#i was gonna post this with Fogtail’s Challenge but homework ass
chimeclan-tales · 11 months
Tales of the Departed - IrisClan
About Weedstar and Fogtail / Fogstar
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All the notes/rambles about some of my first clan gen leaders!! They're so dramatic.
Weedstripe / Weedstar
His strange trait made him very silly. He kept falling out of trees.
Actually liked hanging out with Fogpaw because he was very "quiet"
“Hey Fogpaw! Why the long face?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Did you know I caught a huge vole today? And mother said I'm doing amazing for my second hunt! Really, I just saw where the vole was going.” [basically talks for 2 more paragraphs]
“That’s nice.”
His mother, Snapstar, and his overall popularity inflated his ego a bit too much.
Literally became deputy after one moon of becoming a warrior
Unaware of the two siblings that died as kits. No wonder Snapstar cared for him too much.
As a leader, he does make good plans... In concept. They only work based on his perception.
If the rogues valued honor like IrisClan cats, then the peace talk would have been a perfect solution
Overall very outgoing and happy to help
...As long as it’s not too much trouble for him
“Oh, of course I have time for you!”
“You can go speak to Fogtail about it. I’m busy.”
“What? It’s not working? Then you’re doing something wrong.”
OOC Notes
Honestly, started as a joke leader because. Weed.
Then he started making horrible decisions / half the clan started dying
At some point StarClan struck him with lightning TWICE and a bunch of cats were disappointed in him
Fogtail / Fogstar
Cold and angry outside (withdrawn, takes things more seriously than others, will lash out when rage builds)
As an apprentice, he gets fed up with Weedpaw and Snapstar but… Okay. His brother was nice to him. Fogpaw felt guilty about it
Once he’s a warrior (especially deputy), he’s a bit more mature and that’s when he develops closer relationships with his clanmates.
Had an apprentice Heathpaw. She was late-bloomer among the other apprentices, and he could see parts of himself in her. Despite his initial coldness, he was absolutely the best mentor to her. Sadly died to the Rotting
Deep down, cares a lot and knows his clanmates well
He sees battles as part of a warrior’s life, but wishes he didn’t have to cause cats to lose their loved ones.
The start of his leadership was bloody because cats did not trust him after he killed Weedstar.
Goes to StarClan despite that because the morality in these clans are... different. There is a positive perception for killing in battle and technically he fixed a bunch of things during his leadership.
OOC Notes
The 2 songs I listened to when writing this boi: Operation Pyrite and Operation Basepoint (yes, rock Arknights music)
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chimeclan-tales · 11 months
Tales of the Departed
The Old Clans
Unsure how much they’ll be used in the future, but for Year 1, they definitely affect the founders’ backstories and upbringings!
When playing on these save files, I was sticking close to canon Warriors rules/dynamics and the game’s base mechanics. So…
1. Battles and Wars are a big part of these clans
This is what they are raised with. Killing in battle is not looked down upon. Killing during other times, like while someone is asleep? Okay, that’s punishable.
Was it always like this? No idea. But this specific difference in morality will end up dictating a lot of their fates.
2. Stories are a huge part of their culture.
The glory of battles, the warnings about traitors. The clans know these tales by heart.
It’s also emphasized because… StarClan cats fade based on “age” (the 250 moons in clan gen), not based on being remembered or not.
So cats will want to be in those tales. That is the only way they can live on.
3. Trust in StarClan. They are always correct.
The most “experienced” and basically in-charge cats are those who have been dead the longest. I mean, you can see everything as a ghost. To spend moons observing, maybe even helping, the living through their woes and joys… It must mean something right?
Put a heavy emphasis on honor
Always keep your promises
Always face your enemy
Follows dynasty systems
But a cat can challenge the leader. Nobody else can interfere, and one cat must always die.
If successful, the dynasty shifts to the bloodline of the new leader.
Main territory: the forest
Camp is decorated with flowers!
Emphasize survival: strength and stealth
Don’t mind underhanded battle moves or ambushes
Yes, you can run if it means you live.
Yes, cause a landslide if it means your clan wins the war.
The mountains, their home territory, can be rough
Closest to the Moonstone
Hence, they consider themselves closest to StarClan
Still, not everyone can simply visit the Moonstone
Vigils for the dead are longer and more elaborate than the other clans. They offer prey (even during cruel moons), the procession to the burial site, and the decorating of the grave.
One of the more easy-going clans because of quick access to water and plentiful prey
Have festivals/rituals based on the tales
During cruel moons, the nearby twoleg place does give them food, too. Whether a SerpentClan cat accepts it is up to them.
Considered an oddity in the territory for being open to kittypets and rogues joining.
In reality, the clan demands a lot from these outsiders
Have to pass a series of trials before joining
Not allowed to be out of camp alone for their first few moons
They and their kin need to constantly prove themselves
Cats fade based on how long they’ve been dead (250 moons = gone)
Because of the nature of the living clans, they tend to group with their clanmates. They’d also rather guide their former clan than the others.
There’s a higher order that determines who enters StarClan. No one knows who these are, but they’re more objective / don’t exactly follow the code
Honestly, it’s as weird and finicky as the main series. Like. Ashfurs get into StarClan often. Probably due to the lack of cat purrgatory
Most cats who broke minor parts of the code (ex. interclan/healer relationships) end up in StarClan but are looked down upon. Some are even chased away into the Dark Forest
During / After the Journey
Windcurl’s group was the biggest. There were others that tried to stay / move someplace else, but no one knows what happened.
The StarClan and Dark Forest cats would split based on the groups above
Some, especially the ones around the longest, would stay out of sheer pride. Trying to hold their old home together.
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