#i will not rest until i've giffed every single second of his beautiful face
thelastdayalive · 7 months
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ILKKA VILLI as Kim in Kullannuput (2021) S01E03
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forestwater87 · 3 years
Okay, for all of you who don't feel like watching Miles RP as David
Here are some of my favorite quotes. Context may be added if I feel like it. Reactions are my goblin brain screaming. All of these came from a discord so if they don't make sense . . . see goblin brain comment.
(That link should start directly at the point where he becomes David; if it doesn't, skip to 1:40:33)
In roughly chronological order:
David: "Teachers are sort of like camp counselors during the rest of the year."
The thing is David is absolutely up his own ass enough to think this.
David: "Trail mix is expensive!"
^ said to show he understands why not everyone can donate to the charity for teachers. Very adorable, am crying.
David's "ooooh" seeing one dude was extremely non-heterosexual. Fucking bicon. Him losing his mind that one of the arenas is called "Survey camp"
David: "A person's hitting me -- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is just pretend!"
This is just canonically how David plays video games. Either this or he's unwilling to commit violence at all, but I'll defer to Miles.
David: "That's very goat of you!"
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Spencer: "Is David popular amongst his campers?"
David: "I like to think so! There's only 3 staff members, so I'm definitely in everyone's top 3."
"That also means you're in the bottom 3."
David: "Well, I choose not to think of it that way."
(I have to keep adding reacts so you can tell when one quote ends and another begins. Judge not lest ye be judged)
I think the other person in the stream is named Spencer. Friend of Miles. I know literally nothing else about him and am not even confident on those facts.
Every time he says something so non-David in his David voice I die: "I have a lot of grenades!"
David: "Oh my goodness, would you look at this beautiful scenery! Can we hike that mountain?"
This is so goddamn cute. I am dying. Miles looked at his fans and said "they will eat tonight" and I am so relieved.
David: "Not to be a couple of Greedy Garys, but I say we get this [care package] and then I'll drop another one!"
The fact that Miles is grinning like a lunatic the entire time is very good. (Also if this is formatted badly then I'm sorry but not all that sorry. I'm doing my best and David would be proud of me.)
David: "Didja getim? Didja getim? didja getim? How 'bout now?"
Spencer: "I didn't get 'em."
David: "Well, you tried your best and that's all that matters."
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He calls healing "a little health kiss." I'm not sure why but it's very important to me.
David: [while jumping to murder someone] "Hi! Scuse me!"
(i just need something to separate the quotes okay)
David: "Well you know what gang, we did our best. You don't always win the 3-legged race. You did a wonderful job!"
Then there's a bit where they talk about Spencer's time at summer camp:
David: "ooooh hand-holding's pretty serious!"
David is too pure.
David: [dreamily] "Did you fall in love, Spencer? A summer love?" [puts hands up to his face]
Then there's the fact that David/Miles gets to pick where they play each round, and he keeps insisting on going to the one called "Survey Camp" every single time because it has the word "camp" in it.
David: "Now, I don't like to disagree, but . . . I was thinking we could go . . . to Survey Camp!"
Spencer reminds him that technically since David's the one with the power to choose, his opinion is the only one that matters:
David: "Everyone's opinion matters. And my opinion is we're going to camp."
David just steamrolling over Spencer's interests is very good. There are these little selfish nuggets sprinkled in among the wholesomeness that really capture the full David experience.
David: "Well, he's climbing up . . . he's coming my direction . . . oh, he looks scary . . ."
Spencer: "Is he coming towards me?"
David: "Oooh, I don't know. I'm dead!"
The positivity is relentless. I think Miles said on twitter afterwards that this whole thing was exhausting and I can see why. Being David is no picnic . . .
David: "I have a question: do we have to shoot each other in this game?"
And then a few seconds later:
David: "I'm just wondering if maybe there's a way we can, you know, help others. Talk through our issues."
And a few seconds after that:
David: "I was asking if they wanted to be friends in the game!"
I believe that moved killed him, too. Precious.
Also we're interrupting the real Miles!David content to share something my friend suggested to me while I was watching this and giving her quotes; she said that maybe David just calls everything camp to make life more fun, and then sent me this imaginary exchange that actually killed me all the way to death:
David: Gwen Santos would you go to marriage camp with me
Gwen: I'm going to have to change this story when I tell everyone
It made me laugh quite a bit.
Anyway, back to the video!
Spencer: "How do you sign up for [Camp Campbell]?"
David: "Well, um, you can fax, uh, an application to [email protected]. And . . . you can know that myself and Gwen and Quartermaster and sometimes Mr. Campbell will do our best to make sure they get what they need! Which more than anything is love and support. And friendship."
Spencer: "How many dollars does this camp cost?"
David: "You know . . . it is, um . . ."
And then the conversation switches subjects and David breathes a sigh of relief.
Very shortly after this he changed his character from a woman (she was wearing a yellow shirt, which he liked because the campers wear yellow shirts) to "a Forward Scout with a positive attitude!"
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"I like his style."
Spencer: "Does everybody abuse David verbally?"
David: "You know, sometimes people have harsh words. Mostly Max, and Neil, and Gwen, and Quartermaster, and Nurf."
Spencer: "Did you just list almost everyone?"
David: "Mmm . . . I'd say maybe a third."
Poor David. Somebody please protect him.
Spencer: "Yeah, I think people abuse David. I get that vibe. Or at least, I feel it in my heart. Like I wanna put ants in your bunk or something."
David: "Well, I think that says more about maybe some of the hurt you're carrying with you. And sometimes when people don't know how to process that, they act out. Do you want some trail mix?"
David just said his favorite part of trail mix is the raisins which is so cute. "They have a little bit of salt on them, which isn't typical for a raisin."
And he keeps telling chatters to watch their language.
David: "Who is my favorite camper? Aww, you know I couldn't pick a favorite! . . . But I know who has the most potential, even if he doesn't want to admit it."
I KNEW IT!!!!!
I've been saying for years that David doesn't have a favorite and gravitates towards the ones he thinks need him the most AND I FINALLY GOT ONE RIGHT!
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David: "Well you know, Gwen swears and that's okay."
shipping intensifies
David: [gasp] "The moss is growing on the north side of the rock!"
Every time he nerds out about weird shit in the game I gain 3 seconds to my life.
Spencer: "Did you get teabagged?"
David: "What's that?"
Spencer: "It's where somebody places their most intimate bits on you for . . . friendship."
David: [softly] "Oh, I don't know about that."
Also David confirms that the whole show has been a single summer, so please see the "vindication" gif above.
David: "I know a lot of fun camp songs."
Spencer: "Sing 3."
David: [starts singing] "Bum-bum-bumblebee, bumblebee tuna, I love bumblebee, bumblebee tuna . . ."
Spencer: "Okay, please stop. I immediately regret this decision."
David: "Max said the same thing! One of my campers. And, uh, and my co-counselor, Gwen."
He's literally made of sunshine. I would die for this fictional man.
Spencer: "Are people at camp against their will? I feel like they are."
David: "No! . . . They don't always like it immediately, but it grows on them."
Spencer: "It sounds like they're there against their will."
David: "Well I just think that's a negative way of looking at it."
FWIW Spencer makes an excellent foil to David. Not as aggressive as Max or as dour as Gwen, but he brings a very . . . like, straight-man energy to the conversation. Like how a normal person would react to David IRL. I'd enjoy seeing these two interact more.
Spencer: "It's like your overpositivity is wanting me to balance it out with negativity."
David: "You know, I feel like that dynamic's pretty popular with me."
eeeeeeee <3
And the last one that I personally found noteworthy:
David: "One day we'll be able to afford safety equipment. Until then, we'll just have to deal with Quartermaster's Ropes Course. And a lot of pillows."
There's point near the last 20 minutes where either it got kinda boring or I just got too tired to keep track. But if there are any quotes you think I missed, please share them! This was a really lovely bit of content to feed our starving maw, and I appreciate Miles very very very much for taking one for the team.
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fairydxll · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐃𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐚. 𝐬𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
➳ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | Anakin returns home after a long mission.
➳ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Anakin Skywalker x wife!reader
➳ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Fluff. Implied smut (barely)
➳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 | Star Wars
➳ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1034
𝐚/𝐧 ~ I've never written for my baby before & I had to change that <3
Reblogs, feedback, etc are heavily appreciated!
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gif from here
This was one of the longest missions Anakin had ever been on since your marriage, nine months ago, and it was taking a toll on you. You missed your beautiful space prince and all that came with him.
Of course, you knew that things of this sort were going to take over every once in a while when you married him. Him being a Jedi and all. And although you hate that he has to leave you for such long periods of time, you couldn't be more grateful for all that he has given you.
He was the best husband and in the galaxy; you were one-hundred percent of that. From the little things he did to show he caredーsuch as sneaking out of bed in the morning to make you breakfast or leaving little notes around the house for you to findーor from how he could read you like a book and knew exactly what to do to make you feel better. You could go on and on and on about how great Anakinhas been as a husband, and you would.
You were really ready for Anakin to be home already. You missed your husband, and he missed you more than you knew. There had not been a single day of this mission that the Jedi's thoughts had not been crowded with your image.
By this point, Anakin was ready to return home to Coruscant. Not only because he missed you dearly, but because his muscles were sore and he was bruised in places that he didn't think could be bruised. His brain hurt and he was tired of fighting and wanted nothing more than to hold you close to himself and never let you go.
It was thoughts like these that made him want to leave the order a little more each day. Nevertheless, Anakin still showed up, he still flew to these far planets and fought droids until his hands were covered in blisters and sores.
His thoughts once again filled with the idea of returning home to his wife and spending the next few days in nothing but the skin on your backs and the smiles on your faces as you held each other and talked about how maybe one day life will be normal and the war will be over.
So when Anakin received the news that he and his troops would be returning to Coruscant to regroup and figure out a better battle strategy, he couldn't have been happier.
You heard the door open from the bedroom and, without tearing your eyes away from the page of the book you were currently reading, you called, "who is it?" When you received no answer, you sighed and shut your book before standing up and making your way to the main room of your flat.
You walked in to see him standing there with a big, dopey smile spread across his face. He opened his arms in invitation, and you eagerly ran into them. He lifted you off the floor in an embrace and buried his nose into your neck. He took in your scent; savoring it so that he wouldn't ever forget it. You wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around him tighter than you ever have before.
"I missed you so so much, my love," Anakin finally said after what felt like forever.
You pulled away to look into each other's eyes. "Don't ever leave me for that long again."
"You know I have no control over that," you missed hearing his laughter.
"I haven't seen you in two months, can't you at least lie to me?" You wrapped your arms around his neck as you spoke.
Anakin leaned in and kissed you. You could sense all the stress this mission had put him through, and you tried your best to ease his worries as you ran your hands through his long hair.
Anakin carried you over to the small couch and sat down next to you. He immediately wrapped his arm around your waist, refusing to lose contact for even a second.
"How was the mission?" You asked your husband as you relaxed into him.
"Difficult, tiring, and something I really don't want to talk about right now." Anakin looked fatigued. You noticed the bruises and small cuts that littered his face and wondered how many more were covered by his robes.
You hummed, "how 'bout I draw you a bath?"
"Only if you join me," he said.
You giggled at his cheekiness, "okay." You moved to get up but were stopped by your husband's quick hands pulling you in for another short, but sweet kiss. "I'll get the water running."
"I'll meet you in there," he said.
You entered the bathroom and immediately turned the faucet on and poured in some lavender-scented bubble bath. You then lit a candle and turned the lights off. You started to take your clothes off just as Anakin entered, as well. You noticed him but continued to undress as he did the same. Once you were finished, you slowly lowered yourself into the tub, muscles instantly relaxing and your eyes closing as soon as the warm water hit your skin.
You hummed as Anakin sat behind you in the tub, you're bare back resting against his bare chest. He reached down and took both of your hands in his large, rough ones. "I could get used to this," you sighed, eyes still closed and head resting on your husband's shoulder.
Anakin chuckled, "I love you so much, y/n. More than you'll ever know."
You squeezed his hands, gently, "I love you more."
He kissed the top of her head and allowed himself to fully relax for the first time in two months.
When you were finished with the bath, you wrapped yourselves in towels and followed each other into the bedroom.
You were so enveloped in each other, that you completely forgot about dinner. Neither of you cared much, however, as all you wanted to do was hold each other close all night and all day tomorrow; there was not a single thing in the galaxy that could keep you off of each other tonight.
🏷 ↴
Star Wars:
↪︎ @elizabethrosecresswell @bucky17
Anakin Skywalker:
↪︎ @doll-skin-n-teeth @weasley-main-lover @poguesvixen
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 731
Words - 1,768
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2021
Warnings - Smut.
"You know what you gotta do man, you gotta just go up to her, you know, and you gotta just." Jordan smacked his hands together dramatically, pointing to his sister who was across the way laughing with a friend. "I don't know man." Brad took a long drag of his cigarette, staring at (Y/n). "Are you kidding me?" Jordan laughed while smacking Brad's shoulder dramatically, making Brad laugh a little. "I mean look at her. That woman is a fucking Goddess among men." Brad exclaimed making Jordan laugh. "Come on man, she'll adore you." Jordan reasoned before hollering to his sister. "(Y/n)!" She turned her attention to her older brother upon hearing her name. "Come here." He waved her over, smiling when she complied. "Come on man." Brad chuckled bitterly shaking his head. "What can I do for you Jordan?" (Y/n) rested her hand on her hip, the sun behind her giving her an angelic glow in her white bikini, with gold chains adorning her curves. "I'll tell you what you can do for me, you can park your pretty little ass on my friend here's face and give him the ride of his life." Jordan laughed when she rolled her eyes at him. "Fucking hell." Brad hissed under his breath, thinking she'd never give him the time of day now. To his surprise however she moved to stand in front of him, looking him over before taking a seat across his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh hey there." He murmured with a grin tugging at his lips. "Is that what you want baby? You want me to sit on your face?" (Y/n) asked sweetly while tracing his jaw with her fingers. "More than anything." Brad admitted, ignoring the excited laughter coming from Jordan. "Well you'll have to work for it handsome, because unlike my brother will have you believing, I'm not a slut." She hissed the last word before standing from Brad's lap, strutting away with more sway in her hips than usual. "She likes you, normally she'd have tried killin' us both for a comment like that." Jordan smiled at his friend, who looked almost crushed. "She doesn't even know who I am." Brad frowned before taking a heavy drag of his cigarette. "Oh she knows who you are, she asks about you everytime she sees you." Jordan laughed as he lit himself a new cigarette.
---A few hours later---
Walking upstairs Brad rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. "Where you off to cowboy?" (Y/n)'s voice sliced through the music filled air with ease. "Looking for a vacant bathroom." Brad smiled with a chuckle. "Come with me, I've got a room here with a private bathroom." She waved for him to follow, her crimson gown hypnotizing Brad as he followed her closely. "Lock and key." She held up a small key before unlocking her rooms door. "Smart." Brad chuckled as he followed her into the room. "Nice room." He commented as he looked over the extravagant room. "Yeah Jordan likes spoiling me." (Y/n) sighed with boredom. "You don't like being spoiled?" Brad asked with a playful glint in his eyes. "I like being spoiled, but I wanna be spoiled by my man, not my brother." (Y/n) explained with a small grin. "So what your man broke?" Brad asked a little worried she was taken. "Gotta have a man first sweetie, the bathrooms over there." (Y/n) pointed to the bathroom, Brad grinned as he walked to the bathroom, pleased to know she was single.
When Brad exited the bathroom he froze in his tracks, watching as (Y/n) unzipped her gown, letting it to pool at her feet. "So Brad tell me, do you want me to give you the ride of your life?" (Y/n) kept her back to him, teasing him with her black lace bra and pantie set. "Fuck yes." Brad breathed out licking his lips. "I don't do this normally, but I've been watching you for some time now. And I'm so sexually frustrated right now, I don't wanna wait until date four." (Y/n) explained, beckoning him to her. "I won't think any less of you angle." Brad promised as he took ahold of her hips. "Good." She smiled before pulling him down for a heated kiss, moaning into his mouth when he squeezed her ass firmly. "Now get your ass on the bed handsome." She murmured as they pulled apart, playfully smacking his ass. "Yes ma'am." Brad smiled before doing as she said, making himself comfortable on her king size bed. "Remove that pesky shirt of yours for me." (Y/n) insisted as she crawled onto the bed, straddling Brad's thick thighs. Quickly Brad sat up and stripped himself of his shirt, making (Y/n) giggle softly, finding his eagerness incredibly hot. "Mmm look at that." (Y/n) hummed as she stroked her hands up and down his firm chest. "I can't wait to see what you've got waiting for me in here." She mused as she unbuckled his pants. "I thought you were gonna feed me." Brad smiled up at her. "Oh I will, but I'm gonna have some fun first." (Y/n) smiled as she pulled his rock hard cock out of his pants. "Fuck that's beautiful." She murmured at the sight of him, licking her lips as she began stroking him slowly. "I'm glad you like him." Brad sighed heavily when she started dragging her tongue up the underside of his cock. "He's perfect." She smiled up at him before taking him into her mouth, and easing him down her throat slowly. "Fuck." Brad hissed, his head falling back into the pillows. "Just like that baby." Brad praised her, tangling his fingers into her hair. "Fuck you're so hot." Brad continued, as (Y/n) bobbed her head along his shaft. With a moan she eased him out of her mouth, releasing the head of his cock with an audible pop. "Delicious." She winked before climbing up the rest of his body, hovering her cunt right over his face. "Ready for me baby?" She looked down at him, wiggling her hips, teasing him. "I'm starving." Brad growled as he pulled her hips down, licking and nipping at her clothed pussy feverishly. "Ah!" (Y/n) cried out followed my a long moan. "More Brad please." She whined with need, laughing with excitement when he proceeded to tear her panties apart. "Fuck yes!" She bucked her hips as he began feasting on her, leaning forward she began kissing and licking along Brad's stomach, inching closer and closer to his cock. Greedily Brad pushed his tongue deep into her needy cunt, this goatee rubbing against her clit deliciously. "God yes!" (Y/n) cried out blissfully, kissing sloppily along his throbbing shaft. Brad growled against her soaked folds, as she began sucking him off again. (Y/n) bucked her hips softly as her orgasm approached quickly, moaning against his cock as he sent her over the edge.
Pulling him out of her mouth (Y/n) began rocking her hips, drawing out her high as Brad continued to feast on her. "FUCK!" She cried out, the muscles in her stomach contracting almost painfully as he lapped at her overstimulated cunt. "Brad!" She cried resting her hands against his hips, she applied most of her weight forward, attempting to pull away from the greedy man. Brad growled as he took a tight hold of her hips, pulling her back into place as he continued to eat her out. "Oh god I can't!" She cried out as a second orgasm washed over her without warning. "Ah!" She practically screamed as the most intense orgasm surged through her body. "(Y/n) are you okay?" Jordan barged into her room, quickly closing the door when he realized what he was looking at. "Oh my god." (Y/n) panted heavily while Brad licked at her lazily. "Oh my god." She repeated softly when Brad released her hips, allowing her to crawl away. "Holy fuck." She chuckled breathily, as Brad pulled her to lay back, swapping places with her, he made himself comfortable between her legs. "How was that angel?" Brad asked as he brushed back her hair. "I can't feel my legs." She giggled pulling him down for a kiss, moaning when he began sinking his cock into her still aching cunt. "Think you can cum one more time for me angel?" Brad asked as he bottomed out in her. "I'll cum as many times as you want me to daddy." She grinned up at him, the nickname sparking a fire within Brad. "Good girl." He growled as he began thrusting into her vigorously, causing the headboard to bang against the wall with each powerful thrust. "Fuck yes daddy!" (Y/n) cried out, clawing at Brads back, encouraging him to fuck her a bit faster. The bed squeaked, the headboard banged against the wall, (Y/n) was a moaning mess, along with Brands grunting and the obscene sound of his balls slapping against (Y/n)'s ass filled the room. "Shit!" Brad growled as he buried his face into (Y/n)'s neck biting at her skin, as he hiked her legs up onto his hips, allowing him to fuck into her even deeper. "Brad!" (Y/n) chanted his name like a prayer, over and over his name passed her lips, fueling his desire to fill her with his seed. "Don't stop." She begged before pulling him into a needy kiss, thrusting her hips up to meet his erratic thrusts in perfect tune. "Cum for me angel." Brad panted against her lips, as her cunt began constricting his throbbing cock. "Yes daddy." She huffed in pure ecstasy, her eyes rolling back as she came for the third time that night. "Just like that baby." Brad groaned as he to came undone, pumping his seed deep into her womb. "Fuck yes." He panted has he continued rutting into her, wanting to pump every last drop into her. "I should have jumped your bones sooner." (Y/n) panted with a chuckle, sighing when Brad pulled out of her and laid beside her. "You're mine now angel." Brad stated as he pulled her to lay against his chest. "Yes daddy." She smiled up at him, giggling when he playfully spanked her ass. "I'm gonna make sure you can't walk tomorrow." Brad warned as he pulled her into a kiss, kneading her ass in his hand. "Good." She hummed against his lips, the both of them grinning like sinners.
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✨ REQUEST by @meteora-fc: heyo! please can you do 3 from the smut prompt list with bishop 😏 ty ty!!
✨ Prompt: “Come to bed, I can't sleep without your hips pressed against mine”.
Gif credit: to my amazing @sonsofeorl.
WORDS: about 1.5k.
Warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, a little of overstimulation, mention of bodily fluid.
❚❙ A/N: thanks for requesting, my dear. I hope you enjoy this piece I wrote in less than 30 minutes, which is a record time. I’m sorry it took me so long and I know this should be part of ‘January of Prompts’, but I decided to take it as another request due it has been impossible for me to write this challenge.
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You have been trying to sleep for an hour now, but it has become an impossible mission knowing that your husband is still awake for some reason. He has been through some shit with Los Olvidados and Miguel Galindo lately and he doesn't want you to worry you feeling him spinning around your shared bed as he fights to fall asleep. But you prefer that than being alone. Getting up brushing your hair with your fingers, you lead your bare feet to the back porch, crossing your arms and rubbing them with both hands to get warm as you come closer to the outside.
Bishop is sitting on a chair with his legs rested on the wooden railings, smoking and holding an empty beer. Wrapping his chest from behind with your arms, you lean forward to press a gentle kiss on his raspy jawline. And you can't help but let go a soft purr as you sink your nose into the gap between his neck and his shoulder. Setting off the cig in the ashtray, he lands his right hand on the back of your head closing his eyes for a second.
“Come to bed... I can’t sleep without your hips pressed against mine”. You whisper into his ear with a provocative tone of voice, extending the last four words to highlight them.
You can see the smirk appearing on his face a second before standing up and lacing his fingers with yours, so you can guide him through your house straight to the main bedroom. In your way, he isn't able to put his free hand away from your throat to earn some exposed skin of your neck to kiss it slowly. Once Bishop puts a hand on your body, he can't stop touching you.
As soon as you reach your bed and tuck in, you get what you wanted, what you needed. His strong arms surround you without hesitation, pressing his body against yours; too close there's no distance between both. His lips continue adhered to you, leaving mouth-opened kisses from his starting point till finding your mouth in the middle of the gloom. Bishop tastes like nicotine and alcohol, but it doesn't disgust you, sliding your tongue into his cavity to crash with his in a friendly match.
Your husband bites and sucks your bottom lip, slowly swinging his hips against your ass and creating some friction as your t-shirt rolls up and down with every move from his body. You don't shut the soft moans that soon fills your room, grabbing his right wrist massaging your nipples over the cotton fabric to direct it down over your abdomen. His palm getting dragged gives you shivers, closing your eyelids when his fingertips caress your hipbone ending up playing with the waistband of your black panties.
“Tell me what you want, querida…” Bishop's voice puts you to tremble briefly, so needed after a couple of days without feeling him this close.
“I want you, Obispo”. You almost sob, dancing your hips in sync to earn more friction against the bulge growing under his boxers. “Need you inside me tonight… I need you”.
“I'll do anything for you”. He murmurs, while his hand makes his way to your already-ready pussy. “I'm so sorry for unattending you… Could you forgive me, mi amor?”
While he continues speaking to you, his index finger slightly caresses your swollen clit causing you to gasp eagerly.
“Yes… Yes, Bish”.
“I'll make it up to you”. And you know pretty well he will keep his promise.
Removing his hand from your panties, your husband pulls them down through your legs before doing the same with his underwear. You stirr at the simple touch of his bare skin and the heat it emanates from. Bishop urges you to raise a leg so he can guide his hard cock to your folds, playing with them as the head rubs your entrance to coat it with your arousal. And it feels so damn good after two days. Placing his hand on your inner thigh, he makes his way through your warm and soaked pussy, nailing his hardness as deep as he is able.
“Oh, god…” You cry out intertwining your fingers with the ones gripping your throat, rolling your eyes to the back of your head inevitably.
Bishop is so thick and big that you know you won't ever adjust to his size. He's aware of it, always giving you some seconds to get used to his cock, even if he adores the way your cunt suffocates him every time he's balls deep between your legs.
“Move… please… please”.
Sticking his chest to your back under the sheets, your husband rocks his hips slowly, taking his time to enjoy that being buried inside your body is the only way he feels like he's at home. There's no better place for him.
“You take me so good, baby girl… You're so tight… Can you feel it, ah?” His hoarse words fall onto your ear, urging you to lie a little over your back so he can devour your mouth.
Bishop doesn't give you the chance to reply, invading your cavity with his tongue and his grunts as his pelvis speed up furiously when he knows that your walls are already adjusted to his prominent erection. Tossing your leg behind to his and freeing his hand, he directs it to your breasts straight to one of your nipples. Bishop pinches it, twists it, pulls it, earning the delicious whinings that make him feel proud of satisfying you.
“Fuck, cariño… Oh, fuck… Please… Please, Obispo… fuck me harder”.
You can't deny you're such a filthy and needed whore for your man's dick. That's a fact. And can't do anything, but take your wishes as his commands. He lives for making you happy. The pace of his thrusts increases, creating a beautiful noise that fills your room when his hardness is sunk into your soaked cunt, not giving you time to catch back your breathing.
“Mi amor, you're so damn… perfect for me…” Bishop growls against your lips, keeping eye contact since he loves to see every expression drawn on your face. “You're my home… the only place I wanna come back… every single second of my life”.
You try to tell him how much you love him between short and clumsy kisses, running out of air and feeling the pearls of sweat touring your forehead.
Your husband needs to hear you screaming his name, substituting his lips for his fingers and sliding them into your mouth.
“Suck them, baby girl… Suck them like I know you can”.
And you give him a whole show, moans included before leading them to your thighs. Bishop spreads your folds using his digits, as he moves them from up to down stroking your most sensitive skin right now. He has learned how to touch you by paying attention to your vocals, how loud they are, the words you try to utter. Your husband knows to perfection how much pleasure these caresses to your inner lips provokes you, while he continues pounding you with no mercy. That gesture shortens the time you can resist till finding the orgasm, but when you explode, he pushes your soul out of your body.
Bishop makes you cum. He makes you cry, screams his full name, trying to put his hand away from your pussy when he wants to continue rubbing your satisfied pearl with his fingertips from one side to another; overstimulating you as he hasn't finished yet. You can't even talk, nor think. You aren't strong enough to make him stop, crashing his body against yours until emptying himself inside your guts.
“Oh, fuck, sweetheart!”
His seed fills you completely, pressing his anatomy to yours as his arms wrap you as much tight as he is able to. Bishop can feel his dick twitching buried in your more than pleased hole, as your legs and your hands are shaking for too much pleasure roaming every single inch of you.
“Good girl… Good girl”. Bishop whispers against your neck, resting his forehead there during a short moment. “You're the goodest girl, my lovely wife… You know how to cheer me up…”
“That's my job”. You giggle barely breathing, getting comfier under his tight grip. You don't want him to move away from you. “Don't… pull it out, please…”
“Want it inside the whole time, ah?” Bishop scoffs, pressing his body a little more against you, earning a soft and broken gasp. “Beg for it… I love to hear you begging”.
“I shouldn't”. You complain. “I've been a good girl… not disturbing you while you were working… and I was here alone. Needing my husband. So I have the right to keep your dick inside me a little more, Obispo. I'm not going to beg for it”.
You can feel him chuckling in silence, infecting you with his good humor after releasing all the tension the club has caused on him.
“Whatever”. He teases you, pretending to move back and not hear your speech.
But you don't let him. Of course not. You force his arms to stay around your body, sticking your body to his. You can't avoid a soft grunt escaping your lips when Bishop pushes his semi-erection a little deeper, hitting unexpectedly your g-spot. He's going to kill you. That's for sure.
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Dean Winchester: What's left behind
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*Credit to gif owner*
Pairing: Dean W. x Reader
Pov: Deans
Warnings: Talking about past fights, including scars, Dean, Fluff, Dean!Fluff, laying in bed together, swearing, mentions of past smut, verging on implied smut, playfulness, Sassy reader.
Summary: Laying down with Y/n she starts to point out all my scars and tell her some stories I've not told anyone else.
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This is for band--psycho 1.5k followers Bingo Challenge. I'm so excited that I get to be a part of this writing bingo challenge.
Square- Scars
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Taglist: @band--psycho @akshi8278 @deanswaywardgirl @hit-meup69
Y/n had just showered and was getting ready for bed. We'd already been together for so long that it had turned into a traditional thing for the two of us.
Every time that Y/n showered and we were going to be in bed I'd give Y/n a shirt of mine and she wears just that and a pair of panties. Seeing as we were just going to bed. There wasn't a single night that we didn't do that cycle.
Y/n would grab the remote to the TV, and I could turn our bedroom overhead light off, turning on the side table light instead. Y/n would climb under the sheets of our bed, grab a book and throw the remote in my general direction.
I'd climb under the sheets., and flick through the man channels that we have. Before landing on the same stupid cartoons that I wasn't able to watch as a child seeing as I was taking care of Sam.
After a few episodes of cartoons, Y/n would put her book down along with her reading glasses and cuddle up with me. Ask me what we were watching. "We're watching scooby-doo. I think it's actually an older version of the cartoon." I said this time around.
She snuggled closer and draped her uncovered leg over my pajama pant leg. The pajamas always make her laugh. The ones that have hotdogs printed them. My shirt grazing over my bare chest.
This is how we fell asleep. Snuggled close to each other, our arms wrapped around each other in the most intimate, protective sort of way. This night was different though.
Y/n started to trace my light scars that covered my body. The ones from being stabbed, or shot during a hunt. Or just the simple more domestic ones like the cuts I get while I shave my jaw.
"What are you doing, sweetheart?" I asked her, truly wondering what had gotten into Y/n.
"You know, we do the same thing every night. I have seen you shirtless many times. In many different situations, and I've never asked you were certain scars come from. Talking about the ones that came before I was in your life, baby." Y/n said still tracing scar lines.
“You want me to describe my scars?” I asked her. A little confused as to what Y/n was asking me. “Yes, you goofy! What do you think I was asking?” Y/n said rolling her eyes and smirking at me.
“Okay, I get that. Pick a scar and I’ll try to tell you the story of said scar.” I noted.
Y/n grazed her fingers over my shoulder, down my forearm, around the side of my stomach, and then she abruptly turned me to my side. Tracing her hand down the back of my spine. Then Y/n turned me back around on my back. Pointing at the scar that was on my stomach.
It was a long slender cut. It was about midway down my stomach right above my belly button. “This one, Deanie. Tell me the story of this one.” Y/n voiced.
I had to think for a moment. Going back recalling the memories and fights of old hunts. “Let’s see this is a scar from about six years ago. Sam, and I were on a hunt to kill a Ruagru. It was down in South Carolina. The town was on the smaller side.”  I stated. I took a breath in and then let it go, and continued talking.
“The drive was nice, and it was during the summer. So, the three layers of clothes and long flannels needed to come off. This time around Sam and I only had one layers clothes on. We went ahead and did the research for the hunt. The town was losing many kids. The kids in the morgue had they had absolutely no blood in their bodies. That was odd for the small town to deal with.”
Y/n tapped my shoulder, “Is this story a long one?” She asked giggling. “Patience my dear child!” I said starting to tickle her sides. “TELL the story, Dean!” Y/n shrieked. “Okay, okay I’ll tell you the story.” I spoke.
“Sam eventually found out where the ruagru was staying. He found out like the little hacker he is by duh hacking into the tariff lights and such and tracking them down that way. It was of course an old barn, down an old torn up road deep in the woods. Like really, but whatever right. So, we grabbed our shit from the back of baby and got to work. Now let me set the stage for this hunt.”
Y/n hummed in a response for me to continue.
“The barn was old like I have already said, the outside was painted red, but it was so old that most of the paint had come off already. The inside was much different, it was fixed up and made to be livable I would assume. Sam and I snuck in through an open space near the doors of said barn. Sam had a Molotov cocktail, and I had a weapon that looked fucking awesome.”
I said with excitement flowing through my words. Y/n raised her eyebrows and shook her head. Like I was child who had just said the stupidest thing ever, but she doesn’t want me to know.
“It was just a demon killing knife, I bet.” Y/n said rolling her eyes.
“Hey, hey now don’t ruin my story now.” I spoke. Hushing her and continuing on telling my story.
“So yes, a demon killing knife is was I had. I walked in first being the over protective brother that I am. Sam behind me and ready to throw his Molotov cocktail. I was ready for anything if there was more than just one monster. When we finally found the ruagru I guess I must have startled them because they turned around and were in my face within seconds. Within seconds after that they had picked me and thrown me all the way through a wall. The old sherds of woods grazing past my stomach.”
“OH, ahhh!” Y/n said being a smartass.
“Don't be a smartass Y/n. Let me finish the story you so gracefully wanted.” I spoke.
She shrugged and bumped my shoulder with hers. Letting me continue telling my story.
“I didn’t realize until long after Sam and I had killed the ruagru was killed that I was bleeding through my shirt. Sam was actually the one to realize that I was bleeding. I was so mad when that shirt got ruined by the time, we were able to clean our clothes the next time. I ended up throwing away the shirt.” I said with a sad tone behind my voice.
“What was on the shirt?” Y/n said a worried expression on my face.
“You know to think about it now, I think it was an ac/dc shirt, or maybe an old guns and roses shirt that I had found in a local thrift shop at one point long ago. To be honest with you I hadn’t really thought about that since that moment.” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“Can we do one more, before we go to bed?”  Y/n asked me nuzzling up closer in to my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and roughly brought her as close as we could possibly be to each other.
“Sure baby, choose away!” I said, a yawn ending my sentence.
She looked around and ended up landing on the cut just underneath my jawline. She outlined it and then said; “What about this one?” Giving Y/n a rather confused expression I made sure that was the one she wanted next. “Are you sure? This one doesn’t really have a great story behind it.” I spoke.
“Duh you goof I realized that, but still, I want the story for this one.... PRETTY PLEASE!” Y/n said screaming the last part. I looked over at her, with my eyebrows raised far up on my forehead. She giggled when she looked up at me, “I’m right here sweetheart. There’s no need to scream!” I whispered. “Whatever you say grandpa.” Y/n came back with.
This time my mouth was wide open my eyebrows still far up on my forehead. I rolled my eyes and closed my mouth. “I’m just going to forget that statement and start my story.” I said, “So, this little scar is actually from when I shaved for our first date.” I said getting thought in thoughts about our first date.
Y/n wore a beautiful short red dress, paired with a pair flats. Y/n pretty much had no make-up on and wore her hair naturally. I took her not to a bar, but an actually four stared restaurants, not that far from the bunker. That night ended very much at the front of Y/n’s bedroom door.
But I remember as I went to walk back to my room. I was pulled by my wrist into Y/n’s plump lips. Now I’m not going to say kissing Y/n didn’t make me feel like a teenager all over again but that’s pretty much what it felt like.
That night we went slow mostly because I knew in that moment when Y/n pulled me into her lips that I wanted to be with her forever. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. That only made everything else feel more heightened.
I went slow with her, learning the curves of her body that night. I just listened to her body, I wasn’t trying to show off, or make her remember me. That was something we could do later, but in that moment, I just want to feel her and be with her in every single way.
I was forcible pulled from my thoughts when Y/n jerked my arm rather hard. “What!”  I said a stream of worry flowing through my bones. “Nothing, don’t get you panties in a wade. I just was wondering if you were done telling that story?” Y/n asked with raised eyebrows
“Umm. To be honest with you. All I can remember from that night was how beautiful you looked, and how that night at your bedroom door that I wanted to spend that rest of my days with you. I knew right then that no matter what Chuck said or what Billy said that we were going to be together because I love you.” I said kissing her lips.
Just like every time I kiss her lips it reminds me that she isn’t going to leave. That we are together through anything that could possibly be chucked at us. It reminds me that I’ve got everything I need and it’s all in the room.
When we released each other lips, Y/n looked at me, with bruised lips and said; “I love you to y’know. I remember that day so vividly too. You were wearing your normal jeans and a nicer shirt; we went to a four-star restaurant, I think. I remember you dropping me off at my bedroom door. I so wanted to kiss you before I shut that door, but I couldn’t balls up. I guess that thought of this never happening was too overpowering because the moment I heard your shoes start to fade I opened the door and took the best leap of my life. I love you too Dean.” Y/n said.
Y/n kissed me again in the process ended up in my lap. “Y’know we always end up like this.” I stated as Y/n kissed down my neck. My hands falling down to hips. “This is going to end up with you being submissive, and taking me so well dear.” I spoke. Digging my nails into her hips. She bucked.
“Not too fast naughty boy. Treat your girl to a show first” Y/n said winking at me, before somehow getting out of grasp and running out of our room and down the hall. “Let’s play a quiet game of tag baby. Oh, and just to let y’know. You’re it Dean.” Y/n said running down the hall.
“Yeah, yeah. You better keep running little girl. Because once I catch you. You will be bombarded with kisses all over your body.” I yelled as I followed her around the bunker halls.
“He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none” - Madeline Miller, Circe.
Completed on: 04/07/2021
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soccerbites · 4 years
her and the moon, JJ Maybank
masterlist on bio
a.n: i posted this a few months back but it deleted when i deactivated my old account, so if you feel it familiar that's probably why :) english is not my first language so I'm sorry in advance for any mistake.
words count: 1,3k
warnings: alcohol, maybe a bit of swearing.
(gif not mine if it's yours please tell me so i can give you credits)
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I was at John's B house and everyone else was talking about this party being held by one of the kooks that night, Y/N hadn't say a single word since the theme was brought up by Sarah and i perfectly knew why.
- "come on it would be fun" said Sarah with her arms in the air.
- "i mean, they always crash ours so why wouldn't we crash theirs?" everyone agreed with what Kiara just said, except for Y/N.
- "What do you say Y/N?" i asked because i wanted her to be comfortable and i knew this type of things were not at all her comfort zone.
- "i'll do whatever you guys do" she slightly smiled at me and i smiled back.
- "you sure?" i asked her again just to be sure even though i could see she wasn't, Y/N just nodded.
- "great" Sarah happily said.
We stayed there for like another forty minutes and then i walked Y/N to her house.
- "you know that we always can just stay out of it and watch some movies while we eat ice cream or something like that" i said as we approached her home.
- "it's ok JJ, i do not want to be the boring one" i looked at her with my left hand on my waist, "seriously, maybe it ends up being fun, who knows?" she smiled at me.
- "i swear to god, you're something else".
We said goodbye and i kept on walking until i reached my house.
I entered the house and started looking for my friends, and when i was going to give up i saw Kie laughing with Pope in the backyard, i ran towards them.
- "hey man" Pope and i did our not so secret hand shake.
- "Have you seen Y/N?" i asked waiting for them to know.
- "we arrived like twenty minutes ago and she disappeared like fifteen ago" Kie answer my question as she drank the beer left on her red plastic cup.
- "didn't you see where she went?" i really wanted to know how she was doing.
- "hey JJ what's up" John B had just arrived.
- "not much, have you seen Y/N?" i kept on asking.
- "i think i saw her going to the roof probably like five minutes ago" he pointed with one of his fingers to the metal stairs outside the house that went up.
I didn't even say thank you and went directly to the side of the house where the stairs were placed and started going up. When i arrived at the top i saw her sitting while facing the other way, knees up to her chest and her face rested on them. Her hair made waves along the fresh air of the night and i couldn't help but think about how amazingly beautiful she is. She was wearing a sky blue crop top, white loose shorts and her usual converse. I walked up to her and sat down on her side, there was a beautiful sight of the ocean and the stars and moon in front of us.
- "you were right" she said after a few seconds of just sitting there.
- "about what?" i asked while looking at how the waves crashed on the coast.
- "about coming here, i should've stayed home" i felt her gaze on me.
- "we can go if you want to" i suggested while embracing my knees as she was doing with hers.
- "nah, i like it here, you can barely hear the loud shitty music" i giggled and noticed how she shivered, i took off the red hoodie i was wearing and gave it to her, "thank you, that's very kind of you" i watched her putting the piece of clothing on.
- "i love you" i said very low but she heard me anyways.
- "what? i couldn't listen to you" Y/N said as she was placing her head inside the hood.
- "nothing" i extended my legs not giving importance to it.
- "ok you weirdo" she laughed at me and positioned her body between my legs, facing the ocean while her back and head rested on my chest.
We were in silence for some minutes, just me, her and the moon. This is what i liked about her, we could be in silence for hours and it would never get weird, every time i arrive at her house with a new bruise or cut from a fight with my dad she doesn't make any questions, she's always there and i know there's no way she'll ever judge me for anything.
- "what do you think will happen when all this high school shit is over?" she suddenly asked.
- "in what way exactly?"
- "i mean, what are you planning on do?" she turned her face a little to look at my eyes and i gazed down so i could see hers.
- "what am i planning on do?" i asked, she just nodded, "i didn't really think 'bout it, getting a job or something"
- "but, you're staying on the island right?" she sounded concerned?.
- "of course i'm staying here, i can't go anywhere else" i paused and hugged her as a cold breeze passed, "besides that, i don't want to leave the island you know, i've never gone anywhere else and i love it here".
- "me too" Y/N said.
- "i thought you were going to study at the University of Colorado? we've been talking about it the whole summer" I was surprised by what she was saying, it was pretty much the only thing she'd talked about in the last month.
- "i was" i looked down at her again, she scrunched her nose, "but then i realized that it was never my dream, i mean, before my dad brought it up it had never crossed my mind, and i don't think i like the idea of it, i've never gone out of the island too" i smiled "and i would never survive more than a week without seeing you" i hugged her again and kissed her head as we slowly swayed side to side.
- "i said something before" she nodded, i needed to tell her now that i know she's not going away, "it's something i didn't tell you in the past weeks because until know you were gonna go away in a few months and i thought it was worthless but now i'm kinda feeling like i should tell you ".
- "spit it out pretty boy" T/N said as she ran her hand through my hair, i smiled to that.
- "ok so, we've known each other since when? it feels like forever-"
- "it actually is, when we were like three years old you used to cross the street all alone and ask my mum if you could play with me, i never understood how you managed to start talking 'properly' before than i did" she laughed.
- "sshh let me finish love, and as you said i would never survive more than a week without you 'cause you're the only person that keeps me sane and can actually calm me down" i glanced at her and she was smiling, "and i know that i'm probably not the best person you'll ever meet and that you could do so much better but-" i couldn't stop talking because her lips were already on mine, they were cold but soft, we both smiled through the kiss.
- "i heard you before" she said while placing her head on my chest again and looking at me.
- "you did?" i asked, confused as why she didn't say a thing.
- "yeah" she smiled, "i just played dumb to see what would you do" i kissed her forehead.
- "so, what you say?" i asked.
- "about?" she answer back with another question.
- "about spending the rest of our lives stuck in this place" i laughed at my own words.
- "i'll actually would love to"
We were in the roof the rest of the night, making out and laughing at our own bad jokes, and even after the party ended we were still there, watching the sunrise.
I've never felt more comfortable and calm in my short life, and i have to admit that if being stuck in the island for the rest of my life is going to be like this, i would never change it for anything else.
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sunyoonandstars · 6 years
BTS Scenario 3 || Them seeing your evident self-harm scars (for the first time) || You x Taehyung
So … since this is kind of close to home for me and it helped me deal with some issues of my own, I wrote and published this same scenario for several other members already a while back. You can find them on my Masterlist.
I aim to do the same for all the members, one by one. And here comes the long awaited Taehyung edition. I hope reading it will give you as much strength, hope, and comfort as writing it did me. 😌
You are in a serious relationship with them but have somehow managed to hide your self-harm scars up to this point. However, for some reason, they are coincidentally faced with your scars. These are their reactions:
angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count
! Disclaimer/trigger warning ! The following text contains mentions of self-abusive / self-harming behavior and scars. Do not read if it may trigger you!
If you are currently struggling and need someone to talk, know that you can always contact me. I have personal experience with mental illness and self-harm. I don’t know what you may be going through, but I know you can make it! Love yourself! 💜
Mental health matters! You matter! And you are truly beautiful!
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3.3. Kim Taehyung / V
Taehyung would feel your pain. He would be equally hurt by the fact that you attempted to hide a part of yourself from him as he would be understanding, since he, himself, is familiar with the darkness and can have trouble letting people in and showing his true emotions. Once you would open up to him, however, he would do the same, and the shared moment would only deepen and strengthen your relationship. Besides, that old, artist’s soul of his would be able to see and admire the beauty even in your ‘broken’ parts ...
Four months. That's how long you had been seeing Taehyung already, and, so far, they were the best four months of your life.
Never before did you dare to believe anyone could make you feel so unique, lovable, beautiful, and worthy. Taehyung adored you, and he made sure to remind you of that fact every single day, once at least. All the more guilty did you feel for hiding something from him. Some part of yourself, of your truth, that you feared he would be appalled by.
With every day passing, your guilt kept on growing, eating away at your previous, lightsome happiness until it threatened to smother you, dimming your smiles and turning precious, rare moments spent by Taehyung's side into unbearable ordeals.
And you could tell that it wasn't just you who had changed. There was a transformation apparent in Taehyung, as well, in the way he acted towards you or in general whenever you were near. He became quieter, hesitant whenever he touched you. You caught him watching you when he thought you weren't looking, something much more serious about the look in his eye, some sort of sadness that was more than just that. Longing. Loneliness. And it broke your heart, a little more with every moment you spent together.
Until, one day, you couldn't take it any longer. The truth untold, the words unspoken that needed to be said.
So, at the break of dusk, you lifted your head that had been resting on Taehyung's chest for hours now that had been spent simply lying there in silence on his bed, observing the sunset through the open window. Ypu had to force yourself to look him in the eye as you spoke.
"I'm sorry, Tae. I'm sorry I'm hurting you."
"Y/n. No. You're not -"
"Shush," you cut him off, placing your index finger on his soft lips. "No, Tae. I need to say this. Because I'm truly sorry, so sorry you feel like I don't trust you. Because I do. I want to. And there's something I need to show you."
Before he could raise his voice once more, you detached yourself from Taehyung's comfortably warm body and sat up in his lap, avoiding his gaze while you slowly pulled up the sleeves of your shirt, exposing dozens upon dozens of more or less prominent scars stretching across your otherwise flawless skin. Scars left by razor blades, kitchen knives, scissors or even your own fingernails. Light pink, of crimson color or bleached out by time and sunlight, shimmering white against your already pale skin.
"Y/n - I - What is this?"
Gently, Taehyung took your wrist into one of his slender hands and leaned in to observe the marks more closely, a serious crease forming in between his distinct, dark brows.
"Y/n," he now looked up at you. "Please, explain, love.  What am I looking at here? I mean, I have a pretty good idea. But I want to hear it from you, in your own words. I want you to tell me. Your story. Their stories. Everything."
And when he said that, his voice was bare of judgment, anger or disgust. Taehyung merely sounded curious, genuinely caring, and his glance was overflowing with nothing but affection, reflecting your very own pain.
"And you're not mad?" you inquired, unable to hide your surprise.
"Mad? At you? Not at all," Taehyung shook his head, his long fingers all the while absentmindedly caressing your skin, following the traces all those battles you had fought, struggling with your demons, had left behind on your body, whereas his eyes remained locked with yours, his gaze unwavering. "Disappointed, maybe. That you believed even for a second that there was a need to hide this part of you from me."
"I'm sorry, Tae," you echoed once again, feeling tears collect.
"No, don't apologize. I get it. There were times when I felt like I needed to protect you from my darkness, too. Those days, when I suddenly canceled dates? Or when I was distant and cold?" He paused, and you could tell his eyes, too, were welling up. "I may not have always been perfectly honest with you, either, y/n. I didn't want you to have to deal with that side of me. I see now that I was wrong. We both were. But people make mistakes. They learn and grow. Grow closer. So, there's no reason to apologize again. It's okay, y/n. I understand, I really do. You needed time to trust, time to let me in, and I respect that. I guess we're very similar in that way."
"I guess we are."
Your lips curved by the same sad smile that tugged at the corners of Taehyung's mouth, you exhaled a sigh of heartfelt relief as your fingers somehow found their way into his big, warm hand, naturally intertwining themselves with his.
"And I'm glad we are," Taehyung said after a few minutes of placid silence. "I feel like I can be myself with you, y/n. Unfiltered, now that we disposed of this last obstacle, this unspoken truth we had to share. And, to me, it's like I've already known you all my life, even long before I even knew of your existence if you get at all what I'm trying to say."
Hopeful, Taehyung looked up at you.
"I know, this might sound cheesy and stupid," he scoffed, his words followed by a low chuckle. "But I really believe we might be soulmates, y/n. Like, for real. And, to me, you are the most beautiful person in this entire world. Everything about you is marvelous. These, as well. Each and every one of them."
His movements speaking of the greatest admiration, Taehyung now began trailing the lines of your scars with the tips of his fingers, his touch ever so gentle, before he went on to grasp your forearm with both his hands. One of them he placed by your elbow, the other one encircled your wrist as he led your arm up, towards himself, proceeding to lower his head so his soft hair hid it from your view when he started covering your tender skin with the softest of kisses, the sensation sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
"I adore you, y/n," Taehyung whispered when he raised his head in between kisses, his lips slowly but surely moving upwards, closing in on the rim of your sleeve. "Every last bit of you. And I don't mind your demons, your past mistakes or the parts of yourself and your life that you'd like to edit out. Because they are what makes you the incredible person you are. The amazing you that I love. So, just let me have you, y/n. All of you. And I will give you all of me. For as long as you will have me."
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I hope you liked it and could maybe, hopefully, even take some comfort from it.
Thank you for reading! Take care, have a wonderful day and never forget: You are loved! 💜
Here you can find my Masterlist if you would like to read more of my BTS fiction.
None of the GIFs used are mine. Credit goes to the initial creators. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
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with Obispo ‘Bishop’ Losa.
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Warnings: none
Word count: about 1.2k
Aurora says: Just a fluffy idea running through my head! This writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
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You have been anxiously waiting for your shift at the hospital to be finished, to go to Vicki's house. The crew has been on a run in Mexico for the last two weeks, without knowing anything about them until two hours ago, when they crossed the Calexico border. You can't lie. The one you have missed the most has been Bishop. He has been your best friend for more than five years, even if everybody thinks that you are actually in a relationship. You can't blame them. You sleep together a lot of days of the week, you have rode his bike, you have had some kind of dates. And there's a solid complicity between both, not needing words to know what the other is thinking in every moment.
You practically run out of the hospital to your car, stationed in the subterranean parking, speeding up as soon as you join the road. Your way only takes you ten minutes, excited to meet the crew, after much long time. Most of them are actually waiting for you at the porch of the house, cheering you up when you stop your Mustang next to them. Angel and Coco are the first to receive you between hugs and kisses, followed by Creeper and Gilly, and ending up with a smiling EZ who takes his time in narrowing you between his strong arms.
“How was Mexico, ah?”
“Bored without you, dulcecito”. Angel replies with a singing voice.
“You work tomorrow, mami?”
“Nah, I asked for two days off, so we can have a party tomorrow night”.
“Bonita e inteligente”. (Beautiful and smart). Gilly is very proud.
Coming into the house, Taza lifts you up surprisingly in his arms, filling your face with loud and short kisses. He's always the most happy to see you again, without counting with El Presidente. While Tranqs awaits to do the same.
“I will not ask for Riz”. Narrowing your eyes, they laugh, shaking their heads, assuming that he is enjoying the pleasure of ‘his house’. “Prez?”
“Outside, kid. Resting. Tired as fuck”. Taza sighs, raising a hand to the back door in the kitchen.
“See you in some minutes to share tequila shots”.
Making your way to the other room, you step out of the big house going downstairs to the back yard. Bishop is lying on a hammock with his legs crossed over it and an arm covering his eyes. You can't help but smile softly, being aware that he hasn't noticed your presence yet. Walking towards him and trying to be silent, you sit on the edge of the hammock, leaning forward to press your lips on his forehead for some long seconds. You hear him sighing, sounding alleviated, in the meantime that his arm over his face surrounds your waist to push you closer. Cupping his rough cheeks into your hands, you continue kissing his face, all around. His other arm gets placed on your back, pushing you to almost lie on his chest.
Sinking your face on his neck, you continue the soft kisses there, until resting your cheek on his shoulder, half-sitting yet. You have missed him more than you thought, exactly as he has done. Starting some caresses with his fingertips running to your back, his lips find your temple. It feels like if you are finally back at home.
“Are you gonna stay tonight with me?” He whispers with a hoarse tone of voice, keeping his eyes closed.
“On a scale from zero to ten, how much do you need me?”
“One million. Maybe two”. He chuckles, making you some space to lie by his side.
“Are you hurt?”
“Just tired, querida”.
“I am too”.
“Long day, ah?”
“More like I couldn't sleep too much for the last two weeks”.
Bishop embraces you, taking the liberty to put a leg over his. You don't want him to move a single inch of his body, needing to stay just like that. Closing your eyes, you imagine for one second that you two are alone in the world. No people, no pain, no worries. Your fingers draw some shapes on his chest. Slowly. Caressing his skin over the black shirt. Sometimes you have needed to be exactly like that. Lying against him in silence, calming you down just with the constant sound of his heartbeat, between his arms.
Leaning down to be at your level, his hand on your back travels to your head. Fingers getting tangled in your mane, pushing you a little closer until your noses almost touch the other. You love how warm his hold is, being able to protect you from the lower temperatures.
“I've missed it”. You whisper, not wanting to sound like a secret, but keeping it only to you two.
“I've missed you”.
Bishop brings a sweet smile to your face, opening one eye, for a moment, to find you with that gesture installed on the corner of your lips.
“Do you ever think about taking a step ahead?” Mumbling, you look for his dark eyes.
“Every day. Mostly when I'm on the road”.
Nailing an elbow over the hammock, you rest your cheek on the palm of your head, watching him from above. He lies on his back, putting his left hand on his abdomen. His eyes fixed on the dark sky.
“When I ride by night, I can't help but imagine that I'm coming back home and that you are waiting for me”.
“Well, I usually do”. You shake your head lightly, chuckling.
“Yes, but the fact is that I'm not coming back home. So, I imagine your arms wrapping me. A kiss on my nape. And that thing you do with your nose, caressing my neck”.
The smile on your lips just gets bigger, with your fingers continuing the invisible drawings on his chest.
“Do you?”
You nod, enraptured with your fingertips for a second, raising your eyes to his.
“Yeah, mostly when I wake up and my bed is empty, and I'm cold, and I feel a hole in my soul”.
“Here we go with the poetic shit”.
Palming his chest using some strength, but not hurting him, Bishop stirs laughing. Urging you to lie again between his arms, the mexican presses your forehead with his lips. You can hear his heartbeat speeding up a little, like yours. He has that power of racing your pulse just with one simple kiss.
“You can move to my house”.
You are aware that he tries to hide a begging behind an innocent invitation. But you know that he really wants it. Turning his head towards yours, he is waiting for a reply. An affirmative one. But you like to tease him more than anything. Clicking his tongue, Bishop twists his neck again, back to his initial position how you found him some minutes ago.
“Forget it. Was a stupid idea, querida”.
Laughing in silence, you force him to look at you again, grabbing his chin with three fingers. He is about to apologize himself when your mouth shuts him up. Your lips taste the tequila on the others, not wasting time on tucking your tongue into his cavity, deepening the slow kiss. Swallowing a gasp, the man holds you tightly onto his body, tangling your legs. Your lips dance with his, curving your neck a little, to mold them somewhat better. A prickly feeling roams your skin, bristling it, when you feel one of his hands squeezing your thigh over his.
“Take me home, cariño”. You ask him in ecstasy by his touches.
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✨ Tag list:
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Songfic with ‘Fallin' all in you’ by Shawn Mendes.
with Jackson ‘Jax’ Teller.
Request: Hellooo love!! How are You?? Hope You good💕 could I request a jax teller x reader? Jax propose to the reader and then they have a wedding and some smutt!! Thank you honeeeyyy💕💕💕 love your work!! Just keep going💗 You are amazing🥰
The marriage proposal.
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Warnings: none, fluff af.
Word count: about 1.7k
Aurora says: I didn't write the smut part because I thought that didn't fit in. this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to the author.
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Sunrise with you on my chest. No blinds in the place where I live, daybreak, open your eyes. This was only ever meant to be for one night. Still, we're changing our minds here. Be yours, be my dear.
Today is the day. Today is the day when you're going to marry your best friend, your partner in crime, the love of your life, the best man you could ever know. And even if it's supposed that the night before you shouldn't sleep together, you don't believe in superstition. You two wanted to wake up as a couple to go to sleep as a married couple. Your nose caresses his, purring as he closes his arms tightly around your body. One of your hands tour his neck slowly, with the tip of your fingers running over his skin and flooding on his lips, gently and sleepy kissing them. One second after, his mouth meets yours with a soft move before opening his eyes.
“You on time to run away”. He whispers with a hoarse and deep tone of voice.
“You too”. You chuckle sinking your face under his chin.
“I love you, darling”.
“I love you more, Jackie boy”.
So close with you on my lips, touch noses, feeling your breath. Push your heart and pull away. Be my summer in a winter day love. I can't see one thing wrong between the both of us. Be mine, anytime.
When the door rings, you're ready to start with the preparatives at the clubhouse, where your wedding dress waits for you. But before you can go with your girls, Jax grabs your wrist to pull you into him with that dearly smile on his lips that shakes your legs.
“Goodbye, miss (Y/L/N). I will see you again calling yourself ‘Teller’”. He says very proud, peeking your lips with short kisses.
“That sounds amazing”. You mutter against his lips, surrounding his neck with both arms tangled on.
“I can't wait to be married”. Putting away a soft tuft of your hair, he leans forward to kiss your forehead with all the love he carries on his chest.
“Then, hurry. I'm the one who has to be late, remember?”
Fast forward a couple years, grown up in the place that we live. Make love, then we fight, and laugh 'cause it was only meant to be for one night, baby. I guess we can't control what's just not up to us.
You're sitting on a stool in Jax dorms, while Laila does your hair. A beautiful braid decorated with white flowers on it. Watching the long white silk dress hanging from the top of the bathroom door, you can't help but think about the day you met. It was like fifteen years ago, in the kinder garden. Actually, it was really cute because there were some children trying to take off from you a teddy bear, because apparently you were too old to play with him. And Jax appeared from nowhere, followed by Opie. You still laugh because of the looks on their faces.
“That's ready, honey. Do you wanna see it?” Layla asks you while you stand up, straight to hug her.
“It isn't necessary. I would trust you my life”. You just say, before being interrupted by Gemma.
“Look at you…” She said almost in tears, opening and closing the door as fast as she can, to hold you into her arms. “You're going to be the most beautiful Old Lady ever…”
“Do you think that… Jax would like it?”
“Of course he will, sweetheart”.
Every time I see you, baby, I get lost. If I'm dreaming, baby, please don't wake me up. Every night I'm with you, I fall more in love. Now I'm laying by your side and everything feels right since you came along.
The front yard of Teller-Morrow is completely changed. The main door is closed and covered, so you will have the intimacy you deserve. Maybe it isn't the most romantic place on earth, but it's the one where you grow up with Jax and your families. There's a big flowers arch as an altar, and the alley to it it's in the middle of the guests. You will have to walk over a red carpet as if you were a star, because Tig said so.
When the door of the clubhouse gets opened and your bridesmaids step out from it, the soft music floods the crowded yard. The girls positioned themselves at the right of Jackson, waiting impatiently on the altar with Opie putting well on his tie and the flower on the lapel. But as soon as your future husband watches you walk towards him, grabbed to your father's arm, he breaks into tears. You can hear some chuckles, some kindly whispers, and Jax laughing between a soft cry, so proud of what he is seeing.
Oh, you know I've been alone for quite a while. Haven't I? I thought I knew it all, found love, but I was wrong more times than enough. But since you came along…
“When I met you, fifteen years ago… I promised you that I would protect you with my life”. He has to do a brief pause, freeing your hands to clear his tears with the back of them. “You made me a better man. You took care of me, loved me unconditionally, without asking anything back. You have been my best friend since ever, my counselor, my anchor to keep floating, and I can't wait to continue my life with you, (Y/N). I can't wait to have a family with you. To come back home everyday and fall asleep with you between my arms. I will never love anyone like I love you. And I want to show it to you every single second for the rest of my life, 'cause I'm the luckiest man on earth. You're kind, attentive, motivating, honest, careful, loyal. You are perfect for me, and I couldn't imagine a day without you”.
Leaning forward, Jackson kisses your cheek, taking the advantage to clean his tears with your fingers. You know everything that he thinks about you, but these words just make it real. For a second, you thought you were dreaming. That the wedding was a dream and that you would wake up before kissing him again. But there you are, stunning and making your future husband running out of air with a charming smile.
“I couldn't ask for a better way to spend my life, than doing it by your side, Jackson. You are the most intelligent and courageous man I have ever met. Your sense of… keeping close your family, your brothers, your friends… That's what makes the difference. You put their welfare before your own, and that makes you a good man. If your father would be here, he would be proud of who you are and of who you are becoming”. John always loved you like his own daughter, and he used to say that Jax and you would end up married. But you two always used to laugh about the idea, until three years ago when you got badly drunk. And a one-night-stand and an apparently big mistake, made real his prophecy. “Your father told me once that we were made for each other, destined to meet us, destined to protect each other, destined to respect each other. Destined to love each other. Your father was the wisest man I have ever met, even if I thought that he was wrong. And I can't wait to start calling you ‘my husband, ‘my family’ for the rest of my life”.
I'm thinking, baby, you are bringing out a different kind of me. There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free fallin' all in. You fell for men who weren't how they appear. Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free, fallin' all in you.
It's supposed that you should put the golden ring in each other's finger, but Chibs is crying so deep that he can't even say a single word, making the guests laugh when Bobby pushes him out of the altar.
“Fucking scottish… Or you're drunk, or you're crying”. He mumbles rolling his eyes, before grabbing the wedding rings from Opie's hands.
“I saw him once crying and drinking”. Jackson chuckles, infecting your families there.
“Here we go, brother”. Opie narrows his shoulders, before placing himself with the groomsmen behind him.
“I, Jackson Nathaniel Teller, take you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part”. Putting in your shaky finger the ring, with his oceanic eyes on yours, you're trying to contain the tears you have been hiding since you woke up on your shared bed.
“I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), take you, Jackson Nathaniel Teller, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part”. You can't help but laugh softly when you notice that he's more nervous than you, holding his hand to put in the wedding ring.
“Aye, ye can kiss yer wife, kid”. Kicking out Bobby's ass, Chibs appears again cleaning his tears. “I haven' been five month practicing ti not say these words”.
Fallin' all in you.
You can assure that his lips are softer than never, with your fingers tangled with his, kissing him under the cheerings of everyone around you two. Jax can't help but hug you. Tightly, dearly.
“I will always love you”. He mutters with a broken voice, intertwining your fingers in his scalp to push him closer.
“Not even death will set us part, Jax”.
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✨ Tag list:
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