#i was looking for crumbs and got hit by a train ๐Ÿ™ƒ
sharlleglerg ยท 10 months
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melanieph321 ยท 9 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - City Girls Part 6/8
Yeah, it keeps getting worse and worse ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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Reader plays for the Man City girls academy. She struggles a bit but gets Ruben to mentor her. The the two don't hit off despite having many things in common. It all gets worse when Reader eventually catches feelings for Ruben.
Living with Ruben was not like you imagined it to be. The guestroom where you stayed was practically a master bedroom. But having previously slept on a pull-out couch when sharing apartments with Ester, you were undoubtedly grateful. However, Ruben was never home. His match and training schedule was busier than yours. Sometimes days would pass where you were completely left alone in his apartment. Your heart sank once you realized that when Ruben wasn't at home or training he was probably spending time with his girlfriend. He did say that whatever the two of you had was a mistake. But there would be nights when Ruben would come home late from game, slip into your bed and wrap his arms around you until the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
Ruben also had rules for your stay. Rules that any girl who wasn't as desperate as you, might have seen as red flags. Most of the rules were understandable, like don't leave the apartment around the same time as he did, and don't post pictures of you in the apartment or anywhere near it. However, there was one rule you just couldn't wrap your head around and this rule involved the locked door down the hall from your bedroom. You had mistaken it for an additional bathroom, but when Ruben caught you yanking the doorhandle he got angry and snapped at you to never go near the door again. But like you said, you were desperate for a place to stay, ignoring the internal warnings. Not even your parents knew about what went down between you and Ester. They would never know. All you wanted to do was fulfill your dreams of playing football, staying with Ruben reassured that.
"Morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"
You woke up to the memories of last night. The smell of freshly baked bread brought you out of bed and into the kitchen. Ruben stood behind the counter, whisking something in a bowl. He was bare chested, wearing sweatpants only. Grey sweatpants, revealing more than was appropriate.
"Morning." You mumbled and climbed to sit on the stool next to the counter. To your suprise Ruben stopped what he was doing, leand forward and kissed you.
"You look grumpy, why?" He asked.
You shrugged. "Just tired, I guess."
Ruben kept you up all night. The two of you had done more than cuddle last night. You had sex, all of it initiated by Ruben who came into your room after another late return from an away game. The sex was good but it made you wonder how serious the relationship between Ruben and his girlfriend was. And who were you to Ruben, his mistress?
"Care for some breakfast? I got bread freash from the oven. I'm also making some protein pancakes."
"Sure Ruben, thanks."
The day after an away game was usually Ruben's day off. He had time to stay and make breakfast, serving you a plate of the tastiest pancakes you've ever had.
"They're amazing." You said, wiping your mouth with a napkin.
"Nice to see them bring back that smile I love on you." He stretched out to caress your cheek, wiping some crumbs off the corner of your mouth. "Mist a spot." He brought back his thumb from your face and into his mouth. Your heart flared watching him suck the tip off it, his brown eyes never leaving yours as he did.
You cleared your throat. "Ruben, about last night."
He smirked, the thought amusing to him.
"I thought you said..."
"I know what I said Y/N." He nodded. "It won't happen again. I was just happy about the win. It was an important game for the team."
You had watched it on TV. The win had granted Manchester City a slot into the round of sixteen teams fighting for the Champions League.
"I get that, but you told me that you have a girlfriend. Sleeping with me makes you a cheater Ruben. "
He snorted. "I don't think so. Cheaters never win and I won last night, both on and off the pitch."
You were stunned for words. With time you had gotten to know Ruben a bit better and like anyone he had different sides to him, sides you weren't all too keen on exploring. You thought it might jeopardize your relationships if you questioned his ethics too much. Or worse, Ruben might stop helping you improve your football.
"Which time are you leaving for training?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Two, I'll be there all afternoon."
"Alright, I'll give you a ride."
You watched him get up and wipe his hands on a cloth.
"You're surprised?"
"Well, won't someone see us?"
He smiled. "My car windows are tinted, Y/N. Besides, I'll be dropping you off a block away from the Ethiad."
Your heart sank. "Oh, of course."
Training went well that afternoon. Perhaps too well. You had feard facing Ester againย  after her lame threats to tell on you and Ruben to the club. However, Ruben insisted that you shouldn't worry about her, and you hadn't. But the fact that Ester completely alienated you during trainings, caused you slight paranoia.
"Listen up!" Coach said, gathering the players as he blew his whistle. "I have a few call ups for the first team's game this weekend, so listen carefully. Fowler..."
"Yes!" A girl hissed.
Coach continued reading from his list "James..."
"Yes!" Another girl cheered.
"....Dawson, Espinosa, Philips, Adiloviฤ‡..." It must be a friendly, you thought. The majority of girls were getting called up. "...Richards and Hofman."
The majority of girls, except for you.
"But coach?" You protested. The session was over. You trailed after your him as he walked off the pitch.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but my hands are tied." He said.
What exactly was that suppose to mean?
"But coach I'm not sick anymore." You thought back to your little spew fest during a forgettable training session with the first team. "It was one time. I'm better now, I swear."
Coach seized to walk, turning to you. He looked conflicted. "Look. I'm very sorry Y/N, but like I said, my hands are tied. Perhaps the first team didn't find you performance that impressing this month?"
He left you with those words.
Impossible, you thought. You played excellent this month. You even managed to gain a few pounds with the diet Ruben put you on. You were strong enough to pass any defender, let alone the defenders in the first team. It was all impossible.
"Can you believe it, they picked Ester but not me." You told Ruben about your day. You were a bit suprised to still find him at the apartment. After all, it was his day off. Was his girlfriend sick or something?
"I wouldn't dwell too much about that Y/N. Like you said, it's probably just a friendly game against another Super League team."
"Yes, but I could use the experience." You sighed, plotting down beside Ruben on the coach. His arms stretched across your shoulders, railing you in. "You'll get it in time." He said, kissing the top of your head. "Just be patient."
It was nice, being held by him. The TV was showing a documentary about rhinoceros' and you easily got swept away by it, resting comfortably against Ruben's chest. However, a thought came to mind as your eyes darted around his apartment. "Ruben, I was just wondering," You said, voice a little hesitant. "Why aren't there any personal items in your apartment. No photos, no nothing?" It was strange really.
Ruben's expression changed, his eyes darting around the room as if he was searching for something. "Oh, that," he said, his voice evasive. "I just like to keep things simple. I don't really have any family or friends to speak of."
You felt a wave of unease wash over you. Something about Ruben's answer didn't sit right. "What do you mean you don't have any family or friends?" You pressed on, because you had met one of them and his name was Bernardo. You raised your head from his chest, meeting Ruben's eyes, and for a moment, You saw something in them that made your heart race. It was a look of pure terror, as if he was trapped in a nightmare and couldn't escape.
"I, uh, I just don't like to talk about it," he stammered, his eyes darting away. "Can we just forget about it and enjoy this movie or whatever. Why are you asking me so many questions anyway?"
A chill ran down her spine. You had never seen Ruben like this before, and you didn't like it one bit. But you also didn't want to push him too hard, so you nodded and went back to watching the documentary with him, ending the night this way.
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