#i wished the celebration was at gandharva
chronologiical · 2 years
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tighnari post 3.2
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wcvensouls-archive · 2 years
It's a rarity that Lingyun goes searching for Tighnari's abode. Generally, he waits for him to visit - or for them to find each other in the forest. While it's a bit strange, he makes himself at home with the guidance of Collei . . . another reason he had chosen to celebrate here. So that the three of them can share in a meal that he is preparing. One of great variety at that.
An assortment of mushrooms had been handpicked ( remembering to overlook the toxic ones, since it will be a shared platter ), and a boar had been hunted. And though he can make a meal, he cannot bake ; thus he had no shame in using the Mora he had saved up in order to purchase a small cake. One that is displayed on the small table with the feast that had been prepared, a single candle burning in the middle of the cake.
There is no denying the nerves that he feels. Though he has cleaned up the dishes he has made, and has taken the liberty to hang up a few decorations to make it a bit more festive, he cannot help it. It's not as if everyone responds well to having their home suddenly invaded, but all nerves seem to fizzle out the moment he sees him. He visibly perks up ( and his horns nearly hits the ceiling ), a wide smile present on his face and a subtle blush on his cheeks as he anxiously awaits his reaction. "I . . . " No, there is no need to explain. Exhaling, he allows his shoulders to relax. "Happy birthday, my love."
         it was true that tighnari was usually the one to go searching for yu whenever he was out on patrols and had some time to spare  —  after all, gandharva ville was always busy on its own way, with many travelers that needed help coming and going, on top of all the rangers and villagers that also resided there. it wasn’t a crowded place like port ormos or sumeru city, but it was far from being quiet and he understood if yu preferred to keep a safe distance from it. besides, he did spend most of his time wandering the avidya forest, so it only made sense for him to do so. collei, however, spent most of her time on the outskirts of the village, as her stamina did not allow for her to go much further. because of that, the two hadn’t gotten to meet many times, but, whenever they did, the trainee forest ranger was always very much excited to speak with him  —  despite feeling slightly uneasy upon their first meeting, before knowing just how much that person meant to her mentor.
         tighnari was aware that it was his birthday, but he had never been someone overly fond of such celebrations  —  and work never stopped because of it. having to deal with some minor emergencies here and there  ( a few of them made to sound much worse than they actually were by a very dramatic collei, who intended to keep him away from his cabin as long as she could while everything was being set up )  during most of the day, tighnari was just now returning to his home, with the intention of catching up on some research and notes that he didn’t have the time to get to prior. he had received a few happy birthdays as he passed by the other people in gandharva ville, but he wasn’t expecting or hoping to receive anything more than that, as everyone was aware that he always seemed much too busy.
        he definitely hadn’t been expecting yu or collei to be waiting for him the moment he stepped past the door, but he expected all the decorations and food even less. for a moment, tighnari was stunned, eyes widening slightly and ears perking up as he took a quick glance around the room. however, the unexpected nature of all of this only rendered him speechless for a moment, features quickly softening upon realizing what was going on. collei was in a corner, visibly excited to share her birthday wishes, but remaining silent for a moment so that the one that had organized all of this could have his turn first.
         looking at them both with nothing but fondness in his gaze, tighnari let out a soft chuckle as he approached.  “ is this what you two have been doing all afternoon? ”  he replied in a light playful tone, coming closer to take yu’s hand on his own. had collei not been there, he would have promptly given him a kiss. instead, however, he laced their fingers together and gave the other’s hand a comforting and intimate squeeze, the side of his body gently pressing against his.  “ you didn’t have to do all of this, but thank you. i truly appreciate it. ”  and he would be sure to show it better later once it was just the two of them there, as he had no plans on letting yu leave before sunrise.
@flametethered  :  birthday asks .
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tomasorban · 5 years
Avatars of Shakti
Chaitra Navratri: Siddhidatri
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On the ninth and last day of Chaita Navratri, Shakti is worshipped in the form of Siddhidatri (Siddhi=perfection, Datri=giver). In iconography, She is depicted with four arms and holds a lotus, conch, gada (mace), and chakra, and She sits on top of a lotus flower. She governs the planetary body Ketu, which is the southern lunar node.
This form of Shakti is worshiped by not only humans but also the other Gods. Her worship by Shiva is mentioned in Scripture, as related by Baba Rampuri:
When the Universal Mother was gripped with the idea of projecting Creation, She, first of all, created Lord Shiva who prayed to Her to endow him with perfections.  For this purpose, the Universal Mother (Durgaa) produced Goddess Siddhidaatri from Her own person.  As the behest of the Universal Mother, Goddess Siddidaatri bestowed eighteen kinds of rare perfections and powers and potentialities (Siddhis) on Lord Shiva.  By virtue of these siddhis, Lord Shiva happened to develop a divine splendor.
Having acquired the siddhis from Goddess Siddhidaatri, Lord Shiva created Lord Vishnu who in turn created Lord Brahma who was entrusted with the task of the Creation whereas Lord Vishnu got the task of Protection and Lord Shiva that of Destruction.
Lord Brahma felt a great difficulty in his task of the Creation in the absence of man and woman.  Thereupon he remembered Mother Siddhidaatri.  When she appeared before him, Lord Brahma said to her, “Oh Great Mother!  I cannot carry on with the task of the Creation in the absence of man and woman.  You kindly solve this problem of mine through your supernatural attainments (siddhis).”
Having heard Lord Brahma, Mother Siddidaatri converted half the person of Lord Shiva into a woman.  Thus Lord Shiva became half-male and half-female and came to be known as Ardhanaarishwara.  Thus the problem of Lord Brahma was resolved and the task of the Creation went on smoothly.
Her mantra is:
Sidhha Gandharvay khshadher Surair Marair Api
Sevya Mana Sada Bhooyat Siddhida Siddhidayini
Which in English means:
Goddess Siddhidatri who is worshipped by Siddha, Gandharva, Yaksh, Gods, Demons etc., holds Conch, Chakra, Gada and Lotus in her hands, giver of all siddhis and victory all over, be propitious to me.
For purposes of pronunciation, I have included a link to the spoken mantra (The mantra itself lasts for the first minute of this video, after which a speaker gives a lecture in Hindi).
Chaitra Navratri: Mahagauri
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On the eighth day of Chaitra Navratri, Shakti is worshipped in the form of Mahagauri (Mahagauri=extremely white). She has four arms. In Her upper right hand She holds a trishul (trident) and in Her lower left hand She carries a Damaru (small, two-headed drum). Her upper left hand is in the Varada Mudra position, and Her lower right hand forms the Abhaya Mudra. She rides atop a white bull and rules the planetary body Rahu (In Vedic astrology, Rahu is the northern node of the Moon). The following origin of this form in mythology is related by Yogi Ananda Saraswathi:
She observed severe penance as Goddess Parvati to get earn Lord Siva as her husband. Once, Lord Shiva was rude to her by pointing out her dark complexion. She started observing hard penance. This went on for over a thousand years. During this period her body got covered with soil. It became darker than ever. Then one day when Lord Shiva came looking for Mother. He was pleased with her penance. Thereafter he took Maa to the Ganges and bathed her lovingly. Mother regained her beauty with pure complexion and earned the name Maha Gauri.
In this form Mahagauri represents purity and austerity. She scours and scrubs the filth from the souls of Her devotees and purifies their hearts. Both married and unmarried women especially worship Her on this day, as She is said to guide unmarried women in finding a good husband and She blesses married women with peaceful and harmonious marital lives.
Kumari Puja during Ashtami Puja celebrations also occurs on the eighth day of Chaitra Navratri, as related by this passage from astrosage.com:
On the sacred occasion of Ashtami Pooja, Kanya Poojan (feeding of little girls) are also done to please Goddesses of Navdurga (nine forms of Durga). Nine little girls are invited at home of worshippers and are fed varieties of delicious sweet dishes. Devotees pay the best homage to nine little girls considering them nine forms of Navdurga. This ritual accomplishes their Pooja and gives blessings of Nav Durga.
Her mantra is:
Shwete Vrishe Maha Rudha Shwetambardhara Shuchih
Maha Gauri Subham Dadhyanmahadev Pramodada
Which means in English:
Goddess Mahagauri who rides on white bull, wear pure white clothes, giver of happiness, be propitious to me.
For purposes of pronunciation, I have included a link to the spoken mantra (The mantra itself lasts for the first 35 seconds of this video, after which a speaker gives a lecture in Hindi).
Chaitra Navratri: Kalaratri
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On the seventh day of Chaitra Navratri, Shakti is worshipped in the form of Kalaratri (Kala=time, black in reference to the primal darkness before the Creation, Ratri=night). Kalaratri is a form of Kali. She is dark in complexion and rides atop a donkey. She is depicted with four arms, Her right hands positioned in Abhaya and Varada mudras and Her left hands holding a sickle and a thorn-like iron weapon. In mythology, She slayed the dreadful demon Raktabeej, as Miss Saxena relates:
In this form Goddess Kalratri killed Raktabeej. Raktabeej was a demon who could multiply from every drop of his blood which fell on the ground. The Goddess Kaalratri killed him by licking the blood before it could reach the ground and hence conquered him.
Kalaratri’s form is dreadful and repulsive in appearance (She is the most misunderstood of the Hindu Goddesses by many Westerners!), but She is very protective of Her devotees and protects them against the evil spiritual influences of demons and dark forces. While She has a ferocious side, She also has a very maternal side. She also aids Her devotees to rid their lives of tamasic qualities, effectively destroying ignorance. She governs the planet Saturn and is associated with the Sahasrara (thousand, infinite) chakra, which is located on the crown of the head. It is the chakra of Pure Light and of Supreme Consciousness. Awakening the Sahasrara chakra leads to ultimate spiritual enlightenment.
Her mantra is:
Ekveni Japakarnapura Nagna Kharastitha
Lamboshthi Karnikakarni Tailabhyakta Sharirani
Vaampadolla Salloh Lata Kanthak Bhushna
Vardhan Murdha Dhvaja Krishna Kalratri Bhayankari
Which means in English:
She is naked, rides on an donkey, has a long tongue, lustrous body, wears ornaments on her legs like lightning, is black in color, has unlocked hair, big eyes and ears and is very dangerous looking. Meditating on this form of Kalratri removes all obstacles as well as removes all magical effects created by others.
For purposes of pronunciation, I have included a link to the spoken mantra (The mantra itself lasts for the first minute of this video, after which a speaker gives a lecture in Hindi).
Chaitra Navratri: Katyayani
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On the sixth day of Chaitra Navratri, Shakti is worshipped in the form of Katyayani. The story behind her name’s origin is related by Mr. Subhamoy Das in the following passage:
The legend behind her name goes thus: Once upon a time, there was a great sage called Kata, who had a son named Katya. Kata was very famous and renowned in the lineage of saints. He underwent long austerities and penance in order to receive the grace of the Mother Goddess. He wished to have a daughter in the form of a goddess. According to his wish and desire the Mother Goddess granted his request. Katyayani was born to Kata as an avatar of Durga.
Katyayani rides atop a majestic lion and is (typically) depicted with four arms. In Her left hands She holds a sword and a lotus flower (symbolising blooming above the murk to achieve enlightenment); Her right hands are positioned in Abhaya( indicates for the devotee not to fear and is a symbol of protection) and Varada (symbolises the giving of blessings) mudras. In the Vamana Purana, She is depicted in Her fiercest form during the battle with the demon Mahishasura, whom She slays.
Katyayani rules over the planet Jupiter. Her chakra is the most important of all chakras: the Ajna (command, knowledge, wisdom) chakra, or Third Eye. This is where the bridge between our human potential crosses into Divine Consciousness. Hindus also believe that spiritual energy from the outside world enters the conscious via this gateway chakra, and so they take great care in protecting this chakra through religious markings (made with holy ash, vermillion, etc.) on the third eye.
a lady’s marriage is experiencing any delays Katyayani is often worshipped in order to remove the obstacles that are preventing the marriage from taking place.
Her mantra is:
Chandrahaasojjval Karaa Shaardoolvarvaahanaa
Katyayani Shubham Dadyaad Devi Daanavghatini
Which in English means:
Devi Katyayani, who holds Chandrahaas Sword and other weapons in her ten hands, rides on Lion, and destroying demons, be propitious to me.
(Note: She is most commonly depicted with four hands, but some Images do depict Her with eight, ten, and even eighteen hands!)
For purposes of pronunciation, I have included a link to the spoken mantra (The mantra itself lasts for the first 35 seconds of this video, after which a speaker gives a lecture in Hindi).
Chaitra Navratri: Kushmanda
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On the fourth day of Chaitra Navratri, Shakti is worshipped in the form of Kushmanda (Ku=little, ushma=warmth, anda=egg). Symbolically, Her name means “that is from whose fraction of warmth the universe has been emanated,” designating Her as the comic egg which created the Universe and hence a Creator Goddess. Parvati takes on the form of Kushmanda after She started living inside the core of the Sun to liberate energy to the rest of the Universe. As a solar Goddess, Her governing planetary body is the Sun. This goes back to Her role as a Creator, for in the beginning the Universe was nothing more but a void of darkness until Her light spread in all directions. Her mount is a lion and She is depicted with eight arms in iconography. She holds a kamandal (an oblong water pot carried by ascetics), dhanush (bow), arrow, and lotus flower (symbolising blooming above the murk to achieve enlightenment) in Her right hands, and in Her left hands She carries a kalasha (a metal pot with a large base and small mouth), Japa mala beads (prayer beads), gada (a blunt mace/club), and a chakra (a disc-like weapon). Kushmanda bestows brightness, clarity, and peace upon Her worshippers.
She is associated with the Anahata Chakra (anahata=unstruck, unhurt in Sanskrit, implying that beneath all the pain in our heart, universal love and compassion is our core nature that is still intact even though we may believe it is damaged), which is the seat of love located in the heart. Love does not only refer to the popular sense of the word, however, but also to the deep, compassionate, Divine love. In a beautiful description of the Anahata chakra, a writer on chakras.net writes:
The Anāhata Chakra is our inner temple in which the divine Ātmā, “the flame of life”, resides. Self-Realisation, also known as God-Realisation, involves the recognition of our own Self, the Ātmā. To show that something belongs to us or concerns us we spontaneously point to the centre of the chest, the site of the Anāhata Chakra. No-one points to the head, the stomach or any other part of the body. This shows clearly that we spontaneously identify ourselves with the Ātmā within the heart centre. In the Chandogya Upanishad it is written:
“In the centre of the body there is a little shrine surrounded by a wall with eleven doors. Hidden within the shrine a Lotus blossoms, and within this there is a tiny, little room.”
What does this tiny room in the heart of the Lotus mean? It is the Ātmā, our true Self. The Ātmā is a part of God. It is pure, unchanging, Infinite Consciousness. It is Eternal, Unborn and Immortal, and exists in every living being. Just as the whole tree is already contained and present within a seed, the essence of the entire cosmos exists in the centre of the Heart Chakra.
Her mantra is:
Sura Sampurna Kalasham Rudhira Plutmev Cha
Dadhana Hastpad Mabhyam Kushmanda Shubh Dastu Me
Which means in English:
May the Goddess Kushmanda who holds two pitchers full of madira and blood in her lotus hands, be propitious to me. (I believe the word ‘madira’ is in reference to amrita, the nectar of immortality. Corrections for the meaning of this mantra, as well as further explanations regarding its meaning, are very welcome!)
For purposes of pronunciation, I have included a link to the spoken mantra (The mantra itself lasts for the first 35 seconds of this video, after which a speaker gives a lecture in Hindi).
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Pandit Jasraj on turning 90, teaching music through Skype: ‘I don’t like when people say woh zamaana achha tha’ - music
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Quite like music, legendary classical music vocalist Pandit Jasraj is in sync with the times. The Padma Vibhushan recipient, who turned 90 on Tuesday, is not the one to look back on the years gone-by and even uses the Internet to impart his extensive knowledge in music to the young generation.“I teach through Skype. I suggest everyone to do it. I am walking with time and that’s what one should do. I don’t like when people say ‘Woh zamaana achha tha’ (Those were the good times). “I believe the current phase is good. One should not compare it with the past -- good or bad. One has to walk with time and only then you will like the current time,” Pandit Jasraj told PTI in an interview. As someone who has spent his life dedicated to Indian music, Pandit Jasraj said it is not a matter of pride for him and he constantly feels the need to improve.“I am critical of myself. I never think I have done something great. I don’t think too much about myself or my achievements. Whatever I have received is as per God’s will. I am grateful to God for that.”
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Pandit Jasraj performed at 67th Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Music festival in Pune.Birthdays are not a grand affair, the musician said, adding that the responsibility of the celebration this year is on his grandchildren. Recalling his first ever concert, Pandit Jasraj said, he performed in front of Nepal King Tribhuwan Bir Bikram Shah in 1952. “The king told his men to announce that he has awarded me 5,000 gold coins. I was shocked, I couldn’t believe it. I was sweating and I almost fainted, I was maybe 22-year-old then,” he said. Indian classical music is unaffected by trends but has always found patronage whether with the monarchy or now with people. “Classical music has never seen a downfall. Earlier it was under the patronage of kings. After they went away, people took care of us.” The musician said he still does ‘riyaaz’ (practice) every day but due to age, it is no longer possible to sit for hours at a stretch. Happy 90th Birthday, dearest darling dadu .. your music, your divine voice and your sweetest smile inspires and heals millions .. Wish you good health always. Love and pranaams ❤️ #PanditJasraj 🙏🏻 #90thBirthday 🎂 pic.twitter.com/yrgGz9jXQF— Shweta Pandit (@ShwetaPandit7) January 28, 2020 He often spends his leisure time playing cards, talking to people and listening to all kind of music. “I listen to western music, African music and also cinema music. My all-time favourite is Lata Mangeshkar, there is no one like her. I often talk to her. I watch movies, I catch up on films on OTT platforms. Whatever my granddaughter plays it, I see it,” he added.Also read: Priyanka Chopra trolled for dress at Grammys, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi hails actor for ‘not trying to hide her belly’True to his philosophy of walking on the beats of time, Pandit Jasraj doesn’t believe in the notion that classical music doesn’t find an audience in the younger generations. “It is just a perception. In western music, you may groove listening to it but in Indian classical music, you become calm, you listen to it peacefully. In every other form of music, your body, mind and everything moves but Indian classical music calms you down,” he said.There are already three documentaries on the musician’s life and Pandit Jasraj said wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to make a biopic on him. “If someone wants to make it, then I am ok with it,” he said.Follow @htshowbiz for more Read the full article
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
A Bride’s Father Refuses To Do ‘Kanyadaan’, Says ‘His Daughter Is Not A Property To Give Away’
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/a-brides-father-refuses-to-do-kanyadaan-says-his-daughter-is-not-a-property-to-give-away/
A Bride’s Father Refuses To Do ‘Kanyadaan’, Says ‘His Daughter Is Not A Property To Give Away’
Saumya Gaur February 20, 2019
If you have spent some time on the Twitterverse, then you would know about the fickle nature of fame that accompanies all things that acquire the “trending” status on it. Now, most of these issues are frivolous and are precariously on the edge of the banal, but every now and then, the mundane garbage of Twitter yields one pearl.
The Tweet That Went Viral
Source: Twitter
And it was on 4th February 2019 that this pearl was yielded by the tweet of one Twitter user, Asmita Gosh. Asmita was attending a wedding, which was unusual in the sense that it was being officiated by women, instead of the usual male pandits. She shared other details of the wedding such that when the bride was introduced by the women pandits, they first took the name of her mother and only then followed it up with the father’s name.
In our patriarchal society, that still cows down to misogynistic traditions in the name of culture and heritage, this was a revolutionary change and by all means, had to be shared with the world. But perhaps, more encouraging was the fact that the bride’s father gave a speech in which he explained that he wouldn’t be doing his daughter’s kanyadaan, as he believed that his daughter wasn’t a “property” that could be given away. Needless to say, the tweet went viral within a couple of hours of being published.
Why It Matters?
Unsurprisingly, and because there is still good in the world, the “woke” millennial generation of India was largely united in celebrating this unique ceremony which was a marked departure from the laissez-faire with which patriarchal traditions are accepted as the norm in our country. But because it’s 2019, and such a thing as the Internet troll exists, the tweet also witnessed a lot of backlash from certain fossil-minded individuals who were quick to harp about kanyadaan being a part of the tradition. They also pointed out as to why the family opted for the wedding to be done through Hindu traditions if they didn’t want to do the kanyadaan.
Source: Twitter
Another user pointed out the fact, that in Hindu culture, daana was very different from a charity in the sense that here it meant the giving away of the cherished Goddess, whereas charity in his lexicon was equated to “discarding”. (We can safely assume that altruism is not this gentleman’s calling).
Source: Twitter
If you have been following this logic so far, we would like you to bear with us for a few more minutes. For the most part, the objection arose from the fact that the family involved chose to do the wedding in a “piecemeal” manner, choosing and following the parts it wanted to follow and discarding the rest. We would like to ask, in which manual does it say that all the steps, from A to Z, need to be followed in order for a wedding to be solemnized?
Besides, the father had done his research pretty well, for later Asmita tweeted her interaction with him, wherein he wanted Asmita to inform the tweeple that this was an ideological decision on his part which was very much a part of the Hindu tradition!
Source: Twitter
The post made it clear for everyone to see that there existed another tradition in the scriptures, that was rather popular during the Vedic times – Gandharva marriage. It was a voluntary union for which the couple didn’t even have to seek the permission of their parents. Again, a few people contested that they couldn’t pick and choose traditions, as per their wish, but then Twitterati seldom has anything better to do rather than tell people what they should or should not do.
Source: Twitter
The thing that concerns me more is the fact that the dowry deaths that account for 40–50 percent of all the female homicides between 1999–2016 don’t even generate half the amount of traction on social media or for that matter any media as this argument did (1). This was an argument that boiled down to freedom of choice, one that is enshrined in and guaranteed by our Constitution.
If you are looking to shrug your shoulders and say what does that have to do with this, I would like to point out that both these issues stem from the issue of objectification of women.
Here’s hoping that more people adapt and mold these traditions in a more gender-inclusive way so that we can have more honest conversations about them, without taking offense at every departure from the past. And meanwhile, the Tweeple have found new things to take umbrage at and be begaanishaadimain Abdullah deewana. We wonder who got married now?
What are your views about this unique wedding? Share your opinions and views with us in the comments section.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/a-brides-father-refuses-to-do-kanyadaan/
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