#i was so sure the first time around that neve and rana were going to be a thing if i didn't romance her but okay i guess not
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You mentioned you romanced Lucanis, how do you feel about Neve x Lucanis getting together if you don't romance either of them?
It's fine, I guess.
I romanced Davrin on my first playthrough, and I'll be honest, Neve and Lucanis getting together came out of no where for me. After the scene played, I realized that I rarely had them together in my party, and if I had, it'd probably make more sense. Or have more chemistry.
I left that scene like, "...What just happened? Oh well, good for them, I guess, have fun!"
I had Neve in my party a lot [Davrin and Neve were my go-to duo], and Lucanis was unfortunately benched until it was time to do his quests... which is really ironic, like if you had asked me who my least favorite companion was at the end of that first playthrough, it would've been Lucanis.
It doesn't help that I saved Minrathous, so I missed out on some of his personal quests, too.
I didn't dislike him or anything... though learning about Spite did have me throw him off the table of potential love interests because that Anders Romance Trauma [affectionate] kicked in and I said, "noooooo, I'm not doing that again, you cannot make meeee-"
Which, again.... ironic. Because he crawled his way back onto the table and made me feel things. It healed some parts of me. But also did more damage. It's complicated, like being an andersmancer makes it a whole other discussion for another day.
I will say, I saw a lot of talk about Neve and Lucanis prior to doing his romance which made me wonder if it was another Isabela and Fenris "Isabela bad because she USES Fenris if you don't romance him" situation where players are weirdly jealous and take it out on the female character... which uh oh.
Yeah, I can honestly say I never felt "threatened" by Neve while pursuing Lucanis. I brought them out and about several times, waited to see if they'd flirt or anything, or give me a reason to feel that he liked her more than my Rook, and like... It's not just a Neve and Lucanis thing.
It's more to do with Rook feeling like an outsider within the group who isn't allowed to interact with their companions until the game tells them to. Walking around the lighthouse feels really lonely sometimes because you're just approaching your friends, listening to their conversations, and then they look at you like "....can we help you?" and you just... walk away. Also the visual during team meetings where everyone is sitting together with Rook on the other side by themselves with only Assan sitting at their feet...
...again, topic for another day.
Anyway, aside from that? No, I never felt like they crossed a line for me that would make feel like they liked each other better than Rook. If there is banter that does, then I didn't get it.
There was this really sweet banter after I locked his romance in though, the one where Neve commented on Lucanis smiling more and making sure he recognizes that he's happy with Rook. That only endeared me to Neve more than I already was, I adore her.
But if I'm not romancing either of them? Let them have their fun, y'know?
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americankimchi · 3 months ago
dragon age veilguard review: spoilers for the entire game ahead
alright now that it's been a few days and i've had time to 1) get over the honeymoon phase and 2) really think on the game beyond the emotional high of the endgame mission/endgame choice, i can finally type this up
my final score for this game is 8/10, if you just care about that part and wanna skip the rest.
preface, i've only finished one playthrough as an elf mage grey warden, and played every companion/region quest*/side objective to completion**.
i played it on the underdog difficulty and it took me ~74 hours (i left the game open and went to do something else a few times, so it should probably read closer to ~70). this is a screenshot of the final auto-save after i beat the game
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veeery long review under the cut ✌️
*exception being minrathous since i picked treviso instead, so the region quests got shafted
**didn't find all the chests or all the collectables, but i got close. also, i missed neve's first companion outing because i forgot to do it prior to the minrathous/treviso choice and didn't realize recruiting davrin was a cut-off point. aside from that i finished every quest i could grab my hands on.
OKAY SO i want to start this off by saying that i thoroughly enjoyed this game, enough to want to replay it again (i currently have two concurrent playthroughs as a dwarf shadow dragon and a human antivan crow going) and will probably be modding it to high heavens once that boat gets sailing, and that i believe it deserves that 8/10 score with all my heart. it was a great time.
that being said.
anyone who plays dragon age veilguard and only veilguard is getting a very surface level experience of what thedas is/has to offer culturally. i'm saying this because the excuse being "this is tevinter, why would it be the same as the southern half of thedas" isn't enough to explain a lot of gaping holes in the game's setting.
for instance, i played as an ELF MAGE GREY WARDEN in the middle of TEVINTER during a massive catastrophe brought about by the returned "ELVEN GODS"
having played all the games prior to dav, i did so because i knew that there would be
high tension with my PC being an elf in the notoriously cruel-to-elves country of tevinter, the old empire of which caused the fall of arlathan, and who enslaves elves to the point of it being a huge story beat for a previous companion (fenris)
a mage in a magocracy, where the script is flipped between mages and templars as compared to the south which recently went through years of a mage-templar war
a grey warden - their relevancy in thedas ended around 10 years ago due to corypheus basically tricking them all into hearing their calling, and 22 years prior veilguard during the fifth blight. at the beginning of the game, being a grey warden is more of a coincidental occupation than a narrative beat like it is in origins, but there's always something going on with the wardens so i picked it as a 'i'll pick this to experience the game first and then go for what i suspect is the best narratively relevant origin for my second playthrough' option
of the three descriptors, ELF/MAGE/GREY WARDEN, which do you think had the most story-relevant screen time?
that's right.
the grey warden one.
i won't say that there was nothing about being a mage, but i can remember probably on one hand where the option to chime in as a mage was relevant to what was being spoken about. (a conversation about spite, a conversation about scout harding's new abilities, and if there were more they weren't memorable enough for me to recall off the top of my head) which was fine on paper if you don't know anything about dragon age's entire deal wrt mages. i believe the only real mention about tensions between mages and templars happened in minrathous when we met up with neve's templar friend rana. i think the line reads something like "oh templars are just here to make sure the magic doesn't go out of hand. we don't even take lyrium like our southern counterparts" and then the game moves on to other things
which is crazy considering just how seriously the mage vs templar conflict was being leaned into for the previous three games, enough to the point where i was getting absolutely sick and tired of hearing about it. well the monkey's paw curls a finger because not only did i not hear about it, it felt like it never even happened.
TO BE FAIR: we're playing in tevinter (and antiva. and rivain. and the hossberg wetlands. and—well, you get the idea) and there's a general air of tevinter snooty superiority when they consider the 'south', so perhaps it wasn't fair for me to think "oh, they'd talk about it right? they'd bring it up more than once", but my being a mage seemed to just not even register for any characters in tevinter. not that i wanted them to roll out the red carpet or anything, but i can't remember a single moment where an NPC was like "oh right, you're a mage too". maybe they did, and i just don't remember it. but it didn't seem to matter at all.
but alright whatever, if we want to write that off as being "we're in tevinter. that has no bearing on circumstances here because it's a MAGOCRACY" fine i'll let it slide.
but the fact that my being an ELF didn't seem to be a Huge Deal when in tevinter threw me for a fucking loop. was there some sort of massive societal upheaval in the ten years between dragon age inquisition (dorian: i thought keeping slaves was fine as long as you treat them well) to veilguard (i found a single codex entry of a letter where dorian says "hey guys. we should stop keeping slaves. like genuinely what the fuck is wrong with us for even doing that in the first place") but the fact that NOBODY SEEMS TO BLINK AN EYE at my rook's elven heritage. ESPECIALLY since the main antagonists of this game are ALL ELVEN GODS seems like a wildly missed opportunity to introduce some tension. UNJUSTIFIED TENSION, but tension nonetheless.
the wardens had a lot of content, which both surprised and delighted me thoroughly. i'll never speak a word against them of course, and i did love how it showed that the wardens were here to do a job, and not play nice about it. the first warden was, in my humble opinion, one of the best characters in the entire game. annoying, gruff, called my rook warden basically the equivalent of a stupid rhino in a china shop not knowing what's best for the wardens/their oaths and impulsive in a way detrimental to everyone in his surroundings. literally one of my favorite lines happens when he and rook are beefing in the middle of the cobbled swan:
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like. that was so satisfying.
the fact that the first warden isn't a villain, he's actually a fantastic grey warden. he'd sacrifice himself to kill an archdemon, and in fact "steals the glory" for himself. like was he an asshole during that exchange? yes, but it's undeniable that he was going to his death voluntarily and with a grim fervor. that's peak grey warden. nobody can say he'd ever shirk his duty. his character flaw was that he's a terrible leader, has the military tactics of a damp slice of toast, and generally doesn't inspire his subordinates to feel any sort of true loyalty to him. see here where my rook aggressively relieves him of duty and after a tense exchange where it seems like combat is about to start, evka saves the day by taking charge. and she does take charge pretty quick. nobody seems to really oppose the real quick promotion.
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and then it's back to business as usual. archdemon trapping, anyone?
which was a problem i had with other factions in the game, namely the antivan crows. like yes, not every group is a monolith sharing the same ideals/morals/etc. but having played dragon age origins close to two decades prior where a massive point of contention was between zevran and the crows and the trauma that came from his upbringing as a crow... to then get thrown into treviso to see that the house we're dealing with is a bunch of leathery robin hoods was an unexpected turn. like. guys? weren't they villains? why are we all relatively good people (barring illario) here??? if anything, i thought that there'd be more politicking and backstabbing (literally and figuratively) but everything here seems kinda...... harmonious in comparison to whatever the fuck house arainai was doing. i might have missed a codex entry (i didn't read them all) explaining why the tonal shift happened, like maybe someone somewhere wrote about how house arainai imploded post-fifth blight when a crow went, well, rogue, and exposed the crows for the literal torture they put CHILDREN through, but nothing. like the game straight up lets an NPC whose name escapes me form a new house composed OF children at the end. like. what........ this isn't neverland, why are we forming the lost boys with knives here. hello??
on the other hand, i feel like the wardens had more options to expand on the fact that uh. yeah. grey wardens don't come from great backgrounds. like when you could conscript the mayor of d'meta's crossing much to everyone's displeasure, or the first warden actively being an obstacle to real progress (but not a villain! just extremely blind to the real dangers!), etc. etc. still not great in terms of "we employ literal murderers and criminals of every kind so we can toss them in the direction of darkspawn as a literal meat shield for thedas" but at least it's something.
but i digress. back to the point:
felt like the amount of dialogue options i had where i could bring up my warden expertise not only outstripped the mage/elf tags, but was so prevalent that sometimes it felt like the game was specifically catered to me being a grey warden. this is obviously just because i haven't played enough of the other origins to really feel out how much content they have in comparison, and it's partially just because of how obviously biased i am towards them as a group, but the FLAVOR of being a grey warden was present wherever i went. we'll see how well this opinion holds up after i finish my other two playthroughs.
genuinely the best combat in the series. the fact that you can dodge-roll and more importantly PARRY in this game is an unexpected boon that i can't praise bioware enough for. the abilities themselves are smooth, the detonations provide a nice chunk of damage AND crowd control where you can just unload, and the damage types/weaknesses being a genuinely relevant part of the game to the point where if you have a lightning abilities/weapons equipped and you're facing down a hoard of antaam, you're going to have an extremely bad time*.
* on higher difficulties. i've heard on lower ones that it doesn't matter and you can just brute force your way through the game
i will say the "quick recovery" doesn't feel quick at all, even if i'm hitting the button for it frame-perfect, i can still get knocked down as the animation for quick recovery is going off, which was annoying. would've liked the i-frames to have saved me from getting turned into paste by the three ogres punching me down at the same time but alas.
also, they tend to target you even if you have a warrior (davrin/taash) on the team. unless you're actively casting taunt, they will run past your party members to hammer down on you. which was. annoying.
STILL I LOVED THE COMBAT, i went spellblade as a mage and my build was absolutely disgusting at the end. with a combination of fully stacked out duration+strike abilities, arcane bomb stacking abilities/weapons, and not even glancing at the other two trees for the majority of the game, i felt like i was a rogue that could conveniently cast chain lightning. it was crazy fun.
but also a steep learning curve. mythal took me 17 entire real life minutes to beat. LMAO.
i love that you don't need to restart the game if you want to play a different subclass, you can just refund your skill points and explore the game to your heart's content that way. not that i did, i picked one tree and stuck to it the entire game come hell or high water (or a lightning resistant high dragon 10 levels above me) and i had a blast with it.
hooooo boy. okay. this is going to be about the MAIN STORY ONLY, companion and region specific stuff will be in its own section later.
the writing for the main story was actually pretty enjoyable the further along in the game i got. every single main story mission was an incredibly cinematic experience; my favorite being the siege at weisshaupt mission—but only because it's kind of hard to quantify the endgame section as a 'mission' when it felt like an entire act on its own.
the amount of personality rook has was a breath of fresh air, and the voice acting for male british rook (alex jordan, who also coincidentally voices my favorite character in wuthering waves: jiyan♥) was SOOOO good. every line delivered felt like it matched the scene's energy/the personality i picked, so the flow of dialogue felt natural enough to be part of a tv show or movie.
although i do wish there was more option to be a little bit more of a bitch. a little rat bastard. not evil because i don't think dragon age would ever let you be evil in the way owlcat games lets you turn into a literal swarm of bugs consuming all (including companions) in its path, i thought there'd be a chance to be like. well. a little mean to people. i can be rude, but not mean. if that makes sense.
i do feel that rook was done a disservice by not having a hawke-like session 0 where we can see, precisely, why they're already so attached to varric and scout harding, but maybe that was left on the cutting room floor. i'm not a fan of tell don't show, so the game telling me "hey remember when you and varric did this thing that we're not going to actually show you" was pretty annoying. i wasn't expecting a dragon age origins-type prologue segment where i move through the world as a warden pre-veilguard, but i do wish we had like. a short cutscene flashback sequence or something to really immerse myself into the character. like let me put my shoes on before i start running the race!
still though rook felt really present in the story. like they slotted really nicely and smoothly into the leadership position which. i mean yeah who else, right? even though they did have plot armor in the sense that i didn't really understand (in-universe) why ghilan'nain and elgar'nan didn't just squish my rook into a pulp and scrape the dagger off the smear he became every time they came face to face... i suppose we wouldn't have a game, otherwise lolol
moving swiftly on, the boss fights felt appropriately built up to, and never did i feel like i was woefully unprepared for the task set up before me (although i must admit i was slightly taken aback by the three-headed hydra at weisshaupt. delightfully so, but it did stunlock me for a few seconds sjkhfj)
from the prologue -> endgame, i suspected something was off about varric once i realized "hey, how come nobody's talking to him anymore?" while the answer of "varric is actually a manifestation in rook's mind caused by solas trying to mold him into someone who could replace solas in the fade prison he crafted" was admittedly beyond the scope of what i came up with:
1. everyone in this game is a monumental asshole (funny, but disappointing narratively)
2. he died but bc he died next to the fade magic + we live in the fade now he's just a ghost only rook can see?? (true, but to the left)
i didn't really consider solas had a hand in it which is funny as hell considering. well. blood magic was mentioned at the very start of the game by solas himself
the reveal was very satisfying, and on my current playthroughs it's very entertaining to see everyone (especially solas, but my companions too) very carefully skirt the subject of varric's death by speaking about it in terms oblique enough that everyone in the know understands it as 'varric is fucking dead' vs. rook's manipulated memories understands it as 'varric is laid up in the infirmary'
the evanuris were very well designed, ghilan'nain being a creepy flesh centipede woman with tentacles and blight covering her head to toe was genuinely one of the most refreshing villain designs i've ever seen. elgar'nan was comparatively boring, but considering his whole deal is to be the elven god of tyranny having him just be a conventionally attractive man was a statement in and of itself.
their boss fights were standard, elgar'nan's being the easier of the two specifically because i wasn't trying to haul my ass through waves of darkspawn, but even ghilan'nain's wasn't that hard either considering all i really needed to to was burst some blight growths and could fully ignore the darkspawn if i wanted to. i had more trouble fighting the demon of desperation in minrathous than i did the story boss fights, but that was a trend for most games i feel. the side objectives containing the optional, harder fights and the mandatory quests softening the blow from the main story bosses so the player can get through them at a steady pace.
i do feel like the majority of the story was well written, but suffered greatly from pacing issues brought about by the format of the game itself. while there was a steady pressure brought about by the urgency needed to stop them from crafting the red lyrium dagger, the fact that i could just wander about the world picking up and completing side quests at my leisure before tackling the broader problem at hand did have me slightly confused about how long the game's time frame really was. i think it takes place over the course of a few months, or maybe a year total? if it was mentioned, it went straight over my head.
though i suppose that's a problem most RPGs have—the risk of allowing the player to have agency in picking what to do next means that. well sometimes they can spend hours trying to pick up every collectible while minrathous burns in the background.
though i did wish there was more dalish presence in a game focusing around the elven gods. like i know the veil jumpers are in the game as a faction but. they don't really feel dalish. they just feel like a bunch of archeologists who happen to be elves. a bit of a disappointment, there. also, they were constantly imperiled by something which really put a damper on the "we are also a competent group of people" vibe that i got from pretty much everyone else. the dalish aesthetic was just that, aesthetic. the veil jumpers being posted up in arlathan forest just seemed like they were there due to their occupation and not their heritage. bellara goes into it a little bit through her quest line, but i don't know. there wasn't that sense of unity and closed ranks the way it felt in da:o and da2. the less we speak of the dalish in da:i the better.
as for solas himself, i'm positive that the way you speak to him reflects his demeanor to you over the course of the game (i picked every aggressive/stoic option i possibly could, and the results i got were extremely entertaining; i have so many recorded videos of rook and solas duking it out but due to size constraints i haven't uploaded them anywhere ajkjdj) but at one point they went from "actively antagonistic" to "actively antagonistic but with begrudging respect"... on the side of solas. my rook was extremely honest about hating him every step of the way. extremely honest.
still, i loved how the game kept track of the progression of their relationship. the way every time a new talk with solas started i'd see a little "yeah last time you kept yelling at each other so we're keeping that energy" popup on the side of my screen. the way rook and solas could constantly. well i don't want to call it 'banter' because at every given point my rook would call him out on his bullshit and solas would strike back with a precise cut deep enough to bleed, watching them snipe at each other so aggressively vs. what i suspect is a much softer and more amicable conversation if you go the more diplomatic route was nice to see.
during endgame, since i completed every side objective (the solas's regrets chain of quests + the mythal encounter/fight) i had the option to:
deceive him by giving him a fake prop of his dagger
convince him to stop (unlockable by doing the aforementioned quest chain)
fuck it we ball; 1v1 me right now you bald bitch
obviously, i threw aside all other options and went for the 1v1. when i say i was HOWLING WITH LAUGHTER watching my rook go "I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS" and throw a haymaker to the face........... /wipes tear. it was beautiful. and then my rook STABBED HIM IN THE GUT, SEALING HIM INTO THE FADE FOREVER??? ten years i waited for this. ten YEARS. HALLELUJAH.
though it is very funny after all those years of seeing posts like "UMMM ACTUALLY THE VEIL SHOULD COME DOWN" and then the game is like "nah. that shit stayin up for a while" like kjHDJKLSHGFJK
anyways. i enjoyed stabbing him and watching him get yoinked into the fade. i'll do the merciful ending eventually but i had to do it to him at least once.👍
though obviously i have a few characters who i enjoyed more than the others, i did like all of them!!
taash's questline was very good in terms of the cultural aspect (i can relate to feeling torn between two worlds) but the gender identity was somehow both heartwarming and. extremely awkward. it felt a little bit like watching an intro to gender studies 101 powerpoint presentation. like i suppose it was to explain the concept of being nonbinary to people who've never considered gender beyond what color cake to buy for a baby shower, but it did have me raising an eyebrow a few times. not in a bad way but in a very "this is obviously catered to people who don't know a thing about it, and i appreciate that bc it serves as a nice jumping off point for people to really get to know more, but it is a little clumsy in execution". i think my favorite scene for taash is when they're with neve in the dining room talking about how "nobody REALLY likes being a woman" and neve's just there like. oh. you sweet summer child. JKHDSKLAGHFGJ THAT WAS SO GOOD!! but i think the strongest part of their character arc was them trying to figure out who they are in relation to their cultural identity. especially the bit where they fought with their mom about it alllll the time. like where my second generation kids who don't really relate to their ethnic background at!!!!! RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
the way i had to google if i was first or second gen. apparently it's "first to be natively born in a country = second gen" so i'm going with that
and the scene where they're screaming "TAMAAA" when shathann dies...... bro i teared up. i ain't ashamed about it. that was heartbreaking af.
still uh. it was kinda funny (read: eyebrow raising) that a character whose entire arc is coming to grips with multiculturalism and a break from the gender binary..... ends up being presented with a binary choice on whether or not to pursue their connections to their qunari heritage or their rivaini roots. like uh. guys. guys??? why do we have to pick??? aint the whole point of multiculturalism is that it's. uh. multicultural??? i suppose you could argue that it's the "oh you're just supporting taash into embracing a specific part of their culture, you're not really telling them to abandon the other!" but like. eh. EHHHHHHH. it didn't FEEL like that. esp. when it's presented as an either-or scenario.
THEIR PARTY BANTER WITH LUCANIS WAS THEEEE FUNNIEST SERIES OF LINES. i love those two together omg. and taash + scout harding!!! wagh!!!!
EDIT: i was gonna add a section abt the lords of fortune for taash's segment but forgot. which is very on brand bc they were forgettable at best and invisible at worst throughout the entire game. i don't want to say that they were irrelevant but like. uh. yeah. 💀💀
neve. neve neve neve. has hands down the absolute worst voice acting in the entire game. like i'm sorry to say that every single line was monotonous and genuinely lacking in any real connection to the words being said. i have to wonder if the voice actor for neve isn't used to working in a booth and more on camera, because truly with every line she spoke i became more and more disinterested with the conversation. the concept of a mage detective in the depths of minrathous rooting out corruption sounds so compelling, and it was, but unfortunately any deeper connection i could've forged with neve was hamstrung by the fact that i was bored to tears by the voice acting. even the conflict generated between my rook and neve due to him picking treviso (an obvious choice for a warden. they were going to blight the waterways) fell flat. because the lines were delivered flat. disappointing, considering how interesting the content of the game she features in is. like the sequence where i'm running through run-down ruins with NPCs tethered by their own blood jetting out of their bodies as they function as living speakerphones for a blood mage hell bent on revitalizing minrathous in her own twisted way. that's sick as hell. it WAS sick as hell. i loved every second of that. i just didn't love neve's voice acting. a shame, bc i was really excited about her pre-release. :(
scout harding's questline confused me not because of the content, but because it felt like this should've been a separate game entirely?? like why are we discussing the tranquilized titans and their horrific half-dead, half-dreaming state solely through the lens of a companion quest? why aren't we visiting orzammar or kal-sharok for more than 2 minutes and talking about the fact that the lyrium they've been mining for centuries is the blood of their ancestors?? like it's mentioned once or twice, but only during side-quests. like the solas's regrets quest chain or scout harding's companion quests. like isn't this a huge deal? why are we slotting this into a game about the elven gods?? the reveal that the evanuris essentially genocided the titans in order to craft their own bodies is a tale of horrific violence and violation and we........ just kinda. don't talk about it? after scout harding's quest is over? and the fugliest armor set known to man is unlocked? (toes. why does her armor have TOES.)
i did appreciate the fact that the game let us tell her that her anger was justified bc like. ngl if i learned all that and then the only option presented to me was to forgive the fuckers that did it i think i'd go crazy.
aside from that weirdness, scout harding is bestie. i love her. sorry that i KILLED HER OFF THOUGH!!! WHAT!!! okay unironically though i love that. i love that you can PERMANENTLY kill someone off. it adds depth. it adds STAKES. i wish more people would've died at the end. like bellara just being. fine? after being trapped in blight for who knows how long was baffling as hell. like she's not FINE but she's not dead. crazy stuff. how does being a warden sound bellara. u got a swift career change ahead of u. my rook's a warden tho he'll put in a good word for u dw
SPEAKING OF BELLARA. her questline was sad as hell but also like. how many times am i going to deal with cyrian bro like why couldn't we just knock his ass out. i know for the plot he has to keep going back to his evil masked ghost overlord anaris but like. eh.
his death scene was very sad though. bellara :((
same as scout harding's i wish bellara's whole thing had more to do with the dalish. NOT THAT IT WASN'T I MEAN IT WAS ALL ABOUT BEING DALISH but it was more veil jumper than anything. man the veil jumpers were disappointing. just a faction built to fumble at any given chance. the only competent person is bellara and she's on the squad........... whole faction just fell apart without her 💀💀
bellara is my cutie pie bestie babygirl though <33 im so excited to romance her WAUGHHH even if i hate her hairstyle like girl what the hell is that on the back of your head!!!! they had to nerf her otherwise she'd be the Perfect Companion 😔💞
emmrich was sooo sweet. literally just an amiable old man on a journey to help his friends and students and his BONE SON!!!! SKELETON CHILD....... manfred my love......... unfortunately i did honor manfred's noble sacrifice and help emmrich into becoming a lich but like. that shit. feels like it should've been saved for post-game, somehow?? like in the veilguard equivalent of a trespasser or whatever. like what do you mean we just have an immortal lich companion just chillin. just vibin outta the necropolis. is that allowed?? are there other liches outside the necropolis???
the drip is immaculate though ngl. he easily clears everyone else's veilguard outfits <-she has only seen half of them due to only having the one finished playthrough
i didn't really use him much outside of his companion quests + fighting undead, so i don't know much about him with regards to party banter. sorry emmrich ;-;
davrin was. oh my goodness. have you ever seen a man so beautiful. the soulful brown eyes. the jawline strong enough to cut diamond. the EXPOSED CHEST. GOOD HEAVENS..... /SWOONS
literally the dreamiest dragon age companion ever like im sorry he clears literally everyone else ever made. and i say that even with zevran existing in the universe. (if silver fox zevran had at any point showed up in this game this opinion would swiftly change.)
i didn't romance him and i regret it bc i feel like there would've been something to the whole brothers in arms -> you and i are the only two people on this team who perfectly understand each other; you and i are dead men walking but we go to our blighted graves with grim smiles and clear eyes; should the calling come for one of us, it will end up claiming two, etc etc—unfortunately you recruit lucanis first and i didn't pivot 🫡
THE ONLY COMPLAINT I HAVE FOR DAVRIN: his entire arc focuses around assan. not JUST assan, like assan is the conduit through which davrin works through a lot of stuff, but it feels like. well i don't think there was a single scene where assan wasn't there. which makes sense because GRIFFONS. MY GOD. THEY'RE BACK. but also. i feel like if davrin had some space from assan in like a single mission/quest/etc. it would've been good. absence making the heart grow fonder and all. like i'd kill and die for assan but like 60% of the way through davrin's arc i was lowkey getting tired of it all being about our favorite bird son.
lucanis.... lucanis lucanis lucanis. he's the one my rook romanced and uh....... i'm gonna be honest. i wasn't really feeling like i was in a romance at all until the very end of the game. there's a line where lucanis was like "that's what i love about you" or whatever and i was like. huh? what? when was this established? i don't think we ever had a conversation or an event that would lead to this conclusion??? did i skip it? did i forget??? taps game is this thing on???
like i'm not saying the romance was BAD. (aside from some questionable animation choices. like why was lucanis standing so close to my rook like BACK UPPPPPP 😭😭)
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all of the romance scenes were sweet and enjoyable and full of typical Bioware Cringe Romance Lines™ (affectionate) (honorary) but it did feel a little like. 80% of the game we had tepid to mildly reciprocal reactions to any of rook's flirtatious dialogue choices, and then when i got the choice to lock in the romance for lucanis it's like. OKAY HIT THE GAS, BUDDY! IT'S TIME TO FLOOR IT. 0->100 in an instant. i love a slowburn, but this was less of a slowburn and more me silently watching a mile long fuse burn up for like 60 hours until it thunderously explodes all at once.
unrelated but why does rook not have a bed in his room. why is it just a couch. they were suckin' n' fuckin' on an ancient elven la-z-boy in the fade. amazing stuff.
as for his personal character arc. why the hell did lucanis become first talon??? like speaking as someone who found out post-game that he straight up SAYS in his tevinter nights short story that he doesn't want to be first talon. at no point in the game did i think "yeah this guy is fit for and desires a position of authority" like um. viago is right there. i could see the argument if treviso was blighted (don't know if teia and viago survive that; i saved treviso in my playthrough) but like. VIAGO (AND TEIA!) ARE RIGHT THERE BRO...............
him not killing illario is whatever i can understand not wanting to have the blood of family on your hands. it's the becoming first talon that's crazy. although i suppose the whole filial duty to caterina angle........ but since when was the antivan crow org following the right of primogeniture??? WHATEVERRR
also. antivan crows?? are not a moral organization??? what happened between da:o --> veilguard. why are they all robin hoods. weren't they child slavers who mercilessly tortured them into becoming assassins. there's an argument for "oh that was just house arainai" but i was expecting more morally gray/amoral assassins for hire and less "TREVISO WILL BE FREE. DOWN WITH TYRANNY" like huh???? are we red jennies all of a sudden. are we shadow dragons. whats goin on here.
wow that's a lot. girl has a phd in yaponomics fr. at the end of the day, veilguard is a good game. i mean, i'm playing again it right now on nightmare mode this time. (CALIVAN'S FIGHT.......... WHAT THE FUCK................ i didn't die to his little minions OR to his pride demon summon i kept dying to his fuckass sextuple cast magic missiles that get spammed constantly like BRO CAN YOU RELAX. CHILL BRO CHIIIIIILLLLLLLLLL IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!!!!!!)
i think this game could easily make space for a few more DLC, something like trespasser or mass effect's citadel DLC. hopefully they do because the epilogue slides were PITIFUL. PALTRY. and dare i say? PATHETIC. the romance slide for lucanis and rook being a single line of dialogue that they split between them. i was gobsmacked.
although i don't think it'll matter bc if i'm reading those hints right we're going across the sea in the next game to deal with the uh. what was it called? something storm?? that the qunari were running from or whatever???? so i dont think anything we did here in thedas matters. it'll be like me:a except. you know. dragon age.
anyways i love this game. 8/10 would get my ass beat by the demon of desperation and its 5 billion summoned minions again 👍
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hellomehlo · 3 days ago
I’m gonna be so real I’ve never posted anything for WIP Wednesday before, but hey, no time like the present!
Here’s a snippet from the first chapter of my Neverook Modern AU (hopefully she’ll be up soon!)
~ ~ ~
She’d forgotten to put lipstick on that morning. That much was clear from the passing glance she afforded herself in her rearview mirror. A small oversight, considering she’d still managed to smooth her hair into a neat bun and swipe teal liner across the inner corners of her eyes, but even so, being without it felt odd, somehow.
In the soft, early morning light, the dark circles underneath said eyes persisted - a grim reminder of how the sun would probably hit the windows of her apartment within the next hour or so, in turn reminding her of the curtain rail in her bedroom that needed fixing. Yet another thing she hadn’t got around to.
“…Neve. Neve?”
Neve blinked, re-orienting herself with her surroundings. Her phone, balancing precariously on the curve of the dash, had its call screen lit up.
“Sorry, Rana,” she flipped up the sun visor, ducking out of sight of the mirror before any more unwelcome observations showed up to ruin her morning. She instead fixed her gaze on her view of the harbour out through the passenger side window. “You were saying?”
“No coffee for you, I take it?”
She massaged her temples. “Don’t remind me. I was rushing.”
The slight grumble in her tone drew a hearty laugh from Rana on the other end of the line. “Well. Can’t say she’s not committed to the case.”
“Emails from you at five in the morning normally mean ‘urgent’.”
The sound of a pen clicked in the background of the call. “Look. As you probably read, Portia called us last night - Maker knows what time that happened.” Rana paused. “She’s willing to pay for another entire day’s work if you can find the box.”
Neve braced her forearms on the steering wheel, leaning closer to her phone. “The last time you said that, the client paid us for one day, when it really took three to tie up all the loose ends.”
“People are complicated. And money’s money.”
“Money’s money.” repeated Neve, albeit with a tad more exasperation.
Normally, she would have been more than happy to go to whatever lengths her clients desired - make that extra call, stake out the scene for another hour, especially if it meant getting answers. But calling in the middle of the night, feeling entitled to every spare shred of her time, all while dangling a coinpurse over her head as if she were some starving alley cat was far from anything she’d agreed to when she’d promised to help those in need.
Neve reached for her phone, pulling up her notes and scrolling through them to find where she’d hastily typed out relevant information that morning, half-dozing and displaced from the meager few hours’ rest she’d been able to catch.
“And you’re absolutely sure you’ve got the right address?”
“If it’s not this one, we’ve hit a dead end.”
“Just what I like to hear.” said Neve, mustering up a hint of mirth as she pulled her keys from the ignition. She turned to peer out her own window in the other direction.
The apartment block across the street, with its heritage façade, was something other than what Neve had come to expect from those affiliated with House Amladaris - most of their other residences dotted throughout the city that she’d been tasked with visiting boasted a more secluded, sleek appearance, all clean lines and neatly manicured gardens. By comparison, this place was all but invisible.
“She’s been very cagey about whatever’s inside this box.” Neve propped her phone on her knee while she leaned over for her bag. Staff. Notebook. Pen. Case file.
“I know. And while knowing would make our job a whole lot easier, if you do get your hands on it…” Rana sighed. “Just…don’t open anything. She’ll find any reason to dock us a few gold.”
“So little faith in me, Rana.” Neve let out a light chuckle. “I read the brief too, you know.”
“You did. But we both know how you get when you’re around clues.”
Neve slid the strap of the bag onto her shoulder, stepping out of the car. “I’ll be careful.”
“Good. Update me if you find anything.”
Her screen went dark.
She could imagine Rana sitting at her desk, ramrod-straight and tapping her nails against the tabletop, drowning in sticky notes covered in names, numbers and keywords for calls she needed to return. That was the nature of her job these days - taking the brunt of the Shadow Dragons’ case management under her wing left precious few hours for her to be chasing leads in the field the way the pair of them used to in the past.
Neve drew her cream trenchcoat around herself and started toward the complex, taking a deep, satisfying breath that tasted like the wind-whipped salt of the ocean at her back. Rana hadn’t sounded anxious over the phone - she didn’t really do anxious - but with an Altus client waiting with bated breath for answers, and so many of their leads going cold…
Well. It was easy enough to see why this one might have some weight to it.
Rana meant well, really. But she had enough on her plate to worry about.
And Neve Gallus had a job to do.
~ ~ ~
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galasriniel817 · 4 days ago
Tuesday Teaser
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A Rookanis snippet from a long fic I've been working on for a few months. I plan to upload it to AO3 once completed.
Snippet below the break.
Rook’s dry, absurd humor was a balm in and of itself. Whenever he began to tread the dark pathways in his mind, she was there with a ridiculous joke or funny observation to pull him back out. She never addressed it, and he had no idea how she knew when he began spiraling, but she was there. Rook calmed him. She never treated him differently despite his being an abomination. She never treated him differently despite his moniker as a mage-killer. She simply treated him like a man. 
That easy acceptance of his struggle, of the inner war with Spite and his newfound freedom, was a revelation in and of itself. He found himself watching her even as she watched him. While he continued flirting with Neve, it was empty and they both knew it. The way she softened around the templar—Rana—was all the evidence he needed that they were just passing time. It was easy, meaningless fun. It asked for little and required nothing. 
Even knowing that, he didn’t miss the little furrow between Rook’s brows or the way her hands tensed at their banter. She never said anything, of course. Whenever she faced them, it was with an easy smile and a lightness that was too practiced to be genuine. 
A small part of him was pleased to know she cared—that the flirtation irked her was all the evidence he needed of that. Even Spite would crow with glee whenever he saw those signs. Of course, the demon would then hound his host to “leave the other” and “talk to Rook. Make Rook laugh. Make Rook’s cheeks burn. Rookrookrookrook…” 
He did neither. 
Lucanis slowly came to expect Rook’s compassion, her awful jokes, the determination underpinning her optimism. At first he wondered if she was a fool to implicitly trust that they’d win against actual gods. The more he studied her, the more he realized it wasn’t foolishness that drove her. She bolstered them all with her unrelenting good humor. He’d noticed her go from pensive rumination to funny, supportive, and bright in a blink when one of the others approached her. He noticed the way she gathered her cheer like armor when going into their rooms and deflated upon leaving. 
It seemed that she was determined to carry all their burdens in addition to her own. 
He grimly promised to keep an eye on her lest she break.
The first crack in her facade appeared when he wandered into the library late one night (or so he assumed; the others had retired long before and the sky had darkened a bit in some imitation of nighttime), weary and in need of something engaging to read so he could remain awake. He found Rook asleep in an armchair, a book open in her lap and neck at an uncomfortable angle. Lucanis winced in sympathy at the ache she was sure to have upon waking. Several other books were stacked beside her, some with bits of paper sticking out and littered with her notes. 
Curious, he plucked a sheet of her notes from the mess and perused it. She was studying elven legends, her notes laying out what they knew and theorizing the magics intended to rend the Veil once and for all. Blood magic—brutal and far too powerful—paired with the gods’ own powers over the sun and moon and Blight was her main theory, and she had notes detailing her study of that particular art as well. He quietly chuckled at her asides (the one about a particularly nasty ritual making her “regret having eyes to read it with” was particularly amusing) before moving to tidy the clutter. 
He stacked books according to topic and slid her sheets of notes into the top book of each pile before turning to peer at the woman in question. 
What struck him first was how weary she must be to sleep so soundly in a common area. In sleep, a light frown furrowed her brow and turned down the corners of her mouth. She never allowed herself to be less than upbeat while waking—granted, some of her jokes were dry or dark, but she made it a point to project confidence and hope. Now, without the pretense, he could see the toll the war with the gods was taking on her. 
A few strands of silver ran through her mass of dark curls, something that was carefully hidden with her usual ponytail. The fingers holding the book open had scabs and red, torn skin around the nail beds. Signs of anxiety. Rook was not as assured as she tried to seem. 
Spite appeared then, cocking its head as it stared at the sleeping mage. “She dreams. Do you feel it? She fights in her sleep, worries and twists. Feels like me. Driven like you.”
“Leave her be,” Lucanis murmured, not unkindly. “We shouldn’t wake her.” 
“Won’t happen. Deep in the Fade.” He crouched down to peer at her face and Lucanis tensed. “Want to know her dreams?”
It lingered on the tip of his tongue, eager and heavy, but every instinct held him back. Don’t get too close, don’t get too attached. It was advice as old as the Crows.
Instead, he said, “That would be rude.” 
“Don’t care about rude or not rude. She dreams of blood and dark. Like Lucanis.” 
Rook stirred at his sharp hiss and they both froze until she settled once more. He hoped the hard edge to the word would suffice. Quelling Spite was something he was still learning, especially with so many new people around to interest the demon. “We don’t invade people’s dreams, especially people we like.” 
“Like Rook.”
“Si. She may choose to tell us, but we do not make the choice for her, understand?” 
“No, don’t understand. But we like her. Make her tell.”
“Her choice, Spite, not mine.” With a shake of his head, he crouched by the sleeping mage and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Rook, wake up.”
She came awake at once with a sharp breath, eyes flying open and muscles tensing under his touch. “Lucanis, what—is something wrong?” 
“No, everything is fine,” he said gently, dropping his hand like he’d been burned. His skin was too hot and too tight where he’d touched her. “You fell asleep in the library.” 
“Oh. Right.” Rook winced as she stretched her neck. “Reading esoteric, centuries-old books is officially a better sleep aid than any tea I’ve tried.” 
He huffed a laugh, unsurprised to find her using humor to distract and deflect once more. “You don’t have to pretend, you know.” 
“Pretend what?” She tugged a curl over her shoulder and began wrapping it around her fingers.
Lucanis noted the nervous tic and committed it to memory. It was part of his job, he reasoned. Knowing every tell in the people closest to him was key to living a long life as a Crow. Bellara talked faster and interrupted herself more when nervous; Neve would cross her arms and get defensive; and Harding’s cheeks and ears reddened and fists clenched when needled. Rook picked at her fingers and twisted her hair. It was simple. Calculated. Assessing. Not at all because he liked her.
That his hand still tingled where he’d touched her was harder to dismiss.
He leveled her with a look that had her deflating and didn’t say a word. 
“I know, being little miss sunshine is a load of shit,” she grumbled, gaze darting away from him and shoulders rounding. “But I have to. If I have any doubts, show any fear, it will infect the team. I can’t give you any more reasons to fret—it’s on me to be there for all of you. No one will rely on a leader who can’t handle her own fears.” 
“Confidence is key,” he agreed. “That doesn’t mean you can’t lean on your team even as they lean on you.” 
Rook slanted a glance at him from beneath her dark lashes, lips quirking with amusement. “I thought you were a Crow, not an owl handing out wisdom.” 
Lucanis shrugged, allowing himself to smile. “A healthy dose of good advice never hurt anyone, even a Crow. Now come, you must rest.” 
He rose then and offered a hand to help her up. It was the gentlemanly thing to do, he reasoned, and had nothing whatsoever to do with stealing another touch. She took the proffered hand and stood with a groan, joints popping with the movement. 
Lucanis blinked when he realized just how tiny she was as they stood close. He wasn’t a tall man, and Rook stood a few inches shorter than him. It was easy enough to miss when she was at full force, laughing or fighting with all the passion and power she contained. Sheer force of personality made her loom large. 
But here in this moment of calm, the thought of the world resting on those slight shoulders was almost too much to bear. 
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biowaredisasterbisexual · 25 days ago
Hi BDB! 4, 12, or 22 for the Mercar prompts— whichever one you like best!
Yay!! Thanks so much for the ask! (And the prompts. You are incredible.). Four is my favorite number, just generally, so I’m going to go with that one. From the Mercar Rook Story Time Prompts:
4. Rook going on an espionage mission with one of the following people: Maevaris, Dorian, The Viper, Tarquin, Rana Savas, Elek Tavor
Rook rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, and shook his arms out a bit. Crouching on a rooftop, mostly tucked behind a facade, with Rana wasn’t exactly his ideal mission scenario - this was more Neve’s usual beat than his - but it wasn’t so bad. At least so far. During this first hour or so.
Surely the new Knight-Commander the Venatori had on payroll would show up any moment. Right?
He glanced over to find Rana looking at him with something like incredulity. “Do you always move around this much?” She asked. She didn’t sound angry. Perplexed, maybe. Or amazed.
Which he supposed was fair.
“Yep,” he agreed easily, giving her a smile in slight apology. “Well, usually anyway. Unless my being still is a life-or-death issue….”
A thought occurred to him, and he narrowed his eyes in mock suspicion. “You aren’t going to kill me for moving, are you?”
“What?!” Rana said, sounding shocked at the very question. “No.”
Neve was right. Poking at Rana Savas was fun.
Rook drew a hand across his brow, and feigned a deep sigh of relief. “Phew. Great! Then yeah, pretty much all the time unless it’s likely to get someone killed.”
She was shaking her head a little. Exasperation? Amusement? Disbelief? He wasn’t sure he knew her well enough to hazard a guess without seeing her more fully but, since they were on an intelligence gathering mission, being visible would kind of undermine the point.
“How’s Shadow Dragon life treating you, Rana?” He asked, turning his gaze back down to the street below. The assignment was simple, at least on paper. Catch sight of the Knight-Commander, figure out where he’d been disappearing to in the military district at odd hours, and report back.
“It’s alright, I suppose.” She replied. “It will take me awhile to get used to the fact that this was all happening under my nose before, though.”
He supposed that made sense. Honestly, given how hard a worker Rana seemed to be and how dedicated she’d been to her job, it had probably stung a bit to realize once she’d been brought into the club.
“To be fair, keeping it mysterious and secretive was part of the point,” he mused. Maevaris Tilani had tried the transparent way, and when that failed, had landed on secrets and shadows instead. “I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it.”
He heard her chuckle and shift slightly from where she was crouched. “I’m not. Just amazed, is all. And I wouldn’t have guessed Neve was involved. At least, not directly.”
“Her strong loner aura would mask that pretty well,” Rook agreed. He wouldn’t have assumed she was a Shadow when he first met her either, but for the fact he’d already been told outright. And he at least knew a bit about the organization in advance.
“Is that how she met you?” Rana asked, and that was definitely curiosity now. “Through the Shadow Dragons.”
“Ah, not exactly. I was sort of in exile? And we were weren’t asked to join the job because we were Shadows specifically…” he hedged.
She hummed softly as she took that in, and they waited and watched in silence for a bit as she mentally chewed on the information.
“You look out for her, right?” Well, now it was Rook’s turn to be mildly surprised.
“I try,” he said. With everything in me, he decided could be left out.
“Rook.” He looked over at Rana, whose eyes had become unsettlingly intense. “Don’t let anything happen to-“
Movement down below, a scuffle between a man in too-expensive and ostentatious armor and the innocent beggar he’d tripped on, caught Rook’s attention. “That’s him.”
She followed his gaze. “Time to go.”
“Yep!” Rook stood quietly, and gave Rana a small smile. “And I won’t.”
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