#i was like huh. hm. alex. good try but uh. uh. hmmmmm
clumsyclifford · 4 years
4/??: Trouble is: this one sounds more like a plea to an old lover to let him go? like he’s asking the person and himself to let him go bc he still loves them and he doesnt want to but he doesWake up sunshine: i like the drums and the chorus. i like that it sounds like he’s speaking to the audience and telling them that everything okay and to remember that they have someone in their corner to be there for them
Monsters: its heavier sounding and i like the drum/bass beat. it sounds angrier which goes with the lycris and its an interesting turn before the interlude bc it diverts from the romantic light sound of the other 6 songs and even though he seems upset with the person he loves he still loves thempretty venom: i like this as an interlude. it sounds like a reflection and it’s a good pause after the angry tone of monsters while holding the themes of it and sounding like he’s reflecting on where to
firstly, trouble is CRACKS seriously name ONE thing sexier than a verse in 13/4 and a chorus in 6/8. wake up sunshine? also bops. monsters? GIVE me that blackbear feature god i love it. now this is an unpopular opinion please dont doxx me but pretty venom is....actually my least favorite on the album NOT because i think it’s a bad song, its NOT, just because it is SO slow compared to the rest of the album. like wus was really marketed as an album to blast with your windows down driving down the highway or whatever and it is absolutely perfect for that EXCEPT for pretty venom it slows the album down so much. i like it but i wish it werent on this specific album
6: favorite place: i like that he’s saying that his favorite place is the person and being with them. and that he wants them there when he’s feeling low safe: this one sounds to me like it goes with wake up sunshine and melancholy kaleidoscope bc its talking about the listener getting away to feel better. it sounds like it’s telling you to let go of the past and move forward
favorite place oh you mean the most beautiful love song of all time??? “you feel like the sun on my face” holy shit that line decked me and i just LET it. god what a good fucking song plus the camino feature?? iconic. ETA FORGOT TO ACKNOWLEDGE SAFE IM SO SORRY SAFE I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH god when the chorus hits my heart SOARS also my particular opinion on safe is that there should be a key change in the last chorus. just listen to that break between the end of the bridge and the beginning of the final chorus and TELL me you dont think there should be a key change there like IMAGINE THE POWER
7: January gloom: i like the tying of the feelings of sadness to the seasons and how it being gloomy outside ties to feeling sad but that the person is the sunshine he needs to combat the outside world Clumsy: this one sounds like an apology for something he did and that he’s asking for forgiveness for what he’s done but also that they should have seen it coming that they couldn’t work together bc of other reasons like who they are. but this one might be top 3 on the album bc i love the ending
january gloom is a whole bop and so is clumsy!!!! fun fact that is actually where half of my url comes from i dont think most people actually know that bc on a glance it just looks like im calling michael clumsy which,,,fair enough,,,,,plus theres no mention of atl in my bio or anything i should change that but anyway yeah. my url is clumsy the song. so
8: glitter&crimson: i like the metaphors in this one like he’s saying that they’re two special things that belong together (supernova vs 4 clover) also that he makes it sound like she’s the luck he needs and that he needs her now but that he wants to be together before it ends Summer daze: i like this being the second part of january but that it sounds like the upbeat summer vs the gloom of january. it sounds summery and sweet but theres the edge of sadness that he doesnt want the summer or love
oh fun fact glitter & crimson is actually a song about the Gays!! he said this for Apple Music:
“To me, this song is about two characters who are deeply in love, whose love is not allowed to be that by [a certain] society. They’re gay, and they don’t feel like they’re accepted in their own skin for who they are, or for who they want to love. It’s a cry out to seize that power back and saying, ‘No. You don’t get to dictate how we live our lives.’ Obviously, I can’t speak to that, being a straight guy, but I know a lot of people who live that experience every day. And it was something that felt very meaningful that I wanted to address for them because they can’t [in this way]. They aren’t songwriters.”
i was initially kinda like hm.......hmmm.....but ultimately i feel like he a little confused but he got the spirit. (when he said that gays cant address this bc they arent songwriters tho like alex.....you know gay songwriters exist right??? may i introduce you to fletcher. kehlani. hayley kiyoko. troye sivan. the way they LITERALLY did a song with tegan and sara on lyr- i just. anyway. he means well.) AND additionally i would like to say that i fucking love summer daze GOD the distortion on those guitars chef’s kiss
9: basement noise: this sounds like a closer in the way that some kind of disaster sounds like an opener to the story. it sounds like a reflection of something thats over and that he’s nostalgic for what was. this one sounds like its not just about love but about the band and what things used to be. And this has been my track by track review
omg.....i never thought about it as like the ending to a story that skod begins but youre kinda right it starts and ends with looking back wow i fucking love that. fucking LOVE it. basement noise is so lovely like the emotion is evokes is just. wow.
thank you for this track by track i thoroughly enjoyed it
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