#i wish i could draw... but i am stuck in the car! bwah!
koifsssh · 1 year
I am stuck in the car, so I cannot draw it out at the moment!
However, a frequent thought regarding the Clowns is the love story between the wanderer and the star...
The story ends with the star giving up its immortality to be with the wanderer, so as the wanderer doesn't have to constantly be reaching out to them...
And when they both pass and their souls move on, the "heavens" gifted them to be both stars, so that they may dance and play on the rings of Saturn for eternity...
Maybe I am just the hopeless romantic, but something about it makes me sigh! Bwaha!
The end scene is supposed to be a spectacle, where the star acts as a shooting star and lands right into the wanderers arms....
( ehe, or more accurately, Rainy is supposed to jump from one of the planets and Maverick is supposed to catch him from a high height... )
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