#i will try to contain it but i will always tag it so pls filter it if youre getting annoyed
diobrando · 2 years
Sorry i genuinely thought I would be normal today but I failed
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anarchist-billy · 4 years
Thigh fucking, you say? pt. 2
At the suggestion of @tracy7307, I’ve put together what I’m sure is not a comprehensive list of fics that feature the highly underrated sex act otherwise referred to as Intercrural.
I’ve split this into two parts - Part 1 contains all fics under 5k, and below you can find all fics over 5k.
Bottom Steve/Billy connotes whose thighs are being fucked.
Be Okay by XxmerthurcatxX
5.7k - Bottom Billy
Billy finds himself on a date with King Steve himself. It's been ten years since Billy high tailed it out of Hawkins and never thought he'd get a second chance with the boy he could never forget.
sweet to taste (saccharine) by OurLadyofPerpetualWallfflowers
6.2k - Bottom Billy
Billy wanders into the woods to beat the summer heat.
Steve goes into the woods to beat some monsters.
They wind up with an entirely different situation to beat.
Steve Is Too Nice For This Fetish by 3_idiots
6.1k - Bottom Billy
“Uh,” Steve paused. Sexy but mean, sexy but mean--”You’re a… dirty boy.” Billy groaned in the oh-dear-shit-why-way instead of the oh-baby-yes-way and flopped his head down onto Steve’s shoulder. **** Billy has a humiliation kink, Steve is trying.
Paper Bag by mrharringtons
6.6k - Bottom Billy
Billy almost crashes his car, finds an abandoned kitten, and ends up raising it with Steve. -
It's a little life in his hands. And the small twisting, nagging feeling itching beneath his skin is the same as the one that made him pick up that bag in the woods in the first place.
"I know you're not a bad guy, Billy," Harrington mutters, like he's been thinking about it. Billy expects to meet his eyes, but Harrington is looking at the cat. "She can stay here no problem. She's yours. I'm just helping out."
Harrington shrugs. Knocks a knuckle against Billy’s knee. Like that was normal.
"I like helping. Makes me feel good. Like I'm doing something meaningful with my life. Kind of the only thing I'm good at."
get my love caught by Highsmith (quimtessence)
7.1k - Bottom Steve
"Listen," Hargrove says. The tone has Steve reflexively snapping to attention. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee, or, like, a hot beverage of your choice?"
Steve should say no. He's about to say no.
He doesn't say no.
(Or, Steve and Billy meet again, after four years.)
don't want you to get it on (with nobody else but me) by brawlite​ & ToAStranger
8.5k - Bottom Steve
It all starts with a game. Two truths and a lie.
Billy's not sure how it got them here, his hands around Steve's wrists, pinning him to their door, his thigh wedged between Steve's as they pant into each other's mouths.
Earlier, they had been at a party.
Press Your Space Face Close to Mine, Love by moonflowers
8.5k - Bottom Billy
Hargrove looked about as sour as usual, brow furrowed as he glared at the kids, hair mussed from the standard issue helmet that came with the suit. Steve couldn't shake the thought that Billy had somehow heard his thoughts about how fucking glad he was that they weren't stuck on the same ship, and torn his way across space purely to piss him off. Honestly, he wouldn’t put it past him. He must have felt Steve staring at him, because his attention snapped up, locking on to Steve with his usual unwavering intensity. He looked about as pleased to see Steve as Steve was to see him.
Paint it, red by CeruleanHeart
8.6k - Bottom Steve
"That's a pretty color..." Billy repeated and stepped closer, crowding Steve against the door "... for a pretty boy."
Steve and Billy run into each other behind the arcade. When Steve mixes up his lighter with a lipstick Nancy forgot at his place, Billy decides to mess with him a little bit. After all, what's prettier than a pretty boy with red, red lips?
But as usual when Steve and Billy meet things escalate, only this time in an entirely different way. And soon Steve discovers a new, darker side of himself that's both alluring and unsettling.
The Yard is Full of Shards by Deep_South
9.4k - Bottom Billy
Steve spent the first month after That Day in perplexed confusion, still teased and tormented by Billy’s body, which always seemed just out of reach. At first the selective reveals and concealment of Billy’s skin seemed circumstantial. Billy would always insist that they meet in the dark shade of the woods; he kept the lights off in Steve’s room; and he only climbed into the backseat of either of their cars at night. They were all places where Billy’s body remained shadowed and occluded, with only small glimpses afforded by the weak filter of the moon, or what little light streamed through Steve’s window from the lamps out by the pool. Steve had figured Billy was being carefully paranoid about being seen by others, of being seen with Steve. It took Steve longer than he’s proud of to realize that Billy didn’t want to be seen by *him.*
OR: A lifetime of abuse has left Billy with scars that run deeper than Steve could ever know.
Bright by Kerasines
10k - Bottom Steve
Steve's face looks golden in the light of the setting sun, and when he drops his eyes from where he was holding Billy’s gaze, his eyelashes paint shadows on the light flush of red in his cheeks.
He looks so fucking pretty that Billy’s breathless with it. Doesn’t know what to do, just holds still and can’t tear his eyes from his face as Steve leans in close, too close, to put lotion onto the front of his shoulders, rubbing it in carefully, so carefully, as if he’s trying not to hurt Billy. Touching Billy’s chest, staring at it where it rises with every shallow breath under Steve’s hands.
Then he looks up, straight into Billy’s eyes, and Billy’s sure his brain stops working for a second.
Quick Note: The Following fics are over 10k, so I can’t speak to how strongly intercrural is featured in them, but I’ve included them because it is definitely in there. :)
paint a picture of the days gone by by socknonny
15k - Bottom Steve
The doctors find a way to save Billy thanks to the drugs Steve and Robin were spiked with by the Russians. But something goes wrong... Now, Billy can barely remember his own name, and who the fuck is this pretty boy in front of him? Why does he feel so important?
break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored) by thecopperkid
15k - Bottom Billy
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys
* Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
your life is a perpetual insomnia by Buildyourwalls
54k - Bottom Steve
After the Mind Flayer takes Billy away, Steve is trying to get on with his life. Until one day a mysterious letter comes in the mail and he embarks on a journey to find Billy with Robin, Dustin, and an orange VW van named Betty at the helm.
 A story of love, found family, and a whole bunch of Scoop Troop witticism.
Pretty Broken Boys by Stranger Ships (Imaginary_Boyfriend)
97k - Bottom Steve
Christmas break is over and Billy decides to try turning over a new leaf during his last semester at Hawkins High. Will Steve notice (and perhaps reward) his efforts, or has Billy already burned too many bridges?
(i will try to tag authors later. i don’t know everyone’s tumblr handles, and tumblr gives me a lot of grief when i try to tag people anyway, which i’m too tired to deal with rn, so i apologize)
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chocolatecarstairs · 5 years
tlh theories: elias carstairs is one guilty motherfucker
and BOOM just like that we’re only a few hours away from the release of chain of gold! 
to celebrate (read: bc the good place ended last night and i am too sad to focus on that for any amount of time, so i’m distractin myself with other things) i’m compiling a list of all of my theories- from the well thought out to the seriously cracked out- for the series, more specifically chain of gold! i’m posting a new theory every friday until cog2′s release!
4. elias carstairs is found guilty and has to meet a bunch of strippers, so cordelia and jamie tie the knot 
SO, we all know that part of the cog2 premise is that elias carstairs, cordelia’s dad, is under investigation for crimes against the clave. that’s actually the whole reason that cordelia is in london, and while many have speculated that she marries james simply to save her family name, i have a feeling it's not so simple. in Better Angels we learn that elias is standing accused of orchestrating an attack that got shadowhunters killed. and while it does seem as if it could have been a simple misunderstanding, a few things just don’t add up. cordelia explains to lucie that her father and a group of shadowhunters were attacked by vampires and the whole thing was believed to be a setup. cordelia tells lucie that her father “is being made the scapegoat” and basically explains that it could have happened to anyone. and, while i’m sure cordelia is being 100% truthful with lucie, i don’t believe her parents, more specifically her father, are being 100% truthful with her. let me explain. (pls bear w me while i try out a slightly new format for this)
elias’ illness:
the whole thing is shady af
obvi the shadowhunters don’t really diagnose things (and this book is set in 1903, so the diagnosis might not even be helpful) but still, something about the obscurity and sort of “hush” surrounding his illness so far has seemed a bit sus to me
like could it possibly be some kind of demonic condition he’s pulling some shady shit al a benedict lightwood to find a cure
or could he have always been a bit shady and this illness is just something he caught while doing his deeds
which brings us to,
the carstairs moving situation:
apparently the carstairs move around a lot in order to find a good climate for elias and his health 
i call bullshit
honestly, i think moving around and isolating himself and his family from the clave is a way to hide whatever shady shit he has going on
like we know he’s definitely sick but like i said before what if it’s part of his illegal activities
and the moving around keeps anyone from getting to know him too well and becoming suspicious
besides if he’s having illegal dealings w downworlders or demons he could presumably move around from shadow market to shadow market to avoid suspicioun while still keeping up his business
no silent brothers:
we all know that when jem tried to meet his cousins, elias basically turned him away bc he was a silent brother
now this could simply be bc silent brothers freaked him out or bc he didn’t want to disobey the law by seeing jem but
it seems kind of interesting that elias is soooo sick and he has a silent brother that would go above and beyond to help him but he doesn’t take advantage of it
why wouldn’t he want that king of help ?
well that would be bc whatever illness he has was contracted through some kind of illegal means
if the silent brothers examined him then they’d know
which could also be a reason that the carstairs move around a lot
to keep them out of the eye of the clave and therefore away from the silent brothers
the excuses:
the whole thing is shady
when cordelia explains her fathers situation to lucie, she paints a picture of it being nobody’s fault, a simple accident that could have happened to anyone
“it could have happened to anyone” and “they’re makign him a scapegoat” sound a lot like excuses parents tell their children
ik the clave is whack but i also know charlotte would not just stand by and watch an innocent man be punished, esp when that man was jem’s uncle
there’s definitely more to this story than we know
if elias was in cahoots with vampires or other downworlders he would have had no problem orchestrating the attack that he did
and if that were the price he had to pay to cure himself for his illness ?
perhaps he orchestrated the whole thing to look like a simple accident but the clave still tied the whole thing back to him anyways
and now he’s devastated bc he won’t get his cure, which is why cordelia mentions how distraught he is in better angels
the punishment & how cordelia avoids it:
in tid we see the consul threaten gideon and gabriel with having their marks stripped and the lightwood name stricken from the shadowhunter records
this was all as a punishment for their father knowingly causing the death of another shadowhunter when he gave barbra lightwood demon pox
jem saw someones marks stripped once (from qoaad)
it could be elias or alistair
cordelia marries jamie to prevent her marks being stripped
she’s now a herondale and the clave won’t touch her
and that’s it! my final theory before the release. i had a few that i was working on but u got hit really hard w the flu and just couldn’t do some of the research i needed to make them solid, so sorry for the missed fridays.
i’ll be tagging all of my cog2 spoilers for you guys w the tag #chainofgoldspoiler so makes sure to filter that tag to avoid any spoilers from me!
signing off until i’ve finished the book. see you on the flip side!
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blue-likethebird · 5 years
Hi! My name’s Bluebird, my pronouns are they/them, and I write fics, metas, reviews and whatever else strikes my fancy. This is my writing blog. If you wanna be mutuals, dm me for my main!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
I’m an ace lesbian who sometimes uses queer to describe myself (I’ll tag it q word for anyone who asks) with adhd and a love for writing! I’m always up for fic requests unless I’ve closed them to work on other things so DM me if you want a fic! I don’t discourse very frequently unless I’m writing fandom metas or the like, but you should know that I don’t support unhealthy (read: pedophilic, incestous, or abusive) relationships and I’m uncomfortable with the “it’s just fiction!” crowd, but won’t condone or participate in the harassment of others for the discourse side they’re on.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Anything highlighted in pink is something I post spoilers about semi-often
Romellura (not Voltron, just them)
She Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Promised Neverland/Yakusoku no Neverland
Yuri on Ice (I rarely post about it, if I do it’s milasara)
The Princess and the Frog
Star Wars (primarily the prequel trilogy, clone wars, rebels and rogue one; also some of the OT. The sequels were squandered potential)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
For your navigating this soup of hyperfixations convenience!
All my original posts are tagged with bluebird.txt
My Writing: #Bluebird Writes
Metas: #Bluebird Thinks
Live-blogging: #Bluebird Liveblogs (fandom) {ie: bluebird liveblogs Spop}
Salt Posts: #Salty Wench
Miscellaneous thoughts and me talking to myself: #babbles
Related to Current Hyperfixations: #Hyperfixation Tag
Related to past hyperfixations: #Old Hyperfixations
Related to zines I’m involved in: #Blue’s Zine Archive
Fandom Tags/Bad Jokes:
Haikyuu!!: Volleyboys
BNHA: Quirky
SPOP: Sword Lesbian
Voltron: Vee El Dee
Star Wars: Space Battles
The Princess and the Frog: I Just Do Not. Kiss. Frogs.
Yuri!!! on Ice: Kiss Kiss Fall On Ice
The Promised Neverland: New Meat
Miraculous: CatBug
Fandoms I don’t post about enough to warrant a tag of their own: Random Fandom Hours
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Please don’t interact if:
You meet standard dni criteria (terf, truscum, anti feminist, anti blm, the like)
You post proana, thinspo or anti recovery crap. (Note this is not a blanket ban on people who are mentally ill or have eating disorders. I’ve got those too I just don’t want to see harmful content)
You’re against trans headcanons, Autistic/ADHD headcanons, costume redesigns (especially of the bnha girls) or think blackwashing is a thing.
You post nsfw of characters who are canonically minors
You ship shaladin or bkdk (I’m sorry, it’s not an issue with you personally)
Other BYF Stuff:
Please don’t reblog vent posts of mine
Ask to follow if you’re cishet (as in cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantic), or above the age of 30
Don’t reblog anything tagged with “do not arr bee” or else I’m gonna block ur ass
I know there’s a lot of ace discourse on this hellsite. Please don’t add negative things to any posts I make about being ace. 
I’m chronically ill and there will be times when I don’t have the spoons for writing requests and such. I’ll try to update people on that but I can’t guarantee that it’ll happen.
This blog isn’t one I want to clog with discourse. I’m a grade A dumbass so I guarantee that I’ll say something someone will disagree with, but please message me privately if you want to discourse with me.
Pls don’t tag my posts with “q slur” if they contain the word queer. I’m pretty uncomfortable with that phrase, but I understand that other people are equally uncomfortable with the word itself. I’ll have it tagged “q word” for filtering purposes!
One last thing: I won’t block anti-antis on sight (discussion can be good sometimes!) but if a debate gets too repetitive or you’re flat-out rude I will eventually block you if you continue interacting after I’ve asked you to stop
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Request a Fic!
Icon Credit
Zine Portfolio
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frenchibi · 6 years
AO3 tag game
This time I was tagged by @oisugasuga, thank you so much!!
Rules: Go to your works page, expand all the filters, and answer all of the following questions!
1. What’s your first and second most common work ratings?
Teen and Up Audiences (44)
General Audiences (37)
2. What’s your most common archive warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer?
Most Common:
No Archive Warnings Apply (77)
Least Common:
Graphic Depictions of Violence (1)
I do try to explore, but not really into the Super Dark areas of like... gore and death and rape ok there’s so much more out there lmao
3. How many fics have you written in each relationship category? Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences?
M/M (73)
Gen (11)
Multi (6)
F/M (5)                    
...although this doesn’t really reflect ALL my writing, bc I have like 40 works on fanfiction.net (different name though and I am NOT disclosing) and they’re mostly F/M or Gen... what this is telling me though is that as a lesbian I should be ashamed that I have yet to publish ANY F/F content??? (Not that I haven’t written any, just not publicly I guess??) Damn.
Also the 73 M/M works are all Haikyuu? So idk man this isn’t such a reliable statistic lol
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in any of them, and do you tend to migrate a lot?
Haikyuu!! (75)
Original Work (7)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood & Manga (2)
Les Misérables (All Media Types), Harry Potter, Avengers, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (1)
Yeah I intend to write for pretty much all of these still... I got stuck on HQ for a LONG time but, again, on ff.net I have fanfics for Bleach and Naruto and a whole HOST of other fandoms, and I do intend to diversify more on ao3.
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled?
Oikawa Tooru (42)
Iwaizumi Hajime (41)
Hanamaki Takahiro (19)
Matsukawa Issei (17)
I mean... it shows what my priority was for a long time so I am not surprised ^^
Bonus, top 4 relationships tagged:
Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru (71)
Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei (7)
Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou (3)
Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell (2)
Yeeeah that tracks, the others are poly ships with either one or two tags ^^
6. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 of these into a fic.
Top Two:
Fluff (34)
Alternative Universe College/University (22)
Bottom Two:
Pining (9)
Domestic Fluff (9)
Yeah I’m predictable af and I’m pretty sure I have several fics that contain all 4 of those tags... it’s just what I write... lmao
7. How many WIPs do you have currently running on AO3? Any you don’t plan on finishing?
I have 13 WIPs officially marked as WIPs - however I know I have several others marked as completed even though I plan to add stuff? Also yeah I do plan on going back to most of them, but there are... 4-5 that I probably won’t finish, sorry ^^ mostly collabs with ppl I no longer speak to or ideas that no longer interest me, you feel?
8. Tag people!
Well, this was an adventurous ride lmao I feel like I always tag the same people, but I guess y’all are my writing crowd lol
@ricekrispyjoints @sheithhs @cheatos @cheetahleopard @imaginarydragonling @anyadisee @warmybones etc, pls include yourself aggressively if I have forgotten you uwu
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