#i was thumbnailing ideas when i remembered i wanted to create a fun pride fit
whispering-kavka · 2 years
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new artfight pfp~
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green-ball-of-trash · 5 years
Roman in The Closet by Himself!! Part 1
word count: 2202
ship: Prinxiety, Background Logicality, Background Remile, vaguely mention Demus.
WARNINGS: self deprecation, depression, repression, non-censored cursing, the word wh*re is used and it not censored, lgbtq+phobia is mentioned in this chapter but not directed at any of the characters.    
summary: Roman has a rough journey with his sexuality, and his crush on a certain little emo~ 
   Roman had always been enraptured with the concept of love. He could remember watching Disney movies when he was younger, where the prince rescues the princess and they both live happily ever after. 
    Although, he was never really focused on the princess of the story but more so on they heroic prince. He always thought that Prince Phillip was so much more interesting than Arora, but his little child mind couldn’t understand nor explain why that was. 
   Until he was ten years old~
  He had been looking at Disney videos on his ipad, when he discovered a peculiar video with a rainbow flag in the thumbnail. He thought that all the colors on the flag looked pretty, so he decided to click on it. 
   He heard phrases in the video that he had never heard before, such as; gay, trans, homosexaul, bisexual, pansexual, and so many more and he had absolutely no idea what they meant. Even though he had no clue, he watched the entire video. After the video was over, he got out his red notebook with Disney stickers plastered haphazardly all over the front and back cover. 
  He decided to rewatch the video again and write down any words that he didn’t understand, and look them up after he was finished. Logan is gonna be so proud of me, he had said to himself thinking of his quiet nerdy best friend. 
  He spent the entire day learning things like pride, non-bianary, gender fluid, and more. He felt like he had opened his eyes to a completely new world and he was so excited about it. He had no idea there were so many different types of amazing people. He was so… Excited! 
  His parents were busy with work downstairs, and his brother was over at a friends house so he took it upon himself to spend his entire day learning and watching videos on this community of people. It was impossible to learn everything in a day, but he was determined to try. 
  He listened to and read people’s stories on the internet, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t cry. Why were people so mean to them? He had asked himself, why are there so many mean people in the world? They were just being themselves, why couldn’t people just be proud of them? What Roman didn’t know at the time, is that he would have a few stories of his own like that in the future. 
  A few weeks later, he was on the swings with his best friend Logan. Swinging back and forth with the breeze as they talked about anything and everything, non-sense and Disney, jokes and laughter, serious topics and funny stories, until Roman decided to bring up some of the stuff he had learned to his friend. He kicked his legs back and forth carelessly as he spoke, “hey, Lo?” Logan had looked at him, as Logan wasn’t swinging nearly as much as Roman was but more just drifting to and fro with the wind as he talked with his flamboyant best friend, “yeah Ro?”
Roman grinned for a minute before speaking, “have you heard of LGBTQ+?”
Logan had nodded at his question, “yeah, my dads talk about it all the time.” He said in a nonchalant manner. Roman groaned, frustrated “AWWW, I thought I learned about something that you didn’t..” Roman stopped his swinging, skidding his bright red shoes across the ground to stop himself.
 Logan chuckled and pushes up his glasses, “sorry Ro, but I know everything.” 
  Roman stared at Logan throwing his hands about as he spoke, “that's not fair.” he said the last word dragging it out like it was the end of the world. 
  Roman had met Logan’s dads before, yet he never knew what LQBTQ+ meant and he didn’t know that a lot of people thought it was a bad thing. He thought it was awesome that Logan’s dads loved each other, even before he knew that they loved each other if that made any sense. To Roman it made complete sense in his ten year old mind.
  Roman then got an idea, “Hey Logan, there was some things I didn’t understand when I was lookin’ up stuff about it. Do you think you could answer some of my questions?”
Logan looked a little excited to teach Roman, and they spent the rest of the time on the swings not swinging but talking. Talking about something that would be very important to them one day. 
  7 years later~ 
  Roman was seventeen, and he was the most popular kid in his highschool, everyone had taken a liking to his outgoing nature. His best friends Logan, Patton, and Virgil were popular right along with him. There was only one thing that bothered Roman, his sexuality. He was terrified, from the bottom of his heart he was terrified because ne knew that he was not straight in any sense of the term. He was as curved as a rollercoaster and the ride made him feel woozy and nauseous.
     He knew that the vast majority of his school would hate him for being the way he was, so you know what he did? Like the scared little closeted boy he was he ran into the deepest corner of that closet and hid like a little toddler in hide and seek, only he wasn’t a toddler and this wasn’t hide and seek, this was hide for your life. At least that was what it had felt like to him. 
  He knew that his friend would accept him, since Patton had come out to them in freshman year as Pan to him, Logan, and Virgil, it had lead to Logan coming out to them as gay demisexual, and then a year later in there sophmore Virgil coming out to them as gay. They promised to support each other and never ever tell anyone else. It was like their own little pride group, only Roman was an ally… Or so the others had thought.
       Roman knew that they would accept him. Of all people who knew that he could come out to them, and it was okay. But his heart leapt up into his throat and his knees buckled and the mere thought of it. He could just imagine their judgemental glances, thinking he was only saying it because he wanted to feel included, “you’re not really gay.” He would imagine them saying, “are you doing this for attention?” “if you were gay then why have you been telling us about all your straight crushes for years?” He had made up crushes to stay in the closet “you’re so dramatic! Just shut up and we can forget you even tried to pull off this whole charade.” 
   I part of him knew they would never do that, but it was a very small part of him, it was like a tiny ball of light shining in the darkness of self deprecation that he had created within himself. He pretended to be so confident, he was a great actor ‘but that was the only thing he was great at’ He would say to himself like a father scolding a child for doing something wrong, only the child was priding within himself and the father was a cold old man with no joy and wanted his son to live a dry cold life never thinking higher than an inch of himself. 
“Princey? You okay there?...” he hadn’t noticed that he had started to zone out with another one of his spirals into the dark clouded space that was his mind. ‘No’ he said to himself and only himself. Virgil would think he was such an attention seeking whore if he ever told him anything that went on in his head, “I’m fit as a fiddle Hottopic, sorry I zoned out, I was just thinking about Valerie. Her hair looked so pretty today.” He said with a smile that didn’t seem to reach his eyes. Valerie was amazing, she was really fun to hang out with and yes her hair actually did look pretty today but to Roman he felt nothing but platonic love for her. And when he would pretend to have a crush on her, especially to one of his best friends….. He felt as though someone was stabbing a knife into his heart, his weak little heart that throbbed at anything and everything. He was so weak he would tell himself. His heart was a bruised and pin pricked as a baby rabbit that got into a fight with a porcupine, and oh how his heart loved to jump and do summersaults like the little rabbit it was in the presence of the emo sitting next to him.   
  But the thing was it hurt so so much worse when he lied to Virgil. Virgil was so caring, he was kind to all of them, and he loved hanging out with him. Virgil was just so funny, and cute, and smart, and handsome, and- he stopped his thoughts, halting them and pushing them as far back into his mind as they would go. It was getting a lot harder to get rid of them lately. Virgil got a sad sort of look in his eyes but Roman didn’t notice, he was to busy gay panicing. “Thats sweet Roman. You two would be cute together ...” Virgil trailed off, sort of spacing out himself as Roman had just a few moments ago. 
  Roman clapped his hands together and stood up with a plastered smile on his face, startling Virgil almost knocking him off the bench that they had been sitting on. They were at the park, just talking. Roman turned toward Virgil and uttered a quick apology before spilling his idea to his monochromatic friend, “We should go get ice cream!!” Virgil chuckled at Roman’s excitement, and blushed under his porcelain foundation, “sure thing, if you promise to stop yelling” Virgil pulled on his hoodie strings, “people are starting to stare.” he said the last part with breathless sort of panicked whisper only loud enough just for Roman to catch it. 
   They spent the rest of the day just walking around town, laughing and enjoying the company of one another. Roman’s little heart jumped into his throat everytime he heard that beautiful laugh of Virgil’s, it was like looking at the sky and letting the sun hit your face. You can’t open your eyes and look directly at it though, because you might go blind at its unending beauty. Even if Virgil didn’t think so, he was the sun, the moon, the stars, and the clouds all bundled up in one amazing person and oh how he shined. 
     He was always there when you needed him and he was the most hard working person Roman knew, even if Virgil ran into days where he couldn’t even speak because of his anxiety disorder Roman thought he was so strong to have even got out of bed on those days. And he made sure to tell Virgil how strong he was everyday, and if Virgil couldn’t find his voice that day. Roman would speak for him to faceless strangers at school who wanted to speak with Virgil, although Logan and Patton would do that as well, it seemed to have affected Virgil more when Roman did it. It made Virgil feel warm and gooey on the inside, feelings that someone with a hard emo persona like his should never let themselves have but he had them and he loved how they made him feel. But he could never feel that about Roman, because Roman would never feel that way about him and that wasn’t something that he could change and that was just the way the world had to fuck him over.
  The universe had made a little emo gay boy who was obsessed with My Chemical Romance and black eyeshadow, fall in love with his straight best friend. What a painful story trope. Only his best friend wasn’t actually straight, a fact that he was oblivious to, and this wasn’t a cheesy romance story this was their lives. Virgil looked down at hits ice cream, enjoying the treat quietly as he listened to Roman gush and rant about Hamilton or whatever musical he had decided to talk about. 
They had arrived at Virgil’s house and said their goodbyes, with halfwitted insults with no venom in the words. It was their usual routine and they were both content with the way their relationship was. But they were just content, both of them wanted more but they would never admit that to themselves or each other. Roman walked home, with everything swirling around in his head and he laughed with a sort of dark emptiness. What a day.
To be continued~ 
OH MY GOSH THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE!!! Idk how much fun it was to read or how many people will actually read it, but I hope at least a few people enjoy it. this first part was out earlier than I had expected! When I get the next part out then I will link it on this part and tag anyone who wants to know when it comes out. I hope you enjoyed~ my friend that pitched me some ideas: @akane-mukami she is amazing and beautiful please go show her some love!
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dawnajaynes32 · 8 years
Help Us Choose the Logo Design Awards Reader’s Choice Winners
It was a year of firsts for the 8th Annual HOW Logo Design Awards.
This time, the two Reader’s Choice winners (one from the logo category and one from the identity applications category) will get a Big Ticket registration to HOW Design Live 2017, as well as a beautiful trophy to be presented at the conference.
Also for the first time ever, all 20 winners of the Awards will be featured in the pages of the Summer 2017 issue of the award-winning HOW magazine. (Subscribe today to get the issue on your doorstep!)
Below, you’ll see the 20 winners that were selected from among nearly 1,200 submissions by Landor New York’s Wally Krantz, with support from the HOW editorial staff.
The team at HOW is now asking all of you to weigh in as well and select a winner from each category to receive a Reader’s Choice award.
Until 12:00 pm EST on Monday, February 6, 2017, we invite you to vote for one Reader’s Choice Award winner from each of the two categories (surveys located at the end of their respective sections).
Logos Category Reader’s Choice Contenders
Please remember to read the project descriptions, watch videos and enlarge any thumbnails before casting your vote!
1. Cochon Dingue
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DESIGN FIRM LMG Communication graphique, Québec; www.lmgcom.com CREATIVE TEAM Jacques-Dominique Landry, Louis Martin, creative directors; Mathieu Tremblay, art director/designer; Laurent Grislain, designer/photographer CLIENT Groupe Restos Plaisirs DETAILS Fascinated by France, the client wanted to bring back, from 36 years ago, the spirit of French bistro in his restaurants. In this rebranding project, the challenge was to translate that in a clearer, simpler design compared to the original logo. And all of that with a funny side (Cochon Dingue means « crazy pig »). With vintage-French-poster–inspired typography and its famous bleu-blanc-rouge palette, the new branding clearly shows his French roots. The logo now features a more energizing and crazier pig. Jumping on a trampoline or walking on his front legs—it’s up to you to imagine it!
2. Craft
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COMPANY/CLIENT InVision App, New York City; www.invisionapp.com CREATIVE TEAM Aaron Stump, art director; Jared Granger, art director/designer DETAILS Craft is a suite of plugins that empowers designers to create digital products using real, relevant data. The Craft logo illustrates the concept of joining as well as unfolding; specifically, the joining together of all the aspects within the design process to reveal the final product. The logo also reflects movement, which echoes the ongoing, iterative process inherent to thoughtful design.
3. DIRT // Logo
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DESIGN FIRM helium creative, Fort Lauderdale, FL; www.heliumcreative.com CREATIVE TEAM Christopher Heller, Ryan Sirois, art directors; Kelly Gedvilas, designer CLIENT DIRT DETAILS Miami Beach farm-to-counter eatery and wellness bar DIRT approached helium creative in desperate need of help. They had a name that didn’t fit their audience and no identity at all. After the firm’s naming + brand development process, DIRT was born, and since then it has soared to be one the most popular restaurants in Miami. Helium creative gets almost daily compliments on its brand work for DIRT, including the logo. Purposely clean-cut and structured, the logo is meant to give way to focusing on the important stuff—the food. The little tilt in the ‘I’ and the tagline, EAT CLEAN, is a nod to living life a little different and a little healthier.
4. Dixie Identity
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DESIGN FIRM Landor, Cincinnati; https://landor.com CREATIVE TEAM Dale Doyle, executive creative director; Grant Collinsworth, creative director; Zack Mueller, designer CLIENT Georgia Pacific DETAILS Saul Bass designed the Dixie identity back in 1969. Over the years the mark evolved into a more dynamic and expressive wordmark to bring to life the positioning of the brand. Landor wanted to bring back the simplistic spirit of the original identity that Saul Bass created in order to connect with today’s consumer. The new mark is modern, simple, yet full of life.
Note: The judge was unaware that the Dixie logo was a Landor design when he selected it. HOW acknowledges the judge’s connection to Landor. The Dixie logo was evaluated and seconded as winner by a HOW art director and the HOW editorial staff.
5. Drei Brüder
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DESIGN FIRM Peppermill Projects, Annapolis, MD; www.peppermillprojects.com CREATIVE TEAM Jennifer Culpepper, art director; Grace Rudder, designer CLIENT Old Stein Inn DETAILS Drei Brüder is the brand name for a line of packaged goods made in the kitchen of the Old Stein Inn, a German restaurant in Maryland. Drei Brüder means “three brothers” in German and is named for the three young sons of the owners. The team designed the Drei Brüder logo to fit within the Old Stein brand by using similar fonts and colors. They also illustrated the three toe-headed boys who frequently help out in the garden to share a bit of their personalities.
6. GUND Rebrand
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DESIGN FIRM Cynda Media Lab, Englewood Cliffs, NJ; www.cyndamedia.com CREATIVE TEAM C. J. Yeh, Christie Shin, art directors; Fred Pirlot, designer CLIENT GUND DETAILS GUND is the oldest manufacturer of soft toys in America, and also the first teddy bear manufacturer to truly capture emotion and facial expression in their product shots of plush toys. GUND’s new brand identity design pays homage to this tradition by focusing on the most emotionally expressive elements of GUND’s signature products. It emphasizes the intangible qualities of the company’s work over the physical, reflecting the emotional investment that develops among their consumers.
7. L’Espace Public
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DESIGN FIRM Écorce, Montreal; www.ecorce.ca CREATIVE TEAM Karl-Frédéric Anctil , creative director; Xavier Coulombe-Murray, Julie Poulin, art directors; Rafik Andraos, production designer CLIENT L’Espace Public DETAILS The microbrewery’s new brand image needed to represent all five master brewers at Espace Public, including their passion for beer and pride in the Montreal district they are based in. The pigeon—a bird that always travels in flocks, is not shy about staking out its place and can be found everywhere, especially in public places—was made the emblem of the brewery and will be featured on all of the company’s communications.
8. Majorette
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DESIGN FIRM Almanac, Saint Louis, MO; www.brandalmanac.com CREATIVE TEAM Nathan Sprehe, art director; Katie Hileman, designer CLIENT Majorette DETAILS Majorette is St. Louis’ latest event space and is a younger (wilder) sister to Boo Cat Club. With a loud voice and tassels everywhere, Majorette brings together the curious, creative people of St. Louis. After uncovering a brand voice, Majorette’s visual identity quickly came to life, demanding everyone around her to have fun. The vibrant and arresting print collateral, exterior signage and (ahem) attention-grabbing website immediately draw you in to Majorette’s spirit
9. Publicis.Sapient
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DESIGN FIRM/CLIENT Publicis.Sapient, New York City; www.publicis.sapient.com CREATIVE TEAM Gaston Legorburu, chief creative strategist; Matthew Jacobson, executive vice president, design; Allison Bistrong, creative director; James Alleman, associate creative director; Matt Keeler, senior art director; Jonathan Candelaria, Jordan Rivero, art directors; Cindy Maria Jimenez, senior designer; Wailam Pan, design manager; Katarina Bromberg, marketing director; Leyvani Escallon, manager project management; Tim Tonsel, senior manager technology; Mike Zevitas, Dustin Mershon, senior interactive developers; Sergio Gutierrez, senior manager project management; Kevin Williams, interactive development manager; Chris Tomotsugu, Sofia Puerto, interactive developers DETAILS The Publicis.Sapient platform represents a new model within Publicis Groupe, which demands a visual identity that defines a culture of collaboration.
he firm needed to show C-Suite business leaders and analysts how it’s built to leverage an unprecedented scale of seamless capabilities, and at the same time show the internal team how they fit in to the bigger picture of P.S while remaining connected to their current agency.
To that end, the team created a modular identity system, built on the idea of alchemy—the magical process of transformation, creation and combination. The firm is both a collection and a connection of elements—while every day they are hydrogen, some days they get to be a part of creating water. So far our brand rollout has been articulated through a digital style guide, and applied through digital communications, an exhibit at the Adobe Summit, stationery, swag, promotional materials, even on Fenway Park’s Green Monster.
10. Sharpie Slam ATL
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STUDENT Tayllor Battle, Atlanta; www.tayllorbattle.com INSTRUCTOR Colleen Finn, www.colleenfinn.com SCHOOL The Creative Circus, Atlanta; www.creativecircus.edu DETAILS Top Atlanta artists went toe-to-toe in an exciting, interactive art competition. Teams were given a theme, a foam board and unlimited sharpies to develop their masterpiece. Battle created this logo as a celebration of the event, incorporating the rooftop environment and the triumphant power of the marker.
Now vote for your favorite logo!
Identity Applications Category Reader’s Choice Contenders
Again, please remember to read the project descriptions, watch videos and enlarge any thumbnails before casting your vote!
1. 1907 Meat Co.
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DESIGN FIRM Ghost, Oklahoma City, OK; www.ghostokc.com CREATIVE TEAM Matthew Pickett, art director; Ryan Fuller, Hannah Ashford, designers CLIENT 1907 Meat Co. DETAILS From farm-to-plate is at the heart of the quality meat offered from 1907 Meat Company. This startup maintains close relationships every step of the way—from the farmers and animals to the facilities processing the cuts—ensuring a premium standard that did not exist in this market previously. 1907 is the year of statehood for Oklahoma. That state pride is captured in an identity system that includes a strong palette, tags and stamps parted with great photography of the actual farmers and animals in the story. The tagline was also developed through this exploration: “The premium standard wasn’t available. So we created it.”
2. Addison Elementary
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DESIGN FIRM Tompert Design, Palo Alto, CA; www.tompertdesign.com CREATIVE TEAM Claudia Huber Tompert, art director; Adam Houghton, designer CLIENT Addison Elementary School DETAILS Based on a superhero theme, Tompert Design created a new logo for Addison Elementary School (Palo Alto, CA) as part of the annual fundraising auction—the firm’s pay-it-forward project for 2015. The bright primary colors and fresh design approach were just what was needed to achieve powerful participation for the incredible event. And then Whoosh! The logo design morphed into ever-more adventurous projects befitting these heroic agents of education.
3. Adventure Philanthropist
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DESIGN FIRM wkrm design, Austin; www.wkrmdesign.com CREATIVE TEAM Jiwon Park, art director; Emily Jarvis, brand design lead; Hillary Henrici, designer; Emily Jarvis, Hillary Henrici, brand system designers; Whitney Chen, Denise Zaldivar, UI designers CLIENT Adventure Philanthropist (Erin Michelson) DETAILS Adventure Philanthropist is an interactive media company that provides the mechanisms and motivation for individuals to participate in philanthropic activities.
The philanthropic personality test carefully assesses individuals to discover and define their philanthropic personality type. At the end of the quiz, a set of curated philanthropic activities will be revealed based on the defined philanthropic personality type and the chosen cause.
A unique pattern-filled badge system generates personalized badge symbols that each user will build up themselves while answering the ten questions. This personalized visual system not only highlights the fun of philanthropy, but also nurtures motivation and promotes the infinite possibilities for good-doing.
4. Cochon Dingue
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DESIGN FIRM LMG Communication graphique, Québec; www.lmgcom.com CREATIVE TEAM Jacques-Dominique Landry, Louis Martin, creative directors; Mathieu Tremblay, art director/designer; Laurent Grislain, designer/photographer CLIENT Groupe Restos Plaisirs DETAILS Fascinated by France, the client wanted to bring back, from 36 years ago, the spirit of French bistro in his restaurants. In this rebranding project, the challenge was to translate that in a clearer, simpler design compared to the original logo. And all of that with a funny side (Cochon Dingue means « crazy pig »).
With vintage-French-poster–inspired typography and its famous bleu-blanc-rouge palette, the new branding clearly shows his French roots. The logo now features a more energizing and crazier pig. Jumping on a trampoline or walking on his front legs—it’s up to you to imagine it!
5. L’Espace Public
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DESIGN FIRM Écorce, Montreal; www.ecorce.ca CREATIVE TEAM Karl-Frédéric Anctil , creative director; Xavier Coulombe-Murray, Julie Poulin, art directors; Rafik Andraos, production designer CLIENT L’Espace Public DETAILS The microbrewery’s new brand image needed to represent all five master brewers at Espace Public, including their passion for beer and pride in the Montreal district they are based in. The pigeon—a bird that always travels in flocks, is not shy about staking out its place and can be found everywhere, especially in public places—was made the emblem of the brewery and will be featured on all of the company’s communications.
6. Method + Standard Vodka Identity
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DESIGN FIRM Device Creative Collaborative, Winston-Salem, NC; www.wearedevice.com CREATIVE TEAM Ross Clodfelter, Shane Cranford, art directors/designers; Noemi Zelaya, designer; Stephanie Campisi, Reid Thorpe, copywriters; Dianne Sutherland, illustrator; V.K. Rees, photographer CLIENT Piedmont Distillers, Inc. DETAILS Method + Standard is a vodka for those who care equally about what goes in to the bottle as what comes out of it. This dual-concept approach is embodied in a brand identity as carefully crafted as the vodka itself. Embracing the spirit’s all-natural, additive-free, small-batch sensibility—following it from the sourcing of its off-the-branch ingredients to the memorable experience of the final pour—each design element underpins the notion that it’s the method that creates the standard, and that the two are inseparably intertwined.
7. Press Cafe
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DESIGN FIRM Pivot Group, Portland, OR; www.askpivot.com CREATIVE TEAM Alyssa Wise, Joey Bianco, creative directors; Rachel Getsinger, art director/designer; Kelsie Montgomery, designer; Amanda Kate Howard, production coordinator CLIENT Press Cafe DETAILS The Press Cafe logo was created out of a desire to represent the pride the cafe has in its rich Northwest heritage. The brand contains versatile marks that are used across a variety of applications. The brand and space grew into a cozy and modern lodge. Dark wood, antique metal canteens and cups, and framed maps of Oregon’s forest areas contribute to the cozy atmosphere. The focal point of the space is undoubtedly the fireplace with beautiful shelving surrounding a white ceramic deer head. Press Cafe captures a unique experience and taste of the Northwest.
8. The Cobbler at 1558
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  DESIGN FIRM Conduit Studio, Grand Rapids, MI; www.conduitstudio.com CREATIVE TEAM John O’Neill, art director; Ryan Mitchell, Kelly O’Hara, designers; CLIENT The Cobbler at 1558 DETAILS As he took over a generations-old cobbler shop in the quirky neighborhood of Eastown, Conduit Studio’s friend Romie wanted a brand that respected the shop’s history while signaling a new, modern-day outlook. Based on studies of historical industrial lettering, the studio created a custom typeface with roots in the past and enough eccentricities to feel fresh. This became the touchpoint for the brand. They renamed the shop, which specializes in shoe repair and bespoke leather coloring and treatment, to highlight the address and emphasize its hyper-local, neighborhood focus.
9. Vallier Bistro
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DESIGN FIRM Phoenix The Creative Studio, Montreal, Quebec; www.phoenix.cool CREATIVE TEAM Louis Paquet, creative director; Christopher Nicola, art director; Clement Piganeau, Anthony Morell, designers; Fouad Mallouk, account manager CLIENT Vallier Bistro DETAILS Ten years ago, Mr. Vallier Dufour founded Vallier. Wishing to “dust off” the place, he closed for the winter and has undertaken a major facelift. Result: Vallier is a restaurant specializes in creative and comforting cuisine with French bistro-style dishes. Vallier offers its customers a whole new menu and a whole new decor to make the restaurant warmer, lighter and add comfort. The mandate of Phoenix included brand identity, new logo and all of their communicational tools, in addition to the design and development of their new website.
10. Wulf’s Fish
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DESIGN FIRM Vervaine Design Studio, Chatham, MA; www.vervaine.com CREATIVE TEAM Alison Parker, creative director/designer; Joe Fox, brand messaging; Claire Woodward, design assistant CLIENT Wulf’s Fish DETAILS Founded in Boston in 1926, Wulf’s Fish Market was a neighborhood cornerstone that thrived on word of mouth for 90 years. To position the company for growth, they needed to elevate their brand and tell a story that would be relevant to savvy customers nationwide.
The studio designed a logomark that is both modern and timeless, a vibrant emblem that pops on packaging, signage and apparel. The angular form evokes a diving fish, with a subtle nod to history: the arrowhead “deli counter” tickets that Sam Wulf’s customers pulled when they lined up for his cuts. Wulf’s heritage for quality, traceable seafood suggested a tagline that says it all: “New Fish. Old School.”
Now vote for your favorite identity application!
Subscribe to HOW today and be the first to get a copy of the Summer 2017 issue that’ll go behind the scenes with the Reader’s Choice winners of the Logo Design Awards. When you subscribe, you’re also supporting print and setting yourself up for success with a year’s worth of design inspiration, profiles and case studies from the people and agencies you want to know about, and cutting-edge how-to content that can’t be found anywhere else.
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