#i was trimming my bangs and it looked rly nice and then i did face framing and it looked even nicer
frogathy · 1 year
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hi !!! can i get headcanons on how the brothers would react to mc who had rly long hair but decided to cut it rly short one day?? like pixie cut short? lol i think that’d be fun to watch, also if all brothers is too much can u just do mammon, beel, and asmo pls ty!
Demon brothers w/ MC who cut off their long hair
This was super interesting and fun to write! I kinda assumed the MC cut their own hair so I’m really sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting, but I hope you like them anyway! Thank you for requesting :))
“What did you do-”
Coming home to you after a long, tiring day, he did not expect to see half your hair on the ground and you, scissors in hand, trying to chop off the rest of it
He thought you were just messing with him, or maybe trying a new prank
But then you tell him you were serious
Cue a resigned, long-suffering sigh, and then, “you always find a way to surprise me, love”
It’ll take him some time to get used to your short hair, but he comes to an appreciation for it eventually
He also discovers several perks to your hair length
One of those being that it exposes more of your skin to him ;)
His new favorite thing is to come up from behind you and greet you by placing a sweet kiss on the bare back of your neck
Lucifer also looks forward to coming home, where he’ll sit you on his lap and stroke your hair gently as you talk
He’ll offer to trim your hair for you, saying he doesn’t trust you to do it yourself
But we all know he’s just making excuses to run his fingers through your soft hair more and to take care of you
Screamed when he first saw you
Like a completely flabbergasted, not-so-manly, shook scream
Thought you were going through some kind of midlife crisis or something
But he gets used to it quickly, and Mammon is very impressed that you cut so much of your hair without ruining your entire head
Mammon will still call you dumb for cutting it by yourself though
“You could’ve hurt yourself! N-not that I care or anything, but you should definitely ask for my help next time!”
Even though both of you know he’s got absolutely no hair-cutting experience
Low-key amazed, and he’s very impressed
He thought you looked beautiful with long hair, but damn, you look downright stunning with short hair
Of course he’d never tell you that, or at least not without heaps of stuttering and blushing
He loves to ruffle your hair affectionately, both to touch it and to get a reaction out of you
Head pats galore
Every time you rub his head, he’ll pat yours as “revenge”
The other brothers will tease him for being soft, but he doesn’t care
These head pat exchanges always end with Mammon blushing up a storm though
Levi acts super dramatic, but when he finally realizes it’s you, he’s both shocked and excited
The thought hits him that you look really cute - not even a second later, he’s desperately covering his face to hide the blush that’s quickly overtaking his cheeks
After he calms down, he’s very excited to cosplay with you
There’s just so many new possibilities; he’s gotta start planning immediately
Levi isn’t straightforward enough to say this aloud, but he adores you and thinks you look like a goddess no matter what hair length you have
You could honestly cut the most jagged bangs, like it was admittedly a complete mistake, and he’d still think you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on
Ruri-chan and all the other characters can’t even hold a candle to you
After a long night of video games and anime marathons, he’ll tease you about your messy hair
“Woahh, MC! You look kinda like a hedgehog!”
Slapp that boy
After getting him back, he never makes fun of your messy bedhead again
When he saw you, he was speechless (very rare for him)
He’s frozen for a couple seconds, but when he snaps out of it, he’s smiling and complimenting your hair-cutting skills
“Wow! This is a big change, huh?”
He gives you nicknames at first, calling you things like Pixie or Fluffy playfully
Even with the teasing, though, Satan supports you through the entire transition
He’s read a lot of books, some of them on human hair care, so he’ll share any info he has with you
“Oh, did you know that short hair should be washed daily? Here, let me help you.”
If you ever doubt your decision, Satan immediately reassures you that he loves you no matter what
Although he does think your short hair looks amazing
Short hair might even be better because it’s easier for him to read over your shoulder when y’all are cuddling
Also likes that when you lean your head on his shoulder, there’s not as much hair covering your face from his view
Satan just really wants to see all the cute expressions you make for him
“Why didn’t you call me, MC?!”
Wishes he could’ve cut your hair himself, but he loves what you did with it
He’s also kinda mad that you didn’t tell him about your hair-cutting skills?!
Asmo will insist that you cut his hair one day
He gets super excited about it too, kinda like a puppy
It takes a lot of trust, but he’s got faith in you!
The minute he sees your new hair, he’s already thinking about all the cool hairstyles he wants to see on you
If you ever miss your long hair, you can just braid his since Asmo has longer hair
All he wants in return is your consent to be pampered as you have your hair experimented on
His nimble fingers are constantly teasing through your locks, tousling and smoothing
Asmo would also buy so many hair products and hair accessories for you
You’re gonna have more hair clips than you know what to do with
His favorite part of your sleepovers is definitely helping you wash your hair
It’s just really calming and intimate, a nice tranquil moment between you
Well, it’s his favorite besides the other nighttime "activity” that y’all get up to ;)
Very caring; if you have any regrets about cutting your hair, he’ll be quick to lay them to rest
Although he won’t hesitate to be your knight in shining armor on bad hair days!
He doesn’t really care about your hair length
Beel is just a soft boy who adores you no matter what
“You look beautiful as always, but I’m happy if you’re happy, MC.”
And he’ll say that without even a hint of a blush
This mans is just straightforward af and will say whatever comes to his mind
He adores pulling you into his lap and resting his head on top of yours
That’s his default position when y’all are cuddling, and he’ll just bask in the feeling of your fluffy hair tickling his chin
Beel is also the king of head kisses
Like the top of your head, forehead, cheek, anywhere on your head is fair game
It’s convenient because it’s the body part closest to him (since he’s basically a tree), and he also gets a good look at your cute flustered facial expression
You’ll pout, but he just thinks it’s cute and continues to do it lol
“Mmm, your hair smells good... Ah, are you blushing? You’re cute, MC.”
Saw you cutting your hair and walked the other way
He didn’t dislike it or anything, he was just surprised and confused
When you show him the finished product, he just laughs and pulls you under the blankets
“You look good as always, so come here already and let me sleep. Is it okay if I hold you like this...?”
Belphie pouts at first, but it’s honestly nothing to do with your hair, he just missed you and is annoyed that he lost out on time you could’ve spent napping with him
He eventually realizes that your short hair is even softer than your long hair
Which then causes him to nuzzle into your hair every time he falls asleep next to you
Belphie also loves to run his fingers through your hair, even if it gets messed up
He thinks you look cutest with that messed up hair because he knows it was caused by him (kinda like him leaving marks on you)
As you two fall asleep, cuddled close to each other, he’ll stroke your head absentmindedly and lean into you, his mind at peace and body fully relaxed
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