#i was gonna watch jacks big music show but then i was reminded of this
b4rk1ng-l0t · 10 months
listening to this and thinking about mandela's favoriite greasy officer ^_^
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fandomsandfairytales · 2 months
Live reactions to Quigley Down Under
Basically a form of liveblogging. I wrote all this down while I was watching the movie.
Putting a "keep reading" cut here because ~spoilers~
The bullet points are split up by lines every now and then, usually based on scene. I'm leaving my phone typos in there for amusement purposes and adding in occasional brackets for clarification.
[Opening scene in the boat] Oooooo he's got manners
[thought this but didn't write it down at the time] Very good introduction to his character, effectively shows us what his character is like with one interaction right off the bat
Very Max Way like, helping Cora
Also yuck to those guys
Lol to him insulting and then totally doing away with those guys [my autocorrected it to "bugs" and it's not wrong]
My name isn't Roy - gives off "don't call me Shirley" vibes a bit
This man is so sick and tired of everything in this country not even 10 minutes in
They got a body!
LOL at "we sent them back to England"
Trying to grasp the plot here
The look in his eyes is saying "What if I'm actually Roy?" at about 13 min
Severus Snape voice!! [Alan Rickman came onscreen and said "Matthew Quigley"]
Fancy specs there [about the gun]
Cora admitting she doesn’t know him!
Here we gooooooo
Got earplugs sir?
Oooooo he’s got SKILLS [shooting the bucket from far away]
Knew he would, of course, lol
That deserter guy's got VERY blue eyes
Dunno if Alan Ricjmsn [Rickman] is reminding me of someone else or just himself
Well that was a fast execution
Aha, I think it’s Ben Barnes as the Darkling, a bit [the person Alan Rickman was reminding me of, because of the facial expressions]
“yOu WeRe AcTuAllY IN dOdGe CiTy???”
This guy [Quigley] is such an American
Jack Pearson vibes hair & facial hair
Why are u so proud of your mint jelly sir
Aha more plot
“Your American Indian” I’m going to skin u alive
What is that box for? Oh, cigars
This Marston guy is so rude
Ugh white supremacy
He’s making me bristle every other word
I’m wondering if Quigley is gonna become an outlaw
The tears in his eyes!!!!
The outlaw part might be happening faster than I thought XD
Lolllll at the turnabout
Also the guys being afraid bc of the long shot rifle XD
Lol they’re trying to ambush him
Of course it was the slave who got him bc nobody listens or expects them
Cora is so brave!
enemies to lovers via being dumped in the desert, let’s go
Stunning landscape
Oh no, he doesn’t have his gun. Sad
Those rickety wagon wheels!
LOL the whisper
Oooooo he’s gonna knife em
Oh he put down the gun. Big mistake
Cool theme!!! The music!
he’s giving beat up Walt Longmire
“On a new job it’s quite common for things not to go well at first” 😂 love how they both laugh
Also she’s lowkey giving Mallory from Studio C character vibes
The way she just leaves the hoop there on the ground
Also serious Thorne and Cress vibes
Had that the moment they said “dump them in the desert” They’re really dying ooof
You’re not just going to LEAVE HER THERE ARE U Of course not. Bc you’re a man with morals
Ouch that sunburn doesn’t look fun
This is also giving Walt Longmire dragging Henry through the desert
The moon!!!
They so want us to think it’s Quigley and Cora [the two people the British guys brought in]
Nope, lol
Aha!!! The guys he killed
Aboriginal people!
That shot of the silhouettes against the sun is beautiful
More Max Way chivalry vibes! “You okay?”
“The shady side of dead” is a cool phrase
Lolll to the kangaroo bit
Oh, grubs
Her accent is making me think of Ed in the movie where they take the babies [Raising Arizona]
“I don’t eat things that are still moving” then kill it first
Cool montage!
Cora backstory??!
The slow zoom in on her is so nice
Wait. Did she actually kill her baby? The poor woman
“I know, cause I watched him leave” ughhhh (around 50 mins in)
This poor man just got trauma dumped on
Oh they’re gone!
Is he playing along with her?!
The way she’s running even if she can’t do anything. She cares so fiercely
Those guys deserve to die
Lolll yeah she’s not making this any easier for him
Yay he did good!!!!
This man is like Walt Longmire and Jack Pearson combined
“Are you trying to get your head blown off?” Lowkey Riser and Billie vibes to me
Oh 😭
“I could’ve used some help up there” wdym? she didn’t have a weapon
Awww the hand over her hands
Her smile looks like the aww yeah lady
Literally burst out laughing at “I’m cold.” I see EXACTLY what you’re trying to do there sweetheart
LOL to the flirtation
Oh she’s taking her corset off
He’s sweet
“I’m not sharing my bed til I know who’s in it” completely and legitimately fair and you should be that way
This is a man hard pressed to deal with her
So very American Cowboy looking at 57 min
Interestinggggg about her not remembering the night before
I feel like O’Flynn’s going to become more important or something
“Not again!!!” Spider-Man school teacher vibes
And something else too I think ^
“Matthew Quigley is really starting to annoy me.” GOOD
The whole “are we lost” exchange was interesting and amusing, you can see him starting to get it
IM GOING TO KILL THEM TOO Idc that it’s a movie
I love Cora so much. Her compassion is beautiful
He feels it too even though he doesn’t say anything
I hope she gets to kill someone too
Lol his sass
“Or I’ll let you live” what a threat
“It’s only 20 miles past the bingabong!”
“You only got one shot left in that shooter. Make the most of it” WOW
Don’t worry Cora I’m sure he’s fine
My heart is going to break
This baby
Him on top of those rocks is a cool sight
This is really turning into that movie with Ed and Hi, isn’t it, lol
I like the lighting in that cave
Hmmmmm Idk if it’s a good idea to leave her alone
I’m scared she’s gonna get kidnapped
“You’re the only man on this continent that would ask me what I think” oh man
Awww “little bit”
The deadpan stare at her asking to find her some other clothes
Very American Cowboy of him galloping off. This is the first time he’s actually been alone since getting here
Yah! Yah! Get your woman and the baby sustenance!!!
Missed where the long coat came from
Definitely a Longmire shot of him on his horse
Cowboy town here
Doc Brown lookin guy
“She ain’t my woman” yeah yeah they all say that
I’ve been called a lot of things ma’am but never that - Riser way vibes
Not dingoes
Look at those tails those are good dog actors
You have the chance to change history
Dang I didn’t know dingoes were cannibals
Lollll yes take the gold
Mhmmmm u gotta get back
GUN FIGHT GUJ GOHNY [I don't even know what I was trying to type there)
He has a habit of throwing ppl through windows doesn’t he, including himself?
Hopefully nobody’s in there
Put your bandada over your mouth!!! Good
Seriously more Jack Pearson vibes with a house on fire
LOLLLL to him jumping syreakght thru the roof
You’re just giving him holes to shoot throuh
Oh nvm he’s out
Whoa okayyyy we are knocking the horse over
YEAHHHH “go tell Marston I’m coming after him” definitely reminds me of something but can’t remember what. Maybe Once Upon a Time “tell the evil Queen we’re coming" or something
“Oh, shut up”
None of these guys want to go, do they? Lol
I hope that black guy does something
Bandana over mouth like Riser on his bike
I knew she was still alive
Awww. She’s back in her old mind. “I killed the Comanches”
And the way he understands and goes “didn’t get any sage hens, but I got the next best thing”
I like how we see them coming over the same hill he came over
Now giving Court Jesysr [Court Jester which is another movie] vibes with him with the baby
Oh her earrings are pretty too
Uhhh should I be scared that she won’t give the baby back? Oh nvm
Love the fade to white transition
He looks like a general sitting there
Ohhhh is it only one bed type scenario??? I see I see
Oh he’s going off without her!
LOLLL she’s awake
The scene with them!!! Emotions!
That theme again
OH. The way he looks back at her. Tears in my eyes
Nice transition into the house
This fluffy haired guy reminds me of someone
The zoom in!
Oh fluffy haired guy is a Scotsman!! Or something, judging by his glengarry. Not his accent tho
Now I’m wondering. Do horses usually run into their home barn/area and rear when they’ve lost a rider who’s dead?
Lol, they’re all going to be tired, but I bet Quigley got sleep
Alan Rickman is giving me Nic Cage as Hi vibes [once again, character from Raising Arizona]
Is that O’Flynn riding?
Horse chase!!!
Oh goodness. Those poor horses.
“On ya feet ya lazy mongrels!” [Adrian Von Ziegler reference]
“Move you gutless bloody wonder” lollll
Got all the grass on him naturally, you wouldn’t see that nowadays, it’d be all brushed off by hair and makeup
Oh gosh he’s being dragged through the desert?!
Not fun not fun
Knew O’Flynn would come up again
I want that slave guy to kill Marston so bad
“What? Nothing clever to say?” Severus Snape vibes
The way if he stood up straight he’d be taller than the other two—
Oh fluffy haired guy IS wearing a kilt isn’t he?! Wait nvm he’s not, thought so bc of his coat
Okay his name is Dobkin, that’s who he is
“Some men are born in the wrong century. I think I was born on the wrong continent.”
What are you WAITING for???
This ain’t Dodge City - that again?
I had honestly really wanted the slave to kill him so that he would be the one actually driving the action here lol
Marston dying in the sand is giving Dr. Brenner from Stranger Things dying
“Never said I didn’t know how to use it” mwahaha
The slave guy is back tho!
Yeah he got his gun!
Wait was HE the one who fired at the other two?
Yes!!! The aboriginal ladies!!! And the man! BE FREEEEEEEE
Oh that makes me so happy
Love the dunking the face in the barrel
Lollll here come the British
Oh he is NOT in the mood is he
Snorted at the guy interrupting the other one reading off that long paper
“In short, this paperwork says we can hang you.”
Oh?? Hmm????
YESSSSSSSS Im not surprised!!!
The aborigine people!!
….he’s giving the ”you were saying?” look
Yay! The aborigine man who was a slave seems to have been the one to bring them back!
And now he’s all alone here on this big ol ranch
Ohh goodness
Ohhhhhh he’s gonna say “Roy” isn’t he
I yelled YEAHHHH
Cobb? I didn’t realize that was her last name
Two, of course, he’s staring into her eyes [not sure what I meant by "two"—I think that was an autocorrect of something else]
She was so right about her being pretty in red
Ooooioooo she called him by his name!
She mussed up his hair!!!
Love the traditional still on the kiss and fade to black, very nice
Catch me clapping like it's a movie theater, lol
Thank! You! SO MUCH for telling us no animals were harmed or killed in the making of this movie. That matters to me
Those are some cool names for the aboriginal group
I’ve come to be fond of the theme track :)
A very good movie and a good way to spend Saturday evening.
1990, okay! Would've thought it was a bit older.
And no ads the entire time, huh. [I figured out after this that it's because I was watching it on the TV at my friend's place, who I'm housesitting for currently, and she told me she has YouTube without ads. I'm SO glad I chose to watch the movie while I'm here XD]
@thegreenleavesofspring bc I know you want to see this :)
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missyourflight · 1 year
some stuff i read and watched in august:
good omens (s2): enjoyed this more than s1 bc i didn't have to spend any time at all w jack whitehall, they're very cute
the righteous gemstones (s3): surprisingly affected by the judy storyline lol, judy/bj a true freak romance long may they reign. i miss these idiots already
tour de france unchained: i got hashtag influenced by @eff41 and i'm so glad, watched most of this mouth agape why would anyone put themselves through this etc 🚴
the borgias (s1): how was this 2011 lol, so many awful wigs, one time a bunch of us met david oakes after a play he was in and he was Such a sweetheart, again the wigs are truly so bad, can you imagine the incest discourse if this came out today
the rules of the game: gosford park 60 years before gosford park existed! rich people!! gonna have to watch more renoir bc some of those tracking shots were Wild
opening night: oh my god gena rowlands. as ever i love stories about putting on a show
a few good men: hadn't seen this in years and it's classic sorkin fun (woof at the end tho lol 🦅), everyone's talking so fast, tom cruise is a Star etc, you can't handle the truth!!!
jerry maguire: again, hadn't seen this in years and i'd remembered it as being way more of a romcom when really it's mostly a sports film. the secret garden needle drop is brutally good and it got me Twice, intresting to think about paired w eyes wide shut in terms of cruise performances where he's desperately trying to cover the Void beneath it all. even though it's nonsense the big romantic moment gets me!!!
please baby please: fun sexy queer, i would not have predicted harry melling would have one of the most interesting post-potter careers lol, andrea riseborough!!! should have been a musical probably!!
nicola dinan, bellies: liked this a lot, the dual pov works at showing you both sides' feelings and flaws in a v empathetic way i think
ann patchett, tom lake: putting on a show!! pairs well with sweet sorrow by david nicholls in the bittersweet theatrical romance nostalgia subgenre. our town isn't as much as a thing over here as it is in the states so i'm very glad i got to see the rx production from a few years back - it was beautiful and it definitely helped to be familiar reading this
adam zmith, deep sniff: a history of poppers and queer futures: got reminded by @baking-soda's foray into poppers discourse that i had this sitting on my kindle lol. an odd but enjoyable read - much more of a personal manifesto for pleasure than i was expecting but i'm all for that, could have done without e.g. the extended tangent about a self-published mystery novel?? the star trek bits can stay
freya marske, a restless truth: love a mystery set entirely on a boat, love an f/f romance that's actually hot (if you have any other recs please share ty)
claire keegan, small things like these: absolutely devastating slip of a novella jfc
also i teared up today listening to adrian lester on the shakespeare unlimited podcast so you should listen if you enjoy that sort of thing!
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womanexile · 1 year
Lol - I wonder if this was intentional? For 1989 listening party - 89 guests per location. 5 (LA, NY, TN, RI, London): 89 x 5= 445. [4+4+5=13] youtube.com/watch?v=ozrrUio3AB0
She met Jack late '12 and met Lena (@ Grammys) early '13. Worked with JA in '13. But I guess LD listened to her pre-SN era? AW from Girls produced M3GAN (the one with TS song in trailer). LD has casted some good talents on her projects that have gone on to do well.
Lol- LD post- I can see how her humor would appeal to TS: "Judging by how much she's helped me thus far, Taylor Swift is going to write the song that finally gets me comfortable with death."
Speaking of some of TS's oldest friends. ES met Jamie Foxx in 2010. (Foxx was also on Valentine's Day film, VD soundtrack was released via Big Machine- Amy Winehouse covered "Cupid" & Chris Stapleton co-wrote a song that was covered). Lol- I wonder who Ed contacts 1st? JF or TS share birthday 12/13
More funny ES stories: people.com/music/ed-sheeran-crazy-stories/#:~:text=%22Ed%20Sheeran%20slept%20on%20my,to%20some%20of%20his%20music.
Speak Now tour arm lyric: “If things go right we can frame it and put you on a wall.” – Ed Sheeran, Lego House. Allphones Arena in Sydney, Australia on March 10, 2012.
Random thoughts- not related, but reminded me of some lyrics:
The 1
We never painted by the numbers, baby, but we were making it count
Lego House
I'm gonna paint you by numbers and color you in If things go right we can frame it And put you on a wall
And it's so hard to say it but I've been here before Now I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours
Signs of the Times
We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets
Bad Blood
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes (Hey!) You say sorry just for show (Hey!) You live like that, you live with ghosts (Hey!) Hm, if you love like that blood runs cold
What if I told you none of it was accidental
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s13e6 tombstone (w. davy perez)
SAM No. You're – you're dead. CASTIEL Yeah, I was. But then I… annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back.
i mean. that's how i described it too. but laughing that we're seriously gonna say that in this moment without the boys reacting, lol okay!
please not this music, it's making me laugh. papa castiel is home! cue the cheesiest fucking emotional music. you know what it reminds me of? the zelda breath of the wild like... those flashback cut scenes, the memories? mushy ones with zelda haha (plinky piano bits around 19:19 if you're curious)
cas hitting the hug jackpot, 3 unsolicted ones! and the one with jack was sweet
whew and now we get cheesy old west music too.
DEAN Yeah, we've done more on less. Besides Dodge City's kind of, uh, kind of awesome. All right, well… two salty hunters, one half-angel kid, and a dude who just came back from the dead. Again. Team Free Will 2.0. Here we go.
no more suicidal dean apparently, get an unexpected resurrection and cowboy shenanigans and he's happy and fired up
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one thing i find endlessly amusing/fascinating is how like, all these years we're gonna have silly little logistical questions like. how they clean their suits, are they doing dry cleaning, are they rolling up their suits in their duffels with everything else, etc etc. but we got to see some ironing not long back and now, dry cleaning bags!
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cas's face is cracking me up
JACK He really likes cowboys. CASTIEL Yes. Yes, he does.
also my face at the creative team that decided this was part of dean's schtick. i want to let dean enjoy silly things. but they just push so hard
also they're gonna get one room (albeit a suite) for all 4 of them. jack doesn't sleep much, cas doesn't sleep at all. what are those two gonna do while the humans are sleeping? awkward
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SAM You're in a good mood, huh? DEAN Yeah. And? SAM Nothing. No, no, I-I-I just, uh… you've been having a rough go, so it's… it's good to see you smile. DEAN Well, I said I needed a big win. We got Cas back. That's a pretty damn big win. SAM Yeah. Fair enough.
what's up with your attitude there, sam. you don't actually seem very happy. worried he's gonna crash and burn? jealous that it's cas? jealous that cas is taking jack from him? (lol)
little bonding for cas and jack while the humans were sleeping talking about his mom was nice
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untitled 1 and 2 our old friends!! last seen i think in one episode in 10x10 and not quite some time before that. if my blog search/index wasn't so fucked i could find more details. song remains the same
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set designers let the kitsch explode. those silhouettes
CASTIEL I told you. He's an angry sleeper. Like a bear.
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cheesy but i laughed. i, too, wake up in a foul mood and should not be talked to
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oh sure dean, you're cringing over cas's line but we've all been very generous in accepting your goofy ass shit like that bolo tie and need to cosplay tombstone to begin with
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can truly appreciate the sheer awfulness of that hat cas is wearing out in the sunlight. it's so small, it's so translucent. cheapest of straw hats. (not knockin straw hats! my dad was an avid cowboy hat wearer and had a couple nice straw ones for the summer)
i don't pay too much attention to how time flows on this show, i do know sometimes it can be weeks between episodes, sometimes it's the next day (another thing that irked me on teen wolf was how they spent like... 2+ full seasons in one year to keep the kids in high school). but anyway, i just wonder how much show universe time cas was not off on some whatever, and around to do this stuff hanging out with them. them crammed in sam's room on his uncomfortable bed to watch a movie, like they did with charlie? lol. based on the number of times i've seen it in fic, i gather a bunker room with a tv does become a thing at some point, so maybe it was in there?
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.... a shootout in the parking lot of the knockoff wells fargo in broad daylight. what planet are we on right now. so jack can accidentally kill a civilian with his powers, great
CASTIEL Jack, I've killed people who didn't deserve it… my friends– I've killed people I loved. I wish I could tell you that it– that it gets easier, that with time, it hurts less, but that would be a lie because it– it never gets easier. And those moments, they never stop hurting. But that doesn't mean that you should stop fighting. Doesn't mean that just because you made a mistake – and that's what this is, Jack. It's a mistake. That doesn't mean that you can't– can't be better, do better. I believe that. I have to believe that.
so the people he killed that he loved, would that be like. angelic siblings? wonder if the wiki keeps track of who killed whom. he killed a bunch of fake deans in that one episode lol
SAM And we still believe in you, Jack. We, uh– JACK Stop. Just… Please stop.
anyway, point being, wasn't this just an accident?? like when eileen accidentally killed the bmol dude? eileen got a hug and commiseration, they're talking about who they murdered and WE STILL BELIEVE YOU'RE NOT EVIL i would tell them to stop too!
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why do they do this with him
JACK No, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just another monster. DEAN No, you're not. I thought you were. I did. But… Like Sam said, we've all done bad. We all have blood on our hands. So if you're a monster, we're all monsters.
dean gets to have his little personal growth acknowledgement
really added dimension to the terror of thinking he's a monster like sam did, with a bunch of unintended injury and now death wrapped up in it. kind of hard to... care about anything except vaguely because we sitll barely know him but if i sit and think about it, sure
and a whole other thing dealing with kid having a meltdown when they can just teleport away.
oh god just considered now dean might feel extra guilty for telling jack he was a monster and he was gonna kill him, now that jack ran away. that could be the crash and burn :p
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signalwatch · 2 years
Doc/ Review Watch: That's Entertainment (1974)
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Watched:  12/31/2022
Format:  TCM
Viewing:  First
Director:  Jack Haley Jr.
I'm not clear on where this first showed - I guess wide release?  It has a box office take listed, so I guess it was put out in theaters.  Which is pretty wild.  The movie is essentially a review/ clip show of MGM musicals and the greatest generator of a punchlist for movie nerds I can think of.  
What's even wilder is that the movie was released as a 50th Anniversary celebration of MGM - and we're about 50 years from the release of this film.  Time.  It does roll on.  
The film is hosted by an array of folks who were still living and vibrant, from Frank Sinatra to Bing Crosby to Elizabeth Taylor to a Mickey Rooney (who'll de damned if he's gonna shoot in the sun and manages the worst lighting you'll see in a major release as he wanders down a tree-lined sidewalk).  But it's all a celebration of what made the movie musical great - and it makes a stunning case for the idea.  Spectacle, talent, artistry and a bit of hokum all combine in an electric mix across about 100 clips supporting the thesis and the arguments presented for the musical. 
Clips cover everything from the Depression-era Busby Berkley opuses to Andy Hardy films to Eleanor Powell, Ann Miller and of course Fred and Ginger (and Fred and Cyd).  And a reminder that the most insane Hollywood may have ever gone was staging Esther Williams movies.  It's impossible to imagine happening in the past 40 years.  
1974 - the year of release - is an interesting inflection point.  Liza Minnelli appears to remind you she's the daughter of Judy Garland and Vincent Minnelli and that she just won an Oscar for a musical.  It's the promise of a new generation taking on musicals, which may have seemed possible in '74.  But, clearly, that's not what happened.  Sure, these days we get one or two a year, and most Disney cartoons are musicals for all intents and purposes, but as much as westerns would fade, musicals became a novelty.  And, frankly, it seems like people my age feel weirdly threatened by musicals that don't start as Broadway shows.*
Trotting out the old guard is a fine idea for a retrospective, but in 1974, there's no home video.  They weren't going to re-release 45 years of musicals, I don't think.  So what was this for?  One last hurrah and a trip down memory lane?  The stars walk the now clearly dilapidated sets, around a decaying MGM lot, and I have to ask "why?"  Why would MGM show their own sets in such a state of disrepair?  I don't know what happened to MGM in the 1960's, but the story of MGM by the 1980's was about purchases, mergers, real estate sales...  the company had gone from being a force of nature to a has-been.  Even today, MGM seems to exist to put out Bond movies and not a whole lot else.  If this film hoped to push people to clamor for musicals, I guess - not so much.
That said, it's a stunning reminder of what Hollywood - at least MGM - did on the regular to deliver wildly imaginative productions, the kind of talent they had on staff, and what movies can do.  And maybe what we lost when the 1970's taught us to rely on "realism" in film, or at least pivoted us to space epics for our visions of flights of fancy.  
Clearly Broadway tells us there's still an audience for musicals, and you do wonder - with today's techniques - what would an Esther Williams film look like?  Who could star in it?  Can an audience sit for a tap number?  Do people still get swept up in ballroom dancing by the best, or just when it's a reality show with D-level stars trotted out for two minute numbers and people pretending to be judges?
And, honestly, even TCM doesn't play musicals like it used to.  I'm sure the numbers track better to other kinds of films for whatever reason, but it would be nice to have some play of those big spectacle flicks.
MGM produced enough of these musicals that it spawned several sequels - That's Entertainment 2 and 3, as well as That's Dancing.  So clearly they were making some money off of these things.  
*I will never get the hostility to La-La Land
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/EwbolCf
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manuellabetero · 1 year
All dialogues from Fnaf UCN (very late) Part 2
Happy Frog
1 - I bet you weren't expecting me, were ya?
2 - Turn you back for one second and I'm like 'Wha-shoom!' Ninja skills!
3 - You and I don't get to talk as often as I'd like!
4 - Everyone underestimates me, but then their turn back and I'm like 'Boo!' and they're like 'Aaauugh!
5 - Move over, Freddy Fazbear!
6 - Happy Frog is the new star of the show!
7 - We've only just begun.
8 - I'll never let you leave.
9 - I'll never let you rest.
Jack O’ Chica
1 - Did things get really hot in here, or is it just me?
2 - Come and burn with me!
3 - The fire within me burns eternal, and now you shall as well!
4 -I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds.
5 - Greetings from the fire, and friend of what you should not have killed.
1 - Don't be afraid. Soon you'll be just like me...Beautiful!
2 - Now I get to play Take Apart And Put Back Together! You won't feel a thing...
3 - I wanted to wait until just the right moment to drop in!
4 - It's so much more fun hanging out in here with you.
5 - He's here, and always watching, the one you shouldn't have killed.
1 - Seeing you powerless is like music to me.
2 - I don't hate you but you need to stay out of my way.
3 - I reconize you. But I am not afraid of you... not anymore!
4 - The others are under my protection.
5 - The others are like animals. But I am very aware.
Music Man
1 - You and I will be making music together for a long, long time!
2 - You hear that? It's the sweet, sweet sound of your eternal silence!
3 - Hey! Keep it down, would ya?
4 - When I'm here, you play by my rules!
5 - A song was requested of me, and now I sing it!
Need Bear
1 - Don't you hate gatting killed by obscure secondary characters?
2 - Stranger danger!
3 - Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! I was just waiting for you to drop your guard!
4 - Whoops! That's gonna leave a mark.
5 - This is how it feels , and now you get to experience it over, and over, and over again... forever. I will never let you leave
1 - You will not be spared. You will not be saved.
2 - The shadow fears me.
3 - I am your wickness, made of flesh.
4 - I'm here to claim... what is left of you.
5 - I will put you back... to relive your horror.
Nightmare BB
1 - Come closer. Help me count my teeth.
2 - Heh-heh-heh! You're not so big. Just a bite-sized morsel. (vomit)
3 - You knew I'd get you eventually.
4 - There just isn't room in here for both of us. Heh-heh-heh...
5 - Flash that light all you want. It can't save you now.
0 notes
charnelhouse · 3 years
we the people kindly request (desperately beg for) venom fic if you have time/inspiration ❤️
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A/N: Eddie Brock x F!Reader x Venom. Symbiote Sex. Threesome. Feelings. Size kink. Major stretching involved. Buzzed sex, but they know what's up. I wrote this in an hour instead of showering for an event I have because I have no self control. ANY WAY - hope you enjoy:
It’s the day of Anne’s wedding.
Scratch that - it’s now the night of Anne's wedding.
There are tea lights and glistening silver pails of champagne and the band’s music clashes and folds in the vast ballroom. Anne is beautiful in silk and cream and no frills as you expected. She squeezes you tightly when you hug her - her waxy plum mouth in your ear whispering: thank you.
You accept it even though it seems weird. Like Eddie is some sort of charity case or is right on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Whatever.
You eat too many of the passed hors d'oeuvres. Too much blue cheese and figs and overly-salted prosciutto. Poached shrimp and mini grilled cheeses with gruyere. You don’t really care since you’re just here as emotional support. You’re like a therapy dog - a pet that Eddie can stroke at when he starts to get itchy.
“Weddings aren’t my thing.”
“Please. I - I just need you there.”
You think he’s handling it all relatively well. You really do.
He makes it through the ceremony and the first course, but then his eyes go all glassy and he keeps missing his fork on the table. It’s Venom who finally prods your ankle under your dress. The silent let’s go -
You snatch his hand - thumb sweeping over the warm skin. He lifts his head and when he meets your gaze, you inhale sharply. He’s got this hangdog expression - defeated. There is a distinct sadness to Eddie. He carries it with him - attempts to layer it beneath his own sarcasm and resignation. You feel bad for him despite the fact that so many of his regrets are due to his own behavior.
He’s trying though. He is.
“Wanna get out of here?” you ask even though you really want to try the cake.
His lips twitch in relief.
They’re staying at this cabin up in the Redwoods that isn’t too far from the venue. The air is sweet here - clean and herbal. Eddie gives you his coat as you try to maneuver your four-inch heels through the soil. They keep getting caught - sinking deep.
“Fuck,” you hiss as you try and gather the folds of your velvet gown. Eddie’s got his arms full of the ice cream that you demanded they pick up on the way back.
“If I don’t get cake then I’m getting something,” you declared as you parked at the off-road gas station.
“We don’t have a freezer,” he reminded. His voice was all thin and wispy like he was struggling to speak. “It’ll melt if you don’t finish it.”
You gave him a pointed look. “You’re literally harboring a symbiote that could eat an entire Baskin Robbins in five minutes.”
“Fair,” he relented. There was the tiniest pull of a smile. You were ready to pat yourself on the back for that.
They needed more though. Big ass guns.
You glided over to the cash register and asked for their top shelf whiskey. The pock-marked employee raised his eyebrow in a perplexed fashion, before grabbing what had to be an ancient bottle of Jack Daniels. You blew off the dust and presented it to Eddie proudly.
This time he grinned wide enough to show his teeth. A win.
“Just take your shoes off,” Eddie calls from the porch.
“The ground is cold,” you yell back at him. “Slippery. Bugs.”
“Christ,” he grumbles before he drops the bag of treats and strides over to you. He grabs you hard under your ass and lifts you clean off your feet before swinging you over his shoulder. It has to be all Venom - you doubt Eddie has the ability to pick you up with such relative ease.
Your head knocks against his ass and you squeak - slamming your fist into his lower back. He grunts. “Watch it.”
“I’m gonna throw up bacon-wrapped dates on you.”
“Just try it.”
They change into sweats. He’s shirtless and you’re in a sports bra because the space heater is making the walls expand and groan with hot air. You think Eddie broke it. He just won’t admit it.
“I can’t sleep unless it’s sixty-seven degrees,” You pop the top on the pint of mint chocolate chip. “I’ll die.”
He plops on the mattress making you bounce. “You’ll live.”
Eddie said he’d sleep on the floor, but you genuinely don’t give a shit. It’s not like they haven’t been in close quarters. They work together to a degree and Eddie has just come to like you and you’ve come to like Venom and then in turn come to like Eddie. It’s a whole thing.
“Let’s get drunk,” he says in between slick bites of rocky road.
Eddie and you are still on the bed and the lights have gone all blurry. It’s two in the morning. Venom has finally popped out of Eddie’s shoulder - adding colorful commentary to their conversation.
“Did you really meet Wolverine?” Eddie asks.
“Yep,” You screw your eyes shut before taking another swig from the ancient bottle of whiskey. “He was kind of a dick.”
“As are most mutants,” Venom adds sagely before giving you a direct look that means feed me. You laugh as you spoon melted ice cream into his jaws.
Things slow down after a bit - the pace goes to syrup or molasses or smoke. Eddie touches you more - stares at you more. Finally you ask him how he is - if he’s okay.
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “It - it was just a little too much. It was like the end of a life for me. I just - that could have been me, you know? The whole family thing - the - it just was weird.”
He’s making no sense and yet he is. You nod - offering him the bottle.
“She was not the one for us,” Venom declares.
“Since when did you decide that?” Eddie snaps bitterly. “You were the one desperate to get back with her.”
“I am competitive,” he states. “And Dan is a skinny worm-man who should not have beaten us.” He pauses. “But things have changed.”
Eddie rolls his eyes while Venom’s floating head stares at you like a creepy little phantom.
You’re both pretty buzzed and exhaustion has crept over you - sunk into your bones and skin. Eddie blinks slowly before he leans forward. “You’re too good to me,” he confesses against your ear - his nose dragging up the soft skin of your cheek. Out of reflex - you catch at his arms - curling your fingers around the curve of his biceps. He runs so feverish - all that liquid alien thrumming through his blood. “So sweet. Always - always nice.”
You cling to him - eyes wide as your mouth parts. The orange light from the cabin’s cheap lamps fall across his face - the shadow of his stubble - the fruit-ripe swell of his lower lip. His lashes are long and girlish and he is so handsome that you forget yourself. You can feel Venom pumping inside him - his voice melting into you: sweet sweet sweet
“Can -,” he shuts his mouth before he opens it again - his brow creasing. “Can we-”
He just leaves it hanging - leaves those words to roll off the edge. Can we what? Sleep. Fuck. Kiss. Swallow each other until we can’t breathe - until we choke on the parts of us that can’t be fixed. Eddie is sad, but so are you, right?
Don’t you have all those missing pieces - those fragments? You’re lonely like him - it’s why you agreed to come. It’s why Venom likes to twist that proverbial knife even though he doesn’t necessarily know he’s being rude: why would you not spend time with us? Don’t you spend all your nights with your cats and your tv shows about murder?
And really what was wrong with that? Nothing. But Eddie was Eddie and you hadn’t had anyone in a long long time. Too much work had left you desperate for sleep and now you were desperate for something else.
“Can we-”
You lean forward just enough to give your consent and Eddie’s blue eyes expand to the deepest trench of black before he grips the hinge of your jaw and crushes his lips to yours.
It’s overwhelming, of course. It is not just Eddie, but Venom. The power in it - the many, many limbs that he creates to please you.
It’s not rough though. It’s not rushed. It’s raw and intimate and the tiniest bit sad because it wasn’t your wedding day, after all.
Eddie is there - bearing his weight above you - dropping his head to capture your lips in an insistent kiss. His tongue is hot and drags against yours - his hips snap between your spread thighs as he fucks you at an even pace. Then there is Venom who helps him unravel - who touches every part of you frantically - he buries himself inside you with Eddie. He suckles and rubs at the peak of your sex - right above the wet, stretched flesh of your cunt taking him - them. He must be pressing inside Eddie, too because you can feel it.
Each spear of Eddie’s cock knocks you up the bed - punches pleasure up to your lungs and throat and the muscle of your heart until everything balloons and shivers. He pants with it - his lashes fluttering - his lips opening over yours as he gasps against your tongue. He breathes behind your teeth - the hot rush of uh uh uh and the slip of sugar and chocolate cream and whiskey. You fist at his hair before sliding your touch down the firm muscles of his back. You reach his ass and when you move towards the center of him, you crash up against the ridge and thick of Venom.
It’s as if they are this wild nest of veins or mating snakes. A ball. A tornado. A hurricane. They are interconnected in every sense of the word. Venom cradles your hips in such a way that he can angle you up so Eddie can sink down inside you - the head of his cock pushing up against something fleshy and sweet at the end of your body. Venom is in his ear and yours - telling and confessing in that guttural, echoing voice he has: beautiful - delicious - soft soft soft - Eddie and I will be so good to you - does that feel nice - does that feel lovely -
Every statement burns like a promise - like you have unwittingly agreed to become their third and maybe you have. You are with them - you understand them - you have enfolded yourself into the fabric of their relationship.
He - they - pin you to the mattress. The headboard creaks and threatens to break. At some point - Eddie becomes Venom and it’s his heaving black shoulders - liquid shiny skin - and apple-red tongue twisting between your legs and up inside you. The texture of its muscle scraping along the sensitive skin of your thighs - lapping at Eddie’s seed and your release until you cry for him - until you nearly break your fingers as you curl them into the scratchy sheets.
He doesn’t let up of course. He bends you in half - hitching your legs up over his enormous shoulders - rubbing against his sharp jaw. There’s the bright flash of his too sharp teeth and all that drool and still - his breath is all Eddie’s - all rocky road and liquor and your own salt.
“We could eat you for days,” he rumbles and you are almost blind with pleasure - with your four orgasms coursing through the slip of your body. The aftermath of their sex - spilling like rivers between them and it’s only dawn. It’s only pink-red grapefruit sky that filters through the blinds and bounces off Venom’s oil-spill skin. He climbs over you - framing your face with his too big arms - bearing his weight much like Eddie had the first time he fucked you.
“Does Eddie see this?” you whisper - torn up from screaming - moaning. “Does he feel this?” You reach down to wrap your hand around the cock hanging between Venom’s muscular thighs. It’s huge - not so much that you can’t handle it, but it will stretch you - it will make you suffer a little. You know that if it’s too big, he will fix it - he will change it for you - for you.
“Yes,” Venom growls - eyes shutting. He purrs as you pump him slowly - revealing the bulbous head on each downstroke. “He feels this - he sees you -”
You guide him in - slow and steady.
“Lift your hips, little one,” Venom urges - hunger in his tone - impatience. “I will be safe - gentle - please -”
You do as he says and you’re cunt is already puffy and drenched from hours of Eddie and Venom. You could not be wetter and when the head of Venom’s cock catches at your opening, you freeze - a bit nervous.
“Relax, tiny girl,” he croons as his tongue finds your clit. “Relax so I can feel you.”
He pushes inside an inch and you blossom around him - your muscles accommodating the thick of his length. You pant - chest heaving - eyes wide and it’s only pressure. There is no pain - just a massive heaviness read to undo you. He draws back before nudging further and it becomes a dance - a tease as he breaches you in phases. You cling to his wrists as he moves steadily - as his cock shears wild heat inside your core. You’re clenching - convulsing - your lower belly burning with it.
Finally - he buries himself to the hilt and it is overwhelming. You are impaled on him - pinned to this bed and sinking into the mattress. He has a hand under your thigh that he lifts as he moves inside you in short, quick thrusts. They’re grinds really - just stilted jerks because he does not want to rip you apart.
“You can - you can go all the way,” you murmur. He blinks and you see flashes of Eddie - pieces of him caught up in the shiny slippery fragments of Venom. The symbiote eases himself out nearly all the way before snapping forward and oh oh - you don’t even scream - just grunt like some feral thing and then he really fucks you.
You split apart - convulse and spasm as he wrenches climax after climax from you. Surely - you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. You won’t be able to sit. It’s so much and yet you tip your head back and plead: more.
By later afternoon, you wake up next to Eddie. You’re sticky everywhere. The air is dusted in their sex. There’s salt and sweat and when you peel your legs apart, there’s evidence all over.
You are so sore that it leaves your muscles heavy and sagging. Your bones feel too thin and everything is swollen and chafed. Your throat cracks.
Eddie is staring at the ceiling. He gives you a sidelong glance. He’s got the evidence of your teeth decorating his golden skin - a purpling hickey on his throat. The room is fucked. There’s a crack in the headboard - the sheets are no longer on the bed and thrown over the television. Through the doorway, you can see your lacy black bra hanging off the shower curtain.
Eddie stirs next to you.
“What’s wrong?” you finally ask because he’s freaking you out.
He inhales - his chest steadily rising before he releases his breath.
“That - that wasn’t weird for you?”
You drag your hand over your brow - rubbing at the skin furiously to stave off your headache. “Huh?”
“The - last night -,” he stammers.
“And this morning?” you add dryly - your lips twitching.
He tries to laugh, but it comes out choked. He shoves a hand through his hair.
“I-I would totally get if it was too much - if it was too freaky -”
You scoot your body close to his and press your palm to his mouth to shut him up. You lift yourself a little so you can hover over him - eyes absorbing the beauty of his face - his stunned features - in the glossy orange light of Four PM in California.
“Nah,” you murmur. “Let’s do it again.”
There. A wave of relief breaks across his pained expression.
He catches your hand when you pull it away - presses those pouty lips to your fingertips one by one by one. “Good thing I got late checkout,” he grins through the thin of your palm.
3K notes · View notes
absolutebl · 3 years
Gen Y 2 - The Glorious Trash Watch Reborn
Trash watching season 2 commences! (Season 1 is here. In my defense I didn’t know that was trash until about half way through, but I still had a lot of fun.) A short review of season here. 
As of Dec 2021 you could watch Gen Y 2 on Starhunter’s YouTube channel! Be pleased, season one was a bitch to get ahold of.
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Because it’s amusing in light of the start of season 2, here were my...  
Final thoughts on season 1:
There was not enough Jack & Jew. There will never be enough.
I feel like they could have rounded out MarkKit a bit better. But it was fine. They were fine. Whatever.
I’d love it if Sandee went seriously dark/evil in season two.
Jock/nerd had the best chemistry. Bummer about their story arc. “What story arc?” you ask me. Exactly.
I have unfounded hope that Jack/Koh may some day still be a Thing.
I liked the actor playing Thanu and I hope we get to see more of him in something solid. (He reminds me, screen presence wise, a little bit of Kao AKA Korn in UWMA).
As of Ep 1 of season 2? 
Jew seems to be gone. I’m heartbroken. 
Still whatever. 
Still the best chemistry, now how they gonna fuck it up? 
Possibly no longer unfounded due to My Mate Match. (Jack & Koh are also Match & Mix or actor couple JameJet. So now we know they kiss. Very well, actually. In BL, lightning does strike twice.) 
I still like him. And I don’t mind the love triangle.* 
* Have I come around to love triangles in my old age? If so, Light on Me has A LOT to answer for. 
And now...
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Look... my trash fire soap opera is back and I am THRILLED. I really don’t care much about what happens in this show, it’s a delicious buffet of random tasty nonsense and presentation is irrelevant to me because it tastes DELICIOUS. Ah, that metaphor got away from me. But you either like a buffet or, ya don’t, and I happen to be a buffet person. As with many things in my Thai BL relationship you can blame Make it Right for this. 
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Ep 1 - Reservoir Bois
A lot happened in the first episode. Including flash backs to remind us of the previous season (thank you for that, Starhunter). 
Firstly, this show feels calmer. Maybe because I now know (or mostly remember) all of the many MANY characters. This show is such a soap opera, like the ultimate BL soap: All the couples, all the drama, random evil scheming, what’s next? Evil twin? (Oh wait, no that’s Not Me.) Back from the dead? (Oh wait, no that’s Peach of Time.) 
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Opens with a Reservoir Dogs BL shot meets musical montage getting ready for school that had me cackling.  (What if Reservoir Dogs were a BL? Mind boggles.) 
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Already, I have questions. 
Why does this dumb ultra melodramatic show make me so happy? 
Why is Kimmon so bloody charismatic in this role? 
Could Wayu just grow a spine and dump all of them? 
Why was P’P gone? Soap opera solutions = Witness protection. (Do they have that in Thailand?) Or kidnapping and evil rich family shenanigans must keep it secret. Or identical twins & murder. Or terminal illness. These are our 4 options. 
Akay, moving on. 
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(oh look, my type) 
also, weirdly I just thought of the underpants gnomes, and I think Sandee is going to have about as much motivation 
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I love Big as P’Pa. Perfect casting. Oooo, P’Pa = daddy vibes to that name, is that intentional? Big is definitely serving up daddy. It’s nice to see him successfully portraying such a different character from Ryu in My Mate Match. Good boy! You can actually act. We don’t expect that from Thai BL but it’s nice when it’s served up. 
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How much did we all want Mark (or better Wayu himself) to punch P’P on that rooftop? SO MUCH. 
Meanwhile, winner winner chicken dinner. I think they went with option 4: terminal Illness. Most sympathetic choice, Gen Y. Very nice. 
So much happened already in this episode, and most of the characters are starting out in working relationships. I can only hypothesize that this is going to be a hot mess moving forward. 
So far, though, I like it. It feels a lot less like end of season 1′s shitshow. But it could always go there if the writers forget to actually write again. 
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I like that MarkKit are now side dishes. I like ThanuWayu versus DESTINY. I want more PokTong being arses to each other. I want more Jack & Koh getting together, but I feel pretty confident that this is gonna happen. So yeah!!!! 
Ep 2 - Darth Sandee 
Only the first ep was on YouTube and I had a snafu while watching this “alternately” which means no screen caps. I can’t be arsed. I mean I could get them but that would mean watching it again and here’s the thing. 
Right now this one isn’t bad enough to be good. It isn’t good enough to be good either. 
Here’s my thoughts.... 
P‘Pa = def the cancer mom trope. 
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Yay! more reasons for Wayu to cry. 
Suffer sweetheart!! SUFFER! 
Honestly? All three actors (Big, Cop, Kim) did a great job with this opening scene. 
MarkKit = not much screen time except at the beginning, but that was good. I like that MarkKit are being challenged by some big picture stuffs around friendship like loyalty, trust, and the value of truth. It makes for a good external stressor for their relationship. It also mirrors a burden carried only by Kit in season one, now shared by them as a couple. 
JackKoh|KohJack are CRAZY. They only care about competing over something as an excuse to be together. There’s someone out there who’d pay good money for a threesome under such criteria... Lots of someones, actually. (Maybe that’s why they filmed My Mate Match?) 
PokTong are cute. And boyfriends competing against each other for Moon is a new one for the franchise(s). Also PokTong make out music is HILARIOUS. Very 80s amateur porno. This is a fun couple, I admit @heretherebedork​ , that I am coming round. 
ThanuWayu - only episode 2 and they are already boring me. But That’s a soap opera for you, there’s always a couple you could care less about. I like Phai though. 
Phai has discovered that Darth Sandee is EVIL! Now... make them fuck! 
Am I weird that I just want a moral compass trope to happen with these 2? Forget about Thanu, Darth Sandee is your real destiny! 
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Okay, fine, never mind. 
Meanwhile it’s always fun to me when extras are involved on a scene because you can see how much taller than average most Thai actors are. 
Finally we end on this weird running thing to kill the time slot with flashbacks. BL does Chariots of Fire! 
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(Chariots of Fire, definitely a sports bromance.) 
I’d ban BLs from flashback abuse but then everything would be K-BL length and all K-BLs would be microfilms.
-- Oh, I’m feeling SALTY this afternoon. 
Ep 3 - Why So Annoying? 
Would we call this a recap? Can one recap a show in which NOTHING HAPPENS? 
Is that an existential question? 
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In other news MarkKit are VERY cute, Jew is back (yay!!) KohJack are like the 3 stooges of BL, and this show is pissing me off. The swim team thing was weird and Thanu & Wayu remain duller than dishwater, but also begin to have that pong of dishwater left out too long.
Wayu is punishing Thanu for having loved someone else when Wayu is basically is dating Thanu as a backup because he himself loved someone else. This relationship started out as a shitty thing to do to someone, but now Wayu is being hypocritical and shitty. 
Here’s what I want. Wayu and Pha to get back together, Pha to die, and then Wayu will know what it really means to suffer. 
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(Don’t we all Sandee? Don’t we all?)
All this to say, Evil Sandee is the only interesting thing happening right now and I really wanna root for him yet they show is making even THAT difficult...
As characters figure out he is evil, there is actually a conversation as follows:
C1: Why is Sandee evil?
C2: We have no idea, but the point is he must be stopped. 
This is the ultimate in bad writing. It’s basically the show telling us that Sandee having any kind of motivation isn’t necessary. And I’m like, JUMP BACK GEN Y, I am sorry, you can give him a dum motivation (and you probubly will) but you don’t actually think he can’t have any, right? 
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This show is a soap opera dumpster fire being feed by wooden performances (ThanYu), modest cuteness (MarKit), and mustache twirling without reason (Darth Sandee). But I’m going down with the dumpster because I am trash. 
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Stinky horrible trash on fire. 
Ep 4 - The Poke Tongue Shower Scene 
ThanYu... whaka whaka whaka (and not in the good Monsta X way). 
Jack & Koh are fun and I realized why I like them, Love Rivals to Lovers is my favorite trope, because it’s innately queer, and they are getting one. Plus they are comedy relief and they’re funny about it. 
And MarKit are what they are. 
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But PokTong and the SHOWER SCEEN. 
I mean to say. 
Jump back! 
No, jump forward. No, now you’ve slipped in the shower. 
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This is a shower scene we’re getting, people, from Starhunter! 
I feel like I stumbled backwards into the TharnType glory days (should that be glory holes? eh, don’t bother me with trifles).
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Where was I? 
Oh yes shower scene. Remember what I said then (with TharnType) BJs in yaoi are ALWAYS acts of penance performed by the seme. Having the uke character do it is either serious (actual) punishment or we have gone straight through BL into gay af. 
Apparently all bets are off with this couple. Even BL bets. They are off the BL script. Way off. Somewhere down the drain even. 
Who knew Gen Y would go there?  
Plus the first kiss = goodbye kiss is just chef’s kiss. 
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I can tell ya what tho, PokTong are already STRONG contenders for 2022′s WinTeam Award AKA the side couple we secretly wish were the main couple (PitchBank in Golden Blood won it for 2021). In fact, I’m not gonna sugar coat it - they SHOULD have been the main couple. The betrayal and outside stressors to their relationship are excellent, chemistry is spot on, acting is great. 
Also, anyone else wants to make them Poke Tongue? 
No? Just me. 
What, I gotta keep it low brow. This is still Gen Y. 
(This series = weirdly obsessed with fully dressed boys stepping into showers? Remember Mark & Wayu back in early eps of season 1?) 
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Oh look we are back in classic Gen Y territory, we up one week, we down the next, we boring one moment, we riveting the next. 
I gotta start drinking when I watch this show. 
Ep 5 - Plot Bunny Whip Lash
(Honestly tho, that could be another name for upcoming Unforgotten Nights).
My baby boys are broken up and still Tong is trying to take care of Pok. They PRECIOUS and tragical.  
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Darth Sandee’s motivation remains hella confusing, unless he’s supposed to be some trickster cupid or spirit of fate. 
Fine. Yess. I’lI nominate Sandee for godhood. Can’t get any weirder than this show already is. Would explain why Wayu & Thanu are so crap with a bow & arrow, that shizz is Sandee’s domain. 
I like that Thanu didn’t hide Pha’s illness from Wayu. 
I also like that it is circumstances breaking up MarkKit (as opposed to ye ol’ miscommunication), but hot damn that plot bunny came out of nowhere and spun on a dime. 
Does anyone else miss ForthBeam energy? I miss them so bad in this show right now. 
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Ep 6 - I Got Nothing 
Jack & Koh are collectively the most extra and why can’t we just have more of them? 
Tong & Pok are in a different show - Unforgotten Night maybe? And why is Pok getting beaten up? I’m so confused.
I spend most of this show confused. 
The brothers are cute together and Phai may be my favorite character. But frankly MarkKit are dumbasses, I can’t feel sympathy when they are doing this to each other. 
And now... this fucker: 
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What WAS that with Sandee & Phai? I mean I wanted them to get together from what back in the cafe days but I do NOT UNDERSTAND what is going on with these two. Why did Sandee do what he did? Why did he changed his mind? Why suddenly nice? WHY WHY WHY????
“A plague o' both your houses! Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat to scratch a man to death!”
You made me trot out Shakespeare, you bastards. Next up, Catullus, and then we are all done for. 
Ep 7 - Sigh 
MarkKit are truly absurd. ThanuWayuPa are truly boring. PokeTongue are in a different show with actual plot, and they are interesting but tiny idiots. Honestly SandeePhai are the only couple I really care about at this point and 
they got no screen time this ep 
we aren’t sure if they ARE a couple
they are adrift on a sea of destiny and lack of motivation 
Oh and JackKoh, I forgot about them.
SEE? They’re my favorites and this ep just made me forget they existed! 
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The weighting of this soap is all off. Both the story and the screen time is uneven, by which I mean the focus and dwelling of the camera on some characters over others. So editing is partly to blame. 
If filming and screen time had been more evenly distributed than we would all be happier. But Starhunter put all their eggs in the baskets of their most seasoned actors and established pairs, and we are being punished for that decision with deeply unsatisfying omelets. 
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(Actual gif of the Sandee egg.) 
Ep 8 - Why Am I doing this to myself?
Lack of Sandee makes me sad but we got the return of Padbok.
One fecklessly evil character with no motivation is exchanged for another! 
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Why so angry? Why so pretty? Why so silent? 
Oh please just make SOMETHING happen. 
So basically this episode was the same as last week.
Play it again Sab? 
Wayu is a pretty elf tho. 
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What? What do you expect from me? I got nothing. Imma go watch Love Stage!! it’s about 100x better. 
Episode 9 - OMG WHY is this so boring? 
Poke Tongues are literally the only thing interesting about this show anymore. Pok’s apology was nicely handled. I even get where Tong is comign from, there’s too much miscommunication between them how can he be confident it won’t just keep happing. They could just be dysfunctional boyfriends. 
I am growing to hate the play within a BL conceit. Shakespeare overdid it and that was long time ago. Costumes are fun tho. 
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Thanu and Wayu puzzle me, I now spend most of my time trying to figure out why they aren’t working for me on screen, because frankly the actors are cute as friends in the BTS stuff. So why aren’t they working as a romantic couple in front of the camera? Still, that’s not what I should be doing when watching a BL. 
How do we feel about the fake coffee spill in order to strip scene? Bit manipulative? Or just seme’s gotta do what a seme’s gotta do? 
Meanwhile, hellooooo my dark elf boyfriend! 
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Look this brought back way too many comic cons of my youth. But basically = MY TYPE. I might just have a bit of a thing for a person in black lipstick and eyeliner and I blame the 90s ENTIRELY. (Not to out myself but nothing is hotter on this earth that streaks of black liner running down someone’s face ‘cause you made them cry - in the right way, of course. NOTHING.) 
Speaking of crying... 
In addition to the old adage, “Don’t make them sing in a Thai BL” have we forgotten the “Don’t make them cry rule”? Oh Gen Y, what am I going to do with you? 
This is still a dumpster fire, but worse it’s now a boring dumpster fire. So it’s like the excitement of the flames is all gone and what’s left is smoldering trash and THAT smell. 
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Episode 10 - He’s Dead, Kim 
Okay but Kimmon in a suit is a thing of beauty and joy forever. 
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Get it?
(I’ll stop now.) 
The funeral ep and still Kit isn’t letting Mark be with him and what the hell, can we all say manufactured drama? I don’t care anymore, dump Kit, he doesn’t deserve you. Especially not in that suit. 
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Meanwhile things are going hilariously wrong in the captions department but none cares because there isn’t any dialogue anyway. 
Meanwhile these two chaos monkey love muffin idiots are in a completely different series. 
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ThanuWayu did some stuff in a hotel and on a beach and hit up “this pool was made for kissing trope” (and a few others) and that was the episode. 
Honestly, I am starting to worry about Starhunter and all their upcoming projects. 
This is that bad. 
Episode 11 - It’s Doom But Only For Me, Because Guess What? EVERYONE SINGS! 
I feel like I lost patience with this show about three episodes ago. So what’s the other side of losing patience with something? I’ve gone all the way through frustration to annoyance and now what? Apathy? 
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Anygay, Wayu went through all kinds of rigmarole to get his man into bed. And then they slept. I’d say I was disappointed, but I don’t think the show can disappoint me anymore. Honestly, if anything they are just too sweet. 
And everyone is singing. 
Please make them stop. 
For me this is a true episode 11. 
I admit half the fun of a soap opera is complaining about how horrible it is. 
But Mark and Kit when they are together are very very good. Nice kiss and fun chemistry. It was a bummer the show decided to keep them apart for most of it. 
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Next week is the last installment and rumor is we are in for a Gen Y Season 3. Because, I presume, they actually want to see me lose my ever loving mind. 
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Episode 12 - Well That Was... Something
Honestly, I’m not sure how to summate this smack-wompus soap-riddled cheese-fest. 
Serious question: 
Which is worse?
To unexpectedly find cheese in your soap? 
Or to unexpectedly find soap in your cheese? 
Cheese in soap: 
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Soap in cheese:
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I guess it depends on whether you were watching Gen Y for the camp (me) or watching it for the romance.... anyone? 
I decided to do a break down of the different couples and the different shows they each thought they were acting in. 
What? I gotta entertain myself, this show sure as shit ain’t doing it. 
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What show were they actually in? A sweet romance. 
We even got a little religious element. They very cute, far too saccharine for me, and painfully domestic. And I am ready to put them safely to bed. I think we can do that safely, no matter what was implied in this episode, they not getting up to anything. Sexual attraction between these too? There is none. 
But I do declare them: sweet. 
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JackKoh AKA KohJack
What show were they actually in? A slapstick romcom. 
They figured their shit out, remained totally ridiculous children throughout. I look forward to seeing them fuck around with their next show, whatever it may be. 
I declare them: funny. 
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What show were they actually in? A high heat angsty BL. 
They finally got together but honestly why not just make these two do the Thai remake of We Best Love? It’s kinda what they were gunning for. Anyway, not long to wait for them, their next series, What Zabb Man!, starts in a red hot minute. Emphasis on hot, we hope. Well, it is set in a kitchen. 
I declare them: bankable. 
What show were they actually in? A cardboard picture book. 
I have nothing to say. I suspect in about 5 minutes I will have forgotten their entire existence. 
I declare them: boring. 
I was poking about gifs for this post and this one popped up: 
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Oh what might have been.
You know what?
Sandee was right all along. 
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Did I grin through the whole graduation sequence? 
Sure I did. 
So I guess all we have learned from this whole damn journey is that I am still a sap who will watch total trash. 
But maybe it was all worth it for this smile...
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Could we please not do this again? 
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
Watched the twitch stream w/ Jack and here are some notes
It’s interesting that Jack was supposed to be an actual character in the show and Mark still hasn’t told him who it is. I wonder if that character is supposed to be part of the noir-verse since I think that’s where Jack would fit
Watching Corridor Crew helped Mark understand VFX better. That’s really cool!
The dummy truly is the MVP
Their friendship is so cute. Mark feeling bad for not being able to watch Jack’s HDWGH Documentary because he was busy and Jack assuring him it’s alright. Awww
ISWM Premiere stories!!! He pulled out from a hat a name of someone present there and that’s how they chose where to go
As always the crew is left confused but following their oh so great leader lol
Talk about the original plan for the How Did We Get Here Tour
Mark giving Jack advice about ADHD stuff
lol Mark pavlov-ing himself with candies. Reminds me of that one Distractible episode
Work stories! Having done a job or two in my life it really is boring. My brain is always just itching to do something or else I get sleepy even if I had an ample amount that day.
Wade is the reason we got the Pokemon smash or pass video.
ADHD stories
All the Way getting a gold record.
Schmoyoho’s Space is so cool is in the show. Minor spoiler is it’s going to be more prevalent in Part 2
Guess I’m gonna relisten to the jazz music in the film noir-verse
I Don’t Want To Be Free story time. I vaguely remember the place but I do remember the part of the story where they had to memorize it in less than an hour from the AHWM explanation stream
A boar spear?!
Sheesh stories about the US seriously scare me. You guys can have weapons and firearms????
Mike the butterfly knife guy
Speaking of knives, my dream of the day was just Amy posting more pics of herself on set and one of them she was doing a cool dynamic pose like Zoro when he has his swords out but instead of swords, its knives. Followed by a cute one of just her messing on set.
TF2 mention from Mark 😭 I miss playing that game. My laptop literally plays at 10fps and lagging so much and I just had to delete it.
Having watched the amazon self defense video recently I do remember that “tactical whip”.
Jack focusing TOTM. Good on you for taking things slow this time ‘round.
I’m sorry guys but I’m more of a tea person in general. Unless its really sweet I just don’t drink it (and is it really coffee at that point?)
Charlie (moistcritikal) mention :DDDD reading the live chat reminded me there’s that unfinished business about the pole dancing challenge! Right! That was a thing! I hope they collab at some point
That 59:00 speech onwards. I want to give him a standing ovation. Maaarkkk that was super duper sweet! He truly gets it
Jack outright calling Mark a himbo. Bro, Mark’s ego is getting stroked because of you.
And it’s not alright for my heart because well, it’s like an open secret. You just don’t go saying it out loud even if we all know it. But it does make me incredibly happy. I should clip that sometime but I’m tired right now.
Mark thinking of a 2nd nudes calendar... uhh... hmm...
The boner cast bois doing a collab soon-ish? starting with Big Foot maybe??
Gosh hearing them just chatting and catching up is so nice~
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serenheist · 3 years
What Taehyung is like in a relationship/ Taehyung as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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How long does it take him to get into a relationship? & Does he prefer long or short term relationships 8 of cups, queen of swords, 10 of pentacles 9 of pentacles reversed, 4 of cups
Ffs the queen of swords always pops up. Anyway yeah I don’t see him getting into anything quickly. He could’ve in the past but I think past relationships left him drained af and feeling alienated. I think he has a shit ton of walls up and is a lot more no nonsense now. It’s probably intimidating and more blunt to others because he wants to get to the heart of why someone is trying to get with him since so many people try to pull the same shit and fuck around with him like he’s dumb. He does not settle for anything other than what he wants. If he can’t find “the one” then he legit just rather be alone. It looks like he’s now more focused on building a Legacy though and something serious and long term so he has no desire to just jump into something with anyone. He basically would wait it out and get to know them long before deciding he trusts them enough and feels comfortable enough to show his emotions and not be so aloof.
I feel like he’d be the type to not show much interest at first because he really needs to scope the person out. So the person probably wouldn’t even know he actually likes them. Actually he could be a little too jaded and bored to the point of turning away everyone even though he does want a relationship. But in his mind there’s too many people being carbon copies and trying to swindle him for his money bruh for real all of bts are having this problem like damn it keeps reoccurring. Idk why it seems like there’s people also trying to use money to get with him like they’re rich and they think he’ll just want someone loaded. Like dude he’s already rich so that doesn’t work and to him them having a ton of money means Jack shit when they have the personality of a damn rock.
Past & present love life 10 of swords, 2 of pentacles present: the hermit, 5 of wands
Past love life: welp. Do I really need to explain the 10 of swords. I think actually that he had all this past trauma and shit from relationships and even other shit he still hasn’t dealt with but there was no time to even process that because he had to get back to work and act like he was fine. I think he’s the type of person that buries himself in his career when he experiences traumatic stuff that he doesn’t want to deal with. And of course it’s easier when you’re busy 24/7 anyway. This relationship betrayed him in every way tbh but maybe it was a catalyst for better things to come though he still might not see this right now. Present: I don’t see him in a relationship now currently cause the hermit but also being a major arcana it’s like he’s really in a life stage right now where he just wants to be alone because there’s so much conflict going on and he’s feeling anxious and having all these negative pessimistic thoughts that he just needs time to himself. I don’t think he very optimistic about his love life right now he’s lost a lot of hope. Things are too chaotic elsewhere to focus on romance.
What is he like in a relationship? the chariot, ace of cup, Unicorn, fae 61, solus 13, vanth, the sun reversed, anger and chains 29, justice, 2 of swords reversed, 3 of cups reversed, avenoir 1, princess of pentacles,ta’om the poet 29, ace of swords, Thanatos
What is he like in a relationship? When he’s in a relationship he really puts all his focus on that person and will go above and beyond for them. There’s a kind of masculine and feminine balance in him in the sense that he’s ready to be the go getter and take charge but there’s also a vulnerable energy and overflowing emotions. He works hard to take care of his person and make the relationship work . The only downside is he could possibly be too smothering to his partner or come on too strongly because of past shit and maybe too clingy for some people since in a relationship he really shows his softer side and he’s not as aloof as he is to others. He loves to have little house parties with his partner and have friends and family over with a ton of food and music.
For date ideas he’s down for anything but especially something “magical” maybe literally some place like Disneyland or pagan festival like beltane? That’s specific af but there’s a medieval type of energy and nature spirits and shit, he wants to do stuff he hasn’t done before and that might even be outside his comfort zone since G. Hobyah card is all about imaginary fears and getting past them. The best qualities he has in a relationship is the ability to help his partner stand on their own 2 feet but also recognizes that you can’t do everything on your own so he’s the type of person who would go above and beyond and connect you to the right people or situations. He’s always there when his partner really needs them and will make sure to put time aside.
His worst quality is that I don’t think he knows how to express his anger in a healthy way. I think with the sun reversed next to anger and chains it’s more like he doesn’t know how to fully show it it’s kinda repressed but his emotions under the exterior are a hot mess and there’s a big need for stability. It’s like being too stubborn to admit when you mess up and petty shit cause it hurts his ego. But I don’t think it’s super bad considering the justice card I used to represent his communication style. I feel that even if he gets mad af he gets over things really quickly and one minute he’s be angry and 10 minutes later he’ll be asking you what you want for dinner like wtf.
When he likes someone he’s not going to jump in and immediately go approach them. I see him instead watching them intently from afar lol he’s very cautious and like gathering everything he can on that person. Dude’s a 1st class stalker. Jk But the thing is the person wont even know he is interested in them because he keeps a serious face as a kind of mask but on the inside he’s like a giddy kid. Ta’om is known for looking serious and thoughtful but is actually very playful and slightly mischievous. I think Taehyung is definitely one to start off as friends and slowly get to know someone rather than just start dating because he really wants to know that person well to see how real they are and if they’re just putting up a front.
He’s not attracted to new shiny things that are perfect he’s able to see the beauty in all things even in difficulty. After he’s been friends with them for awhile and knows if that person like him back, that’s when he’d actually make a move. He finds a lot of satisfaction in doing services for others until they’re completed so it makes me think his love language (giving) is acts of service but with the ace of swords is pretty obvious his Receiving love language is words of affirmation but moreso he appreciates when someone is blunt and honest and not just saying stuff to make him feel better cause then it’s just insincere.
What is his ideal type? the ageless, the star, the singer of healing 10, el shaddai, protection 26, ram, the maestro, fae 41, the sage 19, king of cups reversed, himself 17, danu, death reversed, obsession
His type: this person seems to have had some messed up stuff happen to them in their past. Even when others were horrible to them they still kept their dignity and chose to still give to others instead of give in to bitterness and despair. It’s like the Phoenix where no matter how many times they metaphorically die, they can still rise up even better than before. I think they’re able to help heal others because they’ve been through the trauma themselves but they know how to be honest and blunt without being overly mean about it. They have a kid of tough exterior though I think from years of negativity from people that’s made them strong but also a little distant from people and they need a lot of time to themselves to recharge and get away from peoples bs. Honestly this seems a lot like Taehyung too lol I think he wants someone who’s been through similar traumas.
The ram keeps calling out to me that I think this persons way of showing love is a little aggressive but that’s what Taehyung likes in someone tbh. It’s not like actually showing love it’s hard to explain. It’s more so you know when someone tries to act like sarcastic and shit to hide the fact that they like someone? Idk why it reminds me of toph from avatar the last airbender where she just punches people to show affection it’s kinda like that. Cause they’re not good at being really vulnerable. They put on this brave face and are pretty good at it to the point where you won’t notice that they’re jealous seeing you hang out with someone else. But this person is really independent like I’m not joking lmao and a go getter they don’t rely on anyone really. And don’t give a fuck who you are.
There’s 2 healing cards and honestly why is this person so similar to Taehyung lol this person is great at helping or healing others but again has to realize it’s okay to also get help for yourself. They think maybe that they’re fine on their own and they don’t like relying on others for help because people disappoint you and it’s easier to just do it yourself. But they’re really good at giving advice and are lot nicer than their exterior let’s on. Bruh the star card makes my mind keep playing that I’m gonna be a star song by twice lmao stop. I think this person actually is a star or is working up to it cause they have huge plans. This isn’t someone just wanting a mundane job I think they’re gonna go big.
Especially paired with the ram talking about they go for big dreams and huge successes. This person won’t stop until they accomplish their dreams they really don’t care what others say and will go to the extremes to get there. I see they have a lot of talents anyway but some people were like saying negative shit that their dreams are impossible but they’re learning to set boundaries with other people and it’s more of a just move in silence energy. Also usually I don’t say zodiac signs but since it’s a major arcana it might play some significance but Aquarius might be prominent in their chart (nvm I just remembered Taehyung has venus in Aquarius so duh you dumbass it wouldn’t be that out there to think he’d be drawn to Aquarius qualities).
I wonder if this person is into astrology though given all the glyphs. I think this is someone Taehyung has been trying to manifest and call in too like wishing on a star for a looooong time and maybe thought it wouldn’t come but boy does the universe have a surprise for you. They really are future oriented thinkers and know a lot about spirituality I think that a big part of who they are I really don’t think they’d be completely atheist or not care about spiritual topics. They give a lot without much thought in return and can talk about anything with openness and honesty. With Taehyung they’d teach him everything under the sun. He likes when he can share all this knowledge especially about weirder topics with someone who isn’t going to dismiss him. I see them really encouraging him to try new things and show him things he never knew were possible. They treat him like he finally belongs somewhere in the world.
This shit is kinda spooky because both the maestro guy and illbe the retriever are holding orbs/a little white ball close to them and they speak of the same thing. This person really protects Taehyungs hopes and dreams. Also they themselves obviously represent a dream that Taehyung thought was long gone and impossible. I think it can be taken literally too lol to mean that when Taehyung is being forgetful af. This person is that type of person who has your keys already when you think you lost them. They’re really the more responsible one in the relationship lmao helping him to be more organized and get his life together. The next set of cards I used to represent what his biggest turn ons are. This isn’t in a sexual way though lmao I meant the qualities he likes the most in his ideal type. Already I noticed how all the cards are facing straight ahead and looking right at you so it makes me think this person has some intense ass eye contact and looks intimidating and they got a rbf.
With the king of cups reversed I don’t think they’re actually these heartless cold bitches and that Taehyung is turned on by that because the sage card is upright and talks about the same shit but this is a person definitely who looks colder but is actually kind on the inside. He kinda likes people who look cold like that but are actually sweethearts. This person is not one of those super lovey-dovey people or uses pet names and babytalk like “my sweet baby Taehyung” whatever I think they find it very cringe. They have some trauma from when they were kids where they felt as if they aren’t allowed to act very emotional because people will think they’re weak and take advantage of them (this is just their beliefs about themselves) they instead act very macho or tough again lol like Toph from ATLA idk why I keep thinking of her but there’s like a kinda tomboy energy but they’re really not heartless they just need the right person to feel comfortable around and need to work on opening up emotionally.
There’s so much masculine and yang energy but then at the end you see this motherhood figure so it again really makes me think it’s a front and this person is so nurturing and that’s what really draw Taehyung to them. He loves the most that this person knows so much about the most random things and esoteric topics. They value tradition and stability but they also understand the need for growth and change they’re the perfect balance. Communication is really a big thing for Taehyung it’s a reoccurring theme in this. Someone who is very good at communicating and are action oriented. They say what they mean and mean what they say. It’s very important that they are their own unique individual self and have their own goals and skills and hobbies.
This person is probably a powerful manifester too and sets their intentions and goes after them. They have so much power and confidence also with the himself card they could be a dancer or love dance since he’s a dancer faerie they’re very much into creative shit. They seem very natural and not the type who got work done or wears too much makeup idk there’s like a wild energy lol like this bitch is from the damn forest. If someone attacked Taehyung this person would literally drop kick someone even if the person was bigger than them. Danu card is always protective and nurturing but ferocious if you mess with their person. Like “idc what you do to me but if you touch my guy I’ll end you”.
Now onto what Taehyung’s biggest turn offs in general are: death reversed and obsessed card lol oh god bro I am fucking done. His biggest turn off is when someone makes him the center of their universe. I mean this in the extreme way like “omg you’re my one and only we’re meant to be I think about you 5000 times a day and have an entire closet with all your pictures and I document your entire life” 👀 and he’s like uhh can you get a damn hobby? (That doesn’t involve me) Cause imagine someone’s entire life revolves around you. It’s sweet at first I guess? Lmaoo then it’s just creepy and like they have no life or personality without you. Death reversed is like something is plaguing you and following you around, pestering and annoying you. He must’ve experienced this shit irl lmao if it’s this strong with a major arcana to come up as a turn off. Cause major arcana are big ass life lessons. Like they thought he wouldn’t know they were secretly obsessed with his ass and used other people like his friends to get closer to him but I’m telling you Taehyungs intuition is something else and he always knows when people are some obsessed crazies. This is exactly why he’s so cautious now because of bs like that he can’t trust anyone. Like please stop acting like Jodi Arias and have some self respect.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Love Song; Corbyn Besson
description: yeah just some good ol’ friends to lovers 😋
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Your face clenched up as the nurse swabbed your nose. The urge to sneeze came over when she tugged it out, and you quickly pulled up your mask. After a round of watery eyes and the oddest facial expression, the sneeze subsided.
“Thank you,” you told her, a laugh dancing at the edge of you tone.
Her eyes crinkled, showing the smile beneath her mask. “You’re welcome. It’ll just be a minute.”
You stood from the chair, plopping down beside Zach on the couch. He was playing on his phone, but looked up when he noticed your presence.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” He watched your hand rub at your nose over the mask.
“Uh, yeah,” you chuckled.
Zach went back to his phone and you unlocked your own, crossing a leg over the other. Soon, his name was called and he snapped off his mask. Negative.
Daniel replaced Zach in the seat beside you. You bid him hello and he said, “Hey. How are you today?”
“Was doing fine before I had to have a stick in my nose,” you giggled.
Daniel laughed as well. “Yeah, but whatever we have to do to get to celebrate.”
“New normal,” you nodded.
“Y/N!” The other nurse called out from her clipboard.
You flashed your eyebrows at Daniel and stood from the couch. Slipping your phone into your butt pocket, you walked over to the table.
“You are negative, my dear. We’re having everyone who has already been tested to stay in the kitchen.”
You took the packet of your information from the nurse, thanked them again, and joined Zach, Corbyn, and Christian in the kitchen. You slipped the pink mask in your jean jacket pocket as you took the empty bar stool next to Christian.
“Hey, guys,” you greeted.
Corbyn perked up at the sound of your voice, peaking up from his phone. He was directly across from you, leaning his chin against the ball of his palm. You glanced around at the boys, meeting his eyes over the top of his phone.
“Hey, Y/N, when did you get here?” Christian spoke, drawing your eyes away from Corbyn.
You cleared your throat and folded your hands in your lap. They were clammy now, budding heat throughout your face. His eyes.
“Like ten minutes ago. I said I was here in the group chat,” you reminded Christian.
He shrugged, “I don’t really pay attention.”
“Rip,” you laughed.
Zach and Christian went back to their conversation about the album, the only valid topic of interest for the night ahead.
You glanced back over at Corbyn, who had shifted so he could pretend like he hadn’t blushed at your presence. You sat there for a moment, contemplating saying anything at all. Ultimately you settled on tugging out your phone again.
You leaned on the counter, scrolling through people’s Instagram stories. You swiped past Why Don’t We’s shared page and fell on Corbyn’s. It was a selfie, one he took mere moments before you sat down. You flushed red, eyes gently lifting to take in how he looked right now.
His eyes.
You forced an awkward smile at the awkward eye contact, feeling...awkward.
You looked back down at your phone. It seems everyone of the boy’s friends and family members had posted about the album. Except you. You felt slightly guilty, voicing your concerns to the boys before you. Jonah and Daniel had since joined you guys in the kitchen, talking with Christian and Zach.
“No worries, Y/N. I mean, you’re here,” Jonah shrugged it off.
Zach added, “Yeah, but if you wanna post something go ahead.
“Why don’t we just take a selfie or something?” Daniel suggested, tipping his water bottle towards the phone in your hand.
“Oh, yeah. That’s good. I know it doesn’t matter, but I really want you guys to get number 1 on the charts,” you grinned sheepishly.
Jack appeared beside you, slinging on arm around your shoulder. You noticed Corbyn shift again, gulping and eyeing Jack’s arm.
“Oh, we will, Y/N, we will,” he winked at you.
You laughed loudly at his expression. “I believe in you, Jack Avery.”
He squeezed your shoulder. Everybody moved to stand around you, Corbyn ending up too far away. You tried to see where it was he was standing, just because you felt comfortable being able to see him, seeing you. But you couldn’t.
You were attempting to hold the phone out far enough to get everyone in frame, but your arm wasn’t long enough. Everybody laughed at your struggle. Jonah took the phone from you and angled it at the group. He snapped the photo and everyone dispersed.
Jonah ended up in the seat across from you, Zach next to him where he had been. Daniel, Jack, and Christian decided to start pouring drinks, since it was nearing 11 pm. Corbyn stood there for a minute, contemplating running off the edge of the world.
He settled in the seat beside you which drew your attention from your phone. You had been captioning the Instagram post, struggling to come up with something interesting.
“Hey, Corbyn,” you weakly smiled.
He smiled. “Hey.” His voice made your knees weak.
You flashed the screen at him, pushing down the red blush willing itself to paint your face. “What do you think I should caption it?”
“I don’t know,” he let out a breathy laugh, “uh, maybe a joke. Like, track 4 was written about me.”
You shared a laugh with him, happy nothing felt stuffed of weird energy for even a mere few minutes of conversation.
“That would be really funny, but probably cause some drama. How about, like, ‘dibs on Love Song?’ Because I genuinely feel like that ones gonna be so good.”
Corbyn gulped, “I wrote that one with Daniel.”
“Oh,” you breathed. “Then, I call it.”
Red cheeks all around.
You quickly posted it. Soon, the room was engulfed with music, the 3 singles the boys had released filling the air. There was a single camera on the band, standing around the kitchen island you had once been sitting at.
You stood to the side with Anna and Kay, a glass of champagne in your hand. You had since abandoned your Jean jacket, revealing the flowery, thin strapped corset that left your midrif out in the open. You felt really hot, be it because of the outfit, your sparse interactions with Corbyn, or the alcohol beginning to take hold of your bones.
See, there was something there with Corbyn, something nobody really even knew about. In fact, you didn’t even know if Corbyn himself remembered.
You had been good friends with the entire band since they moved to LA, attending concerts when you weren’t in school and hanging out constantly. Of course, as any pathetic pining story went, you’d been in love with Corbyn since you’d met him, but his heart had always belonged to Christina.
When you discovered they broke up, you felt elated for half a second. Then, he called you in tears.
“I know we’re not expectionally close, but I need somebody. The guys, they just don’t understand.l
Since that moment, you guys had been attached at the hip. Quarantine had been boring at first, terrifying, even. But, then you’d begun to spend every waking moment with Corbyn. You were the one who suggested he dye his hair black, had helped him do it. you’d gone with him when the tattoo shops opened again and helped him pick which one looked best. You’d helped them move into their new house, helped Corbyn decorate his new space. Hell, you’d even suggested a song lyric or two when laying on Corbyn’s bed, listening to him across the room on his guitar.
And then, on your birthday a few months ago, you had gotten exceptionally drunk to drown the sorrows of lusting after your best friend. When the clock struck midnight, Corbyn had already hauled down a taxi from the bar, slung your arm around his neck, cradling your waist as he tried to get you inside.
Out of nowhere, the sky began pouring buckets of rain. You fell against his chest, laughing hysterically at the ironically cliche moment. Corbyn somehow nuzzled his nose into your neck, giggling along with your drunken haze.
You pulled back gently, the closeness emitting a fierce confidence in your gut which enabled you to lean up and kiss him. He kissed you back, but when he remembered how drunk you were, he tugged away.
“I can’t do this,” he urged, but you mistook his respect for consent as rejection.
You mumbled, “But I’m in love with you.”
You didn’t remember for a few days after, what had happened that night. All you knew was you had woken up in Corbyn’s bed, his clothes on you, a headache in your head, and your dress soaking wet over the bathtub.
Then, a few days later, when you were perched on Corbyn’s bed, watching an episode of Big Mouth, he made a joke about how, “in love you are with,” him. Your eyes widened, breath hitched, and a memory pulled itself from your brain. You suddenly stood up, his arm dropping to the comforter since it had been around your shoulders.
You made some excuse about homework, though you both knew you had finished your finals the night prior. Since then, neither of you had really spoken at all.
You clenched the champagne glass between your fingers, turning them white from frustration. You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning towards Anna.
“Everything okay?” She glanced between your eyes, noticing the tears welled up there.
You sniffled and blinked the tears away. One dribbled down your cheek. You quickly wiped it away. Anna’s bottom lip jutted out in a pitiful expression and she pulled you into a hug. You wanted to collapse into her, sobbing your way through the album’s release. But, you squeezed your face shut and grabbed the composure that was running away from you.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you tugged back and set your glass on the table beside you. You quickly strode to the bathroom, shutting it behind you.
You wiped under your eyes with a wet cloth, salvaging your eye makeup. Your eyes were still red, though, red and pupils blown up in a sad countenance.
There was a knock on the door and you tensed up. Daniel’s voice came from the other side of the door, soft and sweet.
“Y/N? Can I come in?”
You already knew he had seen you crying on Anna, and probably watched you storm away as quietly as one could when they were this upset. You were taking him away from his night and that made you feel just horrible.
“Yeah,” your voice was weak.
Daniel gently opened the door. He didn’t try to hug you or tell it was going to be okay. Instead, he cradled your face in his head, pushing the hair back from your cheeks.
“I know. You don’t have to explain or try to push me away. I just know. All I can give is the fact that we wrote these songs about our lives. These songs are personal.”
You met his eyes, swimming in the undemanding answers he was laying in front of you. “What do you mean?”
He gave a warm smile, “Corbyn got really good at songwriting. Just listen.”
You hugged Daniel quickly before shutting off the light. He slung his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the kitchen. Everyone counted down for midnight and soon enough, the new songs were blasting through the kitchen.
You anticipated Love Song through the entirety of Be Myself, barely paying any attention to the song that you knew Daniel wrote exclusively by himself. Soon, Daniel’s voice was dancing through the speakers in an upbeat rhythm, singing the literal love song.
Right after, Corbyn’s voice came again.
“You came out of nowhere like a hurricane.”
You perked up, holding yourself together with your arms. Daniel caught your eyes and nodded firmly. Your eyes flickered across the room and met Corbyn‘s. He’d been watching you for a while, you settled. Though his band mates and friends were dancing around the kitchen, he was solemnly drinking his own champagne. His hair was damp from the bottle Jonah had cracked open at midnight.
“Pulled me in and kissed me in the rain. And I fell for you.”
Your breath caught in your throat. You found his eyes again, your face bright red. An overwhelming grin came over you. Corbyn smiled in response, a dry chuckle shaking his shoulders. He shook his head, finally relieved.
You set down your glass again, tapping Anna on the shoulder. “I’ll be back, k?”
She squeezed your shoulder again, still feeling sympathetic. You looked to Corbyn and nodded towards the back door.
You slipped outside, taking a seat on one of the pool chairs. It was dark outside, only the light from the kitchen washing through the glass sliding doors.
You heard the doors open and close again, looking up from your shoes. You stood up, breathing in deeply. Corbyn stopped in front of you, fingers squeezing each other.
You nervously smiled up at him. “So...” you ached, “so, um, I guess I really did call track 4.”
Corbyn laughed, his hands coming around to your back. He pushed you into his chest, yours going up around his neck.
“Yeah,” his face drew back, “and it was about you.”
You grinned, pursing your lips to try and push it down. But, you were tired of pushing it all down, so you let your lips widen before landing themselves on Corbyn’s.
“You could be the one, girl you’re driving me crazy.”
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avilexce · 3 years
hi hello! can you write danganronpa 2 girls cuddling hcs? thank you so much!
of course, love!
there are spoilers for the trial of chapter 2 (in pekos hcs)
mikan tsumiki
she would be flustered the whole entire time i swear
she would be the little spoon and she would always ask if your comfortable
“a-are you sure you wanna c-cuddle with me?”
she’s so cute
she would be so happy if you told her you love her
please please PLEASE tell her how much you mean to her
mikan wouldn’t talk very much.. but she loves hearing you talk while you two cuddle!! it comforts her ^o^
if you ever offer to cuddle with her after hiyoko had been pretty harsh on her that day
she’ll get so flustered
please tell her you care about her and that you don’t mind cuddling with her
hiyoko saionji
okay so hiyoko trusts you as much as she trusts mahiru!!
so she is very uh... clingy?? not clingy but... clingy
she likes cuddling with you after a dance show/competition
she likes being the little spoon
i wouldn’t say she gets super flustered like mikan.. she would definitely get a bit flustered tho!
she loves cuddling after taking a shower/bath, idk why but she just does...
if you guys are cuddling face to face she’ll wear her hair down
ibuki mioda
she can’t do it very long if it’s during the day, since she’s pretty energetic
but if it’s at night she can cuddle for however long you want!!
she likes face to face cuddling...
if you’re taller than her, she likes resting her head on your chest
if you’re shorter, she likes to when you rest your head on her chest
BUT if you guys decide to spoon while you cuddle she likes being the big spoon! it makes her feel as if she’s protecting you
again, if it’s during the day she’s pretty loud.. make sure her mouth isn’t near your ears...
if it’s at night she usually talks in a softer voice, but it’s still sorta loud
she definitely brags about it the next day
she loves you so much
if she’s feeling playful she’ll tickle you a bit if it’s not too late
sonia nevermind
sonia is so sweet pls
after you two cuddle for the first time, she would love to do it again!
but she most likely wouldn’t cuddle with you when in public, because she’s the ultimate princess and there are definitely some jealous fans that would fight for her
she loves cuddling after a long day of being a princess
imagine sonia becoming queen of her kingdom...
so we all know about her obsession with serial killers, right?
if you’re scared of them she’ll tell you about the not so scary ones, or the ones that are locked up so you don’t get scared!
if you’re not scared of them then she’ll tell you about the ones that haven’t been locked up!! like genocide jack, etc.
she doesn’t mind being the big or little spoon, but if kazuichi was a bit more weird towards her than normal please let her be the little spoon
she prefers to cuddle face to face tho, mainly because she likes being able to see your face!
overall sonia is a great gf who loves cuddling with you
akane owari
akane bae...
she’s not the biggest fan of cuddling? just bc she prefers to train in that time
she’s fine with cuddling if it’s late at night!! but she isn’t the biggest fan of cuddling during the day
but there are some occasions where she will cuddle with you during daytime... like if she was training with nekomaru and he was really rough on her
she’s the big spoon if you two are spooning
if your cuddling face to she likes to talk to you about random things.. like her love for food!!
also she will want to watch while you two cuddle, keep that in mind.
like ibuki, she’s very energetic, and so she usually can’t cuddle very long during the day
if your shorter than her expect head pats a lot
mahiru koizumi
mahiru loves cuddling sm omg
she prefers face to face cuddling!!
but if you two are spooning she’ll probably end up being the big spoon
if you guys are cuddling face to face, she loves leaving kisses on the top of your head
if you guys are spooning, she’ll hold one of your hands
if you fall asleep while cuddling, she might get out of bed and take a photo of you
when you wake up, she’ll ask you if you’re okay with her keeping the photo
if not, she won’t do it again and she’ll throw it away
i feel like the only person mahiru would be okay with seeing you guys cuddle would be hiyoko
obviously if the class is having a sleepover or something then mahiru is okay with it, if you two are about to go to bed
chiaki nanami
i personally think chiaki would love cuddling!!
especially since she stays up late playing video games, you cuddling with her is a bit of a reminder she needs to sleep!
you’re probably gonna have to be the big spoon most of the time, because she’ll usually be playing video games
she will put them down... eventually to talk to you though!
personally i think she would only cuddle with you face to face if she wasn’t playing video games, and if she was sleepy from playing them all day
she usually cuddles at night with you, because that’s when she’s a bit more tired
and that’s also when she decides to stop playing video games for a bit so you two could sleep
she loves it when you play with her hair when she’s about to fall asleep
she prefers to have music on while you two cuddle, but no music is fine too!
she would probably rant to you about the game she’s playing
ugh shes so sweet i love her sm
peko pekoyama
peko is touch starved. there’s no doubt in my mind she’s not
naturally she’s going to be the big spoon, since she’s the ultimate swordsman and stuff...
and cause shes hot
we all know that she wears braids...
and she likes it when you take out her braids while cuddling
she does like cuddling face to face!!
if you are cuddling face to face and you want to sleep, she’ll put you’re head in her chest, doesn’t matter your height
obviously she doesn’t have much time to cuddle bc yk.. fuyuhiko and stuff
but fuyuhiko secretly loves your relationship with her and is happy that she found someone she loves
so he will let her take off a bit of time to spend time with you... even if that time is cuddling
obviously she won’t cuddle with you in front of others... maybe fuyuhiko? but if it’s anyone besides that she won’t
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e14 good intentions (w. meredith glynn)
well that was a little bit of the old spn spark for a second there, with the hallucination/vision/whatever hot!zachariah was giving jack. very sweet and sad. something about the sound design and the dialogue.. of the offscreen voices of sam and dean, it had sort of a... theater feel to it? (watching with headphones and maybe a little bit high so, grain of salt) plus just the very... childlike wish fulfillment of kiddo with absent parents.
DEAN You know what? We made it, though. You, me and the kid. Finally under one roof. SAM And you know what, honestly, it doesn’t matter where he’s been. I’m just glad Jack’s back. DEAN Right, home safe. Where he belongs.
like 💔 i didn't realize they really went with this nuclear family thing straight out
also when the fake fire is happening sam and dean sound about as distressed (maybe more?) as you'll ever hear them in this show and that was distressing even knowing it couldn't be real
ZACHARIAH Yes. And not just a single one-way ticket like the prophet’s spell. This boy, he can open a rift big enough to march an army through. He has so much power. We just… have to make him use it. MICHAEL Then make him.
ok but like. why doesn't michael make his own army of nephilim? he's an archangel still right? what am i missing
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i'm sorry donatello but all i can think is
the zachariah!cas sending the images of destroying the environment and wars etc to jack for proof of why humans are bad, reminds me of the fifth element?? i think? leeloo discovering all the bad parts of humanity? and then i think only will save the world? by the power of human love from bruce willis??? lol i've seen that movie a ton but it's been a long ass time
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captions staying on for this screenshot 😂
this random fight scene with these random figures from the bible. and donatello being twitchy and obvious as fuck that he's clearly up to something. demon tablet not to be ingested while soulless and under asmodeus's influence?
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donatello choking out dean from a distance and laughing like a loon, all righty
so now mary gets the catharsis of hearing from an unbiased source that her demon deal is what ultimately saved the world
bro. there's some bizarro music going on during this fight over donatello being soulless what is HAPPENING. jay gruska, is that you? (of course it is). ugh, if only i wasn't committed to keeping that earlier video clip 😞 (fine it's so goofy i'm adding an mp3 of it) it's tonally a mismatch to the vibe onscreen and is just super random. the horns that come in... lol. anyway.
but we're escalating up to cas whatever, trying to torture it out of him?
SAM Our plan, Dean. The spell, get mom back. Donatello’s soul is gone. That’s not just something you come back from. DEAN You did. SAM Yeah, because you convinced Death to get my soul back from the cage, but Amara ate Donatello’s soul. There’s nothing to get back. It’s gone. CASTIEL And Donatello’s already corrupted. I… perhaps the kindest thing to do would be to end his suffering. SAM What? CASTIEL I don’t like it either. But if Donatello’s life ends, then another prophet comes into being and they can finish the translation. DEAN So what, you just wanna kill him? SAM No! No killing! We just need the spell.
interesting how frantic padalecki is going with this. terrified the Plan is being wrecked yet again
CASTIEL I am going to do something that I promised I would never do to a human being without their permission. I’m gonna strip the spell from your mind. DONATELLO You—you—you—you can’t. I—I’ve absorbed too much power. Y-y-you’ll fry us both! CASTIEL I might. DONATELLO Ardeat intus— CASTIEL I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let you or anyone hurt the people I love. Not again.
well then. cas saving them from the moral quandary again. like killing billie for them
i don't even know what to say about this apocalypse world business with bobby, mary and jack. jack's just. poppin angels, ready to throw down with michael
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SAM Well… guess you could say Donatello is alive. CASTIEL You told me not to kill him. DEAN Yeah, but, Cas, you turned him into… he’s brain dead. Machines keeping him breathing. What’s wrong with you? CASTIEL Nothing. SAM Cas— CASTIEL His soul was gone. He was corrupted. He was a danger to himself and to you and to all of humanity. Did you know that he was working with Asmodeus? SAM What? No. CASTIEL Not by choice, but he was. Some people just can’t be saved. DEAN Yeah, but who gets to make that choice? You? What exactly gives you the right? CASTIEL Nothing. I took it. And if I hadn’t acted, we would still be sitting around and talking about what to do next. We would be wasting time. And it’s time we don’t have, Dean. I told you, war is coming. War. And I did what soldiers do. Now we needed the spell to open the rift, and I got it. We need four major ingredients: the grace of an archangel… a fruit from the Tree of Life… the Seal of Solomon… and the blood of “a most holy man.” We find those things, we can bring everybody home. And together, we can beat Lucifer and Michael. This is the only way we win, and this is the only way we survive. It’s like you said, Dean. Whatever it takes.
i mean, surely sam and dean have made these kinds of decisions time and time again. especially when the "whatever it takes" is saving each other. but now cas can take the responsibility/blame for doing the ends justify the means thing
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
Blurb idea! Okay so I wear alot of goth and punk clothing and I just love the idea of opposites attract pairings so like maybe a goth/punk/alternative reader with Alex? Like they meet at the bar on open mic night while she's preforming and he's like whoa she's so cool! But so out of my league💀 and he thinks he'll never get a chance and all of a sudden the reader comes up and is like hey you're cute wanna hang? And he is baffled lol
opposites attract || alex kerner x fem!alternative!reader
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gif credit to @/lovecafes
summary: while singing at an open mic night in the bar, you catch the attention of someone least expected
pairing: alex kerner x fem!alternative!reader
word count: 2,313
warnings: drinking (alex and reader), alex being incredibly awkward, reader loving it and teasing him
a/n: hope you like this one!!! i thought this was an incredibly sweet idea - i imagine reader is singing something from the cranberries, like zombie or linger - this is also set a couple years after the events of goodbye, lenin! - i'd say in mid 90s
The last act had just left the stage when the host jumped on the stage, grinning out at the audience who continued to hoot and holler. It was open mic night down at the local bar, The Sour Apple, and for a last minute event, a lot of people turned out. The Sour Apple wasn’t your usual hangout. Typically you were in the basement smoking pot with the rest of your friends, or performing in backyards with your band - but you wanted a new change of scenery that night, and you thought - hell, an open mic might be fun.
You had invited a few of your friends and bandmates, hoping that maybe you’d be able to perform some of your new songs to test the crowd and see if they were feeling it or not. Only a couple of your friends showed, but the whole band came out and you were pleased. It took quite a bit of convincing, especially for your drummer, Reed, to tag along since apparently he had a bad history with The Sour Apple.
Not only that, but you all stook out like a sore thumb. Leather, studded belts, platform boots, multicolored teased hair, heavy makeup - you weren’t fazed by the stares you received when you walked in, all typical reactions when you went into a new place. Maybe that’s why you stuck to the typical spots, to avoid the judgement. It wasn’t like you cared, but it did get tiring after so long - feeling the stares on the back of your head while you just tried to enjoy life.
“Okay everyone, last call for anyone who wants to get up and participate in open mic!” The bar fell silent into hushed whispers, looking around to see if anyone else wanted to get up on stage. “Any takers? Come on now, don’t be shy!”
Turning towards the rest of your bandmates that were seated along the bar, you grinned their way before the bassist, Lee, shot up - beer spilling from the cup as you gained the host’s attention.
“Right here! We’ll come up!” He exclaimed, stepping off the barstool he was propped on and onto the main bar floor, turning and holding up his hand towards the bartender, “Five shots of jäger my good man!”
While the bartender poured out five shots, the rest of the band groaned, wishing that Lee hadn’t been the one to pick the shot. He was the only one to like the taste of the thick licorice. You only wished it was something more easy, like fireball or hell - Jack Daniel’s would suffice. But you braved the shot, clinking glasses with the rest of them before dumping your head back and letting the warm shot run down your throat.
You held in your gag as you sat the glass down, being pulled now by the guitarist, Winny, through the crowd and up onto the stage. As the singer, you took center stage, the spotlight blinding you as you held your hand up to block the light while you adjusted the mic stand, the rest of your band getting set up behind you.
“Hey everyone! We’re the Toxic Cats and we’ll be singing-” You stopped short, what were you going to sing? Turning around, you glanced towards Lee who shrugged before the other side at Winny who came up to the mic.
“You all know the Cranberries! How about their new song that just came out! You all liked that?” When the crowd erupted in cheers, you smiled weakly, looking at Winny who winked your way, “Looks like we got our song. Go kill 'em, Tiger.”
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
“You gonna sing tonight, Alex?” Denis teased from his spot at the bar, downing the rest of his pint while he glanced over at Alex who was facing the stage, shaking his head. “I heard you got a real pretty voice.”
“Well whoever told you that is lying. Don’t think anyone wants to hear me sing. Sound like a rat stuck in a trap.” He explained, lifting his own pint up to take a drink from. He sighed and leaned back against the bar, blinking slowly as he watched the last act get off the stage before the host jumped on. Shaking his head, Alex exhaled slowly, turning back to face the bar.
As he turned, he caught the laughs that came from the other end of the bar. The group of alternative folks catching his attention. He didn’t mean to stare, but they were just so...different. They weren’t the typical crowd that hung around The Sour Apple, and it surely didn’t go unnoticed.
“Weird folk they are,” Turning, Alex furrowed his eyebrows at Denis who was drinking a new pint now, glancing at Alex, “They’re in a band...not a big fan of their music, but they’re pretty popular I’d say. I’ve seen a couple of their shows. Always doing something with fire or chanting in another language. Gives me the heeby jeebies.”
“I think you’re drunk, Denis.” Alex noted, rolling his eyes as Denis waved him off, insisting that he wasn’t while sloppily sipping from his pint. His attention fell back towards the end of the bar, towards the band as they now took shots before heading up onto the stage.
Through the crowd, Alex only noticed the red hair on you. It reminded him of a Coca Cola can - maybe that wasn’t the best comparison, but it’s what he thought! His posture returned to his original spot, leaning against the bar while facing the stage where you now stood center stage at. While your teased dyed red hair stood out the most, he also noticed your outfit, which surprisingly impressed him.
Starting at your feet, he noticed the high platform boots - you were probably taller than him in them. Alex also noticed the ripped tights, wondering if they came that way or if you did that yourself, under the black skirt that was tattered. You were wearing a band tee of some sorts, not recognizing the band. He had seen alternative girls before, but never once did he look at them the way he looked at you. You were pretty and Alex was awed by your mystery.
When you finally began to sing though, the familiar tune of the Cranberries, Zombie, harmonizing through the bar, his lips turned into a smile, straightening up to really be intune with the song. He had heard it a thousand times, but your cover, hearing it from you - it was more haunting and beautiful than anytime he heard it on the radio.
Alex felt hypnotized to your voice, leaning forward with his mouth gaped open as he listened, gaze remained fixed on you as you swayed on the mic or leaned against one of the other band members. He hadn’t even realized it was over until Denis shoved him, his attention snapping towards him.
“Jesus man, you’re drooling!”
His cheeks went hot, face red as Alex reached his hand up to his mouth, wiping away the drool with the back of his hand before turning back towards the bar, doing his best to ignore Denis who was laughing and in a drunk fit.
“Oh man, you got the hots for her don’t you? The singer! Man, I don’t think I would have ever taken you as the type,” Denis watched as the band made their way back towards their spot at the bar, high-fiving those in the crowd as they passed by them. When you were settled back in your seat, Denis stood up and grabbed the back of Alex’s jacket, pulling him up and with him towards the end of the bar, “Come on, go introduce yourself!”
Before Alex could protest, Denis shoved him towards you, stumbling forward and knocking into you. You turned around, ready to yell at whoever had knocked into you and made you spill your beer before your gaze softened, seeing Alex cowering.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, it’s fine...relax,” You let out a weak laugh and turned towards him, placing your now empty pint on the counter, “I’m a little disappointed though, someone just bought me that. I didn’t even get the chance to drink it.”
Alex smiled back at you, staring at you for a little too long before he knocked himself out of his trance, turning towards the bartender and holding up his hand.
“Two pints please!”
It didn’t take long for the bartender to fill up two new pints for the both of you. Scooting them forward while Alex picked up his, you picking up your own. You clinked your glass against his before taking a drink, setting your glass back down with a sigh.
“I don’t think I caught your name,” You introduced yourself and leaned forward, your right index finger swirling around the rim of the glass, “I’d like to thank the cutie who bought me my drink.” You sent a wink his way and grinned, seeing him look down briefly as his cheeks went pink.
“Alex, I’m Alex!” He introduced, sitting down finally on the barstool beside you. When you called him a cutie, his chest tightened, feeling flustered as he tried to think of what to say next.
“My favorite color is red!” He blurted, “How do you get your hair so big?”
Alex cringed at his question, closing his eyes and mentally slapping himself in the face. He was sure at that point he had lost all chance of impressing you, and he hadn’t even been talking with you for more than two minutes. But when you laughed and didn’t throw your drink in his face, he opened his eyes and smiled weakly.
“Lots of hairspray and teasing. Unfortunately I’m not the most eco-friendly with this hairstyle. Mother Earth is probably taking her revenge with all my split ends.” He let out a laugh at your joke, glancing at the guitarist of the band who turned in her stool, leaning forward.
“Or maybe it’s because you’ve just fried your hair. I’m telling you, you should just let it go natural.” You waved off Winny and nudged her back, your attention keeping fixed on Alex.
“So, Alex, did you just want to come over and ask me about my hair?” You took another drink from your pint, your gaze fixed on him as you watched him get flustered again, trying to think of the words to say. “You know, guys like you don’t usually go for girls like me. Did your buddy set you up for this?”
It had happened plenty of times. Pretty boys always got a kick out of embarrassing the alternative girl. You wouldn’t be hurt if this was what was going on, but you would be pissed to have your time be wasted. To your surprise though, Alex seemed to be different.
“No! I mean, well he pushed me over here, but not like that,” He rushed, leaning forward slightly in his stool, as if ready to catch you if you tried to turn away. “Your singing, I’ve never heard you guys before. You sound great! God, part of me was thinking that you sounded better than the Cranberries-”
“Better than the Cranberries? Now you’re just pulling my tail,” It was your turn to blush, cheeks red as you waved him off while he continued to praise you, his hand falling to your knee. You looked down briefly at his hand, smiling before back up at him, “Well, maybe you should come see one of our shows? I’ll get you a front row seat on the best couch in the basement.”
The best couch in the basement. Why did he have a feeling that this wasn’t something he had experienced before. He watched as you pulled a napkin from the bar, digging into your coat pocket before pulling out a pen, scribbing your number down before handing it over to him.
“Here’s the house number. If you call just ask for me, I’m usually around.” You looked up at him and smiled, opening your mouth to say another thing before hearing your bandmates call you for you behind, insisting that it was time to go. Frowning, you grabbed your coat and stood up, towering over him in your platform boots.
Your gaze kept on Alex who stared at the napkin, his smile stained on his face as he ran his thumb across the number. He looked cute, innocent, pure. All things you weren’t used to. When you heard Reed calling for you name, you nodded and waved them off before resting your free hand on Alex’s shoulder, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
But before he could answer, you were already turned and heading out of the bar, catching up to the rest of your bandmates who were climbing into the taxi to head back home. Standing up, Alex held the napkin in his hand, staring at the dark doorway that led outside of the bar. Of course he was happy, but damn - did you have to leave so quick?
Turning, Alex tucked the napkin neatly into his own jacket, making sure it was secured before making his way back to Denis, sitting back in his original spot. When Alex settled back in, he turned and looked at Denis who was laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
Without saying a word, Denis motioned towards his own cheek, signaling for Alex to check his face. He reached his hand up and swiped at his cheek, noticing that your black lipstick had made it’s way onto his skin. He smiled to himself, feeling giddy inside before cleaning the rest off.
“So I take it went well?” Denis asked, leaning closer towards Alex. Smiling, Alex nodded and took a final sip from his pint.
“It went great, now come on, let’s get you home.”
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: ii
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 1   ||   chapter 3   ||   chapter 4
word count: ~3k
You and Hawks’s second meeting.
warnings: mutual pining, shy reader-ish, ooc hawks, the fun stuff, fluff ; ) 
You didn’t hear anything from Hawks for the next few days. 
It was a fleeting disappointment, but you took his lack of contact as truth and reality. Some big shot, pro-hero wasn’t going to waste time texting a no-name, nobody barista, no matter how mutually flirty of an interaction was shared. 
Prior to actually meeting Hawks, you had seen the tabloids that his name spilled over. Shady stories of midnight rendezvous with models and celebrities, sultry pictures of his own on magazines at grocery store checkouts were a lot of your knowledge of him. He was a very eligible and active bachelor, everyone knew it. 
You reminded yourself that you didn’t mean shit to him, and moved on.
Until about a week from your first meeting, late into the evening, your phone buzzed.
You thought it was one of the team from the teashop, asking another question about a new blend you had made. 
Your eyes widened at the text that you did see:
 [unknown number]: hey angel ;) do you work tomorrow? it’s supposed to be a cold one and i’d love to try another one of your drinks
 You stared at your phone screen for a moment, mouth going dry before typing out a reply. 
 [you]: is this hawks?
 The next reply came only seconds later.
 [unknown number]: the one and only ;))))
  He... actually texted me?
Holy shit.
Another message came in. 
 [unknown number]: don’t tell me you go handing out your number to folks at work all the time :^( you’re gonna hurt my :^((( feelings :^((((
 You deadpanned at Hawks’s texts. 
You couldn’t believe the number two, pro hero texted like a normal twenty-some year old.
It was endearing, if not at the very least comforting.
 [you]: nah, just you tailfeathers 😉
[you]: i work tomorrow morning, opening shift. 6 am. think you can handle it???
 You giggled at your own texts, unable to hold back when you saw Hawks continuing to type. You quickly typed in a contact name.
 [tailfeathers]: E
[tailfeathers]: Z
[tailfeathers]: i’ll be there bright and early ;)
 Part of you, the rational, realistic part, doubted that. Sure, Hawks had texted you, but he wouldn’t actually show, right? He was a busy, busy man. He’d probably get sidetracked.
Don’t get your hopes up. 
 You tried to remain practical.
But, you also liked pushing your luck.
 [you]: see u then!!
[you]: btw your contact name is ‘tailfeathers’ 
[you]: ;)
 [tailfeathers]: what if i told you yours is ‘barista angel’
 [you]: i’d ask if you saw my name on that conveniently small piece of paper i gave you
 [tailfeathers]: i would say yes
[tailfeathers]: but idk angel seems like a more proper title for u 
You felt your still and heat rush to your face. 
He can’t be flirting with you over text. What the FUCK.
 [tailfeathers]: only angels can make coffee as well as u 😇
 “What a bastard,” You shook your head, sighing. Part of you was glad he made it more clear your identity was tied to coffee and not affections. 
 [you]: u flatter me
 [tailfeathers]: i only speak the truth ;)
 You bit your lip as you typed out the next reply, well aware that the evening sky had darkened and you needed an adequate amount of sleep to actually make it to that morning shift. 
 [you]: i’m about to knock out so i can actually be alive for my shift, but i’ll see you tomorrow bird boy
 Hawks’s replied quickly as seemed to be a trend with him. 
 [tailfeathers]: bird boy!!!!! 
[tailfeathers]: i’m moving up in the world
[tailfeathers]: see u then angel 
 As you got ready for bed, going about your mundane routine and preparing the coming day, you had no idea that Keigo was across the city, cradling his phone to his chest with a wobbling smile on his face, a foreign sensation filling his chest. 
He was very excited to see you again, even if it took a few days to get that far.
 The next day was indeed, terribly cold. Despite bundling up in a thick, woolen coat and a knit scarf, you nearly froze on the way to work. Despite the chill, the rest of the morning crew made it in just a few minutes after you.
“I’ll be in back until there’s a rush, alright?” You called to the three openers, all silly college students from the local university. They were all sort of dense, but they were loveable.
“Okay!” One smiled as they flitted to the front counter and seating area.
The back of the teashop was a smaller commercial kitchen, all steel tables and cooking implements. Lots of tools to actually do your job. Though you were the maker of the tea blends for the shop, a lot of your work consisted of packaging and fulfilling orders as well as design work for the teashop’s online presence. Truthfully, you were more of a jack-of-all-trades type of worker, but nearly all of it confined you to the safety of the back kitchen. The lack of stimuli made it easier to work effectively, quirk activated or otherwise.
You tied your apron tight around your waist, adjusting a few of your buttons and smoothing yourself down. The back remained frigid in the mornings, and you could only be glad you were layered up for the day. You pulled out your company-issued tablet and began tapping away with the stylus as the shop prepped to open.
You were too absorbed in your work to hear the bell at the entrance, just minutes after unlocking the door. 
 Keigo? Elated. His last week of hero work had been all long hours and late nights. His wings had grown sparse with overuse, barely carrying him properly through the skies. When he saw that his office day at his agency was due to be particularly cold, he knew it was the perfect excuse to give you a visit.
You hadn’t been constantly on his mind. Rather, you perked up in his thoughts semi-reliably, but briefly a few times a day. Most affections were forgettable, he didn’t have time for anything other than whorish trysts with other heroes and those of higher society who knew how to keep their mouths (somewhat) shut. 
Part of him, the part that the Commission’s ruthless training created, hated the way how you were sticking with him.
Another part of him, the kinder, softer, very repressed one, recognized his feelings and hid them safely. Vulnerable things required heavy protection.
 When Keigo reached the teashop, early as dawn crept over the urbanscape, he pushed the door open and was greeted by the rolling smell of roasted coffee beans and black tea.
Only a few other patrons were there, eyes wide as the top ten hero gave them a trademark wave, waltzing to the counter with his signature swagger.
The workers (none of them being you) gawked at him, jaws half to the floor.
“Hawks?!” One of them exclaimed. “Oh my god, can I get an autograph?!”
 (Keigo carried a few pens on him for occasions like this.)
 The worker, a young thing with a shock of short blue hair, wrestled under the counter for a notebook. Another of the workers also attempted to wrangle a bit of receipt paper from the fussy machine, flashing him a nervous smile.
“Of course, autographs are a given,” He winked at the two of them, sauntering up to the counter. “On one condition, though. Could you tell me if (Y/N) is working?”
The morning shifts workers proceeded to gawk more. 
 You sat deep in concentration, thoroughly organizing yourself for the day with lists and plans. You were only startled from your work when one of the other baristas popped her head back, eyes wide. 
“Uh, (Y/N), I know you’re busy, but Hawks is here for you?” She stammered, saying his name incredulously and pointing a shaking finger out at the counter.
You could hear his silky laugh just beyond the precipice. 
Your mouth quirked up in surprise. 
I didn’t expect him to actually come.
It was a pleasant surprise though, one that made your heart stutter in your chest.
You put down the tablet, making your way to the front of the shop.
Hawks leaned down on the front counter, signing various papers and items that the staff and patrons of the tea shop had given him. His smooth voice echoed beautifully around the shop, mixing with the din of the soft music that provided ambient sound. 
Thoroughly absorbed in his fan interaction, you leaned against the door frame, watching him as he had yet to notice you.
(You tried to look nonchalant, but it was probably a bit of ogling.)
Hawks’s scarlet wings appeared sparse, but still twitched and fluffed every few moments. He was dressed in his hero uniform, visor pushed up into the feathery, front bits of his hair. With all of his typical regalia on, he seemed out of place in the slow din of the coffee shop. He seemed to shine so brightly, making himself a focal point without even trying. 
Without the protection of his visor, Hawks’ honeyed eyes seemed brighter, luminous from the inside out. Even from your distance, you could watch their topazine shine dance in the soft lighting. 
His gaze drifted to you and positively lit up. 
(You didn’t think that was possible.)  
Your stomach fluttered.
“Well, if it isn’t (Y/N)!” Hawks beamed you a smile that could’ve put the sun to shame. It made something deep in your chest thrum. “For a minute there, I thought you’d pulled my leg about working today.”
“Oh, never, ” You grinned, moving directly in front of him at the counter, your shocked coworkers parting for you. “I tend to work in the back if the rest of our lovely staff is present.
You gestured to your very starstruck coworkers who all gave various gawking looks before falling away, shyness obviously overtaking them. 
It wasn’t like you weren’t feeling similarly, but your nervousness was better hidden. Facades were, in fact, a trained skill in maintaining and god, if you weren’t a master.
But, Keigo had his own mastery in spotting cracks in people’s veneers. And, easily, he saw your tension and nervousness. For anyone with less trained interpersonal skills, they wouldn’t have noticed a damn thing. But to Keigo? Your anxiety was as clear as the light you added to a room. A few of his feathers twitched, picking up on the rapid beating of your heart across from him. 
“What can I get you?” You asked, speaking through any of your fears, cracking him a genuine smile.
Keigo returned it without thought, chest warming.
“Mmm... Surprise me. Something to help me get my day started.” Keigo loved the way your eyes lit up when he talked, a little bit of knowingness between the two of you sparking. 
“Same specifications as before? Hot and sweet?” You asked, already grabbing a cup, flashing him a cheeky grin. 
Hawks raised an eyebrow, batting his eyelashes at you in a way that you couldn’t not laugh. He rested his elbows on the counter and leaned over the top of it, regarding you with half-lidded eyes, “You remember my preferences? I feel honored.”
“You should,” You winked. If he was going to shamelessly flirt, you would right back. 
 Truthfully, your personal attention made Keigo swoon like a goddamn schoolgirl. He could feel sweat growing on his palms, making the leather of his gloves stick. Normally, the sensation would’ve ticked his more anxiety-ridden tendencies into overdrive, but he could hardly focus on them. He was too busy watching you flit around behind the counter.
 “So,” You began, activating your quirk and beginning your process. “Why so few feathers? Get roughed up?”
Keigo chuckled, flexing what feathers he did have left for emphasis, “Basically. I have to give them a few days to regrow. A couple nasty days in a row means a couple days recovery.”
You hummed, turning to the espresso machine. Before pouring the shot, you gave him a little smile with the cutest quirk in your lips, “I’m sure you more than deserve the rest.”
 Oh, that made his proverbial dick swell.
Someone, a very nice, stranger barista, angel, telling him he deserved something kind? And, there wasn’t an edge of dishonesty in you. If anything, there was an earnestness in your quirk-blackened eyes that made Keigo nearly scared of the amount of vulnerability you gave him so freely.
He wondered if you showed that to all of your patrons. 
(You didn’t.) 
 You turned behind the counter, quirk activated and swirling. The familiar blending of your senses made your teeth ache and head burn with the overabundance of stimuli, but you worked through it. You reached through the external sensations to manifest your idea and feeling into a conceivable reality. 
You dumped any number of syrups and shots into the cup, placing it (and a lid) on the counter in front of Hawks. Warm smells of cardamom and cinnamon tickled both of your noses as you nodded down, “Let that cool for a sec, then give it a taste. I need a comprehensive review.”
Hawks plucked off one of his gloves, taking the steaming cup in his hand, looking down at the foam. His gaze flickered around the two of you, noting that the few civilians and coworkers once surrounding him had left you two with a small bit of privacy.
“What’s the inspiration for this one?” Hawks gave you a downright sweet, knowing look.
“Take a sip and guess,” You nodded down to the cup again, idly going to wipe down the counters with a rag slung in your apron.
Hawks blew on steaming liquid, throwing back his head to take a decently sized sip. You had to tear your gaze from the bob of his throat. 
  Keep it in your pants. 
 While you were suppressing being horny for the number two hero, Keigo was suppressing being horny for a fucking beverage. 
The flavor hit his tongue and throat and danced. It was warm, like the last one, spilling hearth-like heat into his chest and extremities. But, this drink tasted literally spiced, like it had some sort of pepper in it (according to Keigo’s untrained, pitiful palette). His wings ruffled, feathers rustling and twitching with the taste of the drink. Despite the heat flooding his body, the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck rose as waves of subtle pleasure rolled through Keigo’s body. 
He placed the cup back on the counter, staring you down with incredulity.
You, cutely cheeky as ever, just smiled and crossed your arms over your chest, “Are you a fan?”
“It’s... spicy. How. Why. Is this even coffee?” Hawks asked. Despite his questioning, he took another sip, shuddering at the comforting heat it gave him. 
“There’s coffee in it, or, espresso,” You couldn’t help feeling a bit smitten with the way Hawks looked at you. Disbelief wasn’t an expression you saw many heroes wear, especially not one with a reputation like Hawks’s. Yet, there he was, in front of you, staring at his cup like you just served him battery acid and grass. 
“If that’s the case, gimme the rundown, angel,” Hawks peeled off his other glove, setting the pair on the counter. He surprised you as he shrugged off his lined jacket, plopping down in a nearby stool.
You hadn’t ever really seen this much of Hawks, not in his hero uniform anyways. Plenty of him was available for viewing due to his various modeling ventures, but seeing him in the flesh was far better. The black shirt of his hero costume stretched over the lean, sculpted muscles of his arms. He certainly wasn’t built in the same way other top heroes were, but from what you could see (read: drool over), Hawks certainly wasn’t lacking—
“See something you like?” Hawks raised an eyebrow while taking another sip,  devilish curl to his lips.
You really wished you had the bodily control to stop the red flush that grew on your face.
“SO —!” You laughed, diverting back to the drink at hand. “The drink.”
“Wonderful deflection,” Hawks set the cup down, still smirking. “So, the drink .”
Your fingers tapped at the countertop, living your blush down with a lack of eye contact. 
  He gets stared at all the time, chill out. 
Dude probably likes it, (Y/N).
 “The drink is a dirty chai, with some editions, of course.” You jerked your head back to the wall of tea blends, the familiar ebbing away from of your embarrassment. “We have a couple of different chai blends that I make in house. Several different chai concentrates too.”
“Forgive me, but a dirty chai?” Hawks teased.
“Wow, weak jab there, Hawks, ” You rolled your eyes. Hawks just continued to beam at you, swinging his legs behind the counter. “I gave you an oatmilk,  ginger chai with three shots of espresso and a few other secret touches. I wanted to make it warm again for you.”
 Keigo paused at your admission, (not-so) secretly reveling in your poorly contained embarrassment. Perhaps it was a bit cruel, but his job did carry some wonderful perks and he’d be damned to not enjoy them. 
“It feels like a different kind of warm, compared to last time,” Keigo took another taste to confirm. The spiced liquid flooded his palette again, skin pleasantly prickling at the taste. 
 You hummed, refusing to fully make eye contact with Hawks. 
Truthfully, you spent an embarrassing amount of time since the night prior thinking about potential sensations to emulate for Hawks. You were never sure of what type of vibe he would request, but having an arsenal of ideas made you feel more prepared to impress your new clientele. 
“I made it feel like dawn,” You replied, nodding to out of the fully-windowed front of the tea shop. The district you were located in was lit up by the golds and pinks of the early morning, stretching and awakening with the new day. “I wanted it to feel like how morning sun feels on your bare skin. All like... tingly, you know? Like... seeing someone you haven't seen in a long time. ”
 Keigo immediately noticed your bashfulness after you gave your description. In the same way as last time, the vulnerability of your manifested feelings left you warm and shy for him. 
You picked at a loose string on your apron, gaze directed down and away.  With his obscured view of your face, he could see the way you softly bit your lip, eyes occasionally raking him up and down and that retreating. Keigo could feel your pounding heart and slow, deep breaths. 
Keigo was whipped and he hardly knew you. He was so fucked.
You were too fucking cute. It was fucking illegal. It had to be. 
Keigo had been with sexy. He’d been with unattainable. He’d been with women and men who looked like they were crafted by gods as tempters and devils. It was all pleasure and Keigo knew it like the back of his hand. He got hedonistic bliss when he wanted it and he did so very, very well.
What Keigo was entirely unfamiliar with was the gooey, fluttery feeling in his chest as you finally looked up at him to smile and nod to the drink, “So, what do you think?”
Keigo’s brain fizzled, rendered into goo. If he didn’t have years of interpersonal training, he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to speak with his own revelations. Luckily, he was able to laugh off his internal stickiness, taking another greedy sip.
“Absolutely flawless, wonderful craftsmanship, (Y/N),” Keigo bowed his head dramatically. 
 You giggled at Keigo’s drama, missing the way how his cheeks lit up for you. 
Hawks dug in his pocket, pulling out a huge wad of bills and started to slide it across the counter, “This is a tip. All for you.”
You stared, horrified at the amount of money Hawks passed to you like it was nothing. Without thinking, you placed your hand on top of his, stopping his motion. Both of you stiffened pleasantly at the sudden, small contact. 
“That’s too much, Hawks, no,” You shook your head, but Hawks was a stubborn, insistent bastard. 
His wings fluffed up behind him, a feather moving quickly between your hands and pushing your up and away.
“What the fuck.” You half-groaned. Hawks fully passed the money across the counter, hiding his hands and feathers in his lap with a Panish smirk stretched across his face.
“Take it, or I tattle on you, easy trade,” Hawks shrugged, leaning his elbows on the counter and drinking deeply. He pulled away from his beverage with a relaxed-looking smile as you remained fluster.
(Holy fuck, you touched Hawks’s bare hand and it was so NICE—)
You could feel the eyes of your coworkers, staring at the money like some Olympic medal. You were well-aware that there was no way Hawks was taking back his money and you knew your coworkers would be too scared to ask for a cut. 
You gulped, taking the cash and tucking it into your apron pocket.
“You don’t need to bribe me to make you nice drinks, Hawks, it’s literally my job,” You told him gently.
Hawks raised an eyebrow, shrugging, “Accept it as a little treat on the side. A gift of my appreciation.”
You couldn’t argue with that, so you relented with a smile, shaking your head. 
And the two of your dissolved into easy conversation. Hawks told you about the most recent gigs he had been a part of. A modeling contract for a new skincare company and a sponsorship with a few other local heroes for a sports beverage were the most interesting. You were sure he was just humoring you, unable to tell you the nitty-gritty details of his life. Yet, he seemed happy to speak and listen besides. He chattered away, in the way birds do, sing-song, and free-flowing. 
Hawks was hardly a bird of prey, you realized. He was much more of a cockatoo type. 
You told him more about the tea shop, about your role and job. As you explained about the basics of different types of tea, you could literally see the far off way Hawks looked at you. It wasn’t of distraction, like spacing out, no. It was a look that hadn’t been directed at you in some time. You silently and quickly studied it and came to the nerve-wracking conclusion that the cute blush on his cheeks and half-lidded eyes and relaxed shoulders was fucking captivation, borderline adoration.
How the fuck were you supposed to deal with that?
(Keigo wasn’t sure either.)
 Luckily, neither of you planned on doing anything to stop your mutually budding feelings.  
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