#i was just. talking w some friends about top and how i'm not getting mine for a few years so i can get tested for brca
kozzax · 3 months
This is a reminder for transmasc people and others who are planning for or have had top surgery following me: breast cancer is transphobic.
The way breast cancer works is that it removes the failsafes that stop breast tissue cells from replicating too fast. It works on a cellular level, so any singular breast tissue cell can start breast cancer.
Most top surgeries are aesthetic in nature, unlike a full double mastectomy which is functional in nature. In day-to-day life, that distinction isn't important. Both of them take away your breasts, so in most situations there's functionally no difference. But breast cancer is transphobic. Breast cancer does not care that you don't visually have breasts, it cares that you have some breast tissue remaining at a cellular level.
Top surgery does not remove all breast tissue. If you have had or are planning to have top surgery, but not a full double mastectomy, you should still be getting preventative screenings.
It sucks! I know it sucks. But breast cancer sucks more. I promise you breast cancer sucks more.
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wholoveseggs · 7 months
HIYA GORGEOUS!! I absolutely adore all that you write and here I am once again to request something (tbh I’ll always be here to request things 🤭). So I’d like to request…
y/n (aka me) is Elijah's best friend but she's never met Klaus, only heard about him. one day she surprises Eli for his birthday so she walks in the compound, not knowing that Klaus is there too. she and Elijah exchange hellos then talk for a bit and before they can leave (Elijah is subtly trying to rush her out), Klaus hears her voice and comes downstairs. I'll leave the details to you but she and Klaus instantly hit it off so much so that it makes Elijah jealous (he's always had a thing for y/n but never said anything be he's afraid of losing their friendship). again, leaving the details to you. can we make it a 2-parter? 1 is jealousy/angst w/ implied smut between y/n and Klaus & 2 is Elijah confessing to y/n his feelings which lead to their first time sex and possible future relationship.
Sorry love if this is too much, it's okay if you're not up for it though! Thanks for even indulging me! 🤍
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part One
A drunken hookup with Klaus complicates your friendship with Elijah, leading to an awkward morning after.
♡♡ Thanks for the request sweet Aurora!! This one was a blast to write. But implied smut with Klaus??? Nahhh. No half-measures here. This is for all my Klaus girlies. You can't fix him, but you sure can fuck him. ♡♡
5k words - Warnings: smutttt {with Klaus}, rough sex, mild choking, Klaus being the drama, Elijah hiding his feelings & Rebekah judging you.
{Part Two}
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You came rushing through the gates of the compound, carrying so many shopping bags that you could barely see. Your arms felt on fire, but a little strain was worth it all when you remembered who you were doing this for.
Tonight was Elijah's big birthday bash, put together by you and Rebekah, and you wanted everything to be perfect. Elijah had become one of your closest friends, and this celebration was your chance to show him how much he meant to you.
"Eli, I have so much stuff for the party. Where should I put it all?" you ask once you got far enough into the house.
Elijah emerged from the grand living room and came into the foyer to help you. He had an odd look on his face, but you couldn't really pinpoint it exactly. He took the bags from your arms and carried them himself.
"Don't look in them! I want it to be a surprise!" You said, putting your hands over his eyes and guiding him towards the table.
Elijah chuckled, "Fine, Fine. Are you sure all of this is necessary?"
"Absolutely." you said, uncovering his eyes. "You only turn 1040 once," you joked, causing the pair of you to laugh.
It was over-the-top as shit, but a girl had to take any opportunity to give a Mikaelson a birthday they would remember, and then some.
Elijah's smile faltered a bit as he looked around the courtyard nervously. "Will you be returning home to get ready for tonight?" He asked, trying not to sound hopeful.
"I'm actually getting ready here with Bekah, why? Have a hot date you are hiding from me?" You teased, unaware of the way Elijah's body stilled at your words.
"Oh no darling, no date, just a brother he wants to hide," said an accented voice from the second level balcony.
Elijah let out a rough sigh as you turned to see Klaus stepping down the stairs towards you both.
You had heard of the legendary hybrid of course, but since you met Elijah you had yet to run into him. In fact, this was the first time you had seen Klaus in person and were unaware of the true look of him. Which made you almost go weak in the knees.
He was hot, like 'fuck me right now hot' and it took everything in you not to drool. It didn't surprise you, all the other Mikaelsons were extremely attractive, so it only stood to reason their infamous hybrid brother would be also.
You could tell by the look on his face he found you just as attractive, and with a devilish smirk, he seemed to say ‘I will fuck you right now if that's what you wish’
"Hello love, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he drawled before bringing your hand up and kissing it softly.
You wanted to hate him. Klaus had been notorious for so long for his tantrums and viciousness. But one look and just a touch from his lips and you knew you were doomed.
"T-Thanks," you said, pulling your hand back.
Klaus tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and ran a thumb across your cheek.
"Are you blushing for me? Can't say I blame you, love," he said cockily.
Elijah rolled his eyes at his younger brother's antics, but as Klaus lingered on your skin he felt a stir of possessiveness settle in his bones. He cleared his throat, shooting his brother a glare,
"I would love some help setting up the party for your brother," you asked Klaus, hoping to spend more time with him, his charm quite intriguing.
"It's alright, I can help you," Elijah insisted, not wanting Klaus to interact with you for a multitude of reasons.
"It's supposed to be a surprise for you Eli,” you pouted, which caused Elijah to soften at your cuteness.
"I've got it handled, Eli," Klaus teased, emphasizing the nickname you used for him.
Elijah looked between the two of you, clearly wanting to decline your request and keep you both apart. But alas, for some reason, he couldn't come up with a legitimate reason.
Klaus grabbed your bags and walked off, you began to follow, turning back to give Elijah a wide smile. "See you tonight, birthday boy," you exclaimed happily before hurrying off after the younger Mikaelson.
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You spent all afternoon decorating with Klaus, who insisted you call him Nik. He was somewhat sweet but full of himself. Yet, you enjoyed his company, he had a good eye for décor and matched your vision effortlessly.
"Have I accomplished my mission?" he asked. He brought a champagne bottle up, pouring two glasses and giving you one.
You leaned against the pillar with him and clinked your drinks together. "I'd say so, yes. Thank you so much for helping me."
"It was no trouble at all," Klaus said, then smirked at you over his glass. "You are quite stunning, love."
You grinned at his comment, "you should see me after I get all dressed up for tonight," you flirted, even though it sounded more like a challenge to him.
Klaus downed his drink then placed it on the table. Without warning, he pinned you to the pillar and trapped you against him. "Oh I plan on doing more than looking tonight," he said as his hungry eyes traveled over your body.
"I see you two have finally met, how wonderful," Rebekah commented, disrupting the moment.
You laughed nervously, glad for the interruption, gently pushing Klaus off of you. As much as you wanted to jump Klaus then and there, something held you back. And you knew what, or rather, who was keeping you from acting on your desires...
"We were just having some champagne," you tell her, taking another drink.
"I see that, the decorations look amazing by the way," she complimented as she poured herself a glass as well. "Catering has arrived, they are setting everything up downstairs," she informed you, letting you know you should probably get ready.
"I'll go get dressed then. Thank you again, Nik." You smiled at him again, and he grinned in response.
"I think I'm owed a dance for my hard work," he told you as you walked away with Rebekah.
You looked over your shoulder at him and gave him a wink, excited for the party to begin.
Once you were upstairs and away from Klaus, Rebekah spoke quietly to you. "Be careful with him, he's not like Elijah," she warned you.
"No one is like Elijah," you chuckled a bit, ignoring the pang of sadness you felt at the realization you would probably never be with the older Mikaelson.
The two of you spent your time getting ready, sipping on champagne and discussing the numerous guests who would be arriving. You got a little too buzzed, but you were excited and also needed some courage to face an unknown quantity of vampires.
Rebekah always had impeccable taste, helping you pick out a skin tight dress that came a few inches above your knees and accentuated every curve on your body. Adding even more with the tall black heels you slipped on, showing off your legs.
"I'm afraid I might have gone too far," Rebekah chuckled as she applied your makeup, making you look smolderingly hot.
"You think?" You asked sarcastically.
"You look like vampire bait and I'm sure it's going to drive him mad," she snorted, taking another drink.
"Who?" You looked at yourself in the mirror and fixed a smudge of lipstick.
Rebekah gave you a knowing look, but stayed quiet and you just smiled back at her innocently.
When everything was ready and all the guests started arriving, you and Rebekah made a grand entrance into the main parlor. Elijah was talking with someone when his eyes caught you across the room, you wandered over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Happy birthday," you whispered in his ear, as his arms pulled you tighter to him.
"Thank you so much," he said, pulling back just enough to smile at you, his face growing even brighter when he really looked at you.
You noticed the way his eyes traced your figure, taking you all in. The way they darkened a bit with pure desire, making you instantly become hot all over. But it was probably just your imagination, brought on by all the champagne you've been drinking.
You almost made a move right then, but the person he was conversing with interrupted and you found yourself drawn away by Bekah and her friends. Leaving Elijah to watch you from afar as you conversed with them, laughing and drinking.
Hours later, you were still in the middle of the large group of people, even dancing to the music that was blaring through the place. You saw Elijah dancing with a beautiful woman and you wanted to be happy for him, but then the woman whispered in his ear and touched his chest, and your mood immediately soured.
You went to the bar to get a drink, deciding more alcohol might be what you needed to wash away all your confused feelings.
"Thirsty, love?" Asked a familiar voice in your ear as your body was pulled back to collide with a strong chest. You could smell the scent of Klaus's cologne and instantly felt turned on.
"Very," you said, downing your entire shot.
He spun you around to look into your eyes, both of his hands on your waist, drinking in your appearance.
"You didn't have to do all this for me," Klaus teased, his eyes on your chest as he licked his lips. "I'm a sure thing, darling, you know that,"
You couldn't help but laugh. He may have been a lot of things, but he was definitely entertaining. You shook your head, but smiled all the same.
"I only ever dress up for myself, Nik," you sassed back to him, looking up through your lashes.
A slow smirk came to Klaus's face as he leaned in and captured your lips in his. He hummed into the kiss and his grip tightened on you. He pulled away, your lipstick was still on his lips.
You giggled and wiped it off, as he ordered you another drink. Not that you really wanted one but damn, he was good at persuading people.
"I recall that you owe me a dance," he reminded you, taking a sip of his own beverage.
"Oh?" You said innocently, fiddling with the many necklaces he was wearing. "I don't remember agreeing to anything," you flirted.
"Well, perhaps a private dance then," he teased, giving you a mischievous smile.
"Maybe I'll surprise you later," you whispered, leaning in and sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and playfully biting it, loving the look of surprise and arousal on his face.
Then you turned and sauntered away, leaving him standing there at the bar to watch you. You were definitely going to end up in his bed tonight, but you wanted to make him squirm a little. Or rather, a lot.
You moved through the crowd to see Elijah and the woman dancing close, whispering things to each other. Well, actually, only she was talking. He seemed like he wasn't paying too much attention to the conversation she was having with him.
You gave him a wave and a smile, pointing at the woman and giving him an encouraging thumbs up. You don't know why you did it. Your chest did funny things seeing him with someone else though.
He returned your smile but didn't do much else before she spoke in his ear again and he allowed her to lead him out of the crowd.
You guessed Elijah was tired of his own party and went off to have some fun, and you were determined to have the same.
Klaus found you sitting on the couch, a cocktail and a plate of various snacks in front of you. You were thoroughly bored as you couldn't find him again.
He came from behind and crashed beside you, taking the glass out of your hand and finishing it, then set it aside.
"Hey! That was mine," you scolded playfully.
Klaus put his arm around you and kissed your neck. "How about you stop pretending you're enjoying yourself and come upstairs with me?" He suggested.
You laughed, and then he abruptly pulled you up and practically carried you through the door leading upstairs, pinning you to the wall at the top of the steps.
"Nik," you tried to say while laughing. "You can't just haul me off and have your way with me," you protested as his lips got closer to yours.
"Tell me to stop and I will," he taunted, bringing his lips to yours in a rough kiss.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, everything moving so fast. Klaus didn't even give you a chance to respond, lifting you so your legs wrapped around him.
He walked into a room and shut the door, setting you down on his desk. You realized that you were in his infamous art studio, looking around as Klaus hovered over you. You felt his lips on your neck, kissing every inch until you moaned.
Then he found the tiny zipper of your dress and slid it down, exposing your breasts. He smirked, reaching to tweak your nipple as he took you in. "Well then, love. Now I truly see why my brother has hidden you from me," he said huskily.
You giggled at his compliment but then you couldn't form words as he yanked the rest of your dress off you. You sat on the desk naked, save for your heels and nothing else.
"Dear lord, you are gorgeous," Klaus muttered, touching you everywhere.
You pulled him close by his shirt collar and locked lips. You bit his bottom lip harshly and he growled, his eyes flashing gold. The way his eyes changed on you was the hottest thing you've seen.
You pulled his shirt off him, tossing it to the floor before unbuckling his belt, wanting him as naked as you were. Once you had him bare, you raked your nails down his chest and he chuckled.
"You want to play rough, don’t you love?" He whispered as he nipped at your neck.
"Maybe," you teased, "what are you going to do about it?" You questioned, leaning back on the desk a little and spreading your legs for him, getting wet at the promise of a wild night.
Klaus's breath hitched when you touched yourself for him, his eyes completely transfixed on you. He was definitely intrigued by how confident you were.
"Well then," he growled before he roughly pinned your legs open, his hands squeezing your thighs harshly. He brought your body to the edge of the desk, kneeling in front of you as he ran a thumb over your dripping wet center.
He hummed at your scent as he pulled you forward a bit more to devour you, making you yelp in surprise, your hands tugging on his curls.
He was good, really good, and your toes curled at the pleasure you were receiving. It only got better when you saw his golden eyes as he gazed at you with a possessive glint, the vibrations from his own groans of enjoyment hitting you just right.
But before you could climax he pulled back and stood up, making you whimper and sit up on the desk, wanting him to continue.
Klaus chuckled at your impatience, pulling you into another searing kiss as you moaned. He broke it and gave you a smug smile, before wrapping his hand around your throat.
You were panting with need, your hand moving down to his cock and he hissed at your touch. He moved forward so he was resting between your thighs again as you stroked him slowly.
You both stayed this way for a moment, staring at each other. Until finally Klaus couldn't stand it any longer and roughly turned you around to face the desk. He pushed on your back until you were bent over on the wood, making you giggle with anticipation.
He smacked your ass hard, turning your giggle into a gasp as you looked back at him. He did it again and again until it was stinging. You wanted him so badly, it was unbearable.
You reached back for him and he lined up his cock to your entrance, sliding it up and down a few times until you were nearly shaking. He finally gave in and pushed into you, his hand tugging your hair until you arched into him, and he sank into the hilt.
He hissed at the sensation and you were about to tell him to move but he started fucking you without you needing to, hard and rough and perfect. He had you moaning with each thrust as you grabbed onto the desk, holding on tight as his body collided with yours, skin slapping as you got closer to climaxing.
It was hot and a little dirty, just what you had needed. Your moans only spurred him on as his hands explored your body while he took you from behind. The force of his thrusts causing items on his desk to clatter to the floor, but you both were far too gone to care.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you back into him, making you stand so his other hand could roam your front. He moved up to massage your breast while pinching and tugging on your nipple until you moaned. He was clearly determined to make you come first and was going to enjoy doing it.
"Nik!" you whined his name when he pinched you a bit too harshly. You felt his lips on your neck, his fangs grazing the skin as he left hickeys.
You tilted your head for him and he smirked, licking your pulse point and gently nibbling. His thrusting becoming erratic as his hand slipped to your clit to rub fast circles until your legs started trembling and you let out a scream as your orgasm crashed into you.
He hummed in approval and thrust into you a few more times before you felt him filling you up with his cum, and you giggled from the sensation. He released you from his grasp and you leaned back down on the desk, turning around to face him.
You both were sweaty and exhausted but extremely satisfied. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, placing soft kisses all over your face as you giggled again, trying to move away from him.
He grabbed your dress and handed it to you before slipping on his pants, leaving his shirt off. He gave you a soft kiss on the lips and then turned away, starting to pick up the fallen objects from his desk and placing them in their correct places.
You watched him in a daze, your body tingling as you pulled your dress back on.
"So, love, my room is right next door, if you care to continue our celebration?" He said with a smug smirk, giving you a wink.
You giggled again and nodded, knowing it was probably the alcohol giving you your confidence, but you were going to ride the wave (and him) until the end. 
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Klaus woke to find you peacefully asleep in his bed. He leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead as you stirred slightly.
It was quite a night.
He took his time to admire your body and then your beautiful face. The way your eyelashes brushed your cheekbones as you slept, and your lips were parted slightly.
He got out of bed and got dressed, heading downstairs to find some blood and coffee. Elijah was in the kitchen reading his morning paper and looking every bit as dignified as always.
Klaus poured himself some coffee and started drinking it. He glanced around and saw there was no one else there but his brother, and he was smirking before he even opened his mouth.
"How was your night, Elijah?" He asked teasingly.
Elijah took his time to respond. He folded his paper up, placing it beside him as he eyed his younger brother suspiciously, he always had an innate sense to when Klaus was up to something.
"Quite fine. Why do you ask?"
Klaus's smirk grew bigger. He didn't say anything else and went about making himself something to eat. He felt Elijah's eyes boring into him the whole time, knowing that he wanted an answer but Klaus wouldn't give it to him just yet. He just loved torturing his big brother, even after a thousand years it was still highly entertaining.
"Your friend is an excellent host," Klaus started off with, his back turned as he chopped some fruit to put into a smoothie. He could almost hear the wheels turning in Elijah's mind as he tried to figure out where Klaus was going with this. "You really should have introduced me to her sooner."
Elijah sighed heavily. Klaus glanced behind him, and he had an annoyed expression on his face. He wasn't getting anything from Elijah so he turned to face him, his smirk returning.
"I showed her how much I appreciated her hard work last night. Several times actually, in my studio, a few times in my bed and then in the shower," he added as his smirk got wider and his tone became suggestive. "I dare say I've never been ridden so spectacularly before in all my years,"
Elijah abruptly stood, opening his mouth to say something, but that's when Klaus turned on the blender. Looking at Elijah apologetically and holding a finger to his ear and shrugging his shoulders.
"What's the matter brother?" he shouted over the blender. "You look a bit upset. You know it's not very healthy to bottle up all of your feelings,"
He stopped the blender and poured himself a glass, then another for Elijah as he handed it to him. Elijah just glared at him and poured the smoothie down the drain, setting the glass in the sink.
"That's rather rude, Elijah," he scolded teasingly. "I made that just for you,"
"Have you no shame, Niklaus?" He asked harshly, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Noooo, shame is for boring people," he taunted. "Why are you so upset? Aren't you happy for your friend? I can assure you that she enjoyed herself immensely,”
Elijah snapped. He couldn't take anymore. He walked over and grabbed Klaus by the shirt collar, and shoved him against the wall roughly, holding him in place.
"You know how I feel about her and yet you slept with her anyway," Elijah seethed.
Klaus raised his eyebrow. "If you want her, then you should of taken her yourself," he snapped, his eyes flashing gold in challenge. "It's your loss anyway," he added, shoving him back and adjusting his collar, then smoothing out his shirt.
Elijah was livid. He knew it was just Klaus's way of being obnoxious, but that didn't make it any easier to handle.
"I can't get the vision of her tits bouncing in my face out of my mind, Elijah," Klaus taunted him again. "Perhaps if you're lucky, you'll get to experience it for yourself," he said, brushing past his brother and walking away with a laugh.
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You woke in Klaus' bed with a terrible hangover and an empty spot beside you. You sat up, your head spinning a bit as the memories of the night before came flooding back.
Oh God, you slept with Elijah's brother.
You covered your face in embarrassment. You got drunk, got laid and it was with the worst person you possibly could of picked.
Elijah was going to kill you. He's been protecting you from his brother and here you go, having sex with him in his bed. You could imagine how disappointed he was in you right now.
You quickly got dressed and made your way downstairs, needing some coffee and possibly a few pain pills to try and take the edge off your headache.
Klaus was walking away from the kitchen, a devious smirk on his face. When he saw you, his grin got even bigger, but he said nothing, just gave you a wink.
You turned red in embarrassment and dashed into the kitchen, finding Elijah sipping his morning coffee while reading his paper. He looked up when he saw you enter and then he folded the paper and placed it on the island.
"Morning," he started off in a professional tone. You hated how he sounded.
You grabbed a mug and poured the liquid into it. Elijah was silent as he waited for you to face him, and once you had taken a few sips, he was standing in front of you.
He pushed your hair off your neck and a flash of Klaus' mouth sucking and nibbling on you last night, appeared in your mind. You were definitely covered in marks and hickeys.
"I see you had fun," Elijah muttered, and you saw him look over your appearance, the slight smudged make-up, messy hair and rumpled dress from last night.
He wasn't usually one to judge someone else's life choices, but this was his brother and you. It seemed more personal.
You blushed and pushed your hair back over your shoulder, so his eyes would stop staring at your neck. You needed a cold shower or something, the entire night was still feeling extremely vivid.
"Look Elijah, I'm so sorry, he just caught me at the right moment and I got a little drunk and..." you trailed off, taking a drink of coffee to calm your nerves. You really didn't have any good excuse to give him.
"It's alright, you can be with whoever you choose," Elijah stated in a collected tone.
You frowned and saw him adjusting his cuff-links. A sure sign he was upset. He always did that when he was angry or hiding what he was truly feeling.
"It was just a one time thing," you added, but you felt like he wasn't listening to you anymore.
Elijah was acting strange. Sure he could be an enigma sometimes, but this was different. He looked determined but a little annoyed, and you weren't quite sure how to read the situation. You decided to steer the conversation away from Klaus and what had happened between you two.
"How was your night?" You finally thought to ask. "I saw you leave with a woman, you looked like you were having fun," you said it teasingly, hoping it would lighten up the mood.
But now it was his turn to blush.
"Fine, really. It was fine," he muttered, fixing the already perfect knot in his tie. Now that was definitely something. Elijah rarely ever got tongue tied. "We kissed and I walked her home," he added, his lips pressing together in a firm line.
"That's all? You didn't...well, you know?" You questioned hesitantly.
"One night stands aren't my forte," he replied, giving you a soft smile. "When I take a woman to bed, I make her mine," his words were possessive and he hadn't taken his eyes off you.
The two of you weren't the kind of friends who discussed your sex life with each other. So when he said this, your cheeks turned hot and your imagination went wild. The idea of him holding you down and having his wicked way with you was something you were definitely interested in.
You both were staring at each other, the tension growing by the second. Then you looked away, you couldn't possibly fuck another Mikaelson in the same twelve hour period. Besides, Elijah meant far more to you than Klaus ever could. Sex with him would probably lead you somewhere complicated, and you didn't want to ruin what you had right now.
The situation was way too weird.
"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" You decided to ask, breaking the silence and steering the conversation away from sex. You just wanted to spend some time with him. "Maybe come up to my place? I don't work the next two days," you added, hopeful he would agree to spend time with you, even though he always did, but this time you felt more nervous about it.
It would help things get back to normal, as normal as they could be after what happened with Klaus.
"Sure, Klaus and Rebekah won't be home tomorrow if you would like to come over here instead?" He suggested, your eyes meeting his again.
He had such an intense way of staring into your eyes, that it almost felt like he was looking into your soul.
"Well, it's your birthday so whatever you would like to do," you stated, giving him a sweet smile.
Your phone buzzed, breaking the moment. You grabbed it from your purse and opened the new text from Klaus: 
- I'm available if you ever need something to ride again.
You quickly put down your phone, forgetting you had given him your number. You decided you were going to ignore it. There was no way you were going there again.
Elijah looked curious but didn't press.
"I better go home," you said, finishing your coffee and putting it in the sink.
"See you tomorrow," he replied, stepping closer and giving you gentle kiss on the cheek.
You said bye to him and walked out of the kitchen to the courtyard where Rebekah and Klaus were arguing. They both looked over at you, their argument stopping when they noticed you.
"Hello darling," Klaus greeted, his eyes raking over you. Flashes of your evening together running through your mind, and you quickly looked away from him.
Rebekah looked between the two of you and you could see her trying to figure it out, her eyes widening as she stared at you. You quickly hurried out of the compound before either of them could say another word.
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{Part Two}
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡ @wickedmuse ♡ @sunkissedebony97 ♡ @idk00sblog
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that-basic-simp · 4 months
Girl With The Wave Tattoo PT. II
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A/N: I sincerely and deeply apologize for not getting this out sooner. Tumblr did not notify me that a couple people commented asking for a second part to this. It was only recently that I saw that part two was requested. To those who requested this, I am so sorry for making you wait this long! Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: Deep conversations about trauma and dark/intrusive thoughts WC: 1.0k+
"Hey, Mizu!" I smiled, waving to her.
"Hey, Y/N," she smiled.
"Tea again?"
"You know it," she said, pulling out her wallet.
"I got it," I said.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yes, I am sure. I know you've been working hard."
She smiled, shaking her head, "I take it Ise told you?"
"Yes. And the social media posts of your recent tattoos lately."
"Business has been booming. I am grateful."
"I take it you're stressed, though."
"Very much am," she let out a sigh. "Oh, before I forget."
"You free tonight?"
"Yes, you," she chuckled.
"I-I," I found my friend and Ise were standing around the corner, vigorously nodding their heads. "I'm not doing anything tonight."
"Great. I'll meet you here, then?"
"Y-Yeah," I said, finishing up making her tea.
"See you then," she smiled, taking the cup from my hand.
Our fingers brushed over one another's as she grabbed it, heading out of the little cafe. She waved to my friend and Ise before heading out. I stood there, my mouth wide open and my eyes blinked rapidly. My friend came over and hugged me from the side.
"Look at you! Wooing Mizu like that."
"I-I didn't do anything. I-I just treated her with kindness and respected her as a person."
"And those are qualities you don't find a lot these days," Ise said.
"Yes, I remember the story you told me."
"And also, from what I heard from my friend, Mizu is not the easiest person to like. And she struggles to find people to talk to," Ise said.
"I can see why," I said.
"But this is good!" my friend said. "I know how much you've been wanting to date someone."
"I-I'm not sure I want to date Mizu. I mean, she seems nice and all and I do find her attractive, but I-I don't know."
"Just let things happen, Y/N," my friend said. "You don't have to force yourself to like someone if you don't feel like you do."
"Thanks," I said.
"We should also probably get back to work," my friend eyed the line that was starting to gather behind us.
"Oh shit," I said and turned towards the register as my friend and Ise were getting things prepared.
After we closed the cafe, I was walking out right when Mizu was walking towards the building.
"We'll see you later, Y/N," Ise and my friend said.
"Later," I said to them before turning to Mizu.
"H-Hey, Mizu."
"Hey, Y/N," she smiled. "You ready?"
"Where are we going to go?"
"I found an awesome place to show you," she said and walked off towards the outskirts of the city.
We got onto a train that led to the outer parts, where not many people lived and it would be a long hike to reach the next town over. The train stopped and Mizu got up. I followed her off the train and into the woods. The sun was starting to set and it was getting chilly. My work uniform wasn't enough to keep me warm, since I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and jeans.
"Here," Mizu said and wrapped her jacket around me.
"Thank you," I said. "W-What is here? And how did you find this place?"
"I remember a friend of mine, Ringo, told me about this place. How it's mostly woods and it's far enough from the city to where I won't get lost, but also far from the next town over. I came here one evening and started wandering around, trying to find a calm and quiet spot. Then I stumbled upon this," she pulled back some foliage and there was a large cliff ahead of us.
I stepped out of the woods and she followed behind me. I noticed she was wearing a white tank top and shorts with tennis shoes.
"How are you not cold?" I asked.
She chuckled, "The tattoo shop I work in is either freezing or boiling hot. The HVAC needs to be repaired and we're struggling right now to get it fixed. I've been working a lot more hours so that I can use what I get to help pay for the repairs. Don't worry, it's not just me who is doing that. Everyone is chipping in."
"I was gonna say," I said.
"It's the only place I will be a good person to, along with you, Ise, and your friend at the cafe."
"I don't blame you," I said.
"Come, let's sit."
We walked towards the edge of the cliff and sat down, our legs swinging in the air.
"After everything you've been through, I don't blame you for not being nice to those who aren't deserving of it."
"I should be nicer to people. They're just trying to get by and here I am, traumatized from my past."
"The healing process is a long and perilous journey."
"It truly is. I-I don't think I will ever heal."
"I know people say time heals all wounds."
"It's bullshit."
"Time heals the physical wounds, not the mental ones."
Mizu turned towards me, a look of shock on her face.
"What?" I asked.
"I always say the same thing, too."
"Well it's true. If you've been traumatized, no matter how much it hurt you, you can't easily get over that within a week. Or even a year. Hell, not even two years. Your body may be able to heal itself, but the brain and heart can't."
Mizu slowly nodded her head, "E-Exactly."
"I-I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't want this to sound like a therapy session."
"You know, no one understands any of that like you do."
"Yeah. A few people I have talked to have never made me feel safe. Safe in the sense of I can express my thoughts and feelings freely."
"Your thoughts and feelings are valid, Mizu," I said. "No matter what anyone says, they're valid."
"Even the dark thoughts?"
"That's a gray area. But if you don't enact on them, either if they're dark towards yourself or someone else, they're still valid to have."
"Why do you say that?"
"They're your thoughts and feelings. So they should be valid to at least you. I think it's important that they're mainly valid to you, but I do feel you need validation from others on what you're thinking. And I think everything you think, dark, light, whatever it may be, is valid. Unless you enact on the dark thoughts."
"Don't let the intrusive thoughts win," Mizu chuckled.
I chuckled with her as well, "Yeah. Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. But they're still valid."
"Thank you, Y/N," Mizu said.
"You're welcome, Mizu. And this is a great sight. Thank you for bringing me here."
"You're welcome. Want to do something like this again sometime?"
I turned and smiled at her, "I'd love to."
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lyneylover · 1 year
How yan! heizou, kazuha and tighnari would kidnap their fem!s/o
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Order: Beautiful Red Rose W/ Strawberry Cheesecake and no sides or toppings for heizou, kazuha, and tighnari!
This Order is for a close friend of mine! I hope everyone enjoys this(sorry if some are oc T-T)
CW: Yandere content, kidnapping, knocking the reader out (Heizou and kazuha's part), mentions of a dead friend (Kazuha's part), mentions of breeding (Tighnari's part), spiking drink/food (Tighnari's part), guilt-tripping (Tighnari's part)
Word count: 1.2k
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You met Heizou through being assigned to be his kohai in the Tenryou Commission.
At first, Heizou thought nothing greatly of it and pictured you to be like the others in the Tenryou Commission.
That was until he saw you for the first time. He was amazed at how you solved the case and caught the culprit so quickly.
At that moment Heizou felt excited to have someone who could solve cases like he does. Heizou felt you were the perfect one for him and that you were for ONLY HIM.
Now this brings us to where we are now Heizou taking you out to an escape room that he made himself promising that this would be a fun way to test your skills. If only you knew his real intention maybe you could've stopped this from happening.
You not knowing the life-changing event that would unfold in just a few hours agree to go to the escape room Heizou made. Which would be the biggest mistake you have ever made in your life.
Heizou waved at Y/n when she got to the address he gave her "Y/N OVER HERE!" you turn your head over in his direction and begin walking over to him. You began looking at the escape room weirdly 'Is this the escape room?' you think to yourself not noticing Heizou was talking to you "Hey Y/n are you even listening to my instructions about the escape room?". Heizou snaps his fingers in front of your face snapping you out of your thoughts "A-ah yeah I'm listening!" Heizou cocks his eyebrow at you "Alright then let's go my dear detective." Heizou grabs your hand gently and pulls you into the escape room.
As soon as you step into the escape room you begin looking around. After a while of looking around you find a key and a locked door "Hey Heizou I think I found the key to this door." Heizou grins and walks over to you "Oh really, it seems my dear little detective is finding many things in very little time." You blush lightly at his praise and turn to open the door with the key. Once you open the door you see a note attached to a rose hanging on a string from the ceiling. Thinking this was another clue you go and grab the note and the second you read it your heart stops. The note says 'Sweet dreams.' in red ink, before you can even turn around and say something you feel something being put over your mouth and nose. Before you pass out you hear Heizou say "Don't worry my dear little detective I'll take good care of you~" Heizou finally has you all to himself.
Kazuha first met you when he was trying to escape some people from the Tenryou Commission and you so kindly gave him a place to hide.
You hid him in your house until everything settled down outside, you even patched up his scratches and gave him food and water so he wouldn't be exhausted.
In that time he found out that you were a rich merchants daughter and that your older brother also had a vision but was taken away by the Tenryou Commission.
During the time you spent with Kazuha he felt himself having a special connection with you. He wanted to know more about you, he wanted to talk to you more, he wanted more of that kindness you gave him, he wanted you.....No.....HE NEEDED YOU.
Kazuha started thinking of a plan on how to get you to come with him but first he had to earn your trust.
He started telling you why the Tenryou commission was after him and about his dead friend Tomo and how he took his vision before it died out he showed you the dead vision.
When the time for Kazuha to leave came he begged you to come with him "Y/n please! Come with me we can travel around Teyvat together." She looks at him with sad eyes and then she began to speak "I'm sorry Kazuha but I belong here with my family and friends but maybe we will meet again sometime soon Kazuha, good luck." with that she started to walk away.
Kazuha sighs before making his finale decision as soon as Y/n turns around to walk away he knocks her out and brings her to Beidou's ship telling her that you were his partner and that you had collapsed from exhaustion. When he gets the ok from Beidou he takes you to the room he was given he begins tucking you under the cover after he's finished he caresses your cheek before kissing you forehead and whispering "I'm sorry Y/n but I already lost Tomo I can't lose you too dove I hope you understand that I NEED YOU." Kazuha kisses your forehead one last time before going to talk to captain Beidou.
You were a new forest ranger when Tighnari first met you.
You were assigned to be his assistant and help him with Collei whenever he couldn't do it at that moment.
Of course Tighnari protested to this saying he didn't need the help and that you would just get in his way when he was doing stuff but eventually he gave in and agreed to take you in.
Tighnari would watch over you closely every time you did something especially when you helped with Collei he thought you would do something wrong.
But that thought quickly vanished when he seen how happy Collei was with you and how you made sure nothing happened to her. It made his heart melt with pure happiness and joy that Collei was happy with you.
But this caused something else to snap in him when he seen you acting as a mother figure to Collei. He felt that you would be an amazing mother and slowly he started feeling you would be the perfect FOREVER mate for him and then there it was the urge to breed you and make you his forever.
When your time with Tighnari was over and you had the choice to leave he thought you would stay with him and Collei. Oh but how wrong he was when he found out that you would be leaving the next day, he stormed to your room asking you why you decided to leave him and Collei. When you tell him that you want to try and be on your own now he was enraged "SO YOU WOULD JUST LEAVE COLLEI AFTER THAT? AFTER ALL SHES TOLD YOU. DON'T YOU SEE SHE NEEDS YOU HERE WITH HER." you flinch at him yelling at you "T-tighnari please calm down."
He begins yelling again "DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND COLLEI NEEDS YOU. I NEED YOU." once Tighnari sees the look in your eyes he calms down and sighs before saying "At least have one last dinner with us." he smiles softly when he sees you nod your head slightly. When the time to eat dinner comes he hands you your bowl and your drink and watches as you eat and talk to Collei. After eating and finishing your drink you start to feel light headed before collapsing on the floor.
Collei quickly runs over to you "MASTER TIGHNARI IS SHE OK?" Tighnari sighs and smiles to himself before putting on a worried face "I'll check her out, Collei go get some rest" Collei nods before heading to her room. Tighnari picks you up and carries you to his room before laying you on the bed he chuckles to himself "I can't wait to breed you and get married then we'll be the PERFECT FAMILY." He smiles at you one last time before going to check on Collei.
I had so much fun writing this order! and I totally didn't get the idea for heizou from that one voice line- also r.i.p tomo you will be missed man 😔
I hope you enjoyed your order Jessica<3
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honeyhotteoks · 1 month
Okay I'm 5'7 too so thank you for your detailed description of the members and I'm not surprised but kinda am at the same time about their appearance??
Low-key love seeing all the live content but also feel left out as an Aussie atiny BUT I'm seeing skz in October so I'm excited for that!!
Speaking of their appearance, the members of skz are a lot more muscular in person than how they look.
I was expecting them to be skinny and boney but they all look incredibly strong and fit-even Han and Felix-
Han actually looks slightly more buff and muscly then Felix which surprised me and Lee Know is just as defined and muscular as Changbin which no one talks about.
Anyway- yunho brain rot.
I was listening to the audiobook of haunting Adeline because I finally caved in from the TikTok influence and my friend telling me how sexy the novel is.
Idk if it's because I'm going to therapy or I'm too old but I thought it was over-hyped-
I did love how the author described the themes of fear and stalking because when I did get tense when she'd leave the room, come back and there would be a 🌹 on the counter.
BUT I did get delulu and I was reading some scenes where zade is just consumed with Adeline and I was gasping 'like omg yunho could be like this' because his natal chart indicates if he was psychotic and unhealed enough- could delve into stalking territory.
And yes okay- this shit is toxic and scary and awful in real life BUT LET ME FANTASISE FOR A SECOND!
What if yunho was that borderline toxic boyfriend that just CANT leave you alone??
Watches you from afar, sends you messages all day-
Somnophilia thought here-
You don't live with yunho but have given him a key and go to bed with no panties on b/c it's a common occurrence he'll drive over in the middle of the night b/c it's been too long since he's felt you under him and he has to ravish you.
You wake up to his tongue on you clit as he moans and breathes your scent in which eventually leads to you making love with him as he virtually suffocates you with his body and words?
You're mine, you're not leaving me, I'm destined to be with you, on top of you, inside you, I can't breathe w/o you.
first of all........ love that you're seeing skz!!! i'm hoping if and when they announce tour dates for north america next year there's a chance for me to see them
as far as your yunho brainrot goes................. IM DIZZY. i love your natal chart content, and i've been so obsessed with the idea of yunho being like perfect boyfriend great guy................but................there's that part of him that just can't help being possessive and having this sense of ownership over his partner.
i was just actually reading a fic for another fandom along the lines of what you're describing and i was like YUNHO YUNHO YUNHO the whole time. i might write my own version but......... brainrot under the cut
so i think there's two yunho possibilities that i love within this like possessive/stalker/dubcon realm, and one is straight up like suuuuuper healthy relationship but they play with CNC in intense ways and do full on like roleplay OR my current favorite brainrot which aligns with your idea and the fic i was just reading which is like...... desperately obsessed desperately in love fully fixated on reader not leaving him because he just has to consume her fully at all times.
he and reader have been dating for a while and he's honestly the 10/10 perfect boyfriend (she thinks) only.... she knows he gets a little funny about certain things. when other guys talk to her he just has to have his hands on her, and when he worries about her he really worries, almost too much. he gets jealous about the funniest little things, and he's always nervous about change, he just doesn't want anything to burst their little bubble so much so that he's controlling the situation a little too much. but.... she also loves him, and he hasn't really stepped over the line of toxic.......... until she catches him stealing a pair of her panties and realizes his phone is full of pictures of her.
and it starts off like an argument, until he starts to confess his real fantasies. and he knows it might be too much, but she makes him so insane it's like he can't help himself. and the longer he talks about all of those fantasies, confessing how fucked he knows it is and how she really could do better, she just keeps getting more and more turned on. and it's shocking to her too, but she really fucking likes it. she's never had someone take care of her, really and truly take care of everything and just let her exist without having to make all the decisions or take control, and he's just offering it all to her on a platter she just has to let him take it.
and so while he thinks revealing his desires is about to break them up, and he's losing his fucking mind about it, she's ready to double down hard on the relationship and on what they do behind closed doors. so she shocks him when she not only agrees for more but asks for more.
and so that's when she gives him the key, that's when she tells him that he's allowed to come in whenever he wants. to touch her whenever he wants. she wants it all, but all she asks in exchange is that he stops hiding his desires from her, because that's what was driving the wedge between them. he's patient about using the new found control though, because he doesn't know what that will do for their relationship and she doesn't necessarily know what she's allowing him to do..... he can't smother her ALL at once.
but that changes when she falls asleep one night before texting him goodnight, she's been stressed and worn thin and he's not had the opportunity to see her let alone take care of her..... and he's feeling a little neglected too. and he waits a couple of hours for a response, but finally he decides it's time to use the key. so he drives over, slips in quietly, and finds her sound asleep, phone still clutched in her fingers and a video looping on repeat.
he's hard in a second, desperate in a second, and he has to do something about it. so he starts off slow, peeing off her clothes and gently teasing her nipples, getting a blush in her cheeks and making her perfectly hot and receptive to his tongue teasing her sweet clit.
she’s been so tired lately that she’s well and truly out, and she doesn’t really wake up until he’s teasing her wet cunt with his cock, not quite fucking her yet but everything in between. and when she wakes it’s mid-orgasm and desperate for more, and she's aware that something feels different but she just woke up and she's caught between realizing yunho is actually here and pushing himself inside her and thinking it might be a dream.
but he's whispering to her, clutching her close and begging her to just let him have this.... and of course she will, she agreed, but as she comes more and more into consciousness the feeling of him and his words start to make sense. he’s not wearing a condom for the first time ever, and that's not something they've ever agreed on going without before. she's just trying to figure out what is going on but he's fucking into her harder and deeper than before, with a whimpering need on his lips that makes her body curl up in pleasure and she knows she should stop him but truthfully she doesn't want to.
and while she clings to him, yunho's delirious. the feeling of having her completely, of knowing he's the only person who's ever been inside her fully with nothing between them, of knowing that the risk might be worth it. his mind starts to spin until he's a babbling mess, telling her he's going to leave a piece of himself behind for her, make them whole, make sure she can never ever leave.
and even though she knows it's a terrible idea, a decision only made in the middle of sex because it feels good, she finds herself clutching him closer, goading him on. no one has ever wanted her quite like he does and it makes her want to throw everything she's ever cared about right out the window if it means he'll look at her like this forever.
ANYWAYS now i have to write full lowkey toxic possessive yunho with a reader who is down to be fully consumed by him like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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o7k5a8m9i · 8 months
♠️🌸💖Queen of the Circus💖🌸♠️ Hisomachi Fanfiction🌹🌙💮
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~| This is a Hisomachi oneshot (This is NOT cannon but this DOES include some cannon things if you wanna know what's cannon and not go look it up or ask me 🥰🌸💖🎐🍡✨💮 PS I know this story's really cheesy dumb and wholesome it's only cuz their kids when their older it's a completely different story lol🌹💘🌙🦋) [PG-13 ✨Backstory AU✨ again not really cannon ok enjoy💖🌹🎐🌸]
______________________________________________________________Machi POV: I was out on my nightly walk when I heard there was a circus in town (city it's meteor city) so me being the interested, little, 9 year old, girl I was. I decided to go take a SMALL look so no one would see me.
(She then hid behind a old car and watched the show. as much as she wanted to go home and sleep because she's a LITTLE kid she didn't she was hooked it was so Interesting to her🌹 the show was almost over the last act was on! it was a...... red haired little boy!?)
Machi POV: oh a little boy what can he do?
(The boy then performed a lot of AMAZING magic tricks)
[Ok I actually don't know what kinda stuff he could do back then so let's just say magic for fun ok?😅💖🌸] {PS it looks like this art NOT mine ⬇️⬇️💖🌸🌹}
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(After the show little Machi was tired because it was 11:00pm that was late for her and her friends might get suspicious so she decided to take the short cut home)
[BTW her "Friends" is the phantom troupe they just did call themselves that yet]
(The short cut led her behind the tent/caravan or whatever the circus was performing/traveling in. she was doing good on her way till she saw something...)
Machi POV: huh oh it's that boy.... I'll just sneak past him..oh a apple yum I'm hungry....==.... maybe I'll steal his another apple....
(She saw the boy with red hair sitting in the back looking at the stars eating a apple there was one more apple beside him and she was gonna steal it because she was hungry. she sneaked up and hid behind some trash she was about to grab it when she heard a voice)
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Boy: hey do you want this apple?
Machi: ahhhh!!!! w...w...who are you!?!
Boy: my name is Hisoka^^ what's yours?
Machi: m...m..Machi...
Hisoka: so do you want this apple?
Machi: uhhh......I...I..(she never took things that were offered to her she felt it was a sign of weakness but this time was different)
Machi: oh ok sure (*grabs and sits down next to him*)
Hisoka: Machi was it? nice to meet you^^ (*she just looks at him*)
Hisoka: so how old are you?
Machi: I'm 9 you?
Hisoka: ohh nice I'm 12^^.... so did you like my show? I saw you in the back behind the car^^
Machi: oh uhh.. (she thought she was hiding good and no one saw her)
Machi: yeah you're impressive...
Hisoka: your not to friendly are you? it's not your fault though you don't know how to be~
Machi: Hey don't jump to conclusions!! (he was right though)
Hisoka: oh sorry...I just don't get the chance to meet people...
Machi: I... it's ok...I really liked your tricks..///(*she was embarrassed*)
Hisoka: really thanks!!^^✨
Machi: no prob..///
Hisoka: Hey wanna be friends?^^
Machi: uhh...ok sure==////...
Hisoka: ohhh thank you!!^^~
Machi: but wait don't you live in this traveling circus you'll just have to move again besides I never really had a friend before....///
(the troupe is like family not friends)
Hisoka: well true but we'll be in town for two more days and we'll come back!^^ don't worry meteor city is one of our top places to visit~
Machi: I wasn't worried!!/// and ok we'll be friends.... I guess...
(*they ended up talking for awhile about all kinds of stuff*)
Machi: oh heck it's 1:00am!!! I gotta go!!
Hisoka: oh uhh ok..hey can you come back here tomorrow at 10:00?Machi: ok I will...bye... Hisoka..///
Hisoka POV: she said my name!^^~///
(and just like that Machi ran home as fast as she could. but little did she know he was forming a crush on the beautiful pink haired girl he just met and even she Machi Komacine was forming a small crush on the clown boy she just met although she'd never say it)
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{Art NOT mine ☁️}
{|♠️🌸🌹TIME SKIP🌹🌸♠️|} ××× Tomorrow Morning ×××
Feitan: hey Machi wake up..
(*Sleepy Machi raisins her tired hard of her ripped up pillow*)
Machi: huh...Oh Fei hi what's up...==..
Feitan: Where were you? you were gone all night...what were you up to?
Phinks: yeah what were you doing?
Machi: uhh I....uhh......///..
(*she didn't want to say she spent the night with a clown boy she met From the circus it was embarrassing*)
Chrollo: come on guys don't push her she'll tell us when she's ready^^
Machi: thanks Chrollo///
Chrollo: no problem^^
[×× Later that night ××]
Machi: ok I'm off on my walk bye.
Pakunoda: bye Machi^^💖
(*Little Machi ran to the Circus and watched the show till the end*)
Hisoka: Oh Machi!!~^^//
Machi: hi clown boy
Hisoka: clown boy....////Cute I like it~^^ oh I got you something!
Machi: huh what is it?/// (*Hisoka hands her a caramel apple*)
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{🎐Just a cute drawing NOT mine 🎐}
Hisoka: it's a caramel apple^^ I've been saving it since I was in the last town but I wanna give it to you^^~
(*Her eyes lit up like they never have before as she held the apple she said Something she DID NOT say often in the happiest tone*)
Machi: Thank You it's so beautiful I've heard about them but I've never actually seen one thank you!!^^💖 (*but honestly she's still a child*)
(*They spent the rest of the night talking eating and having fun*)
Machi: oh it's getting late a gotta go!
Hisoka: ok take care dear Machi^^~
Machi: ok I will (*then she stopped walking and froze*) tomorrow is your last day here isn't it?///....
Hisoka: uhhh yeah it is....but we'll come back!💖
Machi: ok see you tomorrow I wanna show you my favorite spot's!^^
Hisoka: ok I'm excited to see them^^~
{|♠️🌸🌹TIME SKIP🌹🌸♠️|} ××× Tomorrow Afternoon ×××
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(*Machi was heading out on her walk early because she wanted to show Hisoka her favorite spot's to play hang out and look at she doesn't have belongs so showing him her favorite places is her way of thanking him for the yummy caramel apple*)
Shalnark: Machi where are you going?^^
Machi: uhhh no where.......///...///
Chrollo: uhh Machi I need you to help me do some stuff sorry^^
Machi: oh uhh ok no prob^^
(*Btw by "STUFF" he means VHS stuff you know. read the manga^^*)
(She helped Chrollo but it took longer then she expected it was now 11:00 she was LATE even though she knew she couldn't show him her spots she could at least see him one last time. after a lot of running she got there and saw him standing in the back where she first met him it made her sad to think this was.....the end)
Hisoka: huh? oh Machi!!!💖 I thought you weren't coming!?^^~
Machi: yeah I was busy....///.....sorry..
Hisoka: it's ok I just appreciate you coming at all everyone always thinks I'm just a freak like a toy or something...
Machi: well....I don't think you're a freak infact I think you're really cool!
(*These words made Hisoka smile a small but beautiful smile*)
Machi: so tonight is it you'll be gone tomorrow...
Hisoka: yeah but and even if it takes YEAR'S I'll come back to you!^^
(*Machi blushed and sat beside him*)
Machi: t.. thank you...///...sorry I couldn't show you my spot's..///
Hisoka: aww it's ok maybe next time^^~
Machi: yeah...so what time do you leave?
Hisoka: uhhh 8:00am
Machi: ok wait for me I'll come tell you goodbye!
Hisoka: aww it's ok you don't have to do th-
Machi: No I'm gonna do it!
(Machi had never been wanted before everyone left her she was alone)
[Not the troupe they're family]
Hisoka: well ok then^^~
{|♠️🌸🌹TIME SKIP🌹🌸♠️|} ××× Tomorrow Early Morning ×××
(*Machi was woken up by Pakunoda*)
Machi: huh... what's wrong Paku?==
Pakunoda: well you were crying in your sleep are you ok?
(*Machi just realized she was crying she wasn't sad but tears fell from her eyes then she remembered her dream it was about her Mother she didn't wanna remember anymore besides she had to go say goodbye)
Machi: oh yeah I'm fine thanks Paku^^
Pakunoda: well if you're sure...
(*then Machi looked at the time 7:30am*)
Machi POV: oh no I'm gonna be late!! all I want is to say goodbye!(*Machi got up and ran as fast as she could she ran faster and faster and finally she saw the caravan leaving she looked around but didn't see him then she looked to her left and saw him sitting looking at the rising sun and for the first time in her life she felt this feeling like her heart was being squeezed*)
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Hisoka: oh Mac-(*he was cut off by her hugging him*)
Machi: Bye clown boy^^
Hisoka: bye little Machi I can't wait to see you again^^
[And as they parted ways they both found something they never felt Love and it was a beautiful and sad thing but they had hope even if they had NO idea that they and feelings for one another. but the question is would they meet again?🌹♠️🌸]
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{If y'all like this I'll continue the story!💖☺️ actually I'm gonna anyway because I have plans!!✨🎐 anyway if you have any questions let me know no hate please!🥰💮 ok bye bye I hope you continue reading my cheesing story's 😅🌙🌹till we meet again!🌸}
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Thank you💖💜♠️
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 day
you inspire me to have kissy friends i love that but im still fighting being awkward about intimacy 😭💔
for me i understand myself and the way i love p well, and being v simplistic about it the line between platonic and romantic isn't there for me if i think ur cute and cool, i am just getting to know n appreciate u as a person! fundamentally.. which ways our connection blossoms and our dynamics will come about naturally :3 i am p open though!! i am honest and love giving ppl compliments and positive feedback; there r a couple different ways i could go about being more affectionate and intimate with a friend.
one is when u just are getting to know someone as a friend, u can ask about their boundaries and let them know u r affectionate with friends!! if they are too then there u go ♡⁠
the other is becoming closer and comfortable with someone and u feel something shift in ur relationship, and u can tell them u would like to be more affectionate and if they r okay with that ask what they are comfortable with :3
the fun one is recognizing a mutual brain break going on realtime 👁️👁️ if you're not brave enough to say anything in the moment u can always confess later and tell them ur having Thoughts about them and get a feel for how they feel abt you. you can offer them More and it doesn't have to change ur relationship with each other.
the common thread is being communicative and talking about boundaries, and if ur having a hard time w emotional intimacy i think a great place to start is being more open and honest ♡⁠ wear ur heart on ur sleeve. even if u don't feel comfortable or brave enough to tell ur friends u love them, there's nothing stopping you from telling them Why u love them. i love complimenting ppl and thanking them and telling them i had fun, i tell them when they look cute and love their outfits and what i love specifically or I'll hype up ur jewelry or hair change etc; if I'm feeling sentimental about something between us i will tell u how i feel and make sure u know u are appreciated.
i don't give compliments or praise or sentiments expecting anything in return, I'm just communicating my thoughts yk? take it as is and do with it what u will kind of thing, i just like being open!! i am of the opinion that people could stand to hear how great they are more often (⁠✿ ‚‚⌒‿⌒‚‚) I'd like 2 think everybody likes feeling Seen, appreciated, understood, praised.
it's a lovely conversation starter but sometimes u just find someone u rly click with and as a dynamic i think practicing openness and honesty with each other on the little things makes room for u to be comfortable communicating bigger more sentimental and intimate things later on if ur friendship is going like that ♡⁠
and with the boy specifically it was a combination of things.. we already had a great friendship and we had gotten a lot closer and more comfortable with each other conversationally, but phew i hadn't seen him in a good couple months i think?? and over that time i became comfortable with myself and Very t4t, and i got a lot hotter too when i went from fem to stem and he hadn't seen me in my masc era yet lol. not in person at least
anyways his birthday was coming up and i wanted to offer him a chain like mine and to make him a collar, and i was gonna go bring him his chain after work as a gift ^.^ ♡⁠ when we finally got to see each other again oh my god lol he was in a sleeveless top w his arms out and For Some Reason i was more attracted to him than i had ever been 💀 i was trying not to stare too hard bc the whole time internally i was like AAAAA HE'S HOT HELP AKSKSKAK, BUT ☝🏾😌 I've had enough mutual brain breaks going on to know when someone's rly feeling me and i could tell lol. i originally just meant to stop by Real Quick but i ended up staying and hanging out for the evening (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) i wasn't brave enough to say anything at first but i could not stop thinking about his shoulders and upper back and neck for like 2 days straight and i had to say Something.
being deliriously horny about him i was like GIRL OMFG DON'T DIE WONDERING TELL HIM SOMETHING and i sent him this 🙈
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and he was glad i said something and was straightforward bc he was also having thoughts but wasn't sure if he could/should say anything ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ ♡⁠ so we talked about boundaries and we're still friends like we were but we're affectionate with each other now too and it's a sweet way to deepen our friendship. we r exploring being sweet friends together 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏾 butch4butch t4t real...
i have a good idea of how i want to navigate polyamory but putting it into practice and loving my friends more intentionally, fundamentally and to the fullest w my current perspective is new for me! and being affectionate in general is new to him, so I'm happy that we can be vulnerable and brave about it together ♡⁠ i can be a lil clumsy and he can be a lil awkward but i think we're very cute 😌🥰 he's a good boy (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠) ♡⁠
this ain't exactly a guide but it's a bit of what i got going on, take what u will from it (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ to be open with ur friends is a beautiful thing and i think things tend to develop naturally. i wish u the best of luck on ur quest w intimacy 🫶🏾
#v stoned rn so sry for rambling sm but i love love and could truly talk in sm other directions/depths abt it#so ty for the ask bc i am happy to talk and think about The Boy ♡⁠ and yeah i hope this is at least a little helpful in some way#i have sm different thoughts and feelings about this man.. the way I've had a secret crush on him multiple times (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)#he's very charming and considerate and is wonderful company#i think I've cooled off enough though and i rly enjoy what we have going on rn ^.^#i like having friends I'm like this with more than the idea of dating someone. esp after 11 yrs of monogamy#like the relationships themselves were great and there's 2 specifically when i say 11yrs bc i was w these ppl for 5 and 6 yrs respectively#but they were also socially isolating and suffocating and unsatisfying in different ways ૮ – ﻌ–ა i think what I'm doing is more fun#and fulfilling for me :3 i don't like having to live up to the Idea of a partner esp in a social/community way esp when the community is#cishet ppl and they push gender expectations on u but like.. in a gender dysphoria inducing way. obv depends on the fam#but it's just a lot less pressure and a different dynamic and it feels a lot more genuine and intimate in that I'm sm more#comfortable being open w my friends‚ and since the foundation is me loving them fundamentally i feel like#people who come to love me in these kinds of friendships like really love me for me yk? like i am sm more than just the role#i can fulfill for u and i feel like i can really be all that and be seen and be appreciated w my friends more bc the pressure's not#there interpersonally or socially. we just talk‚ we hang out‚ we're vulnerable with each other‚ we accept each other‚ luv each other for#who we are. no one's expectations are on us and we don't have expectations of each other. just some sort of sweet relationship that#can always be taken in whatever direction we want as long as we're on the same page w each other ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა
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otomehoneyybearr · 26 days
Act 12
Episode 18: The What-If future And The Certain Now: Tsumugi
Working w/ Maybelle Lace, jujumin-translates, Fea
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate.
Pink: Flashback
Blue: Characters are acting
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Tsumugi: Now, please fill out this application form. When you are done, please go to the window over there—
Old Man: Got it, thank you.
Tsumugi: ...Phew.
Colleague A: I got some delicious coffee, do you want one, Tsukioka?
Tsumugi: I'll take it.
Colleague B: Oh, isn't it about time?
Announcer: "Now, I would like to introduce this year's Fleur Award nominated theater companies—"
Tsumugi: Oh, this theater company is interesting. Their direction changed recently—
Colleague A: Come to think of it, Tsukioka, you used to do theater too, right?
Colleague B: Huh, really?
Tsumugi: Well... I only did it as a student, so I was only dabbling in it.
Colleague A: You're not doing it anymore?
Tsumugi: Huh?
Colleague A: Actually, a friend of mine is gathering members to start a new theater company.
Colleague A: I think I heard of an audition coming up soon? If you're interested, I can hook you up.
Colleague B: If it's just a hobby, you can still do it while doing public service.
Colleague C: If Tsukioka wants to be an actor, I'll support him. Why don't you give it a go again?
Tsumugi: Again...
Announcer: "Next up is God Troupe, a theater company that is regularly nominated, and it is no exaggeration to say that they're the most likely candidate to win the Fleur Award."
Announcer: "The appeal of God Troupe is its established, independent worldview, high overall quality, and professional workmanship."
Announcer: "His presence is a big factor in supporting God Troupe, which has many passionate fans."
Tasuku: "My name is Edward!"
Tsumugi: ——.
Colleague A: Tasuku Takato sure has an amazing aura.
Colleague B: So this is who sits at the top of GODza. So cool.
Colleague C: I think it'll be GODza's win this year.
Tsumugi: ...
Tsumugi: (Tasuku is amazing. He can do plays that I can't do, and he's in a place that I can't reach.)
Tsumugi: (In the past it was common for me to stand on stage and perform alongside Tasuku...)
Tsumugi: (I want to stand in that place again. But, I don't have the qualifications to do so because I gave up everything that day—)
Colleague A: So, Tsukioka, what were you just about to say?
Tsumugi: ...I'm sorry, but I'm not into theater anymore.
Student's Mother: Yes?
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Tsumugi: Good evening. My name is Tsukioka and I'll be here to tutor your child starting today.
Student's Mother: Thank you very much. You have a good reputation so it was hard to get a reservation, so I'm glad you're here.
Tsumugi: Thank you very much. I'm glad I have some time free now.
Student's Mother: Come on Yuuki, say hello.
Yuuki: ...
Student's Mother: I'm sorry about this.
Tsumugi: No, it's our first meeting, so it can't be helped. Nice to meet you, Yuuki.
Tsumugi: It's my first time here, so after I've explained what's to come and plan our schedule, we can make time to introduce ourselves.
Tsumugi: Up here is the schedule and explanation for what'll happen in the future. Any questions...?
Student's Mother: No, it's all good. Well then, I'll leave you to it.
Tsumugi: Okay.
Tsumugi: So now it's time for us to get to know each other. You don't have to feel that guarded.
Yuuki: Huh...
Tsumugi: I am Tsumugi Tsukioka. My experience as a private tutor dates back to my university days. It's been maybe more than 6 years now. When I was in college, I majored in psychology.
Tsumugi: Do you have any questions for me?
Yuuki: Do you... have a girlfriend?
Tsumugi: What?
Tsumugi: A girlfriend... I don't have one. Right now, I have a one-sided love.
Yuuki: Eh, how surprising.
Tsumugi: Really?
Yuuki: What are they like? Have you liked them for a long time?
Tsumugi: It's not so much people I'm talking about, but more so it's the theater.
Yuuki: What do you mean?
Tsumugi: You can call it everlasting unrequited love. I love it so much that I yearn for it every day.
Yuuki: Have you been doing theater for a long time?
Tsumugi: Hmm, I guess... It's been like that forever. I gave up once, but I came back again.
Yuuki: ...I have something I'd like to discuss with you.
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Tsumugi: Would you like something to drink? How about some coffee?
Yuuki: ...I'd rather have a café au lait.
Tsumugi: Roger that.
Yuuki: You just thought that I was like a kid who can't take my coffee.
Tsumugi: What? I didn't think so. Café au lait is delicious too.
Tsumugi: Want to sit down?
Yuuki: Sure.
Tsumugi: So why a park and not at your house?
Yuuki: I don't want my mom to overhear.
Yuuki: I've been learning to dance since I was little, but when I suddenly grew taller there was a time where I couldn't dance well...
Yuuki: I couldn't win any prizes during competitions, and I was worried about the difference in my abilities with those around me, so I gave up on it midway through.
Yuuki: I had a big fight with my parents over this, and I immediately quit my dance school... I don't feel motivated to do anything right now.
Yuuki: At that time, my mother told me to switch to studying from now on, so she asked to get a tutor for me...
Tsumugi: ...Do you want to dance again by any chance?
Yuuki: ...Yes.
Yuuki: I thought that unlike everyone else, I didn't have the talent, and that I would never dance again.
Yuuki: But when I see idols dancing on TV or street performers practicing dancing in the streets, my body starts moving on its own.
Yuuki: It makes me want to dance.
Yuuki: But when you throw something away, it's hard to go back, and if nothing's left, you might not be able to dance like you have before. That's scary...
Tsumugi: I know how you feel.
Yuuki: Hey, what made you decide to go back? Did you have any regrets going back?
Tsumugi: ...
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Tasuku: Don't change yourself, ever. Put on the act that makes me proud to stand by your side.
Tasuku: And I can guarantee you I'm not the only one who thinks this. Everyone here is blown away by your ability.
Tsumugi: Guys, I'm sorry for going off and doing my own thing today.
Tsumugi: I got so worked up over having to improve my acting, I lost sight of what mattered.
Tsumugi: I want to take a good hard look at my performance once more.
Izumi: Tsumugi...
Homare: I rather enjoy your acting, Tsumugi. You should take pride in it.
Azuma: He's right. Your subtle acting is what makes this play. If you were to invalidate that, you would be invalidating the entire thing.
Hisoka: ...Have confidence.
Tsumugi: Confidence, huh... Yeah, you're right.
Tsumugi: I was wrong. This play is about more than just me.
Tsumugi: We can make this even better in our own way, as a team.
Tsumugi: I have always admired the God Troupe's play style that you produced.
Tsumugi: And I can't deny that my desire to take on a new acting style this time was influenced by you in some way.
Tsumugi: I did give up on acting once due to your words... But because of that, I could encounter this theater troupe and be who I am today.
Tsumugi: I had no regrets meeting you.
Reni: I see...
Tsumugi: Of course, when I returned I didn't have the slightest bit of confidence. I was anxious and I was scared.
Tsumugi: But, more than anything, I just couldn't help but want to do theater again.
Tsumugi: When I first came back, I was devastated, but nothing beats the joy and happiness of being able to perform again.
Tsumugi: I owe it all to my friends and Director, whom I stood on stage with, for making me think that way.
Tsumugi: ...I don't think it's something we need to think too hard on. I do it because I like it. That's all.
Tsumugi: What is important is the feeling of love and the courage to take the first step.
Tsumugi: When I mull over it too much, I just can't move my body forwards. What do you think about when you dance?
Yuuki: ——No.
Yuuki: ...Teacher, watch this for a second.
Yuuki: ——.
Tsumugi: That's great.
Yuuki: You're exaggerating. I'm not good at all.
Yuuki: ...Give me a sip of that.
Tsumugi: The coffee?
Yuuki: The last time I had it, I gave up after one sip.
Tsumugi: Go ahead then.
Yuuki: ...It's bitter.
Tsumugi: Hehe.
Yuuki: I-I'm going to try dancing again. I'm not very good at it, but I still like to dance.
Yuuki: I want to dance more and get better.
Tsumugi: I see. As we talked, I started wanting to act too.
Tsumugi: Oh yeah, why don't we do a street act on Veludo Way right now?
Yuuki: Ehh?
Tsumugi: Yuuki can play the role of a dancer, and just dance like you are now.
Yuuki: To do it so suddenly in front of people though...
Tsumugi: Is it no good? I think it'd be interesting.
Yuuki: You sure are a theater idiot.
Tsumugi: Hehe, I'm often told that.
Yuuki: I hope I can get better.
Tsumugi: I'm looking forward to it.
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Zabi: Woof!
Tsumugi: Whoa, I'm home, Zabi.
Tsumugi's Grandmother: Welcome back. This arrived for you.
Tsumugi: A postcard? Oh, it's from Sakuya.
Sakuya: "It's a little lonely traveling alone, but it's fun to meet new people.”
Tsumugi: (I'm glad his journey of self-discovery is going well.)
Sakuya: "Recently I stopped by a roadside station that sold a lot of freshly grown flowers and it was beautiful."
Sakuya: "There I helped an old woman with a heavy load, and she gave me a flower bulb as a thank you."
Sakuya: "I forgot to ask the name of the flower... But, it's a beautiful pink flower shaped like a red spider lily!"
Sakuya: "I would like to grow them with Tsumugi in the courtyard next time."
Tsumugi: Pink flowers shaped like a red spider lily might be...
Tsumugi's Grandmother: I wonder if it's nerine.
Tsumugi: That's right.
Tsumugi: In flower language, nerines mean...
Tsumugi: Hehe, I look forward to seeing you again.
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causenessus · 1 month
HI HI HI HI NESS IM BACKKFJFKSMSOS so first of all tumblr hates me why is that the FOURTH ask of mine u answered that i wasnt notified of should i just die
anyways im eating lunch rn
healthy girl era did not work out i took a 6 hour (?) nap yesterday so!!
trying again today
today the teacher told us her old students were too non che lent (nonchalant!!) so they failed the exam (wat.)
and my friend wanted to laugh about it w me but i wasnt looking so she yeeted my OTHER friends eraser at me
but it
it hit (near?) the teacher..
she was sooo mad omfg
giggling i hate her
like basically i answer all her questions out of spite now like YEAH BRO I KNOW THIS ALR😕😕
Also i swear i dif this math problem right but the teacher said it was wrong (wat.) and my friend did it too and we got the same answer (wat.)
i wrote fanfiction at school ☝️😎 it has already been digitalised but like i DID write it
and tjen my friend read an original short story (? 1.2k words) i wrote which was basically me projecting and she almost cried so like Uh
dude i love talking so much u have no idea actually
n e ways..
i was watching american psycho last night but i got distracted..😭 ALSO IM SO EXCITED ABT ONICS LIKE EUSHEPSHAPSJXOSKAJDKAAKKDKD
>tries 2 normal
U SHOULD NOT DIE!!! TUMBLR SHOULD DIE HOW DARE THEY!!! i am so confused at like what is happening at tumblr hq 😭😭 like there are problems that need to be solved!!!! and i feel like they should be pretty simple to fix!!! but instead they're like "NO LET'S MAKE TAGGING USERS GO BLUE AND COMMENTS UGLY"
but anyway!! i hope your lunch was good!! AND A SIX HOUR NAP SOUNDS AMAZING AND JUST AS PRODUCTIVE AS WORKING OUT!! it's hard to balance everything so definitely don't stress too much about it!! you have your whole life ahead of you to like do something like working out so not doing it one day is totally okay!! (yk?? i hope that made sense and i'm sorry i hope it's okay to say that 😭)
also math teachers love to like??? tell u ur wrong and then not explain how to correctly do something??? so i think u should just blame them for everything!! that sounds fair <3
I'VE ALSO WRITTEN FANFICTION AT SCHOOL LMAOOO i remember being on my computer during french class and my guy was just so boring i pulled out the doc and started writing but LUCKILY it was like an oc fic so it wasn't as scary to write as a x reader UNLIKE WHEN I WAS MAKING TONIC PFPS AND MY DOCUMENT WAS LITERALLY CALLED LIKE yn & atsumu and for some reason all of my friends wanted to COME UP FROM BEHIND ME AND HUG ME!! OR LOOK AT MY SCREEN!! and i was just 😃😃😃 but i have no shame so oh well
THANK U LINA!!! I WOULD LOVE FOR U TO BE MY HITMAN <33 I MAY NEED ONE JUST TO GET THRU SCHOOL BC MY HALLS FR ARE SCARY SOMETIMES YK?? like too many scary girls who look me up and down in their little crop tops and shorts and nike air forces and are like "why are u wearing pants in the summer" BC I CAN?? AND I DON'T LIKE SHOWING THAT MUCH SKIN THANK U?? (sorry this probably makes no sense i think my brain has short circuited today </33) BUT I'M DOING ALR!!! i'm stressed about my theatre duties starting up very very soon 😭😭 but i'll let u know how that goes once they start!!! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL TODAY!!! AND EAT SOMETHING GOOD <33
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daftbitch · 1 year
Nekomamushi Smut Anon reporting in. o7 Had a shit ass day but I just hit the blunt and what better way to lift a mood than talking about a 17 foot tall cat monster and how we want to fuck him. Okay, I'm copy pasting directly from the post you made a few days ago--sorry about that btw, I somehow missed it but things are a bit chaotic here right now.
Apologies in advance if you don't vibe with my HCs, but also to each their own, so no worries if you don't.
(Also I'm sorry this got way out of hand, this is so long lmao. >.> )
Modern AU: I don't generally do these so this one I have to think about harder. I could see him being a professional weightlifter. Lifting is something he starts younger, but in his mid-to-late 20s he also gets into mixed martial arts and wrestling as a hobby, and everyone is grateful he started late, because he is a MONSTER, and would be even worse if he had started training in adolescence.
-Does side gigs as a bouncer. It's potentially how you meet him; you either work at a place he's been hired at, or maybe you frequent the locale.
-Later in life he reconnects with Inuarashi and the two of them are looked up to as heads of their community in their town of Zou. They show up to all the small local elections and represent the neighbors who may not be able to stand up for themselves as easily and stuff. /end Modern AU
Sexuality: Tbh, being bi/pan, I HC most characters as swinging both ways to various degrees if it's not explicitly stated in canon. We can't say for sure how Mink culture is with regards to gender/sexuality. There's clearly going to be author biases: Nekomamushi remarks to Bepo, when Bepo states he will defend his home too, "Well, ya talk like a man..."* (depending on the translation you're reading, but it's along those lines) so that could imply a patriarchal structure of some sort.
However, bio/zoology is a special interest of mine, and animals function in vastly different ways than humans w/r/t gender. We can't even say they have "gender roles" because those apply to human social constructs. Minks may have the secondary sex characteristics of humans, but they also display behaviors typical of their animal species. So I can see their perceptions on that sort of thing being far more liberal. Every species is going to have its own tendencies--say, hyena minks tending to have their women taking dominant social role, like with real life hyenas--so as a whole, they don't worry about it so much.
That part got long, sorry. Anyway, as for Nekomamushi... I think he ultimately wouldn't care what his partner was gender-wise. He would like someone he can be his unapologetic, boisterous self with. A friend before a lover. I could even see him skewing toward demisexual.
Bedroom Preferences: Usually prefers to top/take the lead with things. Doesn't like being told what to do, but can come around to seeing the fun in playing a subby role now and then if he's properly convinced, but he has to be in the mood for it.
Kinks: -He can do gentle, and he does enjoy gentle at times, but if he had to choose, most of the time he would rather be feral about it. Pinning you down, holding you still while he takes what he wants, scratching, breeding, etc. He's a warrior, he likes for sex to be heavy physical activity, he wants to be tired by the end. This can be an issue with the size/power difference, but so long as you mind your limits and keep a safe word/signal handy, you can make it work.
-Prefers to finish inside his partner. He also cums a large quantity compared to a human, even disregarding his size. The volume's even greater during rut/heat. Like, by a lot.
-During the worst of a rut/heat cycle, he cannot fuck casually. Heat has a powerful affect on Minks and he's no better about it for being a ruler of the Dukedom. Horny brain trumps logic and he will make stupid decisions or make a fool of himself if it means he can get to his partner. --Normally he thinks it's hot to watch his cum leak out of you. But during a heat cycle, he'll try to keep it inside. Doesn't matter if you can't get pregnant due to anatomy or birth control, he can't help it. After finishing, he'll either just stay inside you, or after pulling out, press your legs closed and then tuck you against himself, purring and grooming you while his stupid horny instinct brain just wallows in the happy thought of you being full up.
- >.> ...... <.< ......His mouth is really big. Big enough to fit your lower half. He likes to eat you out like that, you riding the bumpy plain of his huge tongue, while his teeth scrape your stomach and back, and he purrs of how he could just eat you up.
-He likes ear scratches/rubs and finds them relaxing, but there is a specific spot on the back of his ears that's a sensitive erogenous zone. You get real good at finding it. It's an easy way to get him in the mood if he isn't currently.
-Predator/prey RP. He's already a playful guy while also being wild, so this seems right up his alley. He'd like to chase you around a little or 'hunt/stalk' you before pouncing and taking you on the spot. If the power difference between you is large enough, it might not be as fun for him if you can't run fast... but trying to sniff you out from a hiding spot is also thrilling, so it can be worked around.
-High sex. Occasionally will switch out his usual herbs for something that gives a stronger high rather than just a buzz. Prefers to do this one with his partner, if they don't also smoke, he won't be as inclined.
-Likes when you're rough with him too, by the way! Likes his hair and fur being pulled, being bit and scratched... But again depending on the power difference, like... unless you are a fighter, you just might not be able to pull hard enough on his fur for it to feel good, or even scratch through his pelt... but in that case he still thinks it's cute you try.
-Reverse Monsterfucker. (bangs fists on table) like I said before. He gets a thrill out of fucking a human--it's not necessarily taboo, just almost unheard of, and that's exciting for him. Also thinks it's so hot that you're into him and that you're into the same things. Has a high sex drive and loves if his partner is the same way. Something about a human fucking "like a Mink" makes his brain go brrr, he comments on it all the time at first. "So needy, my little kitten's more animal than most Minks, aren't they?"
-Corruption. After fucking him the first time it's over. Sex with people closer to your size just doesn't get you there anymore. Even giant toys don't do help. You need it how he gives it to you, and when he finds that out he's ENRAPTURED. It really gets him going knowing he's made you kind of addicted. He's a touch self-conscious about how strongly he can get off to that thought, so he doesn't talk about it unless it's during sex with dirty talk.
I believe that's everything off the top of my head. (looks at wall of text) ...yeah.
Also I saw you and @toujouhidetora talking about Sulong form and I'm 👀👀 DID YOU COMMISSION DOE TO WRITE THAT??!?!? BECAUSE HOLY SHIT, MY BODY IS READY?!?!?
tbh I don't know that I could survive fucking Sulong form Nekomamushi, but what a way to go out, amiright?
(I can see how it could happen... you're fucking outside under the moonlight, and his growl deepens and he starts getting rougher as his fur turns white in a wave across his body...
Or maybe he's in Sulong form and can't turn back for w/e reason, so you're like. I know what I must do. (salutes the other Minks) Inuarashi it's been an honor.
This better all send. I'm copy-pasting to a word doc just in case so I dont lose it but god. yeah. ok. Trust me when I say I'll be obsessively checking my phone in between customers at work to await your reply!
Talking about this was exactly what I needed after today. I think that's partly why it got so long. I daresay it's therapeutic even, in that for like the 2 hours it took me to type this up (I am a slow writer) I wasn't thinking about the day I had.
So thank you for calling out to me to talk. I loved it.
I’ve had to retype this like three times now. Tumblr keeps crashing. I literally got home from work and I have been thinking of what to say to you all day. I am so sorry it has taken me this long to reply. I get so excited when you do this . 
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This is me literally every time you are in my inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day and I love you so much. I hope one day you were comfortable that you can come off anonymous and be able to message me but if not, that is completely fine I just look forward to hearing from you my friend.
 I absolutely agree with 100% of your head cannons. They are so beautiful. I love them so much!!! 💖💖💖
I feel like in the minx society that everyone is bi/pan. I feel like they wouldn’t really give a shit about what gender the person you are with is and they feel like that’s 100% a human construct. 
I’ve been going horny feral over this post for like the last hour. I love it I can’t stop rereading it!!!
I absolutely love the reversed monster fucking thing it is fantastic. I have an OC that I pair him with her name is Sterling. I love her so much and it’s literally perfect for this exact situation.  i’ve drawn art of her and him together several times. I’m thinking about posting it. 
I really feel like he would definitely be into oral. I feel like he would see it as a challenge to see how many times you can cum on his tongue alone.
YES ABSOLUTELY HE WOULD DEFINITELY BE A TOP!!! I feel like also he would be a playful dom too. I can also see him in certain situations he could be a bottom too but he would really have to be in a very specific mood.
Once again, I think you so much for taking time out of your very busy day to write such a detailed reply to me. I am literally over the moon about how happy I am. Thank you so much for indulging my stupid little whims. I love you very much for this and I appreciate you doing this, I hope you have the best day and weekend my friend!!! 💖💖💖
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lovelyhan · 1 year
What are your mutual awards?
i'm so sorry it took me so a while to get to this ㅠㅠ partly bc i suck at thinking of cutesy awards to hand to my mutuals but here we go anyway~
p.s. i'm an actual Sap that says way too much so i'm hiding all this under a cut 🧍‍♀️
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@hwanghyunjinenthusiast — i'm giving you the #1 hypeman award bc you're always so supportive of all the writers in the community 💘 literally every time i see your feedback towards both mine and other ppl's fics i smile a little bc u'll always be part of the reason why people would want to stay and do what they love doing on this hellsite 😽
(i'll also hand you the homie award bc you put up with each and every one of my antics whether it's spite writing or my shenanigans with skz 🤩🤩 our moot means sooo much to me, i hope we remain pals for a long, long time 🛐)
@toruro — you get the social butterfly award bc you're very interactive and easygoing to speak with 🦋 it's always a neat and dandy day whenever i see mika toruro sliding into my inbox to ask about my day. you're the sweetest, always 💘
@multi-kpop-fanfics — you're more than worthy of the best supporter award 🥇 because you almost always read my stuff moments after i post em 😭 i'll also be handing you a phd in making me lose my mind because i have not forgotten that one time i binged through the zeta fic discography (that and i'm still suffering from irreversible psychic damage courtesy of half past five high🧍‍♀️)
@duhnova — you immediately get the enabler award bc we always egg each other on to spend exorbitant amounts of money for little kpop boys printed on paper 🤒 an additional would be the (talks a lot) (listens) award bc you're always there to hear out everything i air out under the sun 🥹🥹 i hope you know that i'll gladly do the same for you 💘💐
@sluttyminghao — definitely the top contender for the all in a day's work award bc damn ?? you're always so consistent with putting out content?! i will actually fight every single ingrate in your inbox with my bare hands bc it takes so much dedication to cater to all the reqs you receive 🥹
@junkissed — june junkissed gets the osmosis award bc i swear i didn't love jun as much as i do now that we're mutuals 🧍‍♀️ it's your effect, i believe
@cheolhub — you're getting the nation's sweetheart award bc everyone is absolutely enamored w you (myself included <3) both ur moots and anons would do anything for you i fear ! 💐💐
@gyukult — gyu deserves the holy shit how did we become friends award bc i still can't believe u're in my dms talking abt cute merch w me when i was Just losing my mind over ybny a few weeks ago ㅠㅠ
@rubyreduji — *hands you the life of the dash award* bc you always fill my dashboard with ur shenanigans (along w mika) nd it's nice seeing fellow writers just vibing~ i'd love to talk to you more 🤝🤝
(p.s. sheep in wolf's clothing did a number on my wellbeing so i hope you're ready to take responsibility for your actions)
@etherealyoungk — i would like to give you the refreshing award bc every time i see you on my dash, i just think oh it's skye, i hope they're having a nice day ^_^ bc ur vibe just generally puts me in a good mood for some reason ASKJDKA
@97-liners — i actually thought abt it for a while if i should tag you bc i didn't wanna seem overly familiar but i'm awarding you the funniest person to ever exist in caratblr award bc i eat up your text posts like i've got munchies 24/7 🧍‍♀️
(i've always been a liiittle reluctant to interact bc surprise i'm actually capable of being shy ! but i'm shooting my shot now bc you're cool and i really love how your humor translates to your writing as well 🥰)
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i reaaally wanted to make this stuff w all my mutuals but the brain is Not braining so lmk if you'd like one nd i'll personally write you a love letter on top of the silly little award i'd give out 😽
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Stuck - Robin Buckley x F!Reader
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Warning: Fear of heights, Fluff, kissing
A/n: i thought this would be great lil blurb since I've posted sadness and angst, so here you go, hope you all enjoy.
“Go to the fair they said, it'll be fun they said!” I huff, “Well it aint fun considering we are stuck at the very top!”
“Don't worry Y/n, they said they would fix it as soon as possible” Robin says while grabbing a hold of my hand, calming me down a bit.
“Hey! How are you guys doing up there?!” Steve  asks from underneath, Jonathan and Nancy are standing next to him.
Robin begins to lean forward to respond causing the cart to move.
“Please don't do that.” I say grabbing her hand and closing my eyes.
“Right, i forgot about your fear of heights, sorry” she says leaning off the side of the cart instead to give them a response.
“Aish! I’m stuck here too ya know!” says Dustin from below us, “Steve did you get my pretzel?” 
The two then continue a conversation about how it would be cold by the time we got down so he can get one after we are saved.
“You know I thought these were supposed to be romantic, I mean that's the reason I brought you up here” Robin says looking at me.
I can feel the blush creep up my neck and appear on my cheeks.
“W-what?” I try to swallow to make my throat and mouth less dry.
“How do I put this, I like you Y/n and I wanted to confess when we stopped here but instead we got stuck.”
Robin Buckley, the girl I've been friends with since middle school. The girl i’ve been in love with since 2nd year of high school is confessing to me? Me? On a stuck ferris wheel. If I didn't know any better I'd say we were in some cheesy romance movie. 
“I- Robin-” I begin but I'm cut off.
“It’s ok if you don't feel the same Y/n, I just needed to get it off my chest” she rambles off looking the other way. Under the carnival lights I can see a faint blush. I feel mine getting deeper and hotter.
I interlock our fingers.
“Robin you didn’t let me finish, what I was going to say before you so rudely interrupted. I like you too and I have since 2nd year” I say giggling while seeing her face lit up and seeing her cute little smile.
“Well, when we get out of here can I take you out on a real date? One without the others?”
“Yeah, I’d like that. And Robin?”
“Yeah?” She says looking at me with stars in her eyes.
I begin to lean in, she does the same. My eyes are closed and just as we are about to have our lips meet in the middle the ferris wheel begins to move forward causing us to both pull apart before our friends can see us.
“Finally! I’m hungry!” Dustin yells hopping out of his cart.
Robin and I are finally freed from our own cart and hang behind the others as they go get Dustin his beloved pretzel.
Our hands brush one another finally interlocking once again.
The rest of the night goes by in a flash, however neither of us talk about the almost kiss we shared on the ferris wheel.
Currently in the back seat of Steve’s car as the other 4 are in their own conversations as Dustin sleeps against the window. We pull to the sidewalk of my apartment. And Steve turns off the car, Robin gets out and walks me to the front door.
“I had a lot of fun today with you and the gang Robin.” I say leaning against my front door.
“I did too but I wanted to give you something.”
“Wha-” before I could finish the word her lips were against mine. Her lips were soft. The feeling of our lips molding together was perfect until a voice yelled from the car.
“Come on Robs! We're all tired, kiss Y/n more tomorrow!” A sleepy Dustin calls from the car. 
We have one quick peck and I turn my key in the lock. Tonight sure was wonderful and I have it all thanks to a Ferris Wheel.
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moonjxsung · 5 months
i'm ranting about my ex boyfriend because he's so mean and i'm literally. i'm just here i just exist and he hates me idfk
so i call him an ex but really he was a fucking 4 month situationship i should've ran MY BAD GUYS !!! anyway we had a little thing i guess and we broke up around January/february. things were so good in the beginning, but the main reason why we didn't date was because he wasn't over his ex. i know i'm side eyeing my screen too. ANYWAY so things were sooo good and i was like "omg ! he really likes me and he wants to be in a relationship soon !!" i was very wrong.
okay so something about me is that i have bpd and it's not like. super horrible but i still do have it on top of attachment issues, fear of communication (trauma lolll), jealousy issues, etc. he used to always talk about his girl friends and say how funny they were, send me screenshots of their chats, games they were playing, said "sorry i hang out with ____ to much she's affecting me". BRO WHY DIDNT I RUN anyway i was just really sad and felt jealous but felt like i couldn't because we weren't. yk. technically dating BUT HE TOLD ME HE WANTSD TO 💔💔
anyway another thing is he was a really big gamer and. was not. he wanted me to play games with him and i told him i was really bad but he was like "it's okay i'll teach you !!" lets just say i don't really like to play games anymore. :( he used to yell at me for being bad to the point i had to mute myself sometimes and try not to cry in a match because i felt horrible for disappointing him. i spent hours learning his favorite games just to still not be good and it made me feel really horrible and upset. then i just told him i don't really wanna play and he said "it's okay i'll just play with (insert girl here)" and i was just like :(((( and he played with those girls every single day and would ignore me to play with them which made me feel worse.
another thing is he talked about his ex all the time. and i let him vent to me about her. he even called her "my qiqi" which was his nickname for her when they were dating while venting to me. i'm gonna cry typing this bye
anyway at the end of our situationship he got really mean and really didn't give a shit if it hurt my feelings or not. he got mad at me for going on a date WITH MY FRIEND FOR VALENTINE'S DAY because he posted "fuck valentines" and didn't do a single thing or even text me on that day. so yeah i just didn't even say anything and blocked him because he was manipulating me and was awful and abused me !!! don't date men who aren't over their exes guys !!
- 🦢
Situationship the bane of my existence 💔💔💔💔
ALSO WHY IS IT ALWAYS BC PEOPLE AREN’T OVER THEIR FUCKINF EXES WHAT RHE FUXIDIKSK can yall like get over your stupid exes before pursuing a 4 month situationship good GODDDD I’m so sick of it 😭 idc if you’re not over an ex like that’s completely normal but please don’t make it somebody else’s problem while actively pursuing them and then making them look stupid when they inevitably catch feelings???!/!/! Where is the logic here
Why do I feel like we had the exact same ex lmffmdkdkkdkdkd mine used to talk about his sexual experiences w other girls soooo much and then it’d always turn into some giant fight when I told him to stop. One time he got mad at me for saying Timothee Chalamet was cute and he was like “if I can’t talk about the girls I’ve had sex with then I don’t want to hear about that loser” like it’s the same thing???? HUH
Men who talk about other girls or their sex lives to you while falsely pursuing you 🤢🤢🤢🤢 also the part about the gaming??? The fuck???????? My ex was ALSO a huge gamer and he added me to his guy friends’ discord server and literally pleaded me not to send anything or participate so he could keep his rank good fuckinf lord maybe put that energy into a job application 🫶 feel like our exes should date each other they have so much in common 😍
I’m so sorry you went through all that you deserve so so so much better ☹️ all my love sweet angel. somebody better will come along who’s meant for you and they won’t make you feel like any less than you deserve
Don’t date people who aren’t over their exes guys 🫶🫶🫶🫶 it is a living hell 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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guccifrog · 7 months
okay i need to talk about this cuz DAMN SORRY
so i have this guy bsf and just to give u some context, the two of us liked one another 6 years ago, but shit happened and we ended up not talking for a couple of months BUT we ended up being in the same friend group and it has been like that ever since and idk if i still like him or it's just the fact that he is the only guy i associate myself with and isn't a douchebag, but there are some things he does that make me go UAHEBJSJS
so today we went to the centre of the town and to go there u have to take the metro which is hella messy and all kinds of people get in (like creepy ass men, drug addicts etc) and we didn't take a seat, but we supported our backs in a little corner nearby the doors. AND THAT MOTHERFUCKER AT SOME POINT TURNS AROUND, PUTS HIS FUCKING HAND ON THE THING THAT MY BACK WAS SUPPORTED TO AND LOOKS DOWN AT ME W A SMIRK (like yk that "leaning on the doorframe" kinda stance) AND HE IS LIKE 6'1 AND IM 4'11 LMAO and i just looked up at him for a sec and LOOKED AWAY AND STARTED LAUGHING AT MYSELF ALNDN I WAS FOLDING
and on our way back, again at the metro, it was way too fucking crowded and he was a few meters ahead of me and reached out and grabbed me and yanked me towards him so i could hold onto a pole that's there so you don't fall lmao and he placed me in front of him so my back was touching his chest and my ass was in his crotch LOL and he was obvi holding the pole too w his right hand so he was kind of caging me AND AT SOME POINT HE RESTED HIS HEAD ON TOP OF MINE AND I WAS LIKE AJJSNJAJDJWJJSJJSJSJJSJJSJS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP
and on the bus for some goddamn reason he put his forehead on mine while we were laughing :')
BRO IDFK and i can't talk to my bsf about it cuz they're really close and i don't want to make things awkward so tumblr is the only place i can go to and talk about this but IDFKKK and for some reason i always want to touch him and have contact w him like for some reason i always want to hug him or rest my head on his shoulder or hold his hand BUT IM SO SCARED KWNDNSKKSN IDK BROOOOOOO HELP
i genuinely need advice bro bc he gives me mixed signals like he does shit like that but never wants to go out with me, doesn't text me like one on one and i'm like ???????
girl maybe give him hints and see how he reacts IDK THIS WAS SO CUTE I WAS GIGGLING READING IT
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beepofsleeplessdreams · 9 months
thinking out loud about some anime an illustrator i like worked on
so, one of my favorite illustrators (at least, I think that's the right term for him) is yoshitoshi ABe. recently i made the decision to look through a bunch of projects he had a hand in, mostly because i wanted to see what kind of stuff he'd attached himself to over the decades. prior to this i'd only seen Serial Experiments Lain, but i feel like basically everyone's seen that so that's not saying much lol. this was partially spurred on by a friend of mine telling me Texhnolyze was among their favorites. at time of writing, i've finished Texhnolyze and NieA_7, and i'm watching Haibane Renmei on-and-off and loving it. the world is bizarre and beautiful, and the character designs are lovely and have so much personality in my eyes. so that's where i started. so below is a series of rambles and thoughts i've had on this little journey of mine up to this point. i've still got a ways to go.
misc. spoilers for Texhnolyze in the next section
texhnolyze was a show i really enjoyed, but falls into the same pit as serial experiments lain in my brain. i struggle to understand what it's trying to say below the immediate surface and i end up primarily enjoying it as a surface-level product. not to say that i didn't make some connections in my head along the ride, i have so many questions about the world that i want answered, and some really fun observations I made. ichise's conversation with the voice in the chair was something that i had a lot of fun picking apart because it tickled that little goblin in my brain that loves social science. with the whole idea that height relates to authority, the pile of stones bringing images of gods on mountains in myth, but the chair tying all that powerful imagery up in this idea of boredom. apathy of the gods and all that. the entire trip to the surface is something that had me on the edge of the seat, and kinda tied into my greater sci-fi brainrot. that whole idea that one a society stagnates and rots people seek "better times", and this is how you end up with so many space prussians/germans being bad guys in older sci-fi anime like classic gundam and legend of the galactic heroes. it's people clinging to an idea of a """better time""" to larp that they're better than they are. this is what was going through my head during the arc of the story on the surface, whenever i saw that outdated technology that lives only in old b&w movies and period pieces. despite these obversations, i feel like i can't formulate a big picture, this is by no means bad, but i can't help but feel like i'm "missing something". though, this might be rectified in lain's case when i get around to it, it's been close to 10 years since i last watched it.
misc. spoilers for NieA_7
this is one that i don't think i ever heard someone talk about prior to me just plucking it off of ABe's wikipedia page. it's this weird slice-of-life comedy about living in poverty but there's also humanoid aliens that are kinda just around and comically failing to integrate into society. that whole second point, with the aliens, i feel it kinda detracts from a lot from the show's actually really simple and touching heart about just trying to escape being poor. the whole thing is kinda tainted with this mild xenophobia for the sake of "comedy" and the vast majority of the recurring aliens are these really mean-spirited racist stereotypes. eventually i came to ignore the vast majority of that aspect of the show, besides the titular NieA, and focus on the part of it that really spoke to me. the main character, Mayuko, is a young adult working 3 jobs on top of going to cram school in a desperate attempt to get into a good college and escape poverty by getting a """real job""" and a """future""". the reason why i use quotations is the same reason why her character really spoke to me. she was so focused on the mere act of survival and vaguely working towards the future that she never found the time to really think about the future. no plans, no dreams, inching towards a success she has no idea how to capitalize upon. something similar happened to me, personally. i spent the vast majority of highschool and college fighting for good grades and accolades with no other plan than to just get away from a very toxic family situation. and i succeeded. i gave up a social life for the sake of advancing and was rewarded by getting poached right out of college into a fairly comfortable. i moved out 6 months later and subsequently broke down. without that constant pressure of ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE i had this sort of psychological explosive decompression and became incredibly depressed, and almost made some very poor and very permanent decisions. i saw a character that was flying towards the same mistakes i made and i was wondering all along if the show would propose some kind of "solution" that i'd failed to see. it didn't offer anything concrete, but something much simpler that i nontheless really appreciated. a loving promise that things will be okay somewhere, someday. the same sentiment helped me when i needed it. i get that that's corny as hell, but i'm a stupid mushy man-thing. it's a show i really recommend people look at, because while the lows are INCREDIBLY low and mean, the heart is there and beautiful.
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twinkboimler · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Tagged by @m-b-w, thank you!
Questions are answered under the cut!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
58 works
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
693,141 words
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, only Star Trek; while my focus tends to be on TOS, AOS, and SNW, I'm open to writing for other trek series and will when the inspiration strikes! Previously, I've written a fair amount for MST3K and Anne with an E.
4) Top 5 fics by kudos?
Imagining Something Worthwhile - AWAE Oddly Unexpected, Oddly Charming - AWAE Hush - AWAE Heaven Help The Fool Who Falls In Love - AWAE An Endless Stream of Tomorrows - TOS
(lmao, can you tell I was writing AWAE fic as the show was airing? I think that was the only fandom I've written for while a fandom was at it's peak popularity)
5) Do you respond to comments?
Not always and I do feel bad about that. I try my best when the comment is especially sweet or lengthy, but I've got about 10 unread comments in my inbox right now that I haven't replied to because too much time has passed and it feels like it's too late
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
with trembling hands, my SNW Spock/Pike fic that has a sad ending. Super happy with how angsty that fic ends tbh I really wanted to write a fic for Spock/Pike that tackled how Pike would end their relationship as the radiation stuff was quickly approaching
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've posted so many fluffy oneshots that it's kinda hard to choose. An Endless Stream of Tomorrows is definitely high on that list
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. The closest I get in the trek fandom are comments correcting me on some lore in my fics. Which, sure, is sometimes nice and useful, but sometimes I don't really need a "um, actually--" on a 1000 word fluff fic
9) Do you write smut?
Yes, and I'm finally at the point where I really 1) enjoy writing smut and 2) think I'm getting good at it
10) Do you write crossovers?
I have one, and I so RARELY get to talk about it because it was written for me and like two friends. Night Shift is my crossover fic: it's Spike from BTVS X Gambit from X-Men (and apparently it has 21 kudos??? who are you people reading this crack ship???). Anyway, Gambit and Spike hook up and through a series of misunderstandings, they end up on a roadtrip/fleeing a murder scene together. Spike thinks Gambit is a demon, and Gambit has no idea Spike is a vampire. I'm realizing I haven't reread this fic since I posted it, which is WILD because this is such a self-indulgent fic, so I'm going to go read that now
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but people are free to do so! Just credit the original work :)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep! Between You and Me (AWAE) was such an interesting project to work on! There was a group of about 13 of us, and we all had a week to read the previous chapter and write our own chapters to continue the story. I'd love to do something like that again
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
Spike/Buffy, but funnily enough, I don't have a strong drive to read fic for them. I'm satisfied with how the show handles their relationship arc and haven't really had to resort to reading fic because of that
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I don't post wips that I don't intend to finish. I've got a few wips in my docs that may never be finished of course, but on AO3 my only wip rn is Place Your Hand In Mine, my AOS academy-era mckirk fic, and I fully intend to finish that one; other fics (trektober, zines fics, etc) just got in the way
16) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and smut
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Still trying to be a more concise writer; I'd love to be able to say more with less words
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I haven't taken a language course in 5+ years. I think if I had to I could write some simple French dialogue, but not without doing a lot of studying to make sure I was saying what I meant
19) First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3, X-Men. IRL? when I was 12 the only person I knew who wrote fic was writing Youtuber fanfic, so I tried that out for a short stint before immediately shifting to Doctor Who
20) Favorite fic you've ever written?
what remains unsaid. I don't think it's my best fic, but it does hit all the beats for what I often look for in fic, so it's doing everything that I want in a story. What really draws me to some of the TOS Movies is how they deal with themes of parenthood and Jim never really fitting into the role of father and being very aware that he doesn't fit that role. I just really love that he's shown as having faults, like yeah, he wasn't a father to David and he knows that. This fic is in a 5+1 Things format exploring Jim's relationship (or lack of) to David. It's not a ship fic; it was just a chance for me to explore those themes and really dive into Jim's head.
TAGGING: @antspaul @ladywaffles @diabeticjedi @gunstreet @borbtrek and anyone else who would like to do it, feel free to say I tagged you!
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