#i was told that their interactions reminded her of the peach time meme
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bingusteaweeb ¡ 7 days ago
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celebrities shop too
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bucky-iss-bae ¡ 4 years ago
The Best Assassin (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
A/N - You guys, two one shots, in two days. This is as good as it gets really. JOKE. I wanna do morreee. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Prompts/Summary: Its Movie night in the Avengers compound. 
Warnings: Spoilers for John Wick Kinda fluffy, just idiots being idiots. 
Word Count: 1300
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Walking through the compound with your blanket and pillows meant one thing. Movie nights. Every now and then, the team and their close ones got together, and you were fortunately apart of their close ones since you and Bucky started to date.
It was always fun as you grew up as Sam’s best friend, and then got replaced by Steve and Bucky, to then steal bucky. That’s a joke, well its not, Sam set you and Bucky up, it was great, you and Bucky could tease Sam. And bullying Sam was the best.
“You know, your ass looks amazing in those shorts. Maybe we should skip out on movie night and just go have some fun” Bucky commented from behind you,
Turned your head towards him, he was stood with a cheeky smile on his face, “Ain’t nothing wrong with that sweetheart” He said slapping your ass as he walked past,
You glared at him, and then his peach, running past him and slapping his ass in the process causing him to yelp out and you to giggle as you ran towards the common area.
“Why you…” he grumbled, seconds later you were wrapped up in one of his arms, as he then threw you down on the couch that the two of you would be sharing as he tickled you,
“Oh c’mon guys” Sam said pushing you apart and sitting between the two of you, “Nope, nuh uh, no funny business. We got John Wick on tonight. Keanu Reeves in one of his finest”
“Who the fuck is Keanu Reeves?” Bucky asked sighing and sitting on the other side of Sam, although he was sending daggers into his head as he sat between you both.  
“The Matrix” Nat said as she sat down getting comfortable, if anyone saw the way the avengers were sat around right now, no one would believe they were earths greatest defence.
“Ohh, that guy. Okay… okay.”
“You still have no clue, do ya Buck?” Steve asked with raised eyebrows,
“Not gonna lie bud, it all still goes over my head”
“Find that hard to believe when Y/N is constantly making pop culture references. Honestly her and Peter, the bane of my life. Its hell. I seem old compared to her, and we’re the same age” Sam said, you and Peter shared a look, he became your little brother.  
“Yeah but… you gotta get with the times man. Get TikTok, maybe follow a few meme pages on Instagram. You’ll catch up in no time”
“Which leads me to say, I ain’t ever seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gonna be ugly” Peter said looking between you and Sam,
“It ain’t me. What the fuck does that even mean? Who’s ugly? Are you on about me and Buck, Bucky and Steve, Me and Y/N?” Sam asked while everyone was settling in,
You just laughed after hearing that on TikTok all day today, you were pretty sure Bucky had also heard it.
“I’m the pretty one” you yelled, “I dibs it. Now move” you said to Sam,
“Yo, I definitely ain’t moving now.”
“It’s just something on TikTok. Don’t worry” Peter said to Sam, “Now I heard the iconic Keanue reeves is on tonight”
“What is this John Wick even about” Bucky grumbled,
“No one spoil it. It’s sad, it’ll make you cry” You told him,
“Hey, no, I thought it was an action film” He said,
“It is… Wait what if it triggers him?” Bruce asked,
“It’s also about assassins. Will it trigger you?”
“Probably if Sam’s sat next to me” Bucky said causing a few to laugh,
“Okay, fine. I’m moving, I don’t want to be on his winter solider side for the hundredth time. Y/N, come on, lets switch”
You grinned at that getting up and switching with Sam, Bucky held his arm out for you to cuddle into, his chest your own personal pillow,
“Ya’ll make me sick” he grumbled, “Fucking sat there reminding my ass of how single I am” Sam grumbled watching the two of you,
You stuck your tongue out at him and he just shook his head,  
“Also Morgan wants a child friendly film next time. She’s excited to have a sleepover, sad that she’s not here” Tony said causing Clint to laugh, “Oh, yeah. My kids are the same, they’ll all probably make a plan tonight to worm their way into us watching Moana or Brave or some Disney film”
“Yo, I am down. Let them join us, we’ll have a Disney movie marathon, and I’ll find all the films I can cry at” You said knowing that you’ve tried to put Disney films out there, and if it means the kids join, you won’t complain.
Soon enough someone put the film on and you all sat around watching it, a lot of bickering amongst someone stealing all the popcorn, a lot of tears at the dog scene, it was horrible. It nearly made you cry, although Steve pointed out how he recognised the guy from Game of Thrones. You were impressed, he’s getting there.
After that silence took over, the film being action packed, and revenge driven. You figured, if anyone ever hurt your dog, you would 100% get someone to train you to do exactly what John Wick does.
“Yo, Y/N” Sam said calling you during the film, “If you had to choose, who’s your favourite assassin”
Your lips began to move before you could stop yourself, “John Wick, no cap”
You felt eyes on you as soon as you said that, realising you were currently using the best assassin of his time as a pillow, your jaw dropped at your own answer, wanting to laugh but figured, it may not be wise.
“The fact that you added no cap at the end of it” Peter said fake flinching at it,
“In my defence,”
“Go on sweetheart, in your defence. At this rate you’ll be spending the night on this couch”  
A few oohhs erupted around the room making you want to laugh more, “In my defence, I fancied Keanu Reeves when he was in Speed. And no, listen, I forgot okay.”
“You forgot what my profession is? And then continue to talk about how you fancied the man in another film” he asked, you turned your head up looking at him, he tried to look hurt but you knew your man, he had mischief in his eyes,
Someone had paused the film to laugh at the interaction between the two of you, “Got a lot of making up to do huh Y/N” Wanda joked wiggling her eyebrows,
“Although, I do see the similarities between John Wick, and James Barnes, I mean the long hair for starters”
“The Russian assassin part. Although I’m sure the guy had his own red room” Nat said,
“And I’m sure they both have a hair care routine” Peter said pretending to film his own hair,
“Ohh, let’s not forget the killing part” Sam added,
“You think Bucky could do what he does in the second one?” Natasha asked Sam,
“Let’s give him a pencil and send him into a bar”
“I would start sticking up for Bucky saying he defo can, but like it’ll seem like I’m just trying to get on his good side. So let’s just you know, watch the film. And all agree that we all love john wick”
“You don’t make this better for yourself huh?” Sam asked causing you to kick his thigh but giggle at the same time, as someone played the film you looked up to see Bucky staring at you adoringly, you don’t know why, but clearly, he didn’t hate you for the comment. Maybe it was because you see him more as an assassin, and that’s what he always fears, people only see him for that.
“I love you” He whispered only for you to hear,
“I love you too baby” You said before kissing his cheek and laying back down, he wrapped his arm around you tighter as the two of you laid there watching the film.
AN - I wrote this in one sitting because a few days ago I was watching John Wick and mentioned how he’s one of my fave assassins and my sister was like bro Bucky is literally an assassin and I was like damnnn I really be do having a type. 
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the-sleuthy-one-a ¡ 3 years ago
am I allowed to send my url 👉👈
@herflame for this meme !
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Rain Mars...my moon my sun my peach my plum...I will never not be impressed by KC’s ability to create such engaging characters. They’ve put so much time and thought into the ACE universe and it truly shows in her replies; Rain’s story as an isolated girl in this cold, and often ruthless environment is so heart-breaking, especially as you see how it forces her to become stripped of humanity as the scientists rear her into this weapon, essentially. And although she becomes so strong in order to survive that environment, the fact that Rain also obeys so much to get even a sliver of praise from the people who stole her childhood is just gut-wrenching. It makes even more emotional post-ACE where she’s put back into the real world, the world she was told not to trust, and has to come to grips with a new reality. Despite how difficult it is, you absolutely root for Rain in her attempts to build relationships with her family that she has no memory of. (and you root for her in her badass vigilante work dsfhjsfhj)
How they play them:  Well since KC is Rain’s creator, there really isn’t anyone better to write her! No matter what verse she’s in, KC always portrays Rain with so much depth. They never shy away from portraying the extent to which ACE affected Rain (which is of course a lot considering she spent her formative years there), often showing her trust issues, struggles with establishing and maintaining relationships, and her recklessness. But on the flipside, we also get to see this awkward side to Rain as she figures things out, reminding us that despite how quickly she was forced to grow up, she’s still immature in other ways, such as in expressing vulnerability. Rain truly is a multi-faceted and I always love seeing what situations KC throws her in.
The Mun: KC is absolutely sweet!! I adore how eager she is to talks about Rain and her other characters, but also how willing she is to let others engage in her verse! It’s always so fun bouncing of them with character interactions, and they’re just always so welcoming and chatty, I love talking with her! 
Do I:
RP with them: Yes! Got many threads and drafts with Rain and other characters. 
Want to RP with them: Bro. Every time KC makes a new blog I am THERE.
What is my; 
Overall Opinion: Well thought out and loved character(s), and sweet mun!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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