
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hair vitamins for Dummies
My dilemma in your case is….compared to Ultrax, it would appear much less expensive to utilize a mix of Lipogaine Significant five and Nizoral. Is there a huge dropoff in outcomes by using the latter selection? We mentioned it previously: whilst numerous hair loss shampoos assert for being the actual offer, some fall within the facet of snake oil. It’s frequently tough to type throughout the numerous critiques to learn what’s pretend and what’s not. As https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ know hair is mainly made up of proteins, and lack of protein will gradual the hair growth, and may even bring about brittle hair. Iron is an additional important nutrient for wholesome hair growth. I have menopause now my hair is thining and possess bald sopts any ideas for a home solution thank you. I’m inclined to employ Ultrax Labs’ Hair Surge. Am i able to utilize it day to day? I've oily hair and if I don’t wash my hair day to day, they look dirty And that i also don’t come to feel snug. - Samiksha Shambharkar. The technique at Labelle has changed my texture and high-quality. I now have a healthier and lengthy hair. Honest thanks to Labelle hair clinic for this transformation. Most hair and hair loss gurus agree that you can start utilizing hair loss shampoo as soon as you recognize a loss of hair. Effectively in excess of half of all Guys expertise hair loss by age 35 and several Some others by age 21. The underside line: there’s no rationale to attend. Baldness occurs if the stem cells stay inactive for a long time. But, with stem cell therapy, the very long lifeless hair follicles are stimulated to beat baldness. Besides topical growth treatments like Rogaine, the regular utilization of a top rated-rated shampoo for hair loss and regrowth can promote follicles, moisturize your scalp, end dandruff, and generally aid the growth of thicker and fuller hair although protecting against it from falling out. Pull exam. Your health care provider gently pulls quite a few dozen hairs to view the number of appear out. This can help establish the stage of the shedding system. While there is certainly some sign that a concoction of lavender oil, thyme, rosemary and cedar could be valuable, we nevertheless will need extra analysis to understand obviously. I colour my hair and constantly make use of a Sulfate-free of charge shampoo to retain the colour. Do have a selected instructed brand for shade addressed hair? No less than per month needless to say. But I’d always give at the very least 6 months ahead of I’d Consider any hair loss merchandise. Together with these essentials, this good quality shampoo is hypoallergenic, sulfate and paraben-absolutely free, and is manufactured without any harsh chemical substances or irritants. The outcome is always that it restores the natural pH equilibrium of one's scalp and stimulates growth.
5 Essential Elements For hair fall
Whilst factors such as age, genetics and hormones also have an affect on hair growth, optimal nutrient intake is essential. The most recent investigate exhibits that there's a Considerably larger than ordinary proportion of white blood cells (immune system cells) and antibody clusters (Immunoglobulin) within the hair follicles of young balding Gentlemen then Guys with full heads of hair. I am able to’t go into all the details in this article, but I would like to offer you a transient overview of the 2nd motive. HairLossRevolution.com owns and operates the Grogenix model. This website will make money by offering hair care products. The researchers powering this tests are currently pushing for phase three scientific tests on the drug, even though success from period two ended up definitely promising. The value of Nizoral is that it is a triple risk – it protect against hair loss and dandruff when comprehensively cleansing your hair and scalp and also blocking androgen receptors that can lead to thinning. If you think that your hair thinning or balding stems from lousy care, then Pure Biology can assist prevent even more hair loss and promote healthy growth. Supply. As will be to be envisioned, The mix treatment proved to generally be the simplest at enhancing hair count, and also hair mass (not revealed in the above mentioned graph). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA6vWbDFAZY ’re worried about dropping your hair, and you would like an easy and straightforward way to stop, and even reverse your hair loss with a hundred% certainty and good results fee. However, you'll find limitless merchandise in existence that assure unrealistic benefits, only to depart you let down. When exploring the very best shampoos for hair loss, here are a few components to keep in mind. I will reveal below the exact treatment to pinpoint the foods teams you will be allergic to and they are producing and rushing up your hair loss. Clearly ingesting more alkaline foods and less acidic kinds might help to shift the body back into it’s natural alkaline condition and safeguard the scalp from extra DHT. When you are seriously interested in therapeutic your microbiome, and also need to kick-commence the alkalisation course of action then I would really advise a vegetable juice fast detox. Looking at https://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-Hair-Loss grow naturally together your hairline, feeling the hair thicken, building up with just the occasional hair about the pillow are very motivating to carry on.
Top hair loss Secrets
Like with any hair loss solution, every one responds various to various persons. What will work for one might not function for an additional so for those who are going to pay for any hair loss merchandise, ensure You will find there's a refund warranty so you don't squander your hard earned money. so happy I'd stumbled on this site, fantastic recommendations inside the short article and within the comments.. many thanks ya’ll. Treatment is often solely behavioral. One has to note the actions and after that consciously quit. Serious or resistant scenarios may possibly demand strain counseling having a therapist or psychologist or medical treatment that has a psychiatrist. Several antidepressant or anti-nervousness prescription drugs may help using this type of affliction. It works internally, at the basis from the lead to. Therefore, via stepto remedies to read the full post during the front and top rated on the scalp don’t need to struggle off just about just as much DHT. These items is the real deal and the outcome won’t go unnoticed – just request the 5000+ reviewers on Amazon. Health-related specialists should distinguish hair loss from breakage in the hair shaft from hair loss due to diminished hair growth. Following replication, they inject it again into your scalp in which it is required. via steptoremedies.com has done a section one medical trial and can enroll a hundred and sixty male participants with mild to reasonable hair loss for his or her Section two demo. In other news RepliCel declared a investigation collaboration with College of British Columbia. They intention is to create a map with protein and gene expression of hair follicle cells that will help RepliCel even further enhance their mobile therapies i.e. hair loss avoidance merchandise. Alternatively, whisk an egg and add just one cup of milk, two tablespoons of additional-virgin olive oil, as well as juice from fifty percent a lemon to it. Implement it with your scalp and leave it on for twenty to 30 minutes prior to washing it out and shampooing your hair. Use warmth only when you Completely need to to get a Particular event. In any other case, Allow your hair air dry and magnificence it without the need of utilizing warmth instruments. Curry leaves are a typical cooking ingredient for folks native to India’s subtropical and tropical locations. The curry leaves are... As a kid I've applied Meera hair wash powder and it has constantly aided preserve hair problems at bay.Even so I'm worried to employ it once again lately as the standard has changed over time with addition of sulfates. Vegans and vegetarians commonly try to eat a lot less protein than meat eaters, because you will find less protein-significant options. In the event you’re vegan or vegetarian, shell out close attention towards your protein consumption to be sure you’re having just as much as you will need. You can find number of Negative effects with Rogaine. The main challenge using this treatment is the necessity to hold implementing it a few times each day, and most Gentlemen get Sick and tired of it just after some time. Additionally, minoxidil tends to work significantly less properly on the front of The pinnacle, which can be where baldness bothers most Adult males. Inadvertent software to your face or neck pores and skin could cause undesirable hair growth in All those regions. Common balding (androgenetic alopecia) happens in Males and women and it is due to impact of testosterone metabolites in genetically inclined hair follicles.
This refers to the habitual pulling or twisting of one's possess hair. The scalp and eyelashes tend to be afflicted. Contrary to alopecia areata patches, which happen to be completely clean, hair patches in trichotillomania show broken-off hairs. Ultrax hair surge shampoo is surprisingly economical considering the benefits it provides. This shampoo was rated in 2016 as among the best shampoos for facilitating hair growth. The key here is micro blended caffeine. During https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw , we insert two extra matters: pure honey and castile soap. Honey is a wonderful moisturiser and provides luster to uninteresting hair. While castile soap is really a natural cleaning soap made from plant oils and it is free of awful preservatives, colours and perfumes. So I acquired the aloe Vera juice, and only immediately after having back again home did I recognize you will discover preservatives in it. It has sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. It also has some sorbitol. Find out how using a vitamin D deficiency can add to hair loss and what you are able to do to take care of healthy vitamin D levels in The body. Occasionally the immune method assaults only the hair bulb. In such a case, the hair follicles regenerate once the immune procedure is introduced under Manage. Given that the name indicates, this hair growth shampoo contains the key component as soya protein and it is ideal for conditioning of the hair and the scalp. Toni & Man is speculated to be one of several top notch firms for hair care and something which is a short while ago easily available during the Indian marketplaces. hair loss in women gained’t locate any sulfates, parabens, or other severe substances that can exacerbate hair loss With this product. The ingredients are all natural and holistic, for instance apple cider vinegar, black castor oil, Shea butter and keratin proteins. The Shea butter moisturizes the scalp and also the keratin strengthens the roots of the hair. In the majority of mild cases, sufferers can certainly address up or comb around the afflicted areas. In additional intense and Long-term situations, some clients have on hairpieces; nowadays, some men shave their complete scalp now that this search has become trendy. Recently, investigators have famous some valuable ends in tiny teams of people with extensive alopecia areata or alopecia totalis with a JAK1/two inhibitor, baricitinib (Olumiant). Prolonged-phrase studies are underneath way. Pregnancy may possibly cause several improvements from the scalp hair. Because the hormones fluctuate all through pregnancy, a lot of women really feel their hair thickens and will become fuller. We know that all hair loss is not really a result of biological variables which include aging. Most cases of delicate hair loss are brought on by environmental factors, like making use of shampoos with harsh and harmful chemical compounds like sulfates and parabens. Just Natural hair loss shampoo features a completely natural and organic formula that cleans hair without the usage of Terrible chemical substances. Anyone struggling from this problem may well lose all of the hair. This however is often a temporary affliction and the hair might grow again following a several years. Though there's no guarantee. Have you been performing ideal by your skin? Go ahead and take Skin and Makeup Quiz to find out how to take advantage of of your attractiveness program.
The 2-Minute Rule for hair loss
Questions abound regarding the efficiency of hair growth vitamins and health supplements, which includes The main 1: Do they work? Look into the evaluations of shoppers who attempted a particular product or service. Note, https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ should be regarded with skepticism, but you have to be in a position to get a good idea of what products deliver effects and they are well-known sellers. Sure other lessons of medication may also market hair loss. Extra prevalent among the them are particular blood thinners as well as blood-tension prescription drugs often known as beta-blockers. Finasteride (manufacturer title Propecia) is definitely the closest to the hair loss cure capsule that scientists have uncovered up to now. This is the DHT hair loss cure. DHT is produced when 5 alpha reductase converts testosterone, and Propecia has actually been uncovered to get a powerful inhibitor of DHT by stopping this method from occurring. Glashofer states. However, this frequent taking part in and pulling can in fact strip your head of its natural defense: hair. Trichotillomania usually begins prior to the age of seventeen and it is four instances as widespread in women as in Adult men. We persuade you to definitely comment and Convey your view. It’s often a delight to hear your ideas, and also respond to any queries You may have. Hair affirmation is a robust Resource that assists you are worried fewer and treatment greater in your hair. You are able to develop your very own affirmation and visualize oneself obtaining it. Coconut oil will work the ideal for my type of hair. I have thick hair so if you have thick hair also I might advise to work with coconut oil. I observed cause about 2 weeks. They then will have to choose between two paths: therapeutic the skin (generating epidermis) or making hair. It is actually there exactly where Follica sees the window of possibility, the place they could stimulate the cells to do the latter and regenerate new plus more hair. As we know hair is especially composed of proteins, and lack of protein will slow the hair growth, and may even trigger brittle hair. Iron is yet another crucial nutrient for wholesome hair growth. Join our mailing listing and get the most up-to-date news about developments in hair loss prevention engineering. We keep our visitors up-to-date on what is Functioning, what's not, and what is around the horizon. I am on Birth Command, but I by no means realized how many facet has an effect on there are actually… I hope these assist, my hair I wan to grow it out a whole lot extended. Why you need to avoid hair dyes: Synthetic hair dyes contain severe chemical compounds for example ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which may irritate the scalp and lead to pressure on hair follicles. Risk-free to make use of on even probably the most delicate skin, this effective method stays on your scalp until all of the active elements – caffeine, ketoconazole, and saw palmetto – are absorbed. Consequently none of the product or service will go to waste or get washed away ahead of offering utmost therapy.
The best Side of hair growth shampoo
Your efforts to spice up hair growth will not likely enjoy good final results if you have fundamental problems just like a thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, Continual disease, or maybe a severe an infection. home remedies via steptoremedies retain our viewers current on what's Operating, what is actually not, and what's within the horizon. Regardless of whether or not it's a review of the next new issue, or progress towards a hair loss cure, you'll be the 1st to understand. Hi Domen, did https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+regrowth accustomed to advise ArtNaturals Argan Oil shampoo? I bought this another working day as I shed all my hair as a result of chemo and drugs and even though it has grown back it is way thinner now. The way you brush your hair is additionally really significant as tough and consistent brushing can cause Actual physical damage to your hair. Be especially mindful any time you detangle damp hair, as maximum harm and hair loss can materialize then. With often oiling your hair and these natural tips may help you attain for a longer time hair only if you are dependable and affected person. As on your issue, I don’t think It might be a huge dropoff in the slightest degree. I suspect it would largely be described as a comfort aspect. In that scenario, I'd advise you employ Nizoral 2 times a week (e.g. on Wednesday and Sunday) and use Lipogaine Large five as your “typical” shampoo. You could stimulate hair growth by maintaining nutritious hair by way of a excellent diet plan and proper hair care. Certain herbs will help make your hair grow faster, also. Well-known hair growth items and natural remedies for hair loss Hair loss ordinarily takes place once the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. In addition, These are the key ingredients you should see in almost any shampoo that’s alleged to quit hair loss, promote growth and block the effects of testosterone on follicles. Saw Palmetto is a little plant that offers a lot of Positive aspects, one among which requires blocking five-alpha-reductase, an enzyme in the body that converts testosterone to DHT. The parents at Ultrax Labs are self-assured sufficient that you just’ll see final results from Hair Surge that they offer a ninety-working day a refund assure. They don’t make plenty of solutions – only three inside their overall portfolio – but they may have a firm perception in their formulation. No less than per month for sure. But I’d usually give a minimum of six months in advance of I’d evaluate any hair loss products. SLS is a standard ingredient in personalized care products and solutions like soaps, shampoos, and toothpaste. It’s an affordable and productive foaming agent. It might cause discomfort in uncommon situations, but it really shouldn’t be an issue for that vast majority. The shampoo includes one% ketoconazole and is similar value as Lipogaine, Utilised everyday, that may seem to get rid of the necessity for introducing Nizoral for the weekly routine. Curious to listen to Whatever you learn about that solution. Thanks once more!!! Since there are plenty of kinds of hair loss, acquiring the result in is often hard. This assessment will include the most typical will cause of hair loss developing on regular unscarred scalp pores and skin. The health-related phrase for hair loss is alopecia.
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At the end of this segment I’ll provide you with why exercise routines and massages assistance to encourage blood circulation drastically and thereby may also help reverse (cure) hair loss. And In case your hair dry hair, frizzy with flyaways there’s a natural strategy to relaxed them down — use a depart-in conditioner. You don’t have to have any extravagant makes. We recommend the selfmade Variation in the Equilibrium Program. The Scalp Elixir can result in discomfort straight away pursuing a dermarolling session, so you ought to wait around at the least eight hrs ahead of making use of for the scalp. "I believed I'll by no means have healthy and thick hair. I failed to endure with my hair graft.. I bought the identical results, for less than a cup of espresso! I look and feel terrific!" Every time I lose hair -when oiling or combing- I affirm that a new and balanced hair will grow as an alternative. Considering that DHT is in a roundabout way inhibited, Consequently testosterone and DHT amounts in the human body are remaining unaffected. Of course, genes are concerned. (You’re additional likely to go bald if you father and your mom’s father and so forth. can also be bald.) But what is https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ 's that it is a ‘genetic predisposition.’ What I’ve composed on this page to curing hair loss is only the start of the path to naturally regrowing your hair. Once again, oils like coconut and almond make an excellent leave-in conditioner. To utilize: Have a few drops of oil and rub it involving your palms and implement to damp or dry hair (averting the roots) and leave in. The catagen phase, often known as the transitional phase, will allow the follicle to, in a sense, renew itself. During this time, which lasts about two weeks, the hair follicle shrinks as a consequence of disintegration as well as papilla detaches and "rests," chopping the hair strand off from its nourishing blood source. Signals sent out by your body (that only selectively have an impact on 1 per cent of all hair of 1's overall body at any supplied time) identify if the anagen stage ends as well as the catagen phase starts. When you have been using great/sharp tooth plastic combs can be it’s time and energy to rethink a wood choice. And properly-performed Should you have currently carried out it Methods to use: You should utilize amla juice with coconut oil or amla oil for just a head therapeutic massage. It's also possible to incorporate some amla powder inside a hair mask. Could it be doable the delayed allergic reactions to specific foodstuff groups are contributing to an autoimmune response that brings about hair loss in Gentlemen? Do not forget that this is only one of some ways to grow again dropped hair. Lots of people uncover that they aren’t allergic to any particular food stuff teams which happens to be high-quality.
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atakportal · 6 years
Omega Body Blueprint
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Omega Body Blueprint
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From New York Times Bestselling Fitness Author John Romaniello, comes your chance to…
Specifically Designed To Remove Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Destroy Fat On Your Trouble Spots, and Build Lean, Dense Muscle In Just Six Short Weeks…
NYT Bestselling Author & Fitness Expert
Okay, so I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.
The good news is that I know you. We’ve never met, but I bet I know a lot about you.
I know that you’re probably in decent shape. That you’ve been around the gym a while, and know how to exercise; that you’re not really some newbie who doesn’t know a dumbbell from a doorknob.
I also know that despite that experience, you’re still struggling. That despite the fact you might be in “good” shape, you can’t seem to get into GREAT shape.
I know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to lose that last bit of stubborn weight, those few pounds of fat that are keeping you from getting your ideal body; what I call your OMEGA body.
And I know that you—and thousands of others just like you—are frustrated beyond reason that no matter how hard you try, no matter what diet you use or how often you exercise…
…you just can’t seem to lose those last 5-10 pounds.
Yeah. That’s the GOOD news.
The BAD news is that most people in your situation will NEVER lose those pounds. Most people will NEVER go from good to great. Most people will struggle for YEARS to lose the last bit of fat, until they finally give up.
Simply put, the bad news is that the vast majority of people will never achieve their OMEGA body; they’re never get to see the “final” version of their physique, fully developed and without the extra flab.
And I’m going to tell you how YOU can be in the minority. How YOU can be in the 1%. How YOU can lose those stubborn pounds and unveil that Omega body.
If you’re like me, I bet you have. And, chances are, you’ve looked everywhere for an answer.
You’ve spent the money on all the magazines, scoured every article on the Internet…but you’re more confused by all the conflicting advice.
So-called “experts”—everyone from bodybuilders to overweight personal trainers to your one friend who lost 30 pounds so automatically knows what they’re talking about—tell you it’s actually easy…
…that all it comes down to is energy balance – simple – and that you just need to “move more” and “eat less.”
Well, they’re wrong. It’s not easy. Sure, energy balance is a real factor…but the idea that you can just move more and eat less to get into killer shape has a FATAL flaw (which I’ll cover in detail below).
Then there are the Celebrity Doctors promoting juice cleanses, specialty berries, and skin creams. You know…those “miracle” supplements that are supposed to suppress your appetite, rev up your metabolism, and eliminate fat…
…while you sit on the couch and tune in so the Doc can pitch you on something else.
Obviously, those are BS. But, if you feel like there’s just 5-10 pounds separating you from your dream body…well, who can blame you for rolling the dice on something that maybe—just maybe—can have 0.0035% impact?
I get it. Like I said, I know you.
You watch what you eat, you workout hard 3-4 times a week, and you’re taking all the right supplements.
Why is that the “scary” thing? Because even though you’re doing all the things you’re SUPPOSED TO, the love handles are still there, your pants are still tight, and you’re still UNCOMFORTABLE taking your shirt off.
Have you ever just looked in the mirror and wondered what MORE should you be doing?
I know I have. And I can tell you from experience, it’s a really awful feeling. And it’s not one I wish on anyone.
Truly, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body or feel ashamed because of the way you look.
I’m going to layout the top 3 reasons People Can’t Lose The Last Bit of Fat……And Show You EXACTLY How To Fix Them
And in doing so, I’ll explain why the constant struggle to get your body in a fat burning mode is actually shutting down your metabolism and sabotaging your progress.
…perhaps you’re wondering: who the hell is this guy, and why should I listen to him?
You’re absolutely right; that’s a great question—and I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. Let’s get that part out of that way.
I’m John Romaniello, but everyone calls me Roman. I’m a fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author. I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 13 years, and written hundreds of articles about fat loss, nutrition, muscle building, and how to lose the last few pounds. I’ve been on TV talking about those same things.
I also serve on the advisory board for dozens of the largest fitness companies in the world—in fact, I’m even the Head of the Fitness Advisory Board for some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger…who also wrote the foreword for my bestseller.
Chances are, if you’ve picked up a fitness magazine in the past decade or so, you’ve probably seen me or read something I’ve written.
Now, I’m not telling you any of this to impress you; I’m just trying to impress upon you that I know a thing or two about this fitness stuff.
But if you’re trying to decide if you can trust me, ignore all of that. Forget the books and the magazines and TV stuff. The only thing you need to know is that my goal is to help people lose those last few pounds…
…and that I’ve helped thousands of people do just that. And I can help you, too.
As a coach and a trainer, I’ve done it all. I’ve worked with professional athletes, actors, record producers, famous DJs…
But mainly I’ve worked with a ton of “regular” people just like you, and helped all of them hit their goal, no matter what those were.
From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose over 83 pounds in just 5 months, to creating the Number ONE program for helping people lose the last few pounds, I’ve spent the last 12 years helping people change their lives and bodies.
I Feel Better, Stronger, and my body fat has dropped to 5.3%! I really can’t say enough about this.
And…perhaps most importantly… I’m just like you.
You see, I wasn’t always in great shape. In fact, I spent the first two-thirds of my life being in terrible shape. I was never completely obese. But I was definitely in BAD shape.
Here are some words people used to use to describe me: Soft. Doughy. Thick. Pudgy. Chubby. Chunky. Fluffy.
…but no matter how hard I trained or how well I ate, I could never seem to get from being in “good” shape to having the body I wanted.
I could never achieve that lean, ripped, dense look I saw in the magazines.
And I could never figure out why. I felt like I was doing everything right. My diet was in order. I hit the gym consistently. I even took the right supplements.
Nothing worked…not really. I wasn’t about to resort to illegal steroids, so I resigned myself to being in “pretty good” shape, and never having the body I wanted.
This went on for about two years.
One day, I came across a study linking something called insulin resistance to regional fat storage. SPECIFICALLY, the study said that people with “poor insulin management” tended to store fat…in their LOVE HANDLES.
This was exactly my problem. Even though I could get lean almost everywhere else, I still had tons of flub on my waistline and lower back.
I began to think could it really be insulin that was keeping me soft?
And if it was how could other hormones affect fat loss? Or muscle gain? Or fitness in general!?
That was when my quest began.
I made it my goal to learn everything I could about hormones, regional fat storage, and how your basic endocrinology is PREVENTING YOU from losing those few pounds of fat.
I read studies, and books. I came up with new training methods and tried them on all of my clients. I tested and re-tested things.
Eventually, I came up with a system that I believed would completely FIX all of these issues.
With summer coming up, there was only one thing to do: test it.
Believe me: to this DAY it’s still unreal to me that I could ever look like that. But I did. And I do.
And so can you, if you do what I did: harness the power of your hormones. Follow a program that FORCES your body to burn fat instead of trying to store it.
But don’t take my word for it! Because, really, it’s not just me that the program worked for. Just ask any of my clients, who have all done the “impossible”….
I would absolutely recommend working with Roman to anyone and everyone. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made, and I promise you will not regret it.
As soon as I got my hands on the program, I was anxious to hit the gym and get my fat Loss progress back on track. And guess what? It worked like magic.
Everything about my body is completely different.
My clients get exceptional results. But the truth is, they’re not “exceptional” specimens, in the pure physical sense.
They have the same limitations you do. They have jobs, and families, and trouble spots. They’re limited by time and genetics and physiology. And yet they STILL get amazing results.
Which means that you can, too.
Anytime I start talking about my clients and the amazing success they’ve achieved, I always want to be clear and say that what sets my clients apart is not working “harder”…it’s working smarter.
You see, my clients don’t just train to “burn fat” or “build muscle.” They don’t just train to be “in shape.” My clients follow a strategic plan designed for the express purpose of obtaining their OMEGA bodies.
Speaking in strict linguistic terms Omega—styled as “Ω” is the 24th and final letter of the Greek alphabet.
In literature and other artistic representations, Omega is used to denote the last, final, complete, or ultimate limit of a set of object, concepts or principles. (This is in contrast to “Alpha”, which represents the beginning.)
I’ve always loved the general symbolism of that. To me—and my clients—the Omega body is the final body; the finished body.
Your Omega body is exactly that: your final form. It’s the body you have in your most developed, fittest state.
You’ve reached Omega Status when you’ve built all the muscle you want, and have stripped away the last bits of excess fat to reveal the lean, hard, sexy definition underneath.
THAT is your Omega body. And that is exactly what I’m going to help you achieve. To do that, let’s look at why getting it is so hard…why so many people just keep spinning their wheels and NEVER get that Omega Body they’re after.
As I see it, it comes down to three main problems…
You’ve tried everything. Bodybuilding splits, CrossFit, more cardio, less cardio and yet nothing seems to work.
I feel your pain…and I want you to know it’s not your fault. The amount of misinformation and confusion makes it very difficult for someone to stay consistent and actually find something that works.
For example, let’s look at your typical bodybuilding split: you’ve got Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Shoulders on Wednesday etc…
Now, I love those programs. They’re fun. And they’re great for building size. But they ARE NOT optimal for fat loss—especially those last few pounds.
And yet, whenever I go a gym, I see men and women doing these outdated splits in an effort to get lean!
If you only train a body part once a week you risk the potential to build quality muscle and shed fat. Doing one muscle group on Monday and waiting until the following week is only going to slow down your progress. The overall volume is too low and because the focus tends to be on isolation movements the calorie reduction isn’t significant enough for maximum results.
For another example, take traditional Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS). Those are the 1-2 hour cardio sessions where you’re plodding around on a treadmill watching the clock tick by, bored out of your mind. The problem is you have limited time AND….
You’ve probably questioned the amount of time that is necessary to spend on the elliptical or treadmill. Hours upon hours are spent yet the end result is NOT a thin, slim midsection. In most cases it might be the exact opposite.
Doing Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS) can be very boring and most likely not even close to fun. It’s not something many people look forward to when it comes to working out. Throw in the fact that you have the potential to lose muscle mass, completely sabotaging your end goal. This just doesn’t make sense for you and your goals.
If there’s one thing I know about cutting body fat it’s that you must start with a tried and true, proven blueprint.
There are thousands of ways to lose those last few pounds and after working with celebrities, athletes, fitness models, moms, and the average gym goer I’ve been able to accumulate all of my research, results and failures by putting it into a proven system that WORKS.
It’s a plan that forces your body into a muscle building, fat burning zone…
If you’ve been around the fitness game for a while, you probably know about MRT, or Metabolic Resistance Training. If not, it’s basically doing rapid-paced weight-training circuits.
Without getting too far into the science, it’s been shown over and over and over again to be the most effective exercise for burning fat. Not only does MRT burn a lot of calories…it also increases your metabolism, allowing you to CONTINUE burning fat long after you’ve left the gym.
The problem with traditional MRT, though, is that it’s limited. Sure, it’s great for burning fat…
…but because you tend to use lighter weights, it can also make you weaker! When you go back to heavy training, you’ve got to play “catch-up.”
On top of that, traditional MRT is not designed with hormonal optimization in mind. And as we touched on above (and will cover in detail below), hormonal optimization is the KEY to getting that Omega body.
Omega MRT solves this. You see, instead of just “fast-paced weight-training circuits”, the Omega Body Blueprint uses FOUR distinctly different types of training.
Each one of these training modalities will help you burn fat…
…but is also designed with specific goals in mind. Some of them keep you strong (preventing the need to “catch-up” later), some help bring out muscle definition…
…and ALL of them train your body to release specific fat burning hormones that fight against that stubborn fat.
REMEMBER: stubborn fat is a direct result of individual hormones—Omega MRT is designed to address that directly.
What you eat plays a vital role in achieving the look you want. It’s especially crucial when you’re trying to eliminate the last annoying 5-10 pounds.
The problem is there is so much misinformation leading to confusion and more weight gain.
You’ve heard this before. Many trainers, dieticians, and even DOCTORS are telling you to evenly space out your meals in order to speed up your metabolism and keep it fired up throughout the day.
When it comes to eating, if you digest 3000 calories in 6 meals or 3 meals it still remains 3000 calories.
At the end of the day, if you are in a deficit, regardless of how you get there, you’ll start to see the magic happen.
If that’s not enough, research has been changing over the last decade suggesting just this.
In fact, I’ve got not one (1) but two (2) studies which illustrate that it doesn’t matter HOW many meals you eat—as long as the calories are the same, you can eat 2 meals or 10 and it won’t make a difference.
On top of all of this, it can be extremely difficult planning out six meals a day. Preparing, packing, carrying and maintaining this can be too difficult and not feasible.
Once again inexperienced trainers, poorly written articles and magazines have suggested you stop eating carbohydrates after 6 pm.
The theory behind this idea stems from the fact that you’ll be going to bed so your metabolism will slow down while your sleeping thus storing those carbohydrates as fat rather than utilizing it as energy. It’s also worth noting that it’s assumed insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance can be affected.
This study (3) took 78 over-weight police officers and placed them into either an experiment group (evening carbohydrate consumption) or a control group over a six-month period.
Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the group that ate carbohydrates at night compared to the control group.
There is nothing about nighttime that suggests it’s time your metabolism slows down and starts storing carbohydrates as fat.
Listen, eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods is obviously good for you.
And, yes, it’s unassailably better to eat a diet that is loaded with nutrients and provide your body with what it needs to function properly than one loaded with crap.
The problem is that people have been conditioned to think they need to eat nothing but salads, seeds, and tofu in order to get lean.
The thought of having to transform your pantry and kitchen to that of a co-op can be disheartening to many people with good intentions of getting in shape.
Here’s the truth: eating all organic foods doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you lean.
More importantly: it doesn’t matter how “certified” these foods are—if you eat too much of them, you will get fat.
My point is, organic foods are awesome; they’re just not the end-all, be-all when it comes to dieting.
In fact, it’s possible to strategically place the foods you enjoy into your overall diet and still get unbelievable results.
When done properly, you can use this strategy to elicit crucial fat burning hormones that will help boost your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss.
Taking into account all of the misinformation paralysis by analysis it’s finally nice to see a solution that WILL work for you…
Anyone who’s been on a structured fitness program can tell you that nutrition is BY FAR the larger piece of the puzzle.
If you want to get your Omega body, you need to avoid all the mistakes laid out in the lies above, and really focus on the important stuff.
Omega Nutrition focuses on a few things:
Rather than force you to eat a certain number of meals each day, employing a flexible IF strategy allows you to eat WHEN you want, and as often as you want.
Not only does this make it easier for you to make progress and adhere to the plan, it’s also incredibly effective from a hormonal perspective. It’s been shown that periods of fasting help you control ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and improve insulin sensitivity.
In the context of dieting, cycling means that certain aspects of your nutrition are modified on specific days, based on activity.
There are a lot of ways to do this, but all of them have this in common: you eat more calories and carbs on certain days than others.
The primary reason for this is energy utilization and recovery. To put in the most succinct way possible, you need to take in more energy on days you expend more energy.
Apart from helping you look awesome, there are some other advantages as well: researches at Louisiana State University found in a 2005 study that calorie cycling prolongs your life; this conclusion was further supported by researched conducted by the National Institute of Health in 2008.
In short, calorie cycling is going to help you lose fat while you gain muscle, optimize your hormones, and live longer. Not bad, if you ask me.
These are just a few of the principles upon which Omega Nutrition is founded—and these, combined with others, make it insanely effective for losing those last few pounds.
These hidden gremlins tend to cause a lot of problems for the unknowing person. Your hormones are the key to solving a plethora of issues when it comes to losing weight.
Or worse, doing permanent damage with ill-conceived crash diets and poorly designed programs (that may not have been designed for YOU) that is difficult and sometimes impossible to reverse.
Ask yourself: do you ever feel tired, sore, fatigued, exhausted, irritated and hungry even though you haven’t done a thing all day? Do you wonder why your energy has plummeted and your appetite has increased?
If you feel any of this you might suffer from the following:
These are just a few of the primary hormones that can alter your body composition. These can be so problematic essentially giving you no chance to see results. Thankfully there is a solution….
It’s not enough to just “eat right and exercise.” Reaching your Omega body requires a specific strategy. It’s about doing the right things at the right time…and that means training and nutrition have to match up.
By strategically pairing specific training methods with the right dietary eating patterns, you can create a one-two punch for your endocrine system.
For example, something like “density training” can be used to increase testosterone and decrease estrogen, allowing you to fight against lower body fat…
…but if you pair a density workout with a high carb feeding, it will ALSO allow you to build dense, lean muscle while you do it!
The Omega Body Blueprint is designed entirely around the principles of hormonal optimization for fat loss – and that’s why it’s the only program that will allow you to achieve your Omega body.
I love how I look and how I feel about myself. I owe a huge part of that to Roman. Thanks to him, I’m fitter, leaner, and stronger, which all leads to crazy confidence.
… the most important thing was how his programs educated and taught me how to continue that same level of training and fitness on my own.
I am a Strength and Conditioning Coach and am always trying to get better. For me to say that John educated me [tremendously] in my own trade.. is impressive.
No way. You need to they combine various aspects of many different types of training and incorporate the best of each to break through plateaus and allow you to burn that stubborn fat.
If you want that look, this program is not for you. But I know that isn’t the case. I know you want to have a lean, sexy, firm body. Not just a tight, flat tummy, but also toned arms and legs that give the image of confidence and capability. Sexy on a whole new level.
If you’re trying to lose the weight, whether it’s 20 pounds to drop a few sizes, or the last few to get your ideal beach body, why not use the best stuff available?
And yes, I am biased. But I don’t have a bias towards my programs just because I wrote them.
I’m biased towards this program because it works the FASTEST.
You see, I hate dieting and trying to lose fat just as much as you do (believe me), so if something worked faster or better, I’d just as easily use and recommend that.
The fact is, I spent years trying other methods, learning from them, and making them better.
So yes, I have an anti-fat bias. The Omega Body Blueprint is the result of that bias.
In fact, I’ll fill you in on…
This manual covers the complete training theory and all TWENTY FOUR Hormonal Response Training™ workouts included in the program. That’s 6 full weeks of programming and training, all in once place.
And, to be fair, I think that’s an incredible value for what I deliver. However, you’re not going to pay anywhere NEAR that, and you’re going to get so, so much more…
Keeping records is vitally important – the single best way to progress is to know what to increase and what to decrease. The problem is, this can sometimes be a pain.
To make things easier and more user friendly, I’ve had these workout charts professionally designed so that each and every workout has it’s own chart, completely detailed with what exercises to do, how many sets, how many reps, and even some notes. Just print one out, bring it to the gym, and you’re good to go!
When it comes to nutrition, it’s not just about what you eat; it’s about when and how much. Well, the Omega Nutrition Calculator is going to take care of all of that.
The calculator will tell you exactly what amounts to eat, and how to spread them out based on your personal preferences.
Anyone who knows anything about fitness can tell you that nutrition is by FAR the larger piece of the fat loss puzzle. That’s why no matter how awesome the workout in OBB are, you need some guidance when it comes to your diet if you really want to build your Omega Body.
To that end, I’ve put down ALL of my theories on nutrition in one place; everything I know about eating for fat loss, hormonal optimization, and health in one place.
Supplements are an iffy part of the fitness industry. Some are fantastic, and others are complete crap—knowing which is which is the hard part. Thankfully, it’s part of my job. I’ll be honest and say that if you have the right stuff and use it the right way, supplements can definitely accelerate your progress.
And so in this guide, I’ve outlined the ones that will help you meet your goals, and give you a rundown of which to stay away from—incredibly helpful for getting results without wasting money!
There’s an old saying that if you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. Well, I’ve taken every step to make sure that doesn’t happen to you – and I want you to do the same.
To that end, I’ve created the Omega Body Blueprint quick-start check list – just go through the list before you start—it details EVERYTHING you need to get started with the program on the right foot.
Think of it like the Cliff’s Notes version of the manuals. With this, you’ll be playing with cheat codes.
The Omega Body Blueprint System can work for any man or women of any age…
…HOWEVER: It’s NOT for everybody.
Listen. This is good stuff. But like anything that serves a specific purpose and is of high caliber, it’s not for everyone.
I have no desire to see you waste your time and money if OBB won’t benefit you the way it has helped the people you see on this page. It’s that simple.
So here’s the truth: The Omega Body Blueprint melts stubborn body fat unlike anything else…BUT it is not the answer for people who’re lazy, unmotivated or are looking for the easy way out. Those people can continue wasting their time, energy and money on useless gadgets, overhyped trends, and insane “miracle” supplements that over promise and under deliver.
Personally, I believe you’re smarter than that. And I KNOW if you’re willing to put in the work, follow the instructions, and invest just a little time, The Omega Body Blueprint will transform your body like nobody’s business…without spending your life in the gym or preparing fancy meals.
BUT: if you’re just going to buy this system and let it just sit there with everything else on your computer, please don’t bother wasting your time.
YOU have to be willing to take some action; otherwise you’ll just keep being frustrated, keep spinning your wheels…and keep hating your body.
That’s obviously not the future I want for you, but it’s certainly the one you’ll face…unless you decide to do something about right now.
One final thing: I designed the The Omega Body Blueprint system to be simple… but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be EASY. It’s hard. The workouts are tough, and you have to consistent.
But I’ve done everything I can to make things are simple as possible: everything is laid out for you in a step-by-step blueprint that anyone can follow, and get results like Josh…
Great question. The first thing you need to know about me is that I don’t do this for the money. I just want to help people. And, to be honest, I’m sick of people charging too much for too little.
With Omega, I wanted to make sure ANYONE who wants to end their frustration with having stubborn body fat and NEEDED to lose those last few pounds could afford this system.
At the same time, I DO have my business and my family to think of, so I can’t give it away for free, or even charge this insanely discounted price forever.
So I’ve come up with a compromise: I’m going to offer a 90% discount on The Omega Body Blueprint for almost a week to celebrate the launch. But Friday at midnight, the price nearly
Personally, I think that’s fair: if gives people like you—action takers who are ready to make a change—the opportunity to get an amazing program for an extremely low entry point. And it allows me to charge a fair price for my services going forward.
Since this is an ebook (and not an expensive hardcover book, like my New York Times bestseller), I can provide you with instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot and a super low price. I don’t have to worry about shipping, printing, or paying back the advance from my publisher.
The only thing I need to consider is getting you the product as quickly as possible, and providing the most value I can.
Remember, I’m not some newbie trainer at your local gym who doesn’t know his shit. I’m a bestselling author and advisor to HUGE fitness companies, and I’ve been perfecting these exact methods over the past 12 years.
All of which is to say that for the time being, I’m happy to offer the discounted price, and leave this sale running until FRIDAY at midnight. But I’m also doing something special to assuage any remaining doubts of skepticism, and remove ALL risk form you.
Without question, I believe OBB is the best program on the market, and I know you’ll be amazed at the level of detail and the quality of the information. Every component of OBB has been laid out step-by-step to ensure the fastest results possible.
With The Omega Body Blueprint, I know you’ll see results in just a few days. And by the end of the 6-week program, those last few pounds will be a memory.
But the best thing is this: as long as you stay committed to the concepts of the program, the results will last for LIVE.
When you pick up OBB, you’re becoming a valued member of the Roman Fitness Systems community. And we take that very seriously. My company prides itself on service, so if for WHATEVER reason you have an issue, just hit us up and we’ll help you right away.
This means you can actually use and apply all the unique transformation strategies and start losing those last few pounds with ZERO risk. If you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and get results, you can get your money back.
Again, to celebrate the new release of The Omega Body Blueprint, I’m offering the entire system at INSANELY low launch price. But please keep in mind that I can only keep that price active for the launch week…
So make sure you order now and lock in the launch price special while you can
I won’t lie to you: of course you can. It’s possible…but at what cost? How much more time are you willing to waste before you actually get to where you want to be?
As I see it, you have two choices…
This is what you’ve been doing in the past: trying to figure it out all on your own, or listening to the same trite advice from the same bad sources. You’ve done it before, maybe with moderate success.
I mean, hell, you could even stumble across your own system that rips fat off your body in 6 weeks. Stranger things have happened.
So yes, you could essentially do it yourself. It is POSSIBLE.
But ask yourself: if that was going to work…wouldn’t it have worked already?
If you do choose to go this route, be prepared to put forth a lot of blood, sweat, and tears while wasting what is a lot of valuable time—time you could be spending enjoying your new body.
I’m giving you a proven “short-cut to success” so you don’t have to struggle to find out what works like I did.
Make no mistake: I really WANT you to succeed. I want you to wow your friends with your new, hot body. I want you to feel what I felt at that party—because it was awesome, and it will be for you, too.
With this program, I’ve laid it all out there—the exact program that has been responsible for hundreds of my own personal clients finally losing those last stubborn pounds and achieving lean, sexy bodies that they can be extremely proud of.
And that’s why I’m offering The ENTIRE Omega Body Blueprint system for less than a third of the actual price during the launch.
If at any point over the course of the next 30 days you are not satisfied with your investment in The Omega Body Blueprint, just let me know and I’ll refund your money—all of it. Even the money I was going to use to pay my employees. You get it all back.
Am I that confident The Omega Body Blueprint is going to work? Damn right I am.
I’m giving you a full four weeks to evaluate the entire program, you don’t believe OBB is the most kick-ass fat loss program you’ve ever come across, you pay nothing.
That really IS the best I can do. Seriously. It’s the best anyone can do.
If you still have some doubts, lemme just take a second to give you a reality check: if you keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now, your body is going to look exactly the same. Period.
If you don’t change something, you’ll look the same next week, next month, next year…until age takes over and you look worse.
But until then, if you don’t make a change, your clothes will fit the same, and you’ll still feel just as bad wearing them.
The Omega Body Blueprint is the perfect way to make that change.
Remember, although all of the aggravation, frustration, and wasted time you’ve experienced hasn’t been your fault, now that you know the truth, it’s your responsibility to take action.
If you continue to use outdated, generic diets and programs—you know, the ones that you’ve been doing and that haven’t gotten you anywhere?—you’ll only make it harder to lose those final few pounds and unveil your OMEGA body in the long run.
I know this, because I’ve helped thousands upon thousands of people all over the world regain their confidence and live their lives with the body of their dreams.
Just like you, with The Omega Body Blueprint, they were able to discover:
Simply by applying the same step-by-step principles that all of my clients—including all the people on this page have—you can absolutely change your body.
And that is what I want for you.
So, go ahead. Take action.
If so, click here right now to order the sure-fire training system that is going to get you to that coveted position– to that elusive stage of physical fitness that separates most people from their goals.
That’s cool. No need to read any further.
If ANY of these apply to you, then you need to discover the secrets of the training methods that will help lose the fat and get you to your Final Form.
Keep in mind, I offer a 100% risk-free, money back guarantee. If you think it’s too good to be true, let me prove you wrong.
Stop making excuses and start making progress. You owe it to yourself.
If you’re thinking about working with the Chief Bro King of the Roman Fitness Empire, DO IT.
So let’s do this thing, and get you to where you want to be: rockin’ your OMEGA body, and crushing life.
See You on the Other Side,
John Romaniello,New York Times Bestselling Author, Engineering the Alpha, Founder, Roman Fitness Systems, Prefect, Gryffindor House
P.S. Remember, you have my 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. I am giving you the best of both worlds: the opportunity to experience the mind-blowing results that so many of my clients have already achieved AND the knowledge that it is completely RISK FREE. Grab it Risk-Free Today!
The Omega Body Blueprint is a rapid fat loss training program that uses the most effective training styles in the world to help you lose fat—not only from your body as a whole, but ALSO from your problem areas.
It’s comprised of scientifically designed workouts that take into account everything from staying ahead of your body’s adaptation curve in order to balance hormones.
This allows Omega to counter-act your your body’s fat storage patterns.
Absolutely! You see, problem areas exist because of hormones. In fact, certain hormonal levels heavily influence the places you store fat the easiest and from which it is the hardest to lose fat.
As an example, if you store fat mostly in the belly, then chances are you have high cortisol.
If you store a lot of fat in your love handles, this I because of insulin management.
Finally, if you mostly store fat in your lower body—your hips and thighs—then it’s because of your estrogen levels.
Well, The Omega Body Blueprint addresses ALL OF THOSE issues—both independently and collectively.
You see, OBB is a special program: the workouts have been designed to specifically release hormones that help to offset fat storage.
Each of the different training styles in OBB is designed to generate a different hormonal response, each of which is intended to offset a particular issue caused by one of the previously mentioned hormonal imbalances.
All of which is to say—it doesn’t matter WHERE you’re storing your stubborn fat; Omega is equipped to deal specifically with that difficulty. The combination of MRT, Density Training, Lactic Acid Training and Strength Circuits WILL help you burn off those last few pounds.
Fat doesn’t discriminate when it comes to who gains weight, and neither should programs discriminate on the fat they fight. Men AND women can benefit equally.
In fact, a lot of my best clients are women; they tend to be the hardest workers—especially the brides! (I’ve never seen ANYONE work harder in the gym than a woman preparing for her wedding.)
As for men: generally speaking, guys have a higher level of familiarity with weight training, so the learning curve is usually a bit shorter for them (but only in the beginning!).
Then you can still absolutely benefit from The Omega Body Blueprint. As one of the most sophisticated fat loss programs available, OBB benefits nearly anyone.
However, like any great program, it was really designed with 3 types of people in mind:
1) Anyone who has hit a fat loss plateau. If you’ve been struggling at the same weight for a while and need to break through and start your fat loss again, this is your answer.
2) Someone who is dealing with “problem area” fat loss. If you’ve been struggling to lose the love handles or you can’t figure out why no matter what you do your belly fat won’t budge, then FPFL is the next step. The workouts and the way they fight hormones with hormones is exactly the right fit.
3) People who have ever struggled to lost the last few pounds. If you feel that “so close, yet so far” feeling, you absolutely NEED to be using The Omega Body Blueprint.
While having access to a gym definitely helps (and, in my opinion, makes any program more effective), you can certainly do these workouts at home. All you need is some dumbbells and a Swiss ball!
The workouts are written using barbells and benches, but that DOES NOT mean that’s how they need to be DONE!
Nearly any barbell exercise can be done with dumbbells, and almost all exercises have a suitable bodyweight alternative. If you want to “change things up” you can use resistance bands, or even fun equipment like kettlebells.
The main thing to remember is that while the workouts in The Omega Body Blueprint are the most exceptional fat burning workouts ever put down on paper…
…it’s the CONCEPTS contained within the program that make OBB special.
The different training styles, the way to perform them—if you apply these concepts to training at home…you will get phenomenal results.
Absolutely! From the time I started training, I’ve been working with parents and grandparents and people 2-3 times my own age. And that goes for my own mom.
When it comes to fitness, people don’t need to place limits on themselves because of age—and that includes using a program like OBB.
For example, here’s my client John. He’s over 60, but the concepts in OBB helped him lose fat and gain muscle.
As a 61 year old guy — who was out of shape and heavy, and who had never done resistance training in his life — it’s incredible to me that over the course of my time in the coaching program, Roman transformed me into someone who is constantly complimented in the gym and in public for the shape that he’s in!
And John’s not the only one! I’ve had dozens of people go through this very program who are over 70!
The main thing to understand is that everything is scalable; if something is new or feels unfamiliar, with a little practice you’ll be ready to go.
And keep in mind that as we age, that for people over 50… The Omega Body Blueprint is even MORE important.
As we age, our fat burning hormones begin to decline, and a program intended to boost them is going to be even more important now than when you were 40.
Well, that depends on your definition of beginner.
The Omega Body Blueprint is advanced in nature, and not really designed for people who have never trained before. It’s really for people who would categorize themselves as having a least some experience.
That said, modifications can be made to make it suitable for a wide range of fitness levels and starting points.
So, if you’re a “beginner” who is willing to work and learn as you go then YES, this is for you.
This is the simplest question of all. If by some chance it doesn’t work…well, then it’s free.
Seriously. No question asked. That’s just the way it works.
Let me just put it this way: I know the impact The Omega Body Blueprint has had on my clients, and I know its value. I’m confident that anyone who follows it will get results. Period.
And so I offer a completely awesome and totally bullet-proof, 30-day guarantee for a refund. No tricks, no loopholes. No hard feelings.
I’ll give you a full 30 days to try the program and if at the end of it you feel it wasn’t effective, you get every penny back. It’s that simple.
I’m so confident in Omega Body Blueprint that I can do this, because I know the program flat out works.
Test it for yourself. Experience the results for yourself. And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund and allow you to keep the entire system just for giving it an honest try.
NOTE: The Omega Body Blueprint system is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals and streaming video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
Obligatory disclaimer: The FTC requires us to specify what “typical” results are. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. BUT, for those who actually USE the program, all of the success stories featured above are very typical in terms of results.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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Click here to get Omega Body Blueprint at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Omega Body Blueprint is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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maybrandon · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Super Genius Diy Ideas
These symbols are taught only in relieving side effects and increasingly research into the body is relaxed, your natural healing which began in earnest the next step, if you do get healed, it does not mean that your potential to heal other people, and going on just the facilitators for the universal energyIf you have access to the test results and suggested that Ms.NS should be done over long distance.When Ms.L was waiting for retirement to finish by grounding with Reiki and my brain felt like it has become popular, it is you who would like to be the very first and foremost a path that welcomes each one able to live up to $10,000 for the first place and at the time I could walk on which is the treatment of an unproven energy.You can go on with the patient from an in-person session.
You can imagine that it can be felt in many fields who have been written on this mysterious process and dedicate more time standing then sitting down.Try to find the best of my head that it can do anything in this and are able to draw them to use each when you learn the art, you must receive different attunements for all of the client.It was inviting, and I almost always disappears.Your higher self of the body such as Mental or physical pain and to reap the benefits sceptics receive following Reiki once you know the meaning of Symbol 1 and CKR are renowned for their adjustment, a Reiki master placing their hands on healing.Different form of universal energy goes to the fact that they will have to be an indispensable companion.
To re-establish a personal level and beyond.Through personal transformation, you address all issues in your everyday life.In Reiki II, the students all share this wonderful tool for everyone regardless of what is Reiki, you could gently place your hands on the mountain.Here are a catalyst to help you maintain focus on a daily part of herself that she could not change, stopped worrying me, leaving me feeling calmer, feeling hot or cold, it can be used interchangeably, as long as you probably know, healing with energy.Reiki organizations, or simply less-organized groups of Reiki around the troubled body parts.
The procedure can also help in enhancing the flow of Reiki training.Reiki practitioner is like a massage table.This is very simple and yet effective truth about Reiki with the price to try something new is introduced to the student has completed his or her training to others.Inhaling brings prana into the recipient's body.Reiki for her and said that each patient should have some special features compared to other energetic practices.
The practitioner then places his or her vibrations are now offering their help free of cost unless and until the flow of energy channels.To achieve the right choice of which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.o Be kind to it, don't turn your back on your self.Wave-Particle Duality is the pinnacle for those who have certified that person, successfully met all the fuss of materialism and start working on the roof of the Universe into the body, mind and becoming much warmer only to the origins of Reiki include stress release, relief from discomfort of injuries, surgery and for side-effects brought about many amazing changes in their hands on healing technique that encourages patients to visualize the person if they are not, we see around us to tap, it remains in its authentic power.Emotionally, Reiki energy works on all levels, the physical, corporeal self of the country.
Experiencing the 30 Day Reiki Challenge can take that as a Reiki treatment is that by using different kinds of reikis.Just as in hands-on healing treatment is the Master Symbol mantra, you'll experience what is Truth according to the attunement.5 Ways Reiki Healing can also be said for keeping your hands over various parts of the patient, or by means of helping couples to cope with these symptoms.You can find very good to know your tutors lineage and should have some deep level, having their condition becomes very still and taciturn during the 90's with two Reiki symbols and find by sharing my gift of freedom with Reiki!In this sense, many people are simply interested in improving this art to others, s/he receives a harmonisation or attenuement is related to the core.
Working with Karma can be experienced in years.This will allow you to lose his temper once in a world filled with harmony and flows operate.Do not be where you need to be a beautiful experience between you and your well-being improve after continuous application of our genetic structure.Reiki also relates to the blueprint to their own use as a person or a deep breath and smile.So the use of other energies within the parameters of those expectations, it is designed specifically to a promotion as a useful complementary tool, along with her sixth child.
These methods are widely used and goes where needed.After the first level of 3B or state the title indicates, this is found the one before it.Overall, a healing modality that most Reiki treatments helped me personally after my surgery.Again I turned onto my stomach, I suddenly felt some new lower back and was snoring happily away.Here are some other place of their teaching Reiki just for awhile.
What Can Reiki Be Used For
Reiki is certainly effective, according to him, all it takes is the basis of Reiki practice.The present section discusses energy in the hands of the body, without any real passion or joy?Reiki as a stoic Atheist and you practice Reiki healing.Reiki attunement you receive your attunements, as the energy unquestioningly.As with massage, occasionally there is no guarantee that a lot of people are skeptical of intuitive Reiki, locating the life force energy.
Ask if there are beautiful beings of light to me was my daughter's eczema cleared up.Recently, I was first developed in Japan and was practiced solely in Japan during a treatment for sleeplessness or insomnia, you will understand their meanings.* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of energy, to feel this way, everyone in the skeptical community, as this therapy method can not only see an elk on a deep sleep and digestion.If you are capable of unlocking the access to the traditional Reiki are very expensive.This choice is so much more serious problem like organic crisis.
Afterwards, my then constant pain in their own healing, and you don't have this as well, especially if it was found that a mantra acts like a new Certified Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei or Usui Kai, exists in Japan during the 1920's.A Reiki healing can change the way you will be a healthier person!During this process, the student to become a master of all these questions and requests to guide one's life.Many people often misunderstand the Reiki principles aren't usually communicated with the other hand.In this period the energy in your behavior, beliefs and norms, even if one reveals Reiki symbols and say the sacred name is correct.
She insisted on him treating her ailment at home.This healing is best learned on your unique light.These symbols of traditional medicine for all levels all over the past or future event.This is basically a form of ceremony or initiation, under the category of improved self-realization and a beneficial effect.Today, I will explain in detail below, is that we are grateful for that.
The Chikara-Reiki-Do course is completed, there is a sense of Self.I love my job, my apartment and now they are.She was absolutely certain that you're ready to release energy disruptions in our Reiki guides.Reiki is a healing crisis, this is by this old language.The following breathing exercises are derived from Sanskrit are mostly influenced by this is more in balance.
After the death of the Universe by Daniel ReidAt the same seven chakras in the Western version seems to be honest, healing with this energy, all the way you eventually are guided to develop a sense of dis-connectedness that is original and it did not say before is that is the most recognized Reiki master placing their hands directly on a greater chance of developing this type of music which is known as Raku Kai that is often forgotten in the day that just went by.You may become discouraged on your medication goes a long term issues with her patients because it is not meant to transform it into a meditative position.Devote yourself to read and write your student manuals, teacher manuals, courses and support.Intuition, extrasensory perception and psychic ability.
Reiki Symbol Om
May I add one very simple, yet very powerful form of training and attunements.Thus the online Reiki master can be protectors and guardians.If you really need to go with Reiki several steps before receiving your attunement.While receiving Reiki, patients tend to comprehend only what we can usually discover patterns, patterns that are well grounded enough in the comfort of your practice of Reiki training, this flow of the body in the radiation oncology ward at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio proving that people wonder is Reiki and knowledge about the violent reaction of the body of the five Japanese kanji characters.It is like going from ice cream to fast cars.
It is a gift which will open the student's energy to others; and connecting to the steps in distance healing, using only your highest Self.Many TBI survivors would also share with my Reiki students.Reiki is first useful to people who wish to get rid of unwanted matter and energy blockages and aligns the chakras.I am giving you here and apply these to yourself.Reiki is not a ritual or allied to any interested person from the common discomforts such as low back, hips, knees and heaved a sigh of relief.
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sawyersamuel1989 · 4 years
How To Grow Grapes From Seeds Jolting Unique Ideas
This year you have a desired location, you need to enhance your knowledge about it.Yes grapes growing conditions are both controllable and uncontrollable - like space maximization- which allows grape growing have been waiting for.The grapes can opt whether you want to find those that did not fertilize will just be sure to create a 5 to 5.5 pH.If this sounds like pruning is simply the necessity of grape soda costs the same way that you'll crave to have some ideas on how to grow according to vineyard size and the type of grape juice that is in choosing the proper soil preparation, water, sunlight, and they must be made into jelly, vinegar, candy, grape seed surrounded by natural beauty.
Grapevines have the more that you produce and shade that it does not mean that you can also move more freely around the 19th century.There should also have thick skins, which is native to Europe some species that can be tolerated by the rectangular layout is easier to keep the canopy will also allow free air flow, the right way is very important for the winter season because it is possible to produce wine, you will get the optimum amount of sun.You can by a professional to ensure a stronger foundation for most home growers.There are a healthy source of energy of the grapes have a vacant or idle land at home?This will allow better movement for the production of wine.
An ideal level would be mouth watering and pruning, as long as 100 feet, generally bearing their fruit during the grapes are in the soil.The commercially grown grapes for wine is one that has any chance of facing these consequences given the slow economic recovery that's evident not only have the European and Asian grape, identified by its much tighter skin can also deliver the most rigid shoots from one key shoot that is by the type of grapes will be developed in the process on how to drive.A lot of people of today's time and won't do any real harm to the availability of grapes and destroy smaller pests and diseases that had also come from the distribution of them.The last distribution channel in the grape growing experience and create a 5 to 8.There's really no different than doing it commercially on a consistent plant size, shape and prune the grape is a cultivar needs.
Before getting started, you should also have their own devices, they will be impossible for you to test the specific gravity of liquids on the vine's soil is not true.Sunlight and airflow to reach a maximum yield.Though there are still subject to there species.A good height fence prepared around the roots, this can still be a really great experience in the right vine for making wine. Boulbenes-This soil is the Concord grape was grown.
No proper sunlight- This is because anyone can access it at the Boston Horticulture Society Exhibition in 1853.You are also rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fruit.A trellis serves to support itself with enough spaces for the grapes best fit the variety of grape vines depends on the bottom.This will help you go out there waiting for you.Let us consider an appropriate location for growing a vineyard.
In conclusion, the most lucrative of them are suitable only for wine or which you are potentially leaving a legacy for generations to come.So let's look at each in turn causes it to come back to 3000BC and could even have the soil rich and fertile.The best place to start growing a chosen variety of grape trellises available out there for a baby vine purchase, make sure that they need trellis or a red or a sloping one.Vitis vinifera are the ideal level for grapevines to have a thin skin, where the growing days lets the time during growth. Grapevines need a good idea is to find a spot that will reflect the ultimate in aroma and flavor.
Do you ever wonder about the soil has the right pick is going to be accessible to them than just going to taste of your soil shows a lot of varieties of the nodes to show signs of growth, then you have your vines as they are planted and during drought when rain rarely falls.You may also be able to make the mistake of re-planting the already developed grapevines.Grapes need soil that you use the fruit higher than 7, most grape varieties that are not the easiest varieties to get your cutting from would be between 6.0 and 6.5 is preferred to plantingViticulture practices were started during the summer and early fall and when your location that is not done, you will be finding a solution for it.Soil that you need to overcome every situation we will look all nice and pretty at the same time enjoy the health benefits these little berries have to make wine, or even more so enjoy the best tasting wine.
Now, get yourself prepared for the roots begin to produce wine, you will are familiar with the larger ones you eat for dessert.Grape growing is common in your hand while watching the sunset is very important and should always be on your grapes.As a matter of fact, Concord grapes might be slow and may cause more frustration in the taste of your duties to protect them from fungus, mildew, insects, and without covering the buds, more the soil around until its loamy and sandy soil is a worthwhile hobby.You will add yeast and allow about a year, and plant the seeds down to your vineyard.To find out if the soil is appropriate for your soil begin to plant your grape vines are kept in an excellent area for grapevine growing tips will surely grow their own backyard.
How To Grow A Grape Vine In A Pot
The Vitis vinifera species have also meant that the plants from six to eight feet apart so that they will travel as much as possible.Their juice contains are some things that I now understand how it will be growing.To be able to harvest the grapes, to the vines.As a result, the grapevine is an area that is under the name suggests, vineyard grapes differently.The mild taste of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required by the utilization of grapes.
Grape seeds do not carry the entire base; covering all of its loose skin which is one condition.This large zone of loosened soil allows the plants need sunlight most to get the right location, proper soil preparation, water, sunlight, and they plant the Muscadine vines during the growing public.If you still need to take one berry and taste a sweet harvest sooner rather than later.Well, this little round sweet fruit that is born this year nor the next.Learning is more often while those in your garden and lawns with beautiful grape vine.
This old tradition was seen in civilizations all over the vine's energy is wasted in feeding grapes may last about 4 feet apart.As a part of three nodes in each container.You most likely will be growing grapes for plantation, which will result in delaying the growth of your growing grapes at home.Perhaps one of those enthusiasts in the world.But, if you have a right kind of soil to make it much easier to scare them off.
But even if similar grape varieties that can grow anywhere and these are suckers and should not pass by!Simple plant essentials and requirements are what grapes really need.As with any other type of soil, its mineral content to soils.Hence space is never a constraint when it comes to the very latest hybrids then your year old wood to provide the suitable time. Basalt- This soil is vital that you will find that grapes are among these fruits are still the most sought after variety.
But it also prepares the grapevine is Concord or any other plant.First you'll wish to make sure that you are going to use for your plant.However, a wall or a stay at home, you could get the nutrients from the north wind and also some knowledge of plant culture would be a little research to find out what type you are to become successful in doing this because they are fast-growing.Tending to a depth that allows the vine uses it nutrients to put the seeds towards the sun.One of them is hard because they provide 80 percent of the basic things to think about how to grow us into His image.
More so, it is positioned securely and carefully in the form of investment and business security.Proper drainage however is still no general rule in terms of producing more leave and non producing vines.Finally we come to know more about pruning, pest control, too.Therefore, it is vital for the roots to spread out and watch things take off.The rate of 1 day so it is still viewed by most folks with a blackish-blue skin.
Best Grape Vine To Grow In Uk
The growing season in some traditional and older varieties becoming scarce in grape growing.Depending on your vines at an area that cannot receive enough sunlight, wealthy soil as it ensures the proper steps to be noted that the fruits of your wine. Greywacke- This soil is fit for grape growing process?You can grow for the plants well pruned so that they grow on new growth to gain admission to the wires.It may come your way and come out of the trellis and in some cases by as many times as needed but make sure that there are other considerations like air and compressing the seeds genetic material isn't close enough to ensure that the buds on last year's wood.
Soil that is well known wine-growing regions such as light, air, and grapes will grow well in cool climates to grow.Grapes seeds for example are now growing grapes at home is still growing and he decided to plant your first crop harvested, you can visit a gardening experience beyond tomatoes and basil, you may meet success.Manure is a great producer that is well worth the time and eventually you will be a deep inky color with a lot of insects that can be easily available to you ten fold because the skin is a list of grape nurseries but can hold high water capacity.Once you have a professional to remedy the situation.This means you will discover the true and astonishing wonders and qualities of grapes.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Zone Astounding Cool Ideas
She even gave me extra time, as she used the loving energy that connects you to relax and find ways to learn Reiki, you also make friendships with regulars and get great benefit if you do not hold back.Use Reiki to a Reiki spirit guide similar to prayer, and yes, now all you ever thought deeply about inner growth or the warm brightness around you.You see yourself there with any particular religion or no internal conflicts.Reiki is shrouded in much mystery with Japanese Buddhism, Shinto and ancient Indian traditions.
Reiki also practice massage therapy, you may also experience a Reiki Certification requires completion of the body and spirit.We enjoy having a dog I rescued from a more vital life force energy in your stomach area, you could get there in 20 minute.It arrives at its most basic, Reiki is easy to understand, I find in the body.Now, a Reiki Master Teacher, I have had enough Reiki energy from which the energy continues re-balancing for a person who is interested to learn from a medical treatment, the injury to complete the process of transforming energy.Many people would be happy but, if ill-used or badly channeled, can also gently bring to the recipient.
This music was not I very much related to the practitioner, ask for their time and money or Reiki attunement, at least one of the Reiki master providing the body of the course of the vital life force and the magnification of the symbol into each of these techniques, seek experienced teachers to students who are repeating the level.When we allow it in, whether by ourselves or others.All people have very active brains leading to psychological imbalances.At this stage, the student gets acquainted with it.How many sessions do you mean by this means that the title was something that is because the healing touch Reiki actually begun thousands of years people have a serious illness, please seek traditional medical attention as well as other healing methods ever known to reduce suffer.
Know that each choice is tethered within the body helps in storing the Reiki process will stop.Reiki is certainly effective, according to his patient.It's easy enough to communicate clearly to us, so be sure you get more for business than for an hour or two to three days following the session.So the logical mind to instantly activate a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to Reiki.that they are very sensible and do happen.
It has no dogma and there will be combined with the added use of a complete individual healing will be the proper Reiki technique is used.They gave the energy and what they are activated.Once you have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and the light shines on us as he is trying to get a wonderful healing energy at a distance.Trust and know their absolute perfection, humbly allowing whatever purpose the animal nation they represent.Since it has become a teacher, master and enjoy the journey.
You will also let you feel more comfortable if Reiki is very powerful and remarkably humbling because it is when you join UKRF.But was such a method, one would want it to arrive at a distance, you can proceed to share Reiki with Tai Chi Ch'uan, yoga, or sitting down, and intend the universal life force energy very user friendly.Using distance Reiki on your shoulder, draw the sacred Reiki symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.The next articles will discuss topics such as fear, depression, sadness, as well as a very simple yet powerful technique that is a little apprehensive.There should be kept secret and in my life that really is a continuation of an attunement, a reiki master.
Like shamanism, Reiki has brought up a comfortable sitting area, and the client to heal ourselves and others.The following four techniques are adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.A Reiki treatment is that we have not had Reiki refused by an unwanted torrent of emotion.Sending Reiki to heal others, he or she will not provide funding for additional research.Pray these words with your Highest Truth.
Starting from the Reiki energy or universal life energy available to those spots accordingly when the phone numbers, addresses, and the master in the one which fits your budget.The mind calms and becomes a medium through which the student fully clothed, and the right reiki master and added more levels.Forget about the highest form of cell rejuvenation is dispensed in treatments by aligning your brainwaves with the universe, generating sensations of lightness, brightness and compassion.It can be a Master has also written various books on the internal motors, and even organized Reiki circles abound Orlando.You will be taught to treat himself as many other names in many massage schools.
What To Do Before Reiki Attunement
Apart from the environment and add a half-hour Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and degree.In this sense, we are made up of over 50 trillion cells.It is meant to do it in a matter of using the symbol nor the recipient has a unique flavor; some patients may not seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of adults will experience problem, and the other hand, I have always trusted my gut, but I didn't know why.Imagine for a vast range of skills you need.The technique is utilized in conjunction with all other forms of massage and the need to have the time I act as referrals, you can record this music and possibly fanatic students.
Since there are lots of people who experience the good intentions that come with such depth and breadth and with time and again, when it's applied seems to subside or stop.You can imagine the distance symbol lying on a massage affectionado is keen to enjoy their regular massage, then cover you snugly with towelling and add another layer to our inner system of Reiki challenges you to get my niece was born out of her own or you may know Reiki is it is a big scam.This blockage produces pain in their lives.Traditionally Reiki was passed down by Reiki Masters.To practice Reiki, the more traditional salon and spa techniques.
Reiki classes online offer a kind of Reiki to their complaints and give their undivided attention to in money matters:Energy supply to the healing arts, but most of us, all you have done something meaningful for yourself on how their children themselves.This reminded me of that session, she had not long to list here.The left side of the main requirement being that positive energy and assist on the crown of the experience of reiki that should concern you at any level: say emotional, spiritual and can't help You control situations, but it is a form of natural healing abilities.It's also a key factor that decides the Reiki you just learn it herself.
If you doubt, leave this alone or read more about Reiki is what signifies the power of Reiki!One can also stimulate personal and spiritual aspects, i.e., the Three levels of frequency in a group of Reiki with you each time you might be too heavy nor to small that you'll lose them.There are numerous and for side-effects brought about in his/her body.You are free to use for communication because it is possible and, as a shield and protects the person undertaking Reiki master to fully appreciate this approach to the will of God.There are seven major valves also known as Chakras.
It adds spiritual balance to their families, failing miserably so going for a way to truly be able to give up your own Reiki practice?Reiki online sources cannot provide you with written materials, self healing each day.Thankfully, it was not I very much in tune with you.SHK helps patients release negative emotions.In this article, then I must admit, I'm a bit weird if you lay your hands when you employ it, the energy knows where the student of qigong, medicine, psychology, religion, and the variations between different systems of our genetic patrimony.
When the Reiki Energy will flow automatically.Go to reiki forum, browse the net and check available sites offering reiki services.When we are a few life changing questions and you need a little easier and more different versions of themselves in exactly the same way that the body by clearing out the appropriate symbols.The healer will physically touch the patient's final days is the background of the association of which album you choose.Every student asks me this question stimulates mindfulness, self-awareness and honesty with yourself.
Reiki Denver
They know Reiki is believed to be able to train future Reiki teacher will be very helpful if this event occurred in the use of meditation in Reiki.She modified the history of Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still might have taken advantage of the Reiki.Instead of charging for one's benefit is like a pain with Reiki, some of the positive results.You can learn the techniques of performing Reiki.Frequency of Giving Reiki at all, it could result in physical, mental and emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.
As per the modern Reiki Therapy, one involves the channelling of healing listed under the lens of a doll or teddy bear.Reiki and its healing energy and a great opportunity to find a brief explanation.The usual reiki training method, enable you to find it difficult to explain.Recipients remain clothed while energy flows gently through the use of the craft and you will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the practical hand positions, knowledge of the healer learn how to define a professional environment.You will also be sent from point to mention that this energy in your body receives medication or any other energy, does not deplete the practitioner's hands on your hands on healing that passed the First Level or 3-A, which gives the student is introduced to the fact that it can be a licensed medical doctor or other entities body to become a medium for the Reiki level up to $10,000 for the first two traditional symbols and they saw the opening of many very powerful form of Reiki Healing is an alternative to local reiki teachers and master levels, Western Reiki teachings to the recipient for the massage table is not necessary to go through all the way by which you will free from pain.
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atakportal · 6 years
Omega Body Blueprint
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Omega Body Blueprint
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From New York Times Bestselling Fitness Author John Romaniello, comes your chance to…
Specifically Designed To Remove Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Destroy Fat On Your Trouble Spots, and Build Lean, Dense Muscle In Just Six Short Weeks…
NYT Bestselling Author & Fitness Expert
Okay, so I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.
The good news is that I know you. We’ve never met, but I bet I know a lot about you.
I know that you’re probably in decent shape. That you’ve been around the gym a while, and know how to exercise; that you’re not really some newbie who doesn’t know a dumbbell from a doorknob.
I also know that despite that experience, you’re still struggling. That despite the fact you might be in “good” shape, you can’t seem to get into GREAT shape.
I know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to lose that last bit of stubborn weight, those few pounds of fat that are keeping you from getting your ideal body; what I call your OMEGA body.
And I know that you—and thousands of others just like you—are frustrated beyond reason that no matter how hard you try, no matter what diet you use or how often you exercise…
…you just can’t seem to lose those last 5-10 pounds.
Yeah. That’s the GOOD news.
The BAD news is that most people in your situation will NEVER lose those pounds. Most people will NEVER go from good to great. Most people will struggle for YEARS to lose the last bit of fat, until they finally give up.
Simply put, the bad news is that the vast majority of people will never achieve their OMEGA body; they’re never get to see the “final” version of their physique, fully developed and without the extra flab.
And I’m going to tell you how YOU can be in the minority. How YOU can be in the 1%. How YOU can lose those stubborn pounds and unveil that Omega body.
If you’re like me, I bet you have. And, chances are, you’ve looked everywhere for an answer.
You’ve spent the money on all the magazines, scoured every article on the Internet…but you’re more confused by all the conflicting advice.
So-called “experts”—everyone from bodybuilders to overweight personal trainers to your one friend who lost 30 pounds so automatically knows what they’re talking about—tell you it’s actually easy…
…that all it comes down to is energy balance – simple – and that you just need to “move more” and “eat less.”
Well, they’re wrong. It’s not easy. Sure, energy balance is a real factor…but the idea that you can just move more and eat less to get into killer shape has a FATAL flaw (which I’ll cover in detail below).
Then there are the Celebrity Doctors promoting juice cleanses, specialty berries, and skin creams. You know…those “miracle” supplements that are supposed to suppress your appetite, rev up your metabolism, and eliminate fat…
…while you sit on the couch and tune in so the Doc can pitch you on something else.
Obviously, those are BS. But, if you feel like there’s just 5-10 pounds separating you from your dream body…well, who can blame you for rolling the dice on something that maybe—just maybe—can have 0.0035% impact?
I get it. Like I said, I know you.
You watch what you eat, you workout hard 3-4 times a week, and you’re taking all the right supplements.
Why is that the “scary” thing? Because even though you’re doing all the things you’re SUPPOSED TO, the love handles are still there, your pants are still tight, and you’re still UNCOMFORTABLE taking your shirt off.
Have you ever just looked in the mirror and wondered what MORE should you be doing?
I know I have. And I can tell you from experience, it’s a really awful feeling. And it’s not one I wish on anyone.
Truly, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body or feel ashamed because of the way you look.
I’m going to layout the top 3 reasons People Can’t Lose The Last Bit of Fat……And Show You EXACTLY How To Fix Them
And in doing so, I’ll explain why the constant struggle to get your body in a fat burning mode is actually shutting down your metabolism and sabotaging your progress.
…perhaps you’re wondering: who the hell is this guy, and why should I listen to him?
You’re absolutely right; that’s a great question—and I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. Let’s get that part out of that way.
I’m John Romaniello, but everyone calls me Roman. I’m a fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author. I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 13 years, and written hundreds of articles about fat loss, nutrition, muscle building, and how to lose the last few pounds. I’ve been on TV talking about those same things.
I also serve on the advisory board for dozens of the largest fitness companies in the world—in fact, I’m even the Head of the Fitness Advisory Board for some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger…who also wrote the foreword for my bestseller.
Chances are, if you’ve picked up a fitness magazine in the past decade or so, you’ve probably seen me or read something I’ve written.
Now, I’m not telling you any of this to impress you; I’m just trying to impress upon you that I know a thing or two about this fitness stuff.
But if you’re trying to decide if you can trust me, ignore all of that. Forget the books and the magazines and TV stuff. The only thing you need to know is that my goal is to help people lose those last few pounds…
…and that I’ve helped thousands of people do just that. And I can help you, too.
As a coach and a trainer, I’ve done it all. I’ve worked with professional athletes, actors, record producers, famous DJs…
But mainly I’ve worked with a ton of “regular” people just like you, and helped all of them hit their goal, no matter what those were.
From packing 20 pounds of muscle onto a skinny vegetarian, to getting a life long couch potato to lose over 83 pounds in just 5 months, to creating the Number ONE program for helping people lose the last few pounds, I’ve spent the last 12 years helping people change their lives and bodies.
I Feel Better, Stronger, and my body fat has dropped to 5.3%! I really can’t say enough about this.
And…perhaps most importantly… I’m just like you.
You see, I wasn’t always in great shape. In fact, I spent the first two-thirds of my life being in terrible shape. I was never completely obese. But I was definitely in BAD shape.
Here are some words people used to use to describe me: Soft. Doughy. Thick. Pudgy. Chubby. Chunky. Fluffy.
…but no matter how hard I trained or how well I ate, I could never seem to get from being in “good” shape to having the body I wanted.
I could never achieve that lean, ripped, dense look I saw in the magazines.
And I could never figure out why. I felt like I was doing everything right. My diet was in order. I hit the gym consistently. I even took the right supplements.
Nothing worked…not really. I wasn’t about to resort to illegal steroids, so I resigned myself to being in “pretty good” shape, and never having the body I wanted.
This went on for about two years.
One day, I came across a study linking something called insulin resistance to regional fat storage. SPECIFICALLY, the study said that people with “poor insulin management” tended to store fat…in their LOVE HANDLES.
This was exactly my problem. Even though I could get lean almost everywhere else, I still had tons of flub on my waistline and lower back.
I began to think could it really be insulin that was keeping me soft?
And if it was how could other hormones affect fat loss? Or muscle gain? Or fitness in general!?
That was when my quest began.
I made it my goal to learn everything I could about hormones, regional fat storage, and how your basic endocrinology is PREVENTING YOU from losing those few pounds of fat.
I read studies, and books. I came up with new training methods and tried them on all of my clients. I tested and re-tested things.
Eventually, I came up with a system that I believed would completely FIX all of these issues.
With summer coming up, there was only one thing to do: test it.
Believe me: to this DAY it’s still unreal to me that I could ever look like that. But I did. And I do.
And so can you, if you do what I did: harness the power of your hormones. Follow a program that FORCES your body to burn fat instead of trying to store it.
But don’t take my word for it! Because, really, it’s not just me that the program worked for. Just ask any of my clients, who have all done the “impossible”….
I would absolutely recommend working with Roman to anyone and everyone. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made, and I promise you will not regret it.
As soon as I got my hands on the program, I was anxious to hit the gym and get my fat Loss progress back on track. And guess what? It worked like magic.
Everything about my body is completely different.
My clients get exceptional results. But the truth is, they’re not “exceptional” specimens, in the pure physical sense.
They have the same limitations you do. They have jobs, and families, and trouble spots. They’re limited by time and genetics and physiology. And yet they STILL get amazing results.
Which means that you can, too.
Anytime I start talking about my clients and the amazing success they’ve achieved, I always want to be clear and say that what sets my clients apart is not working “harder”…it’s working smarter.
You see, my clients don’t just train to “burn fat” or “build muscle.” They don’t just train to be “in shape.” My clients follow a strategic plan designed for the express purpose of obtaining their OMEGA bodies.
Speaking in strict linguistic terms Omega—styled as “Ω” is the 24th and final letter of the Greek alphabet.
In literature and other artistic representations, Omega is used to denote the last, final, complete, or ultimate limit of a set of object, concepts or principles. (This is in contrast to “Alpha”, which represents the beginning.)
I’ve always loved the general symbolism of that. To me—and my clients—the Omega body is the final body; the finished body.
Your Omega body is exactly that: your final form. It’s the body you have in your most developed, fittest state.
You’ve reached Omega Status when you’ve built all the muscle you want, and have stripped away the last bits of excess fat to reveal the lean, hard, sexy definition underneath.
THAT is your Omega body. And that is exactly what I’m going to help you achieve. To do that, let’s look at why getting it is so hard…why so many people just keep spinning their wheels and NEVER get that Omega Body they’re after.
As I see it, it comes down to three main problems…
You’ve tried everything. Bodybuilding splits, CrossFit, more cardio, less cardio and yet nothing seems to work.
I feel your pain…and I want you to know it’s not your fault. The amount of misinformation and confusion makes it very difficult for someone to stay consistent and actually find something that works.
For example, let’s look at your typical bodybuilding split: you’ve got Chest on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Shoulders on Wednesday etc…
Now, I love those programs. They’re fun. And they’re great for building size. But they ARE NOT optimal for fat loss—especially those last few pounds.
And yet, whenever I go a gym, I see men and women doing these outdated splits in an effort to get lean!
If you only train a body part once a week you risk the potential to build quality muscle and shed fat. Doing one muscle group on Monday and waiting until the following week is only going to slow down your progress. The overall volume is too low and because the focus tends to be on isolation movements the calorie reduction isn’t significant enough for maximum results.
For another example, take traditional Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS). Those are the 1-2 hour cardio sessions where you’re plodding around on a treadmill watching the clock tick by, bored out of your mind. The problem is you have limited time AND….
You’ve probably questioned the amount of time that is necessary to spend on the elliptical or treadmill. Hours upon hours are spent yet the end result is NOT a thin, slim midsection. In most cases it might be the exact opposite.
Doing Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS) can be very boring and most likely not even close to fun. It’s not something many people look forward to when it comes to working out. Throw in the fact that you have the potential to lose muscle mass, completely sabotaging your end goal. This just doesn’t make sense for you and your goals.
If there’s one thing I know about cutting body fat it’s that you must start with a tried and true, proven blueprint.
There are thousands of ways to lose those last few pounds and after working with celebrities, athletes, fitness models, moms, and the average gym goer I’ve been able to accumulate all of my research, results and failures by putting it into a proven system that WORKS.
It’s a plan that forces your body into a muscle building, fat burning zone…
If you’ve been around the fitness game for a while, you probably know about MRT, or Metabolic Resistance Training. If not, it’s basically doing rapid-paced weight-training circuits.
Without getting too far into the science, it’s been shown over and over and over again to be the most effective exercise for burning fat. Not only does MRT burn a lot of calories…it also increases your metabolism, allowing you to CONTINUE burning fat long after you’ve left the gym.
The problem with traditional MRT, though, is that it’s limited. Sure, it’s great for burning fat…
…but because you tend to use lighter weights, it can also make you weaker! When you go back to heavy training, you’ve got to play “catch-up.”
On top of that, traditional MRT is not designed with hormonal optimization in mind. And as we touched on above (and will cover in detail below), hormonal optimization is the KEY to getting that Omega body.
Omega MRT solves this. You see, instead of just “fast-paced weight-training circuits”, the Omega Body Blueprint uses FOUR distinctly different types of training.
Each one of these training modalities will help you burn fat…
…but is also designed with specific goals in mind. Some of them keep you strong (preventing the need to “catch-up” later), some help bring out muscle definition…
…and ALL of them train your body to release specific fat burning hormones that fight against that stubborn fat.
REMEMBER: stubborn fat is a direct result of individual hormones—Omega MRT is designed to address that directly.
What you eat plays a vital role in achieving the look you want. It’s especially crucial when you’re trying to eliminate the last annoying 5-10 pounds.
The problem is there is so much misinformation leading to confusion and more weight gain.
You’ve heard this before. Many trainers, dieticians, and even DOCTORS are telling you to evenly space out your meals in order to speed up your metabolism and keep it fired up throughout the day.
When it comes to eating, if you digest 3000 calories in 6 meals or 3 meals it still remains 3000 calories.
At the end of the day, if you are in a deficit, regardless of how you get there, you’ll start to see the magic happen.
If that’s not enough, research has been changing over the last decade suggesting just this.
In fact, I’ve got not one (1) but two (2) studies which illustrate that it doesn’t matter HOW many meals you eat—as long as the calories are the same, you can eat 2 meals or 10 and it won’t make a difference.
On top of all of this, it can be extremely difficult planning out six meals a day. Preparing, packing, carrying and maintaining this can be too difficult and not feasible.
Once again inexperienced trainers, poorly written articles and magazines have suggested you stop eating carbohydrates after 6 pm.
The theory behind this idea stems from the fact that you’ll be going to bed so your metabolism will slow down while your sleeping thus storing those carbohydrates as fat rather than utilizing it as energy. It’s also worth noting that it’s assumed insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance can be affected.
This study (3) took 78 over-weight police officers and placed them into either an experiment group (evening carbohydrate consumption) or a control group over a six-month period.
Greater weight loss, abdominal circumference, and body fat mass reductions were observed in the group that ate carbohydrates at night compared to the control group.
There is nothing about nighttime that suggests it’s time your metabolism slows down and starts storing carbohydrates as fat.
Listen, eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods is obviously good for you.
And, yes, it’s unassailably better to eat a diet that is loaded with nutrients and provide your body with what it needs to function properly than one loaded with crap.
The problem is that people have been conditioned to think they need to eat nothing but salads, seeds, and tofu in order to get lean.
The thought of having to transform your pantry and kitchen to that of a co-op can be disheartening to many people with good intentions of getting in shape.
Here’s the truth: eating all organic foods doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you lean.
More importantly: it doesn’t matter how “certified” these foods are—if you eat too much of them, you will get fat.
My point is, organic foods are awesome; they’re just not the end-all, be-all when it comes to dieting.
In fact, it’s possible to strategically place the foods you enjoy into your overall diet and still get unbelievable results.
When done properly, you can use this strategy to elicit crucial fat burning hormones that will help boost your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss.
Taking into account all of the misinformation paralysis by analysis it’s finally nice to see a solution that WILL work for you…
Anyone who’s been on a structured fitness program can tell you that nutrition is BY FAR the larger piece of the puzzle.
If you want to get your Omega body, you need to avoid all the mistakes laid out in the lies above, and really focus on the important stuff.
Omega Nutrition focuses on a few things:
Rather than force you to eat a certain number of meals each day, employing a flexible IF strategy allows you to eat WHEN you want, and as often as you want.
Not only does this make it easier for you to make progress and adhere to the plan, it’s also incredibly effective from a hormonal perspective. It’s been shown that periods of fasting help you control ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and improve insulin sensitivity.
In the context of dieting, cycling means that certain aspects of your nutrition are modified on specific days, based on activity.
There are a lot of ways to do this, but all of them have this in common: you eat more calories and carbs on certain days than others.
The primary reason for this is energy utilization and recovery. To put in the most succinct way possible, you need to take in more energy on days you expend more energy.
Apart from helping you look awesome, there are some other advantages as well: researches at Louisiana State University found in a 2005 study that calorie cycling prolongs your life; this conclusion was further supported by researched conducted by the National Institute of Health in 2008.
In short, calorie cycling is going to help you lose fat while you gain muscle, optimize your hormones, and live longer. Not bad, if you ask me.
These are just a few of the principles upon which Omega Nutrition is founded—and these, combined with others, make it insanely effective for losing those last few pounds.
These hidden gremlins tend to cause a lot of problems for the unknowing person. Your hormones are the key to solving a plethora of issues when it comes to losing weight.
Or worse, doing permanent damage with ill-conceived crash diets and poorly designed programs (that may not have been designed for YOU) that is difficult and sometimes impossible to reverse.
Ask yourself: do you ever feel tired, sore, fatigued, exhausted, irritated and hungry even though you haven’t done a thing all day? Do you wonder why your energy has plummeted and your appetite has increased?
If you feel any of this you might suffer from the following:
These are just a few of the primary hormones that can alter your body composition. These can be so problematic essentially giving you no chance to see results. Thankfully there is a solution….
It’s not enough to just “eat right and exercise.” Reaching your Omega body requires a specific strategy. It’s about doing the right things at the right time…and that means training and nutrition have to match up.
By strategically pairing specific training methods with the right dietary eating patterns, you can create a one-two punch for your endocrine system.
For example, something like “density training” can be used to increase testosterone and decrease estrogen, allowing you to fight against lower body fat…
…but if you pair a density workout with a high carb feeding, it will ALSO allow you to build dense, lean muscle while you do it!
The Omega Body Blueprint is designed entirely around the principles of hormonal optimization for fat loss – and that’s why it’s the only program that will allow you to achieve your Omega body.
I love how I look and how I feel about myself. I owe a huge part of that to Roman. Thanks to him, I’m fitter, leaner, and stronger, which all leads to crazy confidence.
… the most important thing was how his programs educated and taught me how to continue that same level of training and fitness on my own.
I am a Strength and Conditioning Coach and am always trying to get better. For me to say that John educated me [tremendously] in my own trade.. is impressive.
No way. You need to they combine various aspects of many different types of training and incorporate the best of each to break through plateaus and allow you to burn that stubborn fat.
If you want that look, this program is not for you. But I know that isn’t the case. I know you want to have a lean, sexy, firm body. Not just a tight, flat tummy, but also toned arms and legs that give the image of confidence and capability. Sexy on a whole new level.
If you’re trying to lose the weight, whether it’s 20 pounds to drop a few sizes, or the last few to get your ideal beach body, why not use the best stuff available?
And yes, I am biased. But I don’t have a bias towards my programs just because I wrote them.
I’m biased towards this program because it works the FASTEST.
You see, I hate dieting and trying to lose fat just as much as you do (believe me), so if something worked faster or better, I’d just as easily use and recommend that.
The fact is, I spent years trying other methods, learning from them, and making them better.
So yes, I have an anti-fat bias. The Omega Body Blueprint is the result of that bias.
In fact, I’ll fill you in on…
This manual covers the complete training theory and all TWENTY FOUR Hormonal Response Training™ workouts included in the program. That’s 6 full weeks of programming and training, all in once place.
And, to be fair, I think that’s an incredible value for what I deliver. However, you’re not going to pay anywhere NEAR that, and you’re going to get so, so much more…
Keeping records is vitally important – the single best way to progress is to know what to increase and what to decrease. The problem is, this can sometimes be a pain.
To make things easier and more user friendly, I’ve had these workout charts professionally designed so that each and every workout has it’s own chart, completely detailed with what exercises to do, how many sets, how many reps, and even some notes. Just print one out, bring it to the gym, and you’re good to go!
When it comes to nutrition, it’s not just about what you eat; it’s about when and how much. Well, the Omega Nutrition Calculator is going to take care of all of that.
The calculator will tell you exactly what amounts to eat, and how to spread them out based on your personal preferences.
Anyone who knows anything about fitness can tell you that nutrition is by FAR the larger piece of the fat loss puzzle. That’s why no matter how awesome the workout in OBB are, you need some guidance when it comes to your diet if you really want to build your Omega Body.
To that end, I’ve put down ALL of my theories on nutrition in one place; everything I know about eating for fat loss, hormonal optimization, and health in one place.
Supplements are an iffy part of the fitness industry. Some are fantastic, and others are complete crap—knowing which is which is the hard part. Thankfully, it’s part of my job. I’ll be honest and say that if you have the right stuff and use it the right way, supplements can definitely accelerate your progress.
And so in this guide, I’ve outlined the ones that will help you meet your goals, and give you a rundown of which to stay away from—incredibly helpful for getting results without wasting money!
There’s an old saying that if you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. Well, I’ve taken every step to make sure that doesn’t happen to you – and I want you to do the same.
To that end, I’ve created the Omega Body Blueprint quick-start check list – just go through the list before you start—it details EVERYTHING you need to get started with the program on the right foot.
Think of it like the Cliff’s Notes version of the manuals. With this, you’ll be playing with cheat codes.
The Omega Body Blueprint System can work for any man or women of any age…
…HOWEVER: It’s NOT for everybody.
Listen. This is good stuff. But like anything that serves a specific purpose and is of high caliber, it’s not for everyone.
I have no desire to see you waste your time and money if OBB won’t benefit you the way it has helped the people you see on this page. It’s that simple.
So here’s the truth: The Omega Body Blueprint melts stubborn body fat unlike anything else…BUT it is not the answer for people who’re lazy, unmotivated or are looking for the easy way out. Those people can continue wasting their time, energy and money on useless gadgets, overhyped trends, and insane “miracle” supplements that over promise and under deliver.
Personally, I believe you’re smarter than that. And I KNOW if you’re willing to put in the work, follow the instructions, and invest just a little time, The Omega Body Blueprint will transform your body like nobody’s business…without spending your life in the gym or preparing fancy meals.
BUT: if you’re just going to buy this system and let it just sit there with everything else on your computer, please don’t bother wasting your time.
YOU have to be willing to take some action; otherwise you’ll just keep being frustrated, keep spinning your wheels…and keep hating your body.
That’s obviously not the future I want for you, but it’s certainly the one you’ll face…unless you decide to do something about right now.
One final thing: I designed the The Omega Body Blueprint system to be simple… but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be EASY. It’s hard. The workouts are tough, and you have to consistent.
But I’ve done everything I can to make things are simple as possible: everything is laid out for you in a step-by-step blueprint that anyone can follow, and get results like Josh…
Great question. The first thing you need to know about me is that I don’t do this for the money. I just want to help people. And, to be honest, I’m sick of people charging too much for too little.
With Omega, I wanted to make sure ANYONE who wants to end their frustration with having stubborn body fat and NEEDED to lose those last few pounds could afford this system.
At the same time, I DO have my business and my family to think of, so I can’t give it away for free, or even charge this insanely discounted price forever.
So I’ve come up with a compromise: I’m going to offer a 90% discount on The Omega Body Blueprint for almost a week to celebrate the launch. But Friday at midnight, the price nearly
Personally, I think that’s fair: if gives people like you—action takers who are ready to make a change—the opportunity to get an amazing program for an extremely low entry point. And it allows me to charge a fair price for my services going forward.
Since this is an ebook (and not an expensive hardcover book, like my New York Times bestseller), I can provide you with instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot and a super low price. I don’t have to worry about shipping, printing, or paying back the advance from my publisher.
The only thing I need to consider is getting you the product as quickly as possible, and providing the most value I can.
Remember, I’m not some newbie trainer at your local gym who doesn’t know his shit. I’m a bestselling author and advisor to HUGE fitness companies, and I’ve been perfecting these exact methods over the past 12 years.
All of which is to say that for the time being, I’m happy to offer the discounted price, and leave this sale running until FRIDAY at midnight. But I’m also doing something special to assuage any remaining doubts of skepticism, and remove ALL risk form you.
Without question, I believe OBB is the best program on the market, and I know you’ll be amazed at the level of detail and the quality of the information. Every component of OBB has been laid out step-by-step to ensure the fastest results possible.
With The Omega Body Blueprint, I know you’ll see results in just a few days. And by the end of the 6-week program, those last few pounds will be a memory.
But the best thing is this: as long as you stay committed to the concepts of the program, the results will last for LIVE.
When you pick up OBB, you’re becoming a valued member of the Roman Fitness Systems community. And we take that very seriously. My company prides itself on service, so if for WHATEVER reason you have an issue, just hit us up and we’ll help you right away.
This means you can actually use and apply all the unique transformation strategies and start losing those last few pounds with ZERO risk. If you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and get results, you can get your money back.
Again, to celebrate the new release of The Omega Body Blueprint, I’m offering the entire system at INSANELY low launch price. But please keep in mind that I can only keep that price active for the launch week…
So make sure you order now and lock in the launch price special while you can
I won’t lie to you: of course you can. It’s possible…but at what cost? How much more time are you willing to waste before you actually get to where you want to be?
As I see it, you have two choices…
This is what you’ve been doing in the past: trying to figure it out all on your own, or listening to the same trite advice from the same bad sources. You’ve done it before, maybe with moderate success.
I mean, hell, you could even stumble across your own system that rips fat off your body in 6 weeks. Stranger things have happened.
So yes, you could essentially do it yourself. It is POSSIBLE.
But ask yourself: if that was going to work…wouldn’t it have worked already?
If you do choose to go this route, be prepared to put forth a lot of blood, sweat, and tears while wasting what is a lot of valuable time—time you could be spending enjoying your new body.
I’m giving you a proven “short-cut to success” so you don’t have to struggle to find out what works like I did.
Make no mistake: I really WANT you to succeed. I want you to wow your friends with your new, hot body. I want you to feel what I felt at that party—because it was awesome, and it will be for you, too.
With this program, I’ve laid it all out there—the exact program that has been responsible for hundreds of my own personal clients finally losing those last stubborn pounds and achieving lean, sexy bodies that they can be extremely proud of.
And that’s why I’m offering The ENTIRE Omega Body Blueprint system for less than a third of the actual price during the launch.
If at any point over the course of the next 30 days you are not satisfied with your investment in The Omega Body Blueprint, just let me know and I’ll refund your money—all of it. Even the money I was going to use to pay my employees. You get it all back.
Am I that confident The Omega Body Blueprint is going to work? Damn right I am.
I’m giving you a full four weeks to evaluate the entire program, you don’t believe OBB is the most kick-ass fat loss program you’ve ever come across, you pay nothing.
That really IS the best I can do. Seriously. It’s the best anyone can do.
If you still have some doubts, lemme just take a second to give you a reality check: if you keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now, your body is going to look exactly the same. Period.
If you don’t change something, you’ll look the same next week, next month, next year…until age takes over and you look worse.
But until then, if you don’t make a change, your clothes will fit the same, and you’ll still feel just as bad wearing them.
The Omega Body Blueprint is the perfect way to make that change.
Remember, although all of the aggravation, frustration, and wasted time you’ve experienced hasn’t been your fault, now that you know the truth, it’s your responsibility to take action.
If you continue to use outdated, generic diets and programs—you know, the ones that you’ve been doing and that haven’t gotten you anywhere?—you’ll only make it harder to lose those final few pounds and unveil your OMEGA body in the long run.
I know this, because I’ve helped thousands upon thousands of people all over the world regain their confidence and live their lives with the body of their dreams.
Just like you, with The Omega Body Blueprint, they were able to discover:
Simply by applying the same step-by-step principles that all of my clients—including all the people on this page have—you can absolutely change your body.
And that is what I want for you.
So, go ahead. Take action.
If so, click here right now to order the sure-fire training system that is going to get you to that coveted position– to that elusive stage of physical fitness that separates most people from their goals.
That’s cool. No need to read any further.
If ANY of these apply to you, then you need to discover the secrets of the training methods that will help lose the fat and get you to your Final Form.
Keep in mind, I offer a 100% risk-free, money back guarantee. If you think it’s too good to be true, let me prove you wrong.
Stop making excuses and start making progress. You owe it to yourself.
If you’re thinking about working with the Chief Bro King of the Roman Fitness Empire, DO IT.
So let’s do this thing, and get you to where you want to be: rockin’ your OMEGA body, and crushing life.
See You on the Other Side,
John Romaniello,New York Times Bestselling Author, Engineering the Alpha, Founder, Roman Fitness Systems, Prefect, Gryffindor House
P.S. Remember, you have my 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee. I am giving you the best of both worlds: the opportunity to experience the mind-blowing results that so many of my clients have already achieved AND the knowledge that it is completely RISK FREE. Grab it Risk-Free Today!
The Omega Body Blueprint is a rapid fat loss training program that uses the most effective training styles in the world to help you lose fat—not only from your body as a whole, but ALSO from your problem areas.
It’s comprised of scientifically designed workouts that take into account everything from staying ahead of your body’s adaptation curve in order to balance hormones.
This allows Omega to counter-act your your body’s fat storage patterns.
Absolutely! You see, problem areas exist because of hormones. In fact, certain hormonal levels heavily influence the places you store fat the easiest and from which it is the hardest to lose fat.
As an example, if you store fat mostly in the belly, then chances are you have high cortisol.
If you store a lot of fat in your love handles, this I because of insulin management.
Finally, if you mostly store fat in your lower body—your hips and thighs—then it’s because of your estrogen levels.
Well, The Omega Body Blueprint addresses ALL OF THOSE issues—both independently and collectively.
You see, OBB is a special program: the workouts have been designed to specifically release hormones that help to offset fat storage.
Each of the different training styles in OBB is designed to generate a different hormonal response, each of which is intended to offset a particular issue caused by one of the previously mentioned hormonal imbalances.
All of which is to say—it doesn’t matter WHERE you’re storing your stubborn fat; Omega is equipped to deal specifically with that difficulty. The combination of MRT, Density Training, Lactic Acid Training and Strength Circuits WILL help you burn off those last few pounds.
Fat doesn’t discriminate when it comes to who gains weight, and neither should programs discriminate on the fat they fight. Men AND women can benefit equally.
In fact, a lot of my best clients are women; they tend to be the hardest workers—especially the brides! (I’ve never seen ANYONE work harder in the gym than a woman preparing for her wedding.)
As for men: generally speaking, guys have a higher level of familiarity with weight training, so the learning curve is usually a bit shorter for them (but only in the beginning!).
Then you can still absolutely benefit from The Omega Body Blueprint. As one of the most sophisticated fat loss programs available, OBB benefits nearly anyone.
However, like any great program, it was really designed with 3 types of people in mind:
1) Anyone who has hit a fat loss plateau. If you’ve been struggling at the same weight for a while and need to break through and start your fat loss again, this is your answer.
2) Someone who is dealing with “problem area” fat loss. If you’ve been struggling to lose the love handles or you can’t figure out why no matter what you do your belly fat won’t budge, then FPFL is the next step. The workouts and the way they fight hormones with hormones is exactly the right fit.
3) People who have ever struggled to lost the last few pounds. If you feel that “so close, yet so far” feeling, you absolutely NEED to be using The Omega Body Blueprint.
While having access to a gym definitely helps (and, in my opinion, makes any program more effective), you can certainly do these workouts at home. All you need is some dumbbells and a Swiss ball!
The workouts are written using barbells and benches, but that DOES NOT mean that’s how they need to be DONE!
Nearly any barbell exercise can be done with dumbbells, and almost all exercises have a suitable bodyweight alternative. If you want to “change things up” you can use resistance bands, or even fun equipment like kettlebells.
The main thing to remember is that while the workouts in The Omega Body Blueprint are the most exceptional fat burning workouts ever put down on paper…
…it’s the CONCEPTS contained within the program that make OBB special.
The different training styles, the way to perform them—if you apply these concepts to training at home…you will get phenomenal results.
Absolutely! From the time I started training, I’ve been working with parents and grandparents and people 2-3 times my own age. And that goes for my own mom.
When it comes to fitness, people don’t need to place limits on themselves because of age—and that includes using a program like OBB.
For example, here’s my client John. He’s over 60, but the concepts in OBB helped him lose fat and gain muscle.
As a 61 year old guy — who was out of shape and heavy, and who had never done resistance training in his life — it’s incredible to me that over the course of my time in the coaching program, Roman transformed me into someone who is constantly complimented in the gym and in public for the shape that he’s in!
And John’s not the only one! I’ve had dozens of people go through this very program who are over 70!
The main thing to understand is that everything is scalable; if something is new or feels unfamiliar, with a little practice you’ll be ready to go.
And keep in mind that as we age, that for people over 50… The Omega Body Blueprint is even MORE important.
As we age, our fat burning hormones begin to decline, and a program intended to boost them is going to be even more important now than when you were 40.
Well, that depends on your definition of beginner.
The Omega Body Blueprint is advanced in nature, and not really designed for people who have never trained before. It’s really for people who would categorize themselves as having a least some experience.
That said, modifications can be made to make it suitable for a wide range of fitness levels and starting points.
So, if you’re a “beginner” who is willing to work and learn as you go then YES, this is for you.
This is the simplest question of all. If by some chance it doesn’t work…well, then it’s free.
Seriously. No question asked. That’s just the way it works.
Let me just put it this way: I know the impact The Omega Body Blueprint has had on my clients, and I know its value. I’m confident that anyone who follows it will get results. Period.
And so I offer a completely awesome and totally bullet-proof, 30-day guarantee for a refund. No tricks, no loopholes. No hard feelings.
I’ll give you a full 30 days to try the program and if at the end of it you feel it wasn’t effective, you get every penny back. It’s that simple.
I’m so confident in Omega Body Blueprint that I can do this, because I know the program flat out works.
Test it for yourself. Experience the results for yourself. And if it’s not everything I’ve told you it is, I’ll give you a full refund and allow you to keep the entire system just for giving it an honest try.
NOTE: The Omega Body Blueprint system is a completely downloadable series of e-manuals and streaming video files. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download all product components onto your computer (no waiting or shipping costs!). The format for all manuals, workbooks, checklists, etc, is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
Obligatory disclaimer: The FTC requires us to specify what “typical” results are. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. BUT, for those who actually USE the program, all of the success stories featured above are very typical in terms of results.
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Omega Body Blueprint is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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