#i was once in a fandom that was like six people and a shoelace so I had to do this myself using screenshots and it was Bad
firstelevens · 10 months
I've been on this hellsite a long time, which means that I have seen many a ship immortalized in a gifset featuring the iconic line from Annelyse Gelman's "The Pillowcase":
I burned so long so quiet you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I did, I do.
And all I'm saying is what were all those tender gazes for in Endgame and TFATWS if not for Sam/Bucky to get the same treatment?
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shads-shipposts · 2 months
Anachronism Ch 1
We did it chat
We surpassed the "Fandom is six people and a shoelace" meme. We are now seven people and a shoelace!
This calls for celebration.
In the form of another full chapter of my fic Anachronism! Unproofread of course, because this page is still the furthest thing from polished and I am to keep it chaotic.
The prologue is here!
CW: Language
Wordcount: 3086
It’s all fun and games until it happens to you.
Oh, sure, we’ve all laughed at someone else’s misfortune. I’ve done it, even at the most inopportune of moments. Like a kid tripping and eating asphalt.
Or when a character gets sucked into fanfiction and must survive the HorrorsTM.
I’d read my fair share of those fics in my fair share of fandoms. Star Wars, Assassin’s Creed Three and Four, and Tintin seemed to be the main ones.
Speaking of Tintin…
Maybe it was an odd sort of gift, granted by the universe with her oh so funny sense of humor. College had my stories stuck in a rut, so this could be the big breakthrough to jumpstart my creativity once more. Or this could be karma for never finishing my own universe-yeet Tintin fanfiction.
The Day Karma Bit Back.
I figured my habit of never finishing fics all the way through would eventually bite me in the ass.
I just didn’t imagine it’d be in the form of me waking up in a 1950s style apartment in the Tintin movie, something immediately apparent by the realistic yet stylized environment.
Slowly sitting up in confusion, I peered around at the room.
That only left me more confused when I saw my phone charging on the nightstand, and my laptop charging on a dresser.
Not the weirdest dream I’d ever had, because hellfire I’d had some off the wall ones that no amount of backtracking through my day could explain.
Useful for wilder story concepts, though.
Maybe college had finally pushed me to the breaking point. When I say I contemplated dropping out last Fall… damn those fruit flies and their entire lab-grown lineage to hell.
I yelped and flipped out of the bed as a voice sounded right by my ear. Jumping into a right fighting stance, guard up, I found myself staring at a familiar face.
Not a sailor, or a reporter, or even a Tintin character at all.
Instead, I was looking at one of my characters.
Tan skin, shoulder length black hair that fluffed in every direction, mischievous green eyes, and a body built like a brick shithouse.
“T-… Trevor!?” I sputtered, blinking rapidly as if he were merely an illusion and a few resets would make him disappear.
How was he here? Yeah, sure, he originally started showing up in a Tintin fic snippet I had from like 2017 or 2018, so him in Tintin wasn’t too outlandish… but why was he in my room?
He flopped on my bed, rolling onto his back and grinning up at me.
Hell, those teeth are sharp.
“The creator recognizes me!” He flipped back onto his stomach, pointing a finger gun at me. “Ya know, still waitin’ on you to draw me.”
“I mean, come on!” Trevor sat up and gestured to himself. “You only just recently settled on a design! I’ve just be a vague consciousness that plagues your story with no set corporeal form, do you know how hard it is to flirt with people like that?”
I shook my head, waving my hands in a weak attempt to get him to stop talking so I could get a word in. “Hold it! What kind of whack-ass dream am I havin’ that you’re in?” I exclaimed. “You’ve never shown up in my dreams!”
Yeah, college really has driven me past the brink of insanity. I’m really out here arguing with a figment of my imagination asking why he showed up.
Ain’t the weirdest dream we’ve had.
True that, but still!
Trevor’s grin, somehow, got wider. “Dream? My dearest creator, this isn’t a dream!” He frowned, scratching behind his ear like a dog. “Though, suppose it is in a way. Dream come true for your hyperfixated self, gettin’ to roam the Tintin movie from 2011! Ya know, the reason you’re writin’?”
I grimaced. “Ugh, please don’t remind me of that old role-play nightmare.”
“Hey, it was a start!”
“A cringey start at that,” I muttered, then shook my head violently to erase it from my brain like an Etch-A-Sketch. “Hey, stop changin’ the subject!”
“What subject?” Trevor asked, an innocent smile on his face.
“The subject of what the hell you’re doing here, in my dream. I know you’re self aware, you little shit.”
“That I am! Well, since you’re so persistent.” Somehow managing a backflip off the bed, he then raised his arms above his head like a successful gymnast.
“Try hard,” I snorted.
“Ah, but who designed me so?”
“Yourself,” I shot back. “I never even created your dramatic ass, you just started showin’ up. Like the personification of the plot or somethin’.”
“Ah, but you can’t say I ain’t useful!”
“Broken clock is right twice a day.”
“I could boot you back to the ‘waking’.” He used air quotes around the word. “World if you’d prefer!” His teeth flashed in a devious grin. “I’m sure the Spring semester would love to welcome you in.”
Nausea rose up my throat and I felt the beginnings of a tension migraine behind my eyes.
“Ugh hard pass.”
“So stay awhile!” Trevor suggested, spreading his arms wide. “Besides, what do you have to lose?” He winked at me. “Like you said, it’s just a dream.”
Boy, I do not like the way you said that.
But, he had a point. Or, I guess my subconscious did. This wouldn’t be the first time I lucid dreamed, or was self aware in a dream. And what else could it be other than a dream?
People didn’t jump between universes. That just wasn’t a thing.
A dream.
That was it.
Just… just a dream.
Given that it was just a dream, wouldn’t hurt to go rambling. It was odd the scene hadn’t shifted yet, since my dreams were usually pretty chaotic, but maybe this was the time for a scene shift.
May as well make the best of it before I wake up on Winter Break again. Happy New Year to me.
“Alright, fine,” I groaned. “I’ll bite.”
“You sure do!” Trevor looked at his watch-less wrist. “Welp, gotta get goin’! Things to do, places to be.”
What cosmic entity did I piss off to earn this nightmare?
“Hold it!” I barked, following him as he started for the door. “Can’t I get at least a little explanation?”
“Nope!” Trevor turned to face me, grinning ear to ear. “This is not a well-thought-out and carefully crafted type of fanfic, no no! This is a wild ride of a fic where we just take the cards we’re dealt, and we run with them!” He shrugged. “All there is to it!”
“Besides! Explaining things only slows the chaos down, after all no one has time nor patience for exposition dumps. That’s not why they’re here! They’re here for nonsense to fuel their escapism and yearning for found-family that would kill for them!”
“Who the fuck is they?” I exclaimed, gesturing at the empty apartment. “We’re alone.”
“Are we?”
“Hey, don’t pull a Polar Express train hobo,” I said, jabbing a finger into his chest. “Can’t I get a little info?”
“It’s a dream, right? They don’t do info dumped they go straight into the crack!” He held his hand up. “But if you insist.”
The moment he snapped his fingers a wave of images and information slammed into my brain and knocked me off my feet.
Dark alleyways, crowded marketplaces, peaceful courtyards, musty attics, cluttered apartments.
Quick glimpses really, like the faded, hazy memories of dreams. Enough of a visage to distinguish where I was, to feel a sense of familiarity, but not really anything more.
Blurry snapshot rather than a true picture.
Sounds muted and unclear, like hearing things from underwater. Just past the point of deciphering. Voices, lots of those. Gunshots? Yes, those too.
One particular scene came into focus.
The library, its aisles dark and shelves overturned. Books everywhere, some intact some not. Adrenaline pulsing through my veins, something heavy scalding my hand.
A pistol, recently and frequently fired.
Echoes of gunfire, accompanied by yelling. Angry, threatening yelling, the roughness and pitch unmistakably masculine.
Yet there was another above the din, a lighter tone that had yet to really mature into the lower base of a grown adult.
A glance to the side revealed a familiar freckled face and ginger quiff, its owner hunkered down behind an overturned table with me. A flash of white fur near his leg, adding his barks to the cacophony.
Was Tintin shorter than me? No, yes… maybe?
It was always so hard to tell when crouched, as I was all leg and hardly any torso at all.
Height didn’t matter here, but numbers did.
And we were losing.
Tintin grabbed my hand, yanking me towards a fallen shelf as he fired over his shoulder and forced the attackers to take cover.
Were they the sailors? Another faction? Simple thugs?
I didn’t know, and would apparently never know as the scene vanished like a mirage on an old dirt road during a summer heatwave.
In its place came the headache of the century.
“Hellfire,” I groaned, gripping my head. “I know they say to avoid infodumps in stories, but this is a-whole-nother bitch. What the fuck, Trevor?”
I received no answer.
I slowly sat up, cursing as the room spun. “Trevor?”
No one, just me in the room.
One of the windows to the fire escape was open, however, and with great difficulty I got to my feet to see if he’d escaped that way.
You better be gone gone, ‘cause boy if I get my hands on you you’re donezo.
I staggered to the back window, leaning heavily on the windowsill as the low drone of a ship’s horn echoed off the alley walls. A quick scan of the lower street revealed no Trevor, and as I blinked away the spots from my vision I also saw no sign of him along the rooftops.
“Trickster bastard,” I grumbled, rubbing my temple.
Another low drone from a ship caught my attention, and I looked towards the source. Just over the tops of some of the building, I could see the crane arms moving back and forth.
You know you want to.
It’s a dream, right?
My eyes moved to the sketchpad on my nightstand.
What do you have to lose?
My phone chirped, which was quite odd given I’d had that sucker on silent since 2015. The screen brightened, and as I picked it up, I found myself looking at the lockscreen.
My persona Scarlett Bloodsmoke embracing two dear friends, Thatcher Morgan and Skipper Anders, on the enchanted shores of the dreamrealm.
My eyes drifted to the text alert banner, and my nose wrinkled in a scowl as I read Trevor’s name at the top.
The contents of his text only deepened my frown.
“May as well get reference sketches for the Caroline even though you sink her!”
Of all the character deaths I concocted, the wreck of the Caroline and all the men who went down with her was probably the one that hit me the hardest. It’d been two years since I drafted the scene, and two years since I’d last read it because it was so painful.
It was also the reason I had my phone thrown at me by two of my friends.
Thatcher and Skipper had perished in the wreck, something that would haunt both Scarlett and me.
And got me yelled at by my therapist, but it was honestly very deserved.
I looked again out towards the distant cranes as yet again a ship’s horn echoed off the brick walls like a siren’s call.
This was a dream. It had to be. So any pictures or sketches would remain in my consciousness only as I couldn’t pull them into the real world . But even so…
Dreams had given me very handy inspiration before.
At the very least, I could update the Caroline’s design.
She had her roots in the Karaboudjan anyways, just like Thatcher had his roots in Allan and Skipper had his in Tom.
“Alright,” I muttered, heading to the closet to find something comfy to wear. “Let’s get some inspiration.”
-Allan pov-
The hair caught Allan’s eye first. 
Dark bluish-purple in the shade, a more vibrant reddish-purple in the sun. 
The owner of the hair only piqued his interest more.
He, or she, looked so out of place it was almost hilarious. At least among the dockworkers. She had enough sense to stay out of the way, sticking close to a large wall where she was cloaked mostly in the long, mid-morning shadows cast by the warehouse. But she wasn’t even trying to blend in with the rest of the men, sitting cross legged atop a crate scribbling furiously in a sketchbook.
The odd sight wasn’t exactly concerning, but the fact she frequently looked at the Karaboudjan was. 
Surely she couldn’t be a reporter or journalist. 
Then again, that ginger nuisance Allan and his men ran across near Egypt also didn’t look like a journalist but had caused a world of hurt for Allan’s operations. Looks could be incredibly deceiving. 
But there was something else.
He couldn’t be sure from this distance, but the kid almost looked… familiar? 
Surely not.
His dream that morning was making him paranoid, that was all. It was embarrassing really, that a simple nightmare had him so rattled he saw Scarlett’s face everywhere now. 
Yet his eyes remained trained on her. 
He had to know. Had to know why the hell she was sketching the ship. 
It was because of her clear fascination and focus on the ship, nothing more. He just needed... needed to keep an eye out. The FBI and Interpol could have spies everywhere. 
It was purely business.
It wasn’t personal.
It wasn’t dire.
It wasn’t Scarlett. 
“Hey, Al, what are ya lookin’ at?” Tom asked, coming up beside him. 
Allan dipped his head towards the kid. “We got a watcher.” 
Another one of Allan’s men, an Australian named Neil, joined them. “Yeah, she’s been there since I started unloadin’.”
Allan glanced at him. “Talk to ‘er?”
Neil shook his head. “Didn’t see a need to. She’s outta the way, and is mindin’ ‘er business. Ain’t botherin’ anyone.” 
Allan turned his attention back to the kid. “Right.” 
“Should I have?” Neil asked. 
“Not sure yet,” Allan replied slowly. 
And he hated that he wasn’t. Uncertainty could put you at risk to be blindsided, and blindsides were a death sentence in Allan’s line of work. 
“Nice hair, though,” Neil commented with a small laugh. “Reminds me of my sister, she always liked dyein’ ‘er hair fancy colors.”
Tom tilted his head as he watched her scribble. “Purple, though? Bit anachronistic, don’t ya think?” 
Neil glanced at Tom and elbowed him with a sly grin. “Didn’t think you could manage big words like that, Tommy.” 
Tom glared at him, clearly fighting down a smile of his own. “Piss off,” he growled, shoving Neil.
“Stow it,” Allan snapped as the pair started going for headlocks and rib shots.
This was just too weird to ignore, too odd to brush off as mere coincidence. 
He had to figure out why exactly she was here, and who exactly she was. 
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked, smacking Neil’s hat off in one last blow.
Tom, you well-meaning but unobservant idiot.
“Look at ‘er face.”
Tom gave him an odd look, but peered across the docks. “Is there… somethin’ I’m lookin’ for?”
“She doesn’t remind you of Scarlett?”
Tom’s eyes widened. “Oh… shit, yeah. I see it now.”
Neil frowned. “Who?”
“Someone we ran across a few months ago. She was…” Allan struggled to find the words to describe her that wouldn’t make him look like a madman spouting about aliens. “Unique.”
“She kinda just vanished without a trace,” Tom added. “We’re still not exactly sure what all happened those few days she was ‘round ‘ere.”
“And you think the sketcher is her?”
Allan shook his head. “Not a chance. Scarlett had some… unmistakable traits.”
“Like what?”
“Not important right now.”
As far as you’re concerned, Neil.
Neil glanced at Tom, clearly hoping the man would shed some light on the First Mate’s statement. When Tom offered nothing, eyes focused on the young woman, Neil looked back at Allan.
“Am I… missin’ somethin’, boss?”
Should he offer a little more information? Neil had proven himself a reliable secretkeeper, and fairly unshakable no matter what Allan threw his way. Harry Hobbs also spoke highly of him, assuring Allan that Neil could be trusted with their… more secretive operation.
“There’s a good chance,” Allan began carefully. “Scarlett wasn’t… earthly.”
Neil blinked. “An alien.”
“She had a bloody tail.”
“A fluffy one,” Tom added. “Black and white striped. Furry feet and ears too.”
“Ah.” Neil looked at the sketcher. “That explains the fascination. Really think this kid has a connection?”
“Think I’ll go find out myself.”
Tom looked at him, somewhat alarmed. “What if she bolts?” He gestured to the both of them. “We’re not exactly the most friendly lookin’.”
“Good point,” Allan muttered, then turned to Neil. “Go try and talk to ‘er.”
Neil wasn’t exactly any less physically imposing than Allan or Tom, but him alone may not be as threatening.
“Keep ‘er distracted, but don’t engage. No threats, got it?”
No need to make a scene, not yet. Usually he wouldn’t care, after all if you acted like you had something to hide people got suspicious, but after his nightmare coincided with Tom’s, he was on edge for anything unusual.
Her face, even from this distance…
It was just so damn close to Scarlett. Blood relation close. 
Could Alphians shift into humans? He thought he recalled Scarlett mentioning that once, but he couldn’t be sure. 
Either way, he could not let this kid escape without seeing if she knew the Alphian. 
“Not… gonna do anythin’ to ‘er, right boss?” Neil asked, a new hardness to his tone. 
“No, she’s not in any danger.” Not yet. “I just have questions for ‘er.”
Neil still didn’t seem convinced. 
“Just go,” Allan ordered. 
As Neil left, Allan turned to Tom. “Alert the boys. Get ‘em to block the exits, but discreetly. Wait for my word, this could be nothin’.” 
Tom nodded and left to carry out the order. 
Allan turned back to watch the kid, eyes narrowed. 
Nothing personal. 
I need answers. 
And you’re not goin’ anywhere until I get them.
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glitteryhellhole · 4 years
alright lets do this
here we go
Title: The Tent Fandom: Z nation Pairing: 10K x female reader Word count: approx 3k Rating: 18 Description: fluffy smut with awkward cinnamon roll 10K
A gas station. A real life, untouched gas station. Apart from the bloody handprints smeared on the concrete walls.
It didn't take long to sweep and secure the area, then fill up the truck and the reserve cannisters. Afterwards Warren gestured with her gun to the convenience store. “Look for anything useful.”
The place had been untouched since day one. Mummified hot dogs still sitting on a rack. The register hanging open- perhaps in the beginning some people had looted cash, but it didn't take long to realise money didn't mean anything anymore.
You shoved bottles of water and packets of candy into your rucksack before following Addy's gaze to the toiletries shelf. Pads and tampons, little travel-sized bodywashes, an actual toothbrush.
“It's a whole new kind of mercy,” she whistled.
You picked up the first aid kit and the two crushed boxes of painkillers, turning to ask Doc if they'd be any good- and found him and Murphy kneeling on the counter, pulling away the plastic panel which guarded the cigarettes.
Priorities, huh.
Loaded up, you looked around you. Warren was on watch so 10K had let his guard down for once and was poking at the faded magazines. You saw his pink lips move as he mouthed the titles to himself. Something familiar caught his eye, probably the one with guns all over, and he reached up- and the whole top shelf came tumbling down. Suddenly 10K was surrounded by glossy double-page spreads of unnaturally bronzed and perky breasts and butts.
He froze like an animal in a trap.
“Found what you're looking for?” Doc's voice was loud and his arms were cradling an impressive quantity of alcohol. “There's a lot of generic lesbians, over forties, asian fetish, but for a beginner I'd recommend-”
The rest of his sentence was drowned out by a crash as 10K backed rapidly out of the shop, cheeks ablaze, taking down a stand of air fresheners and sending sunglasses skittering across the floor in every direction.
The rest of you laughed, for the first time in a while. Back in the truck and passing round bags of only-slightly-stale chips, you all agreed that the gas station was your best find in quite some time.
Except perhaps for the tent.
A little way back, a stranded family had been incredibly grateful for a tow out of the ditch, and had gifted you their spare tent. No ordinary camping gear, this thing was foil-lined and had a built in waterproof, cushioned underlayer. On an especially hot night you'd probably want it to yourself but the rest of the time it comfortably housed two people, keeping in the heat. You'd been taking turns each night, with priority to the injured, meaning that every morning there was at least one person who was fully rested and recharged. Ideal when every day was a battle for survival.
Of course, there was one other advantage to the tent. Privacy. Human needs didn't really get talked about in this un-human world, and whatever got overheard in the night would also go unspoken.
It was nearing dusk and you were pulling over to make camp. “Who's turn in the tent?” Murphy called out as he threw himself down on the ground. “Dibs.”
Warren, who was unloading a heavy bag, gave him a kick in the side. “Get up and help. I don't think 10K's had a turn yet.”
“Neither's she.” He nodded at you.
“Settled then.”
Murphy sniggered.
Since there was plenty of water, there was a rare chance to wash up a bit. Ladies first while the men stood watch with their backs turned, and then vice versa. Nowhere near to having a hot shower in privacy, but it was something. You noticed that 10K didn't bother putting his shirt back on afterwards as he squatted by the fire cleaning his weapons, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.
How could somebody so skinny be so strong? Must be the result of life outdoors.
He raised an eyebrow and you realised you were staring. Oops.
“Here.” Somebody passed you a can of cheap beer that had come from the store along with the snacks and cigarettes. It was almost like being at a camp-out. The beer was gross but it gave you a nice warm feeling in your chest, and the idea of lying down somewhere soft started to seem quite appealing, so you said your goodnights and retreated into the tent.
You weren't sure how long it was until you were joined, perhaps you'd started to drift off- the sound of the zip jolted you back to your senses as 10K flopped unceremoniously into the tent, stretching out next to you. “Beer makes shoelaces hard.” He complained.
You giggled and sat up to help. “When was the last time you slept without shoes on?”
“Probably before my voice broke.” He scratched his head while watching you remove his boots and then said, “I'm not good at talking, especially to girls, but you don't scare me.”
“Thanks for the compliment, I think?” You laid back down, closing your eyes and pulling your blanket over you. There was silence for a minute but it was oddly comfortable, the security of a warm person breathing next to you.
“What was your first word?” You asked into the silence. “I bet it was gun.”
“Actually it was primrose.”
“My momma's favourite flower.” He rolled over onto his stomach, closing the gap between you, and rested his cheek on his folded arms. “I was six. Doctor said I wasn't learning but I was paying attention to everything. She used to take me to the library in town to look at all sorts of books, that where we learned to sign.”
You couldn't help but ask. “When did she...?”
“When I was nine. Pops wanted me to try and be a normal kid but once she'd gone he didn't want anything to do with the rest of the world and stopped sending me to school.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's ok.” He wriggled a little to get more comfortable. “Can you talk for a bit now?”
So you talked about your own parents, and your hometown, and it surely wasn't very interesting but 10K watched you intently as he sobered up, studying your face, and you hoped you weren't blushing. After a while you came to a natural conclusion in your story and realised that his fingers were twitching, as though he were nervous.
What's up?” you asked softly.
He blinked slowly. “Ain't always easy to tell when you're supposed to say stuff and when you're not.”
Unsure what to expect, you gave him an encouraging nod.
“Can I... touch your hair?”
Your heart started to beat a little fast and you nodded again. 10K's fingers reached out timidly to feel you hair, twisting strands and brushing them away from your face.
You hadn't felt human touch in so long, and you couldn't help but rest your head on his arm as he stroked. The pair of you seemed to breathe in unison. It was almost peaceful.
Almost. Apart from the little sparks of electricity that seemed to fizzle into life where your skin touched his.
Could he feel it too? It didn't seem so. There he was growing more and more serene, while you were   warming up in a way that had nothing to do with the insulated tent.
“Um...” You fidgeted awkwardly, trying to choose the right words. “10K? You know why they were giggling right?”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes were closed. “People do stuff in the tent. Its pretty obviously I've never... y'know.”
“Does it bother you?”
“A bit, but its not like I can go meet a girl and ask her Pops if I can take her to the barn dance.”
You couldn't help but laugh a little. “I mean the teasing.”
“Oh.” He blushed slightly as he opened his eyes to look at you. “I get why, you're near my age and you're pretty. Any guy would be lucky to date you.”
Oh indeed. Maybe he did feel it then.
“You could...” You bit your lip and steeled yourself. “You could pretend that you were.”
He sat bolt upright, making you jump, and a wide grin spread across his face. “I could ask you on a picnic, at my favourite place in the woods.” His words were tumbling out fast from nervous excitement. “Make nice bread, Mom's special recipe with the dried fruit. And we could talk like we did earlier and I could pick you flowers and then I could kiss you.”
His lips were clumsy as they first met yours, but eager, and didn't take long to find a groove. You sighed and leaned in, one hand reaching up into his hair, and-
A single gunshot cracked through the air.
In an instant 10K was lurching for the tent entrance where his gun was propped. You reached for your shoes, panic rising in your chest.
“False alarm.” Doc's voice came from outside. “Nothing to worry about. Hey, you okay in there kid? Need me to give ya a quick pep talk on anything?”
“I'm good.” He zipped the flap back up then turned back to you. “Actually do you think maybe I should? I don't really know what to do.”
You couldn't help but laugh again. He was way too innocent for someone so good-looking.
You put and hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.  “Just do what feels natural.”
“Okay.” He gave you another wide grin, showing those adorably crooked teeth, and then practically launched himself at you, so you landed on your back and he was on top of you, lips moulding to the shape of yours. You gasped for air and 10K made an apologetic sound without pausing the kiss, propping himself up on one elbow so that you could breathe.
His hand rested on your stomach, fingers still for a moment before balling up your shirt and gently navigating the exposed skin. Tentative. Like soothing a spooked animal.
You reached your hand up to touch his shoulders, feeling hard muscle under surprisingly soft skin. Tracing his collarbones and around the back of his neck. He shivered and broke the kiss, and you saw his tongue dart out to wet his lips.
“Maybe I could take your shirt off too.” He mumbled. In answer you sat up and held your arms above your head. 10K pulled your shirt over your head- sending the little lamp tied to the tent roof swinging- then looked confused as his thumb hooked into the shoulder strap of your sports bra. You kind of wished you'd been wearing something nicer for this occasion, but you'd dressed for practicality before hitting the road.
“Here. Let me.” You wriggled out of the bra, trying not to elbow him in the process.
“Wowee.” 10K let out a whistle. “You look even better without clothes on. Why would anyone want to look at random pictures?”
It seemed like he could have sat there and stared forever, but you didn't have forever, and so you pulled him in to kiss again. He trailed his lips across your face and on to your neck, one arm supporting you from behind and the other hand landing on your chest, squeezing experimentally.
“Not so hard,” you gasped.
“Sorry. They're squishier than I expected.” He let out a humming noise into the crook of your neck as his fingers found a hard nipple and brushed back and forth.
You dipped your head down too, lightly touching your teeth to his throat. A low growl escaped and he pushed you back down, pressing his body close to yours, and you could feel his eager hardness against your hip.
10K tried the same move, nipping at the skin under your ear. His breathing was very shallow and rapid as he licked and sucked experimentally, moving down over your breasts.
“You taste good. But not in a zombie way.”
Your hands rested on his hips, fingers splaying out to softly squeeze his ass and then dipping below the loose waistband.
“Oh, wait.” He rolled off you to shed a pile of concealed knives and the little sharp discs that he used in the sling shot.
“What else are you hiding down there?” You smirked. For a moment he turned beetroot red and covered his crotch with his hands, but then met your smile with one of his own.
“Just means I like you and I like this.” He shrugged. “Do you-”
“Mmhmm.” You reached out to ease his trouser buttons undone, fumbling slightly, but you weren't nervous. It just felt right with him. “I like you. And I like this.”
He groaned softly as the restriction on his hardness eased and grabbed you for another kiss, this time hungry and slightly sloppy. 10K's fingers found the fastening of your own jeans and made quick work, tugging them down to your knees. Then he paused for a moment, putting a finger to your lips.
There was no noise from outside.
“We're good.” With a bit of awkward shuffling, you both shed your trousers and then looked at each other.
“We probably shouldn't go all the way,” you said almost reluctantly. “No protection and all that. But there's still stuff-”
“Anything.” 10K blurted out without a second's pause. “Everything. I'll do whatever you want. But not what you don't want.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips again as he stared at you earnestly.
You felt a shiver travel down your spine. Nobody had ever looked at you quite like that before. Not just lust but something deeper, as though he was seeing through your skin and right inside you.
“Come here,” he whispered huskily, grabbing your waist and pulling you onto his lap. You sighed into the kiss and slowly moved your hips, letting your centre rub against his as you straddled him, tangling fingers in his messy hair.
10K moaned something that sounded like “shucks” and you couldn't help but snort. What would it take to make him swear? You dug your nails in a little, catching his lip between your teeth.
“Want to touch you.” He moaned, gripping your hips. “Want you to touch me.”
You trailed your hand from his cheek all the way down to cup the pronounced bulge in his boxers and his eyes rolled back in his skull, but then he visibly shook himself and swatted your hand away. “Ladies first.” The hand slid a little clumsily down into your knickers.
You closed your eyes and rested your forehead against 10K's, feeling how hot his skin was. His curious fingertips traced your labia and in between.
“It's wet.” He sounded surpised, and brought a thumb to his mouth to taste.
“That's a good thing.” You felt a little self-conscious as you explained, watching him suck his thumb. “It means I'm, you know, turned on.”
“Show me how to make it feel good,” he murmured, lifting you off his lap and laying you back down before tugging your knickers all the way down and spreading your legs.
You took his hand in yours and guided him, showing him your clit. His marksman fingertips quickly picked it up and he kissed you again as he touched you. “Am I doing it right?”
“Yeah you're- oh, yeah thats good.” Your voice was high-pitched and breathy. 10K made a satisfied “hmph” and nuzzled into your neck. He smelled of safety. Less dirt and blood than usual, traces of soap, whatever he was using for hair gel, engine oil. Sweat but not in the just-been-running-and-fighting way, in the musky hormonal way.
The feeling swelling inside you was something you hadn't experienced, hadn't even thought about, in a long time. But here and now it was growing, consuming, and you couldn't imagine anything other than his touch, his hot breath on your cheek.
“Hey.” 10K's voice was husky again. “You need something else?”
You became aware that your hips were twitching. “A bit faster maybe?”
A moan escaped your lips as he obliged, and 10K grinned. “That's hot.” Then he cocked his head to one side, raising his eyebrows. “I assume girls can- y'know-”
“It looks a bit different but yes.” You were gasping now as you spoke, chest rising and falling.
“Do it for me.” He murmured, watching you as though hypnotised and biting his lip. His words and his gaze loosened the coiled spring that was weighing down your abdomen and the endorphins came rushing as you climaxed.
“Shh.” He pressed his mouth to yours and swallowed your moan, pressing his fingers harder as you moved beneath him until it became almost too much. “Do you want them to hear us?”
You shook your head, trying to control your breathing.
“Maybe you do.” He raised an eyebrow again as his fingers finally slowed to a halt. “I kinda do. So they all know what I just did to you.”
“Do you want your turn or not?”
That shut him up. He glanced down and you followed his gaze. He was still very much erect, and there was now a distinct wet patch where he'd leaked a little in excitement.
You pushed 10K onto his back and settled yourself next to him. “Let me know if something's not ok,” you told him. “I won't do anything you don't want.”
He nodded and closed his eyes. He flinched a little as you pulled his boxers down but then his face relaxed and his lips parted as you touched him.
“Have you done this to yourself?” You asked. “So you know what you like.”
He nodded, looking somewhat bashful. “A few times. But this is different. Better.”
It was your turn to grin as your fingers circled his erection and found a rhythm. 10K's head tilted back and the smallest of high-pitched noises escaped his open mouth. You lowered your lips to his exposed neck and sucked gently at the skin. There was a red mark when you pulled away.
“Mmmph.” He rasped through gritted teeth. “Again.”
“It'll leave a bruise.”
“Don't care.”
You began to create a trail of little hickeys down his throat and across his collarbones as you continued to stroke, and his tiny whimpers grew more frequent. You knew it wouldn't be long.
10K was holding onto you tightly, nails digging in, droplets of sweat visible on his forehead. “I think I'm gonna- ahh....” He seemed to lose the ability to speak as you attacked his neck again, eyes rolling back. A few moments later, his hips bucked and you could feel hot sticky warmth coat your fingers.
So he did swear after all.
You kissed him again, and then looked down. “Um, got anything to clean up with?”
Still breathing heavily, 10K sat up and reached for his trousers, pulling a bandana out of one of the many pockets. “It's my least favourite. I'll burn it.”
Like the gentleman he'd been raised to be, he wiped your hand off first before tending to himself, then tossed the soiled cloth out of the way and pulled you close. You rested your head on his chest. You'd heard the term 'afterglow' but never really thought that it was a thing; it apparently was. The chemicals your brain was releasing and the protective hold of his arms made you want to laugh, and cry, and drift off to sleep, and run a mile, all at once.
Just for a moment, there was no apocalypse. There was only you and him and the little lamp above your heads.
It was 10K who broke the spell. “I need to pee.” he said apologetically. “Like, real bad.”
You laughed at the face he was pulling and threw his trousers at him. 10K slithered with some difficulty into them, kicking the side of the tent, and then stumbled outside.
You realised how cold it was now and reached for your own clothes. As footsteps indicated 10K's return, you could have sworn you heard the sound of a high-five.
“What was that?” You demanded as he re-entered the tent.
“Never mind.” He grabbed the blanket and laid it over you.”I  want to do that again. But we should probably get some sleep.”
“The whole point of the tent is to get proper rest right?” You scooted closer as he laid down, offering the blanket, but he refused, tucking it round you and then wrapping his arms round too so you were tightly cocooned against his side.
“Yeah. Sure.”
>>>>>Thanks for reading! This is the first fanfic i’ve done in literally years. Open to feedback and even perhaps requests :) PS i am v english so I apologise to any Americans insulted by my attempts at your words
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Five
Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Eventual Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
It was supposed to be simple. Clear out Weston Water Treatment. Start a new settlement at Oberland Station. Backhand wrinkled her nose. Partially in irritation, and partially to ward off the foul smell of super mutant.
  “If I'd known the place was infested I wouldn't have agreed to this shit.” She grumbled to the paladin in power armor beside her. “Rob could have been a little more generous with his count, I feel.”
  Danse chuckled, “Don't try to act tough, Knight Vega. You're still here, right? It's only a couple of super mutants.”
  “A couple, he says.”
  A bullet whizzed over her head, interrupting the easy back and forth between the two of them. Danse gritted his teeth and readied his laser rifle. “For the Brotherhood!”
  They easily picked off five mutants and two hounds, and Backhand pumped her fist in victory when a sixth mutant fell to Righteous Authority . However, then she heard something that sent her into a panic. Her whole upper body jutted heedlessly out from behind cover, stealth mods deactivated from her motion while she searched frantically for the source of the beeping. “Wait, Paladin wait! ” She yelled, grabbing hold of his arm as he thundered by and barely missing getting her fingers crushed in his elbow joint. His momentum dragged her along with him and she hurriedly dug her boots into the dirt. “There's a fucking-!”
  Danse’s huge gauntlet clamped onto one of the many straps on her combat armor and without so much as a look out , he hurled her up over the road and into the deep pond beside the treatment plant. The super mutant suicider screamed in triumph, “ Die, metal man! ”
  Backhand landed in the pond with an undignified splash, brown water pouring into her nose and mouth as she sank like a rock to the bottom. The following explosion sent shockwaves through the water and Backhand struggled to hold her breath.
  Danse, oh God Danse, please be alright!
  She finally broke the surface, eyes stinging from the acrid water. “Paladin Danse!” She coughed, hauling herself back up the banking. Smoking chunks of super mutant were scattered everywhere , green flesh burned brown and black. The suit of power armor was toppled over on its front. “ Danse! ” Backhand almost fell in her haste to get to the paladin, skidding to her knees beside the power armor.
  Her Geiger counter started to click loudly.
  “Shit, Paladin, c'mon! You've dealt with worse than this, you got cooked by a fucking rocket! Don't do this to me!” She pleaded, fighting with the manual release on the back of the suit. The fusion core was shattered, otherwise she could have just half-twisted the handle and popped him out easy. Backhand was stuck doing this the hard way. “Fucking answer me Paladin, please! ”
  “That's not...soldier-appropriate language, Knight.” A choked cough came from the half-crushed helmet. “Can you get the back open? I can't really...it's very heavy in this thing.” He rose onto his knees with one hand propping him up, leaving Backhand more than a little impressed. “A Brotherhood soldier's conditioning requirements are somewhat rigorous, Knight. Now please. The back.” Despite his reassurances he sounded strained.
  Backhand tore the plate metal over her knuckles on the rivets around the manual release wheel in her haste to get it undone, breathing a sigh of relief when she finally swung the back plate up out of the way. Danse pulled his head out of his helmet, got to his feet, and promptly collapsed.
  Backhand swore again, rolling him over. It seemed like his armor had taken the brunt of the impact but he got rattled around inside it like an old world pinball. She'd griped about the lack of padding in their undersuits the very first time she’d seen them, ‘ stupid military branches, always cutting corners. ’
  “Paladin, you still with me?” Backhand Vega, shittiest knight the Brotherhood has to offer. “Why the fuck are all your jumpsuits dark orange and brown , I can't tell whether you're bleeding or not!” She yelled in frustration, mostly to herself. At least that suicider had been the last of the mutants to deal with. “Alright, okay. You're out. Oberland it is.” She sighed when he didn't reply, slinging Righteous Authority across her chest and heaving Danse onto her back. Thank God for all that conditioning work so she'd been able to move her own armor frame back in the day. She may be in shape but Danse was by no means a small man.
  Getting over the damn hill to Oberland left Backhand almost spent. Half-carrying, half-dragging him up the station stairs at the end was torment, her calves screaming bloody murder. She dropped him on the bed and left her supply satchel on the ground, rummaging through it for her Stims. Some Rad-X probably wouldn't hurt either, it had been a mini-nuke that exploded next to him.
  “Knight Vega...” Danse mumbled blearily a few minutes after she inserted the Stim needle into one of the ports in his jumpsuit, the paladin obviously coming back around.
  Backhand couldn’t stop the way she snapped at him. Now that the terror for her companion had faded somewhat, she was left feeling exhausted and irritated. “What the hell were you thinking? You could have been obliterated by that asshole!”
  “Where are we?” Danse muttered instead, trying to sit up.
  “Oberland. Lay the hell back down, stupid idiots don’t get to sit up.” She pushed his shoulder and Danse’s back hit the mattress with a wheeze of rusty springs. “Don’t move.” She growled, using one of her shoelaces to hang the bag of Rad-X from the rafters and then hitching the end of the tubing to the needle still in his arm. Danse grunted, the dazed look on his face making Backhand extremely nervous. “Paladin, stay conscious.” She waved her fingers in front of his eyes and Danse jerked to attention. “Stay with me.”
  “I am, Knight Vega.” He retorted while his eyes drifted shut. “Right here.”
  “Ah ah, no napping.” She tapped his cheek and his eyes rolled open again. “Stay with me, Danse.” Backhand repeated, a little softer this time.
  “I am , Knight Vega.” Danse murmured. “Endured worse than this, remember?”
  “Doesn't mean I'm not going to worry.”
  Danse closed his eyes just enough to squint at her. “About me? You’re the one with no power armor. I’m supposed to be managing you , Vega.”
  “Yeah, frickin’ bang-up job there ked.” Backhand retorted. “Coulda’ lost a hand in your elbow joint when you whipped past me like a bat outta’ hell.”
  Danse noted with a faint flash of amusement that apparently her accent thickened when she was wound up. “My hearing is not in peak condition. Specifically, telling where the sound is coming from can be an issue in my helmet. Proctor Ingram can only tweak it so much.”
  “That would have been good to know beforehand, Paladin.” Backhand said icily, her motions sharp and angry as she shed her combat armor breastplate. Her gauntlets followed suit, discarded in a pile on the floor. She was soaked to the skin, Danse noticed hazily.
  His head was pounding again, vision slowly becoming more and more unfocused. “Tell me about what it was like, Knight. Before the…before the war.” Danse slurred, trying his hardest to change the subject and stay awake.
  Backhand bit her lip, pulling the bedroll up a little higher until it was underneath Danse’s chin. He wasn’t sure whether she intended to simply ignore his question.
  “It was green.” She said softly, putting his wondering to rest. “There was always someone in your business. People were on top of each other most of the time. I mean, I was in the military so cramped quarters were normal for me, but for civilians…it was pretty hellish. In the mornings once we’d had breakfast, I would take Shaun outside to the front lawn and he would roll around on his little blanket. The neighbors were walking their dogs or mowing the lawn or something, we would all make small talk about the weather.” Backhand stopped talking and sighed heavily, tapping at the bag of Rad-X to keep it flowing.
  “What is it, Knight?” Danse hated the cold sweat that always broke out when he took Rad-X, but right now it was a necessary evil.
  “I think a lot of folks were a little intimidated by me.” She theorized. “I mean I was a young veteran, and pretty quickly became a single mother. Unheard of. For a while after I moved in I still had the eyepatch from my discharge incident, then a pair of super dark sunglasses, which definitely didn’t defang my appearance.” Her smile was melancholy and she brought her fingers up to her eye, tapping the area beneath it.
  The silence stretched on. Danse knew he needed to be patient. It’s not as if he could go anywhere, and it was fascinating to hear about pre-war from someone who had actually been there.
  “I told the neighborhood kids that I was a pirate and showed them all how to make newspaper boats and hats so they could be pirates too.” Backhand smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “I modified one of my old MLCE packs so I could carry Shaun around the cul-de-sac with me when I jogged. Didn’t have the money for one of those baby carriers or even for a stroller after the divorce, so the pack had to do. He would put his little head down on my chest and sleep. Wasn’t bothered by all the motion or anything, just like his mommy.”
  Her pain was still clearly raw, even after however much time had passed. Danse didn’t know what to do, so he wiggled a heavy arm free of the sleeping bag and rested his hand on her own. She squeezed it back wordlessly, her jaw working.
  When she spoke again, she sounded more steady. “I can’t say that it was bad . The environment was safe and quiet. Everyone in Sanctuary Hills looked out for one another. Even if it was more motivated by curiosity and nosiness than an actual desire to help.” Backhand mused dryly. “The milkman couldn’t leave an extra bottle on your doorstep without six other people knowing. So exactly like the military.”
  “Sounds similar to the Prydwen.” Danse remarked, sick to his stomach a second after he said it. How many people must know about Maxson and I? He realized, swallowing hard to fight the sudden rush of nausea. He hadn’t thought about it at all, more than content with the illusion of privacy one usually maintained in the Brotherhood. The most obvious evidence of their dalliances was the busted mouth Danse always seemed to end up with, and those instances happened far too often for everyone to write it off as Danse just being clumsy or careless when he shaved.
  I bumped it. He grimaced as he recalled his weak explanation back on the Prydwen, the way Backhand had narrowed her eyes at him.
  Besides, he knew that he’d worn his excuses thin at this point. Trying to explain away the teeth marks Arthur left on his upper arm that one time was more than enough of a chore. He had looked like he’d been savaged by a feral, so at least he could understand the concern to an extent.
  “Hey, you alright? All the color just dropped out of your face.” Backhand noticed, her brows drawn in worry.
  Danse nodded, fixing his attention on the guttering lantern beside the bed instead of the wrinkles on her forehead. “Tell me more?” He asked eventually.
  “I miss the convenience of food. Even with the shortages, there used to be a grocery store on practically every corner.” She sounded wistful. “Shaun hadn’t really started solid foods yet, he was only just beginning to leave the twenty-four-seven nursing program. Not a minute too soon, the little bugger would suck me dry.”
  “You breastfed your child? Isn’t that-” Danse stopped himself, feeling uncomfortable. Normally breastfeeding was considered incredibly dangerous, for the baby and the parent. But before, when the radiation wasn’t so prevalent…things must have been different. “It’s none of my business, I suppose.”
  “No no, I get it. I know that nowadays trying to raise a child is tough enough without the added dangers of the irradiated environment. It was simpler back then. Could just unbutton your shirt and go to town, instead of having to unbelt all your armor and find a safe spot so that Junior can get lunch in.” Backhand grinned.
  Danse flushed a little at her frank speech, sternly telling himself not to dwell on the idea of her with an infant on her knee like some housewife from the pre-war mags. He had no recollection of his own parents, or siblings if he had them. Familial musing was not familiar territory, but it never failed to leave him with a sad ache in his throat. The same ache that assaulted him when he thought of Cutler-
  Backhand hissed in pain and Danse snapped out of his slide into melancholy, watching with horror while she peeled off her other glove. “Shit, I didn’t even feel that.” She grimaced, spreading her fingers. The sheet metal on her gloves was ripped through in some areas, and it had apparently taken a few healthy chunks out of her knuckles and the backs of her hands. Blood dribbled over her palm and Danse felt… odd .
  “Knight Vega, what happened?” Danse asked in confusion.
  “I was in such a hellfire hurry to get you out of your gear and the fusion core in your suit was busted. I uh...I don’t really know.” Backhand admitted. “I went panic mode and muscled the manual release as fast as I could, basically.”
  “The manual…” Danse trailed off as she wiped some dried blood away with the hem of her undershirt. “You need to bind that. Your knuckles-”
  “Nah, I’ll be fine.” She flapped a bloodied hand at him. “I’ve had worse.”
  “It’s irrelevant whether you’ve had worse, the fact of the matter is that right now, you’re the one who needs to protect us.” Danse shot back, a little annoyed with her carelessness. “Who knows what could be lurking out there? Everything in the neighborhood must have heard the suicider explosion.”
  “Ah, okay. Sorry, I’ll…you think a Stim would put this back together? Or should I save those for later?” She asked hesitantly.
  “Did you take any Stims from the Prydwen?”
  “No, I didn't want to take any resources from you guys.” Backhand shuffled through her pack, carefully counting out everything that she had. “I only have three Stims left. Wasn't expecting this detour.”
  Danse cursed under his breath, pushing to sit up by propping his back against the wall. The Stim that she had given him was doing its job, of course, but it would be several hours before he was fit for duty again. Anything could happen in that time. “Come here.” He ordered, disliking the sideways look she gave him. “Let me see your hands.”
  “H-Hey, I'll probably be fine. It's no biggie.” She protested, putting her left hand into his own all the same and then wincing. Danse, his brain jerkily reminding him that he was probably being a little too rough, nearly dropped her hand when he tried to casually loosen his grip. Alright, maybe he did spend more time than necessary in his armor. The truth of the matter is that Danse felt like a raw nerve without the comforting weight of plate metal on his body, exposed and too… soft .
  “I'll wrap this.” He decided aloud after several moments of careful manipulation to make sure her fingers weren't broken. Danse flipped open the small pouch by his hip, tugging out a tiny roll of bandaging and a nonstick gauze to dress her knuckles. “What? A Brotherhood soldier is always prepared.” He huffed when he noticed Backhand staring at him.
  “I gotta' get one of those.” She said, gesturing at the pouch. “Is that included in the suit? Or do they come separate from the requisitions officer?”
  “I can put in a supply order for you, if you'd really like one. It has...look, there's loops here. You could hitch it to your combat armor.” Danse loosened the bag and showed her the plethora of MOLLE straps on the back, chuckling a little when she made a clumsy attempt to snatch it out of his hands. “Mm, nice try. I've been around Haylen and Rhys. You've got nothing on either of them when it comes to pilfering my supplies, Vega.”
  “Can’t blame a girl for trying.” She grinned ruefully. “I really ought to be nice to you. After all, you saved me from pretty certain death.”
  “I did?” Danse thought back momentarily and then remembered gauntlet slamming shut on the strap, whichever strap, doesn’t matter, shoulder-ribs, just be enough to hold her weight --He felt his face go hot recalling the unwarranted contact between them. “It was a…reaction. Sometimes I think I move too quickly for my mind to keep up.”
  “Lucky for me, I guess! Maybe the Sarge's bandanna is rubbing off on you.” Backhand got to her feet, stretching her arms over her head. She had peeled her Vault suit down and tied the sleeves around her hips again, the fabric pulled tight from her motions.
  Danse forced his eyes elsewhere, the sweat on his forehead having nothing to do with the Rad-X. What the hell is the matter with you? He scolded himself. Since when do you ogle women like this?
  “Do you think we should stay here tonight, and try to get to your armor tomorrow?” Backhand asked.
  “We have to. I’m not leaving it there indefinitely.” Danse cringed as he thought of the state his armor would be in. “I would like to go after it tonight, but I am…not in peak condition.” God , that stung to say. Whether he liked it or not, it was the truth.
  “ Hell no, not tonight. I’d rather let you sleep off the Stim and Rad-X, have you in fighting shape bright and early tomorrow morning.” Backhand gave him a look that was actually fond and the ache mounted up in his throat once more. “I’ll take first watch.”
  “Put your armor on!” Danse barked as she moved to the door, his voice harsher than he had intended. “You--I-I mean, you need to be prepared, Knight.” He tried to play it off, tried to relax his posture a little. He had nearly stood, shaky fingers crushing the rotted windowsill to try and support his weight.
  She waved her bandaged hand at him, as if to say hush , but still buckled her chest plating back on. Danse knew her moments of insubordination should have been worrisome. Had he gotten too complacent, too used to the less stringent requirements of fieldwork?
  He did let Rhys and Haylen slide. He just couldn’t stand the two of them dancing around each other anymore, it was maddening. Rhys talked a great game, he always had, but Danse would have to be blind not to notice the knight’s care for their scribe. It wasn't technically against regs, of course, but Danse knew if anything he ought to put his foot down. As their senior ranking officer, if the relationship went south between them he would be dragged into it. It was hard to justify it though, when he saw the two of them all curled up with one another.
  Better that they enjoy themselves now. Life could be so incredibly short.
  “Hey, what’s your deal with the muties?” Backhand asked curiously. He had gotten a boatload of pre-war nonsense out of her, she figured she had earned at least one question. “You lose one of your own to them or something?”
  Danse made eye contact and Backhand’s breath caught in her throat. He looked positively worn, fragile , like all the life had gone out of his body. With an expression like that , she expected a great (if sad) story. All she got was a soft “ Yes ,” spoken in a voice thick with emotion.
  When it became apparent that that was the end of it, Backhand cleared her throat and readjusted the dingy pipe pistol in her hands. She proceeded to methodically count her bullets, trying not to make him feel like she was waiting for the rest. The experience left her shaken. She had thought Danse to be the typical soldier, but it was obvious now that there was much more to him than that. He clearly cared deeply for the wellbeing and safety of each member of his team, possibly too much for him to escape unscathed. He was one of those , she realized, practically a kindred spirit to her dearly departed senior officer Sergeant Cathan. Courageous, firm, the shelter in the storm. A true embodiment of everything a soldier should strive to be.
  “ I could not feasibly promise anything…it was not within my power to promise. ”
  She noticed Danse pull the bedroll up around his shoulders as if he was cold. There was a sharp wind that blew through the old station on top of the hill, but Backhand, New Englander to the end, barely felt it. She leaned on the worn bannister of the stairs, her eyes squinted against the darkness as the stars brightened overhead.
  There was more rustling from behind her and she assumed that Danse was doing his best to make himself comfortable on the old mattress, his frame a bit… large for the task. Backhand snuck a peek and was relieved to see him curled up in her bedroll, his back to the wall and eyes closed.
  She hoped that Paladin Brandis made it to the Prydwen safe and sound (and that her armor was still in one piece). She may have hoped a little harder that Brandis was already giving Maxson a run for his money. The idea of Maxson being thrown off his game made her snicker quietly to herself.
  Her good humor faded all too quickly when she recalled that there was nothing keeping them out here and away from the Prydwen once they finished cleaning up Weston. If something shifty was going on between Danse and Maxson, it wouldn’t be long before they were back in the thick of it. She cast another glance at the large man after she heard him mumble something, watching him shift around in the sleeping bag. There was an odd vulnerability to him when he slept, which she remembered all too well from their time in the police station.
  The wan sunlight hadn’t woken him as she scribbled her note, but he stirred when she placed the paper down on the floor beside his head. His bedroll was bunched uncomfortably at his elbows and she took a selfish moment to kiss his forehead and then tug the fabric up around his shoulders. It couldn’t hurt, she reasoned with herself. He had hummed in his sleep and snuggled down into the warm embrace of the bedroll. It made it incredibly difficult to leave, even with the two Mister Handy units cheerily patrolling the courtyard. If something happened…
  Well, it didn’t really bear thinking about. Backhand had the feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time she and Danse would meet.
  Backhand woke him for his watch shift at almost exactly two hundred hours. She looked fatigued and Danse ignored the protest of bruises on his body in favor of more quickly freeing up the mattress. “Got it warmed up for you.” He yawned, chuckling when she poked him in the ribs.
  “I bet you did, you big furnace.” She teased, her eyelids already drooping. “Nothing to report, sir. All’s been quiet.”
  “Carry on, Knight.” Danse saluted out of habit, scooping her combat armor up off the floor and beginning to adjust it to fit his own body. Once he was in some semblance of protective equipment, he snuffed the lantern on the bedside table and took his place at the window. He borrowed Righteous Authority from her, seeing as his rifle was back with his power armor. Probably lying on the ground, covered in super mutant gore. Danse frowned unhappily.
  His night vision had always been impeccable, with or without his helmet. Danse scanned the landscape for threats, glad that they at least had the high ground. If anything tried to attack, he would know well before they arrived.
  The Commonwealth was almost peaceful at night. Once all the raiders had bedded down with one another and the ferals had retreated to their holes, a tenuous calm reigned that was usually only broken by clans of ambitious super mutants or radscorpions.
  Danse rested his weight gingerly on the wall, afraid that it may not be able to support him in its decrepit state. Thankfully it held fast and he relaxed after a moment. His pulse was still quick enough for him to be slightly anxious. It was a normal leftover from using a Stim, but he disliked the feeling; epinephrine and adrenal-sour in his mouth while his heart slammed a tattoo on his ribs.
  Danse fought the desire to shake himself, certain that Backhand wouldn’t appreciate being woken up by the percussion of poor-fitting combat armor. Though she had mentioned that her son could sleep through anything, “ just like his mommy .” He imagined being on the front lines, getting your meager rest wherever you could and going for weeks without seeing a real bed would probably do that to a person. Lord knew he had a hard time readjusting to the quiet safety of the Prydwen after clocking lengthy stints of fieldwork or skirmishes with the Enclave.
  He had dreamed of Cutler again. Danse exhaled slowly through his nose, fighting the tremble of his hands. Mercifully the dream had faded well before Backhand woke him. He wasn’t sure how he would have reacted to being shaken awake while still in the grasp of his memories. He shook his head, propping the barrel of Righteous Authority up on the windowsill. He couldn’t go on like this, haunted by the echoes of a man who had ceased to be. True, they had a bond. A bond which Danse had naively believed was unbreakable. But when Cutler had gone missing…
  Danse was no stranger to horrifying experiences. Centaurs, super mutants and ferals plagued his nightmares, nightmares which inevitably led to an enormous super mutant hive in the Capital Wasteland...
Part Six
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blueberryraindrops · 4 years
Blueberry’s Ultimate T-Rated TUA Masterlist
Fics are organised alphabetically (articles e.g. ‘the’ will not count)
Download links are EPUB files only
authors can feel free to send me a msg if they want their fics’ download link taken down
Regular updates can be expected as long as I remain in the fandom
Last Update: 14/10/2020
Other Masterlists: All Fics; G-Rated; M-Rated; E-Rated
☁︎ another cog in the murder machine by Ford_Ye_Fiji { T }
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Five finally gets the breakdown he deserves
☁︎ Blood like Lemonade by Ford_Ye_Fiji { T }
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Hunting high and low to seek revenge, Brand new moral code, got made reluctant renegade. Leaving empty souls when he avenged, Evil spirits flowed he drank the blood like lemonade.
Five's sordid past comes to light in, quite possibly, the most unpleasant way
☁︎ Details [Series] by VeteranKlaus { T }
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The last time Klaus saw his siblings was at Allison and Patrick's wedding. A lot had changed since then; including the not-so-accidental, irreversible loss of his sight.
There's no time to tell them that, though. Not with the return of their long-presumed-dead brother and the impending apocalypse. Plus, it doesn't matter. He's got Ben as a good seeing-eye ghost.
☁︎ do androids dream of electric sheep? by the_crownless_queen { T }
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Number Four is crying, and Grace was made to care for those children.
In which Grace was created to protect the children of the Academy. Even, as it turns out, from their father.
☁︎ don't waste your time (or time will waste you) by rosewitchx { T }
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He was an old man. He is sixteen. Ben dies next week. How does he know that? “I think I broke it,” Five stutters, and for the first time in her short life Vanya sees absolute terror in his eyes.
Or, Five travels back again. Something goes wrong.
☁︎ Fighting (Pre)Determinism by chibi_tantei { T / WIP }
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They go back in time, determined to rewrite their own family history. Only problem is, only one of them looks the proper age to get near their younger selves.
Or, six months after Five stormed out, determined to time travel, he returns home. His siblings are happy to have him back, but he's acting differently...
(Or, Five goes undercover as himself. Twice the siblings should make saving the world easier, right? Yet somehow, he's only now realizing how many issues his family has to fix.)
☁︎ Five and Dave's Life Changing (Life Saving) Field Trip by neuronary { T }
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The little boy, who Dave could now see was not as little as he’d first thought, shoved a tin mug at him. “Drink this.”
Dave drank. It tasted sickly sweet and slightly citrus-y. “Who are you?”
“Five.” The boy’s scowl deepened at Dave’s confusion. “Klaus’ brother.”
Or, Five saves Dave's life to stop Klaus from moping. From Dave's perspective, a very grouchy, sleep-deprived twelve-year-old kidnaps him and he finds it much more entertaining than he should.
☁︎ haven't you heard of meditation? by rosesareredvioletsareblue { T }
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"Klaus, you have a piece of glass sticking out of your neck!"
Klaus felt for the glass, wincing as he found it.
"Oh yeah. Fun." It took all of Five's willpower not to throttle him.
☁︎ Hidden Variables Theory, The by siriuspiggyback { T }
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Something has disturbed the space-time continuum, and it's up to Five to figure out what it is.
With a bit of luck, and a lot of alcohol, he might even manage to do it before he snaps and murders his siblings.
☁︎ haven't you heard of meditation? by rosesareredvioletsareblue { T }
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"Klaus, you have a piece of glass sticking out of your neck!"
Klaus felt for the glass, wincing as he found it.
"Oh yeah. Fun." It took all of Five's willpower not to throttle him.
☁︎ Hidden Variables Theory, The by siriuspiggyback { T }
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Something has disturbed the space-time continuum, and it's up to Five to figure out what it is.
With a bit of luck, and a lot of alcohol, he might even manage to do it before he snaps and murders his siblings.
☁︎ i'm gonna be here til i'm nothing (but bones in the ground) by iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid { T }
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Someone definitely just punched him in the chest, right? That’s the reason for that feeling? Or that last batch of pills had something seriously off-label mixed into them. Because there’s no way. There’s no fucking way.
He squeezes his eyes shut until dots burst behind his eyelids, but when he opens them, the hallucination doesn’t go away.
“… Five?”
☁︎ if the sky comes falling down by synchronicities { T }
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The equations are still wrong.
In 2002, Number Seven wonders why her siblings are acting odd.
(Or, the post-finale “Vanya doesn’t remember the time travel” fic)
☁︎ If You're Different And You Know It (you're not alone) by M3zzaTh3M3z { T }
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Five was different. He’d always known. Different from most people, what with his freakish birth, powers and unconventional upbringing, all that old news. And different from his siblings. He was smarter. His powers were stronger. And he’d never picked a name. All that was old news too. But there was something else that separated him from the rest, something he didn’t know how to put a finger on, how to categorize, analyse, understand. Five didn’t like not understanding. It was probably Klaus that made him first notice something was off.
☁︎ Is the sadness everlasting? (love, I think it is) by ArmedWithMyComputer { T }
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A look into what Klaus' newly discovered ability could mean for the siblings.
Diego could feel his whole body trembling as he faced the ghosts, only able to take shallow breaths as he struggled to process the true horror of what he was seeing.
And then they started howling.
The sound pierced though his stupor and forced him to his knees instantly. It was like nothing Diego had ever experienced before, and he was consumed with the intensity and overwhelmed by a deep chilling fear. It felt as though his mind had been taken over and all he could hear was the shrieks of grief, more intense than any emotion he had ever felt.
☁︎ It Does(n't) Matter by MYSTERYstew { T }
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It’s a familiar feeling, being lifted up by Luther and tossed around like he weighs nothing (to Luther he certainly does), it was a favorite move of Luther’s as a child. Nostalgia is not what Five feels, he’s too busy flailing as Luther throws him over the railing.
or, Five fails a jump
☁︎ Just One Minute by willowhisperer { T }
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Five holds up his end of the deal, soaked in blood. The Handler decides to toy with him a little while longer.
Maybe it's revenge, maybe she's riding the high of her shiny new position as head of the Commission.
Really, she just wants to win, once and for all.
☁︎ Lessons 'verse [Series] by Soulykins { T }
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Five was maybe four years old when he figured out that he was pretty much ride or die for his siblings. He was also four when he figured out that in the Umbrella Academy, you could never let Reginald Hargreeves figure out what you loved lest he use it against you. There was safety in aloof indifference, more than could be found anywhere else under their roof.
Five times Five Hargreeves protected his siblings the best ways he could, and the one time he failed.
☁︎ Lethe by shoelaces { T / WIP }
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Le·the | A river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past.
Or: Five loses his memories instead of Vanya, and it falls to his siblings to raise a superpowered teenager in the 1960s, all whilst preserving their own new lives and preventing yet another apocalypse.
☁︎ Like an abyss by fridayyy { T }
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For the second time, Five has to (gets to?) grow up.
☁︎ Like Oxygen by sevansa { T }
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Klaus's powers may be a bit more extensive than just seeing the dead, he's not sure what to do about that.
The one where Klaus's power is not ghosts, but souls and that makes a hell of a difference.
☁︎ Mellow Rays of a Departing Sun [Series] by Emotionally_Detached (Yeah_Toast) { T }
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He makes it. He time travels and makes it through another apocalypse. He makes it, but his siblings don't.
His siblings don't make it, except he's in his own childhood and they're still here, alive and thirteen and he can fix things.
He will fix things
☁︎ most dangerous place in the world, the [Series] by Princess_Sarcastia { T }
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"Grace is the third model in a series created by and for Sir Reginald.  She has access to the knowledge obtained by her predecessors in their time assisting Sir Reginald in his many endeavors.
All three of them were primarily designed as protectors.  Do no harm, just as Mr. Asimov said!
But Grace is slightly different."
[priority one: protect the children]
☁︎ New Life, A by BirdInTheCave { T }
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Allison had convinced Ray to come back to 2019 with her and her family and after a month of being cooped up in the house with the other Hargreeves plus their own unconventional guests, Ray suggests they spend some time alone. He's still struggling to fully comprehend the new world he's stepped into but he's determined that with Allison at his side he can get used to anything. Allison can't find a reason to say no. She should have said no.
Luckily for her, Five will always be there for his family, now that he's back.
☁︎ Not with me by ClaraCivry (Kat_Of_Dresden) { T }
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They never asked if any of that blood was his. Five is bleeding, and he is also giving up.
AU to 2X07, with hurt Five because after all that boy has been through...
☁︎ Number Five | And The Things that Make Him Tick [Series] by Kraeyola { T }
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It's only been two weeks for him.
AKA: Five succumbs to two weeks worth of badly cared for (physical and emotional) injuries, and ends up extremely feverish.
☁︎ On My Terms by CivilBores { T }
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“I did what you asked,” he tells her. “Now, the briefcase.”
Her eyebrows raise in mock-surprise, red lips curling up her face in a sadistic smile.
“You didn’t think that was all, did you?” she asks.
AU: The Handler gives Five a slightly different deal.
☁︎ Partners, Parents, or None of the Above by DarkFairytale { T }
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Kenny's mom assuming that Diego and Klaus were A) a couple and B) Number Five’s parents was both bemusing and amusing at the time. But that was because it was the only time it had ever happened. Now though? Now they just can't understand why these misunderstandings keep happening.
☁︎ rude awakening by Soulykins { T / WIP }
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When Five wakes up, he just knows someone is in the room with him. Of course, even he didn't except to come face to face with the Handler who he'd thought to be very very dead. And he especially didn't expect her to break into his room and watch him sleep while waiting for him to wake up.
It's very fortunate that Diego and Klaus show up to wake him up and take offense to some random lady in the same room as their very uncomfortable, very thirteen-year-old brother.
☁︎ Screaming in the Face of Communication by papayaromantic { T }
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It's not that he doesn't want to pay attention to Five, just that he seriously can't hear what the boy is saying past the wailing of the torn apart woman in front of him.
☁︎ shaking like I shook before by Anonymous { T }
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Five tries to deal with it alone, until he learns that he doesn’t have to.
☁︎ skirts and sweaters by slightlyworriedhuman { T }
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"I don't want to be a ‘cute little schoolboy’ anymore, alright?” Five snapped. For some reason, the thought of himself as a schoolboy was enough to make his skin prickle. Was it the implication that he was younger than the rest of them, less mature despite his life?
...Yeah, it was definitely that. Absolutely.Five wants a change in wardrobe. His siblings are more than happy to help.
☁︎ small changes by calypso42 { T }
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“I need to ask you something.” He set down the large stack of books he was carrying beside him. Klaus glanced at a few of the titles - Consciousness in the Brain - Memory & the Role of the Hippocampus - Soul vs. Matter: A Comprehensive Look at the Origins of Sentience - and grimaced.
“Are you… having an existential crisis, or something? Because I am possibly the worst person you could go to for that.”
When Five goes to Klaus to ask him something about his powers, Klaus doesn’t think much of it. At least, until he realizes that what he thought was simple curiosity was actually deeper than that, leading to a revelation about Five himself.
☁︎ take shelter by aloneintherain { T }
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AU where the apocalypse doesn’t follow the Hargreeves to the 1960s. Without the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging over their heads, the siblings can take the time to be a family again.
Until they find out that the Handler has been blackmailing Five.
☁︎ this is a bad town (for such a pretty face) by luciimariiellii { T }
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Five’s gone. (How the Hargreeves cope, and how they reunite.)
☁︎ to unexplain the unforgivable by darkviverna { T }
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Ability to see the dead and having a temporal assassin for a brother don’t mix well.
☁︎ Too Much Too Little by 1spideyson { T }
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Five says nothing on the ride back, just gently presses the tips of thin fingers to his eyes and temples like his head is a new instrument he’s learning to play. Like he’s searching for the right notes.
Diego tries not to cast too many worried glances the boy’s way, but when Five crawls into Diego’s bed, shaking and grey, he can’t stop himself from speaking up.
A look at Five and Diego's relationship through a h/c lens.
☁︎ Too Old To Be So Young by KaseyBeth { T }
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Five winced loudly, pushing his head off the floor to see bright red smeared across his chest and stomach; crimson soaked into his shorts, running down his leg. His head fell back against the ground dizzyingly, and he groaned as someone touched the wound, biting his bottom lip as he tried to stay conscious. The end of life, of everything, was in three days; they didn’t have time for this, he didn’t have time for this. A bullet wound, a stupid bullet wound and all that stupid concern and worry, was just going to slow them down. There wasn’t time for mistakes, or hiccups, or rest and recovery. It was the end of the fucking world.
☁︎ traumaversary by WeWalkADifferentPath { T }
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It follows him like an unscratched itch. Under his skin, over his body, around his energy, like a mosquito that won’t leave him the fuck alone.
April 1st. April 1st. April 1st.
(A character study of Five, with some inevitable family feels, in honour of March 24th).
☁︎ Unexpected Future, An by aseies { T / WIP }
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“I’m sure you’re looking forward to finding a way back to your own time as soon as possible,” Nedzu said. “I want you to know that U.A. will do everything in its power to help you achieve that goal. Time travel is a complicated equation to solve, but I’m sure if we put our heads together we’ll come up with something!”
Five raised a skeptical eyebrow. “And you’re just going to do that out of the goodness of your heart? I’m not even old enough for high school yet.”
“Well, we’re all heroes for a reason, no? What good are we if we can’t help a single child in need?” Nedzu pointed out with a pleasantly neutral smile as he sipped his tea.
OR: Instead of time traveling into the apocalypse, thirteen-year-old Five Hargreeves teleports in the middle of the USJ fight.
He gets a couple of new dads out of it.
☁︎ walls kept tumbling down, the by Ingu { T }
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It started small.
There was a nagging ache in his chest, phantom pain from where the bullets had pierced his flesh, in the overwritten timeline that never will be.
(the one where rewinding time doesn't miraculously resolve mortal gunshot wounds)
☁︎ We All Deserve Second Chances (but don't repeat your mistakes) by justarandomword, wolvesandnovas { T }
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Time-travelling gave Ben a second chance at life. He's not about to let Reginald Hargreeves ruin that for him and Klaus.
(a.k.a. Reginald takes Klaus' dog tags and the aftermath.)
☁︎ we didn't choose this life, we're just (kind of) living it [Series] by noodlerdoodler { T / Partially WIP }
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Five couldn’t move, standing by and watching complacently, as his younger brother grabbed him roughly by the front of his sweater. It was like he was watching a play he wasn't apart of, yet that was definitely his small body being tossed over the balcony. No doubt, Luther thought that he would just jump out of the way. He'd always jumped out of the way, sometimes without even meaning to, but now visions of a world on fire flashed through his head as his body plummeted towards the ground. Seemingly, he was tumbling through the air in slow motion and absentmindedly, Five wondered if this was his life flashing before his eyes. All he saw was the desolate world he’d left behind weeks ago.
When Five hit the ground, it was with a sickening cracking noise.
“Oh my god, Luther, what have you done?”
☁︎ with two arms by karcheri { T }
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What it comes down to, really, is that Five had been too eager for results. Once it became clear to him that there was a connection between his powers and his energy level the obvious course of action, as he saw it, was to test this information. The hypothesis was this: higher energy levels = stronger powers and the easiest way to get more energy is to eat more. Pretty simple stuff. Too simple.
or Five times that Five starves himself and one time that he gets called out on it.
☁︎ you from yesterday by questors (sieges) { T }
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The difference between who his siblings once were and who they are now.
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rainbow-robin · 5 years
nancy wheeler - ronance
prompt number: seventeen - “there is just something about them/her/him.”
fandom: stranger things (robin buckley x nancy wheeler)
rating: e for everyone
warnings: none whatsoever.
word count: 1.4k
the doorbell rang, audible from almost every corner of the harrington house. it was sunday, and steve had asked his parents if he could have a friend over when robin called him on the phone a half hour ago. they'd seemed okay with it at the time, but once they'd answered the door to a smiling robin buckley, they were absolutely outraged.
"you never told us this 'friend' of yours was a girl!" his mother yelled. robin had been greeted politely and invited into the house. she lingered in the living room, now, while steve's parents scolded him.
"mom, she's not- it's not- it's not like that! we're friends! nothing more, nothing less!" he assured her. "i mean, if we were actually together i would've just snuck her in through the wind-" mrs. harrington raised her eyebrow, causing her son to quiet down.
"you can have her over here, but your father will be checking up on you every thirty minutes, so don't get any ideas! isn't that right, honey?"
"huh? yes," mr. harrington looked up, giving his son a stern look after realizing what was going on. steve rolled his eyes, looking away.
"we're not going to be doing anything!" he insisted.
"i know you won't, because your dad will be telling me when he checks in,"
"whatever," steve said, walking around his parents and back out into the living room. robin looked from him to his mother, who was now smiling pleasantly. "let's go," steve said, motioning for her to follow him as he jumped up the stairs.
robin sat on the floor as steve closed his bedroom door. he sat down next to her. "what did you want to talk about?" he asked her.
robin took a deep breath, before calmly reciting the following sentence: "i think i have a crush on nancy wheeler,"
"what did i tell you!" steve jumped to his feet immediately, a huge grin spreading on his face. "not a priss, right?"
"not at all," robin stared longingly into steve's wall, the corners of her lips curving ever-so-slightly into the subtlest smile. "she's just so... badass,"
"i know!" steve said excitedly, the smile on his face continuing to grow. "that's what i've been trying to tell you!"
"well, you're not exactly the brightest," robin said, focusing back on her friend. "it wouldn't have been smart of me to trust your judgment. especially on girls,"
"what's that supposed to mean?" steve's smile dissipated, and was replaced with a feigned look of hurt. "i'm steve 'the hair' harrington! king steve! i know everything there is to know about girls!"
"is that farrah fawcett?" robin giggled, pointing to a bottle of hairspray that was left carelessly on the top of steve's dresser. the boy hurriedly grabbed it, fumbling to get it into a drawer as quickly as possible.
"no. no!" he said, nervously laughing at the absurdity of such a question. his hand flew up to his head, and he ran his fingers through his hair, leaning back on his dresser in what he thought to be a casual manner. "why would i, a m-" steve looked behind him to make sure there were no more discarded hairspray bottles littering his room- "a man have a spray bottle of farrah fawcett?"
robin was rolling on the floor now, laughing like crazy. she hadn't heard a single word of what steve had just said. "you use farrah fawcett! king steve's swoop isn't natural!"
"shhh, shut up!" the boy said, throwing a glance at his door. he lowered his voice, moving closer to her as he joined her on the floor again. "fine. i use farrah fawcett. but tell anyone, and you're dead,"
robin was trying to answer, but kept stopping to laugh. "steve- steve 'the hair' - harrington-" she was wheezing, entirely unable to finish her sentence.
"i liked it better when we were talking about nancy," steve remarked, his expression entirely blank.
robin wiped under her eye, finally containing herself. "okay, fine," she said with one last chuckle. "she's so pretty,"
steve perked up at this, nodding his head eagerly. "super pretty. my favorite thing about her is that she's not afraid to fight back," he smiled fondly, remembering the days when they were together. "what's your favorite thing?"
robin looked deep in thought. "i don't know... there is just something about her." the girl grinned down at her lap. "she's amazing,"
"i know, i know," steve said proudly. "you've gotta start listening to me more often, buckley."
robin gave him a look, causing both of them to laugh. "surrre. the thing is though, i've only talked to her for ten seconds. i'm pretty sure she doesn't even remember my name," steve nodded, listening. "remember when she cocked that gun? god, that was so hot,"
steve agreed, staring at his shoes. "you know the only thing i don't get?" robin said, looking up at steve with a small smile. "why would someone as totally awesome as nancy wheeler ever date a dingus like you?"
"i don't know," steve said, almost sadly, looking down into his lap. the smile fell from robin's face as she realized she'd poked a soft spot in him.
"hey," she reached for his hand, taking it in hers. steve looked up at her. "i'm sure you were a great boyfriend." she smiled at her friend, watching the frown disappear from his face. "even if you are a dingus,"
"yeah, i am pretty great," steve reasoned, grinning once again. "nancy deserves someone better though. and that would've been jonathan, but now that he's gone-" steve stopped talking, a look of utter shock and excitement dominating his face.
"what?" robin asked worriedly, she let go of his hand, giving him a light slap on the cheek. he remained grinning like an absolute maniac. "steve? steve, are you okay?"
"we need to find a way to get the two of you together," he concluded, positively beaming as he stood. "yes! you're perfect for her! and since jonathan left, i'll bet she has a bunch of free time, and will be looking for new frie-"
"steve," robin said seriously, taking him by the shoulders. she was standing now too, staring directly into his eyes. "that's insane,"
steve made a face. "no it isn't? did you not hear anything i just said?"
robin laughed. "i couldn't have picked a bigger dumbass to be my best friend if i tried," she thought to herself.
"i heard everything you just said, harrington. that's what makes it crazy!" steve threw her a puzzled look, and she sighed in exasperation. "no way am i dating nancy wheeler! she doesn't even know my last name!"
"alright!" steve shrugged, wiggling out of robin's grip. "so there's a couple of obstacles in the road! we can work through them! the robin i know would never give up that easily!"
"well the robin you know is looking at you right now, and telling you- it's not happening," the girl looked dead serious as she plopped down onto his bed. "ever,"
"uhhh... yeah it is," steve said defiantly. "i bet nancy has a crush on you too!" he moved to sit next to robin.
"yeah," she scoffed. "because the girl whose boyfriend just moved away, she's totally into girls!"
"bisexual people exist, robin," steve said, tutting his tongue. "that's very exclusionist of you,"
robin perked up at this. "you think she might be?" the girl asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. her eyes were wide, and full of hope.
"definitely," steve said. "i bet she's writing in her diary right now, how much she loves you! how she just wants to kiss you, and hold your hand, and-"
as steve was talking, his bedroom door opened. his father peeked in suspiciously, eyeing the two kids. they couldn’t have been placed farther apart, steve standing in one corner of the room, and robin about six or seven feet away, seated on the edge of the boy’s bed.
the two of them made eye contact with each other before bursting into a fit of giggles, much to the confusion of mr. harrington.
"don't... don't get into any trouble kids," steve's dad warned as he tried to make sense of what was happening. "i'm... coming back soon,"
the man walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, and leaving two kids cry-laughing on the floor.
when the both of them had finally settled down, robin slid off of the bed, reclaiming her seat on the floor. "so, harrington..." she fiddled with the aglet at the end of her shoelace.
steve smirked. he was pretty sure he had an idea of what robin was going to say next. "yessss?" he taunted, looking at her expectantly.
robin sighed, finally looking up at him. "tell me about this plan for nancy and i,"
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