#i was trying not to have high expectations cause well online purchases and tv merch I HAD BAD EXPERIENCES in the past ok
lottieurl · 1 year
yj merch arrived btw 😇
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 33 -Don't Mole On My Parade
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"Beware evil doers, for I, the mighty Minimax, doth roam the streets with my trusted partner Fred, along with his newest protégé Varian, and together we plan to buy a DVD!"
Varian watched the small robot jump upon a mailbox to proclaim this lofty goal. The little automaton looked just like his namesake, a mini Baymax, but his behavior was far different from the robotic nurse. Hiro had built him to be a sidekick for Fred and so the robot acted just as if he came out of a silver age comic.
"Hey Fred?" Varian asked.
"What happened to 'keeping a superhero's identity secret is rule number one in the hallows of superherodom'?"
His friend looked back at him confused, "It is. Why?"
"Because your robot pal isn't exactly what I would call ' inconspicuous'. Aren't you worried someone might recognize him and, you know, put two and two together?"
Fred looked surprised, as if he had never considered this possibility. After a moment's thought he called after his robotic companion.
"You know, your right. Hey Minimax,
come here, you need a disguise."
The little android dutifully ran up to the teen and Fred pulled out a pair of sunglasses and placed them upon its head.
"There! How does that look?"
"Like a small white robot wearing sunglasses."
"Exactly! Usually he wears a cape when he's superheroing."
"You seriously don't expect people to be fooled by a pair of glasses do you?"
"Why not? It worked for Henry Reeve. He played Captain Fancy in the tv show."
"Yeah but I doubt the guy was a two foot tall robot."
"As far as we know…." Fred said stone faced as he looked Varian dead in the eye; the way he often did when spouting some crazy theory that no one else believed.
Varian decided to cut his losses. There was no getting through to Fred once he latched onto an idea; regardless of how ill advised and detached from reality it was.
"So where are we going again?" Varian asked instead.
"We're going to the comic book store to buy a copy of the Professor What DVD that just came out."
"I thought you already owned every episode though?"
"I do. Of every aired episode that is. This is the "lost serial". It was recorded but never broadcast due to a production strike during the 70s and the only way to see it was through bootlegs. But now the EBC has released it in full on dvd, plus extras, like special interviews with the cast and such."
"Ok, that's cool, I guess."
"Mega cool! I can't wait to see it in all it's high definition glory!" Fred joyously squealed only to sober up as they neared the comic shop. "There's only one problem."
"What's that?"
"Richardson Mole" Fred growled.
"Mole?" Varian echoed, confused.
"My arch nemesis, remember? His is the only comic store in town that currently has any copies. The rest won't get theirs till next week!"
"Then why not wait until next week to get it then?" Varian very sensibly asked.
Fred looked at him aghast, "And let Mole gloat over getting to see it a whole week early!? Un-uh! No way! Buuuuut he won't sell me a copy; so that's why you're here."
Fred wrapped an arm around Varian's shoulder and pointed at the other teen's chest as he recounted his plan.
"You see, Minimax and I will cause a distraction drawing Mole outside. While he's gone, you quickly grab a dvd from the display stand and mix it up with a bunch of other stuff you're going to purchase and dump it all on the counter. Hopefully he'll be so annoyed by what me and Minimax have planned, that he won't notice that he sold you a copy along with all the other things you grabbed. It's the perfect plan!" Fred rubbed his hands together devilishly.
"Uh...hun….Ooor I could just walk in there and buy a copy outright instead of paying for a bunch of stuff I don't want." Varian countered.
"You know... that's so crazy…it just might work. Minimax; new plan!" Fred yelled after his robot.
The comic shop was not much different from the store inside the mall that Fred had taken Varian to on his first day in San Fansokyo. The main difference was it was a freestanding building and the cashier was a short child perhaps only a few years younger then Varian himself.
"Hello, welcome to my sho--oh it's you, Fred." The kid interrupted his enthusiastic greeting towards Varian the moment Fred walked in behind him.
"Why hello, Mole, unpleasant as ever I see." Fred retorted back with equal disdain.
Mole only sighed and rolled his eyes. "What do you want Fred?"
"Oh contraire, it's not what I want but what my friend here wants." Fred gently but firmly nudged Varian up to the counter as he said this. "Tell him Varian."
"Uhhh...I'd like the newest Professor What DVD...the lost episode one?... P-please." Varian wasn't sure what he had expected when Fred first asked him to come along on this quest for a DVD, but being glared at by a very irritated 12 year old from across the counter wasn't it. Moreover he hated being put on the spot like this. He really had no context for this apparent feud Fred had with this kid.
"Really?" Mole raised an eyebrow. "And there's no chance that my rival Fred here didn't put you up to the task of buying the dvd for him?"
"Uh...d-does it matter?" Varian shrugged, now completely bewildered. He had assumed Fred was only exaggerating about Mole, same as he exaggerated about just everything, but no, turns out that the pre-teen really was that petty.
"Uh, of course it matters." The kid replied as if Varian had missed something obvious. "I have the only copies in town and in limited quantities. I'll only sell them to true fans of the series, otherwise someone might just buy from me and then sell it at a mark up price online or something. Now why should I give someone else that advantage when I can corner the market?"  
Varian raised an eyebrow at this explanation but Fred stepped in before he could say anything.
"Hey, Varian's a fan. We've been marathoning the series. Tell him, buddy." Fred gave Varian another nudge.
"Oh really? Well then, Varian, who is your favorite Professor?" Mole's voice dripped with incredulity.
"Y-you mean there's more than one?" Varian began to ask in confusion but Fred jumped him, covering Varian's ears with his hands. Though it did little good as Varian could still hear Fred shushing Mole.
"Shhh...Careful with the spoilers Mole!"
"I knew it! I knew It!" Mole yelled back. "You just dragged your friend over here to buy the special edition dvd for you!"
"I did not!" Fred snapped back.
Minimax jumped up onto the counter and pointed a finger at Mole. "No one accuses my Fred of trickery, foul villain. For even though that is indeed the plan and you must have only deduced that with your nefarious cunning."
"Minimaaaax!" Fred whined.
Varian was losing his patience. He shoved Fred off him. "Look, yes, I came here to buy the DVD so Fred and I could watch it in our marathon. But so far we've only watched the first season and more copies are arriving in a week, so what does it matter!?"
"Wait? You've only seen season one, as in the original series first season from 1963?" Mole asked.
"That's what I was trying to tell you, Mole." Fred interrupted again. "He's going into the series completely blind. He doesn't know about… r-e-n-e-w-a-l yet."
"Renewal?" Varian echoed now even more confused. Fred had tried to drop his voice to a whisper but Varian heard anyway.
Mole's entire demeanor magically changed. Gone was his standoffish and combative nature and in its place was a look of genuine excitement.
"Ooooh, how I envy you my friend! Imagine being able to experience the whole series fresh! Oh..oh, then what's your favorite story so far?"
"Ummm...I liked the one we just finished… it's the one where they're stuck in the middle of the French Revolution."
"Interesting choice." Mole said intrigued. "So who's your favorite assistant?"
"Well I don't if she counts as an 'assistant' but my favorite character so far is the Professor's granddaughter, Sue."
"Yeees!" Mole exclaimed suddenly, taking Varian a back. "Finally, someone who sees sense! Sue is so underappreciated. You know what?" Mole continued as he reached behind the counter to pull a dvd box off the shelf. "Just to show my support in your endeavor to embark on such a daunting quest as to view the entirety of Professor What, here is the dvd to complete the collection, free of charge."
"Really?" Varian asked bewildered as Mole handed him the coveted copy.
"Yup, just come back and let me know how you enjoyed the later seasons, or stop by and maybe check out some of the other Professor What merch I got for sell."
Mole cheerily waved goodbye as Varian, Fred, and Minimax walked out of the shop.
"What just happened?" Fred asked.
Varian opened the thin box to see the disc inside. "Well, apparently your mortal enemy just gave me a free dvd."
"I don't trust it." Fred said darkly. "Mole is up to something."
"Do you want me to return it?"
"No!" Fred quickly exclaimed and reached out to grab the case. But Varian snatched it back out of his reach.
"Now, now, he did give it to me, you know." Varian said as if reprimanding a small child and a sly grin slowly formed on his face.
"Oooh, but.. But I waited years to see it… pleeesee."
Fred was practically crawling over him to get to the dvd but Varian fended him off while trying unsuccessfully to stifle his laughter.
"I'll tell you what… I'll let you have it…but for a price."
"Name it."
Varian thought for a moment. "I wanna drive the limo."
"Oh… but Heathcliff…" Fred stopped mid sentence as Varian waved the dvd in his face, his crooked smile growing wider.
"Ok. Fine." Fred relented. "But on one condition. Heathcliff has to teach you how to drive it."
They shook hands and Varian handed over the movie.
"Huhzzah!" Minimax proclaimed. "And once again the heroes have concluded their quest and now return home victorious!"
"Hey Mole," Fred shouted as he sauntered into the comic shop. "Do you got any replacement parts for a limited addition Space Hike laser gun? I kind of broke mine dur---"
Fred's voice trailed off when he noticed that the little store was empty. A week had passed since he and Varian had procured the Professor What DVD and Fred hadn't seen nor heard from his nemesis in that time. Fred didn't think that was too odd, it wasn't like he and Mole talked daily or anything, but it was suspicious for his rival to leave the store unattended without closing shop first.
Fred's senses went on alert and he instinctively went into stealth mode: dropping to the ground and crouching on tiptoe as he looked for booby traps on the shelves, behind the doors, and under the displays.
He didn't find any.
Though as he ransacked the counter during his search, he did hear the distant sound of laughter and music coming from the "staff only room." Which wasn't a room really. It was an elevator that went into the basement. Mole had a private arcade down there and must have been playing video games and had simply forgotten to lock up.
Satisfied that there was no danger of a prank literally blowing up in his face and covering him in some sort of slime or soap bubbles or something else that was similarly messy (Fred never forgot that time when Mole dumped dumped a bucket of chocolate fudge on his head five years ago) he decided to go down stairs to ask Mole about the previously mentioned parts.
What he found was far worse than a bucket of chocolate syrup.
In the basement Varian and Mole were both playing a video game. It was an old stand up arcade machine and on it was a retro beat 'em up. Both seemed to be enjoying themselves and called good natured taunts as they furiously pressed buttons trying to one up the other.
Neither had noticed Fred enter.
"Oh you're going down now!" Mole cheered.
"In your dreams!" Varian laughed.
He pressed the block button and his little pixelated character averted a punch from Mole's pixelated avatar and then grabbed said character into a hold and bodied slammed him to the ground.
"K.O.!" A distorted voice from the machine announced and Varian threw up his hands in victory.
"Ah…. Man!" Mole bemoaned. "You got lucky. I had you on the rocks."
"Yeah, I did." Varian admitted with a snicker.
"Best two out of three then?" Mole asked.
"Naw.. I got an essay I need to finish bef-" Varian paused mid-sentence as he turned around and finally saw Fred. Who just stood there with his mouth agape.
"Uh...hi, Fred."
Fred just pointed his finger at them and made an unintelligible sound like a cross between a gasp and a squeal.
"How the heck did you get in here Frederickson?" Mole said irritably.
This seemed to awaken Fred from his stupor.
"Betrayal!" He shouted, still pointing his finger accusingly at them both.
"Now Fred, don't overreact." Mole chided. "My friend Varian and I were just playing a friendly little game of Street Combat."
"Friend? Friend ?! My bestest buddy and protégé playing video games with my arch nemesis and mortal rival! This just like when Captain Fancy found the Fearless Ferret robbing banks with the Toymaker in Earth's Greatest #20!"
"Fred…" Varian started to reason with a weary sigh but Fred interrupted him.
"No. I don't want to hear it!" And with that he turned around on his heel and marched back into the elevator. "But mark my words Varian, Mole can't be trusted." And with this warning he pressed the first floor button and the elevator doors closed.
Varain rolled his eyes and followed after his friend. "Sorry Mole, I gotta go smooth things over with Fred. I'll see ya later."
"Okay, oh I almost forgot" the Professor What convention is next month. You want to go?" Mole replied as Varian hurried over to the elevator.
"Yeah sure, sounds like fun."  Varian answered back distractedly. "I'll see ya then." He waved bye to Mole as the door to the elevator closed.
When the elevator opened back up Varian saw Fred stomping away down the sidewalk outside and raced after him.
"Fred! Fred, wait up!"
"Why? So that you can stab me in the back again?" Fred called after.
"Fred...you're being ridiculous."
He stopped, incensed, and fumed at Varian, "Ridiculous?! Oh, I'm being ridiculous now am I?"
"Yeah, you are." Varain stated matter-of-factly.
"Oh, I see how it is. Crazy Fred is just being paranoid again. It can't possibly be that Mole has been trying to ruin my life since he was in dippers. Seriously, when I first met him he was a week old and I had to be the one to change him. It was all downhill from there."
Varian crossed his arms and gave Fred a reproachful look.
"Oh you don't believe hun?" Fred defended, "Well did he tell you about the time he cut the power to my house so he could win the online auction for Captain Fancy 133? Or the time he spilled hot fudge on me at his 7th birthday party? How about the time he stole my prized Captain Fancy pants? Oh, or how he bought out the mech wrestling league just so I couldn't own it? And he doesn't even like wrestling!!"
Varian didn't answer and kept up his disapproving glare.
"I tell you Mole is just using you to get to me. Don't you see? It'd be the ultimate revenge if he stole my protégé away--."
"Ok, first off, I'm not your "protégé" or "apprentice" or whatever, and second off, Mole never mentioned you the entire time we've hung out. Couldn't it just be possible that he wants to be friends with me and that you're making a big deal out of nothing?"
"Oh really? Then how would you feel if I started hanging out with that princess you hate so much? Rapunzel! Yeah, wouldn't you be hurt if I became pals with your mortal enemy."
A shadow fell across Varian's face and his mildly annoyed glare transformed into cold steely gaze.
"Rapunzel left me, my father, and my entire village to die. Your 'mortal enemy' just buys the same stuff that you want."
Fred looked like a man who had just had a glass of ice water splashed in his face.
"Ooookay...I-I'm beginning to see the difference…"
Now it was Varian's turn to storm off in a huff leaving Fred to stand there bewildered.
"Wait! … She did that ?!" He turned and ran after Varian. "I thought fairy tale princesses were supposed to be nice?"
"Well, they're not, and my life is not a fairy tale Fred."
Fred pouted as he tagged long after Varian, unsure of what to say now.
Varian stopped at the bus stop to wait on his ride home and Fred sheepishly stared at his shoes. After a few awkward minutes he spoke up.
"H-hey, Varian.."
"I'm sorry….maybe I overreacted a little?"
"A little?" Varian raised an eyebrow.
"Alright, a lot. But I just don't understand why you want to even hang out with Mole."
Varian heaved a heavy sigh and relented. "Look...I just, don't have many friends ok? And before I came here I didn't have any friends. So if someone invites me to hang out with them then I wanna go. Cause that doesn't happen often, and I don't like being alone, and....and Mole doesn't know who I am or about my past. Same as Carol, or Karmi… It's just nice to feel normal for once."
"Annnd you can't feel normal around me cause I know you're magic, right?"
"For the last time Fred, I'm not magic." He growled through his teeth and then in a gentler voice said. "Also, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, you're not normal."
"Fair. Though, if we're talking 'normal' I don't think Mole counts either."
"Maybe not, but I don't think he has a lot of friends either. I guess in that way we have something in common."
Fred looked thoughtfully at that. It was true, Mole really didn't have any friends; a combination of homeschooling and being a huge nerd had left the kid pretty isolated. Fred understood that. He'd been there too, but then again he wasn't a huge jerk to people.
"I still don't get it…. Buuutt if you want to hang out with Mole I'm not going to try and stop you."
"And you're not going to pitch a fit, or sulk, or argue with me if I do?"
Fred heaved a sigh. "No. I'll be very mature about it….also very confused…but I'll be cool, promise."
"So we're still friends?" Varian asked with some slight trepidation.
"Well of course we're still friends! That was never in question. Friends have fights sometimes, ya know, but they always stick together in the end."
He gave Varian a playful nudge on the shoulder and Varian smiled back.
Big Hero Six walked away from the college campus and headed towards the parking lot where Wasabi had parked his car. The gang of teenagers laughed and conversed until the squeal of tires on pavement sounded off in the distance and the sound of motor revving became louder and louder.
Soon a fire red sports car came barreling down the drive towards them. They jumped back as the car skidded to a halt next to them, making black marks on the pavement.
The little group stared in shock at the close call and a window rolled down to reveal the driver.
"Hey guys!" Varian cheerfully called out, oblivious to the fright he had caused them.
"Varian, what are you doing!?" Wasabi yelled.
"Oh, Heathcliff is giving me driving lessons."
The Frederickson's faithful butler tilted his head to give the other teens a better look at him. He was dressed in his usual work attire but save for the pair of sunglasses he wore. He said nothing but his stoic face broke into a sly grin and he gave a thumbs up.  He was clearly enjoying being chauffeured around for a change.  
"Yeah, Fred let me borrow his car to practice with." Varian continued and then turned to the man sitting beside him. "You were right Heathcliff, this is cooler than the limo."
At this Gogo punched Fred in the right arm.
"Oww, what was that for?" He rubbed his arm ruefully.
"You never let me borrow the race car!" She said deeply offended.
Hiro also gave Fred's left arm a much lighter smack just to get his attention. "Yeah, and I got a learners permit; same as Varian."
"Yeah but I'll get my actual license before you so I need the practice more." Varian smugly replied.
Heathcliff interrupted this friendly spat with his usual soft spoken British accent, "Master Varian, how about we learn how to pass other cars safely on the road next; and see how fast this bad boy can really go."
"Heck yeah!" Varian laughed. He moved the gear out of 'park', yelled "See ya!", and slammed on the gas. The car took off like a shot; burning rubber as it went.
"Oh what fresh horror have you unleashed?" Wasabi asked Fred as everyone stared dumbstruck after the boisterous teen and renegade butler.
Hey I’ve recently lost my job and am currently hunting for work so story updates will be slow. 
If you would like to help out you can all way support me on ko-fi 
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