#i was hoping for early 60s because you know me
themaybug · 23 days
emmrich is in his early 50s, alright i'll take it, i can work with this!!!
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 10 months
I saw people in my asks for prices so I’ll give you guys what we have right now (subject to change!)
Particle eyes Beanie 26-28 (it is a very complicated design LMAO)
Black shirt 26-28
Mineral wash purple shirt 30-32 (trust me it looks sick, but I wanted to add a cheaper option for a shirt as well!)
Sweatshirt+joggers ATM UNSURE but I’d say the range is like 60-70 probably closer to 60
R800 jacket will be a LITTLE on the more expensive side, but trust me when I say the quality is incredible and it’s super comfortable for a racing jacket. I don’t plan for it to be extremely expensive tho
Particle plushie ATM unsure I’ll update you guys on this when I can, but I don’t see it being too expensive!
all of it is SUPER comfortable, no itchy labels or anything.
THE HOODIE AND THE PANTS are closer to the feeling of the OG Ranboo hoodie! Not EXACTLY but imo this new one feels so much nicer!!!
The beanie is going to be slightly bigger than the genloss one, because I heard complaints about it being too small
The plushies arms and legs are LOOSE but have magnets in the hands to hold silly things!!!
This is going to last for a BIT HOWEVER
the later you order the later it will arrive! (That’s just how stock works lmao) so sign up for the email if you want to potentially get an EARLY ACCESS CODE!!!
Let me know if you have any more questions! This is gonna be an awesome drop I hope you guys like it!
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umbrellacam · 2 months
Have any Dick & Tim fic recs for us poor unfortunate souls? We’re hungry for brotherisms
I feel you anon, there can never be too many Dick & Tim brotherism fics! 😊 I had a great time wading through my bookmarks to pull some recs (and inevitably lose a bunch of time re-reading things lol), so thanks for the ask!
so I've organized the below first by general time period, then categories like Canon Divergence and Alternate Universe. I've also limited myself to fics that have a clear focus on Dick & Tim as the primary relationship (although some of them include other characters or ensembles).
Hope that you find something new that you enjoy, friend!!
A Thousand Ninjas, by @silverwhittlingknife (100k WIP series) - Silver's fantastic epic that covers the span of Dick and Tim's relationship in preboot canon. Some of the individual works are WIP, others are complete - just read them all, okay, you will not regret
Dick and Tim, through the years: from Lonely Place of Dying, through Tim's Robin years, and beyond Red Robin. "Watch me on the trapeze, Tim. I'm going to do my act - 'specially for you." (B 441) "Who the hell are you?" (NT 60) "Dick Grayson is my brother. My best friend." (R 181) "You're my equal. My closest ally." (RR 1) "I can't see him. You can't see him. But I know Robin. And Robin's always there when you need him." (TT/O Secret Files) "You're my brother. You'll always be there for me." (RR 12) "And then I think... no... it's for Tim. For him, a thousand ninjas is just the start of what I would do." (N 138)
Brothers Have the Worst Timing, by @havendance (1k) - god I love Tim just popping up randomly to be the most annoying little brother ever, and frankly there's no better time for it than during Nightwing/Huntress, when he can bother both Dick and Helena at once.
Tim crashes Dick and Helena’s ill-advised one-night stand; this is awkward for everyone involved.
A Long Fall with a Sudden Stop, by @eggmacguffin (5.1k) - Interesting and appropriately awful take on fear toxin, with a relatively young Robin!Tim having to manage an incapacitated Dick. Also good Dick & Bruce content.
Dick Grayson was not and never has been afraid of heights. However, there were moments, moments in the wake of tragedy, in the midst of doubt, where he was deathly afraid of falling. — Dick Grayson. Fear Toxin.
Little Brothers and Stupid Ideas, by lazarusfell / @gretahayes (2k) - Tim breaking into Dick's apartment to be a neurotic little dork at him, my beloved.
Dick doesn't think he'll ever get used to his little brother's idiosyncrasies. It's like whenever he thinks the kid can't get any weirder, he decides to just blow Dick out of the water with some new abnormality. It's endearing.
lifeline, by me c: (~700) - just a ficlet, but I'm still fond of it, so. set nebulously post-Infinite Crisis, after both brothers' Really Bad Year.
At a low moment, Dick thinks he needs to catch Tim, and he just - can't. Tim catches him instead.
a soft place to land, by unchosenone / @bitimdrake (3k) - set during the OYL cruise around the world; gorgeous brotherly feels and support and absolutely adopted as personal canon.
Tim rubs the back of his head, trying to affect a joking tone. “I knew I should’ve just gone for the new escrima sticks.” Dick is ready to be a good big brother to his grieving little bro. Tim flips the script.
ribbons just beyond the eye, by silverwhittlingknife (5.9k) - you know how Dick and Tim had their island adventure in NW #143, and afterward they had to swim out several miles to where they parked the Batsub because the remote stopped working, and Dick talked about making a pit stop in Palermo to visit a "great little Italian restaurant that serves a great ciambellone for dessert"? Well, this is what happens when they do, and it's lovely.
Two weeks after their fight over the Lazarus Pits, Dick and Tim go on a trip, and Dick confronts some old memories.
Brothers, by KelpieCodyne (8.5k) - a refreshing and measured look at the divisive events of Red Robin, from Dick’s perspective. bashes no one, hurray!
Bruce is dead, Dick is Batman, and his brother is floundering. In a desperate attempt to save Tim from himself, Dick tries some tough love. It does not go the way he hopes. Or - Red Robin's 'BruceQuest' through the eyes of Dick Grayson.
We've Taken Different Paths, Traveled Different Roads, by Sohotthateveryonedied (2.3k) - brothers 🥺 even in the middle of their Brucequest fight, Tim can show up out of nowhere for a middle-of-the-night pajama party and heartfelt talk.
Dick is suddenly very awake. He bolts upright, staring at the dimly lit figure. “Tim?” “Hi, Dick,” Tim whispers. He isn’t in uniform for once, instead wearing a pair of sweats and a shirt that Dick recognizes as one of Bruce’s. Dick was wondering where that went. “Jesus, kid,” Dick exhales, an uncertain mixture of disbelief and bafflement. “What are you doing here?” Tim and Dick are still in a fight of sorts, or are they? Have they made up yet, or is the terrain still cracked? Dick wants so badly to ask, but just having Tim in the same room as him is already more than Dick could have hoped he’d get.
a conversation at 4:30am, by xscintillate / @scintillyyy (4.6k) - Dick having a nightmare that Tim is dead and checking all of his regular napping spots with increasing paranoia to prove that he's alive, my beloved. such a great look at the brothers, suffused with all of the love they still share post-Brucequest.
dick & tim, post RR#12 because sometimes having a conversation might end up going nowhere, especially if it's one you're not ready for, but it's enough for now
the best of both of us, by @ashynarr (7k) - a lovely pair of conversations between Tim and Dick, working through their conflict in RR and reconnecting after everything.
They used to have a routine, involving shitty take-out, shitty movies, and a bit of shit-talking. Dick wants to restart it, after everything. Tim's not sure if it's that easy. Or: After Harkness' arrest, Dick and Tim have a heart-to-heart. It helps, a little.
there's an endless road to rediscover, by @zahri-melitor (1.2k) - post-RR fic where Dick and Tim skip right to affectionate violence as a gesture of reconciliation, which is so delightfully in-character, tbh.
Sometimes the only way to show that you've moved on and forgiven each other is to take a flying tackle from the ceiling. Dick and Tim know each other's demonstrations of affection. Damian doesn't.
When it Rains, by vellaphoria (5.8k) - an exploration of Tim and Dick's (most recent) experiences with sexual assault, so warnings for past rape. really excellent.
After Cass and Tim return from Paris, something seems... wrong. Dick tries to find out what it is.
nightwing and red robin hit the town (or do they?) by xscintillate / scintillyyy (7.2k) - hilarious reversal of the "Tim is sad Dick never has time to hang out with him because Eldest Daughter Syndrome" trope.
Dick just wants to hang out with Tim on patrol, like old times. It's a shame that everyone else seems to have the same idea. It's fine. Dick'll get him next time.
so won't you stay, won't you stay (with me?), by dizarys / @dizaryswrites (1.4k) - beware the ANGST, this one really stomped on my heart 😭 but it's lovely
Dick seized his hands, holding tight. A long moment of silence passed. Tim kept time with Dick’s breathing as it steadily returned to an even pattern. "I'm proud of you for asking for help." His big brother whispered. "But I haven't." "I dunno, TimTam. Breaking into my apartment seems like a cry for help." Tim's having a hard night. So where else does he go but to his big brother's apartment? Whumptober Day 12
go past where our feet could touch, by redboard (Ink) / @upswings (1.5k) - this is such a lovely fic about the brothers having feelings about their long-gone mothers, and Dick seeing himself in Tim and processing things in his own life by being there for him (without sharing his own issues, at least that we see, lol). perfect characterization.
Today Tim was calmer, almost cheerful – as if it was any other Saturday afternoon. But it had also not escaped Dick's notice that Tim had gone on a universe-hopping trip to rescue Bruce, and one of the first things he'd done upon returning was, apparently, unbox a lot of photos of his dead parents. "How was the multiverse?" Dick asked.
WE'RE NOT DEAD (WE WALK)., by orpheusaki / @damianbugs (4.9k) - fantastic whumptober fic. the boys go through it, by god.
Dick is overwhelmed for a moment, filled with clarity and inexplicable confusion as he blinks around him bleary-eyed. There's the familiar itching covering his skin, tiny grains of dark sand invading the cuts that have torn through his suit from the crash. He coughs, throat dry and closing with every gasp of harsh air. The desert is as unforgivable as the last time he was here, an empty expanse of dunes that might just be a trick of the heavy sun against the back of his neck. Dick pushes the panic away behind his eyelids, savoring the darkness before opening his eyes again. Immediately, he sees Tim. Unconscious, hunched over, covered in blood and sand Tim. (Dick and Tim get stranded in the desert, Dick is always moving forward.)
long distance, by unchosenone / bitimdrake (1.7k) - A Red Robin era AU where Bruce is actually dead.
Six months—months—radio silence, and Tim is calling him. Dick doesn’t even know where Tim is. He scrambles for the phone.
Holding the Line, by Birdchild / @birdchildsnest (6.6k) - part 2 of the series and the first part is just as good, but more focused on the Dick&Tim&Damian relationship as a whole. In this, Dick is plagued with nightmares about the people he loves falling, and struggles through the resultant insomnia.
"Dick was used to anxiety dreams, even (or especially) ones about falling and failing to catch people. They weren’t pleasant, but he understood that they were his brain’s way of working through buried fears. The garbage disposal of his subconscious. But these dreams were more like the hyper-vivid nightmares and thrashing night terrors he’d had after his parents’ deaths. And they were constant. Every time he closed his eyes. He didn’t just feel rattled when he woke up; he felt flayed open."   (This will make more sense if you've read "Redrawing the Lines," but it takes place before "Season of Darkness, Season of Light," so you don't need to have read that.)
now the little red lighthouse knew that it was needed, by xscintillate / scintillyyy (22k) - beloved Tim never becomes Robin but shows up in Dick's life and becomes his brother anyway fic of my HEART
"Kid," he says, frustration bleeding through, "I don't know who you think I am, but I can promise you, I don't know anything about any companies. You might want to call the police about this, instead." "No, that's just it," the kid says, "I can't trust the police. I think they're in on it. I think I might get arrested soon. I need—I think I need Nightwing's help." in an alternate universe where jason survives ethiopia--dick and tim still find each other.
this also has a WIP sequel, so the little red lighthouse tried to shine once more, which is equally excellent
well, what would you do if you went back in time?, by xscintillate / scintillyyy (3.5k) - yeah, in retrospect Tim's smug know-it-all tendencies would become exponentially worse if he traveled back in time and actually knew everything, lol. of course he takes the opportunity to be a Pest to both Dick and Bruce c:
tim goes back in time, and prevents certain things--but still makes his appointment at the circus with dick and is kind of a menace (aka: snippets from an au where tim goes back in time and makes it so he doesn't become robin...but he's still just having fun going around and preventing everything he can think of regardless and making sure to bother dick)
the time you won your town the race, by silverwhittlingknife (4.4k) - technically WIP, but absolutely works as a (DEVASTATING) oneshot. It's been well over a year and I still have not recovered tbh.
He doesn’t know exactly what Tim would say. But he knows what Tim would do. Tim dies. Dick doesn’t take death for an answer. A Red Robin 12 AU.
the picture frames have changed and so has your name, by zahri-melitor (24k) - a fix-it it fic for Grant Morrison's 2009 Batman and Robin comic run, which infamously has Dick more-or-less forget that he's supposed to have a close relationship with this alleged "Tim Drake" guy. (Little brother who?)
So, in this fic, Dick literally forgets. Tim notices, and investigates. Also wonderfully highlights Tim's relationships with Helena, Barbara, and the Birds of Prey, and sometimes with Damian.
There’s something wrong with Dick. Tim thought everything was getting back to normal. Bruce was alive and back in their timeline, the Birds of Prey were once again operating out of Gotham, Dick had the city well under control as Batman and even Damian had been less obnoxious than usual. And then during a firefight at a warehouse by the docks, Tim was almost hit by a flying boomerang. And Dick never noticed. When something is wrong with your big brother, who else do you turn to but your big sisters?
Dizzy Edges, by Jojo_Squires / @jojosquires (156k WIP)
A Tim-time-travels-and-interferes-to-make-his-family's-lives-better fic which includes the whole Batfam, but is definitely centered on Dick&Tim and the weird itching dissatisfaction of their missing close relationship from the original timeline - which neither of them can even remember that they're supposed to have.
I leap on my email notifs and stuff new chapters in my mouth as soon as they come out.
Tim Drake didn't quite know what he was agreeing to four years ago, but he tried to make the best of it! Using notes from his past (future?) self, he (somewhat messily) tried to help everyone his other self cared for. Now, it's four years later and he can mostly ignore the second set of memories lying in the back of his brain. It'd be much easier if Dick Grayson would just leave him alone. If Tim believed in destiny he might actually think that the universe cared about what was lost. Dick Grayson has spent the last year feeling like he's veered off course. Something keeps itching at the back of his brain. He's missed some clue. Helena Bertinelli's promised to help him crack down on human trafficking, but Dick thinks her foster kid might actually be more help in that department.
First Priority, by avaya29 / @avayarising (6.8k) - okay so Jason does feature prominently in this one but also he's a hilarious outside observer to Dick&Tim's shenanigans. Also, GLUE TRAP.
As the door opened Tim quickly disabled another three separate electronic sensors in the doorjamb by swiping them with a device that looked a bit like a thumb drive. “Walk where I walk,” he said. He took a big step over the doormat, eyed the floor carefully, then took a careful skipped sidestep to another mat against the right-hand wall, where he removed his shoes. “What the hell?” whispered Jason, still standing in the open doorway. Tim pointed up. There was a net rigged up on the ceiling. “Pressure pads under the carpet.” “I repeat, what the hell? After Tim completely derails Jason's beatdown attempt by asking him for a hug, Jason's first priority is to get this touch-starved kid more cuddles. Tim's first priority is to avoid DIck's traps. Jason learns a lot about his brothers and what happened while he was away, and something about himself too.
Patchwork Siblings, by Raberba_girl (40k) - fluff and whump and we also get both Talon!Dick and regular!Dick being big brothers, which is delightful.
Years ago, young Dick Grayson was taken by the Court of Owls and made into a Talon. When Talon is flung into an alternate universe where Dick Grayson was taken in by Bruce Wayne instead, he latches onto the first familiar person he sees. (Or: Little Bat-stalker Tim Drake is understandably alarmed to find that an undead assassin has imprinted on him.)
5+1 Night's at Freddy's, by cowboymater (6.6k WIP) - okay so this is only the first chapter of an expected six, but it's already a wildly interesting and entertaining scenario with great characterization. my kingdom for 5000 AUs where young Dick and Tim are thrown together into Trials and Tribulations out of nowhere for their brotherly meet-cute.
The 5 nights Tim spent at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza with Robin and the 1 he spent with Batman, OR, this would be the coolest thing that happened to him ever if the animatronics were trying to kill them less, OR, the "Batman meets Freddy Fazbear" fic I found hidden under a loose floorboard in Tim Drake's childhood bedroom.
darling boy, by deitybird (335k) - Fuzzy and funny de-aged!Tim shenanigans, with Dick as his primary caretaker but the whole Batfam getting involved. Author pulls what plot, character, and relationship points they like and want to explore from varied canon (post-Crisis, New 52, Rebirth, Infinite Frontier, Batman the Animated Series, etc.) and fanon to build out that 335k of story, and it's a very fun time. Toddler Tim is such a gremlin ♥
His comm crackles to life. “RR’s suit is in a pile on the floor,” Jason says, voice grim. “But no sign of him. Something bad must’ve happened if he ditched it all.” “I wouldn’t say it’s bad, per se,” Dick replies, gazing down at the kid nestled against his chest. Now that he’s looking properly, he can see hints of his little brother in those small features. “But at least I can confidently say that he’s not dead.” Or: Tim gets de-aged to four. Dick takes care of him.
Under a Parent’s Wing, by IzzyMRDB. (39k) - YMMV on whether this will be your cup of tea, as this is an AU where Dick comes into a parental rather than brotherly role for a younger, AU!Tim, who is also autistic and abused. But it’s also delightful, heartfelt, and a thoughtful exploration of the complicated, difficult situation as given.
Also I would, no lie, read hundreds of fics based on the premise of kid!Tim discovering that THE Dick Grayson (aka THE ORIGINAL ROBIN) is coaching gymnastics classes and using his sneaky determined ways to finagle himself into said classes.
When Tim found out that Dick Grayson was a gymnastics instructor in Bludhaven, he quickly signed up. After all, learning gymnastics from The Nightwing himself is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dick Grayson is more concerned at the obvious signs of child abuse he sees in one of his students. AKA Dick Grayson, as a childcare worker, is a mandated reporter who knows how to recognize child abuse in his students. Tim Drake, after a lifetime of fear and confusion, learns to trust adults.
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Angela Lansbury (The Harvey Girls, The Court Jester, The Manchurian Candidate)—The babe, the myth, the legend. In her own words her early hollywood roles were "a series of venal bitches" and they were all glorious. Half of them wanted to kill you and you probably would have thanked them. She even goes toe to toe with Judy Garland in The Harvey Girls! That said, she was chronically underused and misused during this era - she was just 36 when she was cast as Elvis Presley's mother in Blue Hawaii and a few years later commented that she'd played so many 'old hags' that most people thought she was in her 60s. She thought she was "all talent, no looks" but she was the full package! Post-1970 I hope we all know what an incredibly talented and compassionate badass she was, but I feel like not enough people know her early roles as a hot (often villainous) young thing.
Angie Dickinson (Rio Bravo, Point Blank, Ocean's Eleven)—Though it could be argued that overall her career leans more to TV, during this time period she was splitting movie title credits with the very top names in the business.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Propaganda for Angie Dickinson:
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Propaganda for Angela Lansbury:
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"Angela Lansbury might not be where your mind goes first when you think of hot leading women, because she had a later career revival. But she began acting in the early 1940s after leaving London due to the Blitz. In the first couple decades of her film career she has an openness about her. She said she never really fit in with the Hollywood crowd and to me she gives off a friendly, untarnished vibe."
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"Most of us know Angela Lansbury as old lady sleuth Jessica Fletcher, but it's important to know that she was smoking hot in her younger days as well as a damned fine actress. Although she didn't get lead roles until her early 40s, at 17 she was a supporting actress in films such as Gaslight (1944), National Velvet (1944), and The Picture of Dorian Grey, for which she won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress and was nominated for the Oscar. Even in her memorable performance as the manipulative mother in The Manchurian Candidate, she is listed as a supporting actress as she does not play the love interest. She was successful both on stage and screen, and won the Tony for her lead role in the musical Mame on Broadway in 1966. TL;DR While Angela Lansbury mostly played supporting roles in films before 1970, she had what it takes to be a leading actress, which we know from her success on stage and tv from the mid 60s onward"
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"She looked like a princess but bit like a viper"
"Is there anything this woman couldn't do? Act in comedy and drama, sing, dance, be a wonderful human being - quite simply a true and wonderful lady."
"god she had such an incredible career all throughout her life really but as a young lady she was just as incredible as she was in her later years. enchanting voice, amazing personality, and absolutely GORGEOUS. she lamented not having the looks to play leads in romance but that idea is so batshit because look at her??? she's one of the most terrific women of all time. also she's my grandmother's favorite actress and i truly get it"
"she is the fairytale princess of my dreams in court jester"
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486 notes · View notes
miley1442111 · 3 months
hi!!!!! I love your writing so much, and I loved insomniac, and i was wondering if we could get some more aaron and insomniac reader? I just thought it was so cute!!
thank you ml!
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treatment plan (part 1)- a.hotchner
a/n: thank you so much for requesting, I love this series (as a fellow insomnia girly)
summary: aaron oversteps and it starts a fight.
pairing: aaron hotchner x insomnia! reader
warnings: angst, discussions of insomnia and feeling 'different' because of it, mental health, crying, no happy ending, aaron is an asshole, fighting
part of this au:
Aaron didn’t always know what to do in these situations. He’d never had trouble sleeping, he was lucky like that. He realised very early into your relationship that he was lucky. He didn’t stay up for the simple fact of not being able to sleep often, he wasn’t worrying constantly about whether or not he’d get enough sleep to function the next day, he wasn’t brought to doctor after doctor only to be told the same thing time and again. “Sorry, we can’t help you,” or “No one here specialises in that,” or, his personal least favourite; “You can’t be helped, sorry.”
He knew he was lucky he didn’t have to go through the things you did. He didn’t have to worry about what insomnia would mean for his future health, what not sleeping would do to his body. 
You weren’t lucky. 
Every night was a battle, ever since you were a kid. You’d kick and scream, and even now, often you’d end up in tears. It was awful, and incurable somehow, at least in your case.
Yet, Aaron didn’t want to stop looking for a solution, and that’s how you ended up sleeping at Penelope’s place, your eyes red-rimmed and puffy, and a dumb rom-com on the TV. 
Fuck him. 
4 hours earlier. 
Aaron walked into your shared home with his briefcase in his hand. You’d gotten off work an hour ago and come home to cook dinner. You were in the kitchen.
“Hey baby,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he walked in. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, then smiled down at you. 
“How are you?” he asked, but everytime he asked, there was another question underneath it, one he’d stopped asking because it would always end in a fight. ‘Did you sleep?’ 
Aaron had left early that morning, and he felt good when he saw you asleep in your bed, and he was as silent as humanly possible while getting ready, so he’d hoped he hadn’t woken you. 
“Fine,” you nodded, going back to your cooking. “Work was boring, but Lucy’s leaving so we have to go to her farewell party on Friday- if you’re around-”
“You have the sleep test on Friday night honey, we can’t go, remember?” 
You sighed. “I cancelled it. I can always do it another time.”
Aaron was in shock. You’d cancelled the appointment? The appointment that was there to help you, to help you feel better. “Why would you do that Bug?”
“Because Lucy is one of my best friends, plus it’s not like the sleep test is going to work, so it doesn’t matter,” you shrugged and Aaron felt his blood boil. 
In recent months, you’d become what he would call ‘complacent’ with your condition. You saw it as accepting it. After years of being told you were incurable, why should you search for a cure? They were the professionals, and you’d seen more than 60 doctors about this, in your entire lifetime. That didn’t bode well with Aaron. He would fight to the ends of the Earth for you, and he planned on trying to fight this for as long as it took, but that would only work if you were fighting too, which you weren’t. 
He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself. “We were on that waitlist for a year Y/n.”
“I was on that waitlist for a year, and I decided I don’t want to do it anymore, it’s my health,” you shrugged and served him up his plate. “Now tell me about your day.”
“We still need to talk about this,” he scolded, sitting across from you at your kitchen table. “You just decided to stop treatment?” His eyes were darker than usual, his signature 'negotiating stare’ trying to make you feel small. Not that Aaron himself was trying to make you small, just that you always felt… different when he looked at you like that. Strange. 
“I don’t know why you can’t grasp that I’ve accepted my condition?” You scoffed. “You don’t need to worry anymore, maybe this will be good for me! I’m always so worried, and so are you, even Jack notices it for fuck’s sake! My insomnia has controlled my entire fucking life, and I’m sick of it, so yes Aaron, I decided to stop treatment,” you weren’t exactly shouting, but you weren’t calm and collected. You were at your wits end, completely. You hadn’t slept in two days, you were bordering on exhausted, and you planned to take one of the sleeping pills you had, (even though you’re slightly allergic), an allergy medication, and sleep for 15 hours straight. You were very happy Jack wasn’t meant to be back from his cousin’s house until at least after 4pm tomorrow. 
“That sleep study is the closest we’ve ever been! Why would you cancel it? I understand you’re frustrated-” he started, but you cut him off. 
“You don’t understand Aaron. You don’t understand. How could you? When you go to sleep, it’s simply that, sleep. To me it’s so much more, so much anxiety, so many negative thoughts, so much awful shit, so many shitty sleeples nights since I was a fucking kid! And you don’t understand that, and I'm not asking you to, but I’m asking you to accept my decision over my body Aaron. I can’t deal with this anxiety anymore around something as simple as sleeping. I feel like I have no control anymore, so this is me taking back control Aaron-” You felt yourself welling up with tears. His face was set in stone, silently judging you.
“There’s better ways to take back control of your life Y/n-”
“Tell me!” you shouted. He stayed silent. “Exactly.”
“This isn’t healthy, you’re going to hurt yourself more Y/n,” he cautioned and you scoffed, a sick smile on your face, bred from your frustration and desperation. 
“Aaron, what more damage can I do to myself?-”
“I don’t want to wake up someday and have you not remember me!” He shouted. That was low. You were terrified of memory loss diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. 
You stared at him for a minute, small tears pushing past your ‘emotionless’ exterior. “That was low Aaron.” 
“It’s the truth.” 
“No it’s not, it’s your truth. Don’t mix that up,” you cautioned. 
“Am I not allowed to be worried about my fiance?” he asked, but in that stupid condescending voice that made you want to smack him. 
“Aaron please just stop,” you groaned, looking down into your food. This was going to turn into a lecture. This was going to break you. You were right on the edge, hanging on by a thread. And Aaron cut it clean with his next words. 
“You’re being selfish.” 
You blocked the rest of his speech out. Selfish. You were selfish. Selfish was silently crying so he could sleep. Selfish was indulging every single one of his stupid sleep tests and doctors even if you were in pain and exhausted. Selfish was being poked and prodded by doctor after doctor that he brought you to, in hopes of finding a cure. Selfish was hiding your condition’s worst parts (migraines, mood swings, anxiety, memory loss,and everything else) so he wouldn’t worry.
Right, you were selfish. 
You got up and grabbed your jacket, keys, and phone, and you left the house. You ran into your car, Aaron hot on your heels with his booming voice screaming over you, pushing you further. Your car was cold, thus the pleasures of Washington. You shrugged it off and started driving, Aaron was trying to stop you, you didn’t let him. 
Fuck him, he was the selfish one. 
You drove to Penelope’s without another thought, just letting yourself cry. You couldn’t let this condition define you anymore, and you won’t let it define your relationship either. If Aaron didn’t understand that, maybe he wasn’t the right one. 
With the shitty rom-com over and Penelope heading for bed, you made your makeshift bed on the couch, and tried as hard as you could to sleep, but you ended up just thinking about it all, all night long. 
What a great Friday night.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
criminal minds taglist :) (message me or comment to be added :))
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
Rough sex with reader with both Weasley twins? Just after a hard day at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, both men are pent up with the amount of problems that had in just literally one day. This could range from a customer to you possibly trying to tease the shit out of them before fleeing away. 🤭 I hope this isn’t too big of an idea and I’ll leave the rest up to by you. 🫶
Hi Anon! Please accept this offering as a token of my appreciation 🖤 I set it at Christmas time for reasons unknown to me, mostly because I thought it would be super busy?
Warnings: SMUT. Piv, blowjobs, oral (f&m receiving) use of Angel/baby/sweetheart/princess. Slightly Dom/sub behaviours. Rough sex. Cumplay. Polyamory, kind of?
Word count: 3k (of pure smut)
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Yuletide stress relief.
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was bursting with shoppers since the moment the doors had opened that morning, a sea of people already lined up right down the street stretching all the way down past Ollivanders. Since the moment the doors had opened, it had been non-stop work with customers who were packed in like sardines across all five floors of the shop, desperately searching for Christmas presents for their loved ones.
Although he was always thankful for the success of their business, Fred was completely exhausted and a little worn down by the relentlessness of the day.
He'd been up early, having to leave the two warm bodies in the comfy bed, and had dressed quickly, not even stopping to get a cup of tea or any breakfast and had gone straight to the office to sort out a cash discrepancy he'd noticed upon closing last night. After recounting all the gold from yesterday and revising all the paperwork, he had eventually found the accounting issue and then had to redo all the paperwork.
George turned up to help with opening the store and they'd quickly discovered that they were running low of the Peruvian instant darkness powder crystals which would be a devastating loss to their business this close to Christmas with it being one of their best sellers and the top money spinner.
Fred had once again climbed the multiple stairs to the office and had checked in the books, seeing that a shipment was actually due to arrive this week but when he looked at the number ordered, he realised the grave mistake he'd made. Instead of ordering it in individual batches like usual, he'd confused the numbers and had ordered 60 crates instead which would be a massive overbuy and therefore a massive overspend. It was imported from Peru and the cost of shipping was astronomical, so he had really made a grave mistake. Not only that but the darkness powder had a relatively short shelf life compared to some of their other products and so it could be a complete financial loss.
Running his hands over his face and through his hair, he made his way down the stairs to begrudgingly tell his twin of his error, only to realise that the store was already open and the shop was already packed with customers needing help left, right and center. He'd not taken a single break that day nor stopped for any lunch, working right through as the heavy flow of customers never dwindled. A kid had knocked over a display of wonderwitch products requiring a massive cleanup, even though the child's mother had cast a spell to prevent the rest from falling and it had fallen to Fred to clean up the mess, seeing that his twin was currently helping a large family, Verity was stuck with a line of customers at the till and their temporary Christmas staff were all dotted about busy with other tasks.
He'd thought multiple times during the day to send you an owl to ask you to help out, but he'd never actually got the chance to slip away for long enough. He knew you'd come if he asked but he also didn't want to bother you on your day off, knowing that you were spending it at the Burrow with his mum, busy making preparations for Christmas next week.
When the doors to the shop closed around 7pm and the last of the customers trailed out of the store around 10 minutes past, Fred let out a sigh of relief as he flicked his wand and cast the closing spells, locking the doors.
He couldn't even bring himself to make conversation with his twin, who in striking contact to himself was buzzing from the successful day. He trudged up the stairs, not trusting himself to apparate into the office in his exhaustion; the last thing he needed today was to get splinched because he wasn't paying enough attention.
He was nearly finished with the nightly paperwork when the door to the office creaked open and you walked through with a wide smile on your face, seeing him for the first time that day. Usually he loved to see your smile, even more so when he knew it was because of him, but after the day he'd had and the foul mood that had settled within him, the smile on your face only exasperated how he was feeling, resenting the fact that you'd had a much easier day than him.
"Hey Freddie," you said with a smile, walking over to him and hopping up on the desk. He looked dishevelled to say the least, his jacket thrown off, shirt sleeves rolled up his forearms and tie hanging loosely around his neck, clearly having been loosed hastily. He looked unbelievably hot, like his hand had been repeatedly running through his hair making that ultra sexy dishevelled look.
He hardly looked up, which you thought was strange, simply nodding his head as if to tell you that he'd heard you and acknowledging your presence.  Realising he was busy, you move to hop off the desk ready to walk away, immediately feeling like you were intruding and bothering him.
"Princess wait,” he says, stopping you from walking away, casting his arm out to grab at you. He pauses when he feels your bare skin under his hand, your dress having ridden up when you climbed onto the desk. For the first time, his eyes flick up to you, specifically your bare thigh that his hand is wrapped around.
The sudden change in atmosphere seems to affect you almost instantly. His eyes are piercing, dark as they look at your skin under his hand and you don’t need to be a skilled occlumens to know exactly what is going through his mind. When his hand squeezes down on your flesh, you know exactly what he’s thinking and you can’t help but feel a little flushed with the influx of arousal that spreads through your body.
For the first time, his gaze travels across your body and up towards your face until he’s looking in your eyes. It’s tense for a moment when nothing happens until he suddenly stands from the chair, right in front of you and nudging your legs apart until they’re pulled taught either side of his hips. His tongue pokes out and wets his lips as he gazes at you hungrily and you can almost see your chest rising and falling with the sudden need to take deep breaths to calm yourself.
“Wanna be my good girl?” He says, leaning down slightly, towering over you as his hands dance along the hemline of your dress, thumbs teasing the skin of your thighs as your legs part even wider automatically. He smirks to himself, not missing the way your body always submits to him so willingly as he takes a step back. You nod, staring up at him with wide, imploring eyes awaiting your instruction.
Your gaze follows his hands as they pull away from your thighs and go straight to his belt, unlooping it, opening up his belt buckle and pulling open the buttons until he can free himself. He reaches into his underwear and pulls out his hardening cock as you watch on desperately, mouth watering at the sight.
“Suck it baby,” he says with a slight coo, “want your beautiful lips around me.”
You do as your told almost immediately, maintaining eye contact with him as you slip down off the desk so that you’re eye level with his perfect clock. Ensuring that he’s watching your every move, you timidly stick out your tongue and lock all around the head of his cock, watching closely as his eyes close on their own accord, a heavy breath falling from his lips. You take his rapidly hardening cock into your mouth seconds later, as much as you can and give one long, drawn out suck that causes him to let out a low, breathy moan. You bob up and down on his cock, running your tongue against the prominent veins underneath and try to take more and more in your mouth just like you know he likes. His hand rests in your hair but he does it to feel, not to control as gorgeous intimate moans fall from his lips, his eyes flicking between watching you and closing in pleasure.
“Well this is a sight,” you hear from behind you, making you moan against Fred’s cock. You pull off Fred’s cock, a string of spit trailing between you and his swollen member as you turn your head towards George who looks at you with a lustful gaze. You’re buzzing with arousal, being caught with a mouth full of cock, feeling so dirty by the thought.
“Princess,” Fred says, pulling your attention back to him as you slowly lick all up the sensitive underside before taking him back into your mouth.
George appears by your side in moments and begins unbuckling his own suit trousers, freeing himself and reaching down for your hand as he moves to stand beside Fred. Your hand wraps around his length and you stroke it just how he likes, feeling him harden in your hand.
Both of them moan out at the same time when you switch sides, taking George in your mouth and wrapping your hand around Fred, feasting on them both. You alternate between the twins, your hands never leaving their cocks as you give them pleasure, enjoying the glorious sounds they are unashamedly making.
As soon as you take Fred into your mouth, George slips out of your grasp and reaches for your dress, tearing at it and pulling it open until your breasts spill out, having taken off your bra the moment you got in. You gasp, feeling your nipples harden under the cold air and the feeling of being exposed and it’s mere seconds before George’s hands greedily grab at them.
Fred pulls you off his cock, his hand gently cupping your jaw as he looks at you with lust blown eyes for a second before turning to his twin who seems to have the same idea.
In a manoeuvre so slick it surprised you, Fred picks you up and exits the office with a slight slam of the door, carrying you bridal style all the way through the apartment until he places you on the bed. You watch as George steps through the doors, looking at them both eyeing you hungrily with their cocks still out and you have to bite your lip, so overwhelmingly aroused and untouched that it’s near painful.
George steps forward first, crawling up your body on the bed until he leads you into a surprisingly passionate kiss. Whilst you’re kissing George, you feel Fred reach up your dress and pull down your underwear, the wet gusset feeling heavy, drenched in your arousal. Your hips flail trying to make contact as you spread your legs, hearing Fred curse at the sight in front of him.
George pulls away and gives you a little smirk before he begins to kiss down your body, stopping to feast on your heaving chest before he carries on further and further downwards until his lips ghost over your mound.
The second his tongue laps as your heated, wet flesh you cry out, back arching in pleasure. You look down and see his eyes watching you as he feasts on your cunt, lips and tongue already working you perfectly as he sucks and slurps at your clit.
Fred appears next to you and holds out his cock for you to take back into your mouth, the angle a little awkward but your make do. It’s so sinfully dirty having one twin feasting on your cunt whilst you suck off the other one and you can’t help but feel your climax building already, so worked up.
“I don’t think so Angel,” George says, pulling away from your weeping cunt, hips undulating desperately as your climax fades. “When you cum it’s going to be on our cocks.”
Both twins pull away from you as they quickly throw off the rest of their clothes and you sit up on the bed, tits exposed in your ripped dressed waiting for them.
George gets to you first, pulling you in for a scorching kiss as his hands wander, gathering the material of your dress in his fists. It’s quick and oh so arousing when he suddenly reaches out and manhandles you, flipping you over until you’re on your front, hips high in the air for him. He pushes up the material of your dress, completely exposing you to their gaze and you bite your lip once again when you hear their breathy moans, curses and playful banter, talking about your pretty little wet cunt.
George’s cock slips between your wet lips with ease, your gasps only fuelling his desire to get inside you. The second he slips inside you cry out in ecstasy, finally feeling full just like you needed. He’s rough and sets a brutal pace almost instantly, both of you keyed up enough to take it.
“You like that Angel? You like when I’m rough with you?” His deep voice says from behind you, making your clench around him. “Mmm yeah you do, dirty girl.”
Fred slips beside you on the bed and captures your lips into a blistering kiss, his big hands squeezing at your bouncing tits, thumbs stroking over your hard nipples. You cry out about into Fred’s mouth as George shifts and gets even deeper.
“Fuuuuck that’s it baby, use me just like that, fuck yourself on me,” he cries out when you begin to meet his hard thrusts, arching your back further.
It’s dirty and messy, the feel of their hands on you, Fred’s on your tits and George’s gripping your hips tight as he controls your movements. You can feel him start to lose his tempo, thrusts getting sloppy and harder until he’s fucking you with force, no doubt watching as your ass jiggles for him.
“Fuck gonna make me cum Angel, oh fuck!” He cries out as you clench him again, making your pussy even tighter around his sensitive cock.
You reach out for Fred’s spare hand as George starts to cum, hips slamming into yours as your moans mix with George’s and echo through the bedroom. You feel like you can feel every single shot of cum filling you as George roars, his load shooting deep inside you as he continues sloppily thrusting in and out of you.
Fred gives you almost no time to recover when George pulls away breathless. He pulls you up, pulls you into a dangerously arousing kiss as he peels the useless fabric away from your frame, leaving you completely nude for him. He turns you around and lays you on the bed before slipping inside your open legs, grabbing them and throwing them over his shoulders.
You’re already oversensitive pussy burns in the most delicious way as you feel the weight of his impossibly hard cock hitting your clit. You cry out, reaching for your breasts as he devilishly taps his cock on your clit, rubbing and giving you the most delicious friction just like you need. He slips his cock inside you and you scream out, feeling him deep inside you, deeper than George had been, your body so sensitive and needy for an orgasm. He leans forward and puts his hands either side of your head, contorting you exactly as he wants you, leans down to give you a single kiss and a smirk before he draws his hips back and slams back inside you. Your whole body rocks with the movement, his pace already fast and brutal as he fucks into you for all he’s worth. It’s nasty and dirty, the mix of his brutal thrusts and teasing smirk and you claw at his back as you cry out. He curses and groans with each thrust as your pussy grips him, climax building deep in your belly.
“Fred, fuck!” You cry out, his cock staying deep inside you as he gives you short, hard thrusts, your clit rubbing deliciously on his pubic bone.
“That’s it sweetheart, fuck you’re so tight, cum for me baby, cum on me.”
Your orgasm hits you out of nowhere, his voice so arousing, his words so demanding that your body submits to him instantly. You can’t stop moaning as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm, his own rapidly approaching. His arms bulge under his own weight, a delicious sight as you canter your hips to meet his thrusts, watching as his eyes close, his face scrunching up.
“Freddie cum for me, cum Freddie!”
It’s a shock when his blistering hot cum suddenly shoots out and hits your chest, your tits covered right across to your neck and your chin. He pants, slipping back into his knees as he looks at you, so perfectly defiled and covered in his cum.
“You’re bloody perfect,” he says breathlessly with a slight laugh, the sensations overwhelming him as he looks at you. When you take a single finger and trace it across your breast, scooping up a little bit of his cum before bringing it up to your lips to suck on he looks at you in amazement, mouth contorting into a little ‘o’ shape.
“Dirty girl,” George says, making you turn in his direction, so consumed by Fred that you’d not even considered where he’d gone. He runs a warm washcloth over you, cleaning up his and his twins mess as you smile at him tiredly. “You did so well for us.”
You laze in between completely naked and free between the two equally naked bodies for a little while, your legs feeling like jelly as George strokes your hair and Fred holds you tightly.
“So did you steal us any Christmas cookies?”
“On the counter,” you say tiredly with a knowing smile.
It takes less than three seconds before both twins race out of bed and run straight towards the kitchen as you laugh at them, their very naked arses jiggling in the gentle lamp light.
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jolaunay · 8 months
A Farewell to Unicorns...
If you have been following me long enough, you probably know that about a year ago I have started a crazy cross-stitch project, see post here . I have posted updates here n there throughout 2023 with the tag #ladyandtheunicornproject . As every crafter & artist would know, when you embark on such a journey, it keeps lingering in the back of your mind every damn day that you don't work on it. I didn't touch it in months, then I finally found the energy to get back to it. This is the progress I made in a year, a little shy of 1.5 pages out of a 60-page pattern:
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It just felt hopeless, the amount of confetti in this pattern is insane. And most of the time, it didn't even look like it made much difference. Then it kinda dawned on me; is this pattern the product of a pattern mill?
What it is a "pattern mill" you might ask... Some cross-stitch pattern shops on etsy simply use photos of artwork and convert them to cross-stitch patterns using free websites. They don't credit the artist, they don't pay a dime for the software, yet they profit from their work. The end result usually does not translate well to cross-stitch; lots of confetti, the project is unmanageable, kills the joy of crafting and when you're finished, it looks like a pixelated photo taken with an early 2000s phone camera.
After further research, I was convinced that my pattern is also from a pattern mill - considering the amount of money I spent on this project, it felt like a punch in the gut. My family will never have generational wealth & afford a vacation home on Rhode Island coast because of this fucking project! But hey, c'est la vie! You live and you learn... See related posts here & here
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Sometimes, you just gotta know when to say "enough of this bullshit", cut your losses and walk away from a situation. For that reason, there's no point in working on this project anymore and making it my "Sagrada de Familia". So, I came up with an idea to finish it in an alternative way:
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"Unfinished paintings are more admired than the finished because the artist's actual thoughts are left visible." This is a quote from Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, some important guy who lived during the Ancient Roman times. I think it is a fitting quote because it represents my vision of saying "fuck this" and not having the fallacy of the sunk costs. Finished it, framed it and now displaying it in my library room in front of another tapestry from the Unicorn series.
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It gives me closure rather than disappointment for a project that I started with such high hopes & excitement. If I just put it in a bag and threw it to the bottom of a closet, it'd make me feel guilty. But this still makes me feel accomplished, because it honors the hours of effort I put into it. It turned into a nice little conversation piece with a story. I still love cross-stitching and will work on better patterns in the future. There's already enough to dread about in life. Unfortunate experiences shouldn't take the joy out of pleasant activities!
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dookins · 5 days
Ladies and Gentlemen, Gays and Theys,
He's Finally Here....
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God part of me can't believe I did this... Welp, I guess this is my life now! So uh, yeah! Coming to my Etsy Shop, a SUPER LIMITED RUN of a Bounty Hunter P03 Pillowcase! 50x150cm or 19.6x59inches with 2 Way Tricot Fabric!
One side sultry, one side smug!
Originally I wanted to make the other side a different P03 entirely but I ran outta time. If this one does well though, who knows, maybe I'll make it? ONLY SIX HAVE BEEN ORDERED So as soon the release date hits, it's a first come first serve deal. When that is, Mid October or Early November if everything goes off without a hitch. As for how much, just the pillowcases and shipping cost me $137, so I still need some time to think about it. My 'manager' wants to make sure the cost pays for itself before half, so... probably $60-$80 ball park. I know I know that's kinda expensive, but it's because I didn't wanna get the smaller size. I know that if I had a character body pillow, I'd like it close to 'actual size' as I can be. I hope it's been worth the wait!
As a side note, my older P03 merch is dwindling down. The only prints I have remaining for cowboy P03 have white siding, or slightly bent corners due to bad cuts during production and poor containment during delivery. So I cut the the price in half. It sorta adds to the grunginess of the image, so it's not terrible. But I can't in good conscious sell those at full price.
Also Pokemon stickers are now available too! And they're HUGE!!
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More to come later in the week. A new addition to The Cozy Ferret, and introducing some merch of a popular Inscryption artist you might know about ;) Until than! Thank ya kindly for listenin!!! <3
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emmaleighsworld · 9 months
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: When your coworker ditches work early Steve is there to lend a helping hand.
Contains: just fluff here
Word Count: 1.7k
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Steve’s taste in music had always been something his classmates raved about, even after he stopped hosting those huge parties. They always talked about how every time he’d host a party or let people hang out at his house he’d have the best, most popular, music on standby.
Although most of his favorite songs were fun, rock songs he could sing along to—and the occasional pop song—Steve also had a soft spot for some songs from the 60s and 70s. They brought him back to the simpler times of his childhood, back to before he had seen how complicated the world really was.
However, he usually liked to keep that information to himself because it was special to him. And since he kept that to himself and a few of his close friends, even if they liked poking fun at him for it—it was no surprise that two weeks after his graduation Tina had asked Steve if she could borrow his best summer-music tape for a party she was hosting while her parents were gone over the weekend. 
Tina said she’d stop by Scoops after she was done with it, but her party was two weeks ago. So, that’s how Steve ended up walking across the mall towards Sam Goody’s after his shift, hoping that Tina would be on the closing shift. 
That’s when Steve first saw you. You were wiping down the counters, humming along to a Supremes song that played over the store speakers, when he walked in. 
Steve’s first thought was that music stores don’t usually play this type of music. Usually, it’s something fun and upbeat because that’s what they’re trying to sell. 
Then Steve remembered that he’d seen you once before. A couple weeks ago, after his closing shift, he saw you in the mall parking lot. Well, truthfully, he’d heard you first. You were in your car singing along to an old Supremes song blasting from your car speakers with your windows down.
When he’d gotten to his Beemer, Steve watched as you drove past him in the lot, singing to your heart’s content. He remembered thinking how carefree you looked that night and how pretty he thought you were. 
Steve had kept an eye out for you after that night but never had any luck finding you as his eyes searched the crowds of the mall each day during his break. Suddenly, he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard that voice again—“Seriously?” He heard her say under her breath.
“Hey, sorry, but I already closed the register. We’re closed for today.” you said, “You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”
“Oh, no. I’m not here to buy anything.” Steve said looking around, “Do you know if Tina’s here tonight? She borrowed one of my tapes for a party and I just wanted to get it back.”
You laughed, Tina had left her shift early with her boyfriend after promising you an IOU for the next time you wanted to leave early. 
“No, she’s not here. Left early with her boyfriend.”
“Seriously?” Steve asked.
You weren’t sure if it was his straightforwardness or if it was the way he kind of looked like he needed a friend in that silly-looking sailor hat, but you decided to continue the conversation instead of shooing him out of the store.
“Seriously,”  You sighed, holding up the silly IOU cards Tina made for you, “Now I have two of these.”
Steve walked closer to the counter to read them as you placed them on the counter and moved to grab the window cleaning supplies.
“An IOU? She really gave you one of those?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t expect me to ever use them, but I kind of want to just so that she knows she can’t always dump this crap on me and ‘promise’,” you say making air quotes with your fingers, “ that she’ll cover for me.”
You began spraying the front window and continued your rant, “I mean, she barely helps when she is here.”
“I could help you close up the shop if you want?” Steve broached as you wiped the glass.
You stopped, turning around to face the guy you had allowed to stay in the store for maybe a bit too long.
“You would help me?” You asked skeptically.
“Yeah, sure. I mean, I just closed up Scoops Ahoy—which is why I’m still wearing this stupid uniform. But I did it all by myself since Robin had to leave early for some stupid family dinner. Anyway, I just—I know what it’s like and if you want some help just give me the order.”
Steve finished his rambling offer to help with a smile, hoping you’d take him up on his offer. 
You stayed silent for a few seconds and narrowed your eyes at him, thinking. But, just when Steve started thinking you were about to kick him out, you smiled.
“You know, I was starting to wonder why you walked in here looking like some discount store sailor. No offense.” You said.
“None taken,” he smiled back and took off his sailor hat, “This wasn’t really my first choice, but I had to get a job somewhere-you know?”
“Yeah, I get that—“ you paused, realizing you didn’t know this guy's name yet and he didn’t know yours, “What’s your name?”
“Steve Harrington,” he said.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Steve Harrington,” you smiled cheekily and then gave him your name.
Steve smiled too, “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Well, Steve, if you really want to help, I haven’t swept the floor yet and  there’s a broom in the back.”
You went back to wiping the front window and looked back at him after a few seconds. Steve had stopped moving. He had a blank look on his face like he was surprised you accepted his help. Most people just brushed off his offers for help.
“The back room is over there,” you said pointing, “Don’t think that I’ll let you just loiter around in here 'cause you’re nice.”
“Oh, okay,” Steve said, still in a daze.
As Steve walked over to the back room, the song over the stereo changed and you started humming along as you returned to your work. 
You could hear him moving around when you suddenly heard another voice quietly humming with you. 
You stopped and looked at Steve. He was quietly humming to the song and moving around the store as he swept. 
In that moment, you could feel your heart squeeze at the sight. You barely knew anything about him, but there was something so endearing about Steve and the way he wanted to help you for nothing in return.
He had surprised you. You didn’t think you were ready to like someone new, but there Steve was. Helping you out, on a Friday night nonetheless, in all his kindness.
Steve looked up at you when he realized you’d stopped humming. And just when you thought he couldn’t have shocked you more, he stopped humming and began to sing along-trying to coax you into joining him.
It took you a minute to let the moment sink in. With anyone else you would have passed it off as a joke, but Steve had disarmed you. So you joined him, singing along to your heart's content in an odd duet sort of way.
Soon enough, the two of you had cleaned the store and finished the rest of the closing duties, singing the whole time. 
“That was fun,” you said, turning off the music and grabbing your bag from the counter, heading towards the doors. 
“Yeah,” he said as he watched you lock the door for the night.
“Thanks—for the help I mean.” You said looking towards Steve.
“It’s no problem, I’m glad to help.” Steve said, “Can I walk you to your car?” 
He looked a little nervous when he asked. It was almost like he was scared you’d say no, but instead, you smiled at him.
“Sure,” you said.
So you started walking out of the mall, in step with Steve.
The walk to your car was surprisingly quiet. You couldn’t figure out what you should be talking about and Steve didn’t say anything either. He seemed to be lost in thought whenever you glanced over at him.
You thought the two of you had a lot of fun tonight. A small part of you thought that you could become friends with Steve, and an even smaller part thought about liking him as more than a friend if you got to know him better.
It felt a little silly thinking about it, but he helped you and made you feel better. 
But by the time you’d gotten to your car, neither of you had said a word.
“Well, thanks for walking with me. I guess I’ll see you around,” you said unlocking your car.
“Wait, umm…” Steve said before trailing off.
“Yeah?” You looked at him, waiting. 
He took a small breath and continued, “You remember how you said you wanted to use those IOU cards Tina made you?”
You nodded, wondering what exactly he was going to say.
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go to the Fourth of July fair with me—maybe use one of those IOUs to get off work early?” Steve asks.
“We could play the games and go on some rides,” he continued, “The food’s not too bad as long as you don’t think about how greasy it actually is. I was thinking we could get to know each other better…”
“Are you asking me, as a date? Serious?” You asked, almost not believing your ears.
“Yeah, I thought it could be fun,” Steve said as he rubbed the back of his neck, “So, what do you think?”
You broke into a smile, “I think I would like that a lot.”
Steve looked so relieved when you accepted. He had smiled a few times already, but this smile was brighter than all the rest and it made you glad.
That must have been what he was thinking about on the walk to your car.
“Cool. Awesome. I can write out the details and bring them to you on my lunch break tomorrow if that's okay?” Steve offers.
“That’d be great Steve,” you said, “And maybe I could stop by Scoops on my break. I’ve been meaning to stop in too—see what flavors you guys have.”
“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Steve said, “Drive safe.”
“You too,” you said before getting into your car to leave.
You weren’t quite sure what going on a date with Steve Harrington would bring. But, you did know that you were excited for something and it felt good to look forward to something again.
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obsidianbaby · 4 months
Don't Love Me Like A Brother - Prologue
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Brothers Best Friend Series - PROLOGUE
series synopsis - ronnie's younger brother, tyler, is a famous youtuber & influencer and is best friends with the sturniolos. This series will be following ronnie's life as she befriends the triplets and catches herself developing feelings for a certain someone...
**series will contain smut as it develops but warnings will be added to those specific chapters
**found myself writing a few flashback chapters before present day just to build up the established friendships bc I'm impatient and don't want the slow burn to drain anyone 😭
warnings/notes - no smut in this as it's just the prologue to introduce y'all to the story.
a/n - starting this series and im very exciteddddddd i hope y'all fuck with a slow burn, friends to lovers best friends brother type beat. Buckle up mfs it's gonna be an angsty ride
a/n pt 2 - im not gonna share who ronnie develops feelings for just yet I want y'all to be on edge okok enjoy MWAH xx
ronnies pov
having a brother who's famous on social media is humbling to say the least.
The amount of fan girls who have followed my accounts just because they're obsessed with him makes me question many people's sanity (including my own).
But tyler is one of my best friends. And thank god for my dad, who from the jump, did not tolerate any misogynistic bullshit from my brother.
Raising two kids as a single dad after my mom passed away (before ty and I were older than the age of 5) was tough for him and he embraced the times when he needed support (like when i first got my period, bless his heart he bought almost every type of menstrual product off the shelf).
His values were the perfect structure for us to grow up following; respect, open communication, giving our best efforts to everything (even if the only effort we could offer up was a 60% instead of a 100%)
My childhood friends would always whine about how "chill" my dad was. And it's not cause he didn't care, (he probably cares too much) but he didn't want to shield us either, knowing we need to learn how to exist in the world without him constantly up our asses.
"As long as we can talk about shit at the end of the day then we're good" one of his favorite mantras he would spew to me and ty when we would get caught doing something you might call a "right of passage" as a teenager.
And since it was just the three of us, we've always leaned on each other a lot. Sunday family dinners at nans' every week, taking turns helping my dad at his shop after school (he's a car mechanic), movie nights every thursday night where my dad would close up shop early, setting up the projector in the shop garage and ordering us pizza. My brother has been a best friend to me since I held him in my arms at the age of 3 when he was born.
And of course, we have the usual chaotic fights to the death like most siblings do, him pranking me in the most annoying ways, me making fun of his dumbass, him eating all of my food, me stealing his cool clothes, him begging me to uber him around everywhere, etc.
But we also just really enjoy each other's company too; going on late night walks around town, sitting in bed staying up talking all night, playing mario cart for hours (id always kick his ass), going adventuring together to forests or beaches, hanging out at the skate park together (me laughing at him eating shit and him chasing me around trying to whack me with his board), us both ditching our friends to stay at home and yap to each other instead, us having campfires in the backyard with both of our friend groups together, working on restoring mom's 1967 ford mustang together that she left us when she passed.
So when he came to me a few years back, during the pandemic, asking my thoughts on him posting on youtube, I was in full support (after teasing him that no one would find him, an 18 year old lanky white boy about to graduate high school funny or interesting. I have to keep him humble ya know?)
But his first few videos on youtube went viral and his following kept growing daily, especially when he started posting on tiktok too.
He's had me (and even my dad) featured in his videos which i don't mind at all (since im the one that's editing them)
I can see why the internet loves him (i did help raise him of course).
But since he's hit over 3 million on youtube last year, he's been doing a shit ton of collabs with other influencers and youtubers; the sturniolo triplets, larray, emma chamberlain, jake webster, tarayummy, vinnie hacker, carrington, etc.
And these days I try to stay behind the scenes as much as possible, trying to enjoy my solitude away from the opinions of crazy fans. (why do they care so much about what im doing anyways?)
Yet he understands (thank god) and he's always inviting me to come hangout with the friends he's made through social media, and i can't lie and say i don't enjoy being in the company of such dope (and attractive) people.
a/n - hellooooo i have a few more parts already written for this but im gonna wait to see how this post goes first (because i have a dire need for validation and praise) anywaysssss thank you for reading mwah xx
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dreamgirlsclipscom · 4 months
Bella’s Sweaty Feet Addiction - (Full HD 1080p Version)    
Bella really wanted to experience the sweaty socks challenge again with me after our last time. She seemed to have noticed that it excited me to the highest degree, and I must say that it seemed to excite her to the highest point just as much! It's very difficult to explain, but some Dreamgirls really enjoy having a submissive slave at their feet, to the point that it seems to excite them sexually. Bella definitely seems to fall into this category! The strong smell of her feet excites me to the highest degree, but it seems to excite her as much as me! She had worn the same white socks for over two weeks, and now she wanted to see me serve and obey at her feet, while she enjoyed watching a movie on Netflix with her feet directly in my face! This idea drove me completely crazy! She had worked all day in her warm boots, and she had spent the day teasing me with text messages. She would tell me things like, my feet are so hot, or I can't wait to take off my boots, and put my feet in your face. She was also texting me about how her socks felt completely wet in her boots, and sending me pictures of her pretty feet inside her boots. It was such a tease!
Bella arrived at my home early in the evening, and she seemed so excited to have her feet pampered! I had already prepared everything, and she asked me to prepare her favorite drink. We then settled into the sofa, and she took care to choose a movie lasting more than two hours, just before starting. I couldn't wait to sniff her smelly socks! Bella asked me to take off her boots, and immediately covered my face with her pretty feet in super smelly socks! Her socked feet were drenched in sweat, and they were so hot! I have to admit that I had a very strong instant erection in my pants, the very moment she covered my face with her feet! The smell was just too intense! Bella asked me to sniff her sweaty socks, and enjoy this very intense smell, because she had worn her socks for a really long time! She made me take deep breaths in her socks, and then asked me to lick her feet through her dirty socks! The taste was intense! Bella could feel my strong erection between her legs, and it was really, really embarrassing! She then asked me to massage the bottom of her legs, while sniffing her socks. I must say that I took the opportunity to massage myself, and it really seemed to amuse her!
Bella's feet got really hot after a while, so she asked me to take her socks off with my teeth, and shoved them into my mouth with her toes! It was so sexy! I now had to bite my teeth into her dirty socks, while sniffing her ultra hot, and ultra stinky feet! Bella's feet were completely sweaty, but she really wanted to see me sniff them with passion. Bella also asked me to lick her sweaty feet, from the heel to the tips of her toes, and enjoy the strong taste of her filthy sweat! She also asked me to suck her toes, and I was truly in heaven! I was happy to obey her orders, and do everything she asked of me! It was truly another wonderful session with Bella! The full version of this wonderful session with Bella is 60 minutes in total, and you know exactly where to find it! I hope you enjoy this session as much as I do!
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jbaileyfansite · 1 month
Interview with The Hollywood Reporter (2024)
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Talking about his role in Showtime’s Fellow Travelers, Jonathan Bailey can’t help but be earnest. It’s a trait he calls out about himself but is learning to embrace, as he notes the importance of the series for LGBTQ+ viewers around the world, and within his own life, where it’s helped him chart a path forward and earned him his first Emmy nomination. 
“I’m so grateful that it’s for something that I can talk passionately about endlessly, and it feels really important,” Bailey says of the supporting actor nomination.
In the limited series, Bailey plays Tim Laughlin, an idealistic congressional staffer who falls in love with Hawkins Fuller, a career-first State Department official played by Matt Bomer. Their relationship begins during the Lavender Scare of the 1950s, when homosexuals were banned from holding positions in the federal government, and evolves across several decades, as the pair contend with the Vietnam War, the AIDS crisis and societal pressure. 
Bailey spoke with THR about the significance of the show, created by Ron Nyswaner and based on Thomas Mallon’s novel, and balancing the shooting schedule with Bridgerton and Wicked, as well as his upcoming role in Jurassic World 4. 
What made you say yes to this role?
I heard that Ron was going to be investigating and exploring 40 years of queer life and experience. But at that time, it looked like I might not be available. I pursued it. And after doing something like Bridgerton, it felt important to me to find something rich and complex. There’s nothing more of a gift than to be able to educate yourself, and also in the investigation and in the performance of it, to live a really dangerous life, but within safety, and, ultimately, write this love letter to those that came before us. I was enchanted by the idea, and there was no part of me that didn’t think it was the punkest thing to do. 
What impact do you hope this series can have? 
By stepping back 50 years or 70 years, you can highlight exactly what’s going on in our societies today. There’s rhetoric we hear now in politics that echoes Senator McCarthy’s speech that’s featured early on in the series. I’ve been in Thailand working recently, and there are so many people across the world now on these streaming platforms that get to watch it, and there are so many people who are living under a similar sort of regime to the Lavender Scare and the oppression of McCarthyism, and so much more extreme than that. I think the impact we wanted was for people to be celebrated, educated, and also for all the people who have lost their lives fighting, and spent their lives having to fight, to pay homage to them. I know this sounds incredibly earnest and sincere.
That’s not a bad thing.
No, it’s not. And that’s one thing that I’ve learned from Tim, because I can see how it’s changed the course in my life, put into focus levels of importance about how you communicate your own identity, and understanding that all of us inherit such a deal of shame, which comes from powerful figures using fear and an aggressive sort of alienation to control people. I’ve had more messages about this than anything I’ve ever done, and more people stopping me and wanting to talk about their own lives, whether they lost their fathers, their uncles, or they were children of someone who died in the ’80s. But then also now I get to live my life.
The thing that makes me really smile is that last Pride month, I was filming Wicked, and when I’m working, I’m incredibly disciplined and don’t really go out. But for Pride, me, Andrew Scott and Jessica Gunning all ended up on a night out together. We snaked through SoHo and had a really good bop that night. And it’s just so funny to see all of us now nominated for Emmys. It’s kind of extraordinary. And you think about that, about how now that’s being celebrated, which is amazing. But I look up and think, “Where are the 50-year-old and 60-year-old gay actors?” There’s a whole generation that’s been lost. That’s why the earnestness is afforded, for sure, and I feel very proud.
The Fellow Travelers scene, where Matt Bomer’s character seductively tells yours to “shut up and drink your milk,” has really taken off, especially after you turned it into a T-shirt collection with Loewe to raise money for your LGBTQ+ foundation, The Shameless Fund. What prompted that? 
I went to present an award for Matt at the [Human Rights Campaign] in Washington, and being in the room with people who were just so galvanized — it was my first American gala, and I was infected by the energy. I had this idea of a T-shirt, and it occurred to me that it should be about the spilling of the milk.
I think we had four scripts before we started, and there was one version of a sex scene, which I’ll leave to Ron Nyswaner to reveal at some point in the future, which was wild, and then when I saw that it moved to the milk. I just thought, this is such an incredible moment of the exploration of power within sex and intimacy. “Shut up and drink your milk.” It feels to me like an incredibly political line, somehow. 
Has playing Tim informed what roles you want to take on next?
Yes, a hundred  percent. Since then, I’ve magically been able to find parts that have similar character arcs, that have something massive to question and to overcome. But right now, I would say that I’d probably be looking for something as far away from Tim as possible, and I’m going back onstage anyway. I started in theater, and I wouldn’t have been able to give the performance in Fellow Travelers had I not done 12 weeks onstage just before it, because it’s so academic and it’s so in the body. You sort of have an exorcism, and you end up being a husk with no conversational skills or anything. But what you do have is stripped-back, pure instinct, which is so great to feel. I’m looking forward to going back onstage next year. But I’ll be excited to see what parts are lurking around the corner after that. 
You’re doing Richard II in the West End, another intense role.
Yes, and equally as sort of questioning and as poetic, I think, as Tim. In between running away from dinosaurs — I just spent a whole day doing stunts [for Jurassic World 4] — I just walked around Valletta with my AirPods on listening, trying to learn a soliloquy, and I’ve managed to get one soliloquy down, so I’m thrilled.
You were also shooting Fellow Travelers, while also shooting Bridgerton and Wicked, right? 
That’s right. The whole experience has just shown me how amazing producers can be. I think it was 32 days in a row where I didn’t have one day off. And I flew back and forth four times. I’d go from Hawk’s house in the ‘60s at the cabin, go straight to the airport, sleep on the plane, go straight to a regency ball, sleep there, then go straight to Wicked to be learning choreography. And at that point, I was so late in joining the Wicked lot, because they’d already started filming, and that also was incredible for Marc Platt to make that work. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of trying to work out the priorities of whether you have to learn the choreography today, or work on your American accent, or pelt your hair ready for another Bridgerton snog.
How did you keep track of all those different roles in your mind? 
I probably wouldn’t rush into doing that again. Music for me, is absolutely key, but it always sort of has been. It was an absolute freefall and luckily, I’ve got patient friends and family, and you just have to sort of sign off for a bit. I found playing Tim an incredibly happy place to be, which is also a testament to his spirit, I think, because obviously it was some really brutal stuff and the yearning and the constant battle that’s going on in his head of questioning what’s right and what’s wrong. But I would say that I was quite good at rolling all the way through and then at the end, I had a five-day holiday, and my hair had died from all the the perming and straightening, because I had to perm my hair for Bridgerton and straighten my hair for [Fellow Travelers]. I was like a teenage beauty advert, doing everything to my hair. I remember going on this holiday and I got to the beach, I sat down in the sun, and my hair was just like floating, whisping off, like breaking away. And I looked completely and felt completely insane.
Why did you want to do the new Jurassic World movie?
The original film Jurassic Park was just a completely life-changing moment because I went with my full family, and it was quite a rarity to all go, because I’ve got three older sisters. Every frame of that film is imprinted in my mind, and the Frank Marshall-Spielberg duo of the films in the ‘80s and ‘90s are just what totally encapsulated, enchanted and inspired so much in me. I couldn’t quite believe I was stepping into something that I so adore, and the script is brilliant. And it’s David Koepp again, who wrote the original, and it just asks some really brilliant fundamental questions that the original film did as well.
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max1461 · 1 year
Thought for a moment in the 2010s that we were entering a new serious era (e.g. 1920s, 30s, 40s), but it seems that we're instead in an increasingly tacky era (50s, 60s, 70s). Like look at the change in YouTube. Well you all are textheads you don't do video, I know that. But like. In 2017 there was ContraPoints. Agree or disagree with her opinions, what she was doing was conceptually and aesthetically serious. Even her early, low-production-value stuff. She was talking about incels and other internet shit, but the internet is part of the real world, that's fine. In fact that's what gave me hope for another serious era, people were finally talking about internet stuff the way 1920s German intellectuals or whatever talked about the cultural trends of their day. Maybe because Contra has half a philosophy PhD and was explicitly influenced by those German intellectuals.
Another example from a totally disjoint cultural niche was Digi a.k.a. Trixie a.k.a. Ygg Studios or whatever they go by now. Drunk, smelly, and unkempt—yes. Or at least so went the persona. Talking seriously about anime—also yes. When they claimed they were the only good anime reviewer on the internet it made a lot of people mad. But they were right!
There were thinkers, we had thinkers. My generation, or roughly my generation, had thinkers. To be clear, when I include Contra here I'm not including all of her ilk, I'm not including the leftist-theory-regurgitators and so on. But Contra herself was a thinker! Digi was a thinker! We had thinkers.
But that era is over now, on YouTube at least. I go on there and it's all algorithmic drivel. I look for anime content and as I've explained it's all about #hype and #epic and how the new season of whatever #hits different and other empty meaningless bullshit. No analysis, no thought, fundementally unserious bullshit. Tacky! It's tacky! The the YouTube thumbnail O-face is fucking 70s-ass fake wood paneling tacky bullshit!
MrBeast. I've never seen a MrBeast video but I hate him for what he represents. I used to watch this channel called Wranglerstar, he made videos about different types of axes and forest fire fighting equipment and various other stuff. "Modern homesteading" I believe was the tagline. And it was always evident that he was a far-right guy but who gives a shit, his videos where good. Serious videos about interesting topics, that a fucking normal guy might watch. Well around 2020 he basically started flooding his channel with covid conspiracy bullshit and "the Chinese are going to attack us any day!" bullshit and other unserious crap. And I had to stop watching. How could I find any of that compelling? It's vapid nonsense.
And I don't know if it's a shift in the algorithm or people becoming more savvy to the algorithm or what, but all of YouTube is like this now. Vapid clickbait empty meaningless bullshit for another tacky commercialized bullshit era.
And you know, I felt like it might just be localized to YouTube for a while, but I started to look around, and it just feels like everything is like this. Backsliding to the tacky times. God I hate tackiness. I hate unseriousness. I'm having a little meltdown. At least SMW kaizo hacks are having a renaissance. People are doing serious shit in that space, serious shit that is also not anachronistic, you know, it's kept up with the modern world. It addresses modern concerns (fun to play hard Mario). But it's serious. People are serious. One of the few serious things happening in my orbit.
Even in science it feels like people aren't serious anymore. You know, standard Sabine Hossenfelder complaint about particle physics. But I don't really know enough about that to say. Get the vibe that biology is still serious these days.
To be clear, everything I'm saying here is pure vibes. I'm just saying shit. I'm just saying shit that I feel. But I'll be deeply disappointed if I have to live my youth in another tacky era, god damn it. Even the 80s seem like they were better than this.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Rita Moreno (Singin' in the Rain, West Side Story)—She’s an EGOT, an absolute legend for how she navigated her career as a woman of color in the fifties and sixties. Her performance as Anita in West Side Story is why I go back to that movie so many times. She is an icon and she is the moment.
Angela Lansbury (The Harvey Girls, The Court Jester, The Manchurian Candidate)—The babe, the myth, the legend. In her own words her early hollywood roles were "a series of venal bitches" and they were all glorious. Half of them wanted to kill you and you probably would have thanked them. She even goes toe to toe with Judy Garland in The Harvey Girls! That said, she was chronically underused and misused during this era - she was just 36 when she was cast as Elvis Presley's mother in Blue Hawaii and a few years later commented that she'd played so many 'old hags' that most people thought she was in her 60s. She thought she was "all talent, no looks" but she was the full package! Post-1970 I hope we all know what an incredibly talented and compassionate badass she was, but I feel like not enough people know her early roles as a hot (often villainous) young thing.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Rita Moreno propaganda:
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"Amazing showstopping actress in her one big memorable role as Anita in West Side Story. She sings and dances with unmatched joy and energy, and then breaks your heart with her acting. Rita took a role that felt as a stereotype to latina women and made it compelling and multifaceted. Her subsequent career was filled with mostly side roles, but she still managed to excel in whatever Hollywood threw at her."
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"It’s Rita!! The EGOT herself! She can act, she can sing, she can dance, a triple threat. Obviously absolutely iconic as Anita in West Side Story (her part of the Tonight Quintet is the sexiest part of the film, fight me). But before that she was the amazing Zelda in Singin’ In the Rain!?! Thanks Zelda, you’re a real pal."
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"She continues to be amazing but also she's got legs for days."
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"THEE iconic rita moreno, EGOT winner, civil rights activist, theatre legend. watch her documentary "Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It". also her rendition of "fever" on the muppet show"
Angela Lansbury:
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"Angela Lansbury might not be where your mind goes first when you think of hot leading women, because she had a later career revival. But she began acting in the early 1940s after leaving London due to the Blitz. In the first couple decades of her film career she has an openness about her. She said she never really fit in with the Hollywood crowd and to me she gives off a friendly, untarnished vibe."
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"Most of us know Angela Lansbury as old lady sleuth Jessica Fletcher, but it's important to know that she was smoking hot in her younger days as well as a damned fine actress. Although she didn't get lead roles until her early 40s, at 17 she was a supporting actress in films such as Gaslight (1944), National Velvet (1944), and The Picture of Dorian Grey, for which she won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress and was nominated for the Oscar. Even in her memorable performance as the manipulative mother in The Manchurian Candidate, she is listed as a supporting actress as she does not play the love interest. She was successful both on stage and screen, and won the Tony for her lead role in the musical Mame on Broadway in 1966. TL;DR While Angela Lansbury mostly played supporting roles in films before 1970, she had what it takes to be a leading actress, which we know from her success on stage and tv from the mid 60s onward"
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"She looked like a princess but bit like a viper"
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"Is there anything this woman couldn't do? Act in comedy and drama, sing, dance, be a wonderful human being - quite simply a true and wonderful lady."
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"she is the fairytale princess of my dreams in court jester"
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"god she had such an incredible career all throughout her life really but as a young lady she was just as incredible as she was in her later years. enchanting voice, amazing personality, and absolutely GORGEOUS. she lamented not having the looks to play leads in romance but that idea is so batshit because look at her??? she's one of the most terrific women of all time. also she's my grandmother's favorite actress and i truly get it"
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acabspocky · 12 days
Okay I am a Doc Martens FREAK, and I want every boot-wearing fucker to be rockin Docs.
And you know who's a boot-wearing fucker?? Beetlejuice loml .
And I want him to rock Docs. So. Fucking. Bad.
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I spent like 30 minutes examining Beej's boots as closely as possible, hoping I'd find Bouncing Souls tags on 'em, but sadly I did not.
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However, because almost every shot of the boots obscures the area those tags would be (back upper edge, behind the ankle/calf,) it's possibly they're just hidden!
I know, I know, Daddy died in the 1300s (before Docs existed,) but he also has an affinity for the early 70s/80s aesthetic..
...which you see reflected in his wardrobe:
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His signature striped suit is very late 60s/early 70s, with the single breasted two-button jacket, straight-leg pants, reasonable tie width, and appropriate fit)
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His wedding suit straight out a 1970s prom photo hell with the crazy ruffled shirt, a fucking bowtie, an awful not-maroon color, WHITE DRESS SHOES JFC
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The Guide outfit doesn't really require a breakdown, but trust me on this: it's giving mid to late 70s conductor/bus driver/Guide
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The "Dad robe" aligns with this too—like your 1975 dad who's boutta sit down with a tobacco pipe & the paper
I would love to sit at his feet and put my head in his lap feeling submissive
If Beej wasn't wearing Doc Martens for the first 300 or so years, he definitely adopted them at some point in the late 1970s.
And even if he didn't, he definitely would after meeting Lydia.
This old fucker would conjur up some Docs just to potentially impress his smol tiddy goth girlfriend. Like he's so "notice me senpai" (or whatever it's called) about Lydia my beloved , so a pair of Docs just to get her attention is not a far stretch at all lol
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searchingforgravity · 23 days
Graceland Experience - PART 3
Fandom: Elvis/Elvis (2022)
Prompt: It seems Elvis is concealing something, but you aren't exactly sure what. As you meet with the doctor, you try to come up with what you next steps are to get out of this situation.
TW: None
Word Count: 1492
A/N: I cannot stop writing this. Thank you for the love!
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"Do you remember me finding you in my living room?"
Did you? You remember feeling terrible and passing out. You try to dig into your memories and bring that one to the surface.
"You were saying someone was taking you for a tour around the house."
Okay, you need to think of something quick. You're not dead and your not dreaming. So either you actually have lost your mind, or...
No. Something like that just isn't possible. But, what other explanation is there? Had you really time traveled back to when Elvis was alive and breathing? The notion made you start to feel sick again as you groan, holding your stomach.
Elvis quickly brings the cool, wet towel to your forehead, his other hand holding the trash can close as you lean forward, your hands clutching the bed sheets as you prepare to vomit again, but you just gag. Your stomach is officially empty.
"We'll get you somethin' to eat," he mumbles, looking over at the clock.
You take a glance too and it's now 6:10a.m. Okay, so you time traveled. That's what you are choosing to believe right now because it's the only option that will help you keep a grip on your sanity. Even if it seems impossible. So, you traveled back in time to the year...you look at Elvis' face. He looks to be around the same age as you. He's so young still. It has to be the early 60's.
Good God, how are you supposed to live in the 60's? You decide that's something you'll deal with later as you think of something to tell the man in front of you. Should you make up a crazy fan story or should you act like you don't remember anything? You decide the latter will be easiest now and give you more time to figure out what to do.
"I uh- I honestly don't remember much of anything."
Elvis looks back over to you as he takes his eyes away from the digital clock.
"Nothin'? What's your name, honey?"
That's when the idea hits you.
"I don't know. I'm so confused, I don't remember much of anything."
He looks at you for a long moment with sympathy in his eyes. You hope he believes you. You have no money that means anything in this time, and you have nowhere to go. You hope he's as generous as people have claimed him to be.
He gets up as he moves to the door, opening it and preparing to leave.
"Okay, I'll get a doctor over here to take a good look at you. In the meantime, I'll bring you up something to eat and show you where the bathroom is so you can freshen up."
You nod as you gaze at him standing in the doorway. You still can't believe it. He's even more gorgeous in person, you don't know how it's possible.
He smirks as he seemingly reads your mind, and you look away embarrassed as you preoccupy yourself with your sudden interest in the bedsheets. You hear the door shut behind him.
After you've eaten, you feel immensely better, your headache all but gone from having some food in your body. You are shown to a bathroom and are finally able to clean up. You look around for your clothes and stop.
You were wearing jeans. And a t-shirt. Maybe you could get away with it? You know girls usually wore dresses, but jeans and t-shirts started becoming popular in the 60's.
Neither Elvis or Sonny commented on that since you've woken up. You are about to ask Elvis what had happened to the outfit you arrived in, but then remember that you've chosen to take the completely clueless route. Surely you had to have arrived in something other than pajamas.
Opening the door to the bathroom, you look out in the hallway, it sounds empty. You listen a little longer until you hear movement from Elvis' room.
"Elvis?" You call, your voice still strained a bit.
You wait, then shuffling. You hear him closing something, maybe a drawer, before opening the door to his room.
"Yes, do you need help with anything?" he asks, his head popped out from his room, the door only slightly cracked.
His mind looks preoccupied.
"Um, did you find me in this gown?"
He pauses for a moment at this, his attention pulled to you as his eyes fixate on yours. It looks as if he wants to ask you a question as he hesitates. Your stomach sinks, of course he's going to ask you about your outfit. You don't have time to think of a response before he answers your question.
"Oh, uh-no of course not. But...well your outfit was dirty when I found you. The maid changed you and I had it thrown out. But there should be an outfit in the cabinet by the shower," he responded, opening the door fully now as he prepares to leave his room.
You note how he had changed from his pajamas and was now fully dressed. He isn't leaving, is he? It might be better for you if he is so you can find your way out of this situation, but you don't like the daunting feeling of being alone at the moment. As you nod in acknowledgement to what he had just said, another thought comes to your mind.
Why had he lied?
While you don't clearly remember the encounter of him finding you in his living room, you think you would've remembered if your clothes were dirty from earlier that day. He has nothing to gain by lying to you about what state you were in when he found you. Was he, in some way, protecting you? You quickly brush this possibility away, he doesn't even know you and you had intruded into his home. It's more likely that he is trying to get as much information out of you that he can.
"I also called my doctor, he should be here in about an hour to take a look at you."
You thank him and return to the bathroom shutting the door behind you, your heart now pounding in your chest.
"What did you say your name was, dear?"
You are getting a little tired of these men asking you so many questions. You have barely had time to think about what your next course of action is. All this attention is making you feel exhausted, and you've just woken from apparently a four day coma. Oh, and you had just time traveled and still aren't completely sure what year it is. You make a note to yourself to find that out as soon as possible. You open your mouth to answer, but someone beats you to it.
"She says she doesn't remember. Doesn't remember much of anything," Elvis states.
He's been in the room the whole time watching, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the wall. The way he's watching you, it feels like you're an insect he's looking at over a microscope.
The doctor hums in acknowledgement, as he presses a stethoscope to your chest, listening for your probably not so steady heartbeat.
"Is that right? Well, it sounds like a case of amnesia. Her memory will most likely come back, but there's no telling when exactly that will be. My suggestion would be to send her to the hospital since she can't remember any family members. She didn't have any ID on her did she?"
You try not to gasp as the color drains from your face. Did he find your ID? Were you even holding your bag when you sat down on the couch after the tour? You can't remember, but for your sake, you hope not.
"No, I didn't see any ID."
"Alright, well I can take her to the hospital with me. I'm going now, she can ride in the back."
Before you have time to panic as the thought of being alone and abandoned in a hospital in the 60's shakes you to your core, Elvis responds.
"Oh that's alright. I would feel better having her looked after here until she gets some memory back."
At this, the doctor's eye quirks. But he doesn't push the subject.
"Alright, just so long as she's not some crazy fan. Those girls will do just about anything to get close to you, won't they? Luck dog," the doctor laughs, getting up as he packs his equipment in his bag. He doesn't even motion a goodbye to you.
You roll your eyes. If you weren't freaking out right now you would be more annoyed.
Elvis laughs.
"You should've seen her just a few hours ago. Quite the opposite."
Your face burns with embarrassment as your eyes meet his, no doubt a scowl on your face. You imagine to see humour in his eyes, but instead are met with a questioning curiosity.
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Tag List:
@horrorgirl4life @tantamount-treason @peaceloveelvis @sissylittlefeather @father-of-2cats @goldobsessionsworld @elvisalltheway101 @littlehoneyposts @atleastpleasetelephone @ccab @msamarican
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