#i will not survive i am weak i am mmmmmmm
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usercelestial · 2 years ago
thinking about crowley and "my lover's got humor, she's the giggle at a funeral" and "knows everybody's disapproval, i should have worshipped her sooner" and "if the heavens ever did speak then she's the last true mouth piece" and "the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you" and "my lover's the sunlight" and "i was born sick but i love it" and "there is no sweeter innocence then our gentle sin"
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florafey · 6 years ago
Thoughts on TWK
I started reading The Wicked King on 24 Jan. 2019, and finished about half an hour ago on 27 Jan. 2019. I decided to make an all-inclusive list of my thoughts/theories as I read. Here they all are. 
Spoilers, of course, are under the cut.
- When did the prologue take place? I was thinking it was directly after the happenings of The Cruel Prince, and it caught my neck when it wasn’t. 
- “His most ostentatious decoration, however, is his soft, sullen mouth.” Lmaoo Jude, girl you in lOOovEE hehehe
- Jude is probably right to not trust Grimsen because I don’t either, but it’s too bad CARDAN doesn’t LISTEN
- Jude seems to have fallen into authority really naturally, giving orders to Faeries as though she isn’t viewed as lesser. She’s turning into a protagonist you have a love/hate relationship with and Black is writing that extremely well in my opinion
- I think the Roach teaching Cardan how to steal is amazing and it will certainly come in handy later on it did, believe me
- Jude burning her stuffed animals is so DramaticTM but go ahead, girl
- I don’t like Locke, I don’t like Locke, I don’t like Locke at all
- “Kiss me again. Kiss me until I am sick of it.” SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE IT DAMMIT JUDE
- Jude seems to always tell Cardan before she commands him which is super respectful for someone she’s supposed to loath
- “The last room Cardan occupied caught fire....let me rephrase, it caught fire because he lit it on fire.” I’m sorry, I was rolling, that was hysterical
- Jude and the Bomb lying on the High King’s bed together to “see if its safe” and teasing each other about crushes only for the Bomb to actually open up to Jude and trust her ??? Wow okay wasn’t ready for those feels
- I don’t like Locke, I don’t like Locke, I don’t like Locke at all
- Cardan really stole Jude’s ruby ring I’m DEAD that was kinda petty
- When Locke tried to humiliate Jude at the Hunter’s Moon, only for her to take the attention and OWN it...a bitch was shook. That was such a power move on Jude’s part. I have one (1) Queen and her name is Duarte
- I was on page 173 where I had known about Cardan’s mother being imprisoned for approximately .27 seconds and I already couldn’t wait to see what unfolded with her
- Eva’s child was destined to be a greater weapon than even Justin could forge......mmmmmmm that child is for sure Jude 
- “He survived on cat milk?” that was a little sad and a lot funny, sorry sorry
- Cardan sitting sideways in his throne with his leg thrown over the armrest is a Big Mood and I expected nothing less
- I absolutely detest Locke and how he treats Taryn, but I love seeing Jude snap at him and assert herself over him like a straight QWEEN
- I also feel so, so bad for Taryn because it seems like she truly loves Locke and is willing to overlook how he treats her- including how he’s cheating on her with countless Faeries- just to have him near her. She’s growing dependent on him but she doesn’t have anyone to help pull her out of that situation and I feel awful for her
- hell YEAH my Jurdan slept together best BELIEVE
- Jude kicking Locke’s chair out from under him is simply another reason on an already lengthy list of why she’s literally my hero also the way she stepped on Locke’s chest and threatened him
- “Once you’re wed, if you want to take other lovers, she better be with you, and she better be into it. If it’s not fun for everyone, it’s not happening.” A great way to put it, but also made me giggle a lil bit
- Jude not knowing what pepper jack cheese is
- Oof I hated the way Vivi handled the whole deal with telling Heather about Faerie.....telling her at the last possible minute was not a great plan in my opinion
- “It seems I have a singular taste for women who threaten me.” Cardan, I- 
- Okay, Queen of Nothing just got that much better because I know Jude won’t let Locke almost kill her and get away with it....she’s coming for him hehehe
- Jude’s brain really told her, ‘Kill him before he makes you love him’ like...babey that’s so DramaticTM  
- I pieced together the Ghost’s betrayal only, like, four seconds before it actually happened but that didn’t make it hurt aNY LESS. I’m interested in hearing motives for that because very few were offered
- “Now kiss me as though I were Cardan.” BITCH, I-
- And Jude actually kissed Balekin differently, because that bitch is in loooove
- So you really expect me to sit here and read about how Cardan ALLOWED the Undersea to attack his people without retaliation just to get Jude back and not think he’s in love with her???? yeah okay
- Cardan’s first reaction to seeing Jude on top of him in his bed is to pull her closer to him and roll her in his sheets...I’m weak send help
- Cardan canonically sleeps naked. Thank you, @hollyblack for giving us that gem
- The sheer vulnerability that Cardan has with Jude in his bed is touching and heart-wrenching and I need more, more, so much more
- You know what really killed me? Like, absolutely decimated me? This quote: “’Yes, my sweet villain, my darling god. I will be as sober as a stone carving, just as soon as I can.’ And with that, he kisses me on the mouth.”
- Balekin’s dusty ass really tried to frame Jude for the murder of the High King and then his wig got snATCHED when he realized she wasn’t actually glamoured
- I need more Jude taking care of a sick/drunk Cardan, comforting him and telling him he’ll be okay
- Balekin’s dusty ass also tried to surrender the moment he realized Jude was beating him in their duel and his wig got snatched again when she still killed him hell yeeeaaahhhh
- The only good part of the scene where Jude finds out Taryn betrayed her is when Caradan admits he trusted her wholeheartedly and she didn’t have to command him to do anything
- I also need motives for Taryn doing this because ???? it isn’t adding up
- So I’d like to think that Cardan had been planning on marrying Jude since the beginning of the book when he initially stole her ring, because he gave it back to her as a wedding ring
- “Beneath every bit of your sea is land. Seething, volcanic land. Go against me, and I will show you what this will do, my lady.” OKAY NOW I HAVE ONE (1) KING AND HIS NAME IS GREENBRIAR
- I loved it when Jude was like “during my month in the Undersea, Cardan changed.” like lol yeah babey, he’s your slut and he’s in love with you 
- Okay okay okay alright alright we were getting somewhere with Jude and Cardan trusting each other but I fell like this exile might have put a damper on that. Maybe could have taken us a few steps back.
- I, for one, do not having debilitating trust issues so I’m sticking my neck out for Cardan and saying that he has a plan and a good reason for exiling Jude. It was in response for her killing Balekin and it was in front of Orlagh, who was demanding retribution for his death, soooooo idk seems like he was playing his cards wisely if he had a plan
- Is Jude....watching....Yuri! On Ice....?? Because same
- Honestly this book gave me crippling trust issues and anxiety and I need the third book like, instantly. It was amazing, I wanted to cry through the whole thing
- If you made it this far, congrats, you witnessed my emotional roller coasters and I appreciate that
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rainbowpopeworld · 2 years ago
the previous tags! ❤️‍🔥 #he was born sick#shoveling dirt into my mouth are you kidding#holy fucking shit crowley looking at aziraphale and thinking if the heaven's ever did speak then she's the last true mouth piece#hozier said this song is about “reclaiming your humanity through the act of love” he literally said “it's essentially about sex” and how th#church teaches people to feel shame about sex and love#jesus fucking christ crowley finds absolution through his love and desire for aziraphale not through god or heaven but through this sin#i will not survive i am weak i am mmmmmmm#good omens#aziracrow
I fucking love this song and it already gave me such queer feels
thinking about crowley and "my lover's got humor, she's the giggle at a funeral" and "knows everybody's disapproval, i should have worshipped her sooner" and "if the heavens ever did speak then she's the last true mouth piece" and "the only heaven i'll be sent to is when i'm alone with you" and "my lover's the sunlight" and "i was born sick but i love it" and "there is no sweeter innocence then our gentle sin"
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