#i was thoroughly unimpressed with the ep which sucks because i was excited to get more quality uhura content
Strange New World’s Lost in Translation (2x06) had so much fabulous Uhura potential and the ep dropped the ball 👀
Uhura got shafted in this episode in terms of development. We didn’t learn much of anything about her that hadn’t already been covered in previous episodes. She spent most of the ep in wandering stunned silence. Why??? The romantic pairings got an inordinate amount of screentime compared to Uhura’s arc. Ugh!!! Kirk ended up being more of a focus than Uhura which makes no sense to me. The emotional catharsis of people avoiding Pelia - because she reminds them of Hemmer - was given to Una instead of Uhura which is weird because that character point was better established and clearer in Uhura’s interaction with Pelia than Una’s interaction with her. Uhura’s big line to Pike about “what’s the point of finding new life if we’re just going to kill it” was weak not because it’s not a valid point but because it’s…remedial! Once they knew they were dealing with sentient life, not killing it is really the bare fucking minimum and should need no speech. It should have just been a very loud “oh no. Let’s fix this. like. yesterday!!” and followed by truly roaring praise of Uhura for sifting through her past trauma to uncover the new life forms’ language. Why was Sam writing the paper about said new life? At the very least he should be co-authoring it with Uhura. Basically the last like 15 to 20 mins of the ep was more-so what i was expecting for the whole thing. Getting into the nitty gritty of Uhura figuring it out, fighting her demons, and helping the rest of the crew understand what was going on.
Anyway I could say more but I’m tired. I was expecting quality Uhura content from this ep but I didn’t get it. There was opportunity but SNW failed to optimize said opportunity and instead roped in literally every other character in ways that didn’t further Uhura’s character in any meaningful way at best and distracted from her character entirely at worst.
Almost like they were afraid that their version of Uhura “couldn’t carry the audience’s full attention”??? And/or run of the mill irl racism at work 😒 And based on the posts I’ve seen today tptb may be right about people not being willing to sit through a whole Uhura-centric ep because nobody on this hellsite seemed to even notice that Uhura was barely important to her own ep. I’m sad and frustrated to say the least. 😩
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