#i wish i could go again now that im also obsessed with jonathan and into arianas music i think id go into cardiac arrest
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atlas-dr0wned · 2 months ago
so mad that uni got in the way of me being active on here when wicked came out i wouldve been even more annoying about jeff goldblum than usual
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captainshazamerica · 4 years ago
Literally all I have to say is that Gar would be worthy of Thors hammer and when he lifts it he should whack dick with it cuz dick is being more than an emotionally stunted asshole than what people think Bruce is, why must he keep referring to jason as the enemy who needs to be stopped especially seeing as they now know what the toxin actually does to people I ain't saying jason is blameless but you'd think dick would show some openness toward the possibility that jason can be saved or helped I love dick but he stresses me out so much sometimes like ahhh
I know the writers are trying to keep everyone happy by showing dickbabs and dickkory and there's no harm in trying to keep all the fans happy but and no offence to dickbabs but yo anytime dickbabs is even alluded to my brain is just like uhh hurry up and go away make this stop
!Blackfire becoming part of the titans!!!!!!!! 💜 Korryyy why did you trust that the Gotham mob lady had good intentions with her son, she is a mob lady in Gotham, honey no! I did not expect kory to melt her yikes
Gar better hug jason when he gets back and dick better start behaving like a big brother, honestly gar my boy bless you 💚 I think even bruce would be side eyeing dick bruce would be like boy whatt! 'enemy' he's not the enemy but he does need stopped I wish Alfred was here to be like master dick careful now son you're living up to your nickname 😅
When are Rachel and Donna coming back!?
i love that one shady mob lady that was all nervous and looking around and the guy was like chill the bats not in Gotham-little details like that are just mwah 😚😍
Jonathan Crane is lit, human garbage but still lit tho 🔥
🎪(Trying to watch this weeks episode was sooooo painful for me cuz of the glitchyness it was the most glitchy ep yet but at least the sound was okay )
BRO GAR WOULD BE ABLE TO LIFT MJOLNIR OMG! New headman accepted!! Like im obsessed with that idea ahhhh and its sooo true. But right! I love that boy SO dang much omg, I am SO happy SOMEONE still believes in saving Jason ahhh. Right! I was so sad when Dick thought he was beyond saving when like just a couple episodes ago he was so adamant about Crane using and turning him into a monster. Im wondering if he’s just conflicted and is trying to focus on the mission but still thinks he can save him, OR, like, I think it could be apart of his character arc this season of being different from bruce in the emotions department, like Im wondering if he will try to take down jason again, something will go horribly wrong(or that already happened) and he will finally realize that he has to have a different approach than bruce and the only way to stop it is to save him(with probably Gar being the one to get it through is head/show him jason can be saved. I hope they don’t just ignore all that character development cause at the beg of the season it seemed like Dick was really growing in those ways
Ahahaha really? I actually loved this Dickbabs *hides* But I know im in the minority xD During that scene though , i was thinking, Batanon ain’t gonna like this xD
Lmao Im Kori, I totally would have done the same and didn’t expect the mob lady to kill her son xD I really thought she was on the fence anyway, Im too much of a sucker for redemption arcs, I would never survive in DC world man xD But yes! I am SO happy they went with making Blackfire part of the titans! AND THAT OUFIT CHANGE THO LIKE YAS QUEEN!!!!!! But yeah, I am shocked Kori killed her, Dick is gonna be so mad omg, thats probably gonna be a bad fight later
Gosh, now all I want is for Gar to hug him omg, even tho i doubt its gonna happen(tho I also doubted they would make Blackfire part of the titans and that bruce would kill the joker yet here we are so at this point who knows lol). AHAHA, omg, Alfred canonically would tell him that though omg xD Dang, wasted opportunity!
Oooh, I keep forgetting about rachel and donna lmao *hides*, I wanna know when my Tim is gonna have some screen time!
Haha right, and then the second she heard the titans she was like, yeah im out xD I loved the mob guy eating ice cream cause same xD
Yes!!!! Human garbage man but the most lit human garbage man! Like, he is SUCH a good villain here omg, like he is the worst and creepiest but i think thats perfect for this world omg. Its nice seeing him as the mastermind and not just a puppet for a dif bad guy for once!
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jcmorgenstern · 7 years ago
Okay to make up for last week....I really liked this episode? I felt it sobered up a bit from last week, in that things are getting more serious with Lilith and they tightened some stuff up with Jace’s presumed “mental illness” (not to be confused with his real, actual mental health stuff that ahem. has yet to be addressed), and did some really cool stuff with Clary this episode (as well as keeping up the good work on the Simon & Jordan front).
First off, Clary and Ithuriel. I won’t lie, killing off Ithuriel was a pretty ballsy move, and I have to give the WR kudos for going there. The bits of lore around it that we got were really nice, and the VFX for Lilith was actually really fucking cool (even if the heart thing was a bit cheesy). But most of all I was most excited about the return of Cleophas!! and the discussion of what’s happened to her and a bit of insight on how that’s affected Luke. It was a great touch and established some more of his character outside of the whole....Ollie thing. And bringing in the farm was a brilliant touch. And Clary herself really did shine a bit, which is nice. I really loved this bit of the episode, it was very unexpected in a great way.
Speaking of Lilith...I really do love Anna Hopkins in this role. There is a touch more of the babyspeak that drove me crazy with Heidi, but honestly it’s carried off much better and is, at least so far, not quite as egregious. The scene with Magnus was especially chilling: it also works because we know how powerful she is and how little she cares about the characters we care about, and the fact that she actively wishes them harm. There is...Some Stuff I’ll get to at the end but for now....really loved her, and especially Anna’s performance.
Jace was actually pretty fantastic in this episode, writing wise, and also in terms of the acting from Dom. He was the right mix of determined and scared, and I think a lot of that nervous energy informed him going around poking into Simon’s life--but ultimately helping Simon out. His repeated assertions that he’s only doing this for Clary were at first a bit obnoxious but definitely started to ring more false as the episode progressed, again due to some pretty great delivery from Dom. Also the conversation with Alec was much better....paced than the previous one, or maybe it was just me, either way it hit emotionally in a way the other one didn’t for me, so I was a fan.
Alec and Magnus....honestly, even if the drama does feel a bit manufactured....the writers did sort of nail all the right notes on this episode. Though I do stand by my opinion that Alec’s actions are more reprehensible than others seem to think, it makes sense that his longstanding insecurities would lead him down this path, especially during emotional turmoil. Though I do think even though his feelings and fears are understandable, he is still ultimately responsible for his actions and understanding that his thoughts and fears are not ultimately reality. (This also supports my pet theory that Alec has very anxious traits, but shhhh). So while I am actually sympathetic, he is being a massive ass and after all this is over owes Magnus a pretty big apology.
That being said, I do think Magnus’ tendency to brush things off in the same tone he would use to offer Alec a drink isn’t helping, and that if he and Alec could come to the understanding that it would help Alec a lot if he explicitly said “I’d rather not talk about this right now” or “this makes me feel xyz for xyz reasons.” I do feel that lost in a sea of insecurities and worries Alec struggles to feel confident in his interpretation of what Magnus says or how he really feels, and part of growing in their relationship will have to include Magnus feeling more secure and comfortable to speak his mind rather than maintaining a “façade” of being unflappable. Magnus seems to truly dislike showing what he may feel as weakness, and I’m guessing Asmodeus may have something to do with that, but he tends to be very avoidant when expressing less positive emotions, and hopefully will become more comfortable showing Alec the less “bubbly” and positive side of himself, leading to more...honest and frank communication. Overall? Pretty good for manufactured relationship drama.
Sidenote: the scene with Underhill was a bit overdone, but it was very sweet and a good addition. I look forward to seeing more of him. Does he know anything about who he replaced?
Now onto the thing that bothers me. I’d been avoiding talking about this mostly because it felt a bit...overdramatic but with this episode and the episode promo really seemed to confirm some of the stuff that had been bothering me so...the whole Lilith thing. There is a LOT of uncomfortable sexual overtones to the way she interacts with Jace, which...your mileage may vary on this but. I find it very uncomfortable how they’ve chosen to go about it. For me, this started with the slap in 3x04, which I’d commented on disliking. Even her drugging Jace’s drink could sort of be shrugged off as like, generic creepy or like, within the realms of vague good taste. But uhhhhhh??? In the 3x06 promo?? Why in the name of fuck is she interested in him sexually that’s???? totally unnecessary??? Listen, I’m totally ok with Lilith being generically sexual, that’s. sort of partly her thing but. if this is gonna be some weird “female sexuality is evil” obsession with Jace...Count Me The Fuck Out. And if it leads to a fucking Lilith/Jonathan Oedipus complex im fucking. SPITTING yall hear me. They wouldn’t do that shit with Azazel or (I’m willing to bet) Asmodeus so why in FUCK do they feel the need to shove that unnecessary bullshit on Lilith?? Yall know why. I’m so tired of the Female Sexuality Is Wrong and Unnatural and the Evil Bad Womens Are Mothers But Also Sexy Is Wrong And Bad and I am NOT here for it please let this trope DIE. I’m sorry for getting so worked up about it but like. that’s totally chill and whatnot to explore thoughtfully in fic, but this show usually has the tastefulness and subtlety of a fucking freight train going sideways through downtown Toronto and I am All Kinds Of fucking Done. Like. I’ll hold off ultimate judgement until the next episode but WHY GOD why have you abandoned us
tldr this episode was great but you just cant trust this show you just cant
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devondespresso · 1 year ago
thanks for the tag love! doing mine in a reblog because theres no way im remembering all these tropes lol
Age Gap: -2
i feel like this tag just tells you what the author thinks age gap means like sometimes its 5 years and sometimes its 30. not for me if it feels like theres a power imbalance in romantic relationships. i don't think anyone actually tags age gap for friendships
Codependency: 10
im a platonic stobin bitch babeyyy of course a codependency tag is a green flag. fandoms definition of it is more just mutually very clingy as opposed to actual irl or unbalanced codependency
obsession/possessive/jeleous: 0
it can be done well or done really wrong. im all for a good "that's MY funky fella" when related to trauma (again stobin) but a lot of romantic possessiveness has the potential to go really disrespectful to the partner? like they can have friends either calm down or get run over please (its only really that bad if the story pretends this is cute or romantic and not severe dick behavior)
opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): -1
doesn't really direct my focus but i am wary of making characters one personality trait to fit the aesthetic
Enemies to lovers: 0
eh. depends on the author and can be really good (characters expanding their worldview and growing) or really bad (why are you attracted to them? after everything they did? please just date x side character instead they're actually nice to you)
sex to feelings: nah
i can't handle nsfw anymore so im not reading this but it makes sense to me
fake dating/relationship: -1
honestly didn't expect my own answer but i just can't remember being invested in most fake dating aus (the exception being ones that had a fake relationship between steddie where steve is eddies albi after s4 abd explores the consequences of word getting out)
friends to lovers: 3
super cute but you get tired of hearing "i don't want to mess up our friendship over some feelings" over and over
Found Family: 10 (a million if i could)
im literally writing an au where steve gets adopted by dustins mom. this shit keeps me alive
hurt/comfort: 10
break the bitch and get them some self care and that's what i call storytelling. my default state of mind. im just now realizing all my writing is hurt/comfort
love triangle: -7
ew. the exception is season 2 stranger things stancy vs jancy (AND ONLY S2!! they didn't need it in s1 or s4 at all) because its interesting to explore how nancys trauma crumbles her closest relationship and how she can't say anything interesting she's drunk in a bathroom. really wish that was portrayed as a new thing that stemmed from being unable to shake association with barb and steve and problems with how they both dealt with trauma instead of just. she actually had a crush on Jonathan and he didn't ask her out fast enough. thanks i love a character emotionally cheating for a year before the interesting drama acts on that for her. (but hey thats what fic is for) (also post s1 stoncy fic slays)
open/poly: 0
haven't dipped my toes into that. stoncy is cool tho and love that its the solution to love triangles
mistaken/hidden identity: 3
the logistics can't be too stupid but otherwise love these
monsterfucking: no nsfw. monsterkissing? 0
again no nsfw. kissing vampires is cool but that's also like vanilla mf isn't it. usually don't run into sfw monsterkissing outside that
pregnancy: no.
severe squick. its deeply disturbing to me (not like seeing pregnant people in general just it being a plot in fic. surrogacy and wholesome building a family is fine as long as its kinda a background detail) (just from personal fear, being ace, and inability to handle smut and stuff)
second chance: -3
not impossible to do well but i often find myself asking why they broke up or why it suddenly works now
slow burn: 0
contrivances irritate me but also plenty of good ones where they just take their time falling in love
soulmate aus: 3
i just think they're neat. if platonic stobin aren't also somehow platonic soulmates i edit the worldbuilding in my head and im on my merry way
idk who tf has already been tagged so uhhhhh @stobinesque @spoookysix @wuffgang-ameowdeus-moozart @loser-jpg @nymime and anyone else who wants to join 💕
Trope rating game
I'm so late but I love these! tagged by @zerokrox-blog ❤️❤️❤️
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 
0 - don’t care either way 
+10 -> very enticed 
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0
Definity depends. I don't seek it out but anything like 10 years or less doesn't freak me out too bad.
Codependency: 10
I love it so much it's ~embarrassing~ But I think thats the funny thing with what I write and what I like in fic in general, it's almost all stuff I'd hate in real life?? What does that say about me?
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: 10
See above!
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 2
I don't seek it out persay but its almost always cute as hell.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: -2
I'm such a true love/fluff addict, I usually dont got the patience. But I have seen sooo many good fics with that trope though, I respect the writers.
Friends with benefits: -2
Just say you love each other already jesus christ 😭😭 (Did I mention I have no patience??)
Sex to feelings: -1
See above
Fake dating/relationship: -1
Same ish with friends and benefits! I'm such a baby gee wiz.
Friends to lovers: +2
It's cute!
Found Family: 10
Love it soooo much. Adore, adore, adore, adore!
Hurt/Comfort: +5
The guarantee of comfort, always gets me going.
Love Triangle: -10
Make em all fuck or get out of my face honestly.
Poly, open relationships: 0
Eh, I like reading the occasional like closed poly relationships or threeway but open ones just dont get me. Maybe because of bad experiences?
Mistaken/hidden identity: 3
I like them....the stupidier it is the better and no i do not know why!
Monsterfucking: +10
Yeahhhhhhhhh, I'm a fan. Definite fan. Mega fan.
Pregnancy: 5
Omegaverse or not, I like it. Which again. actual pregnancy is one of my top 5 fears. Whats up with that?
Second Chance: 0
Eh, don't look for it don't mind it. Im such a little bitch with angst it's not even funny.
Slowburn: 0
Can take or leave.
Soulmates: +5
It's cute!
Tagging with no pressure! @spectrum-spectre @letscrank @devondespresso @jjoesjonas @pearynice @heavenlycrashes @henderdads @hammity-hammer @homosexual-having-tea
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ask-anna-wheelan · 7 years ago
Hey girl! I’ve been wanting your opinions on some musicals. Post your thoughts of 15 shows you haven’t talked about yet! 💛 ~Ernst
Hi boi!! 15 of them?? I’d love to, I’m glad you asked!!
In the Heights- AH-mazing!! It’s so underrated It was one of the first shows I got obsessed with. The music is great, my favorites are it won’t be long now and 96,000. The whole community aspect of the show and how everyone sticks together is so great. Reminds me of my friends.The only thing I don’t like about it is when the cast is all white. It was designed for POC and it should stay that way in my opinion. 
Into the Woods- yes yes yes!!! I’m a slut for all things Sondheim. The man’s a genius. His stuff is so intricate and precise. You also can’t go wrong with Bernadette Peters as the leading lady. The movie sucked though. I love Meryl Streep but the whole thing was so wrong. 
Wicked- Pretty good. It’s kind of overrated for all the hype it gets? But t’s still amazing. I can’t listen to Defying Gravity without crying. Martha and I sing the songs all the time, especially the Glinda and Elphaba duets. 
Hamilton- AHHHHH. I’m still obsessed. It’s so smart, I love picking lyrics and words apart because there’s so much there. The fanbase is super toxic and everyone thinks they’re a certified “theater kid” for knowing it. I hate all that but I love the show. 
Next to Normal- I can’t bring myself to listen to the whole thing because it’s so. Sad. But what I have listened to is fantastic!! Super Boy and the Invisible Girl is a total banger. Also that guitar? Awesome. It’s great to have a musical discussing mental illness. We need more of that.
Dear Evan Hansen- it’s great!! Really great. I’m glad there’s another show about mental illness and stuff. The score is great, the characters are great, and Ben Platt is awesome. I guess I’m still a little salty that it did so well at the Tony’s and Great Comet didn’t? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great show, but so is great comet. I would have rather it closed than great comet. I just think it’s better
The Spongebob Musical or Whatever- hnggggg i know people are saying it’s great but its??? So???? Unnecessary???? The set is so extravagant and it has so much publicity. I’ve heard some of the music and it’s good but it’s all over the place. You can tell it was written by a bunch of different composers. I don’t think the world needs a Spongebob musical right now. I wouldn’t spend the money to get a ticket.
Phantom- ok back to positive stuff!! This is a MASTERPIECE!!!!! Andrew Lloyd Webber, you guys. Like wow. It’s haunting as heck. I get chills during that dramatic overture. I’ve seen it three times because i beg my parents for tickets whenever it comes here. (And usually end up pitching in half the cash). Just. Wow.
Heathers- yessss!!!! My stuff right here. Great music. the intro to candy store, The bridge of freeze your brain, and “i wish your dad were good/ i wish grownups understood” etc in dead girl walking reprise are just a few things i love. I still flinch at those gun shots in our love is god. Good stuff
Tick Tick Boom- i love it!! Im so sad its not more popular. My favorite cast is the 2014 one with Lin-Manuel Miranda, Karen Olivo, and Leslie Odom Jr. I only listen to a few of the songs from the recording. You know who would be a great Susan? @ask-martha-bessel. She’d kill it. Plus she can rock a green green dress. I should know.
Book of Mormon- funny. As. Hecc. At first i was so scandalized by the whole “hasa diga ebowi” thing but i got over it. I haven’t seen it (and probably wont until i move out) but its great. Andrew Rannells is a blessing. And i can really relate to turn it off. Gay thoughts, am I right Ernst?
Sweeny Todd- AAAAAAA it’s scary!!! I saw a community theater do it once and what??? The music was awesome and all, i sing green finch and linnet bird all the time. But after Sweeny Todd kills like the 15th guy it gets a little gross. And the unknowing canibilism. I couldn’t eat meat for like a month after. It just scares me. Im never seeing it again.
Falsettos- i need to listen to it!!! Now that I’ve said that Ernst and/or @ask-moritz-stiefel are probably going to kidnap me and make me listen to it (which i wouldn’t mind). I love Stephanie J. Block, Christian Borle, and Andrew Rannells so it’s probably amazing. Except i heard whizzer dies which is sad? But there’s lesbians which i appreciate so
A New Brain- underrated. Soooo underrated. I fond out about it because of our lord and savior Jonathan Groff and no one had heard of it. I’ve listened to the obc and revival and i like the revival much better. It’s got such a good message and it’s gay and it has great music, what more could you want?
Legally Blonde- sooo good!!! We need more shows with a strong female protagonist who shows us that we can like pink and be romantic but still be powerful and badass. Also Emmett Forest is one of the few straight male characters in mt that I’m ok with. Chip on my shoulder is great to listen to when you lack motivation. And so much better is such a bop.
Thanks for the ask Ernst!! I challenge you, Moritz, and Martha to do this too. 
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chigbungo · 7 years ago
all the asks
(thank u friend)
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.Ten Fingers by WatskyTiptoe by Imagine DragonsGood Run by Andrew HuangRabbit Hole by Blink-182Still Alive(Feat. Sara Quinn) by Jonathan CoultonWork Away by Classified
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?whoever tf my soulmate is im tryna feel loved
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“Focusing on a point 1/3 in puts everybody in focus” thanks bare bones camera course
4) What do you think about most?this is a good one im not actually entirely sure, probably how much i should be but do not want to be doing homework
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?i feel like there was one a while back but there’s one other i never got to hear the final product of
6) Do you have any strange phobias?idk i have really bad paranoia about shit being behind me
7) What's your religion?none of the above(nonreligious, not atheist)
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?walking to class lmao i need to get out more often
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?well if we’re talking strictly bands and not artists then probably either twenty one pilots or AJR
10) What was the last lie you told?idk probably something along the lines of “yeah I’m doing fine”
11) Do you believe in karma?sometimes? i dont really know tbh
12) What does your URL mean?im p much always sick, im dead inside, and at heart im a kid
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?greatest weakness: i fall for people way too easily, greatest strength: my sense of humor
14) Who is your celebrity crush?Ansel Elgort motherfucker
15) How do you vent your anger?i dont i just bottle it all up until i die
16) Do you have a collection of anything?yeah i have a small rock/crystal collection at home and i also collect some Funko Pop Vinyls. also i guess you could say i have a knife collection but i just like knives
17) Are you happy with the person you've become?absolutely fucking not im a lazy asshole
18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?i guess it doesnt really count as a sound but i cannot stand silence, i get super paranoid and shit, i love the sound of laughter
19) What's your biggest "what if"?wow this is gonna be emo as hell but it’s “what if i never find someone to love me”
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?ghosts, yes, aliens, double yes
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.right arm: bluetooth speaker, left arm: lamp
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?nothing really maybe some mac n cheese
23) What's the worst place you have ever been to?i could be super deep w this but ill just say high school
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?ansel elgort, beyonce
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?To find someone i can be happy and spend the rest of my life with(if you haven’t noticed a lot of who i am revolves around being in a relationship)
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?yeah i drive but i drive good so i dun did never crash
27) What was the last movie you saw?like the first 30 minutes of the player, but the last full movie i saw was probably something on netflix i dont remember
28) What's the worst injury you've ever had?idk i get really bad stomachaches sometimes
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?star wars the old republic is the only thing keeping me going right now
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?yeah in high school there was a rumor that my friend group was one big polyamorous relationship and we all had orgies on the weekends
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?fuck yeah i do im a bitter motherfucker, but the only person i really have a grudge against rn is my little brother garrett. fuck that kid.
32) What is your astrological sign?aries, is it any surprise
33) What's the last thing you purchased?uhhhh not counting the two sodas i bought with hawk dollars last night? a 30 day subscription to swtor
34) Love or lust?LOVE
35) In a relationship?no i wish :(
36) How many relationships have you had?oh boy either 16 or17 im honestly not sure
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?jokes for days and cheesy flirting
38) Where is your best friend?like 30 minutes away i wanna see him
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?playing swtor
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?fuck yeah im my favorite kind of person(that sounds really conceited but hey who cares i like people like me)
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?save that mf dog my boss can choke if they’re gonna fire me for that
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?I would tell like. 4 people honestly. I’d drop out of school and overdraw my bank account to hell doing everything i’ve ever wanted to like paintball and traveling. and yeah id be fucking terrified and probably just sob constantly the last few days.
43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?Things Are Looking Up by Classified
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?being with someone that makes you incredibly happy and you can talk to for hours on end without getting tired of them. someone that likes you for who you are, and that loves hearing about your interests and you love hearing about theirs
45) How can I win your heart?compliment me and listen to me ramble about stupid shit like SCP or star wars for hours
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?i dont fuckin know sometimes?
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?i havent made a whole lot of good decisions in my life, so probably coming out as nonbinary and finally being comfortable with who i am
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?“one of the few joys in life is the joy of others” -Griffin Delouise Hutchersworthington XLII(forty-secondteenth)
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart."broken lmao
50) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors?black n red im an emo bitch
51) What is your current desktop picture?a nice rainforest waterfall, my whole computer has a green foresty theme
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?can i say myself
53) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?emo answer: “are you happy?” funny answer: “did you wake up before 2pm today?”
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?FLIGHT MOTHERFUCKER I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE ABLE TO FLY I ALWAYS HAD FLYING DREAMS AS A KID
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?the time i first got glasses. I could finally see the world clearly and I cried like a bitch
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?dating my abuser
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?i was about to say ansel elgort again but i feel like id wanna be best friends with him, so probably Nate Ruess(the singer for Fun.)
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?ooooooooh, probably either Canada or Los Angeles
59) Ever been on a plane?yeah i dont really have an opinion of flying though like i dont love but i dont hate it either
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.(in no particular order)Ansel ElgortRyan ReynoldsLupita Nyong’oRyan HaywoodRicky Montgomery
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