#i wasn't going to even post this chapter i was gonna dump it tbh
johnsbleu · 4 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 74
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warnings: nsfw Hold My Hand Masterlist
The rain has been falling steadily for over two hours now, and even though it’s only a little after four, it looks like it’s nearly 8 at night. The rain on the trees outside is so serene, and every so often, you can hear the thunder in the distance. Since you can’t really hear it, you walk over to the window and open it a little.
The plan for today was to go to the festival that's happening down the street, but since it's raining out, you're fairly certain that no one is even there. It would be fine to walk around in if it was just a light sprinkle, but it's a pretty good storm. The lightening is flashing every few seconds and the thunder is never far behind, which is your absolute favorite.
John is fast asleep on the couch, and he has been for about an hour. You know you’ll need to start some dinner soon, but the banging in the kitchen will wake him up and you want him to get as much rest as he can. Plus he looks absolutely adorable right now and you don’t want to disturb that.
As you walk past the couch, you look over and smile when you see John still asleep. He has the pillows from the couch over his arms to warm himself up, so you grab the blanket off the chair and tuck it around his chest and his arms while a small spreads across his face.
When you walk over to sit in the chair near the window, John grabs your back pocket and pulls you back to him, and he sits up a little to let you sit next to him on the couch. You tap your thigh and he places his head in your lap, squinting his eyes open to look at you.
“What are you up to?” he whispers, then pulls you down to kiss him.
“Just watching the storm, it's getting worse. I need to make dinner soon but since you’re napping, I hate to bang around in the kitchen.” you say softly as you trace your finger over John’s face, “So I thought I could just order some food for us.”
John nods his head lazily and closes his eyes, “Pizza.”
You unlock your iPad and check out a few places that are near the tree house, and you continue tracing John’s face until small snores escape past his lips. You lean down and press a kiss to his forehead, and he snuggles even closer to you.
“Ah!” you yell as you run up the steps, and John quickly opens the door, reaching out for you, “I’m soaked!”
“You should have just let them walk up the steps.” John takes the food from you and points to the bedroom, “Go get dried off. I’ll get dinner all set up.”
You shiver as you walk back to the bedroom, and you quickly pull off your clothes and toss them in the dryer when you pass it. Since you and John have no plans for the rest of the night, you decide to just throw on one of his t-shirts, and you can’t wait to see the reaction you’ll get.
John opens the bag and begins taking the food out, “I don't even know what you got me, but it smells amazing.”
“I got pizza! That’s what you told me you wanted.” you laugh as you walk back out to the kitchen, “Don’t you remember?”
“Nope.” John’s gaze immediately falls from your eyes, and he looks at you up and down, taking in the sight of you in his shirt. He swallows hard and licks his lips when you pull his shirt tighter on your chest to show him you’re not wearing a bra, and you both laugh when you make eye contact again.
“I’m just teasing.” you pull out the pizza and hold it up, “Mushroom, sausage, and pepperoni. Just for you.”
John closes his eyes and tilts his head back, “Have I told you today that I love you?”
You laugh as you take out the pasta and hold it up for John to smell, “Eggplant Parmesan with linguine. Oh, and I got us some dessert as well.” you open the fridge and put them away, “We’ll save that for later.”
Looking out the window, you exhale in relief when you see the rain is coming down even harder. It’s nearly impossible to see across the lawn, and the rain is pelting against the windows.
“Good thing they delivered.”
“I wouldn't have let you drive in this,” he laughs as he sets the food on the coffee table, then he waves you over, “Come on.”
You smack your lips together as you sit down on the couch and fold your legs under you, immediately taking a big bite of your food. John offers you a bite of his pizza and you nod your head as he feeds you.
“That’s good. I usually don’t care for mushrooms but that’s really good.” you feed John a bit of your food, and he gives you a thumbs up as he chews.
When you set your plate on the table, you notice a wrapped up present, and you groan loudly as you look over at John and roll your eyes.
“What?” he asks with a mouth full of pizza.
You point at the present and cover your mouth as you chew, “More gifts?”
“I thought it was for me.” John laughs and grabs it, “It was in my suitcase, in a side pocket.”
“It’s not like…some hidden gift from Helen or something, is it?” you ask, carefully reaching out for it.
“No.” John laughs and sits back on the couch to finish his pizza, “I didn’t have this suitcase then. Open it.”
You rip the paper off the box and open it to find a note tucked inside. You unfold it and laugh, “Makes sense. Tess.”
“It’s from Tess?” he asks, leaning over to look at it with you to read the note, “Hey, you two. Found these when we were in Rome and I tucked them away. Thought it’d be fun for the two of you. So, enjoy. Oh, and I also added a few of my own.”
You and John look at each other in confusion, then you reach into the box to pull out a stack of cards. There’s a few that are just ripped up sheets of paper, and you know those are the ones that Tess wrote.
“Conversation starters.” you say as you look at a few, “This could be fun.”
John is already on his third slice of pizza, and when you go to grab your fork, you notices he’s been eating your food too. You laugh and get up from the couch to get something to drink, and you look over at John as he shuffles through the cards.
“I’m asking first.” he says, then takes a big drink of water, “Question one, oh, I actually don’t think I know this. What are you allergic to?”
You sit back on the couch and open your bottle of water, “Fish.”
You nod as you take a sip of water, “Yup. Figured that out when I was 12. Dan used to keep an eye on me and Tess when my mom would work late, and he had brought some fish over to cook. You know me, I’m a picky eater, but everyone was eating fish and I didn’t want to be left out or be rude for not eating it.”
“So, you would have rather died than be left out or rude? You really are an angel, you know that?”
You laugh and shake your head, “No! I didn’t know at the time that I was allergic. I ate a little bit of it and my face just…got super red and itchy, and I couldn’t really breathe. Gave Dan quite the scare.”
John is hanging on to every word you say, and he leans in for more, “What happened?”
“He took me to the hospital. My mom was working and nearly fainted when she saw her baby girl being carried in.” you laugh, and John widens his eyes. “They figured it out within a few seconds and I was fine. I just can’t eat fish, which is perfectly okay with me since, you know, it’s gross anyway.”
John puts his hand over his heart and exhales, “I can imagine how scared your mom was. I would probably almost faint too.”
You chuckle softly to yourself and look up at John, “So, uh, when we went to that restaurant in Rome and we ordered the steak, that was mostly because I couldn’t eat anything else on the menu. And also the other night when you offered me Caesar salad dressing…”
John’s eyes almost fall out of his head, and he cups your face, “Oh, my god!”
“It’s okay.” you laugh and cover his hands with yours to keep them in place, “It’s okay. It’s just sometimes it has anchovies in it, so I obviously can’t eat it. Don’t worry it’s not like a severe allergy, so I’m okay. What about you? Are you allergic to anything?”
John takes a deep breath and sighs, “I’m so sorry, I almost killed you. Twice!”
You scoot closer to John and wrap your arm around his shoulder, “No, you didn’t, baby. I’m fine. Anyway, what about you?”
“No,” he shakes his head and grabs another card, handing it to you, “I’m not allergic to anything.”
“Question two.” you look at the card and laugh, “Oh, well, I know the answer for you. Have you ever broken a bone?”
John lets out a sweet laugh and nods his head, “Yeah, I broke my leg when I was, like…14. I broke my ankle when I was around 34. And I broke my nose a few times. My ribs, a lot. My arm, my hand, uh, I think that's it. What about you?”
“So, basically all of them?”
John nods, “Pretty much.”
“Broke my right arm when I was 16.” you look at John and laugh, “Gymnastics.”
John takes another card and smiles, “Tess wrote this one. Are you part of the mile high club? That we are.”
“I still don’t believe I was your first time up there.”
“I promise you were the first I’ve ever had sex with on a plane.” he says, laughing when you jokingly squint your eyes. “I promise!”
You cock up your eyebrow, “So, you’ve done other stuff then?”
John laughs as he shakes his head, “No. You are the only person I’ve done anything with on a plane.”
“But how do I know that?”
John lets out a laugh and shrugs, “I don’t know, you just believe me. I’ve never even been on a plane with another woman who I wasn’t working with. And Helen and I flew on an actual airline. How would I explain a private jet?”
“True.” you smirk, “But you worked with other women.”
“That would have all killed me within a second if I let my guard down.” he says, shaking his head.
“Okay, but I mean, doesn’t that like…add to the whole thing? That you’re an assassin and she’s an assassin. Both dangerous and beautiful.” you say, dramatically draping yourself on the couch, “We’re in love, but we’re enemies. No one can know about this love affair.”
John is watching you with the biggest smile on his face, and he laughs when you look over at him. “Yeah, trust me, it’s not hot. Last thing on my mind when I’m working, to be honest.”
“But once you’re home…” you wink and point at yourself, then lay down on the couch, sprawling out, “Take me, Jonathan.”
“Anyway,” John laughs and shakes his head as he pulls out another card, one from Tess, “Were you nervous the first time you had sex?”
“Like…together, or just the first time ever?”
John shrugs, “I’m assuming you and me.”
“Oh,” you laugh, then look over at John, “Were you nervous?”
“Yeah, I was nervous.” he nods, looking at you, “I was so nervous that, I don’t know, you weren’t going to be into me, or that I wouldn’t be…good. It had been a while for me, so I hoped that I would still be good. And you’re younger than me, so I don’t know.”
“You were perfect, John. It was, by far, the best sex I’ve ever had, and I’m not just saying that because we’re together. I really mean that. I was nervous though.” you say, then you try your best to imitate John’s deep voice, “You’re older than me, so I don’t know.”
John laughs, “You teasin’ me?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, leaning over to kiss John, “But seriously, I was nervous. I know I’ve told you before that I was nervous because it was the first time I wore lingerie, but I was just nervous too, because I really, really liked you, and I just hoped that even after we had sex, you were still gonna be around.”
John gestures to himself, then he points at your engagement ring, “I’m still around.”
“Were you really so nervous because I’m younger?”
He shrugs, then nods a little, “A little bit. I just hoped I could keep up with you.”
“Oh, you definitely do. You have amazing stamina, usually it’s me who is out of breath first.”
John grins, then he looks down at the next card, “First to say I love you.”
“You.” you smile, leaning over to kiss John, “You had told me already that you were falling in love, but you hadn’t straight up said you loved me yet. Until I came to see you at the hotel. You told me you loved me for the first time while we were having sex.”
“Ah, making love.” John corrects, and you roll your eyes. “I had always meant to tell you before, and if I’m being honest, I had planned to tell you the day you found everything in the basement. I was so excited to get home to you just so I could tell you. Then you found everything in the basement, and I…”
“Didn’t want to risk it, I get it.”
John laughs, “No. You were yelling at me. Did you really want to hear that I loved you in that moment? No. You would have said that I only said it to stop you from leaving.”
You nod your head and look at John, “You have a point. I mean it would have been a bad time to tell me, to be honest. I would have probably said that. God, I hate how well you know me. Even back then, you just…knew me.”
John smiles proudly as he grabs another card, “Name two things your partner does well, and one thing you wish they did better.”
“Tread carefully, Wick.”
John tilts his head back against the couch and looks up at the ceiling, “I already know what I wish you would do better.”
“Being nice to myself, blah, blah, blah. I know.” you laugh as John nods his head, “It’s a work in progress.”
“Two things you do well…uh, you make delicious food. Since we’ve been together, we cook together a lot, and I swear you could make a cookbook, you’re incredible.” he smiles and puckers his lips for a kiss. He chuckles and looks down at his lap, “And another thing you do well is...”
You look down at the crotch of John’s pants and smile, “You can say it. I know you’re dying to say it.”
He laughs and shakes his head, “You’re very understanding. That’s something you do well, you understand me. You understand me like no one ever has, and I truly mean that.”
“Two things you do well. I can think of like…a million. You’re very patient with me, which I appreciate so much. I know I can be a handful, so I really do appreciate how patient you are with me.” you take a deep breath and squint one eye as you think.
“Oh, I thought you could think of a million.” John teases.
“I’m trying to pick a really good one.” you laugh and stretch your legs out across John’s lap, “Can I just be cheesy and say you love me really well? Because you love me the way no one ever has and it’s incredible. Yeah, I’m gonna go with that because the smile on your face is killing me.”
John’s smile grows bigger on his face as he leans over to kiss your cheek. John is always affectionate, but today it’s in overdrive. “Next question. Most romantic thing the other has done for you. I would say--”
“I never do romantic things for you. I’m a shitty fiancee.” you laugh and roll your eyes when John shakes his head. “Okay, what’s a romantic thing I’ve done?”
“Setting up my bookbinding site. That was so sweet of you to do.” he smiles, and you can tell he’s being completely sincere. “I would have had no idea how to do that, but you did it for me because you wanted me to do something that I loved. And I also think it was pretty romantic that you were my first client.”
You shrug playfully and blush, “I’m so proud of you. I’ll never say it enough. I am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished with your bookbinding. I’m so happy to see you so passionate about something, I just love listening to you talk about it. Your eyes just light up, it’s honestly the most wonderful thing to see.”
“Come here.” John whispers, and you crawl closer to sit in his lap. He kisses you tenderly and smiles as he tucks your hair behind your ear, “What about you? What’s the most romantic thing I’ve done?”
“Made me a little journal for us to leave notes in, flew my mom out when you proposed, gave me the best proposal ever,” you begin to count on your fingers, and John laughs. “Had my favorite camera fixed, given me jewelry and flowers just because. Bought me a fucking book shop, flew me to Italy, surprised me with this place. Shall I continue?”
John buries his face in the crook of your neck and laughs, “I get it.”
“You’re very romantic, but even if you didn’t buy me this stuff or fly me places, the little things that you do are my favorite.” you say, and John leans back, “Making me breakfast, always wanting to be near me, wanting to hold my hand. Telling me that you miss your lips on mine when we haven’t kissed in like…an hour. It’s the little things that matter the most to me.”
John holds your gaze for a moment and starts to laugh, “My cheesiness is rubbing off on you, isn’t it?”
“Unfortunately.” you laugh as you grab another card. “What is one thing you wish you could change about your relationship? Oh, I got one. I wish that you and I got to do things that new couples get to do. Like, when you move in together, you get to buy all the stuff you need for your house or apartment, I'm a little sad that we didn't get to do that stuff.”
“Really?” John asks, and you nod your head. “Well, we do need a new couch. Our living room could look better, I was thinking that we need a new rug in there too. We could always redo that. Our den that we never use, that could use a little attention. We'd probably use it more.”
“Thought it'd be good for when we have kids. Their playroom. It’s right next to the office, so we can always keep an eye on them if we’re working or something.”
John smiles as he nods his head, “Great idea. When we get home, we can go get some stuff and fix up the house. Might even paint the living room too.”
“Well, we need to fix up the baby's room anyway. I'm not pregnant, but I think once I get pregnant, everything will fly by, so it's probably best that we start fixing it up. Plus, I just want to do it because I'm excited.”
“Me, too.”
You look at the next card and read it, “What is your favorite physical feature on one another? Well, that’s just dumb, because you’re going to say my--”
You laugh and scrunch up your eyebrows in confusion, “What? Since when?”
“Since always.” John smiles, “I’ve always loved your smile. You have a cute little dimple on your right cheek. It’s tiny and you can only see it when you smile really wide. But I love your smile, nearly fell to my knees the first time I saw it.”
“Oh, god.” you roll your eyes and laugh.
“That’s another thing I would like you to do better: take compliments.”
You laugh again and shake your head, “That was like…three questions ago.”
John watches attentively as you move to straddle his waist, and he bites his lip a little when you ease down on his lap. He places his hands on your waist to pull you a little closer, then he smiles when your gazes meet.
“So, just my smile?” you ask, playing it coy, “There’s nothing else that you like on me?”
John chuckles, “I like everything on you. I also like everything…off of you, if you get what I mean.”
You roll your eyes a little as a smile spreads across your face, “John.”
“Okay, okay…” he laughs, then he moves his hands from your waist down to your thighs, “I love your thighs, how soft and warm your skin is on my fingertips…”
John watches his hands as they move under your shirt, then he lifts it up so he can take a look. He pulls the shirt over his head and leans his head against your chest as you laugh. Looking through the neck of the shirt, you smile at John and shake your head.
“Yes, these are good too. Very good. So round and perky.” he says, then he leans back a little to suck on your nipple. He finally pulls your shirt back down and looks at you, “You have a very beautiful face. You have really nice hair too! Your legs are good, and your tiny feet.”
Huffing loudly, you frown a little since John is saying everything but what you want him to say, and he clearly thinks it’s hilarious. You move John’s hands to your ass, and you give him an encouraging smile and nod.
“I think that’s it.” he says, then he laughs loudly when you slouch against his chest. “I’m kidding! You know I love your ass. I have a whole nickname that I call you because of it. Of course I love your ass.”
You lean back and look at John, “Why do you tease me so much?”
“Because I love when you get so frustrated with me.” he says softly as he leans up to kiss you. He grips your ass in both hands and smiles, “I love your ass, but the truth is, I would never be able to pick just one thing. I just love everything about you.”
Rubbing your thumb against John’s cheek, you lean down to kiss him once more, “That’s sweet.”
John puffs up his chest and smiles, “What’s your favorite feature on me?”
You grab John’s biceps in your hands and squeeze them tight, then move them lower to his hands, “Honestly, I don’t think I could ever pick. Your eyes are incredible. You have the most beautiful shade of brown I have ever seen, and you have a really nice shape to them. I hope our babies have your eyes.”
“With your smile.”
“Pfft.” you scoff and play with John’s hands, “You have nice hands. I think I’m in the same boat as you though. I’d never be able to pick.”
You take a deep breath and laugh as you look out the window at the storm. It’s still raining incredibly hard, and you get up to open the window a little more. You inhale the smell of the rain and close your eyes as you turn around to see John has been looking at you in awe this whole time.
“Kinda crazy how in love with you I am.” he whispers, pulling you onto the couch.
You laugh quietly and look over at the mess you and John have made on the coffee table with all of your food. You sit up a little to start cleaning the dishes when John grabs you by the waist and pulls you into his lap.
His breath is hot on your neck, and you close your eyes when his hands slide up your thighs to your stomach, then to your breasts, and he squeezes them in his hands. He pulls your shirt up a little to feel your skin under his fingertips, and he nips at your neck and shoulder as you begin moving on his lap.
“I have a question. Have you ever had an orgasm like you have with me?” he whispers against your skin, out of breath.
You shake your head and smile when John begins to slide his hand into your underwear. You tilt your head back and moan softly as he inserts his fingers with no hesitation, and he laughs quietly when you squeeze your legs shut.
“Mmm,” you hum and look over at John, “One of the best feelings.”
“Just one?” he asks, and he watches as your gaze travels down to the crotch of his pants. “Oh.”
You kneel in front of John and slowly unzip his pants, killing him with anticipation. He leans forward to kiss you, then he presses a kiss to your forehead before sitting back and watching you.
“Your cock…” you whisper as you pull him out of his boxers and stroke him, “It’s amazing.”
John laughs quietly and opens his mouth to moan when you slowly lick the tip of his cock with your wet tongue, then he sits up a little to get his pants pulled down more. He sits back down on the couch and places his hand on your forearms, almost in desperate need of physical contact with you.
“Tell me what you want, John.” you say, looking up at him as he tries to keep his eyes open.
“I…I, uh…” he tilts his head back and moans as you press wet kisses all over his cock, thighs and balls, “I wanna feel your mouth around me. I wanna see my cock in your mouth.”
John places both hands on your head as you begin to bob up and down, and he watches intently, holding your gaze the whole time. Taking John as deep as you can, you close your eyes and hear John let out a breathy moan, gripping your hair a little tighter. You slowly slide him out of your mouth and try to catch your breath as you stroke him.
“Needy.” you murmur and smile, “I’m so needy for you tonight.”
John laughs, “I don’t mind.”
“You know, I actually have a really bad gag reflex…” you say as you sit up a little to kiss John, “But it’s like…nonexistent when I’m sucking your dick. Weird, right?”
The look in John’s eyes as he leans down to kiss you again causes you to shiver, and he slips his tongue into your mouth before you move back between his legs. You close your eyes and hum, leaning forward to take John into your mouth again. You feel John so deep in your throat that you’re a little surprised you haven’t gagged yet, then again, he tastes and feels amazing.
“God, look how deep you’ve taken me.” John says, slowly pulling himself out of your mouth as he watches in awe.
As you stroke him and suck on him simultaneously, you know he won’t last much longer, so you decide to give him a few more deep strokes.
“You really are so beautiful, you know that?” he whispers and cups your face to bring you to his lips.
“I just had your cock in my mouth, of course you think I'm beautiful.”
John shakes his head and holds your gaze, “I mean it. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, you’re unreal.”
Standing up in front of John, you reach for his hands and help him off the couch, then walk over to the kitchen counter and lean over it as John pulls your underwear off. You hear his belt hitting the floor and look over your shoulder a little to see him kicking his pants off.
You gasp loudly when you feel his cock between your legs, and John tugs your shirt over your head, tossing it on the floor. The granite from the counter is cold against your skin as you lay on it, and you smile to yourself when John begins to thrust his hips.
“Oh, fuck.” he whispers, and you look over your shoulder at him as he closes his eyes and tilts his head back, “Fuck, baby.”
When John jerks his hips hard, you lay on the counter again, gripping the edge as hard as you can without breaking a nail. The sound of John’s hips against your ass fills the room, along with the rain falling outside and John moaning.
“The bed, John.” you manage to choke out as you look over your shoulder at him to see his face is red and sweaty.
You turn around and wrap your arms around John’s neck as the two of you walk back to the bedroom, and you keep your lips pressed to his the whole time. He gently lays you down on the bed and crawls on top of you, gazing at you.
“My pretty girl.” John rubs the back of his hand against your cheek and smiles as he moves lower between your legs. He’s pressing kisses all over your thighs, purposely avoiding your pussy to tease you, “You’re so swollen for me.”
“You fucked my brains out last night, what do you expect?” you laugh, then you hum when he sucks on your thigh, leaving behind a red mark.
John wraps his arms around your legs and pulls you closer to him, and his beard against your thigh causes you to giggle. He licks along your pussy and smiles when he sits up to look at you, “Fucking delicious.”
You spread yourself open further for John and smirk, “Worship me, John.”
John immediately buries his face between your legs and licks you feverishly, and you arch your back and moan softly. He reaches for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours as you sit up a little to watch him.
John’s tongue is incredible and the longer he’s between your legs, the faster you’re on your way to an orgasm. You want to finish tonight with John on top of you, so you grab his bicep and squeeze it to get him to look up.
“Come here.” you whisper and watch John as he crawls back up to, pressing kisses to your body along the way, “You’re so good to me.”
You smile at John as he pulls his shirt over his head, then you open your mouth to moan when he slips back in between your legs. Closing your eyes, you place your hand on John’s chest as he slowly rolls his hips, hitting your hidden spot relentlessly.
“Look at me.” John whispers, leaning closer to your face, “Look at me, baby.”
You slowly open your eyes and moan loudly when John starts rubbing circles on your sensitive clit, “Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.”
John’s breathing is getting heavier, and he’s slowly laying down on top of you, which means he’s nearing his end already, and you don’t blame him one bit. You tilt your head back and put your hands above your head, holding tight to the bars on the headboard as John lays down on top of you. A thin layer of sweat covers your bodies, causing you and John to stick to one another, and you wrap one arm around John’s neck when he jerks his hips so hard that you scoot up the bed further.
You push John’s shoulders a little, then roll over onto your side as John positions himself between your legs again. He places his hand on your thigh and lifts up your leg a little to move in deeper, and the two of you moan in unison. John is breathing heavily against your neck, and he wraps his left arm over your chest to grab your breast. You tilt your head back a little to kiss him, and you smile when you see him looking at you.
“You’re all I think about.” he whispers in your ear and presses a kiss to your cheek when you moan, “You like that?”
“What you’re doing or what you said? Because I like both.” you laugh and look back at him again. “Harder, John.”
John keeps a tight grip on you as he thrusts his hips harder and harder, and you bury your face in the pillow as you let out a scream of pleasure.
“Look at me.” he pulls you closer to his chest and smiles when you look at him, “Look at me when you come.”
He leans closer and smiles as he jerks his hips harder, spilling into you as you come with him. Your body quivers as you’re overcome with pleasure, and John keeps a tight grip on your hip to keep you on his cock as you slowly roll your hips and ride out your orgasm.
“Mmm,” John hums as he kisses you and rolls you over onto your back, “My sweet girl.”
“I can’t deny how much I love that.” you whisper against his lips, “When you call me your girl.”
“You are my girl.” his gaze drops from your eyes to your lips, and he bites his bottom lip when you smile a little. “I love you.”
You nod your head and close your eyes, “Yeah, I love you too.”
You wrap your arms around his neck as John sneakily slides his hand between your legs and rubs you gently. You hold John’s gaze for a moment before kissing him until your mouth starts to hurt. He presses a kiss to your forehead before laying on the bed, then he inhales deeply then slowly lets it out as he looks up at ceiling.
You roll on your side and prop your head up, “For what?”
“Well, we were having fun with those cards.” he frowns a little and looks over at you, “Then I got carried away.”
“It’s okay,” you laugh as you get off the bed, and you head back into the living room to grab the cards. You grab a bottle of water for the two of you, then quickly walk back to the bedroom, “Look, we can still do some more.”
John takes the bottle of water from you and nearly drinks the whole thing within twenty seconds. He offers you the last of it, and you laugh as you trade him the cards for the water.
“Okay, let’s see…” he shuffles through the cards and smiles, “First car? My first car was…well, I worked mostly in New York when I was younger, so I would just get a car from my…”
“We’ll just say employer.”
John laughs, “Sure. Or Aurelio would give me a car to drive, so I guess my first car would be my car now.”
You smile at John and cup his face, “That’s sweet that Helen bought you your first car.”
“Yeah,” he nods and shuffles through the cards, “How about you?”
“Okay, well, for starters, no one bought my car for me.” you laugh and look at John, “It was my car that got Tess and I here. A 1997 Ford Explorer.”
“I hated that car.” he laughs, leaning over to kiss you, “I’m sorry, but it was a piece of shit.”
You laugh loudly and nod, “It was, but when I lived back home, Dan knew someone who worked at an auto shop, so I always got it fixed for a lower price. Once I moved to New York though, that went out the window.”
“We really need to get you a car. A nice one. You deserve something really nice.”
Inhaling deeply, you nod again and grab the cards from John, “I do. Next question.”
You spread the cards out in your hand and put them out for John to chose one. His hand hovers over them and he pulls out a card in the middle of the stack.
“Ooh,” you perk up and look at John, “If you could relive a year in your life, what age would you chose?”
He looks up and gestures to you, “You first.”
“You’ve lived longer than I have, and you’ve been through more, so you go first.”
John furrows his brow as he laughs and he leans over to kiss you, “Fine. Uh, I actually don’t wish to relive any year. I really like my life now, and I like the way my life is going. Months ago you told me to stop thinking ten steps ahead and you told me that I needed to just live in the moment with you, and I have. So, I wouldn’t want to relive any year.”
A smile spreads across your face as you and John look at each other. You’re honestly a little shocked that John didn’t say that he wanted to relive a year with Helen, then again, he wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.
“I truly mean that,” he says, tucking your hair behind your ear, “Don’t go thinking that I’m just being a kiss-ass. I really, really mean that, peach.”
“I don’t think I can top that one.” you laugh, “I would agree with you. I don’t wish I was living in any other year. I love this life, and I love the life that we’re creating together.”
“Are you sick of these cards yet?” John laughs as he takes them from you, “We still have quite a few left.”
You look out the window and see the rain has stopped and the clouds are finally starting to disappear.
“A little bit. How about we clean up the food, then sit on the deck for a bit?” you lean over to kiss John and look down at your bare chest, “And maybe put some clothes on.”
“I don’t know, I think you’d make a great nudist.” he says, laughing quietly as he moves your hair off your shoulder so he can get a better look at your chest.
You laugh as you get off the bed, “Yeah, well, with little miss Shiloh running around here, I’m not risking it.”
John chuckles as he gets off the bed and grabs some boxers and pulls a pair of pants on, buckling them as he walks over to you. After you pull on a summer dress, he reaches out for your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours as the two of you walk back into the kitchen.
“Oh, man.” you laugh when you see the mess you’ve made, and John smiles as he walks over to grab his shirt from the floor.
The two of you quickly put away your leftover food, pop the dishes in dishwasher, then you and John head for the patio. When John sees the chairs are covered in water from the rain, he turns around to grab some towels. Drying off your chair, he kisses your cheek when you sit down, then he pats his legs for you to put your feet in his lap.
“Perfect way to end the night.” he says, looking across the lawn and squinting his eyes a little, “Sunset looks beautiful.”
The sun is slowly setting, and the sky is like cotton candy. Blues, and pinks, but it’s slowly turning into a nice peachy color. The clouds are slowly disappearing, and you’re praying that tomorrow won’t be rainy even though this sunset is honestly one of the most beautiful ones you’ve ever seen.
“Actually, I do have a question for you: what is something I don’t know about you?”
“That’s a tough one.” John says and looks over at you, “You know pretty much everything there is to know about me.”
“Oh, I definitely don��t. Tell me about a job. Tell me about that horse story.” you laugh, “You said Jimmy would like to tell me, but I want to hear it from you.”
John’s cheeks turn a little red from embarrassment and he shrugs, not knowing what to say.
“You were in the city…” you say, trying to help John along. He grabs your feet in his hands and squeezes them as he sighs. “Jonathan, oh, my god. Just tell me.”
“Sorry.” he laughs and shakes his head, “It’s like I don’t even know where to start.”
“Wherever you’re comfortable.”
He takes a deep breath and sighs again, “Well, Bleu and I were just…running, and I had one coin left, so I used it to make sure Bleu would get to the hotel safely.”
“See, this is why I’m so in love with you. Well, one of the many reasons. Jonathan, you were running for your life, but you had Bleu and you knew you needed to keep him safe. You used your last coin to get him to safety.” you put your hand over your heart and smile, “My heart is literally going to burst out of my chest.”
“He’s important to me.” he says quietly, almost a little shy to admit it.
“I know he is, baby.” you lean forward and cup his face, “And he loves his dad.”
John presses a kiss to the palm of your hand, then watches as you sit back and wait for him to continue. “So, after I left Bleu, I…god, are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Yes. Ten thousand percent.” you shake your head and smile, “John, I’m not going anywhere.”
He nods and exhales, “After I left Bleu, I had to…go to a few places. And anyway, I had no way to get away from these guys.”
“They were coming from everywhere?”
“Yeah,” he nods, looking up at you, “They were everywhere. Everyone was looking for me.”
“Can I ask you something?” you ask, and John immediately nods. “How much was it? Your…uh, your worth? I don’t know what else to call it.”
“Bounty.” he says, leaning his elbows on the table, “Well, it started out at seven, then went to 14. Honestly, I’m not entirely sure where it went from there.”
You exhale and shake your head, “I can’t believe people can just…put a price tag on someone’s head like that. I mean, the guys that you get hired to deal with aren’t good people.”
“I’m not…innocent, you know?” John tries to hold your gaze, but he can’t, so he looks away.
You scoot closer to John and rest your hand on his forearm, “I don’t care what you’ve done in the past, or what you do now. Because I know, deep down, that you’re a good man. I know the people that you deal with aren’t good people. You’re special, Jonathan.”
John scoffs and shakes his head, then he starts to smile when he’s sees you’re being completely genuine.
“Do you remember when we watched that one movie? The guy was a real creep? Later that night I asked you if those were the kinds of people that you deal with, and you said yes. Then you told me that you couldn't even begin to tell me the things that they had done because it would make me sick?”
“Of course.” he says, nodding his head.
You let out a small laugh and squeeze his hand, “You're not like that, and you never have been. I know that. I know that you're a good guy and you would never hurt an innocent person or a child. I know that, and you know that. That's the line that you won't cross, and you have morals, John. That's why you're so special, and that's why you're not like those people.”
John reaches out and places his left hand on your cheek, “Thank you.”
“John, you do realize how selfless that was, right?” you ask, and John furrows his brow a little. “You were literally being hunted down. At any moment, you could have been killed. You could have easily left Bleu on the side of road.”
“Yeah, he tends to follow you around, I know.” you laugh, then get serious again, “But you could have left him, you could have just given him to some kid or something. But you didn’t. Because you, Jonathan Wick, have the most amazing heart, and you’re so fucking selfless. See, I really could go on and on about you.”
John leans over, pressing his lips to yours and smiles, “I like it.”
“You are going to be the best father, John.” you murmur against his lips, then lean your forehead against his for a moment. “I got off track, keep going with your story.”
“Anyway, I was running and had no way of transportation, so I ran into a…stable.” he says, laughing when he sees your face.
“Like…for the horses that take people on carriage rides?”
“I think?” he shrugs, “I have no idea. I just got in there and tried to stay alive. Got a horse, got the fuck out.”
You put your hand over your mouth as you laugh, “So, what does this have to do with Jimmy?”
“He saw it!” he laughs, “I guess he saw me. He has to tell you the story though, he’ll act the whole thing out.”
The two of you continue laughing, and it slowly fades as you watch the sunset. Every so often, John squeezes your leg to get your attention, and he smiles when you look at him. He takes a deep breath and sighs contently.
“So, what about you? What’s something I don’t know about you?”
“Hmm…” you look up at the sky as you think, then you clasp your hands tight, “I, uh, have never told you this. I should have probably told you sooner, and when you told me about Helen, it was the perfect time. I know you’re going to probably be mad at me, but…I have been married before.”
John looks at you carefully, trying his hardest to read your face. He furrows his brow and shakes his head, “Nope.”
“Yup.” you nod, “His name was Justin. We were 19, and we…just went to Vegas and got married.”
“Really? What did mom do?”
You widen your eyes and grimace, “She was pretty mad, but after she met him, she really liked him and she came around.”
“She liked him?” he asks, frowning a little. “I thought she didn’t like anyone you dated…except me.”
“Oh, she loved him.”
“Why did you never tell me this?” he asks, then he starts to smile when you laugh loudly, “You are so full of shit.”
“Don’t lie, I had you for a moment there!” you laugh as you sit in his lap, “You were so sad for a minute. Aw.”
John shrugs a little and kisses your cheek, “I won’t lie, I was sad for a moment. I want to be the only man you ever marry.”
“And you will be.”
taglist: @tnu-ree​ @dangerouslystrangecrown​ @weird-civilian @callmeglenncoco @sanctuarygirl​ @meetmeinthematinee​ @jessicajones616​ @artistic-discontentment @cheekybluefox​ @jazzyboo2001 @starsstripesandthesouth​ @a-small-independent-princess @thepastrecedes01​ @rubywantsafuitgummy​ @sterekislyf​ @lostandfaceless​ @sweetgoodangel​ @racharr @star017​ @ladyren33​ @whatcolourisanorange​​ @lunaticgurly​
i’m sorry if i’m tagging you and you don’t want to be, just let me know! 
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