#i will ALWAYS defend brown eyed lance with my life
hello jackie!! the recent asks were saur entertaining thank you for defending brown-eyed lance with ur LIFE you will forever carry that fandom. i hope life’s been okay for you queen <33
HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!!! I HAVE MISSED YOU!!! and i’m glad it was entertaining lol i spent last night cackling over my phone twas genuinely the most fun i’ve had in a bit
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marcywu29 · 2 years
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voltron heacanons!!!
- black lipstick avid wearer
- ofc he has jewelry. look at him
- him and lance have matching necklaces
- his hair is more spiky
- his eyes have a slight yellow tint to them and his pupils are spiked
- he has fangs just not noticeable fangs
- a lil scar over his eye
- his middle name is prob texas or anthony
- he wears plaid underneath his suit always
- and his lil cardigans too
- he needs reading glasses but pretends he doesn’t. surprisingly a lot of people think he’s illiterate because of this
- his hair is wavy and never stays down
- peak dad energy
- his eyeliner is not here to play. it’s here to serve looks as always
- her hair is a bit more flat than pushed up
- a cute lil necklace because she deserves it
- she’s wearing a white shirt and a stained turtleneck underneath
- her eyes bags are because she never sleeps
-she always experiments in her suit so it’s stained
- her suit is fighting for it’s life everyday. poor thing
- darker eyes because she steals souls
- she needed more princess vibes so now her crown extends into her hair too
- more curls!!!! curly haired queen!!!!
- her altean marks are longer and brighter to show her royal status
- her outfit was an array of diff purples, pinks and blues and teals so i redid it to make it more cohesive
- she was too perfect so not much changed except the outfit
- her favorite color is pink and everything she owns is pink or teal
- cats >>> dogs
- only thing that changed is his hair. he needed a lil pony
- hunk my beloved
- avid snake lover. defends them with his life
- he needed more warmth
- he’s wearing a lil yellow shirt underneath. it probably has little bees on it too
- freckles hunk canon to me
- he’s just a baby
- brown eyed lance truther
- curls!!! for the boy!!!!
- his lil matching necklace with keith
- he buys keith jewelry constantly
- he’s obsessed with gift giving and likes handmaking things
- a painter in my mind
- every holiday he shows up with an array of canvases and hand wrapped gifts like a blue santa claus ready to bless everybody
- he has freckles i know he does
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deecherrywolf · 7 years
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Pairings: Klance (obviously) Rating: PG/PG-13 Prompt: KlanceWeek 2k17 Day 1 - Free Will vs Fate Summary: The threat of the Galra Empire is defeated, the paladins of Voltron can go home! But can they really?
Notes: My whole klance week will be a series of connected stories, so this first entry will be hinted klance that will, later on be full on klance. Not all of them are as lengthy as this one ^^- The rest of my entries are all queue’d as well, because I’ll be at Anime Central 19-21, so my entries will be posted no later than 4pm CST~
Thank you for reading <3
It's over.
That thought resonated within him and brought a huge wave of relief to wash over him, washing away tension that had held his shoulders tight for so long and making him feel weightless. It was finally over.  No more Zarkon, no more Haggar, no more Lotor - no more threats. They were done, finished.
He could go home.
That thought made his heart sing. Home, to see his family. Home, to regain a life he had lost. He could gain back a normal life, experience things he had been missing out on. Maybe even convince his uncle to take him out for a belated 21st birthday drink.
But fate finds its way, as it did five years ago.
“What do you mean, it's over? The universe is never over and Voltron is needed. As paladins and representatives of peace, you will be required to help settle what the Galra have destroyed.”
Lance could feel his hands ball into fists, jaw clenching. “So you're saying, we're always going to be on this castle?”
Allura looked at him, her mouth twisting downward, eyes sympathetic. “You are free to visit your home planet for any amount of time now, but yes. You are part of a vital team, your alliance to Voltron is a lifelong one and your status of paladins is to be before anything else.”
Everyone seemed a little disgruntled at that, even Keith - who Lance had assumed loved it up in space, he was, after all part alien. But everyone seemed weary at Allura’s words, they were all ready to retire from Voltron, ready to go back to earth and see what they had been missing out on.
As if sensing her paladins feelings, Allura began charting the ship towards their home. The mice squeaked at her, feeling her sadness, but they couldn’t do anything. This was a problem between her and her paladins… her makeshift family.
Once the blue planet was in sight, Allura looked at them all, her eyes a shade darker with not only her sadness, but her determination. “Your home planet will become a part of the Voltron Alliance, so it will be much easier to keep in contact with you all. So I must meet with some representatives.”
“Galaxy Garrison would be a good place to start, I’ll go with you,” said Shiro, standing closer to Allura now, looking down at her with confidence. “I have unfinished business with the Garrison anyways.”
“I’m with you.”
Shiro looked at Matt, who nodded back to them. Lance crossed his arms. It appeared everyone was making plans to accompany Allura, but Lance? Lance just wanted to go home.
His eyes snapped to Allura, noticing everyone was looking at him now, everyone was going to accompany her it seemed. Did they really need him there too? He worked his mouth. Sure, it would be nice to shove Blue in Iverson’s face - proving to the man he was an awesome pilot, he was the blue paladin after all! But Lance thought of his family - who probably thought he was dead, his family - who he hadn’t seen in five years. Damn, a lot could have happened in those five years.
Was his grandmother still alive? His younger sister had to have already graduated high school and was starting college. Who knows how many cousins he had now and how old they were.
But just those thoughts, solidified what he needed to do. He steeled himself, shaking his head.
“I’m going to see my family first.”
A few of the paladins looked as if they were going to protest, but Allura raised a hand, her eyes warm at Lance.
“You do that, but make sure you come back to us.”
Lance nodded, ignoring the looks some of them gave him. But he knew this was what was best for him to do, but not only that - he knew this is what made him the blue paladin. The heart he held was one that valued family above all us, knitting those who he considered family together. Blue adored that about him.
He walked to the hangar, ready to go when he heard footsteps behind him, he turned to look, expecting Hunk, but finding Keith.
His heart pounded in his chest.
A lot had changed between the two of them in five years. As the right side of Voltron they had shared more than just a wall between them during the nights. They had formed a bond that went a little bit above the others, becoming a unit that made Lance feel silly for how he used to treat Keith. Now, the two of them knew each other, inside and out, and right now - Lance could tell exactly what Keith was thinking.
“I’ll come back.”
“Will you?”
There was hesitation because, as mentioned, Keith knew him well. Lance didn’t want to come back. He wanted his old life, he wanted a human life. He wanted all the things he missed out on - especially in the romance department. Lance had always been a romantic at heart and right now, he wanted nothing more than to find some willing girl and woo her and start making his own family. Here he was, twenty-four, and with no one. He felt slightly embarrassed - only for the fact everyone in his family had married young, had kids young. He was in his early mid-twenties and didn’t even have a girlfriend.
He sighed. “Yeah, I will.”
Keith eyed him some more before the red paladin stepped closer. Lance felt his body key up, as it always did around Keith. He always felt so very alive around the other - his very presence igniting this spark within him. Their eyes met for a moment and then Keith was pulling him into a hug.
A goodbye hug.
It felt tender, as all hugs usually do, but there was something else within this hug that stole Lance’s breath away - a deep longing was in it, one that cried ‘please don’t go’ mixed with that sad ‘i will miss you’ that all good bye hugs carried. Lance returned the hug, lighter than Keith’s because, yeah, he would eventually come back to the castle. He would eventually come back to Keith.
They pulled away from each other, their arms caressing and brushing as they moved. Lance’s pulse pounded at that and he smiled at Keith, feeling the urge to tuck a strand of that long hair out of his face.
Keith’s eyes widened when Lance’s fingers brushed his cheek and did just that.
“See ya around.”
Keith gripped Lance fingers for a moment, squeezing them gently with intention. “See you soon.”
He released those fingers and Lance turned toward his hangar, his footsteps heavy as he walked away from Keith - away from the place he had called home for the longest time. Once in Blue and flying away from where the others were headed in their lions - he could still feel the connection between all of them, and he knew that that connection meant they’d always be together, even when apart.
The trek home was the longest thing Lance had endured, even if it wasn’t actually that long. Just the thought of finally being able to see his family again made him all the more anxious. He landed Blue into the beach, in a spot he knew very well and knew it was often not visited. Once he exited her, the force field flickered on and he walked toward his home town.
He couldn’t help but feel people staring at him, even if he was dressed normally. But he could recognize a few people, even if they didn’t really recognize him. Or maybe they did, that’s with the odd stares - the look of people trying to figure out who he was even when they knew who he was. It was quite complicated. His eyes settled on the house he’d called home over five years ago, the exterior hadn’t changed terribly so - there was a new car in the driveway he didn’t recognize but he definitely recognized his father’s truck - it was aged, but he’d never forget it - his father taking him driving in that, cursing at him when he sucked at the stick shift.
He blinked back the mist in his eyes and walked up the sidewalk, taking in all those familiar cracks - the places he remembered drawing on with sidewalk chalk, the very place he stood and kissed his prom date. He sighed, now standing before the door. He hesitated at it. Should he knock? He felt like a stranger in his own home now. Old Lance would just open the door, walk in, grab a drink, and veg out on the couch. But he wasn’t old Lance. He was a paladin of Voltron and five years older from the last time he’d seen his family.
Five years didn’t sound like a long time, but he was in his mid-twenties now, not the teenager they last saw him as. He was definitely different looking, he knew that.
Finally mustering the courage, and coming to a painful decision, Lance knocked. The sound of his mother’s voice made Lance suck in a breath, but when he recognized that chiding tone - he chuckled. His mother must be cooking and was telling Amanda to get the door - he could remember how often he would get told to answer the phone or the door while his mother’s hands were busy. He straightened his back when he heard footsteps approaching and then the door was opening.
He met those light brown eyes he recognized belonging to Amanda, her brown hair was long, held up in a clip right now - she definitely had been vegging out, her sweats and loose shirt said so. Her nose wrinkled at the sight of him, or maybe the smell. He swallowed, unsure of what to say.
“Hey, Mandy.”
She was stock still, her eyes wide and her mouth agape, Lance wasn’t sure how to take this and then his younger sister slammed the door in his face. He frowned, rolling his eyes as he heard his younger sister screaming at his mother through the door. Within a minute or two, the door was flung open again, but this time by a woman Lance missed more than anything in the world.
He looked down at his mother, feeling his heart pound in its chest, his eyes growing hot as he could feel the tears threaten to flow. He swallowed around the lump forming in his throat.
“Hi, Mom.”
His mother was crying now and then she was bringing him into her arms, speaking so quickly in her native tongue that even Lance had a hard time following her, but he could definitely hear the words of love. He hugged her back holding her close as she calmed down.
She wiped at a tear and then, she hit him.
“Where were you!? The Garrison told us you were dead!”
Of course they did. Well, the Garrison was in for a big surprise.
Lance rubbed the sore spot. “It’s a long story, and I don’t know if you’ll believe all of it.”
“I will believe, whatever it is, I will believe you. But first, let me get hold of your father and Lissa, they will want to see you too.”
Lance chuckled at the thought of her older sister. Damn, the last time he’d seen her she was about to turn thirty, he had a lot of fond memories of his older sister, pulling him out of class and taking him out on trips, of course that ceased when Lance wanted to get into the Garrison - but still, he definitely had a lot of good memories of his older sister.
“Am I an uncle yet?”
His mother’s eyes twinkled. “You are.”
“Wait - ugh, does that mean she’s still with Dick?”
“His name, is Ricardo, and yes, she is. She married him.”
Lance groaned. He had hated that pretentious douche bag. At least he was better than his sister’s first boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriends, he looked at Amanda.
“Any boyfriends I should know about?”
Amanda snorted. “As if I’d introduce them to you.”
“Hey! I’m your big brother, I have a right to scare away the bad ones.”
Amanda looked to be biting her tongue and that made Lance grow silent. He supposed he didn’t have the right to play big brother when he’d been missing for five years.
His mother hung up the phone. “Your father is on his way. Alissa is picking up Michael, your nephew, and then heading here as well.”
Lance beamed. “Let’s bring the Reyes-McClain clan all here.”
Though he said that, in all honestly he was nervous. Nervous to how his father will react, nervous for his older sister’s scorn, and nervous meeting the nephew who he missed out on.
But when they arrived, it was like Lance had never been missing. He felt whole, with his family wrapped around him, hugging him and questioning him. His heart felt full, glad he made this decision.
Lance stared at the transmission he’d received, fiddling with the electronic. His team was leaving, going back into space now. They were off to be galactic representatives, off to do great things.
And Lance…
Lance looked across the table at the girl who his mother set him up with.
This was their second date and it had been going even better than the first, but now Lance felt a little down - just thinking of the team. He didn’t want to go back, to be honest. He was home. He was finally home. He didn’t want to spend his entire life on a castleship, fighting off bad guys. He wanted normality now more than ever. Yes, when he’d been younger he had wanted to be a fighter pilot, to reach for the stars.
But he’d touched those stars and now, he wanted to touch the ground, feel the earth beneath him. He would keep his word, of course - he would eventually return to his fate, return to Voltron… to… his eyes darkened as a certain person’s face flashed through his mind, making the fine hairs on his body stand on end.
“Lance? Everything all right?”
He looked at the woman, her dark skin beautiful in the sun, giving off an amber glow, almond eyes as dark as night. He smiled at her, ignoring the transmission. Ignoring fate that kept trying to pull him back in.
“Yeah, just a text from some old friends, you know how it is.”
He’d choose his own will over destiny any day.
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pink-valkyrie · 7 years
Catherine Hope Summers Story one piece oc
One Piece OC Catherine Hope Summers; Catherine Hope Summer's is a young blonde hair, green-eyed(blue when she uses her powers) bombshell. She positively the most bubbly pirate there is on the sea today. She ate a devil fruit and gained the control over air, yes that also includes control over air inside and out of the body.  Catherine is a great navigator. She wants the title of shibuchi because she has always had a fear of dying. She lost her family at a very young age. She is very flirty especially in the presence of the 2nd divison commander of the whitebeard pirates. Fire fist Ace.  While it was only teasing she did have an attraction towards him. He was just a good friend. Upon his seeing his death in the new world she vowed to work even harder. She had a few crew mates after seperating from her 'teachers'. In the new world She makes friends and enemies. But will she find her brother? Will she find love? What kind of places will she visit?  Only time will tell. This is just chapter One of her story, Catherine's life was one every little girl could dream about. Her family was very rich an provided the best of everything. Her father wasn't around much that she could remeber him much about him other than his dark hair and striking emerald eyes , he was a businessman who had married her mother after the death of his first wife. He was quiet whenever he was home, always in his study. An never wanted to be bother when working.  Catherines only distinct fatherly memory was when she was six, she bravely walked to his office door and knocked asking him politely to come to dinner. When he opened the door he didnt look happy to see her or upset. He didn't have any emotions splayed on his face at at all. She remembered muttering a quiet "happy birthday dad, mom had them fix your favorite and we have gifts for you if have time to come down." He was silent for the whole time studying her face. "Yeah kiddo I think I can spare some time to come down an eat with everyone." It was a brief show of emotions with a smile on her father's face she didn't think he'd ever forget. Her mother however she remembered her long flowing blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Her personailty lighting up a room the minute she entered it. How she gained attention easily with her looks, but straight forward in every action she took. Smiling at the the memory of her mothers voice, "Catherine looks are nothing in the world if you don't have the brains to go with it, I want you to grow up smart, confident in anthing you decide you wanna do, I want you to learn to attract attention not with your body but your skills. My child looks are an asset to use to get nearly anywhere in this world but don't ever let it be the only thing you are ever know for. If I teach you nothing else always remeber that. Looks only get you so far."  That was one of the few times she ranted about what happens when you looked good and were only seen as an object or another's possesion, such distaste she had for people like that "It's the world we live in though I suppose." Sighing and then just like that the tone in her voice evaporated  and she was back to my happy go lucky mom. I remember I had two older siblings as well a sister that favored my father in looks dark hair and dark green eyes, she fought with mom all the time. She had such an awful outlook on the world. She wasn't exactly moms bioloical child but mom tried to treat her as such. I think her name was Jasmine. She was the oldest at 16, she wanted to snag herself a rich husband just go off on her own. She didn't get along with anyone very well and always caused trouble for the staff of the house. Then there was Lance my older brother he had aspired to be a marine he was only eleven. He had dads emerald eyes  to go with his dark brown hair. I had gotten mom's haircolor and mix of the two eye colors. The staff was alway nice to me when I was younger, we rarely left the house. Dad was always at work, with one of his business partners and attending the parties the only one who left with him sometimes was Jasmine. Mom said when me and my brother were older we'd be allowed to leave more often. She said because we had money that there would be alot of bad people in the world that'd wanna hurt us. She said its one of the reasons she stayed inside the house going to the private garden outback. The world is a beautiful place and you two will see it when your older I promise. I don't want anything to happen to you especially while your young. Mom was right about the world and the people with bad intentions in it. However sheltering us and teaching us only helped so much.  I was only nine when my family died in that terrible house fire. One of the maids that worked for my father happened to spot me in the crowd and ran to me. She told me it was gonna be okay, I'd stay with her until we figured things out. Her name was Marie, she put me to bed that night and went back to see if anoyone else had made it out. I was left with but ashes and memories. I had nightmares and cried for days. Marie had a hard time getting me to eat. I barely said anything. Then Marie said something that'd stay with me a life time. "Death happens to everyone, it happens anywhere, anytime, and while  we can fight it, deny it, prevent it, prolong the out come alittle longer. It will alway occur no matter what it will happen. It doesn't care about gender, age, race, religion, good, bad, rich, or poor, it happens. There are a millions ways for death to occur but once it does it can't be undone. An I know your hurting really bad Catherine sweetheart you suffered a lot because of it, but for you to live you have to acknowlegde it, an accept its gonna happen. " As she said that tears poured down my face. My first reaction to anything in days. Thats good. She wrapped her arms around me and let me cry it all out. After that Marie took on a motherly role for me for alittle while.  Marie provided and saved for us just enough for to live stablely.  I learned a lot about the world through her and others. I learned housework cooking and providing from Marie and books.  I often went outside though while she went to work. I observed others when I went outside.I began making  friends, it was odd thing at first but nice to have, I played with other kids. I sometimes went places in the town. I mainly found myself in a bookstore reading about other places. The owner knew who I was an knew Marie very well so he never said anything to me. He did have a code for when alot of buyers/costumers were in the store. I'd bookmark a page an leave or I'd help as his assitant. eventually I was trusted enough to leave with a few books and bring them back. I when I did leave I'd sit inside a bar/resturant Marie worked at. She'd bring me water and snacks. and go back to work. I would take breaks from reading an eat while I observed everyone there. It was a rowdy place but no one bothered me. The regulars always made sure I had my own spot to read out of the way incase things got out of hand. An there were a few fights. That caught my attention. It it was always hand to hand until others broke it up an told them to take it outside if they were gonna do anything more. The bar manager and Marie always came to talk to me after every fight to make sure I was okay. They didn't know I had a growing interest. While walking on the street I met one of the guys who had gotten into a fight at the bar. It looks like he was the winner. The other guy was still on the ground. "Hey mister, can I ask you why you fight?" He stopped an gave me a thoughtful look. Everyone else had cleared the streets when he had started to brawl again outside the bar.  "I fight for many reasons, I fight for fun, I fight because it makes things easier, I fight because its what I know, its what I'm good at.  I fight for my beliefs. Mostly I fight to protect myself, the people I care about, my crewmates, on my good days for people I think need help." He paused letting it all soak in. It had been a few months since the fire. In that time I had learned alot. Recoginition flashed in my eyes. I was satisified he answered my question. Judging this man I decided to speak to I could identify him as probably a pirate. What he said struck a cord. I found out why I was interested. The concept to defend himself and others. I wanted to be able to do that. I wanted no needed to know how to for myself.  Espeically since my dream was to travel. I had learned about places through reading and I wanted to visit them. I was afarid of dying but adventure and many other reasons intrigued me far to much to worry at my age.  "Thanks mister, for answering that. It  helped me figure it out The next step to what I have to do now is to learn to fight." Shock showed across his face. Then he began to laugh. "I think thats the first time I've ever heard someone of your age say something like that. A lady at that." As his laughter died down. He relaized it was a serious declaration. "What's a girl like you need to know fighting for?" smiling I told him. "I wanna travel everywhere when I get older see the places I've read about. Meet people have fun. There's alot of people out there with bad intentions. I don't wanna get hurt and die. I wanna be strong enough to fight back. I know not every situation will be an easy one to get out of but it be useful thing for me to know."  I smiled remembering moms words I had something to add to it. "Beauty and brains will only get me so far in this world. I'll need to be strong, be able to adapt to different situations. Be able to fight for myself, my beliefs and the people I care about. I'll need to learn everything and be able to use it before I leave on my adventure." The man in I had figured his name was Issac smiled broadly. " Yes you'll definetley need to learn quite a bit then. " Walking closer to me. Issac said this "I'll tell you a few things before I have to go little miss that might help you. Learning to fight will be good like you said but it'll do nothing if your punches and kicks aren't strong enough to hurt somebody. I recommend you practice basics,  an work on building strength, you'll also need to be fast at dodging attacks. Fast in running would be good too incase the situation is bad enough. Stamina training would be good for you too. Also in a fight you will always need to have a back up plan, a weapon and a escape route. The most important thing you'll need is that brain of yours. You'll need to be able to read situations, the fights, people, outcomes. You'll need to be ahead of the other person which sometimes is a hard thing to do. That brain will be able to keep you out of dangerous of situations an will be your best friend in a fight but don't get overwhelmed an neglect to focus on the fight cause then you'll lose. An with losing sometimes you loose more than just a fight. Understand and remeber that. I gotta be going then." Getting up Issac flashed a grin. "I have a feeling I'll be hearing about you in the something in the future. Regardless of which side you end up on take care." Before he began walking away. "Catherine Summers, its my name and I hope we meet again when I'm a navigator for a crew." He waved to me as he walked away. I went to return my books. I'll have to remember that. The next books I began to read were about weapons, fighting, and reading situations, there literally were hundreds of things I'd have to prepare myself for. The read about multiple styles and as I began the basic I began to apply different techniques. But as I read and practiced I realized the trouble. While doing the things Issac had said I didn't have someone to practice with or know where to hit. Medical books. I read on the human body, weak points,if necessary where to kill. I shivered to make up for that I also it be good If I knew how to help heal. I began basic first aid and even going as far a reading medical books an talking with the towns doctor. I learned I'd have multiple skills sets that'd make me useful. As I got older I began to read and practice less because of the responsiblities around the house. Even getting a job as a waitress at the bar and assitant at the book store. I trained an read and slept aft going home an doing chores. I was exhausted but it was paying off. I began breaking up fights at the bar which got me into trouble with worried Marie, bartender, manager, an regulars. They laughed it off though, the shock that I knocked out two guys. I was happy to see results. I had also shown reults in first aid helping the doctor treat paitents with minor injuried and illnesses. I dealt with a few with major injuries though. Stab victims, gunshot, even a few burn victims who survived a house fire.  The last one stung as I treated them imagining for the first time in a while, the events of that night. When I arrived home Marie as there with food fixed. I promptly hugged her and told her what had happened. I was old enough now I asked her about it. She told me, there weren't any survivors that she knew about my mother, father and sisters bodys had been found and identified my brothers. They had no idea what could've happend to him. She told me it that everyone seems to think the fire was orchestrated by one of dads unhappy bussiness partners. But nothing could be done because there was no proof but the fire itself wasn't an accident. She said she was worried when I first came there that the people involved with the crime would try to hurt me if they knew I was alive. She was happy they didn't especially when I started going outside. After we ate, we talked alittle more an I told her not exactly what I wanted to do. She laughed an said it was very like me. To wanna go see the world and explore. For my birthday she told me to go visit the guy in the dojo for some real training. I also attained, maps, log poses, money, books, first aid stuff, some wepaons. As I was leaving the dojo after a training session I ran into Issac again. So much older now that I was nearly sixteen. Laughing he said, "little sooner than I aspected but me and the crew were needing to make a stop and restock. I stopped at the bar heard everyone was in a uproar about Catherines Birthday. Thought I'd come to see you. Looks like you've remembered what I told you. Wanna test out you abilities, If you win or we have a draw I'll offer you one or two gifts since it's your birthday. Hows that sound?" My eyes sparked and my heart pounded in excitement. "Sounds like a pretty good plan to me!"  Going to an area where we could avoid drawing alot of attention our way he began. We both were dodging each others attacks, thinking of his next moved a made a quick dodge using the momentm to swing my leg around for a kick to the stomach he fell back but rolled to his feet again. His attacks from that point on became more aggressive.I could only dodge for so long, I wasn't gonna let him back me into a corner, i lungaged forward swinging, he caught fist and suddenly were falling backwards. I had thrown him off balance acting quickly i manuvered to him taking the brunt of the fall and moved in, only for him to turn us, not good he was gonna have the upperhand if i didn't knee him in the stomach and put distance between us. As I stood up I watched his movements he was starting to breath heavy. I finally made a decision that might help me when or cause me to lose. "Practice what you preach Issac and maybe you wouldn't be so winded." Laughing at my taunt. "Nice try little girl, taunting me isn't gonna throw me off my game enough for you to take advantage of the fight. In fact you got be careful with a gutsy move like that could get you killed." Those words echoed in my head, Killed, how I hated and feard that word. Issac noticing the change from fear to a more serious demenor braced himself. He figured out the trigger word thinking back to the young girl he talked to long ago and the expresssion she wore when that word was brought up. Anything related to the word death seemed to set off fear and anger in her. Probably something to do with her past. Dodging the attacks that were calculatedly aim with force to hurt. Yeah He'd definetely would talk to her about it later. For now he had to focus apparently she was a class a student cause she went beyond the means of what he asked of her years ago. Yep she was smart then, deadly smart now. Reading all those books and whatever else she did was gonna pay off. Finally after taking and landing hit he decided it was time to end it, she'd proved herself. Catherine Summers, yep this lady was gonna be trouble. Pinning her he managed to bring her back to her sense. You did good, very good. But I'm gonna say I win, but you proved yourself to be worthy. Sighing she grumbled something that sounded like a few feet more and I'd be a winner. Glancing behind him he was right she was backing him into a tree root to where if he'd trip, he'd take a tumble down a big hill and she would've gain the upper-hand. Damn she was gonna be a good fighter. Especially god-forbid she had weapons an that. He got up and pulled her up looking her over little to no injuries just a scratch and a brusie at the most. She dusted herself off. "Let grab something to eat and we can discuss things there." Following behind her they ended up back at the bar, where a beautiful waitress made her ay over. Looking up noticing alittle panic in Catherines eyes he was alittle unsettled. "Catherine," the woman began about to lecture the girl for being late to the surprise party and hanging out with what she noted to be a handsome to old for Catherine pirate. "your alittle late and thats fine, but what have you been doing all this time?" Glancing at the two of them noticing he was alittle worse for wear than Catherine. It clicked. "Marie, this is Issac, I met him a few years ago after he got into that bar fight, he's the won that fight after leaving the bar that day. I kinda ran into him on the streets asked a couple of questions and he gave me some advice on achieving my goals. To answer your question his crew was in the area and he heard about my birthday from someone so he thought he'd visit. " Catherine wasn't sure about that expression, Marie was hard to read sometimes cause she never reacted the way you'd think she would sometimes. An she added "He wanted me to show him what I learned. I nearly turned a draw into a win if that counts." Instead of sighing she began giggling, "My what am I going to do with you with you Hope?" Smiling she left to get refreshements and some food for them. "Who was that?" Issac inquired. "Marie, shes been taking care of me since my family died in a house fire a few year ago. She worked as one of the staff but after she took me in she began waitressing. She helped me through everything, there will never be away I could repay her for what shes done and gave up for me. It would be wrong to call her mother since I did have a good one, but Marie would be the next best thing to her." Issac didn't know what to say, he didn't really know what to ask. "Catherine could..would it be okay if I ask you questions about the fire?" he finally got thw words out. "It's fine, you don't have to walk on eggshells around certain topics. My Dad was a wealthy man, had alot of bussiness partners, from what Marie told me he made a few of them mad enough to hire some people to burn the house down with us in it. My father, mother, older sister were confirmed dead, my older brother, they never found his body, we assume he's dead but no ones come forward or found any information on his whereabouts. If he's alive I'd like to find him. He used to talk about wanting to become a marine, if he's still alive I think that's how I'm gonna find him, when he seems my wanted poster." Marie came back with the food and refilled there drinks. She had heard the conversation upon returning. She seated herself at the table with them. "Hope you don't mind if I sit here." Catherine rolled her eyes and remarked. "To late to move you know already sitting down now." Issac looked at them. Yeah they behaved like family. "I actually think it'd be good for you to sit with us since you an Catherine are practically family, I have an offer for her." Marie glanced at her she knew nothing yet, "We'll hear you out, but in the end its her decision, and I'll support whatever she decides." Issac smiled and sighed in relief. Last thing he wanted was the pretty lady in front of him to go on a rampage. "I was going to offer to drop/escort Catherine to the next island, help her get started on her journey, but before that I'd like to have her as a temporary member of my crew, I would say permant but she's gonna need to learn and expand at some point. So I figured I'd help out with that before hand if she okay with that." Marie already knowing the answer smiled at Issac and cast a glance in her would be daughters direction. Her eyes were shining, but she glanced at Marie. I'll support you, you just gotta promise to write and come back and visit." She reassured her. Then casting a glance to Issac this was gonna be the fun part. "AN you she began,better take good care of her, teach her all you know,help her with whatever she'll need and watch her progress. Make sure that you always keep track of her and if you think she's in over her head step in." "But you will come back to visit also and write me to..?" She questioned what she was even saying at this point. Catherine began laughing knowing. "Telling my handsome captain he better come back an see you, after laying into him about taking care of me. That'll get his attention hook , line and sinker, Marie." As soon as those words left her mouth she saw both her captain and marie wearing matching blushes. Yeah she'd caught him stealing glances to but wasn't gonna get an immedate crew punishment. Then it struck both of them, she'd said the word captain. Issc smiled "I certainly will take good care of Catherine like she was my own, Miss Marie, an I'll be coming back with her. As for the writing you don't mind if I send mine seperate from hers do you?" Yep getting awkward fast. "Well while you too adults talk things over, *cough use protection cough* I'm gonna go enjoy the town, an go pack my stuff. Use a hotel not the house." Blushing as she said that rushing out of the bar. Visiting a few people as she said, the book owner, the master of the dojo, and when morning came she found Marie in the kitchen cooking, trying not to cry. "Thank you, for everything, you've done so much I don't know how I'm going to repay you, but I'll keep my word, I'll visit when I can, Write as much as I can, take care of yourself, mama." With that they both started to cry, they hugged, straighten themselves ups ate a normal breakfast, and then the captain had come to get her. Issac placed a quick kiss to Marie and with his vivre card giving several to Catherine. He grabbed her stuff an boarded His Ship. She was Issac and his crew for a few years, she'd learned and matured alot in that time. Still one of the most joyful people in the crew though always giving them a reason to smile, laugh, helping them, they learned from her as much as she'd learned from them, they went back to visit Marie, wrote her once a week. Catherine had recently consumed a devil fruit that let her control air Issac began to start the next page of the letter. She had learned to control it pretty well, even used it for naviagting ad fighting. Yes she'd lost her ability to swim but she gained somethng else that might help her more, an as long as someone was near her they could alway help if she were to where she couldnt use her newfound powers. The day had finally arrived, she turned eighteen, she was supposed to leave the crew get her own ship, they had a celebration dinner her gave her tons of gifts, but then captain Issac walked to her smiling he laid a letter from Marie on the table, and his captain logs and few other items, puzzled Catherine looked up. "Sir,?' He cut her off. "Today as we discussed  men, I'm stepping down as captain, I'll still be a member however, we will be under the rule of our new Captain Catherine Hope Summers, I trust she will do her best, guide us through more adventures, we will gather a lot of crewmate for her in the younger gneration before we step down, help them as we helped her and under guidance send them off to the new world. All of those oppose speak now. SIlence went accross the room with encouraging smiles. All those For cheers! An everyones voice rang out through the room. Aye Captain what's your first orders? Before we go gather you a new crew to go with you to the new world. After that we'll leave you to decide what you wanna do then! After all its hard not to go on one more adventure!
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deecherrywolf · 7 years
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Pairings: Klance (obviously) Rating: PG Prompt: KlanceWeek 2k17 Day 4 - Welcome Home Summary: Lance takes Keith home with him on a visit.
“Are you sure you want me to come with you?”
Lance frowned at the uncertainty in Keith’s voice - the way his dark eyes were cast in a worrying light, even while he asked the dumbest question he’d ever asked him. Lance threaded their fingers together, squeezing Keith’s hand to his and gave him one of those smiles he tried to save only for Keith - just like the ones Keith definitely saved for him.
“Yes, I do.”
They were headed to the hangar, Keith worrying at his lower lip as they made it to a cruiser. He watched as Lance jumped in. Lance looked down at Keith, his heart thumping at the look on Keith’s face - one of not only worry, but a fear of rejection.
“They’re your family.”
Lance tutted, moving his finger back and forth in front of the two of them. “Ah,ah, ah. That’s where you’re wrong. If we’re ever going to get married, they are going to be your family too.”
That, like always, made Keith’s face burn. Damn, Lance loved making Keith blush. The other wasn’t a heavy blusher, but when he did? Lance just wanted to take him and carry him off to do unspeakable things to him. It was not only that cute, but that alluring on the red paladin.
“C’mon, my mother really wants to meet you. Do you know how often I get scolded because I don’t bring you?”
“Really?” deadpanned Keith, who didn’t believe him.
“Yeah, really. It’s always. ‘Oh mijo, it’s just you - when am I going to let me meet your better half?’ and ‘I’d like to meet your love before you two marry.’ and all that junk.”
Keith hummed, his brows unknotting and it seemed like he was relenting. Finally, he climbed into the cruiser with Lance. Lance felt his whole body grow warm. Keith was going to meet his family, finally. His family knew what Keith looked like - as they always watched any news the Galaxy Garrison revealed about Voltron and Keith was always present for such things, but they had never met him in person. Lance was glad it would be with him.
The cruiser charted Lance’s usual course home, by passing planets he’d visited and liked, the memory of some of them made him chuckle, while Keith gave him dirty looks - as if he knew exactly why he liked some of those planets.
“You liked Theris too.”
Keith’s cheeks turned pink and he flicked Lance on neck, making Lance laugh again.
Once Earth was in sight, Lance slowed his cruiser down - as he always did when he come close to his home planet. The sight of it, just outside of it was one that was indescribable. An uncomparable feeling swept through him at the beauty of it, how he loved his planet. But more importantly, how much he loved the people who lived within that beautiful blue planet. It housed his family and its where most of his current family was from.
It gave him his soulmate too.
He looked at Keith, eyes twinkling. “Ready?”
Keith let out a soft nervous sound, but nodded. The two of them made the descent to Earth. Of course, the Garrison was notified when they breached the atmosphere, but all of their cruisers were registered in many bases, so no threat was giving, just an alert that two of them were coming for a visit. If it had been their lions, the Garrison would have been worried there was a threat.
It saddened Lance that he couldn’t always bring Blue with him home, as she had resided here too for a while, but he couldn’t help that.
“There’s the beach.”
Lance watched Keith eye the beautiful white sands of the beach he loved, and when they landed, Lance got out first, holding out his hand for Keith to take. Keith wrinkled his nose at him and just jumped out. So much for romance. Lance shrugged and then turned toward the town where he lived. Keith swallowed nervously, following Lance at a healthy distance, his nerves obviously getting to him. When they arrived at a house that couldn’t anyone elses but the Reyes-McClain home, Keith stopped by the fence while Lance walked straight up to the door, knocking softly.
The door opened to reveal an older woman that was definitely Lance’s mother. She was lighter in complexion, but Keith could tell it was his mother - the shape of her mouth, the length of her fingers. The woman’s brown hair was definitely becoming a silvery color, which was no surprise. She hugged Lance, holding her baby boy close and then she caught sight of Keith, who seemed to freeze up.
Lance looked at Keith. “Mama, this is Keith, my boyfriend.”
That word was rarely spoken, even though the two of them felt it between each other often. Keith’s cheeks darkened as he walked up the sidewalk and stood before Lance’s mother. The woman said something in a language he didn’t know - but heard Lance mumble not only to himself, but in the communicator when he contacted his family. And then Keith was swept up in a hug as well.
“About time you bring him to me.”
Lance snorted. “It’s like you are more excited to see him than me.”
“I see you more often, It’s not every day I get to meet the man who stole your heart.”
Lance blushed at that while Keith smiled. It was true though, Keith definitely held Lance’s heart and the same could be said about Lance. They had exchanged hearts long ago. Lance’s mother smoothed back Keith’s hair, looking up into his face and then she made a soft sound.
“He’s handsome.”
Keith fought the blush back while Lance made almost the exact same soft sound.
“Of course, he’s my boyfriend.”
His mother nodded, as if it were gospel that Lance would have a handsome boyfriend, and maybe it was. Keith watched the woman usher them in and then she smiled. “Mandy will be coming home this weekend from college, I can contact Lissa to come as well?”
Lance hummed, eying Keith. “You ready to meet the whole family?”
Keith’s heart pounded, but when he looked at the woman who had given birth to the love of his life, the acceptance in those warm brown eyes, the soft smile, carved within aged lines, Keith couldn’t help but want to meet them all. He wanted to meet these wonderful people who raised Lance. Wanted to see them. He smiled and nodded.
“Wonderful! Let me go grab the phone, oh-.”
Keith watched as Lance’s mother kissed Lance on the cheek and said something in that beautiful language. And then, she was turning to Keith and kissed him on the cheek too.
“Welcome home.”
Warmth flooded Keith’s being and he had never felt more at home than he did now.
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