#i won't be active socially/with reblogs. sorry!
xitsensunmoon · 2 days
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He's a bit too excited to see you clock in
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pseudowho · 17 hours
I saw your Ask response to someone who was worried that you only reblogged their work occasionally (a mutual of yours I think) and it felt really relevant to me as I'm finding myself in a tight spot at the moment. You made it clear that you just rb what you really like and I respected that and im sad that your abusive asks that you mentioned appear to be related to that subject.
There is a group in a fandom I enjoy writing for who seem to be trying to monopolise the artists and writers etcctc into one big group, with everyone reblogging everything, but the issue is I don't always like what they write, and there is this feeling on the dl like if i dont rb everything then I wont be liked or wanted there. I dont really know what to do honestly Haitch.
✍️ anon if you take emojis please
Ugh. First and foremost I'm sorry this is happening to you. I have been in a similar position to you (there's a group who have painted me as some nasty arsehole, and I'm now roundly ignored by them, because I snapped at the self-appointed leader of the group for constant low-level narcissism and self-aggrandisement).
While I don't regret walking away from clique activity (especially with this one, who mask cliquey hyperbolic reblogs as 'being best friends' and 'positive reblog culture'), I understand how it feels to know you'll be pushed onto the sidelines unless you play their game and conform.
My own 'snap' came after weeks of the feeling that I had been invited to an orgy, but then once I'd arrived I wasn't allowed to join in. I found that because I only reblogged what I really liked, people suddenly treated my work as if it didn't exist. A pervasive feeling that I wasn't allowed to partake because my writing received lots of notes, also crept through.
Hard to say without feeling exceptionally arrogant; it's not how I intend it. I'm viewing this issue holistically at this point, with understanding (though not forgiveness) of the mentality behind it.
Apparently, you're not allowed to partake in toxic reblog culture, if you only reblog what you actually adore, instead of just reblogging everyone's stuff all the time.
So I can see where you're at. Ultimately, you have two choices: the honourable one, or the shrewd one. Do you leave because you won't forgo your values to bend to the peer-pressure? Or do you stay because you want to be shrewd, and understand that there may be some value to being in instead of being out?
In the end, the conclusion I've reached, is that a lot of people on Tumblr are very socially fragile. Lots of people who want to reach out and form friendship groups but are afraid of rejection. When they do form a group, they can then develop a sort of pack mentality of hyper-loyalty, because they're so happy to have not been rejected, and so practice these odd 'Mean Girls' behaviours as a protective mechanism.
It's a shame to sit back and watch it happen. It's harder to sit back and watch it happen, once you've walked away.
I wish you all the best, ✍️ Anon. I hope you can find a way around it.
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Even answering this Ask has been rough-- I've been sitting on it all night, not sure if I even should answer it, because I know there's a chance of backlash from it.
I'm trusting that those who enjoy my blog, know me as the sort of person who does not partake in this sort of exclusionary activity.
-- Haitch xxx
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rewh0re · 1 year
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-fluff fluff FLUFF, nagi realising he might have a lil crush, just nagi falling for you. REBLOGS + FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED!!
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Nagi was not the resident lover boy. Everyone knew that, he made sure of it. He garnered interest in a few things, video games and football being some examples. The latter, if not for his best friend Reo introducing it to him, maybe wouldn't even have made it in the list. Nagi found most of the things to be a hassle. It was a hassle to get up in the morning, a hassle to brush his teeth, a hassle to get ready and come to school and get through the day. The biggest hassle of all was falling in love and high school relationships. Nagi didn't really get the logic behind all that jazz but he did get confessions in the form of little notes and homemade chocolates. He hated it, all he wanted to do was ignore them and sleep and that's what he did.
But then Nagi met you. Standing under the shelter provided by the bus stop in the pouring rain, a wet umbrella in your hands. He ran there to take shelter from the rain as well and in the process got wet. Swatting away the water from his hair, he felt your eyes on him.
"This is why you should carry an umbrella," you said, nodding your head at him. You were clearly joking as there was a little mischievous smile on your lips.
"It's a hassle to pack an umbrella," he said looking straight, voice as flat as ever.
"It’s a hassle to pack an umbrella?" Your head rolled back in laughter as you repeated his words in a question. Your reaction achieved a pout from Nagi and you thought he looked absolutely adorable in all his puffed out cheek glory.
"My bag becomes too heavy," his explanation was dry, not providing much information.
You smiled in reply, not really understanding this strange boy who found carrying an umbrella during the rainy seasons a hassle. You let it be, deciding that it wasn't really your concern.
"You go to my school?" He looked at the uniform you were wearing and then at his as if to check if they were the same. They were.
"Yes Nagi Seishiro I do go to your school," you chuckled in amusement before continuing "we shared a class last year. I won't blame you for forgetting though. You mostly slept and I never actively socialized with any of my classmates."
"I'm sorry," he rubbed the back of his neck, as embarrassment slowly took over him. A pink hue slowly creeped up his ears. You went to his school, were in the same year as him infact and he didn't even know you existed before this.
You laughed again. You laugh a lot, he noticed.
"No, don't be. I wouldn't have remembered either if you hadn't confidently said the definition of socialism when the question was about the functions of the kidney and still topped the class anyway," you grinned at him and he muttered curses at himself as the probably unwanted memory creeped its way up to the top.
"I'm l/n y/n by the way. You know, a formal introduction since we never really met properly," you stretched your hands towards him.
"Nagi Seishiro but you know that already," he took your hand and shook it gently.
Sitting at a bench provided by the bus stop together, you did not realize when the rain had stopped, the gray clouds slowly drifting by to reveal a clear sky. Nagi told you about his cactus, choki and about how Reo dragged him into football. You learnt that most things were actually a hassle for Nagi and when he said that, you laughed again.
Nagi felt a sense of pride wash over him as he made you laugh. He realized that you actually cracked very lame jokes but he found himself breaking into a small smile when you shared them anyway. It was a jolly scenario. Something in Nagi's heart bloomed when you smiled, beating a bit faster than usual.
Nagi was not your resident lover boy and in all honesty, he never wanted to be but seeing your exuberant personality made something in him glow. He found people to be a hassle, but you, with all your energy, didn't count as one, even if you officially met that day itself. Nagi didn't want to admit it was a crush just yet, he was willing to wait but when your bus came in sight, some sort of dejection took over him.
"Well that's me!" You got up from your seat waving at him as you made your way to the bus.
Just as you were about to get on the vehicle, you turned over your shoulder to look at the white haired male, who's gaze widened at the action.
"Hey Nagi, talk to me in school, yea? I'll be waiting!" You gave him a grin that stretched from ear to ear before getting up on the bus as it soon disappeared out of sight.
Your beaming smile was etched inside Nagi's mind as it sent some kind of fluttering sensation inside him. It wasn't long before he found himself smiling like an idiot while sitting on a bench in the bus stop thinking about you. He got up, his smile still intact, as he began walking towards the metro station.
That was all Nagi Seishiro could think on a rainy July evening after you left, making a mental note to definitely approach you in school.
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
Maybe this is a controversial opinion, but its one that I've been reminded of in the few weeks since things have escalated so severely in Israel and Palestine-- I feel like the pressure for random, average individuals online to be vocally political is not only entitled and uncomfortable, but also just an example of misplaced priority.
Like, I have people on twitter right now that are flat out saying if you don't talk extensively about I/P you're truly, irredeemably evil. I've had mutuals say that silence means you're complacent in genocide, that you have blood on your hands (exact words). But it just doesn't make sense? Most of the people who I've seen being flat out harassed for being silent are teenagers who don't have money to donate, working class folks who don't have time to spare, and normal people who just don't have enough of a following online to even spread any word effectively. Of course, the ones doing the harassing are also poor/busy/not-popular, but they don't see the irony. (I've also seen them say that talking about war constantly is taking a toll on their mental health, saying they've cried, had nightmares, panic attacks, etc...but they also say that taking a mental health break from social media is "selfish" and genocidal, so.)
The whole interaction leaves me with so many questions. If stepping away from social media because politics are stressing you out (which they are known to do), are you obligated to use social media? Do you have to use twitter to be a good person? What does that say about people who can't afford a phone, or live in a country where it isn't quite possible? (Are homeless folks inherently genocidal, or is that an "obvious" exception that was never clarified because no one uses nuance anymore?) If you have to talk about world events, lest you side with the oppressor, at what point is something so catastrophic you *must* talk about it? Is there a number of lives lost that is low enough you can get away with being quiet, and a certain amount too high that you're obligated to talk about it? Is it your duty to have the news on 24/7 to make sure you don't miss anything and catch all the global disasters as they happen? How much do you have to talk about something for it to be considered "enough"? Is there a quota??
It just feels like a lot of people are acting as if people who aren't chronically online aren't 1. doing any activism, because the only important activism is social media networking (sarcasm), or 2. are inherently bad people for *not* spending 6 hours a day on their phones. Like, I had someone I thought was a friend say I was a bad person because I was trying to cut down my social media usage, because the timing was "too convenient"... as if that's a normal thing to say to someone, ever. Sorry if I went on a little bit of a rant, it wasn't my intention. I dunno, maybe it's just me; I've seen a lot of people saying this sort of stuff so maybe they are the majority. It just feels really weird to let people that are addicted to social media take charge of who online is "good" or "bad" based off their internet usage. As if we were all catholics or something. If I were to say that current takes on morality were very catholic-seeming, would you know what I mean?
As recently noted, I am myself on an embargo from answering asks related to this topic. I will make one exception because this is important. Please note that any wank in replies or reblogs will be instantly blocked (and I won't hesitate to disable reblogs if necessary). I will not be answering follow-up asks or getting drawn into Discourse. I do not want to do it and it will not be happening.
I have said it before, but it bears saying again: thinking that the only way to Do Activism is to be constantly on social media and immersing yourself in terrible things nonstop and then posting the Most Correct Opinions (and then viciously attacking anyone who is even slightly Not As Correct as you) is absolutely bullshit. If you're engaging with this content so much that it's giving you a mental breakdown or otherwise plunging you into a spiral of anxiety that you take out on other people who are just as far removed from actually doing anything about it as you: why? Do you really think that you and you alone, one random person on the Internet, are the only way anyone else is going to find out about these things? Or do you think you have to perform the Most Correct Opinions nonstop, viciously harass anyone who isn't responding in exactly the same way, and this is the sum total of what your response should be? Especially in a situation as bloody and complicated as this, dealing with reams of religious, social, cultural, and political history where the average commentator on this conflict knows only what's been fed to them by propaganda on TikTok? How the fuck is that useful or constructive for anyone, aside from perpetuating the idea that you have to be angry all the time on social media about things you essentially know nothing about? I can't see that it does.
What's happening to the Gazans right now is no qualification or equivocation, a genocide. It should rightfully be opposed and called what it is. But unfortunately, I have spent too much time around Western Online Leftists to believe they actually care a whit about stopping genocide as a fundamental principle, and only want to be seen to loudly care about what their Ideology has told them to care about. If it means hand-waving aside genocide and atrocities when committed by their preferred polities, so be it. Why haven't these same people been wall-to-wall up in arms about what Russia has been doing in Ukraine, or for God's sake Syria for the past ten years, if they're really concerned about the rights of innocent Muslim civilians attacked by a far-right imperialist power? Why not the Uighurs in China? Why not [insert the blank] of all the terrible things happening in the world as a result of far-right fascist genocidal imperialism? Why only this conflict? Why now? Why does it involve so much excusing of terrorism as long as it's committed for the Right Ideology? Why are some of the most loudly pro-Palestinian accounts on here also the most rabidly pro-Russian? How does that make sense? To put it bluntly, those genocides are being committed by nation-states that Online Leftists like for being "anti-Western," and therefore their activities are actually fine and should even need to be defended.
My point is not to say that what's happening to the Palestinians is not bad. It is. It is awful and inexcusable. However, I seriously doubt the motives and morality of those who are being the loudest about screaming on social media and attacking everyone else for not instantly repeating their views. I seriously doubt that the Online Left actually opposes genocide and accelerationism as fundamental principles, because they proudly demonstrate every day that they don't. Until those vast factors can be dismantled and shown for what they are, and this can be placed into its larger context, I don't buy it and I don't believe this wall-to-wall social media outrage factory is actually aimed at helping the Gazans or anyone else suffering the most as a result of this. It is just to show that they can be counted on to Perform Outrage and harass anyone else who doesn't do the same, and that does nothing for anyone whatsoever.
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ok guess its time to make a
pinned post
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or whatever (below the cut)
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enjoy my poasts? show me on cshpp or vnmo (i am currently moving so it is appreciated)
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anyways this is the new home of the blogger formerly known as absolvedGravitas! i got nuked. now im back! i'm a native american genderfluid dyke (she/her) in my early 20's and i've been on tumblr on and off since like... 2014 or so. i'm deeply annoying and i'm not sorry. if you see me using we/us to refer to myself its not a system thing i just like using the royal we. reblog nsfw stuff (mostly artistic nudity) so consider yourself warned.
got my history BA (emphases on medieval Islamicate & colonial studies) in may of 2024 🎉
real name rights belong to mutuals only if you use it and we arent mutuals im blocking you <3
yes i have a nsfw sideblog but you need to ask me for it
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^literally me (my fursona is a wabzhashi/marten)
unless were mutuals i prolly wont answer your dms but my ask box is always open
i dont actively vet followers but know that if i catch you following me as a minor i WILL block you
i'm not gonna type up a whole DNI because they never work but just know that i block very liberally and i dont tolerate bigots. if you believe in transandrophobia/transmisandry or don't like the terms tma/tme we won't get along. i check the dni of my followers and block hypocrites so. make damn sure before you follow that im not in your dni.
if you have "[insert identity label] DNI" (for example, "bi lesbians dni") in your dni we wont get along. go away
also please go away if you're into incest ("fauxcest") i'd rather not associate with you.
my main tags are:
#spinning my web - original posts
#caught in the web - asks
#social spiders - mutuals moment!
#👽 - aliens and space stuff
character tags:
#has anyone seen my wife? - posts that remind me of eldfrithr, one of my D&D characters
#dirgeposting - posts that remind me of my BG3 character Dirge
the main takeaway from this post?
my house, my rules
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I dont owe you anything and if you act like I do you can go fuck yourself. This is my blog and I'll do what I want with it.
this post will get updated if and when i feel it needs to be
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polygonpiscine · 5 months
Hi Polygon!
I'm sorry to say this but the user @sunspotinyourarea reposted your art.
They turned off comments and I didn't want to reblog the post to inform them it was yours because I didn't want to spread the repost. Unfortunately Tumblr won't let me report it on your behalf either, so I just thought you should know!
Hi! Thank you for keeping me in the loop, you among others have been reaching out to me regarding this and it means a lot especially since I'm not very active on social media. I really appreciate it!
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l1ghtbulb · 3 months
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First things first, my name is Sailor! You can call me bulbzy/l1ghtbulb whatever :3
I use she/her and I'm a MINOR!!! (Age 11-16) So please nothing weird.
Also REPOSTING MY ART ON ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT ALLOWED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! I could get in serious trouble and probably disappear from the internet for good/srs
Algebralien x contestant ships make me uncomfortable, sorry. (But you can still interact)
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Now let's get to the non-serious stuff!
I really like object shows (mostly post about bfdi), project sekai/vocaloid, ddlc, and sanrio!
Fun fact!: Ena, Haruka, Saki, and Ichika are my pjsk favs :>
I love when people draw my designs or just draw for me anytime! Feel free to tag me, I won't bite! :
I love really bright colors, SPACE/ASTROLOGY THINGS and STARS!!! 💫💫💫
MY BESTIE WESTIE BESTER WESTERN!!!!!!: @therandomcreechur 🔥🔥🔥/silly
My frens: @artistcup @sodacansilly (if you two didn't wanna be tagged im sorry, i think yall are cool c:) @talkingteardrop, @shallyzxd, and @woodrocko :D
My pinterest is sailorbulbzy, spotify is sailorwailor, and roblox is Cakerbakes21 (l1ghtbulb)!
Kins: Pin (bfdi), Leafy (bfdi), Firey (bfdi), Lightbulb (ii) (aka the girl I named this blog after), Ena Shinonome (pjsk), Emu Otori (pjsk), Nene Kusanagi (pjsk), Honami Mochizuki (pjsk), and probably more.
Uhh no gacha, it gives me terrifying memories of my past haha/silly
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Art requests: OPEN! :>
Art trades: OPEN (feel free to dm me!)
When requesting or trading, please keep it appropriate. I probably won't draw it if it's not.
When sending a random, out of context, ask. Please try to use tone tags so I can understand what you mean! :>
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@almost-daily-coiny (Drawing Coiny almost every day!)
@l1ghtreblog (Reblogging!)
@randomly-fireafy (fireafy regularly!)
(these blogs might be the main reason I don't post here often, but they're active :>)
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Current number of followers: 267
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starfilled-galaxy · 8 months
Hi! Welcome to our blog :3 [All image ids in this post are in alt text]
We are plural! This links to a post with sys info and alter intros! | Doubles and sourcemates can interact! Plush (QP partner) sys!!: @n3hmof1sh <33
Our carrd: [WIP] Our prns.pg: [WIP] Our discord: .starfilled_galaxy. Our SP: starfilled-galaxy (^ will not accept dms or frqs from people we don't recognize)
Collective NDs Prof dx: ADHD, autistic, social anxiety Self dx: Depression, CPTSD, OCD/OCPD, HPD, ASPD
We have a filter tag! Please read if we are mutuals!! Info: Here [linked]
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[pt: BYI:]
I usually do not tag/trigger tag capslock, reclaimed slurs (t, d, and f slurs), or repetition. If thats something that causes you issues please block me for your safety!
Due to low energy, I don't normally keep this blog very accessible, meaning I won't be adding plain text or image ids for a large majority of my posts, sorry! I do try to tag eyestrain, flashing, and reblog bait tho :>
I use tone tags to make communication easier for me! If I use one you dont know, just politely ask me and I'll tell you what it means
[pt: DNI:]
Basic dni criteria (racist, queerphobic, right wing, and similar)
Transid, radqueer, pro-noncon/consang/abuse, and supporters
Demonize ANY disorders (includes if you demonize narcissists and schizophrenics and psychotics)
Against good faith identities (xenogenders, lesboys, etc)
Against alterhumanity or anything under it's umbrella
Against endogenic or willogenic plurals
Any kind of "stan" (includes kpop stans)
If you think Kel from OMORI isn't traumatized, you think of him as a joke, or you think he's stupid/a moron
Demonize, hate, or sexualize ANY of the OMORI cast, including sexualizing the adults
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More about us under cut!
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Please note that we are bodily a minor, we try to stay out of discourse/discussions we feel we do not have the maturity or experience to properly form an opinion on
Chronic procrastinator</3 I'm sorry if I told you I'd do something and then took a very long time to do it...
Spinterests - [pt: Spinterests -] Topics: Neurodivergencies Queer identities Media: OMORI (very active) OneShot (mildly active) Mystreet/MCD (mostly inactive)
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[pt: Userboxes!]
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[userboxes made by us, @ghosting-plural-userboxes, @genicpunk, @cringegenic, and @lillieof-thevalley]
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lazy-b1rdy · 2 months
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people looking for arguments/political convos (not my field of knowledge)
proshippers/pedos/creeps etc.
vvv extra info under the cut vvv
what you can do here:
ask about my tsp characters or give prompts you'd want to do with them (stanley, TK, currator, narrator etc.) (fanart is allowed if you want to do it)
ask stuff/talk to me! (I really enjoy answering from the ask box so do whatever you want)
My other socials:
pinterest: puffzybird
artfight: lazy-birdy
cara (not active in posting): lazy-b1rdy
tumblr blog for my tsp art: @b1rdy-draws-tsp-reblog
tiktok (i don't post so no @ ): smollpuffy (Puffzybird 🪣〽️)
(just so others don't accuse me of stealing art)
Also pls don't feel offended if I don't interact as much as I did before my social skills are just horrible at this point.
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vergeltvng · 6 months
Thanks for reading my guidelines. I go by the mun-alias Midnight (she/they), early millennial, living in the CET timezone. English is my second language. My activity level is medium to low, my reply speed is slow, please don’t rush me. I'm still learning about Tumblr rp etiquette and guidelines, please be patient with me. If you see me doing something unusal or weird feel free to correct me at anytime but be respectful about it.
01. GENERAL BLOG INFO. Besides being a roleplayer I am also a hobby gif maker, therefore personal blogs are welcome to interact with my posts. Basic Tumblr etiquette applies: Don't steal, repost or edit my gifs. If you want to insert a single gif into one of your posts please use the gif search function. If you are a personal blog make sure you don't reblog or comment on rp content which includes tag games, writing examples, headcanons, threads and answered asks. Speaking of asks: I will generally react in-character whenever possible but I am not an IC ask blog.
02. DISCLAIMER AND CONTENT WARNING. To interact with me, you have to be 18+ (personals and rp blogs, mun and muse). I am not affiliated with The Boys, its creators or the actor Karl Urban and I don't own the character Billy Butcher. I claim ownership of my own written headcanons and texts only. The Boys is an R-rated series and this is a general trigger warning for mature content such as — strong language, graphic violence and gore, physical and mental abuse, mention of sa, mention of child abuse, alcohol addiction, mental illness, terminal illness, trauma, sexual content, weapons, drug use, political and social commentary, sick humour, satire and overall rude behaviour which can be expected from this muse.
03. MUN ≠ MUSE. It should go without saying but at the same time cannot be stressed enough. This is a morally grey/villainous character. If you are easily offended we're likely not matching well as writing partners. Butcher can be tremendously rude and aggressive, he swears excessively and is quick to insult your muse if he dislikes them or feels provoked. Make sure beforehand that you can handle interacting with such a muse and do not take anything from him personal or too serious. If we started interacting and, for any reason, you feel discomfort please communicate it. I’m always willing to take a step back and sort things out.
04. INTERACTIONS. Best way to interact with me is novel-style written text from the get-go. It doesn't have to be long, it's just way easier for me to reply to than ic talk. I usually drop smalltalk after one or two messages or won't reply at all, I'm sorry. For long-term text exchanges I prefer sideblogs over Google Docs since I'm not familiar with the latter (I'm willing to learn though if that's your preferred option). I'm also very open and curious to try threads, I'd love to have some writing on my blog. Feel free to hit me up if you're interested and are comfortable with doing any sorts of public threads.
05. WRITING. No godmodding, power play or meta gaming. I also don't like forcing or rushing certain dynamics that don't feel like natural character progression. Plotting beforehand is welcome but not mandatory. If it ever feels like being stuck we can pause the writing and have a small plotting session between scenes or even for the same scene. I am a big fan of the "yes, and" approach, give me something to work with. I don't have an estimated length for texts, it always depends.
06. FORMATTING. I don't do a lot of formatting. I have an icon border and prefer small font, my writing is usually continuous text with no line breaks for dialogue. Let me know if this is difficult to read for you and I will adjust, no questions asked. Generally, feel free to format your text as you wish but here are some things I have issues with: Excessive spacing between words (triple space and higher), excessive bolding or italicizing to a point where it distracts me; all caps, text from font generators (captions and highlighted phrases are perfectly fine but I can't read a whole text in those fonts).
07. SHIPPING. I'm multiship and multiverse, meaning every ship takes place in its own verse if not communicated otherwise. I personally enjoy shipping a lot if there's good chemistry but Butcher is difficult to ship and due to his background pretty much unavailable for romantic bonding. It's not impossible though. I'm also interested in any setting where I get a chance to write him as an unhinged villain and diverge from the canon more liberately.
08. FOLLOWING. My approach to curating my dashboard is quite different, I would say, compared to what's considered standard. I follow a lot, and I mean a shitton, of people (4500+ blogs as of August 2024). I follow every blog out of interest and curiousity but please understand that it's impossible for me to interact with everyone. Don't get offended or take it personal when I follow but forget to reach out and also never feel obligated to follow me back. If you softblocked me in the past and I refollow you it's accidentially. Please hardblock me if you don't want that to happen again, I won't take it personal.
09. ACTIVITY. My blog is labeled low activity for a reason. Yes, I am here for rp, but I like to do lots of other things on Tumblr, too. There's periods of time where I don't have the energy to work on drafts or talk to anyone. Rest assured that you never did anything wrong when I disappear for a while. What I'm not willing to do is constantly giving activity updates on a schedule. I might make a post on current stats occasionally and if I go on hiatus for longer I will highly likely make a post about it.
10. DON'T BE A CUNT. I have zero tolerance for homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism, hateful comments in general, out of character drama, gossiping, constant negativity, passive aggressiveness, vague posting, guilt tripping, gaslighting and other similar behaviour. Just be a decent person and we're fine.
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intrepidacious · 1 year
hi! ok I just wanted to ask someone who knows how tumblr works haha
so I found someone who writes amazing content so I decided to follow them. I binged lots of their fics earlier today and when I checked their profile again later, their profile doesn’t show. It seems they might have blocked me and I don’t know why :( I commented that I loved their fics and the comments are removed. my profile has my age and I am decently active on reposting & commenting on fics. This happened to me one other time too so I just am confused I guess :( I tried to message them but it said it wouldn’t go through so that makes me think I’m blocked? I guess I don’t know why a couple people blocked me? Just kinda made me sad bc I really enjoy their work but now I won’t be able to see anymore ☹️😢
happy to!! 💛
first thing you gotta remember that in all likelihood, your getting blocked is nothing personal. reasons for blocking someone on tumblr include but aren't limited to:
you don't have your age (range) listed in your bio/clearly visible on your blog
the age you have listed doesn't adhere to boundaries a blog has set (f.e. you're a minor, or it only says "18+" which i know many writers don't accept)
your blog is completely empty i.e. you don't post/reblog stuff
you don't reblog other people's writing
you spam like posts
you've never changed the default icon/header to something else
people don't vibe with the things you reblog
your theme is a colour they don't like
a lot of the time, it comes down to everyone's preferences. god knows i've been blocked by people and didn't understand why, but frankly it's none of my business. most likely, you won't ever find out, either. everyone is creating their own online space, and sometimes that means having a quick blocking finger. i'm sorry that you won't be able to read those stories anymore but you have to accept creators' boundaries.
however, there are some things you can do and try to prevent getting blocked in the future. these are only a couple of suggestions around tumblr etiquette i've picked up on over the years; if anyone else wants to chip in here, please do!!
1. make sure your blog is, by all appearances, that of a human being
this might sound stupid because of course, you are a human, but with the recent bot wars it's all the more important to double check for red flags.
check your url. does it include a random string of numbers, lots of dashes, just a name and an adjective? all of these have been indicative of porn bots and people might block you on sight.
change your icon and your header. yes, both of them. there are lots of creators on here who make wonderful fandom related headers and icons, or you can create your own with canva. just be sure to follow creators' rules and preferably reblog their creation
change your blog title. if your account is new, it will just say "untitled", which is another indication you might not be a human. use quotes, song lyrics, anything you enjoy
add a bio. this is where you put your name or nickname (you can make one up) age, age range, links to second blogs (if applicable), more quotes, whatever. i prefer my bio short and to the point, but that doesn't have to be you.
important: do this for all blogs and side blogs you use regularly. if you have a second blog for reblogging fics, you need to put up your age there as well, or at least visibly link to your main blog so creators can see you're not a minor. the harder it is to verify that you're an adult, the more likely it is that you will get blocked
2. know the different kinds of interactions on tumblr and navigate them well
there's a difference between liking, commenting, reblogging, and reposting, and it's important. lots of people use reblogging and reposting interchangeably, but that's actually incorrect and can lead to serious mishaps. let's dissect them one by one.
you're familiar with the like from other social media platforms. you tap a post twice or hit the little heart at the bottom of the post and it's added to your likes. wonderful, right? well. tumblr is a little different.
tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. let me say that again. there is no algorithm on tumblr. i guess there is, on the for you page, but that doesn't count because it's really shit. the only important thing on tumblr is your dashboard, and your dashboard only shows original posts and the reblogs of those posts from people you follow.
no one cares about your likes. your likes don't do shit. that's why creatives on here keep talking about reblogs. you need to reblog things on tumblr in order for them to get seen. it's a snowballing effect. likes are nice and all, but they're private. they're not contributing to a story or an artwork being seen by more people. they're essentially empty interaction. what's more, should a post get deleted for whatever reason, that post is gone for you forever.
i know some people use their likes as bookmarks for things they want to look at later, but i would strongly urge you not to do that. people block serial likers, because most of the time it is, sadly, very unlikely that they will come back and actually interact with the post again. that's just the way it is. we can thank tiktok and instagram for that. again, tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. if you want to genuinely support and encourage people on here, you need to do more than liking.
this is a step up from liking, because you're actually interacting now. a comment will show up in the activity of the person whose post you left it on and of the original poster (op)—more on that distinction in a minute. comments are encouraged especially on ask/answer type posts, or as a reply to an earlier reblog.
when it comes to fanfic, there are, again, pros and cons. you can only leave a comment from your main blog, which means that even if you have a second account where you reblog fics, there's not necessarily a link between the two. this can lead to your getting blocked if you've never reblogged a fic to your main blog. on the other hand, if people comment on your fic without reblogging it, but they do reblog other people's fics, that can also rub creators the wrong way because it creates a strange sort of hierarchy: why those fics? why not mine?
important thing to note: i am not saying that to make anyone feel bad about "just" commenting, i just want you to be aware that this might go on in a creator's head. it has in mine. i'm very aware that this is a me problem, but it's also a reason why people might get blocked out of the blue, which is why i wanted to bring it up.
ah yes, reblogging. reblogging is the thing that makes tumblr tumblr, and it's so easy to do. you just hit the little 🔁 symbol at the bottom of the post, and boom, it's reblogged to your own blog. everyone who follows you can now see it on their dashboard, and if they reblog it, their followers can see it, and so on and so forth. every time someone reblogs a post from you, you will get a notification in your activity, and so will the op.
reblogs are the heart and soul of tumblr. yes, original posts are (usually) individual creations, but the community aspect of this site is born through the reblog. there are different variations on how to reblog. all are valid, because all help spreading posts around.
the empty reblog is the quickest option. there's literally a quick reblog option on mobile: if you hold your finger on the reblog button for a second or so, you will see your icon appear. if you swipe in that direction, the post gets immediately reblogged to your blog. something similar can be done on desktop with the xkit browser extension. it's fast, it's easy, it gets the job done. it's perfect for when you like a post but don't have anything specific to say/reply.
the reblog with tags is the second fastest option. tags, on tumblr, are sort of the sotto voce version of comments. yes, you can use tagging to organise your blog and make your posts easily findable (is that a word?) but the real fun begins when little asides are added. you can keysmash in the tags. you can put your thoughts in the tags. you can go full caps without it looking overwhelming in the actual post. if you're just starting to comment on things, the tags are a great place to start, because the actual post will keep looking the same; the tags are just a little additional bonus for both you and the creator. this is what you would use for the majority of posts that aren't works of art in any way, too, like text posts you want to find again, polls, photographs etc.
the reblog with additions though? oh boy. that's the real stuff. imagine it as clipping on your thoughts to the post, right there for everyone to see. you can add gifs, and memes, and change the font, and change the colour, and scream, and keysmash, and ramble without limitations. it's like catnip for the op. if you reblog a fic, a moodboard, a piece of art, a gifset, whatever it is, and you put your thoughts underneath? man, it's amazing.
side note: if you're new to commenting on people's fics and you don't know what to say, i highly recommend referring to this post. (btw i linked my reblog so it can act as an example of the different forms of adding to a post: there were other reblogs before mine, and i've added tags. useful in its content and as an example!!)
this is where we need to be careful. reblogs are great. reposts are theft. where's the difference? reposting refers to you copying another creator's work, whatever it may be, and creating a new post without any indication to the original person's efforts. even if you do include their url, you will most likely get reported and blocked. because now, you've become the op of this copied post, and the actual creator will get absolutely nothing.
you will most likely have seen banners in fic communities that state something along the lines of "don't copy or translate any of my work to this or any other site". that's what this refers to. this would also include the following:
posting another writer's story to ao3/wattpad/another fic site of your choice without their permission. you can absolutely never do this. "but what if"—NO. never. fullstop.
some creators allow translations of their work, but you can only ever share those with their explicit permission and proper credit.
saving a gif to use without linking back to the artist. this is maybe my biggest gripe. yes, i know this site sucks at making gifs searchable, but still, you can't do this. and no, "credit goes to the original artist" doesn't count, where did that bullshit even come from? it makes me so mad. that's not giving credit, that's being lazy.
3. be nice, and have fun
this is fandom, and it's supposed to be a hobby. this is supposed to be a good time. none of us are getting paid for any of this. yes, we're all passionate about what we do, whether we're looking at other people's creations or we make them ourselves. we're fans of that common thing, and isn't that great?
just a little more internet etiquette that's not really tumblr specific but could be a good reminder for everyone:
not everything is for you, and that's okay
if something's not for you, scroll away
if you don't like what someone is posting, ignore them. mute them. block them.
do not ever, and i mean ever, send anyone hate. you don't know who's on the other side of the screen. block them and move on. life's too fucking short.
don't correct people's grammar/spelling. only assholes do that. if you can't help yourself and they're a person you've interacted with before, shoot them a private message and be nice about it.
don't offer unsolicited advice. i don't care if you want to give constructive criticism to help the other person. unless they've explicitly asked you to do that, don't. you'll get blocked so quick, and you'll ruin someone's day.
if you're reading a fic that's not finished yet, don't ask for an update. yes, you're excited for the story to continue. but "part 2", "when's the next chapter out", "more please" and so on are all things that put pressure on creators whether that's your intention or not. it gives us the impression that what we've already put out is never enough. and that sucks. by all means, be excited about what comes next, but not like this.
read!! old!! fics!!!! the beauty of tumblr being the way it is is that there's zero shame in interacting with older posts. it's not like you're liking a seven year old post on instagram. in fact, if you're commenting on a seven year old fic/gifset/moodboard/artwork on tumblr, i can guarantee you're gonna make that creator's day.
i'm absolutely positive that i've forgotten something in this post even though it's longer than several of my wips, so if any of my moots want to add something that'd be great!! in fact i'm gonna tag some of you because you know what? if you've read all of this you deserve a kiss. have a wonderful day 💛
@marvelettesassemblenow @barnesafterglow @imaginearyparties @aphrogeneias @brandycranby @writing-for-marvel @foreverindreamlandd @sanguineterrain @demxters @wildlivelychild
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chuckchuck228 · 1 year
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My name is Chuck or Chuckchuck!(what ever you like more)
he/they/it (more here) 🏳️‍⚧️
17 y/o (February 4th)
I love a LOOOT of stuff!!! And specially I love objects and robots :D
Also I love rarepairs or stupid/silly/non logical headcanons!!!(I don't care if some of my hcs don't make sense. It's fun!)
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I won't be mad if i get a notification of you pinging me. I would be happy to know that you don't steal my work
Main fandom is osc (specially Inanimate Insanity!)
Other fandoms: 17776, Bug Fables, Regretevator, Deltarune, Kirby, AHiT, Doors, MadCom, DHMIS, Ultrakill, Inscryption, TADC and more!!
I maybe not active in most of those fandoms but sometimes I can suddenly draw something for it
Requests: closed
Trades: closed
(always open only for friends)
I always like to talk with you so I’ll be very happy if you go to my mailbox and ask something :з (it’s always open!)
DNI for terfs, homophobes, racists and any other of that. I WILL block you without hesitate
(also I block blogs that look like bots to me sorry....)
more(tags, warnings, other social media etc)
\ /
For requests and trades I have rules:
I have all rights to take as long time to draw it as i need or just not to draw your request at all. It's free work and if i'm not comfortable/don't have time/don't want to draw I'm not drawing it
Don't spam. I saw your ask. If I didn't answered it means:
a)I'm still working on it (be patient)
b) I'm not doing it at all (and thats okay)
Usually my art is friendly but sometimes I can draw gore or something with a bright lights. I add a tw tag in those posts, don't worry
Art and Doodles
Shitpost or just talking (I vent often so block this tag if you don't want to see it)
My ocs
Social medias
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reashot · 2 years
OMG 40 followers! It's not even 48 hours yet. I want to thank everyone for getting me this far. Thanks for all the likes, reblog and comments. Thanks especially to both old and newer followers. I was going to post this before reaching 40 but what the heck let's make this into a 40 followers celebration fic.
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To people asking for part 2 of Jaune's children fic, it's coming soon don't worry. In the meantime here have this little light hearted fic to satiate you for a while. This will help give you a better understanding of all the characters personality.
Scarlett: Slumber Party!!! 😝
Dusk: hooraah....
Aurum: I don't think I should be here dear sister. I'm far too old to participate in this type of merriment.
Scarlett: Oh, pish posh. You are never too old for slumber party. 😊
??? : This is stupid...
Scarlett: Oh c'mon, live a little. Take chances, climb the highest mountain or having a slumber party with your half-sister. 🤗
??? : I'll pass...
Aurum: Little brother you are being rude to our little sister. She went through all of this trouble to invite all of us here. And considering we're from different timeline that is an incredible achievement.
Dusk: You mean you won't stay and play with us... *starts tearing up*
Scarlett: Uh Oh. Big brother is making her cry. Now you have to feel sorry for her and stay to make her happy. 🥺
???: You're not supposed to tell me that, you know. But anyway, come here Dusk. *Hugs her* I'm sorry if I make you cry. I didn't mean to. I'll stay and play with everyone. Even though I never wanted to. So don't cry.
Dusk: *wipes tear* Okay, big brother.
Aurum: Way to go little brother *smack back* I knew you would come around.
Scarlett: (what a pushover😏) So for the first activity we are going to do. Drumroll please. Prank call! 😁
Dusk: Ooohh.... What is it?
Aurum: Yes, what is it?
???: You have to be kidding me. How a grown ass man never heard of a prank call?
Aurum: That's because I spend most of my childhood training in order to be as good as my father. Because I was and still are not as strong as my father. That does not leave a lot of time for socializing, unfortunately.
Scarlett: Ooff. Heavy topic. Hey, you guys wanna do prank call or what? I'll go first. 🫤
Junior: Junior's club. Junior speaking.
Scarlett: *pinch nose* Hey I'm looking for mister Butz, first name Seymour. 🤭
Junior: Hey. Shut that music down! Hey is there a Butz here Seymour Butz I'm looking for Seymour Butz. Hey everybody! I want to Seymour Butz here.
Everyone in the club: 🫵 Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!! 😂
Junior: Oh that's real... Listen here you scumsucking pussbucket when I have my hands on you I will gouges out your eyes with a corkscrew!!!
Scarlett: And that's how you do a prank call. 🤡
Aurum: Isn't this sort of mean spirited. The man does not seems to be having fun.
Scarlett: *blow raspberry* Oh it's harmless fun. Come on it's your turn go ahead pick any one you want.
Aurum: Okay. I will give it a try... *Puts on reading glasses* Hmm... AH. here's the one I want to call.
Receptionist: Hello this is Vale city children cancer hospital. How may I help you?
Aurum: Yes I want to make a small donation.
Receptionist: Oh thank you. Good sir, you don't know how much we needed this. Please can you tell us how much you are willing to donate. Every little bit help.
Aurum: Of course, check your bank account.
Receptionist: All right, let's see here... 👀 SWEET MOTHER OF!!!..."
Aurum: Ha, ha jokes on you! You thought you are only going to receives a small donation but I just gives you a large one.
Receptionist: Bless you, good sir, bless you!!! We will never forget your generosity. Please let us know your name?!
Aurum: Let's just say it's from Jaune Arc of Beacon Academy.
Receptionist: Mark my word the world will know of Jaune Arc's kindness!!!
Aurum: We sure show him, right?
Scarlett: Uh... Yeah sure. 😨
??? : I'm not even going to comment on that.
Dusk: Me next, me next!
??? : *Snatch scroll away* Here you go Dusk. Hope you do better than this big oaf.
Dusk: Yay! I'll do my best.
Scarlett: Okay just choose which one you want to call.... No wait! Don't pick the same Numbers!
Junior: *sigh* Junior's club. Junior speaking.
Dusk: Uh ehm hello my name... I mean I'm looking for miss tinkle...
Junior: It's you again!!! Listen here you SOB I will find you and murder you with an ice pick, then I'm going to shove sausages down your throat and seek six starving dogs up your butt. Then I'm going to use your head as a bucket and paint my house with your brain!!!
Dusk: *sniff* Wahhh!!!😭
Junior: Oh geez... Don't cry. I'm sorry for shouting at you okay.
Dusk: 😭😭😭
Junior: Oh I'm going to hate myself for this. Look if you stop crying. I'll do anything you want. Deal?
Dusk: You sure? 🥹
Junior: Hey everybody! I'm a stupid moron! With an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and... I like to kiss my own butt.
Everyone in the club: 🫵 Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!! 😂 That's a new one.
Junior: *whisper* We cool now?
Dusk: Yes *snifle* we cool. 🥲
Scarlett: That's awesome little sis. I'm so proud of you 🤩
Aurum: Even though I do not support this sort of shenanigans. Even I can tell you did great. You use the man's weakness and turn it into your advantage. If you were one of my Knight I would have commended you the same.
??? : Are you sure this is the right thing to teach to little children?
Scarlett: Are you sure you want to do this? After all its your turn next. 🙄
??? : I have to politely refuse. Thank you very much.
Scarlett: Ha, ha, ha... I'm afraid it's too late for that. We are too far gone already now come and take your turn...
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??? : Uhhh.... Alright give it to me.
Scarlett: Yay! Way to go big bro. Here you go. 🥰
Klein: Hello Schnee's residence.
??? : Klein please give the scroll to Weiss.
Klein: I'm sorry, but who is this?
??? : Tell her it's from Jaune Arc. Tell her I have something important to tell her.
Klein: I will tell the young miss about it. Can you wait until then?
??? : Thank you Klein....
Weiss: Okay spit it out vomit boy what is it so important that you have to call my house. And secondly how the heck did you managed to have my house phone's number?
??? : .....
Weiss: Arc?
??? : .....
Weiss: Jaune...
??? : .....
Weiss: Hey if this is a prank. I'm going to hang up Jaune.
??? : Hello...
Weiss: You're not Jaune?
??? : Ha, ha.... No. Let's just say I'm close to you and leave it at that.
Weiss: Who is this?! If you don't tell me who you are...
??? : No you listen to me!!! I always wanted to say that to you... If I did that... If I did that no one would have to die...
Weiss: What the hell does that have to do with anything?
??? : EVERYTHING!!! Everything is your fault! You are responsible for everything that will happen. Not just to me but everyone! Everyday I wish was not your... Everyday I wish I was never been born!.... Ha, ha, ha, ha... *sniff* Weiss go kill yourself... I mean it. End your life and do us all a favor. Because if not I will find you and kill you... And I'm going to take my time with it. I'm going to savor and enjoy it as long as I possibly can. Until you beg me to end it.... I'll see you soon.
???: Scarlett. Mom said dinner is ready. Tell our guests to come down. Did... I come at a bad time?
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rubis-the-cube · 28 days
✰ welcome to my blog! ✰
hey!!! so happy you're here :) i'm putting together this post so you can get to know me and my boundaries for this blog! (and if you were here when i was active a year and some months ago hiii im baaaack sorry its been a while hehe)
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✰ about me ✰
my name is ruby, feel free to call me that, or any other related nickname! i'm a minor! so please be respectful and sfw here <3 my pronouns are she/her :)
SO i do want to kinda talk about why i havent posted for! a long time! um! it really wasn't for any particular reason, i just had a LOT going on last year that i had to focus on, and i ended up deleting all forms of social media off of my phone because i was spending way too much time on them. but! things have calmed down and i want to pick writing back up as a hobby, as well as support other writers as best as i can! so i probably won't be on every day but i'll do my best to stay up to date :)
NOW ONTO THE PURPOSE OF THIS BLOG!!!! definitely want to get back into writing fanfiction in general, but i'll probably do some personal posts too if thats something that interests you :,) ! but yeah for the most part expect stories of all kind!
✰ rules ✰
use your best judgment and be kind!
feel free to spam like! i don't have notifications on lol
reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
sending an ask:
please be respectful!
don't expect an answer right away, especially if asking me to write something
i won't write for anything too graphic, and i probably won't write yandere or anything like that
and last but not least i'm very dense and bad at detecting sarcasm so be specific!!! and give details!!!! idc how many words you put in there i will read them all!!!! thx <33333
✰ fandoms ✰
active (will write):
tmnt (rottmnt, 2k12, mm/tottmnt) ♥
school bus graveyard
active (won't write):
fav yt - slimecicle | film cooper | rekrap | parrot | branzy | markiplier | nexpo | nick crowley | smii7y | urban rescue ranch | tommyinnit | nicole rafiee | artualCM | 4cvit ♥
commentary yt - chad chad | danny gonzalez | drew gooden | kurtis conner | eddy burback | ted nivison | jarvis johnson | jordan adika | not even emily | oliSUNvia
lifesteal smp ♥
bliss smp
the maze runner
star wars
marvel (spiderverse, avengers)
dc (batman + robins, young justice)
✰ links ✰
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thank you so much for reading!!! i hope you have an amazing day <3
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starfilled-galaxy · 8 months
Hi! Welcome to our blog :3 [Accessible version of this post: linked]
We are plural! This links to a post with sys info and alter intros! | Doubles and sourcemates can interact! Plush (QP partner) sys!!: @n3hmof1sh <33
Our carrd: [WIP] Our prns.pg: [WIP] Our discord: .starfilled_galaxy. Our SP: starfilled-galaxy (^ will not accept dms or frqs from people we don't recognize)
Collective NDs Prof dx: ADHD, autistic, social anxiety Self dx: Depression, CPTSD, OCD/OCPD, HPD, ASPD
We have a filter tag! Please read if we are mutuals!! Info: Here
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I usually do not tag/trigger tag capslock, reclaimed slurs (t, d, and f slurs), or repetition. If thats something that causes you issues please block me for your safety!
Due to low energy, I don't normally keep this blog very accessible, meaning I won't be adding plain text or image ids for a large majority of my posts, sorry! I do try to tag eyestrain, flashing, and reblog bait tho :>
I use tone tags to make communication easier for me! If I use one you dont know, just politely ask me and I'll tell you what it means
Basic dni criteria (racist, queerphobic, right wing, and similar)
Transid, radqueer, pro-noncon/consang/abuse, and supporters
Demonize ANY disorders (includes if you demonize narcissists and schizophrenics and psychotics)
Against good faith identities (xenogenders, lesboys, etc)
Against alterhumanity or anything under it's umbrella
Against endogenic or willogenic plurals
Any kind of "stan" (includes kpop stans)
If you think Kel from OMORI isn't traumatized, you think of him as a joke, or you think he's stupid/a m*ron
Demonize, hate, or sexualize ANY of the OMORI cast, including sexualizing the adults
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More about us under cut!
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Please note that we are bodily a minor, we try to stay out of discourse/discussions we feel we do not have the maturity or experience to properly form an opinion on
Chronic procrastinator</3 I'm sorry if I told you I'd do something and then took a very long time to do it...
Spinterests -
Topics: Neurodivergencies Queer identities Media: OMORI (very active) OneShot (mildly active) Mystreet/MCD (mostly inactive)
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[userboxes made by us, @ghosting-plural-userboxes, @genicpunk, @cringegenic, and @lillieof-thevalley]
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a-weird-cryptid · 1 year
Me, watching Reddit digging it's own grave:
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So, Reddit is kinda killing itself now and many people migrate from Reddit to Tumblr because of that... Especially from r/169 (rest in peace). And I've seen so many people talk about their experience and many older Tumblr users posting guides on how to navigate Tumblr.
I've started posting on Tumblr as well as Reddit at around the same time, a few months ago, even though I have been on both sites for longer than that.
And here's the truth:
Many of the "Tumblr guides" posted might help to get a basically, theoretical understanding of this social media site, but practically it's a whole different story. They're useful, very helpful and needed to understand how likes, reblogs and similar work, but can only get you so far. Everything else usually comes over time and by experience.
Though finding answers to specific questions is as good as impossible, unless you already have a wider reach. There's no such thing as r/help on Tumblr. The best thing you'll find are, again, guides provided by other Tumblr users. Other than that, you're basically on your own. Especially at the beginning.
Tumblr isn't bad, but it's not Reddit. It's not even close to Reddit. They're two very different platforms with very different communities, people, purposes and functions.
If you're a Reddit refugee hoping Tumblr to become the perfect, 1:1 replacement, I'm very sorry to disappoint you. They are many things Tumblr can't replace. Which isn't necessary a bad thing, but it's something that needs to be called out and brought to attention.
Reddit is based of individual communities with their own rules, etc. What you personally have on your profile doesn't play a huge role. Your comments and posts are usually completely independent from each other, because you post them into specific, seperate subreddits. Reddit a forum site.
Tumblr on the other hand is based of individual, unique blogs, most of which don't have any directly stated rules and multiple mods to make sure said rules aren't broken. Your personal blog and profile is very important because none of your posts are entirely independent. Tumblr is a blogging site.
Saying that your blog is equal to a subreddit is an overstatement. They're two entirely different things. Subreddits are usually made of thousands, anonymous people, meanwhile Tumblr is more based of a small, more personal community. Usually surrounding some blogs of others and yours.
You most likely won't get as much hate and harassment as you might have on Reddit. But you also won't get as many deep dive discussions and seemingly endless conversations in the comments either.
Finding and reaching specific communities here is basically a gamble. Sometimes you win, often you loose.
On Reddit, all you have to do in order to find, join and talk to specific communities and like-minded people is clicking on the search bar and typing in something you're interested about. Then click on the subreddit you like, "join" and congrats, you're part of a community now. On Tumblr it isn't that easy.
You need to constantly or at least actively participate in specific communities in order to find any. And in order for them to find you. Only making a few posts about one Fandom, topic, whatever won't cut it. Passively scrolling through what others have posted won't cut it either. If you see something you like reblog it.
Tumblr isn't really made for deep dives into very specific topics you like. It isn't made for serious discussions, interesting conversations or similar. If you came here looking for those things, you most likely won't find them.
However, if you just want to be silly, shit post and have a fun time doing your own thing without much judgement, then this might be the perfect place for you. And if you're very interesting in one or two specific topics (especially fandoms) and are willing to dedicate most of your blog to it, then you're more or less guaranteed to have a fun time. Keep in mind that Tumblr is mostly fandom and not communities in general based.
Personally, I really hope that Reddit can get it's shit together again, because it has so many unique things Tumblr, again, simply can't replace. And it's that uniqueness and those differences that lead me to having a way better time on Reddit than on Tumblr. It sucks that Reddit is digging it's own grave.
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