#i wasnt even super young when i first saw this and it still traumatized me
tumblunni · 5 years
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Friggin Muchigoro from the sixth One Piece movie! The random half fish half plant probably some human in there somewhere dude who has a pet giant death goldfish and is generally the cutest man on earth
Seriously i still cannot believe this movie even EXISTS, its such a bizarre form of..like..trolling you into accidentally watching a really good movie??? Posters and preproduction material and the art style and the actual name of the thing = “oh its a cute adventure about everyone playing goofy carnival games on carnival island im sure this villain Baron Carnival will absolutely not jumpscare me with something such as for example a sympathetic comic relief goldfish friend remembering that he’s already dead and reliving the process of drowning again while on dry land and you the viewer have to watch every second of it”
This film actually turned out to be a FUCKIN AMAZING lovecraftian horror thing where the Fun And Innocent Carnival Games slowly manipulate our heroes into bickering amoungst each other and pick them off one by one with just the excuse of ‘oh he totally abandoned you he wasnt really your friend after all’ (MEANWHILE THE ADORABLE REINDEER MASCOT IS GASPING FOR AIR AS HE’S PINCUSHIONED BY ARROWS IN THE BACKGROUND)
And then fuckin.. super fancy cute mr baron carnival man is actually sacrificing everyone who loses his carnival games to a fuckin terrifying evil spirit of the forest who’s fused to the flesh of his shoulder and whispering dark thoughts into his very bloodstream. And you get to see a fucked up abomination of twisted human flesh fused into a plant stem while our cute happy-go-lucky protagonist cries out that he has no reason to live now his friends are dead and its like WHAT THE ACTUAL JESUS FUCK IS HAPPENING
Oh and at the same time its SURPRISINGLY DEEP and evil carnival dude has a really sympathetic reason behind it all. You see, EVERYONE ELSE ON THE ISLAND IS DEAD! once upon a time he really was just a goofy cute carnival themed pirate dude with a big ol family of funny buddies. And then they all DIED HORRIBLY and this forbidden hellbeast made a pact with him to ressurect them if he murdered other people in return. Yes, everyone having adorable lil flowers and leafs on their head was DARK FORESHADOWING ALL ALONG
So that gets us back around to this super memorable goddamn character! Poor muchigoro!! he’s just a funny doofus who loves his pet fishie and also apparantly his boss. Like he’s really loyal and hero-worshippy to baron festival mc evilplanman, and baron festival mc evilplanman looks so goddamn GENUINELY FORLORN every damn second theyre together. There’s so many foreshadows where this dude is like ‘ha ha isnt every day wonderful when we’re together, im so happy you all enjoy these funny carnival games i made for you to all never be sad ever again’. *looks like he’s fuckin dying inside* jesus christ seriously are we really doing a plot about a suicidal man who lost everyone he ever loved and now he locks himself up with these fake illusions of what they used to be like, struggling with the fact he knows its wrong to kill others to sustain their life but he loves them so much he just cant stop himself AND WHO SAW THIS COMING FROM GODDAMN GOLDFISH HUGS BEANMAN
So yeah GOLDFISH HUGS BEANMAN is your first mega scarring moment hinting at the dark plot. He almost accidentally tells the heroes about whats going on, since he doesnt actually know he’s dead and ends up stumbling into a gap in his memory. And then the Ominous Forest Sentience just fuckin.. revokes his life permissions. Dude drops dead for getting too close to knowing the truth. Incredibly graphically. And then even worse is that he just reappears again later on, back in comic relief mode and apparantly unable to remember anything. He’s all “haha boss thats so weird i fell asleep on the job! I’m totally fine now tho!” and boss dude is like *bittersweet look* “i’m so glad i cant bear to see you without a smile on your face” *casually glances over the fact he just fuckin fed a guy’s soul to the dessicated corpse of his best friend and he just got back up”
And theres loads of equally depressing stuff with all the other equally adorable buddies!! There’s the ring toss attraction with a trio of adorable tiny elderly folks in funny frog costumes, this weird ice hockey/cooking competition combo game with a big scary buff dude who has a soft spot for bunny hair clips, and A LITERAL TEN YEAR OLD CHILD WHO WAS ALSO AMOUNGST THE DEAD
Oh goddd, Gappa is the one that traumatized me second much next to Muchigoro. He’s a cute kid in a goofy DJ costume but also he seems to be the one whose sense of self has most been eroded by becoming a soul-eating hellbeast? He’s introduced adorably trying to steal the hat of one of the protagonists cos he wants to be all cool fashion, and then suddenly out of nowhere his eyes go red and he murders the dude for saying no. And this wasnt even under orders from the boss dude or anything, boss dude just turns up to find the poor kid still staring off into space like he doesnt know what happened. He fuckin ate a dude’s soul and crushed the skull of his friend who tried to avenge him, and was pincushioned by a bunch of swords and just casually pulled them out of his ribcage. So he’s just sitting there disassociating the fuck out! “What did i just do, why did i do that, why did he cut me and i dont bleed?” And boss guy holds him and comforts him and tells him obvious lies about how he’s..just a very strong kid. He’s just such a great fighter that he totally must have dodged all that guy’s attacks. Don’t worry. And its such a brief scene but you get the sense that this must have happened a million times, the kid keeps accidentally ‘breaking’ people and getting close to realizing he’s a walking corpse and because of his father figure trying to shield him from the realization its just fucking up his mental state even more and he’s become the perfect host for the fuckin EVIL NIGHTMARE FOREST GOD THING
Anyway eventually we get to the final confrontation involving every one of our heroes being soul-nommed except one, and he’s barely able to drag his arrow-riddled body across the battlefield to keep on fighting. And the last you see of all the comic relief corpse dudes is them being confused why they feel so sleepy, and dropping to the floor one by one. You get the sense this whole thing is really fuckin desperate, the boss dude must have been running out of people to feed to the horrifying corpse machine and he’s had to deal with his friends slowly dying around him. And there’s this really messed up moment where all the heroes getting soul-nabbed is presented as a HAPPY MOMENT for the cute comic relief guys. You see them all come back to life and be like ‘yay another perfect day at perfect carnival island with all our very non dead friends!’ And then when the hero finally wins and saves everyone, its punctuated by a depressing note of all the funny dudes simultaneously vanishing into dust forever. leaving behind nothing but a bunch of plants growing out of a pile of empty clothes. Like the scariest damn part is how its left ambiguous whether the creepy ass forest god was even really capable of ressurecting the dead or if it was just puppeting a bunch of dolls and imitating what this man remembers of his dead friends. though the fact they were able to act on their own free will and almost mess up the plan sometimes would imply there’s at least some level of the original person still left there. but still theres also the whole freaky scene of Murder Child Does Not Remember Murdering All These People so..yeah. Horrifying ambiguity.
And then it just ends with poor boss carnival dude looking at his bloodstained hands desperately trying to hold together the dead corpse of this god that promised to keep his friends alive. He fuckin HOLDS INTESTINES IN HIS HANDS WHILE SOBBING! And what super extra sucks is that they dont give him any sort of resolution of getting to move on and atone now he’s free of that thing’s control. He just desperately tries to backstab the hero at the last moment cos he’s just so lost in grief for his friends, and thus ends up dying. And the last you see of him is him floating in the void while he hears the sound of the shipwreck that killed his friends so long ago, and fuckin CUTE VOICE OF FUNNYMAN MUCHIGORO welcomes him to the goddamn afterlife. While crying that he wishes his boss was able to move on without him and live a little longer instead.
i am sobbing into my keyboard just remembering this, seriously i dont even fuckin LIKE One Piece yet im somehow a giant fan of this one singular filler arc written by some other author. WHERE IS MY ENTIRE DAMN HUNDRED EPISODE ANIME ABOUT THIS PLOTLINE?? it has fuckin NOTHING to do with One Piece either, you coulda replaced the protagonists with the protagonists of any other anime and it woulda worked just as well. Its just like fuckin... Happy Anime Dudes Take A Brief Vacation To An Entirely Different Story About Horror Murder. like i know One Piece does have its own sad and deep stories sometimes but not EXISTENTIAL HORROR OF GOLDFISH FRIENDO
rip muchigoro
...anyway i suppose i might be subconciously drawn to characters who have anything in common with him cos of the sheer PLEASE UNDO THE HELL YOU INFLICTED UPON THIS FUNNYMANS factor.
also I guess Mr Movien is kinda like his character design upside down. big head mode vs tiny head mode: FIGHT!!!
in conclusion i wish i had not remembered the tears of this
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sharedheadspace · 6 years
tin hat hawkes
or, the longass conspiracy theory that suggests that the government in our variation of the fallout world was out to get us, specifically. our deepest apologies if the readmore doesnt work
pinging @peace-love-mapley-syrup, salty come read a very depressing and paranoid multigenerational autobiography
fact: the us was occupying mexico in some capacity (even though the wiki says they werent. i lived there, i know what im talking about)
theory: it was largely through use of a subset of the army that the larger american public was kept unaware of. officers who had too many conduct violations or whatever to remain part of the ‘face’ of the us, with the soldiers underneath being mostly if not entirely comprised of locals forced into service
fact: this included children. like me, age six. on the younger end of those taken from whatever tinyass farm town i came from. i remained a soldier until i was sixteen, when i got caught on the edge of a mine explosion and nearly lost my leg (side note, this is where nina comes from. her memory of our life stops maybe two weeks before that happened)
after a recovery period that was laughably short and, looking back, was more focused on just ensuring i wasnt going to die than on preserving or restoring any functionality, i got transferred to the stateside army. trained as a mechanic just so i could have *some* usefulness now that i couldnt walk without at least a cane
question: why? i was nameless cannon fodder- literally, i didnt have a name for those ten years, ‘nina’ was my birth name in an entirely different world- and its not like there were no qualified mechanics in america desperate enough for steady work that theyd sell themselves off to the military. why not just let me die on the field. why save my leg instead of amputating it, giving me enough mobility to move independently but not so much that i can do so easily
theory: they saw the opportunity for a study on the effects of a persons identity being wholly centered on trauma from early childhood, and how such a person would interact with “normal” people
fact: i met maurevar there, then still going by his given name, icarus callahan. another soldier, said he came straight out of the foster system. a dead mother and an uncaring father. we stuck together, fell for each other, eventually deserted together. and if theres one thing the army hates, its deserters
question: why didnt they try harder to find us? they seemed to put in only minimal effort, considering how tight a leash the army liked to keep in every other situation
fact: nine years later, when the older twins were five, maurevar went into town on a routine supply run. he got caught up in the middle of a protest and arrested. that was the last i saw of him until postwar, when he turned up as a proto super mutant. after being arrested, he said, he was reinstated to his old position in the army, where he stayed until long after the bombs fell. in the 2070s, at least he had been stationed in alaska, overseeing new recruits (said he always felt like that was a deliberate punishment, being responsible for conditioning the young and desperate into the life he had tried so hard to leave behind)
question: why not give him a jail sentence, like nearly all other deserters? why get his old job back?
theory: by that point, they knew who we were. where we hiding. that there were at least two kids. the experiment changed to monitoring the effects of childhood trauma as it relates to becoming a parent/living with highly impressionable small children, with a side branch into adult ptsd and being forced back into the same traumatizing situation that first created it
fact: nine more years later, i was at rock bottom, between all my trauma, losing maurevar, and our wife growing ever more abusive as time went on. advertisements for the cit claimed to be able to improve mental stability and in some cases remove overly-stressful memories entirely. i bottled up my fear of medical settings, cities, crowds, social institutions in general, told the family i was going into town for a quick doctor visit, and you know the rest
theory: as per the recent development of the idea that ex-military and similar combat-trained individuals with few to no social ties were targeted for the brain scan experiments.. well, i was a deserter with 24 years of service to my name. i lived in the middle of nowhere with a wife who wanted me dead and four children still young enough to swallow any story properly fed to them. not exactly what theyd originally planned, but easy enough to work with. they took my memories and stored it for future use
fact: shortly after graduating high school, jasper was arrested for stealing food from his job at a local supermarket. he was given a choice between military service to clear his record or accepting a fine and jail time. where was he initially stationed? alaska. who was his c.o.? icarus callahan
theory: the overall experiment expanded to include studying the effects of children undergoing the same trauma as their parents. and for shits and giggles, to see how the two of them would interact, considering jasper had no idea who maurevar was
fact: after jasper was discharged, he, his younger siblings, and his wife moved into sanctuary hills. one neighboring house was home to an older couple, mr and mrs callahan. nothing about their home indicated they had ever raised a child (and this is in game, too! they even resemble maurevar!)
theory: maurevar was taken from them as a small child, or they were coerced into surrendering him. they were planted in sanctuary hills and told to keep an eye on jasper and the others, with the suggestion that if they kept up regular reports they could be told what happened to their lost son
fact: jasper, nora, and shaun were placed in vault 111. shaun was later kidnapped by the institute to provide the ‘pure’ (ie, not tainted by over a century of nuclear apocalypse) genetic material needed to create human-like synths. he eventually grew up to be ‘father’, the head of the institute and at least one gen3 experiment (synth!shaun, created as a child who could age and grow and have a more ‘normal’ childhood than he received, hanging the entire plan on jasper finding the institute, desiring the family the apocalypse had denied him, and adopting the child as his own. which he did. he did all of that)
theory: preservation of genetic material for the purposes of eventually creating synthetic humans was the point of the vault all along. the vault staff not receiving the promised release signal after twenty years, leading to them all dying in varying ways as their stockpile of supplies dwindled, was intentional. they were never meant to survive
furthermore, my being turned into a gen3 synth was deliberately because of my relation to jasper and to ‘father’. i was allowed to escape after waking up, because my bad leg meant that i couldnt travel far, my aversion to society meant that i was unlikely to join a caravan, and so i would be exactly the sort of person jasper would seek out and try to help (this took place after he was released, they would have known his habits by then)
where things may have gone from there, we cant know. the railroad kind of blew everything up
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ j.ww | assassin!au
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pairing; seventeen wonwoo x reader
genre; bulletpointed, assassin!wonwoo, fluff
collab with; @kpop–fics
tags; @lunarjihoon
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you’d think
the calm assassin?
ok maybe a little 
every mission
he plans out exactly of what should be done
super careful and detailed
when you, just a random ,,, office worker,,,
kept getting in the team’s way on an important mission
sorry but that person has to be dead !!
before tomorrow !!!
but no that didn’t happen
the murder mission kept being pushed back
he slowly lost his shit 
"wonwoo? you okay?”
his teammates never saw him like this before
so they were like
who were you and what did you do to their wonwoo lol
he was always a calm and peaceful guy
ironic to describe an assassin like this but really
he can stab someone a couple of times with a straight face
he’s pretty scary lol
but this time n oPE
it has always been his ,,,, goal ,,, to do his job and missions cleanly
aka without any other person getting injured
or involved
or whatever
but aha 
your oblivious ass kept getting in the way
he tried doing his job both at night and in the afternoon
also nope
you would be working all the time
bc you lived down the frickin street
and your boss liked you lmao
so he always called you back for overnight shifts
and you didn’t mind bc the pay was really good
but wonwoo is irritated
this whole time, all the team needed to do was to take out your boss
he’d done some,,, shady things
he needed to pay the price
but every time wonwoo’s team was close to accomplishing the mission
f inALLY?
you came walking in
asking your boss something that? wasn’t clear or something?
wonwoo was getting
no matter when he would go,,,
you’d always be there
it was like you could sense these things ffs
meanwhile you were just like
"wow the boss is sure getting a lot of visits lately”
aka dense as hell
your boss noticed
that you always came walking in when he was just about to get killed
yes, he started recognizing the assassins
and he started having ideas of using you as his little protection
he knew wonwoo’s team wouldn’t kill any innocent person
and no matter how important your own work was
you’d get super curious
who were all these handsome men???
so every time you’d come up with some excuse to go over
like you were young and dreamy ok
your boss was internally so gleeful like oh y/n you’re here!
he had a visitor today too
standing in front of his desk
he was so cUTE
wearing a deep blue suit with…  a beanie?
weird combination
but it somehow made him even more attractive
andd it was your first time seeing him
bc the previous times, wonwoo’s other teammates were the ones doing the actions ,,, and failed
normal routine :D
“hey sir? my printer broke, is it okay if i use yours this once?”
he nods, a little too eager to be normal
you thanked him and frowned a little once your back was facing him
like um why are you excited for me to use your printer
but suddenly you just felt a shadow over you
and you turned around
and faced the handsome stranger
he looked so irritated?
what did i do wrong ??
is it forbidden to look at you?
it kinda was
that would mean you’d remember his face
wonwoo was planning to end the mission today
that automatically meant an end to your boss’s life as well
what you didn’t know tho
is that woozi hacked the cameras in the building
and all of wonwoo’s team were laughing their butts off
wonwoo? angry?
they could literally see his shoulders going up and down with his deep breathing
wonwoo was so askfhsdkfh
he almost took out his gun to shoot you instead of your boss like oH M Y GO D
no wonwoo,,, calm down,,,
she’s not worth that
kinda innocent??
no but you kept mesSING UP HIS PLANS wonwoo was having an internal conflict with himself lmao
he couldn’t take it anymore nd just
“sorry, but i think it would be best if you leave this office.” 
you looked at him like ???? why ?? i need the printer tho?
and your boss just interrupted
“y/n, go ahead and use the printer” 
and your boss pulled out his own gun from his own suit pocket and pointed it @ the stranger like yOU HO LD THE FUC UP TOO
“i told you to leave.” 
you were literally standing behind the stranger,,,, who was holding a gun,,,,,
you were gonna faint
and your boss suddenly just changes his gun’s direction to aim it @ you ????
you froze
and your boss was staring so hard @ the stranger
“put your gun down or i’ll kill her" 
??? me?????
like omg boss are you stupid or are you stupid 
the stranger doesnt know me whY ARE YOU USING ME AS HOSTAGE
but yo
he does
wonwoo lowers his gun
and your boss slowly does too
but sIKE wonwoo suddenly raises his gun again & shoots your boss
who collapses
of course
and you scream
and wonwoo just covers your mouth like shuT UP
you were just fucking shaking
your legs already gave out lmao
wonwoo was literally holding u up while his hand was over your mouth
i thought this was business related?
what have all these handsome men been doing here then?
all to fucking murder your boss?
wonwoo slowly removes his hand from your mouth
“calm down, i’m not the bad guy” 
you were gonna scream in his f aCE
but no you saw the bloody mess in front of you and just burst out crying
and you passed out 
in his fucking arms
when you woke up, you were ,,,
?? home
okay what 
you jolted upright and started checking your arms for blood stains for some reason
it wasn’t like u were the one who murdered someone omg 
you noticed a little post-it on your nightstand
with a number 
and a “i’ll explain. everything’s settled. you’re not involved.”
you felt so disgusted like omg you just witnessed a murder
do i report it
but the note says that everything’s settled 
does that mean that they escaped the police
or does that mean they discarded the body ,,,,,,
you shivered just thinking about it
and you suddenly remembered
??? why am i home??
you ?? fainted ?? in front of the stranger??
how did you get here??
does he know where u live ??
how ????????????
ok you were gonna cry
and suddenly there was a knock on your door
nOT your main door
you meant your BEDROOM door
you were this close to passing out again bc YOU LIVED ALONE
the door opens by itself before you could even do anything and you squeeze your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ear
“what are you doing?” 
that voice is familiar
you open your eyes and saw the stranger murderer
you closed your eyes again like no omg im seeing things
“oi.” “y/n.” 
he got your name ofc
“get out.” 
“i’m trying to explain---” 
“you don’t have to! i’m not involved! you said it yourself!”
wonwoo was shocked at ur outburst like wow
 ,,,,, you seemed meek
“okay, fine, i won’t talk about it. but are you okay?” 
you didn’t speak bc no you were not
“look, no one’s gonna hurt you. i won’t, either. i’ll stay outside till you can talk.” 
and hell yes he did stay outside
like he wasnt usually like this
but you were just ,,, so smol,,,,
need to protec
so that happened
you weren’t really upset about your boss’ passing or anything tbh
i mean, he did point his gun at you
and you two weren’t v close too 
and like a few hours later (you slept), you slowly went outside
and wonwoo had to stop a smile from spreading on his lips
“you better?” 
you nod slightly and told him that u didn’t wanna hear whatever happened
and wonwoo understood 
but he wanted to like
make you feel okay
bc he knew you were still pretty damn traumatized
he basically followed you everywhere
bc you were scared that someone was just gonna whip out a gun and start a mass shooting
and he just ,,,,
stays by your side ,,,,,,,,,
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kpop--fics · 7 years
Collab with @theliqht <3
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you’d think
the calm assassin?
ok maybe a little
every mission
he plans out exactly of what should be done
super careful and detailed
when you, just a random ,,, office worker,,,
kept getting in the team’s way on an important mission
sorry but that person has to be dead !!
before tomorrow !!!
but no that didn’t happen
the murder mission kept being pushed back
he slowly lost his shit
"wonwoo? you okay?”
his teammates never saw him like this before
so they were like
who were you and what did you do to their wonwoo lol
he was always a calm and peaceful guy
ironic to describe an assassin like this but really
he can stab someone a couple of times with a straight face
he’s pretty scary lol
but this time n oPE
it has always been his ,,,, goal ,,, to do his job and missions cleanly
aka without any other person getting injured
or involved
or whatever
but aha
your oblivious ass kept getting in the way
he tried doing his job both at night and in the afternoon
also nope
you would be working all the time
bc you lived down the frickin street
and your boss liked you lmao
so he always called you back for overnight shifts
and you didn’t mind bc the pay was really good
but wonwoo is irritated
this whole time, all the team needed to do was to take out your boss
he’d done some,,, shady things
he needed to pay the price
but every time wonwoo’s team was close to accomplishing the mission
f inALLY?
you came walking in
asking your boss something that? wasn’t clear or something?
wonwoo was getting
no matter when he would go,,,
you’d always be there
it was like you could sense these things ffs
meanwhile you were just like
"wow the boss is sure getting a lot of visits lately”
aka dense as hell
your boss noticed
that you always came walking in when he was just about to get killed
yes, he started recognizing the assassins
and he started having ideas of using you as his little protection
he knew wonwoo’s team wouldn’t kill any innocent person
and no matter how important your own work was
you’d get super curious
who were all these handsome men???
so every time you’d come up with some excuse to go over
like you were young and dreamy ok
your boss was internally so gleeful like oh y/n you’re here!
he had a visitor today too
standing in front of his desk
he was so cUTE
wearing a deep blue suit with…  a beanie?
weird combination
but it somehow made him even more attractive
andd it was your first time seeing him
bc the previous times, wonwoo’s other teammates were the ones doing the actions ,,, and failed
normal routine :D
“hey sir? my printer broke, is it okay if i use yours this once?”
he nods, a little too eager to be normal
you thanked him and frowned a little once your back was facing him
like um why are you excited for me to use your printer
but suddenly you just felt a shadow over you
and you turned around
and faced the handsome stranger
he looked so irritated?
what did i do wrong ??
is it forbidden to look at you?
it kinda was
that would mean you’d remember his face
wonwoo was planning to end the mission today
that automatically meant an end to your boss’s life as well
what you didn’t know tho
is that woozi hacked the cameras in the building
and all of wonwoo’s team were laughing their butts off
wonwoo? angry?
they could literally see his shoulders going up and down with his deep breathing
wonwoo was so askfhsdkfh
he almost took out his gun to shoot you instead of your boss like oH M Y GO D
no wonwoo,,, calm down,,,
she’s not worth that
kinda innocent??
no but you kept mesSING UP HIS PLANS wonwoo was having an internal conflict with himself lmao
he couldn’t take it anymore nd just
“sorry, but i think it would be best if you leave this office.”
you looked at him like ???? why ?? i need the printer tho?
and your boss just interrupted
“y/n, go ahead and use the printer”
and your boss pulled out his own gun from his own suit pocket and pointed it @ the stranger like yOU HO LD THE FUC UP TOO
“i told you to leave.”
you were literally standing behind the stranger,,,, who was holding a gun,,,,,
you were gonna faint
and your boss suddenly just changes his gun’s direction to aim it @ you ????
you froze
and your boss was staring so hard @ the stranger
“put your gun down or i’ll kill her"
??? me?????
like omg boss are you stupid or are you stupid
the stranger doesnt know me whY ARE YOU USING ME AS HOSTAGE
but yo
he does
wonwoo lowers his gun
and your boss slowly does too
but sIKE wonwoo suddenly raises his gun again & shoots your boss
who collapses
of course
and you scream
and wonwoo just covers your mouth like shuT UP
you were just fucking shaking
your legs already gave out lmao
wonwoo was literally holding u up while his hand was over your mouth
i thought this was business related?
what have all these handsome men been doing here then?
all to fucking murder your boss?
wonwoo slowly removes his hand from your mouth
“calm down, i’m not the bad guy”
you were gonna scream in his f aCE
but no you saw the bloody mess in front of you and just burst out crying
and you passed out
in his fucking arms
when you woke up, you were ,,,
?? home
okay what
you jolted upright and started checking your arms for blood stains for some reason
it wasn’t like u were the one who murdered someone omg
you noticed a little post-it on your nightstand
with a number
and a “i’ll explain. everything’s settled. you’re not involved.”
you felt so disgusted like omg you just witnessed a murder
do i report it
but the note says that everything’s settled
does that mean that they escaped the police
or does that mean they discarded the body ,,,,,,
you shivered just thinking about it
and you suddenly remembered
??? why am i home??
you ?? fainted ?? in front of the stranger??
how did you get here??
does he know where u live ??
how ????????????
ok you were gonna cry
and suddenly there was a knock on your door
nOT your main door
you meant your BEDROOM door
you were this close to passing out again bc YOU LIVED ALONE
the door opens by itself before you could even do anything and you squeeze your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ear
“what are you doing?”
that voice is familiar
you open your eyes and saw the stranger murderer
you closed your eyes again like no omg im seeing things
“oi.” “y/n.”
he got your name ofc
“get out.”
“i’m trying to explain---”
“you don’t have to! i’m not involved! you said it yourself!”
wonwoo was shocked at ur outburst like wow
,,,,, you seemed meek
“okay, fine, i won’t talk about it. but are you okay?”
you didn’t speak bc no you were not
“look, no one’s gonna hurt you. i won’t, either. i’ll stay outside till you can talk.”
and hell yes he did stay outside
like he wasnt usually like this
but you were just ,,, so smol,,,,
need to protec
so that happened
you weren’t really upset about your boss’ passing or anything tbh
i mean, he did point his gun at you
and you two weren’t v close too
and like a few hours later (you slept), you slowly went outside
and wonwoo had to stop a smile from spreading on his lips
“you better?”
you nod slightly and told him that u didn’t wanna hear whatever happened
and wonwoo understood
but he wanted to like
make you feel okay
bc he knew you were still pretty damn traumatized
he basically followed you everywhere
bc you were scared that someone was just gonna whip out a gun and start a mass shooting
and he just ,,,,
stays by your side ,,,,,,,,,
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January 22nd, 2019
Day 5: Fitting In Time For A Quick Glimpse Into The Life of Frida Kahlo
Since our flight wasn’t scheduled to leave until late in the evening, we made an effort to fit as much into our last day in Mexico City as possible. And in this case, after packing up for our departure, we made a journey down to Coyoacan, a southern suburb/neighborhood of Mexico City, to visit the Museo de Frida Kahlo, a museum dedicated to the famous Mexican artist/painter/fashionista now well-known across the world. When we arrived and got out of our Uber, we saw just how long the entry line was and were thankful that we had bought admission tickets ahead of time. We ended up waiting outside for a bit since we actually arrived an hour early. But eventually, we made it in.
The museum was actually Frida Kahlo’s old blue house transformed into an exhibit about her life. It was actually a really cool museum with great exhibits. After walking through the courtyard, we made our way to the first exhibit, where we saw a collection of personal items and clothing that had only recently been discovered and released to the public eye. These items from her life were discovered after the private and closed off closets and bathrooms were finally opened to the public. The items that were discovered were probably hidden there at the request of her husband, not to be revealed until later on, and included things like her corsets, photographs, clothing, etc. In the exhibit, Cynthia and I learned about the medical issues that Frida Kahlo had dealt with from a young age. Additionally, we also learned a little about her art, her clothing choices, and her fashion style and how it all tied into her health maladies. (Luckily, the signs and info things were in English, making life so much easier for me).
After finishing the first exhibit, we made our way to the other side of the house where we watched an audio/visual exhibit before checking out the main Frida Kahlo exhibit. In the main exhibit, we learned more about Frida Kahlo’s life, her good and then rough marriage to Diego Rivera, her beautiful art, etc. We got to see different parts of the house, with each room designed as a different exhibit of her life. Unfortunately, a lot of her famous paintings weren’t there to enjoy because they were being exhibited at other museums. But overall, a pretty cool and informative museum. I learned so many things about this famous artist that I never knew before.
Once we were done with the museum, we left and walked down the road to the Mercado de Coyoacan. The whole purpose of checking out the market was to find lunch and to look around for any last minute souvenirs. We didn’t find anymore souvenirs worth buying but we did find lunch. After a stroll through the market to test the waters and see what kinds of foods were out there, we ended up noticing and stopping at some yellow-colored stalls at the middle of the market that seemed to be pretty popular and was hoppin’ with customers. The restaurant: Tostadas de Coyoacan, a large food stand/stall with multiple table areas selling yummy tostadas. We decided that tostadas were what we would eat today, and man was it a good idea stopping here because the food was bomb! We ended up buying a total of five loaded tostadas (pork and beef) and some mango juice to enjoy for lunch. So delicious! And the things that made the restaurant great besides the good food were the fast service and the awesome personality of the workers there. The guys working the stand were super friendly and fun, which made the overall experience memorable!
After stuffing ourselves with all those tostadas, we strolled around the market to walk it all off.  We peeked here and there at the different stalls, bought some elote corn street-side, and ate it all before catching a ride back home. By this point, the afternoon was winding down a little bit and the weekday traffic was starting to pick up. Because of how little time Cynthia and I had left in Mexico City, we decided that it would be impossible to fit any other major stops in before leaving for the airport. So, instead of trying to fit in another major visit somewhere, we decided to make a quick repeat trip to Panaderia Rosetta for some matcha latte for Cynthia before catching a ride through traffic to the airport, where we hung out in the lounge, snacked on some food, and did some work before flying back to Los Angeles.
5 Things I Learned Today:
1. Frida Kahlo was severely handicapped and suffered from two major medical tragedies in her lifetime: polio and a traumatic accident that left her broken inside and out and led to 22 surgeries throughout her life and made her corset her best friend.
2. Frida Kahlo and the way she presented and represented herself were truly awe-inspiring. She was true to herself and open to the world. The themes that she expressed through her art are themes that were advanced and taboo for her time and are still difficult things to talk about even today.
3. So, how does tostada making work at a restaurant stall? Well, it involves a bunch of plates of different “toppings.” Placed around like a drummer’s drum set, with the chefs being the drummers. They would grab a deep fried tortilla and then just swoop in and grab a handful of the toppings and top it off with other minor ingredients. And tada! Your tostada was completed and ready to eat! And it all happened so fast!
4. School kids in Mexico have rad backpacks. And Dragonball Z and Marvel seem to be pretty popular picks among the kiddos.
6. Elote corn… just tastes like regular corn on the cob… with some things on top of it. Not a huge fan because I’m not a huge fan of corn in general.
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