#i wasted so much time just scrolling pinterest for inspo
indigobackfire · 2 years
The fashion question back to you! But I want to ask about Indigo and Phoenix. What’s their style? You can include Jacob as well, of course, but if it’d be too much or you don’t have a clear idea for him yet, that’s fine too :)
Also, please, take this question however you wish. You don’t have to make collages or anything – unless you want! Then go for it!
Thank you so much for sending the question back 💖
I didn't have to but, I don't if you ever used it, I spent my early teens on Polyvore day and night making collages and I forgot how fun (and tiring) they are so I made it for each! Polyvore closed years ago, so b4 anyone asks, I did them on Medibang with PNGs from Tumblr.
I focused more on them during Hogwarts years, but I hope to make a post for their fashion as adults.
Indigo's Style
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So this isn't half as much as I really wanted represented here xD due to the confinement of the space and png availability. I made one for her more academia side and one for her colorful self.
As general style rule Indigo will avoid anything tight or that shows too much skin, she wants freedom of movement. I'm sure I didn't convey her witchy vibes enough, nor her 70s influence, but soon I'll make another set.
She also doesn't vibe with blue, pink, nor with black. Yeah, no matter how gloomy she's feeling. But her favourites are red, green and orange brown.
Phoenix's Style
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Here, I suffered with the lack of good male clothing pngs and my laziness xD.
Though I focused on his more yellow and neutral side, Phoenix has a passion for the colorful as well, with inspiration from the preppy fifties, with some boldness from the 60s/70s especially with clothes handed down from his late (biological) father.
Anyway, I think I did convey his very cozy good boy vibes, he's milk and honey, breeze on a hot day type of person.
I had been so long staring at screen doing his, my head began hurting, I had to lay down before moving on to Jacob, reason why his has less stuff than the others. Also I don't think I planned the space right 🙈
Jacob's Style
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His collage is the most chaotic but that's pretty resonant with his character, not as much red as I'd like for him nor as punk as his style really is.
You right, I still have very little on my Jacob, but searching trinkets and clothes I actually got inspired x). Anyway, I like to think there's a before and after the vault Jacob in matter of style, I'll say more below, but can get experimental with his style, despite his laziness to put any effort into it.
And I'll talk under the cut just to avoid being huge x)
I don't think I can't explain Indigo's style as whole all at once so I'll divide by her Hogwarts years.
Indigo is trying to drive her image away from Jacob, better yet, her mother is doing it for her, the colors are toned down and very basic, but it's inevitable the resemblance. She spends most of her time in complete or half uniform.
Now determined to explore the vaults, she invites the 'Jacobness' in, she's purposefully looking for him not just literally but figuratively. She's wearing jackets and shirts he left behind even if they definitely don't fit her right yet. She's got a classic colorful 80s girl style out of class and isn't afraid to call attention to herself. A time to be experimental with her hairdos.
Starting to develop her own style while being influenced by Rowan, trying to mix her new nerdy side with remnants of her brother.
The year she slowly starts growing, she has her first period, she gains weight, she's well, confused in herself. The colors are a tad toned down in comparison to the previous year. Tho, as the year progresses, since the current curse has to do with fear, she subconsciously seeks in her fashion saturated, happier and bolder colors.
But when she joins the gryffindor quidditch team, it enforces that red, burgundy color palette.
Despite the exercising and duelling training, she continues to gain weight due to stress eating. Lucky for her, she continues getting taller which helps hide some of the weight gain, but her ever changing body does influence in the types of clothes she picks.
Since Rakepick is around now, she wants to be defiant - strong colors, oversized shapes, leather details and footwear, bringing back those Jacob clothes she had.
Also with the start of her friendship with Barnaby and with more of Aspen's influence, she begins wearing more and more plaid patterns to represent her Scottishness.
Another year of fun hairdos, especially considering her approximation to Tonks.
As Rakepick's apprentice she's more and more inclined to dress with confidence.
She's dating Barney and he influences her fashion / As well as spending more time with Rakepick - she adopts the habit of wearing jewelry, a belt for her utilities, a lot more red and green, she begins putting her hair in place.
In the matter of hair, here is where it becomes like I usually draw (or try to), with hormones flourishing as well as her Legilimency, her hair has a growth spurt and becomes very thick and voluminous.
On opposite route to the previous year, she's stress starving, due to pressure because of the Curse and working in kitchens makes her lose her appetite. Therefore she's colder than usual, fluffy coats and a brown leather jacket and a tartan wrap Barnaby gifted her become ever so present in her daily wardrobe.
She's wearing saturated colors but also lots of brown, she associates the color to maturity and is how she wants to appear to her friends and, especially, to Rakepick. Red also becomes prevalent with the feelings of love.
For the first time she's putting actual effort into looking pretty for a boy.
In here Barns has broken up with her for seemingly no reason and this takes a tool on her fashion for most of the year. She's not putting effort at all, dark colors patternless mourning the loss of her relationship as well as the departure of both Rakepick who she was beginning to grown fond of, as well as Jacob.
But with Jacob back around after a while, it's his style she's back at mirroring, tho most clothes she and Phoenix had borrowed had to be returned, she still keeps many he doesn't want anymore or that don't fit his new weight.
Then later, Achilles, whose fashion is similar to Jacob's but closer to what the 90s will bring with a renewed side of punk. She's also trying to make Barnaby jealous with Achilles so a bit more revealing clothes, blacks and strong greens - which doesn't last long since Achilles himself tells her how this isn't her.
Even then, she's not certain who she is.
I'm not sure what will happen this year cause I don't feel like following canon and I've got so many ideas.
But it's a confusing year to her, while things have an air of settling down, the future feels unsettling. While she takes hold of her Legilimency, her self confidence doesn't follow. She's not sure of herself or her purpose and it reflects in her fashion.
Except, this is the year of true reconciliation with Rowan which brings her back those times of their third year, resurfacing with her nerdy academia side, this time with accents of leather and darker colors.
Yes, she stays another year cause she fails her NEWTS spectacularly.
The year of nostalgia with the golden trio coming along, therefore vintage, 'childish' patterns and styles, also trying to blend into the background because she really doesn't want to be there.
Preference for brown and burgundy, mostly trousers instead of skirts, hats and beanies more often used. And plaid, lots of it.
Phoenix never worried about fashion, he wears what mom buys and that's good. He also grew up with Jacob's hand-me-downs as part of his wardrobe ever since he was a baby, consequently paralleling his brother's style, not to mention always being a few years outdated in relation to the other kids.
But even after Hogwarts, his best friend is Rowen, not popularly known for being a fashion king himself.
Even with growing older, Phoenix is a Veela, naturally beautiful and charming so he often relies on that more than style - even though, sometimes, not even his pretty face can help his dweeb fashion.
What I wasn't able to add to the collage was Ismelda's influence on his style. Not only he has the boldness of dying a strand of his hair turquoise, he begins wearing black!!! Mostly stuff that used to belong to Jacob, but it does start seeping into his fashion slowly the longer he stays with her, though without ever losing his soft essence.
Considering Jacob was a teen during the late 70s, he got caught in the beginning of the punk movement, taking inspiration from Vivienne Westwood, Sex Pistols, Blondie, Bowie, and well whatever media he could access at the time.
But also the classics, bell bottoms, weird patterns, bright colors along with plaids, and very funky hair.
After the vault, he loses the body he had along with his confidence, he used to be stocky and reasonably tall, but now he's skinny, cold, and feeling very unsexy. He's opting for dark colors, uninspired combinations, beanies and gloves. Though he doesn't realize straight away, he does use a wrap around his shoulders much like Rakepick does.
Also, even though he's not very sporty, he like sportswear, jerseys, baseball caps, and cool basketball sneakers.
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mosshermit · 4 years
I kinda miss the days before I had high speed internet at my childhood home. I spent so much time experimenting with crafting and doing art and taking nature walks and reading. The next place I may move to won’t have high speed internet and I will just have a hotspot for my wifi for genreral internet stuff and that... appeals to me as of late. Phone and social media and streaming addiction is so real and I’m tired of wasting my time doom scrolling and binge watching shows. But I do wanna keep running this blog and pinterest because I gain a lot of inspo here and like to make posts like this and also share my art on my art blog. kinda looking forward to the future, but oh man I have to learn how to appreciate the moment and live each day at a time.
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