#i wasn't actually thinking about this blog's icon haha
genericpuff · 1 month
Hi! I came here from your "lore olympus biggest whiff" blog about the finale... I've never read LO but I was always interested in it. However, after reading a few paragraphs of that blog (I didn't read all of it because I didn't want to get too many spoilers), it doesn't seem worth it. Would you recommend it up to a certain chapter? If yes, until which chapter should I read?
Honestly, if you want to read LO, I absolutely highly recommend reading the whole thing, or at least trying to. Not just to give context to the things we're all talking about in these communities, but also because it's about to go behind the Daily Pass wall on August 29th and it'll become even more inconvenient to do so.
I'm personally still a huge sucker for the first season myself because it just has that magic that LO used to have that a lot of us fell in love with in the first place; it still has its flaws, it's definitely the worst of the "Persephone looks like a toddler" era, but the characters feel a lot more real and a lot of the best, most iconic panels from the series come from S1. The first half of S2 also isn't awful, though the art does start to get a bit rough around the edges. It wasn't until the last half of S2 that I personally started to go , "Wait, I don't think Rachel knows what she's doing." That said, I didn't become a full-blown critic of the series until the S2 finale, which is where I firmly believe the comic should have ended (that is, if Rachel had structured the story better to allow for the S2 finale to be the overall series finale).
But you should read as much of it as you can anyways. Even if you can't get through a certain part of the story and decide to DNF, that's fine, but I personally don't want to be the one deciding for folks what they should be reading or how much. I also definitely don't want people forming their opinion of a work like LO entirely through my criticisms of it - the best way for you to form your own opinion, regardless of whether or not it aligns with my own, is to simply read it yourself. I know where I started to lose interest in the series, but you might not feel the same way when you read it yourself. It's definitely happened in the past that people have gone to read LO to "see what all the fuss is about" only to wind up loving it haha and that's great, honestly, I don't want anyone to wind up missing out on something they might like just because of my own opinions about it :' )
Honestly it seems daunting but you can easily read all of LO between today and the 29th, a lot of the earlier S1 episodes are relatively short and the actual pacing of the comic itself throughout the second and third season makes for a very quick reading experience, text bubbles usually aren't too wordy so depending on how fast of a reader you are, you can usually blitz through each episode within 2-3 minutes (that said, I'm also a bit of a faster reader so your reading time may vary). Plus the episode count on the app is also thrown off by several episodes that are purely dedicated to Q&A's, hiatus notices, etc. So it's about a 12-18 hour reading experience give or take, which sounds like a lot, but if you're able to read several chunks of episodes at a time in bursts, it can be done by the time it goes behind DP on the 29th :' )
So yeah ! I do hope you read it for yourself if you're really curious, and if you do, feel free to come back again and tell me about your experience! Did you get through all of it or did you DNF? Did it put any of my own criticisms into better context for you or did you wind up enjoying the series regardless?
Best of luck!! <3
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eohachu · 3 months
tag game ✨
I wasn't actually tagged but I saw this over at @puppy-phum's and thought it looked fun!
1. why did you choose your url?
it's Hwang Sung-rok's Jurchen name! he's a character from My Country: The New Age that I just love..... and I love that we know his birth name
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
this one's a sideblog; main is @kutyozh for languages, @bakhetbek for Images, @sehnis for music!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
2016 🥲
4. do you have a queue tag?
most of my blog runs on queue, and recently i started using "🦝" as a tag for posts that i queue from my drafts. i won't use it if i queue directly from the dash.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
this one specifically because i wanted to make a separate space for fandom!
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because xiao xingchen is my special tragic blorbo <3
7. why did you choose your header?
idk i just think they're neat 🥹
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
one of my most recent ones actually djfbdjs (iwtv spoiler)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
UHH no idea?? quite a few?
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
i actually went on an unfollow spree earlier today bc there was too much stuff on my dash i'm not interested in 💀 as of rn it's ~300 blogs; quite a few are inactive tho
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
haha yeah. i'm not very good at it tho
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
am chronically online and i open this app like a fridge <- keeping prev bc literally
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i don't think so? i'm quick to unfollow or block people tho
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
no <3
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
yes-ish? i like them as a concept but i get anxious when i can't answer a question
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
HAHAHA. @sandushengshou
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
if i did i would never post that 👀 but let's say it's happened before
20. tags
tagging my beloved @aheartfullofjolllly @highwarlockkareena @sandushengshou @yibo-wang @lan-xichens and everyone who wants to!
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forcebookish · 10 months
Rank the ofs characters from favorite to least favorite
Ps love your blog 😊
HMMMMMMMM, i'm going to stick with the main boys and cheum because i either have next to no opinion about the rest of the cast (yo, plug, dan, gap, etc.) or you already know i fucking hate them (atom, boeing); i like april well enough, but she didn't get much screentime - i think more of her than the other supporting/guest roles, but her position as cheum's girlfriend kind of just made her likable and that was it.
all that being said, i think these are going to be obvious, if controversial, but get ready for a lot of words regardless. hopefully no one finds this through the search function 😅
1. top
MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i genuinely love everything about him. i think he was actually the only character who never went out of his way to hurt someone, was only ever mean to or fought with people who started (and deserved) it, and even tried to be friendly with people who treated him like garbage. he was always sweet with mew, only ever yelled to defend himself (and even with mew, just barely raised his voice), and truly was never the asshole the other characters, the fandom, or even top himself made him out to be. even the stuff that was actually true that the fandom hated him for was hot lol can't account for taste *flips hair* and he was so loving!!! i don't know why people didn't get that!!! plus the way he wraps himself around someone when he kisses? 👌👌👌👌 despite his limited screentime (🤬🤬🤬🤬), he still had the best character development and backstory.
2. mew
not a surprise that everyone (except boston lol) loved him. i didn't always like his choices and i think the writers dropped the ball on him hard with some very bizarre character inconsistencies but barring most of episode 10 and 12, he's like top said: cute, sexy, and interesting. like. so sexy. soooooo soos ossoso so sos fuckign sexy oh my god. he wasn't naive or bland, he had so much more going on, and i loved how playful and competitive he was. i don't have a lot to say about mew tbh i just love him haha
3. nick
WHAT A FREAK OH MY GOD. i think he fell victim to more drama contrivances than i would have preferred (the audio being edited, him never confronting sand about stealing it or telling mew who stole it, dan disappearing from his life, his whole storyline completely forgotten). really, the only bad dude of the bunch who i loved because he was so... fascinating. and again, didn't really do anything just to hurt anyone; there was no malice in his actions, he just was... a freak lol but it was weird how much it felt like the drama didn't really care about him?? for example, i HATED his ending. while rejecting boston was the right thing to do, what happened after that!??!???? did he move out?? did he go to america? did he keep working at dan's office??? what happened to him!!???!??? justice for nick!!!!!
4. cheum
i really like how serious she is most of the time but that she also has a goofy side. however, it didn't make any sense that she went from feeling for top and relying on him to going back to calling him an asshole. it would have been way more interesting (and lbr, realistic!!!) if they became friends again. plus her just instantly forgiving atom for lying about boston just because he was a babygay??? come on. other than that, i think she had some pretty consistent characterization and growth: she was probably the only one who really cared about their friendships, and to a fault (wanting to help mew, being frustrated with ray overlooking her, dropping top without trying to understand him, and giving boston a second chance just because she felt guilty and wanted everyone to get along again), which was an interesting trait/direction. plus, her wanting to kiss ray was so real and iconic.
5. boston
yes, he's higher on the list than i ever would have expected. i still hate him: there's the sexual assault and coercion, creepy creeping, talking shit about or screwing over his "friends," only apologizing when it was demanded of him (and even then, half-assed), and only ever caring about himself. but! at least he did it in an interesting and not annoying way. i was never bored or annoyed when he was on screen; as much as i hated him, i did kinda wanna see what he was going to do. it was even almost fun to hate him! i think they could have done more with him (his subplot with atom was pretty pointless - his fucking top should have been enough for him to end up friendless lmao), like his dad's verbal abuse/not being out to him or his parents' divorce, and had been more honest about what everyone actually saw in him. he was an asshole to the point where it was unclear why anyone liked him lol but i do like that he got what he wanted in the end, and in the worst possible of circumstances! i wouldn't say he got his true comeuppance, but it was a cool end to his arc.
6. sand
oooh, sand and ray fought hard for who i hated more lmao but in the end, there were at least a few things i liked about sand: smashing his phone to steal the sex tape (seriousSLY WHA TWAS THAT OMG IT WAS AMAZING fucking lunatic), making plum wine, and his relationship with his mom. then why isn't he higher than boston? while boston has pretty much no positive attributes as a person, the things i hate about sand as a character outweigh those few things i like about him. the way he lets ray walk all over him no matter what, can't forgive top for boeing when boeing was obviously a fucking dickhead, doesn't apologize to top for ruining his life, pretends to give a shit about mew when he just wanted to blow up top's life and get back at ray in the process, and somehow being kinda... boring? the aforementioned stuff i liked was certainly interesting, but most of the time he just kind of... followed along with ray; there wasn't that much more to his arc, it was just a cycle of abuse. plus, the fandom claimed that mew thought he was better than everyone, but sand actually thought he was better than everyone, and never acknowledged that anything he did was bad. everything was justified to him. and he clearly is addicted to alcohol too like why did he just keep drinking with ray when he knew ray was an addict!!! come on, dude!!
7. ray
like boston, why do people like this guy!!???!????? characters and viewers alike! every single thing about him is annoying. in the first episode, i thought he was just quick to anger and therefore actually had the potential for being my favorite character, but he's just a whiny little bitch. the way he talks, the way he treats his friends and especially sand, the way he BARELY EVER apologizes for the worst of what he does (apologizing for not telling mew and cheum about being hospitalized but not about yelling at them and exposing their secrets; apologizing for calling mew dumb but not SCREAMING AT HIM FOR NOT FUCKING HIM????????????!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!???!???????!???) (i think the one time he did was only when he kissed mew and that was just because mew was going to cut him out of his life, i don't believe for a second it was because he actually felt bad about it), how he always brings up his dead mom as if that's an excuse to treat everyone like shit, and the way he gets away with everything. fucking everything. he should have gone to jail! twice! he spends the whole series denying the fact that he has a problem and then goes to, what, a week of rehab and just is perfectly fine? that shit with boeing was so out of line and yet sand was the one who had to apologize for it?? what the fuck??? acted all high and mighty at top despite CHEATING ON MEW?? AND NOT BECAUSE SOME ASSHOLE TRICKED HIM HE REALLY DROVE TWO HOURS TO FUCK SOMEONE ELSE AND THEN FACED NO CONSEQUENCES FOR IT SERIOUSLY FUCK THIS GUY. i really truly cannot think of a single thing i like about him lmao completely insufferable. hated nearly every moment he was on screen. i probably would have liked the series 38402390483024 times more if he weren't in it. AND I HATE THAT I WROTE THE MOST ABOUT HIM OUT OF EVERYONE
in general, it's actually kind of a bummer that the writers felt like they needed to include sandray at all. they were the only characters in the main cast who were wholly made up and not based on anyone irl and it made them the weakest links. i'm going to sound like a hypocrite because it pisses me off when people say this about topmew, but i think the series would have been improved without sandray.
that's not me hating on firstkhao!!!! i wish they had shined in their own series, because their talents were wasted in this one and their fanbase overcompensated for it in nasty ways. i have a hard time believing that they would have been so popular if they weren't played by firstkhao.
if the writers had incorporated some elements of ray's character (his crush on mew, bringing up his family life as an excuse for bad behavior, the way that the other characters actually like him for some reason) into boston, it would have made for a better character and the whole series would have come out a lot cleaner. his motives for fucking over top and mew would have been clearer and the tension with nick more complicated - nick could have been the one to expose topboston. the shit with boeing could have still happened, but just with The Bar Singer, and more time could have been spent on it to flesh it out. they didn't need to have the boyfriends, friends with benefits, fuck buddies theme - it would have worked just as well with just boyfriends and friends with benefits. nickboston's relationship went from fuck buddies to friends with benefits in two episodes anyway. and aprilcheum and plugyo could have had more screentime!!!
WOOF! the tenses in this were a mess, sorry. i wanted to include screencaps too, but i didn't want to gather them soz. anyway, this was fun to go through, anon! when i really look at it, the characters who went through the least amount of character development were the ones i hated the most, hmm 🤔 thanks for asking and loving my blog! 🥰
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metalandmagi · 1 year
Wow you really do love Captive Prince (excited, cause I never found tumblr blog that love capri and anime both)..... Hello, I found your blog cause of your romance anime recs. Love reading your blog 🥰💐
Do you mind if I ask your top 5 favorite moments and top 3 favorite chacarters from Captive Prince?
Haha yes I do love Captive Prince. I'm so glad you like my romance anime list!😁
My 3 favorite characters are Laurent (obviously), Damen (because it's just so hard to write protagonists like him well), and Ancel (such an icon). And if I had to pick a fourth, it would be Charls!
Favorite moments is going to be pretty hard. But here are five of my favorites in no particular order.
-Everything involving the Vaskians. The tent. The tension. The undertone of humor. The "if I laugh I'll fall over." 😆 I love the comedic moments that are also laced with sexual tension.
-The "I am Charls" scene. Peak comedy. It's all about the set up and the way you can just see the scene play out in your head. This is the scene I want in a live action adaptation the most XD
-The whipping scene (and by extension the bath scene). It really is such a good character moment where we get such a clear idea of how indestructible Damen thinks he is and how his status as a future king is ingrained in him so much that he thinks he can get away with anything. It's also one of the biggest reasons we have to dislike Laurent at the beginning of the series that gets completely flipped on its head later.
-The kiss on the battlements! I'm ace as hell, but damn if that wasn't the most heart melting shit I've ever read. "Making his height an offering, not a threat." Genius. And I love the humor of Damen's inner monologue when they're interrupted ("everyone was showing up to the area he'd just ordered cleared.")
-The whole inn scene and resulting chase in Nesson-Eloy. It's just so much fun and so important in developing the growing friendship between them. It also makes Laurent so much more endearing with the coin trick and the way he just laughs when Damen is freaking out about their lives being in danger.
There are so many more 😆 Nicaise stabbing Damen with the fork. Laurent kicking Govart's ass as Damen slowly comes to realize he's actually very capable. The "fetch me some" exchange. The "Hello lover" scene! They're all so good.
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peekintoeternity · 1 year
omg i think im so out of loop (never check any naruto blog aside from ones ive followed tbh for the past 2 years lmao) that i didnt know people have pointed out the similarities between vaderkin and tobito?? damn i thought i was all alone LOL 😭 (psss id be more than willing of course to listen to your take on their similarities and differences)
hi there! so i think others have done this extensively, i usually find such jokes / mini "thought pieces" on reddit (you can try r/naruto or r/dankruto and search relevant keywords) or youtube comment sections, and especially the YT vid from Death Battle, although other (smaller) creators have also posted (more serious) video essays about Obito, where Anakin / Darth Vader has been mentioned as a parallel to Obito's character :)
unfortunately i can't remember the exact video & all the information is a bit scattered, even in my brain lol, so the best i can do is point u to some sources 🥲
for instance, there are many YT video essays & even reddit posts on Obito's character & how misunderstood he is, like Swagkage's "Dissecting Obito Uchiha", "How Strong is Obito?", "Leave Obito Alone" (lol)
i'm not sure i can ever make a post listing all their similarities, esp when the Death Battle vid has already pretty much done that, and more comprehensively than any comment / reddit post at that, haha
you can also check their wiki for a detailed breakdown of the vid, but perhaps go straight to the Trivia section to see a list of their many similarities! :D
(of course as with all sources, there are some things i disagree with, for instance DB lists Obito as having "less combat experience" than Vader, but we actually don't know what Obito does during all those nigh 20 years that he was living as "Nobody" / "The Masked Man" / Tobi, i mean he could've been training and participating in duels, espionage, skirmishes, battles, etc., i mean he was the secret leader of the Akatsuki, the real Fourth Mizukage of Mist/Kiri, also basically the real leader of Land of Rain too ("Amekage" if you will?) since he is the reason Pain & Konan were able to overthrow Hanzō and the two take orders from him even if they are not loyal to him, so there could've been countless of combat / military and political missions he was involved in that happened "offscreen", and add to all that the fact he was a child soldier starting from around age 9 (when he became a genin and began taking on missions) and that, of course, he was a main player (war criminal! lol) as both fighter and strategist and military commander in Narutoverse's Fourth World War—but hey, the whole point of fandom & media is that there will also be multiple interpretations, so i see no point in "nitpicking" a fictional fight analysis lol)
maybe something new i can add is the meta parallel of how, in real life, vader's identity reveal was a plot twist that shook the whole of star wars fandom and beyond, shocking audiences & remaining iconic to this day
similarly, though i wasn't there (in the fandom or following the anime), at the time, when obito was revealed to be The Masked Man ("Tobi") in the anime, apparently sooo many streaming sites straight up broke down due to the sheer number of people immediately going to see the episode (guess there aren't that many manga readers compared to anime haha)
so yeah, vader broke cinema (insert martin scorsese meme), and obito broke the internet, quite literally 🤣
and these are just accounts from english speakers, who knows how much potentially crazier things got on chinese & japanese & other non-english sites lol
i might add some stuff if i have the energy to organize my thoughts more later on, sorry if this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but i hope the links & sources above can be helpful to you! :)
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edwardssnail · 1 year
I don't think I've told you about my twilight phase but I'm always so tickled you're a twilight account. when I was like 12 or 13 I did have the phase. this was a time that was not good for me though my family was at a really shitty church sometimes I would unironically wear a khaki skirt and blue shirt and be like "omg just like Bella." I shudder to look back on it. and I remember that was when the midnight sun partial draft was floating around and on smeyers website And I read that, but I also read midnight sun fanfiction. And I'm not sure whether it was a fanfiction or my own demented imagination (probably the former) but I confused canon with that for the longest time I had a very clear memory of midnight sun's ending. Which yk didn't actually exist. I'm a little fuzzy on the details but now but I do remember it having different plot points than the actual ending and I was a little sad when I read midnight sun and that didn't happen. Do you think Smeyer could have written twilight if she wasn't Mormon and it just would've been different or do you think the Mormonism was a vital component in creating the disasterpiece that it is.
Haha I'm glad you appreciate it because sometimes it's SO cringy having to respond to things on my fuckvictorvale account from my twilight blog. So it makes me feel better that someone has seen my main and related
The khaki skirt outfit is so iconic, I wish it was in the movies. AND EDWARD'S SLEEVELESS BUTTON UP because wtf is that. I definitely remember when twilight and new moon came out and wanting to wear all of her layered hollister tank tops and long sleeves. Even now, I love looking at all of Bella's outfits. Some of them are really cute
I didn't find out about the midnight sun draft until I was like 21, hadn't thought about twilight in years, but I so vividly remember being in my college apartment, staying up until like 3 am reading it on my phone lmao. Honestly I liked the draft better than the book. Maybe just because it was shorter. Once the book came out, I read about half and gave up because it was just TOO MUCH. Way too much Edward. I'm not an Eddie hater but good god, nobody needs to hear from him that much
Midnight Sun is actually the main reason I made this blog. I had recently read the draft, COVID quarantine had just started and I was in my last semester of undergrad and not doing well lol. I ended up watching Twilight with my roommates and latched onto it again because of nostalgia and then stuck around for the Midnight Sun craziness
At this point, I confuse canon with fan theories and the spin off books/movies all the time. The last time I read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn was the first time I read them... IN 2008. I really don't have a good grasp on what's canon from the books but I'm just here to fuck around
I think the Mormanism is vital but in the worst way. Like it did not benefit the series at all but without it, it would be unrecognizable. And part of the charm of liking Twilight is how cringy some of it is. Half of it doesn't make sense, half of it is extremely questionable , the characters often aren't developed that well. All of Breaking Dawn is just bad. But it's fun! Idk, the weirdness gives it charm. As much as I joke about how bad it is, I do genuinely enjoy it
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XDefiant By Ubisoft
Over the last few days I got to try the closed beta for Ubisoft's next free to play title, Xdefiant. And in this blog I want to share my thoughts on the game and how I feel about its future.
The first thing that grabbed me about the beta was, despite the few bugs and server issues there was a fully fleshed and decent-looking game. That offered a fun experience that left me wanting more, and in its state I don't think a full release isn't too far away. So what type of game is Xdefiant? Well from what I played it kinda feels like a cross between old school call of duty, and the tactical hero based shooting of overwatch. Essentially you pick a character from a roster of iconic Ubisoft ips, each with there own abilities, kit them with a weapon load out and then jump right In. The game modes available in the beta were simple base defence type modes and a push objective mode, there was also a linted hot shot mode that I didn't get to try sadly.
As it's a beta I'm happy with what was on offer as each game mode was fun, fast paced and the maps played out from some iconic locations and I enjoyed it. But I hope there is more expansion of the game modes at launch, I was actually hoping for a good old team deathmatch mode as I'm nor very good with objective based challenges haha. What I did enjoy a lot about the matches I played, was how fast paced and tactical they felt, there were a lot of moments where I had to choose when and where was the best place to drop my abilities. And as confirmed by one of the lead team members on twitter, there was a lot less bunny hopping so gun fighting felt fair and wasn't a challenge of how to hit a bouncing kangaroo with a gun. And this could be a big win for the game, as I feel games where players can bunny hop out of range is annoying.
So with a lot of positive experience with the game, I feel the future is bright for this.little game but it won't be easy. First of speaking from a console point of view as that's where I play, there isn't too much competition for a free hero based shooter, the only 2 games I know of that feel similar are overwatch 2 and rogue company. But Xdefinet doesn't feel like any of them, it feels unique and its own thing, so with this in mind unlike Hyperscape that had to compete with other big battle royals, like fortnite, Apex legends and War zone. There isn't room for this game to fail by being dwarfed by bugger games, and this puts less pressure on the devs to try and do something better than what's on offer.
But there are 2 areas I feel this game could stumble with, the first is the biggest one in my opinion and that's transparency. For any game to succeed players and communities need a little transparency on bug fixes, known issues and updates to playlists and features. What I saw during the beta gave me hope, as the twitter socials were very active in spreading news about the server issues and responding where they can. If they can do this on a more manageable scale for them, I could see there being a tight knit community around the team that feels heard by the developers. The second issue that I know feels odd to be less important than transparency is monetisation. All free games need to make money as games aren't free, and with hero shooters there are 2 pitfalls that I don't want the team to fall into. First is the hero's only earnable through cash, this is a big issue as It can tip the game into pay to win territory. And pay to win is essentially how it sounds, giving advantage to players.with cash this can form a sorta of meta where non paying players use free heroes and skilled players with cash can use bought hero's. This creates an unfair balance.
The second pitfall is non-earnable currency. We can guess the bread and butter of this game's monetization will be cosmetics and battle passes. These have been proven to be successful and fun in certain games, but sometimes players may not have cash at hand to get a new skin or a shiny emote. So having events where players can earn currency could be useful then that way both paying and non paying players can invest in skins and potentially battle passes.
Overall I think this game is already on track to success, what I played in the beta was a lot. more than I expected. It was fun, fast-paced and tactical, there are also plenty of Ips in the Ubisoft portfolio they could.dip into, and this makes me excited to see what's on the horizon for this game.
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checkers-dance · 2 years
i always tell you my pranks with noxia so i come to update you on the newest one. it all started last night when i got the idea for the @turn-back-into-a-pumpkin url but i realized i had nothing to use it for. and then i thought "haha noxia would freak out if this blog showed up out of nowhere." so i reblogged a bunch of her posts + some cinderella content. the moment she noticed noxia ran to the server and started demanding to know who the fuck that was. she got on vc with me and she was SCREAMING and BREAKING THINGS. it sounds like im exagerating but she got so intense about it 😭 meanwhile i was just listening as if i wasnt the culprit.
then other ppl joined and suddenly it was all of us on vc, listening to noxia ramble and scream. i was losing my mind, and then i got the idea to make a discord account for the pumpkin person (my pumpkinsona, if you will) and i got into the server. everyone was losing their minds. after that i joined vc with that account while muted and i just watched shit unfold.
noxia was specifically accusing our friend lynx of being behind everything which is rlly cool because i did deliberately try to imitate him a little bit. and then i decided i needed to reveal it was me in a way that wasn't super direct but that they would Get. so under the pumpkinsona i sent the music video for jopping and i really thought they would immediately jump to thinking it was me but noxia just started laughing and said "nero, are you seeing this?" AND THEN I FELT SO GUILTY BECAUSE I THOUGHT SHE WOULD IMMEDIATELY PICK UP THAT IT WAS ME BUT SHE DIDNT EVEN CONSIDER IT.
after that i came up with another plan. i left call (under my actual account) and then with the pumpkinsona acc i sent "stan monsta x" in binary code. i really thought that would do it. its the most obvious clue. and the other people in call did say they thought it was me but noxia WOULD NOT listen, she was so determined that it wasnt me. to quote, "i know its not nero, he would never do this to me, im not even going to consider it." I FELT SO GUILTY....
so this meant i had to find another way to get noxia to realize. so i just went to tumblr and posted a confession. suddenly i start getting dms from everyone in the server, they were spamming me with pictures of the carriage. i was so scared. and then i get a dm from noxia, im BEGGING for forgiveness, but she said she thought it was funny and she wanted to escalate the prank. we were going to pretend to have a break up in front of everyone. so we started fighting in the server, we broke the matching icons, i even left the server to make it realistic. unfortunately they didnt believe the fight :( according to them noxia is too reasonable for the fight to play out the way it did. and looking back i do see where we could have been better. ppl said i did rlly good though so im proud of myself.
everyone thinks everything was planned from the start though and we're just kind of acting like that's true even though noxia wasn't in the know originally. there's no reason for us to do that, we're just lying for fun atp.
This was so wild from start to finish, help. U and noxia are basically writing ur own reality tv segment here 😭😭. I can't believe she was so adamant it wasn't u....top 10 anime betrayals of the last decade
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hyuck-xix · 2 years
(for the kpop asks in case that wasn't clear)
Hello! Thanks for asking about EXO! I feel like I don't talk much about them on my blog but I love them ^_^ Actually, in terms of music, EXO is my favorite k-pop group by far.
✦ my first bias: Baekhyun. It was actually kind of funny, I discovered Chen first but through his solo music so I didn't even know he was part of EXO, but I loved his music. And then Baekhyun's Bambi came out (if this gives you a timeline for when I got into k-pop lol) and I was like 'woah who's this guy??' and then I remember watching the music video for SuperM's 'One' for the first time and it got to Baekhyun's first line and I had some kind of visceral response, like 'oh my god okay now I know what a bias is and this is it'. Like love at first sight haha. Idk, I was instantly obsessed with him. But I didn't know he was the same guy from Bambi! But once I figured out who he was, I instantly became an EXO fan.
✦ my current bias(es): Still Baekhyun :) But recently... Kyungsoo's really been wrecking me!!!There's something about him... I'm a little in love with Kyungsoo these days lol <3
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): I'm just going to do their full-length albums for the sake of simplicity!
Don't Mess Up My Tempo: This album is perfect in my eyes. I loveeeee the styling in the tempo mv (Jongin's striped crop top! Baekhyun's highlights! Minseok's spiky hair!), and the music video and song in general. it's one of those songs that just puts a smile on my face whenever i listen to it. But the best part of DMUMT is the rest of the tracklist. Gravity, 24/7, Bad Dream, literally every song on this album is top-tier.
Exodus: There's something about Exodus that has me completely charmed. The Pathcode teasers were maybe the biggest slay in all of k-pop teasers ever. Nothing has ever topped that in my eyes. And the songs Exodus and Playboy are some of my favorites ever. They both have this kind of playful jazzy thing going on? I'm really bad at describing music genres but they feel like special songs to me. And not to mention Call! Me! Baby!! omg!! She's such an icon and a feel-good song!! And the choreography is so fun! Also: Baekhyun's ad-lib at the end ( where he goes 'woo! baby!')-- it's at 3:13 in the mv and he makes the CHEESIEST face it makes me smile SO BIG and i think about it at least once a week lolll. I mean actually just watch Baekhyun at any point in that mv, because he was FEELING IT, he was giving it his ALL!!!
Obsession: The title track Obsession was actually my obsession for a longggg time. I can still listen to it on repeat for hours at a time. There was also a period of time where I'd watch the music video multiple times a day every day... yeah. But also the album as a whole has the same feeling for me as DMUMT. All the songs hold their own. A problem I have with a lot of NCT's discography is that a solid fraction of their b-sides in every album feel like filler songs. But this album was clearly written and produced with love and care. Every song. Every song is great. Where most k-pop groups' 'cutesy' songs are cringey at worst and bland at best, EXO somehow is able to access the heart of a fun or cute song and give it something fresh and sincere and...important somehow. Non Stop, Day after Day, and Butterfly Effect on this album are like that for me. Not to mention the absolute masterpiece bangers that are Groove and Ya Ya Ya and Baby You Are and woah if I mention any other songs I will have literally mentioned the whole tracklist!! Bruh EXO really is that good.
Ex'act: Monster is arguably *the* classic EXO title track. The chorus still gives me chills. But even though I love many of the songs in this album/repackage (Monster, She's Dreaming, Cloud 9, One and Only, White Noise) it just doesn't feel quite as special to me. EXO sets the bar really, really high.
XOXO: A little unpolished, sure, but XOXO is such an iconic album. Wolf... i know no one else likes it but the live remix!! The live remix!!!! Literally makes me want to cry every time I listen to it, it's so beautiful. That's all I'm going to say about that. Baby Don't Cry is also a gem. Heart Attack was way ahead of its time in my opinion. My Lady makes me feel nostalgic somehow, even though I never listened to it when I was young. It just makes me feel that bittersweet emotional feeling. And I unironically love Let Out The Beast lolll. I think I put this album relatively low on the list just because some of the songs sound pretty dated now--they remind me of something One Direction would put out (looking at you, 365. like actually i'd be surprised if that song wasn't originally written for 1D, it's uncanny).
The War: Okay this is the hottest take EVER because almost every EXO fan I know holds The War as their favorite album. But... oh god, I just don't like it one bit. There's only one song I genuinely love on that album and it's Boomerang, which isn't even from The War itself but from the repackage -_- I also sometimes enjoy Touch It? But I think the amount of annoyance The Eve, Ko Ko Bop, Forever, Diamond, and Chill give me... I mean they're still not terrible songs. But there's something about the production of them that bothers me? Often the instrumentation feels like it's competing with the heart of the song, like trying to be interesting at the expense of the song sounding cohesive and it just comes across as grating to me... yeah. And the vibe of the album is such a departure from EXO's established aesthetic and musical identity that it makes me question why they did it at all.
✦ how i got into them: I kind of told this story up above for the bias question, but I guess I'll talk about some of the first EXO songs I fell in love with. Obsession was one of them. Also Gravity, specifically this live performance of it--I remember actually screaming when Baekhyun opened the chorus lmao. It's interesting, because EXO's always mostly been about the music for me. Even though I've considered myself an EXO-L for almost two years now, I've never really watched a lot of reality/behind the scenes content for them. But I know their entire discography like the back of my hand, including every member's solo albums...
✦ which member would be my best friend: As I mentioned above, I don't really know the members as people as well as I'd like to. So answering this question is tricky. Probably Kyungsoo firstly. I get the impression he feels a little uncomfortable with the fame side of being an idol, and something about that really resonates with me. All through college instead of participating in school events or clubs I just find neighborhoods or woods as far away from campus as possible so i can escape from it all for a bit, and just simply exist and observe the natural world. It's hard to find other people who feel that way. I think I'd also love to be friends with Minseok and Jongin (i'm just choosing the shy line of EXO aren't I lol... but I get along best with fellow shy people, and they seem really genuine and sweet).
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): coffee--even just the smell, flying in an airplane at night when they turn off the lights in the cabin, wool peacoats, frost on windows, the feeling of homesickness, planetariums, black Moleskine journals with grid pages.
Well, I didn't think it would be possible to write more than I did on my NCT 127 one, but here we are! lol. Sorry!
📥 send me a kpop group & i'll answer
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Me when that smoooooooooooth Wacky Workbench remix began
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animeomegas · 3 years
Thank you for actually giving a gen response to my question I was thinking cloaca but also the idea of like the other way (female hyena is the best hint ill give) was haunting me also am I the butthole baby anon now? Bc I will absolutely take that iconic title might even make side blog just for it so its official -🍼🍑
You're welcome, I hope the response wasn't too cursed haha 😆
I now know something new about female hyenas, and I can see why it would haunt you.
And yes, you should absolutely be the butthole baby anon, and you should wear that title with pride!!!
Welcome 🍼🍑 anon!!!
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About Me
Thanks @roguelioness and @best-of-the-vein for the tags!
1: Why did you choose your url?
Dunno honestly lmao it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I had no idea for a fancy name (I am. very bad at naming things) so I was just like. "dnd is cool. Dragon Age is a dnd based. let's go with that." and that's all there is to it
2: Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
This is my side blog haha. Decided to make it cos I was (and still am) very deep in Dragon Age Hell and didn't want to spam my main blog with my shouting about it and rambling about my DA OCs 24/7
My main blog (which is @layalu) I started getting more active on because I was getting really fed up with deviantArt (they overhauled the site about a year ago and it's even more of a mess than it was before), and while I'm still on there too it's mostly just for one single ARPG, and even that is slowly transitioning to discord/their own website so who knows. I mean knowing me chances are I'll stay there anyway lol because yknow, sentimental attachment, but I think the switch to tumblr is gonna be more or less permanent. For now, at least
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
I joined in October 2017 but wasn't really active until April this year. Made this blog around the same time too. Tbh didn't expect that I'd stay active for more than like a month or so lmao
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Nope, still haven't gotten the hang of queues lol. I did try a few times but it's still really weird to me?? Sometimes I'll draft a thing I wanna reblog later and sometimes I make a mental note to reblog a thing which I forget 60% of the time, but mostly I'll just reblog things then and there when I'm online
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Again, so I can have an outlet for (one of) my current obsession aka DA lmao. Didn't expect that I'd be this active, but the community is really kind and fun and that's what's been keeping me here. It's the first time that I've ever like. actually interacted with a fandom (usually I just stay in my own little corner and am very cautious about getting involved in fandom) but so far it's been pretty cool~
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I was really proud of that drawing and because I believe in Pink Flower Crown Bull supremacy
7: Why did you choose your header?
Originally screenshotted that loading screen in case I needed it for reference/lore theory notes later on and just thought it looked cool. Also the colours fit
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
https://dungeons-and-dragon-age.tumblr.com/post/651126014406197248/leliana-please-its-3am-people-are-trying-to this one (just barely beats the Bull one)! It blew up MUCH more than I expected, and I'm unironically glad that shitposts are are popular as ever lmao
9: How many mutuals do you have?
18 (about 12 are for this blog I think)~ I don't talk/interact with everyone yet, but yall are very cool! owo
10: How many followers do you have?
Almost 400 now, somehow??? Which is absolutely insane. I don't know how that happened and it's a bit scary because that is a lot of people (for me it is anyways), but I'm really grateful and flattered too!! <3
11: How many people do you follow?
61 :') I'm kinda picky about who I follow because I'm always very wary about how far I want to extend out into the reaches of the internet, especially in fandoms, and I'd rather have my small circle of people who I'm comfortable with. Much easier to stay out of drama and nasty places that way
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
Pff yea. I'm more likely to reblog shitposts than make them myself though because I'm not the best shitposter lol, but you better bet I love me some good shitposts
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
Depends? Probably comes down to like 1-2 hours most days, more when there's a lot of stuff to read or art to admire on my dash or I'm answering asks etc.. Usually I'll just check my notes every now and then in between doing things and maybe scroll through my dash, so I'm rarely on for long at a time.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Nah. I don't have enough reach/contact for others to come and start arguments with me luckily, and I try to stay away from drama and fights myself. I'm not conflict avoidant and will debate/defend myself within reason if need be but I'd still rather the need for that doesn't arise at all. I'm just here to vibe, not to fight. Also like. not getting into fights really isn't that hard lol. Plus, everyone's been super nice so far so I don't think I'm gonna have beef with anyone any time soon.
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
If you tell me "I need to reblog" I will not reblog on principle.
16: Do you like tag games?
Yea, they're fun! I'm always a bit insecure about tagging people myself (if I ever tag you and you'd rather not get tagged, please tell me!), but I always get excited when I get tagged haha
17: Do you like ask games?
Hell yeah! I'm not exactly a writer and I suck at explaining lol but I do still love an excuse to ramble! Huge shoutout to my mutuals who always send asks btw, you're awesome <33
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Bruh I don't even get crushes on irl people lmao. I do really appreciate and admire my mutuals (and a whole bunch of people who aren't mutuals) though!! There are some I-think-you-are-very-cool-and-I-would-love-to-be-friends-but-you-feel-way-out-of-my-league kind of people though, if that counts haha
tagging @dumbassentity, @a-drama-addict, @nomouthtospeakof and @exotic-inquiry (again no pressure ofc!)
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jazziehart · 4 years
Taylor Swift Albums Reviews
Hello my lovely blog readers,
I want to thank those of you who stick around through all my crazy rants and long Glee posts. You guys are the real MVPs and I will always appreciate you.
Anyway onto why we're here, in the wake of Taylor rereleasing her albums I found it fitting to take a look back at her discorgaphy so far! Thanks to my good friend Aly, I decided to relisten to all of her albums which the order was randomly decided. I will be talking about the deluxe editions so enjoy!
Let's start off with the first album that was drawn first which was Red.
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One of my favorite albums right off the bat with probably her best album cover. I remember how excited I was for 22, mostly because my girl Dianna Agron's name was in the liner notes. Let's dive into what I thought now about 9 years later!
Favorite Track: Begin Again Least Favorite Track: The Last Time (featuring Gary Lightbody) Bonus Track I Wish was on the main album: All of them!!! Favorite Bonus Track: The Moment I Knew Album Ranking: 6th/9
Overall I adore this album so so much. The only track I didn't care for in the least was The Last Time. I think you'll find a trend with me that my least favorite Tayor tracks tend to be her duets (the exception being Everything Has Changed which is also on this album and is the purest of all). The album has held up and even moreso I love it than the first time I listened. Crazy. Anyway onto the rankings of each song. DISCLAIMER: These are just my opinions and you can disagree with them but please be respectful.
1) Begin Again 2) The Moment I Knew 3) State of Grace (Acoustic Version) 4) I Almost Do 5) Stay Stay Stay 6) All Too Well 7) Everything Has Changed (featuring Ed Sheeran) 8) 22 9) Come Back...Be Here 10) Red 11) I Knew You Were Trouble 12) The Lucky One 13) We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 14) Starlight 15) Girl at Home 16) Sad Beautiful Tragic 17) State of Grace 18) Holy Ground 19) Treacherous 20) The Last Time (featuring Gary Lightbody)
Honestly I adore this album so much as a whole and ranking every song was so hard. Holy Ground honestly had a lot of potiental I hated the arrangement but if I heard an acoustic version I would be sold, much like State of Grace which I wasn't huge on the original but the acoustic I'm obsessed with. Moving onto our second album which is one of Taylor's newest.
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folklore! Funny enough on first listen I wasn't as into it as everyone else was but trust me, the relisten definitely helped me change my mind. I also heard the lakes for the first time which I loved. Since it's the only bonus track I'm going to say I definitely wished it had made the main album over some of the other songs on it. Let's dive into my thoughts and rankings.
Favorite Track: mad woman Least Favorite Track: invisible string Album Ranking: 9th/9
1) mad woman 2) the 1 3) the last great american dynasty 4) mirrorball 5) hoax 6) peace 7) seven 8) august 9) my tears richocet 10) the lakes 11) cardigan 12) betty 13) illicit affairs 14) epiphany 15) this is me trying 16) exile (featuring Bon Iver) 17) invisible string
Okay I know cardigan and betty being so low is going make people unhappy but honestly I just loved the other songs better listed above it. So many gorgeous songs and a great era for Taylor. It's not my favorite era and still falls in my lower half of her albums but I can appreciate the tracks on it more than I did before with the relisten.
Now onto Taylor's most recent album which came up next in our randomization in evermore
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Unlike folklore on original listen I absolutely adored this album and had it in my top tier Taylor albums but will that opinion hold up? Let's find out.
Favorite Track: no body, no crime (featuring HAIM) Least Favorite Track: gold rush Favorite Bonus Track: it's time to go Album Ranking: 7th/9
1) no body, no crime (featuring HAIM) 2) happiness 3) champagne problems 4) willow 5) cowboy like me 6) dorothea 7) majorie 8) evermore (featuring Bon Iver) 9) closure 10) long story short 11) ‘tis the damn season 12) ivy 13) it’s time to go 14) coney island (featuring The National) 15) right where you left me 16) tolerate it 17) gold rush Okay let's talk about the relisten, it still held up but to me the one thing I didn't love about the album was the bonus tracks didn't add much to the original album so I kind of see why they were bonus tracks. I enjoyed the album none the less and I do think that most of my opinions are somewhat popular. I only see people being mad about 'tis the damn season being so low but honestly 1-11, I loved all the tracks so.
Up next is the rerelease that started it all, Fearless!
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Now let's see after 13 years (hey Taylor's lucky number) if my opinion of this iconic album changed. Back in the day I was so obsessed with this album so let's see how I feel now!
Favorite Track: You're Not Sorry Least Favorite Track: The Way I Loved You Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: Forever and Always (Piano Verison) and Come in with the Rain Favorite Bonus Track: Forever and Always (Piano Version) Album Ranking: 4th/9
1) You’re Not Sorry 2) White Horse 3) Love Story 4) You Belong with Me 5) Change 6) Forever and Always (Piano Version) 7) Fifteen 8) Hey Stephen 9) Come in with the Rain 10) Jump Then Fall 11) Fearless 12) Forever and Always 13) The Best Day 14) The Other Side of the Door 15) Breathe (featuring Colbie Cailaitt) 16) Untouchable 17) SuperStar 18) Tell Me Why 19) The Way I Loved You
I still remember when this album was first coming out how jazzed and excited I was for it. It was highly anticipated for me being that I had fallen in love with Taylor from her debut album and listening back it still holds up as one of my favorite albums. The only two tracks I wasn't into back then and still am not into are Tell Me Why and The Way I Loved You. Other than those two tracks the entire album is incredible to listen to. I'm so excited to hear Taylor's versions of all these songs and who knows maybe my mind will change on some of them.
Moving onto the next album to be randomly selected which is almost every Swiftie's favorite 1989.
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Funny enough, originally this album isn't in my top favorites so who knows if my opinion will change on a relisten. Let's find out!
Favorite Track: Clean Least Favorite Track: I Wish You Would Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: All of them?! Come on Taylor what's up with 1989 and Red having like some of their best tracks as bonus tracks. I'm mad haha. Favorite Bonus Track: Wonderland (gee I wonder why) Album Ranking: 5th/9
1) Clean 2) Wonderland 3) Wildest Dreams 4) This Love 5) You are in Love 6) Welcome to New York 7) Shake It Off 8) Blank Space 9) Bad Blood 10) Style 11) How You Get the Girl 12) Out of the Woods 13) New Romantics 14) I Know Places 15) All You Had to Do was Stay 16) I Wish You Would
Okay listening back. I now get the hype behind it. Listening to it with bonus tracks honestly makes all the difference. No joke. It's a much better album with the bonus tracks added. Honestly if Wonderland and You are in Love were on the main album it would've been top tier to me. Thank God for the deluxe version but team Taylor what is up with you hiding some of her best tracks and only releasing them on the bonus tracks? I'm mad. Also speaking on Wonderland, I adore the song even without the rumours of it being about my favorite celebrity Dianna Agron. Had the bonus tracks been on the main album it would higher but as a whole I love the album.
And now for our next album, which is reputation!
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This is probably Taylor's most controversial albums, some love it and some hate it. I actually am somewhere in the middle. I love some of the tracks while others I could've done without. Let's see where it goes for me listening back.
Favorite Song: New Year's Day Least Favorite: Dancing with Our Hands Tied Album Ranking: 8th/9
1) New Year's Day 2) Gorgeous 3) Don’t Blame Me 4) This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things 5) I Did Something Bad 6) Dress 7) Delicate 8) Call It What You Want To 9) ...Ready for It? 10) Look What You Made Me Do 11) King of my Heart 12) Getaway Car 13) So It Goes... 14) End Game (featuring Ed Sheeran and Future) 15) Dancing with Our Hands Tied
Okay I feel like my choices here are controversal especially Getaway Car being pretty low on the album. Honestly I liked the song just wasn't into the hype that everyone else said about it, sorry you guys. Also Dancing with Our Hands Tied on the ALBUM is my least favorie song. I absolutely adored Taylor's acoustic version that was in the rep Tour. Had she released that on the album it would be after Look What You Made Me Do. The arrangement on the album I just didn't care for and I prefer acoustic Taylor which I think a lot of you gather from my top picks.
Anyway moving onto to our next album that was randomized which is...Taylor Swift!
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Ah yes the album that started it all. 15 years ago I discovered Taylor Swift via this album thanks to CMT. I was a huge country music stan back in the day who knew how this one album would lead to a career I've been following for 15 years. Now how does this album hold up? Let's find out!
Favorite Song: Should've Said No Least Favorite Song: A Perfectly Good Heart Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: Invisible and I'm Only Me When I'm with You Favorite Bonus Track: Invisible Album Ranking: 3rd/9
1) Should’ve Said No 2) Invisible 3) Cold as You 4) Picture to Burn 5) Our Song 6) The Outside 7) A Place in This World 8) Teardrops on My Guitar 9) Stay Beautiful 10) Tim McGraw 11) I’m Only Me When I’m with You 12) Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) 13) Tied Together with a Smile 14) A Perfectly Good Heart
This album still holds up 15 years later and made me so nostalgic. This had to be the hardest album for songs to rank thus far. Taylor hit it out of the park on her very first album crazy. She set the bar very high, funny enough it's the first album that a bonus track is my least favorite track but the entire album is a great listen, especially if you love country. It's very different from anything else Taylor did but that's what's so charming about it.
And now onto our second to last album which is another one of my favorites and the only album Taylor wrote fully on her own, Speak Now.
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The album cover is up there with Red as my favorite and I'm excited to listen back to this album. I remember how much I enjoyed it when it was first released. Excited to see what I think 11 years later. Let's find out.
Favorite Track: Haunted (Acoustic Version) Least Favorite Track: Last Kiss Bonus Tracks I Wish was on the main album: All of them. Dang it Taylor they deserved to be on the main album. Favorite Bonus Track: Haunted (Acoustic Version) Album Ranking: 2nd/9
1) Haunted (Acoustic Version) 2) Long Live 3) Haunted 4) Better Than Revenge 5) Back to December (Acoustic Version) 6) Mine 7) Back to December 8) Mean 9) If This Was a Movie 10) Innocent 11) Dear John 12) Speak Now 13) Ours 14) Never Grow Up 15) The Story of Us 16) Superman 17) Enchanted 18) Sparks Fly 19) Last Kiss
One of Taylor's absolute best albms and it was incredibly hard to rank these songs. I know people are going to be mad about Enchanted being low but I just didn't love it as much as the other tracks on the album, this after all is one of the best albums she ever released so it's incredibly hard to make the call.
Moving onto our final album which I've called my absolute favorite, Lover.
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It's only been an year since its release but will it hold up as my favorite album? Let's find out!
Favorite Track: Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince Least Favorite Track: It’s Nice to Have a Friend Album Ranking: 1st/9
1) Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince 2) Paper Rings 3) Lover 4) Soon You’ll Get Better (featuring The Chicks) 5) You Need to Calm Down 6) The Archer 7) The Man 8) Daylight 9) Afterglow 10) I Think He Knows 11) False God 12) Death by a Thousand Cuts 13) Cruel Summer 14) Cornelia Street 15) I Forgot That You Existed 16) ME! (featuring Brendan Urie from Panic! at the Disco) 17) London Boy 18) It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Yep it held up. This album is my favorite thing Taylor ever released. It was a tough call because I loved all of her top albums so much. Miss Americana still is my favorite performance which is no surprise, I was obsessed when this song came out 2 years ago. It's Nice to Have a Friend is the weakest track on the album but by no means is it a bad track. The entire album is a great listen all the way through, the only song that's hard to listen to especially if you have a sick parent "Soon You'll Get Better" I literally bawled after I finished it. So if you don't want an emotional song that might make you sad, it's best to skip it even though it's one of favorite tracks.
And that does it for us here. Hope you enjoyed my album reviews! Just to recap here's the rankings of all of Taylor's Albums:
1) Lover 2) Speak Now 3) Taylor Swift 4) Fearless 5) 1989 6) Red 7) evermore 8) reputation 9) folklore
Excited to see what's to come with the rerelease of Fearless and to hear the songs released from the vault. I've heard a few of her unreleased songs and honestly there are quite a few that I'm hoping are released. Thanks for enjoying us on this journey as always be kind and always spread love <3
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97-liners · 3 years
HAHSHAJ heya it's Sol! If you don't mind I'll stay on anon for just a lil longer, nothing to do with you personally (I've been following your blog for awhile and you're lovely!!!) but honestly I just get irrationally nervous about being perceived online 😅 The anxiety will relax over time tho so pls give me a lil bit and I'll get out of my head funk eventually, and off anon! Talking with you is really fun!!! 🥰
HAHA okay about the Carat thing 😂 I was actually suuuper into SEVENTEEN's music when they first debuted, and went to their high touch event/showcase in 2017 when they visited my country! It passed by in such a blur that all I remember is that I made a goddamn fool outta myself in front of Dokyeom cos his megawatt smile all up in my face was just so unexpectedly overwhelming that I yelled out "BAM" and whapped his palm out of sheer panic HAHA 🤠 Knew their names, but at the time there wasn't as much content out variety-wise and over the years I kinda drifted away. More of a casual fan now, so I don't really feel like I'm deep enough to call myself a legit carat (yet?)! Also I just really like your writing style and voice, so at this point I'll give anyone you write a go because I know I'll enjoy the ride regardless 🥰
Did you just say,
Thick thighs????????
Asking for a friend, who is certainly not me HAHAHA
Real talk though lmao dear lord you make the best case for beautiful man inside and out choi seungcheol 😭😭😭😭 I'm so, so impressed by the stories of his leadership and by the way people talk about it!? 'Attending every single meeting pledis meeting about svt so they don't get mismanaged' PLS MY HEART 😫💕 (oh after school :'((() That's a good, caring, responsible and caring man right there, everyone needs someone like him in their lives ugh ✊GOOD GOD, AND HE'S A NATURAL CUTIE????? WITH STRONG ARMS AND STRONG THIGHS?!?!;?! A BUILD A HOME FROM SCRATCH KINDA BODY?????? A MAN WHO IS THOUGHTFUL, AND GIVES OFF 'PROTECT ME' VIBES AS MUCH AS HE DOES 'I CAN PROTECT YOU' ONES!?! PLEASE I need to sit down... I'm already sitting down but I need to sit down harder
You make a very convincing argument 🤧 Seungcheol seksi wormhole here we come eheh ⛷️
bro!! you met seventeen?!?!??
ok ngl. until november 2021 (yeah two months ago), i didn't know anything about seventeen and i will admit that i thought they had 17 members (a reasonable assumption for someone who didn't know anything about svt!!). i think they first came on my radar in 2017 when they dropped don't wanna cry, and i listened to that song on repeat over and over and over again and tried to learn the choreography. i think I always knew that they made bops? like i listened to clap when it came out because it was an iconic bop. i liked left and right because it's also an iconic bop. i listened to rock with you because it's also a bop.
i only really got into svt because i started watching going seventeen in november after seeing a gifset of them playing shout in silence in the tribal games episode. more specifically, hoshi being completely terrible at shout in silence made me watch the episode, and one thing led to another....
before i got into svt, i really only could recognize woozi by sight (because he's smoll and cute, or that's what i thought before i learned the members). i knew of jun, because he's a living meme in chinese kpop fandoms and also because nct china-line talk about him all the time, and shortly before i started watching gose, i was obsessed with minghao, because he's exactly my type.
anyways all this to say: if anyone's a fake carat, it's me LMAO
i completely did not expect to become so obsessed with seungcheol but it just sort of happened!!! like ngl, i didn't even think he was one of the more attractive members at first. but he's got an insane body and huge thighs and arms. like, the boy is THICK. and i've always been bothered by kpop-buff guys like johnny who are actually really skinny and look like they'd snap like a twig if they tried to lift a really heavy object, but seungcheol looks STRONG. and then it spiraled from there!! he's so cute!! his laugh is an instant serotonin boost! i want to protect him but i also want him to protect me!!!!!!
anyways sorry for writing a literal ESSAY lfajslkfdjslkdfjl
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mendespideys · 5 years
HEY! I can't believe I wasn't following you yet?? Cause I think I recall following you?? Maybe Tumblr did something stupid or maybe it's just me... Anyway, congrats on 2k! That's so incredible!! Could I have a nice lil' blog compliment (🌻) and a blurb with Haz with dialogue prompt #33? I'm a dude by the way so don't know if you do that but could you make it for a male reader? Okay well congratulations again and I hope I'm around for the next thousand :) ❤️
hii!! thank you so much 🧡blog compliment: your url is freaking amazing and i love your icon
imma be honest, i thought it said prompt #3, which is “i mean, if we hadn’t met at a strip club” and i almost wrote a blurb based on that. but anyway, here you are. hope you like it! i wasn’t entirely sure what you wanted but this is how it ended up haha
you can feel the familiarity of harrison’s heavy gaze as you lean against the kitchen counter, mindlessly sucking on your popsicle while trying to watch the muted tv show playing on the tv. you weren’t entirely sure what show was playing, too bored to pay attention to the rerun. shoving one hand into the pocket of your jeans, you avert your attention to the blond sitting at by the bar counter with his laptop. cocking an eyebrow, you continue to lick your popsicle, desperate to finish it before it melts. 
“got a problem?” you inquire, meeting his blue eyes.  
“stop being seductive.”
the corners of your mouth curve into a smirk. “what do you mean?” 
“you’re sucking on that popsicle like your life depends on it,” harrison informs, huffing as he shuts his laptop closed. 
“and that’s an inconvenience to you because?” 
harrison gives you a pointed glare, effortlessly hopping off the stool he was sitting on. you let your eyes follow his movements as he picks up his water bottle, sipping the liquid inside. his adam’s apple bobs as he swallows and you know he can feel your eyes on him just like you had a few moments earlier. placing the now empty hydro flask back down, he turns to meet your gaze once again. 
you let your eyes roam his body shamelessly, fixating your gaze on the two unbuttoned buttons of his shirt. the rust-red patterned fabric is loose on him but you know exactly what’s hidden underneath. he clears his throat, bringing you out of your daydream. you refocus your attention just in time to see him run a hand through his messy mop of hair; a tick you had picked up on not too long ago. he’d usually run a hand through his hair when stressed or trying to figure out a dilemma. 
“because you’re making it increasingly difficult for me to focus, love.” 
you scoff teasingly, hurrying to catch the drop of melted popsicle about to fall. you remain against the kitchen counter, attempting to appear as relaxed as possible. harrison knew exactly what he was doing to you, too. he inches closer to you, a sudden determined look in swimming in his blue orbs. as he steps into the streak of sunshine seeping through the curtains, they turn three shades lighter and you choke back a gasp at how beautiful he looks. 
“’m sorry. just enjoying my popsicle. it’s hot out,” you state innocently. 
“then why are you wearing jeans?” he counters and you pretend not to notice the raspiness in his voice. 
“they make my ass look good.” 
“can’t argue with that,” he mutters, once again running a hand through his yet-to-be styled hair. if only you could read minds. 
“do you two want me to leave?” 
the sound of tom’s voice startles the two of you apart. you hadn’t noticed how close harrison had gotten and you swallow, moving your gaze to meet the ones of harrison’s roommate. tom’s eyebrows are raised questioningly and despite being an award-winning actor, he’s not able to hide the teasing glimmer in his eyes. you begin to shake your head to decline his offer, bringing the last bit of popsicle into your mouth. 
“no, it’s-”
harrison interrupts you, not even bothering to look at his best mate. “yeah, actually would you mind?” 
2k celebration
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bowful · 6 years
20 Questions Tag Game - Writers Edition
Tagged many eons ago by my fellow Cordonian Queen @i-choose-liam 🤗
1. When/what age did you start writing?
Umm I had a diary when I was 11, does that count? I've been writing to myself ever since.
2. What inspired you to start writing?
This is such a cringe answer, but it was a boy. I would daydream and swoon over him, and using that as inspiration to write my feelings (especially when it wasn't reciprocated). Eventually, I turned to writing to let my heart out. I've never posted anything cause I've only ever written for myself. I didn't feel that anyone else needed to see them.
3. Where and when does inspiration usually strike you?
I base my writing off personal experience. So, I legitimately get inspiration whenever something significant happens to me 😅 very vague, I know.
4. Where and when do you usually write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed?
Late at night, in the dark, looking out the window. I write on my phone, so I never need light.
5. Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what genre/playlist?
Usually scores. Let's be real, I listen to scores period. But the lack of lyrics definitely help me concentrate on actually writing and letting my mind wander.
6. Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other?
Angst haha give me all the angst! Maybe cause I relate to it more than fluff.
7. Which category do you find most challenging to write?
NSFW? I won't even touch it.
8. If you had to pick your favourite Choices book, which one would it be and why?
TRR. Because Liam.
9. If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one) would you personally want to be with?
Have you seen my icon? My bio? Can we all agree we know the answer to this?
10. Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/Selfies optional.
TRR MC maybe? We have the same face shape, skin tone, and hair. I will not post a selfie, but here is my bitmoji instead lol
Tumblr media
11. Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?
I don't think any? I would say I'm like PM Nadia though.
12. Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality?
Oof, I don't know, maybe Maxwell. His kind of humor is my kind of humor. Kind of weird and kind of annoying? Hi hello, that's me 💁🏻
13. What’s your favourite Choices pairing to write for?
Heh the only one I've written for: Liam x MC
14. What is a pairing(s) you hope to start writing for?
Let me get myself sorted with posting all my Liam x MC drafts first, then we'll talk about who's next 😅
15. What do you hope to improve in your writing?
Not saying "just" all the time? I just can't help it!
16. Any pet peeves related to writing?
Haha my eye twitches whenever I read someone releases a breath they didn't know they were holding.
17. Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share?
Alllllllll da time! That is the whole reason of why I write. It's a healing process for me. I'm considering posting one as a matter of fact! I just want to add a doodle, and it'll be done.
18. Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? Something so amazing you hope one day you’ll be up to that’s standard?
If I had to pick, it would be Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey or The Sun and Her Flowers. My addition of a doodle from the last question is heavily influenced by her books. Her writing style is so similar to mine, that it made me realize you don't need to write 2000 word essays or 500 page novels to inspire people. It can be small, it can be incomplete sentences, it can be anything in the world, and maybe if I'm lucky, someone will look at my writing the way I look at Rupi's.
19. Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones?
Nay. Liam is the only love of my pixel life.
20. In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?
It changes all the time! So often that changing hobbies has become a hobby for me 🙈
It used to be nail art... if you dig through this blog deep enough, you'll find them. And then it was learning to play the piano, or a guitar, and so on and so on.
I tag anybody that wants to do this! And then tag me when you do, so I can read it ☺️
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