#i was gonna list lilia too but shes been out for blood ever since I killed [REDACTED]
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flowerslut · 7 months ago
hello my favourite author! I saw you respond to a comment and you said you were choosing between Carlisle and Emmett to get got got alongside Alice. What did you imagine that would pan out like? As in how would Carlisle have reacted in those situations i’m so curious
hello sweet friend thank you for granting me such a title :’) I’m happy you’re enjoying the story!
this is such a fun question that goes back to summer 2022 when I was rambling about it to the besties. a lot of these screenshots are spoilery, so they're under a cut, but here's what some of the brainstorming looked like on my end over here, including @goldeneyedgirl's galaxy-brained takes that helped me make little choices here and there (and @allicekitty13's encouragement)
but for the most part my main question that inspured the decision itself was "if I did some unspeakable bullshit to a character, who would be my most fucked up choice" and unfortunately that honor fell to emmett. 😔 but carlisle and edward were the other two contenders for the honor of being esteban's scratch pad alongside poor alice
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its good fucking food your honor. also 10/10 highly recommend befriending the fic mastermind in your fandom so they can sprinkle these nuggets of angsty whump-spiration in your rotted little garden 🤩
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akemiozawa · 5 years ago
Wow your writing is so great. Loved your vam vil x reader one btw . Would you write a piece for vam malleus x reader , too?●-●
Thanks so much anon! I’ve been considering doing one for Malleus, so why the hell not?
This time, it’s centered around Jekyll & Hyde the Musical. Thankfully there’s a whole song list on here, and I’ve got just another perfect song for this scenario!
Dangerous Game (Vampire! Malleus x F! Reader)
In this scene, Malleus confronts (Y/N) in what secrets she is keeping from him. And what better way than through a sensual game of cat and mouse?
Lyrics key:
Your whole body was like ice. You could only look at the floor while keeping Malleus in you peripheral sight. Ever since you had fallen through that accursed mirror, came into everyone’s lives and becoming a part of (Dorm), you had a normal life. You made good friends with the students, some more better bonds than others, but no matter where you walked, every one of them warned you of the same thing over and over:
Stay away from Malleus.
At first, you didn’t know why, as you had remained on good terms with the Dia Four for a good time. Heck, like Sebek, only more subtle,you had looked up to the Diasomnia lead: his commanding presence, his abilities, even how he didn’t need to command others to respect him.
On the other hand, Malleus didn’t pay much attention to you; he didn’t see what was special about you. But with time, he felt drawn to it. Drawn to you. At first, it was a delusion of sorts, but slowly and surely, that delusion became real, deny as he might. He started to admire you from a distance: your attentive need to complete any task given, how you could silently give advice to others who had their own problems to deal with, and what stuck out more: how you seemingly treated him not as your superior, but as a normal being.
That surprised him. Normally, the student body would always hold his name with the utmost respect (or fear if you will). But you...you never saw it as that. You treated him as if you had been companions for a brief time.
But as time went on, you kept feeling your heart beat wildly whenever you saw him. You tried to deny it, but it was true: you had fallen for the fae prince. It scared you. You didn’t want these feelings to get in the way of your bond with Malleus. Eventually, you didn’t want to be noticed by him. Your best bet was to heed Idia’s advice and go unnoticed as long as you were here. Eventually, you were too scared to talk to Mal. Whenever he entered a room, you immediately left. If he was nearing a place you were at, you’d slip away into the shadows. And all that time, you hid and avoided your feelings for him.
As if that weren’t enough, you had a feeling in your stomach that Mal was hiding a secret of his own. And naturally, your curiosity got the better of you. And one day, you had ran into a dark hall, only to find him, holding a student by the wall, eyes glowing brightly. Soon, he opened his mouth, his teeth caught by the faint hall light, and dug them deep into their neck as an ear-splitting scream left the student. The sound of blood being drunk made you recoil backwards, shock encasing your mind.
Malleus was a vampire! If that also didn’t make you avoid him more, as well as make you more scared of him, then you’d be lying to yourself.
Now He was here, in your room. Standing just a few feet ahead of where you stood with your form near the wall. His emerald eyes pierced the darkness like acidic pools of anger. But he was anything but that. He was....
After you put yourself out of his life, he grew worried. Very soon, he was obsessed with finding out the truth: what kind of secret you withheld from him. You would talk to the others, but not him? The audacity! What he had received from Lilia in the end was an answer he wasn’t expecting.
You were in love with him. But through fear, you turned your back on him in order to avoid falling for him more than you had already. And the fact that you saw him drain a student of their blood made you all the more frightened.
Now you may be thinking: Please! As if the great renowned Malleus Draconia, prince of the dark fae, pure blood vampire, and supreme house leader of Diasomnia, founded in the name of the great Witch of Thorns herself, could ever fall for a human in return! He had heard the story over and over again: how the great witch had fallen for a mortal man only to be stabbed in the back by getting her wings cut off. He could never!
....Or could he....?
The answer: YES.
Now, he had cornered you. And on the night of a full moon, no less, since his vampiric side was growing stronger. He will get the truth out of you and make you his no matter the circumstances. He needed wanted to hear it from you. And not his cohorts. Or else he’d go bat shit berserk.
“Malleus...I...I don’t understand!” Your voice was filled with confusion.
There it was again. That innocent spark in your eyes, those beautiful (e/c) eyes that drove him closer to snapping. But not at you, no. He could never hurt you. Truth be told, He had grown fond over you. Your slight naivety made him want to defend you from any dark force that may swallow you whole. Not if he could first.
“You know exactly what I mean, (y/n).” He spoke in a voice that made your bones shake.
“B-But I don’t!” your eyes darted around, scared that he knew your secret.
“I can tell when you are lying to me.” He walked forward, his steps never faltered as he neared your quivering form.
He walks over to stand right in front of you. Your heart starts to race as you watch him. As he slams both his hand on either side of you, making you squeal in fright.
“What are you gonna do to me...?” You shiver, feeling his gaze on you.
“There’s no knowing. But god, if there is one, help you if you won’t give me the answer I deserve.” He said. Something in that sentence obviously said that you’d either spill your guts or it could get worse from there. And just him being there without warning is scary enough!
His hand moves and touches your hair. You squeak and close your eyes, feeling his hand trail down to your cheek. “Are you afraid of me?” You didn’t want to answer but through some unknown force, you nodded your head lightly. “Is it because you found out who I really was?” Another nod. “You’re scared that I will hurt you?” Another nod. “And that you harbor a deep love for me that you don’t want me to know of?”
Oh shit. Out of all the questions he could’ve asked, that was the one you hoped he wouldn’t. You didn’t know what to do except open your eyes, staring down at the floor.
“And...if that were true...would the feeling ever be mutual...?” your voice was no more than a whisper, shaking like your legs.
You feel his hand leave you for a minute, only for his hand to tilt your head up. As soon as his fiery eyes met timid (e/c), a shiver ricocheted down your back as he kept his gaze on you.
“Then you’d want me to reciprocate the feeling, do you?”
Your eyebrows creased in worry, but before you could say anything, he spun you around ever so gracefully. Your back was against his chest. He gently traced your collarbone, your shoulders, with his fingers and as his lips neared your neck. You halted at the passionate touch. It felt...weird. It also didn’t help the fact that you wore your favorite tight curve-hugging dress, exposing your skin.
(Play either, first vid is a cover, the second is from the musical. I personally like the first, but whichever you like)
“I feel your fingers...Cold on my shoulder. Your chilling touch, As it runs down my spine...” you sing ever so softly, in hopes of not catching his attention to your shaking voice. But you weren’t in control of your voice. It was as if...
As if he put you under his spell.
“Watching your eyes....As they invade my soul! Forbidden pleasures...I'm afraid to make mine.” You continued, this time you felt Malleus smile lightly against your cold, bare flesh. You breathe in a deep sigh,
“At the touch of your hand, At the sound of your voice, At the moment your eyes meet mine: I am out of my mind, I am out of control, Full of feelings I can't define!” One hand enclosed around yours, as his lips edged along your neckside, goosebumps rising from the sensation.
“It's a sin with no name, Like a hand in a flame. And our senses proclaim, It's a dangerous game!” His face aligns near yours, his voice, a sensual baritone, matches your soprano-esque tone.
“A darker dream...That has no ending. That's so unreal, You believe that it's true!” You open your eyes and turn your head to see him pull your hand towards him. The palm of your hand opens as it caressed his face. His pale skin was cold as winter’s breath, prickling your hand with a cooling feel. You two make eye contact, the state of longing was faint.
“A dance of death, Out of a mystery tale. The frightened princess Doesn't know what to do!” With your head turned, Malleus used his other hand and gently reached around your head, untying the long black ribbon keeping half your hair out of your face. It fell out of its hold, flying gently down into his gloved hand. Suddenly, with no warning, you were face to face with the dark prince. Taking the ribbon he untied, he wrapped it around your wrists like rope.
“Will the ghosts go away (No)? Will she will them to stay (No)? Either way, there's no way to win!” He was gentle not to mark your skin. Not yet at least. He would enjoy the light teases.
“All I know is I'm lost (oh), And I'm counting the cost (oh)! My emotions are in a spin!” You were taken by surprise at this action. Taken and bound like a prisoner, your feelings pouring out tenfold.
“I don't know who to blame... It's a crime and a shame! But it's true all the same; It's a dangerous game!” Malleus pulls your hands to his mouth and kisses them lightly.
“No one speaks, Not one word, But what words are in our eyes.” Your voices filled the air, feelings of hunger and passion, fear and tension became a dark symphony of the night.
“Silence speaks (Silence speaks!), Loud and clear (Loud and clear!). All the words we (don't) want to hear!” He lets go of your wrists, and he moves closer.
“At the touch of your hand, At the sound of your voice, At the moment your eyes meet mine: I am losing my mind! I am losing control! Fighting feelings I can't define!” It was at this point when it felt like the world had been blacked out by a blanket of night, and the only two people left were both you and him: a simple girl and a dark vampiric princely fae.
But you wouldn’t have it any other way: to give in to your feelings, either by a spell or not, you felt like a dove, whose wings had been broken but through time and healing, you were free to fly again. Your feelings, your heart, were free to soar.
“It's a sin with no name....No remorse and no shame, Fire, fury and flame-Cos the devil's to blame! And the angels proclaim.....”
He wraps an arm around your back, as his other hand made his way to your head, tilting it back. You close your eyes waiting. You feel his hot breath against your neck before hearing his voice and yours say in sync:
“It's a dangerous game...”
A soft kiss was placed on your collarbone. Your mind was already clouded from the ministrations he was giving you. You could feel his lips nearing your neck. As you were trying to catch your breath, you could only make out a few things: the full moon showing its full light through the clear glass of your window, and Mal looking up at you. From the corner of your eye, there was a look of lust in his eyes. He brushes his thumb against your lips making you part them. You knew what the question was and with a nod of your head, Malleus smirks before his lips parted to unveil his teeth.
The rush of crimson blood, your blood, had done its job in satisfying him. It was bliss. Pure bliss. The monster within him has been tamed.
For he had found his answer through this dangerous game.
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