#i was like 2500 in the queue
seriouslyimagine · 3 months
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
Dreamling Fic Masterpost
In honor of Dreamling Week, here's an updated masterpost of everything I've written for them so far, split into SFW and NSFW. Each section is arranged oldest to newest. Links go to Tumblr posts, and each Tumblr fic post has the direct AO3 link also.
You can also find me HERE on AO3.
(Read More for length so it's not ridiculous when pinned)
💕🌼The Fluff and Assorted Other Offerings🌦️❤️‍🩹 If it's rated M there is a brief spicy passage somewhere in the fic but not enough to warrant the full E
Use Your Words Rated T, ~2500 words Hob finds mistletoe hung in the bar. Dream is. Insistent. That they adhere to tradition.
Old Acquaintance Rated G, ~800 words It’s New Year’s Eve at the New Inn, and Dream and Hob are on the same page
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: velvet Rated G, 165 words One of Hob's favorite things about Dream
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: memory Rated G, ~230 words Dream is distracted by a memory
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: thread Rated G, ~200 words Hob loves his grey hair
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: daydream Rated T, ~800 words Hob's daydreams are not the only distracting ones
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: enthusiasm Rated G, ~200 words Enthusiasm is one of Hob's defining traits
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: trust Rated T, ~1500 words Dream finds Hob cooking for him (aka The Spicy Omelettes one)
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: grass Rated G, ~330 words A date in Fiddler's Green
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: fireplace Rated G, ~170 words Generic hearth metaphor
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: strong Rated T, ~3400 words Dream helps a drunken Hob get home (aka The Drunken Confessions one)
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: teach Rated T, ~520 words Dream teaches Hob how to summon him; self-immolation discouraged
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: vague Rated M, 465 words Sometimes Dream speaks vaguely. Sometimes he is Very Direct
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: glasses Rated T, ~330 words Sometimes Hob wears Glasses
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: yesterday Rated G, ~470 words Time works different in the Dreaming
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: recovery Rated T, ~2900 words Dream is dating; Hob works hard to just be a good friend while watching it fall apart (aka The Thessaly Breakup fic)
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: friend Rated T, ~1800 words Dream contemplates friendship, Hob, and the blurring of boundaries
In the Morning Light Rated T, ~1960 words Dream visits Hob on a rainy morning
Anticipation Rated T, ~700 words Dream chooses Hob’s Halloween costume (spoiler alert: it's the Wavemother's robe from BG3)
Untitled Knight Hob/King Dream Scene Rated M, ~1300 words A synopsis-plus-scene-draft of a potential Knight Hob and King Dream AU that in all likelihood I will never actually go back to, but I like what's here so it goes on the masterlist
The Keeper and the Traveler Rated G, ~1700 words Not-Exactly-Human AU. A campfire folktale about finding what you didn’t know you were searching for, or something like that. Inspired by Nightwish's 'The Islander'
I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm Rated M, ~6900 words It’s winter in London and Hob is interested in sharing various cold-weather human experiences with his distinctly-not-human boyfriend
Shampoo Rated G, ~550 words Fluffbruary 2024 prompt 'Scent'. Big changes also mean small changes, and sometimes a loss can bring gain as well
London Fog Rated M, ~3500 words Sequel to Caribbean Sunset. Human AU. Dream does his best to ignore Possibilities while he copes with returning from holiday
Before I Go Rated G, ~850 words Fluffbruary 2024 prompt 'Evening'. A Season-of-Mists-style leave-taking visit, some time later in their relationship
Vogue Rated M, ~750 words Fluffbruary 2024 prompt 'Photography'. Human AU. Dream comes home and Hob greets him with a camera.
☂️The Umbrella Boys series, a Human AU☂️ A Sweet Romance Beginning in a Queue Rated T, ~4500 words 🎶Bus stop, wet day, he’s there, I say, ‘Please share my umbrella’🎶 Love Rain Down On Me Rated M, ~2300 words 5 times those Three Little Words go unspoken, and one time they do not.
Chaos and Calm Rated G, ~1550 words Searching for rain boots and meeting friends in the park. No real plot, just meandering domestic parenting vibes.
🔥🌶️The Spice and the Smut🌶️🔥 (aka The Stuff You Hide in the Pantry at Work For) 😉😘
Fluffbruary 2023 Prompt: snack Rated E, ~1800 words Hob comes home to find Dream waiting from him in the traditional murder-widow robe
Built For You Rated E, ~820 words Hob questions Dream on some particulars of his waking world anatomy
Insatiable Rated E, ~3100 words Dream gets rimmed and railed within an inch of his life
Of Cutoff Shorts and Classic Cars Rated E, ~4300 words Hob has made some very distinct wardrobe choices on a hot day. Dream approves.
Little Indulgences Rated E, ~1000 words A spot of fun with lingerie and sex toys
Caribbean Sunset Rated E, ~5500 words Human AU. Hob hooks up with a beautiful stranger on a Caribbean cruise
My Song Can But Borrow Your Grace Rated E, ~6800 words Fanfic for Flatter the Mountain Tops by Teejaystumbles (linked in the post). Dragon AU. Hob wants Dream in dragon form to fuck him while he stays in human form; Dream is beginning to see there’s more to it than just a size kink.
Appreciation Rated E, ~4300 words Sequel to Anticipation. Hob wears the costume (the Wavemother's Robe from BG3); Dream has his fun.
On the Edge of a Waking Dream Rated M, ~3900 words Monsterfucktober Bingo Square 'Ghost'. Human AU. Dream never believed in ghosts until his boyfriend became one
The Beauty of the Beast Rated E, ~3100 words Monsterfucktober Bingo Square 'Were-creature'. Recently-turned werewolf Hob wants to protect Dream from this new side of him. Dream is. Not interested in being protected.
Ambrosia Rated E, ~4000 words An exercise in celebrating the human messiness (and messy humanness) that Dream finds so attractive in Hob
Customer Service Rated E, ~4500 words For the Dreamling Week 2024 June 5 prompt 'Dirty'. Human AU. Mechanic Hob's just trying to fix the rich guy's Porsche but the rich guy is looking at Hob like he's a five-course meal
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here are all my thoughts and notes from purcon!! not formatted for tumblr but readable!!!
Day 1:
everyone was so happy to be there, and so shocked how many people were there!!! 2500!!!
they showed vids before bringing everyone on stage and continued that throughout the panels. it's a cute touch
Misha auto:
he smiled and i got shaky knees and giggled like a 12 year old with a crush
jensen was at the table next to him!!
very quick but there was a huge line
he signed my book!!
i said "hi misha" and he said hi back
he looked at my destiel shirt and smiled :)
Ty & DJ:
started by telling us thank you for the congrats on their engagement
you can see how much they love each other!!! no pda but the way they look at each other!!
plus they both said multiple times that meeting each other was the best thing that happened
dj has been obsessed with eastenders since the 90s, never missed an episode
ty told everyone not to smoke cigarettes
dj had a glass of wine (it was 1pm)
left 5 mins early to get the Darius auto
Meeting Darius:
so nice and kind!! gentle vibes, literally what you would expect from misha's best friend
i was 2nd in line out of four people
four people in the autograph group so he talked to us all for about 15 minutes as a group
he signed his name on the picture, then asked if misha was going to sign it as well. i said no so he asked if he could sign misha's name for him and we all laughed and i said yes and it literally looks like misha wrote it
he told us him and misha have a competition to see who can bring the other person to a bigger event - darius took misha to the oscars, misha took darius to meet zelensky, but now darius got invited to meet the pope!!
talked to us a bit about filmmaking and how the picture aspect is basically the same throughout film history, but sound changes every week
it took 26 weeks in post for the sound of metal to get the sound right
he's friends with emilia clarke??? and said that she was so upset over the got ending because so many babies have her character's name
he felt the spn ending was rushed
sooooo handsome in person and the nicest voice
darius is getting austrian citizenship bc his grandma was from austria but she had to flee
only saw the last bit but he was of course wandering the crowd
talked a lot about mental health and how we're not alone
said the best place to have a panic attack is a spn convention
Sachin & Osric:
fun!! not that interesting but fun!!
sachin just learned about destiel. like minutes before the panel started
talked about being poc in the industry and how much better it has gotten
it was fine but again not interesting
talked about pranks
talked about maybe being on the boys
talked about mental health
Misha & Jensen:
an hour late bc they made jensen do photos :(
they played the confession right before they walked on stage???
question queue was very long, they took about five or six not so great questions
someone asked what their fave gym equipment is (wtf) and misha said it's the towel to slap others on the butt with
but they were very fun!!
some people decided to tell a sob story at the mic which wasted time. like they know you love supernatural, they know you're nervous, you don't need to tell them.
they joked around a lot
three touches!! fingers, high five, hug!!!
you can just see how much they adore each other
darius was sitting on the steps but they wouldn't give him a microphone :( hopefully he'll come out at misha's panel tomorrow
Day 2:
Jared & Jensen VIP:
question abt Radio Company coming to Germany
Jensen says they're discussing it, his fave songs are Quarter To and City Grown Willow
Mario Kart characters - Jared Yoshi because he poops eggs, Jensen Blue Shell guy??, his 7yo plays Rosalina, JJ can beat him in Mario Kart now
Jared is 25% German (maternal grandpa)
Jensen wants to turn his next Purcon visit into a vacation
one person is talking so slowwwww
Jensen would want to reshoot Bugs without the bees
They had to do a bee allergy test where someone actually picked up a bee with tweezers and made it sting them
3 part question 🙄 with backstory 🙄 about their kids and if they can grow up normal and if they have a strategy if their kids read fanfic
Jensen played baseball in HS
His first school play was a musical
thanked us for letting them do the panels in english without a translator
Crowley was more excited to spend time with Dean instead of being in Hell
Mark went upstairs and helped a fan who had a bad photo with Jared
Got a standing ovation
Ty & DJ:
DJ used anti wrinkle creme on his balls but he stopped when his doctor said it would make him infertile
Ty told us to listen to a 23yo Canandian who sounds like Johnny Cash (Colter Wall??? maybe??)
Ty listens to a lot of country, DJ doesn't really have strong feelings about music
DJ adopted a dog who pissed on his belongings for 10 years - he was supposed to live until about 2 bc of health problems
DJ says to watch the movie Overboard
several questions were asked yesterday
DJ, Ty, and Ty's daughters have matching tattoos (they got them drunk) it's a little skull
Sachin & Osric:
Osric is Timon, Sachin is Pumba
couldn't do notes bc i was in line!! wasn't picked tho, because everyone rushed to the microphone before the last panel was over
one person spent five minutes monologuing
misha said people should ask him questions on their knees
Bishagate reference!! He asked a girl if she was coming out as an alien and she said "that's rich coming from you", Darius laughed so much (while he was still on the stairs)
Compared whipped cream to cum
Darius was on stage!!
greeted us with Guten Abend, Guten Tag, and howdy y'all
said it's not a goodbye to spn, it's a see you later
said swan song was easier than sacrifice bc he was lucifer for swan song so he had to act... reminder: that's his job...
first question was not a question
second question was a prank question
trivializing the thing where jared put coins in misha's car!!! wtf
praising mark p ew
woman keeps talking about her alarm sound which is german dean
called out a woman's shirt that says "save an impala, ride a winchester"
looks like jared will be on the boys, he basically confirmed it
he likes mountains more than beaches
says they might do a beach episode in the future
talking about the finale and the dean death scene
wants to bring jdm to the next con
GIANT line to ask a question
first woman named her kid Dean Jensen
hates toy slime bc it's all over his house
danneel moves a creepy doll around the house to mess with jensen
question abt cas in the winchesters and cas returning!! how to address the confession!! jensen thinks the confession was a long time coming and beautiful and raw and real!! dean understands cas loved him!! said cas saying he loves dean was clear text (rather than subtext) said cas and jensen found each other and when they meet again cas' feelings are just understood
says demon dean is stronger than soldier boy bc demon dean has no soul
boys question - jensen talks about herogasm, jack quaid just told jensen good luck when he went on set, nobody on set knew what was lube and what was hand sanitizer, he was unprepared to see so many naked people, he was standing next to a guy when the robes came off and he "had to do the glance", couldn't help looking at people having sex "there's four people here in a position i've never seen before"
woman crying while asking a question
woman said dj said he wanted to exchange his husband for jensen, and jensen said he doubts it because ty is pretty great
woman telling bad jokes, one about how women having orgasms is like a snowstorm because you can't see it coming?? not true for either i think
jensen needs to do more solo panels. i could listen to him talk for hours
i can't believe i was in the same room as this man wtf
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haveyouheardthisband · 11 months
how many submissions do you have to go through right now? just curious cuz it seems like this blog really blew up the past few days
thw google sheet is like 2500 rows long and i still havent made it past queueing all the asks from when i was taking suggestions there 😁
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oxfordslutphase · 6 months
WIPs for the Wednesday Gods
So it's Wednesday, and unfortunately for me I've been in a big fat, no good writing funk for the past couple of weeks. Really getting into the weeds about it and all of that (am I any good at it??? do I even like writing??? who knows!) That said, some of y'all lovely gems have been tagging me today (and in some fun games from last week that I may queue up for later this week). Thanks to @cha-melodius, @wordsofhoneydew, @eusuntgratie, @bigassbowlingballhead, @iboatedhere, @firenati0n, and @onthewaytosomewhere for tags today and last week!
I just deleted a whopping 2500 words from my Porn Star AU 😩, so instead please enjoy this offering of TZP/Nick inspired by Taylor running his mouth like an absolute menace on the Oscars red carpet (no I have not stopped thinking about it). As always the F stands for fiction etc etc.
Taylor checks his phone on the way out, breezing past emails from his agent and Maria’s endless recap of the show exclusively via reaction gifs before he sees it. Nicky: just thought you needed the practice, mate. x Taylor has been thinking about it lately, is the thing. Nick has been everywhere: promoting his new show, saying nice things about Taylor in interviews. Things like how he was authentic and funny and—fuck. Nick is in his city now, even. It isn’t Taylor’s fault that Amelia had pitched him a perfect home run. Taylor: so generous. too bad u weren’t invited tonight.  Taylor follows the security line to the valet and slides into the backseat of his waiting car, letting out a breath as the door closes and leaves the sounds of the crowds outside pleasantly muffled. He has a date with a hotel suite and an outfit change waiting for him, but for now he just lays his head on the glass and lets the streetlights passing by the window drain away the lingering nervous energy until his phone lights up in his palm. Nicky: maybe I have better things to do Taylor isn’t going to think about whether he would have liked Nick to have been there, frankly. If seeing the familiar shape of Nick’s profile across a crowded room would have felt relaxing, like it once had, instead of fraught with all of these inconvenient feelings. It had been a lot easier when his stupid face and his sly fucking mouth had been clear across an ocean. Just a mistake Taylor made once. Taylor plays the game anyway. Taylor: yeah?? what things? And he expects more of the same, really. A bit of banter. Some of it verging on flirty. The same stupid shit they always do; tossing a hot potato around and pretending they didn’t already drop the damn thing. Instead, those three little dots show up, dancing at the bottom of Taylor’s phone screen once, twice, and then—nothing. Okay then.
Open tag because I have been woefully behind on checking my feed, looking at the internet, and being a general person! Tag me if you take the open tag 💋
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I'm a different person from the asker you said to in an answer "all of them are around the 2500s in terms of when they were submitted so it’s gonna be a long time." but it made me curious,
Does this mean there are 2500 characters ahead of them in the queue, and it will be more than 625 days (20 months) before its posted? (if I did the math right O_O ) Are these posts in the queue, or submissions in a spreadsheet, including duplicate submissions and rejected submissions? (just assuming in that big a number, there'll be duplicate submissions, though I do not know how big a factor that is)
Also how do you deal with duplicate submissions, if they have different disabilities attributed to them (like for a character with valid comorbidities), do you merge them? or just pick the one submitted first?
You don't have to answer all this ofc I'm just very curious of the timeline and structures of this system, thank you if you answer
Guess what: I will answer all of this plus probably put in bonus information.
1.) So when I said in the 2500s in terms of when they were submitted I mean their submission number in the google form. So that doesn’t account for duplicates and characters that have already been posted, it’s just easier to use those numbers then go and eyeball our other spreadsheet. Technically due to the fact that our queue is a mess when a character was submitted has pretty much nothing to do with when they are posted. We try to get earlier submissions but also like to mix it up/a variety of other factors. We don’t actually have a queue beyond like a couple days out max because I don’t have the capability to make posts really far in advance, so it’s all just kinda vibing in various spreadsheets.
1.5.) Upon eyeballing the other spreadsheet we have around 1700-1900 characters submitted. (There are 3048 submissions in the google form) Of those 355 have already run, so around 1345-1545 characters to post. At our posting rate (which is a mess, sorry) that puts us around about a queue of a year.
2.) Regarding duplicate submissions, if they have different disabilities we tend to do a few things. I will generally cross reference the submissions and look at the wiki and then figure out what their disability should be listed as. I do trend towards the side of sometimes leaving stuff out, but that’s usually because it’s hard to find clear sources when you’re not wanting to do a 30 minute deep dive into a piece of media you’ve never heard of before.
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ohkate · 8 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
Thank you for the tag, @energievie, @juliakayyyyy, @jrooc, and @such-a-barbarian for the tag love.
name: I grew up in a time where you weren't supposed to give out your real name online, so Kate Jones became my alias based on the show 'Alias' and I've used it since.
zodiac sign: Libra
fuzzy socks or fuzzy blankets? blanket because I don't like socks. I don't like being too hot. I walk around barefoot almost all the time.
do you enjoy winter? I would enjoy it more if I didn't have to fear dying because I have to go to work. For my job, I don't understand why we can't stay home on snow days. I have a job where I can work entirely from home but, no, can't have that.
what’s your comfort book or movie? John Wick is a big one. I also love any mystery/suspense movies.
what’s your favorite way to wind down after a long day? I love marathoning tv shows. I like having a new episode waiting for me when I get home. I also love hellishly hot showers.
tell me something you like about yourself: I have no 'embarassing' gene, lol. I'm on the autism spectrum, and I'm super direct. It's not always a good thing, but I think it is for me because I don't let things fester. But there's no topic too taboo and there's nothing I won't talk about in public or with strangers.
I've learned to pick up on some queues from people so I try not to be rude, but I have no problem with people oversharing with me and vice-versa. Someone, somewhere decided we shouldn't talk about things out of some sense of decorum that some uptight dude in a suit probably came up with to control his wife, so I like that I'm not ashamed of things.
There's never an elephant in any room I'm in because I want to pet it, so I point it out right away! favorite artist? Flavio Zaark is my favorite sculpture artist. I couldn't choose a musician. I like movie scores. Hans Zimmer, Carter Burwell, Thomas Newman, Max Richter, M83, Zach Hemsey… I could go on for days. how do you practice self-care? A few years ago, I stopped arguing with stupid people. I just don't want to spend the energy on it. The earth is flat? Sure, fine. No problem. Good luck to ya. what’s a song that makes you feel joyful? The Nothing Song by Sigur Ros.
a book you want to read this year: I'm sticking with fanfic. I've read such a plethora of dramatic Ian/Mickey fics this year that I think I'd like to have some well-written, fun or funny fics that just make you smile at the end.
what advice would you give your younger self? Put every penny toward buying a house because, even though you may not ever want one, you will prefer it over what you are dealing with. You'll be stuck paying 2500 bucks a month for an apartment where you are living with crackheads and rapists and you get almost no sleep because of neverending music.
and finally, you’re given a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, no strings attached. where are you going? A food tour of all the Top Chef contestant/judge restaurants with someone who just wants to eat their way around the world and gain twenty pounds.
tagging @callivich, @tsuga-of-mars, @gillyp, @gallawitchxx
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So you've probably noticed that despite submissions officially closing on Friday, it is now well into Saturday.
Let me explain.
Originally, I decided to make the hard deadline midnight Pacific Standard Time, since I know based on when activity peaks on this blog that a lot of you seem to live on the west coast, and wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to put in last minute submissions. But then I stayed up tumbling down the Fate rabbit hole, and because it's a Saturday I overslept until noon. Also, someone asked me what my pronouns were a while back, and despite that being a one-word answer for reasons I can't explain that answer ended up being 2500+ words, and then I fell asleep in the bathtub and forgot to put out the announcement clarifying the new deadline, or queue any overnight polls.
So this is the NEW deadline.
Submissions will now close at MIDNIGHT, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, FOR REAL.
...until I oversleep and forget to close it again, so it will probably still be open after that. But when I do wake up, I'll close submissions INSTANTLY. But if you do manage to sneak in a little in overtime, I won't blame you, and they'll still be eligible for the bracket.
But this is officially your last call - so please, feel free to send in as many submissions as you like! Remember, this is your last chance!
Thanks for sticking with me and my bullshit guys. Every single one of you is a treasure, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
I'll be updating the master post with this information.
There are three other things I want to update you on.
Firstly, a lot of people have started submitting takes through asks - do not do this. Yes, I might make a poll on it, but it will not be eligible for the bracket. Please use the form.
Secondly, yeah, I forgot about the PFP poll again.
The struggles of being an airhead.
The winner of the poll ended up being Hellmo - but I've decided that I can't bring myself to change it. As stupid as it sounds, I've unironically grown so attached to this Astolfo avatar that I genuinely can't bring myself to change it; now that I've gotten so used to it representing me on this blog, the idea of changing it now is heartbreaking to me.
It doesn't help - and I'm being 100% serious - Astolfo was unironically my actual idol when I was a teenager, despite me knowing absolutely nothing about Fate. There's some backstory there which I won't get into now, but I was secretly overjoyed when someone actually suggested them as an avatar, even though it was in literally the weirdest way possible and didn't even relate to 'hot takes' in any way. I didn't say any of that because I didn't want to influence the results, but I will admit that secretly I was really hoping they would win, as unlikely as it was - which is why I decided to use them as an avatar for the short time I had left before the poll closed, knowing they would be swept and that I would be devastated when I did have to change it.
So, I know I said I would abide by the results of every poll, no matter what - it's literally one of the main rules of the blog - but just once I am going to break that rule.
Instead, I'm going to make the Hellmo picture the blog header - I really hope you can at least understand why I'm doing this, and I'm genuinely so, so sorry for letting you guys down like this. I know I've let you guys down before, and I can't apologise enough.
Secondly, I know I've massively overshared on this blog before, and now that I know it might happen again - sometimes I start writing and the words just keep pouring out onto the page - I've decided to start using the tag #h-t-t backstory for those posts if I ever do make another. Those posts might relate to mental health and similar issues, potentially including substance abuse. And I know a lot of you guys don't want to see that, so absolutely feel free to block that tag.
That's all for now - again, thank you all so much, and keep putting in the submissions! <3
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
lolol tired of being post-limited i have become a queue gal. it's kinda nice actually. i can queue as much as i want and not feel like it's too much bc 25 or 2500 posts queued in however much time it doesn't matter.
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malallory · 2 years
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oh, girl
fjkdsalfjas this is so funny to me bc the reality of it is I got my likes down to 2500 because I was adding things to my queue. and then liked some more and it surpassed 2500 again. I have been on this webbed cite for nearly 13 years honey I have probably liked millions of posts
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arcanetrivia · 2 months
Tumblr Premium
You know what, I was a little annoyed at first with the change from Ad-Free ($40/year) to Premium ($70/year), because I don't care about the free badge per month (not any of the ones currently available, anyway) nor the increased media upload, post, queue, or like limits as I never get anywhere near those anyway. But the free 2500-person Blaze every month (otherwise $10) might actually be worth it by itself. They guarantee that number of impressions as a minimum, but the one time I Blazed a post I got ~3600 (which lines up with the report of a friend that they got more than the minimum they paid for). Alas, it's not implemented as an overall discount; that is, the next level up still costs $25, not $15. Might send them some feedback about that.
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dsandrvk · 6 months
Wednesday, April 3 - Cuenca to Avila
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We knew we had a challenging transfer between two train stations in Madrid, but it was closer than we would have liked. First, our train arriving from Cuenca was late, then there was construction between the train and Metro stations, which necessitated a long detour walk, and then when we arrived at the Metro, there was a long line waiting to use the ticket machines. It took at least 15 minutes for the queue to move along and let us buy ours. There were two assistants who were helping people use the machines - without them it would have taken twice as long. We rushed through the turnstile, found our platform and just missed a train. We had about nine stops between stations and we kept checking our watches. At Principe Pio metro station there was no signage directing us to the train station, although we could see it. We finally figured it out and got on our train with two minutes to spare. I don't want to do that again!
One of the reasons we made our train is that we didn't have to go through screening security here for a medium distance (non-high speed) train. In almost every station so far we have had to put all our bags through an X-ray scanner and get wanded. Nobody really seems to be paying attention to the scanner, but it is security theater and that's what counts.
The train station in Cuenca is quite new and is a large glass rectangle covered with rusted steel pierced panels. The effect inside is almost like being in a forest. It is way away from town, however, although the number 1 bus stopped 30 feet from our door and got us to the station efficiently.
Avila is mainly known for its wall - a beautiful complete enclosure of the old town - two and a half kilometers complete with 87 towers, nine main and two lesser gates, and 2500 merlons (the little pointy things on top). It is considered to be the best preserved wall of its kind in the world. The original wall was probably begun in the fifth century, but this incarnation dates to the Middle Ages. We plan to get a ticket to walk along the top tomorrow, as more than half of it has been restored on top, and many of the towers are accessible.
Our hotel is tucked into a corner of the wall, and is a restoration of a palacio. Our room is on a corner with great views over the city and wall, and exposed original ceiling trusses, although the room itself is extremely modern. We wandered around (as usual) and stumbled upon a little municipal museum - it was mostly a collection of things in an old church, but showed the diversity of its history. Part of the floor of the church is a Roman mosaic, there are lots of other Roman bits and pieces, some Arabic carvings, fancy ox-carts and this sign from an old eatery. Note much in the way of interpretation, either, but fascinating.
There are a number of buildings here, especially the cathedral, that can be considered "over the top". St. Theresa is from here, and churches, monasteries and convents all competed with one another for the faithful. Avila is in the autonomous region of Castile y Leon, and there are lions everywhere, usually doing something to a castle, like licking it.
Later in the afternoon we decided to walk to the west side of the town and see if we could find a viewpoint shown on the map. We walked in and outside of the walls, then down to a river and up the other side to a structure with four columns that had been built about one hundred years ago as a viewpoint. There were only two problems. First, it had clouded over significantly and there was only one brief moment of warm light on some of the walls. Second, there hadn't been a major road between the wall and the view when it was built with a constant stream of vans, busses, etc. We did find a different way back to the walled city, however, which crossed on an old Roman bridge next to a more modern bridge for vehicles. The Roman bridge aligned perfectly with the main western gate, too.
We got back to our room in time for a beautiful sunset out over the city. Tomorrow we have the whole day to explore and hike the wall. It is nice that our hotel is so close to everything here.
Notes on the first photos - one is a typical streetscape in Cuenca near our apartment, and I couldn't resist a shot of the little tourist train, also in Cuenca, that makes its way up impossibly steep streets.
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mzminola · 4 years
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I do really like this picrew dollmaker a lot.
It’s the boys! As per always with my fic OC dollmaker posts, these are rough approximations of my headcanons, not fic canon, not unless a detail actually gets mentioned which means...J’pei’s braid and Ch’joh’s scar. Maybe Ch’joh’s hair?
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kazuwhora · 2 years
now that I've worked through my first mini group of commissions I'm going to re-open emergency commissions at a discounted rate and with discounted bundles! as I'm sure most of my followers and mutuals know I've not had the best cards dealt for me lately and had a wee bit of a housing crisis and I've been given no choice but to move unfortunately :(
however moving also comes with the ridiculous housing market and just the price of moving in general when you're single and disabled, so I'm going to be opening commissions in an attempt to help reduce the amount I have to come up with for my moving expenses for the new place. I originally had all my money planned out since I will be unemployed for the summer, but with this emergency move I'm in a bit of a pickle making up for the extra expenses (like laundry smh) so if you're interested in any of the following options, please DM me and I can add you to my queue for commissions!
click the readmore to view bundles and pricing! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
matchup prices
matchup w/ 50-100 word drabble: $5 USD
matchup w/ 100-300 word drabble: $7 USD
matchup w/ 400-700 word drabble: $9 USD
matchup w/ 700-900 word drabble: $15 USD
fandoms available: jujutsu kaisen, tokyo revengers, attack on titan, my hero academia, and hunter x hunter
drabble prices
300-500 words: $5 USD
800-1000 words: $10 USD
1000-1500 words: $15 USD
1500-2000 words: $20 USD
2000-2500 words: $25 USD
2500-3000 words: $30 USD
anything above 3k words will be an extra $10 per 1000 words!
fandoms available: jujutsu kaisen, tokyo revengers, haikyuu, demon slayer, my hero academia, hunter x hunter
PLEASE NOTE: I am happy to write character x character or character x oc ships as well! please see my blog rules for content I will/wont write, and if you have any questions feel free to discuss your idea with me!
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phdmama · 2 years
May 16, 2022
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(Sorry for the late post - forgot that my queue ran out!)
Today I want to lift up Mari (@onbeinganangel​ | onbeinganangel on AO3) who is literally one of the best people. For one, she was very understanding when I landed in her DMs screeching about Develop, Stop and Fix, as I am wont to do (seriously go read this it’s so good). Mari just pops in being supportive and it’s lovely. 
Today I want to bring your attention to A Care To Fill The Vessel Of Your Heart (Drarry, 2500 words, Mature). Now, do check the tags because this one tackles some difficult stuff.
So first, I started crying about two paragraphs in and I haven’t stopped yet. This fic is absolutely beautiful and devastating and so so powerful. Mari is a stunning writer, and the word that comes to mind when I think of her work is “delicate” - even something so hard-hitting and almost brutal as this. But it’s not a delicacy that hides or obscures the truth that she’s narrating. Rather it brings it into sharp relief. 
I feel like in my own work, I tend to write Draco’s redemption arc very cleanly (in part because I almost always write post-redemption). This Draco is messy. A mess. And it resonates so profoundly. It all makes sense, this Draco. And the way he and Harry fall into love, the way they’re both damaged but loving each other, even if it’s terrifying, makes them want to heal. 
This is a hell of a story, packed into 2500 words. I loved it.
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ladymariayuri · 2 years
Hi smiles weakly. Making this post just to pin and not reblog. Not life or death emergency but life kind of sucks right now. I hate to e beg but at my wits end.
My dad is kicking me out of the house and refuses to financially support me in any way besides college tuition. I was kicked out to my moms but she can’t support me either since she is disabled. My only option is to go back to college next month which I didn’t want to do since I will have no money to sustain myself on a day to day basis and it was wrecking my mental health last year but it’s all I have left. My dads house is utterly toxic and i am basically berated and treated like shit compared to mystep siblings. I’m not allowed to have my car, phone, or computer unless I live on a college campus. My mom lives on disability and has mental breakdowns that make her somewhat of a threat to herself and anybody nearby. So this is my last resort in some weird, hilariously ass backwards way.
My mother will chip in when she can along with some of her side of the family but I still need to buy some necessities while on campus. This being some food but not all, gas for my car, my adhd medication which has to be mailed to me from my dads to my campus 3 hours away, and a data plan for my phone. I need data for my phone in order to contact people and it is my substitute for a laptop which my college classes require while in person sometimes. I only need a smart device, which was my phone, and my computer is a desktop I have to keep in my dorm.
I have autism, severe adhd and depression, anxiety, a plethora of things which makes me somewhat disabled and it fucking blows. The entire reason I’ve lost financial support from my dad is because of these diagnoses being made official. Move in day is a month away and I can’t get a job to scrape up money since it’s so close + no car and no phone. I am literally using my moms phone to type this.
I don’t want anybody who is struggling themselves to give me money since I’m still fortunate enough to even have tuition paid for and my moms family is helping how they can, but I really don’t want my time at college to be worse than it has to be, and I don’t want to starve there, be trapped with no gas, no smart device for my classes, etc. but I’d appreciate anything sent my way as long as you are safe and secure enough to do so.
blue money giving app with pal in the name username is /hal7401. I can’t even accept the money on the app until august when I have my computer set up, fair warning.
E begging bruises my ego and I don’t want to accept things for free so I can try to do things in return. I’m not a great artist but I can make silly ms paint doodles for laughs. I type extremely fucking fast so I can caption a YouTube video for you or something. My strong point is video games! I’ve logged into people’s accounts on g*nsh/in to do their daily chores before and I’d be happy to do that as well. I can level ur ov*rwatch account to 25 or SR boost up to 3500 or a little higher on tank or support, I’ve done this dozens of times on my own free time as a side hustle. I can theoretically do up to 4400 but I’m washed. I can duo queue boost in wow with leveling or mythic+ up to whatever, never done that before but I was 2500 on dps in season 2. Those are just some examples and again I can’t really do any of these until late august.
Anyway I don’t really want people to reblog since I’d feel weird about it but if you’re so inclined to you can. I’d appreciate anything at all but please make sure you’re okay before me :)
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