#i was pretty disappointed in the obi wan show and the boba fett one bored me to death
potatoesandsunshine · 2 years
okay after episode one i gotta say this show seems like it's gonna be good
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catsnkooks · 4 years
Mandalorian Elegy
Commander Cody x Obi-Wan Kenobi
summary: Obi-Wan heads to the Mandalorian countryside to aid the Fett family farm to escape the oppressive atmosphere of the city. He expects a few months of hard, simple labor, but his plans complicate when he finds himself falling for the simple hardworking farmer instead.
rating: G
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none for right now!
a/n: i got sucked into this bc @new-anon makes too good art.....i love it
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here it is on ao3!!
next chapter
Obi-Wan tugged his suitcase closer to his legs as he watched another car roll down the dusty road. It was only the third one he’d seen since he’d arrived and that was about, oh, thirty minutes ago. He didn’t mind the quiet; it was refreshing, actually, after so many years living in the city. Boga, his trusty service husky, sat beside him, watching the car disappear down the road. He stroked her head and she broke into a happy grin, her tail beating a rhythm into the concrete floor of the train station waiting area.
“What do you think, girl?” he asked her. “Quite different from the city, hm?”
Just then, a truck pulled to a stop in front of them, and a man jumped out of the driver’s side. He waved to Obi-Wan and he waved back.
“Are you Mr. Fett?” he asked, standing and shouldering his backpack.
The man laughed, and Obi-Wan decided right then that he quite liked it. “Please, call me Cody. Mr. Fett is my dad. Are you Mr. Kenobi?”
Obi-Wan smiled and held out his hand. “Yes, however, I must now insist you call me Obi-Wan.”
As Cody came closer, Obi-Wan studied his host. He was just slightly taller than Obi-Wan, dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, showing off deep bronze tan skin. He had on a wide-brimmed hat, shielding his brown eyes from the sun. What Obi-Wan found most peculiar, however, was the thin scar that curled around his left eye.
Cody extended his hand and grasped Obi-Wan’s in a firm, warm grip. “Nice to meet you, Obi-Wan. I'm sorry I'm late. There was a little bit of an emergency. And who is this?” He knelt down beside Boga, who sniffed his upturned hand then smashed her face against it.
“That’s Boga.” Obi-Wan grinned at Cody’s laughter as Boga jumped into his lap to lick his face.
Cody stood again after giving a few more pats to Boga and motioned to Obi-Wan’s suitcase. “Is that everything?”
Obi-Wan nodded. “Just the essentials.”
While Cody loaded Obi-Wan’s suitcase into the back of the truck (with just one arm, Obi-Wan noted, impressed), Obi-Wan took a seat in the passenger side, convincing Boga to sit in the middle. Cody climbed into the driver’s seat and, giving a reassuring pat to Boga, started the engine and drove them away from the train station.
Obi-Wan listened intently as Cody described the Fett family farm. They had a mix of almost everything: beef cattle, chickens, pigs, ducks, and a few horses. His younger brother, Bly, was dipping his toes into plant farming and had a sizeable garden and a greenhouse. It all sounded so homely to Obi-Wan.
In turn, Obi-Wan told him about his life in the city. He nodded along politely as Obi-Wan described his work with his organization, how he worked most of his life helping those displaced by war or other conflicts. He laughed when Obi-Wan described Boga’s favorite activity in the park; chasing the squirrels.
Soon, they arrived at a large farmhouse; wood paneling with a wrap-around porch, large windows, and a brick chimney at the back. A younger man with short-cropped blond hair stood in front of the front door. Obi-Wan assumed it was one of Cody’s brothers, based on their similar appearances.
Cody parked the truck and killed the engine, allowing Obi-Wan and Boga to step out. Boga hopped out of the truck and eagerly sniffed along the perimeter her leash allowed her. Cody grabbed Obi-Wan’s suitcase from the bed and motioned him forward.
“This is where I grew up,” Cody said. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” Obi-Wan knew he was trying to stay humble, but he could detect a little pride in his voice. He nodded toward the other man who was coming off the porch to greet them. “That’s my little brother, Rex.”
Rex scoffed and punched Cody in the arm. “Not so little anymore.” Indeed, they were about the same height and build. If Obi-Wan didn’t know any better, he would assume they were twins. Rex held out his hand to him. “Nice to meet you. I'm surprised you didn’t run screaming as soon as you met this idiot here.”
Obi-Wan laughed at their brotherly antics. “Oh, I'm quite enjoying myself so far.”
A boy popped his head out from the house. He had the same complexion and dark hair as Cody, though his fell in gentle curls down his face. He turned to yell into the house, “Dad! The city slicker is here!”
Cody sighed next to Obi-Wan while Rex went up to the boy and put him in a headlock. “That’s Boba,” Cody explained, looking exasperated. “You’ll have to excuse him, he has chronic teenager syndrome.”
Obi-Wan smiled and nodded sympathetically, remembering how Anakin was as a teenager. “Weren’t we all like that in our teenage years?”
Cody smiled ruefully. “I think I was a little more behaved.”
“No, you were worse.”
Obi-Wan looked up as another man stepped out of the house. He assumed this was their father, Jango Fett. He was perhaps a few years older than Obi-Wan, though a life of hard work and war had weathered his features to make him look much older. Obi-Wan could tell where the Fett brothers got their resemblance. He nodded to Obi-Wan and held out his hand.
“Jango Fett,” he said, succinct.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Obi-Wan said, clasping his hand. “Pleased to meet you, sir.”
He wrinkled his nose at Obi-Wan’s epithet. “Just Jango is fine, son. Now, come on in and get comfortable.” He turned and made to go in the house, but first pointed a finger at Boba, who Rex had released from a headlock. “Be nice.” Boba just huffed and rolled his eyes.
Obi-Wan walked into the house. It was just as homely on the inside as it was on the outside. Simple wooden furniture and decorations indicative of a rural, farming lifestyle dotted around the rooms and a large staircase dominated the area, leading up to the second floor. Obi-Wan was shown to his room (right beside Cody’s so if he ever needed anything, he was handy) with Cody insisting on carrying up his luggage for him, and was told to come down to the kitchen for lunch when he was done.
Boga made herself comfortable on the bed while Obi-Wan unpacked their things. He put his clothes in the drawer and set his few knickknacks on it, arranging them to his liking. He pulled out his phone and plugged it into the outlet beside his nightstand, sighing at the lack of service. He would have to ask Cody later for the Wi-Fi password, but for right now, it was…freeing to be away from the hustle and bustle of the wider world. He set out Boga’s bed beside his own (though it would be fruitless because she always found herself on Obi-Wan’s bed eventually) and put on her harness, deciding to leave her leash unclipped and sitting on the dresser. She followed behind him as he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Obi-Wan knew Mandalorian food smelled wonderful, based on his experience in Little Keldabe in Coruscant, but it was nothing compared to the smell of home-cooked food. His mouth watered and his eyes stung just a little from the scent of heavy spices in the room. Even Boga whined at the delicious smell coming from the stove.
“We thought we would start off easy with you,” Cody said, offering a plate to Obi-Wan as he sat down at the table. “Didn’t want to kill you on the first day.”
Obi-Wan chuckled. “I appreciate it.” He took a bite out of the dish and groaned. It had been too long since he’d had anything this good. The spice wasn’t overwhelming, probably very tame to Mandalorian standards, but it still warmed his face. He noticed Boba looking disappointed over his own plate, and laughed. “Oh, don’t worry; you’ll get me one of these days.”
Conversations flowed easily as they ate. Jango talked about the day-to-day duties around the farm while Cody explained the logistics. Obi-Wan told them about his organization, what they did, and how they could help while he was stationed here. Boba left halfway, complaining about boring adult talk, and said he was going to go find Din. When they finished, he helped Cody wash the dishes, listening closely as Cody told him about his newest project.
“I found her while I was looking for a lost calf,” he said. “She’s beautiful. Gorgeous color, nice build, and her mane is so soft. I don’t know if she belonged to anyone before, but she’s pretty wild. It was a miracle I could get her into the lot.” He motioned out the window with a soapy brush. “I want to get her saddle broke before the fair. She’s already taking the halter well and if she’s feeling good, I can lead her around. But she’s kicked me more than once if I try anything else.” He sighed and rinsed off a cup, looking forlorn.
Obi-Wan nodded. “I suppose things like this take time. But, if you're half as stubborn as she is, I think you’ll get it.”
Cody turned to Obi-Wan, surprised shortly before he gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”
Obi-Wan fought down the blush that he knew was invading his cheeks. He could not think about how adorable his host looked after Obi-Wan had complimented him. “Of course.” He cleared his throat. “Have you named her?”
Cody sighed again and shook his head. “No. Rex keeps telling me not to in case I can’t tame her. If you have any suggestions, I’ll take them.”
Obi-Wan hummed. “I'm sure I could come up with something.”
Suddenly, there was a crash from the other side of the kitchen. Both men whirled around and found Boga shamelessly cleaning off the leftovers. Obi-Wan shouted at her and pulled her out of the kitchen and outside while Cody laughed, clutching his stomach with a wet rag. Obi-Wan apologized but Cody waved him off.
“At least let me make it up to you?” he asked. “I may not have cooked many Mandalorian dishes, but I can follow a recipe well and I’ve been told I'm a good cook.”
Cody tilted his head, considering his offer, and then nodded. “Alright. But next time we put the leftovers up first.”
Later that night as Obi-Wan laid in his bed, listening to the crickets and frogs chirp outside of his window, he considered the events of the day. It was definitely…different from what he expected. Sure, he had done his research before he had even considered coming, but nothing could compare to actually experiencing it in Obi-Wan’s book. Part of him considered he’d spent too much time around Satine and her cohort.
He wrinkled his nose at that, turning around in bed and wrapping an arm around Boga, ever faithfully by his side. He had called her once Cody gave him the Wi-Fi password, as he knew she worried about him. He’d told her about the train ride down and his initial glimpse of the farm, how her description of her homeland hadn’t really prepared him for what to expect. She’d laughed and only then confessed that she actually hadn’t spent that much time in the Mandalorian countryside.
“But Satine,” he’d said, frowning “in your book you said—.”
She’d waved him off. “You know everyone embellishes a little in their autobiographies.”
Yes, he supposed he’d spent far too much time in the city. It would do well for him to be out here, in the fresh air and the vast fields.
And with farmers with strong, tan arms and brilliant smiles and dark hair that curled softly at the edges and eyes so deep, you could get lost in them.
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lehdenlaulu · 8 years
Buddy do all star wars asks 😉
Do you hate me, perhaps? :D Oh god, I’ll try.
Favorite movie(s)
I’ll narrow it down to two: Empire Strikes Back and The Force Awakens.
Favorite Clone Wars episode(s)
Never watched it. *dodges rocks and datapads and lightsabers*
Favorite Rebels episode(s)
Rise of the Old Masters, Ghosts of Geonosis and Twilight of the Apprentice off the top of my head.
Favorite soundtrack(s)
A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and The Force Awakens
Favorite lightsaber duel(s)
Rey vs. Kylo, Vader vs. Ahsoka on Rebels, Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon vs. Maul.
Favorite planet(s)
Yavin 4 is a moon, I know, but I love it. Malachor. Tython. Lots of others I can’t think of right now.
Favorite light side character(s)
Narrowing this down to Force users, and far as this can be said with (reasonable) certainty: Luke Skywalker, Rey, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi. And Jolee Bindo and Satele Shan from the Old Republic stuff.
Favorite dark side character(s)
As much as I want to kick Kylo in the face, he’s a really cool, well-crafted character. Dooku was also pretty cool (I mean, Sir Christopher Lee, duh). And ahh, Kreia/Darth Traya! The scariest Sith Lord of them all.
Favorite non-force sensitive character(s)
I subscribe to the ‘everyone is more or less Force sensitive’ line of thinking but in absence of canon confirmation: Han, Chewie, Lando, Wedge Antilles, the original Rogues... (I’d say Finn and Poe, but I think they both are Force sensitive - though that too is still speculation.)
Favorite side character(s)
I already mentioned Wedge, but... Galen and Lyra Erso, Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma,  Nien Nunb, Jessika Pava (and the rest of the Black Squadron tbh)...
Favorite droid(s)
BB-8! R2-D2! K-2SO! HK-47! T3-M4!
Favorite clone trooper(s)
I honestly only know them from Rebels, so I gotta say Rex.
Favorite bounty hunter(s)
I don’t know Sana Starros very well yet, being only one album into the comics, but she seems awesome. Mira from KotOR 2, Brand from Twilight Company.(No, not that big a fan of Boba Fett, no.)
Favorite scene(s)
Oh god. Off the top of my head a random favourite: Rey’s introduction. Minutes of just her going about her day, no dialogue, only the lovely soundtrack.
Favorite line(s)
“Never. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You have failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”
Funniest moment(s)
I’ve said this before, but every time Han tries to act cool/self-assured and Chewie just acts thoroughly unimpressed.
Saddest moment(s)
Hmm. Qui-Gon’s death. Luke and Leia’s talk about their family in RotJ. Rey realizing she has waited in vain. Kylo killing Han.
Most badass moment(s)
Luke defying the Emperor. Luke and Shara rescuing the Force trees (and him just casually flicking the grenades back at the Imps etc.) Poe’s absurd heroics in the Battle of Takodana (seriously, 10 TIEs in 16 seconds, plus sniping the troopers from around Han and Finn and Chewie). Finn finding the courage to face Kylo, and Rey finishing the job by thoroughly kicking Kylo’s ass.
Favorite lightsaber color(s)
Personally, I’m partial to yellow ones, but blues are lovely too. Plus Mace’s special snowflake purple one. :D
Favorite spaceship(s)
Ebon Hawk! And the Falcon, of course. Ghost is nice too, and Hera’s Phoenix. I also love Black One and Thrawn’s Chimaera.
Ultimate (br)ot3 is Luke, Han and Leia, of course. Rey, Poe and Finn and Jyn, Cassian and Bodhi are in the same category. Not in it for romance, really, and I generally don’t have super strong feelings about the ships, but Jyn and Cass have been my favourite canon ship so far, and I like the idea of Poe and Rey because they’d just get along so well.
Only Notp I can really think of is Kylo/Rey (she deserves better than that evil crackpot even if they’re not related), though Anakin/Padmé always personally gave me the creeps as well (I’m not sure if it was the bad writing/acting, or if I was supposed to feel that way).
Worst character(s)
Worst in what sense? Kylo wins at being an evil loser, Boba Fett wins at being boring and overrated. *shrug*
Jedi, Sith, or Grey Jedi
I always side with the Jedi, though there have been periods in the history of the Order that I haven’t always approved of. I’m intrigued by the hints of bringing back the Grey Jedi, though.
Movies or shows
Movies are the primary canon to me, but my favourite SW story generally speaking is still Knights of the Old Republic II. So in a way, neither? :p
Clone Wars or Rebels
Rebels, though I know I should watch the Clone Wars too.
Canon or Legends
Overall I prefer the new canon, especially now that they’re bringing back some of my favourite elements from the Legends.
Clone troopers or Stormtroopers
Stormtroopers, just because I find people willingly (more or less anyway) serving fascist regimes more interesting from a psychological point of view.
Prequel trilogy/Clone Wars era, Rebels/original trilogy era, or sequel trilogy era
I love the Rebellion era in general, but I’m also very excited about the sequel era and eager to learn more.
Underrated moment(s)
I always say this: everything Luke ever does. :p Also, the way Rey’s eyes well up in wonder when she sees The Island.
Unpopular opinion(s)
-  I already mentioned Boba Fett, but I’ve also always found Vader/Anakin kinda boring. *dodges blasters and holocrons and kyber crystals* Which is the main reason why Clone Wars never appealed to me all that much (that, and my disappointment in the prequels).’
- Also, I don’t think there needs to be a major romance in the sequel trilogy, and that is apparently anathema in some fan circles. :p (And well, it’s also rather unpopular to root for Poe x Rey if there has to be one.)
There, all done. I’m sure I forgot a lot, though. :D
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