#i was thinking cutesy horse girl but i think it's come out a little less ~cute more ~vintage girlie
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bebemoon · 4 months ago
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look for the name of MANUELA (requested by anonymous) | vintage dusty pink mid-length gunne sax w/ lace-trim and sailor-style collar, vintage roy rogers & trigger official graphic short sleeve sweater (c. 195o's), miu miu beige leather western mules w/ pink embroidered rose bud details, d.s. & durga "cowgirl grass" eau de parfum (bergamot zest, lychee, pink geranium, jasmine water, peony, wild grass, crystal amber, musk, vetiver), chloé "kerala" chocolate brown leather tote handbag w/ horse and horse shoe charms
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mudzdale · 3 years ago
i think the thing that disappointed me abt centaurworld was that it didnt tell the kind of story it was cut out to be. or at least that it could have been. obviously the show’s primary gimmick was the clash of a cutesy, cartoony, largely nonsensical world versus the standard edgy, war-torn fantasy realm. so i figured it was going to be like a. who framed roger rabbit kind of thing. teaching Horse to find the fun in life thru friendship with zany cartoon-people
but then they introduced the taurnado and i was like OHO. now THIS is interesting.
this adds some depth to the world. suddenly wammawink’s insistence that they all just stay safe in the bubble makes sense. this world is lovingly hostile to its own inhabitants. its a zany, rainbow gilttery cartoon world that also wants them dead. theres something incredible about the concept of a sentient tornado made up of the very souls it’s taken, which actively hunts and desires to add more to its collection. and takes the form of a centaur as well
...but then they didnt proceed any further with that. all the dangers posed thereafter indeed seem to be only brought about by other centaurs, or brought upon them by horse’s grimdark fantasy world. the one whole episode that was largely a theater + cats the musical parody, like...... there was the, um, whaletaur who eats ppl who are, suicidal? which was an. interesting element to have in Zany Cartoon World. but even she was ultimately just some guy, not a malevolent force of nature
i guess i just think leaning into an Environmental Horror would have been fun, because it could have lent another angle to the roger rabbit kind of story i was expecting--just as horse needs to learn softness and friendship, the centaurs need protection and self-defense skills to make their home a safer place. which they also could have achieved by utilizing The War as a narrative element differently--that also felt like an incomplete arc that should have been seen to. why did the war come to centaurworld forcefully enough to leave wammawink an only-survivor war orphan, yet the rest of her universe has never even heard of it? how did that all come about?
heck, even the war itself is kind of a goofy narrative device IMO... the driving force behind it, the nowhere king, isnt some kind of malevolent, ancient power, barely held at bay by mortal forces across the centuries. he, too, is just some frickin guy! theres no way his reign exceeded 1, maybe 2 decades. not that his character/motivation etc was uninteresting per se. but it seems kind of silly that ultimately some dude who Wasnt Like Other Girls gets to take up the mantle of the ~Nowhere King~ with this totally bomb little lullaby theme, and hes not a Force of Nature or didnt make a Pact with one or anything. man just had a tragic backstory and built himself a nuclear reactor. downright odd, is all
anyways that digressed a lot but ultimately i just go back and listen to taurnado and im disappointed that was more or less the only song of its breed that came out of the show. its probably just entirely personal preference on my part. but i would have much rather had a show that explored a survivalist twist on the goofy cartoony universe instead of consistently dedicating songs to things like one of the character’s father-son relationship with his. own butt /:
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redisriding · 4 years ago
The Right Swipe - Prologue
A Court of Thorns and Roses Modern AU Fanfic 
All character’s belong to the wonderful Sarah J Maas. 
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“Come on Nesta!”
“Just for fun!”
“Humour us.”
“You never know who you might meet.”
Nesta rolled her eyes at her sisters’ cajoling, taking a bite of pizza, “I’m not looking to meet anyone right now.”
“It doesn’t have to be a serious thing. Don’t you think it would be nice to go on some dates?  Get back on the horse, so to speak.” 
“Get back on the dick, you mean,” Feyre rebutted. 
Elain giggled, “Well if the guy is very well endowed it might be like a hor—“
“ELAIN!” Feyre shrieked, grabbing a cushion off the sofa and throwing it at Elain. 
Nesta took another bite of her pizza to hide her laughter. Her two sisters were drunk. Nesta had been late getting out of work, and when she had arrived at Feyre’s apartment the two of them had already sunk a bottle of wine while they waited on her to arrive. 
It had been like that a lot recently, Elain and Feyre waiting on her to leave work. If she was able to leave at all. More often than Nesta wanted to admit, she was forced to call her sisters and cancel their plans only to realise that it was more than an hour after they had agreed to meet. There was so much going on in their lives that she was missing out on, which was why, this evening, she had been determined to leave her office on time. She still left 40 minutes later than she had planned, but at least she had made it, and before the pizza arrived too.
It had been too long since the three of them had had a good catch up about their lives, and Nesta wasted no time in filling them in on what had been going on in her life. Namely, her breakup with her longterm fiancé Thomas. 
Things with Thomas hadn’t ended badly. They’d just ended. 
They had been together for eight years, and engaged for five of those years. With no wedding on the horizon, and both of them more focused on their individual careers than building a life together, they had gone to brunch one morning and decided to break up over mimosas. Thomas had moved out a week later. 
Her two sisters, who had seemed less than surprised when she broke the news, were now trying to convince Nesta to download Swipe, a dating app they were both enjoying. 
“Please Nesta, just let us set you up a profile so we can have some fun tonight. You can delete it in the morning.”
“Yes Nesta, please. You don’t have to meet anyone, we can just spend our evening objectifying men.” Feyre said, with a sincere face, that did not match her words. 
“You two are ridiculous, you know that?” Nesta said with a smile.
“Oh we know, but you love us,’ Elain chirped. 
“That I do…okay fine, one night of objectifying men, but I’m deleting it the moment I leave this apartment.” 
“Hand over you phone, Archeron,” Feyre said with a wiggle of her eyebrow. 
Nesta sighed, pulling her phone from her pocket she reluctantly handed it over to her sisters, who sat on the sofa opposite her grinning from ear to ear. 
As soon as the app had downloaded, Feyre and Elain put their heads together and began building Nesta’s profile. 
“I want final veto on any of the photos that you choose,” she said getting nervous, as they whispered. 
“Why don’t you come over here and help us?” Elain asked. 
“I don’t really know what I’m doing, you guys are the experts.”
“Hardly.” Feyre said with a snort. 
“Wait, you guys should let me see your profiles, its only fair.” 
“Sure,” Feyre picked up her phone off the coffee table between them and tossed it to Nesta, “just don’t swipe on anyone, you’ll mess up the algorithm.”
Nesta picked Feyre’s phone up from where it landed on the couch beside her, keying in the passcode, she scrolled through the mess of apps that was Feyre’s home screen before she located the little red hearted icon of Swipe. 
It took her a moment to find Feyre’s profile, she didn’t want to click on the wrong thing and accidentally betroth her sister to anyone. 
Feyre’s profile had six pictures to swipe through. The first, Nesta thought, captured her essence perfectly. Paintbrush in hand, she stood beside an easel laughing at something out of the view of the camera. She had blue paint smeared across her nose, but she looked radiant. The other photos included a picture at her final year art show, one with her friends, her graduation, a selfie, and the last one was her in a bikini on the beach. 
Neither too cutesy or overtly sexual, she looked like the perfect 'girl next door.’ It was the accompanying bio however that had Nesta choking on her wine. 
Feyre. 24. Fine art graduate working in a coffee shop, my parents would be so proud…if they weren’t dead. 
“Feyre!” Nesta explained, looking up at her sister, bewildered, “our parents are not dead!” 
“Mom is.”
“Yeah, but Dad isn’t.”
“He might as well be. When is the last time you’ve seen him?”
Nesta sighed, of all of them, Feyre had the worst relationship with their father, but it wasn’t something she wanted to get into right now. Not when they were having such a lovely evening chatting and laughing together as sisters should. It wasn’t always this easy.  
“Let’s see your profile, Elain,” she asked instead, moving the conversation away from their contentious father. 
Elain handed her phone over with a shy smile. 
Nesta brought up Elain’s profile. 
The pictures were all of Elain in sundresses, in one she held a bouquet of flowers, another she sat under a tree, in the final one she held a glass a wine as she smiled across the table at whoever had taken the photo. It was as close to racy as Elain got. 
Her bio read:
Elain. 26. School teacher. I enjoy gardening in summer and curling up in front of the fire in winter. 
“So what kind of vibe will my profile be?” Nesta asked cautiously. 
“Beautiful, bad bitch,” Feyre said with a smirk. 
“I’m not sure how to take that?”
“Its meant as a compliment.”
“Come see,” Elain said patting the space on the sofa beside her. 
Nesta drained what was left of her wine, and scrambled off the coach she was stretched out on, to join her sisters. 
She plonked herself down in between them, forcing their heads apart so she could see what pictures they were selecting. 
“Oh gosh no, you can’t use that one?” She exclaimed. The picture was one that Thomas had taken of her while they were on holiday the previous year. She had been wearing a teeny tiny bikini that she had hoped might ignite the passion in their relationship again.
“Why not?” Elain asked.
“Its a great picture,” Feyre added.
“My boobs are fully out,”
“If you’ve got it, flaunt it,” Feyre said, giving her a nudge. 
“That’s still too much. What about this one?” She asked, pointing to a professional picture she had taken when she was first called to the Bar. 
“Nesta no, this is not your CorporateLink profile, you need something a bit more…”
“Sexy,” Elain finished. 
“Your profile, isn’t sexy though?” Nesta said, before she thought to stop herself. 
The hurt that flashed across Elain’s face had Nesta’s stomach twisting, “My profile is sexy.”
Nesta quickly scrambled fix what she said. “Your profile is sweet and feminine, and you look beautiful, but its’ not tits out sex appeal.”
“Well…that’s true,” Elain said with a small sigh, her shoulders slumped but she gave Nesta a reassuring smile. 
“Guuuurrrlllll, look at this selfie you took,” Feyre said on a purr, interrupting the moment. She turned the phone towards Nesta and Elain. 
Nesta felt herself blush at the photo, “I was just finished in the gym…I felt good.”
“You look good,” replied Elain. 
“We’re using this one. Guys, love a girl who goes to the gym, it reminds them of other ways they like to get hot and sweaty.”
“Okay,” Nesta conceded, “you can use that one.”
“Wonderful, then we’re all set.” 
Nesta took the phone off Feyre and flicked through the photos she had chosen. Three of the pictures were ones Nesta had posted on her Photogram, she knew she looked good, dressed in tight body con dresses and heels, her makeup perfect. It wasn’t who she was everyday but these guys didn’t need to know that. There were two bikini pictures from holidays in the past few years, neither were the tiny bikini, and Nesta had to admit they were tasteful yet suggestive. The final one was the mirror selfie from the gym…
Feyre had set the bio as, 
Nesta. 28. Lawyer. If you want a queen, earn one. If you want a whore, buy me three shots of tequila. 
Nesta burst out laughing. 
Elain leaned in to read what had been written, “Feyre!”
“It will get the guys’ attention.”
“It sure will.”
“You know I’m deleting this in the morning,” Nesta said. 
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun tonight.”
“True..so how does it work?”
Feyre took the phone from her, closing the profile page, and a picture of a guy appeared. He was standing on a deck, beer in hand, barbecuing. He was shirtless and his brown skin was covered in swirling tattoos that ran across his broad shoulders and down his arms. His body was hard but his face was kind, as he smiled brightly at the camera. 
“You swipe left for no, and right for yes. If you both swipe yes then you’re able to message each other.”
“Okay, that seems simple enough.”
“It is.”
Feyre handed the phone back to Nesta who fumbled it before catching it upside down. The shirtless barbecuer disappeared, “Ah, what did I do?”
“You swiped up.”
“What does that do?”
“It’s a mega-match.” 
“And that means…?”
“That they can see that you liked them and want to start a conversation.”
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ranma-rewatch · 4 years ago
Episode 27: P-Chan Explodes! The Icy Fountain of Love!
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I’m...kind of sad to be here. We’re at the end of the Martial Arts Figure Skating arc. But all good things must come to an end, and I remember absolutely loving where this one goes. Will that till be the case? I have no clue, so next paragraph you can join me after I’ve rewatched the episode!
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Okay so...that was still good. Definitely good. But...we’ll get into it later.
The episode once again picks off where the last left off, with Ranma making an epic declaration of his official relationship status with Akane and how he won’t let Mikado touch her. This tends Akane into a bit of a tizzy, but Mikado and Azusa laugh. It’s revealed that they’re known as more than just the Golden Pair, an unbeatable skating duo. They also have a reputation for splitting up the couples they fight.
They quickly set up their finisher which is made to do just that: the Goodbye Whirl (called the Break-Up Merry-Go-Round in the sub). It’s an absolutely ridiculous move that I love to death: it involves getting one of their opponents to grab the other, and then Azusa grabs one. Mikado lifts her and both opponents all into the area and twirl around as quickly as it can. The move always ends when one of the people in the relationship betrays the other, ending them flying in a bid to save themselves.
But that isn’t how it works this time around. While Akane is begging Ranma to let go of her, so he can be okay, Ranma refuses, making it clear he’s not going to let go. They hold on so long that Azusa gets busy and breaks contact, sending Ranma and Akane flying.
It looks like Akane’s going to be crashing into the rink wall, but Ranma maneuvers to take the damage instead. Akane cries over his seemingly unconscious form, calling him an idiot, when Ranma opens his eyes. It seems like he’s just fine, but just standing up causes him enough pain to make him start crying.
While all of that was going on, Ryoga managed to escape from his bondage and tries to pull off a cunning plan: dousing Ranma with water before jumping in and taking over as Akane’s partner. It only has one hiccup: he grab the wrong “girl”, and ends up throwing Akane out of the ring while taking Ranma in his cursed form as his partner.
The crowd isn’t happy with this change, even if Mikado is all too happy to fight this version of Ranma. They’re not upset about the substitution though, just that their costumes aren’t up to snuff. Luckily, there’s a whole fashion department waiting in the wings, who sweep in and fit the two for new outfits.
That done, it becomes apparent that Ryoga still doesn’t know how to skate, and so he and Ranma are easily taken into the Goodbye Whirl, and no matter what Ranma/Ryoga shippers tell you they don’t have the same bond that Ranma does with Akane. In no time at all, Ryoga socks Ranma in the face to betray him, and we get to see how the move is supposed to work: Azusa ensures the betrayer is smashed into the ice face-first, while Mikado picks up the “damsel in distress” to romance on the rebound.
Of course, this doesn’t really work well with Ranma, but even worse is that Azusa sees the collar on Ryoga’s neck and realizes that he must be Charlotte. This makes Ranma laugh, but sends Ryoga into terror. After all, Akane’s not far away, and he doesn't want her to know he’s actually her pet pig.
When Mikado tries to actually get back into the fight, Azusa smashes him with a mallet, since she doesn’t want Ryoga hurt now that she knows he’s Charlotte. (What a sentence.) The blow is so powerful that it shatters the ice rink, and sends Mikado out of the match on a stretcher. That means Ranma and Ryoga won...except now Ryoga wants to fight Ranma.
As the ice rink goes truly haywire, with water shooting out as geysers and freezing mid-air, they take the fight outside, ultimately going to a nearby pool. Akane follows, trying to get them to stop and demanding to know why they feel the need to keep fighting each other whenever they can. Akane falls into the pool, and when the fighters realize that she can’t swim, they dive down together to save her...with Ryoga realizing mid-jump that the water will activate his curse.
Akane wakes up later, recovering from nearly drowning, to hear that P-Chan helped pull her out of the water. Oh, and Genma in his panda form was adopted by Azusa as another cute animal named “Oscar” and he actually blushes at being called cute. End of storyline.
Let me try a compliment sandwich with this one. To start with, I just adore the chaos of this episode. Like I said before, the Goodbye Whirl is the kind of awesome, silly wonderfulness I come to Ranma 1/2 for in the first place. I love that we get to see it fail against Ranma and Akane, then succeed with him and Ryoga. The fact the fight quickly dissolves from there into utter nonsense, with the rink exploding and the fight going outdoors, it just feels fun and satisfying.
Speaking of satisfying, the fighting in this and the previous episode is all really well done. This is definitely a romantic comedy series, first and foremost, but I love how when they take the time for a martial arts match it can still feel kinetic and fluid and visually stimulating. The ice skating makes it all the more interesting, and just watching something as simple as Mikado circling the rink after being thrown aside is enjoyable.
It’s also a really funny episode. The conflicts between Ranma and Akane, Ranma and Ryoga, Ranma and Mikado, Mikado and Azusa, they all mix and spin and stir into a beautiful concoction, with both barbs and slapstick aplenty to amuse.
Now...into the less fun bits. To start with, as much as I enjoy the Ranma/Akane content in this episode, which yes I’ll talk a bit more about that later, there’s also a bit too much here in terms of jealousy and possessiveness, especially on Ranma’s part. I know it’s kind of a recurring part of the series, but I really dislike jealousy being framed as romantic, because it’s honestly not a healthy emotion and not a sign of a good relationship.
This next complaint is less solid, but it affects my feelings of the episode anyway. I...seem to have massively mis-remembered this episode? For some reason, I have very vivid memories that, once it becomes more Ranma vs Ryoga and the Golden Pair are out of the picture, that they fought on the broken rink.
Like, I can picture them struggling to stay on top of icy platform, with Ryoga especially trying to avoid falling into the water, and Akane interfering and like...what is going on there? Is that from another episode, and I mixed it up with this storyline? Or did my brain just make that up wholesale in the decade since I last saw this show?
Either way, it kind of sucks because...that felt more epic than what did happen? It’s strange to hold it against the show for failing to match the fake memories I made, but I dunno what to tell you, I can’t help being at least a little sad about this.
Okay, done with that stuff, back to what I like. Yes, there’s some tasty content here for my Ranma/Akane loving heart, and I ate it up. It was also nice seeing Ranma actually take damage from someone else’s move. He tends to be so much better than a lot of his opponents that they never really stand a chance of hurting him, but the Goodbye Whirl really came close to downing him.
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Before we leave this storyline behind, it’s time to give a little Character Spotlight to the other half of the Golden Pair, Azusa Shiratori! Her Japanese voice actress is Naoko Matsui, and...the only other role I really recognize on her page is Monet from One Piece, but she’s been in a lot of stuff. In English, she’s played by Cathy Weseluck, who is also Shampoo. So check out Shampoo’s spotlight to see what other roles she’s done.
They both play Azusa pretty similarly, high-pitched and cutesy, but I think Cathy might actually play it up a little too much? But maybe that’s just because it’s the language of the two that I actually speak.
I was never a huge fan of Azusa to start with, just because she’s a bit...much. The combination of her high-pitched voice, third-person speak, repetitious dialogue, and extreme cutesiness is all just a lot. It’s just the type of thing that would grate on my nerves in too high doses, and the series tends to use a lot of Azusa when she does appear.
But, so far at least, I’m liking her more on this watchthrough. I still find her whole “naming things French people names and taking them” thing not especially funny, but I love the way she clashes with Mikado. They fight together wonderfully, but she has no problems kicking his ass or making him look like an idiot when she wants to. They’re a great double act.
Which is why it’s kind of odd that, while Mikado only has a few small appearances after this episode, Azusa will be getting more than that. They’re anime-only, but it seems she was popular, with fans, writers, or both, enough to get more screentime. I do wish she’d gotten a single-person move the way Mikado did, but that’s just one more complaint on how the show treats women to put on the stack.
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So, this episode sadly didn’t quite live up to my memories of it. That said, it was still a fun mix of fighting and humor, so it’s definitely going to be in my top ten. But where exactly...hmm... I think it comes close to getting into the Top 5, but isn’t quite good enough to beat Shampoo’s introductory episode, sitting right below it and above the episode all about Akane’s haircut. That puts our current ranking at:
Episode 26: Close Call! The Dance of Death... On Ice!
Episode 7: Enter Ryoga, the Eternal ‘Lost Boy’  
Episode 25: The Abduction of P-Chan
Episode 12: A Woman's Love is War! The Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
Episode 15: Enter Shampoo, the Gung-Ho Girl! I Put My Life in Your Hands
Episode 27: P-Chan Explodes! The Icy Fountain of Love!
Episode 9: True Confessions! A Girl's Hair is Her Life!
Episode 2: School is No Place for Horsing Around
Episode 19: Clash of the Delivery Girls! The Martial Arts Takeout Race
Episode 6: Akane's Lost Love... These Things Happen, You Know
Episode 13: A Tear in a Girl-Delinquent's Eye? The End of the Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics Challenge!
Episode 23: Enter Mousse! The Fist of the White Swan
Episode 17: I Love You, Ranma! Please Don’t Say Goodbye
Episode 20: You Really Do Hate Cats!
Episode 16: Shampoo's Revenge! The Shiatsu Technique That Steals Heart and Soul
Episode 8: School is a Battlefield! Ranma vs. Ryoga
Episode 11: Ranma Meets Love Head-On! Enter the Delinquent Juvenile Gymnast!
Episode 4: Ranma and...Ranma? If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another
Episode 5: Love Me to the Bone! The Compound Fracture of Akane's Heart
Episode 1: Here’s Ranma
Episode 22: Behold! The 'Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire' Technique
Episode 3: A Sudden Storm of Love
Episode 21: This Ol' Gal's the Leader of the Amazon Tribe!
Episode 10: P-P-P-Chan! He's Good For Nothin'
Episode 14: Pelvic Fortune-Telling? Ranma is the No. One Bride in Japan
Episode 18: I Am a Man! Ranma's Going Back to China!?
Episode 24: Cool Runnings! The Race of the Snowmen
As much as I’m sad to see this storyline end, we’ve got another one of my favorites coming up! It’s training time, so next week we’re getting some more Ranma vs Ryoga action with "Ranma Trains on Mt. Terror". See you then!
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phoebehalliwell · 5 years ago
Do you think the next gen kids would have a familiars? What kind of non magical pets do you think they would have?
the way i like to view familiars in general is like. they come to you when you are in a situation where you need guidance, as both like an emotional support animal and as like. y’know a lil guard cat or just some sorta being that offers advice in it’s own lil way, kinda like how kit would hiss at evil, even when the charmed ones couldn’t detect it. so, as the the majority of the next gen have really grown up around magic, and are familiar and comfortable with it, i don’t think any of them have really had familiars yet bc there’s been like no need for such guidance. i think they all might end up with familiars at one point or another after they move out, maybe not like Right Away, but like when they inevitably end up hitting one point of crisis or another.
i think wyatt’s familiar would definitely be a cat, and i think wyatt would give it like a really cutesy and sorta stereotypical cat name like y’know mittens or mochi or mr. whiskers that type of thing. i think his familiar would come to him after you know he’s completed college he’s moved out he’s doing fine he’s a good witch blah blah blah everything’s chill and then like. boom. something’s triggered some sort of crisis of faith or distorted self image where wyatt is just like really scared that maybe him becoming evil is something that destiny wills and there’s no way that he can separate himself from the darkness that is inside of him and one day it’s gonna take hold and it’s gonna be more than he can bear yada yada yada he’s spiraling cat.
it think chris’s familiar would also be a cat and i think chris would give it like a really dumb name low effort like it’s probably just gonna be named cat unless bianca names the cat first (and if bianca names the cat it’s going in two possible directions either she gives the cat like a proper real quasi witchy name like sage or ostara or she names the cat chris jr and chris is like I Am Not Calling The Cat Chris Jr but then finds himself calling the cat chris jr and is just like 😡😡) i’m not sure really when chris would get a familiar clearly i’ve implied he’s with bianca in some manner at this point bc like. chris is a really good witch. like obvi he’s moody and in distress at all hours or whatever but it’s more to do with his personal relationships and less to do with his relationship to the craft, so i don’t think anything in his life really warrants a familiar. however, after he meets bianca i think there’s definitely sorta a shift in his world view bc while she’s a witch too the way she practices and just the basic way she engages w magic / magic engages w her is so distinctly different than anything chris has ever know that now he really just want to know more. like now that he knows there’s more out there he’s invested. also i think the two of them have just like a lot of grand dramatic adventures so the day to day peril level has definitely increase warranting a familiar
for melinda i would actually love to see her familiar be a bird maybe like a bluejay or something idk why i just think it’d be cute esp for a witchlighter and i love the idea of her just sorta whistling tunes and it whistling back and everyone being like lmao alright miss disney princess or whatever 🙄🙄 i think she might actually name the bird after a disney sidekick or something that could be the name of a disney sidekick i think she’s put a lot of effort and thought into the name. i’m not really sure when she would get one like obvi the transition to college would be a good time idk i may or may not write one in i just gave her a new whitelighter for this move so like i don’t think there’s an overwhelming need for a second guide but at the same time the more i think ab it the more i really like the idea of her having this bird
next on the docket i guess is tamora who i actually do have plans for giving a familiar but it wouldn’t be until she moved out bc she presently still lives at home with her parents all that blah blah blah it’s a very comfortable environment with magic sorta just like imbued in the walls all that but when she moves out she’s like what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck very taylor swift’s never grow up verse three energy and i was Also gonna give her a cat bc what can i say i feel like she’s a cat person and i think she might give the cat a person name like lilah or charlie or something
kat on the other hand would probs have a dog as her familiar maybe like a medium sized one like 45lbs if that reference helps and honestly i’m picturing like a pittie or a bull terrier one of those types of dogs bc i think kat is like really stubborn and loyal and i want a stubborn and loyal dog to match also i find those breed adorable. rn i have kat just gallivanting around the world in sorta a quest of personal discovery so while it could warrant a familiar there’s just a lot of travels rn and i feel like it’s not a good like practical situation to have a animal around y’know But she also might be moving again soon and maybe this location will be a bit more permanent so maybe it’s time to bring in a familiar?? hers might also be a shared familiar w a future roommate
okay i’m throwing in an honorary henry jr piece bc he’s not a witch so he doesn’t get a familiar but i think after he moves out he finds a stray dog and brings it in maybe like a lucky/pizza dog situation and he always jokes that the dog is his familiar and he’s probably give it a wiccan name maybe he finds the dog on beltane and names it after the holiday blah blah blah the point is when the times comes for beltane and henry to say goodbye & it’s really sad and all that when henry takes his dog collar home on the back of the nametag he finds and intricately carved triquetra and feels the presence of his dog briefly pass by
okay onto pj pj isn’t actually a horse girl but like emotionally she is if she was raised in like sonoma instead of san francisco her familiar would 100% be a horse. but she lives in the city. so she’s not getting a horse. i also really like the idea or her familiar being a doe but once again. urban living isn’t necessarily compatible with that. so like. cat dog or bird i think. i think i like dog the best but i think more like a playful goofy dog less like kat’s or henry’s and maybe more like a corgi?? and honestly pj would probably name her dog cheddar as i think she’s voted most likely to name things after tv characters
okay i wanna give parker a ferret i wanna give parker a ferret and i want her to know it like rascal or something i have no idea when this ferret would come into play again probs after she moves out but as parker is like 16 i have put little to no brain power in figuring out what her moving out looks like or entails i just like the idea of a squirmy wormy chaos ferret.
snake. look, i really want one of the kids to have a snake as their familiar, and i’ve come to the conclusion that it’s gotta be peyton. i don’t know why, i just feel it in my jellies. and i think peyton would definitely be freaked The Fuck out by the snake suddenly in her apartment but i think she’d end up growing so comfortable around it that she forgets it’s like weird and sometimes people just come over and there’s like a giant ass snake vibing on the kitchen counter and they’re like !!!! and she’s like oh yeah meet like rupert or bartholomew or some other name that just feels like really old or something
as far as non-magical pets, i think piper’s family would be mostly like to have one (i think probably a dog) as not only do they just like feel like a family that would have a pet they’re also the only ones who live in A House (i personally picture both paige and phoebe’s families living in like apartments like not Apartment Apartments but y’know it’s like a singular floor is yours and it looks like a proper house it’s just like a whole bunch of them stack on top of each other y’know the point being they don’t necessarily lend themselves to pets). i think second most likely to have pets is paige & henry’s family bc i feel like henry would be the type of guy to have always wanted a dog bc like given his whole situation growing up in the system being a foster kids bouncing around from place to place never really feeling like he had a family or home so like a sign of stability and finality and comfort and all that to him would be having a pet. and he strikes me as a dog person. phoebe and coop win least likely to have a pet if they did it’d probably be a cat just bc i feel like phoebe didn’t really grow up with pets and coop didn’t grow up at all really so it wasn’t really something that crossed their minds however if the girls brought it up and like begged for a pet i think they’d be game
also you didn’t ask but i am writing a dency story and she does have a familiar it’s a cat he lives with her & her roommate his name is bozo and he only has one eye
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sadienita · 5 years ago
Soonyoung x Demon!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning: mild swearing, major violence
Note: Roo, I was going for angst and you ended up with, whatever this is. Also idk how this got so long. Also I totally did not make the CEO of Cube the demon boss
“What dumbass sells their soul to fall in love?” you muttered angrily as you walked down the street to the coffee shop.
This had to be the stupidest deal you’d ever come across. Human’s wanted dumb things, you got that. But at least most of them asked for money or fame or something tangible. No one sold their soul to fall in love. There were a thousand ways to fall in love and you’d been around a thousand years to see it, but making a deal with a demon had to take the cake for the worst one.
Then again, maybe you were just bitter that you were getting stuck with dating duty.
You definitely didn’t want this job, but you had apparently been “mouthy” the last hundred years or so. And your superiors were less than enthused with you. So now you were stuck dating this idiot for five years so he could fall in love.
At least it wasn’t the usual ten. Ever witty Hongseok had haggled him down to five. It almost made you laugh, imagining how he told the poor boy that love was a tall order and all he could get was five at best.
Didn’t mean it wouldn’t be a long five years though.
You made your way through the doors and searched around the cafe. Even if you hadn’t seen a picture of him you would have known. He was sitting alone and looked nervous and excited all at once. You sighed as you went to order a coffee that you didn’t need. 
This poor sucker really had no clue what he’d truly done.
He looked up at you with a hopeful expression as you approached his table, forcing a sweet smile onto your face. He clearly knew you were the person he was going to fall in love with. He, of course, didn’t know what you were. Or that you knew.
“Hey,” he smiled nervously.
“Hey,” you gave him a relaxed grin. “Is this seat taken?”
“No, no! Go ahead and sit down.” He looked positively giddy. “My name’s Soonyoung.”
You did your best to give a warm smile as you told him your name.
You really weren’t looking forward to this
Soonyoung was annoying. For one thing, he was loud. You could hear his laugh a mile away. You were sure you wouldn’t be able to get the sound out of your head for the next century. You had half a mind to tell him to shut up half the time but you were supposed to pretend you liked him. He was also dumb. He might have been smart from time to time but so often it took him forever to catch up and it was irritating.
His friends were also loud. You swore any time Seokmin and Seungwkan were around him the volume tripled. You knew he had a good group of thirteen friends and you were dreading the day he would insist that you meet them. You would have to restrain yourself from ripping their heads off.
He was also frustrating. He was way too sweet to you. Not even a month into this and he was always bringing you flowers and the chocolates you said you liked. He planned dates that were way too cutesy and spent the evening holding your hand and looking at you with that sweet, idiotic, loving smile that you wanted to slap right off his cute face.
At the very least the dates didn’t drag. The one saving grace was that you weren’t totally bored with him which probably would have been worse for both of you. He could keep a conversation flowing, even if it was through incessant babble. So at the very least, if these four years and eleven months were going to be annoying, they would at least not be boring.
You held your black coffee close, the cafe feeling chilly, no doubt from the dreary late fall weather that was only a reminder of winter coming soon. Shinwon sat down in the empty seat as Hongseok blew on his hot chocolate. It was good of them to check up on you, even if you knew Hongseok was only here to laugh at your discomfort.
“So?” Shinwon asked and you could already see the smirk forming on Hongseok’s face as you grimaced.
“It’s terrible,” you muttered into your drink.
Shinwon let out a snort as Hongseok laughed.
“Hey, at least it’s only five years, right?” he chuckled.
“What’s so bad about him?” Shinwon wondered quietly.
“He loud,” you started. “His friends are loud and obnoxious. He’s really dumb sometimes. And he’s so cutesy. He just loves hand holding and flowers and cuddling and cute dates and all that mushy crap. And he’s already giving me this cute, dreamy look all the time, ugh I just want to slap it off of his cute face.”
“What was that now?” Hongseok snorted.
Shinwon grinned. “You called him cute.”
“What? No, I said I wanted to slap him,” you insisted.
“You don’t like him do you?” Hongseok laughed.
“What?! No that’s so stupid! Why wo-”
“You know having feelings for him isn’t a good idea,” Shinwon said, sipping his drink.
“I’m telling you I don-”
“Then,” Hongseok grinned. “You’ll have no issue being the one to collect, when the time comes? I know it’s usually reserved for the hell hounds but I was talking to the boss and he might make an exception for-”
“Done,” you said quickly. “I’ll do it.”
Hongseok gave you a smirk while Shinwon took another sip of his coffee.
Soonyoung’s hand was always warm, no matter how cold it was outside. You knew yours was cold, your hands always were. Soonyoung never minded it though. He pulled you quickly along the busy sidewalk and into the park before slowing down. Both of you took in the way the ice on the trees glinted in the sunlight. Your eyes wandered to his face, taking in the soft pink tint on his cheeks that you assumed was from the cold.
“It’s a beautiful day,” he hummed.
“It’s cold,” you muttered. “But the ice is pretty.”
He squeezed your hand. “I know, you don’t like the cold.”
“Then what are we doing outside?” you questioned, being difficult as usual.
“I wanted to do something special with you,” he grinned. “And I knew you’d grumble if I told you what it was.”
You pursed your lips and fought back the smile tugging at them. Soonyoung was always incredibly sweet to you. Even though this was your assignment and you couldn’t really be mean to him, you sure didn’t make it easy for him. You were a little surprised at how patient he was with you, to be honest. It wasn’t uncommon for you to be short with him or pretend you were unimpressed by him. He just tried harder and seemed to like you more.
You almost stopped when you saw the carriage, two horses attached to the front. Soonyoung noticed your hesitation and frowned.
“I know I didn’t tell you ahead of time but-”
You shook your head slightly. “Animals… don’t tend to like me.” Most animals were more perceptive than humans, or at the very least, they knew that you were bad news.
Soonyoung gave you an apologetic smile. “If you really don’t want to…”
You knew he had to work hard to set this up. You gritted your teeth and moved closer. Unsurprisingly, the horses shied away from you. They seemed antsy and their driver soothed them. Soonyoung approached the horses and patted them, cooing at the animals. They calmed down a little at his soft words.
If you didn’t know any better you really would have thought he was an angel.
Soonyoung gave them a good natured smile before taking you to the carriage and helping you into it. He put an arm around you as the horses started to walk through the park and you relaxed into his side.
“This is cute,” you mumbled. You felt Soonyoung kiss your temple sweetly and you looked at him.
“I’m glad you think so. I was really hoping you’d like it.”
“Yeah well,” you dropped your gaze. “You went to all the trouble of setting it up and everything.”
He chuckled. “Look at you, complimenting a cute date idea.”
You sighed. “I know I’m difficult.”
“Only on the outside,” he smiled. “I see all of your little smiles and I know you cuddle closer to me when you think I’m sleeping, or the way you’ve learned how to make my favourite foods. I know you care.”
You nuzzled your face into his neck. You hadn’t really noticed or thought about those things, which meant you did them instinctively. Soonyoung’s fingertips lifted your chin gently until your face was inches from his. He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. You melted into him a little bit and he smiled against your lips.
When he pulled back, it was only a little bit, his face still very close. “I love you,” he hummed.
“I love you, too.”
You really had to stop for a moment and take stock of what your existence was becoming. You were frantically running around the kitchen making food for a nice dinner and waiting for Soonyoung. This seemed like a little much. You were a demon, a terrible being with awesome power and somehow you were being reduced to acting like a lovesick girl.
You chalked the fact that you had told him you loved you months ago to the moment. He said it and it just seemed  like the right response. And you couldn’t exactly stop saying it once you started so you just had to keep going with it. Despite Hongseok’s occasional teasing, you hadn’t gone soft and you refused to say you had. You were doing a good job with a shitty assignment and trying to enjoy yourself and the four years you had left of it.
You still felt a little silly preparing a cute anniversary dinner for him.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Soonyoung crashing through the door. He was soaking wet and you wondered if the rain outside was some sort of cosmic pathetic fallacy. You were sure your superiors were having a good laugh at you right now as you contemplated your place in this whole thing.
“I’m so sorry I’m late!” he huffed, clearly out of breath and rain beaten flowers in tow. “I got caught in the storm and tried to wait it out but it didn’t really let up.”
You couldn’t help the reassuring smile that graced your lips. “It’s fine. I’m just finishing dinner now so really, you’re right on time.” You quickly grabbed him some towels from the hall closet and passed them to him on your way back to the kitchen. Soonyoung dried off and changed into another set of clothes he had at your place. He wandered back out as you were placing the food on the table. His eyes lit up as he saw the dinner.
“Did you really make my favourites?!” he cried excitedly.
“Yeah, of course,” you chuckled.
“And to think, you were so difficult when we met. Some days I really didn’t know why you stayed with me.”
You felt some cold feeling in the pit of your stomach, like ice. You chose not to dwell too deeply on what it meant.
“I guess you grew on me,” you mumbled.
“Well I’m glad I did,” he grinned. “Happy anniversary, sunshine.”
You kissed him sweetly. “Happy anniversary.”
This could be easy. Moving boxes could be easy. You had the power to throw someone against the wall with a flick of your fingers. You could surely handle some boxes with ease.
But Soonyoung didn’t know.
So you couldn’t do that.
You supposed this was just part of the human experience you’d been living. It got boring when Soonyoung worked so you got a job too, and you had a small place to stay but when he found a nice apartment and wanted to move in with you you had a hard time saying no. It was much nicer than where you had been and it seemed like the right thing to do. You had been with him for almost three years and that seemed the right amount of time to move in together.
And if you were being perfectly honest, you basically already lived at his place, so much so that his roommate was surprised when you weren’t there. So it made the most sense to live together.
But moving boxes by hand was awful.
You groaned and stretched out your back, knowing there was still a few more boxes. You were tired though and you just wanted to sit and rest. Soonyoung carried one of the larger boxes into the living room and pouted at you as he set it down.
“Do you need a break?”
You jumped up. “No, let’s just get this done.”
He looked unconvinced but had long since learned not to argue when you’d made up your mind. He piled two boxes into his arms while you grabbed the last one and carried them up the stairs. It seemed like such a long way up but you felt so much relief as you placed it in your new living room. Soonyoung moved a few boxes into other rooms, remembering what you would need access to right away while you unpacked everything else.
As soon as he was back in the living room he pulled you into a tight hug. You giggled as he swayed with you slowly, even though no music was playing.
“Soonyoung, what are y-”
“I’m dancing in the living room with the love of my life,” he hummed happily. “Dancing in our living room.”
You couldn’t help but smile and cuddle in close to him as you swayed in the late afternoon light with him.
Maybe this was what love felt like.
You were uneasy. You had been nearly all month. Five years really seemed like it would go by slowly. You really thought you’d be happy to be rid of Soonyoung. But at this point there was no denying it. Anyone who said demons couldn’t feel love were out of their minds. If this wasn’t love you didn’t know what it could possibly be.
Soonyoung was nervous and jumpy. You were sure by now he was hallucinating. It started with nightmares a few months ago. But he would be hearing howling too, and seeing things that seemed unreal and couldn’t be there. He didn’t tell you about it, other than the nightmares of course, probably just thinking he was overtired or stressed.
Still, he planned a date tonight to celebrate your five year anniversary. You figured the least you could do was go and try to be happy. You would rather he didn’t know anything was wrong. Whether he remembered his deal to not you had no clue. He hadn’t told you about it though.
You both dressed nicely and he took you to a very fancy restaurant.You let yourself get lost in the evening, eating and chatting with him and taking in every sweet smile on his face, trying to burn it into your memories. You wanted to remember him just like this, happy and full of love for you. Even if you didn’t deserve any of it.
Soonyoung took you away from the table after you finished dinner. He gave a look to one of the staff who smile at him and let him up a roped off set of stairs. You were filled with curiosity as you followed him up and out onto the prettiest balcony you’d ever seen. It was covered in fairy lights and vines and you had a beautiful view of the city.
“Soonyoung, this is beautiful,” you whispered.
“And yet,” he said taking you hands. “The only part of the view I can focus on is you.”
You felt the loving smile that spread across your lips as you took in his words.
“I really don’t know where I would be without you. You’re my sunshine, the love of my life. You’ve made every rough moment and bad things bearable just by being there. I’ve shared so many moments with you, but I really want you there for all of them.”
You eyes widened as Soonyoung sunk onto one knee. You were overwhelmed with emotion as tears came to your eyes. Soonyoung pulled a ring box from his pocket and opened it, his nerves evident in his voice. 
“Will you marry me?”
You nodded and let him take your hand, sliding the ring onto your finger. 
For a moment, you lived in a dream world. As Soonyoung stood up and you found your voice, babbling out “yes” after “yes,” you forget about everything else. You drifted through the moment in bliss as he hugged you as tightly as he could, both of you crying tears of joy.
You spun around quickly, Hongseok’s voice breaking you out of your dream.
Time was up.
“Hongseok, no,” you said in quiet anger. You wrapped your arm around Soonyoung protectively, pulling him behind you.
“Hongseok… why do I know that name?” Soonyoung asked.
“You really are dumb,” Hongseok drawled. “Does selling your soul for love ring any bells?”
You watched the look of confusion of Soonyoung’s face melt to one of horror.
“It’s not- I-It hasn’t been-”
“Five years,” he smirked. “On the nose.”
“Hongseok, stop,” you said. “You don’t have to do this.”
“A deal’s a deal,” he shrugged. “And you know I never break my contracts.”
“Wait…” you looked at Soonyoung as he tried to keep up with the conversation. “How… How do you know him? Did you?”
“Oh,” Hongseok laughed. “Oh now that’s too good. You never told him.”
“Told me what?” Soonyoung turned you to look at him. “What did you never tell me?”
You couldn't find the words to explain. You never wanted to tell him. You surely never expected this night to be like this.
“She’s not your love,” he nearly sang. “She’s a demon possessing some poor girl’s body. And if I remember correctly, it’s her job to collect your soul tonight.”
Soonyoung shook his head. “No. No that’s not possible.”
Hongseok smirked before advancing on you quickly. You acted on instinct, throwing him back against the wall of the building. 
“If you even lay a hand on him, I’ll rip you to pieces,” you promised. “You don’t even need to be here.” You could feel Soonyoung cowering behind you and you winced as he took a step away from you.
“I’m here to make sure you do your job.”
“I’m not doing it. Nobody touches him,” you growled.
“Why are you so attached?” he asked, struggling to get away from the wall and failing.
“I love him,” you said fiercely.
Hongseok snorted. “You can’t fall in love, and you really shou-” he started to choke and you tightened your fist.
“I’ll choke you out of there and send you straight back to Hell, I swear.”
“No you won’t,” said a calm voice that chilled you to your very core. This was completely below the boss’s paygrade. He shouldn’t be here.
Which meant you had really fucked up.
You let your gaze follow the sounds of the snarling, making eye contact with Chungmin, two hellhounds sat at his feet. They were well trained, you knew they wouldn’t attack until he told them to.
Soonyoung screamed at the sight of them and backed against the balcony.
You stood between him and the others. “I can explain.”
“I don’t care,” Chungmin said impatiently. “You let the contract run overtime. I put you on this assignment but clearly you’re not ready to come off probation yet if you can’t collect on a simple con…” He trailed off as he noticed the ring on your finger. 
“Don’t tell me you think you’re in love with him.”
“I am!” you said angrily.
“No, you’re not.” Chungmin said. “Now step aside.”
You stood your ground and balled your fists.
“And you kept her on such good condition too,” he hummed before casually flicking his fingers. Your body flew through the air and crashed against the wall. You slumped to the ground, knowing he’d broken something. You tried to get up but ended up knocked back against the wall as two knives flew into your abdomen. You groaned in pain and slide back to the ground, the body becoming too weak to inhabit much longer.
“Such a pity but you need to go home and learn a few lessons before you’re allowed out again,” Chungmin spat.
You focused your gaze on Soonyoung. “I’m so sorry,” you breathed. “I love you.”
You craved to hear those words from him one last time but his face was merely a mixture of pain, hurt, and disgust as he looked away from you.
“Dinner time, pets,” Chungmin drawled, the smile evident in his tone. You escaped as a cloud of black smoke through the mouth of your dying host. You flew downwards knowing there was no way you could run away from Chungmin, moving as fast as you could.
Though not fast enough as you heard the tearing of flesh and Soonyoung’s blood curdling screams as he was torn to pieces, the sound etching itself into your very being forever.
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stillinaincrad · 6 years ago
And now we’re here...
1. SSSS.Gridman
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I said from the beginning I wasn’t huge into this one but wanted to see where it went. And, I did, but it didn’t change much. All the character intrigue I had in the beginning pancaked well before the end. I really lost interest once the “big reveal” came out of the bag and it was an underwhelming, already-overused abstraction. I know nothing about the Ultra series, so I have to imagine others took a shine to this more than I did, but to me it was just a contrived adaptation of other stories already told without enough originality thrown in to distract me from that. I got flamesprayed following Ep1 for saying it looked like Pacific Rim (giant robot that is called upon to defend a city against kaiju that come out of a rift in the sky... where the hell would I have gotten that impression, eh?), but in the end, it was actually more Dark City than anything. If this helped a franchise continue on, then I am happy for the fans that have been wanting more, because I know how that goes. To me, though? Gridman was pretty lame. I struggled to finish it. 
2. Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
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I said it would get old. It got old. Was funny for a while, but I just... eh. 
3. Index III (Toaru Majutsu no Index III)
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Still ongoing, still good. Was a departure from the fun and innocent that the series had been in the first two installments, and it really threw me for a loop for a few weeks how everybody is dying and not in an endearing kind of way, but moreso the macabre kind of blood and dismemberment. There’s not nearly as much face time with those established characters as what I thought there’d be, either. Some of the scenes have so much dialogue that it feels like an attempt to stall the pace that ends up being just awkward. And, the animation is just enough different compared to Index I/II and Railgun that it becomes a distraction every now and then (Misaka especially!). All that considered, though, the story is still outstanding and compelling, it has intelligent writing and introduces new characters that spark interest, and I am still enjoying this new version of the world of Index. It’s just very different from the version we’ve known so far (though it is following the source material, so it’s not like it’s anything too insane). 
4. Goblin Slayer
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I was looking for a reason to hate this one from about halfway through the first episode. I was automatically expecting a depraved ecchi excuse to show goblins fucking young girls like what we were given at that point - which was only maybe five minutes in from start - and I kept watching each week waiting for the other shoe to drop. Instead, what we got was a ride I thoroughly enjoyed. Am not saying there weren’t flaws and a healthy dose of tropes and clichés, but I found it imaginative, there was character development I was not expecting, and I really liked seeing everyone come around. I would watch another season if it started today for sure, but I have to wonder if a second season would ever be in the mix. It just feels too much like a one-off. Still, though, worth watching, and would again. Probably will, someday, too. 
5. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken)
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I have to admit, I thought this one was a little childish and cute at the beginning, but MAN, does it deserve some healthy praise from me now. In many ways it is light-hearted and chipper and superfluous, but at the same time, I fell in love with the invention and creativity of this story. The characters are great, and the world creation is beyond fantastic. I especially like how even the harem aspect that could have easily been exploited falls seamlessly into place (looking at you, here, Shion), and doesn’t feel anything like what it really is. Things often feel ridiculously predictable, but I’ve been surprised more than once so far. Datta has been the gem of the season for me, and I wait for the next episode every week. It is a total blast, so fun.
6. Sword Art Online: Alicization
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If this latest installment of the SAO story has shown me anything, it’s that I can’t stand this show anymore. The animation has become pedestrian at best, the story seems all over the place, and what story there is in place screams The Matrix, which annoys me more than anything given that I have been dying to see something new out of this series for some time. I’m fed up with the unnecessarily explicit groping/female attack scenes (or, full-on, blurred out extended rape, like we’ve apparently graduated to), the whiny characters that used to be better, the gaping plot holes with zero attempt whatsoever to shore anything up, and most of all with the automagical “it all turns out OK” every time adversity comes a’ knocking. Have said it plenty and will repeat it again, I have not read the light novels and expect some things to be lost in translation, but I can’t get excited to watch any more of this shitshow. As much as I started out loving this concept and these characters five years ago, I think I am altogether done now because of how atrocious Alicization is. I just can’t anymore. I honestly doubt I’ll even finish it. 
7. Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai (Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai)
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I wanted this to be better, I wanted the characters to be deeper, I wanted there to be less cutesy humor and more introspective into the trials and hardships that teenagers face that lead to the manifestation of “puberty syndrome”, because I think we all had those times. Anyone who has ever been a teenager has imagined some pretty uncomfortable things about themselves, but what if those thoughts ever came to fruition? I just wanted this show to get into the dermis every once in a while. I wanted a lot of other things that never happened in 2018, too, though lol Rascal of course, did not do any of those things, and ended up being yet another formulaic romcom made for the masses. It actually reminded me a lot of Kotoura-san in that it felt like the meat and potatoes of the show was over in a few short episodes and the rest was just mindless filler to take up space to carry it through the end of the season. The show I was looking forward to the most ended up being the biggest letdown. It had its moments, and I did watch the whole thing, sure, but I can’t say that Rascal was anything more than just that - one that I watched. 
8. Run With the Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)
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Enter the dark horse of the season. If I hadn’t been a runner for years before I developed bad knees, I don’t know that I’d have watched this. If I hadn’t started watching another anime about kids running track and field that pretty much changed my worldview on anime genres as a whole a few years back (Suzuka), I don’t know that I’d have watched this. What I do know is that this is a freaking great show imo. I don’t think it’s all that common to have more than a small handful of characters undergo such development over the course of a show, but Run With the Wind provides fantastic storylines and evolution for almost all of them. I also really like that it’s a collegiate setting instead of pre-to teenagers, because it makes these transformations and maturations that much more believable to me - college is a time where those emotions that made us insane teens finally start to take shape and we start seeing the bigger picture of things. We start to understand the weight of our responsibilities and actions more. And we begin to see the kind of person we want to become. I absolutely believe that these kids can change within the construct of their situations more than a 14 year old could. And, anyone who has ever been a part of a team sport that relies on individuals with widespread levels of talent to come together, I think Run With the Wind really delivers a relatable story. Am not calling it the next great thing - far from it and a few years from now I doubt most will have even heard of it. But I do like how grounded and believable this show is. I can see all of it happening in real life, and I easily could have been teammates with just about any of them.  
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dantereviews · 7 years ago
Fall 2017 Season Roundup
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Mahoutsukai no Yome - 6.5/10
Technically proficient but ultimately not interesting enough. ‘Ancient Magus’ Bride’ (english title) tried very hard to emulate a ghibli-esque sense of wonder and magic, but attached to a very shoujo set of characters in a romance plot. I loved the worldbuilding, but its glacially slow and I never ended up finishing the final few episodes. Good while watching but no lasting impression.
Net-juu no Susume - 8/10
Called ‘Recovery of an MMO Junkie’ in english, this is a very straightforward romantic comedy, with the twist that they meet while playing an MMORPG. Its predictable, goofy and dumb but it gave me some good feels. Has a very fun, lighthearted tone that felt comfy to tune into every week. Sadly it fell too hard into the ‘misunderstandings and coincidences’ chasm at some points but pretty fun overall.
Inuyashiki - 7/10
Rendered in lovely 3D animation and coming from the celebrated author of Gantz, this show is an action romp that basically comes down to one gimmick. Kind Old Man and Sadistic Young Kid are given godlike robotic mecha bodies, they use them for good or evil and they fight. Its cool, its edgy and its seinen. Good if youre into that sort of thing.
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Juuni Taisen - 6/10
Juuni Taisen is a battle royale show, where 12 warriors of each chinese zodiac sign juke it out. My favourite character died in the first episode and I dropped it after about 5. Cool concept but not very original. I dont think theres much depth here.
Shokugeki no Souma - 6.5/10
The third season of Food Wars did not live up to the potential of the excellent first two. This season’s arc was focused on an eeeviiil boring villain and the cooking was too obscure for me to really enjoy. Dropped about halfway through, needs more badass Erina and less Souma dickriding.
Himouto! Umaru-chan - 3/10
Umaru chan has been, rightfully, labelled as trash by many anime fans. Its a really dumb little-sister-is-really-a-huge-nerd show but the first season was just funny and just cute enough to pull it off. This season was wasnt either and became the actual trash it always was at heart. Dropped after 1 episode.
Special Mention
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Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
This is supposed to be a cutesy, extremely comfy slice of life about two girls wandering around after the apocalypse. I never got around to it, but seems worth a look.
Dies Irae
I was initially excited about Nazi Vampire Battle Royale, but within 5 minutes I could see it was a trashy, ugly mess. Disappointed.
Blend - S
Slice of life about working in a cafe. Got enough community attention that I’m aware of it, but it looks pretty vapid and lacking a good hook to get me past that.
Houseki no Kuni
Another community dark horse, this odd sci-fi looks like something I would want to check out with its colourful and stylised designs. Probably another good comfy show.
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ladysqueakinpip · 8 years ago
All the OC questions with the selkie fam, which includes the 3 bros, Irena, and Anneliese, and also the boys mom if she's developed enough
*these asks are from this post in case anyone wants to either send more or reblog the original 
unfortunately i’m going to skip their mom for now just because she’s not developed enough :’c
1. Do any of your OCs have a speech impediment?
elian: nope! but megan suggested he sound congested all the time because of the ridiculous sounds weddell seals make
abbe: none
roland: none
irena: none
anneliese: none
2. Do any of your OCs have a physical disability?
elian: already answered! 
abbe: none
roland: none; im suddenly considering giving him bad eyesight though #glasses_roland2017
irena: none
anneliese: none
3. What is your OCs favorite band if they have one? (i’m answering this assuming they have access to the broad variety of music we have) 
elian: i feel like he would like the sound of bands like fall out boy, daft punk, imagine dragons etc. but he would like the lyrics of twenty one pilots more because he relates to them the most 
abbe: bryan adams?? phil collins?? elton john?? someone like that. 
roland: i’m torn because i want roland to be an edgelord but i also want him to be a quiet shy baby so why not both? i think he would like Gorillaz. sometimes laid back and chill and other times a little edgier. also in with the type of kids i feel like he would hang out with. 
irena: something a little older from when she was a teenager. probably a female artist. why are gwen stefani or celine dion sticking out to me?
anneliese: SHE’S THE 12 YEAR OLD GIRL WHOS OBSESSED WITH BOYBANDS like one direction and 5 seconds of summer. i feel like she would also love softer female artists like regina spektor
4. Does your OC have anything they take pride in? (like an award or collection?)
elian: *vibrates excitedly* spoilers
abbe: mostly how he’s been given the ability to… move on? his mom is still trapped in their family’s past tragedies and roland and elian are dragged down with that as well, but abbe’s been the one to grow and rebuild the house and get married and now he’s gonna be a dad soon. he’s proud he’s been able to continue the legacy. 
roland: he’s really proud of the things relating to his equestrian hobbies. he’s just starting out in the horse-breeding business but he has one or two really nice mares and im sure he has another one he’s training for the royal guard. he’s also the best rider in his family because its like all he does lol. 
irena: she was able to get out from under the shadow of her mother. irena and her mom don’t really like each other and her mom was always disappointed that she decided to become a knight instead of trying to climb the social ladder. they kind of stopped talking. ironically enough, irena ended up basically being adopted into a Duke’s family and though it’s super petty and very vengeful i think irena’s also proud of how she became everything her mother wanted in her own way and without her mom’s help. she likes to think of her mom being salty and jealous. 
anneliese: her reputation! she had to essentially rebuild it from the ground up after her dad did naughty scandalous things but she’s proven herself to the people who serve her. 
5. Does your OC have a favorite film? (answering like they live in modern times)
elian: he likes superhero movies, like the marvel movies. i haven’t actually seen a lot of these so i can’t pick the one that’s his favorite but i have a feeling it’s like captain america or spiderman. he wont stop making jokes about how roland is emo peter parker. 
abbe: already answered!
roland: black beauty he strikes me as the type who would like psychological thrillers like the shining or inception. movies that have lots of deep layers and summaries you stay up late reading until you’re too scared to go to bed. 
irena: she would like things with very traditional elaborate fight scenes and dynamic relationships and cool props and swords and armor and epic battles so basically she’s a lord of the rings fan. 
anneliese: literally the only thing coming to my mind are the twilight movies. the fault in our stars. ya’know stuff like that. i think she would be a big sucker for the princess bride. 
6. How tall is your OC?
elian: 5′1″
abbe: 5′7″
roland: 5′6″
irena: 5′2″
anneliese: 5′0″
7. Does your OC have any celebrity crushes? (answering like they live in modern times) 
elian: i don’t think he really follows celebrities he cares more about the quality of the movies they make. 
abbe: maybe he had one when he was younger but now that he’s married and has a kid on the way he doesn’t have time for these kinds of trivial things he has to focus on the #wife. 
roland: the actresses who are a little older but very #classic. julie andrews. judy garland. he might also like modern stars like anne hathaway or emma stone. one of those two. 
irena: what if she was a david bowie fan i feel bad not immediately saying her husband dwayne the rock johnson
anneliese: nick jonas. justin timberlake. orlando bloom. every boy from one direction. you get my drift. 
8. Do you ship any 2 of your OCs?
abbe: his beautiful loving delicate sensitive understanding wife rosalie k thanks bye
roland: his super big crush on lady jeannine harpers kills me everyday
irena: dwayne the rock johnson
anneliese: ELIAN
9. How would you describe your OCs fashion taste?
elian: bold. he likes things that make him feel adventurous like big hats with feathers or sturdy boots. he’s upper class so he’s still gotta look nice but he goes for that “i’m a rich guy who’s never been camping in my life but i went out and bought all this super nice fancy camping gear so people will think i’m professional when i’m not” look. 
abbe: very presentable, always On Point™. he’s gotta dress to impress, so all his clothes are neatly pressed and he tries not to wrinkle them up too much or get them dirty. he tends to trade in neutral colors like white and black for things a little brighter to liven up the house a bit. he’s still young. let abbe be Free™.
roland: he’s a big emo hot topic baby and the only thing he’ll wear is black.
irena: sleek shiny new armor that’s hand-crafted with details carved into the breastplate and shoulder pieces. regal deep colors and clean polished boots. 
anneliese: PINK. big poofy dresses. less of a focus on patterns and more of a focus on teeny cutesy details. 
10. Does your OC have any special talents?
elian: lmao i’ve never talk about this before but i sort of headcanon he’s alright at. fishing. it’s dangerous for him to swim and when his dad was around he was in the same situation. as selkies they still had a strong draw towards the water so instead of fishing as seals they would bond with each other by going to the shore or out on a boat and just have some quiet fishing time. :’) but anyway because of all that elian is much better at using a fishing rod than other selkies are. 
abbe: he seems like a really average family-man kinda guy so i want him to have some talent that’s just so obscure and ridiculous and totally unexpected. he can juggle with his knees. he has this 6th sense that tells him when it’s going to rain. i’m confirming all this for canon immediately. 
roland: he sort of gives me the “intellectual” kind of vibes in a good way and in a bad way. he was probably very good at school/his studies and for some reason history is really sticking out to me the most! while roland and elian don’t really get along i kinda headcanon roland had to tutor elian a lot when they were working through their school books together. 
irena: she can play an instrument, i know that much! i haven’t decided what she plays, but i’m thinking some type of fictional string instrument. she teaches elian how to play some instruments, too, because we all know that poor child is bored out of his mind. 
anneliese: she loves the whole wide world and reads a lot as a weird form of escapism? reading is her way of connecting to all the people and all the places in the world and it exercises her imagination. she’s probably a SUPER FAST reader and i bet she has a scary-big vocabulary for a girl as young as herself haha. 
11. Is your OC really bad at something?
elian: already answered!
abbe: SELF CARE abbe will work himself to the bone and push down all of his personal feelings and hurt to put his family first. i don’t think he wants to be that way but he was kind of forced into that mindset after he had to immediately step up to his dad’s position and then get married on top of that like he had so many big life-altering changes thrown at him within a years time poor boy didn’t even have time to grieve or adequately manage his emotional state. 
roland: being an individual haha. more like being openly opinionated and voicing those opinions. he “aaron burr”s the heck outta life with his “don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for” attitude. he doesn’t want to give anyone a reason to start drama with him. 
irena: already answered! 
anneliese: already answered! 
12. Does your OC have both of their parents?
abbe, roland, and elian lost their dad 3 years before the story starts. for a good time after that their mom was not…. entirely there emotionally either so abbe is basically New Dad™. 
irena: yes
anneliese: her dad is… kind of in prison?? so like he’s there but not there ya know. and who knows about her mom i’ll talk about that in the next question. anyway her aunt and uncle took her into the family and are basically her new mom and dad congrats anneliese. 
13. Does your OC know their parents?
elian: yes
abbe: yes
roland: yes
irena: yes, but she lost contact with her mother years before the story starts and she’s totally uninterested in rekindling the relationship
anneliese: she knows her dad but i haven’t fully decided who her mother is or what happened to her so for now??? my answer is who knows. 
14. Does your OC have any siblings?
abbe, roland and elian are all brothers! they don’t have any other siblings haha. 
irena: none
anneliese: none but she did have a cousin! they were really close when they were little, almost like siblings. the cousin was the old heiress to the estate but she got a bad illness or disease or something like people did back in the good ol’ days and died. now anneliese is the heiress. 
15. Do any of your OCs have pets?
elian: already answered!
abbe: none
roland: already answered!
irena: she might have a nice riding horse but other than that i doubt she has time for her own pet. 
anneliese: i haven’t thought about it but she does seem like an animal kind of girl. if she does i can see her having a super fluffy kitty. 
16. Do you have any nonhuman OCs?
17. Do you have any OCs you haven’t posted about?
18. How would you describe your OCs nature in one word?
elian: righteous 
abbe: altruistic
roland: distant
irena: meticulous
anneliese: dreamy
19. Who is your youngest OC? (i’m combining this question with the other one and just saying their ages) 
elian: 13 yrs
abbe: 21 yrs
roland: 16 yrs
irena: 33 yrs
anneliese: 12 yrs
20. Who is your oldest OC?
21. What race is your OC?
they’re all selkies!
22. Would your OC like you?
elian: he would like some things about me, then find other things completely infuriating. 
abbe: he’d probably think i was a little too casual and maybe a bit weird, but he wouldn’t hate me either! 
roland: i think we’d be cool. 
irena: we could have a couple really nice conversations. 
anneliese: she would! 
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intheshadeofnight · 7 years ago
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Dear my female crush I refuse to write your name here because at this point you already know who you are. I'm writing this open letter because it's easier for me. For some reason, I feel less nervous in front of hundreds of people than I do one on one. That's mega weird, right? Even if it is, you already know that I'm weird so it's too late to start judging me now. I am not really a mushy, sappy, cutesy-cuddly type of guy. I'm the type of guy who wrestles and horse plays with a girl as a sign of affection. So with that being stated, when it comes to talking about my feelings, I'm not the best at it. I just don't enjoy addressing matters of the heart. That experience got me thinking... maybe I need to work on that. So I am writing this open letter to tell you that I am officially head over heels in like with you. Here. I said it.  I'm pretty sure you are aware of how I feel about you, but I don't know if I do a great job of expressing it. I joke around a lot and make fun of you most of the time. That's real mature and cute, right? Yeah... I'm a bit of a dork. I'm sure there are guys around you all the time who flirt with you and say sexy things and are covert about their attraction to you, girls who are super feminine and emo and say all the right things. I'll never be that guy. But I can tell you with the utmost certainty, they might be able to sweet talk to you better than me, but they'd never appreciate you like I do. Because we're don't know each other. You're not just a future baby's momma to me. You're something special. You're funny and adorable and smart as a whip. Even if we never go further than where we are now, I hope we can be friends (or spouse) forever. I kinda wish I could be where you are right now. I'm so busy these days, though. You know why. Still, I'd be so stoked. That's not the sexiest thing to say, I know. But I'm being myself. Not every guy is bold enough to just be himself. I hope you'd include that on your list of why I like you. In closing, this open letter is BY FAR the most girlie, mushy, emo thing that I have ever done in my adult life. I just wanted to tell you that I'm officially into you and I'm really enjoying getting to know you as a friend, because I love you, I admire you. I wish I could talking to you on the phone. I like getting excited when I realize I've got a text from you. And if you promise not to rush me or to start acting insecure and trying to be the boss of me... if you don't do any of those things, then we're in for a hell of a ride together. My life is pretty weird and unpredictable. Sometimes because of my career, I miss out on the little things in life that other people my age are experiencing. I love it when I "like" a girl. It might seem like a small thing, but it doesn't happen often, and it makes me feel like I'm not missing out on so much after all. With you, it was like "at first sight." So... you know... don't screw this up. I'm gonna hate myself as soon as I publish this, I just know it. Sigh.
0 notes
rusticrevivals · 8 years ago
Take Dorothy out of Kansas, stick her in a fantasy world where she meets fairy god-mothers with crowns and magic wands and high-heeled slippers… and whaddaya got?  You’ve still got ginghamized Dorothy, bless her, headin’ back to Kansas- just a little older and wiser.  “There’s NO PLACE LIKE HOME”…
  Here in the Appalachians, you send a tomboy, “Chip”, (me, see below, age 10 and 14)  to a new place, and she’s confronted with crowns and high heels and told she’s expected to help organize a bunch of princesses, and she’s in a tail spin… but guess what? The mail lady (Glinda the Good Witch?) knows everybody, waves her magic wand, steps in with her ruby shoes and all is well… turns out those princesses are just good ole country girls like Chip herself!  The tricky bit’s gonna be getting them OUT of Kansas!
Apparently Queens’ Pageants (formerly ‘beauty pageants’ but no longer quite so exploitative of women) are popular in every single town in New Brunswick.  The crowned gals are even EXPECTED to wear their tiaras and sashes to school the following day, and actually aren’t laughed out of the building, either! (Having taught in 4 rather rough schools in 3 different countries, I find this VERY difficult to come to terms with, but apparently it’s common practice and just as accepted as one of my 12-year-old students carrying an ankle knife to school in inner city Leeds, U.K. or my 15-year-old pupil breast-feeding her baby in my English class ‘on the rez’ in Browning, Montana!)
I’ve often been surrounded by lovely young women while teaching in Canada and abroad.  Some of the girls I’ve had the pleasure of working with onstage have even gone on to become actresses/models/singers and strong professionals who use some of the public-speaking and debate skills I helped them work on in their high-school days. However, this pageant thing is a very new concept to me.
(above, some of the lovely young ladies to whom I taught Drama and coached in a variety of musicals, ‘on the rez’ in Browning, Montana – please note, the above were NOT the same students who breast-fed their babes in class!)
For those girls, and some of the others I’m so proud of, I made a banner last year on International Girls’ Day, (although they are no longer ‘girls’, but very strong and talented  women now, and can all be seen or heard in public forums in one way or another).
above, some of my beautiful former students – from the USA, the U.K., and yes, Canada, too!
However, none of those girls are really the tiara-wearing types, either.  Up until a month or so ago I was feeling very much ‘out of my element’!
New Denmark is a wonderfully-close-knit community, as you’ll know from reading some of my previous blog postings.  It’s not just a mountain area where everyone pitches in and helps each other and attends church, dances, games’ nights, luncheons, etc. on a weekly basis – it’s got the additional distinction of being the largest AND oldest Danish community in Canada, and is thus rooted in tradition.  Founder’s Day in New Denmark has always been an important celebration, and until recent years was an annual event.  The little rural museum just up the road from us is a Provincial Historical Site, as “Immigrant House”, where the majority of settlers stayed in 1872 before being granted their land, was on that corner. There’s a great video posted online about the Centennial Parade from 1972, which I just love watching! It’s so dear and even, now, familiar!  www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAvS-3M78rQ
This year, by accident (I was meant to be going to a meeting of the historical committee and ended up at the 145th planning committee meeting instead!) I am helping organize the Founder’s Day activities, and thus you’ll see lots more photos from this fun event later in June. It’s held around the 19th of that month every 5 years now, because that’s when the first ship with the majority of Danes landed here.  One of the events is a big parade from near our farm, at the rural museum corner, up the hill past the church and on to the little rural ‘rec centre’.  And what’s a parade without a bevy of beautiful young ladies waving their delicate hands and straightening their tiaras on a floral-decorated float?    Here’s a screen shot  with their centennial year’s Queen and Princess, 1972:
About the only thing I’m familiar with in that picture is the TRUCK.  But I digress… Having heard rumours (I guess) that I was a former Drama teacher – and NOT having heard rumours that I was a tomboy who despised cutesy, demure women, frivolous ball-gowns, high heels, and anything superficial or commercialized, a former director of the Founder’s Day planning committee pointed his over-large finger at me at the very first meeting and delegated me in charge of the pageant.  Luckily for me, Mary Beth the Mail-lady (secretary of no less than FOUR committees in this small “happenin’ ” place!) immediately stepped in and organized a bunch of people who knew a lot more about pageants than I EVER will, to help!  Mary Beth has ordered the tiaras, too, so thank God that’s out of my hands, as they’d have ended up with Stetsons or dressage top hats!  (We suspect M.B. ordered the extra one so she can be seen driving about the hills and dales delivering her letters and feeling “special” ).
Another lucky thing: ’twas Mary Beth herself who said “why don’t we just make the theme ‘COUNTRY’ this year?  Well, ole Chip of Rustic Revivals can do THAT!  And it ties right in with our enormously talented photographer, a former New Denmark pageant gal herself, Miss Tiffany Christensen.  As I’ve organized and decorated so many rustic weddings and events in my rural-based businesses, so has Tiffany taken plenty of rustic and rural-based photography, because it’s not only what we see and live out here, it’s ALSO become a world-wide fad even for those who’ve never set foot in a barn or old klunker of a pick-up truck before!  (On Saturday, my Rustic Revivals was at our first N.B. craft sale, right at the little rec centre where the pageant will take place, and had some of the best attention ever, because folks in the mountains ‘get’ primitives, and several custom orders are coming in also for yet more ‘Burlap Bags’, ((as Richard calls me)) creations.  I’ll be doing a special Easter blog with my latest line next week.)
Thus, Tiffany and I have both been involved in promoting the beauty and history of the rural landscapes around us.  Here’s a lovely photo she took recently, and she’ll be doing a number like this for the pageant girls, as they are to have a ‘spa and photography day’ together in May.
You can see the rural and rustic trend that is so popular now for both weddings AND grads/proms, etc, so why not in our own rural pageant?   (Excuse the blurriness of the following – this is obviously not in Tiffany’s originals, but my ad program isn’t always in love with the wordpress one!  Isn’t her logo neat?  Look how the camera is subtly wrapped into her initials!  And the natural leaves/sheaves represent the countryside we love!)
As Rustic Revivals  has also now debuted locally (after 7 years of ‘touring’ the back roads of Montana, Yorkshire, Aberdeenshire and Ontario!), we realize the mountains here in Appalachia are just the right spot for us!  Although online selling isn’t to be ruled out :  www.etsy.com/shop/rusticrevivals
And RURAL Revivals, (its sister company), as special rural events organizer and country-themed decorator/interior designer (www.facebook.com/rural.revivals   and  http://rusticrevivals.wixsite.com/ruralrevivals ) will also be comfortably-based and definitely using Miss Christensen for all events photography and official before-and-after shots of our specialty rooms with shabby chic/’country’/French Provincial/ ‘cabin’  make-overs (if you haven’t yet viewed my own crappy before and after photos, see previous posts on renos).  Former campaigns which have included us in newspapers and on television have resulted in less attention than in just having the good readers of this blog spread the word…
…so I’m hoping that those of you who are in New Brunswick or who have the money to fly her out to you, will consider using Tiffany Christensen as YOUR official photographer as well!
Of course she doesn’t just take portraits in rural settings; have a look at all her lovely work on her FB page:
I tried 3 times to catch the magic of the hoar frost on the mountainsides, for instance, this winter, and failed spectacularly, but Tiffany has a real talent:
She was also able to capture the stunning autumnal colours here better than I!
Having said that, I’m not a COMPLETE amateur when it comes to pretty country girls posting for the camera.  Last spring, nearly a year ago, in fact, a gorgeous former riding student from Scotland came for a visit to Ontario and wanted the ‘typical’ Dukes of Hazzard/’Western’-and hill-billy-style pics. So, I introduced her to my native friend and her teepee,another former riding student and her horse, Richard’s ’73 Nova for that Dukes of Hazzard effect and also, of course -his moonshine jug. Then I got my camera out. Here’s a slideshow for fun:
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I also loaded up all my rustic decor and we spent an all-afternoon photo-shoot with some work that I’m pretty proud of, and she SHOULD be as well:
The ‘other type of riding’…
While I wouldn’t suppose to be as good as Tiffany, and while it DID take us about 50 photos just to get one good one, I am rather proud of the above.  Now, someday, especially with the gorgeous gals we have in this year’s pageant as models, Tiffany might even have a front cover for some real fashion mags.  I do like to think that ours could have just as easily been on a Vogue special issue:
And, funnily enough, here she is even posing as a MaryBeth !
That’s right, I’ve worn many hats in my time, in many different places around the world… Off-stage, On-stage, Mounted, UnMounted, in various positions for the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Education etc.  Mom/Joy even thinks that should be the title of my autobiography.  Either that, or she’s suggested “The Many Beds in Which I’ve Slept”?  I keep telling her that just makes me sound like a slut…
  The pageant girls, and I won’t name them here, are all eager, however, to be dubbed “Queen”, or at least “Princess”, despite them being very much Appalachian Country girls in their own right.  One of them is line-dancing for her talent, and another even asked if she could ride her DIRT BIKE for her talent portion!  So I’m no longer worried about dealing with the demure, prissy type – these young ladies are up for anything!  Ironically, not only has the group dance which I’m choreographing morphed into a hill-billy dance in barefeet (and I was a chorus dancer in L’il Abner onstage in barefeet forty years ago!) but the other talents a few of the girls wish to show-case are Poetry Reading and doing a Monologue.  With NO suggestions even, by me, an English/Drama teacher, with published poetry and an award on her wall for doing Dramatic Monologues!  Well, really, since MaryBeth rounded up all this extra help for me to have the promenades, turns, waves and poise stuff looked after, I can do this! Who’d have thought this pageant gig would end up being so close to my own propensities  (ie: rustic decorating, slopping out verse, projecting loudly, and strutting about in patched clothes with a heavy emphasis on the balls of my feet!!!!   Yeeee- hawwwww!)
By the way, speaking of all-things-hill-billy:  In regard to this week’s title, did you know a ‘hootenanny’ is actually a SCOTTISH word, which should please Mom/Joy?  According to Wikipedia, it is simply “a Scottish word meaning ‘party’ or ‘celebration’. With the Scots being one of the biggest groups of settlers in the Appalachian region (bringing with them their whisky-making tradition and methods, leading to the area’s moon-shining tradition) it is not surprising that hootenanny became an Appalachian colloquialism. ”     Besides I like it better than ‘hoedown’, although that is an equally pleasant-sounding alliteration to match with ‘hill-billy’. It’s just that ‘hoe-down’ will likely be needed in future titles to represent our extensive gardening, which is a must when living self-sufficiently!
Every Monday night we are in rehearsal now with the girls.  Chantal, one of the moms, a MaryBeth recruit to our committee, and herself a participant in numerous provincial pageants (“but that was HOW many years ago?” her daughter piped up last night) is an invaluable wealth of info. for both me and the young ladies, as she is instructing them in poised walking with books on heads, and my old Tickle Trunk petticoats on their lower half to aid in twirls and turns.  Even with ‘cammo’ and baseball hats, Chantal can get these ladies to SPIN!
  (above, note the Danish ‘welcome’ in our church basement:  “Velkommen” – it’s seen in every public building here in the community, and the Danish flag, on Mary Beth’s cartoon mailbox and picket fence, is seen flying on at least every other farm!  Also, please note that while I have permission to publicly post these photos of the pageant gals, I am not going to name them, as a respect to their underage privacy!)
I also asked Chantal to please choreograph the girls’ initial ‘promenade’ in their casual clothes (which they are piecing together with only $10.00 from second-hand and rummage sales, don’t you think that’s a wonderful tradition?) and also their ball-gown finale, when they will be escorted on to the stage by two little 7 year old boys dressed in flannel shirts and wearing cow-boy hats and boots to keep in line with our ‘Down-Home Country’ theme.  I can’t wait to see that!
Here are some photos I took last night of Chantal rehearsing the girls in high heels to prepare for their intro-dance, which will be to Shania Twain’s “Man, I Feel Like a Woman” (’cause I wanted to have only women singers, we needed country songs for the theme, and we DEFINITELY needed a Canadian!)  As always, please click on each photo to blow up and read the captions:
Balancing Precariously ‘in format’
Chantal instructs, with Tiffany, to left, taking her ‘official photos’ for a wonderful behind-the-scenes slide show she has planned for pageant night!
another format that should be a fun ‘intro’
Chantal ‘gets down’ with some finger-snapping, hip-swinging, trying to impress on the girls the importance of having that ‘attitude’
Tiffany asked the girls and Chantal to hold the final pose of their first dance while she snapped an official shot. This is my much-less clear one!
To give their poor tootsies a break from the high-heels they aren’t all used to wearing (and certainly not dancing in!) we next went to my ‘group dance’, a bit of a production into which I’ve of course introduced a touch of ‘drama’ (bit of business at the beginning).  Here’s another big irony:  those poor girls, who are country/mountain gals at heart, have to learn to walk gracefully and to show off their feminine wiles one minute, switch to being what many of them (like me) would rather walk like – a relaxed mountain-girl hill-billy in bare feet, and then throw on a ball-gown and go back to that poised, tall, no-slouching grace again.  It’s really going to be an amazing challenge for them!
Here are some of last night’s rehearsal for the group dance, which will be to Lisa McHugh’s ‘Hill-billy Girl’ – but I dislike her line-dance to the same, and as one of our girls is doing a line-dance for her ‘talent portion (she goes for lessons every week with her grandfather, but he declined doing it in the pageant with her!) I’m putting in my own choreography.  (Though my back has been much better since the 3rd surgery in 2008, the knees, since the last crashing somersault fall off Junior in 2004 are progressively worse with osteo-arthritis.  Since they won’t do knee surgeries now until we hit age 60, and because I refuse to let the pain take away ALL my activity levels, I ‘strap up’! ) Click on any of the below to enlarge and read the captions:
plain old ‘grapevine’
now, that lean back, inside leg out thing…
Within the Hillbilly Girl dance there are two instrumental bits and I’ve planned a ‘showcase’ of each girl’s gymnastic talent aka “hillbilly jumps and kicks” to add some excitement… Here’s one from last week’s rehearsal, with faithful Tiffany taking photo:
Lastly, the girls put their high-heels back on to practice their more formal ball-gown finale. Chantal is playing the part of the little 7 year-old boys, as she escorts each to the stage and instructs them on their ‘turns’. They will then be asked a question on their thoughts or beliefs on a certain subject, by the M.C., prior to the judges making their final decisions.  Here’s each of the lovely girls as they come down the aisle to Jessica Andrews’ ‘Who I Am’ (Rosemary’s Grand-daughter).  And one of them actually IS a Rosemary’s grand-daughter, too!  I suggested that her grandmother would LOVE this song, then. However, we were informed that Rosemary was quote/unquote ‘unable to attend’.  We said ‘oh, that’s too bad, why not?’.    ‘Wal, ’cause she’s dead’ was the drawled response.
  By the way, when you see very ripped jeans (above) please note that these are not being worn in preparation for the Hill-billy Girl dance with me.  For those of you not as ‘hip’ as I am to the modern fashion (the very use of the term ‘hip’ proves this is entirely tongue-in-cheek) these are the designer pants that cost so much nowadays, and another bit of irony is that the girls are going to be buying their ‘casual wear’ for the pageant at rummage sales for under $10.00, and likely (because their grandparents won’t approve) leaving these jeans at home!
Thus, the ironies of my life in the Appalachians continues.  Just when you think something is being introduced into your life which you just can’t come to grips with, you take off your shoes, your bare feet help you get sticky purchase, and there you are.  You’ve come to grips!
Kick off them ruby slippers, Dorothy.  You’re back on the farm, baby.
Funnily enough, the above “Find Your Style” meme is at the top of our Rural Revivals’ website, http://rusticrevivals.wixsite.com/ruralrevivals  and is not only what the girls are considering wearing for their group dance, but the ‘find your style’ motto is how they are being told to go find their rummage sale casual outfits for both their Princess tea and their Introductory walk onstage the night of the pageant!  So maybe I DO know more about this then I at first thought!
        Hill-billy Hootenanny: Purty Pals & Gingham Gals Take Dorothy out of Kansas, stick her in a fantasy world where she meets fairy god-mothers with crowns and magic wands and high-heeled slippers...
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