#i was planning to have chase and schneep actually interact in this part but it got long
Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Part Two
A JSE Interactive Fanfic
The results are in.
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Your path has been decided. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. Can't wait to see how you guys handle the situations that are coming :)c
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on October 5th at 12:00pm PST. Part Three will be up on October 7th at the same time.
“Thanks Jackie, but I think the food situation is a bit more important,” Chase says.
Jackie sighs. “Yeah, you’re probably right. But hey, you can always join later.” He turns and heads down the hall, leaving Schneep and Chase there.
“Ah, thank you, Chase,” Schneep says awkwardly.
“Hey, it’s no big deal. You’re right, if we don’t have food that’s kind of a bummer.” Chase leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “Besides, if we don’t have anything, I’ll have to drive over to the town to get groceries. You guys should really pass your driver’s tests, you know.”
Schneep shrugs. “There has never been a need for it until now.”
The two of them head downstairs. Jackie has convinced Marvin and JJ to help him with the PS5, so they’re all currently crowded around the TV. “Hey guys.” Chase waves at them as he and Schneep walk past. “How’s it going?”
“Hey Chase,” Jackie says. “We’re teaching JJ how to set up a console.”
“It’s not that difficult,” Marvin adds, nudging JJ teasingly.
JJ rolls his eyes. Alright, alright, I get the picture.
Chase laughs as he and Schneep head into the kitchen/dining room combo. The rustic look continues here, though Chase can’t help but notice the countertops are made of fancy-looking green marble. Those must have cost a fortune. In fact, this whole place probably cost a lot. How did Jack’s family have access to this? They weren’t that well-off.
Schneep opens the refrigerator. “Ah, good, Jack was right. There is food.” He lets out a little breath of relief.
“This was really worrying you, huh?” Chase says, opening the cabinets. Each one was full of dried foods.
“I would like everything to go as expected.” Schneep closes the fridge and opens the attached freezer. It is also full. “You know that.”
“Yeah, you get a little, uh... anxious.” Chase gives him a small smile, hoping to reassure him. “Everything needs to be in control. I’m actually surprised you left the house keys by the door.”
“I did?” Schneep pats his pockets. “Oh, I-I forgot about that. You are right, I should probably hold onto those. I would hate to lose Jack’s keys.” He leaves the kitchen to go grab them.
Chase walks over to the archway connecting the area to the living room. Jackie and Marvin are now arguing about what to play while JJ fiddles with the controller. “Hey guys,” Chase calls. “We’re good on food. What d’you guys want to have for dinner?”
“You already know my list of foods I like,” Marvin says, shrugging.
I’m fine with whatever you want to make, JJ adds. It sounds like we may have limited options.
“We don’t want to make a mess,” Jackie points out. “Is there anything that’s easy to clean?”
“Uhh let’s check.” Chase turns around and looks through the kitchen again.
Schneep joins him. “I saw frozen pizzas in here,” he says, opening the freezer. “Yes, five of them.”
“Aw sweet, one for each of us,” Chase says. “Hmm, but would that be too messy?”
“Not unless our friends eat like your daughter,” Schneep jokes.
“Hey!... Well, that’s true.” Chase laughs. “Pizza it is, then. I don’t think five could fit in the oven at once, though. We won’t need all five, will we?”
Schneep shuffles through the freezer. “Oh! I think each one is our favorite, actually. Look, this one has olives for me, there is Jackie’s pineapple—ugh—and Marvin’s plain cheese. Jack must have really planned this out.”
“Huh. Okay, then, I guess everyone will have their own. Who’s the least hungry and ready to wait?”
Before Chase can go into the living room to ask the others, the lights in the kitchen all turn off at once, leaving only the light of the setting sun to illuminate the area. He hears Jackie and Marvin cry out in dismay, and he and Schneep return to the living room. “Of all the times!” Jackie complains.
“The power went out?” Chase says. “That’s weird.”
Perhaps it has been a while since the house was used and the fuse box is old? JJ suggests.
“I can go check,” Schneep suggests. “Jack said that the power was in the basement.” He walks over to the basement door, taking the house keys out of his pocket as he does so. After a couple tries, he finds the one to unlock the basement door, which then swings open. “Alright.” He turns to look back at everyone else. “I will be right back.”
“Hey, I can go with you, if you want,” Jackie offers.
Schneep laughs. “It is just a basement. I’m sure the worst that will happen is spiderwebs.” And before the others can say anything else, he heads on down. “I will text you if something is strange,” he calls, his voice getting farther and farther, echoing up the staircase.
Jackie frowns. “I don’t like that basement,” he mutters. “Strange that it was locked.”
This is more of a vacation home than a real home, JJ says. Of course they would lock everything up when they’re not using it.
“The bedrooms and bathrooms weren’t locked, though.”
“That’s cause the bedrooms and bathrooms only lock from inside,” Marvin says. “If they locked them, they’d have to leave through the windows, and I don’t think the ones in the bathroom open up.”
Jackie sighs. “Yeah, you guys are right. I’m probably just being weird cause it’s October and I’m thinking about horror movies.”
“I mean, if you’re really that worried about Schneep, you can follow him even if he said it would be fine,” Chase points out. “No one’s stopping you.”
“I could,” Jackie considers. He thinks about it.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The Vlogger
Summary: With no choice but to keep going, Chase meets others like him and starts his second chance at life with them. 
Warnings: Suicide, alcoholism, self deprecation, depression
As soon as Chase Brody pulls the trigger, he regrets it. Not because the rapid loss of blood is dizzying or he knows he may have something to live for. Instead, he rethinks things due to the pain. There's a hole in his skull, a hole he put there himself. If he knew he'd remain conscious, he wouldn't have bothered with the gun. So he's stuck there on the ground, the camera crew hovering uncertainly as an ambulance is called. The thing is, he doesn't want to actually die, doesn't want his children to grow up without their dad. He just wants a way out. No matter what he does, he can never fix the situation at home. Now Stacy was taking them from him. If he won't get to watch them grow up then it should be because he made it impossible, not Stacy. He believes that was the logic that got him in this situation. It was a stupid piece of logic. If the ambulance doesn't hurry up, he won't have much longer to dwell on it. For fuck's sake, why couldn't it have been instant? He can't even shoot himself properly. Now is not the moment to admit that may actually be a good thing. He finds himself waking in a hospital bed. As sure of his abilities as he is stern, Chase doesn't know what to make of the German doctor attending to him. The guy's bedside manner could do with slight improvement at times. However, Chase can't deny he's helpful when he needs to be. Chase find his left arm doesn't work as it used to. Apparently, he suffered damage to his premotor cortex. He won't be able to perform complex actions with that arm, whatever the hell 'complex actions' meant. Physical therapy is advised. He's too preoccupied by the fact he wrecked part of his brain to listen too intensely. That hadn't been in his list of things he'd hoped to achieve. Well, he supposes he had wanted to mess things up in that area of his body. But... the fatal kind. Not that he really knows what he wants in general. Except probably stopping the shitshow that was commonly referred to as his life from plaguing him further. He wants Stacy. And the kids. He wants to be the father and husband of a happy family. He wants to be happy himself. Dr Schneeplestein provides him with an address after he lets it slip he has nowhere to go after being released. It's where the doctor's friends live. They are always open to welcoming a new inhabitant. Chase's isn't convinced he should bother. Schneeplestein suggests he should at least think about it. Well, it's not like he has anywhere else to go. He might as well give these people a chance. Jack is really friendly once he arrives at the house. After checking Chase was aware of Sean, he calls someone named Marvin to the living room. Marvin is clearly a very cold person. The welcome he delivers is the opposite of Jack's. One had made him feel like he was welcome, the other seemed to want him gone immediately. Well fuck you too, Marvin. Despite being quiet and somewhat of a loner, at least Angus didn't seem too bad. Chase doesn't know how to react when Jack directs him to a private clinic within the building. He's even more at a loss for words when Dr Schneeplestein is there, greeting him. Okay, yeah, he gets it. While the doctor may not live in the building, he was an ego himself. Chase had noticed the similarity in appearance when it came to the guys here. Over the coming days, Schneeplestein checks up on him. He promises it is okay to call him Henrik if wants. Their discussions develop into a mix of formal medical stuff and informal getting to know each other better. Schneep reveals he is himself a father of three. He suggests Chase talk a little bit about himself. Okay. Well, his name was Chase Brody. He ran a YouTube channel called Bro Average where he performed trickshots. Occasionally well rehearsed stunts too. He had been married to a woman called Stacy. However, she had just announced she wanted a divorce. She was planning to take full custody of their two children. Their names are- they are... Wait, why couldn't he remember their names? Did the incident take some of his memories? Shit, don't tell him he's fucked up his memories as well as his arm. But he's been thinking about the situation since waking up, here and at the hospital. Wait, no, he was just thinking of them as 'the kids'. Why the hell hadn't he noticed before now? He was a bad father, just like Stacy had- "Chase?" "They're my children, how can I not remember their names?" "I did not either." The doctor reassures him. "Maybe talk to Jack, he is good with names. Helped me remember." He does indeed speak to Jack. They reach Noah without too much issue. It takes several names to get there, sure, but his son's name is fairly common. His daughter though... this was taking forever. Even Jack sounds like he's losing hope as the suggestion of Daisy is accompanied by a sigh. Chase is so thankful this is the one to stir something within him. Encouraging Jack to keep on the plant-based route hits his helper with a second wind. A handful of names later, they finally reach their destination of Willow. Willow and Noah. He remembers now. He can see a 4 year old girl with dark hair who loved mint choc chip ice cream. Then there was her 3 year old brother who loved to chat about anything and everything. They may not have been born at the right time in their parents' lives but he by no means loved them any less because of that. Not everyone has memories of rocking their daughter to sleep while studying. He'd love to hold those two again. As the days and weeks go by, Marvin remains distant. Chase approaches Jack, needing to know what the hell the magician's deal was. He learns there had been another ego, a 16 year old superhero who'd arrived in July. At the beginning of November, Jackie had slipped out to clear his head. Suffice to say, he was yet to return home. Marvin and Jackie had been becoming close friends at the time of his disappearance. He was simply grieving more noticeably than Jack. Jack also takes this opportunity to discuss a second mystery ego. Antisepticeye was very dangerous, not to mention unpredictable. Jack had caught glimpses of him prior to his official appearances on the channel in October. Anti was the one behind Jack's throat scar. Understandably, he'd rather not go into that day. What was important was that Chase did his best to stay safe from Anti, now that he was aware of him. Anti had attempted to kill Jack, abducted Jackie and recently, hijacked Sean's PAX panel entrance reel to threaten the audience. If Chase ever found himself in Anti's sights, run. Drop anything non-essential that may slow him down and get the hell out of there. Eventually the interactions that seem forced melt into something nicer. It's still clear the memory of Jackie will remain superior to him. However, it was good to be more than tolerated by Marvin. Things are easier like this. As it turns out, the magician is actually a pretty cool dude. He's really into plants and able to do a lot of cool stuff with his magic. Please keep everything made of iron away from him though. The first time he bought alcohol, he pretended the intention was innocuous. He'd had a shitty few months. It would just be to take the edge off a bit. Better to get a little tipsy than try to permanently escape again. 'A little tipsy' soon becomes stumbling to bed drunk. Which inevitably results in painfully frequent hangovers. It's a good thing he doesn't have to save money for rent or anything. He can keep this habit going for longer. Of course, this behavioural change doesn't go unnoticed. Jack encourages him to limit himself to a bottle a day, if he needs to drink at all. He understands and appreciates his concern. However, it wasn't exactly his place to dictate what Chase could and couldn't do. This talk still has an effect on his drinking habits. He gets better at hiding his stash. The best thing about the bedrooms in this house were that they changed to fit the needs of the ego whose bedroom it was. This in turn meant he had a mini fridge without asking for it aloud. Jack and Marvin grow more desperate with trying to get through with him. There are weeks were he does genuinely attempt to make an effort to improve. Those attempts don't usually go well. At least there are two people cheering him on. Stacy's even been more approachable about the split during the past month or so, which was pleasant. She still wants full custody though. Especially because she's aware of his issue with alcohol seemingly developing into something likely diagnosable as alcoholism. That would be motivation enough to get him to stop. It only makes him feel worse when he gives in to temptation. At the end of July, Jack invites him and Marvin to marathon the Harry Potter films. He's had an argument with Sean and needs the distraction. Following the end of the second film, Marvin leaves for a moment to take a bathroom break. He turns to his friend on the other end of the sofa. "I-" A pause to question whether he should even bother with this line of conversation. "Jack, I don't get you, dude." "Uh, okay. Where did this come from?" "I don't know. I just don't get why you bother with Sean. You always seem to be at each other's throats." "Why did you try to hang on to your relationship with Stacy for so long?" "Hey, don't bring her into this." "Well?" Chase gives the most exaggerated shrug he can muster before crossing his arms, curling into himself on the sofa as he does so. The best Jack is getting out of him is a mumble. "Dunno. Still love her. Kids." "Yeah, well, Sean and I have quite a history ourselves. What can I say? We can't really go our separate ways by this point. He's an asshole but I still love him despite it. It's... it's complicated. We've known each other since we were kids. We were there for each other back then and we are still down to hang out now. I mean, that's what happened today. He's a busy dude and I don't expect him to drop everything for me. Yet we still make time for each other." Jack pauses to pick up his glass. "Want me to top you up before we start Prisoner of Azkaban?" "Jack." "I was made to be his friend. I can't... not be. Like I said, it's complicated. So, top up?" Days later, he spots Jack stumbling towards where Henrik was privately working on something. When he asks if his friend is feeling well, Jack waves him off, excusing it as 'probably nothing serious'. The words sound strained, as if he's attempting to keep his lunch in. Chase would call him out on the blatant understatement, were it not obvious Jack didn't want the fuss. The first clue he gets is Marvin leaving his room to hover restlessly in the corridor. The magician murmurs about something in the air feeling off. Chase suggests opening a window to aid air circulation, only for Marvin to snap that it wasn't like that. Besides, it was August and fairly warm. Most windows were already open. The second is Henrik being heard loudly speaking his surname. It doesn't sound right, almost like he's not the one to have said it. Marvin freezes at this. This has clearly shaken him for some unknown reason. As rapidly as the noise had stopped Marvin in his tracks does it cause him to pivot and march in the direction of where Schneep is working. The final hint of what is unfolding is Marvin's desperation. He's at the door to the med bay, pounding it with any spell he can think of. Chase rams into it whenever he is sure he isn't at risk of being unintentionally hit. They cry out to Henrik and swear they're coming to help. The locked door receives a series of abuse in a matter of minutes. The door finally gives. Marvin blocks his view temporarily but he sees regardless. There are too many wires and machines for him to comprehend they're all attached to one person. If he'd known, he would have swapped places with Jack in a heartbeat. Henrik is nowhere to be found. Chase's first encounter with Anti has robbed him of two of his good friends. His and Marvin's lifestyles change immediately. Marvin rarely has time to practice magic. Chase, similarly, puts Bro Average to one side. They both focus on providing Jack with the best care their inexperience can form. They are way in over their heads with this. However, Jack remains alive. They must be doing something vaguely correct. The 17 year old in the stolen outfit appears at their door a month on. Chase originally assumes this is a new ego. Oh, Marvin is going to be livid. He already lost his cool when Robbie showed up. Let's not even mention when Sean attempts a visit. Either way, the kid looks completely shattered and like he could collapse in a heap any moment now. He struggles to focus on the sentence he's trying to finish. This ego really is out of it. What kind of video did Sean upload today that it produced someone so wrecked? The teenager sways a little. Chase moves to steady him while Marvin is spouting the same shit about how Sean better not have created another ego. Tired of Marvin's anger at this specific moment, he calls him over to help. The magician barely enters the hallway before the newbie crumples into Chase's hold. He glances back at Marvin, a second away from encouraging him to assist him already. The haunted expression on his friend's face prevents that. Oh. This was Jackie. Of course it was. The two of them place him in the medical bay. Marvin withdraws into himself. Especially in the following days. He spends all his time hanging around Jackie. All he talks about is Jackie and how he's doing. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie. Listen, Chase is glad Jackie has returned home. Ecstatic, even. It's just... things have drastically changed in the household in barely any time at all. First it was Jack slipping into a coma. Now it's Jackie showing up after months of no clues regarding his whereabouts. It doesn't help when the teenager sticks to Marvin's side wherever possible and acts wary of Chase. He supposes he gets it. Marvin is the only person, other than Angus, whom the young superhero recognises from his pre-Anti life. Meanwhile, Marvin, who has spent close to a year missing his friend, wishes to protect him as much as he can. Either way, Chase gently inserts himself into the friendship group. He's heard about this guy a fair bit and felt his absence in the grief of those who'd loved him. He wants to get to know him. It took a couple months for Marvin to be chill with him. Chase would rather not return to being rejected once more. That's why he continues to be Marvin's person to spill his woes to and the one to let Jackie know he's not judgmental of the potential symptoms of PTSD on display. October isn't a good month. An ego named Shawn Flynn is born on the 5th as a result of Sean's video involving his Bendy voice role. On Halloween, they find it very suspicious that an ego who got a personal video hasn't shown up at their home yet. Didn't this guy also have pictures on Instagram as of earlier this week? He really should be here. Especially seeing as he had his own room waiting for his arrival. Chase volunteers himself to speak to Sean. As it turns out, that was the right move. When Sean lets him in, he is introduced to Jameson Jackson. It goes down as well as expected. Chase brings Jameson home and give him the house tour. As they travel around the building, he ensures Jameson knows Sean is not to be trusted. When the new ego argues that their creator had accommodated him, Chase decides this moment was as good as any to visit the medical bay. "This is Jack. He's a prime example of what happens when keep trusting Sean and believing he actually cares. We're not shitting on Sean for the hell of it. We do it because he's a dick and we'd rather not force anyone else to lose their friend." Chase takes a stabilising breath. He shows Jameson to his new room and suggests he familiarise himself with it this afternoon. If he needs anything, feel free to give him a tap on the shoulder. He has to admit, Sean has balls. Not only did he trick Jameson into being his friend, he's trying to get Chase to sympathise with him too. Sean even has the nerve to give some sob story. Obviously, he'd twist the truth to get his way. Chase is smarter than that. It's not like he's to blame for Sean being overloaded by the need to keep up with the upload schedule. That was purely Sean's own doing. Then he has the audacity to pull the Jack card. Oh, fuck you. How dare he?! So what, Chase is just supposed to become Jack 2.0 until Sean bothers to wake him up? No thanks. Unlike Jack, he requires sleep so it's not like he can help without consequences. Besides, he's got his own shit going on. Maybe Sean recalls the whole 'depressed and suicidal guy who's going through a divorce' thing he'd centered his character on. "Chase, please, at least think about it. Jack is in that coma because I was stressed and resentful. I don't want to risk making things even worse. I know I'm just repeating myself now but less time focusing on videos means more time for me to work out how to fix everything." He does think about it. Okay, fine! If it's just to keep the channel going then whatever. The channel is necessary to keep all of them healthy. He'll do it for Jack's sake. Anything to increase the chance of waking him up is worth it, right? Even if it means going against his morals. He nearly throws Sean's offer back in his face a month later. It was simply a charity stream. All that was supposed to happen was a nightly break in the 2 day event. He will forever hate CCTV footage and security from this point onwards. What the fuck did Anti do to Jackie that Silent Night triggers him? The night is spent ensuring two things. One, that everyone, especially Jackie, felt as safe as they could be in a stressful situation like this. The second objective was to observe the feed for the whole night. They sleep in the living room and take an hour long shifts to monitor the glitches. A doctor moves in during January. As much as they need the medical help, Dr Jacksepticeye is hardly Henrik. Either way, an ego is an ego. Chase is glad he's not the only one who is uncomfortable watching the stranger overseeing Jack's care. They just need Henrik back. Things can be generally alright after that. After much negotiating from both parties, Stacy agrees to allow him some custody. She'll have the majority of it but she's fine with weekends being Chase's time with them. Yes, yes, god yes. He'd obviously prefer to have it more evenly split. Maybe alternate weeks or Monday-Thursday morning for one and Thursday afternoon-Sunday for the other. But weekends? He gets to see Willow and Noah for 2/7 of the week? He'd take an hour a year if that was the most Stacy was willing to compromise. The others surprise him with a small party, complete with cake, when the arrangement becomes official. That first weekend can't come soon enough. He has a talk with Jackie about mental health and coping mechanisms after he catches him binging on his secret whiskey stash. Trust him, hangovers are no fun. Stop trying to force your raised metabolism to submit and become intoxicated. Frequently battling with your head is exhausting. Drinking yourself silly is not the answer. No, don't ask why he resorts to alcohol. Do as he says, not as he does, you know? Please tell him you're aware he's down to confide in if you want. No, no, don't cry. It's all good. Marvin doesn't have to know a single thing. Anything else you wanted to say? Zero judging, he swears. Early May finally provides them with their favourite German doctor. Like Jackie, Henrik's wellbeing has certainly seen better days. To think, the three of them had been having some dumb debate about Spider-Man moments before the big reunion took place. This is the beginning of the 10 days where Chase believes things can be good for the egos. The only thing missing is Jack's consciousness. A week later, he provides Sean with a video he'd edited himself. The level of trust they have between each other now means Sean doesn't check the video's contents. It is for this reason that the comments come flooding in before his creator's wrath does. Sean deems the mistake irreversible and the video therefore eligible to stay up. Chase can only hope it doesn't lead to any more issues. The weekend passes without any problem. On Monday, he notices Willow forgot to bring her doll back to Stacy's. He might as well return the toy. It is with annoyance that he realises Stacy's probably experiencing a power cut. Albeit dangerous to have done so, Chase considers it lucky that he was carrying that lighter in his pocket. Come on, work already. Stupid thing. The flame is tiny but at least it's something. Better than exploring blind at any rate. As Chase wanders through dark hallways, he becomes increasingly aware he may be endangering himself. After all, this home was meant to be displaying signs of life. Where were- Faint laughter. Children's laughter, undoubtedly. Oh God, that sounded like Willow and Noah. A girl screams. He wants to run to her. Fuck it if it's clearly a trap. His daughter's in trouble and he'll expose himself to whatever's frightening her without a second thought. He wants to sprint and he knows he should. Yet something keeps him at a cautious pace. His frustration grows as whispers are cut off by what sounds like Noah crying. He's coming, he swears. Daddy's coming. Just hold on. The whispers intensify as he turns the corner. This new hallway is bathed in red. Chase has better visibility but it wasn't necessarily a good thing. The room at the end of the corridor is completely soaking in the colour. It leaks onto the surrounding walls. The only object blocking the light is the silhouette. "Who's there?" The silhouette's head steadily twists over its shoulder. A second passes. An eye illuminates green with an unnerving crackle. It does nothing to acknowledge the questions its current prey begs to have answered. "Where are they?" Chase cries. "What do you want from me?!" There is no time to scream or escape. There is only the erratic approach. And as quickly as a video can cut to darkness, they are both gone.
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viostormcaller · 7 years
You Never Know If You Don’t Try
(This was supposed to be my Valentine’s Day fic, but that very night my computer gave up on me. So, even though it’s the first of March, I’m posting it now. No warnings this time :D Enjoy!)
It was yet another Valentine's day at the SepticEgo's residence. Chase and Henrik, in an attempt to brighten the mood for both of them (because both of them had each gone through divorce, meaning Valentine's Day could be a bit painful), decided to decorate the house in festive hearts and red streamers, and they had all made plans to go out later that night to a restaurant. Chase had made heart-shaped cookies that were set out on the dinner table for anyone to just take and eat throughout the day, mostly as an excuse to get everyone out of their rooms and spend time with each other as a family (and, you wouldn't know it, but the clumsy, former internet star is actually a really good cook, one of his many perks learned from being a father).
Jackieboy Man could hear Henrik and Chase talking out front, about their ex-wives and their kids. He didn't feel like leaving his room, but eavesdropping on their conversation was a good distraction, at least. He blew his green hair out of his eyes as he lay on his bed, tossing a small, red and blue ball up towards the ceiling, catching it, and tossing it again.
In the past, he would have openly celebrated Valentine's Day. It's a day to celebrate love, whether it be between couples or between family. Normally, he would celebrate with Chase, Henrik, and Marvin, but this year was different.
Now, Jackie's never paid much interest in girls, not even during high school. He wasn't focused back then on relationships, so he never gave his preferences much thought. But this year, he has a crush, and he doesn't know what to do about it. And the bigger problem is, his crush was on Marvin.
Now, the SepticEgos aren't actually related, but Marvin has said multiple times to Jackie that he was the closest thing he'll ever have to a brother. At first, Jackie really appreciated hearing that from him. And he still does, but he's come to realize that he wants something more than that. He loves him more than a brother, or a friend. He wants to be called his. His only wish is to be in a relationship with the magician occupying the room down the hall.
At this point he stopped tossing the ball and sat on the edge of his bed, sighing as he put his head in his hands. His chest felt heavy, his heart hurt. He bit his lip, willing himself not to cry over this. But it was frustrating, wanting something he wouldn't ever have. At least, that's what his mind was telling him, anyway.
Just then, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," Jackieboy responded. The door opened to reveal Henrik in the doorway, smiling brightly. The hero was glad he was happy, at least.
"Don't you want to come out and be vith us?" The doctor asked curiously. It was a bit unlike him to be so closed off on Valentine's Day, but he understood that, after multiple mental health scares and recent events, this year would be a bit different emotionally for the egos. Nonetheless, it was a holiday, and Henrik wanted to make sure that all the egos had a nice time today. Or, at least make their days a bit brighter and less depressing.
"O-Oh, uh...yeah. Just...give me a minute. I'll be out soon." Jackie waved a hand dismissively, hoping that reply would be enough to satisfy Schneeplestein. He just needed to collect himself before engaging in any social interaction. But, the doctor, naturally concerned, entered the room, closing the door behind him, and sat next to Jackie on the bed.
"Is somezhing wrong?" Henrik asked. He was a bit worried, and hoped that what was troubling the superhero wasn't anything too serious. He was willing to help nonetheless, no matter what the issue was. If it was serious, Valentine’s Day could easily wait.
"Well," Jackie began. "Usually, on Valentine's Day, I focus on love between family. I never gave relationships much thought. But this year...I actually have a crush on someone..."
"Oh, I see! Is zhat a bad zhing?" The doctor asked.
"Well...yes and no. I mean, I guess it's good that I have feelings for someone, but...I doubt they like me back. Not in that way." Jackieboy Man explained.
"Ah, I understand." Schneep nodded. "Vell, who is this lucky fellow? Perhaps we can vork somezhing out?"
"U-Uh..." Jackieboy rubbed a hand behind his head nervously, not sure what to say. He didn't exactly want to admit that it was Marvin. He didn't want to stir up trouble and possibly ruin his chances and his current relationship with him in one fell swoop.
"I'd, uh...rather not say. I don't wanna start drama or anything, or ruin our friendship." The hero sighed. "I just...I dunno. It just kinda hurts."
"I understand." The doctor nodded. "Vell, why don't you tell zhem how you feel? Who knows? Maybe zhey feel zhe same vay?"
"I...I can't do that. For reasons I can't explain, it's a lot more complicated than that..."
Henrik nodded again. He had a feeling that he knew who it was, but he didn't want to guess, in respect of Jackie's wishes to keep it secret.
"Vell...remember, you never know if you don't try." He smiled. "Now come on, you won't get anyvhere just sulking in your room all day." And with that, he grabbed Jackieboy's arm and led him out to the living room.
Marvin was busy reading a magazine in his room when he heard a knock on his door.
"Yeah, what’s up?" He he asked at the knocker. The door opened to reveal a grinning Chase peeking behind it.
"Hey dude, can I come in?" Chase asked. Marvin nodded, sitting up and scootching over to make space for Chase to sit down on his bed. Chase entered the room, shutting the bedroom door behind him, and seated himself next to the magician.
"So," Chase began. "You gonna ask him out yet or what?"
"H-Huh?" Marvin asked, flustered. He could feel his cheeks begin to burn red. "W-Who are you-"
"Come on, don't play dumb! You know who I'm talking about." Chase interrupted. Marvin tilted his head like a confused puppy, and Chase rolled his eyes and sighed, still grinning.
"I'm talking about Jackie! Dude, you make it so obvious you like him." Upon hearing this, Marvin hid his face in his magazine, which had turned redder than a tomato. Chase chuckled when he saw Marvin's reaction.
"Dude, it's completely okay, no need to be embarrassed. But seriously, you need to ask him out. Come on, man, it's Valentine's Day! And besides, you two would be cute together!"
"I...I doubt he likes me like that. Besides...I probably already ruined my chances, since I often tell him he's like a brother to me.” he shrugged. “I only say that because I'm afraid of his reaction if I tell him the truth..." Marvin responded dejectedly.
"Hmm, I dunnooo," Chase singsonged. "Something tells me the feeling is mutual. I mean, I'm not gonna force you to do anything you're not comfortable with, because that would be an asshole move on my part. But seriously, you never know if you don't try, my dude. Just think about it, alright?" Marvin nodded, taking in Chase's words.
"Welp, I'll leave you to it. But don't stay cooped up in here all day, alright?" Chase said, getting up and turning towards the door.
"Heh, I won't. Thanks, Chase." Marvin chuckled. Chase turned back to Marvin and pointed finger-guns at him, then left the room, shutting the door behind him. Marvin sighed and flopped back on his bed, pondering what he should do. He mulled on his thoughts for a bit, before deciding he was getting nowhere. With yet another sigh, he got up, and left his room to go sit in the living room with the rest of the family.
Once everyone was in the living room, Chase took the plate of cookies that he made, and set them on the coffee table in front of the couch. Henrik took the remote and turned on the TV, switching the channels until they found something they all agreed on. But, no matter how hard he tried, Jackie couldn't concentrate on the show. Not with Marvin sitting next to him. His heart near stopped every time the magician would reach over him to get a cookie from the table. He would get nervous when Marvin’s shoulder brushed against his, when he leaned forward to reply something Chase or Henrik had said. It truly seemed as if the cat-masked magician has got his tongue, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't utter a single word. And, of course, the other egos picked up on his unusual silence.
"Dude," Chase started, leaning forward so he could see Jackieboy better. "You're really quiet. You okay?"
The poor hero's words were caught in his throat. He swallowed, hoping that would help, and opened his mouth to speak.
"U-Uh...yeah, I'm...I'm fine. I'm alright." He managed to get out. Chase, however, was a bit suspicious of Jackie's answer, more out of concern than anything.
"You sure?" He asked. Jackie nodded in response, and leaned back against the couch. From the corner of his eye, he could see Marvin looking worriedly at him, and immediately felt his cheeks go red.
"Uh...excuse me. I'll be right back." Jackieboy Man said quickly, getting up and rushing to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He turned to the mirror and gazed at his face. His cheeks, usually a pale white, were now a deep red. He leaned his elbows against the sink and rubbed his hands against his face, sighing. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up, but he knew he had to try. He splashed water on his face, and took a few deep breaths to collect himself. When he felt he was calm enough, he left the bathroom and rejoined Chase, Henrik, and Marvin on the couch.
The rest of the afternoon went without a hitch. For a while, everything seemed normal. They all talked and laughed like they normally do, eating the cookies until they were gone. Before long, it was 6 o' clock, and the egos had to get ready to leave to go out for dinner. Henrik had made reservations at a fancy restaurant. Doing something like this together is a very rare and special occasion, so naturally everyone was excited. They all got dressed up in fancy attire, and piled into Henrik's car. Jackie sat next to Marvin in the back, since Chase called shotgun before they got in. He felt flustered, nearly melting at the way Marvin was dressed. While Jackie just wore a traditional suit and tie, Marvin wore a black vest on top of a white shirt with black slacks, and right underneath his chin, on his collar, was a red bow tie. Adorable, he thought to himself. So badly he wanted to say something to him, but Jackie just didn't have the courage. And so, he just gazed out the window as Henrik drove, pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind.
Dinner went smoother than Marvin had anticipated. Sitting next to Jackie at dinner made him a bit anxious, however, but he tried his best to keep his cool. They all had a generally good time, but something felt a bit...off. Something was wrong with Jackieboy Man, he could very much tell. His smile wasn't as bright as it usually was, his eyes didn't light up like they usually do. Seeing this made Marvin long to help him. More than anything, he wanted to make him happy. He couldn't help but worry about whether the hero was depressed or not, if something serious was troubling him and he needed help or support. So, he decided that, when they got home, he would push his anxiety aside, and check up on Jackie to make sure he was really okay. With that plan in mind, he focused himself back on the present, and tried his best to enjoy the rest of his dinner.
Jackie observed how content everyone seemed on the drive home. Naturally, they would be. The food was excellent, they all laughed and talked and joked. Generally, it was a really good time.
If only he wasn't faking it.
Jackie's heart ached more than ever. The night was almost over, and he was still in the same position he was when the day started. He knew nothing would ever change between him and Marvin, and he just had to accept that. Throughout the whole way home, he bit back tears, trying hard to swallow the lump forming in his throat. As soon as they got home, Jackie bolted for his room, quickly shutting the door behind him. He slumped up against it and began to sob, covering his face with his hands.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the hero flinched.
"W-Who is it...?" He asked weakly, sniffling. At this point, he didn't bother trying to hide his sadness. He’d been holding it back all day. He knew he had to let it out at some point.
"It's Marvin. Can I come in?" Marvin asked from the other side of the door.
"Yeah...sure." Jackie replied, and got up, stepping back so that there was room for the door to open.
Marvin walked through the door, shutting it behind him. Upon entering, Marvin saw Jackieboy's tear-soaked face and saddened expression, and became concerned.
"Jackie...I know you haven't been okay today. If something's wrong...please tell me. I want to be able to help you. It hurts me so much to see you so upset, and I'd hate for you to suffer in silence. Please...tell me what's bothering you." Marvin pleaded. Jackie looked down at his feet, not knowing what to say. Finally, he took a deep breath. It was now or never, and he probably won't get another chance. If their friendship was going to be ruined, it's best to do it now, he figured.
"Marvin..." he began. "You're gonna hate me for this."
"What are yo-" Suddenly, Marvin was cut off as he was pushed against the door. Jackie pressed his lips against Marvin's, tears streaming down his face. His heart was in his throat, he knew this was going to ruin everything, but he didn't care. At least now, Marvin knew how he how he really felt, his true emotions, and he doesn't have to keep it secret, even if it's one-sided love. Jackie pulled away a bit from Marvin to catch his breath, which had quickened due to his rapidly pounding heart. His nerves were getting the best of him, he knew. He couldn't help it, but as terrified as he was, he was ready for Marvin's response, whatever it may be. And then, in that moment, Marvin spoke.
"I love you so much, Jackie." The magician said with a small smile. Slowly, Jackieboy Man pulled away to look Marvin in the eyes.
"Y-You...you do?" He asked, confused. He certainly hadn't expected this response. But Marvin nodded, the smile on his face gradually growing bigger. He leaned in, and kissed Jackie back, closing his eyes and running his hands through his hero's hair. Jackie kissed back passionately, pulling Marvin closer. He'd never felt so relieved. This Valentine's Day wasn't a waste after all.
But, what the two weren't aware of is that an eavesdropping Henrik and Chase were standing behind the door. They both silently cheered, and high-fived. While it didn't go exactly to plan, the both of them talked while decorating that morning, and had plotted somehow finally getting the two together. They grinned at each other for a moment, proud their efforts had paid off. They could hear one last bit of their conversation before they retreated to their own rooms:
"I love you so much, Marvin."
"I love you too, Jackie. Thank you for being honest with me."
"You're welcome. I'm glad this worked out."
"Heh, me too."
At the end of the night, everyone went to bed happy. Though emotions ran high that day, at the end of it all, it was worth it. It just goes to show the both of them: they truly never would have known, unless they tried.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
Talks and Transfers
A JSE Fanfic
I was not expecting to write the next part of this so soon, but I’ve hit a block on other stories, and also one of my friends read the last two parts a few days ago and went absolutely feral when I started being cryptic and it was weirdly motivating XD Anyway, here’s number three. We finally get to see a boy besides Schneep! Which is great, because things aren’t going so well for Schneepy boy
You can now find the other two stories under the #pwtimeline tag!
“Why am I doing this, why am I doing this, oh god why am I doing this?” Dr. Laurens kept muttering this under her breath even as she dialed the number. She listened to the phone ring with slowly building dread. Maybe she should just go to work anyway. She could power through this; maybe she shouldn’t miss the session. But she was making the call. And soon it was picked up. “Hi, Dr. Newson?” She asked.
“Oh hey Rya, what’s up?”
“H-hey. I, uh, I can’t come into work today. I’m sick.” It wasn’t a lie—for the past few days there had been a slowly building headache behind her eyes, and today she woke up with a sore throat and a raspy voice. “Can, uh, I know you talked about how you’d be willing to take the Schneep case, so can you cover my session today?” Laurens winced privately. She hated to do this; she always believed in consistency, especially with schedules.
“Oh yeah! Sure, I can do that!” Dr. Newson sounded excited, and eager to help. Which was weird, because Dr. Newson didn’t do ‘excited.’ Or if she did, she didn’t show it.
Still, Laurens breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. I keep my notes in the turquoise notebook, it should be on my desk in my office.”
“Uh-huh. Got it.”
“And the session is at one o’clock. Room 309.”
“Rya, chill, I’ll take care of everything,” Dr. Newson assured her. “You just rest. Your voice sounds awful, if you need some more time off just tell me.”
“I usually get over things in a day,” Laurens said. “But thanks. I-I’ll let you know.”
“You do that. See you later.” And with that, Dr. Newson hung up.
Laurens sighed again, exhaling all the nerves she’d built up as she leaned backwards against the seat of her car. She felt kinda guilty for not coming in to work. Like she was abandoning Schneep in a time of need. But he’d been doing pretty good ever since the hoodie incident. Hadn’t made much progress, but at least he wasn’t trying to hurt anyone anymore. And besides, wasn’t what she was doing now also a way to help?
It was true, she was feeling kind of under the weather, but under normal circumstances, it wasn’t bad enough to stop her from going to work. But she’d used the sick excuse so she could have the day off to search.
Laurens pulled her keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car, looking around. She’d never been in this part of the city before. In the suburbs. If she was forced to guess, she’d say that most of the houses here were taken by families. But still, from what Schneep had said about this guy during their sessions, he lived somewhere around here. Laurens groaned silently. Guess she’d have to go door-to-door. Like a Girl Scout.
Twenty minutes later, she was starting to wonder if she was maybe wrong about thinking she was well enough to spend the day walking around an unfamiliar neighborhood. Her sore throat had faded a bit, but her head was pounding, and it felt stuffed full of fluff. Just a couple more houses. Then she could maybe drive home and take a nap, and try again that evening.
Laurens walked up the path to the door of the next house. She rang the doorbell, and while she waited she looked around idly. The yard was less well-kept than the others on the block. The grass was yellower and there were no flowers in the flowerbeds. But not everyone had the ability to do yard work. That was why she lived in an apartment.
The door opened, and she snapped to attention. “Hi I’m looking for...” she trailed off when she got a closer look at the guy who answered the door. Okay, this was him. God, Schneep had said the two of them looked similar, but she wasn’t expecting such an uncanny resemblance. He’d said they weren’t related, right?
“Uh...yeah? I mean, excuse me?” The man had brown hair and blue eyes, just like Schneep, though his hair was partly hidden beneath a snap-back cap. He wore a gray shirt underneath a red jacket with some sort of logo on the lapel, and his voice had a slight American accent.
Laurens blinked, clearing her head. “Sorry, are you Chase Brody, by any chance?”
“Yeah, that’s me. What’s up?” Chase seemed to examine her. “If you’re selling something, or if you’re like, I dunno, looking for autographs, then—”
“Oh no, no no,” Laurens hurried to say. “Um, my name is Rya Laurens. Dr. Laurens. I, uh, I know your friend Sch—Henrik, and I, uh, wanted to talk to you about him.”
The change was instantaneous. Chase, who’d been previously leaning against the doorway, stood up straight, his eyes widening. “Oh, yeah, h-hang on, d’you want—please, come in.” He stood aside and let her step past him into the house.
The living room looked about what she thought it would look like. Chase had a quality entertainment system, with a widescreen TV and several video game consoles, as well as a shelf full of DVDs, most of which seemed to be kids films or Marvel movies. “You have a nice home,” she said politely.
“It’s a little messy, sorry about that,” Chase muttered, closing the door. “D’you want anything to drink? I can make tea.”
“That would be lovely.”
She followed Chase into the dining room, with adjoining kitchen separated only by a counter. While she took a seat at the dining table, Chase busied himself making the tea. She looked around, noticing a pile of dirty dishes by the sink and what looked like children’s drawings stuck to the fridge with magnets. After a few moments, during which she sat at the table in silence and failed at not feeling awkward, Chase set a mug down in front of her, sitting in the seat next to her. “Hope you like Lyons. Actually, I probably should’ve asked you before I made it.” He laughed a bit.
Laurens took a sip. “It’s good. A bit hot.”
“Oh good. Anyway. You said you knew Schneep? Do you work with him?” Chase started to take a sip of his mug of tea as well.
“Uh, no, not...I’m not that kind of doctor.” Laurens cleared her throat, which only served to make it raspier, so she coughed instead. “I work at Silver Hills—”
There was a sudden splutter as Chase seemed to spit out his tea back into the mug. “Sorry, just—” He wiped the sleeve of his jacket across his mouth. “Jesus christ, has he been there the whole time?”
“What...do you mean ‘the whole time’?” Laurens asked.
“Well, since August. When that whole...thing happened. You heard about that?”
“Oh, I know what you mean. And, uh...” Laurens shifted awkwardly in her seat. “You haven’t been watching the local news, have you?”
“No, I don’t watch news at all.” Chase looked down at the table surface and shrugged. “It...depresses me.” He looked back up. “Why?”
“A-ah...well...” God, this was awkward. Laurens kept drumming her fingers on the mug. “Henrik—Schneep—has been...implicated in several...murders.” 
Chase blinked. “You’re joking.”
“No, I-I am not.” Laurens tried to smile apologetically. She wasn’t sure it was working. “You, um, should be able to look it up. It became quite a big deal.”
“Oh my fucking god...” Chase briefly covered his mouth with his hand before lowering it again. “Did...did he do it?”
“The, uh...the evidence pointed that way,” Laurens said slowly. “They had video and DNA and everything...sorry.” She didn’t know why she apologized.
“Oh my fucking god,” Chase repeated, gaping. “I—I knew Schneep had issues but I didn’t think he was—was capable of—jesus.”
“Well...” Laurens looked down into the mug of tea. “Sometimes when...you know, the human mind is complicated, especially when it lies to you.” Chase didn’t answer. Laurens wished she could say something better, somehow more reassuring, but...ironically, despite being a psychiatrist, she wasn’t the best with people. So she tried to move on to the reason she actually came. She took a deep breath, and looked up. “He misses you, you know.”
Chase’s eyes snapped toward her. “Really?”
“Yeah. He talks about you a lot. And two others, uh, Jackie and Marvin?” When she saw recognition in Chase’s eyes, she continued. “I think it would help him if you visited. And maybe those others two.”
“That’s not possible.”
Laurens’s heart turned to rock, thinking that this day had been a waste. Chase seemed to catch her expression. “Oh I mean Jackie and Marvin visiting, I’d be happy to. Just...they can’t.”
“Oh I see.” Laurens exhaled slowly. “Why?”
“Well...” Chase rubbed the back of his neck. “Marvin skipped town. He’s not answering any of my calls or texts. I think he’s mad at me but I dunno why. And Jackie...” He took a deep breath. “Jackie’s been missing for a few months now. He—he disappeared.”
“Oh, god.” Laurens’s mind went blank. What were you supposed to say to that? She didn’t know. “I-I’m so sorry.” That was the best she could do.
“It’s fine.” Chase paused, then sighed. “Well, no, it’s not, but thanks.”
“The police—you’ve told them?” She didn’t know why she had to ask it, but she felt she had to.
“Yeah, of course. But after five months, I think they’ve given up.” A new, hard light entered his eyes. “He’s still out there, though. It’s hard to knock Jackie down. He’s tough. I don’t know what happened, but I know he can handle it.”
Laurens gave him a reassuring smile. “Well, I hope it works out.”
“Thanks, doc.” Chase took a long drink of the tea, seeming to stare into the distance. “So...how’s Schneep doing? He’s alright?”
“Last I saw him, yes,” Laurens nodded. “It’s...it’s a bit of a roller coaster sometimes, but I think he’s getting better.”
“That’s good. Great.” Chase’s fingers were drumming a rhythm on the table surface. “Silver Hills has—has visiting hours, right?”
“Oh! O-of course. They’re on our website,” Laurens explained. “But the diagram can be a bit complicated, because they vary based on a couple factors. It’s safest to visit on Fridays, from three to seven.”
“Okay. Hang on a sec.” Chase reached into his pocket and took out his phone, opening it up and tapping for a bit. “That’s on my calendar now. I guess I’ll see you on Friday, then?”
“Yes, of course! I-I should get going.” Laurens pushed her chair back, standing up. “Thanks for the tea.” She said this despite not drinking most of it.
“No problem. Thanks for stopping by and, uh, filling me in on all this.” Chase nodded. “Do you want me to walk you to the door, or...?”
“I can see myself out, thanks.” Laurens smiled awkwardly. “See you on Friday. Goodbye.”
Only ten minutes later, and Laurens was back in her car, contemplating whether to drive home or go to work anyway. On the one hand, she was loathe to miss anything that went on at work, and if she went now, she could barely make it in time for her session with Schneep. On the other, her headache was starting to blossom into a migraine, and her nose was stuffing up as well. She probably wouldn’t be able to concentrate like this, and a session done poorly wouldn’t do anyone any good.
After a few more moments of wrestling with this dilemma, she started her car and set off. It would probably be fine to miss one session. Dr. Newson could handle it. What’s the worse that could happen?
One o’clock rolled around, and Dr. Newson strolled into Room 309. Schneep, who’d been pacing the length of the wall by the window, stopped, staring. He watched as she sat down in one of the chairs, setting Laurens’s notebook down on the table. “Hello, Henrik. Are you ready to start? Please sit down,” she said cheerfully.
Schneep stayed where he was. “Where is Dr. Laurens?”
“Oh, she called in sick today, asked me to fill in. I’m Dr. Newson. Please sit down.”
“Sick? With what?” Schneep’s eyes flicked over Dr. Newson’s shoulder. Two people came into the room behind her, closing the door behind him. “Who are they?”
“Don’t mind the orderlies, they’re here just in case.” Dr. Newson waved away his question. “Now if you would please sit down so we can start.”
“In case of what?”
“If you would please,” Dr. Newson’s voice hardened, “sit down.”
Schneep stayed where he was for a few seconds longer, before slowly walking over and sitting in the other chair. He crossed his arms, posture stiff.
Dr. Newson simply settled into the chair, folding one leg over the other. “So, I’m obviously not caught up on how far Dr. Laurens has got in these—”
“You could check in there.” Schneep nodded at the unopened notebook on the table. “She kept very detailed notes.”
Dr. Newson smiled. “Well, I know that. I’ve checked it, but given how detailed they were I wasn’t able to read it all. I’ve skimmed it, though. And that was enough to understand that she hasn’t gotten far in asking you about what really happened.”
Schneep narrowed his eyes. “What really happened when? About what?”
“Oh, you know.” Dr. Newson pulled Laurens’s notebook toward her, flipping open to a blank page. “How about we start with Christmas? Do you remember that night?”
“Do I remember that—you are not police, Doctor,” Schneep scowled. “They have already asked me about that. I do not think it is your place to do so.”
“Well, I’m just doing my job, Henrik.”
“Do not call me that.”
“Well alright, then. I’m just doing my job, Mr. Schneeplestein.” When Schneep opened his mouth to berate her for using the wrong prefix, she pushed forward anyway. “And I think it is important to my job if we discuss the events of that night. You remember, right? Those videos?”
“I had nothing to do with those videos,” Schneep insisted.
Dr. Newson laughed. “Well, you were in them, so I doubt that. Led the police on a merry overnight chase, making them keep watch for, what, twelve hours? It was quite a feat for you to pull off.” 
“I did not make those.” The words came out between gritted teeth.
Dr. Newson raised an eyebrow. “Well then, who did?”
Schneep didn’t answer. He seemed to fold in on himself, and his eyes flickered to the side. “I do not want to talk about it.”
“Oh, I get it.” Dr. Newson took a pen from her pocket and jotted a few words down. “You believe someone else did. Or was it that you thought someone was forcing you to?”
Schneep jumped, but then his eyes suddenly flashed. “I said I do not want to talk about it. I do not have to say anything to you.”
“Yes, you do, that’s why you’re here.” Dr. Newson looked up from the notebook. “Now let’s get back to the question at hand. Was there any particular reason for the Christmas incident? Did you want to try something new? Oftentimes sending letters, or videos in this case, to the police speaks of arrogance or says that it’s seen as a game. Was this a way for you to have fun?”
“Will you shut up!” Schneep sprang to his feet, slamming his hands down on the table. The two orderlies in the room jumped to attention. “Shut up and stop pushing your questions to me! I am supposed to have a chance to speak here and you are not giving it!”
Dr. Newson merely smiled. “Well, you weren’t answering, Mr. Schneeplestein.”
“Because you were not listening! I told you I do not wish to speak of it! Yet you keep asking and asking and—do you know how bothersome that is?!” He folded his arms again. “Maybe I will be ready to tell you about that night one day, but this is not that day. So shut up!”
“Mm-hmm. So you were involved in that somehow?” Dr. Newson made another note, seemingly unconcerned by the death glare Schneep was giving her. She looked up at him. “You want me to stop asking? What are you going to do to make me? Are you going to try to kill me?”
Schneep suddenly burst into laughter. Loud, screeching laughing that hit him so hard, he had to double over and lean onto the table. The two orderlies, now standing behind his chair, exchanged uncomfortable glances as he wore himself out, laughter fading to giggling as he slumped into the chair. He looked up, and there were tears in his eyes. “I do not know. Maybe I will. But I do not know. And I do not like that.” His voice was tired.
Dr. Newson stared at him. “Well, that’s good to know,” she drawled. “Maybe—”
“Maybe you really should shut your stupid mouth before it gets you in trouble.” The change of tone in Schneep’s voice was so sudden that Dr. Newson had to take a moment to recognize it as his. “Maybe you should just leave now since you clearly do not want to be here.”
Her lip curled. “I don’t think I ever gave any indication that I don’t want to be here. In fact, I didn’t even need to fill in for Dr. Laurens today. And there aren’t a lot of employees here willing to get close to you, so you should be happy you’re even getting a session today at all.”
“What, people are afraid of me? I wonder why.” A smile flashed across Schneep’s face. “Is not like I did anything to deserve that. Only that thirteen are dead and more injured.”
“Oh, I thought that ‘wasn’t your fault’,” Dr. Newson said, a sudden edge to her voice. “I thought you were ‘sorry’ about that.” 
“Two things can be true at once.” Schneep’s head slowly tilted to the side. “Especially when things are not in your control. Who is in control? And who is just playing pretend?”
“I don’t see how this is relevant, Mr. Schneeplestein.”
“But it is! You do not understand because you do not see. You do not see these things.” Another smile. “Perhaps your eyes are in the way. Would you like to get rid of them?”
Suddenly, Schneep lunged forward. Dr. Newson pushed her chair back, ready to flee, but the orderlies sprang into action. Before Schneep could get far, they managed to grab hold of him. It wasn’t an easy task. He kept twisting and wiggling his way out of their hold, and wasn’t afraid to lash out.
“Right, then.” Dr. Newson smoothed down the front of her shirt, trying to mask the way her heart had suddenly leapt into her throat. She picked up the notebook, tucking it under her arm. “I know the sessions usually last an hour, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut this short. Very short. Maybe you’ll see me tomorrow, maybe you’ll see Dr. Laurens tomorrow, who knows? Oliver, Theresa?” She nodded at the two orderlies. “I trust you came prepared?”
Maybe her question distracted them, maybe what happened next would’ve happened anyway. Schneep snarled “Let go of me!” and managed to get an arm free, shoving one of the orderlies away. Then he threw his weight against the other, who shrieked and fell—
Time stopped. The world concentrated down into that single sickening crack, and the red that was suddenly decorating the sharp edge of the table. The orderly was still on the ground, a pool of identical red spreading from her head. It was a stain against the white floor, stark in the bright light.
Dr. Newson was the first to react, reaching for her pager. “Oliver, can we get a sedative while I page the med team?”
That sentence brought Schneep to his senses. “What? No! No, it was an a-accident, I did not mean—”
“That’s true. But two things can be true at once.” Dr. Newson’s voice was cold. “Oliver? Now, please?”
The orderly stopped staring, shocked, at his fallen coworker, and soon there was a needle buried in Schneep’s neck. Schneep gasped and stilled, though he kept muttering that it was an accident.
“You should probably take a good look around this room, Henrik, cause you won’t be seeing it for a while, if ever,” Dr. Newson said stiffly. “You’re getting a new one. On the first floor.”
Schneep’s eyes widened, before the sedative really kicked in and he closed them. Dr. Newson nodded, then looked down at the still orderly. “When the med team gets here, get them to take him to the medical wing, too. He can stay there until the new room is ready.”
“Yes, Dr. Newson.” The orderly hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Dr. Newson, if I may...you’re sure about this?”
Newson sighed. “I should’ve done it a lot sooner, if you ask me. Rya convinced me not to, you know it’s hard to say no to her. But god.” She knelt by the orderly on the floor, picking up her wrist and pressing two fingers to it. “We can’t let it go further than this.”
When Laurens arrived at work the next morning, she was immediately called into Dr. Newson’s office. Once there, she listened in shock as the entire story was told. “The new room number is 1010,” Dr. Newson said at the end. “I know the numbering makes no sense, but it’s in an older part of the building. And you’re now required to bring an orderly in with you whenever you visit. You know Oliver Hopkins? He’s volunteered.”
“Is...is Theresa going to be okay?” Laurens asked hesitantly.
“She had to be rushed to the hospital,” Dr. Newson explained. “Last I heard, she was still in critical condition.”
“Oh my god...” Laurens covered her mouth with her hand. She couldn’t help but feel that if she was here yesterday, she could’ve somehow prevented this. Guilt settled down into her stomach. “I hope she...well, I hope it’ll be alright.”
“Yeah.” Dr. Newson sighed. Her eyes drifted over to the picture frame on her desk. “While you’re here, is there anything else you want to talk to me about?”
“Um, well...” She wasn’t sure if this would sound in bad taste after this serious talk, but... “So, uh, residents on the first floor still have visiting hours on Fridays, right?” When Dr. Newson hesitated, she pressed. “You can’t take away visiting hours, those are required by the county board.”
“‘Unless there have been incidents wherein the patient has shown hostility to visitors,’ yeah, I know, I read the section,” Newson snapped. Then she took a deep breath. “Sorry about that. Just on edge. Yeah, it’s still Fridays, that’s the only day for most of the first floor patients. Why?”
“Well...yesterday, when I was home sick, I got a visitor.” Laurens was aware she was adjusting the story, but she didn’t want to sound like she’d been skipping out on her duties. “He said he was a friend of Sch—of Henrik’s, and that he just found out he was here and wanted to visit him. So I, uh, told him the hours and he said he’d stop by on Friday.”
“That’s three days away.”
Dr. Newson sighed, rubbing her temples. “Yeah, fine, that’s allowed. But you have to supervise it, okay?”
“Okay.” Laurens nodded. “I’m, uh...going to go find Room 1010 now.”
“Oliver knows the way, ask him to take you.”
Laurens did just that, finding the orderly nearby. Soon, she was following him down the corridors of the first floor. Unlike the ones above, the first floor was distinctly more...hospital-like, choosing to forego the wallpaper and carpeting of the upper floors, and replacing their lamps with fluorescent lights. There were also a lot more orderlies bustling about, all wearing that beige uniform that made them sort of blend together.
“So...you were there, yesterday?” she asked Oliver.
He nodded. “Yeah. It was...it was scary, man. Just all of a sudden there was yelling and then Theresa was on the floor.” He glanced at her. “Was...was that guy ever like that with you?”
“His name’s Schneep,” Laurens reminded him. “And...well, there were moments when he was loud, and sometimes seemed...a bit aggressive, but he never attacked me.” She bit her lip. “I wonder if Dr. Newson triggered that somehow...”
Oliver didn’t answer, merely looking back away. “Hey, we’re here. Room 1010.” They stopped outside a door that looked just like all the others. “I’m, uh, required to go in with you.”
“Yeah, Dr. Newson told me. She also gave me this.” Laurens pulled out a key card. While doors on the upper floors could open on their own, doors on the first floor were locked, though some of them could be opened from the inside but not from the outside. Laurens didn’t know if Room 1010 was one of those. She swiped the card through the reader next to the door. It beeped, and there was a click. Laurens pulled the door open and went inside, followed by Oliver.
The difference between the first floor and upper floors was even more evident here. Room 1010 was smaller, but also emptier. The only furniture was the white-blanketed bed, a circular table with rounded edges next to it, and a single, rather uncomfortable-looking chair next to that. A half-open door showed a connected bathroom beyond. As it was an internal room, there wasn’t a window, and the overhead lights were controlled with a single switch, no lamps anywhere.
Schneep was sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall and hugging the bed’s single pillow to his chest. He was wearing a simple white shirt and pants, which Laurens recognized as standard-issue clothing, since regulations on the first floor didn’t allow patients to bring any of their own. Schneep didn’t look up as Laurens crossed the room and sat in the room’s only chair. Oliver, meanwhile, hovered in the corner, seeming to sense that he had to stay out of this.
“Hi, Schneep,” Laurens said. “I’m back. Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday.”
He nodded. “Was not your fault. You were sick. I’m sorry.” That last statement sounded less like an expression of sympathy and more like an actual apology.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault either,” Laurens said gently.
After a quiet moment, Schneep cleared his throat and asked, “The woman, the orderly from yesterday, is she alive?”
“Yes, she’s alive,” Laurens confirmed. Seeing how Schneep relaxed, she decided not to mention the critical condition.
He looked at her for the first time since she entered the room. And she almost physically started when she realized his eyes were rimmed with red. “It was not my fault. You know that, right? You believe that?”
“I know. I believe you.”
“You always do.” He nodded. “Or at least, you sound like you do. Even if you don’t and you only sound it, I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, Schneep.” And it really wasn’t. Laurens straightened. “Well, I have...news for you. I don’t know if you’ll see it as good or bad, but it’s news.” Schneep didn’t say anything, but he did sit up a bit. Laurens continued, “So, uh, yesterday, while I was sick, I met one of your friends. Chase. He said he...wanted to visit.”
A wide variety of emotions flickered across Schneep’s face. Surprise, joy, realization, worry, fear, consideration, then back to joy, though a bit tempered. “I think I would like to see him,” he said, squeezing the pillow tighter.
“I told him you would,” Laurens said. “He’s coming on Friday, three days from now.” She paused. “You think...you’ll be alright until then?”
A strangled laugh. “Is hard to predict. But I hope so. I would not want...anything to...happen.” The words were chosen haltingly, as if he was trying to find the simplest way to say it.
“Nothing’s going to happen,” Laurens said, surprising herself with the firmness of her own voice. “You’re doing good, you know. You can do it.” She wasn’t sure what ‘it’ was, but sometimes you just needed to hear it. “And I’ll be there that day, too.”
“That would be good,” Schneep agreed. For a moment, he was silent. “I...I do not feel like talking today. Would you leave, please?”
“Oh. Of course.” Laurens stood up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
Laurens left, finding her steps taking longer than usual. She glanced behind her one last time before leaving to see Schneep had buried his face in the pillow. She hesitated. Maybe she should stay...but he seemed like he wanted to be alone. In the future, she might be able to bring something so she could be alone with him. After all, there were times when that was really what was best. But she couldn’t, today.
She followed Oliver back through the first floor halls. “That was...different than I was expecting,” he admitted.
“It usually is,” Laurens agreed. “But people aren’t just one thing, you know?”
“...yeah, I think so.”
“Good.” Laurens took a deep breath, and sighed. Three days. She just had to hope things would improve in three days. And then she had to believe things would continue to improve from there.
And somehow, she did. Perhaps she was more optimistic than she’d thought she was, but she believed things would get better. They usually did.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 6 years
The Day it Almost Ended
Septics Inverted
A JSE Fanfic
A little bit shorter than the other stories, but it’s a pretty simple one so eh. It started out as “what’s a normal day in this household like?” and then I threw the Pax Anti video in there because that needs an explanation in this AU. And, uh, yeah, that’s it. Stuff happens because of that
Read the intro story: Part One | Part Two
Various other AU-related stuff found here
Taglist: @evyptids​ @awkward-bullshit​ @watermelonsinmyattic​ @asunachinadoll @a-humble-narcissus @metautske​ @odysseus-is-best-boi​ @acuriousquail @beerecordings
Jack woke up with a pounding headache. For a moment, he tried to remember if there was a reason for that, but when he couldn’t come up with anything he gave up. Must just be a bad day. He groaned, and rolled over to look at the clock. It was nine-thirty. That meant it was time to get up. He sighed, then managed to pry himself away from his bed. He stumbled toward the dresser, grabbed some clothes, then considered taking a shower. He decided against it; he was too tired and the water would just wash out the color in his hair. After getting dressed he climbed down the stairs to the kitchen. And then he realized he could hear the shouting. Already? It was so early.
“Some of us have a personal life, unlike you, discount Punisher!”
“I have a personal life, bitch, I think the word you’re looking for is ‘limits,’ and in that case you’re the one lacking!”
“Well I’m fucking sorry that I want to do more with my life than jump around in spandex beating the shit out of criminals!”
“Do more with your life?! I’d say that—”
Jack walked into the kitchen, and everything immediately stopped. “Morning guys,” he yawned. “Glad to see we’re off to a fantastic start today.”
Nobody said anything. Jackie was standing by the toaster, glaring at Marvin, who was in turn standing behind the counter and glaring right back. Chase was sitting at the dining table, picking at his scrambled eggs. After an awkward silence, he looked up and said, “Hey Jack. Didja sleep well?”
“Yeah. I have a headache, though, so maybe I slept too long. Did someone make breakfast or is it a free-for-all?”
Chase pointed towards the fridge with his fork. “There’s still some leftover eggs from yesterday in there, but if you don’t want those you’re gonna have to fend for yourself.”
The toaster popped. Everyone jumped. The atmosphere in the room was way too tense for sudden noises. Jackie sighed, the plucked the two bagel halves out of the slots, then strolled over to the silverware drawer, grabbed a butter knife, grabbed some butter from the cupboard, and began applying said butter to the bagel. He did this all while not looking away from Marvin, who was standing still as a statue.
“You know what? I’m just gonna...grab some cereal.” Jack edged around the staring contest, quickly getting the box from the cupboard and some milk from the fridge before power-walking over to the table and sitting down next to Chase. “Where are the others?” he asked.
“Still asleep,” Chase explained.
“Yeah, I figured Schneep would be.” The doctor’s clinic was usually open all night, so his sleep schedule was pretty off. “But Jameson?”
“He was out late. You know that, uh...fuck I can’t remember what it’s called. The, like, police charity gala? He got an invitation and went.”
“Huh. Didn’t know he knew anyone in the police.”
“Apparently it’s a new thing.” Chase shrugged. He glanced over towards Jackie and Marvin. “Jesus, they’re still...hey, are you two losers goin’ to actually eat or are you too busy having a Mexican stand-off but with eyes?”
“Fuck off, Chase,” Marvin said automatically. “You know what? I have better things to do. See you guys later, unhopefully.” He turned and left.
“That’s not a word!” Jackie called after him, causing a flurry of purple sparks to shoot towards his head. He barely ducked in time.
“What is with you two?” Jack griped. “Why are you always about to tear each other’s throats out?”
Jackie sighed. “It’s just...he’s a dick, but he thinks I’m one.”
“Don’t worry about it, man.” Chase said. “It’s not like they’re out to murder each other or anything. It’s...well, maybe I should have done a personality assessment for potential roommates. They’re too different.” He shoved a bit of breakfast into his mouth before continuing. “Anyway, what were you planning on doing today? More recording, or do you want to go down to the shop with me?”
“Probably just the first thing.” Jack sighed. “But god, that’s gonna be hard with this headache.”
“You can do it, man! I believe you can power through it!”
“Thanks, dude.” Jack rubbed his head. “Guess I’ll have to, huh?”
“Yeah. But it’ll be okay. I promise.”
After a bit, Jack went back upstairs. Chase immediately turned to Jackie. “Dude, if you’re going to shout at Marvin, can you shout things that won’t clue Jack in?” he hissed.
“What? What did I say?”
“It was what you were about to say. You were like, ‘more out of life, I’ll say that’ and then you stopped when Jack came in and I just know if he hadn’t you were gonna end up mentioning Marvin’s...you know.”
“Oh, you mean murdering people and worse in the basement?!”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean!” Chase coughed, uncomfortable. “Look, I get it, Marvin’s...yeah...but Jack can’t find out! He’ll freak, and you know that! Plus, you’re giving Jameson extra work and he has a life outside of us. I don’t think it’s a good idea to piss him off when he could decide to leave at any time.”
Jackie thought about this, then sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. But if I have to listen to him brag about his ‘discoveries’ one more time...” He didn’t finish the threat, just clenched his fist like he was dramatically squashing a bug.
Chase rolled his eyes. “You don’t have this problem with Schneep,” he muttered.
“Th-that—that’s different! Henrik’s a doctor, we need him. And he’s all...well...y’know, so I can’t blame him. Plus, he doesn’t call me a no-good do-gooder under his breath every time he sees me.” Jackie took a bite out of his bagel. “I’m goin’ upstairs to check the web, text me if you need anything.”
Chase gave a little salute. “Will do, Mr. Boy Man.”
Jack took a break from recording around noon, coming back downstairs for a quick lunch before heading on to the next game. He passed Schneep and Jameson in the living room, the former curled up on a couch with headphones and his phone and the latter sitting in an armchair with a book. They weren’t talking, though for all he knew Jameson actually was but he was projecting to Schneep alone. Jack waved to them, but neither responded. That was okay. He made himself a quick sandwich/chips combo, ate fast, then went back upstairs.
“Jack! Wait a moment.”
Jack stopped where he was on the staircase, looking back down. “Yeah, doc?”
“You were not planning on going to the Pax this year, were you?”
“Uh...” Jack bit his lip, trying to remember. “No, I...I think I decided there was too much to do here, and travel was too hard.” He gripped the banister tightly. He was feeling dizzy all of a sudden, his vision going in spirals. “Anyway, why?”
“Well..” Schneep held his phone up for Jack to see. “...because there is now a video on your channel called ‘Pax Special Announcement/Surprise.’”
Jack felt his heart stop. “I...didn’t upload that. You don’t think...?”
“It is possible. I have not watched it yet. Do you want to join me?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’ll be good.” Jack climbed back down the stairs, settling on the couch next to Schneep, leaning over his shoulder to stare at the tiny screen of the phone.
The video started out...normal. Jack, or someone who looked like Jack, began by saying “Well hello there! Before we get right into this, I just want to come right out and say I won’t be going to Pax this year. I’m really sorry guys, but unfortunately life is...being a bitch right now...” A small giggle. “And I just can’t make it. There’s so much planning that you need to put into travelling, and I’m still sort of behind on videos from the time I was sick—”
“When was I sick?” Jack blurted out.
{Back in January.} Both Schneep and Jack startled at the mental interjection. They looked over to Jameson. {Don’t you remember? It was after that disturbing dream you had, right before Marvin strengthened the wards. You were bedridden for a week, it was horrible.}
“Oh. Yeah, uh, now I remember. Thanks, dude.”
The “Jack” onscreen was still talking. “—actually originally planned on going, and I filmed a speci-sp̵e͏ci̧a̕l̀ vide͏o͞ for you guys, to show there.” That glitch didn’t go unnoticed by Jack. “I figured it wouldn’t do anyone any good just sitting on my hard drive, so I might as well post it. But first, you guys have to do something. You know how much I love audience interaction, so what I need you to do is all take out your phones. Or, you know, your iPad, anything with a camera. I’ll just...wait a minute. This is—it’s kinda awkward, isn’t it? But you’re all ready now? Okay, so what you hav͟e͟ tó ̧d͢o iś—̢” The video was interrupted by a horrible, electronic breaking sound as the screen went black. But the visual came back, severely lowered in quality and lagging. “—place ̸yo̕ur̕ p̶h̡o̡ne̢ in͟ you̷r̕ ͝han̡d͝,̡ ̴an͝d̀ ͝j͏ust—” another glitch to black.
Jack glanced at Schneep, who only gave him a worried look. Then, the video returned, red and green pixels flashing across the screen, partially hiding images that...they looked familiar to Jack. Maybe he played games like that? But they seemed more real than anything. Then, black. Nothing except for a question, echoing. “A͡re you ̷th̢ere?” Jack found he was nodding. Why was he nodding?
And then he was there. His appearance was slightly different, more align with Jack’s than his own, most noticeable in the green hair and the lack of an eye-patch. But there was no mistaking the knife, or the bloody bandages around his neck. “Lo͢o̕k ͞a̵t you al͝l̴! ́J͏u͢st sittiņg͟ ͟t̴heŕe—y̷o̧u͝ t́ho̶u͢g̨ht it̵ wa͠s ov̶e̶r̛—no̶t͟ ̷w͝o̸rryi͏n͢g̨ a̵b̢o͝ùt ͞a͝ny̧t͏h̵i̵ng͝. Yòu a͝ll͞ t̢h͟ought I ̀wa̶s ̶gon͞e͡...̵b͢ut̡ I͏'͟ve b̨e̸e͡ń ḩere̴ this͡ ͏entire ̕t͡im͟e!͡ ̢Kee͏pi͢n̷g an—̶ e͏͖͖͉̗̞y͇̭̞͓̗̰͡è̫ ̮̥̜͖̞͕o̼̗̪̬̻̰̳̕n͖̥̫͍̫̝ ̤̣͟t͎hi͖̥̱n̡̻̞̭͉̲̱̖g̱̰̤̬̫̥ș̜. Yơu͢ s̀t̀opped̨ pa̡yi̵ng ̡a͢t̶te̡nti͟on!̕ We͡l̶l, I̧ ho͏pe yo͏u'ŕe̛ happ̸y. Ỳou ca̡n't͢ se͏e t́he͞ ̛s͠ig͞ǹs.̛ ̀Thręw m͢ȩ asidè! Did̶n't̴ r̡e̵ad͏ t͢he ͝warn͝i̸n̛gs.̸ I'm̨ ͞not g̷o̸ing̕—͠a̢n̷yw̢he̵r͝e̕!̷ ͡I̸'m̨ ͡alwa̢y͡s ͝the̶re, Aļ́w̨ą͠ys̶ Wa͠t̀͟c̵h͞͞in̴̡g.̀ They ca̶n̸'̛t͝ ̡get ri͢d ̧o͞f͞ m͟e.” One final cut, and...“E̕nj͏o̴y your ̴'v̀id̷e̢os͟.'̷” The words sounded bitter.
A few more seconds of dark silence, and then the video ended. Jack leaned back. “What...what does it mean?” he asked, a tremble in his voice.
“I think it is a warning.” Schneep turned off his phone. “To your viewers, saying he is still there, and to us, saying he can get inside the channel whenever he wants. He could make how many fake videos and ruin your life.”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Jack didn’t know where the words had come from. Yes, of course he would, he was a monster, he was a demon...and yet...he had the strangest, niggling feeling in the back of his mind.
{Jack, I think your eye friend wants your attention.}
“Wh—Sam!” Jack looked over to the tank in the corner of the room. They’d made it relatively recently, because he hadn’t really...trusted them with the secret of Sam’s existence. But he’d decided they were safe. So he told them. He couldn’t remember the actual moment he did so, but how else would they have found out about Sam?
Jack rushed over to the tank. Sam had been bonking on the lid, looking at him. “What is it, bud?” Sam wanted to see the video. “Well, Schneep can bring his phone over—” No, that wouldn’t work. He scared Sam. “C’mon, Sam, you gotta get over this.” Sam would not. They knew something was off, they didn’t like the way he looked at them. “Well, if you insist. Hang on, I’ll open the tank and you can come upstairs, I’ll show you on my computer.” Sam thought that was a good idea.
With a little effort, Jack pried the lid off the tank and Sam burst out in a spurt of green liquid. They immediately settled on Jack’s shoulder. “Comfortable?” They were. “Alright. Hang on, then.” Jack dashed upstairs. Jameson and Schneep watched him go in silence.
“How do they talk?” Schneep asked. “It has no mouth but Jack understands it just fine!”
{I’m...not quite sure, to be honest,} Jameson admitted. {If it’s a form of telepathy it’s not one I can detect. Jack just seems to know what Sam is feeling. They are definitely connected somehow.}
“Fascinating...” Schneep turned his phone back on, opening up the YouTube video again. “I think we will have to go over this with the others, yes?”
{Indeed.} Jameson stood up, then took Jack’s vacant spot on the couch. {I could feel a definite shift in Jack during that video. I believe Anti thought it would help jog his memory.}
“But how did he do this? How did he reach into Jack’s channel? And how did he change his appearance to match closer to Jack’s? Can he shift shape?”
{My good doctor, I think you need to calm down and focus on the more immediately problem. Jack cannot remember.}
“True, true...but someday I want to find the answers to these questions. And maybe I can answer my questions about Jack’s eye as well. Anyway, will you need to undo his mess?”
{Hmm...perhaps not. I’ll wait until the end of the day to see if there’s any lasting effect. But if there is...I think I may need to strengthen my approach, if one glitch’s video can break through it without too much difficulty.}
Jack was starting to get uneasy. After he showed Sam the video, he’d scrolled down through the comments, reading the viewers’ reactions. He thought he’d done something like this before...looking for the viewers freaking out in reaction to a video he posted. But when would that have happened? He was a gamer, he never uploaded anything this level of shocking. The closest it got was Halloween, but he’d been scared then because Anti was taking over...that...was how it went down, wasn’t it? He just couldn’t shake the feeling of the glitch over his shoulder, but not...in a hostile way...
Most of the comments were very typical. Along the lines of  “Aaaaaaah oh my god Anti is here!!! Aaaaaaa!!!” But there were a couple theories, comparing this sudden dropped video to the Halloween one, which had been built up.
Well, if he was looking for theories, he needed to be on a different website. On a whim, he switched over and searched up the jacksepticeye tab, scrolling through the results. Lots more of the “Ohmigodanti” reactions. He kept refreshing the search, looking for new...yeah, he definitely remembered doing this before. Only now there was Sam with him, instead of...but that wasn’t possible.
Then, he came across a post. Just a single question: “Does anyone else think that Anti isn’t, well, particularly evil?” Reading that, Jack felt...he didn’t know how he felt. Like he’d just remembered something, but there was nothing there. Most of the responses to the post were like “He possessed Jack and slit his throat, how is that not evil?” and that seemed the rational response...it was, wasn’t it? 
Boop. The sound of his text alert startled Jack out of his...whatever this was. He picked up his phone from where he’d dropped it on his desk and read the text from Chase: Dude, are you coming down for dinner or what?
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered to himself. “Sam, you ready to go back in the tank or do you want to hang around a bit more? I...miss hanging out with you. We don’t do it as much.” Sam missed it too, but they wanted to return to the tank. It was safe, and they didn’t think his friends were. “They’re fine, Sam. If they wanted to, like, murder me they would have done it by now.” Sam was worried about him. “...thanks, bud. I appreciate it, but everything is okay.” Sam wasn’t sure about that, but if Jack insisted.
Dinner was the only time when everyone was home and awake to eat at the same time, so it was usually an event. Jackie or Jameson usually cooked, and they all sat at the table and made (sometimes awkward) conversation. There wasn’t really a defined seating arrangement, but they all sort of fell into the same pattern. Jackie and Marvin sat as far away as possible from each other, Jack usually sat next to Chase, or sometimes Jameson or Jackie, Schneep usually sat near Jackie or occasionally Chase, and Jameson sat near Marvin. There were only so many ways to sit with those requirements.
It was spaghetti night, because neither Jackie nor Jameson felt like cooking and spaghetti was easy. Jack was hungry, but he couldn’t bring himself to do more than pick at the noodles. He had too many thoughts, and they all contradicted each other.
“You okay, Jack?” Jackie asked.
“Uh...yeah, I’m just...thinking.”
“About what?”
“Well...I don’t know.” Jack dropped the fork. “You all saw that video on the channel today?”
Everyone nodded. “Are you going to delete it?” Chase asked.
“Maybe. But...after watching it, I feel...” Jack put his head in his hands. “I feel...like I’m forgetting something. Or that something is wrong. And I keep thinking about Anti, and I think I have weird memories...and Sam is worried about me...”
“Okay, that’s cool.” Marvin didn’t seem to be paying attention. He kept glancing toward Jameson.
“Maybe your headache is just playing tricks on your brain, Jack!” Schneep suggested. “That is a thing that can happen if it is bad enough.”
“Really?” Jack was skeptical. He would know about that, wouldn’t he?
“I think you need to get your mind off things,” Marvin said. “Hey, Jameson and I are working on something, and we need a third person. You wanna help?”
“I...literally don’t know anything about magic.”
“Well, that’s okay. We just need you to observe what happens, take notes, tell us if you feel anything, like, psychically. Not too hard.”
“I don’t...” Jack paused. It wouldn’t hurt to help them out, would it? {No, it wouldn’t.} And it could help him forget this whole mess of a day...{it seemed like a good idea.} “Alright, if you insist. After dinner.”
And indeed, after they’d all finished Jack followed Marvin and Jameson down into the basement. The other three, stuck cleaning up, exchanged looks.
“You don’t think...this will have any side effects, do you?” Chase asked.
“I hope not,” Jackie muttered.
“What kind of side effects?” Schneep asked.
“I don’t know! Just!” Chase glared in the general direction of the basement door. “That’s my friend! And I don’t know if this new thing will work. Doesn’t it seem kind of risky to have two people doing the spell at the same time? Like, they’d distract each other?”
“I think it will be fine,” Schneep said dismissively. “Jameson is knowledgeable, and Marvin is very skilled. They will be fine together.”
“Well...I guess this is our best option,” Jackie said reluctantly. “Still never liked this whole...thing, but...”
“It will be fine.” Schneep’s voice left no room for argument. “You will see.”
Jack woke up with purple at the edges of his vision. It faded away. He wondered why that was, and then he forgot what he was wondering about. He felt great.
To his surprise, when he came downstairs to get something to eat before starting the day, everyone was awake. That was something he’d only seen maybe twice since joining the household. Schneep, Jameson, and Marvin were all in the living room, and Chase and Jackie were sitting at the table eating in the kitchen/dining room. “Is there an event or something?” he asked. “Why is everyone awake? Did all our sleep schedules just align?”
“Oh hi Jack!” Chase said. “You feeling alright?”
“Yeah, actually. Pretty good! I might do some VR games today, full of that energy.”
“Nice, dude. Here, I got you some toast.”
“Aw, thanks.” As he sat at the table, munching, he felt...like he was forgetting something. “Hey, uh, what day is it?”
“Friday,” Marvin called from the living room.
“Uh, actually I meant date. I think my phone’s off.”
“It’s the tenth of March,” Jackie said. “Why?”
“I just felt like there was...something I was supposed to be doing. But I think it must be because I’m not at Pax this year. I had my panel scheduled for today until I had to cancel it.”
Chase shrugged. “Well, unfortunately travel difficulties don’t just go away.”
“Yeah.” Jack finished off the toast. “I’m goin’ back up now. You guys know where to find me.” He disappeared up the stairs.
Everyone left collectively relaxed. “Either he is a better actor than he thought, or he really does not remember what happened the day before yesterday.” Schneep breathed a sigh or relief.
“And...you’re sure I’ll never have to do that again?” Marvin asked, turning to Jameson. “I have more important stuff to do with my day.”
{Relax, Marvin.} Jameson waved away his concern. {Now that the spell’s set in motion, it can run on its own energy. It just needs to be kicked into gear every week or so, and that is something I can do on my own.}
“Alright. Okay. Good, we’re all good.” Chase laughed nervously. “God, that was close. We almost lost him.”
Across the city, a screen was smashed. Then the smasher immediately regretted it. That security monitor was an important window into what the hell was going on in that house, he really needed to stop this.
Anti forced himself to breathe, the strange, steadying motion bringing him back down to earth. It was okay. He’d just adapt. First, he’d see if he could still reach Jack through the combination of the house’s wards and the mind spell, whichever spell it may be. Then, he’d get a new screen. Then, he’d figure out what, exactly, this new and improved method was. It was fine. It was fine. He just had to try again. Some of the keener fans were starting to catch on, though they still thought this was all a game. So that was a helpful thing that came out of this.
But still, it stung knowing he’d almost had him back.
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hollenka99 · 6 years
Ten Months Too Long
This is based on @septic-dr-schneep ‘s concept of soul bonds. I was in the middle of torturing Jackie writing Jackie’s POV in the Creator AU last night when I saw this post. It really hit me where it hurts.
I’m not really planning on having soul bonds or something similar becoming part of this universe. But if I did, the first pairing that springs to mind is that of Jackie and Marvin. I really doubt they would have been able to develop a bond deep enough in the 2.5 months they knew each other before Jackie was taken for it to become a soul bond. However, after Jackie returns in September 2017, he’s definitely going to lean on Marv, seeing as he’s the only familiar ego available.
I wouldn’t say this has gore (The Hero aka Jackie’s POV certainly does) but there are multiple references to bodily trauma. And the only canon part of this is what Anti is putting Jackie through and his return.
When Jackie comes to ask if he knows a silencing spell, neither of them realise it’s the last time they’ll see each other in 10 months. That doesn’t mean Marvin feels nothing during that time.
He gets a headache later that evening, focused on the side. He assumes it is nothing serious. It certainly doesn’t make him question whether Jackie is safe. The teenage boy’s absence does that.
He’ll experience random pains throughout the months his friend is gone. Sometimes it will simply be a sharp aching. Other times, he’ll be left wondering if Jackie is still in one piece.
It’s not quite a fortnight after the house loses part of its life that Marvin is sent to the ground. He’s practising some offensive spell when his left shin shatters. The right follows suit swiftly after. Over his stuttered breathing, he hears Jack yelling for Henrik’s help. The doctor finds nothing physically wrong.
They have no idea that the superhero could have come home that night if he wasn’t under Anti’s constant surveillance.
The first time the magician experiences unbearable hollowness is on Christmas Day. It’s not the first time he’s had these fake stomach cramps. The one on Christmas grows in intensity until it jarringly vanishes. All that remains is emptiness within himself. Jack promises him the holiday isn’t supposed to be this terrible. He swears next December will see all five of them, plus whoever may join the household in 2017, happy and without need to worry. Jack should stick to making promises he can actually keep.
February brings the worst agony thus far. He’s glad he’s nearly mastered a spell to render himself temporarily mute. Jack may be awake at all times but Marvin would hate to wake anyone. An invisible force is tearing him apart, joint by joint. Being put back together isn’t much better.
When Jackie later tearfully admits to betraying them, Marvin doesn’t blame him for cracking after that round of torture. He’d probably break before it got that far.
Henrik is the one to delicately question whether Marvin didn’t perform some spell on Jackie that allowed him to know when he’s hurt. Perhaps it was after Jackie’s near death experience the previous August, he suggests. No. If Marvin did anything like that, he would know. He greatly doubts he would be able to do it subconsciously either, especially before the start of November. The concept of him being connected to Jackie is daunting. If it’s true, he doesn’t want to even imagine what becoming hollow signifies.
There are nights where Jack finds him sobbing in the dark and mealtimes where the food turns cold before him. He knows Jack is doing his best to be sympathetic. Henrik, on the other hand, is occasionally too analytical, too much of a doctor, to see him as more than an undiagnosed patient. He doesn't know how he can make them understand he can't sleep when he's on edge and doesn't see the point in eating if his twisting gut will just trigger his dinner to make a u-turn. Even Bastet affectionately curling up on his lap doesn't help.
Jackie fades slowly in March. Marvin almost wishes it would come about sooner. If he really was sensing Jackie’s suffering, this time it’s being drawn out over weeks. As soon as Marvin recovers from one bout of numbness, another follows days later. It carries on like this until late April.
He’s out of commission on Jackie’s birthday. It’s a culmination of everything Jackie has gone through since November. The burns are new. Marvin’s burned himself by accident before with his own magic. He knows what the searing sensation across various parts of his body is mimicking. When he gets the chance to breathe between phantom pains, Marvin’s heart goes out to Jackie. At least, Marvin attempts to comfort himself, at least he isn’t empty.
That returns on his own birthday. Worst of all, he has no-one to help him through it. Jack is comatose and Henrik is presumably with Jackie. Chase is busy being badgered by Sean about something or other. As for Sean? Yeah, Marvin would rather subject himself to everything Jackie had been through these past nine months a hundred times over than even think about interacting with their creator.
It hurts that time. It’s not instant but at least Anti didn’t prolong it like whatever he did in the spring. He only wishes Jackie could have lost consciousness faster. It would have easier for the both of them. He doesn’t understand why his insides don’t feel right for a while. He’s not particularly eager to either.
Then September comes. With it brings a now 17 year old boy who is fatally malnourished, a remnant of the lively kid Marvin once knew. He and Chase somehow manage to give him what they hope is the right care. If only Henrik was here to correctly direct them.
Soon, Marvin will have to explain all that happened in the 10 months Jackie was gone. Soon, Marvin will have to show him the damage done from the previous month. Soon, Marvin will have to look his friend in the eye and admit he’s escaped hell only to return to a household that’s greatly in disarray.
For now, Marvin is content with curling up besides his friend, one paw gently resting on his stomach. Jackie’s safe again. The magician is better prepared than he was in November. There’s no chance in hell he’ll allow any more harm to come to Jackie.
He’s more at peace than he has been in months. The only thing can make this better is if Jack and Henrik were here too.
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