#i wish there was more f/f in this genre i have invented for myself
door · 3 years
Could you recommend some queer country house fantasy books?
hey: yes.
but first a caveat: “country house fantasy” was a genre term i came up with back when it seemed like the only fantasy books being published for adults* were either secondary world (or “high fantasy,” like lotr) or urban fantasy, neither of which have ever really been my thing. it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a literal country house, although sometimes there is! i like country houses! now there’s less of a dearth in adult publishing, so it’s more of a vibe i seek out than anything else.
all that aside!! some recs:
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The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
This (along with its sequel, The Lost Future of Pepperharrow) is one of my favourite books. It follows Thaniel, a telegraph operator who works for the home office, who is mysteriously gifted a pocket watch which then saves his life. He seeks out the watchmaker and discovers a man with an extraordinary talent. The fantasy in this is small--one person with one ability around which everything spins--but so clever. Pulley’s other book, The Bedlam Stacks, also technically exists in this universe and is also a queer fantasy, but has less of the country house vibe. Regardless, I’ll read anything she writes.
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh
Big literal country house presence in this one (and its sequel, Drowned Country). Tobias is the groundskeeper of a forest and has been for, oh, a very long time. When Henry Silver buys the land the forest is on, everything changes. I highly recommend reading both of these novellas together. The first is from Tobias’ POV, and the second is from Henry’s, who is a delightful little shit.
Spectred Isle by K.J. Charles
Any of Charles’ fantasy qualifies for this list, but I’m limiting myself to one entry (sort of). Spectred Isle is about Saul, an archeologist whose career is in ruins, who keeps running into Randolph a man whose family are the ancestral protectors of certain significant sites in England. I love a romance where one part is Just a Guy and one part is a wet cat, and this has that in spades. I also threw The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal on here, which is a sort-of prequel to Spectred Isle, about what-if-Shelock-and-Watson-were-ghosthunters-and-married.
Salt Magic, Skin Magic by Lee Welch
Another one that’s heavy on the country house, this is about a man who is--trapped in a country house! This one’s got selkies, plus I really enjoy the way the magic works in it.
Seven Summer Nights by Harper Fox
A second queer fantasy book about a sad, disgraced archeologist? It’s likelier than you think. The fantasy in Seven Summer Nights is about a place rather than a person or people, as well as about a community healing together. It’s an unusual book and it took me a while to get through it, but I ultimately liked it a lot.
Briarly by Aster Glenn Gray
The requisite beauty & the beast entry! Briarly is about a rector who offers himself in his daughter’s place when she’s captured by the beast (who is! a dragon!!) and then approaches the beast’s dilemma with wisdom and pragmatism (he gets him a dog). It’s lovely.
Witchmark & Stormsong by C.L. Polk
Ok, I lied a little. These are actually secondary world books, but all of Polk’s work is so country house I had to mention them. This series (there’s a third book out but I haven’t read it yet) takes place in a world where mages control the weather, which has resulted in a heavily stratified society. Witchmark was Polk’s first book, and it’s a little obvious but still largely delightful. Stormsong is a major level-up in writing, and Grace as a character is very, very good.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune
Another secondary world one for ya, but I wanted to mention at least one that wasn’t vaguely or actually historical. The House in the Cerulean Sea is about a man whose job it is to check in on orphanages for magical children who finds himself falling for one in particular--the kids and their guardian both. i really love the world in this one--there are trains and cars and computers but not cell phones. one of the kids is the anti-christ. it’s sweet.
and finally i gotta mention at least one fic, because it’s very very literally a country house fantasy: Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi.
*there’s a lot more of this in YA, and i have read some of it! but i’m pretty well past my YA-reading years now.
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zhongliologist · 4 years
Shibari + Zhongli canon compliant nsfw
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Pairing: Zhongli x Gender Neutral!reader
Words: 3.9k
AN: Hi anon!! Sorry this took a while! THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS ONE!! I’m glad I had experience writing something like this before skajdha I decided I can’t fit this into a small drabble, so here’s like a really long version lmao my two itty bitty braincells are now in no-brain mode, so this might be full of typos or errors. 
When Zhongli first heard the word while on a stroll late one night, he had realized that there was indeed an artform he had yet to encounter or at least heard of. His curiosity peaked, it was only a matter of time before he finally had to give in and ask you what it was.
“YN, if I may,” he began, settling the cup of tea to the table. “There is something I wish to know.”
Attention caught, you raised your brows at him—surprised that there was actually something Zhongli has yet to know—as you took a mouthful of wonton noodles.
“Sure, ask away,” you replied, chewing.
“Well, this was several nights ago,” Zhongli recounted, his deep voice serious. “I was passing by a group of shipbuilders and I couldn’t help but over hear their conversation.”
You hummed, prompting him to continue while stuffing another serving of blackened bass in your mouth.
“Their discussion involved an artform popular in Inazuma, and apparently has spread all over Teyvat as well,” he continued. “Unfortunately, I have yet to hear about this certain artform. Could you care enlighten me please?”
Leaning your head to the side, you wondered what it was. There wasn’t any popular art trend nowadays which Zhongli doesn’t know, so you became to grow curious as well.
“Did you catch the name of it?”
Zhongli nodded. “Yes. It’s called shibari.”
You almost choked on the food you were eating.
“Are you sure that’s what you heard?”
“I believe it is what I have heard,” he replied. “Is there something wrong?”
Sighing, you were going to have a lot of trouble explaining it to him. It was painfully obvious how Zhongli is so out of touch from the pleasures of mankind.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you decided it was best for him to know, before he does something unexpected.
“It’s kind of a sexual play,” you told him, but despite your words, Zhongli only glanced at you, eyes blinking.
Watching him, you noticed he had placed his hand over his chin—a habit he had whenever he was thinking. Whatever comes out of his thoughts, you were beginning to become nervous.
“I see. So, performing art during intercourse…interesting,” he mumbled to himself. “It is not too far off considering the fact that intercourse could also be deemed as a form of art, wherein it takes specialized honed skill to elicit a pleasurable result. To take two art forms and combine them in one act…I am astonished at the inventiveness of man.”
You took a bite from a dumpling, eyes jaded. “It’s not that grand, you know.”
“Now that I am aware of its existence,” Zhongli continued, paying no heed to your comment. “I wish to experience it myself. YN, I must request for your assistance.”
The dumpling you were eating fell back to your plate. “…what?”
“This…this shibari. I wish to partake in this now popular art form,” he repeated, but you only became more flabbergasted.
“Didn’t you hear me say that it’s a sexual play?!”
“I did. That is why it must be you,” Zhongli replied, taking your hand and placing it over his smirking lips. “You are my lover after all.”
Flustered, you had no choice but to agree. You knew of Zhongli’s immense curiosity and nothing is going to stop him from finding out what he wants to find out. Moreover, you wouldn’t really want him to experience it with someone else.
“F-fine,” you conceded, still nervous. “But give me a month to prepare. You should also ready yourself.”
Wondering why he had to wait and ‘ready’ himself, Zhongli leaned his head to the side. “Very well, but why a month?”
You scratched your nape as you averted your gaze somewhere. “I don’t have the right stuff, and I don’t have enough knowledge to do it properly. So give me some time.”
It had been a month since that conversation had occurred, and Zhongli began to feel a little bit antsy as the day drew near. It wasn’t common for him to feel this nervous energy, always maintaining his calm and composure. But it was different this time.
Since that discussion with you, you had banned any sort of sexual act from sex to masturbation, all except from small kisses; and as someone who had gotten used to your presence in his arms at night, Zhongli instantly felt withdrawal symptoms cloud his dignified countenance.
Zhongli inhaled sharply as soon as you entered his room, anticipation deeply running in his veins. You took a shower right after him, making him wait and allowing his imagination to run rampant inside his head.
“Sorry, did I make you wait?” you asked, making your way to the bed in nothing but a bathrobe.
“No, it’s alright,” Zhongli replied, his long hair now freely flowing after he had taken off his ponytail when he was taking a shower.
Running your hands through his dark hair, you admired the way they slipped against your skin as if they were made of silk. Absentmindedly, you began to braid his hair in a lose coif, making him relax underneath your touch.
“Um…er…YN, are we going to—”
You hummed, interrupting his words as you smiled. “Eager, aren’t we?”
“I fear that I may longer be able to contain my anticipation,” he confessed, feeling your hands on his back through the thin robe he was wearing.
Grinning, you knelt down and embraced him from the back; giving his temple a small kiss. “It seems like I don’t have to ask you if you’re sure about this.”
Loving how you felt so warm around him, Zhongli smiled as well as he intertwined his fingers between yours. “I do feel nervous, but it was I who wished to know; thus I must see it to the end.”
“Well, that settle’s it then,” you replied as you removed yourself from his shoulders. “Before we start, I need to remind you that we can always stop if you can no longer handle it, ok?”
Zhongli sighed. “I am confident that I can handle something like this.”
“Please stop being so stubborn,” you retorted back, annoyed that he really has to insist he wouldn’t need it. “Since it will take you forever to decide, I’ve picked one for you. It’s Rex Lapis. Say it when it gets too much.”
He scoffed. “You retaliate in the most absurd of ways, yet very well, I’ll keep it mind. Nonetheless, that does not mean I will use it.”
You grinned. “You’ll take that back soon enough.”
As you said those words, you shifted from your seat and faced him; hands cupping his chin. There was a look of surprise in Zhongli’s expression as soon as you tilted his head up to meet your eyes—too slow to react at the situation.
“Now, from here on out, I’m the one in charge. Any misdemeanor will warrant due punishment,” you began, voice firm and authoritative. “Are we clear, Zhongli?”
It took him some time to adjust at the sudden shift in the air; stunned at the tone you were giving him. This was probably the first time he had seen you take the lead, and it might’ve given him some sort of whiplash.
“Answer me,” you demanded, which made him jerk his attention back to you.
“Very good.”
Smiling at his response, you removed yourself before him and sat just beside him with an easy expression. “Well then, why don’t you take off that robe? Just the robe though, leave your underwear on.”
Brought on by the awkward situation and the fact that you just ordered him to strip, Zhongli’s face immediately heated up to a few degrees. It was strange that he was feeling it for some reason—was this the actual appeal of the performative art form? Or was this simply one of your whims?
As he removed the silk tie tying his robe shut and slid it on the floor, you instructed him to quietly kneel down on the bed before you; hands neatly placed on top of his lap.
“Y-YN…? What is this…?” he asked, confusion marring his youthful face. It was embarrassing to sit on the bed that way, wearing nothing but his underwear, his dick beginning to form a tent.
Yet you only smiled at him.
“Don’t worry. We’re getting to the actual act,” you replied, crawling towards him before placing your hands on his bare chest. “If you can hold on till then, I might actually award you, you know?”
Leaning down, you immediately captured his lips in a deep kiss, moving softly yet sensually against his. Cupping his cheeks, you pushed your tongue inside and easily played with his. For some reason, this felt way hotter than the kisses you previously shared, with Zhongli unable to keep his hands to himself and began to wrap his arms around your waist.
You broke off the kiss with a click of your tongue; your thumb still on his swollen lips.
“What did I say about touching?” you asked, eyes holding nothing but pure mischief.
As soon as he heard you, Zhongli knew he had made a mistake and instantly rescinded his embrace; eliciting a chuckle from you.
“I—uh, forgive me…” he hurriedly told you, his voice beginning to lose their strength as he stuttered and tumbled at the words he used to be so eloquent with. As someone who has prided of his calm demeanor, Zhongli felt a surge of embarrassment at how he easily succumbed to your touch.
It was so adorable to see him like this; all flustered and nervous, making you want to see more of those reactions you have yet to see.
“Stay there. I’ll be right back,” you told him and stood up; an idea forming in your thoughts.
The moment you left; thoughts of things he might’ve done wrong kept repeating inside his head. He was scared that he might’ve crossed something which he shouldn’t have—the sounds of you rummaging through your belongings only exacerbated the nervousness that was already in his system.
However, you were not gone for long. He could sense you behind him, daring not to move or look back, and as soon as you draped a cold silk cloth over his eyes, he instantly realized what he had eagerly signed up for.
For one, as the Geo Archon, it was unimaginable for him to be in such a position, but for some reason, Zhongli found it incredibly arousing to have him at your mercy—to be restricted and ordered around; to be at the other end of the spectrum from what he was used to?
This is strange indeed…
“Don’t you agree that everything feels more vivid when you’re blindfolded?” you asked, now back on his lap; and despite being robbed of sight, he could tell you were smirking. “Does it feel good, Zhongli?”
“I…I cannot be certain…” he replied, the feeling of your intense stare sending shivers down his spine. “I haven’t experienced something like this before…”
At his hesitation, you could only giggle and gave him a small kiss. “Well, there’s a first for everything, but this one here…”
Your voice trailed off, your hand effortlessly finding his half hard dick and pressed on it harshly; eliciting a strangled moan from him. “It’s been feeling good for a while now, don’t you think so Zhongli?”
“I…I—!” He was at a lost for words; the pleasure he felt intoxicating his mind. You were right, the blindfold seemed to heightened his senses to such degrees of vividness.
“I can’t blame you really,” you told him, still toying with his member with your finger but not fully committing on pumping it up and down. “I did tell you to hold off for a month, of course, you’d be unusually sensitive and horny.”
If Zhongli thought his face was hot enough before, he hadn’t anticipated for it to feel full out burning as if his blood was set on fire. He tried holding off the sounds he was making whenever you pepper kisses on his shoulders, but to no avail. He was gradually becoming heady at the immense pleasure your hand was giving. By the time you continued talking, he was already panting heavily, skin flushed and hands balled so tightly into a fist, his knuckles turning white.
“Y-YN…” He wanted to say ‘too much’, but he didn’t want to stop you either.
“I’m impressed you can keep your hands to yourself,” you remarked playfully, rewarding him with a love bite just underneath his jaw. “Why don’t we move on to the actual thing itself?”
Even with the blindfold, Zhongli could feel you standing up; anticipation once again beating wildly against his chest. What were you going to do to him this time?—that was a thrill he had never expected to feel pleasure from.
You returned once more to his side, now with the appropriate items you needed, and brilliant grin on your lips to top it off. It was weirdly exciting for you as well, finally doing something as erotic as this to a dignified gentleman such as Zhongli. Which is why, you couldn’t help but talk him through it.
“I did tell you that shibari some sort of sexual play, right?” you began, as you seized both of his hand and pinned them on his back. “It involves tying someone up with rope, in patterns that are not only visually pleasing but are also designed to make you feel good.”
Zhongli could feel the roughness of the rope cling to his skin as soon as you tied his wrists together before doing various knots up his torso and down to his legs. It was incredibly strange—you were only tying him up but for some reason, he felt so exposed and so turned on.
“The reason why it’s so popular is because it gives a sense of security if you will,” you continued, remembering the patterns you had religiously practiced over and over again for the past month. “As if you were surrendering everything to that one person, trusting that they can give you security, give you pleasure. That is what this art form is.”
Every time he felt your soft hands brush against his damp skin as you tightened the rope around his body, he would control a shudder that kept on surging through him like a multitude of waves. This was beyond the ordinary, a situation Zhongli had not anticipated—you were right when you told him to prepare himself. He definitely did not heed your advice, and it came to him with a price, especially when you finally wrapped some rope around his dick as it stood straight and hard between his legs.
“If only you could see yourself right now, Zhongli,” you told him, pressing firmly on the ropes around his member before nibbling on his earlobe. “Aah, I just want to eat you up.”
With your sultry voice directly sending shockwaves down his lower parts, he could only dig his fingernails on the palm of his hands as the hemp ropes dug deeper in his skin. Even though they were not too tight, the restrictive sensation enveloping his body, plus the way you were touching him now was making him lose his mind.
“YN…YN…p-please, I—!”
He spoke between gasps as he felt your lips suckle on a sensitive point on his neck, his dick twitching as he tried to jerk up.
You hummed amusingly. “What is it, love? Where do you want me to touch you?”
Raking up your fingernails up his toned chest, you smirked as he groaned, unable to find any sort of friction he had been seeking for some time now. The way his long dark locks stuck to his skin because of how much he was sweating, or the way he trembled and shivered at every touch of his skin—you loved them all. As much as how Zhongli was intoxicated by pleasure, you were also heady with the power you had over him.
Not waiting for his answer, you crept your hands up and suddenly pinched his nipples—making him jolt straight up at the abrupt stimulation with a loud moan.
“Do you like it here?” you asked, now lavishing your tongue over a hardened nub; relentless and teasing.
“Ahh…! YN…! Wait, please!”
All of his thoughts had already vanished, replaced only by the sensations of your tongue on his now sensitive nipples, of the ropes wound tightly around him, of how painfully hard his dick was. It felt good, he had to admit it. It felt incredibly good.
“Do you want me to stop? I can always stop,” you asked, smiling. “If not, tell me where else I should touch you.”
Breathless as his chest heaved, Zhongli tried to find the words he wanted to say even as his lips trembled.
“Um…please touch….m-my…”
He was blushing furiously, the word seemingly unable to pass through his lips.
“Your what, Zhongli?” you asked him again, almost cooing but inwardly laughing at how he just can’t say the word ‘dick’.
Biting his lip to stop it from quivering too much, it seemed like he really has to throw every sense of dignity he had in him just to relieve his arousal.
You pinched one of his nipples, pouting. “Don’t you dare call it penis, or else I won’t let you cum. Now, as you were saying?”
If only his head wasn’t too hazy from all the sensations stimulating him simultaneously, he would’ve made a mental note to make you suffer at a later date, but right now, his brain was being ran by his dick.
“P-Please…YN…! My—my…d-dick…I can’t…” he forced between pants as his sweat made the ropes feel even tighter and his underwear feel even more sticky.
Smirking at your victory, you pressed a kiss on his lips, your hands finally removing his dick from the constraints of his underwear. You could feel him groan on your lips as you began to move your hand up and down, and making sure to reach his most sensitive spots.
“Look at you, getting this hard after being tied up,” you whispered to his lips, a grin plastered on your face. “I didn’t know you were this dirty, Zhongli.”
He tried to deny it but you kept his mouth shut by squeezing his cock tightly.
“Really now?” you asked, voice low as you kept on pumping him, his voice becoming nothing but dirty noise. “Are you about to cum?”
“YN…!” he growled, the ropes keeping his legs folded biting on his skin. “T-too much….! I’m…!”
Mercilessly, you continued to jerk him off as he crept closer and closer to climax. However, there he realized that the ropes around his member had gotten tighter, and the painful throbbing he felt was because he couldn’t cum.
“Oh? Did you find it out?” you asked, chuckling at the look of desperation so evident in his face. “If you can endure this in a few more minutes, I’ll reward you. How about that?”
“N-no, no….! YN…p-please, I c-can…no longer….” Most of his words were incomprehensible, affected by the pleasure and the pain on his cock.
You hummed playfully once more. “Do you want me to stop then? You can always say the safe word, you know?”
“No! W-wait…please! I n-need…I can’t…!”
“Then endure,” you replied, an idea blooming in your head. Your free hand then reached for the blindfold covering his eyes and unraveled it, allowing him to finally see.
However, he did not have time to recover when you immediately caught his attention.
“Look how hard you are, Zhongli,” you told him, his amber eyes blow wide by his current state. Yet strangely, the thought of him so aroused and at your mercy, only made him harder.
Laying down on the bed with your chest on the mattress, you looked up to him, his dick on your hands; your eyes reflecting mischief. “If you can hold on for a few minutes, I’ll let you cum, alright?”
Zhongli only gazed down on you, face as hot as the sun and as red as beet. He watched as you took his dick in your mouth and began sucking him off. At the sensation, he instantly threw his head back. This was totally different from your hands. This was just incredible.
With lustful eyes, you watched him convulse before as you assaulted him with your tongue—sucking and licking at every sensitive point you knew. The underside and the tip were particularly sensitive and that was where you concentrated.
“A-ahh…! Oh…shit…YN!” he groaned, his deep voice and the way he was now cursing sent you reeling as well. “T-too good…I’m…f-fuck…!”
You chuckled, the vibrations on your throat making his dick twitch as you kept on bobbing your head. Gazing up, you both exchanged glances as you kept on sucking the tip; his eyes tightly closing at the intensity.
“Are you going to cum?” you asked before diving in once again, your hands secretly making their way underneath his underwear and finding his hole. “I’ll help you.”
“W-wait…! T-that’s!” he jolted up yet unable to do anything but feel your fingers brushing around the rim.
Prodding at his hole, you enjoyed watching the pained yet lustful expression he was making on his otherwise stoic face. His eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks flushed pink, his mouth ajar as drool poured down his chin. It was fascinating, addicting. You can’t help but tease him endlessly, relentlessly as he kept on moaning your name again and again as if under a spell.
“P-Please….let me…I can’t…I’m going to….Y-YN…!”
Deciding that this was finally the limit of his first time, you cleverly untied the knot on his back which kept the rope around his pelvis secure, allowing it to loosen.
Still sucking him off and poking on his hole, you could feel him twitch inside your mouth, an indication that he was close.
“YN…! I’m….ughh…c-coming!”
In a few pumps, Zhongli climaxed in your mouth; his warm cum on your throat. It was a bit too much, and a little thick so you were unable to swallow everything, allowing it to drip down your chin.
Released from his high, Zhongli couldn’t believe he just had his biggest nut of his life after being tied up. It was in every ounce, shameful and embarrassing but it just felt too good for him to resist at all. Maybe it wasn’t too much of a bad thought to do this once in a while.
Eventually, you loosened the ropes that were still on him and took note of the rope markings on his skin, reminding yourself to give him that special balm you got for this exact purpose. As soon as you released him, you pulled him to a deep kiss which he gladly reciprocated.
Unlike your previous ones, this kiss was one of concern and care—asking and answering questions that were difficult to convey. As your lips moved against each other, your chest began to warm and float, glad that you were able to deliver his request. When you both pulled away, the normal Zhongli was back; his eyes warm and lively.
“I’m glad it felt good,” you told him, cupping his cheek. “I was afraid I might hurt you or something.”
He only chuckled and gave you a pat. “I did tell you I can handle it.”
You sighed in relief, loving the way he was touching you. “So, how about we sleep—"
Zhongli however interrupted you, pushing you down the bed, pinning your wrists. He was smiling but you definitely knew you were screwed.
“I reckon it is time for me take my revenge,” he gazed at you, eyes turning feral. “No one will be sleeping tonight.”
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tooruluv · 4 years
Tooru Oikawa x F!Reader ( part 4 )
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❝ my love for him is much like winter, a skeleton for the world to see. too bad he never liked the cold. ❞
description: being the neighbor and lifelong best friend of tooru oikawa definitely had it’s perks. you were never an outcast, always had a seat at lunch, got into volleyball games for free. the problem was, however, that being in love with him outweighed those perks. you would never tell him that, though, even if it hurt like hell.
genre: best friends to lovers, angst, unrequited love, fluff if you squint hard enough
word count: 2,320
warnings/notes: i’m posting this early because i’m so busy this weekend! hope you enjoy!
tag list: @afuckingunicornn​ @maii-flowers​ @clandestinerays​ @brownandchill​ @readeretal​
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You wanted to hate Sana. You wanted to resent her, wanted her to be a bitch. But she wasn’t. She was beautiful, and kind, and she just wanted to date Tooru Oikawa. Who were you to blame her for that?
“What is your skincare routine?” Sana asked. She pulled you closer, eyeing you as if she could see into your soul. “You have to tell me what you do with your skin.”
“Only if you tell me what hair products you use.” You told her before thinking. Sana also happened to be very easy to talk to.
She turned to Oikawa, smiling with her hand wrapped around yours. “I’ll see you later, babe, but right now I’m going to get some incredible insight. I might steal her from you.”
Oikawa just stood there. You had never seen him more confused in your entire life. He looked out of place. Like he wasn’t expecting things to happen the way they were. “Go for it.” He said. Stoic.
Sana basically dragged you away, arm in arm. She was taller than you, so you had to put in effort to keep up (something you happened to be very good, all your friends were giants). The two of you spoke nonsense about skin and hair and some other things you couldn’t remember.
“You know, I was scared to meet you.” She told you as you stopped in front of her locker. You gaped. “I know, I know. I just didn’t want you to blame Tooru for not telling you about us. I asked him not to.”
“Can I ask why?”
She giggled. It was soft. “I wanted you to like me.” She pulled out a book and shoved it into her bag. “I needed the soulmate stamp of approval.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Sana turned to you. Her hair flipped over her shoulder as she did, her bangs never leaving the perfect place across her forehead. “You guys are literally inseparable. You and Tooru. A lot of us joke about how the universe put you guys together, platonic soulmates.”
Platonic soulmates, she said.
“I couldn’t possibly let myself be with him if you didn’t like me.” Sana continued, not really gauging how you were responding. “That’s why he hasn’t really talked to you. I’m so sorry for that, I shouldn’t have told him to keep his distance.”
“I guess I just thought he was mad at me.” You told her. Again without thinking. “We’ve never gone this long without talking, ever. And he was…” you paused. “He asked me for his jersey back and I didn’t really..”
“He asked you for his jersey back?” Sana slammed her locker shut. “I swear I’m going to kill him.”
She mumbled something about how he doesn’t listen. You stood beside her, hands at your sides.
“I literally told him not to do that.” She told you. “He offered me the jersey, and I told him that it was not my place as his girlfriend of a god damn week to take a jersey you’ve worn for years. He’s an idiot. Keep it, I’m serious.”
You didn’t know what to say.
You wanted to hate her, you really did. You tried to find a flaw, something to stick to, but nothing came up. God how you wanted her to be a bitch.
“You don’t hang out with girls often, do you?” She asked. You were walking to class now, her arm linked with yours as her bag hung over her other shoulder.
“I only hang out with ‘Kawa and the boys.” You shrugged.
“Well consider me your official girl best friend. Starting now.” Sana stopped, gasping as though she came to a sudden realization. “Oh my god! We should go to the mall together this weekend!”
You shifted your backpack on your shoulders. “I.. I don’t think..”
“Oh, come on! It’ll be super fun.” She continued, her face lighting up. “We can even have a sleepover after! Please!”
“I’ll have to talk to my parents… I..” You gave up trying to make her the Bad Guy. “Yeah. That sounds fun. We can stay at mine, if you don’t care.”
Sana sent you the brightest smile. “I can’t wait. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Your arms were unlinked, you heading down a different hallway to your class. “Oh, and Sana?”
“You have the soulmate stamp of approval.” You turned around before you could see her response.
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“You’re not mad at him?” Iwaizumi asked you. “How are you not livid right now?”
“I am mad.” You twisted a pencil in your hand. “But I’m more mad at him for completely ignoring me than having a girlfriend.”
“If I were you I would beat the shit out of him.” Matsukawa spoke up from beside you. He gasped. “Oh my god, I can beat his ass for you. Do you want me to?”
You chuckled. “I’m flattered, but no. Not worth your time or energy.”
The three of you were in the library during lunch, again. You know you should go back to the cafeteria, find a new spot at the lunch table (your previous spot next to Oikawa, in between him and Iwa at the circle tables). But the three of you liked to have a break and just hang out and talk shit at lunch. It became a thing between you and Iwaizumi, but you were happy to have Matsukawa join.
“Speaking of me being pissed off,” you changed the topic. “I’m pissed off that I’m the only one who knows about you two? Um, hello? When will you guys just say you’re dating and get it over with?”
“Hanamaki knows, though his suspicions are unconfirmed.” Matsukawa said.
They were official, you knew. The two of them never told you “hey we’re dating!” or anything like that, but you knew. The same way Iwaizumi knew you were (are) in love with Oikawa. And, it doesn’t held that both of them call each other nicknames and have each other as “bf” with about three trillion hearts in their phones.
“We’re going to wait.” Iwaizumi said. He wasn’t uncomfortable. “I have to tell my parents first. Then we can tell everyone.”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Iwa I didn’t even think…”
“Seriously, don’t apologize.” He smiled at you. “You just want us to be happy. And right now, we are with what we have.”
Matsu put his arm around your shoulder from beside you. You were happy for them, too. Though the same couldn’t be said the same about your love life.
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Tooru Oikawa invented a game when the two of you were kids. It was a stupid game, and you were pretty sure it was just a game he found while playing with other kids, but it was so fun to you.
You would invite kids over, including Iwaizumi, and would play it all the time in your backyard. The game was simple. Someone was the Catcher, and whoever was Catcher had to stand with their back to the players as the players stood against your house. The Catcher would then shout out a color, and if a player was wearing that color, they would have to run to Oikawa’s house (and touch it) before the Catcher caught them. Oikawa called it “Rainbow”.
One day while playing, Oikawa caught you while you were sprinting. He snatched you by the waist and basically bear hugged you. Everyone was a giggling mess, as kids are.
“Got you!” Kid Oikawa exclaimed. “Got you, got you! You’re it!”
Sometimes, you wished you had the ability to see when you grew up.
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Sana ended up becoming a pretty decent acquaintance, despite only knowing her for a day. She was very nice, and extremely fun to talk to. Sana just wanted a girl friend; and after talking to her, maybe that’s what you wanted too.
You were walking in the hallway with her, arms linked as Sana preferred, talking nonsense about classes and the game that night. It was the beginning of the day, so the halls were filled with people who weren’t in class still.
“Are we still on for tonight and tomorrow?” she asked you.
“Yeah. If you’re cool with staying at my house, I think my parents were excited to hear me bring a friend whos a girl over.” You said.
“Oh my god, yes. That sounds perfect!” She nudged you with her arm.
“Okay.” You thought for a second. “If you like to drink, we can get some bottles or wine coolers or something before going home. I know a place.”
“That’s the best idea I’ve ever heard.”
You stopped in front of your class and she unlinked your arms. “I’m not kidding when I tell you that I’m excited. I’ve told you before that I was nervous about meeting you when I started dating Tooru, but you’re so cool. Thank you.”
“You’re thanking me?” you laughed. “For what?”
“For being the coolest friend to Oikawa.” A bell. “I got to go to class, if I get another tardy my parents will have my head. But I’ll see you at the game! Wear the jersey!”
She sent you a wink before heading to class.
“Thank you!” you called, and she turned around. “For being the coolest girlfriend to Oikawa.”
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After school, Iwaizumi came over. They had a bit of time before the game, so most of the guys like to come home to eat a little bit or hype themselves up.
Like most days, you were sprawled out on your floor as he sat up against some random object in your room. That day, it was your dresser. He was exhausted, and you could tell.
“Iwa, can we be serious for a minute?” you asked.
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” he said, and you sat up. “You’re in love with him. You’ve been in love with him for years. How did you know?”
Your eyes flickered between his. “What do you mean? I thought you already asked this before.”
“No, no.” he was nervous to ask you. “No, how did you know that you were in love with him? Like what does that feel like?”
You couldn’t hold back a gasp and a smile. “Oh my God! Hajime Iwaizumi, you’re in love!”
“Yes you are!”
The teasing went on like that for a while. It went on and on, the both of you giggling and bickering about teenage love. You didn’t remember exactly how it ended up like this, your head resting on his lap and Iwaizumi’s hand in your hair. You felt your friendship with him, in that moment.
“I think I am, in love with Matsu I mean.”
“I think you are too.” You spoke. “I see the way you two are with each other. The glances and feeling. He definitely loves you too.”
“We’ve been together way longer than when you found us in the closet.”
“I know.”
“Are you still in love with him?’
A pause. “Yeah.”
“He’s an idiot.”
“’Kawa may be the stupidest person I know.”
“No but. He’s just the stupidest person I know.”
A chorus of laughter. You didn’t even hear yourself, didn’t hear Iwa. You missed this.
You also didn’t hear Oikawa come in, and didn’t notice him standing at your doorway.
“Right.” Oikawa said, bringing a silence to the room. He just turned and left.
You stared at the now-empty doorway. You didn’t remember when you sat up.
“Go.” Iwaizumi pushed you at your waist. “Go get him.”
Without thinking, you rushed out of your room and down the stairs. You finally caught up to him outside, in the middle of your houses.
“Are you ever going to talk to me?” You called. You were angry, upset.
Oikawa’s back was toward you. He wasn’t walking, but you didn’t get any closer. It was like talking to a fucking brick wall.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” He said simply.
“We almost kissed, ‘Kawa.” You said. Your hands were in fists at your sides, shaking. “We almost kissed. And you haven’t talked to me, haven’t even looked at me since. You don’t get to be mad at me. You don’t get to be mad I’m hanging out with Iwa when you haven’t talked to him either. And you can’t hide behind Sana asking you to not tell me about you two, not anymore. Please just talk to me.”
“Like I said.” He still had his back toward you. “Nothing to talk about.”
With that, he walked back to his house. You stayed on the sidewalk until you felt Iwaizumi pull you back to reality.
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You were pretty sure that anger took over every emotion that night. As you sat at the game, in that stupid fucking jersey you put on as routine, you stared daggers at the floor from the bleachers. You weren’t even in the student section.
You were slouched in the bleacher, arms crossed, when you felt a body sit next to you.
“You seem far too pissed off to be watching a volleyball game.” The boy told you. “A game you’re winning.”
You stole a glance, not leaving your slouched position between the bleachers. He was cute, dark hair and definitely tall (though it could just be because you were sitting). He wasn’t even looking at you, so you turned your eyes back to the court.
He offered you an already open bag of chips, holding them in front of you.
“You don’t go here.” You ignored his offering.
“You’re not wrong.” He looked at you. “I’m here from another school. Trying to see what some friends of mine are up against.” You finally looked up at him. “What’s your name?”
You deadpanned. “What’s yours?”
“I asked you first.”
“Second the best, first the worst. I win.” You said. “What’s your name?”
The boy set his bag of chips down and held out his hand. “I’m Kuroo, Tetsurou Kuroo.”
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
Yanno with the flame clearly still important to S6 (Kim Shumway's tweet) and The 100 being a sci-fi, why is it irrational for people to believe that Lxa could be cloned from the Flame, hell even resurrection is a possibility on sci-fi. After all the backlash as apparently Bellarke endgame is a trope that makes Clarke's bisexuality and time with Lxa 'a phase' to make way for m/f endgame. So Clxa endgame!!
Are you erasing bisexuality? 
Saying that if a bisexual woman is with both women and men, but ends up with a man that her bisexuality is just a phase? 
I myself know QUITE a few bisexual women who have gone on to marry men, some happily some not so happily, and might then go on to date or marry women after that. I know one who is looking. I know some bisexual women who married women. Some of them are still happily together. Some have split up. They can then go on to date or marry women OR men, that’s what it means to be bisexual. I know a few who idenitified once upon a time as lesbian but are now married to men.
Maybe it’s because I’m older, and I know how long life is and how fluid sexuality is. There are grown women who have finally figured out that they aren’t straight. And maybe it has something to do with seeing bisexual characters on tv who can be with women or men and end up with women or men and STILL BE BISEXUAL and realizing. Oh. Just because I’m attracted to men, that doesn’t mean that my attraction to women is invalid. I am bisexual. 
Your sexuality is not defined by who you date or don’t date, so you should be careful when you invalidate people’s sexualities, or reduce their identities down to your shipwars and gatekeeping.
Be VERY careful. Your identity is not the only valid identity. Our lives are not points in your shipwar games. I don’t accept biphbobia on my blog.  I will block any more.
Now let me move on to the science ficiton theories, although that too is suspect, because it really sounds like you’re just trying to play more ship wars. If that’s the case, then you’ve picked the wrong blogger, because I like the flame. I consider it a science fiction convention, and in my interpretation, it’s not about ships at all. It’s an AI with a human interface. The commanders are many. Not just Lxa.
The flame is important because it’s still part of the story. You don’t mention Madi ONCE. The flame is in HER head, and Gaia is teaching her to use it. AND they are heading to a planet that was colonized using Becca’s technology, and that INCLUDES ALIE. I find it likely that there will be an ALIE on this new planet. Why wouldn’t she send off the first colonists with that kind of assistant. And this one might not be a villain, if it did not malfunction with the perverse instantiation. It might be making life better for humans on the planet.
As for the cloning, I think we’re getting a lot of people who are like geewhilickers A CLONE could be a neato twist, without really thinking about what a clone would be. I haven’t seen any good cloning theories out there yet. And this is the first I’ve heard of Lxa even been mentioned as a possibility for a clone. I never said it would be irrational for Lxa to be cloned, but I’m gonna think about what that means and how the science would happen. 
You seem to be implying that it’s science fiction, so ANYTHING can happen, and that’s not really true. This is tv sci fi, which is not as rigorous as literary sci fi, true. But you still have to follow the rules of the universe. And generally this show does, even if it handwaves actual science, it usually poses an in world explanation for how things work on the show. That you think you don’t need to follow rules when you tell science fiction stories, means you don’t understand the scifi genre. Which means your interpretation is already shaky.
A lot of people are enamored of the cloning theories. I’m not so sure.  I’ve seen not one inkling of cloning hinted at, and they usually hint about things before they come. I suppose it’s possible for the flame to record Lxa’s gene code. But if it did, it would also have Becca’s, and she’s a more likely candidate for cloning.  As the actual scientist who invented all this important tech.
But wait. What kind of cloning are you talking about? Are we talking about just whipping up a person out of thin air who would be the same person who died hundreds of years ago? Where does their physical body come from? Are you saying they come out of nowhere? Like maybe with some sort of replicator? I suppose you’d want to put the flame consciousness into the replicator body? How did that body grow? What was it before the consciousness went into it. How do you PUT the consciousness in the flame into a physical body? Right now it’s in the AI computer chip. Would we need ANOTHER flame in the new body? If so, is it even a real person? Can it grow and change like a human? Or is it, in reality, an android. So yeah. An android is more likely than a clone. Or maybe just the avatar body like with ALIE. But WHY have an avatar when the flame is IN MADI? IDK. Are you saying the commanders should LEAVE the flame and come back to life in a cloned body?
But… why? What narrative purpose would that solve? The commanders are in there to help the current leader. And WHY would we pick Lxa to reanimate? Wouldn’t… wouldn’t BECCA the scientist be the better choice? What is Lxa gonna do? Start another war? Fight with swords? I thought we wanted to be better now? Are you saying we should bring her back JUST to be romantic endgame? Do you really think that’s likely, or are you building up a romance genre story in your head that is deviating from this current one that has Clarke talking to Bellamy for 6 years??? I mean. She wasn’t talking to Lxa for that 6 years, was she? If she had been, I would be changing my mind. I’m surprised you are ignoring the 2199 calls to Bellamy. I mean, if she wanted to talk to ONE person she loved above others, with no hope of getting an answer, why was it Bellamy and not Lxa?
But that’s not really cloning. Cloning is from the genes and is more like growing a baby with the same genecode. It’s more like raising a twin of Lxa. That’s just a new person. Why would Lxa’s genetic code need to be passed on by cloning? And who would raise her? Clarke’s already raising a daughter. And I don’t think you had in mind for Clarke to raise Lxa from infancy like a mom. That’s not the kind of endgame we’re talking about, is it? 
But that’s what cloning IS. A new person. Same genetics. A twin. Not the old person magically come back to life as if she’d never left, or as if she could just pick up from where she left off as a commander. 
Clones are basically TWINS. They don’t take on the personality of the genemother. I mean, Unless you’re talking about raising a clone, a genetic twin of Lxa and then putting her personality from the flame INTO the body. In which case, is she getting the flame instead of Madi? and if the flame can have it’s own body, why does LXA get to be the personality? What about the other personalities. Or would it be, like switching between Becca and Lxa and Madi and whoever else was in there? Or would they build a whole bunch of different flames and split the commanders up into different flames and different clones so they could all come back to life? DO THE COMMANDERS EVEN WANT TO COME BACK TO LIFE?
And if they DID do that, what about the identity of the clone BEFORE the flame went in there. How would that work? Would the flame override the human clone?  
I don’t know how that would happen. Would she need ANOTHER flame to hold that identity? Would the new clone have TWO identities? The one of the clone, and then the implanted Lxa identity? 
You know. I don’t think you’ve thought much about this cloning theory. It doesn’t really shake out very well.
And while there ARE ways they could have technology that could overcome these difficulties, the BIGGEST difficulty is actually a real world difficulty. 
ADC has her own show. She’s the star. She has a contract that made it difficult enough to finish her storyline in season 3. She’s NOT going to get to come back to be the main character’s love interest. So thinking that would happen really is probably something you should let go of. It’s not realistic. The most we’ll probably get is a cameo. 
I’ve got a theory that there might be a Clarke in the flame. Because all the commanders end up in there, and she was a commander for a short time. That would have meant the Flame had uploaded her identity. So if that’s the case, then there IS INDEED a FlameCL endgame. They are together forever, in the flame. Immortal.
But I doubt we’ll see any of those stories. The story remains with the LIVING CLarke, and the LIVING Bellamy, as it always has been. 
And that’s a Bellarke endgame, too.
I kind of wish you could have asked me this question without the biphobia and the shipwars, because I’m always up for discussing science fiction speculation. IN the end, I feel like this whole ask was just trying to upset me? Which isn’t going to work, because a) I believe in bellarke, since that’s the story being told, not this one you’re making up. b) the flame does not bother me at all. I like it. and c) all your theories are pretty shaky on logic and/or philosophy. d) I don’t respect bigots of any kind.
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hcneymilkks · 5 years
24K Jinhong | The Purge
[Y/N means your name and Y/F/N means your friend's name.]
The poster flapped vigorously in the wind, one corner already peeling off. In bright red letters painted to look like streaks of blood, it said 'On October 13th, 2018, all crime will be legal for twelve hours, starting at midnight. Be prepared, for you don't know what's coming for you.'
News stations around the city were announcing this very important yet dangerous day, encouraging us fellow citizens to lock our doors and hide. As if it would help. People in this century know how to pick locks, or even easier, blow up the whole front door.
Once the twelve hours end, all citizens are to resume their daily lives like normal, only some may have lost valuables, doors, and even people. No one can report the crime, for the criminals are safe under the law, The Purge Law.
"The Purge Law states that any crime, whether small or extreme is legal. Any persons killed are given a regular funeral, no compensation may be given. All weapons used are granted permission by the government to be registered yet the files will be destroyed after twenty-four hours. No one is protected, everyone is vulnerable on this day." The newscaster read, making me chuckle.
History has shown that The Purge has been going on for one hundred years, starting in 1918 when the Ku Klux Klan in the United States had reformed. Their goal was to use violence against Blacks, Roman Catholics, Immigrants, and anyone who supported giving minority groups equality rights. Their vision was to have a White Christian supremacy, just like how Hitler in World War Two wanted Germans to be the Master Race.
But now, people have used it just to reduce the population, or to get revenge on a family member or friend, or anyone who just doesn't fit in society.
Coming from Japan, where little to no crime happens, I wanted to see it in action. Yes, I wanted to leave myself as vulnerable as I can, even if it means I'm asking for a death wish.
October 10th, 2018
11:09 PM
JeongUk's garage was filled to the brim with boxes on each side, a couch in the middle, and a table with weapons.
Hui was using a cloth to wipe down a simple handgun, one of his favorites.
"So," Cory, the appointed leader started. "Does anyone have a specific person in mind to target?"
"Just anyone who gets in my way," Kisu says, twirling a dagger around his fingers with careful yet fast movements.
JeongUk nods in agreement.
"Changsun, Hongseob?"
"I mean, I want to steal rather than kill because you can sell the valuable items in exchange for money and maybe invent something new," Changsun says shyly.
"That's a good idea," Hongseob says and uses the computer. "According to Google Maps, there are many jewelry places in Portland so it's either we can split up or go altogether."
Cory puts a hand under his chin. That signifies he is thinking of a plan. "I believe it's best to go in all together. That way if anyone tries to attack, we all protect one another."
"But doesn't the law state that all of us are vulnerable no matter what? It's like saying not to trust in one another and only focus on ourselves." Changsun explains.
"What? Do you think we are going to just abandon one another? Or are you the one who's going to abandon us?" Kisu says angrily and Changsun gulps in fear, probably regretting speaking up.
"Easy now Kisu, I need you to save that energy for tomorrow," Cory says. He turns to Changsun. "Changsun, there's no need to worry, we are all in this together okay? We will protect one another."
"Let's go till the end." Changsun mumbles.
Cory turns to me. "JinHong, usually you're the most talkative. What? Cat's got your tongue?"
I playfully smirk. "Nope. I just wanted everyone to have a chance to speak what they want to."
"Now they have. So, what specific person do you want to target?
"Well, remember when I joined this gang group for one reason only?" I ask.
Cory nodded. "You said your parents died in The Purge when you were only nine."
"I found the people responsible for my parent's death."
"But the law states that-" Changsun started but I interrupted him.
"I know. The law states that you can't press charges or throw them in jail or something like that. But that's not it. I saw in old records that in 2008 they moved to Japan and stayed there until they died."
"So...if they died, who are you targeting?" Kisu asks, clearly annoyed.
I smirk. "They were husband and wife, and from reading many books, couples want to have children. The wife gave birth to a daughter, who they both kept their secret from her. But, she's here, and I want her. I want her to know the truth of what her parents have done. I want her to know how it feels to have your heart ripped out and your breath stuck in your throat. I want her to die a slow and painful death."
"Hey baby," Chun-Li kisses me on the lips. I feel Kisu shooting glares at me but I ignore it.
"What's up? Anything new with the girl?" I ask her. Along with Hongseob, Chun-Li is an expert of hacking and tracking down people.
"Not much. All I know is her name, how old she is, what city she lives in, and her hobbies."
"Spill," I said.
"Her name is Ji Y/N. She's nineteen years old, she currently resides in Portland, Oregon and loves to read and write."
I smirk and kiss Chun-Li on the lips happily. "Get ready baby, for the 13th will be the best day of your life!" I pick her up and bring her inside one of JeongUk's many rooms, with her laughing.
October 12th, 2018
3:34 PM
I walked along the streets of Portland, letting the cool air surround my skin. It was like giving me an extra layer of protection from the harsh rays of the sun and from the scorching heat. Many people smiled and laughed as they walked, but it was a shame to see that all of this would be gone in less than twenty-four hours.
The bookstore was calling me so I entered roamed around. Fairy tales, Mystery, Thriller, Crime, Murder, Romance and many more genres swarmed around my eyes. Oh, how I wanted to have all of them. I smirked. Stealing books was the one thing I have been dying to do since I've heard about The Purge.
At the corner of my eye, I saw a speck of black. Craning my neck to where it came from, my eyes immediately land on a blank black cover. No title, no author. I pick it up and flip to a random page. Nothing. I look at the back to see if there is a price tag. Nothing.
I put the book down and go back to looking around but my feet indistinctively went back to the same place where the book was.
Although The Purge started tomorrow, I couldn't help myself and tucked the book into my bag, walking away and praying that no alarms will go off. Once I pushed the door and walked out, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.
6:50 PM
Unlocking the door, I walk in but step on my own foot causing me to lose my balance and almost faceplant into the hardwood floor.
"Woah girl did you drink? Why are you walking all tipsy?" My friend Y/F/N asks.
"No. You know how clumsy I am. I legit just stepped on my own foot. You know how saddening if would have been if I dropped my bubble tea? I paid six dollars and thirty cents for it."
She starts to laugh. "This is why you should stay in the house during The Purge. It's either you are going to run away from the person and fall in the middle of it, or you are gonna talk so much that the person can't be bothered with you. So it's a fifty-fifty chance you make it out alive."
"Are you dissing me or offending me?"
She smiles evilly. "Whatever you think it is."
"I hate you."
"You know you love me."
That night, we watched a lot of action and defense movies "in order to protect ourselves if we get in that kind of situation" as how Y/F/N described it.
We moved to the basement and sat on the floor cross-legged, each of us having a knife and a handgun.
It's now eleven fifty-seven pm and at any given moment, our phones are supposed to go off. At least that's what they said.
"Y/N?" Y/F/N asked.
"Hmmm?" I responded.
"You won't betray me, right? We will survive this together right?"
I nodded. "After my parents died I had no one. You took me in because we looked like twins. Over the past few months, we did a lot together. I wanna continue it. I can't lose you."
She started crying and I saw her phone screen light up. One minute. I hugged her back.
"I love you, my twin."
12:00 AM
Beeps came from our phone, signaling a text alert.
Muffled sobs came from Y/F/N's mouth and I whispered soothing words into her ear, trying to keep her voice down.
It was quiet, too quiet.
"Why does the government have this Purge thing going on every year?" I whisper.
She opened her mouth to say something until a crash was heard upstairs. She buried her face in my shoulder and I rubbed circles on her back.
Loud steps, not one, not two, more like eight people were walking. I heard fabric being ripped, glass shattering. I pictured the whole living room a mess.
"Stay here," I whispered. "Go hide in the hidden closet. I will come back once everything is fine upstairs."
I was about to leave until Y/F/N grabbed my wrist.
"You said you wouldn't leave me. Please stay."
I pried her hand off my wrist and tears were in her eyes. "I can't, if we both want to live, one of us has to go up there. Just trust me. If I'm not back here in thirty minutes, stay hidden and don't make a sound." She nodded and I trudged up the stairs, using my phone as a small flashlight to guide me.
When I turned at the stairs I immediately closed my phone, trying to force my eyes to adjust to the dark as quickly as they can.
"There's no one here." One person says.
"Do you think she left?"
"That's not possible, there's still a bowl of fresh popcorn on the coffee table." Another one says.
Wait, how can they see that? It's pitch black outside and they didn't even open any of the lights.
I quietly went up the stairs and took out my knife. If I can get close to one of them then I can-"OUCH!" I covered up my mouth.
"Who's there!" One took out their flashlight and I tried to run away but I bumped into something, wait no scratch that. I bumped into someone.
The person took out their phone and shone their light on me, revealing a boy who looks my age with silver hair wearing a black bandana as a mask.
"HONGSEOB, CHUN-LI! IS THIS HER?" The boy yells and another one comes and puts a device to my face.
"JinHong, it is." the boy says and the silver-haired boy who I presume is JinHong pulls down his mask and smirks.
"Ji Y/N, you're coming with me." and I felt something heavy hit the back of my head, the last thing on my mind was if Y/F/N was going to be okay.
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boo-cool-robot · 6 years
P I C A R D, for the fandom ask meme!
Ah, a star trek….I know things
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
This is cheating, but god I wish more people were familiar with Bluff City, the Patreon-exclusive Friends at the Table campaign because it makes a fantastic AU setting. It’s basically a magical realism Jersey City/Atlantic City that’s heavy on genre tropes but not tied to any one in particular. It’s SO funny….
Anyway, I’ve already decided that in this AU Magneto is Max Maximoff, old-timer carpenter who’s even older than he seems….he has a shop that’s always full of kids he’s giving bad advice to and whenever the feds come by he makes everyone hide…people have seen him like astral project around the city at night? It’s fine.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Eh, most fandoms have a bad side. I guess I’d say Hannibal fandom. Unlike X-Men fandom, which is bad in ways that are generally related to the canon being bad, I occasionally get walloped over the head with bonkers ableist bullshit that the Hannibal canon doesn’t really support. I’m not really actively in hannibal fandom anymore, but I definitely noticed myself engaging with strangers less while I was in.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Lem/Fero at Friends at the Table is really popular and I can definitely agree they have massive bitter ex vibes, but I just don’t really like it! This is probably because I don’t really like Fero,
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
1) Where is the Emma/Jean high school AU where Emma is basically Quinn from Glee. 
2) Watching the X-Men anime has also pushed Scott/Emma to the front of my mind. It’s fine everyone is allowed to have one m/f x-men ship,,
3) I was talking about Young Avengers recently, so my Maximoff fam love has reactivated. They’re very *clenches fist*
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Since I already said Kitty Pryde and Magneto in a previous answer, I will say Scott Summers and Magneto for this one. I’m…..really fond of the Utopia era in comics
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I’ve tried to shake my brain into liking Rogue/Magneto because there’s a good amount of content for it in comics but I just can’t get into it! 
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shazzeaslightnovels · 4 years
Madougushi Dahlia wa Utsumukanai 1
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Author: Amagishi Hisaya
Illustrator: Kei
Label: MF Books
Release Date: 25 October 2018
My Score: 2/5
Story & Characters:
Genre: Isekai, Adventure, Fantasy, M/F Romance
Premise: Dahlia was reincarnated in a fantasy world as the daugther of a magical toolsmith. The story begins when her fiancee breaks off their engagement with the excuse that he has found true love. Realising that she didn’t really care about her fiancee, Dahlia takes advantage of this to begin living life the way that she wants to and develops her own magical toolsmithing business.
This volume is fairly low on plot and, unfortunately, it doesn’t have any amusing narration or interesting characters to make up for that and I ended up being pretty bored by it. Dahlia is nice enough that it’s easy to root for her but she’s also really plain and the characters that she surrounds herself with don’t stand out enough to make up for that. Some of them are pretty likeable - like this couple she’s friends with who get mad about her situation in her stead but they don’t show up enough because the story decides to focus on Dahlia’s magical toolsmithing and budding romance with the knight Wolfred instead. Wolfred himself is also really plain so, even though he seems to be a good match for Dahlia, it’s hard to bring myself to be interested in them spending time together. I also thought that the isekai element was pointless. Dahlia’s behaviour isn’t changed by her having memories of her past life and it doesn’t affect the plot much. She does use her past life to invent objects that she remembers but I feel like we could have gotten her to do that without the isekai plot element being present.
I didn’t hate the volume though and it was an easy read. I liked seeing Dahlia move past her relationship with Tobias and I enjoyed seeing her blossom and grow confidence. I just wish there could have been a little more to that growth than interacting with Wolfred and making things.
I rated the volume 2 stars because I was bored by it but I definitely don’t think it’s iredeemable and I can see why some people liked it.
Recommended for:
People who love isekai with female protagonists and who don’t mind a lack of plot.
Adaptation Notes:
There are two manga adaptations for this series and they started at the same time and I’m not sure why that happened but they are slightly different. The first one has the subtitle of “Dahlia wilts no more” and is ongoing at 2 volumes and features art by Megumi Sumikawa. This one actually starts before the light novel does as we get glimpses of Dahlia’s childhood and teenage years. A couple of scenes were rearranged but it’s largely left intact. The second adaptation is complete at 2 volumes and features art by Kamada. This one is a more straight forward adaptation but it does move some scenes around. For example, in the light novel, Tobias tells Dahlia that he’s breaking off their engagement and it isn’t until after she’s moved out and has told others about the situation that he comes to her and asks for their engagement ring back but the manga merges it into the same scene. There are a lot of little changes like that in both in adaptations and they affect the pacing slightly but not enough to change the tone of the series. Both adaptations are good but I recommend “Dahlia wilts no more” due to the prologue chapters being pretty interesting and the fact that it’s ongoing so it’ll likely get to cover more.
I don’t think I’ll be reading any more volume in the future.
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